A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum

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The play is a comedy that revolves around mistaken identities, schemes and tricks played by the slaves to achieve freedom and unite lovers.

The play is a comedy set in ancient Rome that follows the slave Pseudolus and his attempts to help his young master Hero be united with his lover Philia.

Pseudolus' main goal is to achieve his freedom by helping Hero be united with Philia as promised by his owner.


net/ A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

COMEDY TONIGHT PSEUDOLUS Something familiar, Something pec liar, Something for e!er"one# $ come%" tonight& Something appealing, Something appalling, Something for e!er"one# $ come%" tonight& Nothing 'ith (ing), nothing 'ith cro'n)* +ring on the lo!er), liar) an% clo'n)& Ol% )it ation), Ne' complication), Nothing portento ) or polite* Trage%" tomorro', Come%" tonight& Something con! l)i!e, Something rep l)i!e, Something for e!er"one# $ come%" tonight& Something ae)thetic, Something frenetic, Something for e!er"one# $ come%" tonight& Nothing 'ith go%), nothing 'ith fate* ,eight" affair) 'ill - )t ha!e to 'ait& Nothing that.) formal, Nothing that.) normal, No recitation) to recite* Open p the c rtain# Come%" Tonight& Something erratic, Something %ramatic, Something for e!er"one# $ come%" tonight& /ren0" an% frolic,

Strictl" )"m1olic, Something for e!er"one# $ come%" tonight& ENTI2E COMP$NY Something familiar, Something pec liar, Something for e!er"1o%"# Come%" tonight& Something that.) ga %", Something that.) 1a'%"33 PSEUDOLUS Something for e!er"1a'%"& ENTI2E COMP$NY Come%" tonight& MILES GLO2IOSUS Nothing that.) grim4 DOMIN$ Nothing that.) Gree(4 PSEUDOLUS 5In%icating DOMIN$6# She pla") Me%ea later thi) 'ee(4 ,OMEN St nning ) rpri)e)& MEN C nning %i)g i)e)& $LL H n%re%) of actor) o t of )ight& E22ONIUS Pantaloon) an% t nic)& SENE7 Co rte)an) an% e n ch)& HE2O / neral) an% cha)e)& LYCUS +aritone) an% 1a))e)& PHILI$ Pan%erer)& HE2O Philan%erer)& HYSTE2IUM C pi%it"& MILES Timi%it"&

LYCUS Mi)ta(e)& E22ONIUS /a(e)& DOMIN$ 2h"me)& PHILI$ Crime)& PSEUDOLUS T m1ler)& Gr m1ler)& + m1ler)& / m1ler)& $LL No ro"al c r)e, no Tro-an hor)e, $n% a happ" en%ing, of co r)e& Goo%ne)) an% 1a%ne)), Panic i) ma%ne))33 Thi) time it all t rn) o t all right& Trage%" tomorro', Come%" tonight&

LO8E, I HE$2

HE2O No' that 'e.re alone, ma" I tell "o # I.!e 1een feeling !er" )trange4 Either )omething.) in the air, or el)e a change I) happening in me4 I thin( I (no' the ca )e33 I.m ) re I (no' the ca )e33 /rom e!er"thing I.!e hear%, there.) onl" one ca )e it can 1e4 Lo!e, I hear, ma(e) "o )igh a lot, $l)o, lo!e, I hear, ma(e) "o 'ea(4 Lo!e, I hear, ma(e) "o 1l )h an% t rn) "o a)hen, Yo tr" to )pea( 'ith pa))ion $n% )9 ea(, I hear4 Lo!e, the" )a", Ma(e) "o pine a'a", + t "o pine a'a" 'ith an i%iotic grin4 I pine, I 1l )h, I )9 ea(, I )9 a'(, To%a" I 'o(e too 'ea( to 'al(4 ,hat.) lo!e, I hear, I feel, I fear I.m in4 $hh444 See 'hat I mean: Da %a %a %a %a %a % m444

