Supplemental Report Contract W Schneider Electric
Supplemental Report Contract W Schneider Electric
Supplemental Report Contract W Schneider Electric
2 0 1 4 FEB-7 A M 8:l9
-V City Administrator' Approval
RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution authorizing the City Administrator to negotiate and execute a professional services agreement with Schneider Electnc Inc to provide professional services for desIgn^ulld/malntaln services represented in Phase 2 of the City and Port Joint Domain Awareness Center (DAC) project for an amount not to exceed $1,600,000
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the cost of the service provided by the nuclear weapons maker, whichever is less " (Section 6(e) (1)) The ordinance language is in the present tense and applies to current business activities and contracts, not to past activities or expired contracts or terminated contracts This interpretation is provided with the assistance of the City Attorney's Office The ordinance applies to a business when It or any of its subsidianes, affiliates, parent companies or parent subsidianes or affiliates is nuclear weapons makers or indirectly engaged weapons work, e g , they make components of nuclear weapons (Section 6(d)) "Nuclear weapon" and "nuclear weapons work" as defined as Section 2 Definitions (b) "Nuclear Weapon" means any device, the purpose of which is use as a weapon, a weapon prototype, or a weapon test device, the intended detonation of which results fi"om the energy released by reactions involving atomic nuclei, either fission or fusion, or both "Nuclear weapon" includes the means of deploying, transporting, propelling, guiding, or tnggenng the weapon if the pnmarv intended function of such means is integral to the use of the weapon "Nuclear weapon" also includes any device which has the pnmary intended function of being a component of a nuclear weapon (Emphasis added) (c) "Nuclear Weapons Work" is defined as work that has as its pnmary purpose the development, production, possession, maintenance or storage of a nuclear weapon It does not include theoretical or basic research not having as its pnmary purpose the development, production, possession, maintenance or storage of a nuclear weapon (Emphasis added) To determine which businesses are nuclear weapons makers the ordinance requires the "City Manager" to rely on information published by reliable sources and released by public agencies (Section 6(h)) Currently, businesses are required to self-certify by completing and submitting a certification of compliance form that includes the ordinance definitions of "nuclear weapon", "nuclear weapons work" and "nuclear weapons maker" (Sections 2 (b)(c ) and (d)), when they apply for contracts, i f they are complaint Businesses that are not compliant cannot submit the form If questions arise, staff may review federal contractor lists published by federal agencies and other cities that also maintain lists In this instance Schneider submitted a certification of compliance form A few days pnor to the January 28, 2014, Public Safety Committee staff report and dunng the City staffs report to the Public Safety Committee, several assertions and allegations were raised by the community and public indicating that the Schedule P self-certification signed by Schneider Electnc affirming that they are in compliance with the Nuclear Free Zone (NFZ) Ordinance was inaccurate and that the company was not in compliance with the City's NFZ Ordinance
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Based on the information provided by the community, the Public Safety Committee, requested that the City staff conduct additional due diligence regarding the Schneider Electnc's self certification This report will first and foremost provide information relative to staffs review of Schneider Electnc's compliance with the NFZ and will address the methodology for due diligence, due diligence standards and the vetting process Also, included in this report is the scope of work for Phase 2, and a revised resolution as per the Public Safety Committee's directives Staffs due diligence processes have followed the framework as descnbed below Oakland's NFZ Ordinance background Additional Due Diligence efforts and work by City Staff to validate Schneider's responses and compliance with Oakland NFZ Ordinance (including attachments) Schneider's official responses to questions posed Supporting documentation supplied by Schneider Electnc (exhibits) How and what conclusions were drawn from the results of City staffs additional investigations and due diligence
Nuclear Free Zone Ordinance Backsround In order to determine compliance with the NFZ, the onginal ordinance stipulated the development and maintenance of a list of NWMs It is important to note that the development and maintenance of a list of nuclear weapons makers and the resulting due diligence is cumbersome and costly When the NFZ Ordinance was initially brought forward in 1992, staff noted in its report accompanying the legislation that many of the firms that would be included in a list of NWMs are multinational corporations with subsidianes that also requires tracking and review A thorough vetting of all of the firms would take countless hours of work and require human and financial resources This could result in a list of 100 parent companies that could ultimately expand that list to over 1000 companies At that time, the City did not possess the financial or human resources to handle a task of this magnitude Consequently, the City implemented a self-certification procedure for NFZ designation In 1991, It was estimated that development and maintenance of a NWM list could cost upwards of $130,000 per year Item City Council February 18, 2014
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In today's dollars the cost would be significantly higher In light of the strides that have been made in technology and communications since that report was published, perhaps the City might identify funds for the development of new databases or establishing relationships for shanng information or other means of developing a current and ongoing listing of NWMs City Staff Additional Due Dilisence and Investisation Process and Findinss Of pnmary importance is the interpretation of the City's definition of nuclear weapons maker as contained in Oakland's Ordinance No 11478 C M S adopted on June 30, 1992 Many of the contentions brought to light by residents, community members and the media subsequent to staffs determination relative to Schneider Electnc's status as a nuclear weapons maker (NWM) had to do with work that Schneider Electnc and/or its subsidianes had performed or had been involved with in the past In the City of Oakland's NFZ Ordinance No 11478 C M S , Section 2 Definitions subsection D the definition of "nuclear weapons maker" means any person knowingly engaged in nuclear weapons work, subsidianes, affiliates, and divisions under operating control of such person, the parent entities that have operating control over such person, and the subsidianes, affiliates and divisions under operating control of such parent entity " Schneider cites its inclusion in the FTSE4good index The FTSE4good index is a senes of ethical investment stock market indices launched in 2001 by the FTSE Group, with inclusion based on a range of corporate social responsibility (CSR) cnteria CSR policy functions as a built-in, selfregulating mechanism whereby a business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spmt of the law, ethical standards, and international norms In some models, a firm's implementation of CSR goes beyond compliance and engages in "actions that appear to further some social good, beyond the interests of the firm and that which is required by law " CSR is a process with the aim to embrace responsibility for the company's actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere who may also be considered as stakeholders ' The belief here is that since the FTSE4good index is a measure of social responsibility, being a nuclear weapons maker would preclude its inclusion in such an index It also points to the fact that Schneider Electnc's focus is now on energy and environmental concerns (which include the production and use of nuclear power as a source of energy as well as mitigation) In fact it was noted in Schneider's 2010 Annual Report that they had applied for this designation but were not
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eligible due to their involvement in nuclear weapons work Staff has determined that as of 2014 they now have FTSE4good designation (See Attachment A) Staff Additional Due Dilisence Efforts Resardins the NFZ Ordinance Compliance Determ ination City staff from Contract Compliance, Oakland Fire Departments and legal assistancefiromthe City Attorney's office included additional investigations using internet search engines findings from other municipalities that have nuclear free zone legislation, along with retneving a copy of the municipalities list of nuclear weapons makers (NWMs), if available As of this wnting, only the County of Mann produced a list (see Attachment B for the full list) Schneider Electnc does not appear on the County of Mann, California, NWMs list Also, copies of the Nuclear Free Zone legislation were obtained from the cities of Berkeley, California, Areata, California, Chicago, Illinois, and Takoma Park, Maryland These NFZ ordinances appear in Attachment C Contract Compliance staff spoke with Mr Jon Oldfather, Chairman of Mann County Peace Conversion Commission The Commission exercises oversight of the Mann County Nuclear Free Zone Ordinance The Commission was created by the voters and its membership is compnsed of volunteers Mann County only investigates companies that have contracts with the county In addition to nuclear weapons work, Mann County's ordinance prohibits contracts with contractors who are involved in nuclear weapons delivery systems Nuclear weapons delivery as defined by the DOD IS the technology and systems used to place a nuclear weapon at the position of detonation, on or near its target Several methods have been developed to carry out this task Mann County used to have an armual contract with Nuclear Free Amenca, which worked with Eagle Eye Publishing, to develop its list of NWMs, but the company has since gone out of business Mann County now has an annual contract with Bloomberg and they provide the County with a list of firms that do nuclear weapons work The Bloomberg data includes firms with contracts for tndent ballistic missiles and other contracts with the National Nuclear Systems Agency (NNSA) Mann County does not rely solely on the Bloomberg list but it also accesses information via the internet including the federal procurement data systems (FPDS) website at fpds gov The fpds gov website provides information on contracts and contract numbers for federal procurement data system contracts Mann County does contract with companies that may have nuclear weapons products if the product the company makes is genenc and not a specific item that can only be used for a nuclear Item City Council February 18,2014
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weapons system such as aircraft earners, tomahawk cruise missiles, tndent missiles, tndent submannes, B-52s, B-ls, and F-16s Contract Compliance and Fire Department staff also searched the internet for other entities that might maintain a list of NWMs One such is the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) ICAN is an internationally recognized and well respected global campaign coalition working with governments to enact and negotiate treaties to abolish nuclear weapons This report, completed in October of 2013 speaks to among other things nuclear weapons investments In it is a chapter on nuclear weapons producers (See AttachmentD for the full list) It showcases 27 NWMs around the world The list includes companies that Have information on investments that is publicly available The company has to be involved directly in the development, testing, production, maintenance or trade of nuclear weapons related technology, parts, products or services The company's involvement is related to warheads, or to delivery systems such as missiles, launch silos, bombers or submannes that are developed for nuclear tasks This includes technology that is designed for 'dual use' (military and civilian) but excludes technology that is not designed for, but can be used in nuclear warfare
Schneider Electnc does not appear on the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) list Several items were discovered on the internet and brought to staffs attention showing that Schneider Electnc was engaged in nuclear weapons work Schneider Electnc stated (see email response from 01/23/14 and 01/24/14) that the information was outdated Potential for Old and Outdated Information When Conductins a Web Search As It relates to the appearance of old information appeanng on SE's website, the Web search engines are the key to finding specific information on the vast expanse of the World Wide Web Without sophisticated search engines, it would be virtually impossible to locate anything on the Web without knowing a specific website address Search engines, like, Google, Microsoft Bing, Yahoo, and others have their own sophisticated propnetary technologies for fast, relevant and accurate search results However, most of the Search engines rely on database indexing, web crawlers, spiders, content localization and browser cookies
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One of the elements that a search engine algonthm scans for is the frequency and location of keywords on a Web page Those with higherfrequencyare typically considered more relevant But search engine technology is becoming sophisticated in its attempt to discourage what is known as keyword stuffing The web crawlers constantly visit web sites, read the information on the actual site, read the site's meta tags and also follow the links that the site connects to performing indexing on all linked Web sites as well The crawler returns all that information back to a central depository, where the data IS indexed The crawler will penodically retum to the sites to check for any information that has changed Search engines remember browser, locations, network, and search cntena, and retum the search results accordingly A specific search today may not result the same in next hour or a day because not all indices are going to be exactly the same It depends on what the crawlers find or what the person (s) submitted But more important, not every search engine uses the same algonthm to search through the indices The algonthm is what the search engines use to determine the relevance of the information in the index to what the user is searching for When users query a search engine to locate information, he is actually searching through the index that the search engine has created he is not actually searching the Web These indices are giant databases of information that is collected and stored and subsequently searched This is all stated to get to the point that this explains why sometimes a search on a commercial search engine, such as Bing or Google, will retum results that are, in fact, old links Since the search results are based on the index, if the index hasn't been updated since a Web page became invalid the search engine treats the page as still an active link even though it no longer is It will remain that way until the index is updated Further Schneider Electric Company Investisation and Findinss With regard to the references relative to Schneider's involvement in nuclear energy products and projects abroad, it was determined that this is in no way related to Schneider being viewed as a NWM In question Q3 in the section regarding Schneider's responses to allegations in this report, Schneider stated that "Schneider's technologies made a significant savings impact on facility operations through energy efficiency, which is a large part of our 'green' initiatives - saving Item City Council Febmary 18, 2014
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energy " And on Q2, "Schneider Electnc is in the business of manufactunng electncal distnbution equipment and equipment that enhances electncal efficiencies, building efficiencies, Industnal efficiencies in addition to Secunty Video Surveillance products " One of the areas where Schneider offers services is electrical distnbution and control for nuclear power plants (See the excerpt from Schneider's website in the Exhibits) To further clanfy, Schneider offered the following "Schneider Electnc is a premier global provider of solutions that largely revolve around the efficient transmission, storage and use of power To this end we work closely with vanous utility companies who select our solutions to help make their processes more efficient The brochure cut sheet that you sent, to which we are responding per your request, makes no mention of nuclear weapons in any way It's a brochure of some of the solutions we provide to nuclear power plants from a business unit that focuses on countnes in the eastern Mediterranean geography Schneider Electnc is a proud global leader in ethics and sustainability, as shown in the indices we participate in (provided previously under separate cover) We encourage everyone interested in learning more about Schneider Electnc to visit our website at www schneider-electnc com A great demonstration (and just one of many) of our commitment to sustainability and development of renewable energy can be shown with our sponsorship of the Solar Decathalon (http //www solardecathlon gov/sponsors schneider electnc html) As a part of City's staffs more in depth due diligence, research into nuclear power and its relationship to NWMs discovered an article from the Intemational Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Sciences and Technology (See Attachment E for excerpts from the information and the entire document) The IAEA exists to pursue the "safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear sciences and technology" (Pillars 2005) The IAEA executes this mission with three main functions the inspection of existing nuclear facilities to ensure their peaceful use, providing information and developing standards to ensure the safety and secunty of nuclear facilities, and as a hub for the vanous fields of science involved in the peaceful applications of nuclear technology The IAEA has established programs to help developing countnes in planning to build systematically the capability to manage a nuclear power program, including the Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Group,^'"' which has earned out Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review missions in Indonesia,
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Jordan, Thailand and Vietnam ''^^ The IAEA reports that roughly 60 countnes are considenng how to include nuclear power in their energv plans ^'"^^ ^
This speaks to Schneider's position in the industry as a multinational corporation specializing in electncity distnbution, automation management, and a producer of installation components for energy management, and their work with nuclear energy as one source of power that it works with, to remain competitive and relevant in the marketplace Responses from Schneider Electric (SE) To Questions and Allegations from the Community and General Public Regarding SE NFZ Compliance Below IS a list of the questions posed to Schneider Electnc and the responses that Schneider Electnc provided Following the questions and answers is a descnption of the steps taken by staff to validate the information contained m their response as well as discovery information A copy of any supporting documents provided by Schneider m defense of their claim of compliance with the NFZ appears in Attachment F of this report Question 1) I am requesting your assistance in clarifying the following language pulled from a search as follows "GUTOR IS now Schneider Electncthe focus of our attention is to secure the continuous and conditioned electric power supply for critical industrial and commercial applications Hence we specialize in designing complete UPS system solutions, which are mainly used in the global oil & gas, petrochemical, chemical and nuclear, conventional power generation industries Based on this descnption the public may assume that Gutor now Schneider Electnc engages in Nuclear Weapons work Given the statement above, how would you respond to the public as to why your firm is compliant with the Ordinance'^ Answer Schneider's manufactunng plants make a vanety of products that further our corporate mission of improving energy efficiency, conservation and reliability As such we are a leader in 'green' activities, research and development, which as an example, can be seen from many of our actions including our sponsorship of 11 universities that recently competed in the Department of Energy's Solar Decathlon Many of our products effectively move, switch, and in the case of the statement below store energy Storage of energy for Schneider generally relates to storage for business continuity, so that an organization's vital systems operate in case of power loss Many companies globally use our products for these purposes, probably including utility companies that produce energy, some of which may produce a portion of that power with nuclear processes A utility company with many types of assets (switching stations, power plants, offices, etc )
