ISTQB Atmepg
ISTQB Atmepg
ISTQB Atmepg
ISTQB Advanced Test Manager (CTAL TM )
Certification Exam
Sandeep Virk
ISTQB Advanced Test Manager
This E-Book contains Important bulleted points for every chapter of
ISTQB Advanced Test Manager Syllabus. These points shall remain
extremely handy for your last minute review of your preparation for the
certification exam
After using this E-book, please dont forget to thank the Author of this E-book
at e-mail ID [email protected]
CH-1 Basic Aspects of Software Testing
1) Sequential (waterfall model, V-model and W-model)
Requirements are complete and furnished early
Preventive in nature
Defect detection starts late
Manage requirements
2) Incremental (evolutionary and Agile methods)
Requirements are not complete
Not preventive in nature
Defect detection starts early
Identify and prioritize key quality risk areas
Sequential (V-model, waterfall)
Schedule compression pressure is always there
Pressurized development
Test team involved late
Incremental (Agile- SCRUM) also called as evolutionary
Regression of N+1 increment is always complex
Bugs planning failure
Lack of testing culture in agile world
Iterative (RAD; Spiral)
Flexibility in TC and design changes of system is too often
Experimental model of early testing and not confidence building
Dealing with unknowns
1) Systems of Systems: set of collaborating components interconnected to achieve a common purpose.
Less reliable than individual systems.
Multiple levels of integration and version management
Long duration of project
Formal transfer of information among project members is
always hard
Requirements for regression tests at system of systems level
Maintenance testing due to upgrade, etc
2) Safety Critical Systems: can result in catastrophic or critical consequences.
Proof of adequate testing
Various regulations and standards apply for audit control
Traceability to regulatory requirements and means of compliance
Rigorous approach to development and testing
High degree/level of documentation (depth and breadth of
Metrics & Measurement Metrics means numbers and measurement means trends and graphs
1. Definition
2. Tracking: Use of automated tools
3. Reporting
1.5 Ethics (short cut - PCP JM PCS)
CH-2 Testing Processes
Test Process Models Approximation and abstractions
Fundamental test process model
TMM: Practical Software Testing Test Maturity Model
CTP: Critical Testing Processes
Systematic Test and Evaluation Process (STEP)
Fundamental test process model
1) Test Planning (Test plan) and control
Test Planning
a. Implements test strategy
b. Sets framework for deriving TC, Tconditions an Test procedures from test basis
Test control
a. Is an ongoing activity.
b. Compares actual progress against the plan
c. Must respond to changes in mission, strategies, testing objective
Risk and test coverage
Defect information
Planned versus actual hours to develop test ware and execute test cases
2) Test Analysis & Design
a. Identification of Test Conditions by analysis of Test basis
Granularity of the test basis
Product risks addressed
Requirements for reporting and traceability
b. Creation of Test Cases by elaborating identified test conditions
Should be repeatable, verifiable and traceable back to requirements.
Should have preconditions, Test data requirements, the expected results and post conditions
Metrics: (Requirements are covered by Test conditions, which are further covered by Test cases
Percentage of requirements covered by test conditions
Percentage of test conditions covered by test cases
Number of defects found during test analysis and design
3) Test Implementation & Execution (Test cases to Test procedures + Test data+ Test
environment + Test execution schedule
Test Implementation: Ensure all tasks to start test execution re handled
Test procedures are ready
Who will do what? (Test roles)
Entry criteria check before execution
Prioritization of Test procedures
Test environment is ready
Sources of test data
To use those source to obtain test data ( data privacy issue + tools test data generation)
Test environments (in case production like requirements of test data)
Test Execution: Starts when test objects is delivered and entry criteria met
False positive: Failed TC when behaviour was correct
False negative: Passed TC when behaviour was incorrect
Percentage of test environments configured
Percentage of test data records loaded
Percentage of test conditions and cases executed
Percentage of test cases automated
Test design techniques
a) Black box: EP, BVA, State transition, Cause effect Graphing, Syntax testing
b) White box: State testing, brach.decison testing, data flow, LCSAJ.
4) Evaluating Exit Criteria and Reporting . Includes Test summary report (TSR)
Bug convergence chart: Bugs find rate vs. backlog
Test progress chart: Planned vs. actual hours achieved
Test fulfilment chart: completed TC
Test coverage chart: covered test basis vs. relative bug found.
