Technical Instructions: Structural Considerations For Metal Roofing
Technical Instructions: Structural Considerations For Metal Roofing
Technical Instructions: Structural Considerations For Metal Roofing
3 August 1998
Technical Instructions
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Engineering Division
Directorate of Military Programs
Washington, DC 20314-1000
CEMP-E TI 809-29
3 August 1998
Structural Considerations
for Metal Roofing
Any copyrighted material included in this document is identified at its point of use.
Use of the copyrighted material apart from this document must have the permission of the copyright holder.
This Technical Instruction supersedes EI 01S908, dated 1 June 1998.
(EI 01S908 text is included in this Technical Instruction and may carry EI01S908 identification.)
CEMP-E TI 809-29
3 August 1998
These technical instructions (TI) provide design and construction criteria and apply to all U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers (USACE) commands having military construction responsibilities. TI will be used for
all Army projects and for projects executed for other military services or work for other customers where
TI are living documents and will be periodically reviewed, updated, and made available to users as part
of the HQUSACE responsibility for technical criteria and policy for new military construction. \1\ CEMP-
ED/1/ is responsible for administration of the TI system; technical content of TI is the responsibility of
the HQUSACE element of the discipline involved. Recommended changes to TI, with rationale for the
changes, should be sent to HQUSACE, ATTN: \1\ CEMP-ED/1/, 20 Massachusetts Ave., NW,
Washington, DC 20314-1000.
TI are effective upon issuance. TI are distributed only in electronic media through the TECHINFO
Internet site and the Construction Criteria Base (CCB)
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Hard copies of these instructions produced by the user from the electronic media should be checked
against the current electronic version prior to use to assure that the latest instructions are used.
Engineering Instructions
No. 01S908 1 June 1998
Table of Contents
2. APPLICABILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
3. REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
6. DESIGN LOADS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1 June 1998
1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE. This document prescribes the criteria and procedures for
designing metal roofs for buildings.
2. APPLICABILITY. These instructions are applicable to all USACE elements responsible for
designing military construction projects.
ASTM E I592 Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Sheet Metal
Roof and Siding Systems by Uniform Static Air Pressure
a. General. Metal roofing consists of cold-formed, corrugated, fluted, or ribbed metal sheets
attached to the exterior of a building to serve as the exterior covering of the structure. Metal
roofing may be either structural or nonstructural. The structural metal roof is designed so the
roofing panels support all out-of-plane applied loads. Forces in the plane of the roof, diaphragm
loads, are typically resisted by supplemental decks or X-bracing. The nonstructural roof depends
upon a substrate to carry the applied loads. Metal roof types may be further subdivided into
types with lapped side seams and exposed fasteners, types with standing side seams and
hidden metal clip fasteners, and hybrid types, such as those with snap seams or battens that fall
somewhere in between. There are many types of metal roofing produced by the metal
manufacturing industry and care must be exercised during design to ensure that the type
specified is compatible with the main structural framing system or substrate.
(1) Detailing. Generic details of valley, expansion joints, flashing, underlayments, roof
penetrations, curbs for mechanical equipment, eaves, ridges, intersections, and other unique
situations of the roof system must be provided, along with necessary supporting framing, to
assure viable roof performance. Excessive details to avoid are roof panel configurations and
1 June 1998
other features that are not necessary to specify architectural requirements. The new NRCA
manual (available in hardcopy and electronic versions) is one source for generic roofing details.
While the NRCA manual is an excellent source for most roofing details, Structural Standing
Seam Metal Roof (SSSMR) system details may have to be obtained from other sources,
including reputable manufacturer’s details if nonproprietary. Manufacturers will usually insist on
using their details for their SSSMR system if they warrant the roofing system. This is acceptable
if outlined in the specifications. As a minimum, each change of slope should be detailed. The
details put on the contract drawings should be complete and include all fastening, sealing, or
other requirements to fully construct the SSSMR system. If secondary flexible (EPDM or other
flexible-type) flashings or other type secondary waterproof membranes are shown on the
drawings, the manufacturer should be required to provide them.
