Sahanivasa NREGA Proposal

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Promote the livelihood Rights Through REGS (Rural Employment Guarantee scheme):

Duration: Three

years from the date of sanction, however only first year project Budget is projected in the project.

Geographical Area:
To Promote the Lively hood Rights of Dalit Bahujans Agricultural Workers in three Mandals of chittoor district by successful implementation of REGS (Rural Employment Guarantee Schemes )of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005 G.D. Nellore Gudipala and S.R. Puram Mandals Objectives of the project: 1. Stop the Child labour and dropouts in the school utilizing REGS for 100 days by the rural poor landless workers. 2. To enhance livelihood security of landless unemployed rural workers and their family members. 3. To convert uncultivable lands of Rural poor in to cultivable productive assets of the rural poor through the better implementation of employment guarantee schemes. 4. Enhance the capacities of the rural workers to make use of right to information act and EGA to work towards transparent and corruption free societies. 5. Develop leadership skills among the youth to involve in better implementation of REGS. 6. To build the collective skills of protest and dissent from among the agricultural workers and dalits of local area against the corruption nonimplementation programmes.

STRATAGIES: 1. Take up the REGS in campaign more to stop the child labour 2. Strengthen the Agricultural Workers Unions for better implementation of REGS 3. Work very closely with panchayats and Government Officials. 4. Co-ordinate between government and NGOs to maintain the REGS program in transparent manner.


Andhra Pradesh Vyavasaya Vruthidarula Union-APVVU is one of the few organizations long time demand for employment guarantee act is actualized as The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act -2005 (NREGA). Ever since Andhra Pradesh Vyavasaya Vruthidarula Union-APVVU has started releasing the bonded labour and demand for minimum wages in late 80s, the wider level demand has been the EGA. Some of the milestones of two decades journey of the campaign for EGA are; Submitted ten million signatures to Dr.Kumud Bhen Joshi, the then Governor of A.P., in 1989. District wide and statewide rallies, consultations and protest programs for half decade. Submitted series of memorandums in the Public Hearings organized by Second Labour Commission in 2003, demanding Employment Guarantee Act. Organized State level consultations and National level collective mass campaigns all through the years by lobby with the MLAs and MPs Negotiated with Congress the then opposition parties and communists to include the EGA in their election manifesto in 2005. Advocacy and lobby with legislatures and parliamentarians to include EGA Common Minimum Programme of the present UPA Government Conducted series of programs and demonstrations in front of State Assemblies and Parliament while the sessions was going on.

SAHANIVASA is of the organizations strongly supported and promoted APVVU process in Andhra Pradesh, when it is realized that NGOs has limitations to take up genuine rural poor problems in Rights based approach.

In mid 80s Sahanivasa has emerged as an NGO to release the rehabilitate bonded labourers. Though the release of bonded labour is sanctioned by the law, it is very difficult to handle as an NGO, since the same powerful landed lobby are in power to violate the law. So in order to take up as peoples response to the bonded labour situation, we had to promote civil society organisations not only in Chittoor region where SAHANIVASA works and also all over Andhra Pradesh. The civil society organisations were consciously promoted and converted as registered Agricultural Workers Unions. SAHANIVASA has played key role in strengthening the State level federation of Agricultural workers as APVVU, by deputing Mr. P. Chennaiah, the founder Secretary of SAHANIVASA to work full time for the APVVU process through out the state.

The context of NREGAThe UPA Government has come out with the Act in the context of agricultural economy is in big Crisis where the agriculture is not in position to absorb any employment beyond 70 days in a year. The cumulative impact of 9 years drought led to migration of vast majority rural workers. Migration from rural area means displacement from their homelands, traditions and cultures, which are equally important for rural people to survive as a community. The community living has been in disturbance due to wide spread unrest, hunger deaths of old people, frustrations, hungry situations prevailing in Rural workers families. It is in this situation, EGA is perceived as a tool to be applied to protect the rural mass from the hunger and displacement. Despite of its limitations hundred days employment in a year and applicable only for 200 districts this act has to be properly implemented to achieve the objective of providing the employments for the most needy. The government of India has allocated Rs. 140,000 millions during this year budget to meet the employment requirements of workers of hundred days in 200 districts. The other important aspect of this act is that the employment for rural workers has to be provided by the government at the walk able distance of their habitation. By any reason if the Government is failed to provide the employment, the workers are eligible for the compensation. of 25% to 45% of minimum wages per day Further they are allowed to work to improve the rural infrastructures that include developing the uncultivated lands of the poor families. The National minimum wage is fixed as Rs. 80, which is almost three times more than what they are getting today.


