Dry Film Thickness Measurement Procedure

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Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure Field Services Section Technical Services Group Procedure The Measurement of Dry

Film Thickness of Coatings on Structural Steelwork (Abrasive Blast Cleaned T!"#$ Revision: 4 ! #%& !'(!)S* The purpose of this procedure is to descri'e the e(uipment and techni(ues used to measure the dr# film thic)ness of coatings over a'rasive 'last cleaned su'strates +%& SC)!* This procedure applies to steel su'strates, *hich have 'een a'rasive 'last cleaned in accordance *ith +S %,!- 4, to at least class Sa !., as descri'ed in +S %,!- / $%& !(,-C,!.* The presence of a te0tured or profiled surface results in a gauge reading, *hen coated, *hich is some*hat higher than the actual thic)ness, meaning that the thic)ness of paint applied ma# 'e significantl# less than that specified It is important that the applied film ade(uatel# cover an# rogue pea)s produced '# the 'last cleaning process, other*ise premature rust spotting *ill occur In this procedure, the gauge is 1eroed and cali'rated on a smooth reference surface, and then the readings ta)en on a freshl# 'lasted su'strate to esta'lish a correction for the error induced in the gauge '# the profiled surface The error reading is added to the 2target3 thic)ness, there'# ensuring that the thic)ness specified is achieved, over and a'ove the average profile height /%& (*F*(*-C*S +S%,!- 4, "etal finishing 4 Preparation and pre5treatment of surfaces 4 +'rasive 'last cleaning +S%,!- /, "etal finishing 4 Preparation and pre5treatment of surfaces 4 Pictorial surface preparation standards for painting steel surfaces 0%& D*F,-,T,)-S Dr# Film Thic)ness 5 the thic)ness of the coating measured, a'ove the pea)s of the surface profile of the su'strate Reference Su'strate 5 a smooth steel surface used to set the instrument 1ero and for comparing results o'tained from the test piece Secondar# Standards 5 standard shims that are referenced to a primar# standard, or cali'rated for thic)ness, *hich are used in the field Date: "a# !$%! Page % of &

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PRI6T7D 89PI7S +R7 :6896TR9;;7D D98:"76TS

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Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure Field Services Section Technical Services Group Procedure The Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Coatings on Structural Steelwork (Abrasive Blast Cleaned T!"#$ Revision: 4 ! ,% +pparatus 7dd# current t#pe thic)ness gauge Secondar# standards of appropriate thic)ness Date: "a# !$%! Page ! of &

, ! Instrument 8ali'ration 8hec) the operation of the instrument in accordance *ith the manual, ensuring that it is operating satisfactoril#, and that 'atter# level is sufficient to complete the testing session The instrument shall 'e 1eroed and cali'rated on a smooth steel plate, in accordance *ith the manufacturer>s instructions ?here instrument cali'ration has 'een sho*n to 'e su'@ect to drift over time, re5 cali'ration shall 'e carried out *ith sufficient fre(uenc# to ensure accurac# and precision , A Thic)ness "easurement ,A% Profile 7ffect

The gauge shall first 'e 1eroed and cali'rated on a smooth steel plate +ppro0imatel# !$ readings shall then 'e ta)en over a 'road area of freshl# 'lasted steel, and a median value determined Readings shall onl# 'e ta)en over smooth flat non5pitted su'strate ?here relevant, this e0ercise shall 'e repeated '# the 8ontractor and the results compared The results from the ! e0ercises shall 'e compared, and a consensus reached and the value recorded This value shall 'e used for all su'se(uent *or) on the same pro@ect, unless changes are made to the 'lasting materials or e(uipment, in *hich case the testing shall 'e repeated as a'ove and a ne* error value agreed upon
Note: This is not a measure of profile height but a measure of the error induced in the gauge as a result of surface profile.


