S Apqp
S Apqp
S Apqp
Supplier Name: Location: Part Name: Part Description: Autoliv Part No. / Rev.: Autoliv Drawing No.: Project Team (Supplier) Name # 1 2
!ommitment to launc# an% complete t#e pro$ect accor%ing to t#e S-APQP planning.
%anagement representative Supplier Signature ate
!alen%ar &ear # Activity Re% 1 Pro$ect 0eam 2 5easi4ilit- Stu%- an% Action Plan complete% !ontract Review ) Serial :r%er an% Drawings / Speci"ication release 1 Protot-pe %eliver- sc#e%ule * Su4-supplier 8material an% su4components9 APQP an% assessment 2 Design-567A 8onl- i" %esign responsi4le9 + Special c#aracteristics 3 Su4stance review 1' Relia4ilit- / Qualit- pre%iction 11 So"tware vali%ation plan 12 6aterial / Per"ormance vali%ation plan 1 Design ;eri"ication 8onl- i" %esign responsi4le9 Supplier !esp& &ellow Planned Start- ate .reen Planned ue ate !eady Status
2'( )'( *'( +'( 1''( Status
Actual 'ompletionate
!alen%ar &ear # Activity Re% 1+ AS2 Process Au%it 13 5acilities an% Process 7<uipment 2' 6easuring an% !ontrol 7<uipment 21 Pro%uction tooling procurement 22 =or> instructions / ?nspection instructions 2 0raining Supplier !esp& &ellow Planned Start- ate .reen Planned ue ate !eady Status
2'( )'( *'( +'( 1''( Status
Actual 'ompletionate
2) 6aterial @an%ling an% Pac>aging ?nstructions 21 6aintenance Plan 2* 7ngineering Sample Approval 22 Appearance approval reports 8AAR9 2+ Su4-supplier PPAP 23 Special Processes ' 5irst-Pro%uction-0rial-Run an% !orrective Actions 1 PPAP-Pro%uction-0rial-Run an% PPAP-Pac>age Preparation 2 6easurement S-stem ?nitial !apa4ilit- Stu%ies an% SP! Plan ) Pro%uct / Pro%uction ;ali%ation
!alen%ar &ear # Activity Re% 1 PPAP Su4mission * Run at Rate 2 S:P + 7arl- Pro%uction containment 3 Design Reviews Supplier !esp& &ellow Planned Start- ate .reen Planned ue ate !eady Status
2'( )'( *'( +'( 1''( Status
Actual 'ompletionate
* Project Team Assignment o" responsi4ilit- to a supplier cross "unctional team an% a team lea%er wit# "ull commitment an% support "rom supplier upper management. + Feasi,ility Study 0#e supplier pro$ect team s#all per"orm a "easi4ilit- stu%- to veri"- t#at all tec#nical %ataA <ualities an% "unctions are correctl- state% an% t#at it is possi4le to ac#ieve t#em. 0#e supplier reports t#e results 4- using t#e 0eam 5easi4ilit- !ommitment template 805!-template9 an% 4- listing an- concerns on t#e BSpeci"ication an% Drawing !oncern S#eetB. An- open items "rom t#e BSpeci"ication an% Drawing !oncern S#eetB must 4e close% 4e"ore t#e activit- B5easi4ilit- Stu%-B is %e"ine% as complete%. - 'ontract !evie" 0#is review is #el% wit# t#e appropriate participation "rom Autoliv an% t#e supplier. 0#e aim is to review an% con"irm all aspects in t#e contract 4etween Autoliv an% t#e supplier 8 i e tec#nicalA commercialA logisticA <ualit- A timingA results "rom t#e "easi4ilit- stu%- etc 9 0#e template B!ontract ReviewB s#all 4e use% to %ocument t#e agreements. . Serial#Tool order and ra"ings # Speci)ications !elease 0#e %ate "or serial/tool or%er s#all 4e %e"ine% an% inclu%e% in t#e S-APQP. ?" t#e supplier is responsi4le "or t#e %esignA %ate "or release o" "inal an% complete pro%uct %ocumentation e.g. 4ill o" materialA component/assem4l- %rawings an% speci"ications s#all 4e %e"ine% an% inclu%e% in SAPQP. ?" Autoliv is responsi4le "or t#e %esignA a %ate "or "inal %ocuments 8%esign "reeCe9 an% su4mission o" %ocuments s#all 4e %e"ine%. 