I h m a lot too4 I.m %a0e% I.m pale, I.m )ic(, I.m )ore, I.!e ne!er felt )o 'ell 1efore& ,hat.) lo!e, I hear, I feel, I fear, I (no' I am33 I.m ) re33I mean33 I hope33I tr )t33 I pra" I m )t +e in& /orgi!e me if I )ho t, /orgi!e me if I cro'4 I.!e onl" - )t fo n% o t, $n%33'ell, I tho ght "o o ght to (no'4


PSEUDOLUS Oh, 'hat a 'or%& Oh, 'hat a 'or%& Sa" it again4 HE2O /ree& PSEUDOLUS I often tho ght, I often %reame% ho' it 'o l% 1e33 $n% "et I ne!er tho ght I.% 1e33 Once again4 HE2O /ree& PSEUDOLUS + t 'hen "o come to thin( of ) ch thing), $ man )ho l% ha!e the right) that all other)33 Can "o imagine 'hat it 'ill 1e li(e 'hen I am33 Can "o )ee me: Can "o )ee me a) a 2oman 'ith m" hea% n1o'e%: Sing it goo% an% lo %& HE2O /ree& PSEUDOLUS Li(e a 2oman ha!ing right) an% li(e a 2oman pro %: Can "o )ee me: HE2O I can )ee "o 4 PSEUDOLUS Can "o )ee me, a reformer fighting graft an% !ice: Sing it )oft an% nice& HE2O

/ree& PSEUDOLUS ,h", I.ll 1e )o con)ciencio ) that I ma" !ote t'ice& Can "o )ee me: Can "o )ee me: ,hen I.m free to 1e 'hate!er I 'ant to 1e, Thin( 'hat 'on%er) I.ll accompli)h then& ,hen the ma)ter that I )er!e i) me an% - )t me33 Can "o )ee me 1eing e9 al 'ith m" co ntr"men: Can "o )ee me 1eing P)e %ol ) the citi0en: Can "o )ee me 1eing33gi!e it to me once again33 HE2O /ree& PSEUDOLUS Ye)& HE2O /ree& PSEUDOLUS That.) it& HE2O /ree& PSEUDOLUS No', not )o fa)t& I %i%n.t thin(33 The 'a" I am, I ha!e a roof, three meal) a %a", $n% I %on.t ha!e to pa" a thing4 I.m - )t a )la!e an% e!er"thing.) free4 If I 'ere free, then nothing 'o l% 1e free& $n% if I.m 1eaten no' an% then, 'hat %oe) it matter: HE2O /ree& PSEUDOLUS Can "o )ee me: Can "o )ee me a) a poet 'riting poetr": $ll m" !er)e 'ill 1e33 HE2O /ree4 PSEUDOLUS $ m )e m 'ill ha!e me pic(le% for po)terit"4 Can "o )ee me: HE2O I can )ee "o 4 PSEUDOLUS Can "o )ee me a) a lo!er, one of great reno'n: ,omen falling %o'n33

HE2O /ree: PSEUDOLUS No4 + t I.ll 1 " the ho )e of L"c ) for m" ho )e in to'n4 Can "o )ee me: Can "o )ee me: +e "o an"thing from (ing to 1a(er of ca(e), Yo .re a !egeta1le nle)) "o .re free4 S ch a little 'or%, 1 t oh, the %ifference it ma(e)& It.) the nece))ar" e))ence of %emocrac", It.) the thing that e!er" )la!e )ho l% ha!e the right to 1e, $n% I )oon 'ill ha!e the right to 1 " a )la!e for me4 Can "o )ee him: ,ell, I.ll free him& ,hen a P)e %ol ) can mo!e, the ni!er)e )ha(e), + t I.ll ne!er mo!e ntil I.m free4 S ch a little 'or%, 1 t oh, the %ifference it ma(e)& I.ll 1e P)e %ol ), the fo n%er of a famil", I.ll 1e P)e %ol ), the pillar of )ociet", I.ll 1e P)e %ol ) the man, if I can onl" 1e33 HE2O /ree& PSEUDOLUS Sing it& HE2O /ree& PSEUDOLUS Spell it& HE2O /3r3 %o 1le33 PSEUDOLUS No, the long 'a"& HE2O /3r3e3e& PSEUDOLUS $ND HE2O /ree&