(2) Color Considerations. White or light-colored roofing surfaces are much better at
reflecting sunlight than darker surfaces. Light-colored surfaces keep roofs 20 to 35 degrees C
(68 to 95 degrees F) cooler than dark-colored surfaces, which means less heat will be
transferred to internal building spaces. Demonstration projects have shown that cooling energy
use can be cut by as much as 40 percent when light-colored surfaces are used. Designers
should avoid reflective metal finishes near aircraft runways due to potential reflective glare to
pilots. Coordinate the use of light-colored roofing material with the architectural designer and/or
b. Structural Standing Seam Metal Roof System. An SSSMR is a system of metal roof
panels supported and attached by clips fastened directly to the building structure. Clips are
used to elevate the panels above the structural framing system allowing the roof to float. These
panels are capable of spanning between the structural supports and can resist snow, dead, live,
concentrated, and wind loads without benefit of any substrate material. SSSMR systems
typically are installed over open purlins that use horizontal X-bracing to resist lateral loads, but
may be installed over a metal deck diaphragm. When installed over a metal deck, the metal
decking should be designed to run perpendicular to roof slope and the building supports (bar
joist or other structural members). The purlins should be designed to fit into the bottom flute of
the wide rib-metal decking (Type B). If rolled purlins are used, it may be necessary to invert the
metal decking to accommodate the bottom flange of the purlin. The fasteners then would
penetrate the metal decking and attach to the metal building structure below. If the roof
structure is bar joist, the purlins will be connected with self-drilling/self-tapping fasteners through
the metal decking into each upper chord angle of the bar joist. Fasteners should be placed a
minimum two fasteners every 305 mm (12 inches) on-center into the metal decking for
composite action with the building structural supports. Purlins/sub-purlins will be located a
maximum distance of 750 mm (2 ft. 6 in.) in the high wind uplift edge zones \1\ as designed in
ASCE 7, (eave, rake, corner, ridge, or hips) and a maximum distance of 1.5 m (5 feet) on-center
for the remainder of the roof./1/ Users often want a roof that they can walk on for minor
maintenance without excessive deflection. The best way to achieve this, plus providing the
required insulation, is to use rigid polyisocyanurate on top of the metal decking. (Approximately
75 mm (3 in.) of polyisocyanurate insulation provides an R-20 value). To help assure a leak-free
SSSMR system, an underlayment of 30# felt or an ice/water guard membrane underlayment
may be installed on top of the insulation and is especially recommended along the roof edges,
including valleys, ridges, and hips which are prone to leaking. The added cost of a waterproof
underlayment is minuscule compared to the cost and exasperation of having, finding, and
repairing a leaking roof. While the waterproof underlayment will not assure the SSSMR system
will not leak, it usually results in the water not leaking directly into the building envelope but, to
1 June 1998
exterior of the building envelope causing far less problems. The SSSMR system is capable of
incorporating a waterproof membrane on top of the substrate (metal decking), the same as for a
nonstructural metal roofing system. Installation of mechanical, electrical, or other roof-mounted
equipment should be avoided, but if it is necessary, the equipment should be supported by
factory-fabricated, fully welded, insulated metal roof curbs, finished to match roof panels in color
and type of finish (PVF), free to float with roof panels, and supported underneath with structural
framing with no connection between the roof curb and structural supports. Roof access and
metal walkways should be properly designed and provided when routine maintenance of roof-
mounted equipment is required. Also included, as part of the SSSMR system, are the ridge,
gable trim, eave trim, gutters, scuppers, fascia, soffit, and flashings necessary to produce a
complete roof system. SSSMR systems commonly used are shown in figure 1.
c. Nonstructural metal roofing. Sometimes called Architectural Metal Roofing, this system of
metal roof panels is attached by concealed anchor clips to a continuous solid support substrate.