0#e supplier s#all proactivel- re<uest missing %ocumentation. ?" missing %ocumentation compromises t#e pro$ect timeline t#e supplier s#all in"orm t#e responsi4le 4u-er imme%iatel- in writing. / Prototype elivery Schedule A plan s#all 4e esta4lis#e% "or Protot-pes inclu%ing %eliver- %atesA volumesA tec#nical status 8i e preserial parts9A material planning an% %e"inition o" tools an% pro%uction e<uipment. 0 Su, supplier APQP 0#e material or components t#at s#all 4e use% must #ave APQP an% PPAP activities planne%. 0#ese must s#ow t#at t#e materials are approve% wit#in t#e time"rame o" t#e pro$ect an% t#at use% su4 suppliers were selecte% accor%ing to %e"ine% supplier re<uirements. 7ven i" t#e su4 supplier is selecte% 4- AutolivA t#e supplier is responsi4le "or su4 supplier APQP an% per"ormance. 1 esign F%2A D567ADs s#all 4e %one accor%ing to t#e gui%elines in t#e A?A. 5ailure 6o%e an% 7""ects Anal-sis #an%4oo>. ?" t#e supplier is not Design responsi4leA t#e D567A is complete% 4- Autoliv. All pertinent in"ormation "rom t#e D-567A s#all 4e communicate%A un%erstoo% an% agree% upon 4etween supplier an% Autoliv to ensure "ull consistenc- 4etween t#e D-567A an% t#e P-567A. 0#e supplier is responsi4le to assure t#at all necessar- D-567A in"ormation is receive% in or%er to %evelop t#e P-567A. 8See also item 11. P- 567A 4elow9.
?" t#e supplier is responsi4le "or t#e %esignA a D-567A s#all 4e complete% an% su4mitte% to Autoliv toget#er wit# an action plan "or acceptance 4- Autoliv. D-567A s#all 4e planne% so t#at necessar- actions can 4e implemente% 4e"ore t#e %esign p#ase o" t#e pro$ect is close%. 8Re".: AS1') D-567A 8Potential 5ailure 6o%e an% 7""ects Anal-sis in Design99 3 Special 'haracteristics 0#e process to i%enti"-A control an% veri"- Special !#aracteristics %uring %evelopmentA PPAP an% serial pro%uction s#all 4e per"orme% accor%ing to AS12. 0#e !!/S!Ds s#all 4e %ocumente% in t#e !!/S! list 8AS 12 9. All i%enti"ie% !!/S!Ds carrie% t#roug# to all relevant %ocuments 8i.e. %rawings A control planA wor> instructions etc.9 ?" Autoliv is responsi4le "or t#e %esignA t#e supplier s#all receive in"ormation a4out !!/S!Ds "rom Autoliv. 0#e supplier s#all as a result "rom #is P-567A process create a !!/S! list inclu%ing t#e !!/S!Ds i%enti"ie% 4- Autoliv an% 4- t#e supplier. 0#e results "rom t#is process s#all also 4e use% to %e"ine t#ose c#aracteristics or process parameters w#ic# s#all 4e controlle% 4- SP!A 1''( %etection o" %e"ects or Po>e-&o>e %uring serial pro%uction. 0#e supplier s#all su4mit results "rom #is ongoing control an% veri"ication o" !!/S!Ds as %irecte% 4- t#e using Autoliv "acilit-. 5urt#erA i" not#ing else is speci"ie%A t#e 4elow mentione% c#aracteristics must 4e veri"ie% on "inis#e% components a"ter all manu"acturing process steps #ave 4een complete%A prior to s#ipping o" a manu"acturing lot/4atc# to Autoliv. 6et#o% o" testing to 4e agree% wit# Autoliv. 0#e veri"ication s#all 4e inclu%e% in t#e !ontrol Plan. Strengt# =#en strengt# is a re<uirementA a minimum o" t#ree pieces per lot s#all 4e teste%A wit# a minimum o" one per cavit-. 0#e "ailure strengt# an% mo%e s#all 4e note% on t#e certi"ication/la4 report. @-%rogen em4rittlement =#en components are su4$ect to #-%rogen em4rittlementA a minimum o" "ive pieces per lot s#all 4e teste%. @ar%ness =#en #ar%ness is a re<uirementA a minimum o" t#ree pieces per lot s#all 4e teste%.
