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Law Enforcement Pre-Employment Test


Table of Contents

1. Background

2. Principles

3. Psychology ofLEPET Structure

4, Concepts

5, Question Types

6. Color Codes

7. Pretest Interview Procedures

8. Test Data Analysis

9. Resolving PDD Examinations

Appendix A - Polygraph Examination Screening

Appendix B - Phase I - Counterintelligence Relevant Questions

Appendix C - Phase II - Suitability Relevant Questions

Appendix D - No- Answer Comparison Question List

Appendix E - Question Sequence Phase I

Appendix F- Question Sequence Phase II

Appendix G - Breakdown Test Sequence (Drugs)

Appendix H - Reviewing Questions

Appendix I - LEPET Questionnaire


1. Background

1. The LEPET is currently used in different forms by federal law enforcement agencies
during the pre-employment process. This Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (PDD) test
is used in screening applicants for federal law enforcement positions requiring United States
examination; the first phase
security clearances. The LEPET taught by DoDPI is a two phase
addresses security and counter- intelligence issues. The second phase addresses suitability issues
for employment as a federal law enforcement officer. This procedure is based on the version of
LEPET administered by the u.S. Secret Service , but is consistent in structure to the procedures
used by all federal law enforcement agencies.

2. Principles of the Law Enforcement Pre- Employment Test

LEPET is a probable lie comparison (PLC) question technique

, in which the
1. The
examinee s responses to questions regarding the screening issues of interest (relevant issues), are
compared with his responses to questions regarding similar (comparison) issues to which he is
probably lying. The principle of technique uniformity insures that the test is conducted according
designed to allow the maximum number of
to an established method. The testing format is
relevant questions involving the selected target. The objectives of this technique are to verifynew
, develop the
truth of an examinee s statements relating to a pre-established list of questions
information for use by adjudicators , and to aid in an investigation.

3. Psychology of the Law Enforcement Pre- Employment Test Structure

Psychological Set" . Psychological Set

1. The PLC test is designed around the concept of "
dictates that a subject will physiologically respond to stimuli which poses the greatest threat
the security of the examinee , regardless of his innocence or guilt and force them to focus his
LEPET technique uses a structured format in
attention on significant questions in the test. The test phase. However , the
which all test questions are reviewed with the examinee during the pre-
question order on each chart is different. The relevant questions in the test structure are designed
, and force them to focus their attention
to pose a threat to the security of the deceptive examinee pose a
upon these questions. The comparison questions in the test structure are designed to
, and force him to focus his attention upon these
threat to the security of the truthful examinee
questions. The theory behind the comparison questions is not revealed to the examinee.

4. Law Enforcement Pre- Employment Test Concepts

examinee will
1. The concept of psychological set is based on the presumption that an
focus his attention on the test question(s) that holds the greatest significance set , and
(signal value)
of psychological to
him. The anticlimax dampening concept is based on the principle

questions are
applies to the deceptive and non- deceptive examinee. When a series of relevant
asked during an examination , the deceptive examinee may direct his attention to the relevant
question(s) that cause(s) the greatest degree of concern. Sometimes this examinee may not be
question(s) on the test. Likewise , the truthful
psychophysiologically attuned to other relevant
examinee may direct his attention to the comparison question(s) that capture(s) his greatest
concern during the examination. This examinee may be unaffected by the perceived "
comparison question(s). This explains why an examinee may respond significantly more

some , but not all, relevant or comparison questions that are presented during PDD examinations.
Further , it may assist in understanding why some relevant questions may have
higher (minus or positive) numbers assigned after an overall score has been determined.

2. The outside super- dampening concept occurs when the examinee considers an outside
or the comparison questions on
issue to be of greater concern than either the relevant questions

the test. The presence of an outside issue usually results in poor response , random responses
no response to either the relevant
or comparison questions. An example would be a subject who
, that he is
is so concerned regarding the drug question asked during the second phase of the test
not properly paying attention to the relevant/comparison questions during the administration
to assure the
the phase one test. Therefore , during the LEPET pretest , special care must be taken
particular phase of testing and
examinee understands which questions will be asked during any
that there will be no surprise questions asked on the test.

