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Oracle WMS Direct Shipment

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Direct Shipment Setup & Diagnostics

STEP 1: Setup
Create an item using item template @Finish Goods and assign to WMS enabled organization
Inventory Super User -> Inventory -> Items -> Master Items

Assign Item to WMS enabled Inventory organization Tools -> Organization Assignments

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Direct Shipment Setup & Diagnostics

Define Organization Parameters to Enable Direct Shipping Allowed Flag
Warehouse Manager -> Setup -> Warehouse Configuration -> Warehouse -> Warehouse Parameters

Define Dock Door

Warehouse Manager -> Setup -> Warehouse Configuration -> Warehouse -> Stock Locator Create a dock door locator and stage lane under staging sub-inventory

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Direct Shipment Setup & Diagnostics

Define Staging Lane
Warehouse Manager -> Setup -> Warehouse Configuration -> Warehouse -> Stock Locator

Create Dock Door to Staging Lane Relationship

Warehouse Manager -> Setup -> Warehouse Configuration -> Warehouse -> Dock Door to Staging Lane Assignment

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Direct Shipment Setup & Diagnostics

STEP 2: Data Preparation
Create item on-hand using Miscellaneous Receipt (GUI/Mobile)
Inventory -> Transactions -> Miscellaneous Transaction -> Miscellaneous Receipt

Create a sales order (Destination Warehouse should be WMS enabled)

Order Management -> Orders, Returns -> Sales Order

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Direct Shipment Setup & Diagnostics

Select WMS Destination organization in Others Tab

Enter order lines. Verify the destination organization from shipping tab, book the order

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Direct Shipment Setup & Diagnostics

STEP 3: Simulation & Diagnostics of Direct Shipment
Transfer item to Dock Door and Pack in LPN
Whse Mgmt -> Warehousing -> Inventory -> Transfer -> Sub Transfer

Transfer item to dockdoor and pack(if loose) in LPN. Note down LPN number (Whse Mgmt -> Warehousing -> LPN Transactions -> Pack) Verify the Order Status. Pick Release is not required Warehouse manager -> Outbound Logistics -> Shipment Planning & Transactions

Load LPN in Truck from Dock Door Whse Mgmt -> Outbound ->Shipping ->Direct Ship -> Truck Load

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Direct Shipment Setup & Diagnostics

Verify the Order Status Warehouse manager -> Outbound Logistics -> Shipment Planning & Transactions

Note Delivery number. Select Lines and LPNs button and search again. Verify LPN status.

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Direct Shipment Setup & Diagnostics

Ship Loaded Truck Whse Mgmt -> Outbound ->Shipping ->Direct Ship -> Truck Load

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Direct Shipment Setup & Diagnostics

Press ESC-S after selecting the dock door and LPN to complete ship confirm

Press on save to confirm the delivery. Trip is not completed yet.

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Direct Shipment Setup & Diagnostics

Complete Trip Whse Mgmt -> Outbound ->Shipping ->Direct Ship -> Truck Load

Press ESC-S after selecting the dock door and LPN to complete Trip by selecting Close Truck

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Direct Shipment Setup & Diagnostics

Verify the Trip Status Warehouse manager -> Outbound Logistics -> Shipment Planning & Transactions

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