4 %aterial and Su,stance !evie" 0#e supplier s#allA in%epen%ent o" w#et#er Autoliv or t#e supplier ma>es t#e material selectionA review t#e composition o" eac# material. 0#e materials s#all 4e %eclare% 4- t#e supplier t#roug# ?6DSA accor%ing to t#e re<uirements an% gui%elines %e"ine% 4- t#e AS1A an% approve% 4- Autoliv. ?n t#e case o" supplier %esigne% or c#osen materialsA t#e supplier s#all ma>e sure t#e %e"ine% material con"orms to t#e AS1. 6aterialsA components an% pro%ucts containing su4stances classi"ie% as "or4i%%en must not 4e use%. ?" nee%e% %ue to sa"et- or ot#er re<uirementsA an% no ot#er alternatives eEist t#e supplier s#all noti"- Autoliv imme%iatel-A w#ic# will initiate a %eviation process. An- %eviation must ultimatel- 4e ac>nowle%ge% 4- t#e ve#icle manu"acturer an% approve% centrall- 4- Autoliv to 4ecome e""ective. 8Re". AS 19
?" speci"ie% 4- AutolivA t#e supplier s#all evaluate %esign an% process an% %e"ine estimate% <ualit- level an% relia4ilit- level . Speci"ic re<uirements "or semicon%uctors an% electronic components ?t is re<uire% to calculate 6005/5?0. Actions s#all 4e esta4lis#e% so %e"ine% re<uirements can 4e assure%. 0#is can 4e %one 4- e.g. %esign evaluationA control plan evaluationA 4urn in test. ' >m "ailure rate s#all 4e calculate% in PP6. !alculations an% action plans s#all 4e reporte% an% agree% 4- Autoliv. ** So)t"are 6alidation Plan ?" t#e pro%uct inclu%es so"tware %evelope% 4- t#e supplierA vali%ation plans s#all 4e reporte% to an% agree% 4- Autoliv. *+ %aterial # Per)ormance Test Planning ;ali%ation plans "or all material tests an% per"ormance <uali"ications s#all 4e esta4lis#e% an% resources provi%e% 8e<uipmentA personnel an% la4orator-9 Autoliv will speci"- t#e <uali"ication testing. ?" t#e supplier #as t#e %esign responsi4ilit-A Design ;ali%ation s#all 4e planne%. 5inal pro%uct an% process vali%ation s#all 4e realiCe% 4- using serial status pro%ucts. 0#e Process 5low Diagram s#all inclu%e all processes "rom receivingA #an%lingA manu"acturingA "inal inspectionA "inal pro%uct au%it an% %oc>-au%it. *- esign 6eri)ication ?" t#e supplier is responsi4le "or t#e %esignA t#e c#osen %esign s#all 4e teste% an% evaluate% to assure t#at re<uirements an% speci"ications are "ul"ille%. 0#e veri"ication s#all 4e per"orme% 4e"ore t#e %esign p#ase is complete% so corrections can 4e implemente% in t#e %esign. !omponents an% material s#all 4e accor%ing to t#e %rawing / speci"ication *. $ot Tracea,ility Plan 0#e supplier #as to esta4lis# a plan to %e"ine #ow all raw materialA componentsA su4-componentsA an% pro%uction processes are tracea4le to t#e manu"acturing lot/4atc# num4er or in%ivi%ual serial num4er. 0#e re<uirements also appl- as appropriate to an- su4-contractor. 8Lot/4atc# siCe is %e"ine% in AS6-QualitRe<uirements -B.eneralB9 A "low c#art %escri4ing t#e tracea4ilit- an% %ocumentation proce%ure s#all 4e esta4lis#e%. 8Re".: AS )9 */ Process Flo" iagram 0#e pro%uction process s#all 4e planne% an% reporte% on a "low c#art 8inclu%ing a la--out9 w#ere all supplierA su4-supplier an% transportation operations / processes are %escri4e%. All operations s#all 4e mar>e% an% correspon% to P-567A an% !ontrol plan 0#e Process 5low Diagram s#all inclu%e all processes "rom receivingA #an%lingA manu"acturingA "inal inspectionA "inal pro%uct au%it an% %oc>-au%it. *0 Process-F%2A P-567AFs s#all 4e %one accor%ing to t#e gui%elines in t#e A?A. 5ailure 6o%e an% 7""ects Anal-sis #an%4oo>. P-567A s#all 4e carrie% out on t#e 4asis o" t#e input "rom t#e D-567A A a"ter a pro%uction la-out an% a process "low c#art #ave 4een pro%uce%. 0#e P-567A anal-sis per"orme% 4- t#e supplier s#all 4e reviewe% wit# Autoliv to ensure t#at t#e D-567A an% t#e P-567A are consistent inclu%ing !!/S!DsA "ailure e""ect A severit- ratingsA etc.