Panels carry no structural loads and are not capable of spanning between structural supports
without benefit of substrate materials such as wood, metal, or concrete decks. Applied snow,
dead, live, concentrated, and wind loads are resisted by the support substrate. Panel inward and
outward loads are transferred to and resisted by the substrate material. The anchor clips hold
panels in place and resist upward panel pressure. Loads applied to the substrate material are
transferred into the building structural system. The panels serve primarily as an aesthetic water
shedding material covering like shingles. Items such as the ridge, gable and eave trim,
scuppers, fascia, soffit, and flashings are available from manufacturers, but are not normally
considered part of the system.
a. General. Panels are available in copper, steel, or aluminum. Steel is generally the most
economical choice. Aluminum has applications in highly corrosive environments where steel is
inappropriate. These materials should not be specified as optional materials, but should be
specifically selected based on the requirements of the project.
b. Criteria. The roofing design will be in accordance with the following criteria.
1 June 1998
(1) Steel. AISI Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members.
(3) Tests for Determining Structural Performance. The approved methods for testing the
panel assemblies are included in ASTM E 1592 for roof panels of SSSMR system.
Design loads will be in accordance with ASCE 7. The design loads for the metal roofing will
include snow, dead, live, concentrated, thermal, and wind loads. The minimum roof live load will
not be less than 960 Pa (20 psf). Midspan deflections under maximum design live loads will be
limited to L/180. The design wind pressure loads should be converted to maximum net inward
and outward pressures for the roof system and will be shown on the contract drawings in
diagrams or tables. This includes all areas of the roof, i.e., ridges, edges, corners, and midfield.
A minimum design concentrated load of 1,335 N (300 pounds) will be used to simulate a
construction load on roof panels. The concentrated load will be applied at the panel midspan
and will be resisted by a single standing seam metal roof panel, or a 610-mm (24-inch) -wide
corrugated metal panel, assumed to be acting as a beam. The undeformed shape of the panel
will be used to determine the section properties. Down-slope forces should be considered for all
roof slopes and for all roofing systems. Of particular concern are the roofs that have snow
guards attached to the panel system since they have the potential for greatly increasing the
down-slope forces.
b. Seams. SSSMR systems with panels wider than 300 mm (12 in.) will have mechanically
crimped side lap seams at panel-to-panel connections rolled during installation by an electrically
driven seaming machine.
c. Fasteners. Fasteners for structural connections will provide both tensile and shear
ultimate strengths of not less than 3,340 N (750 pounds) per fastener. Screws for attaching
anchor devices will not be less than 6 mm (No. 14) diameter. Bolts will not be less than 6 mm
(1/4 in.) diameter; bolts will be shouldered or plain shank as required with locking washers and
nuts. Blind screw-type expandable fasteners will not be less than 6 mm (1/4 in.) diameter. Blind
(pop) rivets will be not less than 7 mm (9/32 in.) diameter. Clips with two (2) fasteners will be
capable of resisting the tributary area load of the clip times the design wind pressure applicable
to that portion of the roof multiplied by a safety factor of 2.25. Clips with a single fastener with a
minimum diameter of 9 mm (3/8 in.) will be allowed when the supporting structural members are
pre-punched or pre-drilled. Clip spacing should be set so that single fasteners are capable of
1 June 1998
resisting the tributary area load of the clip times the design wind pressure applicable to that
portion of the roof multiplied by a safety factor of 3.0.
d. Support Spacing. The supporting structural member spacing will not exceed 750 mm
(2 ft. 6 in.) on-center at all roof edges including corners, eaves, and ridges of the roof and 1,500
mm (5 ft. 0 in.) on-center for the remainder of the roof (field or midfield). Roof zones including
zone widths will be determined in accordance with ASCE 7. Panel manufacturers must provide
laboratory testing in accordance with ASTM E 1592 verifying that the SSSMR system will meet
the designated loads in all roof zones with the support spacing specified. Appendix A is a listing
of SSSMR systems tested and approved by the Corps of Engineers in accordance with the
requirements of CEGS-07416 (October 1991).
e. Roof Slopes and Seam Height. Roof surfaces will be provided with sufficient slope to
prevent the accumulation of rainwater. Maximum slope should be limited to that recommended
by the manufacturer, based upon design, gravity, snow, ice, wind, and down-slope forces.