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IS likely to use our products much as they likely use Microsoft software and potentially HP computers (as examples) The ordinance relates to companies actively proliferating nuclear related work We do not promote or proliferate nuclear work We promote energy conservation and reliability as can be seen by many of our products and businesses Our products are freely available for use in a vanety of applications Should someone involved in nuclear work choose to use our products it cannot be implied that we therefore sponsor or promote the purpose to which they are working for Similarly we have no ability to control the use of every product shipped out to distnbutors and retail outlets As per compliance with the Ordinance, we have no assets actively engaged in activities restncted by said Ordinance Question 2) A search for information brought to light that Schneider Electric is involved in nuclear submarine work Can you or your firm reps clarify this and explain to us how this is still in compliance with City's Ordinance Answer I've escalated this to the highest levels within Schneider to ensure a fully researched response It's in progress In the meantime it's important to note that we work with the Department of Energy, which IS a good fit for us as we are a leading green energy company To our knowledge none of our control systems (that control systems like water processing and distnbution or J ail controls) or any of our other systems are Department of Defense approved I have no visibility if we've even ever applied for approval In any case it automatically means that our systems cannot be used in weapons systems, including nuclear weapons systems ^ Schneider Electnc is in the business of manufactunng electncal distnbution equipment and equipment that enhances electncal efficiencies, building efficiencies, Industnal efficiencies in addition to Secunty Video Surveillance products Schneider Electnc is not in any way a direct manufacturer of any products directly utilized for nuclear weapon proliferation We reached out to as all the Schneider Electnc divisions that we could over the last two days to research the request for Schneider Electnc involvement in Nuclear Submanne work We contacted all our government groups in the US and the response we received is that Schneider Electric is not in the Nuclear Weapons business We have D O E Department of Energy approvals for Nuclear Power facilities but we do not have DOD Department of Defense approvals for Nuclear weapons
Email response dated 12/20/13 from Schneider Electnc Email response dated 01/21/14 from Schneider Electnc
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A web search could produce an advertisement in naval-technology com Schneider Electric - Global Specialist in Military and Offshore Manne Energy Management The following IS the link http //www naval-technologv com/contractors/electncal/schneider-energv/ We believe this is an old advertisement as no current divisions have knowledge of it As further proof, even the photos of the equipment are vintage However, we believe this ad refers to the capabilities of a company called Framatome that Schneider Electnc previously had a relationship Framatome is a large company that has done work with Nuclear weapons and Submannes In February of 1992 Schneider Electnc separated its relationship with Framatome copy of announcement is attached Also attached is a document on the History of Framatome both documents are available on the web ^ Part B On February 3, 2014 the City received a letter from Schneider Electnc wherein it certifies that it is not a nuclear weapons maker as defined under the City of Oakland Ordinance No 11478 C M S (see Attachment G) Question 3) Please explain the information contained in the links below http //www global-download schneiderelectnc com/mainRepositorv/EDMS C0RP6 nsf/69f5d72c7a0cfSl Icl2573d800389503/33adb9 dladf2dbfb852578cft)05b8e79/SFILE/DOE WIPP pdf (copy of infomiation contained in this link can be found in Exhibit A) Answer As for the emailed link listed above, it does not implicate Schneider as being in violation of the City Ordinance The link does not state that SE is involved with the development of nuclear weapons which would be a violation of the City Ordinance Article discusses how Schneider's technologies made a significant savings impact on facility operations through energy efficiency, which is a large part of our 'green' initiatives - saving energy ^ http //www2 schneider-electnc com/documents/interactive-publications/2010-annual-reporten/files/docs/all pdf copy of information contained in this link can be found in Exhibit A) Answer The information in the link is from a 2010 report It is since obsolete and no longer applicable to Schneider Electnc Schneider, since 2010, has made appropnate changes to our business so that the reason for exclusion (military sales) as stated in the 2010 report no longer apply This is proven by our subsequent inclusion in the FTSE4Good index, which shows compliance with a vanety of requirements This is thoroughly illustrated on this FTSE4Good link that follows It's mostly related to our recent acquisition of Ivensys but it shows SE's inclusions in FTSE4Good indices
^ Email response dated 01/23/14 from Schneider Electnc ^ Email response dated 01/24/14 from Schneider Electnc
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https //www f^se com/tech_notices/2014/Ol/79628_20140113_Invensvs_%28UK%29_%28AW %29]sp Staff Response to the Key Question from PSC Committee Members The pnmary concern of the PSC was to ensure additional due diligence efforts and work around the full vetting of the issues surrounding Schneider Electnc's NFZ compliance with the Oakland NFZ Ordinance No 11478 C M S The question of compliance is addressed throughout this report, and staffs findings are summarized in the Conclusion section DA C PHASE 2 SCOPE of WORK/DELIVERABLES this report
City staff has performed its additional due diligence within resources and information available to the best of its knowledge Given the mynad of data sources and the volume of information available of the World Wide Web, staff has followed up on every available set of information and sought responses to make determinations It is unknown whether there is additional information that could have been evaluated, but some key indicators suggest that Schneider Electnc is m compliance and eligible for award of contract 1 When the City's policy is applied, Schneider Electnc is comphant m that it does not have current contracts Schneider Electnc's ethics designation and inclusion in the 2014 FTSE4Good indices a As previously stated, the inclusion in the FTSE4Good is based on a range of corporate social responsibility (CSR) criteria CSR policy functions as a built-in, self regulating mechanism whereby a business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and international norms b In some models, a firm's implementation of CSR goes beyond compliance and engages in "actions that appear to further some social good, beyond the interests of the firm and that which is required by law " 3 4 Absence from otherjunsdictions' lists relative to NWMs Thorough wntten responses from Schneider Electnc to the vanous areas surfaced and/or Allegations
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Combined with the specific information evaluated, our findings, and applied legal opinion, it is reasonable to find Schneider Electnc in compliance with the Oakland N F Z Ordinance If there is any new information, the city reserves the nght to reevaluate this finding Based on the pnor and most recent findings in staffs additional due diligence and investigative work relative to whether Schneider Electnc is a nuclear weapons maker, no evidence was found to substantiate this claim Therefore, City staff finds Schneider Electnc to be in compliance with the City of Oakland's Nuclear Free Zone Ordinance No 11478 C M S For questions regarding this report, please contact Renee Domingo, Ahsan Baig or Mary Mayberry Respectfully submitt
iryan M . | Sastokas )irector. Chief Information Officer Department of Information Technology Reviewed by Ahsan Baig, Manager Public Safety Services, DIT Renee Domingo, Duector, Emergency Management Services Division Oakland Fire Department Deborah Barnes, Manager Contracts and Compliance Division City Administrator's Office Prepared by Mary Mayberry, ASM I Contracts and Compliance
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Attachment A - FTSE4good Index 2014 for Schneider Electnc Attachment B - City of Mann List of N W M s Attachment C - NFZ legislation from other jurisdictions Attachment D - ICAN List of N W M s Attachment E - IAEA Report on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Sciences & Technology Attachment F Supporting documentation (emails) from Schneider Electnc Attachment G - Letter of Certification from Schneider Electnc Attachment H - D A C Phase II - Scope of Work Exhibits - SE 2010 Annual Report, SE Press Release of 02/17/92, SE marketing matenals
^s/2014/Q l/7962820140113_Invea
Invensys PLC (UK): Acquisition by Schneider Electric (France) Changes tn FTSE Indices 13 January 2014
Further to the notice issued on 8 January 2014 m relation to the acquisition of Invensys PLC (UK, Mid Cap) by Schneider Electric (France, Large Cap) and subject to court sanction on 14 January 2014, FTSE announces the following changes: INDEX CHANGE EFFECTIVE FROM START OF TRADING '
Schneider Electric (France, 4834108) 16 January 2014 will remain m the index with an i n c r e a s e d shares in issue total of 568,642,174 and an u n c h a n g e d investability weighting of 9 6 % . Invensys (UK, B979H67) will be deleted from the index.
FTSE Multinationals
Schneider Electric will remain in the index as detailed above. Invensys will be deleted.
16 January 2014
Schneider Electric will remam m the index as detailed above. tnvensys will be deleted.
16 January 2014
Schneider Electric wiil remain m the index as detailed above Schneider Elertric will remain in the index as detailed above. Invensys will be deleted. Northgate (UK, B41H739) will be added to the index with a shares in issue total of 132,602,850 and an investability weighting of 1 0 0 %
16 January 2014
16 January 2014
FTSE 250
16 January 2014
FTSE All-Share
16 January 2014
1 of 2
2/6/2014 11.53 A M
Company Name
Garner Corporation Compaq Computer Danaher Corporation EMC2 Fluke Electronics Company G E Capital General Dynamics Corporation General Electric Goodnch Corporation Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co, Inc Harris Corporation Hewlett Packard Hewlett Packard Express Honeywell Corporation HP Enterprise Services LLC Ingersoli-Dresser-Rand International Business Machines Corporation Johnson Controls, Inc Litton Industries, Inc Lockheed Martm MTM Technologies, Inc Northrop Grumman Corporation Otis Elevator
Praxair, Inc
PRC Public Sector SPX Corporation _ ^-.-Symmetricom-Corporation United Technologies Corporation York International Corporation If you have questions about this page, please send emai! to Ann Gregory -
Section 1. Title This ordinance shall be known as "The Takoma Park Nuclear Free Zone Act" Section 2. Purpose The Purpose of this Act is to estabhsh the Cit}' of Takoma Park, Maryland as a nuclear &ee zone in that work on nuclear weapons is prohibited within the city limits and that citizens and representatives are urged to redirect resources previously used for nuclear weapons toward endeavors which promote and enhance life such as human services mcludmg child care, housmg, schools, health care, emergency services, public transportation, public assistance and jobs Section 3. Findings It is the findmg of the Mayor and Council of the City of Takoma Park, Maryland, that The nuclear arms race has been acceleratmg for more than one third of a century, draining the world's resources and presenting humamty with the ever mounting threat of nuclear holocaust There is no adequate method to protect Takoma Park residents m the event of nuclear war Nuclear war threatens to destroy most other life forms on this planet The use of resources for nuclear weapons prevents these resources from being used for other human needs, mcludmg jobs, housmg, education, health care, public transportation and services for youth, the elderly and the disabled The Umted States, as a leadmg producer of nuclear weapons, should take the lead m the process of global rejection of the arms race and the elimmation of the threat of impendmg nuclear holocaust An emphatic expression of the feelmgs on the part of private citizens and local governments can help mitiaie such steps by the Umted States and the other nuclear weapons powers Takoma Park is on record m support of a bilateral nuclear weaponsfreezeand has expressed its opposition to civil defense crisis relocation plannmg for nuclear war In view of the Nuremberg Principles, which hold individuals accountable for crimes against humamt)' and the illegality of nuclear weapons under mtemationai law, m adoptmg this^ordmance this commumt}' seeks to end its comphcit)' with preparations for fightmg a nuclear war Section 4. Prohibition of Nuclear Facilities A. No nuclear weapons shall be produced, transported, stored, processed disposed of, nor used withm the Cit>' of Takoma Park No facility, equipment, components, supplies or substance for the production, transportation, storage, processing, disposal or use of nucleai weapons shall be allowed m Takoma Park, Maryland This prohibition shall take effect upon adoption B. No person, corporation, university, laborator}' oi mstitution oi other entity m the Cit}' of Takoma Park laiowmgly and mtentionally engaged m development testmg, evaluation, production, maintenance, storage, transportation and/or disposal of nuclear weapon or the components of nuclear weapons shall commence any such work withm the Cit}' of Takoma Park, Maryland after the adoption of this ordinance Section 5. Investment of Cit}' Funds The City Admmistrator m conjunction with the Nuclear Freeze Task Force and other mterested citizen orgamzations shall propose a socially responsible mvestment policy and implementation plan,
specifically addressing any investments the Cit}' may have oi may plan to have m industries and institutions which are knowingly and intentionally engaged m the production of nuclear weapons oi their components, and shall submit said proposal to the Mayoi and Council for their consideration and implementation Section 6. Eligibihtj' for Citj' Contracts The Cit}' of Takoma Park shall grant no awards or contracts for any purpose to any person firm, corporation or entity which is laiowmgly or intentionally engaged m the development, research, production, mamtenance, storage, transportation and/or disposal of nuclear weapons or thencomponents It will be the responsibility of any recipient of a city contract oi award to certify by a notarized statement to city clerk that it is not knowingly or intentionally engaged m the abovedefmed activity Notice of this certification shall be mcluded m all "Requests for Proposals" issued by the Cit}' Section 7. Exclusions Nothmg m this ordinance shall be construed to prohibit or regulate the research and application of nuclear medicine or the use of fissionable materials for smoke detectors, hght-emittmg watches and clocks, and other applications where the pnmar}' purpose is umelated to nuclear weapons development or fabrication Nothing m this ordinance shall be interpreted to infrmge upon the rights guaranteed by the first amendment to the U S Constitution nor upon the power of Congress to provide for the common defense Section 8. Enforcement A. Any violation of this ordmance shall be a mumcipal infraction, the abatement of which shall be ordered by the issuance of a mumcipal mfraction citation The fme for each initial violation shall be $100 and for each repeat or contmumg violation shall be the maximum allowable by law Each day for which the violation exists after issuance of a mumcipal infraction violation shall constitute a separate offense B. Without limitation or election agamst any other available remedy, the Cit}' or any of its citizens or any other aggrieved party may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for an injunction enjoining any violation of this ordinance The court shall award attorney's fees and costs to any part}' who succeeds m obtaimng an injunction hereunder Section 9, Severability If any section, sub-section, paragraph, sentence or word of this Act shall be held unconstitutional either on Its face or as apphed, the unconstitutionalit}' of the section, sub-section, paragraph, sentence or word or the application thereof, shall not affect the othei sections, sub-sections, paragraphs, sentences and words of this Act, and the applications thereof, and to that end the section, sub-sections, paragraphs, sentences and words of this Act are mtended to be severable Section 10. Definitions Nuclear weapon is defined to be any device in which explosion results from the energ}' released by reactions involving atomic nuclei, either fission, oi fusion, or both A component of a nuclear weapon is defmed to be any device, radioactive material or non-radioactive material, the pnmar}' function of which is to contribute to the operation of a nuclear weapon Section 11. Notification A. Upon adoption of this ordmance, and annually thereafter the Mayor and Council shall present a true copy of this ordmance to the President of the Umted States, to the Premier of the Umon of Soviet Socialist Republics, to the ambassadors of all nations at that time possessmg nuclear weapons, to the Secretary Generafof the United NaUons and to the director of the International Atomic Eherg}' Agency
B. In addition, true copies of this ordinance shall be sent to the Governor of the State of Mar}'land to the Umted States SenatorsfromMaryland, to the Umted States Representatives representing Takoma Park, to our State Delegates and Senators, to the Count}' Executives of Montgomer}' and Prince George's Coimties, and to the Council members of the respective counties -CThe-Mayor-and-Council-of-Takoma-Park-Maryland-shall-choose'a-towTii-or city-of-approxunately17,000 inhabitants withm twent}' miles of Moscow or some other cit}' or town m the U S S R as the Mayor and Council may deem appropriate and shall send a true copy of the Takoma Park ordmance and a letter urging the chosen town to take sunilar action 12/8/83
12.90.020 P u r p o s e The purpose of this act is to make Berkeley nuclear-free, that is A B C D E F G H To oppose the arms race by prohibiting work for nuclear weapons, To begin a peace conversion plan, To establish a citizen's right to know about nuclear weapons work, To minimize City contracts with and investments in the nuclear weapons industry, To prohibit nuclear reactors, To prohibit food iradiation plants, To require labelling of irradiated food sold in Berkeley, and, To oppose the nuclear fuel cycle as a whole (Ord 5784-NS 2, 1986)
12.90.030 F m d i n g s _The.people_of.BerkeleyJindJhat A B The nuclear arms race poses an intolerable threat to humanity Berkeley is already a pnme target in the event of a nuclear war, and because the continuing
arms race increases the likelihood of nuclear war, fear of such a war directly endangers our health and safety There is no adequate method to protect Berkeley residents in the event of a nuclear war Children are especially frightened, depressed and disturbed by having to face the threat of extinction each day C Our national leaders continue to build and deploy new weapons systems despite the 1982 vote
by the people of Berkeley and many other communities favonng a bilateral freeze in the "testing, production and further development of nuclear weapons D The threat to use nuclear weapons is an integral part of United States foreign policy Since 1948^ ,
the U S has threatened to use nuclear weapons in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and the Caribbean to protect U S military and business interests Since the Nuremberg principles hold individuals accountable for crimes against humanity, and since nuclear weapons cannot be used without indiscnminately killing civilians and violating accepted international rules of war, then nuclear weapons are illegal, and should be prohibited within the City We will not remain silent while policies of global death and destruction are earned out in our name E Federal spending for nuclear weapons production harms the nation's>economy and the City's
ability to provide needed human services Compared to tax money spent meeting human needs, military spending requires fewer workers, weapons production thus increases unempioyment in our City The funds, personnel and other resources presently committed to work for nuclear weapons are misdirected and should be redirected toward urgently needed human services such as job training, social services for children, the elderly and disabled, shelter for the homeless, education, housing, health care, public transportation, emergency services and general public assistance City investments in, and contracts with companies that engage in work for nuclear weapons are inconsistent with this goal F Uranium mines, refining facilities, transportation of radioactive matenals, nuclear reactors, and
radioactive waste are part of a "nuclear fuel cycle" integral to nuclear weapons production The entire cycle endangers our health and safety, as follows Mining, refining, and transportation of radioactive matenals directly endangers the health of the workers involved Transportation of radioactive matenals nsks accidents releasing radioactivity into/the environment Radiation is routinely released from all operating nuclear reactors, including reactors powenng aircraft earners and submannes in San Francisco Bay, while accidents such as Three Mile Island release still more
There is no safe means known for the disposal of nuclear waste Any valid purpose served by the existing nuclear reactor tn our City (such as research into safe nuclear waste disposal) would be better served by reactors already in existence in less populated areas far from earthquake faults G Within the City of Berkeley there are facilities that engage in specific work for nuclear weapons
or that are otherwise part of the nuclear fuel cycle, including 1 The University of California's system-wide administration, which runs both Livennore and
Los Alamos National Laboratones, 2 3 Etcheverry reactor on the U C Berkeley campus, and Numerous business firms that work under contract or sub-contract to produce nuclear
weapons components H The secunty requirements accompanying the nuclear weapons industry threaten the civil liberties
of the people of Berkeley and restrict the freedom of infonnation necessary to make decisions concerning the future of the community (Ord 5784-NS 3,1986)
12 90 040 Prohibition of work for nuclear weapons _A Cessation of-Bresent Activities -No.person,-corporatton,-university,-laboratory,-institution-or-other~ entity shall, within the City of Berkeley, knowingly engage in work for nuclear weapons This prohibition shall take effect two years after adoption of this act B Prohibition of Commencement of Work for Nuclear Weapons No person, corporation, university,
laboratory, institution or other entity which is not, as of the date this act is adopted, engaged in work for^nuclear weapons, shall, within the City of Berkeley, commence any such activities after the date this act IS adopted C Exclusions Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the following 1 2 3 4 Any activity not specifically described m this section, Any unclassified research, study, evaluation or teaching, The research and application of nuclear medicine, and Uses, of radioactive matenal for smoke detectore, light emitting watches and clocks, and
other applications not related to the development of nuclear weapons (Ord 57B4-NS 4, 1986)
