He had to become like his brothers and sisters in every way. Hebrews 2:17a
All are In this House of God
MASSES SATURDAY 5:00 PM (Sunday Obligation) SUNDAY 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM (English-Polish) - 12:00 PM 6:15 AM, 1:30 PM and 5:00 PM (Polish) 6:30 PM (Spanish) WEEKDAY MASSES (Monday-Friday) 6:30 AM, 7:30 AM (Polish), 8:30 AM SATURDAY MASS 7:30 AM ( Polish) 8:30 AM SACRED HEART ADORATION CHAPEL Open 7 day a week from 8:30AM to 8:30 PM FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION 5:00-7:00PM Bilingual Confessions 5:00-6:00PM, 6:00 PM Mass (Polish) HOLY DAYS Please refer to schedules printed in the bulletin prior to the Holiday. Vigil Mass - 7:00 PM (evening before Holy Day) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 4:00-4:45 PM SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sundays at 3:15 PM Baptismal Preparation Class Last Monday of month at 7:00 PM Parish registration and attendance at the Baptismal Preparation Class are required prior to Baptism. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE All wedding arrangements must be made with a parish priest at least 5 months prior to scheduled date. All couples are required to participate in a marriage preparation program. Parish registration is a requirement. Times of marriages are as follows: Saturday 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM Sundayno weddings
RECTORY ..(708)423-0321 PLEBANIA (po polsku)..(708)423-0321 For Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage, parish registration, convert instruction, prolonged illness at home. PARISH WEBSITE www.stalbertgreat.com E-MAIL [email protected] PARISH BOUNDARIES North-75th St. East-Cicero, West-Narragansett South-87th St. (Cicero to Austin) 83rd St. (Austin to Narragansett) MINISTRY OF CARE.(708)423-0321 Deacon Irvin A. Bryce Jr. PRAYER NETWORK....(708)966-4068 Mrs. Marlene Rybicki ST. ALBERT THE GREAT SCHOOL.(708)424-7757 5535 West State Road Mr. Terrence K. ORourke, Principal www.stalbertthegreatschool.com POLISH CATHOLIC SCHOOL KS. IGNACEGO POSADZEGO.(708) 423-5715 5555 West State Road www.szkolaksignacego.com E-MAIL [email protected] CCD OFFICE...(708)636-0406 5535 West State Road Deacon Pete Manning, Coordinator
Monday, February 3, 2014 St. Blase 6:30AM 7:30AM 8:30AM -Cameron Fahey, Blessing for Health +John Kenny Jr. Tuesday, February 4, 2014 6:30AM 7:30AM +Stanislaw Tylka 8:30AM +Dan & Nula Curran +Helen Jasinski +Theresa & Umberto Botta Wednesday, February 5, 2014 St. Agatha, Virgin & Martyr 6:30AM 7:30AM -Maria Gromska Birthday Blessing 8:10AM -MORNING PRAYER OF THE CHURCH 8:30AM +Anna & James Shaugnessy Thursday, February 6, 2014 St. Paul Miki & companions 6:30AM 7:30AM +Jozef Kowalczyk - Birthday Rememb. 8:30AM -Nancy Abelarde - Blessing for Health 7:00PM-PARISH HOLY HOUR First Friday, February 7, 2014 6:30AM 7:30AM 8:30AM +Fr. Gerry Roche 6:00PM +Stanislawa, Ignacy and Adela Prezydent -Marek & Ela Bizub - 23 Wedding Anniversary -Agata -Birthday Blessing Saturday, February 8, 2014 Blessed Virgin Mary St. Jerome Emiliani, St. Josephine Bakhita 7:30AM 8:30AM +Gertrude Trlak 5:00PM +Mariano & Luiga Imbarrato Sunday, February 9, 2014 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 6:15AM 7:30AM +Raymond Pogwizd 9:00AM +Eleanor Spratt 10:30AM +Mieczyslaw Antol +Wladyslaw Bugara 12:00AM 1:30PM +Leo Osowski 5:00PM 6:30PM +Alfredo Ginez Sanchez In reparation for abortion
Monday, February 3rd, 2014 is the Feast of St. Blas will have the blessing of the throats after the 6:30 am, 7:30am and 8:30 am Masses.
E n c h i l a d a s $ 4 . 00 o r d er G o r d i t a s $2.00 each
Atole $1.00, Pop $1.00, Water $1.00
Next Weekend Second Collection: On February2 we will take up Second Collection for the Parish Needs. Your contribution will support the growing maintenance costs of the church, school, convent and the parish grounds.