5) Test Closure Activities
All planned TC were executed + defects were closed
Opportunities to reuse test work products + handover to maintenance
Lessons learnt document (project retrospective)
Archiving test work products (safe guarding info)
Percentage of test cases run during test execution (coverage) Percentage
of test cases checked into re-usable test case repository Ratio of test
cases automated: to be automated
Percentage of test cases identified as regression tests
Percentage of outstanding defect reports closed off (e.g. deferred, no further action, change
request, etc.)
Percentage of work products identified and archived.
CH-3 Test Management
Risk based testing and FMEA
Product or quality risk: Directly related to test object
Project or planning risk: Related to management or control for project
Risk= Likelihood + impact, where:
Likelihood comes from technical considerations
Impact comes from business consideration
Risk guides testing in 3 ways:
a. Test effort, test techniques, test activities sequencing + repair of bugs Product risk
b. Test planning and management to mitigate and contingency Project risk
c. Represent test results and project stats in terms of residual risks
Characteristics and benefits of RBT
a. Matches level of testing effort to level of risk
b. Matches order of testing to level of risk.
c. Maintain traceability from testing to risk and defects to risks
d. May report test results in terms of residual risk
e. May compress testing if require in risk order during execution.
f. Includes stakeholders for identifying risk covering gaps in doc.
g. Can blend reactive strategise to detect missing risk during implementation and execution phase?
Risk management activities:
a) Identification: Finding project and product risks
i. Expert interviews
ii. Independent assessments
iii. Use of risk templates
iv. Project retrospectives
v. Risk workshops and brainstorming
vi. Checklists
vii. Calling on past experience
b) Analysis: Assessing level of risk (impact vs. likelihood)
c) Mitigation (or control):
a. Mitigation: take preventive measures to reduce the likelihood and/or the impact of a risk.
b. Contingency: have plan(s) to reduce the impact if the risk becomes an actuality.
c. Transference: get another party to accept the consequences of a risk (outsourcing).
d. Ignore or accept the risk and its consequences.
Two types of risk measurements
Quantitatively: Precise info of likelihood and impact (e.g. sector)
Qualitatively: High, medium, low, etc
Project risk mitigation
Early preparation of test ware
Tough entry criteria
Early review
Monitoring project progress
Product risk mitigation
Early review
Priority of test cases (Depth/Breadth first)
Monitoring project progress
Two industry standard
a) ISO/ IEC=61508
a. Build quality from beginning and not at the end
b. Reduce intolerable risks
c. Tester independence to avoid biasing
d. Properly document for audit.
b) Do-178B or ED-1213 (Aviation related)
Risk identification techniques
a) Formal: more costly
Requirements review- What system should do but quality risk identification & assessment = what system
might do that it should not.
b) Informal: Easy, light weight, flexible
Disadvantage: Wrong participants can give wrong results
Quality risk techniques
a) ISO 9126 standard (FRUEMP)
Functionality; Reliability; Usability; Efficiency; Maintainability; Portability; compliance
b) Cost for exposure: Likelihood of loss + average cost of loss
c) Hazard analysis: Try to understand hazards that create risks for our systems
Used for medical or embedded projects
Depth first: TC execute in strict risk order
Breadth first: Cover every risk at least once
FMEA For safety critical system
(FCE Failure modes, Causes, Effects)
Iterative approach
Select a function and find its possible failure modes
Define causes of those failures and their effect on users
o Documentation heavy
o Lengthy output
o Heavy maintenance
o Hard to learn
o Used for Critical project (Avionics, nuclear)
o Mandatory or regulatory requirement apply
o Risks of project delay is unacceptable
o Complex and safety critical projects
Inappropriate credit card access Failure mode (FM)
CC Data not encrypted Cause of FM
Fraud charges Effect of FM
Three facts about RBT
a) Not all tests should find bugssome should built confidence
b) Preventive approach to testing
c) Risk items and risk level evolve as the project goes on and needs to be realigned.--> Ongoing process
Challenges of RBT
o Building agreement and consensus on the level of risk
o Building agreement and consensus on the priority of risk
o Making people take rational decisions about risks
o Ongoing time investment
o Challenge in adapting to change.
