Karuna Reiki

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html Karuna Reiki

Karuna Reiki Reiki is a system derived from Tibetan Usui Reiki, Raku Kai Reiki and the Reiki Johra. It is therefore a basing system in Western Reiki Takata's teachings. This system was deve o!ed by Wi iam ". Rand co aboration with other masters of Reiki, which it says, ins!ired by #ai $aba, received a series of symbo s together to create and register the Karuna Reiki %. It has a system very simi ar to Reiki attunements Usui Tibetan with some variations.

They say its creators, Karuna Reiki energy has a different from Usui Reiki, more intense, direct and !owerfu . It is certain y norma for this system a distinct sense that the Usui Reiki, as working with other symbo s of the energy vibration changes. Remember that when you invoke a command that cause you to channe this energy in tune with the vibration of that symbo , and therefore, the virtues and duties of the symbo is manifested through the energy. Karuna is a #anskrit word which means &com!assion&, we can find meaning as &action that is undertaken to reduce the suffering of others& or as &com!assionate action.& 'any often confuse !unishment with com!assion. The !ena ty is a negative fee ing and has no high, dee! base is fear. Through the !ena ty can be mani!u ated very easi y. $y contrast, com!assion re(uires a high degree of deve o!menta eve . )om!assion is born of a true union with the who e, in which one fee s that is interconnected to everything and we are a !art of the macro body. Karuna Reiki focuses on working with 'ara, what cou d be ca ed the &dark side.& Within us there is some good and bad, to !ut it in some way. *t bottom, the bad !art is i usory, but unti we tru y rea i+e this, the !oor can sei+e us and cause much suffering, both ourse ves and others. This system of Reiki is a s!ecia em!hasis on working to disso ve this &dark side&, and to deve o! true com!assion for others. To make Karuna Reiki, you must have made at east the second eve of Reiki. $ut its creator Wi iam ". Rand, shou d be made to the third eve and have !racticed with the ,ai-Koo-'yo

Usui to absorb vibration. This system usua y consists of two eve s. 'aster /ractitioner and Karuna Karuna. $etween the two eve s e0! ains a the symbo s of the system and receive a of them through two initiations. Karuna Reiki session is basica y !erforming the hand !ositions to earn in Usui Reiki and in each !osition to a!! y a the symbo s of Karuna. To e0!edite this !rocess there is the method of the brackets.

Technique of the Bracket

This method is to create a kind of bracket with a the symbo s inside, so that when you invoke the symbo that bracket, it drags everybody e se. This techni(ue can do with the 1onar and the ,ai-Koo-'yo Usui. 20! ain this techni(ue to do it with the symbo s of Karuna, but we can do it with other symbo s. /revious y, before the session the !atient wi make the fo owing !re!arations.

Open the bracket. )hoose the symbo that wi act as braces, usua y using 1onar or ,ai-Koo-'yo Usui. We eft !a m face u! and draw right on the hand symbo , we introduce and knocked three times on the !a m. 'enta y re!eated three times. &I am creating a bracket symbo s.& nsert symbols. Then we wi draw each symbo , re!eating his name three times to activate it and hitting the hand three times to enter. !lose the bracket. 3nce you have entered a the symbo s, re-enter the command we used to bracket the 1onar or ,ai-Koo-'yo. Re!eat this !rocess on the other hand, o!ening the bracket, inserting a the symbo s and c osing the c as!.

4ow we have the hook set, every time we use it on y be necessary to invoke the command with which we created the bracket and this wi drag everyone e se.

Karuna Reiki "ractitioner #e$el %ymbols

&onar. Karma works and issues re ated to !ast ives. It he !s us to recover the !ainfu memories of !ast traumas to hea in the !resent. It works simi ar y to the 5on-#ha-1e-#ho-4en, to break through the barriers of time and distance. To draw, first draw the 1, then the infinite in the center re!eating three times.

'alu. This symbo he !s us see where we are not ooking. ) ear the i usion and mindsets that we have estab ished ourse ves as se fdenia or se f-dece!tion. )an a so be used to sto! attacks such as energy or !rotection. $e carefu when using it as !rotection and insu ates us much of our environment.

'arth. This command works the emotiona and sentimenta . We can use it to work with bad habits and to hea re ationshi!s. It symbo i+es the heart. Returns wi to ive and to undertake new !ro6ects. It a so he !s to deve o! com!assion.

Rama()ara. Used to o!en the chakras of the so es of the feet and thus !romote the cur y to the and. Work harmoni+ing the ower chakras and everything re ated to the wor d of matter. It he !s to ! ay with his feet on the ground to address a materia issues in a more hea thy and conscious. )an a so be used to c ear negative energy from ! aces and homes.

*anesh. It is a symbo of good fortune. *ttracts to us the uck and success, both materia and s!iritua . Is a igned with the figure of the 5indu god 7anesh, the e e!hant god, who re!resents wisdom and !rudence.

*nosa. This command works the connection to our higher se f. Raises the energy from ower to higher centers, resu ting in an increase in our consciousness. Re!resents s!iritua know edge.

Kriya(!hokurei. With this symbo we work to achieve our goa s, !utting the !ower of the universe to achieve them. )an be used to !rotect and !romote other symbo s, ! acing the symbo to !romote between the two )ho-KuRei.

#a$a. 5e !s to free us from the constraints to which we sub6ect others, es!ecia y the &how we shou d be.& "ava he !s us find ourse ves and undo the i usion that others wou d have us be ieve.

%hanti. It is a symbo that !roduces a great ca m. It he !s us bring our dream if we have recurring nightmares. It is a so used to free ourse ves from !ast traumas and brings harmony and ba ance.

+ed(*an,a. This symbo is a igned with the figure of 7anga, the goddess of the 7anges. "egend has it that the goddess had the abi ity to !urify everything it touched. It is therefore a symbo that he !s us to !urify !eo! e, ob6ects and ! aces.

'osanna. This is a so a symbo of !rotection and to c eanse negative energies. Is a igned with the figure of the ascended master #aint 7ermain.

)otor(&anon. This symbo is used for e0orcism, that is, freeing the !atient from entities or !ersons disembodied thought. It is a symbo that !roduces a change in !o arity of the energy of the !atient in order to force the authorities to eave the body.

%w-stica. It is a symbo of success and achievement. *ttracts us the abi ity to accom! ish what we set and the energy re(uired to do so. It is a very ancient symbo that can be found in $uddhist and 5indu re!resentatives.

.ohre. )omes from a Ja!anese symbo ca ed the set Johra, which means White "ight. This command invokes some entities ca ed 2 ohim. #erves as !rotection against energy attacks, but a so can be used to re ease ocks. It is a so usefu in cases in which an entity is engaged in the !atient.

%ymbols of Karuna Reiki )aster

)oses. It is a symbo associated with s!iritua ascent, re!resenting the transformation from human to divine. ,eve o! the !urity, consistency, integrity and wi ingness to go forward in our evo utionary !ath to en ightenment. It was found engraved on the tomb of *aron, 'oses' brother, Jordan. It is a so said of him that was used by the Knights Tem! ar.

/anak. It is a symbo of #ikh origin, and its meaning is 7od. 2s!ecia y working with !urity of heart, he !s us to tune into this chakra to deve o! sim! icity.