PHILI$ I.m lo!el", $ll I am i) lo!el"4 Lo!el" i) the one thing I can %o4 ,in)ome, ,hat I am i) 'in)ome,

2a%iant a) in )ome Dream come tr e4 Oh, I)n.t it a )hame: I can neither )e' Nor coo( nor rea% or 'rite m" name4 + t I.m happ" Merel" 1eing lo!el", /or it.) one thing I can gi!e to "o 4 HE2O Yo .re lo!el", $1)ol tel" lo!el"4 ,ho.% 1elie!e the lo!eline)) of "o : ,in)ome, S'eet an% 'arm an% 'in)ome, 2a%iant a) in )ome Dream come tr e4 No' 8en ) 'o l% )eem tame, Helen an% her tho 33 San% )hip) 'o l% ha!e to %ie of )hame4 HE2O ; PHILI$ $n% I.m happ", Happ" that "o .re<I.m lo!el", /or there.) one thing lo!eline)) can %o It.) a gift for me to )hare 'ith "o &


PSEUDOLUS In the Ti1er there )it) a 1oat, Gentl" %ipping it) 1o', Trim an% ti%" an% 1 ilt to float4 Prett" little pict re: No'# P t a 1o" on the )tar1oar% )i%e, Leaning o t of the rail4 Ne=t to him p t a 1l )hing 1ri%e, Slim an% )len%er an% )tarr"3e"e%, Do'n 1elo' p t a tin" 1e%4 The ) n get) pale, The )ea get) re%, $n% off the" )ail On the fir)t high ti%e# The 1oat an% the 1e% an% the 1o" an% the 1ri%e4 It.) a prett" little pict re, oh m"& Prett" little pict re, ho' tr e& Prett" little pict re, 'hich I, P)e %ol3i%%le3 ), gi!e to "o & /eel the roll of the pla"f l 'a!e), See the )ail) a) the" )'ell, Hear the 'hip) on the galle"3)la!e)4 PSEUDOLUS, HE2O ; PHILI$ Prett" little pict re:

PSEUDOLUS ,ell# Let it carr" "o r care) a'a", O t of )ight, o t of min%, Pa)t the 1 o" an% thro gh the 1a", Soon there.) nothing 1 t )ea an% )pra"4 Night %e)cen%) an% the moon.) aglo'33 Yo r arm) ent'ine%, Yo )teal 1elo', $n% far 1ehin%, $t the e%ge of %a", The 1ong of the 1ell of the 1 o" in the 1a", $n% the 1o" an% the 1ri%e an% the 1oat are a'a"4 HE2O ; PHILI$ It.) a prett" little pict re to )hare $) o r little 1oat )ail) to )ea4 PSEUDOLUS Ta(e "o r little trip free a) air33 Ha!e a little free%om on me& HE2O ; PHILI$ No 'orrie), no 1other), No captain), no father)444 PSEUDOLUS In the ocean an i)lan% 'ait), Smooth an% )an%" an% pin(, /ille% 'ith lemon) an% n t) an% %ate)4 PSEUDOLUS, HE2O ; PHILI$ Prett" little pict re: PSEUDOLUS Thin(# In a cottage of c"pre)) tree), Sea)hell) %otting the %oor, +o" an% 1ri%e li!e a life of ea)e33 PSEUDOLUS, HE2O ; PHILI$ Doing nothing 1 t 'hat the" plea)e4 PSEUDOLUS $n% e!er" night 'hen the )tar) appear, There.) nothing more To )ee an% hear, > )t the )hore ,here the lo!er) lie33 HE2O ; PHILI$ The )an% an% the )ea an% the )tar) an% the )("33 PSEUDOLUS $n% the )o n% of a )oft little )ati)fie% )igh4 PSEUDOLUS, HE2O ; PHILI$ $ll "o r<o r pett" little pro1lem) 'ill cea)e, $n% "o r<o r little 1le))ing) 'ill flo',