12 90.050 Prohibition of nuclear reactors. A Cessation of Present Activities No person, corporation, university, laboratory, institution or other
entity shall, within the City of Berkeley, operate or cause to be built a nuclear reactor This prohibition shall take effect two years after adoption of this act B Exclusions 1 2 Any activity not specifically described in this section, Any research, study, evaluation, teaching or training activities not involving the actual
operation of a nuclear reactor, 3 4 The operation of particle accelerators and related equipment, and, The construction and operation of expenmentat fusion reactors (Ord 57B4-NS 5, 1986)
12,90.060 Food irradiation plants and labelling -A No facility-using radioactive isotopes-for.the-purpose of-irradiating food-intended-for-human consumption shall be constructed or operated within the City of Berkeley B Any food intended for human consumption that has been irradiated in such a facility, or by any similar facility using X-ray radiation, and is intended for sale within Berkeley shall be prominently labelled "Treated With Ionizing Radiation " (Ord 5784-NS 6, 1986)
12 90 070 Nuclear free contracts and investments A Contracts The City of Berkeley shall grant no contract to any person or business which
knowingly engages in work for nuclear weapons, unless the City Council makes a specific determination that no reasonable alternative exists, taking into consideration the following factors 1 2 The intent and purpose of the act, The availability of alternative services, goods and equipment, or other supplies substantially
meeting required specifications of the proposed contract, and, 3 B Quantifiable additional costs resulting from use of available alternatives
Investments The City of Berkeley shall refrain from making any new investments in businesses
that knowingly engage in work for nuclear weapons or the components of nuclear weapons Withm two years of the adoption of this act, the City of Berkeley shall divest itself of ail such investments currently held by it (including pension funds) The City Council shall adopt a socially responsible plan with respect to county and pension fund investments and shall implement such plans consistent with the intent of this act (Ord 5784-NS 7, 1986)
12 90 080 C o m m u n i t y right to k n o w So any-work for.nuclear-weapons continues-within-the City of-Berkeley,-the following monitonng of such activities shall be earned out by the City through such agencies as the City Council shall designate A Annual reporting Each person, corporation, university, laboratory, institution or other entity
engaged in work for nuclear weapons (hereinafter designated as "nuclear weapons agent") shall prepare an annual report which names the weapon, weapons systems or weapon component it works on and states the reasons for continuation of such work these reports shall be filed with the designated City agency and shall also be made available for inspection and copying by any interested member of the public B Information The City may call upon any nuclear weapons agent to provide further information as
needed to keep the community adequately informed about the work for nuclear weapons C Signs Every facility within the City of Berkeley engaged in work for nuclear weapons shall be
required to install and maintain signs, clearly visible to any passing person, identifying the facility with the legend "NUCLEAR WEAPONS WORK CONDUCTED HERE " D Fee Each nuclear weapons agent shall be assessed a fee at rates determined by the City which
shall be at least adequate to cover, in the aggregate, the costs of administenng this act E Education The City, through its own agencies and in cooperation with other local governmental
agencies and educational organizations and interested citizen groups, shall assist and promote educational activities including but not limited to curriculum in all public schools and adult education programs, to advance public awareness and understanding of work for nuclear weapons and related matters as addressed in this act (Ord 5784-NS 8, 1986)
12.90.090 S a n c t i o n and citizen e m p o w e r m e n t _So any_workfor-nuclear_weapons-continuesjn-.Berkeley,.the.City-sha|l,.acting-through agencies designated by the City Council A Assess, each year, the report of each nuclear weapons agent called for in Section 19 90 080,
and decide whether, according to the intentions of this act, continuation of that agent's work for nuclear weapons should continue B In each case where the decision reached in subsection A is negative, the City shall so notify the
nuclear weapons agent, with a formal request to cease and desist from that activity C Each nuclear weapon agent being so notified and requested to cease and desist may appeal this
decision to the City Council, within thirty days of receipt of said notices D Failure of any nuclear weapons agent to comply with a cease and desist notice within sixty days
following Its receipt or following an unsuccessful appeal shall be met with any or all of the following sanctions as the City Council may choose 1 2 3 4 Cut-off of any or all services by the City to the party concerned, Levying of fines as suits the circumstances, Advising citizens to avoid cooperation with the work of the party concerned, and Providing assistance and encouragement, as appropnate, to citizens who may volunteer to
impede, passively or actively by nonviolent means, the work on nuclear weapons by the party concerned (Ord 5784-NS 9, 1986)
12.90 100 Transportation Any transportation of nuclear weapons, the fissionable components of nuclear weapons, enriched uranium, plutonium or high-level radioactive waste is, m the interest of the public safety, subject to the following restnctions A In each situation, the City of Berkeley shall determine the safest reasonable routes and means of
transport for the movement of any of the above-listed materials Before approving such determination, the City Council shall convene at least one public heanng with adequate notice being given so as to ensure maximum public participation m the heanngs Following selection and approval of the route and means, full public notice shall be given as to this information and as to the additional restnctions of this section B Each vehicle involved in such transportation shall have signs clearly visible for fifty feet in each
direction warning "Transportation of Nuclear Matenals" ""C Pnor to each instance of shipment of such materials, adequate public notice shall be given
Particular attention shall be paid to giving notice directly adjacent to the route of transport (Ord 5784 -NS 10,1986)
I (we) certify that 1 I am (we are) fully cognizant of any and all contracts held, products made or otherwise handled by this business entity, and of any such that are anticipated to be entered into, produced or handled for the duration of its contract{s) with the City of Berkeley (To this end, more than one individual may sign this disclosure form, if a description of which type of contracts each individual is cognizant is attached) I (we) understand that Section 12 90 070 ofthe Nuclear Free Berkeley Act (Berkeley Municipal Code Ch 12 90, Ordinance No 5784-N S ) prohibits the City of Berkeley from contracting with any person or busmess that knowingly engages in work for nuclear weapons I (we) understand the meamng of the followmg terms as set forth in Berkeley Municipal Code Section 12 90 130 "Work for nuclear weapons" is any work the purpose of which is the development, testing, production, maintenance or storage of nuclear weapons or the components of nuclear weapons, or any secret or classified research or evaluation of nuclear weapons, or any operation, management or admuustration of such work "Nuclear weapon" is any device, the mtended explosion of which results from the energy released by reactions mvolvmg atomic nuclei, either fission or fusion or both This defmition of nuclear weapons includes the means of transportmg, guiding, propelling or triggermg the weapon if and only if such means is destroyed or rendered useless m the normal propelling, triggermg, or detonation ofthe weapon. "Component of a nuclear weapon" is any device, radioactive or noc-radioactive, the primary mtended function of which is to contnbute to the operation of a nuclear weapon (or lie'a paffof a liuclear weapon) 4 Neither this busmess entity nor its parent nor any of its subsidiaries engages m work for nuclear weapons or anticipates entermg into such work for the duration of its contract(s) with the City of Berkeley
- 3
Based on the foregoing, the undersigned declares under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregouig is true and correct Printed Name Signature Busmess Entity Contract Description/Specification No Attachment C Title ^Date
Marin County, California, Code of Ordinances Title 23 - NATURAL RESOURCES Chapter 23.12" NUCLEAR-FREE ZONE Chapter 23 12 NUCLEAR-FREE ZONE Sectons: 23 12.010 Puroose and findings' 23.12.020 Definitions .23 12 030 Prohibition against nuclear weapons, matenals. and county contracts and investments, 2312 040 Exclusions 23 12 050 Notice and enforcement
23.12.010 Purpose and findings. (a) The presence of nuclear weapons, or the development, production and/or storage of nuclear weapons-related components and matenal within the county is in direct conflict with the maintenance ofthe community's public health, safety, economic well-being, general welfare, and adherence to international law The purpose of this chapter is to establish the county as a nuclear-free zone in which work on nuclear weapons, and/or the storage or transportation of weapons-related components and nuclear matenal is prohibited, or appropnately restncted
This chapter's further purpose ts to prohibit or restnct the county from contracting for services or products with, or investing county funds m, any business which is a nuclear weapons contractor (Ord 2924 2, 1986}
23.12.020 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words shall have the following definitions (a) "Component of a nuclear weapon" means any device, radioactive or nonradioactive, onginally produced or manufactured for exclusive use as part of a nuclear weapon system, whether to be placed on land, at sea, in the air, or in outer space "County funds," or "public funds" are those moneys, grants and funds received and managed by the county of Mann "Direct activities of the federal government" are the actions ofthe federal government or of Its agencies, but shall exclude the actions of independent contractors "Nuclear waste" is any material which is the byproduct of any nuclear reaction or nuclear weapon production, except for the byproduct of applied nuclear medicine "Nuciear weapon" means any device the intended explosion of which results from the energy released by fission or fusion reactions involving atomic nuclei, including the means of propelling, guiding or tnggenng the device if the means is destroyed or rendered useless m the propelling, guiding, tnggenng or detonation ofthe device "Nuclear weapons contractor" means-any person,-corpo ration'or other business'entity which knowingly or intentionally is engaged in the research, development, production
~~ (g) (h)
or testing of nuclear warheads, nuclear weapons systems, or nuclear weapons components A business entity which is a 100% owned subsidiary branch of, and is therefore completely controlled by, an entity descnbed in the foregoing sentence shall also'be'deemed to^bera~huclear"weal)ons contractor "Person" means any private person, corporation, institution, or other entity, which is within thejunsdiction of the county of Mann "Special nuclear matenal" or "radioactive matenal" means any matenal giving off, or potentially capable of giving off, radiant energy in the fonn of particles of rays (such as alpha, beta, and gamma rays) by the spontaneous disintegration of atomic nuclei, includinQ accelerator-produced isotopes and byproduct matenal, and any other matenal which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission determines to be special nuclear matenal. 'Transport and transportation" means transportation by any means over passable roadways, navigable waterways, or in the airspace, that are within the jurisdiction of ' the County of Mann, except where referred to as meaning roadways, waterways, or airspace regulated by preemptive federal or state law
23.12.030 Prohibition against nuclear weapons, materials, and county contracts^ and investments. " ' ^ :
The county of Mann is declared to be a nuclear-free zone (a) No person shall knowingly engage in any activity within the county, the purpose of which IS the applied research, development, production, transport, deployment, launching, testing, maintenance or storage of nuciear weapons or components of nuclear weapons Nor shall any person store, use, transport, or dispose of special nuclear material or nuclear waste within the jurisdiction of the county Thejransportation of nuclear weapons, theirfissionablecomponents, andjweappnsrelated nuclear matenal and wastes through the county on roadways, waterways, or in airspace regulated by preemptive state or federal law, in the interest of public health and safety, is subject to the following restnction (1) As to roadways which are within the exclusive junsdiction of the county, transportation of such matenals is prohibited, (2). As to roadways which are demonstrably within the jurisdiction of the state or, federal govemment, the county board of supervisors shall post as a regular monthly notice, once each month, in a newspaper of general circulation within the county the fullest descnption possible of any shipment of such matenal that has occurred that previous month, transported through'or across the county by any means of transportation whatsoever The county, nor any agent thereof, shall not make any contract with, or investments in, any nuclear weapons contractor The county board of supervisors shall adopt a "peace conversion plan," and shall, within ninety days of the enactment of this chapter, establish a county peace conversion commission of not less than three or more than five members, which shall be compnsed of volunteers from the community The purpose of said commission shall be to divest the county, as a government entity, within two years ofthe adoption
(c) (t^)
ofthe ordinance codified in this chapter, of all such existing prohibited investments or contracts held by it Said commission shall (1) _ Conduct studies of existing county contracts and public fund investments with nuclear weapons contractors, and determine m which cases any reasonable ^alternative'contract or investment"exists7in'a"manner'consistent"with~prucieht investment policy, and mindful ofthe intent and purpose of this chapter The commission shall further make regular reports to the county board of F supervisors concerning the progress of said divestiture, listing the book value of remaining investments in nuclear weapons contractors IdefTfrfy those businesses presently existing and operating in the county, and those:whc-have made application to the county, who are nuclear weapons contractors The commission will be responsible for conducting a timely phaseout of nuclear weapons contractors from the county, and for msunng the smooth conversion of Mann County businesses to alternative work that is more consistent with the public welfare For this purpose the commission shall solicit testimony from the public ,
(Ord 2924 4, 1986) 23 12.040 Exclusions. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit (a) " i^) (c) (d) Any activity not specifically descnbed in this chapter, Researcii in and application of nuciear medicine or other pure research unrelated to nuclear weapons, Beneficial or peaceful uses ofthe technology such as smoke detectors, light-emitting watches and clocks, and other consumer products, or Activities ofthe federal and state governments that are preempted by existing law
23.12,050 Notice and enforcement. (a) The county is directed to install and maintain appropriate signs to be displayed at each ferry terminal, at Gnoss Field Airport, and on all the major roads leading into the county, at or near the county line, including, but not limited to, the following " ~ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) U S Highway 101 (both ends), State Highway 1 (both ends), State Highway 17, state Highway 37, Fallon-Two Rock Road, Tomales-Petaluma Road, Chileno Valley Road, Marshall-Petaluma Road, Point Reyes-Petaiuma Road, identifying Mann as a nuclear-free zone and making reference to this chapter Further, the county must notify the federal government and other appropnate authonties that this law has been enacted [ ^ ,
Before any further public funds shall be invested by the county in the stock, securities or other obligations'of any corporation or busihess"eritity7th"e county bdafd"of supervisors shall
require that said corporation or business submit to the peace conversion commission an affidavit certifying that neither it, nor its parent company, affiliates or subsidianes are nuclear weapons contractors "(c) The county is directed'to require of each city incorporated within Mann County that, in addition to any other information deemed necessary by its business license officer, that any application for a business license within a city in the county shall state whether or not said business is a nuciear weapons contractor Each violation of this chapter shall be punishable by up to one-year impnsonment and/or a fine of up to five thousand dollars Each day of violation shall be deemed a separate violation Residents of Mann shall also have the nght to enforce this chapter by appropnate ' civil actions for declaratory or injunctive relief Reasonable attorneys' fees in enforcing this * chapter-shall be awarded as is appropnate
92-3 1 NUCLEAR FREE ZONE QRDINAMCE WHEREAS, WE, the people of East Windsor, f i n d t h a t t h e presence o f n u c l e a r weapons and f a c i l i t i e s producing those weapons are i n c o n f l i c t w i t h t h e maintenance of the communitys p u b l i c h e a l t h , s a f e t y , morals, economic w e l l b e i n g , and g e n e r a l w e l f a r e , and WHEREAS, WE, the people of t h e Town o f E a s t Windsor, have become i n c r e a s i n g l y c o n c e r n i n g the s t o r a g e of r a d i o a c t i v e waste w i t h i n t h e Town, and apprehensive
WHEREAS, we, the people o f the Town o f E a s t Windsor, b e l i e v e t h a t the e x i s t e n c e o f suph weapons and/or waste nvay prove t o be a s i g n i f i c a n t detriment t o the economic development o f t h e community and t h a t the d i s p o s a l and clean-up o f r a d i o a c t i v e waste may be a s i g n i f i c a n t economic burden t o t h e Town, and WHEREAS, we, the people of the Town o f E a s t Windsor, wish t o u n i t e w i t h o t h e r communities throughout the n a t i o n and the world i n t h i s a f f i r m a t i o n NOW, THEREFORE, be i t RESOLVED That the Town of East Windsor s h a l l be and i s e s t a b l i s h e d as a n u c l e a r f r e e zone, wherein no n u c l e a r weapons or r a d i o a c t i v e components p r i m a r i l y used f o r t h e p r o d u c t i o n o f n u c l e a r weapons may be p o s i t i o n e d or manufactured w i t h i n t h e g e o g r a p h i c a l boundaries o f t h e Town o f East Windsor R a d i o a c t i v e components p r i m a r i l y used f o r the p r o d u c t i o n o f n u c l e a r weapons s h a l l be any r a d i o a c t i v e d e v i c e , r a d i o a c t i v e o r n o n - r a d i o a c t i v e , s p e c i f i c a l l y designed t o be i n s t a l l e d m, and c o n t r i b u t e t o , and i s p r i m a r i l y used t o be i n s t a l l e d m, and t o c o n t r i b u t e t o , t h e o p e r a t i o n of a n u c l e a r weapon, FURTHER There s h a l l be no n u c l e a r r e a c t o r s , e x p e r i m e n t a l o r coinmercial, n o r any n u c l e a r f u e l r e p r o c e s s i n g p l a n t s of any krnd c o n s t r u c t e d o r o p e r a t i n g w i t h m t h e Town, FURTHER No r a d i o a c t i v e waste or n u c l e a r components, e x c l u d i n g m e d i c a l waste, s h a l l be t r a n s p o r t e d through t h e Town o f East Windsor, o t h e r than on i n t e r s t a t e highways, except m c l e a r l y marked v e h i c l e s and w i t h at l e a s t three days advance n o t i c e t o t h e C h i e f o f P o l i c e o f times and routes o f t r a n s i t , FURTHER No r a d i o a c t i v e wastes s h a l l be s t o r e d , e i t h e r on a temporary o r permanent b a s i s , w i t h i n t h e g e o g r a p h i c a l boundaries of the Town, except f o r t h e temporary s t o r a g e of waste by any b u s i n e s s e n t i t y l o c a t e d w i t h m t h e Town, which waste i s a byproduct o f t h a t e n t i t y s b u s i n e s s m the Town and which waste has not been produced m v i o l a t i o n s of t h i s o r d i n a n c e o r any o t h e r ordinance, r e g u l a t i o n , o r law o f the Town, t h e S t a t e o f C o n n e c t i c u t o r t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s
FURTHER The Town o f East Windsor s h a l l p o s t s i g n s a t the Town boundaries Town IS a n u c l e a r f r e e zone
92-3 2 which a f f i r m t h a t t h e
NOTHING i n t h i s ordinance s h a l l be c o n s t r u e d t o l i m i t the use of n u c l e a r m a t e r i a l i n m e d i c a l a p p l i c a t i o n of medicine, t o r e g u l a t e consumer use o f r a d i o a c t i v e smoke d e t e c t o r s and l i g h t e m i t t i n g watches and c l o c k s , t o p r o h i b i t t h e t r a n s m i s s i o n of e l e c t r i c a l energy through the Town produced by n u c l e a r energy, or t o p r o h i b i t d i r e c t a c t i v i t i e s of t h e f e d e r a l government o r c o n t r a c t o r s or s u b c o n t r a c t o r s , nor s h a l l a n y t h i n g be construed t o p r o h i b i t , m any way, t h e p o s s e s s i o n o r d i s s e m i n a t i o n of any w r i t t e n m a t e r i a l s o r o t h e r e x p r e s s i o n s of speech by t h e F i r s t Amendment o f the United States C o n s t i t u t i o n ANY PERSON, FIRM, OR CORPORATION who v i o l a t e s any p r o v i s i o n of t h i s o r d i n a n c e s h a l l be assessed a c i v i l p e n a l t y of not more than $100 f o r each day such v i o l a t i o n c o n t i n u e s Each and every v i o l a t i o n o f t h i s ordinance s h a l l c o n s t i t u t e a s e p a r a t e o f f e n s e A l l such c i v i l p e n a l t i e s s h a l l be d e p o s i t e d i n t h e General Fund of t h e Town o f East Hindsor IF ANY SECTION, s u b - s e c t i o n , paragraph, o r word o f t h e A c t s h a l l be h e l d t o be i n v a l i d .