5. Law Enforcement Pre- Employment Test Question Types

s response capability
1. Through spot analysis , the examiner is able to monitor the examinee
, to relevant and comparison questions
throughout the examination. Responses or lack of responses
are compared , one against the other , within the same spot where response capability is relatively , #6, #8
constant. The four spots of phase one of the LEPET test are the four relevant questions #4
, #5 , #7 , #9, and #11 , which are in the
and #10. These are compared to the comparison questions #3
of phase two of the LEPET test are the
close proximity of the relevant questions. The four spots

three relevant questions #24 , #26 , and #28. These are compared to the comparison questions #23
#25 , #27 and #29 , also in the close proximity of the relevant questions.

2. The sacrifice relevant question is always the #2 question in phase one of the LEPET
Yes. " It is
format and #22 in phase two. The question is worded so that the examinee answers "
designed to absorb the initial a relevant issue. This question is not numerically
response to

evaluated in the LEPET. For example:

, do you intend to answer each question
5.2. 1. #2 " Concerning national security issues
truthfully?" " Yes.
, #7 , #9, and #11 on phase one of

3. Comparison questions are always Questions #5 ofthe LEPET.

, #27 , and #~9, on phase two
LEPET. They are identified as Questions #23, #25 , when
These questions involve behavior that the majority of the populatIOn has engaged Ill. Thus

, his response is considered a
the examinee is maneuvered into answering " " to the question
probable lie. Comparison questions are designed to identify the innocent examinee. The
For example:
responses to the comparison questions are compared to the relevant questions.
1. #5 " Before this year, did you ever betray the trust of a friend or loved one?" "
2. #7 " Prior to 2000 (current year) did you ever lie to anybody in a position of
authority?" " No.
, worded so that
5.4. The irrelevant question or neutral question is always the #1 test question
the examinee answers " Yes. Additionally, the testing format requires the insertion of an
An additional bank of
irrelevant question in the approximate center of each chart collected.
, #lB , #lC , or #21a
irrelevant questions are reviewed and used as needed. They are labeled #lA
#21 b , #21 c. This is a truly neutral question that is unrelated to the relevant issue. As the first
question , it is designed to absorb initial response on the chart. Subsequent askings are used to
overcome unwanted noise on the signal of interest.

5.4. 1. #1 " Are the lights on in this room?" " Yes.

5.4. 2. #IA " Are you now in Yes.

6. Law Enforcement Pre- Employment Test Color Codes

1. Primary relevant red

2. Sacrifice relevant yellow/red
3. Comparison questions green
6.4. Irrelevant yellow (neutral)

7. Pre- Test Interview Procedures

1. The pretest interview for the LEPET screening examination normally has the following
six basic steps:

1. During the introductory portion of the examination, the examiner will

immediately obtain some form of picture identification such as a military, ID card or driver
the examiner will
license to verify examinee s identity. Next , unless otherwise prohibited , the examiner will
possible apprehension
introduce himself to the examinee. To help alleviate , identifying all observation and
provide the examinee with a description of the examination suite
recording equipment and a brief overview of the entire PDD testing procedures.

2. The examiner must obtain the examinee s written consent before the
, the consent form is read to the examinee
, however , the
examination is conducted. At DoDPI
examinee must read the waiver portion of this form.

, - , -

and medical data to

1.3. The examiner will use the collection of biographical
establish rapport with the examinee , assess the examinee s suitability, both physiologically and
psychologically, to undergo the PDD examination , and lay the foundation for the introduction of
comparison questions. The examiner s evaluation must be indicated in the appropriate section of
the Background Worksheet. During training at DoDPI, if the examinee is deemed unsuitable to
undergo the PDD examination (i. , fatigue , medications , etc. ), the student examiner must inform
the laboratory instructor of the matter before the data collection phase is initiated.

