Rio de Janeiro Guide

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Rio de Janeiro Guide Surrounded by the deep blue of the Atlantic Ocean and a deep green on cone-shaped granite

mountains, this is hardly an exaggeration, and definitely worth a visit. Already the discoverer of the January river were the literal translation inspired by the beauty of the Bay of io de Janeiro. !he "ortuguese discovered the Guanabara Bay in #$%% and built it out to the most important commercial center of Bra&il. coffee and especially gold from the nearby region of 'inas (erais made at the time the attraction.Beaches of )opacabana want to en*oy or +panema sun and sea, want to indulge in the culinary delights of the city or wish to en*oy simply with a rich range of cultural attractions all this offers a pac,age tour to io de Janeiro-s not forget the io )arnival. Activities +n io de Janeiro beach-lovers are not forgotten. Some of the most beautiful beaches in the world can be found here. !he most famous among them is the )opacabana. !he /,m long crescent shaped sandy beach is also ,nown as "rince Sinha do 'ar 01Small Sea "rincess2. Besides the Copacabana probably the most important beach is Ipanema. !he combination of stunning beach and pleasant city district is unparalleled. After a leisurely vacation on the beach you have in io, the spoiled for choice of where to do first the nightlife itself. 'any cafes, bars, nightclubs, pubs and beer halls offer many alternatives thus are not the deals exhausted. 3ot to be missed is io de Janeiro-s uni4ue cuisine, it is a combination of the influences of various peoples, that have shaped the city over time. Attractions 5irst of all, here is probably the landmar, number # to call the city. "6o de A78car 1Sugarbread2 the locals, better ,nown to call him well as the Sugar Loaf. As a 9:/m high granite bloc, he stands out from the waters of the (uanabara Bay. +f you want to en*oy the breathta,ing views, is offering a tour with two cable cars up to the summit at. ;ou can then en*oy the views over the city highly recommended especially at sunset. (od created the world in seven days, but on the eighth day he devoted himself entirely alone io de Janeiro, the city-s residents say. Once been on the )orcovado can only confirm this. !he blessing her arms spreading Christ statue <%/m high. Also here can be reached by a funicular railway or you can hire cars online many carrental service provides best deals here, as ,nown for tourist city,you can check rates on ebsite reagarding deals and highway access is also possible. =efinitely worth seeing is the "aco +mperial, originally built in #</9 as governor residence, he later served the "ortuguese royal family as a shelter while fleeing from 3apoleon. !oday, exhibitions and concerts are predominantly but instead. !rave" time !han,s to its tropical climate prevailing in io almost uniformly high temperatures. "recipitation falls while most between =ecember to April. +f you want to avoid this, it is best to ta,e the rest of the year as the best time for a holiday trip to the eye. !raffic io de Janeiro has several public transport such as metro, bus and tram. >ven with the car you are ma,ing good progress. !he larger cities of Bra&il are lin,ed by bus or train routes. One convenient travel between the cities of Bra&il thus is also nothing in the way.

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