Extreme Adjectives
Extreme Adjectives
Extreme Adjectives
Cold is a regular adjective, and Freezing is an extreme adjective Adjectives are words that describe the qualities of something. ome adjectives in !nglish are gradable " that means #ou can have different degrees or levels of that qualit#. For exam$le, the weather can be a little cold, rather cold, ver# cold, or extremel# cold. Extreme adjectives or non-gradable adjectives are words that mean extremel# % adjective & for exam$le, freezing means extremel# cold. 'he weather can(t be a little bit freezing or ver# freezing & because the word freezing itself automaticall# means extremel# cold.
,# house is big' ,# neighbor(s house is bigger than mine. -com$arative. ,# $arents( house is the biggest house on the street. -su$erlative.
,# $arents( house is enormous' ,# $arents( house is more enormous & the most enormous'
($ )se different adverbs *ith extreme adjectives' *ith regular adjectives, we can use these adverbs+
a little, a bit, slightl#, fairl#, rather ver#, extremel#, immensel#, intensel#, hugel#
/(m rather hungr+' 0 /(m ver+ hungr+' 'his room is a bit dirt+' 0 'his room is extremel+ dirt+' *e(re a little tired' 0 *e(re immensel+ tired'
3owever, there are other adverbs we can use to give additional em$hasis to the extreme adjective+
/(m absolutel+ furious' *e(re com"letel+ exhausted' 'he movie was utterl+ terrif+ing'
'he words "rett+ and reall+ can be used with both regular and extreme adjectives+
'his room is $rett# dirt+. -regular. 'his room is $rett# filth+. -extreme. 'he $art# is reall# cro*ded. -regular. 'he $art# is reall# "ac,ed. -extreme.
Absolute Adjectives
Another t#$e of extreme adjective is called an absolute adjective' 'hese are words that are either #es or no. For exam$le, dead - #ou can(t be a little bit dead or ver# dead & either 4! , #ou are dead, or 12, #ou(re not dead. 3ere(s a list of absolute adjectives and their o$$osites -this list is not com$lete5 it onl# shows some exam$les.+ Absolute Adjective com$lete equal essential dead fatal first full ideal im$ossible infinite married $erfect $regnant unique -""osite incom$lete unequal non"essential5 extraneous alive not fatal last 0 final em$t# not ideal $ossible finite single 0 divorced 0 se$arated 0 widowed im$erfect not $regnant not unique
4ou might hear ex$ressions li)e these in s$o)en !nglish+ 'hat(s ver+ true. /t(s the ver+ first time6 'his shirt is more unique than that one. 'hese sentences are not technicall# correct, because we shouldn(t use the words ver# or more with absolute adjectives & but native s$ea)ers don(t alwa#s follow the rules7