Daycare Tie-Up at TCS Bangalore1

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Day-Care tie-up @ TCS Bangalore

Day-Cares shortlisted: WeCare Located in Whitefield and Sarjapur Road, WeCare provides daycare and early education programs for children in the age range of 6 wee s to !" years# WeCare$s programs include% full&day care, half&day care, preschool, 'indergarten and after&school care# Teddies Located in Whitefield and operational since (pril "))*# +eddies provides daycare solutions for children in the age range of 6 months to !) years# Your Kids Our Kids Located in Whitefield and ,lectronic city as wide range of facilities for child development and parenting solutions # +hey provide full&day - half&day care as re.uired#

Details on servi e provided:

TCS Internal

!o us "rea Location Capacity Space +imings 7nterior 8esign 9 Layout ,.uipment, 7nfrastructure Staff ;um<ers and =ualifications

We Care Whitefield (ppro/# !0) in the Whitefiled premises "0))) s. ft *%1)am 6%!0 pm 2 3hrs 40 mins5 :ood :ood >aries according to age groups !%0 for !#0 to " yrs !%0 for " to 1 yrs

Teddies Whitefield "0 "* children "")) s. ft *%))am *%))pm 2!" hrs5 :ood :ood >aries according to groups !%1 for toddler$s !%! for infants !%!) child% trainer ? :ood ? ? 8octor on call availa<le ? ? ;o Carents can visit anytime +ie&up with +CS valid for !" months @C Rs# 0,0)) per month on an average >ery :ood 2reasona<le5 +he day care will not operate <eyond the wor timings mentioned :iven <elow

Your Kids our Kids Whitefield-,lectronic City "))), Children !)))) s. ft -*))) s. ft *#))am 6#1)pm 2!!hrs 1) mins5 :ood :ood >aries according to groups !%1 for infants 2certified ;urse from hospitals5 !%4 for !4mths to " yrs !%0 for " to "#6 yrs !%0 for "#6 to 1 yrs !%6 for 1 to 0 yrs ? ,/cellent ? ? 8octor on call availa<le +ie with Aortis-Coum<ia asia 9 Sagar (pollo 7n house ? ;o Carents can visit anytime +ie&up with +CS valid for !" months 2 can <e renewed after it lapses5 $B%&" enture&Ora le&'( Rs# !!,))) 27nitial 8eposit5, Rs# 0,6!4 per month on an average >ery :ood 2reasona<le5 +he day care will not operate <eyond the wor timings mentioned :iven <elow

Security (ctivities 2Sample (ctivity Chart <elow5 @ygiene Airst (id % Bedical care, doctor on call etc Crovision for Aood Cic up and 8rop 8ay Care open on Wee ends and @olidays Bonitoring Children Binimum Sign&up Ceriod Dther clients Costs

? ,/cellent ? ? 8octor on call availa<le ? ? ;o Aree to wal in and chec +ie&up with +CS valid for !" months S(C La<s, :,, Badura :arments Rs# 4),))) 27nitial 8eposit5, Rs# 3,))) per month on an average ,/pensive 2on the higher side5 +he day care will not operate <eyond the wor timings mentioned :iven <elow

(dditional Costs for additional time

Eest offerings

WeCare Costing
!ees Stru ture Details "#ount

TCS Internal

;on&Refunda<le 8eposit (nnual Baintenance Aees Registration Aees (pplication Aees Aull&day Care Bonthly Aees 7nfants 26 wee s !0 months5 +oddlers 2!0 months 1 years5 Cre&' 21 years 4#0 years5 '! 9 '" 24F years and 0F years5 @alf&day Care Bonthly Aees +oddlers 2!0 months & 1 years5 Cre&' 21 years & 4#0 years5 '! 9 '" 24F years and 0F years5 (fter&School Care Bonthly Aees (fter&School Guniors 2!"noon 6%))pm5 (fter&School Seniors 21%))pm 6%))pm5 Tie-up Details:

Rs# "),))) Rs#!",))) Rs# 6,0)) Rs# 0)) Rs#3,))) Rs#*,))) Rs#6,0)) Rs#3,))) Rs#6,0)) Rs#6,))) Rs#*,))) Rs#0,))) Rs#1,)))

WeCare is happy to e/tend its hours from *%1)am to 6%!0pm for +CS Aood and transportation at WeCare is optional and charges will <e additional and to <orne <y parents at actuals 2no discount is availa<le5 (ll tie&ups will <e valid for !" months +he tie&up will <e applica<le at <oth the WeCare centres as well as the centres that will open during the validity of the tie&up 8iscounts will <e given only to +CS employees upon producing a letter duly signed from +CS @R representative There will be initial discount of 5% on all fees for TCS associates.