(c) Exclusion Nothmg m this section shall be construed to prohibit (i) Any activity not specifically described m this section, (li) Basic research, (iii) Any wntmg or speech devoted to public commentary or debate or other speech protected by the First Amendment of the Umted States Constitution, (iv) The research and application of nuclear medicme, (v) Uses offissionablematenals for smoke detectors, light-emittmg watches and clocks and ' other consumer products, or (vi) Duect activities of the federal govemment '(Pnor code 202-2, Added Coun J 3-12-86, p. 28521, Conected 2-3-87, p 39355) 1-16-030 Reserved. Editor's note-Coun J 3-31-04,p 20916, 1.1,repealed 1-16-030, which pertained to redirection of resources toward human needs - peace conversion commission. 1-16-040 Civil defense participation limitations. Recognizing the fiitihty of civil defense agamst nuclear war and its ensumg radioactive ^ contamination, the city declares that plannmg for or participatmg m civil defense programs purportmg to prepare for nuclear attack is fiitile and dangerous Therefore, the city -will not participate m any civil defense or population evacuation program exclusively intended to be implemented upon the outbreak or threatened outbreak of nuclear hostilities Nothmg m this section shall be construed to prohibit or limit any other type of civil defense or emergency preparedness program (Prior codey202-4; Added Coim J 3-12-86, p 28521, Corrected 2-3-87, p 39355) 1-16-050 Annual commemoration day. In lecogmtion of the first use of nuclear weapons agamst the Japanese City of Hiroshima in 1945, August 6th shall be declared "Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Commemoration Day" vwthin the City of Chicago The city shall sponsor an appropriate observation annually on this date This annual observation shall mclude a report by the mayor on the city's activities to enforce this ordmance (Pnor code 202-5, Added Coun J 3-12-86, p 28521, Corrected 2-3-87, p 39355) 1-16-060 Sign requirements. The city shall post and mamtain appropriate signs at recogmzed entrances to the city and m City Hall proclaiming the City of Chicago's status as a nuclear weaponfreezone When posted on city streets or on state or federally supported roads entermg the City of Cbcago, such signs shall conform with the standards set forth m Section 28-44 of the Federal Highway Admmistration's "Manual on Umform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways" (Prior code 202-6, Added Coun J 3-12-86, p 28521, Corrected 2-3-87, p. 39355) 1-16-070 Violation "Penalty.
Each violation of this ordmance shall be punishable by up to 30 days' impnsonment and a $1,000 00 fme Each day of violation shall be deemed a separate violation ^(Prior,code..202-.7, Added,Coun J J^12=86,.p .28521,.Conected.Coun J .2=3=87,.p _39355)___ 1-16-080 SeverabUity. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence or word of this ordinance shall be held to be mvalid, either on its face or as apphed, the mvahdity of such provision shall not affect the other sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences or words of this ordmance, and the applications thereof; and to that end the sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences or words of this ordinance shall be deemed to be severable (Prior code 202-8, Added Coun J. 3-12-86, p. 28521, Conected. 2-3-87, p. 39355)
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Principal Authors
' ' '
Sttsi Snyder (IKV,Pax Christithe Netherlands) - Wilbert van der Zeijden (IKV Pax Christi, the Netherlands)
, Research by
, '
Silsi Snyder (IKV Pax'Christi,' the Netherlands) ' ' f i l b e r t van der Zeijden (IKV Pax Christi, the Netherlands) Jan Willem van Gelder (Profundo, the Netherlands) Barbara Kuepper (Profundo, the Netherlands) Marccla Umana (Profundo, the Netherlands) Kristel Verhoef (Profundoj the Netherlands)
Our thanks
We would like to acknowledge the followmg for their support, advice, input, feedback or participation in this project . Adessium Foutidauon, Swisg Jgderal Department pf^oreign AfSurs, Ray Achcsqn, Mark Akkerman, Eekku Aromaa, Maarten van Bijnen, Roos Boer,''Suzanne van den Eynden, Luca Fasnacht, Beatrice Fihn, Dr Barbara Happe, David Hutchinson Edgar, Cesar Jaramillo, Hans Kristensen, Ihomas Kuchenmeister, Josefin Lmd, Magnus Lovoldi Ethan Mora, Eoghan Murphy, Oifned Nassauer, Andi Nidecker, Selma van Oostwaard, Suzanne Oosterwijk, Benthe van ~ ' de Pol, Jarmo Pylcala, Matt Robson, Frank Slijper, Minam Struyk, Daniela Varano, Krista van Velzen, Rick Wayman, Tim WngKt and all financial insatutions who provided answers to our questions about their policy ISBN-97B-90-70443-26-9" ''/ ' ' ' ; , 7 ^-f^ , . ' - "
" IKV Pax Chnsti is the joint peace"organization of the Dutch Interchurch Peace Council (IKV) and Pax Chriso Netherlands IKV Pax Christi works for peace, rcconciUatJon and jusnce in the world Wc join with people in conflict areas to work on a peaceful and democratic society Wc enlist the aid of people who, like IKV Pax Chnsti, want to work for poliiicai solutions to crises and armed confiicis IKV Pax Chnsti combines knowledge, energy and people to attain its objectives More information about IKV Pax Chnsti can be found ar www IKVPaxChrisn ni
About ICAN
ICAN I S a global campaign coahcion working to mobiliie people in all countries to inspire, persuade and pressure their governments to inmate and support negouaaons for a treaty banning nuclear weapons ICAN is comprised of more than 300 partner organisanons m over 80 countries More informanon about ICAN can be found at www iCANw org
About Profundo
Profundo is an economic research consultancy analysing commodity chains,financialinsututions and corporate social^ responsibility issues It works predominandy for environmental, human rights and development organisations m the Netherlands and abroad www profundo nl www DontBankondicbomb coin www IKVI^'axChristi nl wwwNoNukes nl
Nuclear weapon producers i n this report Aecom (United States) AlliantTechsystems (United States) Babcock & Wilcox (United States) , Babcock International (United Kingdom) BAE Systems (United Kingdom) Bechtel (United States) Bharat Electromcs (India) Boeing (United States) C H 2 M Hill (United States) ' EADS (NetKeriaAds) ' Fluor (United States) ., . . Gencorp (United States) General Dynamics (United States) Hone)'well International (United States) Huntington Ingalls (United States) Jacobs Engineermg (United States) Larsen & Toubro (India) Lockheed Martm (United States) Northrop Grununan (United States) Rockwell Collins (United States) ' . , Rolls-Royce (United Kingdom) ' Safran (France) SAIC (United States) 1 Serco (United Kingdom) - Thales (France) ThyssenKrupp (Germany) URS (United States)
I n some ofthe nuclear-armed states - especially the United States, the United Kingdom and France -7 governments award contracts to private companies to cart)' out work on their nuclear arsenals This report looks at 27 of those companies providing the necessary infrastructure to develop, test, maintain and modernise nuclear arsenals They are involved'in producing or
maintaining nuclear weapons or significant, specific components thereof The 27 companies described in this chapter are substanually involved in the nuclear weapons programmes of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, India or Israel and themselves based i n the United States, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Germany and India In other nuclear-armed countries - such as Russia, China, Pakistan and North Korea the modernization of nuclear forces is earned out primarily or exclusively by government agencies In those countries, the-opportunities-io achieve divestment thro ugh-public campaigning-are limitedA potentially more effective way to challenge investments in these nuclear industries woidd be through influencing budgetary decision-making processes in national legislatures
October 2013
The nuclear weapon producers in this chapter, were selected on the basis of a predetermined set of criteria Information on investments is publicly available The company has to be involved ciirectly in the development, testing, production, maintenance or trade of nuclear weapons related technolog)', parts, products or services " The company's involvement is related to warheads, or to dehvet)' systems such as missiles, launch silos, bombers or submannes that are developed for nuclear tasks This includes technology that is designed for 'dual use' (military and civilian) but excludes technolog}^ that is not designed for, but can be used m nuclear warfare The resulting list of 27 companies compiled in this report is not exhaustive It is an attempt to identify the privately owned companies currently most involved in the nuclear weapon industrial complex. There are numerous other companies involved on a smaller scale or more indirectly For example, companies that develop software for command and control of nuclear forces or companies involved through the production of small parts used in the assembly or maintenance of nuclear devices or delivery vehicles In that sense, It is'important to note that the total financial involvement offinancialinstitutions in the nuclear weapons industry is much larger than what is idenufied in this report State owned nuclear industries are sadly outside the scope of this research as well Thefinancmgof nuclear programmes in China, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan and Russia therefore remain largely invisible Changes from the 2012 Report The 2012 Don't Bank on the Bomb report provided mformation about 20 nuclear weapon producers This 2013 update includes several additional producers, namely Aecom, Bharar Electronics, C H 2 M Hill, Fluor, Rockwell Collins, SAIC, ThyssenKrupp, and, URS Finmeccamca',and-Redhall Group were included in the 2012 report, but are not mcluded m this report In August 2012, Finmeccamca announced in aTetter to the Norwegian Council on Ethics ' that It "is not involved m the production of nuclear weapons " And indeed, mdependent research suggests that all contracts relating to nuclear weapons of Finmeccamca expired in 2012 I K V Pax Chnsti IS seeking additional confirmation from Finmeccamca that it will refrain from involvement' in producing (key~components of) nuclear weapons It is possible that Finmeccamca will in the future be (re-)classified as a producer Redhall Group has been excluded because although they are 3 BAE Systems subcontractor and work on nuclear powered submarines, no current contracts for nuclear weapon delivery systems could be found profiles of Nuclear weapon producers This section provides basic information about each ofthe 27 identified nuclear weapon producers Information was gathered using websites and annual reports of military companies, military and government sources, research reports, trade magazines and general press reports The selection of the nuclear weapon companies was based on avadability of information on the company's involvement in the production of nuclear weapons and the likelihood that the company is predominantly financed by financial institutions Each section mcludes information about the general type of work the company does, financial information about the company and details about their involvement m nuclear weapons
Source Information Excerpts of the entire article are From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http IfyNww ask com/wiki/lnternational_Atomic_Energy_Agency Background \
In 1953, the President of the United States, Dwight D Eisenhower, proposed the creation of an international body to both regulate and promote the peaceful use of atomic power (nuclear power), in his Atoms for Peace address to the UN General Assembly In September 1954. the United
States proposed to the General Assembly the creation of an international agency to take control of fissile matenal, which could be used either for nuclear power or for nuclear weapons This agency would establish a kind of "nuclear bank" The llnited States also called for an international scientific'copfefence' on all of.tlie peaceful aspectslofnuclear power By November 1954, it had
become clear that the Soviet Union would reject any international custody of fissile matenal, but that a clearing house for nuclear transactions
might'be possible From 8 to 20 August 1955, the United Nations held the International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy in Geneva, Switzerland Dunng 1956, an IAEA Statute Conference was held to draft the founding documents for the IAEA, and the IAEA Statute was completed at a conference in 1957
> H H >
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Souice Information Excerpts ofthe entire article are From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http //www ask com/wiki/International_Atomic_Energy_Agency
The ll^EA as an autonomous organization is not'under direct control of the UN, but the IAEA does report to both the UN General Assembly and Security Council Unlike most other specialized international agencies, the IAEA does much of its work with the Security Council, and not with the United Nations Economic and Social Council The structure and functions ofthe IAEA are defined by its founding document, the IAEA Statu e (see below) The IAEA has three main bodies the Board of Governors, the General Conference, and the Secretariat TheJAEA exists to pursue.the^l'safersecure-and peaceful use^of riucleaPsciendes-anditechnoloqv!^fPtll3rs.20Q5> -tfie tAEA',executes tfiis'missidn with ihree mainfurtctioris the inspection of existing nuclear facilities,to ensure th'eir peaceful use, providing informafaon and^developinq^^
to erjsure the safety and secunty of nuclear facilities, and as aihub for the various fields of science involved in the peacefuiiappiicalioris'of nuciear technology , -, ' . '
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In 2004. the IAEA developed a Proaramme-of Action for Cancer Therapy fPACT) PACT responds to the needs of developing countnes to establish, to improve, or to expand radiotherapy treatment programs The IAEA is raising money to help efforts bv its Member States to save lives and to reduce suffering of cancer victims \
The IAEA has established programs to help developing countries in planningito build'Systematically.the capability to manage alnuclearipower program, including the Integrated^Nudear inffastmcture Group|'.'f which has carrjed.out Integrated Nuclearjlnfrastructure Review missions in lndo|esia, Jordan, Thailand and Vietnarn '"''The IAEA reportslthatrotightv 60'cduntnes-af^considenng-how-to include nuclearipbwer-ihitheir energy plans''^*'
To erihance the shanng of information and experience among IAEA Member States concerning the seismic safety of nuclear facilities, in 2008 the lAEAjestablished the Internationa! Seismic Safety Center This center is establishing safety standards and providing for their application in relation to site selection, site evaluation and seismic design Pagel|2 ' ~' . '
Source Information Excerpts of the entire article are From Wiktpedia, the free encyclopedia http //www ask com/Wiki/lnternational_Atomic_Energy_Agency
has 161 member states '^' Most UN members and the Holy See are Member States of the IAEA Cape Verde (2007). Tonga (20110 and
Brunei (2013). as non-member states, have been approved for membership and will become a Member State once they deposit the necessary
legal instruments Two states have withdrawn from the IAEA North Korea was a Member State from 1974-1994. but withdrew after the Board of Governors found it in non-compliance with its safeguards agreement and suspencled most technical cooperation Cambodia became a member in 1958. withdrew its membership in 2003.and reioined 2009
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Source Information Excerpts of the entire article are From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http //www ask com/wiki/lnternational_Atomic_Energy_Agency
i liiMiiiiiiim
Member countries of the IAEA Member states ' , Approved states Brunei, Cape ^erde arid Tonga Withdrawn membership North fcorea Non-members \
Approved states' Thetr membership has been approved by the IAEA General Conference and will take effect once the State deposits the necessary legal instruments with the IAEA
This file was denved from BiankMap-World6 svg BlankMap-World6 svg Happenstance et al derivative work Danlavcock"
Source Information Excerpts of the entire article are From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http //www ask com/wiki/lnternational__Atomic_Energy_Agency
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The IAEA flag . IAEA 1957 Orgamzation - Active Vienna, Austria Yukiya Amano www laea org
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is an international organisation that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons The IAEA was established as an autonomous organisation on 29 July 1957 Though established independently of the United Nations through its own international treaty, the IAEA Statute,^ the IAEA reports to both the United Nations General Assembly and Securitv-Gouncil
_ The'LAEA~hasMts-headquartersnn"ViennarAustria-~TheTAA"has'two-''Regional'Safeguards Offices" which are located in Toronto, Canada, and in Tokyo, lapan The IAEA also has two liaison offices which are located in New York City, United States, and m Geneva. Switzerland In addition, the IAEA has three laboratories located in Vienna and Seibeisdorf Austria, and in Monaco The IAEA serves as an intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear technology and nuclear power worldwide The programs of the IAEA encourage the development of the peaceful applications of nuclear technology, provide intemational safeguards against misuse of nuclear technology and nucleai materials, and promote nuclear safety (including radiation protection) and nuclear security standards and their implementation The IAEA and its former Director General, Mohamed ElBaradei. were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on 7 October 2005 The IAEA's current Director General is Yukiya Amano
[hide] 1 History 2 Structure and function o 2 I General o 2 2 Board of Governors o 2 3 General Conference o 2 4 Secretariat 3 Missions o 3 1 Peaceful uses o 3 2 Safeguards o 3 3 Nucleai safety o 3 4 Criticism 4 Membership 5 List of Directors General 6 See also 7 References o 7 1 Notes o 7 2 Woiks Cited 8 External links
History [edit!