Planned testing 60-70%
Unplanned testing (30-40%) includes:
o Confirmation testing
o Reactive testing (exploratory testing)
01 Test management documentation
a) Test policy: Organization philosophy towards testing and Quality assurance (WHY)
o Why of testing for an organization
o Objective that organization w ants to achieve
o Company management establishes or approves this document
o Short HL document that including definition of testing, fundamental Test process, Quality
targets etc
b) Test strategy: Organizations general methods of testing (including. Project and Product risks) (HOW @org
o How of testing for an organization
o Not project dependent but approach can be tailored.
o Should be consistent with Test policy
o Dividing testing into levels
o High level testing activities i.e. E&E criteria of each level
o Independent of any project but lays out approach to testing for most projects
Two types:
Preventive (V-model):
Reactive (Exploratory): Test design after system has been produced or responding to system
as it is presented to test team.
Types of strategies
Analytical: RBT preventive I nature
Model based: operational profits
Methodical: as per check list of quality char.
Process or standard compliant: Follow process or standards from a standards committee.
Dynamic or heuristic: Based on bug taxonomies or S/W attach
Making educated guesses
Min structure; max flexibility
Focus on finding bugs rather than building confidence
Consultative: user determines what to test
Serves as hands and eyes of another group i.e. outsourcing O/P: validation
Regression: functional test automation
Risk of using templates
o May turn people brain off
o People assume one size fits all
c) Master Test plan or Test approach: (HOW @Project/Product level)
o How of testing for a single project but spanning multiple levels.
o Deviation from Test plan and Test strategy should be explained.
o Application of Test Strategy for a particular project.
o Includes particular levels and relationship between them.
o Should be consistent with Test policy and Test strategy document.
o Mentions items to be tested and not to be tested
o Mentions quality attributes to be tested and not to be tested
o Test schedule and budget + SARS
Level Test plan (or phase test plan): Particular test activities within each test level including expanding the
Master test plan for this specific test level.
o How of testing for a level.
o Schedule, tasks and milestone details not necessarily covered in Master test plan.
02 Templates
a) IEEE829: Test plan Template + T management documentation
b) Others: IEEE 829: TDS Test design spec: Collection of Test cases or Tconditions at high-level (also
called test suite)
c) Others: IEEE 829: TCS Test case spec: details of a TC
d) Others: IEEE 829: TPS Test design spec: How to run/execute one or more TC (Test steps).
e) Others: IEEE 829: T-ITS (Test items transmittal report: Items being delivered for testing (release
PS: Testing is downstream: Chaos and disorder in other areas of project can leak into the testing effort.
Test logs are kept to track events leading to deviation from test plan.
Creation of approx target for
Completion dates
Includes all 5 activities of fundamental test process
Factors influencing the cost effort and duration of Test activities
o Required level of quality of system Delaying factors
o Size of project Delaying factors
o Historical data Delaying factors
o Process factors accuracy of project estimates
o Material factors Test automation of tools Test environment and Test data.
o People factors managers, Test Leader, Senior management commitment, skills in team, etc
03 Test estimation techniques
Bottom up: estimate each task individually an then drive the project estimate from those estimates
Top down: Estimate test effort all at once (i.e. 20% of whole project estimates)
o Intuition and guesses
o Past experience
o Work-breakdown-structures (WBS)
o Team estimation sessions (e.g., Wide Band Delphi)
o Three point estimate
o Test Point Analysis (TPA)
o Company standards and norms
o Percentages of the overall project effort or staffing levels (e.g., tester-developer ratios)
o Organizational history and metrics
o Industry averages and predictive models such as test points, function points, lines of code,
estimated developer effort, or other project parameters
WBS: Decompose Test project into activities, tasks, subtask etc
TPA: User for system and acceptance testing
Part of T-map
# of Test points of a project is calculated base on (STP)
o Size of project
o Test strategy
o Productivity level of participants (skills of Test team)
Negotiations and reduced test scope
o Use risks to reduce Test scope --> preserve depth; reduce breadth approach
o Reduce extent of testing while maintaining some amount of coverage --> preserve breadth; reduce depth
o Postpone automation or tools development
o Outsource some part of project or testing
o Reduce project scope (if no budget and delay schedule is possible.
