AlAjbaan Numeracy Policy
AlAjbaan Numeracy Policy
AlAjbaan Numeracy Policy
To encourage staff and students to make meaningful links between skills learnt in mathematics
lessons and other areas of the curriculum. To discover and employ the most effective methods to
complete Numeracy tasks in all areas of students learning and experience. For students to
experience a continuity of approach from their teachers coupled with high expectations. While
keeping in mind that numeracy is the effective use of mathematics to meet the general needs of life
at school and at home, and for participation in community and civic life.
Students’ ability to cope with the mathematical demands of everyday life and to
The mathematics department is ultimately responsible for providing opportunities for learning
numeracy skills. However, it is essential that the whole school is familiar with the numeracy skills
and provide opportunities within their subject schemes of work to supplement these numeracy
skills. Support, if required, will be provided to these departments by the mathematics department.
About 5 minute starter activities to develop and secure pupils’ calculation strategies and
rapid recall skills.
Using display work to jog the memory, both published material and pupils’ own work.
Questioning pupils effectively, including as many of them as possible, giving them time to
think before answering, targeting individuals to take account of their attainment and needs.
Ask pupils to demonstrate and explain their methods and reasoning and exploring reasons
for any wrong answers.
Encourage discussions of mental strategies within ‘ordinary’ classwork.
Puzzles and games which require development of strategies and logical thinking.
Rehearsal and development time built in for the ‘basics’.
Setting short-term targets, such as timed or number of correct answers.
Opportunities to include contributions from all pupils such as ‘I have…’ games.
Using plenary to draw the whole class together to sort out misconceptions, identify progress
and make links to other subject.
The aim is to engage and support all students and provide the best learning environment for every
student to reach their full potential. Although, mathematics is taught as separate subject, every
efforts is made to links mathematics with other areas of the curriculum; for example:
English: teaching mathematical vocabulary and technical terms, asking students to read and
interpret word problems, and to demonstrate reasoning skills.
Art: Measuring, use of patterns, Symmetry, enlargement/reduction designs
ICT: Collecting and analysing data, plotting graphs, use of internet for accessing subject
related sites
History &Geography: Measurements, Scales, ratios, directions, positions, angles,
coordinates, recording historic events, time lines, interpreting graphs
P.E: Measurements, counting, time, distance, speed, movements, directions, positions
Head of Mathematics Department will monitor the progress that is occurring within the
mathematics department.
Heads of Departments across the curriculum areas will monitor the progress been made
within their departments.
Principal will monitor the progress made by the whole school
The SIP Consultants [Mr. Ibrahim, Mr. Ismail, Mr. Simon, Mr. Saleh and Mr. Tyler] for advice
and support.
There will be a yearly review of the policy to track progress and amend any changes.
The numeracy is the effective use of mathematics to meet the general needs of life at school and at
home, and for participation in community and civic life. The department seeks to develop in each
student the following: