The Secret To Seduction

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The Secret to Seduction Julie Anne Long --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


$% &t'r&( Re'der& )e'rning *or ' light-he'rted+ *un+ *'&t Regenc) ro,- .ith ' c'&t o* delight*ul ch'r'cter& /including ' r'0i&h hero1 need loo0 no *urther2 Sit 3'c0 'nd en4o) thi& con*ection th't ,'0e& )ou l'ugh 'nd *eel good25 6Ro,'ntic Ti,e& !OO#clu3 7'g'8ine $ onder*ul9' gre't 3oo09eng'ging 'nd 0ee-& )ou :uic0l) turning -'ge&25 6TheRo,'nceRe'der&"onnection2co, $A co,-le; &tor) .ell .orth the re'd(5 6No<elT'l02co, $F'&cin'ting9' *un Regenc) ro,'nce25 67id.e&t !oo0 Re<ie. !EAUTY AND THE S=Y $% > &t'r&( There?& enough 'ction+ ro,'nce+ -'&&ion+ .it+ 'nd hi&toric'l det'il& in Long?& l'te&t to h'<e re'der& &ighing .ith delight25 6Ro,'ntic Ti,e& !OO#clu3 7'g'8ine $A delight*ul hi&toric'l t'le25 6!'r)on 7'g'8ine $Ver) good25 6A-to& Ti,e&

$Lo<el) hi&toric'l ro,'nce .ith the -er*ect 3lend o* ,)&ter)90e-t ,e eng'ged *ro, the 3eginning97&2 Long h'& cre'ted 'n e;cellent 3lend o* ,)&ter) 'nd ro,'nce th't?& -er*ect re'ding25 6Fre&hFiction2co, TO LOVE A THIEF $A .onder*ul &tor)25 67id.e&t !oo0 Re<ie. $A delight*ul re'd2 The ch'r'cter& 'nd their re-'rtee &-'r0le .ith hu,or 'nd ch'r,25 6Rende8<ou& $ h't 'n ','8ing 3oo0( I lo<e ' good ro,'nce &tor)+ 3ut I lo<e ' 3oo0 e<en ,ore .hen it i& .ell .ritten2 To Lo<e ' Thie* ,') 3e one o* the ,o&t .onder*ul =)g,'lion &torie& )et to co,e out o* the ro,'nce genre25 6R'0ehell2co, $A -er*ect 3lend o* ro,'nce 'nd hu,or9,'gic'l 'nd eng'ging+ ' tre't *or 'n)one .ho 3elie<e& th't *'ir) t'le& c'n co,e true25 6The7)&tic"'&tle2co, $"o,-elling 'nd highl) entert'ining9To Lo<e ' Thie* i& e;tre,el) .ell .ritten+ *'&t--'ced+ 'nd entirel) en4o)'3le25 6Ro'dtoRo,'nce2co, $Lil) i& ' .onder*ul heroine+ 'nd To Lo<e ' Thie* i& ' *un re'd25 6!oo0loon&2co, $An e;cellent hi&toric'l no<el9the rel'tion&hi- 3et.een Lil) 'nd Gideon i& the <er) &u3&t'nce o* e<er) )oung .o,'n?& ro,'ntic dre',&25 6Ro,'nceJun0ie&2co, THE RUNA AY DU#E $A delight*ul de3ut no<el6*ull o* .it+ 'ction+ -'&&ion+ 'nd ro,'nce25 67'r) !'logh+ Ne. Yor0 Ti,e& 3e&t&elling 'uthor $ onder*ul 'nd ch'r,ing9't the to- o* ,) li&t *or 3e&t ro,'nce o* the )e'r9It i& ' delight in e<er) .')25 6Li0e&!oo0&2co,

$Thoroughl) en4o)'3le9A ch'r,ing lo<e &tor) 3ri,,ing .ith intrigue+ .itt) di'logue+ 'nd .'r,th25 6Rende8<ou& $Hil'riou&+ he'rtrending+ 'nd tender9',-le &u&-en&e9A gu'r'nteed .inner25 6"urledU-2co, $A ,u&t-re'd9"o,3ining the ide'l ',ount o* ro,'nce+ &u&-en&e+ 'nd ,)&ter)+ Long gi<e& u& ' ,'r<elou& 'nd d'88ling de3ut th't o<er*lo.& .ith intelligence+ .it+ 'nd .'r,th25 6Ro,'ntic Ti,e& !OO#clu3 7'g'8ine $T.o *'nt'&tic le'd -rot'goni&t&9F'n& .ill .'nt to run '.') .ith thi& delight*ul -'ir25 67id.e&t !oo0 Re<ie.

ALSO !Y JULIE ANNE LONG ')& to !e ic0ed

!e'ut) 'nd the S-) To Lo<e ' Thie* The Run'.') Du0e

To the .'r,e&t+ ,o&t .onder*ul+ ,o&t enthu&i'&tic re'der& 'n 'uthor could ho-e *or2 I?, outr'geou&l) luc0) to h'<e )ou+ 'nd I -ro,i&e to do ,) ut,o&t to continue .riting &torie& )ou &i,-l) c'n?t -ut do.n2

A"#NO LEDG7ENTS 7) gr'titude to ,) &-lendid editor+ 7el'nie 7urr')@ to ,) re,'r0'3le 'gent+ Ste<e A;elrod@ 'nd to the &t'l.'rt& .ho 0no. ,e oh &o .ell 3ut lo<e ,e 'n).')+ in -'rticul'r #en+ #'ren+ 7eli&'+ 'nd #e<in2

"HA=TER ONE I N THE INTER o* ABCD+ S'3rin' F'irleigh+ d'ughter o* the Vic'r o* Tin3ur)+ di&co<ered th't her *uture h'--ine&& re&ted entirel) in the h'nd& o* ' li3ertine2

Or+ r'ther+ not 4u&t ' li3ertine2 The Li3ertine2 Thi& .'& ho. the E'rl o* R'.den &igned hi& -oetr)+ -oetr) th't &c'nd'li8ed+ enthr'lled+ 'nd 'llegedl) c'u&ed .o,en o* 'll 'ge& 'nd r'n0& to c'&t o** their dignit) 'nd tr'il hi, li0e hound& on the &cent o* ' h'reE The Li3ertine2 It .'& the &o3ri:uet 3) .hich he .'& 0no.n throughout 'll o* Engl'nd+ 'nd hi& re-ut'tion .'& in *'ct &uch th't .ord o* it h'd ,'n'ged to .'*t+ li0e o-iu,-'nd-incen&e-&cented &,o0e+ 'll the .') to the tin)+ tuc0ed-'.') to.n o* Tin3ur)+ Der3)& the 'ir+ incident'll)+ h'd ne<er 3een &cented 3) 'n)thing ,ore contro<er&i'l th'n ro'&t l',3+ or ,')3e once or ' cig'r+ 'nd .here li*e .'& '& &ed'te+ -redict'3le+ 'nd -le'&ing '& ' ,inuet2 The gentle green hill& &urrounding the <ic'r'ge+ not to ,ention the Vic'r o* Tin3ur) hi,&el*+ &ee,ed to -re<ent loc'l -'&&ion& *ro, 3eco,ing undul) in*l',ed2 No one in Tin3ur) &ee,ed in d'nger o* .riting &en&u'l -oetr)2 !ut neither the gentle hill& nor the <ic'r h'd 3een '3le to -re<ent the :uietl) deter,ined S'3rin' F'irleigh *ro, *or,ing '6.ell+ $'tt'ch,ent5 .'& the .ord &he c're*ull) u&ed in her o.n ,ind+ though no &uch .ord h'd 3een &-o0en 'loud 3) 'n)one6to her *'ther?& h'nd&o,e cur'te o* le&& th'n ' )e'r+ 7r2 Geo**re) Gillr')2 It .'& the *'ult o* the &hoc0 o* h'ir th't dro--ed do.n o<er Geo**re)?& 3ro.E &o,eti,e& .hen her *'ther 'llo.ed Geo**re) to gi<e the &er,on+ he g'<e hi& he'd 'n '3&ent to&&+ &ending the h'ir *l)ing r'0i&hl)2 S'3rin' h'd .'nted to 3ru&h it '.') *ro, hi& e)e& *or hi,2 She?d ne<er 3e*ore h'd &uch thought& '3out ' ,'n+ 'nd the) ,'de her 3lu&h2 And one d') Geo**re) h'd loo0ed u- to &ee her .'tching hi,2 She?d 3lu&hed 'g'in+ o* cour&e+ *or &he .'& cert'in he could re'd her thought& in her e)e&2 He?d &,iled2 L'ter+ he h'd in<ited her *or ' .'l0 in the &-ring 'ir2 And in *it& 'nd &t'rt&+ ',id the &,ell o* .'r, gr'&& 'nd 3loo,ing tree&+ the)?d 3egun to 0no. e'ch other2 And then+ the * d')+ he?d in<ited her *or 'nother .'l02 Little 3) little+ the .'l0& h'd 3eco,e ' h'3it 3et.een the,2 S'3rin' told hi, '3out the ,ini'ture o* her ,other+ 'nd her ,e,orie& o* long 'go2 And '*ter &he?d con*ided to Geo**re) her &-eci'l dre', o* 3eing ' ,i&&ion'r) in ' *'r'.') l'nd+ &uch '& Indi' or A*ric'+ &he?d 3elie<ed '*re&h in ,ir'cle&2 For the h'nd&o,e cur'te+ -ro*e&&ing '&toni&h,ent+ con*e&&ed he &h'red thi& <er) &',e dre',2 !ut it .'& -erh'-& e<idence o* the "re'tor?& &en&e o* hu,or th't Geo**re)+ the :uiet cur'te+ 'nd The Li3ertine+ the E'rl o* R'.den+ .ere cou&in&2 Geo**re) h'd con*ided to S'3rin' hi& ho-e th't hi& .e'lth) cou&in .ould hel- to *in'nce thi& gr'nd ,i&&ion'r) dre',+ 'nd he .ould 3e 'ttending hi& cou&in?& hou&e -'rt) 't L' 7ont'gne+ the gr'nde&t ho,e in 'll the 7idl'nd&+ thi& .ee0+ to ,'0e hi& -etition2 She didn?t dou3t th't Geo**re)6'& &he no. c'lled hi,+ r'ther 3oldl) &he thought+ 'nd ne<er in *ront o* her *'ther6.ith hi& le'n+ eleg'nt *'ce 'nd long+ &lender 3od) 'nd -enetr'ting+ d'r0 e)e&+ could 3e rel'ted to 'n e'rl2 He+ in *'ct+ could h'<e 3een 'n e'rl+ &he decided+ though &he

h'dn?t the *'inte&t ide' .h't one loo0ed li0e+ '& Tin3ur) *e'tured onl) ' &:uire or t.o+ 'nd one .'& L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'.?& hu&3'nd+ 'nd the other 7'r)?& *'ther2 And no.+ due to the ,'chin'tion& o* her *riend L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'.+ .ho+ li0e 'll ,'rried .o,en+ con&-ired to get e<er) un,'rried .o,'n into the &t'te o* ,'tri,on)+ S'3rin' &'t in ' c'rri'ge hurtling to.'rd L' 7ont'gne2 Geo**re) .'& going to 3e <er) &ur-ri&ed to &ee her2 It h'd 3een 7'r)?& ide'2 Her hu&3'nd+ Lord ='ul "'-&tr'.+ h'd 3een <i&iting hi& uncle in A--leton+ ' to.n in the 7idl'nd&2 L' 7ont'gne .'& &itu'ted 'l,o&t -reci&el) 3et.een Tin3ur) 'nd ='ul?& uncle2 7'r) h'd .ritten to ='ul+ ='ul h'd .ritten to the E'rl o* R'.den+ 'nd the e'rl h'd in<ited the cou-le to reunite 't L' 7ont'gne+ *ro, .hich the) .ould go on to <i&it ,ore rel'ti<e&2 For 7'r) .'& ' &oci'l cre'ture+ &eldo, 't ho,e in Tin3ur) *or ,ore th'n ' *ortnight+ 'nd &he dr'gged her cheer*ul hu&3'nd '3out on &ee,ingl) endle&& round& o* <i&it& to *riend& 'nd rel'ti<e& li0e the t'il on ' 0ite2 Legend h'd it th't 7'r)?& hu&3'nd h'd &c'rcel) &'id ' .ord &ince he?d 3een ,'rried2 "ert'inl) he?d h'rdl) &'id ,ore th'n t.o .ord& to S'3rin' e<er@ he co,,unic'ted -ri,'ril) in 3o.& 'nd &,ile&2 S'3rin' h'l* &u&-ected th't he?d ,'rried 7'r) in order to relie<e hi,&el* o* the need to t'l02 7'r)6golden-h'ired+ 3lue-e)ed 7'r)+ her *'ce round '& ' ,oon 'nd 'l.')& 'ni,'ted6&ee,ed to onl) &to- t'l0ing in order to &lee-2 !ut 7'r) .'& &lee-ing no. on the c'rri'ge &e't 'cro&& *ro, S'3rin'+ ,outh &lightl) -'rted+ &noring &o*tl)2 7'r)+ S'3rin' decided+ .'& cle<erer th'n &he h'd gi<en her credit *or+ 't le'&t .hen it c',e to the 3u&ine&& o* 'c:uiring hu&3'nd&E *or 7'r) h'd in<ited S'3rin' 'long to L' 7ont'gne '& ' co,-'nion+ '& .h't ,'rried .o,'n tr'<el& 'loneF And though S'3rin' .'& 'ccu&to,ed to 3eing the cle<er one+ &he *elt r'ther 't &e' in the 3u&ine&& o* ro,'nce+ 'nd .'& gr'te*ul to 7'r) *or ' 3it o* ' &teer2 She?d ne<er 3een to ' hou&e -'rt)+ 3ut ,'n) 'n eng'ge,ent h'd 3een &ecured 't the,+ or &o 7'r) '&&ured her2 It .'& -erh'-& the ,o&t d'ring thing S'3rin' h'd e<er done+ thi& d'&h to L' 7ont'gne+ '& her *'ther h'd &i,-l) 3een told &he .'& -')ing ' <i&it to 7'r)2 It .'&n?t 't 'll &trictl) ' lie+ o* cour&e2 And &urel) her *'ther .ould *orgi<e her6th't i&+ i* he e<er *ound out6&hould &he &ecure 'n eng'ge,ent to Geo**re)2 S'3rin' .'& 'll 3ut -o&iti<e th't the )oung cur'te .ould o**er *or her the ,o,ent he 0ne. -reci&el) .h't it .'& he h'd to o**er her2 !ut the ide' o* the E'rl o* R'.den6The Li3ertine+ *or he'<en?& &'0e6.ith hi& duel& 'nd hi& ,i&tre&& 'nd hi& -oetr) th't c'u&ed &uch ' tu,ult in the he'rt& o* .o,en9.ell+ it 'll &ounded &o <er) i,-r'ctic'l2 Ho. dre'd*ull) unco,*ort'3le 'nd incon<enient it ,u&t 3e to 3e &l'<e to &uch -'&&ion&+ &uch untid) e,otion&2 She .ondered .hether the .e'r o* hi& li*e .ould &ho. on hi& *'ce+ or on hi& 3od)@ &urel) de3'ucher) .ould t'0e it& toll2 She decided+ :uite -e'ce*ull)+ th't r'ther th'n 3eing inti,id'ted or &c'nd'li8ed+ &he .ould *eel co,-'&&ion *or the e'rl2 S'3rin' -eered out the .indo. o* the c'rri'ge2 7r&2 De.3err)+ ' -oor elderl) .o,'n con*ined to her ho,e in Tin3ur) .ho, S'3rin' <i&ited 't le'&t once e<er) .ee0+ .ould h'<e c'lled the e'rl) &no.*'ll 'n o,en+ 'nd S'3rin' .'& inclined to 3elie<e her2 Then 'g'in+