04 Test planning benefits (PDTCC)
o Should be done in close cooperation with development
o Detection and management of project risks (e.g. due to bad assumption)
o Detection and management of product risks (missing performance and reliability info)
o Detection of problems in project plan
o Opportunity to increase staff, budget and effort
o Identification of critical component and accordingly ensure early delivery of those components.
o Should be done in close cooperation with development
05 Test progress monitoring and control is done on:
o Product risks measurable and quantifiable. Metrics below:
Number of remaining risks (including. type and level of
Number of risks mitigated (including. type and level of
o Defects measurable and quantifiable. Metrics below:
Cumulative number reported (identified) versus cumulative number resolved (disposed) Mean
time between failure or failure arrival rate (MTBF)
Breakdown of the number of defects associated with: particular test items or components; root
causes, sources; test releases; phase introduced, detected or removed; and, in some cases,
Trends in the lag time from defect reporting to resolution
o Tests measurable and quantifiable. Metrics below:
Total number planned, specified (developed), run, passed, failed, blocked, and skipped
Regression and confirmation test status
Hours of testing planned per day versus actual hours achieved
o Coverage measurable and quantifiable. Metrics below:
o Confidence Subjective. Metrics below:
Requirements and design element coverage
Risk coverage
Environment / configuration coverage
Benefits of metrics
o Increment resources if budget flexibility
o Extend testing end date of schedule flexibility
o If neither, try to change scope of testing or of project (See negotiations topic above)
o Ease up exit criteria or relax test exit criteria to declare victory.
06 Business value of testing in 2 ways
Qualitative values: improved reputation for quality + reducing risk of loss and smooth releasing
Quantitative values: finding defects (prevent or fix) prior to release)
Quantitative value can be measured by cost of quality:
Cost of prevention dev training
Cost of detection expense for test planning, design and implementation)
Cost of internal failure because bugs were detected + development fixed bugs.
Cost of external failure expense as bugs were not detected; business lost
07 Distributed - outsourced In sourced
Distributed: multiple locations
Outsourced: not collocated and not fellow employee of rest of the project team
In sourced: collated but not fellow employee
Challenges and Issues
Clear channel of communication
well defined expectation
need for alignment of methodologies
division of work across multiple location
develop and maintain trust
cultural and languages are different + diff business culture too
Issue: outsource resource is focussed and not looking for more work on your billing
Dont underestimate
Power of travelling
Compounding difficult of managing multiple time zones
More and different project risks
SPICE: (alike CMMi)
S/W process improvement and capability determination
Framework for assessing S/w processes model
08 Test management Issues
a) Issue for exploratory testing (reactive and experience based test techniques)
1) SBTM (Session based Test management Strategies has following 3 points)
Sessions et-up
Test design and execution
Defect investigation and reporting
Session agenda
What worked, what didnt worked, bugs found and were it interesting? Or PROOF
Past: What happened during the session? What did you do, and what did you see?
Results: What was achieved during the session? What bugs did you find? What worked?
Outlook: What still needs to be done? What subsequent test sessions should we try?
Obstacles: What got in the way of good testing? What couldn't you do that you wanted to?
Feelings: How do you feel about this test session?
b) Systems of system issues
Test management is more complex (diff location; diff org) with diff life cycle models
Configuration, change and release management must be formally defined
Management of Test environment and Test data
Cost of simulators
Dependencies among different parts
c) Safety critical systems
Industry specific standard apply normally
Demonstrate compliance (requirements traceability, Test coverage) due to liability issues
Audits may be required for organisation structure compliance
Life cycle are sequential in nature and pre-defined
Non-functional attributes for critical system RAMS
o Reliability
o Availability
o Maintainability
o Safety and security
d) Others Non- functional issues
The following factors can influence the planning and execution of non-functional tests:
Stakeholder requirements
Required tooling: for performance, efficiency and security tests
Required hardware: Prod like environment or dedicated labs
Organizational factors
Data security: encryptions
Ch 4- Test Techniques
1) Specification-based (Behaviour-based or black-box) Test analysts & Technical test analysts
Deriving Tconditions or TCs based on test basis doc and without reference to its internal structure.
Boundary value analysis (BVA)
Decision table testing and Cause-effect graphing
State transition testing
Classification tree method, orthogonal arrays and all pairs tables
Use case testing
2) Structure-based (or white-box) Technical test analysts
- Tests derived systematically from the structure.
Information about how the software is constructed is used to derive the test cases
Statement testing
Decision testing
Branch testing
Condition testing
Multiple condition testing
Condition determination testing
LCSAJ (loop testing)
Path testing.
3) Defect based Test analysts and Technical test analysts
Type of defect found is used as the basis for test design.