1.4. Instrumentation/F3 - The " standard" instrumentation and fight/flight/freeze

(F3) explanation as taught at DoDPI will be presented to the examinee.

review of the examinee s " Suitability Questionnaire" will be

1.5. A detailed
conducted. During this review , the examiner will ensure that all topical areas on this document
are discussed in detail with the examinee. The purpose of this detailed review is to provide, the
examinee an opportunity to correct any mistakes or omissions on the form. At DoDPI

minimum of three pretest appeals for

student examiner must provide the examinee with a
undisclosed information , concentrating on those topical areas that are susceptible for these types
of actions such as drug involvement and criminal activity.

6. Phase I questions are reviewed with the examinee in the following sequence
sacrifice relevant question , relevant questions , comparison questions
, and irrelevant questions.

Following the completion of Phase I testing, Phase II questions are reviewed with the examinee
in the same sequence.
, the examiner will
2. During the review of the Phase I and Phase II relevant questions
ensure that all key topical areas for each question are thoroughly explained to the examinee.
Appendix " , a sample LEPET pretest interview checklist is provided to assist DoDPI student

8. Law Enforcement Pre- Employment-

Test Data Analysis

1. A numerical evaluation of the polygraph charts is conducted upon completion of the data
collection phase of the examination. This evaluation is based upon a numerical system by which a
consistent set of values is used to analyze the physiological responses recorded on the test.
, 0 ,The
+1 , two
systems most used in the Federal Government are the seven position scale: (-
+3) and the three position scale: (- 0, +1).

2. In phase one of the LEPET , relevant question 4 is compared with comparison questions
3 and 5. Relevant question 6 can be compared with either comparison question 5 or 7. Relevant
question 8 is compared with comparison questions 7 and 9. Relevant, question
relevant 10 is ~ompar
questIOn 24
11. In phase two of the LEPET
with comparison questions 9 and question 26 can be compared with
compared with comparison questions 23 and 25. Relevant

either comparison question 25 or 27. Relevant question 28 is compared with comparison
questions 27 and 29. Test data analysis of the LEPET is done by vertical spot total only. There is
no overall horizontal total. In order to make a determination No Significant Response (NSR),
each separate spot total must be a plus three (+3) or greater. To make a determination of
3) or less (- , etc). If
Significant Response (SR), at least one spot total must be minus three (-
the test does not meet the criteria for a decision of SR or NSR , it is deemed No Opinion (NO).

9. Reso~ving Psychophysiological Detection

Deception Examinations

1. During testing, an examiner should take the necessary steps to resolve

physiological responses noted to questions. The first step in this process is to confront the

examinee with the examination results of significant physiological responses.

LEPET interrogation is considered to be more " probing

" in nature than
2. The concept of
the interrogation of a criminal suspect. The examiner confronts the examinee with the results.
However , the tone of the post- test is not as direct as in a deceptive criminal examination.

3. After a detailed interrogation , and if there is a reportable admission or confession that

would disqualify the examinee from further employment processing, the examination is over.
, which would not necessarily disqualify
however the examinee makes a more minor admission
the examinee from employment , a confirmatory examination will be administered in the form of
a breakdown test. During a breakdown test
, the issue containing the significant physiological
responses is separated from the remaining questions
, and separated into its defined components.
A LEPET test is constructed of questions covering each such area.

9.4. LEPET testing differs from other screening formats in that relevant questions are never
. In most cases , the re-
modified with " Other than , or " Have you revealed the fullest extent of'
withholding any information from me
worded question will be phrased " Are you now
regarding.... " A re- worded version of the forms question will be one of the relevant questions
asked during any breakdown test. Avoid covering more than one primary issue on a breakdown
of breakdown questions are denoted
test (i. , drugs and a counterintelligence issue). Examples
in Appendix "

5. This newseries may not be very effective if a lengthy interrogation has taken place
since some examinees may respond to the relevant questionsexaminer
simply because theytohave
, the may want the
sensitized" to the issue or the question. In this case

examinee back on another day for additional testing.