Om. Is the symbo that re!resents the !rimordia sound of the universe, from which a things were created. 'eans &7od is infinite.& Works es!ecia y the crown chakra increasing its fre(uency of vibration. It he !s us connect with the divine. It a so !urifies, sea s and !rotects the aura.

%hree +ishnu. It re!resents the 5indu gods 8ishnu and "akshmi. /ronounced #ri 8ishnu. Works es!ecia y our feminine awakening creativity and intuition. It is a so a symbo of !rotection away from the evi s and ignorance. )an be used to undo energy work. %hi$oham. This command mirrors the 5indu god #hiva. Its meaning is &I am #hiva.& In 5induism, #hiva is the god who destroys the universe. $e ieve $rahma, 8ishnu and #hiva kee!s it destroys it. In this area #hivoham he !s to destroy the negativity and i usion that may be on us. Work mascu ine energy.

'or. This symbo is of 2gy!tian origin, and was used as !rotection. It re!resents the god Ra, god of the sun soothe aching imbs and 6oints. 5e is said to !ro ong ife. We can use it to connect with the sun and cosmic direct y receive information sent to us.

Some regard Reiki symbols as sacred and secret. They are simply symbols. The sacredness lives in their energy. Each symbol holds an energy, represents a truth, and can be used to invoke its meaning; thus, its effect. It is important to know that sui Sensei did not begin attuning others to Reiki with symbols. !e initially taught the individual five principles and uni"ue energies each symbol represented. Thus, if one understands the energy, the symbols themselves were not needed to invoke their power. The following are illustrations of sui and #aruna Reiki Symbols. These symbols are used in Reiki treatments as well as attunements. Each offers a message. $editate, play, e%plore.

&ho #u Rei
The first of the sui symbols is commonly known as The 'ower Symbol. 'ronounced in (apanese as &ho) #oo) Ray, it is learned in Reiki levels * + ,. It means 'ut all the power of the niverse here and is most often drawn by the practitioner-s dominant hand on each of his.her palms before sending treatment. /dditionally, it is often drawn on the recipient-s &rown &hakra before a session thoroughly begins. It can be placed wherever the practitioner feels whether on him.herself or the recipient.

0rawing it, imagining it or chanting it three times can invoke &ho #u Rei.

Sei Hei Ki This the second symbol used in sui Reiki. It is taught in Reiki level , is most commonly known as The Emotional Symbol. It is pronounced Say) !ay) #ee. It means 1od and humanity become one. It is most often used when there is an emotional release or build up in the recipient. Invoke Sei !ei #i the same way as &ho #u Rei.

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

This is sui Reiki 0istant !ealing Symbol. It is taught in level , and means $ay the 2uddha in me connect to the 2uddha in you to promote harmony and peace. 'ronounced !on) Sha) 3ee) Show) 4en, it travels unhindered through time and space. It is most often used in distant healings and attunements and is perhaps the 5ewel of understanding Reiki. Invoke !on Sha 3e Sho 4en the same way as Sei !ei #i.

Usui Master Symbol Dai Ko Myo

The sui $aster symbol, 0ai #o $yo is taught and given in the $aster 6evel. This is the last symbol sui used in attunements. 6ike it-s Tibetan sister, it heals the spiritual state of the recipient and connects the individual with his.her greatest potential. It means 1reat 2eing of the niverse Shine on $e. Invoke 0ai #o $yo the same as !on Sho 3e Sho 4en.

Tibetan Dai Ko Myo or Dumo This beautiful and powerful symbol was not originally taught in sui Reiki Ryoho. !owever, the symbol gained so much popularity; it became systematic to include it in attunements. 'ronounced 0ye) #o) $yo or 0oomo, it connects the body and the mind in order to grow spiritually. 0umo is used whenever the practitioner feels and often in every session. Invoke 0umo by either drawing, imagining or chanting its name three times.

Karuna Reiki Symbols

'ronounced 73oe 4ar7, this symbol means 7infinity7 or eternity. It is thought to work with our cells deep memories from both this life and the past. 3onar helps us release #arma, create clarity and open our hearts to compassion. 8ur awareness broadens while 3onar opens dimensions of the niverse. In #aruna #i, 3onar connects us to loving compassionate energy.

!alu, pronounced 7!ay 6ou7 means love, truth, and beauty. It can also mean harmony. / deeper ray of healing, !alu includes the symbol of 3onar and heals at very deep karmic and causal levels. 9e use !alu to break negative patterns while restoring natural balance in our lives.

!arth is the main symbol in #aruna #i Reiki. 6ike !alu, it means love, truth, beauty, harmony and balance and represents infinite compassion. !arth restores our love of life as it is used to heal issues of the heart.

Rama, interchangeable with 7Ram7 or 71od7 means abiding 5oy. Rama connects us to 1aia, Earth energy, and clears our lower si% chakras. Rama is used to clear negative energy, create determination and revive a person:s chi.

'ronounced, 7#now Sa7, the word comes from 1nosis meaning mystical and spiritual knowledge ac"uired through feeling and prophecies from 1od. 1nosa helps release our higher self to communicate more clearly in every day life. /s it increases awareness it uplifts consciousness creating a direct connection with 1od. 6ike !arth, 1nosa is a primary symbol in #aruna Reiki.

'ronounced 7#ree ;ah7, it means perfect balance and action. The 6aw of #riya is that of physical manifestation. Thought to help to heal the human race. #riya balances energy, raises awareness and transforms thought into action.

'ronounced 7Ee)/h)<ah7, it balances the four elements. 9hen drawing the four small loops, say 7Earth7 with the first, 79ater7 with the second, 79ind or /ir7 with the third, and 7=ire7 with the fourth. Iava dispels illusion, conditionings and untruths. Iava aids in acting in the moment from a place of truth rather than re)acting to circumstances. It also helps heal the Earth.

'ronounced, 7Shawn)Tee7, it means peace. Shanti helps heal the past and make way for the present. 9e use Shanty to send peace to the past, free our attachments and heal. It releases fear, anger, hurt while soothing the aura.

'ronounced, 7do moe7, it represents the swirling heat of the #undalini. /lso known as Tibetan $aster Symbol or Tibetan 0ai #o $io, it is the heat felt over the spine as the #undalini awakens. This heat is the unification of the body and the mind. 0umo ignites this fire in the root chakra, pulls negative energy and disease from the body and releases it. 0umo heals on the deepest of levels.

Usui Dai Ko Myo

The sui $aster Symbol means 71reat 2eing of the niverse Shine on $e7. It can also mean 7great shining light7. It is a 3en e%pression for one:s own true nature or 2uddha) nature. sed at the highest level of healing, it e%pounds the thought that our spiritual body is a template for our physical body. Thus, when we are ill, the dis)ease formed originally in our spiritual bodies. 0ai #o $yo cleanses these bodies and heals our spirit. In #aruna #i, sui 0ai #o $yo is used to represent the total connection to compassion of the divine source.

Tibetan Fire Serpent

This sleeping serpent awakens during an attunement. It opens the central channel of #undalini fire. 0epending on how it is used, it can either ground energy into the lower chakras or push energy upwards into the higher chakras without allowing it to release through the &rown chakra. The =ire Serpent connects and opens all chakras allowing balance and harmony.