(2) Mechanically crimped and sealed SSSMR system can be used for all roof slopes equal
to or greater than ½ in 12 with a minimum standing rib height of 37 mm (1- ½ in.).
(3) Uncrimped (with factory-installed sealant) SSSMR system with panel widths less than
or equal to 300 mm (12 in.) can be used for all roof slopes greater than or equal to 2 in 12 with a
minimum standing rib height of 50 mm (2 in.).
(4) Uncrimped (with factory-installed sealant) SSSMR system with panel widths less than
or equal to 300 mm (12 in.) with a standing rib height of 37 mm (1-½ in.) can be used for all
slopes equal to or greater than 3 in 12.
f. Panel Thickness. The minimum thickness of panels will be 0.81 mm (0.032 in.) for
aluminum and 0.61 mm (0.024 in.) for steel. The thickness of uncoated panels will not be less
than 95 percent of the design thickness.
g. Deflection. Maximum deflection for metal roof panels under loads applied in combinations
as specified in ASCE 7 will not exceed 1/180 times the span. Maximum deflections will be based
on continuous sheets across three or more supports. Deflections will be calculated and
measured directly below the standing seams.
h. Thermal Movement. Attachment clips will be capable of providing the fully anticipated
thermal movement. The maximum temperature range for thermal movement will be stated in the
project specifications. The clips will have the movement slots centered at the time of installation.
Calculations to determine the maximum anticipated thermal movement will be included with the
shop drawings. Expansion joints may be necessary on roof slopes longer than 30 m (100 ft.).
The contract drawings will show the location of the expansion joints.
1 June 1998
i. Load Test. Load tests will be performed in accordance with ASTM E 1592.
j. Structural Members. Fastener capacities are directly dependent on the strength and
thickness of the supporting structural members. Cold-formed supporting structural members or
subpurlins will have a minimum thickness of 1.5 mm (0.059 in.) and a minimum tensile yield
strength of 345 Mpa (50,000 psi). Hot-rolled structural members will have a minimum thickness
of 6 mm (1/4 in.) and a minimum tensile yield strength of 248 Mpa (36,000 psi).
k. Pull-out Test. For re-roof applications, pull-out tests should be made to check the tensile
strength and anchorage of the fasteners securing the new roof purlins to the existing building’s
structural system. Fasteners used in multiples of 2 or more should resist a load consisting of the
tributary area multiplied by a safety factor of 2.25. Single fasteners should use a safety factor of
3.0. Fasteners should meet the minimum size requirements contained in paragraph 7c. For re-
roofing applications, attachment of retrofit framing must be to existing hot-rolled structural
members only. Light-gauge cold-formed steel may be used for retrofit slope conversion. The
design, including all connection details of the cold-formed steel, should be included on the
contract drawings. Attachment to other substrates such as tectum, gypsum board, metal
decking, or other than flange bracing of the retrofit purlins is not permitted.
b. Seams. Nonstructural systems should have seams located no wider than 400 mm (16 in.)
apart. Seam height and type (crimped, batten, etc.) should be in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations necessary to enforce the specified weather tightness warranty. End seams in
long runs should be manufacturer-detailed or shown in accordance with SMACNA details on the
d. Roof Slopes. Nonstructural metal roofs are not waterproof membranes. They shed water
by sheet runoff and require adequate slope to prevent buildup and seam inundation. Slopes 3 in
12 or greater are required.
e. Thermal Movement. Designers must give consideration to the panel color, building
location, infrared heating and cooling effect of the roof radiating into the night sky. The designer
should use a maximum temperature of 71 degrees C (160 degrees F) for an uninsulated roof to
1 June 1998
compensate for the differential movement between the roof panels and the substrate. For wood
structures, insulated roofs and buildings that are temperature sensitive or are extreme climate
areas, consider a greater temperature range. Dark roofs in mountain areas may be subject to a
temperature of 116 degrees C (240 degrees F) or more. For lateral expansion the thermal
movement may be assumed to be absorbed in the standing seam rib. Amount of thermal
movement will affect the panel length and seam configuration required to accept clip movement.