6. Any admissions made during interrogation will require the employment application form
, by the examinee.
to be pen-changed , initialed , and dated
, the examinee fails to offer a reportable
7. If after a detailed interrogation is conducted , and the results will be reported.
admission or confession, the examination will not continue

lieu of confrontation and
8. Remember that breakdown testing should not be used in test with
designed to replace interrogation , a breakdown
interrogation. Although not
physiological responses to specific questions may be very useful during the interrogation process.

9. In the case of a No Opinion test , the examiner will construct a breakdown series of the
will be structured as a two
NO question following the LEPET structure. The breakdown exams , the entire
three , or four relevant question series. If the examinee is NQ to all relevant questions
series is run again with both the relevant and comparison questions re-worded.


Polygraph Examination (Screening)

1. Introduction

, date , location your

1. Turn on recorder and place header on tape (case #, applicant name
name , time in , type of exam).

2. Verbally confirm position (SA or UD) on

3. Explain that polygraph exam is not the sole determining factor in the hiring process (it is
used in conjunction with all the other steps in the hiring process to evaluate the applicant'
suitability for employment).

1.4. Clarify any questions the applicant may have.

, background info, explanation of
5. Give a brief overview of the process (forms
, practice test , test).
instrument , review of forms , review of questions

2. Forms

1. Constitutional rights (explain you represent a law enforcement agency and want to
preserve our rights to pass on any serious admissions to the appropriate agency)

2. Consent form

3. Employee consent form (only required if the applicant is a current employee upgrading
hislher position).

3. Personal History Forms (Biographical Sheet)

1. Don t pre- write info , use interview to develop rapport.

2. Check photo J.D. and record number.

3. Set comparisons (rate self on 1- 10 scale; hire only honest people; not the type who lies
of those
cheats or steals? - The US government does NOT want to hire people with a history
character flaws).

3.4. Take employment and education info - remember to set comparisons questions.

re fit
5. Medical info (explain that polygraph monitors physiology) - need to find out if you
to take the exam:
3.5. 1. How much sleep?

2. Last meal?

3. Ever had any corrective eye surgery?

4. Explanation of instrument

1. Explain fight or flight (use example)

2. Explain components (mild pressure from cardio cuff)

3. Explain that lying will be a deliberate act that will put examinee in fear.

4.4. Emphasize that responses are automatic (cannot be controlled) and will occur every time
fearfull event occurs. Problem with polygraph (100% truthful or will see response).

5. Three types of questions (known truth; Suitability, honesty and integrity) and what will
appear on polygraph charts.
training (don t beat this to death).
6. Optional- review of your experience and

5. Review of Application Forms

1. Confirm all info not previously covered.

2. If admission is made - have the applicant amend hislher application forms).

6. Test Question Review

, but area of honesty and
1. Three different types of questions , all equally important
integrity must be without question.

2. Order of review: Relevants

, Comparisons, and Irrelevants. Make sure to make
comparisons " real" to examinee during review.