'ronounced 7/h uu mm7, it is a Sanskrit symbol, the sacred sound of the niverse. It represents /ll of creation working together as one unit. Think 7/s above So below7, 7/ll opposites are identical in nature only different in degree7. 9e are one and the understanding of such a concept) the integrity of /ll life leads us greater understanding, better choices, happier life. 8m cleans, stabili>es and seals the aura. It brings in light, purifies, protects and connects us with 1od. It represents creation, preservation and destruction. 8m opens the crown chakra and if drawn above the head opens a pathway to 1od and higher consciousness.

Raku is used in attunements, not in individual healings. It helps lift negative energy while taking the initiate into awareness. Raku activates the !ara 6ine, bringing Reiki energy in through the chi channels, and last settling in the !ara. It is used at the end of attunements in both sui and #aruna Reiki attunements. 6ast, it is used to separate the $aster from the initiate after the attunement is complete.

2ssentia Reiki

Traditiona Reiki

The !ur!ose of the symbo )ho-Ku-Rei is to increase the f ow of Reiki energy through the !ractitioner, and thus increase the hea ing. It is used in near y every hea ing situation. It is im!ortant to kee! this !ur!ose of increasing !ower firm y in mind though. Whi e 2ssentia and Traditiona Reiki use the same symbo to re!resent )ho-Ku-Rei, the two schoo s of Reiki draw them in o!!osite directions. 2ssentia Reiki draws the symbo c ockwise whi e Traditiona Reiki draws it counterc ockwise. This makes the individua Reiki user's esoteric be ief's around s!ira s critica in determining which version wi be the more effective. 'any !eo! e, ike the Wiccans, associate c ockwise motion and s!ira s with an increase in !ower and counterc ockwise with a decrease in !ower. 3thers, ike many 4orth *merican Indian tribes, associate sun wise 9c ockwise: with good 9'edicine: and anti-sun wise 9counterc ockwise: with bad 9'edicine:. ;et others associate one direction with 'norma ' and the other with 'contrary' with no good or bad orientation im! ied. *nother grou! thinks the earth's hemis!heres you are in im!ortant in determining the effect of s!ira s. That is, within the 4orthern hemis!here, c ockwise is genera y associated with an increase in !ower and, within the southern hemis!here, the reverse is true, with counterc ockwise being the direction of increased !ower. f you are uncertain of your own beliefs in this area or ha$e a stron, sense of ad$enture0 the Reikifire )inistry recommends you experiment with both $ersions and see which boosts your ener,y more effecti$ely. This will ,i$e you a clearer idea of your beliefs around spirals and their use and power (( and how you can use them most effecti$ely. There is another consideration. In some cases, increasing !ower may 43T be the shortest route to hea ing. It may be that a decrease in !ower wou d be more a!!ro!riate. ,iane #tein, in her book 2ssentia Reiki, refers to one hea ing, invo ving cancer, where her guides directed her to decrease energy 9that is, use the counterc ockwise )ho-Ku-Rei:. If I understand correct y what she says, she is referring to decreasing the energy of the cancer rather than decreasing the energy of the hea ing. This is a good e0am! e of using Reiki in a tight y focused manner over mu ti! e Reiki sessions.

t also points our the wisdom of takin, nothin, for ,ranted and always askin, for ,uidance in your healin, work. )ho-Ku-Rei is a so used to increase or restore the ife force and thus the nutritiona va ue of food, to increase the !otency of medication and<or reduce the side effects. 2ssentia y in any situation where a strong increase or decrease in energy, it is a!!ro!riate to invoke the )ho-KuRei The hea ing focus of the )ho-Ku-Rei is the !hysica body.

!ho(Ku(Rei 1oubled

)ho-Ku-Rei ,oub ed ,oub ed )ho-Ku-Reis are used for manifestation. )onscious manifestation is a com! e0 sub6ect beyond the immediate !ur!ose of this !age. #o I wi sto! with this admonition, Be thou,htful in your askin,0 for you will recei$e what you request.


2ssentia Reiki

Traditiona Reiki


5on-#ha-1e-#ho-4en has four re ated and over a!!ing uses.

=irst, it sends Reiki through s!ace and thus is used in a distant hea ing. #econd, it sends Reiki through time and thus is used in a !ast and future ife hea ings. Third, it works !rimari y on the menta body 9the conscious rather than the unconscious mind: =orth, it a door to the *kashic Records and thus used for identifying and re easing Karmic debts

5on-#ha-1e-#ho-4en has been trans ated in a variety of ways, inc uding. 4o !ast, no !resent, no future 3!en the book of ife and now read

4amaste - The 7oddess in me sa utes the 7oddess in you

The co ours wi vary as re(uired, I= you don't try to force them into what you think might be best. )o ours beyond the norma s!ectrum fre(uent y occur> thus, these co ours are difficu t, if not im!ossib e, to describe. The hea ing focus of the 5on-#ha-1e-#ho-4en is on the menta body.

'on(%ha(&e(%ho(/en 1oubled

2ssentia Reiki 8ersion ,oub ed 5on-#ha-1e-#ho-4en doub ed is used to hea future ives. The 2ssentia Reiki version is shown, but any version may be doub ed. =or other information review the !rimary


2ssentia Reiki

Traditiona Reiki

The #ei-5e-Ki is !erha!s used for more !ur!oses and more situations than any other Reiki symbo . In addition to being used in near y every conceivab e hea ing situation, which might !ossib y inc ude an emotiona com!onent, #ei-5e-Ki is used for c eansing and !urification, !rotection, to c ear negative energy, to re ease s!irit attachments and in distant hea ing. It can be used to !urify food and medications, and, when used with )ho-Ko-Rei, can c ear crysta s and boost the hea ing !ro!erties of medicine. #ei-5e-Ki usefu in treating addictions to reduce or e iminate cravings. *nd it can be used to reduce negative behaviours and attitudes rooted in current ife situations. =or e0am! e, it can often he ! smooth the !ath of troub ed teens.

#ei-5e-Ki's !owerfu c eansing and !rotection abi ities make it idea for c eaning and b essing individua rooms and com! ete homes and bui dings. Use it both to c ear oca es of the negative energies resu ting for current ife arguments and events as we as those from the ong agos, inc uding the re ease of s!irits and thought creatures which have become attached to ! aces and things. )ounse ors, for e0am! e, can use it to c ear their counse ing rooms after every session. #ei-5e-Ki can a so be used to c ear energy b ockages, re ease s!rit attachments and to re!air tears in the aura. The hea ing focus of the #ei-5e-Ki is on the emotiona body.

%ei('e(Ki 1oubled

#ei-5e-Ki ,oub ed *nd Inverted *.J. 'acken+ie ) ay, an *ustra ian Reiki 'aster, has written severa cha enging books, inc uding The Challenge to Teach Reiki and One Step Forward for Reiki. *nd, whi e a review of these books is beyond the sco!e of this !age, the Reikifire 'inistry does recommend a of ) ay's books for those wi ing to cha enge their understanding of Reiki symbo s. ) ay does have an intriguing idea concerning the #ei-5e-Ki. *mong other attributes, he says #ei-5e-Ki, doub ed and inverted as shown above, aids in the integration of the eft and right brain hemis!heres. What is interesting about this idea is that Ja!anese, ike other !eo! es s!eaking non- inear anguages, do not show any evidence of what most westerners have mistaken y come to think of as the c assic, bio ogica y rooted eft brain, right brain s! it. Thus Usui sensi wou d never have sought a cure for the eft-right brain s! it because it does not e0ist among Ja!anese s!eakers. It on y a!!ears among the s!eakers of inear anguages.