Sa#ple o) !ull Day Toddler Ti#eta*le+

Ti#e&Day 3#)) to 3#1) 3#1) to !)#)) !)#)) to !)#!0 !)#!0 to !!#)) !!#)) to !!#1) !!#1) to !"#)) %onday (rrival Erea fast Circle +ime 8evelopment time Dutdoor Clay Story time Tuesday (rrival Erea fast Circle +ime 8evelopment time Dutdoor Clay Story time Wednesday (rrival Erea fast Circle +ime (rt Busic-Bovement Story time Thursday (rrival Erea fast Circle +ime Golly Chonics Dutdoor Clay Story time !riday (rrival Erea fast Circle +ime Golly Chonics Dutdoor Clay Story time

TCS Internal

!"#)) to !"#1) !"#1) to !#)) !#)) to !#1) !#1) to 1#1) 1#1) to 4#)) 4#)) to 4#1) 4#1) to 0#)) 0#)) to 0#1) 0#1) to 6#))

7ndoor Lunch Busic 9 Story +ime ;ap Wash Snac s Areeplay Dutdoor Clay 8eparture

7ndoor Lunch Busic 9 Story +ime ;ap Wash Snac s Areeplay Dutdoor Clay 8eparture

7ndoor Lunch Busic 9 Story +ime ;ap Wash Snac s Areeplay Dutdoor Clay 8eparture

7ndoor Lunch Busic 9 Story +ime ;ap Wash Snac s Areeplay Dutdoor Clay 8eparture

7ndoor Lunch Busic 9 Story +ime ;ap Wash Snac s Areeplay Dutdoor Clay 8eparture

Teddies Costing
(lan Aull&day @alf&day =uarter&day Ale/i&scheme Ti#ings Eeyond 6 hrs Less than 6 hrs Less than 1 hrs Less than 6 hrs Eeyond 6 hrs ,ate )or Others 60))-& per month 0)))-& per month "0))-& per month "0)-& per day 4))-& per day ,ate )or TCS 00))-& per month 4)))-& per month ")))-& per month "))-& per day 10)-& per day

Tie-up Details: Upto 20% discounted rates for TCS associates The registration fee of Rs. 1000/ wai!ed off Registration can <e done after trial period of couple of days

Sa#ple a tivity hart )or teddies

*%)) 3%)) !)%)) !!%)) !"%)) !1%)) !4%)) !0%)) !6%)) !6%)) !*%)) !3%)) 3%)) !)%)) !!%)) !"%)) !1%)) !4%)) !0%)) !6%)) !6%)) !*%)) !3%)) ")%)) Bonday Settle down Erea fast (rt Story telling Lunch ;ap time Snac s Dutdoor games 7ndoor games Snac s +uesday Settle down Erea fast Craft ;ursery rhymes Lunch ;ap time Snac s Dutdoor games 7ndoor games Snac s Wednesday Settle down Erea fast (rt Story telling Lunch ;ap time Snac s Dutdoor games 7ndoor games Snac s +hursday Settle down Erea fast Craft ;ursery rhymes Lunch ;ap time Snac s Dutdoor games 7ndoor games Snac s Ariday Settle down Erea fast (rt Story telling Lunch ;ap time Snac s Dutdoor games 7ndoor games Snac s

TCS Internal

Your Kids Our Kids Costing

(lan ,ate )or Others 18000 1650 5000 Monthly Fee 4900 5800 6820 7900 6776 NIL NIL 6050 4435 5150 5714 6820 6000 4800 4050 5000 10000 1500 WAIVED OFF ,ate )or TCS NON REFUNDABLE

(dmission Aee (nnual 8ay Security 8eposit

Different Programs

WAIVED OFF Quarterly Fee Calculation 13305 15450 17142 20460 18000 14400 12150 15000

Regular 8ay 2*%)) & !"%1)5 @alf 8ay 2*%)) & 1#1)5 B78 8ay 2*%)) & 0#1)5 Aull 8ay Eoarding 2*%)) & 6#1)5 (fter School Eoarding2!"#1) & 6#1)5 (fter School Eoarding2!"#1) & 0#1)5 (fter School Eoarding21#1) & 0#1)5 (fter School Eoarding21#1) & 6#1)5 Tie-up Details: 10 ""% discounted rates for TCS associates Reduced ad#ission fees

TCS Internal

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