Gnowle%ge o" t#e pro%uct A pro%uction an% inspection e<uipment capa4ilit- s#all alwa-s 4e consi%ere%. 8Re".: AS1'19 *1 'ontrol Plans 0#e control plan s#all 4e complete% "ollowing t#e A?A. APQP/!ontrol Plan manual an% ?S:/0S 1*3)3. ?t s#all 4e complete% in t#ree stages: Protot-peA Pre-Launc# 8P;9 an% Pro%uction. ?t s#all 4e create% on t#e 4asis o" t#e P-567A an% t#e Process 5low Diagram . All control operations s#all 4e num4ere% an% correspon% wit# P-567A an% Process 5low Diagram . !!/S! s#all 4e mar>e% an% i%enti"ie%. Autoliv ma- re<uire a%%itional controls - i.e. inspections t#at must 4e a%#ere% to.
*3 AS + Process Audit ?" re<ueste% 4- AutolivA an AS 2 Process Au%it speci"ic to t#e pro$ect will 4e per"orme% 4- Autoliv *4 Facilities and Process 27uipment 0#e supplier s#all review an% evaluate t#e %e"ine% pro%uction siteA availa4le an% planne% a%%itional pro%uction e<uipmentA "acilities an% capacit-. 0#e activit- inclu%es speci"icationA procurement an% <uali"ication o" "acilities an% e<uipment to 4e use% "or manu"acturing o" t#e pro%uct. +5 %easuring and Test 27uipment 0#e supplier s#all review an% evaluate t#e %e"ine% measuring an% test e<uipment 8availa4le an% planne% 9 an% its capacit-. 0#e activit- inclu%es speci"icationA procurement an% vali%ation o" measuring an% test e<uipment to 4e use% "or manu"acturing o" t#e pro%uct. +* Production Tooling Procurement A plan 8incl. timing9 s#all 4e esta4lis#e% "or pro%uction tools an% pro%uct speci"ic control instruments. 0#e plan must inclu%e timing regar%ing preparation o" tooling %rawings/speci"icationsA manu"acturing an% <uali"ication o" t#e tooling. ?%enti"ie% an% %e"ine% tools an% pro%uction e<uipment t#at s#all 4e use% "or serial manu"acturing s#all 4e availa4le at t#e time "or t#e Pro%uction 0rials an% Pro%uct/Process ;ali%ation ++ 8or9 :nstructions and :nspection :nstructions =or>A inspectionA test an% process instructions s#all 4e %e"ine% %escri4ing manu"acturing process proce%ures an% inspection/testing proce%uresA responsi4ilities an% actions in case o" non con"ormities.