Taxonomies (categories & lists of potential defects)
4) Experienced-based techniques Test analysts and Technical test analysts
Used when
no or poor specification documentation
Insufficient time
Utilize testers' skills and intuition, along with their experience with similar applications.
Error guessing without formal test documentation
Exploratory with formal test documentation
Attacks attempting to force specific failures to occur.
5) Static Analysis
Testing without actually executing the software under test (may relate to code or system architecture)
Static Analysis of Code
Control Flow Analysis
Data Flow Analysis
Compliance to Coding Standards
Generate code metrics
Static Analysis of Architecture
Static Analysis of a Web Site
Call Graphs
6) Dynamic analysis
Analyze an application while it is running.
Detecting Memory Leaks: memory is allocated but subsequently not released (symptoms steady
worsening of response time)
Detecting Wild Pointers: Pointers lost the object to which they should be pointing to.
Analysis of Performance: Also called as performance profiling.
Ch-5: Testing of Software Characteristics
Quality attributes for domain testing WHAT it does (ASU FSA)
Accuracy: application's adherence to the specified or implied requirements
Suitability: evaluating and validating the appropriateness of set of functions for its intended tasks
Interoperability: can function correctly in all intended target environments
Functional security: Penetration testing -prevent unauthorized access; accidental or deliberate
Usability: why users might have difficulty using the proposed software system
Accessibility: accessibility to those with particular requirements or restrictions in its use.
Quality attributes for technical testing HOW the product works (TREMP)
Technical security: Concerns unauthorized access
Reliability: monitor a statistical measure of software maturity over time and compare this to a desired reliability
o Performance Testing: ability to respond within a specified time and under specified conditions
o Load Testing: ability of a system to handle increasing levels of anticipated realistic loads
o Stress Testing: ability of a system to handle peak loads at or beyond maximum capacity.
o Scalability Testing: ability of a system to meet future efficiency requirements
Maintainability: Ease, with which software can be analyzed, changed and tested.
Portability: Ease with which software can be transferred into its intended environment.
Ch-6: Reviews
Can be done on all types of documentation
Type of static testing
Objective is Detection of defect + building confidence
Reviews are not equal to static analysis as static analysis uses tools!
Reviews are done on documentation, before he code has been written, whereas static analysis is done on code
without execution and done after code has been written)
Outputs of reviews:
Unchanged or minor change no follow-up
Changed but no further review required
Extensively changed and a further review is necessary
Review Types
1) Informal reviews
a. Cost effective and very flexible.
2) Walkthrough:
a. Author is moderator
3) Technical review
a. also called as Peer review)
4) Inspection: (Formal + requirementsuires moderator + E/E criteria)
a. Management may not attend
5) Management review
a. Carried out by management or stakeholders
b. Procedures includes assessment of project risks
c. Outcome and decision are documented
6) Audit very formal
a. To demonstrate conformance to some sort of applicable standards or contractual obligations
b. collect evidence of compliance
c. Outcome includes observations, recommendations, corrective actions
Reviews as work products
1) Contractual reviews
a. Associated with a contract milestone
b. Type could be Management review
2) Requirements reviews
a. Walkthrough or technical review or inspection
3) Design reviews
a. Type could be Technical review or Inspection
4) Acceptance
a. Type could be Management review or audit
Performing a review
1) Planning
2) Kickoff
3) Individual preparation
4) Review meeting
6) follow-up
Introducing review:
Secure management support
Educate managers
Put structure in place (Document review including metrics)
Train on review techniques and procedures
Obtain participant support
Do some pilot reviews
Demonstrate the benefit:
Apply reviews to all (or at least the most important) documents
Major benefits
Reducing or avoiding costs
Saving elapsed time by finding and fixing defect early
Success factors
a) Technical
Record costs versus benefits achieved
Review early drafts to identify patterns
Organization specific checklist of common defects
Focus on content and not format
b) Organizational
Ensure management allows adequate time on review activities and fixing defects found
Dont use these metrics for appraisal
Right mix of pp are present in review
Training in reviews
c) People
Find defects in a blame free environment
Comments are objective and not subjective
Ch-7: Incident Management
Incident: Unexpected occurrence that requires further investigation OR
It is recognition of a failure caused by a defect.
May or may not result in the generation of a defect report.
Defect: - Actual problem that has been determined and requires resolution by changing the work item.
