Objectives: Programming Language Java Language

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Objectives Chapter 1. Introduction to Java.

ITSS Java Programming Dat Trinh Tuan, Soict, HUST

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:

Describe the features of Java technology Describe the different phases of a Java program


Original motivation


was created in 1991 by James Gosling et al. of Sun Microsystems. Initially called Oak, in honor of the tree outside Gosling's window, its name was changed to Java because there was already a language called Oak.

The need for platform independent language that could be embedded in various consumer electronic products like toasters and refrigerators. One of the first projects developed using Java

a personal hand-held remote control named Star 7.

Gosling realized that Java could be used for Internet programming.

Java Technology

Programming Language

A programming language A development environment An execution environment

Programming language Java language Development Environment Java 2 Software Development Kit

Java as the language is called the Java language, and is a language that is platform independent and object-oriented. As a programming language, Java can create all kinds of applications that you could create using any conventional programming language.

Execution Environment JRE


A Development Environment

A Execution Environment

As a development environment, Java technology provides you with a large suite of tools (Java 2 SDK):

A compiler (javac) and debugger An interpreter (java) A documentation generator (javadoc) A class file packaging tool and so on...

Java technology applications are typically general-purpose programs that run on any machine where the Java runtime environment (JRE) is installed. Two main deployment environments:

JRE supplied by Java 2 SDK On your web browser. Most commercial browsers supply a Java technology interpreter and runtime environment.

Java Features

Object Oriented

Platform Independent Object Oriented Network Security Simplicity Severe error check

Java is an object-oriented programming language

class, object, encapsulation, inheritance, interface,..

As the term implies, an object is a fundamental entity in a Java program

Objects can be used effectively to represent realworld entities Benefits:

Reuse Maintainability and flexibility

Network and Security



Easy to write and compile debug Automatic support for Memory management

Java support network programming Work with TCP/IP protocol Support Web application (Applet, Servlet) There are functions that limits the access to the local resource, encryption of information, etc


Garbage collection: responsible for freeing any memory that can be freed. This happens automatically during the lifetime of the Java program. programmer is freed from the burden of having to deallocate that memory themselves

Inherit of C/C++ syntax


Java Execution Environment

Development Environment of Java

Compiler Interpreter Debugger javac.exe java.exe jdb.exe


Java source code

Java bytecode


Java compiler

JVM - Bytecode interpreter

Machine code

Document Generatorjavadoc.exe
Archiver Class Library jar.exe rt.jar


JRE - Windows

JRE - Unix

JRE - Linux

Classification of Java technology:

Making procedure of Java Application

J2SEJava 2 Platform, Standard Edition

Aims at the development of a usual business application. (Have the part that overlaps with J2EE. )
Notepad,vi Emacs, Editplus Editor Source code

javac Hello.java

java Hello

J2EEJava 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition

Aims at the development of a decentralized application in a multistory layer in Internet/Intranet. Aims at the development of an embedded application such as the cellular phone, the portable terminal, and the microchip, etc.

J2MEJava 2 Platform, Micro Edition

Java Compiler Hello.class





Use your text editor to create this code and save it in the file named Lincoln.java

Compile this file by javac command Verify if a .class file is produced or not Run the class file using java.exe

public class Lincoln { public static void main (String[] args) { System.out.println ("A quote by Abraham Lincoln:"); System.out.println ("Whatever you are, be a good one."); } }


Brief Introduction about Eclipse

Eclipse Basics

Eclipse is an open source community whose projects are focused on building an extensible development platform, runtimes and application frameworks for building, deploying and managing software across the entire software lifecycle IDE for java application. Java IDE Features:

The Workbench

Extension of Functions thru plug-in Enhanced development assistance functions

Workbench refers to the desktop development environment Each Workbench window contains one or more Perspectives More than one Workbench window can exist on the desktop at any given time Contain views and editors Menus and tool bars

(1) Code assistance (Input assistance function) (2) Automatic build function (3) Refactoring (4) Debugger etc.


Screen composition of Eclipse

Lab: Create Compile Run a Java Program with Eclipse

Starting screen

Creating a simple application

Creating a simple application

Select File -> New -> Java Project ->. Fill in the Project Name as gettingstarted (all lower case). Under Contents, Create new project in workspace should be selected. Make sure that under Project Layout you have chosen Create separate source and output folders. Click Finish This has created a gettingstarted subdirectory in your workspace. This directory will containing everything you need for this project. Create a HelloWorld class by selecting File -> New -> Class. This will bring up a New Java Class window. The source folder should have been filled in with gettingstarted/src. Fill in simpleproject as the Package. Use HelloWorld as the Name . Pay attention to upper and lower case when you type, as Java is casesensitive. The Modifiers should be public and check the box: public static void main ... . click Finish.


Edit the code

Compile and Run

Delete the comment lines and insert a line so that the main method looks like this:

public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello world, my name is YOURNAME"); }

Right click on HelloWorld and choose Run As -> Java Application A Save and Launch window may pop up. If it does, select Always save resources before launching (so this does not pop up again) and click OK. You should see the output in the Console window at the bottom of the screen.

Standard output program

Hand on Lab

System.out.println(output data) method

Example System.out.print(Class: ); System.out.println(2C); System.out.print(Name: ); System.out.println(Xuan Bach); System.out.println(Age: +20); Class: 2C Name: Xuan Bach Age : 20

Using Eclipse to create a project FirstDay Write a program myNeighbour to display the information about the person sitting next to you.

System.out.print(output data) method

Use + to unite data

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