Wheel of Life With Instructions

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The Wheel of Life


NAME: __________________________________

DATE: _____________________

Physical Environment (eg !ome"


Fun, Leisure and Recreation



Personal Growth and Learning


Significant Other / Romance

Friends and Family

EXAMPLE WHEEL OF LIFE INSTRUCTIONS The 8 sections in the Wheel of Life represent balance. Please change split or rena!e an" categor" so that it#s !eaningf$l an% represents a balance% life for "o$. &e't ta(ing the centre of the )heel as 0 an% the o$ter e%ge as 10 ran( "o$r level of !"i f!#"io$ )ith each area o$t of 10 b" %ra)ing a straight or c$r*e% line to create a ne) o$ter e%ge +see e'a!ple, The ne) peri!eter of the circle represents %o&' -Wheel of Life#. .s it a b$!p" ri%e/
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The Wheel of Life


The Wheel of Life E(e'#i e ) Co!#h I$ "'&#"io$

No"e : This e'ercise )ill help clarif" priorities for goal0setting allo)ing the client to plan so that their life is closer to their %efinition of balance. 1alance is personal an% $ni2$e to each in%i*i%$al 3 )hat !a" be balance for so!e !a" be stressf$l or boring for others. 1alance !$st be assesse% o*er ti!e. 4o a reg$lar chec( on ho) balance% the client is can highlight $sef$l patterns an% help the! learn e*en !ore abo$t o$rsel*es. 5o$ can %o this )ith the! or reco!!en% the" %o it for the!sel*es 6nother option )ith this e'ercise is that the" can as( so!eone )ho (no)s the! )ell to co!plete the scores for the!. .t can be helpf$l so!eti!es to see an o$tsi%e perception of "o$r life -balance#. &ote7 This !$st be so!eone the" tr$st 6&8 )hose opinion the" *al$e. De"!ile* I$ "'&#"io$ : 1. 6s( the! to re*ie) the 8 areas on the Wheel of Life. The Wheel !$st )hen p$t together create a *ie) of a balance% life for the!. .f necessar" the" can split categories to a%% in so!ething that is !issing for the!. The" can also re0label an area so that it is !ore !eaningf$l for the!. The $s$al s$spects are7 1. 9a!il":9rien%s 2. Partner:4ignificant ;ther:<o!ance =. >areer 4. 9inances 5. ?ealth +e!otional:ph"sical:fitness:n$trition:)ellbeing, 6. Ph"sical @n*iron!ent:?o!e 7. 9$n:<ecreation:Leis$re 8. Personal Aro)th:Learning:4elf0%e*elop!ent 9. 4pirit$al )ellbeing +not necessaril" religion 3 can be sense of self, 10. ;thers co$l% incl$%e sec$rit" ser*ice lea%ership integrit" achie*e!ent or co!!$nit". 2. 6s( the! to thin( abo$t )hat s$ccess feels li(e for each area. =. &o) as( the! to ran( their le*el of satisfaction )ith each area of their life b" %ra)ing a line across each seg!ent. Place a *al$e bet)een 1 +*er" %issatisfie%, an% 10 +f$ll" satisfie%, against each area to sho) ho) satisfie% the" are c$rrentl" )ith these ele!ents in their life. 4. The ne) peri!eter of the circle represents their -Wheel of Life#. 5o$ can as( the! B.s it a b$!p" ri%e/C 5. &o) loo(ing at the )heel here are so!e 2$estions to as( the client an% ta(e the e'ercise %eeper7 1. 6re there an" s$rprises for "o$/ 2. ?o) %o "o$ feel abo$t "o$r life as "o$ loo( at "o$r Wheel/ =. ?o) %o "o$ c$rrentl" spen% ti!e in these areas/ 4. ?o) )o$l% "o$ li(e to spen% ti!e in these areas/ 5. Which of these ele!ents )o$l% "o$ !ost li(e to i!pro*e/ 6. ?o) co$l% "o$ !a(e space for these changes/ 7. >an "o$ effect the necessar" changes on "o$r o)n/ 8. What help an% cooperation fro! others !ight "o$ nee%/ 9. What )o$l% !a(e that a score of 10/ 10. What )o$l% a score of 10 loo( li(e/

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