3. Review only one series at a time.

6.4. Relevants are always referred to as Suitability or National Security questions.

5. Comparisons are always referred to as honesty and integrity questions.

7. In- Test

1. Conduct ACQT and sell if charts are good.

2. In- test: 3 charts , fourth if distortion present.

8. Post - Test

fail' test , the applicant ' failed to

1. Direct positive confrontation. Keep it clean. Did not '
resolve all of the issues that were presented.

2. Practice good theme development , but never threaten the applicant with the denial of
his/her application.

3. Give the applicant a good shot , but ifno admissions after a reasonable amount oftime

8.4. If applicant makes admissions , have himlher amend forms.

9. Conclusion

1. Review for tape any admissions the applicant made.

2. If applicant made disqualifying admissions , forms will be reviewed by adjudicators.

3. Polygraph is not sole determining factor.

9.4. Give the applicant hope - put back together if

5. Two questions: Do you feel you were fairly treated here today? Did you have any
problems with me as your examiner?


Phase I - Counterintelligence Relevant Questions

1. Question #4. " Do you know anyone who is engaged in espionage or sabotage against the
United States?"

1. Espionage is the intentional unauthorized release of classified information/material to a

foreign government , power , group or organization with an intent or reason to believe that the
advantage of a
information/material may be used to the injury of the United States or to the
is the intentional hindering,
foreign government , power , group or organization. Sabotage
slowing down , damaging or destruction of government property, operations or personnel (to
facilities) with the intent of
include government-sponsored property or operations at contractor
causing harm to u.S. Government operations or u.S. national security. This question covers
espionage or
personal involvement , assisting others , and knowledge of an unreported case of
an individual's own initiative or at the
sabotage. Espionage or sabotage may be committed on
request of others. The key elements of espionage and sabotage activity to be included in the
definition of the question are:

1. Approaches to engage in espionage or sabotage.

2. Offering to engage in espionage or sabotage.

3. Recruitment for espionage or sabotage activity.

1.4. Training for espionage or sabotage activity.

1.1.5. Tasking for espionage or sabotage activity.

6. Contacts for espionage or sabotage purposes.

1.1.7. Planning espionage or sabotage activity.

8. Activity for espionage or sabotage purposes to include improper copying, removal

, etc. , destruction of
transporting and release of classified material/information
property to harm the u.S.
, money, rank,
9. Receipt or compensation for espionage or sabotage activity (i.
, etc.
status , medals , awards , personal/family gain

10. Spotting/assessment activity.

11. Serious contemplations of espionage or sabotage activity.

12. Knowledge of unreported cases of espionage or sabotage.
espionage or
1.1.13. Involvement in one or more of the above key elements constitutes , money,
sabotage activity. Motivation for
committing espionage or sabotage activity (i.
ideology, beliefs, etc. ) is relevant but does not mitigate the act to a lesser offense.

2. Question #6. " Have you intentionally mishandled any classified information?"

1. This question concerns the classified information or material to an

release of

unauthorized person. An unauthorized person is someone not appropriately cleared to receive

the classified information or material. The key issues to be targeted with this question are
compromises for:

1. Espionage.
2. Sabotage.
1.3. To harm the u.S..
1.4. To embarrass the u.S..
1.5. To aid a foreign power.
6. Monetary/personal gain.
1.7. Release to media.
and Incidents of inadvertent
8. Intentional/deliberate disclosure with forethought;
disclosures or need- to- know violations.

3. Question #8. " Have you had any unauthorized foreign contacts?"

1. The key elements of this question to be included in the definition are:

1.1. Clandestine , secret , unauthorized contact with a non- u.S. citizen or
, power , group or
(US. citizen or non- u.S. citizen) who represents a foreign government

2. Contact you want to hide from

the examiner , or the u.S. Government.

that could result in a potential or real

adverse impact on u.S. national
1.3. Contact
, power
1.4. Contact that could result in the unauthorized aid to a foreign government
group or organization.
, consulates , or facilities.
1.5. Unreported visits to foreign embassies

6. Close , continuing or intimate contact with a foreign national you are hiding.

shall be defined to cover all means of communication (i.
, personal
1.7. Contact
telephone , computer hookup, short-wave radio transmission , written communication
contact ,

1.8. Casual contact with non- u.S. citizens and authorized contact with foreign
representatives are not to be targeted under this question.