2ssentia Reiki

Traditiona Reiki

#eichim 8ariant

Tibetan 8ariant

#unyata 8ariant

8ariant ?

,ai-Ko-'yo has mu ti! e !ur!oses. =irst it is used to !ass attunements. #econd it is a !owerfu hea ing symbo , !erha!s the most !owerfu current y avai ab e to us. Third, it can be used to c eanse and charge crysta s and other ob6ects. This !age on y discusses the modern version of ,ai-Ko-'yo, a doub e s!ira , combined with the Raku. $ut a the forms have the same !ur!ose and Reikifire 'inistry c ergy are encouraged to use the symbo they are most comfortab e with. =ee free to e0!eriment, but don't get caught u! in debating which is correct, for it is ike y none of them are actua y 'right. ' 9#ee the discussion on the "ibrary Inde0 !age: ,iscussion is a so imited, at east for now, to usage as taught in Reiki - Teachings from the 5eart. *gain, a c ergy are encouraged to use the methods they are most comfortab e with -and to e0!eriment with other methods as we . ;ou wi earn best about the symbo s by using them and etting your Reiki guides teach you. It is ike y that no sing e method is best for every situation. $ecause the modern form is a doub e s!ira , a c ergy using the modern version shou d review the comments on s!ira s found in the discussion of the symbo )ho-Ku-Rei. The ,ai-Ko-'yo is the first symbo used when !assing attunements. It is usua y visua i+ed over the crown chakra !rior to drawing any of the other symbo s. In 2ssentia Reiki, it is a so drawn into the !a ms of both hands and, for "eve III attunements, a so drawn into the crown chakra. This symbo can a so be used to c eanse and charge crysta s and to charge medications during their manufacture. The ,ai-Ko-'yo great y increases the hea ing effects of a forms of Reiki 5ea ing. Therefore, this symbo is genera y used with every hea ing, whether hands-on or distant, individua or grou!, or aimed at a !erson, thing or situation. Use it often, you wi be ama+ed at the resu ts.

The hea ing focus of the ,ai-Ko-'yo is the s!iritua body.


2ssentia Reiki

#er!ent 8ariant

Raku is curent y on y used during attunements, during which it has two functions. =irst, it faci itates o!ening u! the new hea er's energy channe s, a ow him to hand e far arger f ows of chi and other fundamenta energies. #econd, it is used to se!arate the auras of the attuning master and the new hea er. It seems ike y there are other uses for Raku and the Reikifire 'inistry encourages everyone to meditate on Raku and re!ort any new information.

Karuna Reiki %ymbols 'alu

5a u su!!orts hea ing in the fo owing areas. 2nconscious patterns 5a u he !s break undesirab e !atterns, frees us from de usions and negative ego thinking. 'oves us towards se f acce!tance and integrity on a eve s. #u!!orts us in c aiming our !ersona !ower by taking res!onsibi ity for our thoughts, words and actions. Brin,in, li,ht to the dark side or healin, the shadow self "ooking at this from a dua ity !oint of view, there is ight and dark, good and bad, etc. Within the dua ity, there are o!!osites. It is either<or. $y raising our consciousness we move out of dua ity into 3neness. ,arkness is mere y the absence of ight. 5a u he !s us shine ight into those dark corners of ourse ves. %exual and physical abuse issues *n abuse situation is a ways a co-creation. 3n one side there is the abuser, on the other side the victim. It can be very traumatic and !ainfu to move through those fee ings of being victimi+ed. 5a u together with 1onar he !s us ook at our issues, bring a fee ings to the ight in order to hea . "sychic and psycholo,ical attack We cannot be attacked un ess we !erceive ourse ves as weak. If we find ourse ves attacked we have a owed it at some eve . 5a u he !s us rec aim our !ersona !ower and strength. The best way to dea with a !sychic or !sycho ogica attack is to b ess the energies that are being sent and direct them back to the sender. Remember what we send out is coming back to us tenfo d. 5a u is said to be ab e to activate a hea ing beam much ike a aser beam, which can be directed s!ecifica y for intensive hea ing. 5a u is usua y used with 1onar.

Karuna Reiki %ymbols 'arth

'arth for a issues of the heart 9emotiona y and !hysica y:. Where b ocks have been removed and fear has been u!rooted, use 5arth to fi the created s!ace with com!assionate ove. 5arth su!!orts hea ing in the fo owing areas. Relationships The ma6ority of !eo! e sti enters a re ationshi! on a trade basis instead on coming from unconditiona ove. #eeing a ack they search to fi this ack with the other !erson. In an e0am! e it goes somewhat ike this. I trade you for giving me status and you trade me for giving you admiration. 3r some other things for that matter. $ased on the e0!ectation in fu fi ing &the trade contract& things most y fa a!art sooner or ater, because one or the other fai s to to be true to the contract. It is an im!ossib e setu! from the beginning. 3n y ove wi ast, unconditiona ove. "ove that !uts no demands onto the other !erson.. 5a u he !s us maintain a re ationshi! and hea it, u timate y by surrendering it to 7od. In doing that we et go of contro com! ete y. The re ationshi! may e0!erience a hea ing and u! ifting or it may not. Know that we come together in a re ationshi! to earn from one another as much as we can. When no more earning is !ossib e at a given time, the re ationshi! wi disso ve. 2ach !erson moves on on their own !ath. We do not own one another. !han,e

To enhance any change you wish to a!! y in your ife, you can use the symbo harth. 2nvision your situation and what you wish to re! ace it with, by mind intent, then send harth to the situation. $e creative. ;ou are the director the !roducer and the actor in the movie ca ed &your ife&. ,o whatever you choose to do, and en6oy your creation@ 3ddictions 5arth can a so be a!! ied to any addiction for hea ing. *ddictions cou d be seen as searching. $ut as it goes when ego or our ower se f is in charge it comes to. seek but do not find. 3n y by surrendering our ives to 7od our creator wi we find ourse ves. 3ur answers are within not without. $y directing our thoughts within we come to discover our end ess source of ove. !ompassionate action )om!assionate action comes from an o!en heart. 5arth he !s us doing 6ust that. The com!assionate heart knows on y ove. It sees the sacredness and oneness of a ife forms, every !erson, ! ant and anima , and treats them according y with reverence and unconditiona ove. !ontactin, #i,ht Bein,s0 3n,els0 3scended )asters *sk for a b essing from the 5igher Rea ms, your favourite *scended 'aster, *nge or "ight $eing. ;ou can send harth to the chosen being and ask for a s!ecia b essing. 2n6oy the energies that you are receiving. *va okiteshvara, Kuan ;in and 'other 'ary wi 6oyfu y he ! you bui d your ove body. Reiki is a so termed &The *rt of Inviting 5a!!iness&. Use harth for everything that you desire in your ive, increasing the ove that surrounds you.