e<er)thing6the &h'-e& o* cloud&+ the &-ot& on &o.&+ the c'll& o* 3ird&6h'd 3egun to *eel li0e 'n o,en to her no. th't &he .'& <er) li0el) on the 3rin0 o* ,'rri'ge 'nd the re&t o* her li*e2 !ut onl) little -'tche& o* &no. re,'ined+ &c'ttered 'cro&& the green li0e '3'ndoned l'c) h'nd0erchie*&2 The .'n e'rl) &unlight .'& g'ining in &trength+ 'nd the 3're 3irch tree& cro.ding the &ide& o* the ro'd &hone ne'rl) ,et'llic in it+ ,'0ing S'3rin' 3lin0 '& the) *le. -'&t in the c'rri'ge2 She .ondered+ idl)+ .h) tree& didn?t 3eco,e .ooll) in .inter+ li0e c't& 'nd c'ttle+ 3ut in&te'd dro--ed 'll o* their le'<e& 'nd .ent 3're2 She &,iled to her&el* 'nd tuc0ed her chin into her ,u**ler2 It .'& the &ort o* thought &he h'd gro.n 'ccu&to,ed to 0ee-ing to her&el*+ 'nd it .'& 3ec'u&e o* the *urro. th't r'n the .idth o* Vic'r F'irleigh?& *orehe'd2 It h'd 3een dug there+ no dou3t+ 3) dec'de& o* -iou& thought& 'nd 'n endle&& &tre', o* little concern&6hi& -'ri&hioner&+ hi& ne;t &er,on+ ho. he .'& going to *eed hi& children6'nd e<er) ti,e S'3rin' &'id *'nci*ul thing&+ or -l')ed ' h),n on the -i'no*orte .ith 'n e;ce&& o* *eeling+ hi& e)e3ro.& do<e+ th't *urro. 3ec',e ' <erit'3le trench+ 'nd hi& g'8e 3ec',e decidedl) .'r)+ '& though it .ere onl) ' ,'tter o* ti,e 3e*ore &he &-routed .ing& li0e ' *'ir) 'nd *le. out the .indo.2 So &he?d le'rned to loc0 &uch thought& '.') in her ,ind+ ,uch the .') &he?d loc0ed '.') her other tre'&ure&E the &,'ll roc0 &he?d *ound .ith the i,-rint o* ' le'*+ the needle &he?d *ir&t u&ed .hen &he?d le'rned to &e.+ 'nd o* cour&e the ,ini'ture o* her ,other+ ' *'ce &o li0e her o.n2 She 0ne. th't Vic'r F'irleigh .orried 4u&t ' little 3it ,ore '3out her+ h'd 'l.')& 3een 4u&t ' little ,ore .'tch*ul o* her th'n he .'& o* hi& other children+ t.o 3o)& ,uch older th'n &he+ '& though he .'& -re-'red *or her to do9&o,ething2 She 0ne. not .h't2 So,ething di&:uieting+ no dou3t2 =o&&i3l) 3ec'u&e 3) the 'ge o* thirteen &he?d gone 'nd done the unthin0'3le 'nd 3eco,e .h't could onl) 3e de&cri3ed '&9 ell+ $-rett)5 .'& the .ord e<er)one in Tin3ur) u&ed+ 3ut the) u&ed it gingerl)+ *or it &ee,ed unli0el)6unnece&&'r)+ re'll)6*or ' <ic'r?& d'ughter to 3e -rett)2 She .'& *ine-3oned 'nd cre',)-&0inned+ .ith rich d'r0 h'ir th't *ell in loo&e &-ir'l& to ne'rl) her .'i&t .hen &he 3ru&hed it out 't night2 And then there .ere her e)e&E l'rge .ith ' hint o* ' tilt to the,+ green '& &-ring2 In truth+ the .ord $-rett)5 .'& <er) ne'rl) ' lie2 here S'3rin' F'irleigh .'& concerned+ the .ord $3e'uti*ul5 3egged con&ider'tion2 "ert'inl)+ '& S'3rin' gre. older+ it 3ec',e cle'r th't ,'n) o* the ,'le ,e,3er& o* the congreg'tion h'd ce'&ed -retending to li&ten to the &er,on& 'nd .ere in&te'd 'd,iring the <ic'r?& d'ughter+ 'nd 'll o* thi& .'& r'ther incon<enient *or the <ic'r2 And o* cour&e no one in Tin3ur) .'& &ur-ri&ed .hen it 3ec',e cle'r the h'nd&o,e cur'te h'd e)e& onl) *or S'3rin'2 S'3rin' r'ther &u&-ected her -oor *'ther .ouldn?t ,ind 't 'll &eeing her &'*el) ,'rried o**+ h'--il) -ur&uing .or0 *or the -oor on &o,e other continent2 She -eered out the co'ch .indo. once ,ore '& the hor&e& 'nd c'rri'ge deci&i<el) too0 ' cur<e in the dri<e2 Here+ &uddenl)+ the tree& gre. ,ore &nugl) together+ e<enl) &-'ced 'nd rigorou&l) groo,ed 'nd e'ch e:u'll) '& t'll '& the ne;t+ '& though here the o.ner o* the -ro-ert) h'd decided to &ho. n'ture -reci&el) .ho .'& in ch'rge2 Her he'rt3e't 'cceler'ted2 She 0ne. th't '& the end o* their 4ourne) '--ro'ched+ <er) li0el)+ &o did the 3eginning o* the re&t o* her li*e2

She nudged her *riend .ith the toe o* her 3oot2 7'r) o-ened 'n e)e2 $7,,F5 $7r&2 De.3err) &'id the &:uirrel& .ere g'thering ,ore nut& thi& )e'r+ 'nd the 3'r0 .'& thic0er on the north &ide o* the tree&25 7'r) o-ened the other e)e 'nd &t'red 't S'3rin' 3l'n0l)2 $ inter+5 S'3rin' e;-l'ined i,-'tientl)2 $She &'id it .ould 3e 3oth e'rl) 'nd h'rd thi& )e'r 3ec'u&e o* the &:uirrel& 'nd the 3'r025 7'r) &tretched2 $Oh+ the &no. h'& &c'rcel) &tuc0 to the ground+5 &he &co**ed cheer*ull)2 $ inter ,ight 3e e'rl)+ -erh'-&+ 3ut I d're&') thi& little du&ting ,e'n& nothing 't 'll25 S'3rin' &'id nothing2 7'r) &ighed2 $I 0no. .h't )ou?re thin0ing+ 3ut it?& not 'n o,en+ S'3rin'2 All .ill go 'ccording to our -l'n2 You 'nd Geo**re) 're ,e'nt *or e'ch other2 You?ll &ee25 And '& &he .'& '.'0e+ li0e ' 3ird+ 7'r) 3eg'n to ch'tter2 !ut ,o,ent& l'ter+ .hen L' 7ont'gne c',e into <ie. through the c'rri'ge .indo.&+ e<en 7'r) .ent :uiet2 The t.o o* the, g'-ed2 It .'& le&& ' hou&e th'n '9th'n '9r'nge2 It do,in'ted the l'nd&c'-e the .') &he i,'gined the Al-& ,u&t2 An edi*ice o* t'.n) &tone+ e'&il) *our ti,e& '& long '& it .'& t'll+ ro. u-on ro. o* .indo.& &t'ring do.n li0e indi**erent+ 'ri&tocr'tic e)e&2 A& the) dre. clo&er+ S'3rin' could &ee th't the <'&t co33le&toned court)'rd *e'tured ' l'rge ,'r3le *ount'inE the Three Gr'ce& &ee,ed to co,-ete .ith one 'nother to hold u- ' &ingle urn+ *ro, .hich .'ter .ould no dou3t &hoot u- during .'r,er ,onth&2 One o* the Gr'ce& .'& lo&ing ' glo&&) ,'r3le 3re'&t *ro, her tog'2 S'3rin' :uic0l) '<erted her e)e& *ro, it2 It occurred to her th't thi& .'& 3oth ' ,'gni*icent 'nd &tunningl)9'rrog'nt hou&e2 ho on e'rth .ould *eel entitled to &uch ' d.elling+ or could li<e here .ithout *eeling d.'r*ed 3) itF In &ilence+ S'3rin' 'nd 7'r) 'llo.ed the,&el<e& to 3e hel-ed *ro, the c'rri'ge 3) ' &.'r, o* *oot,en+ 'nd .'tched '& their trun0& .ere de*tl) *erried u- ro.& o* ,'r3le &te-& into the hou&e2 It .'& then th't S'3rin' gl'nced to the le*t o* the entr'nce 'nd &'.+ on the &no.-du&ted green &urrounding the court)'rd+ ' ,'n 'nd .o,'n &t'nding clo&e together2 So,ething '3out their -o&ture&+ the ten&ion 'nd inti,'c) o* the,+ ri<eted S'3rin'?& g'8e2 The ,'n .'& <er) t'll+ 'nd hi& gre'tco't hung in gr'ce*ul *old& *ro, hi& &houlder& to hi& 'n0le&6the .') it *it hi, told her thi& .'& her *ir&t gli,-&e o* trul) *ine clothing2 Hi& h'ir .'& d'r0+ &tr'ight+ gle',ing .ith ne'rl) ' 3lue &heen@ hi& he'd .'& lo.ered '& though he .'& li&tening intentl) to .h'te<er the .o,'n .'& &')ing2 The .o,'n .ore ' &c'rlet -eli&&e+ the *urred coll'r o* it cr'dling her delic'te chin+ 'nd her h'ir .'& *'ir+ 3right '& ' coin in the &un2

Her &houlder& &lo-ed eleg'ntl)@ her long h'nd& .ere 3're 'nd &t'rtlingl) .hite 'g'in&t her -eli&&e2 S'3rin' could 4u&t ,'0e out the .o,'n?& <oice+ lo.+ lilting2 Suddenl) the ,'n?& he'd 4er0ed 3'c02 He .ent rigid+ &t'red 't the .o,'n2 S'3rin'?& 3re'th &u&-ended2 She?d &een ' *o; loo0 't ' <ole 4u&t li0e th't2 Right 3e*ore it &ei8ed it in it& 4'.&2 The ,'n '3ru-tl) -i<oted 'nd &trode '.') *ro, the .o,'n in long 'ngr) &tride&2 The .o,'n?& l'ughter *ollo.ed hi,+ ' thin &il<er) &ound2 7err) '& &leigh 3ell&2 Good he'<en&( She .ondered .h't on e'rth the .o,'n h'd &'id to c'u&e &uch ' -ronounced re'ction *ro, &uch ' <er) l'rge ,'n2 Such -'&&ion&2 Ho. unco,*ort'3le it ,u&t 3e to 3e 't the ,erc) o* the,2 And .ith th't thought+ &o,eho. &he 0ne.E thi& ,'n .'& the e'rl2 S'3rin' tried to *orce her intere&t 'nd tre-id'tion 3'c0 into the clothe& o* co,-'&&ion+ 3ut the) .riggled 3'c0 out 'g'in2 She couldn?t hel- 3ut t'0e ' tin) in<olunt'r) &te- 3'c0 to.'rd the c'rri'ge+ *or the ,'n?& 'nger c',e .ith hi, '& he '--ro'ched the *ount'in2 And then he &ee,ed to trul) notice the,+ 'nd i,,edi'tel) hi& -o&ture ch'nged '& though he?d thro.n o** ' clo'02 All .'& .elco,e+ e'&e+ gr'ce+ &,ile&2 And .hen he *in'll) &tood o<er the,+ 'nd S'3rin' loo0ed u- into hi& *'ce+ her lung& ce'&ed to dr'. in 'ir2 Thi& .'& the onl) &ort o* ,'n .ho could -o&&i3l) &uit thi& hou&e2 7uch ,ore i,-o&ing *ro, ' ,ere *e. *eet '.')+ he .'& le'n 3ut 3ro'd-&houldered+ ,ore th'n ' he'd t'ller th'n S'3rin'+ 'nd &he .'&n?t ' tin) -er&on2 There .'& ' hint o* Geo**re) in the dee--&et e)e&+ 3ut hi& 4'. .'& 'ngul'r+ hi& chee03one& cut deci&i<el) higher+ the -l'ne& 'nd hollo.& o* hi& *'ce &t'r0l)+ in *'ct r'ther unco,-ro,i&ingl)+ de*ined2 And hi& e)e& .ere &t'rtlingE 3lue+ -'le+ cr)&t'lline2 !rilli'nt .ith light2 Hi& 3ro.&+ &e<ere d'r0 &l'&he& o<er the,2 The Li3ertine2 A3&urdl)+ &he thoughtE De3'ucher) &uit& hi,2 So,eho. &he?d e;-ected ' &o*ter ,'n+ .ith !)ronic curl& 'nd h'unted e)e& 'nd -erh'-& 'n 'ir o* di&&i-'tion2 $ elco,e to ,) ho,e2 I ', Lord R'.den25 And hi& <oiceE lo. 'nd eleg'nt+ re&on'nt '& ' cello2 Not r'. *ro, too ,'n) cig'r& or too ,uch drin02 7'r) 'nd S'3rin' curt&ied '& he 3o.ed lo.2

!ut 3ene'th the gr'ce+ S'3rin' could &en&e the re,n'nt& o* hi& 'nger+ 'nd &o,ething el&e+ too2 Her e)e& d'rted to.'rd .here the .o,'n h'd 3een &t'nding@ &he &'.+ in the di&t'nce+ the &c'rlet -eli&&e retre'ting dee-er into the *ront g'rden2 And &he 0ne. .h't &he?d &en&ed2 cut+ 'nd S'3rin' &u&-ected it h'd2 h'te<er the .o,'n h'd &'id to hi, h'd 3een intended to

And '& S'3rin' .'tched hi, &tride o<er to i&&ue in&truction& to the hou&e0ee-er .ho h'd co,e to &t'nd on the &t'ir& le'ding u- to the hou&e+ co,-'&&ion .'& the le'&t o* ' cro.d o* un*',ili'r thing&+ ,'n) o* the, unco,*ort'3le+ thi& ,'n h'd -rodded u- in her in 'n in&t'nt2 She &en&ed it .'& 'll &econd n'ture+ the gr'ce 'nd the ,'nner&+ no ,ore e**ort *or hi, th'n 3re'thing@ &he 'l&o &en&ed th't he h'd t'0en her in .ith ' gl'nce o* tho&e *iercel) intelligent e)e&+ &u,,ed her u-+ &ilentl) di&,i&&ed her+ 'nd h'd ,o<ed on to other *'r ,ore intere&ting thing& in hi& ,ind2 She decided then 'nd there th't the E'rl o* R'.den .ould ,o&t de*initel) t'0e note o* her 3e*ore thi& hou&e -'rt) .'& o<er2

"HA=TER T O G RANTED+ AS S"ANDALS .ent+ it h'd 3een ' -'rticul'rl) 3'd one63eginning .ith ch',-'gne+ -rogre&&ing to 3eing -rodded *ro, the nude+ *r'gr'nt e,3r'ce o* ' counte&& 3) her li<id hu&3'nd+ 'nd cul,in'ting in ' duel63ut *or Rh)& Gillr')+ the E'rl o* R'.den+ it re'll) r'n0ed no .or&e th'n 'n) o* the other &c'nd'l& glee*ull) 'tt'ched to hi& n',e o<er the -'&t *e. )e'r&2 And the &c'nd'l h'd done nothing to 'ctu'll) 'ggr'<'te hi& re-ut'tion2 A*ter 'll+ .hen one -oured ,ore .hi&0e) into ' gl'&& o* .hi&0e)+ the .hi&0e) didn?t 3eco,e ,ore -otent2 The gl'&& onl) 3ec',e ,ore *ull2 Then 'g'in+ i* one ce'&ele&&l) -oured .hi&0e) into the gl'&&+ it .ould ine<it'3l) &-ill o<er 'nd cre'te ' 3it o* ' ,e&&2 ith the 'ddition o* thi& l'te&t &c'nd'l+ 'ngr) hu&3'nd& 'nd in*'tu'ted .o,en h'd &ee,ed e<er).here under*oot in London+ .hich h'd ,'de going '3out the u&u'l 3u&ine&& o* ',u&ing hi,&el* ,ore '.0.'rd th'n he -re*erred2 In &hort+ he *ound hi,&el* 't l'&t con*ronted .ith ' 3it o* ' ,e&&2 Serendi-itou&l)+ &hortl) '*ter the duel6during .hich nothing 3ut -ride h'd 3een .ounded+ '& 3oth ,en .ere cr'c0 &hot& 3ut t'citl) intere&ted in continuing to li<e6.ord h'd re'ched hi, th't L' 7ont'gne .'& *in'll)+ '*ter &o ,'n) )e'r&+ o**ici'll) hi& 'g'in2 Re&tored to the R'.den title2 L' 7ont'gne2 The ho,e?& n',e ',u&ed the -oet in hi,2 He?d -l'nned 'nd e;ecuted it& 'c:ui&ition the .') ' ,ount'ineer -l'nned 'n e;-edition2 It re-re&ented the -inn'cle o* hi& dre',&2 It .'& '& <'&t '& ' 3lood) ,ount'in2 And &o *orth2