f. Load Tests. The uplift resistance of the nonstructural standing seam metal roof system
will be in strict accordance with performance testing UL 580. Test for uplift resistance of roof
assemblies must show a class 90 approval for all system assemblies including components,
fastening devices, and substrate applied to supporting structural roof framing members or
structural deck.
g. Substrate. The roofing panels should be installed over a solid continuous substrate
capable of supporting all design loads including live, dead, and collateral conditions. Wood, rigid
insulation, and concrete deck are typical materials used as a substrate. The substrate material
and its anchorage into the structural frame must be in complete accordance with a
manufacturer’s listed UL Class 90 uplift classification, or SMACNA criteria.
h. Pull-out Test. For re-roof applications, pull-out tests should be made to establish the
tensile strength and anchorage capacity of proposed fasteners for the substrate anchorage to the
structural system and for panel anchors’ installation into an existing substrate for new metal
cover. Fasteners used in multiples of 2 or more should resist a load consisting of the tributary
area multiplied by a safety factor of 2.25. Single fasteners should be avoided where possible, or
should use a safety factor of 3 when used. Substrates must be directly connected to the
structural system and capable of proving equivalent fastener capacity for panel anchors.
a. General Design Philosophy. The design loads and performance requirements should be
shown on the contract drawings and/or included in the specifications. The design is typically
performed by the manufacturer with results submitted in tabular form as part of the
manufacturer’s data sheets. Submitted tables should show suggested uniform loads for various
spans and should be reviewed by a structural engineer to ensure that flexural and deflection
criteria used to develop the tables are consistent with that specified and that all other
performance requirements are met.
b. Roof Slopes. Roof surfaces will be provided with sufficient slope to prevent the
accumulation of rainwater. Corrugated (through-fastened) metal roofing will not be used on
slopes less than 2 in 12. In cold regions this minimum will be 3 in 12.
c. Panel Thickness Requirements. The minimum thickness of sheets for roofing will be 0.81
mm (0.032 in.) for aluminum and 0.61 mm (0.024 in.) for steel. The thickness of uncoated
panels will not be less than 95 percent of the design thickness.
d. Thermal Movement. Design provisions should be made for thermal expansion and
contraction consistent with the type of system used. Sheets in excess of 9 m (30 ft.) may require
additional design provisions such as stepped expansion joints for thermal expansion and
1 June 1998
a. In cold regions, roofs that drain over their eaves may develop icicles and ice dams in cold
weather. Technically and economically, low slope membrane roofs with internal drains are often
a better choice for large buildings in cold regions. When systems that drain over their eaves are
chosen, ice that forms at eaves causes water to pond on roofs. If the roof is not completely
waterproof (most are not) leaks are inevitable. Since building heat, not the sun, is the primary
cause of ice dams, metal roofs placed over heated buildings should be well insulated and,
whenever possible, ventilated.
b. Insulation versus Ventilation. Insulation alone will reduce, but not eliminate, icing
problems. Serious ice damming has occurred on unventilated roofs with a thermal resistance (R-
value) in excess of 5.3 K*m2/W (30 degrees F*h*ft2/Btu). Ventilation is not always easy to
incorporate into metal roofing systems, but it is an appropriate feature for most metal roofs that
slope to cold eaves in cold regions.
(1) Attic Ventilation. For reasonably well insulated roofs with no heat sources in the attic
space, designers should use the 1/150 attic area rule used to size openings for natural ventilation
as discussed in the ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook. Continuous inlets are needed along
eaves and continuous exhaust openings are needed along ridges. Large openings in far apart
gable ends are not very effective at ventilating the central portion of large attics. Where motors,
hot air ducts, or other heat sources exist in a cold attic, calculate the increase in ventilation
needed to remove that heat in addition to rising heat from the heated building below. Dining
facilities almost always require such calculations. Air handling ducts located in cold attics should
be well insulated.