Karuna Reiki %ymbols Rama

Rama su!!orts hea ing in the fo owing areas. #ower chakras Rama is an e0ce ent symbo for grounding. ;ou can even draw it onto the feet shou d the need arise, to bring a !erson &down to earth&. This techni(ue wi a so move any b ockages out the feet and has the !otentia to re ease !ain. Rama he !s in the hea ing of issues of the ower chakras such as wi !ower, surviva , fami y identity 9Ast chakra:. 2stab ishing boundaries, issues about money and se0ua ity 9Bnd chakra:. !learin, the mind Rama visua i+ed on the so es of the feet he !s c ear the mind, by means of a owing earth energy to soothe the who e being. It fee s great after a ong working day. The congested energies can be directed to 'other 2arth in order to be recyc ed. ,on't forget to thank 'other 2arth. !learin, a room/house ;ou can !re!are<c ear your hea ing s!ace or any other room by !utting Rama in the center of the room and<or the four corners. This wi a ow any negative energies to f ow away. It wi ground the room and divine energy from above wi f ow into the room. ;ou can a so visua i+e Rama in the center of the room and focus your mind intent to having the s!ace c eared of any energy which if of ess than divine !erfection. This great y enhances your hea ing work and is he !fu for a uses of that !articu ar room, as there wi be an abundance of divine ove and ight. 'armoni4es the chakras Rama brings about a ba ancing of the chakras and their !ro!erties. 5nhancin, determination and completion /ower a one won't work. )om!assion and ove a one won't work either. Rama he !s us to take com!assionate oving action and enhances our abi ity to make decisions,

in a ignment with #!irit I might add - and not to comfort our egos@ )aterial ,oals and their manifestation Rama is said to act ike a hea ing magnet. It connects us with our higher consciousness. *rchange 'ichae 's !resence has been observed when we create for the highest good of a . Through thought, creative intention, with the addition of our e0citement and 6oy, invo ving our !hysica being, we have massive !ower to manifest what we desire. !ompletes a session It ha!!ens fre(uent y that a !erson eaves the body during a hea ing session. Rama can be used to bring them gent y back, grounding them and a owing any insights they might have received to come into consciousness.

Karuna Reiki %ymbols &onar

1onar is good to use at the beginning of a session to !re!are for dee! hea ing. It is said to work as a !sycho ogica and s!iritua anaesthetic, reducing and<or e iminating emotiona !ain. &onar supports healin, in the followin, areas:

!ellular le$el 3ur ce s carry know edge and memory. 5urtfu and traumatic e0!eriences can be stored over ifetimes in our ce u ar memory. 1onar he !s oosen u! and induce the hea ing of those issues at the ce u ar eve . )ombined with the 5on-#ha-1e-#ho4en 1onar can be used to am! ify the energy for distant hea ing. "ast life issues 3ur today ife is sometimes inf uenced by events from a !ast ife, bringing about a kinds of difficu ties for us to dea with. /hobias, addictions, difficu t re ationshi!s etc. *!! y 1onar together with the 5on-#ha-1e-#ho-4en directed to the event in a s!ecific !ast ive, to hea the cause, core, effect and memory of such an event. !hild abuse #ti very much in the darkness is the issue of chi d abuse. Issues of shame and unworthiness run dee! in the subconscious mind. 1onar he !s re ease those dee! y denied and su!!ressed traumatic e0!eriences and ignites the hea ing !rocess. !ontactin, 3rchan,el *abriel *rchange 7abrie and and his fema e counter!art 5o!e work with the energies of the ?th Ray. 1onar can be used to ca u!on *rchange 7abrie for he !. ;ou might a so ask to be given the information most needed in order to bring those issues that you are current y working on to the ight and hea them. &....... 6e are here to remind you that you are creators. 6e come to you at this most important time in the e$olution of your planet0 a time of unity of %oul and %pirit in the physical body throu,h the #i,ht and the "ower of your bein,. 6e encoura,e you to stand in the "ower of One0 as the indi$idual #i,ht that you are0 to create a new $ision for your world0 a new 'ea$en on 5arth throu,h your indi$idual expression of unconditional lo$e for yoursel$es and one another. 6e challen,e you to act upon life as creators rather than ha$in, life act upon you. Remember always as you are able to lo$e one another& 9*rchange 'ichae channe ed by Ron $aker: $eing a s!iritua anaesthetic, 1onar !re!ares for hea ing on a dee!er eve . The symbo to continue this dee!ened hea ing is 5a u.

Karuna Reiki %ymbols *nosa

*nosa c ears the mind and increases the connection with the 5igher #e f. *nosa supports healin, in the followin, areas: !onnectin, with the 'i,her %elf 7nosa he !s us to highten our awareness and connect with our 5igher #e f. ,ue to this it has the !otentia to bring about very dee! hea ing. It fre(uent y revea s insights that ead to understanding the causing factor of a !ainfu situation. $y a!! ying the a!!ro!riate changes in our ives, dee! hea ing can take ! ace. mpro$es learnin, ability It he !s us to o!en our mind to new conce!ts and to in(uire dee!er into s!iritua truth, beyond faith. *ccording to W. Rand it he !s to earn !hysica activities more easi y, such as s!orts, dancing, martia arts. even the ! aying of musica instruments. It is a so said to be a great he ! for studying and taking tests. !ommunication 7nosa c ears our minds which further im!roves our communication ski s, both verba and written. Use it for your studies, !ro6ects and research - it wi he ! you find the best Resources and wi im!rove your understanding of the materia . !reati$ity With the he ! of 7nosa our connection with our 5igher #e f im!roves, our mind is c earer our intuition and connectedness with $eings of the 5igher Rea ms dee!ens. 7nosa increases the creativity and our ife is great y enhanced by our growing awareness. 7nosa works we with Rama he !ing the 5igher #e f to manifest on the !hysica ! ane.

Karuna Reiki %ymbols Kriya

Kriya supports healin, in the followin, areas: *roundin, 8isua i+e each side of the symbo going down each eg. / ace the u!!er !art in your hi!s with the s!ira s in your feet. This wi create a strong connection to the earth and !u your consciousness more fu y into your body. It is a so said to ead you a ong your !ath in a very !ractica way. )anifestations Kriya can be used for manifestation. Write what you desire to manifest on a !iece of !a!er in the form of an affirmation or a !rayer. $e c ear about what you ask for and add that this be true as ong as it is in a ignment with 7od's wi . ;ou can use this method for anything you desire to manifest in your ife. Then em!ower your manifestation every day by mind intent, see it energi+ed with your enthusiasm and 6oy. ;ou a so may want to visua i+e the Kriya when you &charge& your affirmation<!rayer. "ight-#witch-5una is a great techni(ue to add to a of your !rayer and manifestations @ %ettin, "riorities In a decisions we have a choice. Kriya he !s us set our !ersona !riorities and !references, and it su!!orts us in the re easing of any attachment we sti ho d. 'ealin, the human family Kriya is wonderfu for hea ing the human fami y. #ee a !eo! e harmonious y ive together, 6oyfu y 6oined, ha!!i y aughing, hugging or ho ding hands. Imagine 7od's chi dren ! aying in a beautifu garden ca ed 7aia.