On the .hole+ Rh)& -re*erred hi& ,et'-hor& ,ore &u3tle2 Hi& o.n .ere &'id to &ee- into ' re'der?& 3lood&tre', li0e ' *ine .ineE &te'lth)+ into;ic'ting+ -erh'-& e<en ' 3it d'ngerou&2 Seduction on the -rinted -'ge2 He under&t'nd& .o,en+ .o,en crooned2 h't 3lood) non&en&e2 He under&tood &eduction2 The t.o .ere not nece&&'ril) the &',e2 Reg'rdle&&+ he .ould en&ure th't L' 7ont'gne ne<er 'g'in le*t R'.den h'nd&2 And i* 't the corner&tone o* hi& *ortune 'nd hi& &truggle to reg'in the R'.den l'nd& .ere 3lood 'nd ' &ecret ,ore th'n ' dec'de old+ Rh)& told hi,&el* th't e<er)thing c',e .ith ' -rice2 He?d ,'de ' di**icult choice )e'r& 'go to reg'in 'll he h'd+ 'nd &o,e d')& he could con<ince hi,&el* th't li*e .'& li0e .'rE 3itter+ de&-er'te choice& .ere o*ten ,'de in the n',e o* &ur<i<'l+ 'nd &o,e ine<it'3l) &ur<i<ed 't the e;-en&e o* other&2 Other d')& it h'unted hi,+ co&t hi, &lee-+ until he needed to do &o,ething+ 'n)thing+ to dro.n out the <oice o* it2 !ut thi&+ he decided+ .'& the -rice2 And it .'& ' -rice he could endure+ *or there .'& nothing to 3e done '3out it no.2 In *'ct+ ' tri'l too0 -l'ce in London '& he &tood in hi& gr'nd ho,e2 And the tri'l ,ight h'<e .orried hi, ,ore h'd he not 0no.n th't hi& &ecret .'& 3uried '& dee-l) '& L' 7ont'gne?& 'ncient corner&tone2 He -'id '& little 'ttention to it '& -o&&i3le+ the .') one ,ight '<oid &t'ring ' .ild 'ni,'l in the e)e2 Still+ he .ould not 3e di&-le'&ed .hen it .'& o<er2 He?d di&gui&ed hi& retre't *ro, London '& ' hou&e -'rt) 3) in<iting )ndh',+ 'n 'rti&t &o cheer*ull) de3'uched th't he ,ight 4u&t con&ider ' countr) hou&e -'rt) ' no<elt)2 L'd) 7'r) 'nd her *riend c',e 3) <irtue o* 'n old &chool chu,+ Lord ='ul "'-&tr'.2 And hi& cou&in Geo**re) h'd &ent ' note round 3egging 'n 'udience+ 'nd Rh)& e;-ected hi, .ith ' cert'in i,-'tience 'nd .r) re&ign'tion2 !ut in ' regrett'3le *it o* ,'dne&&+ he?d 'l&o in<ited So-hi' Lic'ri2 !lood) So-hi'2 So he h'dn?t -reci&el) *led the ton2 !ut in truth+ he thought+ r'ther d'r0l) ',u&ed+ he could not *ind *'ult .ith the ti,ing o* the ne.&2 !ec'u&e there .ere other re'&on& he?d decided to le'<e London2 A *e. night& e'rlier+ '& he?d ,'r0ed o** the -'ce& o* the duel+ 'nd &tood to *ire 't the other e'rl he?d cuc0olded+ it occurred to hi, e<en then6e<en then+ '& he -ointed ' -i&tol 't ' ,'n+ 'nd the other ,'n -ointed ' -i&tol 't hi,6th't he .'& 3ored2 Th't hi& -ul&e h'd &c'rcel) incre'&ed+ th't the outco,e &c'rcel) intere&ted hi,2 Thi& &ucceeded in unner<ing hi,+ 'nd it too0 ' <er) good de'l to unner<e Rh)& Gillr')2 The other re'&on .'& th't he h'dn?t 3een '3le to .rite ' .ord in .ee0&2 And thi& unner<ed hi,+ too2

The in&ide o* the hou&e .'& 4u&t '& <'&t 'nd echoe) '& the out&ide@ the &ound o* their *oot&te-& 3ounced *ro, the &,ooth ,'r3le *loor& 'nd 'll tho&e other h'rd+ gle',ing &ur*'ce& u- to the endle&& ceiling '& S'3rin' 'nd 7'r) .ere led into it 'nd u&hered u- ' *light o* ,'r3le &t'ir& to their roo,&2 On the .') the) -'&&ed roo,& th't h'd no &-eci*ic -ur-o&e S'3rin' could di&cern 3ut th't .ere ne<erthele&& &toc0ed .ith cur<ing+ co,-lic'ted *urniture+ -'inting&+ 'nd ,)ri'd &hining thing&2 The &heer &i8e o* the roo,& e;erted 'n 'l,o&t di88)ing -ull@ it .'& li0e -eering *ro, the &hore out onto the &e'2 S'3rin' e;ch'nged ' gl'nce .ith L'd) 7'r)+ .ho inh'3ited one o* the l'rger ho,e& in Tin3ur)2 The entiret) o* .hich could h'<e *it ne'tl) into L' 7ont'gne2 7'r)?& e)e& .ere .ide2 $"or(5 &he ,outhed to S'3rin'2 Louder+ &he &'id+ $And loo0+ S'3rin'( Here?& the li3r'r)( I i,'gine .e .ill lo&e )ou to 3oo0& .hile .e?re here25 S'3rin' -eered in '& the) -'&&ed+ g'ined 'n i,-re&&ion o* &o*t d'r0ne&&+ then ,o<ed on le&t &he indeed 3eco,e lo&t2 For 7'r) 0ne. her .ell+ 'nd .'& <er) li0el) correct2 The) .ere t'0en in t.o &e-'r'te direction& on the third *loor+ 'nd S'3rin' .'& le*t to di&co<er her roo, on her o.n2 She circled it 'l,o&t tent'ti<el)+ li0e 'n 'ni,'l &ni**ing out ne. territor)2 It .'& &nug 3) the &t'nd'rd& o* the re&t o* L' 7ont'gne+ &he &u&-ected2 A he'lth) *ire le'-ed in the he'rth+ 'nd it h'd 3een 3urning *or &o,e ti,e+ &he &ur,i&ed+ '& the roo, .'& *illed .ith .'r,th2 Sh'de& o* l'<ender 'nd gr') &urrounded her6in the c'r-et6.hich -ro<ed -lu&her th'n &-ring gr'&& 'nd *e'tured *ringed end&+ 'nd in the ch'ir& 'nd counter-'ne 'nd curt'in&+ .hich hung in he'<) t.ilight-colored *old&+ gle',ing dull)2 S'3rin' *ingered the,@ the) loo0ed li0e 3'll go.n&2 She 3eg'n to .onder 4u&t ho. ,'n) dre&&e& &he could ,'0e *ro, one2 And then &he -l')*ull) .ound her&el* 'll the .') u- in one 'nd &te--ed out to 'd,ire her&el* 3e*ore the ,irror2 She turned thi& .') 'nd th't2 She did h'<e ' 3e&t dre&& -'c0ed in her trun02 It .'& '3out *i<e )e'r& old+ 3ut the color .'& ti,ele&&+ or &o &he?d 3een '&&ured+ 'nd tre,endou&l) *l'ttering+ '& it .'& ' &e' &h'de+ 'nd ,'de her e)e& &hine 'l,o&t '& green '& ne. le'<e&2 It .'& cut lo. enough to &ho. 4u&t the too* her 3o&o,+ the &lee<e& .ere -u**ed+ 'nd it .'& in *ine enough condition+ '& &he &eldo, .ore it in Tin3ur)2 There .'& ' &-ot ne'r the he, *ro, ' &-l'&hed r't'*i' l'&t "hri&t,'&+ 3ut one .ould onl) notice it i* one .ere -erh'-& 'd,iring her &li--er&2 She ho-ed no one intended to e;',ine her &li--er&+ '& the) .ere r'ther older th'n her dre&&2 S'3rin' &,oothed the curt'in do.n in *ront o* her2 She decided th't &he loo0ed .ell in ,'u<e+ too2 She &,iled 't th't deci&ion2 And then gl'nced u- onl) to ,eet the e)e& o* the hou&e0ee-er in the ,irror2 She .hirled '3out2 $Oh( 7r&2 !'ile)(5 She 3lu&hed 'nd re*le;i<el) curt&ied+ in'd<ertentl) u&ing the curt'in in&te'd o* her &0irt&+ .hich ,'de her e)e& 3urn .ith horror2 7orti*ied+ &he rele'&ed the curt'in+ 'nd .'tched+ hel-le&&l)+ '& it &-ir'led 'nd .hi--ed *ro, 'round her '& though &he .ere ' ,u,,) 3eing un.r'--ed2 It *ell 3'c0 into -l'ce 'g'in&t the .indo. .ith ' &o*t ru&tle2

7r&2 !'ile) .'tched the curt'in *'ll 3'c0 into -l'ce .ith no di&cerni3le ch'nge o* e;-re&&ionE no cen&ure+ no t.in0le o* ',u&e,ent2 S'3rin' h'd the &en&e th't &he ,ight h'<e 3een di&co<ered &t'r0 n'0ed+ &'.ing '.') 't ' cello+ 'nd 7r&2 !'ile) &till .ould not h'<e *linched2 Then 'g'in+ i* 7r&2 !'ile) .'& e,-lo)ed 3) The Li3ertine+ 'nd i* 'n) o* the ru,or& '3out hi, -ro<ed to 3e true+ &he?d no dou3t &een thing& ' good de'l ,ore thrilling th'n ' girl in ' curt'in dre&&2 $7') I 3ring u- &o,e te' 'nd re*re&h,ent+ 7i&& F'irleighF You?ll *ind ' 3'&in o* .'ter in the corner2 Dinner .ill 3e &er<ed 't eight o?cloc02 The e'rl .ill dine .ith )ou then25 7e'ning+ -erh'-&+ th't the gue&t& .ould entert'in the,&el<e& until he deigned to 4oin the,2 $Th'n0 )ou+ 7r&2 !'ile)2 I &hould li0e &o,e te'+ i* it?& not too ,uch trou3le25 And then &he ne'rl) 3it her li-+ 3ec'u&e the 4o3 o* hou&e0ee-er& &uch '& 7r&2 !'ile) .'& to t'0e trou3le *or gue&t&+ 'nd &he &u&-ected &he?d re<e'led ho. c'llo. &he trul) .'&2 $I &h'll 3ring te'+ then+ 7i&& F'irleigh2 Did &he d're '&0 the :ue&tionF $"'n )ou tell ,e .hether ' 7r2 Geo**re) Gillr') h'& 'rri<edF5 S'3rin' tried not to &ound too e'ger '3out it2 $He h'& not )et 'rri<ed+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ though he i& e;-ected tod')25 S'3rin' .ondered i* &he h'd 3een indi&creet in '&0ing+ 3ut then re'li8ed the hou&e0ee-er -ro3'3l) c'red little '3out the '**'ir& o* ' girl &he?d ne<er 3e*ore &een 'nd .ould li0el) ne<er &ee 'g'in '*ter thi& *ortnight h'd -'&&ed2 $Th'n0 )ou+ 7r&2 !'ile)25 Rh)& &trode 3'c0 into the hou&e+ 3'c0 into the &itting roo, .here )ndh', .'& en4o)ing ' cig'r 'nd .'iting *or Rh)& to 4oin hi, *or ' -ro,i&ed g',e o* 3illi'rd&2 )ndh', too0 one loo0 't hi& *'ce+ -luc0ed hi& cig'r *ro, hi& ,outh+ 'nd '&0ed+ $A& u&u'l+ I &ee &he?& done .onder& *or )our te,-er2 h) in God?& n',e did )ou in<ite So-hi'F5 Rh)& g'<e hi, 'n incredulou&+ &-e'0ing loo02 )ndh', &,iled &lightl)2 $!e&ide& th't25 $!ec'u&e &he?ll9-re<ent ,e *ro, 3eing 3ored2 !ec'u&e &he ,ight &ing2 I* the ,oon i& in the correct -h'&e+ th't i&2 I* the color o* the roo, &uit& her25 $I* the dinner i& to her li0ing+5 )ndh', contri3uted2 ill there 3e 'n)thing el&eF5

$I* the te,-er'ture i& 4u&t &o+5 Rh)& 'dded2 There .'& ' -'u&e2

$God+ .h) did I in<ite So-hi'F5 Rh)& gro'ned2 )ndh', l'ughed2 He?d in<ited So-hi' 3ec'u&e &he .'& hi& t'li&,'n 'g'in&t 3oredo,+ he &u--o&ed+ 'nd he h'd ' horror o* 3oredo,2 E<er &ince the -u3lic'tion o* The Secret to Seduction+ tre,3ling+ *'.ning .o,en .ere e<er).here he turned2 He h'dn?t l'c0ed *or *e,inine 'ttention 3e*ore+ o* cour&e+ '& he .'& 'n e'rl+ 'nd ' .'r hero+ 'nd *'r *ro, ugl)2 !ut .ith th't 3lood) 3oo0 o* -oetr)+ he?d in'd<ertentl) ro33ed hi,&el* o* the -le'&ure o* con:ue&t2 A-'rt+ th't .'&+ *ro, So-hi'2 ith So-hi' Lic'ri9.ell+ he .'& re,inded o* the ti,e he?d d'ngled ' .'tch &o ' c't could ch'&e the d'ncing re*lection o* it2 The 3e'&t .ould -ounce on the &-ot o* light+ onl) to li*t it& -'. in &ur-ri&e to di&co<er it h'd c'ught nothing 't 'll2 !ut .hen the re*lection d'rted '.') 'g'in+ the c't h'd continued the ch'&e2 D'88led in &-ite o* it&el*2 "h'&ing 4u&t to ch'&e2 He &u&-ected So-hi' h'd no &u3&t'nce+ th't &he .'& 'll re*lection+ ' <e&&el *or ' gloriou& <oice+ 3ut he ne<er could :uite -ut ' *inger on her ch'r,2 It .'& the .ondering th't ,'de hi, co,e 3'c0+ th't 0e-t hi, curiou& enough to -l') her g',e&2 He &u--o&ed &he h'd ' right to 0ee- *ro, 3eing 3ored '& .ell2 =erh'-& e;-eri,enting .ith -rodding hi& te,-er .'& her .') o* entert'ining her&el*2 And So-hi' .'& to &inging .h't The Li3ertine .'& to -oetr)2 He could *orgi<e her 'l,o&t 'n)thing .hen &he &'ng2 $And .ho 're the .o,en .ho h'<e 4u&t 'rri<edF5 )ndh', .'nted to 0no.2 He -ut hi& 3oot& u- on the little t'3le &tretched out 3e*ore the &ettee2 Rh)& &co.led 't hi,2 )ndh', &.ung the, do.n 'g'in2 $Oh+ the) &c'rcel) count '& .o,en+ 't le'&t not o* the &ort th't .ould intere&t )ou+ )ndh',2 L'd) 7'r)+ the t.itter) 3londe+ i& ,'rried to Lord ='ul "'-&tr'.2 "'-&tr'. h'& 3een <i&iting rel'ti<e& in the 7idl'nd&+ 'nd he &ent ' note round '&0ing .hether he could ,eet hi& .i*e here+ '& L' 7ont'gne i& 3et.een hi& uncle?& hou&e 'nd Tin3ur)2 Old &chool chu,+ "'-&tr'.2 Doe&n?t &ee, to ,ind th't I?<e ' d'&t'rdl) re-ut'tion+ or -erh'-& he '&&u,ed I?d li0e nothing to do .ith hi& .i*e2 I* &o+ he '&&u,ed correctl)2 And the *riend97i&& Seren' &o,e3od)F She?& the d'ughter o* ' <ic'r2 Or &o I?, told25 Rh)& turned 'nd &t'red out the .indo.+ .ondering i* So-hi' .'& &till out there &o, &trolling the ground&2 NoE it .'& too cold+ 'nd her <oice .ould &u**er *ro, it2 She .ould h'<e con&idered her -oint ,'de 'nd reentered the hou&e 3) no.2 h) &hould he c're .hether Lord Le<enh', h'd 3ought the &c'rlet -eli&&e *or So-hi'F It .'&n?t the -eli&&e &o ,uch '& the .') So-hi' h'd &lid it into con<er&'tion2 R'ther li0e &liding ' &tiletto 3et.een hi& ri3&2 Hi& -ride .'& hurt2 At le'&t &o,ething hurt2


