Title - Perunge and Suryamodperunge: 1. Background

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Title - Perunge and SuryamodPerunge

Boundary Conflict between Perunge and SuryamodPerunge Community Forestry Users of Kavre and Bhaktapur, Nepal

1. Background In 1996, Perunge community forestry of NasikasthanVDCKavre district was handed over to users group on the basis of Forest Act 1993 and Forest Regulation 1995. District forest office Kavre had already provided certificate of registration in 1996. Likewise in 1998, district forest office BhaktapurhandoveredSuryamodPerunge community forestry to the users. In 1999, during re-inventory of CF boundary it was found that, 10 ha forest area of western part was overlapped. People said that, district forest offices of both Kavre and Bhaktapur district didnt follow the necessary steps during community forestry hand over and some mistakes while surveying forest boundary as well as communication gap between both district forest offices caused this boundary conflict. The main reasons of conflicts were four water sources and one pasture land because they are within this overlapped area. The clashes have been started between both CFUGs for the right over these water sources. Problem aroused in protection and utilization of forest resources. Conflict rocketed to its height when somebody damaged water tank and pipes constructed by PerungeCFUGs. As a result of which internally burning conflict emerged out as a volcano. Fight occurred between both CFUGs and police case also happened. The conflict escalated so enormously that both parties were petrified to walk alone. Different measures were carried out for resolving conflict. Although such steps showed some signs of elapse temporarily but their differences never sorted and consequently conflict reoccurred. In 2008, conflict transformation facilitators identified the issues and started conflict transformation process. After two years long journey of their attempt, they were finally successful to completely transform the conflict. 2. Conflict Timeline `

Conflict Intensity





Latent Phase (1999-2000)

Handover SuryamodPerunge CF Communication gap between Kavre and Bhaktapur District Resource utilization by both CFUGs

Escalation (2000-2004)
Re-inventory of both CF boundaries 10 ha forest as well as user groups were overlapped Four water sources within this overlapped area Clashes between both CFUGs for water sources

Peak (2004-2008)
Users of SuryamodPerunge claimed four water sources because these lie within their political boundary Violent clashes between both CFUGs Breakdown of water tank and pipes constructed by PerungeCFUGs, Kavre Police case

Settlement (2008-2010)
Issue identification by conflict transformation facilitators Beginning of Conflict transformation process Conflict was completely transformed with some negotiation positions

3. Conflict Stakeholders, Interests, and Negotiation Positions Table 1. Rapid Conflict Stakeholders/Parties Assessment
Stakeholders/Parties 1.Perunge CF, Kavre District Issues Out of four water sources lying in conflict area, agreed to give two water sources to Bhaktapur district. If conflict can be solved by giving forest area lying below road to SuryamodPerunge CF, then they were ready to give-up. Bhagwati drinking water users committee should provide drinking water to 28 households of Itacha, NausikasthanVDC. Interests Conflict area should be equally divided. Out of four water sources, water source of Kami Swara should be left. Not to obstruct in road standard based road construction. Drinking water project should be completed in ItachaTole. Negotiation Positions Conflict area will be shared equally to both communities. Both communities will not obstruct in road construction process based on road standard but in the context of forest conservation, will be initiated from both sides. No any forest activities will be done in conflict forest area until work plan has been made. This will not affect Bhagwatidrinking water


2. SuryamodPerunge CF, Bhaktapur District

Based on political boundary, Forest area should belong to them. To make resort, pasture land within the forest should be provided to them. All water sources should be under Bhagwati drinking water.

Conflict area should be equally divided. Watershed area should completely belong to SuryamodPerunge. Leave water source of Kami Swara to Perunge. Drinking water management for ItachaTole.

Along with water tank maintenance of Kami Swara, SuryamodPerunge will make drinking water users of PerungeNasika 4, ItachaKavre, representative in Bhagwati Drinking Water Committee.

Suryamod will complete drinking water project for ItachaToleKavre.

3. Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal, Kavre District

Perunge CF was handover and registered first, so these water sources should belong to them.

Drinking water should be available to both communities.

4. Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal, Bhaktapur District

On the basis of political boundary, these sources should belong to Surya Mod Perunge CF.

Consent between both communities to transform this conflict.

5. District forest Offices (Kavre and Bhaktapur)

District forests are responsible only for forest conflict not for water sources conflict

This conflict can be solved through different laws and policies related to water resources and respected stakeholders should be responsible for that.

Commitment of District Forest Offices for effective implementation of newly renewed work plan of both communities.