Karuna Reiki %ymbols a$a

a$a supports healin, in the followin, areas: a$a helps us clarify our reality 4ot a of us might be thri ed about this thought, but we do create our own reality. *cce!ting this thought, there is no way around taking charge of our ife. Iava is su!!ortive in this endeavour, as is can be very difficu t to ive our truth> !articu ar y when those ones around us think we're missing a !iece. #o Iava he !s us estab ish hea thy boundaries, setting our goa s, and bui d u! the !ersistence and disci! ine to fo ow our !ath, regard ess of other !eo! e's o!inions. We can sti oving y honour those who have a different !oint of view. There is no need for agreement, acce!tance wi suffice - diversity is beautifu . )o$in, from co(dependency to interconnectedness We are not res!onsib e for other !eo! e, their fee ings, emotions, or their ha!!iness. The so e res!onsibi ity we have is for ourse ves, how we fee about ourse ves, and how we react, or better yet, how we choose to res!ond to others or the various events in our ives. We cannot make anybody ha!!y or sad. To be ieve we can is acting from co-de!endency. Iava he !s us in recogni+ing the interde!endence or 3neness of our being. %eein, the Oneness Iava he !s us understand that we are tru y a one. That another !erson's e0!ression is a so a !art of ourse ves. "ove knows no se!aration. It is on y the ego that wou d

have us be ieve that we are se!arate from each other, that one !erson is su!erior or inferior to another. 5mpowerin, Iava he !s us take action to fu fi our divine ca ing and feeds our e0citement and 6oy in our service work. When I say service work I mean whatever you are doing right now. Teaching chi dren, c eaning windows, working in an office. ,on't forget that you are a hea er in 7od's service. 'ealin, )other 5arth $eing an earth hea ing energy, Iava has the !otentia to connect us dee! y with 4ature. Trees, = owers, Rivers, 'ountains, ) ouds etc. teach us many essons shou d we 6ust start to !ay attention and isten. They teach us about beauty, humi ity, reverence and res!ect. 4ature #!irits and ,evas are ha!!y to share their wisdom with us. ;ou can for instance ask a tree for he !. The tree carries the s!irit of honesty. *s you wou d do with a 4ature #!irits, a!!roach it oving y with res!ect and reverence, coming from your heart 9not your head:. nterconnectedness &The s!iritua as!ect of hea ing invo ves ta!!ing into the dee!er eve s of being, where our innate inte igence resides. *s we connect to our inner rhythms and greater sense of who eness, we begin to e0!erience the rhythms, who eness, and interconnectedness around us, which eventua y e0!ands to inc ude the entire human and ! anetary community.& Cuoted from The ,eva's 5andbook Iava works we with 5arth to he ! overcome addictions.

Karuna Reiki %ymbols %hanti

%hanti supports healin, in the followin, areas: "eace of )ind When !eace of mind becomes your on y goa , you sim! y f ow with the wave of ife. Iava he !s to surf this wave in harmony and ba ance. 76hat we are today comes from thou,hts of yesterday and our present thou,hts build our life of tomorrow. Our life is the creation of our mind.7 9$uddha: nsomnia #hanti brings !eace and re eases fear, therefore it is very efficient in he !ing overcome insomnia and rest essness inc uding nightmares. Release of fear and panic #hanti is wonderfu to use when fear or !anic attacks distress us. 2ven for chronic fatigue it is been known to he !. #hanti induces a soothing ca mness, he !ing us to et go of worries about things of the !ast or those things we imagine yet to ha!!en. Brin,s about best effects #hanti combined with Rama or Kriya he !s rea i+e the goa s we envision with ease and grace, gent y and effort ess y. !lair$oyance #hanti a so has the !otentia of increasing our c airvoyance. 'editate with the !oint of #hanti going into the third eye. 'aintaining this sing e-!ointed focus wi c ear the third eye chakra and enhance c airvoyance.

Karuna Reiki %ymbols Om

Karuna Reiki %ymbols Tibetan 8ire %erpent

9Raku +ariant:

Karuna Reiki %ymbols 1umo or Tibetan )aster %ymbol

9+ariant of 5sential Reiki;s 1ai Ko )yo or )aster %ymbol:

,umo re!resents the sacred f ame or Kunda ini. It unifies mind and body working with the creative fire of the base chakra. It is said to !u negative energy and disease out of the body, a room or a situation and re eases it. ,umo is a so thought to bring about s!iritua growth. The Tibetan 'aster #ymbo is used in the attunement !rocess, together with the 8io et $reath Techni(ue. +iolet Breath Technique ,raw in a dee! c eansing breath, imagining it as white ight coming down through the )rown )hakra. With your tongue at the roof of your !a ate, bring it down the front of the body via ,antien to the 5ui ;in !oint, and back u! the s!ine to the center of the head. Imagine this becoming white mist and fi ing the head. 8isua i+e the white mist turning b ue, see it swir ing as it rotates c ockwise, see it transmute and become a vio et mist. Within the 8io et 'ist, envision ,umo 9Tibetan 'aster #ymbo : or the Usui 'aster symbo if you desire. $reathe the 'aster symbo and 8io et "ight into the student's crown chakra, De0ha e direct y toward the crownE. Imagine the symbo moving into the a!!ro!riate )hakra, as you chant the secret name of the 'aster symbo three times.

%eichim Reiki 3n,el 6in,s

Rea i+ation of /otentia Information on the use of this symbo , and any a ternative drawings wou d be a!!reciated.

%eichim Reiki !ho(Ku(Ret

Inanimate 3b6ect /ower #ymbo Information on the use of this symbo , and any a ternative drawings wou d be a!!reciated.

%eichim Reiki 'i,h(#ow(*od

* ign 5igher, "ower, and 7od *s!ects of #e f Information on the use of this symbo , and any a ternative drawings wou d be a!!reciated.

%eichim Reiki 5efchay

* ternate names inc ude. Ift )hei> eeftchay> 2eeeeft)hay> eeeeftchay. Usage inc udes encouraging ',ivine #ight' or s!iritua guidance from the '5igher #e f.' This is a so ca ed '2nd ess Inner #ight *dditiona information on the use of this symbo , and any a ternative d rawings wou d be a!!reciated.

%eichim Reiki )ale/8emale Balance

4ame variants inc ud. 2ver asting = ower> ;in-;ang $a ance> 2ver asting = ower of 2n ightment> 'a e<=ema e ba ance Uses inc ude to ba ancing the ma e-fema e < yin-yang energy> but it can a so be used to ba ance anything, i.e., ma e-fema e, yin-yang, eft-right, u!-down, etc. *dditiona Information on the use of this symbo , and any a ternative drawings wou d be a!!reciated.

Ka,ami Reiki %ymbols 1i Ku #ien

$rings /rotection

Ka,ami Reiki %ymbols 'om

$rings Unconditiona "ove from 5eaven to 2arth.

