The Natural Resource For The Power Industry: Assessing Your Needs

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Customer Benefits

The Natural Resource for the Power Industry

Assessing your needs
Nuclear, coal and gas-fired power plants each have their own unique water treatment requirements. From our experience base, GE understands the challenges confronting the global power generation industry. Our background and experience treating water for power generation applications is extensive. It spans a diverse range of feed, process and effluent considerations and our systems and chemical treatment programs are designed to meet or exceed challenging performance criteria. They are also designed to make economic and environmental sense. Our fireside & water management capabilities include: Fuels and Combustion Solutions Cooling System Treatment Treatment of Cooling Tower Blowdown Condensate and Service Water Treatment Boiler Feed Treatment & Make-up Water Wastewater Treatment Water Recycle and Reuse Zero Liquid Discharge Water Quality Measurement System Upgrades and Retrofits

Figure 1: Nuclear Power Plant

GE Where People, Power and Water Mix

The power generation industry and GE Water & Process Technologies have a rich history together. It is a history backed by over 50 years of experience and evidenced by a vast installed base of fireside & water treatment systems and chemical applications. Our power industry clients know that GE does what it takes to satisfy their demands. Simply stated, its our people and our flexibility that make the GE difference. Our people make it easy for you to work with GE. Our technical expertise is backed by a spirit of innovation that drives us to deliver water treatment solutions that fit the needs of the power industry. Our design sophistication, depth of understanding and individual attention coalesce to form the GE experience. From project inception through chemical application and system commissioning and operation, GE is dedicated to satisfying your water treatment needs. Worldwide, GE has a reputation for providing the right water solutions that help you operate costeffectively and efficiently, while meeting environmental requirements.
Find a contact near you by visiting or e-mailing [email protected]. Global Headquarters Trevose, PA +1-215-355-3300

GEs first step in determining your needs is to conduct a site assessment audit. At no charge, we sample and analyze your water in our in-house, certified facilities. We examine your plants various fireside & water treatment requirements and we draw from our global archive of power generation engineering experience. We will coordinate our efforts in conjunction with your A&E firm, corporate engineering staff, chemistry department and finance department.
Americas Watertown, MA +1-617-926-2500 Europe/Middle East/Africa Heverlee, Belgium +32-16-40-20-00 Asia/Pacific Shanghai, China +86 (0) 411-8366-6489
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2007, General Electric Company. All rights reserved. *Trademark of General Electric Company; may be registered in one or more countries.

Our teams of fireside, chemical, & water treatment experts carefully develop a number of suitable design options. These options are promptly presented by our sales professionals, most of whom are chemical engineers, in the form of a Preliminary Process Proposal. The Final Proposal is provided complete with a recommended process flow that seamlessly integrates into your process and site requirements. You are also encouraged to visit other GE installations. Customers that visit our own and operate facilities are often impressed with our impeccable housekeeping and friendly, knowledgeable operators. We are justifiably proud of our power industry reference list! Actively listening to your needs and foreseeing all the countless details - details that make the difference - results in commissioning a system that works consistently and reliably. No surprises or hidden costs. The tougher the challenge, the better-equipped GE is to provide you with a remedy. Our recommendations are based on our unique blend of technical qualifications and years of accumulated experience. For instance, over 90% of the zero liquid discharge (ZLD) systems at power plants around the world utilize GEs proprietary RCC* brand of brine concentrators and crystallizers. In short, our commitment is to provide you with the best performing, most cost-effective, long-term solutions for your demanding power applications. Our natural resources are your natural resources.

An integral part of our specialty chemical heritage, GE has been working with our power customers to solve problems associated with the handling and combustion of fossil fuels; from storage, to transport, to combustion, GE has unique solutions that can help our customers improve plant availability, improve environmental compliance, reduce operations and maintenance costs, and enhance fuel economics. For fuel handling, GE has a full complement of chemical applications to control dust at the coal storage and handling facilities; to assist in improving coal flow on the conveyors; and a full range of biocides and surfactants for fuel oil storage.