4. Question #10. " Have you ever been involved in terrorist or subversive activity?"
, undermine , or deny an
1. Subversive activity is any activity that would interfere with
or could result in or lead to the
individual of their rights guaranteed under the u.S. Constitution;
violent or illegal overthrow of the u.S. Government. Terrorist activity is the calculated use of
violence or threat of violence to induce fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or
, religious or ideological. In simple
societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political motivated. The questions shall be
terms , terrorist activity is violent activity that is politically activity or support to
defined to determine personal involvement in subversive or terrorist activity to be
subversive or terrorist groups. The key elements of subversive and terrorist
included in the definition of the question are:

1. Approaches to engage in subversive or terrorist activity.

2. Contact with subversive or terrorist groups or their representatives.

1.3. Offering to engage in subversive or terrorist activity.

1.4. Recruitment for subversive or terrorist activity.

5. Training for subversive or terrorist activity.

6. Tasking for subversive or terrorist activity.

1. 7. Planning of subversive or terrorist activity.

8. Committing or aiding in subversive or terrorist activity.

e. money, equipment
9. Providing support to subversive or terrorist organizations (i.
personal time , logistic support, etc.
, personal/family gain) for committing subversive
10. Compensation (i. , money, status
or terrorist acts or support to subversive or terrorist organizations.

11. Unreported knowledge of subversive or terrorist activity.

S. Government.
1.12. Support to organizations that advocate the illegal overthrow of the U.


Phase II - Suitability Relevant Questions

1. Question #24. "Have you ever committed any serious crime?"

1. The scope of this question shall cover all crimes for which an examinee has been
The key issues
arrested and any serious crime(s) they have committed that have gone undetected.
to be covered are all detected and undetected crimes that have or could have resulted in an arrest
, reputation or standing in the
indictment , prosecution , conviction , sentence , loss of respect
community. All felony crimes and serious misdemeanors , to include crimes against a person or
property shall be targeted. In addition , any incident where an examinee has been questioned or
Involvement in minor
detained by the police as a suspect in a serious crime shall be targeted.
a juvenile. In cases
criminal activity as a juvenile shall not be targeted unless the examinee is
involving juveniles , the examiner should document all minor criminal activity for the last three
documented for the examinee s entire life.
years. Serious criminal activity will be
examiner shall provide the examinee with an explanation of serious crimes that will serve as
misdemeanors. Specific
examples of criminal activity which will include felony and serious
, since the overall PDD
attention should be paid to ensure inclusion of sexual-related crimes
of sexual-related crimes
examination has no questions regarding sexual misconduct. Examples
, child sexual abuse , voyeurism , incest , exhibitionism , bestiality, etc. Sexual activity
include rape
shall not be targeted or reported
between consenting adults (legally defined as a crime or not)
unless it resulted in an arrest or police involvement.

2. Question #26. " Are you intentionally withholding any information about your involvement
with illegal drugs?"
1. The scope of the question shall be five years from the date of the PDD examination.
testing purposes , a significant event in the examinee
s life may be substituted for a date in the
question if it corresponds to the five- year scope. The question regarding personal involvement
s total involvement with
with illegal drugs or narcotics shall be designed to verify the examinee
illegal drugs or narcotics during the last five years and shall significantly target:
, to include one- time use , faked usage or multiple
1. Personal use or experimentation

2. Buying illegal drugs or narcotics (contributing towards the purchase of illegal

drugs or narcotics shall be included as a relevant issue and shall be reviewed when discussing
purchases of illegal drugs or narcotics).

1.3. Growing or manufacturing illegal drugs or narcotics. , storing,

narcotics to include transportation
1.4. The distribution of illegal drugs or
selling, or assisting in the sale of illegal drugs or narcotics.

of another
prescription medication for social purposes. Minor use
1.5. Misuse of
person s prescription medication for a legitimate medical purpose shall not be targeted with this

2. Distribution , manufacture and cultivation of illegal drugs or narcotics for profit shall be
defined as a serious crime, and as such , shall be pretested under the question dealing with serious
serious crime question,
crime, as well as the drug
question. When pretested under the
narcotics for profit shall not be
distribution , manufacture and cultivation of illegal drugs or s entire life. Examiners shall not
restricted to a five- year scope
, but will revert to the examinee
seek out personal involvement with illegal drugs or narcotics prior to five years from the date
the current PDD examination. However , if an examinee volunteers this information and it differs
from what is listed on the security
form the examiner shall correct the security form or document
the additional involvement in the Report of PDD Examination. The drug question asked during
the PDD examination shall not attempt to verify the accuracy of these changes.

omitting any information on your

3. Question #28. " Are you intentionally falsifying or

application forms?"