Statistical Sampling

Sufficient thic)ness readings shall 'e ta)en to esta'lish the conformit# of the *or) *ith the specification re(uirements +s a minimum, % single point reading shall 'e ta)en for each and ever# A lineal metres of girder, on each facet This means that for a %$ metre I5'eam, a minimum of !B readings *ill 'e ta)en over the *hole 'eam +dditional readings ma# 'e ta)en in high ris) areas such as the 'ottom flange of an I5'eam, or the underside of a 'o0 girder ?here high variation in film thic)ness is o'served, % single point reading shall 'e ta)en for each and ever# % lineal metre of girder, on each facet In this case, each flange and *e' facet shall 'e recorded as a separate 'atch to ena'le isolation of non5conforming areas + Sampling plan shall 'e prepared '# Technical Services Group, Field Services Section for each pro@ect , A A Specified Thic)ness Range The specification *ill normall# provide a minimum thic)ness re(uirement onl# The manufacturer>s specified ma0imum shall 'e used as the 'asis for calculating the top end of the thic)ness range
PRI6T7D 89PI7S +R7 :6896TR9;;7D D98:"76TS
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Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure Field Services Section Technical Services Group Procedure The Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Coatings on Structural Steelwork (Abrasive Blast Cleaned T!"#$ Revision: 4 ! Date: "a# !$%! Page A of &

This figure *ill usuall# 'e 'ased on the highest thic)ness *hich *ill not result in sagging, 'listering, gassing, crac)ing or other film defects The minimum and ma0imum re(uirements for the first coat in a s#stem shall 'e corrected for uncertaint# of measurement, esta'lished in accordance *ith the IS9 Guide to :ncertaint# of "easurement, and profile error determined as in , A % a'ove, to provide a *or)ing range +n e0ample is sho*n 'elo*: Specified minimum for primer :ncertaint# D5%!EF 8orrected minimum Profile 7rror Absolute minimum &$Cm 5,Cm 44Cm G!$Cm 1/3m

The specified ma0imum is calculated from the manufacturer>s specified value, as sho*n 'elo*: Specified ma0imum for primer :ncertaint# DG%!EF 8orrected ma0imum Profile 7rror Absolute ma4imum %$$Cm G%!Cm %%!Cm G!$Cm #$+3m

+ll limits shall 'e rounded to the nearest &Cm *hich means that in this e0ample all readings must 'e 'et*een ,&Cm and %A$Cm in order to compl# *ith the specification re(uirements ?here a finish coat is applied, and the minimum specified for the finish coat *as %&$Cm, then the target minimum for the s#stem *ould 'e as follo*s: Specified minimum for finish coat :ncertaint# D5BEF 8orrected minimum Primer minimum Absolute minimum %&$Cm 5%!Cm %ABCm G,4Cm +&+3m

Similarl#, if the ma0imum specified for the finish coat *as !&$Cm, then the target ma0imum for the s#stem *ould 'e as follo*s: Specified ma0imum for finish coat !&$Cm :ncertaint# DGBEF G!$Cm 8orrected ma0imum !-$Cm Primer ma0imum G%A!Cm Absolute minimum /&+3m +ll readings must therefore 'e 'et*een !$$Cm and 4$$Cm in order to compl# *ith the specification re(uirements + specific dr# film thic)ness range shall 'e provided for each pro@ect '# Technical Services Group Field Services Section

PRI6T7D 89PI7S +R7 :6896TR9;;7D D98:"76TS

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Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure Field Services Section Technical Services Group Procedure The Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Coatings on Structural Steelwork (Abrasive Blast Cleaned T!"#$ Revision: 4 ! ,A4 Single Point Readings Date: "a# !$%! Page 4 of &