$n% "o r<o r little famil" increa)e33 Prett" little pict re: PSEUDOLUS No, no& PSEUDOLUS, HE2O ; PHILI$ Prett" little ma)terpiece& Prett" little pict re444


SENE7 E!er"1o%" o ght to ha!e a mai%, E!er"1o%" o ght to ha!e a 'or(ing girl, E!er"1o%" o ght to ha!e a l r(ing girl To p tter aro n% the ho )e4 E!er"1o%" o ght to ha!e a mai%, E!er"1o%" o ght to ha!e a menial Con)i)tantl" congenial $n% 9 ieter than a mo )e4 Oh, oh, 'o l%n.t )he 1e %elicio ), Ti%"ing p the %i)he), Neat a) a pin4 Oh, oh, 'o l%n.t )he 1e %elightf l, S'eeping o t, Sleeping in4 E!er"1o%" o ght to ha!e a mai%, Someone 'ho "o hire 'hen "o .re )hort of help To offer "o the )ort of help Yo ne!er get from a )po )e# /l ttering p the )tair'a", Sh ttering p the 'in%o'), Cl ttering p the 1e%room, + ttering p the ma)ter, P ttering all aro n% the ho )e& Oh, oh, 'o l%n.t )he 1e %elicio ), Ti%"ing p the %i)he), Neat a) a pin4 Oh, oh, 'o l%n.t )he 1e %elightf l, S'eeping o t, Sleeping in4 E!er"1o%" o ght to ha!e a mai%, Someone 'ho in fetching "o "o r )lipper 'ill +e 'in)ome a) a 'hippor'ill $n% gracef l a) a gro )e# S(ittering %o'n the hall'a", /littering thro gh the parlor, Tittering in the pantr", Littering p the 1e%room33 SENE7 ; PSEUDOLUS T'ittering all aro n% the ho )e&

HYSTE2IUM $ mai%: SENE7 $ mai%4 PSEUDOLUS $ mai%4 $LL $ mai%& E!er"1o%" o ght to ha!e a mai%, E!er"1o%" o ght to ha!e a )er!ing3girl, $ lo"al an% n)'er!ing girl, To p tter aro n% the ho )e4 Oh, oh, HYSTE2IUM Thin( of her at the % )t1in, .Speciall" 'hen )he.) - )t 1een Traip)ing a1o t4 $LL Oh, oh, 'o l%n.t )he 1e %elightf l, HYSTE2IUM Li!ing in, SENE7 Gi!ing o t4 $LL E!er"1o%" o ght to ha!e a mai%, Daintil" collecting 1it) of paper n. )tring), $ppealing in her apron )tring) $n% gracef l a) a gro )e4 HYSTE2IUM Pattering thro gh the attic, SENE7 Chattering in the cellar, PSEUDOLUS Clattering in the (itchen, SENE7 /lattering in the 1e%room, $LL P ttering all aro n% the ho )e& The ho )e& The ho )e& LYCUS $ mai%: HYSTE2IUM $ mai%4

PSEUDOLUS $ mai%4 SENE7 $ mai%& $LL E!er"1o%" o ght to ha!e a mai%, Someone 'ho.) efficient an% relia1le, O1e%ient an% plia1le, $n% 9 ieter than a mo )e& Oh, oh, 'o l%n.t )he 1e )o nim1le, /i%%ling 'ith her thim1le, Men%ing her go'n4 Oh, oh, 'o l%n.t )he 1e %elightf l, LYCUS Cleaning p, SENE7 Leaning %o'n4 $LL E!er"1o%" o ght to ha!e a mai%, Someone 'ho.ll 1e 1 )" a) a 1 m1le1ee $n% e!en if "o gr m1le, 1e $) gracef l a) a gro )e4 LYCUS ,riggling in the anteroom, HYSTE2IUM >iggling in the %ining room, PSEUDOLUS Giggling in the li!ing room, SENE7 ,iggling in the other room), $LL P ttering all aro n% the ho )e& The ho )e& The ho )e& The ho )e&


