SSSA members are researchers, educators, extension agents, consultants and industry advisers. Our members, along with practicing Certified Professional Soil Scientists (CPSSc) and Certified Professional Soil Classifiers (CPSC), advise Environmental & Human Health land managers in decisions that meet our nations Industrial, household, and non-point source pollution jeopardizes the health of the environment modern agricultural, water and humans. Over the past several decades, soil quality, land management, scientists have identified new practices which limit and environmental the mobility of contaminants and rehabilitate challenges. SSSA members polluted land. As a result, land managers now have access to new, innovative soil management educate, train, and mentor strategies that can mitigate soil, water, and air the future workforce of pollution, while also enhancing ecosystem scientists, science performance. educators, and extension Fo o d S e c u r i t y agents to ensure the We must develop new technologies and techniques availability of expertise in to produce more feed, fiber, food and fuel with soil science for less less land, less water, less energy, sustainable and fewer nutrient inputs. Achieving this will require improved crops agricultural To Forget how to and novel soil management production, Tend the Soils is to strategies that can only be natural accomplished through Forget Ourselves resource investment in interdisciplinary - Mahatma Gandi research and development. management, and environmental protection.
Advances in watershed, natural resource, and environmental sciences have shown that soil is the foundation of basic ecosystem function. Soil filters our water, provides essential nutrients to our forests and crops, and helps regulate the Earth's temperature as well as many of the important greenhouse gases. As our awareness of the value of natural and managed ecosystems services grows, new biodiversity, carbon, and water markets are emerging, such as the Chicago Climate Exchange, and the nutrient trading programs under the new Executive Order on the Protection and Restoration of the Chesapeake Bay. These markets place an economic value on management practices which increase those ecosystem services, producing goods that enhance human and environmental health.
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Karl M. Glasener
Director of Science Policy
Wetlands deliver a wide range of ecosystem services that contribute to human well-being, such as fish and fiber, water supply, water purification, climate regulation, flood regulation, coastal protection, recreational opportunities, and, increasingly, tourism. Despite these important benefits, the degradation and loss of wetlands is more rapid than that of other ecosystems. Through natural processes, such as soil adsorption, chemical filtration and nutrient cycling, the Catskill Watershed provides New York City with clean water at a cost of $1-1.5 billion, much less than the $6-8 billion one-time cost of constructing a water filtration plant plus the $300 million estimated annual operations and maintenance cost. U.S. agriculture produces about 500 million tons of crop residue annually, most of which contributes to maintaining soil organic matter. Plans to use crop residues for bioenergy production could deprive agroecosystems of important inputs for future soil productivity, potentially upsetting existing agroecosystem balances. Arsenic from smelter emissions and pesticide residues binds strongly to soil and will likely remain near the surface for hundreds of years as a long-term source of exposure. Archaeologists have determined that the demise of many sophisticated civilizations, such as the Mayans of Central America and the Harappan of India, resulted directly from the mismanagement of their soils. Covering just 6% of Earth's land surface, wetlands (including marshes, peat bogs, swamps, river deltas, mangroves, tundra, lagoons and river floodplains) currently store up to 20% (850 billion tons) of terrestrial carbon, a CO2 equivalent comparable to the carbon content of today's atmosphere.
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Water Climate
Soil Trivia
Did you know that there are more living individual organisms in a tablespoon of soil than there are people on the earth? Did you know that almost all of the antibiotics we take to help us fight infections were obtained from soil microorganisms? Did you know that agriculture is the only essential industry on earth? Did you know that soil is a nonrenewable natural resource?
Did you know that the best china dishes are made from soil? Did you know that about 70% of the weight of a text book or glossy paged magazine is soil? Did you know that putting clay on your face in the form of a "mud mask" is done to cleanse the pores in the skin?
Human Health Pollutants