1. The key issues to be targeted with this question are:

employment documents with the
1. Intentionally listing false information on the
representatives responsible for
intent of deceiving or misleading Government
decisions , security investigations , or clearance actions.
information off
of the employment documents with
2. Intentionally leaving requested
representatives responsible for security
the intent of deceiving or misleading Government
investigations or clearance actions.

1.3. The question will not target honest or unintentional mistakes when completing the
employment documents.

Employment Test
No- Answer " Comparison Question List for the Law Enforcement Pre-

1. Prior to -------- , did you ever do anything dishonest?

2. Before -_u_---- , did you ever do anything unethical?
3. Prior to -------- , did you ever do anything bad in your life?
4. Before --------- , did you ever violate any official rules or regulations?
re ashamed of?
5. Prior to -------- , did you ever do anything that you
6. Before -_u_---- , did you ever falsify any official documents?
7. Prior to -_u---- , did you ever lie to an employer?
8. Before ---_u_-- , did you ever lie to get out of trouble?
9. Prior to _u_---- , did you ever lie to make yourselflook better?
10. Before u_----- , did you ever cheat in school? ajob?
11. Before --------- , did you ever do anything that you could be dismissed from
12. Prior to u_----- , did you ever cheat your employer out of anything?

13. Before _u_-_u_ , did you ever cheat anyone out of anything?
14. Prior to _u_---- , did you ever withhold any information from anyone?

15. Before uu_---- , did you ever tell a lie about anyone?
16. Prior to -------- , did you ever lie to better your own position?
17. Before --------- , did you ever lie about something important?
18. Prior to _uu_-- , did you ever lie to someone in authority?
19. Before----u---- , did you ever lie to cover something up?
20. Prior to_u_----- , did you ever do anything for which you could be fired?

(No time bar needed)

1. Did you ever take credit for someone else s work?

2. Did you ever lie about someone behind his or her back?
3. Did you ever cheat in school?
4. Did you ever cheat in sports?
5. Did you ever cheat at cards?

The Secret Service polygraph program (upon which LEPET ,isDoDPI

that agent
for non-
examiners use time bars for all comparison questions. However
time barred comparison questions , providing the comparison question used is truly separated
from the relevant issues by subject matter.


Law Enforcement Pre- Employment Test Question Sequence/Phase I

1. Irrelevant : Are the lights on in this room? Yes.

2. Sacrifice Relevant: Regarding the national security questions , do you intend to answer each
question truthfully? Yes.

3. Comparison: Before --------- , did you ever lie about something important? No.

4. Relevant: Do you know anyone who is engaged in espionage or sabotage against the United
States?" No.

5. Comparison : Prior to --_--n- , did you ever lie to someone in authority? No.

6. Irrelevant: Is today ------------

7. Relevant: Have you intentionally mishandled any classified information?"
8. Comparison : Before---------- , did you ever lie to cover something up?

Have you had any unauthorized foreign contacts?"

