Wheel of Life With Instructions
Wheel of Life With Instructions
Wheel of Life With Instructions
NAME: __________________________________
DATE: _____________________
EXAMPLE WHEEL OF LIFE INSTRUCTIONS The 8 sections in the Wheel of Life represent balance. Please change split or rena!e an" categor" so that it#s !eaningf$l an% represents a balance% life for "o$. &e't ta(ing the centre of the )heel as 0 an% the o$ter e%ge as 10 ran( "o$r level of !"i f!#"io$ )ith each area o$t of 10 b" %ra)ing a straight or c$r*e% line to create a ne) o$ter e%ge +see e'a!ple, The ne) peri!eter of the circle represents %o&' -Wheel of Life#. .s it a b$!p" ri%e/
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