Ka,ami Reiki %ymbols 'on %en

4o )ause F 2ffect, ) eans Karma

Ka,ami Reiki %ymbols 'on %en /e

)a s Kindred #!irits

Ka,ami Reiki %ymbols 'on %ha #ien

$rings /hysica and #!iritua Integration

Ka,ami Reiki %ymbols %ei .i

Re eases 2motiona )ause of 20cess Weight

Ka,ami Reiki %ymbols %ei Rei Ki

$rings *bundance

Ka,ami Reiki %ymbols Taika

Takes you to beginning of the ,istortion.

8ire !lo$er

This symbo , channe ed by 'ark $rown and severa other !owerfu reikimages<reikimasters, is essentia y an ankh with an infinity symbo around the crossbar. *ssists in emotiona hea ings of wounds caused by romantic entang ements and &broken hearts&. It a so seems to have a strong se0ua energy, usefu for hea ing s!ecific se0ua ai ments or !rob ems, !ossib y a so ferti ity issues. It's use is sti e0!erimenta and feedback is a ways a!!reciated from successfu or unsuccessfu e0!eriments.
=ire ) over is used with the generous !ermission of the co!yright ho der and Reiki 5igh /riest, $arton Wende .

!hannelled Reiki %ymbol )ountain 8lame

#udden re ease of energy from a &so id foundation& )hanne ed by #i verna.

'ountain = ame is used with the generous !ermission of the co!yright ho der and Reiki 5igh /riest, $arton Wende .

"sychic !leanse

5e !s c eanse the mind of !sychic 6unk. ) ears the thoughts. =ee s ike a wash of energy, f owing water in the mind. )hanne ed by #i verna.
/sychic ) eanse is used with the generous !ermission of the co!yright ho der and Reiki 5igh /riest, $arton Wende .


=ee s ike a stronger version of 2motiona ) earing 9#ei-5e-Ki: $asica y he !s your s!irit hea , bring you c oser to s!irit, etc.. )hanne ed by $arton Wende whi e receiving a Reiki #ession.
#e-Re-#in is used with the generous !ermission of the co!yright ho der and Reiki 5igh /riest, $arton Wende .

%e(Ta(/a and %e(Ta(/a 1oubled

5e !s restore eyesight. 94ot an instaneous, I can #22 cure: 5e !s you have the sight and wisdom of what you want to know, what to do, etc... #ee into the s!iritua rea m, astra trave 9not sure yet:, see g im!ses of a !ossib e future, see whatever you want to &see&. ,oub ed can work both eyes at same time. 'ay fee the energy moving in the back of your eyes. )hanne ed by $arton Wende whi e receiving a Reiki #ession to he ! eyesight.
#e-Ta-4a and the ,oub ed #e-Ta-4a are used with the generous !ermission of the co!yright ho der and Reiki 5igh /riest, $arton Wende .


Transcendence, ,istance 5ea ing, 7ateway, /ast "ife hea ing, 2motiona Re ease, &5on-#ha-1e-#ho-4en B&9works simi ar: )hanne ed by $arton Wende
Transcendence is used with the generous !ermission of the co!yright ho der and Reiki 5igh /riest, $arton Wende .

True 8orm

To he ! you see the &True =orm& of a being. To 5e ! see the true se f of a !erson...ie..not acting ike themse ves If you are &otherkind&, fee that your s!irit is not human, if you fee that you were 0000 in !ast ife,or want to see the &true form& of another. 9,raw symbo on se f to see other !eo! es true form, or c ose eyes<use mirror to see your own.....or draw on another !erson so that they may see: )hanne ed by $arton Wende in a Reiki 7rid with he ! of 7eoffrey Wende .
True =orm is used with the generous !ermission of the co!yright ho der and Reiki 5igh /riest, $arton Wende .

True )emory

5e !s you remember what you need to know. $asic memory thing, ike a !ersons name a the way u! to remembering your ife !ur!ose. /ast ife memory. Remembering why you are here or why a !erson shou d stay here 9if they are giving

u! on ife:. )hanne ed by 7eoffrey Wende .

True 'emory is used with the generous !ermission of the co!yright ho der and Reiki 5igh /riest, $arton Wende .

6a(Ka(%u and 6a(Ka(%u 1oubled

To )hange *ttitude, !erce!tion. ) ears the mind and mood. To see things in a new ight. To add ight 9 itera y and figurative y: to a view. 9It fe t ike the room got brighter: /ut hand in air with !a m facing down and fingers o!en. ,rag who e hand u! and around to draw symbo . 'ore noticeab e when drawn doub ed, use both hands at same time. )hanne ed by James Tucker.
Wa-Ka-#u and Wa-Ka-#u ,oub ed are used with the generous !ermission of the co!yright ho der and Reiki 5igh /riest, $arton Wende .

3uric 5,,

!hanneled by K;sitew This Reiki #ymbo , the *uric 2gg, with a sing e ob6ect within a sing e oo!, is the sim! est of the gatherer c ass of symbo s. It is a so one of the more !owerfu . It serves severa !ur!oses. =irst, as a diagnostic, it indicates e0treme se!aration, such as might be the case with an autistic chi d or a comatose !erson. It may a so be indicative of a !rob em situation or source which which is we entrenched and ike y to take mu ti! e sessions to work though. It can be used to strengthen !ersona boundaries where they are missing or weak. It can a so be used as a ty!e of shie d. That is, when one wants to be undisturbed, for e0am! e to study or meditate, this symbo wi cause fo k to ignore you. It is a so usefu in situations where many strong and conf icting emotions e0ist. Use it to avoid getting caught u! in !anic and<or mob hysteria. Using it is the Reiki e(uiva ent of using the *uric 2gg e0ercise in $etty #hine's book, Mind Magic. *nd it is c ose y re ated to the shamanic c oak of invisibi ity. The !rimary hea ing focus of this symbo is the menta body.

Barred !ho(Ku(Rei

!hanneled by K;sitew The $arred )ho-Ku-Rei a!!eared whi e hea ing a stone bruised hee . The symbo a!!eared and entered the hee at the !oint of in6ury. The hea ing was instantaneous@ It is unknown if this symbo is for bruises genera y, feet genera y or some other, more obscure, !ur!ose. I encourage you to try it and re!ort your e0!eriences. / ease note the s!ira is counter-c ockwise, but with the hand e to the right. This is a different )ho-Ku-Rei from the )ho-Ku-Rei used by either 2ssentia Reiki and Traditiona Reiki.


!hanneled by K;sitew

7atherer is one e0am! e of an entire c ass of Reiki symbo s whose common e ements are shown here as the ba and string. The one and two s!here variants wi be added as se!arate !ages at a ater time, as they have s!ecia meanings and usages. The three obe 9or more: variants genera y have the !ur!ose and effect of bringing together the items re!resented by the s!heres. The 'string' as it were, tying together the s!heres. 9#ee #everer: 3ne e0am! e wou d be to use gatherer to hea a fami y and its re ationshi!s with one obe for each fami y member. 7atherer can be used simi ar y for team bui ding or hea ing in a work or other setting where coordination and good wi among various fo k is im!ortant. *gain, use one obe for each !erson. The s!heres are, in essence, wi d cards, the va ue of which is determined by the user. They can be re! aced by different sha!es, symbo s, co ours, or whatever the user can imagine, with each item re!resenting something different. Used in this way, gatherer can be used to manifest, create !ro6ects re(uiring mu ti! e e ements, etc. This is a com! e0 c ass of symbo s with many variab es. =or e0am! e, is the centre o!en or c osedG Is an o!en centre fi ed or em!tyG Is any !articu ar oo! fi ed or em!tyG *re the oo!s oriented out, ike f ower !eta s, or in towards the centreG The ministry stron,ly recommends usin, this class of symbols under ,uidance until you ha$e considerable experience with it. 7atherer is a most a ways seen in motion. The string undu ating much ike a ro!e f oating on water and the s!heres 9or other symbo s: f oating 9bobbing: within the oo!s. The co ours can vary considerab y.