HYSTE2IUM I.m calm, I.m calm, I.m perfectl" calm, I.m tterl" n%er control4 I ha!en.t a 'orr"# ,here other) 'o l% h rr" I )troll4 I.m calm,

I.m cool, $ gi11ering fool I) )omething I ne!er 1ecome4 ,hen th n%er i) r m1ling $n% other) are cr m1ling, I h m4 Hm33hmmm33hmmmmm&&&&& HMMMMM&&&& H3M3M3M&&&& I m )t thin( calm comforting thing), + tterfl" 'ing), Emeral% ring), Or a m rm ring 1roo(, M rm ring, m rm ring, m rm ring444loo(, I.m calm, I.m calm, I ha!en.t a 9 alm, I.m tterl" n%er control4 Let nothing conf )e me Or fa0e me33 5"a'n6 33 E=c )e me4 I.m calm4 Oh )o calm4 Oh )o33 PSEUDOLUS ?off)tage@# H")teri m& HYSTE2IUM I.m calm, I.m calm, I.m perfectl" calm, In%ifferent to ten)ion) an% )hoc()4 Unr ffle% an% rea%", M" ner!e) are a) )tea%" $) roc()4 I.m calm, controlle%, So cool that I.m col%, $loofer than an" giraffe4 ,hen )omething.) the matter, ,here other) 'o l% )hatter I la gh4 5La gh) h")tericall"6 I m )t 1reathe %eep, e!er )o %eep, Thin( a1o t )heep Going to )leep, Stop an% co nt p to ten, A3B3C3D3E3F3G3H3I444'hen Yo nee% aplom1 $n% 'ant to 1e calm .Ca )e life i) a horri1le %ream, > )t co nt p to ten 8er" )lo'l", an% then33 PSEUDOLUS ?off)tage@# H")teri m& HYSTE2IUM ?)cream)@


SENE7 ,h" %i% he loo( at her that 'a": HE2O ,h" %i% he loo( at her that 'a": SENE7 ; HE2O M )t 1e m" imagination4 SENE7 She.) a lo!el" 1looming flo'er, he.) - )t a )pro t33 Impo))i1le& HE2O She.) a lo!el" 1looming flo'er, he.) all 'orn o t33 Impo))i1le& SENE7 > )t a fle%geling in the ne)t444 HE2O > )t a man 'ho nee%) a re)t444 SENE7 He.) a 1eami)h 1o" at 1e)t4 HE2O Poor ol% fello'& SENE7 He.) a chil%, an% lo!e.) a te)t he.) too "o ng to pa))33 Impa))i1le& HE2O He ha) a)thma, go t, a 'ife, l m1ago an% ga)33 Ira)ci1le& SENE7 2omping in the n r)er"444 HE2O He loo() tire%444 SENE7 Son, )it on "o r father.) (nee4 HE2O /ather, "o can lean on me4 SENE7 ; HE2O Him: I.m3 Po))i1le& HE2O + t 'h" %i% )he 'a!e at him that 'a":

SENE7 ,h" %i% )he 'a!e at him that 'a": SENE7 ; HE2O Co l% there 1e an e=planation: HE2O ,omen often 'ant a father, )he ma" 'ant mine33 It.) po))i1le& SENE7 He.) a han%)ome la% of t'ent", I.m444thirt"3nine33 It.) po))i1le& HE2O Ol%er men (no' )o m ch more444 SENE7 In a 'a", I.m fort"3fo r444 HE2O Ne=t to him, I.% )eem a 1ore4 SENE7 $ll right, fift"& HE2O Then again, he i) m" father* I o ght to tr )t33 Impo))i1le& SENE7 Then again, 'ith lo!e at m" age, )ometime) it.) - )t Impo))i1le& HE2O ,ith a girl I.m ill at ea)e444 SENE7 I %on.t feel 'ell444 HE2O Sir, a1o t tho)e 1ir%) an% 1ee)33 SENE7 Son, a gla)) of 'ater, plea)e4 SENE7 ; HE2O The )it ation.) fra ght, /ra ghter than I tho ght, ,ith horri1le, impo))i1le, po))i1ilitie)&