Figure 3: Slagging in Fireside of Boiler

Optimizing Fuel Costs with Fireside Solutions

For oil fired and coal fired boilers, GE has a variety of chemical treatments that can improve the overall combustion and emissions processes. We have developed advanced chemical additive technology to help reduce the impact of slagging and convective pass fouling in the boilers. To assist customers in addressing SOx and NOx emissions discharges and plume issues, we have unique chemical applications that will aggregate and optimize the existing emissions management processes and compliance requirements. For combustion turbines, GE has distillate fuel treatments and GE Energy approved Cleanblade for compressor cleaning. Lastly, for customers who have implemented flue gas de-sulfurization (FGD) modifications, GE is in the process of developing a new approach to the management of FGD waste water treatment, addressing some of the key element issues that exist today, such as Selenium.

Figure 2: Coal Handling Facility

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GE: A Water Treatment Powerhouse

GE has led the way with integrated water and wastewater treatment approaches utilizing an array of membrane-based and thermal technologies, part of what we refer to as GE Total Water Management*. For instance, UF and RO technologies are used to concentrate cooling tower blowdown to feed an RCC* evaporator. Evaporator concentrate is fed to an RCC crystallizer to provide a fully-integrated Zero Liquid Discharge solution and high quality condensate is then further refined by EDI. In countless power industry installations, EDI is used in place of traditional mixed bed ion exchange. The result is a considerable reduction in operating and chemical costs as well as in the storage and handling of hazardous on-site caustic and acid regenerant chemicals. GEs EDI technology is technology which simply works, week after week, month after month, year after year. Period.

Figure 4: Water Treatment Plant

Known for our state-of-the-art, unparalleled process and product engineering, clients often decide to work with GE because of the broad range of water treatment technologies we bring to bear: RO Reverse Osmosis EDI - Electrodeionization UF Ultra Filtration MF - Micro Filtration Clarifiers Ozonation Ion Exchange Degasification (CORS and GTM) Evaporation Crystallization Biological Treatment Corrosion, pH, macrofouling, and fouling control

Figure 5: Water Treatment System

GE not only manufactures state-of-the-art water treatment systems, as well as chemical treatment programs for any water system needs, but also makes some of the best analytical instrumentation in the world for water quality measurement - you can depend on the Sievers*, GE* and Leakwise* brand names. Our belief is, If you can measure contamination, you can manage it. GE knows that there is no typical water treatment system for power generation. But to appreciate the breadth of solutions GE provides, it is useful to examine a process that incorporates multiple technologies, indicative of what tools are being put to work today at some leading power generation plants.
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Today, GE continues to deliver process improvements to the power generation industry. With our global power industry installation base and our focus on total customer satisfaction, GE is the right partner for your process needs. Since 1991, with GEs first EDI installation in the power industry, GE has demonstrated proven, longterm EDI operating performance. We encourage you to ask the experts!

Services and Financial Options

After commissioning your system, GE continues to remain on call around the clock. Not only do we provide the technology and engineering experience, but we are the source for all your chemicals, replacement membranes and media, spare parts and components, portable ion exchange bottles and the like.
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Figure 6: Process Flow Diagram for Integrated Water and Wastewater Treatment System

In other words, we are ready, able and willing to quickly respond to your ongoing process needs, well after successful installation and commissioning. Our long-term service contracts are supported by field engineers and technicians that assure your systems meet your performance demands. Among some of the services we routinely provide are: Training of Plant Operators Remote Monitoring Overnight Parts Dispatching Data Collection, Trending and Analysis Mobile Ultrapure Water Systems Bulk Water Delivery Temporary Systems Pilot Plant Operations and Testing Operating and Maintenance Services Ion Exchange Resin Regeneration

GE allows you to select from each of the following options: Capital Equipment Purchase Short-term Equipment Leasing Long-term, Full-service Leasing (BOO) Build-Own-Operate-Maintain (BOOM) contracts Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT) contracts

Youre in control. You can elect to purchase the equipment or to lease it. Each lease is as individual as the water it is treating. You can operate the facility or GE will operate it for you. In a full-service lease, you will typically pay to have GE maintain a minimum level of acceptable water quality in the treated water storage tank. GE can also provide you with a precise understanding of all costs associated with equipment procurement, operating & maintenance costs and process risks. Well look at your monthly costs for the next five years, ten years or more. So call us. Put GEs experience, technologies, services and flexibility to work for you. Let GE be your natural resource for your fireside, chemical, and water treatment needs.

But equally as important, we provide you with a host of financing options designed to assist you with your water operations.

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