IAEA headquarters since 1979, Vienna, Austria In 1953, the President of the United States, Dwight D Eisenhower, proposed the creation of an international body to both regulate and promote the peaceful use of atomic power (nuclear power), in his Atoms for Peace address to the UN General Assembly ^ In September 1954, the United States proposed to the General Assembly the creation of an intemational agency to take> control of fissile material, which could be used either for nuclear power or for nuclear weapons This agency would establish a kind of "nuclear bank " The United States also called for an intemational scientific conference on all of the peaceful aspects of nuclear power By November 1954, it had become clear that the Soviet Union would reject any international custody of fissile material, but that a clearing house for nuclear transactions might be possible From 8 to 20 August 1955. the United Nations held the Intemational Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy in Geneva, Switzerland During 1956,~an lAEA'Sfatute ConfefenceWas'Herd to dfaff^tHe founding"'do'cuihents foF"the"'lAEA, and the IAEA Statute was completed at a conference in 1957 Former U S Congressman W Sterling Cole served as the IAEA's first Director General from 1957 to 1961 Cole served only one term, after which the IAEA was headed by two Swedes for nearly four decades the scientist Sigvard Eklund held the job from 1961 to 1981, followed by former Swedish Foreign Minister Hans Blix. who served from 1981 to 1997 Blix was succeeded as Director General by Mohamed ElBaradei of Egypt, who served until November 2009 ^ ' Beginning in 1986, in response to the nuclear reactor explosion and disaster near Chernobyl. Ukraine, the IAEA redoubled its efforts in the field of nuclear safety ^ The same happened after the Fukushima disaster in Fukushima. Japan ^ Both the IAEA and its then Director General, ElBaradei were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005 In ElBaradei's acceptance speech in Oslo, he stated that only one percent ofthe money spent on developing new weapons would be enough to feed the entire world, and that, if we hope to escape self-destruction, then nuclear weapons should have no place in our collective conscience, and no role in our secunty ^
-On-2"Julv-2009rYukiva'A'mano'of'Japan-was'elected'asthe"Director Generahforthe"lA'EA~'^~ defeating Abdul Samad Minty of South Africa and Luis E Echavarn of Spain On 3 July 2009. the Board of Governors voted to appoint Yukiya Amano "by acclamation," and IAEA General Conference in September 2009 approved He took office on 1 December 2009
IAEA headquarters
The IAEA's mission is guided by the interests and needs of Member States, strategic plans and the vision embodied in the LAEA Statute (see below) Three main pillars - or areas of work underpin the IAEA's mission Safety and Security, Science and Technology, and Safeguards and Verification The IAEA as an autonomous organisation is not under direct control ofthe UN, but the IAEA does report to both the UN General Assembly and Security Council Unlike most other specialised international agencies, the IAEA does much of its .work with the Security Council, and not with the United Nations Economic and Social Council The structure and functions of the IAEA are defined by its founding document, the IAEA Statute (see below) The IAEA has three main bodies the^Board of Governors, the General Conference, and the Secretariat. , . . The IAEA exists to pursue the "safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear sciences and technology" (Pillars 2005) The IAEA executes this mission with three main functions the inspection of existing nuclear facilities to ensure their peaceful use, providing mformation and developing standards to ensure the safety and security of nuclear facilities, and as a hub for the various fields of science involved in the peaceful applications of nuclear technology in 2004, the IAEA developed a Programme of Action for Cancer Theiapy (PACT) PACT responds to the needs of developing countries to estabhsh, to improve, or to expand radiotherapy treatment programs The IAEA is raising money to help efforts by its Member States to save lives and to reduce suffering of cancer victims ^ ^The.IAEA planning.tobui!d_ _ systematically the capability to manage a nuclear power program, including the Integrated
-Nuclear-Infrastructure'Group;^ which'has-carried'OUt'Integrated-Nuclear "Infrastructure-Re viewmissions in Indonesia. Jordan. Thailand and Vietnam ^ The IAEA reports that roughly 60 countries are considering how to include nuclear power in their energy plans ^ To enhance the sharing of information and experience among IAEA Member States concerning the seismic safety of nuclear facilities, in 2008 the IAEA established the International Seismic Safety Center This center is establishing safety standards and providing for their application in relation to site selection, site evaluation and seismic design Board of Governors [edit] Mam article Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy' Agency The Board of Governors is one of two policy making bodies of the IAEA The Board consists of 22 member states elected by the General Conference, and at least 10 member states nominated by the outgoing Board The outgoing Board designates the ten members who are the most advanced in atomic energy technology, plus the most advanced members from any of the following areas that are not represented by the first ten North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa, Middle East and South Asia, South East Asia, the Pacific, and the Far East These members are designated for one year terms The General Conference elects 22 members from the remaining nations to tv^o-year terms Eleven are elected each year The 22 elected members must also represent a stipulated geographic diversity The 35 Board members for the period 2012-2013 are*-^ Algeria. Argentina. Australia, Belgium. Brazil. Bulgaria, Canada, China, Costa Rica. Cuba, Egypt. France, Germany, Greece. Hungar\'. India. Indonesia. Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea. Libya. Mexico, Nigeria. Norwa\'. Pakistan. Poland, the Russian Federation. Saudi Arabia. South Africa, Sweden. Thailand, the United Kmgdom, Tanzania,-the-United'States of-America-and-UruguavThe Board, in its five yearly meetings, is responsible for making most of the policy of the IAEA The Board makes recommendations to the General Conference on IAEA activities and budget, is responsible for publishing IAEA standards and appoints the Director General subject to General Conference approval Board members each receive one vote Budget matters require a two-thirds majority All other matters require only a simple majority The simple majority "also has the power to stipulate issues that will thereafter require a two-thirds majority Two-thirds of all Board members must be present to call a vote The Board elects its own chairman General Conferenceieditl The General Conierence is made up of all 161 member states It meets once a year, typically in September, to approve the actions and budgets passed on from the Board of Governors The General Conference also approves the nominee for Director General and requests reports from the Board on issues in question (Statute) Each member receives one vote issues of budget, Statute amendment and suspension of a member's privileges require a two- thirds majority and all other issues require a simple majority Similar to the Board, the General Conference can, by simple majority, designate issues to require a two- thirds majority The General Conference
- el ects-a'Presi dent-at-each "annual-meeting to-facilitate aneffective meeting"The"President only serves for the duration of the session (Statute) The mam function of the General Conference is to serve as a forum for debate on current issues and policies Any of the other IAEA organs, the Director General, the Board and member states can table issues to be discussed by the General Conference (IAEA Primer) This function of the General Conference is almost identical to the General Assembly ofthe United Nations Secretariat led it1 The Secretariat is the professional and general service staff of the IAEA The Secretariat is headed by the Director General The Director General is responsible for enforcement of the actions passed by the Board of Govemors and the General Conference The Director General is selected by the Board and approved by the General Conference for renewable four.-year terms The Director General oversees six departments that do the actual work in carrying out the , policies of the IAEA Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Safety and Secunty, Nuclear Sciences and Applications, Safeguards, Technical Cooperation, and Management The IAEA budget is in two parts The regular budget funds most activities ofthe IAEA and is assessed to each member nation (296 million in 2009) E ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M ^ The Technical Cooperation Fund IS funded by voluntary contributions with a general target in the $85 million range
Missions [edit]
The IAEA is generally described as having three main missions Peaceful uses Promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy by its member states, Safeguards Implementing safeguards to verify that nuclear energy is not used for , military purposes^ and Nuclear safety Promoting high standards for nuclear safety ^ - T .
Peaceful uses[edit1
According to Article II of the IAEA Statute, the objective of the IAEA is "to accelerate and enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world " Its pnmary functions in this area, according to Article III, are to encourage research and development, to secure or provide materials, services, equipment and facilities for Member States, to foster exchange of scientific and technical information and training ^ Three of the IAEA's six Departments are principally charged with promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy The Department of Nuclear Energy focuses on providing advice and services to Member States on nuclear power and the nuclear fuel cycle ^ The Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications focuses on the use of non-power nuclear and isotope techniques to help IAEA Member States in the areas of water, energy, health, biodiversity, and agriculture ^ The Department-of-Technical Cooperation-provides direct-assistance-lo-IAEA-Member States,
"^through-nationalrregionalrand-inter-regional projects through"traming,~expert missions; scientific exchanges, and provision of equipment^ Safeguards [edit]
Article II of the IAEA Statute defines the Agency's twin objectives as promoting peaceful uses of atomic energy and "6nsur[ing], so far as it is able, that assistance provided by it or at its request or under its supervision or control is not used in such a way as to further any military purpose " To do this, the IAEA is authonsed in Article III A 5 of the Statute "to establish and administer safeguards designed to ensure that special fissionable and other materials, services, equipment, facilities, and information made available by the Agency or at its request or under its supervision or control are not used in such a way as to further any military purpose, and to apply safeguards, at the request of the parties, to any bilateral or multilateral arrangement, or at the request of a State, to any of that State's activities in the field of atomic energy "'^ The Department of Safeguards is responsible for carrying out this mission, through technical measures verify the correctness and completeness of states' nuclear declarations ^ Nuclear safetvledjtl The IAEA classifies safety as one of its top three priorities It spends 8 9 percent of its 352 million-euro ($469 million) regular budget in 2011 on making plants secure from accidents Its resources are used on the other two priorities technical cooperation and preventing nuclear weapons proliferation ^ The IAEA itself says that, beginning in 1986, in response to the nuclear reactor explosion and disaster near Chemobvl Ukiaine. the IAEA redoubled its efforts m the field of nuclear safety ^ The IAEA says that the same happened after the Fukushima disaster in Fukushima, Japan ^ In June 2011, the IAEA chief said he had "broad support for his plan to strengthen international safety checks on nuclear power plants to help avoid any repeat of Japan's Fukushima crisis" Peer-reviewed safety checks on reactors worldwide, organised by the IAEA, have been proposed ^ Criticism [edit] Russian nuclear accident specialist louli Andreev is critical of the response to Fukushima, and says that the IAEA did not learn from the 1986 Chernobyl disaster He has accused the IAEA and corporations of "wilfully ignoring lessons from the world's worst nuclear accident 25 years ago to protect the industry's expansion" ^ The IAEA's role "as an advocate for nuclear power has made it a target for protests" ^ The journal Nature has reported that the IAEA response to the Fukushima I nucleai accidents in Japan was "sluggish and sometimes confusing", drawing calls for the agency to "take a more PP35^y^_rol^ P nuclear safety'' .But nuclear experts say that thjeagency's cpmplicated^mandate and the constraints imposed by its member states mean that reforms will not happen quickly or
-easily,-although its'INES""emergency scale-is very likely to*be revisited""^given"the'confusing"" way in which it was used in Japan ^ Some scientists say that the 2011 Japanese nuclear accidents have revealed that the nuclear industry lacks sufficient oversight, leading to renewed calls to redefine the mandate of the IAEA so that it can better police nuclear power plants worldwide ^ There are several problems with the IAEA says Najmedin Meshkati of University of Southern California It recommends safety standards, but member states are not required to comply, it promotes nuclear energy, but it also monitors nuclear use,>it is the sole global organisation overseeing the nuclear energy industry, yet it is also weighed down by checking compliance with the Nuciear Non-Prohferation Treaty (NPT) ^ The journal Nature has reported that "the world must strengthen the ability of the Intemational Atomic Energy Agency to make independent assessments of nuclear safety" and that "the public would be better served by an IAEA more able to deliverfrankand independent assessments of* nuclear crises as they unfold" 1^ .