The EGA program is designed in such a way that every registered worker and their group should be provided work within the fifteen days of request. Further the workers should be paid the wages on weekly basis where lot of money in flow and transaction take place. Though the government has taken all necessary steps to reach the amount to the actual beneficiary, the state cannot be free from highly experienced corrupt bureaucrats and the political Maphia loot the resources to diffuse the Act,. Therefore the need of the hour is to ensure that every single rupee allocated by the government to reach the genuine to rural worker. This will be possible only by way of ensuring the peoples participation with all the knowledge and systems, rules and regulations about the NREGA. So that people will be able to collectively demand their due share without bending for bribe. The unions only can provide confidence in the capacity of peoples power to withstand the threats of Western interest groups.

PRESENT STATUS: The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act is in force from January -2006 onwards. This act provide scope for every state Government to provide EGS for rural workers with in the six months period of the enforcement, in other words from the first of July onwards every state has to provide employment for the rural workers. So for role of SAHANIVASA & APVVU has already involved and influencing the government and also participate in the planning process. Therefore the need of the hour is to participate at gross root level to sensitized and organize the masses and also coordinate with the state authorities to maintain transparency and accountability of the implementation, then only the fruits of the Act will reach the needy.
So for the role of APVVU has been:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

8.25 lakh workers are enrolled for got job cards in 180 mandals of 8 districts where we have base out of 13 districts. District secretaries of APVVU have undergone Trainers training program engaged by the government. The Trained leaders are listed as State Monitoring committee of EGA The Unions have been identifying the works and put up the application for employment and many works has been in force. SAHANIVASA has already enrolled 2,750 workers in 3 mandals for REGS and obtained job cards for the workers.

PROPOSED ACTIVITIES: To actualize the objectives and strategies into practice we plan the following immediate activities

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Education and building peoples advocacy Building linkages between the people NGOs and the officials Capacity building for the youth alternative leaders Education through cultural actions. Strengthen the village level associations. Translate the Act into Telugu and distributed the booklets widely Propagate about the act through educative pamphlets. Develop women associations Develop norms, in the collective actions Promote monitoring committee and strengthen the activities Identify the works in each village level and put up the applications with the government Public hearings at mandal level Social audit Activate the gram Panchayat

1. Education and building peoples advocacy:

EGA program is planned to provide 100 days employment for the most marginalized groups in rural areas. These are the people do not have much literacy background and their resources can be easily manipulated by the officials. This is the program can be successful if the needy are full aware of the provisions and also the procedures of the Act. Further their participation at all levels will ensure the end of corruption. Therefore the real needy people are to be united as pressure group to implement the program. The main core of the activities are : Translate the Act into Telugu and bring out the booklets to distribute widely among the rural youth activists. Bring out the brief pamphlets on the rules and regulations to be followed on EGA schemes. Conduct village wise caravan /campaign in each mandal once in every 6 months to build confidence and to raise their voice against the bureaucrats non Cooperation, corruption and any discrepancies in implementing EGA Conduct a district level training program for 4 days to the selective leaders of different mandals, so that they can be able to train up the youth in the villages to monitor and also implement the EGA.

Propagation through cultural Action:

Majority Labourers for whom the REGS is introduce or illiterates. While the pamphlets and other education material address the literates and youth the education through the cultural action will reach the majority labourers. Rural labour will be informed about the various positive provisions of the act, rules and methods of implementing the REGS through the songs and skits, so that they will be able to understand it well. Youth from the rural area will undergo seven days cultural training,so that they can perform the programmes in villages at night times.