SOLDIE2S One, t'o& One, t'o& MILES ,e not onl" fo ght, 1 t 'e 'on, too& SOLDIE2S One, t'o& One, t'o& Left, right& Left, right& MILES There.) none of the enem" left, right: SOLDIE2S 2ight& Left444right444right: Left: MILES Halt& PSEUDOLUS Hail, Mile) Glorio) )4 ,elcome to 2ome4 Yo r 1ri%e a'ait) "o 4 MILES M" 1ri%e444 M" 1ri%e& M" 1ri%e& I.!e come to claim m" 1ri%e, Come ten%erl" to cr )h her again)t m" )i%e4 Let ha)te 1e ma%e& I cannot 1e %ela"e%# There are lan%) to con9 er, citie) to loot an% people) to %egra%e4 SOLDIE2S Loo( at tho)e arm)& Loo( at that che)t& Loo( at them& MILES Not to mention the re)t4 E!en I am impre))e%& M" 1ri%e& M" 1ri%e& Come, 1ring to me m" 1ri%e4 M" l )t for her no longer can 1e %enie%4 Con!e" the ne')& I ha!e no time to lo)e# There are to'n) to pl n%er, temple) to 1 rn an% 'omen to a1 )e4 SOLDIE2S Loo( at that foot& Loo( at that heel& Mar( the magnificent m )cle) of )teel& MILES I am m" i%eal& I, Mile) Glorio) ), I, )la ghterer of tho )an%), I, oppre))or of the mee(,

S 1% er of the 'ea(, Degra%er of the Gree(, De)tro"er of the T r(, M )t h rr" 1ac( to 'or(4 MILES ; 2OM$NS# I<he, Mile) Glorio) ), SOLDIE2S $ man among men& MILES ; 2OM$NS# I<he, paragon of !irt e, SOLDIE2S ,ith )'or% an% 'ith pen& MILES I, in 'ar the mo)t a%mire%, In 'it the mo)t in)pire%, In lo!e the mo)t %e)ire%, In %re)) the 1e)t %i)pla"e%33 I am a para%e& SOLDIE2S Loo( at tho)e e"e), c nning an% (een, Loo( at the )i0e of tho)e thigh), li(e a might" machine& PSEUDOLUS Tho)e are the mightie)t thigh) that I e!er ha!e theen& I mean444 MILES M" 1ri%e& M" 1ri%e& Inform m" l c(" 1ri%e# The fa1le% arm) of Mile) are open 'i%e4 Ma(e ha)te& Ma(e ha)te& I ha!e no time to 'a)te# There are )hrine) I )ho l% 1e )ac(ing, 2i1) I )ho l% 1e crac(ing, E"e) to go ge an% 1oot" to %i!i%e4 +ring me m" 1ri%e&


DOMIN$ /or o!er thirt" "ear) I.!e crie% m")elf to )leep, $))aile% 1" %o 1t) an% fear) So great the go%) them)el!e) 'o l% 'eep4 The moment I am gone, I 'on%er 'here he.ll go4

In all "o r )imple hon3 E)t", "o can.t 1egin to (no'4 Ohhhhh, ohhhhh, ahhhhh444 I 'ant him, I nee% him, ,here i) he: That %irt" ol% man, he.) here )ome'here, Ca!orting 'ith )omeone "o ng an% fair, Di)porting in e!er" )hamele)) 'him4 > )t 'ait till I get m" han%) on him& I.ll hol% him, Enfol% him, ,here i) he: That %irt" ol% man, 'here can he 1e, Profaning m" ho )e for all to )ee, Complaining that he.) mi) n%er)too%, $1 )ing me33if he onl" 'o l%& Oh lo!e, )'eet lo!e, 'h" hi%e: Yo !ermin, "o 'orm, "o !illain& Confe)) an% pre)) "o r 1ri%e4 ,here!er he i), I (no' he.) )till an $ngel, M" angel, ,here i) he: That %irt" ol% man %i!ine& I loathe him, I lo!e him, That lechero ), le'%, laci!io ), loath)ome, l"ing, la0" Dirt" ol% man of mine&