+- Training 0#e supplier s#all con%uct a review o" personnel to i%enti"- necessar- competence an% e%ucation . 0#e result s#all 4e presente% in t#e "orm o" a training plan/proce%ureA w#ere t#e "ollowing #as 4een i%enti"ie%: t#e re<uire% trainingA w#at is to 4e covere%A w#o is %oing t#e trainingA w#en it #as to 4e %one an% con"irmation t#at it #as 4een carrie% out. All t#e re<uire% training an% pro%uct >nowle%ge s#all 4e complete% 4e"ore t#e Run at Rate. +. %aterial ;andling and Pac9aging :nstructions
0#e supplier s#all complete an anal-sis o" all #an%ling an% la4eling w#ic# t#e pro%uct is su4$ect to 8"rom %eliver- o" raw materialsA t#roug# manu"acturing to %eliver- to Autoliv9 wit# t#e aim o" ensuring t#at t#e materials/pro%ucts are i%enti"ie%A #an%le%A store%A pac>e% an% transporte% in suc# a manner t#at a c#ange or %eterioration is prevente%. A plan "or material #an%ling s#all inclu%e t#e pro%uct "lowA replenis#ment s-stemA an% pac>aging 8Re".: AS6 Logistics Re<uirements9 +/ %aintenance Plan 0#e supplier s#all con%uct an% review a maintenance plan "or pro%uction e<uipment. 0#e %ocumente% plan s#all 4e in accor%ance wit# re<uirements %e"ine% in ?S:/0S 1*3)3 +0 2ngineering Sample Approval (2SA) ?" samples are evaluate% 4- Autoliv e.g. "ormA "it or "unctionA t#e approval an% comments s#all 4e %ocumente%. Samples s#all 4e %elivere% to Autoliv "or approval 8Re".: A?A. PPAP 6anual - 7SA "orm9
+1 Appearance Approval !eport (AA!) 0#e supplier s#all plan "or evaluation o" parts wit# visi4le sur"acesA structure an% colour. Samples an% measuring results s#all 4e reporte% on AAR an% su4mitte% to Autoliv "or approval. 8 Re".: A?A. PPAP 6anual -AAR template9 +3 Su, supplier PPAP 0#e supplier s#all ensure t#at all components an% materials to 4e use% "or serial manu"acturing are PPAP approve% or certi"ie% to raw material speci"ication. :nl- approve% material s#all 4e use% "or manu"acturing o" PPAP parts an% "or pro%uct/process vali%ation. +4 Special processes Special processes are processes w#ere "ollowing inspection an% testing cannot totall- veri"- t#e results. 7Eamples are: #eat treatmentA wel%ingA sur"ace treatmentA gluingA sol%ering etc. Special processes s#all 4e controlle% an% %ocumente% to assure t#e output meets speci"ications. All re<uire% "iEe% parameters are to 4e %e"ine% as process instructions in t#e control plan. 5or #eat treatment processesA accepta4le results "rom an Autoliv #eat treatment au%it is re<uire% 4e"ore PPAP can 4e approve%. 8Re" AS '*3 B @eat treatment re<uirementsB) -5 First Production Trial !un and 'orrective Actions 0#e supplier s#all sc#e%ule t#e 5irst Pro%uction 0rial Run to ensure a%e<uate time "or corrective actions 4e"ore t#e PPAP Pro%uction 0rial Run. Re<uirements an% %ocumentation s#all 4e as %e"ine% in B Pro%uction 0rial Run Stan%ar% B. 8Re"erence AS6 Pro%uct Li"e !-cle Step 2 BPro%uction 0rial Runs B an% t#e B Pro%uction 0rial Run Stan%ar% B.9 -* PPAP Production Trial !un and PPAP Pac9age Preparation Date "or PPAP Pro%uction 0rial Run as well as t#e time re<uire% "or PPAP preparation an% su4mission s#all 4e sc#e%ule% an% inclu%e% in S-APQP. 8Re".: Re"erence AS6 Pro%uct Li"e !-cle Step + B PPAP an% Run at Rate B an% B Pro%uction 0rial Run Stan%ar% B9 -+ %easurement System
0#e supplier s#all con%uct an evaluation o" all test an% measuring met#o%s t#at are planne% "or serial pro%uction. .auge RHR values "or measuring met#o%A inclu%ing operatorA material an% environmental variations s#all 4e %ocumente% in t#e PPAP. Special attention s#all 4e consi%ere% "or veri"ication o" measuring met#o% regar%ing !! / S!. 8Re"erence: A?A. 6anual B6SA Re"erence 6anualB9
-- :nitial 'apa,ility Studies 0#e supplier s#all per"orm an initial capa4ilit- stu%- 8Pp>9 to i%enti"- an% veri"- t#e manu"acturing process capa4ilit-. 8Re"erence : BPro%uction 0rial Run Stan%ar%BA AS 12A A?A. 6anual BPPAP an% BSP!B 9 -. Product # Production 6alidation 0#e supplier s#all per"orm "inal tests an% <uali"ications "or pro%uct / process vali%ation wit# pro%ucts manu"acture% in t#e %e"ine% pro%uction processA un%er normal serial con%itions an% using PPAP approve% or certi"ie% materials to ensure t#at pro%uct re<uirementA "unctions an% speci"ications can 4e vali%ate%.