(2) Ventilation of Cathedral Ceilings. When ventilation is provided in narrow air ways
between metal roofing and ceiling insulation, the 1/150 attic area rule may not provide enough
ventilation to minimize icing when the length of the airway from the eaves to the ridge exceeds 6
m (20 ft.). Such narrow airways should be at least 38 mm (1-½ in.) deep for airway lengths up to
6 m (20 ft.). For longer airways, airway depth should be increased to a minimum depth of 76 mm
(3 in.) for airways over 24 m (80 ft.) long. Whenever possible such airways should be
interconnected, not isolated. Interconnections facilitate ventilation of valley areas and areas
above and below large roof penetrations that block isolated airways.
(3) Design Temperatures for Ventilation. Ventilation needed to avoid serious ice
damming should be based on maintaining the attic (or airway) temperature below -1 degree C
(30 degrees F) when the outside temperature is -5.50 degrees C (22 degrees F). The
calculation method presented in the ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook is appropriate for these
design temperatures. Such calculations may indicate that natural stack ventilation will not suffice
for some buildings. If mechanical ventilation is used, it should supplement whatever natural
ventilation can be provided. Mechanical ventilation should be thermostatically controlled so that
it is energized only when the attic temperature is above -1 degrees C (30 degrees F) and the
outside air temperature is below -5.50 degrees C (22 degrees F). By placing undampened
exhaust fans near the ridge of roofs needing supplemental mechanical ventilation, the fan
openings can also serve as exhaust openings for natural ventilation.
c. Sliding Snow. Icing at eaves can prevent snow sliding off slippery metal roofs. Because
of this, ASCE 7 does not allow the metal roof of a heated building to qualify as a slippery surface
1 June 1998
from which snow will slide unless it has an R-value of at least 5.3K*m/W (30 degrees F*
2 2 2
h*ft /Btu) if unventilated or at least 3.5K*m /W (20 degrees F*h*ft /Btu) if properly ventilated. The
ability of metal roofs to shed snow by sliding can be an advantage and a disadvantage. When
snow sliding off the roof does not damage the roof itself or create hazards to people, property,
and lower roofs, sliding is beneficial since it reduces snow loads on the roof. However, sliding
snow can create several hazards. It can drag plumbing stacks and other roof penetrations with
it, ripping holes in the metal roofing, which voids the waterproofing sealants. Snow cornicing at
eaves can create large overhanging loads. Cornices may grow large enough to curl around and
damage wall and windows. They may break off and damage the building near the ground also.
d. Snow Guards. Snow guards may be needed to hold snow on slippery roofs and should be
at the bottom of the roof, as the roofs are generally attached at the eaves and float at the ridge.
Usually snow guards should not be mechanically attached through the metal roofing into purlin or
other supporting members since that voids the floating features of most metal roofing and
results in leaks. Adhesive systems can work well if properly installed. Peel and stick systems
have not proven successful.
e. Electrical Heating Cables. Electrical heating cables are able to melt small drainage
tunnels through ice dams. Properly isolated and ventilated metal roofing systems should not
require electric heaters to prevent ponding behind ice dams. However, such heaters may be
needed in some isolated areas such as valleys that are difficult to ventilate properly. Too much
heat can increase icing instead of solving icing problems. Whenever possible, heating cables
should be installed under the metal roofing to avoid the inevitable maintenance problems
associated with exposed heaters. Attaching heating cables on top of metal roofing is difficult.
Perforated stainless steel clips attached with special, neutral curing silicone adhesive works well.
Such clips should support the heating cables directly. Indirect securing using plastic cable ties is
not recommended since such ties survive only a few years at most. When the roof is heated, the
metal fascia below must also be heated or large icicles will form. On fascia, icicles tend to form
at the edges of heated tunnels melted by isolated heating cables. Vertical baffles, installed on
either side of heating cables can prevent this, provided that additional cables are used to warm
the baffles and the fascia between them. Fascias below valleys containing heating cables should
be baffled and have a section at least 0.3 m (1 ft.) long fully heated so no ice can form on it.