here the de<il i& th'tF5

)ndh', .'nted to 0no.2

$Doe& it ,'tterF5 Rh)& &'id idl)2 $"o,e+ )ndh',+ I?ll &ho. )ou the &ol'riu,2 It?ll 3e ' 3rilli'nt -l'ce *or )ou to -'int2 And then .e?ll he'd to the 3illi'rd roo,25 The te' .'& deliciou& 'nd 'cco,-'nied 3) ' &lice o* un-'&0ed-*or 3ut entirel) .elco,e le,on &eedc'0e2 S'3rin' .ondered i* it .'& ' -'rticul'rl) *ine 3lend o* te'+ or .hether the *'ct th't it h'd 3een &er<ed in 'n e;:ui&ite little chin' -ot -'inted 'll o<er .ith 3lue ,il0,'id& 'nd 3rought to her 3) ' &er<'nt h'd 'n)thing to do .ith it2 She?d di<e&ted her&el* o* her .'r, .r'-&+ the 3onnet 'nd &c'r* 'nd -eli&&e+ 'nd &.'33ed her *'ce 'nd the 3'c0 o* her nec0 'nd her 'r,-it& .ith the .'ter in the 3'&in+ .hich turned out to 3e &cented .ith l'<ender2 Feeling con&ider'3l) *re&her+ &he thought &he ,ight tr) to *ind 7'r)2 !ut &he?d neglected to '&0 *or 7'r)?& roo, .hen &he?d 3een &o 3r'8en '& to '&0 '*ter Geo**re)2 And the hour& 3et.een no. 'nd dinner &tretched 3e*ore her .ith the di88)ing+ ne'rl) .'&te*ul lu;ur) o* tho&e roo,& &he?d -'&&ed 3) on the .') to thi& one2 A& &he?d ne<er 3e*ore 3een '&0ed to ' gre't hou&e -'rt)+ &he?d ne<er 3e*ore 3een -re&ented .ith e;-'n&e& o* ti,e to *ill .ith *ri<olit)2 Her li*e h'dn?t 3een entirel) *ree o* *ri<olit)2 !ut &he .'& e<er 3u&) 't the <ic'r'ge+ <i&iting the elderl) 'nd &ic0+ ,'n'ging the hou&ehold 3udget 'nd -l'nning ,e'l&+ & 'nd ,ending 'nd coo0ing 'nd tending the g'rden+ r'll)ing the <ill'ger& o* Tin3ur) to don'te c'&t-o** clothing to the hou&e3ound 'nd -oor 'nd drun0en2 O* the l'tter+ *ortun'tel)+ there .'& onl) one6-oor 7r2 Shu,le)+ .ho .'& con<inced he .'& #ing George2 The <ill'ger& gener'll) cheer*ull) indulged hi& delu&ion+ .hen the) &'. hi, 'nd in:uiring '*ter Hi& 7'4e&t)?& he'lth2 He &le-t in 3'rn&+ t)-ic'll)+ during the .'r,er ,onth&@ in the .inter+ her *'ther occ'&ion'll) 'llo.ed hi, to &lee- in the <e&tr)2 And once ' )e'r ' *'ir .'& held in honor o* the church+ 'nd e<er)one 'ttended2 It .'& gre't *un2 S'3rin' .'& content@ it 'll 0e-t her <er) 3u&)2 There .ere '&&e,3lie& 'nd d'nce&+ '& .ell2 !ut it .'&n?t until Geo**re) Gillr') h'd 'rri<ed to &er<e '& her *'ther?& cur'te th't the '&&e,3lie& too0 on ' *ri&&on o* &o,ething el&e 3e&ide& g'iet)2 She decided to .'nder do.n&t'ir& 'nd li&ten *or <oice&@ -erh'-& other gue&t& .ould h'<e 'rri<ed+ 'nd 7'r)+ the ,o&t &oci'l o* 3utter*lie&+ .ould h'<e *ound the, 3) in&tinct2 !ut 't the *oot o* the &t'ir& 4u&t -'&t t.o &itting roo,&+ &he -'&&ed the li3r'r)2 She couldn?t hel- her&el*2 It dre. her in2 Re'ding .'& the one 'cti<it) &he .'nted to do ' gre't de'l ,ore o* in Tin3ur)+ 3ut gi<en the other de,'nd& u-on her ti,e+ ,o&t o* her re'ding too0 -l'ce 4u&t 3e*ore &he *ell '&lee-2 "'ndle& .ere de'r+ &o &he con*ined her&el* to ' &trict t.ent) -'ge& -er e<ening2 And .hile it too0 her 'ge& to *ini&h re'ding ' &tor) in thi& *'&hion+ it ,'de the &tor) l'&t longer+ too2 The li3r'r) .'& l'rge+ o* cour&e+ 3ut 'ltogether ,ore &u3tle th'n the other roo,& &he?d &o *'r &een2 The onl) gold in the roo, glo.ed t'&te*ull) *ro, the .ord& etched into 3oo0 &-ine& 'nd *ro, the 3o.ed leg& o* ' little t'3le ne'r the *ire2 The &hel<e& 'nd *urniture .ere *'&hioned o* d'r0 .ood& 'nd *'3ric&@ the curt'in& -ouring to the *loor .ere the color o* chocol'te 'nd

corded in &il0 ro-e& o* 3l'c0@ the c'r-et& .ere -'tterned in t.ined &croll& o* 3ro.n 'nd 3l'c0 'nd .ere+ coincident'll)+ 4u&t '& &o*t 3ene'th her *eet '& the c'r-et in her 3edroo,2 She couldn?t he'r her o.n *oot*'ll& '& &he entered the roo,+ 'nd *or ' ,o,ent &he *elt di&oriented+ '& i* &he?d &uddenl) 3eco,e ' gho&t+ 'nd .'& h'unting L' 7ont'gne r'ther th'n <i&iting2 T.o d'r0 le'ther ch'ir& .ith 3'c0& li0e *'n& 'nd ' long &ettee &tri-ed in 3l'c0 'nd 3ro.n *'ced e'ch other ne'r the *ire2 The &er<'nt& &ee,ed deter,ined to 0ee- the entire hou&e .'r,+ 'nd the <er) ide' o* thi& 3oggled6S'3rin' 'nd her *'ther -ored o<er the <ic'r'ge 3udget '& though it .ere ' 3'ttle -l'n 'nd the <ic'r'ge e;-en&e& 'n ene,) to <'n:ui&h+ 'nd the) reli&hed di&co<ering &tr'tegie& *or con:uering the,2 She h'd ' <er) good ide' o* ho. ,uch .'r,ing ' hou&e thi& &i8e .ould co&t2 Arrog'nt hou&e+ 'rrog'nt ,'n+ 'rrog'nt 3udget2 "o,-'&&ion+ &he re,inded her&el*2 She rec'lled hi& 'nger thi& ,orning+ 'nd the hurt &he?d &en&ed 3ene'th it2 She .ondered .ho the .o,'n .'&E hi& ,i&tre&&F Good he'<en&+ .'& &he re'll) under the &',e roo* '& ' ,i&tre&&F The 3oo0&hel<e& .ere generou&l) l'den .ith to,e& 3ound in dee- &o,3er color&63lue 'nd d'r0 green 'nd 3ro.n 'nd 3urgund)6'nd org'ni8ed 3) &u34ect2 =hilo&o-h) &tretched o<er one &hel*+ hi&tor) 'nother+ no<el& o<er 'nother2 L'd) no<eli&t& .ere .ell re-re&ented 'long .ith the ,en2 And6 h't .'& thi&F =oetr)F A -ric0le o* thrill touched the 3'c0 o* her nec02 .ould &he d're to re'd it+ i* it .'&F ould hi& in*',ou& -oetr) 3e hereF And

Ner<ou&l)+ &.i*tl)+ &he re'd the n',e& on the &-ine&E Ye't&2 "oleridge2 Southe)2 #e't&2 "h'tterton2 ord&.orth2 L',32 !rent'no2 And !)ron+ o* cour&e2 No. there .'& ' ch'- .ho .'& e'&il) '& &c'nd'lou& '& The Li3ertine+ 't le'&t in hi& e<er)d') li*e+ 3ut .'& ru,ored to h'<e *led the countr) to *ight in &o,e ,i&guided *oreign .'r2 =oet& 'nd their .').'rd te,-er',ent&2 She?d 'l.')& h'l* &u&-ected the) h'd cloud& *or 3r'in&2 S'3rin' &hoo0 her he'd2 h't ' relie* it .'& to not 3e ' -oet2 !ut &he .'& &-'red *ro, the deci&ion '3out re'ding the e'rl?& -oetr)E it .'&n?t on the &hel*2 It &ee,ed 'n odd o,i&&ion+ 3ut then 'g'in+ -erh'-& it .'& &o &c'nd'lou& it .'& 0e-t loc0ed '.') *ro, curiou& gue&t&2 At l'&t+ S'3rin' cho&e ' no<el 3) 7i&& 7'ri' Edge.orth 3ec'u&e the title &ee,ed '--ro-ri'te to her current &etting 'nd &he thought &he ,ight -erh'-& le'rn ' thing or t.oE T'le& *ro, F'&hion'3le Li*e2 She te&ted the ch'ir& 'nd the &ettee .ith ' ,o,ent o* &itting in e'ch+ 'nd decided u-on the &ettee2 And '& there .'& ' cloc0 ne'r3)+ &he didn?t .orr) '3out ,i&&ing &u--er2 !e&ide&+ 7'r) h'd 0no.n her long enough to loo0 *or her in ' li3r'r)2

$And here?& ' roo, )ou .on?t 3e &-ending <er) ,uch ti,e in+ -'&&ed the li3r'r) on the .') to the 3illi'rd roo,2 )ndh', 3eg'n to l'ugh+ then ,u**led it '& he -eered in2

)ndh',+5 Rh)& &'id '& the)

$You?re &toc0ing *e,'le& in )our li3r'r) no.+ R'.denF I& thi& )our .') o* -er&u'ding ,e to &-end ,ore ti,e .ith the -hilo&o-her& 'nd -oet&F5 $A, IF I& thereF5 Thi& .'& intere&ting ne.&2 The e'rl -eered in+ too2 A &hining he'd could indeed 3e &een o<er the to- o* the &ettee2 The .o,'n?& h'ir .'& d'r0+ .ith co--er 'nd gold &tr'nd& thre'ded through it6the *irelight told hi, thi&6'nd it .'& -ulled &i,-l) u- 'nd -inned in ' c'&u'l little he'- on to- o* her he'd2 A *e. loo&e &-ir'l& tr'ced ' delic'te -ro*ile2 She &ee,ed to 3e &:uinting ' 3it '& &he re'd+ or *ro.ning o<er ' &entence@ her 3ro. .'& 0nit2 She h'dn?t 't 'll noticed the, &t'nding in the door.')+ &t'ring 't her '& though &he .ere -'rt o* the *urni&hing&@ the 3oo0 h'd engul*ed her2 Rh)& recogni8ed the <olu,e+ '& it .'& the onl) one he o.ned 3ound in 3urgund) le'ther2 It .'& the 7'ri' Edge.orth no<el2 An intelligent .o,'n+ 7i&& Edge.orth+ 'nd ' *ine .riter+ 3ut gi<en ' 3it to -re'ching 3et.een the line& 'nd ' 3it o<er*ond o* re'li&,2 The&e d')&+ he .'nted to t'0e in onl) .ord& th't &'ng 'nd &oothed or 'rou&ed@ he?d h'd enough le&&on& 'nd grit to l'&t ' li*eti,e2 !ut he 0e-t the <olu,e out o* con&ider'tion to 7i&& Edge.orth+ .ho, he?d ,et 'nd .ho, he?d li0ed2 Gi<en the choice o* no<el+ Rh)& *elt cert'in he 0ne. .ho thi& .'&2 $It?& onl) the <ic'r?& d'ughter+5 he .hi&-ered to )ndh',2 $Let?& le'<e her to her &er,on&25

)ndh', &ti*led ' l'ugh+ 'nd the) .ent on their .')2

"HA=TER THREE I T?S ONLY THE <ic'r?& d'ughter2 S'3rin' 0ne. &he .'& &u--o&ed to *eel co,-'&&ion+ 3ut the) .ere no. &e'ted 'round ' long dinner t'3le+ 'nd .h't &he &till *elt .'& r'n0led2 Slightl) le&& r'n0led th'n &he h'd 3een e'rlier thi& '*ternoon+ 3ut r'n0led ne<erthele&&2 The ,'n h'd 'll 3ut loo0ed through her thi& ,orning '& though &he .ere <'-or+ 'nd thi& '*ternoon he h'd di&,i&&ed her .ith ' .hi&-er2 She?d he'rd it '& the) le*t+ &'. hi& t'll d'r0 *r',e &triding '.') *ro, the li3r'r) .ith hi& *riend2 h) &he &hould c're .'& ' 3it o* ' ,)&ter)2 Ho. on e'rth &uch ' ,'n could 3e rel'ted to Geo**re) .'& )et 'nother ,)&ter)2 And thi& .'& .orr)ing+ tooE Geo**re) &hould h'<e 'rri<ed hour& 'go+ 'nd he .'& to 3e &een2

S'3rin' &hi*ted her el3o. ' little to 'llo. the 'ttenti<e *oot,'n ne;t to her to 'dd -e'& to her -l'te2 A3o<e the t'3le hung ch'ndelier& dri--ing cr)&t'l& &h'r- '& *'ng&@ &li, &il<er c'ndel'3r' to--ed .ith tin) *l',e& ,'rched do.n the length o* &no.) linen2 E<er).here out o* the corner o* S'3rin'?& e)e thing& glintedE *or0&+ tureen&+ the 4e.el& '3out the thro't 'nd .ri&t o* Signor' So-hi' Lic'ri+ .ho turned out to 3e the .o,'n .ho h'd &o incen&ed the E'rl o* R'.den e'rlier tod')+ 'nd .ho .'& '--'rentl) the *',ou& o-er' &inger 'nd 'lleged ,i&tre&& o* the e'rl2 7i&& Lic'ri?& go.n .'& co--er &il0+ 'nd &o,eho. ,'gic'll)+ -reci&el) ,'tched her e)e&2 Tho&e e)e& .ere long 'nd 'l,ond-&h'-ed+ 'nd &he reg'rded the .orld through l'nguorou&l) lo.ered lid&+ '& though her thic0 l'&he& .ere too he'<) *or the,2 To S'3rin'?& right .'& ' 7r2 )ndh',+ .ho+ &he?d 3een in*or,ed '& the) .ere introduced e'rlier+ .'& ' -'inter2 On her le*t .'& ' ,'n .ho -l')ed the cello+ ' 7r2 7u,-hre)+ 'nd the .o,'n .ho tr'<eled .ith hi,+ 7r&2 e&&el+ .ho+ S'3rin' h'd 3een *'&cin'ted to le'rn+ '--'rentl) g'<e dr','tic re'ding& 'nd 'l&o -l')ed the *lute2 S'3rin' .'&n?t *ooledE thi& ,e'nt 7r&2 e&&el .'& 'n 'ctre&& .ho -l')ed the *lute2 Thi& .'& &o,e.h't 'l'r,ing2 !ut 7r&2 e&&el didn?t loo0 -'rticul'rl) i,,or'l@ &he .'& h'nd&o,e+ he'<)+ 'nd cheer*ul@ it .'& -o&&i3le her h'ir .'& henn'ed+ 3ut &he .'&n?t other.i&e g'ri&h2 No ,ention h'd 3een ,'de o* .hether the) .ere ,'rried to e'ch other+ though 7r2 7u,-hre) &ee,ed -le'&'nt enough *or ' ,'n .ho ,ight <er) .ell 3e li<ing in &in .ith ' .o,'n2 He de<oted hi,&el* to the -or0 'nd -e'& .ith 'l,o&t religiou& *er<or+ 'nd in:uired -le'&'ntl) '3out Tin3ur)2 7'r) 'nd her hu&3'nd+ ='ul+ .ho h'd 'rri<ed thi& '*ternoon+ .ere 't the other end o* the t'3le+ ne'r the e'rl2 7'r)+ '& u&u'l+ &ee,ed to 3e t'l0ing ce'&ele&&l) .hile her hu&3'nd nodded 'nd 3e',ed 't inter<'l&2 The e'rl .'& ne'rl) '& l'8)-lidded '& Signor' Lic'ri+ 3ut then 7'r)?& ch'tter could occ'&ion'll) h'<e ' &tu-e*)ing e**ect+ -'rticul'rl) u-on ,en2 In *'ct+ S'3rin' thought &he?d ne<er &een ' ,'n loo0 &o 3ored+ though hi& *'ce .'& 'rr'nged in 'n e;-re&&ion o* -olite toler'nce2 So,eho.+ e<er)thing el&e '3out hi, r'di'ted ten&ion+ '& though he .'& -oi&ed to &-ring 't the '--ro-ri'te -ro<oc'tion2 The *ood .'& &-lendid+ ho.e<er+ 'nd &he intended to t'0e *ull 'd<'nt'ge o* it .hile &he .'& here2 $Oh+ did )ou he'r+ R'.denF Vi&count !ed*ord too0 ' 3'll in ' duel+5 7r2 &uddenl)2 S'3rin'?& *or0 *ro8e h'l*.') to her ,outh2 $ '& it o<er ' .o,'nF5 the e'rl '&0ed+ '& though di&cu&&ing the -rice o* h')2 $7' n'tur'l,ente+5 Signor' Lic'ri ,ur,ured2 $ h't el&e .ould it 3eF It i& !ed*ord .e &-e'0 o*+ '*ter 'll2 Hi& n',e &uit& hi,9&o ,'n) 3ed&25 $The "ounte&& 7ont&hire+5 )ndh', cl'ri*ied2 )ndh', &'id