- Can be detected thru static testing
Failure: - Deviation from expected result.
- Can only be detected thru dynamic testing.
Defect Lifecycle IEEE 1044-1993) RIAD- RCI
1) Recognition: recording data items when a potential defect (incident) is discovered.
2) Investigation: Investigated defects to find any related issues and propose solutions.
3) Action: resolve the defect + improving processes to prevent future similar defects
4) Disposition: either closed, deferred, merged or referred to another project
Each step further has:
i. Recording
ii. Classifying
iii. Identifying Impact
Communicating Incidents
1) Free from accusation
2) Defect prioritization via defect triage meetings (i.e. sorting via priority)
3) Document objective factual info only.
1) defect density analysis,
2) found vs. fixed metrics
3) convergence metrics (open vs. closed)
4) Defect trends
e.g code
CH 8 - Standards & Test Improvement Process
Standards removes guesswork
Project cud be better funded and supported buy management
Promotes preventive testing strategy
Provides adaptable process checklists
General aspects on standards
1. Standard sources
a. International
i. IEEE 829: S/W T documentation (Test plan, Test strategy,, etc)
ii. IEEE 1028: S/W reviews
iii. ISO 15504: SPICE = ~ CMMi
iv. ISO 12207: S/W Life cycle process
b. National
i. BS 7925-2 (EP, BVA, State transition, Stat, Branch, condition testing, etc)
c. Domain specific
i. RTCA DO-178B/ED 12B: Avionics systems
ii. ECSSL Space industry (including SFMECA, etc)
iii. Title 21 CF8 Part 820: Food and Drug admin (medical system)
d. Others
i. Tailored
ii. Adaptative
iii. In-house (common best practices)
2. Sources Usefulness: Focus on min defect introduction rather than fixing them via testing
3. Conflicts: standard may be conflicting info between them
Test Improvement Process
As testing improves s/w s/w quality processes are selected and used to improve the process of s/w.
Provides guidelines and area of improvement
RIP models: TMM, TPI, CTP and STEP
TMM and TPI are used for bench mark comparisons (prescriptive models)
CTP and STEP are non - prescriptive models.
Intro of PI relevant to s/w dev process as well as testing process
Demining improvement cycle PDCA: PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT
Types of Process Improvement
1) Process reference models (or prescriptive; Staged TMM or continuous TPI)
Used as a framework when an assessment is done.
Evaluate an organizations capability compared with the model.
2. The content reference model (non-prescriptive).
Used to improve the process once the assessment is done.
Improving the Test Process
All four of these test process assessment models allow an organization to determine where they stand in terms of their
current test processes.
Once an assessment is performed, TMMi and TPI provide a prescriptive roadmap for improving the test process.
STEP and CTP: determine where a org' biggest process improvement ROI will come from
Generic Process steps for review: IMPROVE
Confirmation of the stakeholders, the GSOC (goals, scope, objectives & coverage of the PI is agreed.
The choice of the process model upon which the improvements will be identified is also made during this activity.
Success criteria should be defined and a method by which they will be measured throughout the improvement
activity should be implemented.
Performing the assessment
Prioritize and Plan
The list of possible process improvements are put in order of priority (based upon
ROI, risks, alignment to organizational strategy, measurable quantitative or qualitative benefits).
Plan for the delivery of the improvements is developed and deployed.
Define and Redefine Implement the PIs
New processes are defined
Existing processes are redefined
Operate Deploy the PIs
Once developed, the process improvements are deployed.
This could include any training or mentoring required, piloting of processes and ultimately the full deployment of them.
Benefits agreed are validated using metrics etc. (benefit realization)
Success criteria for the process improvement activity have been met.
monitoring of the next level of maturity starts
Decision to either start the improvement process again, or to stop the activity at this point.
1) TMM --> IDIMO (Staged)
Complement CMM (fills testing related gaps of CMM).
Provides both a process reference model and a content reference model.
Level 1: Initial: no formally documented or structured testing process.
Testing is same as debugging.
Level 2: Definition:
setting testing policy and goals
introducing a test planning process
Implementing basic testing techniques and methods.
Level 3: Integration:
testing process is integrated into the software development lifecycle
Test training for staff.
Level 4: Management & Measurement:
testing is thoroughly defined
Peer review occurs.
Testing process is capable of being effectively measured, managed, and adapted to specific projects.