-/ PPAP Su,mission 0#e supplier s#all plan "or preparationA su4mission an% approval o" PPAP %ocumentation . ?n case su4mission %ate will 4e c#ange%A supplier must in"orm Autoliv imme%iatel- using t#e S-APQP "orm. ?n case supplier will re<uest an interim approvalA t#e ?nterim Recover- =or>s#eet an% an- a%%itional %ocuments as %e"ine% 4- t#e using "acilit- s#all 4e su4mitte% 4e"ore PPAP. Reporting s#all 4e %one in accor%ance wit# t#e A?A. Pro%uction Part Approval Process manual 8 Re"erence A?A. PPAP 6anual an% AS6 - Qualit- Re<uirements -BPPAPB9 -0 !un at !ate Date "or Run at Rate s#all 4e sc#e%ule% an% inclu%e% in S-APQP. Autoliv s#all alwa-s 4e in"orme% a4out time "or realisation so t#e opportunit- is given to atten%. 8Re"erence : AS6 Pro%uct Li"e !-cle Step 2 BPro%uction 0rial Runs an% + B PPAP an% Run at Rate B an% B Pro%uction 0rial Run Stan%ar% B9 -1 Start o) Production (S<P) Date "or t#e supplier Start o" Pro%uction s#all 4e inclu%e% in S-APQP an% aligne% wit# t#e Autoliv S:P %ate. -3 2arly Production 'ontainment 0#e content o" t#e en#ance% control an% inspection activities s#all 4e %e"ine% Aplanne%. an% agree% wit# Autoliv. Ie"ore termination o" t#e actual activitiesA t#e supplier must get an approval "rom Autoliv. 8Re"erence : AS )12 B ?nterim ?nspection Plan Ban% AS6 Pro%uct Li"e !-cle Step 1' BPer"ormance Review / APQP !losureB9 -4 esign !evie"s Supplier internal %esign review meeting sc#e%ule to 4e inclu%e%. 8Design review activities are %e"ine% in t#e A?A. manual BAPQPB.9
1. =#en -ou open t#is templateA please con"irm t#e 6icroso"t 7Ecel message4oE wit# DActivate macrosD. :t#erwise t#e template %oesnDt wor> correctl-. 2. A"ter success"ul con"irmation o" t#e macro activation -ou will 4e a4le to select a Autoliv location. 0#e a%%ress an% optional t#e p#one/"aE num4er will 4e place% at t#e le"t si%e o" t#e "ootlines 8onl- s#eet .eneral an% Activit- Planning9. Dou4le clic> at one o" t#e liste% Autoliv location or con"irm wit# :G to prepare t#e "ootlines. !on"irm wit# !ancel to ignore t#e "ootline %e"inition. . At t#e 4ottom o" t#e 7Ecel application win%ow is place% a speci"ic tool4arA calle% DS-APQP. 0#is tool4ar #as t#e "ollowing t#ree "unctionalities: a9 ?nsert Line 8S#eet .eneral9 49 Delete Line 8S#eet .eneral9 c9 Rename Actvit- 8onl- "or users wit# t#e status A%ministratorJ s#eet Activit- Planning9 ). Kse t#e "unction D?nsert LineD to a%% an a%%itional line at t#e section DPro$ect 0eam 8Supplier9DA DPro$ect 0eam 8Autoliv9DA DPre-Pro%uction %eliver- sc#e%uleDA DReview meetings Autoliv/SupplierD an% DNotesD. 0#ere"ore select one o" t#e lines o" t#e section a4ove t#e new one s#oul% 4e inserte% an% con"irm t#e "unction D?nsert LineD. 1. Kse t#e "unction DDelete LineD to %elete a line o" t#e section DPro$ect 0eam 8Supplier9DA DPro$ect 0eam 8Autoliv9DA DPre-Pro%uction %eliver- sc#e%uleDA DReview meetings Autoliv/SupplierD an% DNotesD. 