Tuition Fee Refund and Liability Reduction Application Form: Mycampus-Fees@Glasgow - Ac.Uk

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%uition )ee Refund and Lia-i&ity Redu!tion App&i!

ation )orm
GENERAL GUIDANCE This form should only be completed by students wishing to request a tuition fee refund or reduction in tuition fee liability in cases where unforeseen and exceptional circumstances prevented them from studying. It should not be used to request tuition fee refunds or reduction in tuition fee liability in the following instances: Overpayment: Contact Accounts Receivable Team directly email !yCampus"$ %quote your &'I( in your e"mail)

SLC/SAAS funding / private sponsors ip !onfirmed after payment made: Contact Accounts Receivable Team directly email [email protected] %quote your &'I( in your e"mail)

Requests for tuition fee refunds and*or reductions in tuition fee liability can ta$e up to si" #ee$s to be processed and possibly longer during pea$ periods. +ollowing submission of your request you should not pursue the progress of your request within this period unless you have further evidence to submit. Any other correspondence will slow the process. INS%RUC%IONS All sections must be completed in full. If any sections have not been completed your request will not be considered. The form must be completed by the student concerned. ,e will not accept forms completed by a third party. -efore filling in this form it is essential that you read the .Refund /olicy0 which can be downloaded from http:**$*scholarships*fees*refund* (etails of where to submit completed applications can be found on page 1 of this form.

Se!tion +: ,ersona& Detai&s

&'I( 2umber: +amily name: &iven name: Current contact address: %including postcode) Contact e"mail: * Please ensure this email address is correct and up to date, as the majority of correspondence will be sent via email.

Staff Use On&y: Date re!eived ''''''''( )orm !omp&ete *es No

A!$no#&edged '''''''(

Tuition fee refund application (revised 21/ !/2 12"

#age 1 of $

Se!tion .: A-out *our Course

.(+ Course Detai&s: Academic year to which request relates %e.g. 3455*53): 2ame of course: .(. /it dra#a&: 6ave you formally withdrawn from your course7 8es 2o

App&i!ations #i&& on&y -e !onsidered # ere forma& #it dra#a& pro!edures ave -een !omp&eted(

Se!tion 0: Detai&s of your re1uest

0(+ Reason for Re1uest: ,&ease note t at a!ademi! fai&ure or fai&ure to re!eive funding from a sponsor or a student &oan or grant is not !onsidered to -e an e"!eptiona& !ir!umstan!e2 as ea! student a!!epts fu&& &ia-i&ity for t e !ourse fees at registration( %uition fee redu!tion re1uests #i&& not -e !onsidered in t ese instan!es( 3edi!a& 9vidence required: !edical Certificate or letter from doctor*medical professional 4ereavement 9vidence required: (eath certificate plus evidence of your relationship to the deceased Student 5isa Refusa& 9vidence required: Copy of letter from ':-A confirming visa refusal Ot er /lease provide brief details and supporting evidence.

0(. Supporting Eviden!e: 9vidence attached to form7 8es 2o %/lease only submit copies as original documents cannot be returned) /lease provide details of evidence attached:


Tuition fee refund application (revised 21/ !/2 12"

#age 2 of $

Se!tion 8: ,ersona& Statement

Tuition fee refunds and reductions in tuition fee liability will only be considered in cases of unforeseen exceptional circumstances. In the space below please provide a statement detailing the exceptional circumstances that preceded your request. I) *OU DO NO% INCLUDE A ,ERSONAL S%A%E3EN% *OUR RE6UES% /ILL 4E NO% 4E CONSIDERED

* Additional pages can be attached to this form. Please indicate in the space above if you have done this.

Tuition fee refund application (revised 21/ !/2 12"

#age % of $

Se!tion 9: De!&aration
8;'R A//?ICATI;2 +;R A T'ITI;2 +99 R9+'2( ;R R9('CTI;2 I2 T'ITI;2 +99 ?IA-I?IT8 ,I?? 2;T -9 C;2<I(9R9( '2?9<< 8;' <I&2 A2( (AT9 T6I< (9C?ARATI;2 I confirm that to the best of my $nowledge and belief the information I have given on this form is true and complete and I understand that if I have given false information my request will not be considered. I confirm that I have read and understood the .Tuition +ee Refund and +ee ,aiver &uidelines0 of the 'niversity of &lasgow and I am aware that any tuition fee refund or reduction in tuition fee liability is entirely at the discretion of the (irector of Registry or nominee. I understand that my application will only be considered once I have completed 'niversity of &lasgow withdrawal procedures. I understand that failure to complete the form in full will result in my request not being considered.

8our full name: %in -?;C: CA/ITA?<) 8our <ignature: (ate:

/ ere to su-mit t is form

;nce completed this form can be submitted in the following ways: In person to the <tudent <ervices 9nquiry Team located in the +raser -uilding <ent as an attachment by email to [email protected] /osted to the following address: Refund Applications Registry +raser -uilding 'niversity of &lasgow &lasgow &53 =>>

C e!$&ist
-efore submitting this form use the chec$list below to ensure that you have fulfilled all the requirements.

Tuition fee refund application (revised 21/ !/2 12"

#age & of $

Incomplete application forms will not be considered and you will need to complete a new form if you wish to apply again. 7ave you !omp&eted a&& se!tions of t e app&i!ation form: <ection 5: /ersonal (etails <ection 3: About 8our Course Completed Completed

<ection @: (etails of 8our Request Completed <ection 1: /ersonal <tatement <ection A: (eclaration <upporting evidence included Completed Completed

Tuition fee refund application (revised 21/ !/2 12"

#age $ of $

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