Level 5: Optimization:
testing is completely defined
controlled in terms of effectiveness and efficiency via appropriately metrics
data from the testing process can be used to help prevent defects, and the focus is on optimizing the established
TMMi is successor of TMM --> complementary to the CMMI i.e. Fills in the testing gaps let out by CMMi.
2) TPI --> ICEO - uses a continuous representation rather than the staged representation of TMM.
TPI is primarily a process reference model (prescriptive)
2 processes apply to all cornerstones (cornerstone concept is TMap concept).
Key areas can be evaluated at a level between A to D, A being low
The level achieved is assessed by evaluating checkpoints defined in the TPI model.
A Test Maturity Matrix maps the levels for each key area to an overall test process maturity level (i.e. Controlled
Efficient Optimizing)
Initial : 0
Controlled: 1-5 (test plan, Test strategy, Test levels, trainings for staff)
Efficient: 6-10 (o= improve efficiency, automate testing)
Optimization: 11-13
3) CTP
CTP is primarily a content reference model
CTP is flexible model and allows tailoring.
The model identifies twelve critical testing processes.
Assess existing test process. (Strong, weak), and provides prioritized
recommendations for improvement based on organizational needs.
Quantitative metrics commonly examined during a CTP assessment:
o Defect detection percentage
o Return on the testing investment
o Requirements coverage and risk coverage
o Test release overhead
o Defect report rejection rate
Qualitative factors commonly evaluate:
o Test team role and effectiveness
o Test plan utility
o Test team skills in testing, domain knowledge, and technology
o Defect report utility
o Test result report utility
o Change management utility and balance
4) STEP Could be combined with TPI sometimes
STEP (Systematic Test and Evaluation Process), like CTP and unlike TMMi and TPI, does not require that improvements
occur in a specific order.
STEP is primarily a content reference model.
Basic premises of the methodology includes 7 assumptions:
o A requirements-based testing strategy
o Testing starts at the beginning of the lifecycle
o Tests are used as requirements and usage models
o Testware design leads software design
o Defects are detected earlier or prevented altogether
o Defects are systematically analysed
o Testers and developers work together
Stresses test then code" using a requirements-based Test strategy to ensure early creation of test cases validates
the requirements specification prior to design and coding.
The methodology identifies and focuses on improvement of three major phases of testing (PAM):
o Planning
o Measurement Test execution and Test reporting
Quantitative metrics includes:
o Test status over time
o Test requirements or risk coverage
o Defect trends including detection, severity, and clustering
o Defect density
o Defect removal effectiveness
o Defect detection percentage
o Defect introduction, detection, and removal phases
o Cost of testing in terms of time, effort, and money
Quantitative factors includes:
o Defined test process utilization
o Customer satisfaction
5) CMMI IMDQO (initial, managed, defined, quantitatively managed, optimization)
Two approaches
the staged representation
o Five levels of maturity, each level building upon the process areas established in the previous levels.
o ensure commonality with CMM
continuous representation
o Organization is allowed to concentrate its improvement efforts on its own primary areas of need
without regard to predecessor levels.
o More flexible
CH-9 Test Tool Concepts
Test tools can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of the test effort
Cost benefits and Risks of Test Tools and Automation
Initial costs
Knowledge acquisition (learning curve for tool)
o Evaluation (tool comparisons) when appropriate
o Integration with other tools
o Consideration of initial costs for purchase, adaptation or development of tool
Recurring costs Pilot projects often miss this cost
o Cost of tool ownership (maintenance, licensing fees, support fees, sustaining knowledge levels)
o Portability
o Availability and dependencies (if lacking)
o Continual cost evaluation
o Quality improvement, to ensure optimal use of the selected tools
Additional Benefits of automation:
Repeatable low maintenance automated execution over month n yrs.
Predictable test execution time
Regression testing and defect validation are faster and safer
Coverage of certain test types which cannot be covered manually (e.g., performance and reliability)
Useful for iterative/Incremental development (for regression).
Additional Risks:
Unrealistic expectation for the tool
underestimating the time cost and effort required to introduce the tool
underestimating the time and effort needed to achieve a positive return on investment (ROI)
o effort requirements to maintain the test
o Over reliance on tool
o Incomplete or incorrect manual testing is automated as is
o The test ware is difficult to maintain (e.g. scripts)
o Fail to monitor ROI
PS: Biggest cause to automation failure: Failure to think ahead in terms of how the test can be maintained.