Member states Membership approved Membership withdrawn ^ Non-members Mam article Member states of the international Atomic Ener^'Agency The process of joining the IAEA is fairly simple.^ Normally, a State would notify the Director General of its,desire to join, and the Director would submit the apphcation to the Board for consideration If the Board recommends approval, and the General Conference approves the apphcation for membership, the State must then submit its instrument of acceptance of the IAEA Statute to the United States, whichfonctionsas the depositary Govemment for the LAEA Statute The State is considered a member when its acceptance letter is deposited The United States then informs the IAEA, which notifies other IAEA Member States Signature and ratification of the Nucleai Non-Prohferation Treaty (NPT) are not preconditions for membership in the IAEA The IAEA has 161 member states ^ Most UN members and the HoK See are Member States of the IAEA Cape Verde (2007) Tonga (2011) and Brunei (2013). as non-member states, have
-been-approved-for membership"and"wilLbecome-a*Member-State once theydeposit the-necessarylegal instruments ^ Two states have withdrawn from the IAEA North Korea was a Member State from 19741994, but withdrew after the Board of Govemors found it in non-comphance with its safeguards agreement and suspended most technical cooperation Cambodia became a member in 1958, withdrew its membership in 2003, and rejoined 2009
Notes [edit]
1 2 3 4 ^ lump up 10 "Statute of the IAEA" IAEA Retneved 16 November 2013 Jump up ^ Fischer, David (1997) History of the Jiilei naiiona! Atomic Lnei eiMge/YCi The First Fort\ Years ISBN 92-0-102397-9 Jump un "About the IAEA Former DG's" IAEA ^ Jump un to " -Fischer. David (1997^ Hislor\' of the Intemational Atomic neis\ Aeenc\ The Fir^t FojIv Years Vienna, Austria International Atomic Energy Agency pp 2,108-109 ISBK' 92-0-102397-9 "The Three Mile Island accident and especially the Chernobyl disaster persuaded governments to strengthen the IAEA's role in enhancing nuclear safety " ^ Jump up to " - "IAEA "Nuclear Safety Action Plan Approved bv General Confeience" International Atomic Energy Agency Retrieved 2 November 2013 .lump un ^ ElBaradei. Mohamed (10 December 2005^ "The Nobel Lectuie" IAEA Archived from the original on 7 October 2012 Retneved 16 November 2013 Jiimp n ^ "Japanese Dmlomat Elected U N Nuclear Chief' The Vgnv YotkTimss 2 July 2009 Jump up "A.mano m the frame for IAEA leadership" World Nuclear News 2 July 2009 Retrieved 2 July 2009 Jump up ^ "Yukiva Amano sav; 'very pleased' at IAEA election" The News 2 July 2009 Retneved 2 July 2Q09 Jump up ^ "Japan envoy wins UN nuclear post" B B C 2 July 2009 Retrieved 2 July 2009 Jump up ^ "Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy" I A E A Retneved 16 November 2013 Jump up ^ Nuclear Power Infrastructure, the Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Group (INIG), Intemational Atomic Energy Agency Jump UP " "IAEA Ready to Help Build Nuclear Power Piam Indonesia" Trendingtech info Archived from the oriiiinal on 1 January 20 H / Jump up IAEA Highlights m 2010. A Retrospective View of Year's Major Events Jump up ^ IAEA org "IAEA Board of Govemors" Jump UP ^ "The IAEA Mission Statement" IAEA Retneved 29 January 2012 Jump'UP ^ "About the Nuclear Energy Depanment" IAEA Retneved 29 January 2012 Jump up ^ "Nuclear Techniques for Development and Environmental Protection" IAEA Retneved 29 Januaiy 2012 Jump up ^ "About Technical Cooperation" IAEA Retrieved 29 January 2012 Jump up "What We Do" IAEA Retneved 29 January 2012 Jump UP ^ Jonathan Tirone (9 DecemberJ2011) "UN Atomic Agency Funds Anti-TeiTorism Not Safety" Bloomberg Jump UP ^ Sylvia Westall and Frednk Dahl (24 June 2011) "IAEA Head Sees \\ ide Support foi Stncter Nucleai Plant Safer^" Scientific Amet ican^'-^'^'^^^ Jump UP Michael Shields (15 March 2011) "Chemobvl clean-up expert slams lapan. IAEA" Reuters ^ lump up to " - Geoff Brumfiel f26 April 2011 ^ "Nucleai agency faces reform calls" Nature ^ lump up to "-Stephen Kurczy H 7 March 2011) "Japan nuciear crisis sparks calls for IAEA reform" The Christian Science Monitoi Jump ui) ^ "A watchdog with bite" Nalure 28Apnl2011 dot 10 103S/472389a Jump up ^ "Process orbecoming a member state of the IAEA" IAEA Retneved 16 November 2013 ^ Jump un to - "Member States of the IAEA" International Atomic Energy Agency Retneved 16 September 2013
5 6 7 'S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
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Hi Mary, Per our conversation, here is Schneider's response to the Nuclear Free compliance question Let me know if you need anything else Shelley From: Steve Reinharz [mailto:Steve Re!nharz@schneider-electnc com] Sent: Friday, December 2D, 2013 4'30 PM T o : Darensburg, Shelley Cc: Barnes, Deborah Subject: RE. RFP~Joint Domain Awareness Center Phase II Shelley, Good question and I'm glad you asked it Off the cuff I'd answer it as follows With more time 1 could get a more complete answer ^ Schneider's manufacturing plants make a variety of products that further our corporate mission of improving energy efficiency, conservation and reliability As such we are a leader m 'green' activities, research and development, which as an example, can be seen from many of our actions including our sponsorship of 11 universities that recently competed in the Department of Energy's Solar Decathlon Many of our products effectively move, switch, and in the' case ofthe statement below store energy Storage of energy for Schneider generally relates to storage for business continuity, so that an organization's vital systems operate in case of power loss Many companies globally use our products for these purposes, probably including utility companies that produce energy, some of which may produce a portion of that powe^with nuciear processes A utility company with many types of assets (switching stations, power plants, offices, etc ) are likely to use our products much as they likely use Microsoft software and potentially HP computers (as examples) The ordmance relates to companies actively proliferating nuciear related work We do not promote or proliferate nuclear work We promote energy conservation and reliability as can be seen by many of our products and businesses Our products are freely available for use in a vanety of applications Should someone involved in nuclear work choose to use our products it can not be implied that we therefore sponsor or promote the purpose to which they are working for Similarly we have no ability to control the use of every product shipped out to distnbutors and retail outlets As per compliance with the Ordinance, we have no assets actively engaged in activities restncted by said Ordinance I hope that is a sufficient response Please advise Steve Reinharz - 949-636-7060 Please excuse any brevity Sent from my windows phone From Darensburg, Shelley Sent 12/20/2013 4 08 PM To. Steve Reinharz Cc: Barnes, Deborah Subject- RE RFP-Jomt Domain Awareness Center Phase II Hi Steve,
Thank you for your prompt response I am requesting your assistance in clarifying the following language pulled from a search as follows
"GUTOR is noM' Schneider ElectricThe focus of oui attention is to secuie the continuous and conditioned -electric-power-supply-for-cntical-mdustriai-and-commercial-applications-Flence-we-specialize-in'designing complete UPS system solutions, which are mainly used in the global oil & gas, petrochemical, chemical and nuclear, conventional power generation industries " Based on this description the public may assume thai Gutor now Schneider Electric engages m Nuclear Weapons work Given the statement above, how would you respond to the public as to why your firm is compliant with the Ordinance*? Thank you, Shelley
From: Steve Reinharz fmailto Steve Reinhar2(a)schneider-electric.coml Sent: Fnday, December 20, 2013 2 17 PM - . To: Darensburg, Shelley Cc: Barnes, Deborah Subject: RE RFP-Joint Domain Awareness Center Phase 11 Hi Shelley, Good to hear from you We have anxiously been awaiting the City's announcement for this important project We have read the ordinance and appropriately researched our compliance On the 11th of December we submitted confirmation of compliance via email to Paula Peave On the 12th I handed the signed documents to Chns Miliar We are compliant with the ordinance Please advise if 1 can provide any additional information Feel free to reach out any time Sincerely, Steve Reinharz - 949-536-7060 Please excuse any brevity Sent from my windows phone From Darensburg, Shelley Sent 12/20/2013 2 09 PM To- Darensburg, Shelley, steve reinharz@schneider-electric com Cc Barnes, Deborah Subject RFP-Joint Domain Awareness Center Phase II -HI Steve,
My name is Shelley Darensburg, Senior Contract Compliance Officer for the City of Oakland I am contacting you in regards to the above project This IS email is to confirm that Schneider Electnc has read the City of Oakland's Nuclear Free Zone Ordinance 11478 and certifies that the firm does conform with conditions set forth in the ordinance Also, I have attached the ordinance -should you-need to-review it further ~~ ' " The City w o u l d like to complete its review of proposals as soon as possible and thus your expeditious reply w o u l d be appreciated Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me Thank you.
Shelley Darensburg Senior Contract Compliance Officer City of Oakland City Administrator's Office Contracts and Compliance Unit 250 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, Suite 3341 Oakland, California 94612 {510)238-7325 (510) 238-3363 fax sdarensburq(5)oaklandnet com Oa/c/and Ranked #5 Place fo Vtsif in fhe World' New York Times, January 2012 http J/bitty/GB3s8f
For iSupplter Login visit us at http.//www2 oakiandnet com/6overnment/o/CP/index htm For iSuppiier online guide visit us at. httD.//ivww2 oakiandnet com/oakca/Qroup5/contrQctinQ/documents/form/oak024312 pdf "The only tyrant i accept m-this-world is still the voice-within " ~ K/lahatma Gandhi "No work IS insignificant All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence" - - D r Martin Luther King, Jr
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Domingo, Renee From Sent To Cc. Subject Attachments Steve Reinharz@schneider-eiectric com Thursday, January 23, 2014 4 13 PM Domingo, Renee Baig, Ahsan, RE Schneider Electnc Schndider-Framatone_en pdf, Framatome History pdf
Renee, Please find our response below Schneider Electnc is in the business of manufactunng electncal distnbution equipment and equipment that enhances electrical efficiencies, building efficiencies, Industnal efficiencies in addition to Security Video Surveillance products Schneider Electnc is not m any way a direct manufacturer of any products directly utilized for nuclear weapon proliferation We reached out to as all the Schneider Electnc divisions that we could over the last two days to research the request for Schneider Electnc involvement in Nuclear Submanne work We contacted all our government groups in the US and the response we received is that Schneider Electnc is not in the Nuclear Weapons business We have DOE Department of Energy approvals for Nuclear Power facilities but we do not have DOD Department of Defense approvals for Nuclear weapons A web search could produce an advertisement in naval-technology,com. Schneider Electnc - Global Specialist in Military and Offshore Manne Energy Management The following is the link http //www navaltechnology com/contractors/eiectrical/schneider-energy/ We believe this is an old advertisement as no current divisions have knowledge of it As further proof, even the photos ofthe equipment are vintage However we believe this ad refers to the capabilities of a company called Framatome that Schneider Electnc previously had a relationship Framatome is a large company that has done work with Nuclear weapon^ ah"d Subrnahiies 1h~Fel5rua'ry df'1992 Schneider Electric'sep^arated'its relationship withTramatdrh"e"copy of announcement is attached Also attached is a document on the History of Framatome both documents are available on the web
Hopefully this answers your inquiry lets us know if you require any additional information
Sincerely, Steve Reinharz | Schneider Electric | Security Center of Excellence Mobile +1 949 636 7060 | Email steve reinharz@schneidereleclric com *" Please consider the environment before printing this email From: Steve Reinharz Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10-19 AM To: 'Domingo, Renee' Cc: Baig, Ahsan Subject: RE; Schneider Electnc
Renee, I've escalated this to the highest levels within Schneider to ensure a fully researched response It's in progress In the meantime it's important to note that we work with the Department of Energy, which is a good fit for us as we are ,a_leading green energy company Jo_oujJ<no^ledge_none_of_our_controlsystemsJthat,controLsystem processing and distnbution or jail controls) or any of our other systems are Department of Defense approved I have no visibility if we've even ever applied for approval in any case it automatically means that our systems can not be used in weapons systems, including nuclear weapons systems In any case a full response is forthcoming Thanks, Steve Reinharz | Schneider Electnc | Security Center of Excellence Mobile +1 949 636 7060 j Email steve reinharz@schneiderelectric com Please consider the environment before printing this email From: Domingo, Renee [mailto'RADominaoigioaklandnet.coml Sent: Saturday, January 18,2014 11:24 PM To: Steve Reinharz Cc: Baig, Ahsan Subject: Fw Schneider Electnc ^ , . . "
Please see email below Is this mformation true'? Can you or your firm reps clanfy this and explam to us how this is sUll m compliance with City's Ordmance City staff will have to defend this so we really need your assistance and/or your finn's reps assistance on this matter Thanks much. Ongmal^Message From Stofflnacher, Bruce To Sastokas, Bryan, Doinmgo, Renee, Luby, Ohver, Baig, Ahsan, Sanchez, Arturo M , Kalb, Dan, Barbara Parker <amparker@vahoo com> Cc Schaaf, Libby Sent Sat Jan ]8 18 33 54 2014 , Subject Schneider Electnc All, '
I am hearmg that Schneider Electric is mvolved w nuclear submarine work, similar to SAIC, an that many people are aware of this and are prepared to push for disbarment, should a contract Schneider be approved Libby asked me to ask for clarification on this cntical issue, m addition to the techmcal DAC questions we hope to address Thank you Bruce Sent &om mobile phone
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r r o m : :Dreve Keinnarztajscnneiaer-eieccnc com imaiito ^leve Keinndr^i.ujbLiintiiut:j-ttit:LL[iL mmj Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 2-40 PM To: Domingo, Renee Cc: Baig, Ahsan Subject: RE Fwd Schneider electric Sure' Let me know if this is better
http //^A^w^^' alobal-download schneiderelectnc com/mainRepository/5DMS CORP6 nsf/69f5d72c7a0cf81 Icl2573d800389503/33adb9dladf2dbfb85 2578cfD05b8e79/$FILE/DOE WIPP pdf
Per previous statements by Schneider Electnc, particularly the statement made 1/23/2014, as follows Schneider Electnc is in the business of manufactunng electrical distribution equipment and equipment that enhances electncal efficiencies, building efficiencies, Industrial efficiencies in addition to Security Video Surveillance products Schneider Electnc is not in any way a direct manufacturer of any products directly utilized for nuclear weapon proliferation -We reached out to as all the Schneider Electnc divisions that we could over the last two days to research the request for Schneider Electnc involvement in Nuclear Submanne work We contacted all our government groups in the US and the response we received is that Schneider Electnc is not in the Nuclear Weapons business We have DOE Department of Energy approvals for Nuclear Power facilities but we do not have DOD Department of Defense approvals for Nuclear weapons
As for the emailed Imk listed above, it does not implicate Schneider as being m violation of the City Ordiance The link does not state that SE is involved with the development of nuclear weapons which would be a violation of the Cit}' Ordinance Article discusses how Schneider's technologies made a significant savings
impac! on facility opeialions tliiough eneig)' eificicncy, which is h large part of OLU 'gieen' initiatives ~ saA'ing energy
Steve Reinharz j Schneider Electric | Secunty Center of Excellence Mobile +1 949 636 7060 | Email steve reinhar2(a)schneiderelectric conn Please consider the environment before pnnting this email From; Domingo, Renee [mailto RADominao(5)oaklandnet comi Sent: Fnday, January 24, 2014 10.30 AM To: Steve Reinharz Cc: Baig, Ahsan Subject: Re: Fwd Schneider electric Thanks much Is it possible to provide a response that the Council and public will understand'?'?'? Plain talk or english
From Steve Reinharz(5) <Steve Re in ha rz^) schneider-electnc com> To Domingo, Renee Cc Baig, Ahsan Sent- Fri Jan 24 10.02 21 2014 Subject' RE' Fwd Schneider electnc Renee - please see my comments below Please let me know if there are more questions or if further elaboration on these are required
http //wwM' tzlobal-download-schneiderelectnc com/mamRepository/EDMS C0RP6 nsi/69f5d72c7a0cf81 ]cl2573d8O03895O3/33adb 9dladf2dbfb852578cf005b8e79/$FILE/DOE WlPP.pdf There's no implication that SE is involved with the development of nucleai weapons m violation ofthe Cit}'Oidm^ce ArUcle^i^cusses how_Sdmeider's technologies rnade a significant savings impact on faciht)' operations through eneigy efficiency, which is a large pai1 of our 'green' initiatives - saving energy
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This IS a confidential attorney-client communication. This emai) contains confidential attorney-client privileged information and IS for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message and any attachments
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Mayberry, Mary
From-Sent To: Cc: Subject: Importance: HI Mary Please insert the information in the email below into the Council report This is the official response from Schneider Electnc m response to the Nuclear Power work they do Thanks much' From: Steve [mailto:[email protected] Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 6.38 PM To: Domingo, Renee Subject: Response to Schneider Electnc Involvement m Nuclear Power . r Domingo, Renee Wednesday,.Eebruary-05,.20.1.4_7,15.RM Mayberry, Mary Baig, Ahsan, Sanchez, Arturo M, Moreno, Doryanna, Ortiz, Celso, Sotelo, Amadis, Fierro, Rocio, Santana, Deanna FOUO FW Response to Schneider Electnc Involvement in Nuclear Power High