?here a single point reading on a large flat surface, such as a *e', is found to 'e 'elo* the specified minimum, or a'ove the specified ma0imum, a further 4 readings shall 'e ta)en on the *e' at points evenl# located on a circle of nominall# &$$mm radius from the offending reading, and an average o'tained for the 4 readings ?here a single point reading on a flange is found to 'e 'elo* the specified minimum, or a'ove the specified ma0imum, a further ! readings shall 'e ta)en on the flange at nominall# &$$mm either side of the offending reading, and an average o'tained for the 4 readings If the average lies *ithin the specified range, the area shall 'e deemed to conform If the average remains outside the specified range, advice shall 'e sought from Technical Services Group, Field Services Section , 4 ;imitations The accurac# and precision of measurement of dr# film thic)ness ma# 'e affected '# a num'er of factors, including 'ut not limited to the follo*ing: %F 8ali'ration 5 The instrument shall 'e cali'rated in accordance *ith the manufacturer>s instructions, prior to use ?here instrument cali'ration has 'een sho*n to 'e su'@ect to drift, re5cali'ration shall 'e carried out *ith sufficient fre(uenc# to ensure accurac# and precision Su'strate thic)ness 5 For each instrument, there is a critical thic)ness of metal su'strate 'elo* *hich the accurac# of the instrument cannot 'e assured The instrument manufacturer should 'e consulted for guidance regarding limitations 7dge effects 5 "easurements should not 'e ta)en close to an edge, a hole or inside corner of a test surface 8urvature 5 "easurements ma# 'e affected '# the curvature of the su'strate The instrument manufacturer should 'e consulted for guidance regarding limitations Surface profile and roughness 5 "easurements are influenced '# the surface of the su'strate and of the coating Rough surfaces and surface profile can cause 'oth s#stematic and random errors Foreign particles 5 8oating thic)ness gauge pro'es rel# on true contact *ith the coating surface to ensure accurac# and precision, and 'oth pro'e and paint surfaces should 'e chec)ed for cleanliness 'efore ta)ing measurements Soft coatings 5 Soft or partiall# cured coatings ma# 'e deformed '# the pro'e, leading to readings *hich are lo*er than the actual film thic)ness Pro'e pressure 5 70cessive pressure on the pro'e ma# damage a coating and give erroneous readings


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PRI6T7D 89PI7S +R7 :6896TR9;;7D D98:"76TS

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Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure Field Services Section Technical Services Group Procedure The Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Coatings on Structural Steelwork (Abrasive Blast Cleaned T!"#$ Revision: 4 ! /F %$F Date: "a# !$%! Page & of &

7lectromagnetic fields 5 Instruments might not operate correctl# in the presence of strong electromagnetic fields "agnetic properties of pigments 5 The magnetic effect of certain pigments and e0tenders, such as micaceous iron o0ide D"I9F and red iron o0ide, can affect the accurac# of measurements o'tained *ith some instruments Temperature effects 5 70tremes of temperature ma# influence 'oth the readings o'tained from the instrument and the deformation properties of the coating 'eing measured 8oating S#stem

%%F ,&

The primer is the most critical component in an anti5corrosive coating s#stem It must provide corrosion protection to the su'strate, adhesion to the su'strate and adhesion to su'se(uent coats It is therefore critical that the applied thic)ness 'e sufficient to ensure corrosion protection and adhesion to the su'strate 'ut not so high as to compromise cure and integrit# of the film Different primers have characteristics *hich must 'e ta)en into account *hen assessing the conformance of a thic)ness result *ith a specification For e0ample, solvent5'orne inorganic 1inc silicates perform 'est at lo* film thic)nesses, and are difficult to recoat *ith themselves It ma# 'e prefera'le to accept a lo*er Dnon5compl#ingF film thic)ness rather than attempt to 'uild thic)ness and compromise performance The ma0imum coating thic)ness recommended '# a manufacturer is often 'ased on the resistance to sagging of a coating ?hilst relevant on vertical surfaces, and less so on the underside of flanges, it has no relevance to the top of flanges It is therefore important that the location of a non5conforming reading 'e considered *hen remedial action is proposed 5% !(*C,S,)The estimated uncertaint# of measurement for a single coat using this procedure is H %!E The estimated uncertaint# of measurement for a !5coat s#stem using this procedure is H BE The estimated uncertaint# of measurement for a A5coat s#stem using this procedure is H BE :ncertaint# of "easurement determined '# and for DPTI Technical Services Group, Field Services Section 6% D)C'M*-TAT,)Film thic)ness records ma# ta)e the form of hand *ritten *or)sheets or 'oo)s or a print out from the instrument memor# and shall include an estimate for the uncertaint# of measurement

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