0#ere"ore select t#e line o" t#e section w#ic# #as to 4e %elete% an% con"irm t#e "unction DDelete LineD. 6inimum one line "or eac# section is re<uire%. *. Kse t#e "unction DRename Activit-D to c#ange t#e name o" t#e selecte% activit-. 0#ere"ore select t#e activit- w#ic# #as to 4e c#ange% an% con"irm t#e "unction DRename Activit-D. 0-pe in t#e A%ministrator passwor% an% con"irm wit# :G. ?" t#e passwor% is correctA please t-pe in t#e new name o" t#e activit- an con"irm wit# :G. :t#erwise t#e process will 4e cancele%. 2. 0#e planning o" t#e activities %o not "unction "or t#e past. 5or eEample: !urrent -ear is 2'')A t#ere"ore no activities %ate% in 2'' are possi4le. +. 0#e strong -ellow colore% Activities are items o" t#e critical pat#. 5or t#is activities onl- A%ministrators #ave t#e aut#orit- to ma>e inputs an% c#anges. :t#erwise a wrong message will 4e s#own. 3. !olumn Supplier Resp.: Please use t#e pull%own-list to select one o" t#e liste% team mem4ers. ?n some cases itDs allowe% to t-pe in a name w#ic# isnDt liste% at t#e Supplier-Pro$ect-0eam. 1'. !olumns 2'(A )'(A *'(A +'( or 1''(: Dou4le clic> at t#e relate% status column 82'(A )'(A *'(A +'(A 1''(9 o" t#e Activit- row to c#ange t#e Rea%- Status. ?" t#e status is 2'(A t#en %ou4le-clic> at 2'( once again to set t#e Rea%- Status to '(. 11. !olumn Status: Please use t#e pull%own-list to select one o" t#e liste% status 7mpt-A Re%A &ellow or .reen. Kse t#e "irst item D7mpt-D to clear t#e status. 12. Please ta>e careA t#at "or t#e "irst time -ou #ave to t-pe in t#e Planne%-Start-Date an% Planne%-Due-Date an% "or t#e secon% time t#e Actual-Start-Date an% Actual-!ompletion-Date. :t#erwise a wrong message will 4e %ispla-e%.
1 . Please use t#e %ate "ormat D&&&&-66-DDD as title% in t#e #ea%er or all t#e ot#er vali% %ate "ormatsA e.g. D%%.mm.--DA D%%.mm.----DA Dmm/%%/--DA ... :t#erwise a wrong message will 4e %ispla-e%. 1). 0#e Planne% time "rame will 4e #ig#lig#te% as a 4or%ere% "rame. 11. 0#e Actual time "rame will 4e #ig#lig#te% wit# a 4lue colore% 4ac>groun%. 1*. 6aEimum ) calen%ar -ears are availa4le "or t#e pro$ect planning. :%P<!TANT F<! P!:NT:N=> Please use t#e view DPage Irea> PreviewD "rom menu D;iewD to set t#e #oriContal an% vertical page 4rea>s manuall-. 0#e 4lue continous %rawe% lines are manual page 4rea>sA 4lue %as#e% lines are automatical page 4rea>s. 6ove t#e page 4rea>s to t#e place "or optimal printout. 6ove t#e vertical page 4rea>s t#at t#e w#ole calen%ar -ear is visi4le at t#e wi%t# o" one page. Please ta9e care that you have to select any cell o) the sheet =eneral or Activity Planning a)ter you have printed the document or i) you go ,ac9 )rom previe" to normal vie"& This step is neccessary to reset the )ormats )or the printout& <ther"ise the document ,order could ,e )aulty&