A Mind Map Laws Pad
A Mind Map Laws Pad
A Mind Map Laws Pad
7 Steps to Better Thinking 1. Set your purpose/goal. 2. Start in the CENTRE of blank paper turned sideways. 3. Quickly sketch an IMAGE of your focus in the centre. 4. Use at least 3 COLOURS for emphasis, structure, texture, and creativity. 5. Draw curved lines, radiating from centre (thick to thin) CONNECTING main branches to the central image & at each level. 6. Use 1 key word or image per line for more power and flexibility in thinking. 7. Use images throughout as a picture paints a 1,000 words.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Gather and hold large amounts of data. Encourage problem solving by seeing new creative pathways. Enable you to be extremely efficient. Be enjoyable to look at, read, muse over and remember. Attract and hold the eye/brain.
Give you an overview of a large subject/area. Enable you to plan routes, make choices and let you know where you
Learning Over-viewing Concentrating Memorising Organising Presenting Communicating Planning Meetings Training Thinking Negotiating Brain Blooming
Reduce those tons of work. Feel good about study, revision and exams. Have confidence in your learning abilities. See the whole picture, the global view, at once. Understand the links and connections. Focus on the task for better results. Using all your cortical skills attracts your attention. Easy Recall. See the information in your minds eye. Be on top of all the details for parties, holidays, projects or any other subject. Speeches are clear, relaxed and alive. You can be at your best. In all forms with clarity and conciseness. Orchestrate all details and aspects from beginning to end on one piece of paper. From planning to agenda, to chairing, to taking the minutesthe jobs are completed with speed and efficiency. From preparation to presentation they make the job easier and much faster. Having a method to analyse thoughts almost a way-station for them. All the issues, your position and manoeuvre-ability on one sheet. The new brain-storming in which more thoughts are generated and appropriately assessed.