Daycare Tie-Up at TCS Bangalore1
Daycare Tie-Up at TCS Bangalore1
Daycare Tie-Up at TCS Bangalore1
Day-Cares shortlisted: WeCare Located in Whitefield and Sarjapur Road, WeCare provides daycare and early education programs for children in the age range of 6 wee s to !" years# WeCare$s programs include% full&day care, half&day care, preschool, 'indergarten and after&school care# Teddies Located in Whitefield and operational since (pril "))*# +eddies provides daycare solutions for children in the age range of 6 months to !) years# Your Kids Our Kids Located in Whitefield and ,lectronic city as wide range of facilities for child development and parenting solutions # +hey provide full&day - half&day care as re.uired#
TCS Internal
!o us "rea Location Capacity Space +imings 7nterior 8esign 9 Layout ,.uipment, 7nfrastructure Staff ;um<ers and =ualifications
We Care Whitefield (ppro/# !0) in the Whitefiled premises "0))) s. ft *%1)am 6%!0 pm 2 3hrs 40 mins5 :ood :ood >aries according to age groups !%0 for !#0 to " yrs !%0 for " to 1 yrs
Teddies Whitefield "0 "* children "")) s. ft *%))am *%))pm 2!" hrs5 :ood :ood >aries according to groups !%1 for toddler$s !%! for infants !%!) child% trainer ? :ood ? ? 8octor on call availa<le ? ? ;o Carents can visit anytime +ie&up with +CS valid for !" months @C Rs# 0,0)) per month on an average >ery :ood 2reasona<le5 +he day care will not operate <eyond the wor timings mentioned :iven <elow
Your Kids our Kids Whitefield-,lectronic City "))), Children !)))) s. ft -*))) s. ft *#))am 6#1)pm 2!!hrs 1) mins5 :ood :ood >aries according to groups !%1 for infants 2certified ;urse from hospitals5 !%4 for !4mths to " yrs !%0 for " to "#6 yrs !%0 for "#6 to 1 yrs !%6 for 1 to 0 yrs ? ,/cellent ? ? 8octor on call availa<le +ie with Aortis-Coum<ia asia 9 Sagar (pollo 7n house ? ;o Carents can visit anytime +ie&up with +CS valid for !" months 2 can <e renewed after it lapses5 $B%&" enture&Ora le&'( Rs# !!,))) 27nitial 8eposit5, Rs# 0,6!4 per month on an average >ery :ood 2reasona<le5 +he day care will not operate <eyond the wor timings mentioned :iven <elow
Security (ctivities 2Sample (ctivity Chart <elow5 @ygiene Airst (id % Bedical care, doctor on call etc Crovision for Aood Cic up and 8rop 8ay Care open on Wee ends and @olidays Bonitoring Children Binimum Sign&up Ceriod Dther clients Costs
? ,/cellent ? ? 8octor on call availa<le ? ? ;o Aree to wal in and chec +ie&up with +CS valid for !" months S(C La<s, :,, Badura :arments Rs# 4),))) 27nitial 8eposit5, Rs# 3,))) per month on an average ,/pensive 2on the higher side5 +he day care will not operate <eyond the wor timings mentioned :iven <elow
Eest offerings
WeCare Costing
!ees Stru ture Details "#ount
TCS Internal
;on&Refunda<le 8eposit (nnual Baintenance Aees Registration Aees (pplication Aees Aull&day Care Bonthly Aees 7nfants 26 wee s !0 months5 +oddlers 2!0 months 1 years5 Cre&' 21 years 4#0 years5 '! 9 '" 24F years and 0F years5 @alf&day Care Bonthly Aees +oddlers 2!0 months & 1 years5 Cre&' 21 years & 4#0 years5 '! 9 '" 24F years and 0F years5 (fter&School Care Bonthly Aees (fter&School Guniors 2!"noon 6%))pm5 (fter&School Seniors 21%))pm 6%))pm5 Tie-up Details:
Rs# "),))) Rs#!",))) Rs# 6,0)) Rs# 0)) Rs#3,))) Rs#*,))) Rs#6,0)) Rs#3,))) Rs#6,0)) Rs#6,))) Rs#*,))) Rs#0,))) Rs#1,)))
WeCare is happy to e/tend its hours from *%1)am to 6%!0pm for +CS Aood and transportation at WeCare is optional and charges will <e additional and to <orne <y parents at actuals 2no discount is availa<le5 (ll tie&ups will <e valid for !" months +he tie&up will <e applica<le at <oth the WeCare centres as well as the centres that will open during the validity of the tie&up 8iscounts will <e given only to +CS employees upon producing a letter duly signed from +CS @R representative There will be initial discount of 5% on all fees for TCS associates.
TCS Internal
!"#)) to !"#1) !"#1) to !#)) !#)) to !#1) !#1) to 1#1) 1#1) to 4#)) 4#)) to 4#1) 4#1) to 0#)) 0#)) to 0#1) 0#1) to 6#))
7ndoor Lunch Busic 9 Story +ime ;ap Wash Snac s Areeplay Dutdoor Clay 8eparture
7ndoor Lunch Busic 9 Story +ime ;ap Wash Snac s Areeplay Dutdoor Clay 8eparture
7ndoor Lunch Busic 9 Story +ime ;ap Wash Snac s Areeplay Dutdoor Clay 8eparture
7ndoor Lunch Busic 9 Story +ime ;ap Wash Snac s Areeplay Dutdoor Clay 8eparture
7ndoor Lunch Busic 9 Story +ime ;ap Wash Snac s Areeplay Dutdoor Clay 8eparture
Teddies Costing
(lan Aull&day @alf&day =uarter&day Ale/i&scheme Ti#ings Eeyond 6 hrs Less than 6 hrs Less than 1 hrs Less than 6 hrs Eeyond 6 hrs ,ate )or Others 60))-& per month 0)))-& per month "0))-& per month "0)-& per day 4))-& per day ,ate )or TCS 00))-& per month 4)))-& per month ")))-& per month "))-& per day 10)-& per day
Tie-up Details: Upto 20% discounted rates for TCS associates The registration fee of Rs. 1000/ wai!ed off Registration can <e done after trial period of couple of days
TCS Internal
WAIVED OFF Quarterly Fee Calculation 13305 15450 17142 20460 18000 14400 12150 15000
Regular 8ay 2*%)) & !"%1)5 @alf 8ay 2*%)) & 1#1)5 B78 8ay 2*%)) & 0#1)5 Aull 8ay Eoarding 2*%)) & 6#1)5 (fter School Eoarding2!"#1) & 6#1)5 (fter School Eoarding2!"#1) & 0#1)5 (fter School Eoarding21#1) & 0#1)5 (fter School Eoarding21#1) & 6#1)5 Tie-up Details: 10 ""% discounted rates for TCS associates Reduced ad#ission fees
TCS Internal