Schneider Electnc is a premier global provider of solutions that largely revolve around the efficient transmission, storage and use of power. To this end we work closely with vanous utility companies who select our solutions to help make their processes more efficient The brochure cut sheet that you sent, to which we are responding per your request, makes no mention of nuclear "weapons ifTany way It'sTbroclTuf^of "sblrie^f the"soluti61is we pl^ide'to'n^^ power "piantsTiwi~a'bLrsiness unit that focuses on countnes m the eastern Mediterranean geography Schneider Electnc is a proud global leader in ethics and sustainability, as shown in the indices we participate in (provided previously under separate cover) We encourage everyone interested in learnmg more about Schneider Electnc to visit our website at www schneider-electnc com A great demonstration (and just one of many) of our commitment to sustainability and development of renewable energy can be shown with our sponsorship of the Solar Decathalon (http //www solardecathlon gov/sponsors Schneider electnc html) Thank you, Steve Reinharz | Schneider Electric | Secunty Center of Excellence Mobile +1 949 636 7060 ] Email steve reinharzfa)schneiderelectnc com "** Please consider the environment before pnnting this email
February 3, 2014 Honorable Mayor Quan, City Council City'Administrator Santana City of Oakland California 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, City Hall Oakland, California, 94612
Schneider Electric Buildings Americas, Inc hereby certifies that it is not a Nuclear Weapons Maker, as that term is defined under City of Oakland Ordinance No 11476 C M S , dated June 30. 1992 If you have any further questions feel free to contact us
1) Core Systems Integration Into PSIM- It is anticipated that up 4 core systems integrations will be done simultaneously and then the remaining 2 core systems integrations will be done{60% of CORE Systems Integration will be completed by 05/31/14. The Core Systems Integrations will completed by 10/01/14.) - Integrate City Owned 'Core Systems' (described in this section) into Vidsys Physical Security Information Management System (PSIM) Core systems include a) City CAD (OPD), AVL(OPD), RMS(OPD), CAD(OFD), AVL(OFD), RMS(OFD) and b) Port GIS andTMS Core System Desired Integration Functionality Full functionality will incorporate the overviews below and the "Port of Oakland/City of Oakland Joint Domain Awareness Center Technology 'Linkage"-document" , . 'f-;gwareheLlr}\\a^^ %onous^]isupsyste^ i jproyidesf^in teg rote lir)^ructioifs-ffgr^ poperatdrs-}^thatr.,{-^^ pstoredfori^ouditj^pur^^ }rl0Pb:0ak|and^PdTire'Depart hieri pOFb:>bakland:Flrelbepartment ^ .^ ^ ^ ^
'i^dispotchers^.yisibility \ landidirectiqn j-w^ Oty CAD One-directional imk allowing viewing of I'City .assets- '/primarily^6PD/0Fb. Also}] CAD data m the PSIM user interface Please note, hfmve:sdfeiyfunctionsj 'iLoc^toKil this Item IS one integration
Police (OPD) and Fire (OFD) are the same systems,l^lAVlir" "Aut^)n^atlc^'We
MRMS: *:Records';Management/Systern.Vii \ ^Softwaresohdilpharxiware'that's^ interface maps, B) ability to logically group AVL I \ahd ' .qllovi/s' f/etr/ei/o/; of ] spec'ifici City First Responder assets and C) ability to turn {^documents} MsualiypRDyd^^ on/off groups or "layers" of AVL City First i5G!S::iGepgraphic information 'Systenrt-^lj ps6ftworeAthot,maps utilities-and-site} ;! Responder assets on the PSIM user interface map I specific ' 'information jrelevarit,'/ for j| Please note. Police (OPD) is the only system ready i^:':genera{^:-'ffacflity^'- j'operdtibns j: ]anpr\\ to integrate at this time Fire (OFD) is a separate I -;emerg^nc'yirespo'nse^^ Jj' J l ^ V i l system not yet ready for integration i[\TiyiS:/';Truck:v?Mariag?merit SysteniV.\ Oakland Fire Responder vehicles on PSIM user -City-RMS -One-directional~link-allowing-access-ofOakland Fire and Police records from the PSIM
Page 1
Additional Systems Integration into PSIM Investigation and Implementation Completed by 5/31/14) firm fixed price task Plan Per direction of order basis, Definitions||Gdn Ops: ;<^'rSq ^ O'pie rat i 6 ns^ fiFoiJ'nddiidn i of^infoVmoiiom^^ \ rsDest:,':prdctices'ir-esponses^that'^ fformedw f o^pfev^lf
the City of Oakland and on an individual investigate Cal Trans, BART, AC Transit and other transportation based agencies for potential integration and provide report, recommendations, and costs for approval by Port and City Council to ,proceedwith integration ' \
[iB^oced u r^s^e5^;^m^i'^^ j||bAG:|Dqma1 Center. Also^ I !f fcpm mpniy o wn '^^Q^aS"^^Secunt^^ Loperotiohs,^'jMenter. L^/iGeritraiized^ \f-Jhrntinn-:Mhprp4mijlHhlp(^^^^
On an individual firm fixed price task order basis, investigate - and develop implementation plan for integration
City/Port/3"* Party specific systems listed below under letter (b) into Vidsys PSIM
Page 2
3)TeleStaff 4) Port/City interoperability connectivity 5)Coast Guard Advanced Warning System 6)Earthquake , Information (Web) 7)Weather(N0AA) 8)Fish and Wildlife 9)Coast Guard RSS Feeds 10)Homeport-SFO _H)StateWarning Center-, (CA)-RSS ' 12)Department of Homeland Secunty Alerts 13)Homeland Security _ InformationNetwork 'Alerts , ~^ ~ 14)CAL Fire Current Fire Information 15)FEMA News Releases RSS 16)Pacific Tsunami Warning System
Additional Systems Integration into PSIM (Timeline: 50% ofthe 2b systems integration will be completed by 05/31/14) Based on findings m 2b, integrate City/Port/3"^ Party systems into PSIM City will approve individual task orders, for each system to be schedule,-and.cost integratedjnto.RSIM,^outlintng-integration-approach/methodology, (Firm Fixed Price per Additional System Integration)
Page 3
Revised Concept of Operations (CONOPS) Document contains 14 emergency incident situations and emergency response action plans relevant to the Port of Oakland and the City of Oakland In consultation with Ctty/Port Staff ("City" includes, but is not limited to, Oakland Police Department, Oakland Fire Department, Emergency Management Services Division, Public Works Agency, etc), identify existing SOPs for transfer to emergency response workflows for Oakland Emergency Response agencies for the PSIM Additionally, identify and prioritize additional ConOps and SOPs for development Prioritize with Ctty/Port staff and complete as many as possible within allowable budget ' b PSIM Workflow Development (50% completed by 05/31/2014). In Vidsys PSIM, develop and implement end user (secunty operator) workflows based available budget per 3a 4) DAC System Support - a PSIM System Support and Maintenance (Current period of system completion through end of February 2016) Support and maintain Vidsys software platform in its entirety for two years Includes, but is not limited to, support/maintenance of all existing/core system integrations to ensure desired functionality, any/all updates to Vidsys software, maintenance of all action plans/workflows, configuration of new action plan/work flows, etc Minimum service level is "business day" service level only (8 hours x 5 days per week, excluding, public holidays) by either remote or on-site staff including . public cost b ^ holidays) '^ must be supported . ^ Proposals Additionally, shall outline and emergency support and maintenance (issues occurnng beyond 8 hours x 5 days a week, approach/methodology, staff (including applicable certifications/qualifications)
Network Monitonng, Support, and Maintenance (Current period of system completion through end of February 2016) Monitor, support, and maintain DAC network and IT Systems in its entirety for two years Minimum service level is "business day" service level only (8 hours x 5 days per week, excluding public holidays) by either remote or onsite staff Additionally, emergency support and maintenance (issues occurnng beyond 8 hours x 5 days a week, including public holidays) must be supported Vendor will be Tier 1/2/3 support for all DAC infrastructure, will interface with City IT staff on regular basis and will include actively keeping City IT staff abreast of all issues Proposals shall outline approach/methodology, staff (including applicable certifications/qualifications), inventory of spare parts to be stored on site, and cost (Firm Fixed Pnce)
.5)DAC7pSIM_System.End.User_Jraining.(Upon.system.completion.and.through.February-2016)^ Provide 10 in person at DAC, DAC-PSIM System End User Training Classes (size will not exceed 10
Page 4
approach/methodology, staff (including applicable certifications/qualifications) and cost {Firm Fixed Pnce) 6) Project Close Out (Ongoing as systems and deliverables are completed through February 2016) - Provide all documentation in raw form (Word, Excel, Visio, etc), and duplicates in PDF, to document point in time snapshots of the project, to satisfaction of the City, when desired by the City All project documents shall be maintained in City designated locations on the DAC servers, or project cloud storage as designated by the City Documents shall be updated per frequency deemed by the City Documentation includes, but is not limited to, the following a Spreadsheets I Credentials/Passwords Spreadsheet 1 All account credentials created or used in setting up the system 2 Hostname, admin IP for every device II IP Information Spreadsheet 1 ^ VLANs, 'Subnet Blocks, Hostnames, IPs, Gateways, DNS, Descnptions, Routing 2 We can provide a sample spreadsheet III Software Licenses {and vendor accounts logins ff created) 1 List of all software licenses used in project 2 Location or device license is installed or applied to 3 ' All license keys and/or how to access the keys using vendors tools 4 All'licenses-must be asstgned^tO'Gityof Oakland IV Asset Tag Spreadsheet (with part numbers and serial numbers), m City Supplied Format V Spreadsheet of un-deployed equipment and spares, and their physical locations VI Hostnames and serial numbers {can be a column on the IP spreadsheets) Diagrams 1 Network Diagram -, ' ' II Routing Diagram/Info Ml VM Ware Connection Diagram IV Winng schematic for how connections are made within buildings Switch Configurations I Separate text file of the running configurations for each networking and firewall device II Backup files of all configurations Manuals I System Administration Manual II Admin Training Manuals Ml User Training Manuals IV Vendor Supplied Manuals
Page 5
Solutions P r o d u c t s anti S a r v l c e s Support Your business Company and Careers
Electrica! Energy
You are haro HOITIB > eDIuUwis >Eloclitcal Enany > Qoclncel Eoaw BtHnans^ CenUalliea oanDratlon > GtaOrJcaidlsinDUllsn anif conuol lDrnuiuir power ptantt
Electrical Energy solution: Electrical distribution and.control for nuclear power plants
Eloctrlofll Bnergy Solutions
Cnntrallzfid oenitratlon > ElBCtrloil d i i t r l M l a n and ccnirfM lot nudleor power pianU DIetribuiBd raiiewable power ganonibon Power quality f o r T & D natwonu Power dlsirlBiJllDn natwoik mBnaoMnanl Kay opplicislions toi Energy EfliDiBncy
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I f e r tor auxlllarleB ttiat d o e s not raqulri u r e l y m r c l M r quatm cation Automation control, supanHslon and monitoring
VarlfflilB Rpaed d n v e (Atltvar) and motor alsnars (AlUstar} P L C DUtomotas [Quantum Premium, A/IMQ} a n d H U l (Maealis) MoiorControl C e n t a n ^ C C ) - OMten power switchboard - MotoroBCt M V motor slaitef LV slacincal dlstitbullon V a l u e prT>poa[tlDn - Pnsma awltctiboard - Compact a n d Masterpaci swiiengaar " , - LV/LV tnmifofmers m electrical ditttl&utton and protaciun - M C s e l . Flueli, N E K . C B G S , G M a a l O M S CQset SMe n M 6 and C A S 3 e c u U d e t - MV tooBB Bwitchgaara and contactora - Trinal cast-resIn iransformotE - PrelaDhcated KlosKs S E P A M Protection relay Ami RTUs - Power OuQlliy a n d rtioiarlng (ION) - MV copedtor b o i k a tor enafgy compenaallon UrttitsnupBDie P m n r Supply - Outer U P S solution for nuclear power planl B u j l i ^ Butomafion
Uain drtvftr*
Hlgti growth p o i a n l l i i due to IrtvtitmantB In p o u n r g t r M r i t l a n tn A i t a Nudsar mai)iM a movng trom Europe and Nofth Amenca tovoum A * l a (Bverage ot B n w c t o n per y o i r in C l ^ a ) - IWed D! high Inveilniants In C t u i a and Imfia lo suppon ecxHiornte gnmnii 20%prowttiperye3rintl2aiQ(nBrp|Bnts revamping and decommlitladng) The diltoent markets - New prajOBU of ERR reaclorB [European PreMunzed ReaOoti under EDF epndAcatlons In Franoa [S B.PH), Italy {1EPR) UK, inda Chrrre SooSi Africa, U S A (2 EPR) Oiner proiecta In Chtni, inAa and R i n a l a oui or E P R - I T B l (imsmaljDnBl TUtrmonuelaBr Expenrnentai R ^ d i o f ) onil oltwr rwaarch reoaort Nuclasr plant m m m 20% of m i t d l based woUdivide Is mors ttian 30 y a m old Franca (EDF 6n raacion), South Atrtca (Kostiero] Korea (UQln) L l S A , U K , R u U ] a - Raadof iift axwmtion fup to ea y a v t i m Spein anci Fraiwe - DacommUslonlno projscts In UK a i d F n n e e DtfteranUatlon l e c t o r * ^ _ 1 s i n g l e suppnBrablstoprDvibothecampletaqualinadaer
- CompIdD eenricas Including Bnalyau Oaslon, InatBUaUon ~ conunaaionmfl a n d maintwiancB - R o v a m p l n ^ t r o T i t , conaultinQ aatvicss and ImlnInQ S o l u t i o n archllooturo OflsrcfuallTtod f o r o a f m y nuclaar appllcBtlDn ( R C C - E a n d NOA-1) R C C - E nudsarquallflcatlontor E D F (Frnce) NQA 1 nuclear qua Ely eaaursnce, level 1 (USA) MoiorControl C c n l c r a (MCC)
- LV/UV trenatonriBra - U a n a n i a c r and C a m p a d N S NQA 1 approved ajid vralting for approval unoor R C C - E MV dlitrfbullon a n d contiol
-MCsat(uptoe6kV) Trinal c & B l - r a i l n M V y L V U o n s l o m m a [6 e h V M a o V ) - UnlnMmpoDle Povter Supply -Gutor U P S solution t o r n u d e a r power plant
Page 2 of2
S c h n e i d e r E f e c t r i c : m a n a g e m e n t
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5 Rating
This section presents the evaluations of the leading sustainable development ratings agencies and a number ol ethical funds The results allow for comparison with an industry benchmark P r e s e n t a t i o n of E t h i c a l I n v e s t m e n t i n d e x e s A S P l E u r o z o n e Index Ttie ASPl _Eurozone {Advanced Sustainable Performance Indices) listing tracks the finaricial performance of 120 leading euro zone 'sustainability perfomTers from the DJ Euro Stoxx benchmaik financial universe Schneider Electric has been included since 200T Vigeo ratings are used to selecl the listed stocks, in keeping with A S P ! ' Eurozone guidelines " ' ' ? www vigeo com ' " v--' D o w J o n e s S u s t a i n a b i l i t y Indexes Schneider Electric is part of the 2010 Dow-Jones Sustainability^ Index and Stoxx (European index) This family of indexes bases its decisions on research provided by Sustainable Asset Management (SAM), an i n d ^ n d e n t asset managa headquartered m Switzerland wwwsustainabilily-index com ^ ' ' ' ^ . ^ ' -
; O b j e c t i v e s a n d Results A^pnority objective was sel in the Planet & Society Barometer for Attie. duration of the 2009-2011 One program ensure Schneider Electnc's presence in the four main (Soaally P6sponsible Investment) ' , SRI indexes ^ ' . ' At year-end 2010, Schneider Electric was included in tjvo of the' leading ethical' invesfment indexes, compared with three in 2009 ' . InJact, the Group was confinned in the DJSI Stoxx index (Europe). ^ and the ASPl Eurozone, but removed from the DJSI World index 'for fhe first time^There are several reasons for the delisting of ' , Schneider Bectric Rrstly, this year, the Swiss rating agency S A M , whose questionnaire serves as a reference for est^lfshjng the DJSI / i n d e x e s , expanded certain issues^and" introduced new challenges tor which Schneider Electnc provided responses that were judged lo be too vague Our responses were insufficient, in particular in^erms ' of consumption and water discharge from our sites, the production' "i of hazardous waste, and indicatore f a mcMiitonng the welibeing ofour employees Secondly, the DJSI indexes are increasingly more attractive The company partopation rate has increased by 20% in two years, while the index still includes the same number of values This shows that more and more companies are pnoritising their selection on ethical investment indexes We have one year to ensure that we are re-listed on the DJSI World index betore the end of the current company program (2009-2011) An action plan is being studied to ensure that this is achieved ,
E t h i b e l Sustainability Indexes
|n2010,'SchneiderElectnc'belongstdthefollovflngindexes Ethibel Sustainability Index (ESI) Excellence Europe and Ethitjd SustainatMFity Index (ESI) Excellence Global vfww ethibel com F T S E 4 G o o d Indexes Schneider Electnc aims to be included in the FTSE4Good, the fourth leading family of ethical investment indexes However, the Group does not fulfill the crrteria for' inclusion in the index and therefore .IS currently excluded-for the following reasons Schneid^' Electnc is involved in the business of selling products to the military sector and some of these products are included in nuclear anns systems wwwftse com '
Press release
Pans, 17th February 1992
- The continued^deveiopment of Jeumont-Schneider Industrie and Jeumont-Schneider Industne Automation, whose business'will be continued under the names of Jeumont Industne and Jeumont Automation,_wiH benefit from the support of the Framatome and Alcatel-Alsthom grotjps ' , ' '
i asmHTirfm:^ I aiiJM.'mi.ii.ii^
French'Nuclear Monopoly Finds Fertile Ground Abroad
by Carole Collins On Febmary J 8, 1982, French farmers forced police and nuclear workers to flee the test drilling site of a proposed nuclear plant m Garnet in western France They used a>novel ahtmucjear weapon bees The action followed fierce earlier clashes between police and residents, . including a February 1 blockade by 2,000 protestors that fought police with stones and Molotov cocktails The Garnet protest highlighted a growing confrontation between French public opposition to the nuclear power plants mushrooming across the French countryside and to the business and govemment push for further expansion of France's nuclear capability Less visible has been the growing public concern with the proliferation risks posed by France's export of nuclear reactors, technology, and enriched uranium ,' to countries refusing to sign the Nuclear Non-Prohferation Treaty Central to' both controversies is the French company which won contracts to build 44 of - France's 54 operating or planned nuclear power plants and has marketed all , ' France's nuclear reactor exports Framatome \- ' _ Franiatome has been the linchpin of France's strategy to achieve nuclear" sejfreliance and end U^S domination of world nuclear export markets The largest single manufacturer of nuclear reactors in the world, Framatome hashelped France become the third biggest producer of electricitj' generated by nuclear power after the U S and the U S S R , and the first if measured by the percentage of national electricity needs satisfied by nuclear power It has generated profits and 150,000 jobs for the French economy - as well as strong criticism for its failure to require adequate safeguards against Third World countries' use of Us nuclear exports to develop nuclear weapons France Goes Nuclear Framatome's grovv4h is rooted in the history of France's Commissariat a I'Energie Atomique (CEA), a govemment agency set up by DeGauUe in 1945 in order to direct French nuclear research and develop an independent French nuclear weapons capabijijy In the 1960's CEA priorities shifted to developing a French nuclear power