Your Support is appreciated
LET US PRAY For the sick: Robert Skrobutt, , Flora Mortell, Andrea Pellicano, Renee Rubio, Michael Ufana, Edward Jagodzinski, Beverly Davis, Rev. Thomas Mescall, Nancy & Wayne Kinzie, Connie Melody, Marie King Doyle, Johanna Pusateri, Rose Heiden, Michael Mazurek, Terrie Lynn Hennessy, Debbie OHara, Eric & Jesse Dulce, Donald Demski, Marlene Johanes, Mary Sochacz, Marilyn Buchalski, Carmella Mazurek, Arletta Ceynow, Bernice Ciszek, Irene Korosa, Bill & Ruth Eichnamm, Diane and Robert Juris, Dorothy Reid, Salvatore Bottari, Theresa Lonski, Harriet Madey, Alex Silverman, Janelle Demski, Bussie & Hedderman Families, Sister Patricia Labuda, Walter Anderson, Shirley McVane, Cheryl Korosa, Penny Prokop, Mary Ann Riccio. For the deceased: Christopher P. Gomez Jr. , Antoinette Rutherford, Zenah Santina Muhdi, Helen Wisniewski.
CONSTANT FAITH If you remain constant in faith in the face of trial, the Lord will give you peace and rest for a time in this world, and forever in the next. St. Jerome Emiliani
2013 DONATIONS TO CHURCH 2013 contribution statements will be mailed upon request. Please call the parish office at 708-423-0321 if you would like a statement of your contributions.
TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION By Candlemas, forty days after Christmas, February 2, the season of Christs coming has depleted our candle supply. Soon, the parish will order a new paschal candle from a catalogue or candlemaker, or in some communities, wax will be collected to be melted and molded. Last years paschal candle shows the wear and tear of summer heat, or many funerals or baptisms. Paschal candles have been around since at least the fourth century, when Constantines biographer Eusebius reported that the night of the sacred vigil was transformed into the brilliancy of day, by lighting throughout the city pillars of wax, while burning lamps in every place so that the splendor of this night was brighter than the brightest daylight. Light was a precious commodity in the ancient world, and this lavish use of precious beeswax was a sign of the Christians call to bear Christs light into the worlds darkness. In a pre-electric age, a whole city aglow from the paschal flame must have been a glorious sight, and a reminder to every baptized Christian of our vocation to be the light of the world. Rev. James Field, Copyright J. S. Paluch Co.
Members of the Johnson-Phelps VFW Post & Ladies Auxiliary- #5220-Oak Lawn, IL. are proud to announce the winners of their Voice of Democracy and Patriots Pen Scholarship Competition. FRONT ROW- Sr.Vice Cmdr. Rich Bukowski, Patriot Pen -Patrick Joseph Beifus (6th.gr)-St. Albert the Great School, Voice of Democracy Winner- Kathleen McGivney, (Sr).,Mother McAuley HS., Patriot Pen- Mayra Vazquez (8th.gr) St. Albert the Great. Roy Johnson, Voice of Democracy/Patriot Pen Chairman. NOT PICTURED-Anna Nawara-(7th.gr)- St. Albert the Great School, Alicia Lynch( 7th.gr)-Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School.
Catholic young adults 18-35 desiring to listen closely to God's call please join us for a Called Series evening on Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 7:30-8:30 PM, at the Cenacle Retreat Center, 513 W. Fullerton Pkwy., Chicago, 60614. Topics for discussion and prayer are taken from the book Tuning In to God's Call by Fr. A. C.Wisdom, OP and Sr. C. Kiley, ASCJ. Sponsored by CAVA and the Archdiocese of Chicago Office for Religious. For more information contact Sr. Elyse at [email protected] (312) 534-5240.
Relevant Radio brings Catholic programming to its listeners 24/7, including the Archdiocese of Chicago's Catholic Community of Faith, from 9 to 10 a.m., Monday through Friday.