Much more heat is needed on the fascia than in the valley. If the drip edge of the fascia is not
heated, icicles will form there also. Electrical heaters should be thermostatically controlled to
activate only when the outside temperature in the shade is below 1 degree C (34 degrees F).
When inexpensive thermostats are used, they are best set at 4 degrees C (40 degrees F) to
achieve this control objective. Often snow guards are needed where heating cables are installed
to prevent heater damage from sliding or creeping snow.
1 June 1998
1 June 1998
MR-24 5' - 1" 24" 24-22 34.6 - 64.4* 33.8 - 64.1* Butler Co. 02-13-92
2' - 6 ½" 24-22 53.8 -127.3* 59.0 - 110.1*
VSR 5' - 1" 16" 24 36.4 39.2 Butler Co. 07-22-92
2' - 6 ½" 24 65.9 66.2
CRP-16 5' - 1" 16" 24 42.0 38.8 CECO 10-01-92
2 ' - 6 ½" 24 76.8 66.8
SEAM-LOC 24 5' - 0" 24" 24 32.1 32.2 Metal Sales 11-23-92
2' - 6" 24 46.8 47.6 Mfg. Co.
BattenLok 5' - 0" 16" 24 38.4 31.0 MBCI 12-14-92
2' - 6" 24 43.9 - 58.8* 43.3 - 70.1*
StarShield 5' - 0" 24" 24 48.0 44.1 Star Bldg 02-05-93
2' - 6" 24 72.0 56.7 Systems
Shur-Lok 5' - 0" 24" 24 -- 42.8 Gulf States 06-16-93
4' - 0" 24" 24 -- 50.3 Mfg. Co.
2' - 6" 24" 24 -- 80.0
1' - 8" 24" 24 -- 84.9
VP SSR 5' - 0" 24" 24-22 44.0 - 68.0* 41.0 - 54.0* Varco-Pruden 06-28-93
2' - 6" 24" 24-22 72.0 - 96.0* 65.0 - 85.0* Buildings
1' - 8" 24" 24-22 60.0 126.0
264FL 5 '- 0" 16" 24 51.2 40.3 Steelox Roofing 07-01-93
2 '- 6" 16" 24 88.0 69.3 Sys.
REMARKS See test results.
1 2
Notes: Test load with safety factor of 1.3 applied. Test load with safety factor of 1.65 applied
U/R/S-16 5' - 0" 16" 24 55.53 43.70 Ultra Roof Inc. 08-04-93
2' - 6" 103.15 81.27
Double-Lok 5' - 0" 24" 24 43.50 34.27 MBCI 08-12-93
2' - 6" 24" 24 64.30 50.66
5' - 0" 18" 24 55.10 43.41
2' - 6" 18" 24 77.10 60.74
5' - 0" 12" 24 69.24 65.27
2' - 6" 12" 24 97.24 87.64
Span-Lok 5' - 0" 16" 24 58.90 44.90 AEP-SPAN 10-01-93
2' - 6" 16" 24 92.20 72.64
5' - 0" 18" 24 35.40 27.89
2' - 6" 18" 24 75.00 59.09
Loc-Seam 5' - 0" 16" 24 41.2 - 43.2* 34.0 - 36.9* Amer Bldg Co 10-22-93
2' - 6" 16" 24 63.2 -120.0* 56.1 - 94.5*
KPI RoofLok 5' - 0" 16" 24 36.60 28.83 KOVACH 10-26-93
2' - 6" 16" 24 100.52 79.20
Stand'N Seam 5' - 0" 16" 24 88.46 69.70 FABRAL/Alcan 01/12/94
2' - 6" 16" 24 121.53 95.76 Bldg Product
REMARKS See test results.
1 2
Notes: Test load with safety factor of 1.3 applied. Test load with safety factor of 1.65 applied.
Ultra Seam 5' - 0" 12" .04" Alum. 44.0 80.0 34.67 63.03 Architectural Metal 08-03-94
US-200S 2' - 6" 12" .04" Alum. 43.3 69.0 34.13 56.19 Products, Inc.