I /23/2014
industry Framatome's licensing relationship with the U S's Westinghouse Corporation played a central role in France's strategy of gaming access lo U S reactor technology and integrating it with the centerpiece of France's self-reliant "nuclear program^thei'asrbreeder reactor Seven companies ofthe Belgian -controlled Empain Schneider Group - a heavy industry and armaments group - founded the Societe Franco-American de Construction Eeonomique, or Framatome, in 1958 primarily to wm a license from'Westinghouse to use its reactor design Framatome's first reactor prototype - a joint Belgian-French venture - gave the company the experience which later helped it become France's sole supplier of light water reactor systems In 1970, Electricite de France (EDF), the state-owned electrical utility, placed its first reactor orders with Framatome Despite a world slump in demand for new nuclear reactors Framatome prospered throughout the 19-Os - m part because of France's decision, following the 1973 oil crisis, to switchfromoil-based to atomic generation of electricity Throughoutthe 1970s, the French nuclear industry remained only nommally m private hands The CEA and EDF - Framatome's best customer - heavily influenced questions of technology and industry structure Both favored an eventual monopoly of reactor construction by Framatome because it lowered costs by standardizmg equipment The CEA also sought to compete successfully with American nuclear monopolies m European and Third World markets Durmg the next five years, EDF awarded Framatome contracts to build 38 nuclear power reactors throughout France By 1981, the company's order book stood at 38 small 900 megawatt power plants, and its workforce had grown from 100 to 5000 m ten years Framatome's success fiieled intense investor interest - by Westmghouse as well as-French'-pubhc and'private^interestS"In4972rWestinghouse-purchased-a-45percent share in Framatome Fifty-one percent was owned by Creusot-Loire, a steel and engineermg still the largest company m the Empam Schneider Group, and 4 percent by other Empain Schneider companies Westinghouse, hoping to gain a competitive edge m Europe's nuclear industry markets, sought a majontj' interest m Framatome The CEA, however, blocked the takeover attempt, fearmg a loss of French nuclear independence In 3975, it took over 30 percent ownership from Westinghouse By 1981, France was pressing for even more control of Framatome In January, Westinghouse agreed to sell its remaining 15 percent share to Greusot-Loire, which now owned 66 percent, and to cede complete marketing independence to Framatome In February, the Belgian Baron Empain sold his 35 percent interest in Greusot-Loire to Paribas, a French government-linked banking group The May 1981 Socialist electoral victory in France mtensified calls for greater govemment control of Framatome A January 1982 company reorganization simultaneously strengthened French public and private control of the company by allowing Greusot-Loire to increase its share of the company while increasing CEA say in the running of the firm The reorganization also integrated several new subsidiaries into Framatome, further centralizmg the French nucleai industry and tying the company closer to
the govemment - and lo public debate over French nuclear policy Framatome currently owns 70 percent of Novatome, the company operating France's controversial fast breeder reactor program It also joined France's nuclear fuels "agencym'creating two"nuclear"fuehcompanies Proliferating Abroad Framatome illustrates many of the inherent economic and political contradictions withm the nuclear power industry Despite its governmentapproved monopoly of domestic nuclear reactor construction, it could not recover its tremendous mvestment costs - a result ofthe expensive, capitalintensive nature of nuclear leclmology - or turn a profit without eventually selling on the global market Although Framatome won some early contracts for reactors in Europe, by the mid-1970s most industrial countries barred nuclear imports to protect their own nuclear industries and jobs The only market left was the Third World - and selling there was likely to increase proliferation risks Framatome had several advantages over its U S competitors for Third World markets it specialized in providing complete nuclear fuel cycle systems mcludmg reactor,friel,and equipment, and only took six to seven years to complete construction agamst a U S average of 11 years Its use of U S technology allowed It to substitute for U S companies in the Third World ' In 1975, Framatome negotiated the first major sale of a French-made nuclear reactor - to fran The $1 2 billion contract for two 900 megawatt power stations reportedly mcluded supplymg fuel reprocessmg technolog>' (Earlier sales of this technology by France to Pakistan and South Korea had provoked strong U S protests in the wake of India's 1974 explosion of a nuclear device utilizing matenalsfroma U S -supplied nuclear power station ) However, the umts were never built and the contract was eventually cancelled in 1979 followmg the Shah's overthrow Barely five months later, Framatome won a contract to build South Africa's first nuclear power reactors at Koeberg, north of Capetown, edging out Westmghouse Under terms ofthe seven -year contract, Framatome and two other French companies agreed to provide the nuclear technology, equipment and fuel rods for two 950 megawatt units South Africa's Electricity and Supply Commission (ESCOM) supplied the enriched uranium for,the rods and funded constiuction^Fmancing came directlyfromthe South African govemment and mdirectly from transnational bank purchases of ESCOM bonds Until recently, Framatome kept close to its schedule, due for completion by 1983, motivated in part by contract terms allowing payment only after the reactors go on line Framatome's progress, however, was interrupted first by the U S's continued refusal to enrich uranium for the reactors, as previously agreed, due to South Africa's refusal to sign the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty Then, in December 1982, start-up was further delayed when the reactor's control system was damaged by bombs planted by guerrillas ofthe African National Congress, the leading South African national hberation movement In 1979, Framatome signed an agreement with the Korean Electricity Power Co -to-bu I Id-two.nucl ear-reactors Currently-under-construction,-the-units-have-come_ under strong criticism - most recently m a World Bank-commissioned study because of gross health and safety violations and inadequate training of Korean
nuciear technicians who will operate the plants (see M M , February' 1983) Equally serious have been past concerns over possible Korean diversion of civihan-use nuclear materials to a nuclear weapons program U S Congressional mvestigations-in-1978-revealed-secret-Korean-plans-during-the early-1970s t o develop nuclear weapons using a French supplied processing plant Framatome, however, has experienced major financial problems with nuclear exports Most Third World countries cannot afford the expense and have had to scale down their nuclear construction program plans Korea, for example, dropped plans for 31 reactors from its program Also, the need to sell nuclear exports has created a buyer's market, undercutting prices France earned less from Its later sales to Taiwan and South Korea than from its South Africa deals In recent years, Framatome has been unable to conclude any concrete contracts Taiwan backed out of a tentative contract in 1982, and Mexico's debt crisis has shelved mdefinitely Framatome's hopes of winning a slice of its plans for a $32 billion, 20-reactor program. Because nuclear fuel and reactor hardware are France's second largest export and a mainstay of the French economy, however, Framatome has continued actively to seek out new markets In 1981, followmg the fu-st Arab nuclear conference, Algeria and Morocco reportedly approached France to conduct feasibility studies of nuclear power,development In 1982, Egypt employed French companies to study possible nuclear reactor sites in early 1983, Gabon's president requested French help m buildmg a nuclear power plant, the first black African country to do so^ France and China recently signed ajomt accord on sharmg nuclear information, Framatome reportedly has a good chance of winning a major stake in building Chma's first nuclear power reactor In late 1982, South Africa was reportedly considermg ordenng two new nuclear power stations, a new contract could mean more than $1 billion and hundreds of jobs for Framatome Ambivalence and Hard Choices The Socialist Party has shown ambivalence toward France's domestic nuclear industry and nuclear export sales Influenced by local protest, its preelection platform advocated nationalizing the industry and sharply reducing atomic reactors on,order Barely two months after the, 1981 election, the new govemment accordingly halted work on five plant sites, promising a rigorous look at.domestic nuciear energy and a possible public referendum on the issue Govemment officials mdicated they would oppose any future nuclear dealings, with South Africa Mitterand, however, trod lightly on nationalization, hesitant to alienate foreign investors furthei or undermine Framatome's profitability and employment opportunities In reality, the new govemment was as split as its supporters over nucleai policy Members of communist unions backed further expansion to maintain the over 300,000 jobs that depend directly or mdirectly on the nuclear industry Other socialists, however, favored reducing nuclear power and sought to close down France's fast breeder reactor In October 1981, the Mitterand government reversed its policy and supported expansion of France's domestic and international nuclear sales over strong objections,from many^disiUusioned,supporters JThe French lndustty,Minister^is_ now studying plans to concentrate the French nuclear industry even more by allowing EDF to become part owner of Framatome Such a reorganization
would allow Framatome's ailing parent, Creusot-Loire, to raise desperatelyneeded capital by selling off its shares But it would also create a giant reactor/suppiier-turbme/operator monopoly EDF ownership would be the first -time a-public customer-has owned-a-share-in-its-reactor-supplier Framatome is bracing for employment problems in mid-1984 if EDF orders are reduced further Without increased demand, Framatome workers - and those in related industries - could face severe layoffs The Socialist government faces hard choices in the coming few years Efforts to curb nuclear proliferation may hinge on the struggle within the French administration over how to balance proliferation concerns agamst the mdustrial health of its nuciear industry, rising unemployment, and increasing balance of payments problems from reduced exports France's original decision to emphasize nuclear power was inspired primarily by nationalistic aversion to dependence on U S technology Its economic consequences, however, have created unpalatable options for France and Framatome either increase domestic reactor construction despite lack of demand m order to mamtam employment levels at Framatome and among subcontractors or to cut back on unneeded reactors, riskmg deepenmg economic recession and unemployment, or, finally, emphasize overseas marketing of nuclear reactors, risking nuclear weapons proliferation ^ It is unclear which of these options France will eventually choose But Mitterand, who has not shown himself above seeking political advantage, may well take whichever route best preserves his standing Table of Contents
Schneider Electric - Global Specialist in Military and Offshore Marine Energy Management
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We have worked on a wide range of leading naval projects, including ' " ~ Frigates FREMM, Horizon class, La Fayette class (France) -' - Corvettes Formidable class frigate (Singapore) I, Littoral combat ship LOS (US Navy) Patrol vessels Kingston class (Canada) Patrol vessels (US Navy) Aircraft earners Charles de Gaulle (France) Surface ship weapon systems Sylver (France) Conventional submannes Scorpen class (Chile, Malaysia) A19 Gotland class (Sweden) Collins class (Australia) Nuciear submannes Barracuda c!ass{SNA/SSN) Triomphant class (SNG/SSBN)
C o n t a c t Details
Asia-Pacific Operating Division Marine Segment S 2 E avenue des Jeux Olympiques 38050 Grenoble -France Contact Edouard Coste Tel +33 4 76 60 67 27 Fax +33 4 76 57 97 92 Email edouard coste@fr schneider-electnc com U R L www schneider-electnc com
Application _ o Measure efficiency, reveal opportunities and verify savings Demand response D Veriry the reliable operation of equipmenl Improve response to power quality-related problems
Special consideration Engineers knew the project would be labor intensive and would require cooperation among numerous departments No overhead electrical lines are permitted, and ground excavations cosl approximately $150 per foot Work cannot be performed when the system is hot, and de-energizing a substation requires extensive scheduling and coordination Additionally the WIPP site operates under stnngent technical requirements"and h^as'specific equipm'eni needs because il handles transuranic waste Most of the installation work for the project piggybacked onto major renovation or maintenance projects Ihat already included excavation work and scheduled down times for the electncal systems
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Schneider Electric helps you get the most from your energy with innovative solutions that are safe, efficient and simple to use Visit powerlogtc com to learn how our PowerLogic technology increases energy efficiency, reduces costs and improves power reliablilty
City Attorney
2 0 1 4 FEB -7 A H8 = 50
WHEREAS, Congress and the Obama Administration intended the Port Secunty Grant Program (PSGP) to be one of the tools in a comprehensive set of measures to strengthen the Nation's cntical infrastructure against nsks associated with potential terronst attacks, and WHEREAS, the Port of Oakland submitted PSGP grant proposals to jointly develop, establish and operate a City/Port Domain Awareness Center (DAC) utilizing the City of Oakland Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to consolidate a network of existing surveillance and secunty sensor data to actively momtor cntical Port facilities, utility infrastructure. City facilities and roadways, and WHEREAS, on May 23, 2013, the Port of Oakland Board of Directors approved a resolution for the Port of Oakland to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding and Grant Administration Agreement to provide up to two million dollars ($2,000,000) of supplemental FY09 and FYIO PSGP grant funding with the City of Oakland to further expand the development of the City/Port Domain Awareness Center (DAC) and embark upon Phase 2 of the expansion of the systems integration as well as equipment/system enhancements, and WHEREAS, on July 30, 2013, the City Council passed Resolution No 84593, approving the appropnation of grant funds required agreements between the City and the Port, and WHEREAS, on November 19, 2013, the City Council pursuant to Resolution 84725, waived further advertising and the competitive Request For Proposals selection requirements of the Oakland Municipal Code, and authonzed the staff to select a vendor from the pool of vendors that responded to the RFP titled, "City of Oakland/Port of Oakland Joint Domain Awareness Center, October 2012" m an amount not to exceed $2 million dollars, and
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WHEREAS, the City seeks to utilize these additional funds to complete Phase 2 of the Domain Awareness Center (Phase 2), and WHEREAS, the City wishes to negotiate a new contract for Phase 2 work, which consists of, but IS not limited to, additional enhancements to the Emergency Operations Center, additional systems' integration such as the Port Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and other key City Public Safety Information Technology systems, and WHEREAS, the City finds and determines that the services prqvided pursuant to the agreement authonzed hereunder are of a professional, scientific or technical nature and are temporary m nature, and WHEREAS, the City finds and determines that this contract shall not result in the loss of employment or salary by any person having permanent status m the competitive service, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that the City Administrator or her designee is authonzed to accept, appropnate, and administer up to two million dollars ($2,000,000) of Amencan Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) supplemental Port Secunty Grant funds for (PSGP) fiscal years 2009 and 2010 for Phase 2 of the joint Port of Oakland/City Domain Awareness Center (DAC) project, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED: That the City Admimstrator or her designee is hereby authonzed to execute any amendments or modifications to said Port^City agreement and the Professional Services Contract with Schneider Electnc, Inc in an amount not to exceed $1 6 million dollars pending a determination of its full compliance with applicable laws, including the Nuclear Free Zone Act, and be it FURTHER RESOL^^ED If sudQ negotiations are unsuccessful with Schneider Electnc Inc , that the City Administrator is hereby authonzed to negotiate and enter into a contract with another vendor on the DAC Phase 2 evaluations ranlcing list, without returning to Council, and
FURTHER RESOLVED Thatfrmdsto complete this project will be drawn from Fund (2123), Org (20711), Program (PS21), Accounts and Projects to be Determined, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED: That the City Admmistrator or her designee is authonzed to accept and appropnate said FY 2009 and FY2010 PSGP Grantsfiindsinto U S Department of Homeland Secunty Fund (2123), Emergency Management Services Division (20711) a grant project to be determined, and Emergency Management Service Program (PS21), the full grant funds will be appropnated to the Miscellaneous Federal Grants Accounts (46129), and be it
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FURTHER RESOLVED: That the agreement(s) and other actions authonzed hereunder shall be reviewed and approved by the Office of the City Attorney for form and legality and filed with the Office of the City Clerk, and shall complv with previous resolutions regarding this particular proiect's successful adoption of a pnvacy and data retention policv as a condition of proiect implementation
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