$Ah+5 the e'rl &'id+ '& i* thi& e;-l'ined e<er)thing2 $And ho. i& her hu&3'nd t'0ing itF5 And 't thi&+ S'3rin' &et her *or0 <er)+ <er) c're*ull) 'long&ide her -l'te 'nd &t'red do.n 't it2 It .'& r'ther ' l'rge do&e o* &o-hi&tic'tion to t'0e in 'll 't onceE "ounte&&F DuelF Hu&3'ndF And 'll deli<ered in th't 'ccent o* o**h'nd iron)2 E<en 7'r)?& ch'tter h'd &lo.ed+ 'nd her l'&he& .ere 3'tting r'-idl)+ '& though &o,ething h'd 3een &-l'&hed in her *'ce2 ='ul loo0ed le&& di&tre&&ed+ 3ut he?d &hot ' .'rning loo0 't )ndh',2 )ndh', &hrugged 'nd &,iled+ '& though he could not 3e held re&-on&i3le *or .h't -o--ed *ro, hi& ,outh2 And then+ to S'3rin'?& ch'grin+ the e'rl &ee,ed to notice her &tillne&&2 $Our '-ologie&+ 7i&& F'irleigh2 Do .e &c'nd'li8eF5 There .'& th't <oice 'g'in+ '& dee- 'nd eleg'nt '& ' cello2 She &o,eho. dou3ted he .'& &orr) i* he?d &c'nd'li8ed2 !ut hi& .ord& h'd 3een -olite+ 'nd deli<ered directl) to her+ 'nd he .'& their ho&t2 She cle'red her thro't2 $It ,u&t 3e terri3l) unco,*ort'3le to 3e 't the ,erc) o* the &ort o* uncontroll'3le -'&&ion th't le'd& to duel&25 There .'& ' &ilence '& e<er)one?& he'd &.i<eled in uni&on to reg'rd her2 $Do )ou re'll) thin0 &o+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 Thi& c',e *ro, the e'rl 'g'in2 It .'& un&ettling to &uddenl) 3e the *ocu& o* hi& 3lue g'8e2 A 3it li0e h'<ing t.o co,et& 'i,ed in her direction2 !ut hi& :ue&tion &ee,ed &incere enough2 Th't i&+ i* one di&counted the curiou& glint in hi& e)e2 $Oh+ )e&25 She &'id it gentl)+ in c'&e he thought &he .'& 4udging hi,2 Too l'te re'li8ing he?d 'llegedl) 0illed ' ,'n in ' duel2 $So )ou?<e ne<er 3een G't the ,erc) o* uncontroll'3le -'&&ion&? )our&el*+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 The e'rl &ounded gr'<el)+ &olicitou&l) curiou&2 She li*ted her *or0 'nd turned it in her h'nd ner<ou&l)2 Round 'nd round2 $I count ,)&el* *ortun'te to 3e -o&&e&&ed o* 'n e<en te,-er',ent+5 &he &'id ,ode&tl)2 $It i& &i,-l) ho. I .'& 3orn2 Ho.e<er+ I *eel gre't co,-'&&ion *or tho&e .ho &u**er e;tre,e& o* *eeling2 I i,'gine it i& dre'd*ull) incon<enient+ 't ti,e&+ 'nd ,u&t c'u&e con&ider'3le -'in on occ'&ion25 The e'rl .'& no. &t'ring 't her .ith the odde&t e;-re&&ion2 So,ething '0in to *'&cin'tion2 Ne;t to her+ 7r2 )ndh', coughed once into hi& *i&t2

$You 're <er) gr'ciou& indeed to o**er co,-'&&ion to tho&e 3u**eted 3) their o.n 'ni,'l n'ture&+ 7i&& F'irleigh+5 the e'rl &'id &o,3erl)+ 't l'&t2 S'3rin' .'&n?t cert'in ho. to re&-ond2 $Th'n0 )ou+5 &he decided to &')+ tent'ti<el)2


)ndh', coughed 'g'in2

$L'd) 7'r) tell& ,e )ou h'il *ro, Tin3ur)2 Your *'ther i& the <ic'r thereF5 ell+ '--'rentl) &he?d 't l'&t c'-tured the e'rl?& *ull 'ttention2 She .'& no longer cert'in th't &he .'nted it2 $Ye&+ Lord R'.den25 $And .h't &ort o* -'&ti,e& do )ou en4o) in Tin3ur)+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 Another &incere&ounding+ e'&)-&ounding :ue&tion2 And )et there .'& little o* e'&e '3out thi& ,'n2 So,ething re&tle&&+ -ro3ing+ hu,,ed 3ene'th the &ur*'ce o* e<er) .ord2 $ ell+ I li0e to <i&it the -oorer *',ilie& in to.n+ )ou &ee2 e collect clothe& 'nd *ood *or the, 't the <ic'r'ge6e<er)one in to.n 3ring& the, round6'nd then .e t'0e the, round to -eo-le li0e 7r&2 De.3err)+ 'nd 7r2 Shu,le)+ .ho56&he cle'red her thro't 'g'in6$.ho drin0&25 She lo.ered her <oice ' little+ 'nd &'id the l'&t .ord delic'tel)2 $A &inner i& 7r2 Shu,le)+ thenF5 The e'rl h'd lo.ered hi& <oice+ too+ to 'l,o&t ' hu&h2 One o* hi& d'r0 3ro.& ,'de 'n in:ui&iti<e u-.'rd le'-2 Gi<en th't the e'rl .'& 'llegedl) <er&ed in ' ,ultitude o* &in&+ S'3rin' &u&-ected &he .ould need to 'n&.er gingerl)2 $Drin0 h'--en& to 3e 7r2 Shu,le)?& -'rticul'r .e'0ne&&+ Lord R'.den2 Th't+ 'nd he 3elie<e& he i& #ing George25 There .'& ' 3ur&t o* l'ughter 't thi& 't the t'3le2 $"oincident'll)+ he doe& h'<e th't -'rticul'r .e'0ne&& in co,,on .ith Hi& 7'4e&t)+5 the e'rl &'id+ 'nd &,iled 't her2 Th't &,ile h'd .'&hed the c're*ulne&& 'nd 3oredo, right *ro, hi& *'ce+ 'nd the &t'r0 3e'ut) o* it .'& '& &t'rtling '& ' &l'-2 S'3rin'?& e)e& *le. .ide2 And then &he :uic0l) loo0ed do.n 't her -l'te 'g'in+ 'n 'tte,-t to reg'in her co,-o&ure2 $And do )ou en4o) li*e in Tin3ur)+ on the .hole+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 So he h'dn?t :uite *ini&hed .ith her )et+ then2 She .'&n?t entirel) ' *oolE &he dou3ted ' ,'n .ho li<ed in London .ould 3e terri3l) intere&ted in li*e in Tin3ur)2 She loo0ed u- 't hi, 'g'in+ 3r'<ing th't h'nd&o,e *'ce2 $It?& :uiet 'nd <er) -le'&'nt+5 &he &'id -olitel)2 $I &hould 3e content there *or the re&t o* ,) li*e+ i* I did not 'l&o ho-e to do &o,e good '& ' ,i&&ion'r) in ' *'r'.') l'nd+ -erh'-& in A*ric'2 I &hould li0e to hel- other& le&& *ortun'te+ )ou &ee+ '& ' ,i&&ion'r)25 $Hel-ing i& indeed co,,end'3le+ 7i&& F'irleigh25 The e'rl r'i&ed hi& gl'&& to her2 Ho. .ould )ou 0no.F She .'& te,-ted to '&02 $7i&&ion'r) i& ' .onder*ul -o&ition+5 )ndh', <olunteered &o,3erl)2

7'r) .'& 3e',ing 't S'3rin'+ '--'rentl) -roud &he .'& the &u34ect o* the e'rl?& -r'i&e2

!ut S'3rin' .ondered .h) Signor' Lic'ri loo0ed &o <er) ',u&ed+ her &'3le e)e& 3right '& lit c'ndle&2 She ,ight 3e ' countr) girl+ 3ut &he didn?t -'rticul'rl) en4o) 3eing the &u34ect o* ,irth &he didn?t :uite under&t'nd2 ='rticul'rl) *ro, thi& 3e'uti*ul .o,'n2 "o,-'&&ion+ &he re,inded her&el*2 $S-e'0ing o* hel-ing+ I &hould li0e 'nother hel-ing o* -or0+5 )ndh', &'id cheeril)2

A*ter dinner+ So-hi' Lic'ri .'& i,-ortuned to &ing2 The re:ue&t c',e *ro, 7r2 7u,-hre)+ 'nd .'& hu,3l) deli<ered2 Signor' Lic'ri -l'ced ' delic'te inde; *inger 'g'in&t her chin 'nd tilted her he'd+ her e)e& going '3&tr'cted2 =ondering the :ue&tion+ -erh'-&2 $I do not thin0 tonight+5 &he -ronounced 't l'&t+ '& though &he?d 3een '&0ed to -redict .hether or not it ,ight r'in2 And &o in&te'd 7r2 7u,-hre) &et '3out -l')ing the cello 'nd 7r&2 e&&el -l')ed the *lute+ 'nd ' -le'&'nt little !'ch co,-o&ition th't S'3rin' recogni8ed *lo'ted out o<er the gr'nd dr'.ing roo,2 !ut no one &ee,ed to 3e o3liged to &i,-l) &it 'nd li&ten2 The other ,e,3er& o* the -'rt) too0 u- :uiet -'&ti,e&2 7'r) 'nd her hu&3'nd h'd 'greed to -l') c'rd& .ith Signor' Lic'ri 'nd 7r2 )ndh',+ 3ut S'3rin' h'd ne<er le'rned the g',e the) .ere -l')ing+ &o &he decided to re'd in&te'd+ in the roo, .ith e<er)one el&e+ 3ec'u&e it &ee,ed the co,-'nion'3le thing to do2 She h'd *ound ' co,*ort'3le ch'ir+ 'nd h'd *etched the 7'ri' Edge.orth 3oo02 She?d re'd t.o -'ge& .hen &he?d loo0ed u- to *ind th't the e'rl h'd &ettled do.n 't ' &,'ll+ eleg'nt de&0 <er) ne'r her+ ' :uill 3et.een hi& *inger&+ *ool&c'- &-re'd 3e*ore hi,2 In&t'ntl)+ *or &o,e re'&on+ it &ee,ed ,ore di**icult to 3re'the2 It .'& '& though he too0 u,ore 'ir th'n the u&u'l -er&on+ 'nd &o there .'& le&& o* it to 3re'the no. th't he .'& ne'r2 Or -erh'-& it .'& 4u&t th't the 'ir &ee,ed &h'r-er+ &o,eho.+ li0e the 'ir out&ide .hen the)?d 'rri<ed thi& ,orning2 He &ee,ed to t'0e '& ,uch notice o* her '& he did the l',- on the de&0 '& hi& :uill 3eg'n to d'nce o<er the -'ge2 So S'3rin' duc0ed her he'd 'nd 3eg'n to re'd 'g'in2 She?d onl) ,'n'ged to get to the 3otto, o* the &econd -'ge .hen &o,e &ort o* di&tur3'nce in the 't,o&-here c'u&ed her to loo0 u-2 He .'& &t'ring 't her2 Directl)+ un3lin0ingl)+ *i;edl) 't her2 Good he'<en&+ 3ut hi& e)e& .ere '&toundingl) 3lue2 She &,iled tent'ti<el)2 Hi& e;-re&&ion didn?t ch'nge2 He+ in *'ct+ didn?t 3lin02 $Are )ou9're )ou .riting ' -oe,F5 &he <entured2

The e'rl 3lin0ed then2 And the *'inte&t o* cre'&e& '--e'red 3et.een hi& e)e&+ '& i* he couldn?t :uite -l'ce ho. he 0ne. her+ or .'& &ur-ri&ed th't &he .ould d're to &-e'0 to hi, 't 'll2 A& though ' dog or ' c't h'd 4u&t '&0ed hi, '3out hi& -oetr)2 $ h)+ )e&25 He &ounded ,ildl) ',u&ed2 Indulgent2 $I ', .riting ' -oe,25 He loo0ed 't her ' ,o,ent longer+ 'l,o&t '--r'i&ingl)2 $I .'& tr)ing to thin0 o* ' rh),e *or &0in25 hoo&h2 He't &corched S'3rin'?& *'ce *ro, her coll'r to her h'irline2 The e'rl returned hi& g'8e to the -'ge2 !ut not 3e*ore &he &'. the *l'&h o* ' tin) &,ile2 The de<il2 $No+ )ou .eren?t+ Lord R'.den+5 &he &'id *ir,l)2 He loo0ed u-+ &ur-ri&ed2 $ '&n?t IF5 $No2 I* )ou?d &'id+ -erh'-&+ th't )ou .ere tr)ing to thin0 o* ' rh),e *or Gle,on+? I ,ight h'<e 3elie<ed )ou2 Shin+ din+ grin+ &in+5 &he 'dded -ointedl)2 $I 3elie<e )ou .ere tr)ing to 3e 2 2 25 She tr'iled o** .hen &he re'li8ed+ to her horror+ &he .'& 'ctu'll) &colding the e'rl2 He .'& &,iling ' little2 $Incorrigi3leF5 he co,-leted hel-*ull)2 $Ver) .ell2 Le,on+ did )ou &')F I &h'll t'0e th't under con&ider'tion the ne;t ti,e I decide to 3e incorrigi3le25 And then he lo.ered hi& he'd to hi& .or0 'g'in+ 'nd it .'& cle'r &he .'& once 'g'in *orgotten2 A 3it 3el'tedl) S'3rin' rec'lled th't &he -erh'-& ought to ingr'ti'te her&el* .ith the e'rl+ in order to hel- &u--ort Geo**re)?& -etition *or *unding o* the ,i&&ion &he ho-ed to &h're .ith hi,2 She too0 ' dee- 3re'th+ 'nd gingerl)+ '& i* holding her h'nd out *or ' 3e'r to &ni**+ &he <entured ' concili'tor) :ue&tion2 $Do )ou *ind .riting -oetr) -le'&ur'3le+ Lord R'.denF5 He 4er0ed hi& he'd u- 'g'in+ hi& e)e3ro.& dr'.n e<er &o &lightl) together2 A& i* he .ondered th't &he d'red interru-t2 $God+ no+5 he &'id di&,i&&i<el)2 $It e'&e& -'in25 He dro--ed hi& he'd2 S'3rin' &t'red 't th't h'nd&o,e he'd 3ent o<er hi& -'ge o* *ool&c'- 'nd 0ne. 'n un*',ili'r ire2 She 0ne. he .'&n?t -reci&el) o3lig'ted to 3e -olite+ '& he .'& 'n e'rl 'nd ' notoriou& one 't th't2 Still+ &he .'&n?t 'ccu&to,ed to 3eing co,-letel) ignored or di&,i&&ed6:uite the o--o&ite in *'ct+ 't le'&t in Tin3ur)6'nd &he .'& ' little &ur-ri&ed to di&co<er ho. ,uch &he ,inded2 $FGIt e'&e& -'in+?F5 &he ,i,ic0ed under her 3re'th2 $Ho. <er) dr','tic25 She lo.ered her he'd to her 3oo0 'g'in2 The e'rl?& he'd c',e u- <er) &lo.l) thi& ti,e2

$ h't did )ou &')+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 Oh+ no2 She &t'red 't hi, in .h't &he ho-ed .'& 'n 'rtle&& .')2 $I 2 2 25 She &to--ed2 $It r'ther &ounded li0eE GHo. <er) dr','tic+?F5 he encour'ged on ' dr'.l2 S'3rin' .'& un.illing to corro3or'te thi&2 She .'& cert'in her &c'rlet chee0& .ere 'll the 'n&.er he needed+ 'n).')2 $H'<e )ou re'd 'n) o* ,) -oetr)+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 A ,ild :ue&tion2 $No(5 &he &'id r'ther <ehe,entl)+ 3e*ore &he re'li8ed her <ehe,ence ,ight 3e con&trued '& i,-olite2 Then 'g'in+ it .'& 3e&t &he ,'0e it cle'r -reci&el) .h't &ort o* *e,'le &he h'--ened to 3e2 $Good2 I d're&') )ou .ouldn?t under&t'nd it+ 'nd it .ould onl) con*u&e )ou25 The e'rl dro--ed hi& he'd 'g'in to hi& -'ge2 Hi& -en &cr'tched ' *e. ,ore .ord& 'cro&& the -'ge2 She &hould le'<e it 't th't2 She re'll) &hould2 $I re'd Engli&h .ell enough+5 &he &'id cooll)2 $='&&ion i& 'nother l'ngu'ge 'ltogether25 He to&&ed thi& out .ithout 3othering to li*t hi& he'd *ro, hi& *ool&c'-2 She?d 3een in the -re&ence o* thi& notoriou& ,'n &c'rcel) ' d')+ 'nd 'lre'd) one o* the &e<en de'dl) &in& h'd her *ir,l) in it& gri-2 L'ter+ &he .ould 3l',e -ride *or .h't &he &'id ne;t2 $I?, te,-ted to roll ,) e)e&+ Lord R'.den+ 3ut then I .ould 3e un'3le to re'd ,) 3oo025 The e'rl li*ted hi& he'd &lo.l)+ &lo.l) u- then2 He &tudied her 't length2 And *in'll)+ ' *'int &,ile 3eg'n to ho<er '3out hi& ,outh+ 'nd hi& *'ce regi&tered ' -eculi'r &ort o* '--ro<'l2 $Un'3le to re'd )our 3oo0F You h'<en?t turned ,ore th'n t.o -'ge& &ince )ou?<e &'t do.n+ 7i&& F'irleigh2 Do )ou re'd &o <er) &lo.l)F Or doe& ,) -re&ence di&concert )ouF I* it?& the l'tter+ I do '-ologi8e25 She?d thought -oet& -o&&e&&ed cloud& *or 3r'in&2 Thi& one -o&&e&&ed ' r'-ier2 $You?re not &orr)+ Lord R'.den+5 &he &'id e<enl)2 Oh+ 'nd 't th't+ he &,iled *ull)2 And .h't ' &,ile it .'&E genuinel)+ 3rilli'ntl) -le'&ed .ith 3oth her 'nd .ith hi,&el*2 The 0ind o* &,ile th't ,'de hi& e)e& 'll 3ut <'ni&h 'nd line& r') *ro, their corner&2 And &,'c0E 4u&t li0e th't+ her .it& &c'ttered li0e 3illi'rd 3'll&2 $No+ I &u--o&e I?, not &orr)25 He continued to &,ile 't her2

