Passive Voice 3

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Special passive voice forms

1. Passive form with verbs followed by two objects. Forma passiva

con verbi seguiti da due complementi:
When a verb is followed both by an indirect object and a direct one, the
indirect object will be the subject of the passive voice sentence. Quando un
verbo è seguito da un complemento di termine e da un complemento oggetto,
il complemento di termine diventerà il soggetto della frase passiva:

Active: We gave the police the information.

Passive: The police were given the information.
It’also possible (but rarely used): the information was given to the police.

I was offered the job but I refused it. (= they offered me the job)
Mary was offered a bunch of flowers. (Someone offered Mary a bunch of

2. Passive voice with personal and impersonal forms ( referring to

verbs such as: believe, expect, fear, know, report, say, think, under
stand, consider, allege…). Voce passiva con forme personali e
impersonali ( con riferimento a verbi come: believe, expect, fear,
know, report, say, think, understand, consider, allege…):

Steve is very old. Nobody knows exactly how old he is:

a. It is said that he is 98 years old. (impersonal form)
b. He is said to be 98 years old. (Personal form, more common)
Mr Bean is believed to live in Scotland. It is believed that Mr. Bean lives in

3. We use have something done to say that we arrange for somebody

else to do something for us. Have something done corrisponde al verbo
fare seguito da un verbo con funzione passiva per indicare che
incarichiamo qualcun altro di fare qualcosa per noi.
Tom ha lavato la macchina:
a. Tom washed his car. (Tom washed it himself)
b. Tom had his car washed. (Tom arranged for somebody else to wash it)

You can also say “get something done” instead of “have something
done” (mainly in informal spoken English). Si può anche usare “get
something done” al posto di “have something done” (soprattutto nell’inglese
Tom got his car washed.
Mi sono tagliati i capelli ieri.
I had/got my hair cut yesterday. (I arranged for somebody else to cut my
I cut my hair yesterday (I did it myself)
*Interactive Exercises

*Please note:
Listen carefully to the following videos in youtube, they speak about
the Passive Voice.
Ascoltate attentamente i seguenti video di youtube, essi parlano della
voce passiva.

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