4. Processes of Conflict Transformation Conflict transformation process is a long term process. It includes different steps and every stepis equally important to transform conflict in a sustainable way. We can compare this process to climb a mountain. If anybody wants to climb mountain then he/she has to follow spiral routes to reach at the top. It is impossible to jump top of mountain from base but if tried, it may cause accident. Likewise in conflict transformation, if resolutions were searched in hurry, it will be worthless or the conflict if resolved, it will reoccur time to time which we are facing in our daily lives. Following steps were followed to completely transform the boundary conflict between Perunge community forestry and SuryamodPerunge community forestry









Preparation Meeting This is a first step of conflict transformation. Resource persons were self-prepared before facing conflict parties. It also includes preparation of who will go for transformation, how to go and how to start talk with conflicting parties. After preparation meeting, resource person mapped out the conflict. Conflict Mapping This is a basic step of conflict transformation. The main objective of this step is to clearly understand the conflict from each and every aspect. It focused on who are the associated parties, what is the issue of conflict and how conflict escaladed. First Meeting with Conflict Parties Separate meetings were held with conflict parties at different times to know past resolution practices and their perception regarding conflict. The impartial, transparent and participatory procedure was carried out for the conduction of separate meetings. Similar group meetings were organized with both parties. Analysis of people was also done for spider group. Spider Group (Conflict Transformation Facilitators) Formation Spider team Kwati Group was formed in the participation of both conflicting partys representatives who are, dedicated, impartial, trustworthy and social hearted people who could spare time for the community. These create suitable environment for talk as well as discussion with conflict parties and also play facilitators role in conflict transformation process. Spider Group Preparation for process The spider group members were selected and mobilized after their capacity building regarding their roles and responsibilities throughout natural resource conflict transformation process. Gather Perspectives Different perspectives of conflicting parties on process proposal, issues and alternatives were gathered through systematic procedure. Then process proposal was designed incorporating gathered perspectives of conflicting parties. Based on the new process of conflict transformation, different meetings and separate group discussions were regularly conducted with the facilitation of spider group. During such type of meetings, there was broad discussion about Reflection/Process Proposal Design After the perspectives were collected, spider group reviewed these perspectives and draft note of process proposal was developed. The main goal of this step was to incorporate different views for preparation of generally accepted common process. This prepared draft was again taken to all parties for consultation. Consult and Agree to Process Proposal In course of time, process proposal design was approved in consensus through meeting with the representatives of conflicting and related parties. Both parties enthusiastically



supported for steady transformation of conflict. People who couldnt stand each other for a minute, started to sit in the same table for discussion. Joint Meeting This meeting was held among all conflicting parties to reflect the consent agreed between spiders and their representatives. All these approved process proposal, common issue and alternatives were effectively regulated through this public consent. In this way, various issues of both parties were settled down by joint meeting. Consensus/Agreement and Way Forward An agreement was done between the conflicting parties. After which the conflict was ongoing from ages marched towards the path of transformation. It has casted new rays of hopes in their lives. Most importantly peace has been established. Spider group is regularly monitoring this area for effective implementation of consent and if found ineffective in implementation, instigating for effective implementation. Hence, it seems essential to carry out the process in other parts of country. It is believed that the process will act as milestone in the sector of conflict transformation and contribute to sustainable peace building of nation.

5. Challenges and Ways of Dealing In every project different challenges have been faced. This conflict transformation programme also faced different challenges. Some of the major challenges faced during this conflict transformation were; i. ii. iii. Because of huge arguments and fights, it was difficult to bring conflict parties in common forum. To make people trust on the process. People want overnight solution but this conflict transformation process is a long term process because it transforms natural resource conflict along with improvement in their relationship. Right selection of the spider group (Conflict transformation facilitators), as they are keys for conflict transformation. Self-decision from spider committee.

iv. v.

Besides these, nature/attitude of the people also caused problem in the field. In local communities there are four different types of people and they created difficulty in effective implementation and timely completion of the project. Type I: People giving quick decision without knowing the real situation. Type II: People thinking themselves as an intelligent and instead of solving they try to enhance the problem.

Type III: People thinking themselves as chief or superior of the community. Type IV: People engaged in political parties. These challenges were addressed through regular meetings with people of conflict area. These regular meetings helped to become closer to the people. Group discussions were also done in order to know the real situation and to make people clear about the conflict transformation process (transparency in process). Open discussions among local communities were conducted in order to select right spider group. To make spiders aware about their roles and responsibilities, trainings were also given to them. All affected people were treated equally and given equal respect.

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