Test automation strategies
Automate for long term
Built maintainable automated system
only automate test that are automatable
automate test that are error prone if done by human
automate test for which there is a business case (meaning that needs to be repeated multiple time etc)
The Concept of Test Oracles
used to determine expected results
e.g. old system is being replaced by a new system with the same functionality
Test Tool Deployment
Should be documented and tested regardless of whether it is purchased as-is, adapted or created in house
Do a cost-benefit analysis that includes initial implementation as well as long-term maintenance.
Redefine manual TC for automation
Test tool training for max benefit.
Developing Your Own Test Tool
Should be documented in a way that they can be maintained by others.
Review the purpose, aim, benefits and possible downside before spreading it across an organization.
Expanded far beyond the initial use due to new requirements and become unmanageable.
Automation scripts: Allows testing of all possible combination of T/P which would be infeasible with manual testing.
Test Tools Categories
a) Test Management Tools Traceability of test artefacts
Used by TM, TA, TTA
Data regarding the execution of concurrent test suites
Various testing related Metrics
b) Test Execution Tools mostly used by Test analysts and Technical Test analysts to automate regression tests.
to reduce costs (effort or time),
to run more tests,
To make tests more repeatable.
C) Debugging & Troubleshooting Tools
To narrow down the area where a fault occurs.
Mainly used by Technical Test Analysts.
d) Fault Seeding & Fault Injection Tools by Technical Test Analysts
PS: to create single or limited types of code faults in a systematic way.
FI: deliberately (re-)injecting a particular fault to check if
1) The software can cope with it (fault tolerance) or
2) To evaluate that a test in a test suite finds the deliberately inserted fault.
e) Simulation & Emulation Tools by Test Analysts and Technical Test Analysts
Simulators: to support tests where code or other systems are unavailable
Emulators: software written to mimic the hardware
f) Static and Dynamic Analysis Tools Technical Test Analysts use these tools.
Static analysis tools
Static Analysis tools report their findings in terms of warnings.
Technical Test Analysts use these tools.
Dynamic analysis tools
Dynamic Analysis tools provide run-time information on the state of the executing software.
Used to identify unassigned pointers, use and de-allocation of memory, to flag memory leaks
g) Keyword-Driven Test Automation used by domain experts and Test Analysts.
Efficient test case specifications as keywords are defined by domain experts.
Easy to maintain TC.
TC spec are independent of their implementation
h) Performance Testing Tools used by Technical Test Analysts.
Two main facilities:
Load generation: simulating large numbers of multiple users (virtual users) with specific volumes of input data.
Measurement and analysis of system response to a given load
Numbers of simulated users
Number and type of transactions generated by the simulated users
Response times to particular transaction requests made by the users Reports based on test logs, and graphs of
load against response times.
i) Web Tools
CH 10 People Skills Team Composition
Individual Skills
tester's individual knowledge base--> Testing skills, tech and s/w skills, user, business n domain skills
Knowledge of the software development process -->
Specific software testing skills (analysis, risk analysis)
Experience in project management (especially for Test manager)
Interpersonal skills, such as giving and receiving criticism, influencing, and negotiating
Test Team Dynamics
complement the skills and personality types that already exist within the test team
Handling the interpersonal interactions with the other project team members.
Cross-training within the team is required to maintain and build the team knowledge and increase flexibility.
Each person should be given a defined role on the team.
Fitting Testing Within an Organization
No independent testers: developer is testing his own code
Testing is done by a different developer than the one who wrote the code
Testing is done by a tester (or test team) being part of the development team
Testers from non-development technical organization
External test specialists perform testing on specific test targets.
Testing is done by an organization external to the company
Outsourcing is one of the forms of using an external organization.
Outsourcing brings challenges, particularly when external to your country
Cultural differences
Supervision of outsource resources, Transfer of information, communication
Skills sets, skill development and training
Employee turnover Accurate cost estimation Quality
Recognition for the job accomplished
Approval by management
Respect within the project team and among peers
Adequate rewards for the work done (including salary, merit increases and bonuses)
product ship before it should, due to external influences with poor quality
No recognition they feel is due for a job well-done.
Three Communication levels:
Documentation of test products: test strategy, test plan, test cases, test summary reports, defect reports, etc.
Feedback on reviewed documents
Information gathering and dissemination: interaction with developers, other test team members, management, etc.