Building linkages among the People, NGOs and the Officials:

EGA is considered as extra work to officials. Hence they do not find time to pursue the matters on EGA. As results the middlemen replace the role of Mandal Development Officer (MDO) and the concern officials. Hence the need is to build the linkages among the people, NGOs and the government officials for proper implementation of the Act. To achieve this, we propose the following activities. Organize District level consultation with NGOs and the government to discuss about the gaps exists in the implementation. Plan for coordinated activity through out the district where People will be reached by way of padha yatra from different corners of the district. Visit the work spots by padha yatris to collect the data on status of each of the work. Take up capacity building programme for yatris before they go for padha yatra on the Act and also its favorable spaces. so that they will communicate better with the people in villages. Final concluding meeting can be organized where the consolidated report can be submitted to the officials to follow up. Media and concern citizens will be encouraged to be part of the process.

Strengthen the Village Level Workers Associations:

The Act provides opportunity for all the registered workers in each village can be formed into groups to apply for specific works. In others words this act provided space for collective work. It is also important to note that the collective work and collective bargaining is always benefit to the people in the manner of getting more work, demanding the wages on time maintain the transparency etc., Hence, there is a great need to strengthen the village level workers associations who in turn will play creative role in successful implementation of the Act. The the emphasis is to see that the workers meet regularly in the village to plan for the work, file the application, follow up with the officials for sanction, implementation, verification and

measurement of the work by official, payment of wages and maintains the records in transparent manner. The Mandal Organiser will follow up all the activities in the mandal as : Develop women workers association is another important activity. Though men and women work collectively in the same work demand the equal wages is an important issue. Secondly, women specific needs at work spots can only be put forward strongly by women when they are in collective. Sexual abuse at work place is an issue everywhere, which will also be, take up by the women task force. Develop separate association for women workers is benefit to the workers Therefore, one of the main focuses of this project is to see that women workers should have their own identity in every village,.

Identify the appropriate works for Employment:

The Act emphasizes to provide hundred days employment for the workers in unseason. The government has listed out 71 types of works under the EGA. Some of the listed are also to develop the infrastructure facilities of the lands of small and marginal farmers of Dalits and Adivasi communities. But the government officials will not give priority to select the works which help the poor people to develop their infrastructure facilities. For example, in a village where there is a possibility for selecting the works for reclamation of degraded lands, construction of field tanks, field bundings the government officials give priority of de-silt of tanks and laying the roads, This way they avoid the development of the infrastructure facilities of the vulnerable communities. Keeping this trends in view we have plan to involve at every village level to identify the appropriate works. So that the labourers get dual benefits of employment and also strengthen the livelihood resources.

Activate Gram Panchayat:

Gram Panchayats has an important role in REGS. This is the primary unit of the administration responsible for the implementation of REGS. As per the Act, Gram Sabha should play key role in identifying and approving the specific works, open the single Bank account to transfer the grants, Payment of the wages, and maintain the accounts. This is the programme where Gram Panchayat cannot get any remuneration for the administration. Therefore they will not be showing interest to take up the work if the workers in the village are well aware of the provisions of the

act. On the other hand the panchayats will loot the REGS funds if the people are not active. Therefore while sensitizing the people for better utilization of the scheme we do have to activate panchayats simultaneously, So that the Panchayat leaders will not swallow the funds of REGS.

Public Hearings at Mandal Level:

Yearly Once we have plan to conduct public hearings at every mandal on the implementation of REGS. So that the people involved in implementation will be careful to get out of the public exposes. The reports will be submitted to the government in order to rectify the discrepancies.

Social Audit:
The act provides space for transparency and accountability of the funds allotted for REGS. Further every work can be made available for public scrutiny and social audit. The basic objective of the Social Audit is to ensure the public accountability in the implementation of the REGS. The innovative aspect of the NREGA is incorporating Social Audit as part of the Act. Our fear in this is that this also becomes a paper tiger if people are not vigilant in conducting Social Audit, Which should be a continuous process right from the registration of families, distribution of job cards, receipt of work applications, selection of the work, development and approval of technical estimates, sanction of the work order, allotment of work to individual and youth, supervision of works, payment of unemployment allowances, payment of wages and evaluation of work. At every stage there is scope for corruption. Therefore social audit is mandatory which can be implemented only against the demand. Unless this is conducted it is difficult to stop the corruption. Therefore we have plan to conduct the social audit. APVVU district secretaries are selected as State Vigilance committee members who are empowered to conduct the Social Audit in cooperation with the government officials.

