Chemo Receptors: T A T A 2 O2 A
Chemo Receptors: T A T A 2 O2 A
Chemo Receptors: T A T A 2 O2 A
Main Function
-arterialize blood flowing through lung capillaries
-achieved by alveolar ventilation, gas diffusion, and capillary perfusion matching ventilation
Alveolar Forces:
surface tension pulls alveoli inward and close
Elastic tissue Recoil Forces also tend to close alveoli
surfactant decreases surface tension (by interfering with H2O bonding)
and preventing atelectasis (alveolar collapse)
Each alveolus has many capillaries around it but not all of the capillaries are used/open.
Respiratory Muscles
for eupnea (quiet, normal breathing), diaphragm and intercostals (1o breathing muscles) are induced from
phrenic (C3-C5) and segmented spinal nerves (T1-T11)
-1. diaphragm and 2. external intercostals mainly (SCM and scalenes for deep inspiration)
-skeletal muscle not involved in passive expiration (mostly passive recoil)
-forced/active: 1. internal intercostals 2. abs
3.1 4 Lung Volumes and 4 Capacities – determined by spirometer (except for FRC and RV) p5
1 tidal volume (TV) – inspired/expired during eupnea
2 inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) – max volume inspired after normal inspiration
3 expiratory reserve volume (ERV) – “ expelled ”
4 residual volume (RV) – remaining in lungs after max expiration
1 total lung capacity (TLC) – max potential (RV+ERV+TV+IRV)
2 vital capacity (VC) – max useful (TLC-RV)
3 inspiratory capacity (IC) – max potential inspiration after quiet expiration
4 functional residual capacity (FRC) – residual remaining in lungs after quiet expiration FRC = RV+ERV
3.2 Helium Dilution Measurement or Whole Body Plethysmogrphy (WBP) to determine FRC and RV
-used to get lung volume cannot get with simple spirometer
WBP measures TOTAL gas volume
3.3 Respiratory Pressures
intrapleural pressure - - in eupnea and + in forced expiration
intrathoracic pressure – esophageal pressure is a good estimate of PTH
1 torr = 1mmHg 1mmHg = 1.36cm H2O 1kPa = 7.5mmHg
Transmural Pressures (pressure differences)
translung pressure (PTL) – P alveolar – P pleural = PREC (↑ w/ inspiration and ↓ w/ expiration, and always +)
transwall pressure (PTW) – P pleural – P body surface (i.e. a weight on your chest)
trans-airway pressure (PTA) – P difference across airway walls (P inside airway – P surrounding airway)
Total Respiratory System Pressure (PRS) – total pressure across respiratory system; used for V-P relationships
PRS = PTL + PTW = PALV if PBS = 0 “total respiratory system pressure = alveolar pressure when body surface pressure = 0”
Pressure relationships depend on whether air is flowing or not: (0 at end of inspiration and expiration)
When Q=0 and glottis is open, PALV=PATM and PREC=PPL in magnitude.
When air is flowing, PALV is determined by 1) =PATM + QRAW (RAW is airway resistance) and 2) =PREC + PPL
Volume is determined by translung pressure with lung compliance (with or without airflow).
