Animation Arcscene
Animation Arcscene
Animation Arcscene
Through a simple iterative process of
modifying the desired scene, capturing it,
modifying the scene again, and capturing the
modifed scene, ArcScene generates a series
of keyframes that represent the signifcant
states of the view that will be shown in the
animation. ArcScene interpolates the frames
between keyframes to complete the animation.
All the tools needed for creating, modifying,
ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension, allows
navigation through three-dimensional data. By
simply adding datashapefles, TINs, rasters,
geodatabase layerswith a z component
(typically denoting height), this data can be
viewed in three dimensions in ArcScene.
Although the look and feel of ArcScene is
very similar to ArcMap, it has slightly different
navigation tools. It is worth noting that the z
component in ArcScene doesnt have to be
terrain heightit can be an attribute value such
as population, emission level, or the average
price of eggs for the region. As with ArcMap,
data loaded into ArcScene will be displayed
using default symbology that can (and usually
should) be modifed. Once the symbology for
the ArcScene view is set, the animation can be
One way to think of animations is as a series
of pictures calculated between two states. For
example, through the use of Layer Animation,
a road layer can be dropped onto terrain.
Specifying a start position of 300 feet above the
terrain, an end position level with the terrain,
and an animation time of 30 seconds will
produce an animation showing the road layer
dropping at the rate of 10 feet per second.
The start position and end position of
the road layerthe keyframesare locked
positions within the animation. If the animation
time is reduced to 15 seconds, the road layer
drops at a rate of 20 feet per second, but the
start and end keyframes and path between
the two remain the same. Only signifcant
animation positions need be specifed because
ArcScene will interpolate the intermediate
in ArcScene
By Nathan Shephard, ESRI Technical Marketing Analyst
Editors note: Three-dimensional GIS
animations make presentations more
compelling and can help visualize
data in a new way. With the release
of ArcGIS 8.2, ArcScenethe three-
dimensional viewing application that
is central to the ArcGIS 3D Analyst
extensionlets users create animations.
Through the use of Layer Animation, a road layer can be dropped onto terrain.
playing, and saving an animation track are
available from the Animation toolbar in the
ArcScene interface.
If youve ever been to an ESRI presentation,
youve probably seen an example of a fy-
through of a three-dimensional landscape or
perhaps other types of animations that feature
roads dropping from the sky onto an elevation
model or trees sprouting from the earth. With
the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension you, too,
can quickly and easily create presentation-
quality three-dimensional animations.
What Is ArcScene?
ArcScene, the ArcGIS three-dimensional
viewing application that comes with the
Animation Types
Three animation types are available in
ArcSceneCamera Animation, Layer
Animation, and Scene Animation. To create
a fyby, use Camera Animation. To have roads
drop from the sky, use Layer Animation.
To simulate the passage of time by moving
the suns location, use Scene Animation. In
addition to the effects achieved using individual
animation types, different animation types can
be combined. A viewer can fy through a canyon
while roads are dropping from the sky and
shadows are moving across the canyon foor.
And if this isnt enough, custom animation
types can be created using ArcObjects.
positions based on the animations running
In the same manner, keyframes are set
for Camera Animations that show fight from
point to point and Scene Animations that
depict changes in lighting as the sun moves
from east to west. Any number of keyframes
can be specifed per animation track to get the
desired effect.
More on Camera Animations
Camera Animations are the easiest animation
tracks to create. They can require as little as
two mouse clicks to generate! Simply set up
the initial viewing position, click the camera
button on the Animation toolbar, navigate to the ArcUser JanuaryMarch 2003 9
second viewing position, and click the camera
button again. Thats it. Running the animation
track now will fy the viewer from the frst
location to the second. Add as many keyframes
as desired and ArcScene will interpolate the
fight path between each position on the fy.
Another way to generate a Camera
Animation is to follow a linear feature, such
as a transmission pipeline, using the Camera
Flyby from Path command. Either edit a feature
specifcally for the fight path or select an existing
feature. Many confguration optionsbanking
and downward view anglesare available with
this method. Experimentation is the key.
Because there is only one camera per
style for temporal data because it focuses
viewers attention on changes in data layers
over time.