A caravan for Propagation, Implementation and Monitoring:

To carry on all the above mentioned activities there is great need to conduct a caravan for a week days to ten days, all over the area through which we reach the unreachable communities to propagate about the Act, and take up all the listed activities that are mentioned above. The caravan can be concluded with public hearing at every mandal in which the officials can also be part of it.

Personnel Required: Organizers Three:

We propose one organizer for each mandal. Role of this person is to take up all the above tasks that are mentioned in the Social Audit, in addition to organize, educate, Identify the works , advocate for approve the works and implement REGS projects. This organizer will be the key player for all these programmes. Generally, we select the person from the same mandal so that the person knows everything about the mandal.

1.Project Coordinator :

We need project coordinator to coordinate the activities in all the mandals will be lot of coordination activities between he village level schemes to the peoples organisations and between the bureaucrats form mandal to district and necessary at state level. This person is the full timer devote completely to coordinate the activity in three mandals and also liaison with other NGOs in the district as and when required to put up the pressure on the government for allocation of the funds and also cooperation to implement the project.


Programme Particulars monthwise

Month Wise Plan

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Education and Peoples Advocacy

Village level Education campaign and meetings

Cultural Training
Translation of the Act and Book lets in telugu Pamphlets and education materials Youth Trainers Trainings Cultural Performances Organisation and Mobilization District level meeting with NGOs and Concerned Groups Strengthening Village level labour Associations Women form separate Association Identify the works and applications Formation of Committees for various tasks Panchayat approvals and Gram Sabha meetings Week long Caravans / Padha Yatras at Mandal Level Evaluation, Monitoring and Transparency Public Hearings Social Audit Submission of Reports to the Government

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General Points:
Monthly Action plan indicated in number, do not represent calendar months. First month will be the month of the Sanctioning of the project. The team of the organizers will conduct the meetings every day evenings at the communities in their respective mandals. In a month they cover 22 to 25 villages. Week long Caravan will be in the form of Foot marches & Cycle rallies as mentioned in the above months. The 50% of Yatris will be local youth and the remaining will be allover the state and country, in order to help the yatris to learn and also visit the works spots of the labourers to sensitize them about the rules and regulations. Data will be collected their and then about the functioning of the activity. The trained cultural troops will visit the areas to perform in different villages not only in their mandal and also at neighboring place. The same youth will be given training and different issues including the right information, how to conduct the social audit etc., By organizing one day consultation with NGO leaders in District Head Quarters along with District and State level officials will help to carry on the EGA program all over the District systematically. They can also be motivated to take up similar kind of activities in their respective areas. Two meetings are proposed One for Initial Planning and second one for review and future plan. The Various tasks force groups will be formed at each mandal level from among beneficiaries, so that they will be able to involve in successful implementation of the project.






I 1 2 3

Education and People's Advocacy Translation of NREGA Booklets in Telugu LPSM

3.00 5000 5000 50 50 45 2 45 45 200 3 3 3 1 3 4 1 7 1 1 12 2 1 1 1

15,000 7,500 25,000 5,000 39,375 8,000 4,500 27,000 40,000 45,000 45,000 30,000

5 6 7 8 9

Pamphlets and educational materials for 3 mandals Trainers training for 4 days: Food Travel for the Trainees Cultural Training Programme: Food and accommodation Resource persons travel and fees for Cultural Training - 7 seven days Travel for Trainees Travels for Cultural Performances District level one day Two consultations with NGO's and government Officials Week days caravans in 3 mandals Public Hearings at every mandal Social Audit at every mandal Project Facilitation Salaries and Travels for 3 Organizers Salary for Coordinator Travel for Coordinator Office Rent & Maintenance Stationary, Phones and Postage Grand Total (Rs.) Total in USD calculated @43.50