-translung pressure always “+” unless lung collapsed
@ end of inspiration, PPL is more “–“ to sustain larger volume and is balanced by PREC (↑ volume ↑ PREC)
8.3 FEV1 (forced expiratory volume) - air expelled in 1 sec; FVC (forced vital capacity) - total volume expelled
-reduced FEV1/FVC ratio is good index of obstructive dz (↓ in FEV1)—in restrictive dz, FEV1 ↑
9.0 Adaptive Breathing Patterns and the Work of Breathing
Elastic (to expand lung) ~ Compliance
-↑TV = ↑ elastic work (since less compliance) and ↓ relative dead space (since DS/TV is less per breath)
-for same alveolar ventilation (QA), elastic work ↓ with ↑respiratory rate (RR)
restrictive dz – ↓ compliance shallow, rapid breathing
Nonelastic ([lost energy] to overcome resistances) ~ Resistance
-↑ with ↑RR
So for the same alveolar ventilation, work ↓ as TV ↑ since RR can be lower
obstructive dz – ↑airway resistance deep, slow breathing (i.e. emphysema)
11.0 Ventilation
total ventilation (QT) aka minute ventilation
alveolar ventilation (QA) bring “fresh” air to alveoli
anatomical dead space (ml) = weight in lbs
alveolar dead space is wasted ventilation (not perfused)
physiological dead space/total dead space = anatomical + alveolar dead spaces
11.2 Alveolar Gas Equation – can be used to calculate the alveolar arterial gradient
Alveolar and Arterial O2 partial pressures depend on ventilation, PCO2, and respiratory quotient
PAO2 ~ 150 – 1.2 PACO2 @ sea level
Acid-Base Issues: as long as HCO3-/PCO2 ratio stays at 20, blood pH remains at 7.4 (Hasselbalch equation for pH)
respiratory acidosis – (hypoventilation/vent-perfusion mismatch) renal compensation by conserving HCO3-
respiratory alkalosis – (↓ in PCO2 by hyperventilation) renal compensation by excreting HCO3-
metabolic acidosis – HCO3- ↓es so ↓PCO2 by ↑ventilation
metabolic alkalosis – no respiratory compensation possible (cannot compensate by ventilation)
PTM is greater at the base than apex (gravity has little/no effect), so
lower vascular resistance and greater blood flow. (Q ↓ from base to apex)
From apex to base, pressure and flow vary because vessels in some
regions collapse
II: Q = (Pa-PA)/R III: Q = (Pa-Pv)/R
Pa ↑; PA uniform; R ↓ with depth
Pulmonary pressure does not ↑ proportional to flow due to blood vessel distension and capillary recruitment
-as PTM ↑, R ↓ keeping Pa from elevating
Assume alveolar ventilation (V) of 4200 ml/min will deliver 250 ml O2/min to capillary
1) Q/100 = # ml units passing through the lung each minute
2) # ml O2/min delivered to capillary blood/ # units = answer (ml O2 each 100ml blood
must pick up)
1. if blood flow (Q) is 5000 ml/min then each 100ml of blood must pick up 5ml of O2. (proper
1) 5000/100 = 50 units
2) 250 ml O2/min / 50 units = 5 ml O2/unit
3. if V AND Q ½ then still optimally matched for blood O2 saturation still (5 ml O2)
15.2 Arterial Gas dependence on V/Q ratio – arterial PO2 and PCO2 depend on how well ALL lung terminal units match
-normal lung V/Q ratio is .8-.84
- ↑V/Q ratio ↑ O2 tension in blood (hyperoxemia) and ↓ CO2 tension (hypocapnia or respiratory alkalosis)
hypocapnia – state of ↓CO2 in the blood (hypocapnia usually results from deep or rapid breathing, known as hyperventilation.)
- ↓ V/Q ratio (↓PO2 and ↑PCO2) adequate blood but not getting oxygenated (hypoxia or respiratory acidosis)
hypoxia – (inadequate O2 available for tissue needs) mainly circulatory
*hypoxemia – (low PaO2 blood) mainly pulmonary related
15.5 Shunts – blood is by-passing lungs (entering systemic circulation without being oxygenated/arterialized)
Anatomical Shunt – bypasses lungs completely, so more O2 doesn’t help (bronchial and Thebesian veins)
Physiological Shunt – V/Q mismatch dilutes O2 in pulmonary capillaries (obstruction)
Some shunting is normal and is known as the A-a gradient (difference b/n alveolar and arterial oxygen tensions)
Rapidly Adapting Receptors (RARs) – mechanoreceptor that responds quickly to stimulation but rapidly
accommodates and stops firing if the stimulus remains constant; activated by quick inspiration; irritant
receptors* (chemical receptor triggers bronchoconstriction/cough/sneeze)
-located among airway epithelial cells
-higher threshold for RAR, so takes a bigger stretch/stimulus b/f get a response
H-B deflation reflex – promotes ↑RR when lungs prematurely deflate below FRC** ↓SAR
-operative in pneumothorax (rapid lung deflation), triggers sighing; maintain infant FRC
- ↓ inflation ↑activity hyperpnea (enhanced ventilation pattern/tachypnea and ↑TV)