Day to Night Effects
With Scene Animations
Scene Animation generates dramatic effects
with lighting and background colors. Changing
the light sources azimuth, inclination, and
contrast can create the effect of a passing
day. Changing the background color from an
indigo blue into a bright cyan and back again
enhances this dawn-to-dusk effect. Adjusting
the overall vertical exaggeration of the view
in a Scene Animation can make it appear
Using Layer Animation, this DXF fle showing a 1955 Porche convertible can be driven through a scene using the Move Layer Along
Path command.
position), its visibility (to fade it away), and its
rotation (to spin it around). Clever combinations
of these settings can make for extraordinary
One particularly neat trick is to use the Move
Layer along Path command, which causes the
layer to follow an existing feature or path. The
tool generates all the keyframes required to
move and rotate the entire layer along the path
so that a three-dimensional CAD fle, such as
the DXF fle depicting a three-dimensional
model of a Porche shown in the accompanying
illustrations, can be driven along a road
network feature. Because ArcScene allows
many Layer Animation tracks to be defned,
Scene Animation generates dramatic effects with the lighting and background colors to simulate the effect of a passing day. The scene
above is shown at dawn, midday, and dusk.
Continued on page 10
window, multiple camera animations cannot
be run in the same window at the same time.
However, several Camera Animations can
be strung together, one after another, which
is useful for following several routes and
linking them together in a single fight path.
The bold user (with a robust machine) may
also experiment with simultaneously running
animations in multiple windows!
Possibilities Galore
With Layer Animations
Layer Animations offer great fexibility in
effectsanimate the layers position (to move
it into position), its scale (to stretch it into
an entire feet of Porches can be tearing up the
streets of a view in ArcScene.
Layer Group Animations
The Layer Group Animation, a specifc subtype
of Layer Animation, provides a shortcut for
changing the visibility of several layers at the
same time. Use all the layers in the Data Frame,
or defne a new Group Layer and click the
Create Group Animation button. The Group
Animation created will show and then hide
each layer using the transition settings defned.
Having the layers blend into each other as the
animation progresses defnitely adds punch to
a presentation. This is an effective animation
as if great mountains are rising from a fat
plain. Like a Camera Animation, only one
Scene Animation can be active at a time and
any active Scene Animation properties will
overwrite all subsequent Scene Animations.
Getting the Timing Right
When creating multiple animation tracks that
will run simultaneously, getting the timing
between the tracks synchronized may become
important. For example, coordinating the
progress of a Camera Animation so that it will
provide a specifc viewpoint at the same time
as the Scene Animation is depicting a midday
Model provided by 3DCAFE.COM
10 ArcUser JanuaryMarch 2003
sun can be accomplished two waysby
setting exact times as part of the keyframe
properties or clicking on the Time View tab
in the Animation Manager dialog and moving
the keyframes for each animation track
interactively. Manually moving the keyframes
will modify when each animation track starts
and stops as well as the relative position of
keyframes within a track.
Saving or Exporting an Animation
After the animation has been refned, saving
the ArcScene document (.sxd fle extension)
retains the animation settings. Animation
settings can also be exported to a stand-alone
ArcScene Animation fle (.asa fle extension)
and loaded into any ArcScene document so
that several animations for a single three-
dimensional scene can be easily managed.
To create a transportable copy of an
animation, click the Export to Video command
from the Animation toolbar and choose AVI as
the fle type. The size of the fnal AVI fle will
depend on the extent of the ArcScene window,
the frame rate, and the video quality specifed.
Experiment with export options such as frame
rate and video quality to keep the fle sizes
down. With animations, it is easy to generate
fles in excess of 100 MB.
By exporting animations as stand-alone
Animation in ArcScene
Continued from page 9
Use the Time View tab in the Animation Manager dialog to move keyframes for each
animation track interactively. In addition to controlling when each animation track starts
and stops, the relative position of keyframes within a track can be adjusted.
AVI fles, the results of an analysis performed
using the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension can
be shared with non-GIS users. The animation
options available in ArcScene are fexible and
powerful, yet simple to use. More detailed
information on animations is available in
Using 3D Analyst, the manual that comes with
the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension. Jump in
there, start experimenting, and have fun!
About the Author
Nathan Shephard has a bachelors degree
in computer science (GIS) from Curtin
University in Western Australia. He worked
for three years with ESRI Australia and has
been in technical marketing with ESRI on the
Redlands campus since October 1999.