!hanneled by K;sitew #everer breaks, cuts, and severs re ationshi!s among !eo! e, karma, and dimensions. It may be ca!ab e of severing re ationshi!s among other c asses of items as we . #everer is !rimari y used to ease the transitions of birth and death, making both ess difficu t and or ess !ainfu . 5owever, it can a so be used to break the karmic ties between !eo! e, !articu ar y !eo! e current y within a fami y re ationshi!. It can he ! !arents re ease their chi dren to the wor d, and it can he ! in cases of divorce, chi d custody !rob ems, and simi ar situations where there is great difficu ty in ' etting go' by one or more of the various !arties. In action severer a!!ears to f y through inner s!ace s!inning ike a saw b ade, cutting the cords of re ationshi!. 9#ee 7atherer: #everer's co our is best described as one of the unearth y ones. #everer is definite y a mu ti-dimensiona symbo .


!hanneled by K;sitew #crubber !urifies the various etheric bodies, but !articu ar y the ight body. It a!!ears to scrub and c ean away a darkness, eaving the ight body a ustrous go den co our. In a!!earance, each ribbon is (uite ong, si0 to eighth feet, and in constant motion, giving the a!!earance of dark meta ic my ar stri!s moving in a very gent e bree+e. The co ours are unearth y, shimmering, most y dark to the eyes, but with shining high ights. In action the ribbons enter via the crown and f ow through the entire body, e0iting through the hands, feet and root chakra. This is a very high eve Reiki symbo not yet fu y understood in its !ur!ose or effects.

%trand of %pirals

!hanneled by K;sitew This symbo a!!eared whi e treating a stiff neck and !ainfu u!!er back. The difficu ty was on the eft side of the neck and back. * co umn consisting of hundreds of sma , dime si+e s!ira s, both c ockwise and counterc ockwise in orientation, a!!eared and entered the body 6ust to the eft of the s!ine where the s!ine and sku meet. The s!ira s continued down the eft side of the body, fina y disa!!earing at the base of the s!ine. Initia y,e.g., at the time of treatment, about every ?Hth or IHth s!ira entered on the right side of the s!ine instead of the eft, and trave ed down the right side of the s!ine, again disa!!earing at the base of the s!ine. 5ea ing was not instantaneous. 5owever the strand of s!ira s continued to a!!ear and f ow down the sides of s!ine s!ontaneous y for over a week, even though no additiona treatment was given. *s time !assed, an increasing number of s!ira s moved to the right side of the s!ine. When hea ing was com! ete, 6ust before the s!ira s disa!!eared, about IHJ of the s!ira s were moving a one each side of the s!ine. Whi e the s!ira s were in a distinct co umn or strand, the co umn was not rigid, but f uid. Individua s!ira s were not in c ose a ignment and each s!ira had it own motion. #ome ti ted a ong various a0is, some rotated, a though very s ow y. The genera a!!earance was re a0ed and a motion eisure y. The hea ing focus of The #trand of #!ira s a!!ears to be the !hysica body. It has the fee of addressing a ignment !rob ems, and thus might be usefu not on y with s!ina !rob ems,but with broken bones, dis ocated 6oints and simi ar difficuties.

6e 3re One

!hannelled by K;sitew We *re 3ne is one of the 7atherer c ass of symbo s. It is a modern re! acement for the 5on#ha-1e-#ho-4en. It is re ated to the 5indu 4amaste, and * )ourse in 'irac es's &5o y Instant& and &5o y 2ncounter&. I desire this ho y instant for myse f, that I may share it with my brother, whom I ove. It is not !ossib e that I can have it without him, or he without me. ;et it is who y !ossib e for us to share it now. *nd so I choose this instant as the one to offer to the 5o y #!irit, that his b essing may descend on us, and kee! us both in !eace. 9*)I' TAK.8.L.M-N: We *re 3ne can be used anywhere 5on-#ha-1e-#ho-4en might be used. It is es!ecia y !owerfu when used immediate y before sending ,istant hea ing, a ,istant *ttunement, or !raying for another. With this usage, imagine you are one of the s!heres and the !erson you are he !ing is the other. We *re 3ne is a so usefu in a uniting ceremonies, ike weddings. In these cases, use the names of the two fo ks being united as the two s!heres. We *re 3ne is a so usefu in hea ing damaged, but not broken, re ationshi!s.

6a,le Reiki %ymbol Biru Kai

This symbo is used to increase or create ove.

6a,le Reiki %ymbol !hi 'ai

This symbo is used to insure the success of new ventures.

6a,le Reiki %ymbol 8uru "yo %ho

This symbo is used to im!rove meditation.

6a,le Reiki %ymbol 'an, %en, 1or

This symbo is used to remove b ockages F difficu ties. It can a so be ! aced on the the wa s of houses, offices etc.

6a,le Reiki %ymbol .ai .in

This symbo is used for se f e0!ression.

6a,le Reiki %ymbol .in %o *en

This symbo is used to create or increase !eace within the fami y. * so see gatherer.

6a,le Reiki %ymbol Kai %ei !hen

This symbo is used to remove de!ression.

6a,le Reiki %ymbol Ki <in !hi

This symbo is used to create or increase !ros!erity. It can a so be / aced to the wa s of houses, offices etc. )onsider using Ki ;in )hi 9for !ros!erity:, 1en Kai Jo 9for abundance: and 'i Cu 1oo 9e iminating scarcity: together.

6a,le Reiki %ymbol )ichi Ka Ro

This symbo is used to create or increase harmony.

6a,le Reiki %ymbol )il =u &oo

This symbo is used to remove scarcity. It can a so be / aced to the wa s of houses, offices etc. )onsider using Ki ;in )hi 9for !ros!erity:, 1en Kai Jo 9for abundance: and 'i Cu 1oo 9e iminating scarcity: together.

6a,le Reiki %ymbol %anye )eldu

This symbo is used to create or increase !eace.

6a,le Reiki %ymbol %en4 Tan

This symbo is used to achieve victory.

6a,le Reiki %ymbol Tse /e 1on,

This symbo is used to create ha!!iness and smoothness. It can a so be / aced to the wa s of houses, offices etc.

6a,le Reiki %ymbol <oshi Te

This symbo is used to im!rove Re ationshi!s. #ee 7atherer as we .

6a,le Reiki %ymbol &en Kai .o

This symbo is used to create or increase abundance. It can a so be ! aced on the wa s of houses, offices etc. )onsider using Ki ;in )hi 9for !ros!erity:, 1en Kai Jo 9for abundance: and 'i Cu 1oo 9e iminating scarcity: together.

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