She re'll) ought to loo0 '.')+ or &,ile in return+ or &') &o,ething2 An)thing2 !ut &he h'dn?t 'n) .it& le*t2 St'ring .'& 'll th't .'& le*t to her2 !e*ore her e)e&+ hi& &,ile dri*ted '.')+ 'nd hi& e;-re&&ion 3ec',e ,ore -en&i<e2 $Since .e 're ch'tting+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ 'nd &ince )ou 're+ '& )ou &')+ *',ili'r .ith the Engli&h l'ngu'ge+ I .onder i* I ,ight trou3le )ou *or &o,e '&&i&t'nce .ith ,) -oetr)25 It .'& <er) ne'rl) ' hu,3le entre't)+ 'nd hel-ing .'& ,ore *',ili'r to her th'n &-'rring2 $I 0no. <er) little '3out -oetr)+ Lord R'.den+ 3ut I &hould 3e h'--) to tr)25 $ ell9+5 he 3eg'n 'l,o&t di**identl)2 $I ', .riting ' -oe, '3out &eduction25 He ,ight h'<e &'idE $I ', .riting ' -oe, '3out *or0&25 It ,'de the .ord le&& d'ngerou&+ &o,eho.2 hich in ' .')+ &he 0ne.+ ,'de it e<en ,ore d'ngerou&2 Still+ thi& .'& the &ort o* l'ngu'ge thi& ,'n u&ed2 And '& &he .ould .ith luc0 3eco,e ' ,i&&ion'r) on 'nother continent one d')+ -erh'-& &he ought to <ie. it in ' $ hen in Ro,e5 light+ 'nd tr) to &-e'0 hi& l'ngu'ge2 $I?d thought )ou?d 'lre'd) .ritten ' 3oo0 '3out &ed9&eduction+ Lord R'.den25 Too l'te &he re'li8ed th't thi& re<e'led &he 0ne. 'll '3out hi& &c'nd'lou& <olu,e2 He le'ned &lo.l) 3'c0 in hi& ch'ir then+ .ith the 'ir o* one &ettling into hi& *'<orite to-ic2 $Oh+ one c'n ne<er re'll) *ini&h .riting '3out &eduction+ 7i&& F'irleigh2 I *ind I?<e ' good de'l ,ore to &') on the to-ic25 He ,'de it &ound ne'rl) 'c'de,ic2 S'3rin' thought o* the 0i&& &he ho-ed &he?d get *ro, Geo**re) one d')+ 'nd o* the &h'do.) thing& th't too0 -l'ce in ' ,'rri'ge 3ed+ .hich .ere giggled '3out 'nd &-o0en o* onl) in the <er)+ <er) 3ro'de&t o* eu-he,i&,& ',ong the girl& &he 0ne.2 !ut then there h'd 3een ' girl in the <ill'ge o* Tin3ur) .ho h'd di&'--e'red under ' .'<e o* .hi&-er& 'nd &c'nd'lE &he?d 3een ruined+ it h'd 3een &'id2 All 3ec'u&e o* &eduction2 $!ut9.h) do )ou .'nt to 2 2 25 S'3rin' cle'red her thro't2 $Seduction i,-lie&9entice,ent2 Luring &o,eone 'g'in&t her .ill2 Doe& it notF5 $Are )ou &')ing it i&n?t9.ell+ nice to .rite '3out it+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 He &ounded concerned2 $I thought9.ell+ I trul) thought th't .ithin e<er) .o,'n i& the .ill to 3e &educed2 Th't the) in truth .'nt to 3e &educed25 $ ithin the un*ortun'te .o,en+ -erh'-&+5 &he corrected gr'<el)2 $The one& -o&&e&&ed o* .e'0er .ill&2 There 're other& o* u& .ho 're 3le&&ed .ith ,ore *ortitude25 She 0ne. nothing 't 'll '3out &eduction+ 3ut &he did 0no. ' 3it '3out &er,oni8ing2 $Ah2 So .h't )ou 're &')ing i& th't )ou c'nnot 3e &educed25 The e'rl nodded &'gel)+ ,ulling thi&2 $!ec'u&e o* *ortitude2 And th't )ou thin0 &eduction h'& to do .ith G.ill+? 'nd the -o&&e&&ion or l'c0 thereo*25

S'3rin' &uddenl) re'li8ed ho. o*ten the .ord $&educed5 'nd it& <'ri'tion& h'd 3een u&ed in the l'&t ,inute or &o2 She h'd the une'&) &u&-icion th't &he .'& 3eing lured out into the ,iddle o* ' &tic0)+ &il0) .e3 .o<en o* the .ord+ 3ut .'&n?t cert'in ho. to &cr',3le 3'c0 to &'*et)2 $!ut .e 're not 'ni,'l&+ Lord R'.den+5 &he &'id gentl)2 $ e -o&&e&& the '3ilit) to control our 'ction&+ 'nd I?, *ortun'te in th't I?<e ne<er e;-erienced di**icult) doing &o in 'n) circu,&t'nce2 And '& I &'id+ I?<e 3een 3le&&ed .ith 'n e<en te,-er',ent+ 'nd I?<e nothing 3ut65 $6co,-'&&ion *or tho&e o* u& '**licted 3) te,-e&tuou& 'ni,'l n'ture&2 Oh+ )e&+ I rec'll2 =r')+ .ill )ou 'n&.er ' :ue&tion *or ,e+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 $I &h'll cert'inl) tr)25 $You h'il *ro, the countr)+ )e&F5 $Ye&+ Tin3ur) i& ' countr) to.n2 Nothing 't 'll li0e London25 She onl) re'li8ed &he?d ,'de $London5 &ound li0e $!'3)lon5 .hen hi& ,outh tilted u- ' little2 $Ver) .ell+ then2 And in the countr)9do )ou &ee 'ni,'l& 'd'-t to their circu,&t'nce&F Gro. longer co't& *or .inter+ gro. &-ot& &o '& not to 3e &een 3) -red'tor&+ or coloring to 'ttr'ct other& o* their &-ecie&F5 He h'd ' thought*ul little cre'&e 3et.een hi& e)e&2 $ ell9)e&2 I do2 For in&t'nce+ the c'ttle h'<e 'll gro.n longer co't& thi& )e'r+ *or .inter2 And the &:uirrel& h'<e 3egun g'thering ,ore nut&+ 'nd 7r&2 De.3err) 3elie<e& thi& ,e'n& thi& .inter .ill 3e e'rl) 'nd h'rd25 He nodded in ' &'ti&*ied ,'nner2 $Ver) .ell+ then2 !ut here i& the :ue&tion I?<e 3een -ondering25 He le'ned &lo.l) to.'rd her+ &o clo&e &he could &ee ho. <er) thic0 hi& e)el'&he& .ere+ 'nd th't hi& e)e& *e'tured ,ore th'n one &h'de o* 3lue2 He cl'&-ed hi& h'nd& on hi& 0nee& thought*ull)2 $ h)+ 7i&& F'irleigh 2 2 25 And .ithout .'rning+ hi& <oice &lo.ed+ the ti,3re o* it ch'nged6'nd 4u&t li0e th't+ it .ound 'round her &en&e& li0e ' &il0en ro-e 'nd held her *'&t2 $2 2 2 .h) do )ou &u--o&e ' .o,'n?& &0in i& &o &o*t9&o <er)+ <er) &o*t9i* it i&n?t ,e'nt to9 te,-tF I* it i&n?t ,e'nt to 3e9touchedF5 The l'&t .ord .'& <er) ne'rl) ' .hi&-er2 It l'nded on S'3rin' '& &urel) '& ' 3re'th 3lo.n &o*tl) 'g'in&t the 3'c0 o* her nec02 Thi& .'& .hen her lung& ce'&ed to t'0e in 'ir2 Hi& 3lue e)e& re*u&ed to relin:ui&h her&2 She .'& .ell 'nd trul) c'ught2 Th't <oice .ent on2 $And i* .e 'ren?t ,e'nt to t'0e -le'&ure in our o.n &0in+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ .h) then c'n &o <er) ,uch -le'&ure 3e h'd *ro, touching it9'nd *ro, 3eing touchedF5

She *elt hi& .ord& &o,eho. e<er).here on her 3od)2 He .'ited2 !ut &he couldn?t &-e'02 She 3re'thed in dee-l)+ '--'lled to he'r ho. une<en her 3re'th .'&+ ho. &he &truggled to t'0e it2 Li0e ' genie *reed *ro, ' 3ottle+ hi& .ord& entered her ,ind 'nd too0 &h'-e there+ *illing it .ith i,'ge& &he?d ne<er 3e*ore entert'ined2 The e'rl nodded+ '& though he?d con*ir,ed &o,ething2 $ e 're 'll 'ni,'l&+ 7i&& F'irleigh25 He &'id thi& ,ildl)2 And &'t 3'c0 in hi& ch'ir+ dro--ed hi& he'd 'g'in to the -'ge+ th't little &,ile -l')ing o<er hi& li-&+ 'nd hi& -en 3eg'n &cr'tching '.') '& though thi& con<er&'tion h'd 3een n'ught 3ut ' -'u&e to )'.n 'nd &tretch2 He?d lured her into hi& .e3 'nd ,'de hi& -oint '& &urel) '& i* he?d thru&t ' &.ord into her2 And he?d done it+ &he &u&-ected+ -urel) *or hi& o.n di<er&ion2 She+ '& *'r '& The Li3ertine .'& concerned+ .'& child?& -l')2 S'3rin' re,'ined &ilent2 And then &he turned '3out ten ,ore -'ge& o* her 3oo0+ not re'ding or &eeing 'n) o* the,2 She *in'll) decided th't ten -'ge&? .orth o* -retending to re'd .'& enough to &'l<'ge her dignit)2 And *in'll) &he &tood 'nd ,o<ed 'cro&& the roo, to get clo&er to the *ire2 The le'-ing 3l'8e &ee,ed *'r le&& d'ngerou& th'n the E'rl o* R'.den2 L'ter+ '*ter 'll the gue&t& h'd gone u- to 3ed+ Rh)& 3ent o<er ' 3illi'rd t'3le 'cro&& *ro, )ndh',2 Hi& &hot .'& true@ the little tri'ngle *or,'tion o* 3'll& &c'ttered 'cro&& the t'3le+ *inding the -oc0et& he?d ,e'nt the, to *ind2 $Good &t'rt+ R'.den25 )ndh', 3ent to t'0e hi& o.n &hot2 $Your ,ood &ee,& to h'<e i,-ro<ed2 h't 3rought it '3outF Did So-hi' gro<el or 3eg *orgi<ene&& or do &o,e other &igni*ic'ntl) ,ore -le'&'nt thing to c'u&e )ou to rel';F5 Rh)&?& ,outh t.itched2 $H'rdl)2 T'0e )our &hot+ )nd)25

)ndh', too0 hi& &hot+ 'nd it .'& &-lendid2 $H'(5 he &'id -le'&'ntl) to Rh)&+ 'nd &tood u-right+ le'ning u-on hi& &tic02 $No+5 Rh)& continued+ $it h'& n'ught to do .ith So-hi'2 !ut I thin0 I ,') h'<e di&co<ered ' cure *or 3oredo,25 $H'& it 'n)thing to do .ith the righteou& 3ut -rett) 7i&& F'irleighF5 $=rett)F5 Rh)& re-e'ted idl)+ '& i* he h'dn?t noticed 't 'll2 O* cour&e he?d noticed2 He?d g'8ed 't her long enough tod')+ 'nd h'd 3een <'guel) irrit'ted .ith the conclu&ion2 U-on clo&e '&&e&&,ent o* her *e'ture&+ no other conclu&ion could 3e dr'.n+ re'll)2 Her e)e& .ere &-ect'cul'r+ ' di&concertingl) direct 'nd cle'r green+ ' 3it tilted+ long d'r0 l'&he& *'nning *ro, the,2 A ,outh *ull 'nd gentl) cur<ed+ &o*t-loo0ing+ 4u&t 3'rel) -in02 The color o* her &0in .hen &he 3lu&hed+ her li-& .ere2 It h'rdl) &ee,ed nece&&'r) *or '

<ic'r?& d'ughter to h'<e e)e& li0e th't+ or ' ,outh li0e th't+ or &0in &o lu,inou& it &ee,ed to cre'te it& o.n light2 And he couldn?t &h'0e the &en&e th't there .'& &o,ething *',ili'r '3out her2 =erh'-& it ,erel) h'd to do .ith her ti,ele&& &ort o* 3e'ut)2 $ ell+ )e&+5 )ndh', continued2 $I thought it .'& .h) )ou?d -'id 7i&& F'irleigh 'n) 'ttention 't 'll2 You don?t thin0 &he?& -rett)+ Rh)&F You c'n &c'rcel) c'll her 'n)thing el&e2 De&-ite her un*ortun'te )e'r&-old *roc0& 'nd her -iou& -l'n& *or her *uture2 Or9i& th't .h't )ou li0e '3out herF5 $She?& cle<er+5 Rh)& &'id ,ildl)+ not 'ddre&&ing the :ue&tion o* .hether or not &he .'& -rett)2 Or ,entioning the *'ct th't he h'd+ *or ' ,o,ent+ 3een genuinel) entert'ined 3) hi& e;ch'nge .ith 7i&& F'irleigh2 $!ut &he?& 'l&o ,ore th'n ' little &el*-righteou&2 I thin0 it .ill 3e di<erting to -ro<e ' -oint25 $ h't -reci&el) did )ou h'<e in ,indF5 Rh)& &tr'ightened 'nd cu--ed hi& h'nd& o<er the to- o* hi& cue+ re&ted hi& chin 'to- hi& h'nd&2 $She cl'i,& &he c'nnot 3e &educed25 $You c'nnot h'<e &'t in the corner 'nd di&cu&&ed &eduction .ith the -ro-er 7i&& F'irleigh .hile I -l')ed c'rd& .ith her *riend& 'nd So-hi'25 )ndh', &'id thi& .ith '.e2 He?d 'c:uired ' good de'l o* re&-ect *or Rh)&?& o<er the *e,'le o* the &-ecie&2 Rh)& l'ughed+ 3ut o-ted to re,'in cr)-tic2 $Let?& 4u&t &') I thin0 it .ill 3e di<erting to 3ro'den 7i&& F'irleigh?& hori8on&25 $Ho. .ill I 0no. .hen her hori8on& h'<e 3een 3ro'denedF5 $She?ll 3lu&h in ,) -re&ence2 She?ll &t',,er2 She?ll *'.n2 She?ll 3e &-eechle&&25 Rh)& tic0ed o** the li&t+ &ounding 3ored2 $Oh+ I &ee2 The u&u'l .')25 Thi& .'& ho. .o,en 3eh'<ed ne'r Rh)& t)-ic'll)+ 'n)ho.2 $And then &he?ll go 3'c0 to Tin3ur) e<er-&o-&lightl) enlightened+ 'nd &he ,ight 4u&t -le'&'ntl) &ur-ri&e .hoe<er e<entu'll) ,'rrie& her25 $Good God+ R'.den+ )ou don?t -ro-o&e to65 $Relie<e her o* her <irtueF No2 !ut I do intend to relie<e her o* ' little o* her innocence25 )ndh', too0 hi& &hot2 An '3)&,'l one2 He &hoo0 hi& he'd regret*ull)2 $Ho. do )ou -ro-o&e to do itF5 $I h'<en?t )et decided25 !ut he 0ne. th't he could2 7i&& F'irleigh didn?t 0no. it+ 3ut &he .'& -roud2 She .'& cle<er2 She .'& -roud o* 3eing cle<er2 He 'l&o &u&-ected &he -o&&e&&ed ' te,-er 'nd 'n i,'gin'tion+ *or he?d .'tched her li&ten to hi, tod')+ her e)e& '3&tr'cted+ t'0ing in hi& .ord&2 Feeling hi& .ord&2

A cle<er ,'n .ould 0no. ho. to t'0e 'd<'nt'ge o* the clue& 7i&& F'irleigh o**ered to .h't other '&-ect& o* her n'ture ,ight lie dor,'nt2 Rh)& &,iled to hi,&el* '& he &'n0 the 3'll o* hi& choice in the -oc0et o* hi& choice2 He .'& ' <er) cle<er ,'n2

"HA=TER FOUR A ND AT !REA#FAST the * ,orning 't l'&t+ there .'& ' *',ili'r le'n *igure in &o,3er clothing hel-ing hi,&el* to 0i--er& *ro, the &ide3o'rd2 S'3rin'?& he'rt g'<e ' little le'-2 Geo**re) turned 'nd &'. her+ 'nd loo0ed &t'rtled2 $S'3rin'( h't on e'rthF5