PHILI$ Let the Captain 'e% me an% 'oo me, I 'ill pla" m" part4 Let him ma(e hi) ma% pa))ion to me, Yo 'ill ha!e m" heart4 He can ha!e the 1o%" he pai% for, Nothing 1 t the 1o%" he pai% for4 ,hen he ha) the 1o%" he pai% for, O r re!enge 'ill )tart& ,hen I (i)) him, I.ll 1e (i))ing "o 4 So I.ll (i)) him morning an% night33 That.ll )ho' him& ,hen I hol% him, I.ll 1e hol%ing "o 4 So I.ll hol% him ten time) a) tight33 That.ll )ho' him too& I )hall coo $n% ten%erl" )tro(e hi) hair, ,i)h that "o ,ere there4 Yo .% en-o" it&

,hen it.) e!ening, an% 'e.re in o r tent for t'o, I.ll )it on hi) (nee, Get to (no' him Intimatel", That.ll )ho' him Ho' m ch I reall" lo!e "o &


PSEUDOLUS Yo .re lo!el", $1)ol tel" lo!el"4 ,ho.% 1elie!e the lo!eline)) of "o : Perfect, S'eet an% 'arm an% 'in)ome, 2a%iant a) in )ome Dream come tr e4 No' 8en ) 'o l% )eem tame, Helen an% her tho 3 San% )hip) 'o l% ha!e to %ie of )hame4 Yo .re )o lo!el", /righteningl" lo!el", That the 'orl% 'ill ne!er )eem the )ame4


MILES So n% the fl te, +lo' the horn, Pl c( the l te, /or'ar%, mo rn& MOU2NE2S $hh444ahhh444ahhhh444 MILES $h& MOU2NE2S $h& MILES $ll Crete 'a) at her feet, $ll Thrace 'a) in her thrall, $ll Sparta lo!e% her )'eetne)), an% Ga l33 PSEUDOLUS $n% Spain33 MILES $n% Greece33

PSEUDOLUS $n% Eg"pt33 MILES $n% S"ria33 PSEUDOLUS $n% Me)opotamia33 MOU2NE2S $ll Crete 'a) at her feet, $ll Thrace 'a) in her thrall, Oh, 'h" )ho l% ) ch a 1lo))om fall: MILES Spea( the )pell), Str m the l"re, Toll the 1ell), Light the p"re4 MOU2NE2S $hh444ahhh444ahhhh444 MILES $ll Crete 'a) at her feet, + t I )hall 'eep no more4 I.ll fin% m" con)olation a) 1efore, $mong the )imple plea) re) of 'ar&


PSEUDOLUS Lo!er) %i!i%e% Get co3inci%e%4 Something for e!er"one33 HE2O ; PHILI$ $ come%" tonight& PSEUDOLUS /ather an% mother Get one another4 DOMIN$ Something for e!er"one33 SENE7 $ trage%" tonight& MILES I get the t'in), the" get the 1e)t4 E22ONIUS I get a famil"4 HYSTE2IUM

I get a re)t4 SOLDIE2S ,e get a fe' girl)4 LYCUS I get )ome ne' girl)4 PSEUDOLUS I get the thing I 'ant to 1e# /ree& $LL /ree& /ree& /ree& /ree& /ree& Nothing for (ing), nothing for cro'n)4 +ring on the lo!er), liar) an% clo'n)& ,hat i) the moral: M )t 1e a moral4 Here i) the moral, 'rong or right# PSEUDOLUS Moral) tomorro'& $LL Come%", come%", come%", come%", Come%", come%", come%", come%" tonight&

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