9. Relevant

10. Comparison Are you a really honest person?" Yes.

11. Relevant: Have you ever been involved in terrorist or subversive activity?"

12. Comparison Are you the kind of person who would betray a friend?"


Law Enforcement Pre- Employment Test Question SeQuence/Phase 2

1. Irrelevant: Are the lights on in this room? Yes.

2. Sacrifice Relevant: Regarding your past , do you intend to answer each question truthfully?

3. Comparison Prior to u_-_u_ , did you ever lie to make yourselflook better?" No.

4. Relevant: Have you ever committed any serious crime?" No.

5. Comparison Are you the kind of person who would betray a member of your family?" No.

6. Relevant: Are you intentionally withholding any information about your involvement with
illegal drugs?" No.

7. Irrelevant: Is this the month of--_um ?" Yes

8. Comparison Are you absolutely trustworthy?" Yes.

9. Relevant: Are you intentionally falsifying or omitting any information on your application
forms?" No.

10. Comparison Before -----_u , did you ever cheat in school?" No.


Breakdown Test Sequence (Drugs)

1. Irrelevant: Is today Yes.

2. Sacrifice Relevant: Regarding your drug involvement , do you intend to answer each question
truthfully? Yes.

3. Comparison Before mmm , did you ever falsify any official documents?" No.

4. Relevant: Have you ever sold any illegal drugs?" No.

5. Comparison Before __nm_- , did you ever violate any official rules or regulations?" No.

6. Relevant: Have you ever purchased any illegal drugs?" No.

7. Comparison : Prior to this year , did you ever lie about something important? No.

8. Relevant: Are you now withholding any information from me regarding your drug
involvement?" No.

9. Comparison Prior to-m_m_ , did you ever do anything for which you could be fired?" No.

10. Relevant: Is there now any information on your employment form which you know for a
fact to be false?" No.

11. Comparison Before __m_n_ , did you ever tell a lie about anyone " No.


Reviewing Questions

1. During the pretest interview , the LEPET questions are reviewed with the examinee prior to
the data collection phase. The following sequence is used in introducing the questions:

1. Sacrifice Relevant (2 22)

2. Relevant Questions (4 28)

3. Comparison Questions (3 23, 2729)

1.4. Irrelevant Questions (1 , Ib , lc , etc)


Law Enforcement Pre- Employment Test Questionnaire

1. You will be asked Have you ever committed any serious crime?" This will include , but not
limited to the following crimes.

2. Crimes Against Persons : Have you ever committed , planned , covered-up, or participated in
any of the following:
1. Murder
2. Manslaughter
3. Assault
2.4. Malicious wounding of an individual
6. Sexual Exposure
7. Kidnapping
8. Any crime that caused death or injury to another person

3. Crimes Against Children : Have you ever committed , pi armed , covered-up, or participated in
any of the following:
1. Sexual abuse of a child
2. Physical abuse of a child
3. Sex with a minor while you were an adult
3.4. The production , sale or distribution of child pornography
5. Criminal exploitation of a minor in any way
6. Any act that could be considered a crime against a child

4. Crimes Against Property : Have you ever committed , plarmed , covered-up, or participated in
any of the following:
1. Arson
2. Burglary of a residence
3. Burglary of a business
4.4. Vandalism
5. Any act that could be considered a crime against property
, planned , covered-up, or
5. Theft and White Collar Crimes : Have you ever committed
participated in any of the following:
1. Robbery of a person or business
2. Embezzlement
3. Credit Card Fraud
5 A. Forgery of checks or documents for monetary gain

5. Production , Distribution , or use of false identifications
6. Production , distribution of counterfeit currency
7. Altering of currency (ie: changing a five to a fifty)
8. Receiving stolen property
9. Extortion or blackmail
10. Mail fraud
11. Perjury in a court proceeding
12. Impersonation of a law enforcement officer
13. Computer frauds
14. Bank frauds
15. Theft government funds or property
16. Insurance frauds

6. Vice and Miscellaneous Crimes: Have you ever committed , planned , covered-up, or
participated in any of the following:
1. Trafficking or distribution of any illegal drugs
2. Prostitution of yourself or any other person
3. Sexual intercourse with animals
6.4. Abuse of animals
5. Shoplifting
6. Vehicular hit and run (whether a person was injured or not)
7. Weapons violations
8. Any other acts , conspiracies , or solicitations in which you
could be punished for by imprisonment , whether you were
criminally charged or not.


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