$Are )ou &ur-ri&ed to *ind ,e here+ Geo**re)F5 She &'id it 'l,o&t 3re'thle&&l)2 $I con*e&& I ',2 !ut ,') I 'l&o &') th't I?, -le'&edF5 He &,iled 't her+ reco<ering nicel) *ro, hi& &ur-ri&e2 Geo**re) h'd &uch ' -le'&'nt .') o* &-e'0ing2 Her *'ther occ'&ion'll) 'llo.ed hi, to gi<e the &er,on&+ 'nd he cho&e ,'n) -rett) .ord& to ,'0e hi& -oint2 $You ,')25 She &,iled 3'c0 't hi,2 He lo.ered hi& <oice2 $And good he'<en&+ .h't 3ring& )ou to the den o* ,) &c'nd'lou& cou&inF5 S'3rin' di,-led ' little2 $I ', ' gue&t o* L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'.2 I ', tr'<eling '& her co,-'nion25 She &'. Geo**re) loo0 -u88led *or ' ,o,ent+ 'nd then hi& *'ce regi&tered the cle<erne&& o* her &tr'teg)+ 'nd 3ec',e -eculi'rl) &-ecul'ti<e2 It &ee,ed he h'd 4u&t re'li8ed .h't &he ,ight 3e '3out2 He &,iled ' little9'nd good he'<en&+ it .'& ' 3it9.ell+ &ultr)2 $I .ould h'<e 'rri<ed &ooner+ )ou &ee+ 3ut our c'rri'ge &u**ered ' &,'ll 'ccident+5 he told her2 He .'& cert'inl) hel-ing hi,&el* to ' good de'l o* egg&+ &he noticed2 =o&&i3l) he didn?t get enough to e't 't the <ic'r'ge2 $I?<e onl) 4u&t 'rri<ed 'n hour or &o 'go25 $Oh+ de'r( A c'rri'ge 'ccidentF Are )ou &oundF5 $I ', -er*ectl) &ound+ th'n0 )ou *or )our concern25 He -'u&ed in hi& di&hing o* egg& 'nd turned to &tud) her ' ,o,ent longer+ 'nd ' gli,,er o* &ort& &ee,ed to ,o<e o<er hi& e)e&2 He lo.ered hi& <oice ' 3it ,ore2 $S'3rin'9,ight I 3eg ' -ri<'te ,eeting .ith )ouF5 She lo<ed the inti,'c) o* hi& lo.ered <oice 'nd hi& inten&e g'8e2 Hou&e -'rtie& .ere ,o&t de*initel) e;citing+ &he decided then2

S'3rin' tried not to gl'nce o<er her &houlder+ .here L'd) 7'r) 'nd her hu&3'nd 'nd 7r2 )ndh', .ere h'--il) de<ouring their 3re'0*'&t&2 =re&u,'3l) So-hi' Lic'ri .'& h'<ing ' l'te ,orning lie-in2 =erh'-& .ith The Li3ertine hi,&el*+ '& he .'&n?t -re&ent 't 3re'0*'&t+ either2 She ,ent'll) 3ru&hed '&ide the <er) ide' o* it2 One con<er&'tion '3out &eduction+ 'nd &ee ho. :uic0l) her thought& *ell into hi& .') o* thin0ingF He .'& ' d'ngerou& ,'n+ indeed2 $"ert'inl)+ Geo**re)25 $There i& ' &itting roo, 'll done in )ello. in the 3'c0 o* the hou&e2 I rec'll it *ro, .hen I .'& ' 3o)2 Follo. the 3l'c0-'nd-.hite-tiled h'll.') to the &,'ll t'3le .ith the gilded turned leg&+ 'nd turn right2 I* )ou *ind )our&el* in ' g'ller) o* &ort& *e'turing -ortr'it&+ )ou?<e gone too *'r2 Once .e?<e *ini&hed 3re'0*'&t+ e;cu&e )our&el* 'nd .'it *i*teen ,inute&2 You .ill *ind ,e there25 She .'& ' 3it &t'rtled 3) ho. 3ri&0l) 'nd e**icientl) he -l'nned .h't e&&enti'll) ',ounted to 'n '&&ign'tion2 !ut '& intrigue .'& un*',ili'r to her+ &he *ound it :uietl) thrilling+ too2 $H'<e )ou &-o0en to the e'rl '3out our65 S'3rin' corrected her&el* 4u&t in ti,e2 $Your ,i&&ion+ thenF5 The) no. &tood 'cro&& *ro, e'ch other in the roo, Geo**re) h'd &ugge&ted2 Yello. indeed2 'll-'-er th't re,inded S'3rin' o* egg&6.hite 'nd )ol0-)ello.6&tri-ed the .'ll+ 'nd ,'de her ' little di88)2 She loo0ed 't Geo**re) in&te'd+ 3ec'u&e he t)-ic'll) ,'de her ' little di88)+ too+ in ' -le'&'nter .')2 Geo**re)?& g'8e .'& .'ndering the )ello. &itting roo,+ o<er <el<et+ ,'r3le+ or,olu+ ro&e.ood+ u- the .'ll& to the endle&&l) high ceiling2 The *iligreed h'nd& o* ' gr'nd cloc0 glided *or.'rd to l'nd u-on ele<en2 It -inged out the hour t'&te*ull)2 $I?<e 'n '--oint,ent .ith hi, to,orro. to di&cu&& it+5 Geo**re) *in'll) &'id2 $He?& e;-ecting it25 $A& *or,'l '& th't+ 're )ouF5 &he te'&ed2 $He?& )our cou&in2 Shouldn?t )ou 4u&t di&cu&& it on ' &troll to re<ie. the hor&e&+ or .h'te<er it i& ,en en4o) doing togetherF5 Geo**re)?& e)e& returned to her&2 $ e9'ren?t <er) clo&e no.+ I?, '*r'id25 The .ord& &ee,ed c're*ull) cho&en2 Hi& e;-re&&ion .'& odd2 A& though he .ere tr)ing .ith &o,e di**icult) to di&gui&e ' &to,'ch'che2 $ ere )ou e<er clo&eF5 Geo**re) didn?t 'n&.er@ &uddenl) he .'& ,ore re&tle&& th'n S'3rin' h'd e<er &een hi,2 Gingerl) he -ic0ed u- ' &,'ll <'&e &-l'&hed .ith delic'te -'le -in0 ro&e&+ turned it in hi& h'nd2 orth ' *ortune+ 'nd .ould 3re'0 i* one &nee8ed+ no dou3t2 A lo<el)+ unthin0'3l) *ri<olou& thing+ the re&ult o* &o,eone?& -'in&t'0ing l'3or to cre'te2 All *or di&-l')ing *

Geo**re) &ettled the <'&e c're*ull) 3'c0 onto the &t'nd th't &ee,ed &-eci*ic'll) ,'de 4u&t *or it2 At the <ic'r'ge+ S'3rin' u&u'll) &tu**ed 3o.l& 'nd 4'r& .ith * .hen there .'& ti,e *or &uch *ri<olit)2 !eing -oor re:uired &o ,uch ti,e2 All the c're*ul econo,ie&+ the -ic0ing o* thre'd& out o* dre&&e& to re&e. the, .ith the .orn 'nd *'ded &ide in&ide+ u&ing one -oor chic0en '& thoroughl) '& -o&&i3le+ *ro, egg& to dinner to &ou- &toc0 to *e'ther& *or -illo.&2 He loo0ed u- 't S'3rin'2 $Did )ou 0no.+ S'3rin'+ th't once u-on ' ti,e Rh)& .'& ne'rl) -ennile&&F5 Thi& &ee,ed i,-o&&i3le+ gi<en the hou&e the) .ere no. &t'nding in2 $Trul)F5 $Trul)2 7'n) )e'r& 'go the Gillr') *',il) *ortune .'& 'ctu'll) in gre't9di&re-'ir25 It &ee,ed ' c're*ull) cho&en .ord2 $!ut Rh)& c',e into ,one) .hen he .'& '3out eighteen )e'r& old2 I ne<er did 0no. :uite ho. it h'--ened2 And it &ee,& he h'& ,'n'ged to cre'te 2 2 25 Geo**re) -'u&ed2 $ ell+ )ou c'n &ee .h't Rh)& h'& done .ith it &ince25 $I& -oetr) '& lucr'ti<e '& th'tF5 It .'& ' 3it o* ' 4e&t2 $One .onder&25 Geo**re) .'&n?t re'll) li&tening+ 'nd cle'rl) not in the ,ood to 4e&t2 He &trolled o<er to the c'r<ed ,'ntel-iece 'nd '3&entl) tr'ced ' *inger o<er itE le'<e&+ gr'-e&+ 'corn&2 $He 3ought ' co,,i&&ion2 E'rned ,one) th't .')2 !ut no dou3t in<e&t,ent& 'l&o -l')ed ' role25 He &ounded *'intl) &'rdonic2 A& though he?d little *'ith in the *i&c'l re.'rd& o* -oetr)2 $ h't .'& he li0e .hen he .'& )oungF5 S'3rin' .'& &ur-ri&ed th't &he trul) .'nted to 0no.2 $Did he &ho. 'n) &ign& o* 3eco,ing9.ell 2 2 25 She 3lu&hed2 $The Li3ertineF5 The )oung cur'te i,,edi'tel) &to--ed hi& re&tle&& -eru&'l o* the roo, 'nd &.i<eled hi& g'8e to S'3rin' .ith 'n inten&it) th't re,inded her r'ther &uddenl) o* hi& cou&in2 $S'3rin'9ho. ,uch do )ou 0no. '3out hi& -oetr)F5 Good he'<en&+ 3ut Geo**re) &ounded '.*ull) intere&ted2 Hi& d'r0 e)e& .ere 'lert2 $Not <er) ,uch+5 &he &'id hurriedl)2 $It?& 2 2 25 She cle'red her thro't2 $=rurient+ I 3elie<e2 Th't?& 'll I 0no.25 $S'l'ciou&+ in *'ct+5 Geo**re) 'greed+ .ith .h't &ounded &ur-ri&ingl) li0e ' cert'in ',ount o* reli&h2 He &till loo0ed r'ther93right-e)ed2 He .'& g'8ing 't her .ith 'n e;-re&&ion &he .'& h'<ing di**icult) deci-hering2 $H'<e )ou re'd itF5 &he <entured+ &ince he didn?t &ee, inclined to &') 'n)thing2 $So,e+5 he 'd,itted2 He h'dn?t 3lin0ed in ne'rl) ' ,inute2 She :uic0l) decided to ch'nge the &u34ect2 $I& he ' generou& ,'n+ the e'rl+ de&-ite hi& re-ut'tionF5

Geo**re) c',e ' *e. &te-& clo&er2 $I trul) don?t 0no. .h't 0ind o* ,'n he h'& 3eco,e+ S'3rin'2 I h'<en?t &-o0en to ,) cou&in in )e'r&2 I c'n onl) ho-e he .ill *ind it in hi& he'rt to &u--ort ' ,i&&ion'r) enter-ri&e '& .ell '&9o-er' &inger& 'nd -'inter& 'nd 'ctre&&e& 'nd9th't *ello. .ith the cello 'nd hi& gre't redhe'ded -'r',our .ho de-'rted thi& ,orning25 There .'& ' .hi** o* 4udg,ent '3out hi& .ord&2 ='r',our2 Goodne&&+ Geo**re) .'& ' cur'te+ 3ut he?d u&ed th't .ord ne'rl) '& e'&il) '& the e'rl h'd u&ed the .ord $&eduction25 $ hen .e 'rri<ed )e&terd')+ I 3elie<e he .'& 'rguing .ith Signor' So-hi' Lic'ri+5 S'3rin' &'id in ' lo.ered <oice+ '& though con*iding ' &c'nd'l2 Since Geo**re) &h'red her e<en te,-er',ent+ he .ould -ro3'3l) '--reci'te the &tor)2 $The) &ee,ed to 3e h'<ing ' r'ther &eriou& con<er&'tion out&ide in the court)'rd+ 'n)ho.25 $Signor' So-hi' Lic'riF The o-er' &ingerF5 Geo**re) &ounded ','8ed2 And truth*ull)+ 4u&t ' little ',u&ed '& .ell+ .hich .'& ' 3it -u88ling2 $I& &he hereF5 $She i&2 Geo**re)+ do )ou 0no. .hether &he i& trul) hi& ,i&tre&&F I he'rd &he .'& hi& ,i&tre&&2 I he'rd th't he li<ed .ith hi& ,i&tre&&25 Geo**re) *ro8e2 $ here on e'rth .ould )ou he'r &uch ' thing+ S'3rin'F5 $7'r)+5 &he con*e&&ed2 Geo**re)?& entire 'ttention .'& *ocu&ed u-on her no.+ hi& e)e& &tr'ngel) '&&e&&ing2 He too0 ' *e. &lo. &te-& clo&er &till2 She?d in *'ct ne<er &tood :uite &o clo&e to hi, 3e*ore2 $S'3rin'+ i* )ou .ould -er,it ,e ' li3ert) 2 2 25 Hi& <oice h'd 3eco,e lo. 'nd urgent2 She *ro.ned ' little+ con*u&ed2 $It?& not ' li3ert)+ Geo**re)+ i* )ou 3eg -er,i&&ion25 Hi& h'nd ro&e+ 'nd he -l'ced it on her 'r,2 Her *ir&t re'ction .'& -u88le,ent@ &he loo0ed 't hi& h'nd re&ting on her 'r, .ith ' *'int *urro. o* her 3ro.+ '& i* .ondering ho. &uch ' thing h'd gotten there2 And then 'll 't once it occurred to her th't Geo**re) intended to 0i&& her2 It .'& done6hi& he'd 3ent+ hi& li-& touched .'r,l) to her& *or ' ,o,ent+ hi& he'd returned to .here it h'd origin'ted6'l,o&t 3e*ore &he could re'li8e th't it .'& h'--ening+ or ,u&ter ' &hortne&& o* 3re'th or ' :uic0er he'rt3e't2 And &uddenl) &he -ut her *inger& u- to her ,outh+ ' del')ed re&-on&e@ her li-& &till re,e,3ered the -re&&ure o* hi& li-&2 Th't?& .hen her *'ce+ 't l'&t+ 3eg'n to gro. .'r,+ 'nd &he *elt ' little glo. in the center o* her che&t2 She &t'red 't hi,2 It h'dn?t 3een un-le'&'nt2 Still+ 0i&&e& .ere &o <er) contro<er&i'l+ di&cu&&ed onl) .ith giggle& or *eigned &.ooning or dire .'rning&+ S'3rin' h'd e;-ected ,uch ,ore th'n9.ell+ .'r,th+ &he &u--o&ed2 $S'3rin'9*orgi<e ,e 2 2 25 Geo**re)?& <oice .'& ten&e+ 3ut he &ee,ed -le'&ed2 A 3it ':ui<er2 A& though he?d <er) ,uch en4o)ed .h't he?d 4u&t done2

She .'& en<iou&E &he?d r'ther ho-ed her *ir&t 0i&& .ould ,'0e her *eel tho&e thing&+ too2 =erh'-& in ' *e. ,ore ,o,ent& it .ould2 $There?& nothing to *orgi<e+ Geo**re)+5 &he &'id :uic0l)2 $A*ter 'll+ )ou did re:ue&t -er,i&&ion *or ' li3ert)25 He &,iled ' little 't thi&2 =erh'-& .hen Geo**re) .'& ,ore 't e'&e '3out hi& *uture6 ho-e*ull) their *uture6he .ould *eel *reer to l'ugh2 And &he -r')ed the E'rl o* R'.den .ould *ind it in hi& he'rt to &u--ort hi& cou&in?& dre',+ &o th't &he ,ight &h're it+ too2 For &urel) ' 0i&& ,e'nt th't Geo**re) *elt there .'& 'n under&t'nding 3et.een the,2 She 'llo.ed her&el* thi& ho-e+ *elt it *l',e 4u&t ' little in her che&t2 She .ondered i* it h'd 3een hi& *ir&t 0i&&2 She g'8ed u- 't hi, *or ' ,o,ent+ 'nd *elt ' -eculi'r di&orient'tionE *or ' tic0 o* the cloc0+ he &ee,ed entirel) ' &tr'nger+ 'nd &he?d 0no.n hi, 'l,o&t ' )e'r2 She could onl) i,'gine ho. d'ngerou& The Li3ertine?& 'ctu'l -oetr) .'& *or ' .o,'n .ho l'c0ed her o.n &trength o* .ill+ i* ' ,ere ,ention o* it6-erh'-& in con4unction .ith the .ord $,i&tre&&56h'd he'ted Geo**re) to the -oint .here he?d 3ur&t out into ' 0i&&2 $ h't do )ou &u--o&e .e?ll do thi& e<ening *or entert'in,entF5 Her .') o* ch'nging the &u34ect2 $=erh'-& )ou &hould -l') *or e<er)one+5 Geo**re) &ugge&ted2 $Oh+ I couldn?t -o&&i3l)(5 Thi& .'& hi& cue to *l'tter her2 He o3liged2 $You -l') <er) .ell+ S'3rin'25 Indulgentl) &'id2 She occ'&ion'll) -l')ed 'l,o&t too .ell+ in *'ct+ lo&ing her&el* in the &.ee- o* ,u&ic+ *inding *re&h -'tho& in ' h),n the Tin3ur) -'ri&hioner& h'd he'rd do8en& o* ti,e& 3e*ore+ in the -roce&& c'u&ing e)e& to ,oi&ten or religiou& *er<or to 3uild to 'n un-recedented -itch2 It .'& one o* tho&e thing& '3out S'3rin' th't c'u&ed the Vic'r F'irleigh?& *orehe'd *urro. to dee-en2 $I .ill -l') i* re:ue&ted+ 3ut no dou3t e<er)one here .ill *ind ,) -l')ing r'ther ordin'r)2 Do )ou &u--o&e Signor' Lic'ri .ill &ingF5 !el'tedl) &he rec'lled th't Signor' Lic'ri .'& 'llegedl) the e'rl?& ,i&tre&&+ 'nd &he .ondered i* ,entioning her .ould ,'0e Geo**re) re&tle&& 'g'in+ 'nd re&ult in 'nother 0i&&2 $For I?<e he'rd Signor' Lic'ri h'& ' &-lendid <oice+5 &he 'dded+ 3ec'u&e+ '*ter 'll+ S'3rin' .'&n?t entirel) 'd<er&e to 'nother 0i&&+ 'nd &he did .'nt to 3e *ull) '.'re o* her ne;t one2 =erh'-& i* &he .ere to get 3etter 't it there .ould 3e ,ore to the &en&'tion2 Thi& -'rticul'r cue Geo**re) ,i&&ed2$No dou3t2 I c'nnot i,'gine th't e<en ' &inger o* her *',e c'n re*u&e 'n e'rl i* he .ere to '&0 her to &ing25 $!ut 7r2 7u,-hre) '&0ed her to &ing l'&t night2 She &'id &he could not25