THE ROAD TO GOD There is but one road to lead us to Godhumility; all other ways would only lead astray, even were they fenced in with all virtues. Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux
2 THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD Baptism Preparation Classin Spanish 4 Bingo 7:00 pm CCD 7:00PM 5 Morning Prayer of the Church 8:10 am Boy Scouts Bible Study 10am 7:00 pm CCD 7:00PM 6 Adoration 7:00 pm 7 First Friday Adoration 5:00-7:00pm Confessions 4:30-6:00pm Mass 6:00pm Cub Scouts 7:00pm 14 Cub Scouts 7:00 pm
9 5TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Tamale Sale 8am-8pm 11 Bingo 7:00 pm CCD 7:00PM 12 Morning Prayer 13 of the Church Adoration 8:10 am 7:00 pm Bible Study 10am Boy Scouts 7:00 pm SVDP 6:30 pm 19 Morning Prayer 20 of the Church Adoration 8:10 am 7:00 pm Bible Study 10am Boy Scouts 7:00 pm 26 Morning Prayer of the Church 8:10 am Bible Study 10am Boy Scouts 7:00 pm CCD 7:00PM 27 Adoration 7:00 pm
Parish Council 7:00 pm Holy Name 8:00 pm 18 Bingo 7:00 pm CCD 7:00PM
16 6TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME St. Albert School Family Mass 9am 25 Bingo 7:00 pm CCD 7:00PM
17 Seniors 11:00 am
DZIECICE KKO RACOWE - ma swoje spotkanie w pierwsz rod miesica tj. 5 lutego o godzinie 5:30pm. UROCZYSTO OFIAROWANIA PASKIEGO - MATKI GROMNICZNEJ - dzisiaj przypada uroczysto Ofiarowania Paskiego. Powicenie gromnic na pocztku kadej Eucharystii. Gromnice mona zakupi w przedsionku kocioa. PIERWSZY PITEK MIESICA - w tym tygodniu 7 lutego przypada pierwszy pitek miesica. Okazja do Spowiedzi w. od godz. 5:00 pm. Adoracja Najwitszego Sakramentu o godz. 6:30 pm. Msza w. o godz. 7:00 wieczorem. RODZINNY BAL SERDUSZKOWY - Polska Katolicka Szkoa imienia Ksiedza Ignacego Posadzego zaprasza wszystkich na RODZINNY BAL SERDUSZKOWY w sobot 15 lutego. Do taca przygrywa bdzie Orkiestra "Chopcyska Band". Rozpoczcie o godz. 7:00. Bilety s do nabycia w biurze parafialnym, szkolnym i po kadejMszy w. Dorli $35.00 od osoby. W cenie biletu obiad i deser. Zabawa trwa bdzie do 2:00 rano. Dla Rodzicw z maymi dziemi wiadomo, e podczas zabawy zapewniona bedzie opieka nad dziemi. Cena $10.00 od dziecka. Dochd przeznaczony na potrzeby Szkoy. PROJEKCJA FILMU - Za tydzie w Niedziel 9 lutego o godz. 2:40pm zapraszamy na projekcj filmu pt. JAN PAWE II
NOWE KATOLICKIE - D W U J Z Y C Z N E P R Z E D S Z K O L E Zapraszamy rodzicw mieszkajcych na poudniowych przedmieciach do nowo otwierajcego si dwujzycznego przedszkola katolickiego w Parafii witego Alberta Wielkiego w Burbank. Zajcia bd odbyway si pi dni w tygodniu prowadzone przez wykwalifikowanych nauczycieli i Siostry Misjonarki Chrystusa Krla.
PRZEDSZKOLE - Dzieci od 3 (musi ukoczy 3 lata do 1-go wrzenia 2013) - 4 lat ZAPWENIJ DZIECKU CIEKAWE ZAJCIA POZA DOMEM, ZABAW Z DZIEMI, OPIEK I DOBRE PRZYGOTOWANIE DO SZKOY PODSTAWOWEJ (opaty duo tasze ni w okolicznych przedszkolach). P DNIA opata $14.00 (dziennie) od godz. 8:00AM - 11:15 AM, 3 dni - poniedzia ek, roda, pi tek 5 dni - od poniedzia ku do pi tku CAY DZIE opata $26.00 (dziennie) od godz. 8:00AM - 3:00PM 3 dni - poniedziaek, roda, pitek 5 dni - od poniedzia ku do pi tku Po wicej informacji prosze dzwoni 708-424-7757 lub (po Polsku) do biura parafialnego 708-423-0321.
Zarejestrowani parafianie w. Alberta Wielkiego, ktrzy pragn otrzymna wykaz doncaji na koci do rozliczenia podatkowego za rok 2013 proszeni s o kontakt z biurem parafialnym
Druga Kolekta
w niedziel (2-go lutego, 2014) przeznaczona bdzie na wzrastajce koszty utrzymania kocioa oraz wszystkich budynkw na terenie parafii.
Bg zapa za Wasze ofiary