LPSM 0.5 PSNL PSNL PSNL PSNL PSNL PSNL PSNL LPSM LPSM LPSM 125 100 125 4000 100 50 100 15000 15000 10000


3500 7500 1500 2000 1000

3 1 1 1 1

12 12 12 12 12

126000 90000 18000 24000 12000

5,61,375 12905

Budget Explanation:
1. Translation of NREGA Booklets in Telugu: In order to sensitize the people about the favorable provision of the act, we propose to translate the act into Telugu and bring out 5 thousands copies which will cost Rs.5 and will be disturbed among village rural youth not only in the project area and but also outside. We are hoping that contributions can be raised Rs.2 per book let and the remaining in is budgeted @ Rs.3 2. Pamphlets and educational materials for 3 mandals will be widely, highlighting the main issues, pragmatic problems and address the problems. We expect 5 thousands pamphlets to be which Costs Rs.7,500. 3. Trainers training for 4 days: Rs.125 is budgeted per head per people toward food and accommodation.

distributed ways t to distributed day for 50

4.Travels for Trainees: Rs.100 is budgeted towards their trainees travel to reach the central to attend the training programme. Cultural Training Programme: Rs.125 per head per day is budgeted towards food and accommodation - 7days. Travels are also budgeted for Trainees @Rs.100 for up and down. Travel and Incentive for Cultural Performances: Rs.50n is budgeted towards travel and incentive for the performers to perform the programmes in different villages in three mandals by three troops. Since, each cultural troop has to travel thorough out the mandal small amount of travel is necessary. Further, they also need to have an small incentive when they go for performance and we have budgeted Rs.50 per head per day including both the expenses. They will organise the programmes through out the year for 12 days.
District level one day Two consultations with NGO's and government Officials: This

program is budgeted Rs.100 per head for 200 people towards their food and also the hall rent at district head quarters for one day. This is the meeting with all the small action groups working through out the district who will be well informed about the act and scheme. Secondly, they will develop report with the officials in the first meeting to take up the REGS scheme and in second meeting is basically to plan for the social audit with the officials and also address the problems and gaps raised in implementation. Week days caravans in Three mandals: Rs.15,000 is budgeted per caravan which includes meeting expenses, Travels and food and incidentals, pamphlet expenses and etc., Public Hearings at every mandal: Rs.15,000 is budgeted for each mandal to expose the problems in implementation of the REGS schemes. This way the middleman and contractors interventions, any corruptions will be exposed. Panel of judges will be involved and the reports will submit to the government. Social Audit: As per the act, the accounts should be made available to the people. Social audit is the one, which will expose all the corruption in maintaining the accounts of the REGS. Rs.10,000 is budgeted per mandal to sensitize people and also conduct social audit for all he works under taken in every mandal. The trained group of people will involve in the social audit. Where the officials also be invited.

Salaries and Travels for Organizers: To coordinate the total REGS schemes and also properly implement we need one full time staff. So, Rs 3,500 is budgeted towards the travel and also salary of full time organizer. We need three people for three mandals. Salary of coordinator and Travel: A senior and experienced person with the background of post graduation is needed to coordinate for REGS scheme in the project. Rs.7,500 per month is budgeted as the salary and Rs.1,500 for fuel and vehicle maintenance to travel all the three mandals. Office Rent and maintenance: Rs. 2,000 is budgeted per month towards office rent and maintenance for SAHANIVASA. This is the administrative office of SAHANIVASA. so for all these years we have not budgeted since it has been covered by other projects. Right now we dont have any project to budget this other than ASHA project. Thats why we budget Rs.2,000 per month. Stationary, Phone & Postage : Rs.1,000 is budgeted towards this per month. This includes both regular office stationary, phones and postage and also the educational materials and stationary at the times of trainees. In this context, we request ASHA to support by sanctioning the project, if by any chance ASHA alone cannot support the entire project, we request ASHA to share the project with other like minded organisations to raise the resources. Submitted by

P.SURIA RAJINI Executive Director Date: Monday, June 26, 2006

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