Portal BCP Monitoring Framework
Portal BCP Monitoring Framework
Portal BCP Monitoring Framework
Purpose: This document elucidates the existing BCP monitoring framework on the Portal and specifies instructions to add a new database to the same. The Portal has three sections for monitoring: 1) BCP Lag 2) BCP Parameter comparison 3) Host Hugepages & Memory comparison BCP Parameter comparison: ======================= The Script is intended to compare database level parameters on Primary and the BCP. Portal Front end: http://dba.yahoo.com/monitoring/BCP/.directoryinfo.php?main=7&sub=11 Main script: /home/oracle/scripts/arpank/bcp_comparison/sched_job_comparison.sh Hostname: sp1-portaldb-001.ysm.corp.sp1.yahoo.com Steps to add a new database for parameter comparison: 1) Add the database name to the DB dropdown list on the portal The DB drop down on the portal is populated from the table bcp.bcp_gap_history_tbl on spemcorp1 (sp1-emgcmmedb-001.ysm.corp.sp1.yahoo.com). To add a new database, please ensure that the DB is a part of the unified BCP gap monitoring, only after which the other two parts (Parameter comparison and Homepages) would work. New DB addition for BCP Monitoring on sp1-emgcmmedb-001.ysm.corp.sp1.yahoo.com Add the TNS info of the Primary & the BCP: /home/oracle/vincentj/shell/new_db_list_combined.lst Add the TNS alias of the Primary & the BCP: /home/oracle/vincentj/shell/tnsnames.ora Please contact Vishal/Arpan for any issues setting up the BCP gap monitoring.
2) Add TNS of the Primary & the BCP to $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora in the following format: ## IUSREUP_CH1_PR = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = user1.it.ch1.yahoo.com)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = IUSREUP) (INSTANCE_NAME = IUSREUP))) # IUSREUP_CH1_ST = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = user1.it.ird.yahoo.com)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA =(SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = BCP1_IRD_IUSREUP))) ## To test the functionality individually, run the following script on sp1-portaldb001.ysm.corp.sp1.yahoo.com: /home/oracle/scripts/arpank/bcp_comparison/bcp_comparison_main.sh <New_DB_Name> 3) Add the DB_Name to the database list: /home/oracle/scripts/arpank/bcp_comparison/sched_job_db_list.lst and /home/oracle/scripts/arpank/bcp_comparison/db_names.log Hugepages and Memory Info: ======================== The script is intended to compare the Hugepages and Server Memory on the Primary and its corresponding BCP. Portal Front end: http://dba.yahoo.com/monitoring/BCP/.directoryinfo.php?main=7&sub=11 Main Script : /home/oracle/arpank/memoryinfo/Hugepages_Meminfo_Portal.sh
Steps to add a new database for Hugepages/Memory info comparison: 1) Add the Primary hostname & the BCP hostname to BCP.HUGEPAGE_INFO table. Hostname: on sp1-emgcmmedb-001.ysm.corp.sp1.yahoo.com DB_Name: SPEMCORP1