5' - 0" 16" 24
2' - 6" 16" 24
Design 5' - 0" 12" 24 47.3 56.5 37.28 44.53 BHP Steel 11-28-94
Span 12" 2' - 6" 12" 24 Products U.S.A.,
BR - 24 4' - 0" 16" 24 0.00 64.00 39.40 50.40 Berbice Corp. 01-05-95
2' -6 ½" 16" 24
Span-Lok 5' - 0" 16" 22 61.53 123.07 48.48 96.90 AEP-SPAN 02-06-95
2' - 6" 16" 22 42.67 109.07 33.62 85.93
5' - 0" 18" 22
2' - 6" 18" 22
Double-Lok 5' - 0" 24" 22 45.26 81.26 46.06 64.03 MBCI 02-08-95
2' - 6" 24" 22 69.66 94.06 54.89 96.16
5' - 0" 18" 22 81.40 113.40 77.36 117.70
2' - 6" 18" 22
5' - 0" 12" 22
2' - 6" 12" 22
Zee Lock 4' - 0" 16" 24 70.00 88.00* 55.20 69.70* Berridge Manuf. 02-14-95
2' - 0" 16 24 Co.
REMARKS See test results.
1 2
Notes: Test load with safety factor of 1.3 applied. Test load with safety factor of 1.65 applied.
Lock-Seam 5' - 0" 16" 24 36.00 31.50 * American Bldg. Co. 03/07/95
2' - 6" 16" 24 84.00 88.00 *
Stand'N Seam 5' - 0" 16" 0.032" 61.54 48.48 FABRAL 06/05/95
(Aluminum) 2' - 6" 16" 0.032" 84.62 66.67
MRD110 4' - 0" 11" 0.040" 56.00 44.12 ATAS Alum. Corp. 06/08/95
(Aluminum) 2' - 6" 11" 0.040" 80.00 63.03
Mark 16 Roof 5' - 1" 16" 22 60.0 - 80.0 * 47.27 - 63.03 * HCI Steel Products 11/30/95
2' - 6 ½" 16" 22 60.0 - 112.0 * 47.27 - 88.24 * Co.
VicLoc 216 5' - 1" 16" 22 48.00 37.82 VicWest Steel 11/30/95
2' - 6 ½" 16" 22 64.00 50.42
Master Span 5' - 1" 16" 24 36.0 - 50.0 * 2 8.36 - 39.40 * Metal Sales Manuf. 11/30/95
Roof 2' - 6 ½" 16" 24 40.0 - 88.0 * 31.52 - 69.34 * Co.
SSR-16 5' - 0" 16" 0.040"Al0. -- -- 57.6 93.9 Morin Corp. 11/30/95
2' - 6" 16" 040"Al -- -- 27.3 51.5
5' - 0" 16" 24 -- -- 63.6 96.9
2' - 6" 16" 24
5' - 0" 16" 22
2' - 6" 16" 22
REMARKS See test results.
1 2
Notes: Test load with safety factor of 1.3 applied. Test load with safety factor of 1.65 applied.
Kirbylok 5' - 0" 24" 24-22 43.50 - 45.26* 34.27 - 46.06* Kirby Bldg Sys 11/30/95
2000-MS** 2' - 6" 24" 24-22 64.30 - 81.26* 50.66 - 64.03*
5' - 0" 18" 24-22 55.10 - 69.66* 43.41 - 54.89* NCI Bldg Sys LP
Weather 2' - 6" 18" 24-22 77.10 - 94.06* 60.74 - 96.16*
Roof III** 5' - 0" 12" 24-22 69.24 - 81.40* 65.27 - 77.36*
2' - 6" 12" 24-22 97.24 - 113.40* 87.64 - 117.70*
SS216** 5' - 0" 16" 24 38.40 31.00 NCI 11/30/95
2' - 6" 16" 24 43.90 - 58.80* 43.30 - 70.10*
** *
REMARKS Licensed See test
with MBCI results.
1 2
Notes: Test load with safety factor of 1.3 applied. Test load with safety factor of 1.65 applied.