$"ould notF5 Geo**re) loo0ed -u88led2 $Tho&e .ere her .ord&25 $A& though her <oice .'& other.i&e eng'ged *or the e<eningF5 Geo**re) &ounded ,)&ti*ied+ 'nd he .'& &,iling ' little2 S'3rin' &,iled+ too+ 'nd *elt -le'&ed .ith their concord2 The) .ould ne<er under&t'nd the c'-rice& o* 'rti&tic -eo-le+ 'nd thi& .'& '& it &hould 3e2 She 'nd Geo**re) h'd ' higher c'lling2 It .'& ',u&ing+ Rh)& thought+ '& he 3'c0ed *ro, the door.') o* the )ello. &itting roo,+ th't he could le'rn &o ,uch '3out 7i&& F'irleigh 3) &i,-l) &trolling through hi& o.n ho,e2 Ye&terd') he?d le'rned &he en4o)ed re'ding2 Tod') he?d le'rned &he en4o)ed hi& cou&in2 It &ee,ed Geo**re)+ cur'te or no+ h'dn?t :uite ch'nged hi& &-ot&2 He h'dn?t 3een &-)ing+ trul)+ he told hi,&el*2 He?d &i,-l) &trolled 3) the roo, on hi& .') to the -ortr'it g'ller) to ,'0e cert'in the -ortr'it&6the one& he?d 3een '3le to re'c:uire6.ere hung in their -ro-er -l'ce&2 And he?d he'rd <oice&+ 'nd h'd -eered in 4u&t '& 7i&& F'irleigh 'nd hi& cou&in touched li-&2 It .'& 'll he needed to &ee+ re'll)2 It ,'de the g',e ' 3it ,ore co,-le;+ gr'nted+ 3ut th't onl) ,'de it ,ore intere&ting2 And it &hed 'n intriguing light on hi& ,eeting .ith hi& cou&in2

"HA=TER FIVE S YLVIE LA7OREUH-SHAUGHNESSY+ 3'llerin'+ 'nd Su&'nn'h hitel'.+ L'd) Gr'nth',+ h'd &-ent their li<e& *eeling '& though the) 3elonged 3oth 'nd e<er).here+ 'nd '& ' con&e:uence+ no. *elt 't ho,e 'l,o&t e<er).here the) .ent2 hich .'& .h) Su&'nn'h+ the .i*e o* ' .e'lth) <i&count+ thought nothing o* -erching on ' ch'ir in ' dre&&ing roo, &i--ing te' .hile her &i&ter S)l<ie 3u&tled '3out -re-'ring *i<e h'l*-dre&&ed+ giggling girl& *or ' 3'llet -er*or,'nce 't The F',il) E,-oriu,2 The E,-oriu,+ the 3r'inchild o* S)l<ie?& i,-o&&i3l) h'nd&o,e hu&3'nd+ To, Sh'ughne&&)+ .'& ' <erit'3le l')er c'0e o* entert'in,ent+ *e'turing *loor u-on *loor o* di<er&ion& *or ,en+ .o,en+ 'nd children+ 'nd 3'llet .'& one o* the,+ -o-ul'r -ri,'ril) 3ec'u&e the 0ing &ee,ed to en4o) it2 !ut the other re'&on Su&'nn'h .'& in the dre&&ing roo, .'& th't &he 'nd S)l<ie h'd onl) 4u&t *ound e'ch other2 E'ch h'd gro.n u- .ith ' &ingle 3lurred ,e,or) o* 3eing '.'0ened in the d'r0+ o* *r'ntic ,o<e,ent 'nd .ee-ing+ o* three little girl& 'nd o* ' .o,'n?& &o*t <oice2 !ut neither o* the, h'd 0no.n .h't it trul) ,e'nt2 It .'& Su&'nn'h?& hu&3'nd+ #it+ ' <i&count in Hi& 7'4e&t)?& Secret Ser<ice+ .ho h'd ri&0ed hi& li*e to &ol<e the ,)&ter) o* Su&'nn'h?& 3irth+ ' 4ourne) th't h'd t'0en hi, *ro, London to the countr) to.n o* !'rn&t'3le 'nd then to ' little+ tuc0ed-'.') to.n o* Gorringe2 Their *',il)+ the) h'd le'rned+ h'd 3een &h'ttered .hen their *'ther+ ' 3elo<ed -olitici'n+ h'd 3een ,urdered 'nd their ,other+ Ann' Holt+ .'& .rongl) 'ccu&ed o* the cri,e2 Ann' h'd 3een .'rned in ti,e to *lee *or her li*e+ 3ut &he?d

3een *orced to le'<e her three <er) )oung d'ughter& 3ehind+ 'nd her d'ughter& h'd 3een r'i&ed in &e-'r'te *',ilie&+ ne<er o* one 'nother2 No one h'd &een Ann' &ince2 Together #it 'nd Su&'nn'h h'd ,'n'ged to g'ther enough clue& to le'd the, to S)l<ie+ .ho h'd 't the &',e ti,e t'0en it u-on her&el* to 3olt *ro, Fr'nce in &e'rch o* her -'&t2 And in &e'rching *or the truth '3out their li<e& 'nd *or e'ch other+ 3oth Su&'nn'h 'nd S)l<ie h'd *ound lo<e .ith re,'r0'3le ,en2 Su&'nn'h h'd 3een ,'rried to #it in the &u,,er+ 'nd S)l<ie to To, in the *'ll+ 'nd no. .inter .'& u-on the,2 And no.+ though 7r2 Th'ddeu& 7orle) .'& on tri'l *or tre'&on 'nd the ,urder o* their *'ther+ Rich'rd Loc0.ood+ t.o -eo-le .ere &till decidedl) ,i&&ing *ro, their li<e&2 Su&'nn'h 'nd S)l<ie .ouldn?t 3e '3le to re&t until the) h'd done e<er)thing -o&&i3le to *ind S'3rin'+ their other &i&ter2 The) h'd onl) one <er) ',3iguou& clueE it .'& thought th't ' cur'te h'd r'i&ed her2 The) .ould 'l&o ne<er gi<e u- ho-e o* *inding Ann'+ though *inding her h'd 3egun to &ee, i,-o&&i3le2 The) 0ne. onl) th't &he ,ight h'<e gone to It'l)2 $Tri'l& c'n go on &i,-l) *or )e'r&+ #it tell& ,e+5 Su&'nn'h told S)l<ie2 $7r2 7orle) ,ight liter'll) li<e *or )e'r& in the 3e*ore he &.ing& *ro, ' ro-e25 She &i--ed 't her te'+ *'intl) -le'&ed .ith her&el* *or u&ing &uch ' gri&l) e;-re&&ion2 Then 'g'in+ 7r2 7orle) h'd ,'de r'ther ' h'3it o* tr)ing to ,urder ,e,3er& o* her *',il)+ not to ,ention her2 Her hu&3'nd 3ore &c'r& *ro, &'<ing her li*e2 She thought &he ,ight 3e entitled to 3e ' 3it gri&l)2 $!ut the)?<e e<idence+ )ou &'id+ to con<ict 7r2 7orle) o* tre'&on 'nd ,urder+5 S)l<ie &'id2 She .'& in&t'lling Li88ie the 3'llerin' into ' cle<er -'ir o* go&&',er .ing& in -re-'r'tion *or the ne;t &ho.2 She .'& ' <er) 3u&) .o,'n+ 'nd *or det'il& o* the tri'l &he relied u-on Su&'nn'h+ .ho he'rd the, *ro, #it2 $!ut 7orle) 'l&o h'& ' <er) *ine l'.)er de*ending hi, 't e&t,in&ter2 He .'& ' -olitici'n+ )ou 0no.+ 'nd :uite .ell re&-ected+ &o he?ll h'<e the 3e&t de*en&e2 And though the e<idence i& d',ning+ #it &')&+ the) .ill tr) to &'<e hi,+ *or th't?& .h't l'.)er& do2 The)?re h'<ing 3etter luc0 -ro<ing 7r2 7orle) co,,itted tre'&on th'n th't he orche&tr'ted the ,urder o* our *'ther 'nd 3l',ed our ,other in the -roce&&2 And the)?<e *ound no e<idence th't 7r2 7orle) 'ctu'll) -'id .itne&&e& to -oint the *inger o* 3l',e 't Ann' Holt2 The)?<e onl) the .ord o* th't horri3le little ,'n to go 3)2 The one .ho tried to 0ill ,e 'g'in 'nd 'g'in2 Though )ou?d thin0 th't .ould 3e :uite enough+ .ouldn?t )ouF5 A *ri&&on o* iron) *ro, Su&'nn'h2 $=erh'-& the tri'l .ill not go on '& long '& )e'r&+5 S)l<ie &ugge&ted ho-e*ull)2 She .'&n?t e'ger to he'r '3out the tri'l d') '*ter d')+ either2 In ' *e. &hort ,onth& Su&'nn'h 'nd S)l<ie h'd 'c:uired e'ch other+ 'nd hu&3'nd&+ 'nd ne.+ e;tr'ordin'r) li<e&+ 'nd the) e'ch .ere loo0ing *or.'rd to the d') .hen the) could &'<or their ne.*ound h'--ine&& un'dulter'ted2 $Let u& tr) to *ind S'3rin' in the ,e'n.hile25 !ut the)?d t'l0ed o* thi& 3e*ore+ 'nd the) didn?t h'<e the *'inte&t ide' .here to 3egin their &e'rch *or their &i&ter2

Through the .'ll& o* the dre&&ing roo, the) could no. he'r The Gener'l+ To,?& -'rtner 'nd choreogr'-her+ 'rguing .ith D'i&) Jone&+ .ho h'd retired *ro, 3'.d) -er*or,'nce 'nd no. &hre.dl) ,'n'ged the *in'nce& o* The F',il) E,-oriu,+ hel-ed -l'n -roduction&+ 'nd ,ercile&&l) &-oiled )oung J',ie Sh'ughne&&)+ To,?& &on2 So,eho. D'i&) contri<ed to 3e 4u&t '& ,uch o* ' di<' in her ne. role '& the old one2 The <oice& ro&e+ 'nd ro&e+ 'nd ro&e+ until there .'& one ine<it'3le *in'l &hout+ thi& ti,e *ro, The Gener'l+ *ollo.ed 3) ' lo. concili'tor) ,ur,ur *ro, To,2 Su&'nn'h &u&-ected To, h'd .on the 'rgu,ent2 He in<'ri'3l) did2 Shortl) there'*ter+ there .'& ' 0noc0 't the door2 $7') I enterF5 To,?& <oice c',e through the door2 S:ue'l& ro&e u- *ro, the d'ncer&+ ' choru& o* -l')*ul *'l&e ,ode&t)2 There .'&n?t ' &oul in the roo, .ho .ould h'<e ,inded i* 7r2 Sh'ughne&&) .ere to <ie. the, in the 'ltogether+ .ith the e;ce-tion+ -erh'-&+ o* Su&'nn'h2 And e<en Su&'nn'h h'd con*e&&ed to lo&ing her 3re'th .ith her *ir&t loo0 't To, Sh'ughne&&) ' *e. ,onth& 'go2 To, 'nd D'i&) &tood &ide 3) &ide+ The Gener'l h'<ing &tor,ed o**+ no dou3t+ ,uttering2 He .ould *orgi<e 'nd *orget+ '& he 'l.')& did+ '& he .'& in lo<e .ith D'i&)+ '*ter 'll2 $To the &t'ge(5 D'i&) ordered the clu&ter o* -rett) 3'llerin'&+ .ho *iled &.i*tl) o** in ' cloud o* -o.der 'nd ' ru&tle o* t'**et'2 D'i&) &ettled her&el* on one o* the ch'ir& 3e*ore ' dre&&ing t'3le <'c'ted 3) ' 3'llerin'2 $ h't 're )ou ch'tting '3out+ ,?de'r&F5 D'i&) .'& 'n honor'r) 'unt to 3oth S)l<ie 'nd Su&'nn'h+ '& &he .'& the onl) -er&on the) 0ne. .ho h'd 0no.n 'nd lo<ed their ,other+ Ann'+ .ho h'd once 3een 'n o-er' d'ncer2 And it .'& D'i&) .ho thought S'3rin' ,ight h'<e 3een r'i&ed 3) ' cur'te2 $ e .ere t'l0ing 'g'in o* S'3rin'2 e &hould li0e to *ind her25

$ ell+ lo<e+ .h) don?t )ou '&0 the <ic'r in Gorringe i* he h'& ' cur'teF It &ee,& the -l'ce to &t'rt25 Su&'nn'h 'nd S)l<ie e;ch'nged ' loo02 It .'& '& good 'n ide' '& 'n)2 S)l<ie 'nd To, h'd co,e *or dinner 't the Gr'nth', to.n hou&e+ 'nd o<er ro'&t l',3 'nd -e'&+ Su&'nn'h re-e'ted D'i&)?& &ugge&tion to her hu&3'nd2 #it reg'rded hi& .i*e thought*ull)2 She ,ight h'<e 3een 3orn in Gorringe+ 3ut &he?d 'l&o ne'rl) died there6t.ice2 Gorringe .'& 'l&o the -l'ce he?d 'c:uired the long &c'r &coring hi& 3ice-&+ tr'ced there 3) ' 0ni*e2 In &hort+ ch'r,ing though it ,ight 3e+ Gorringe .'& not -reci&el) hi& *'<orite -l'ce to <i&it2 Su&'nn'h re'd hi& e;-re&&ion2 $No one c'n h'r, ,e no.+ #it2 E&-eci'll) not .hen I?, .ith )ou25 #it &norted2 Hi& .i*e 0ne. he could &ee right through 'n) 'tte,-t 't .ile&+ 3ut it entert'ined her no. 'nd 'g'in to ,'0e the 'tte,-t2 She &,iled 't hi& &nort2

$So,e o* the ro'd& to Gorringe ,ight 3eco,e di**icult until &-ring2 h't i* &o,ething 3eco,e& o* S'3rin' 3e*ore thenF5 No. thi& .'& ' <er) *ine 'rgu,ent+ 'nd it c',e *ro, S)l<ie2 #it &ighed2 $Ver) .ell2 Sh'ughne&&)+ c'n )ou &-'re ' d')?& .orth o* tr'<el to &-e'0 to ' <ic'r .ho h'& <er) little ,e,or) le*tF5 $It ,ight 3e longer in thi& .e'ther+ #it25 $=erh'-& .e &hould &end ' ,e&&'ge 'he'd to the <ic'r to -re-'re hi, *or our <i&itF5 Su&'nn'h &ugge&ted thi&2 $Do )ou tru&t Vic'r Su,ner to re,e,3er re'ding ' ,e&&'ge+ or to re,e,3er to re&-ond to itF5 And thi& .'& ' <er) good -oint on #it?& -'rt+ '& co,,unic'ting .ith the <ic'r h'd -ro<ed '& t';ing '& co,,unic'ting .ith ' *og2 $All right25 To, h'd 3egun -l'nning2 $ e?ll &et out *or Gorringe to,orro.25

"HA=TER SIH L ATER THAT DAY 7'r) 'nd ='ul 'nd S'3rin' 'nd Geo**re) 'tte,-ted to tr',- '3out the ground& o* L' 7ont'gne+ .hich .ere <'&t 'nd .ere ru,ored to include ' l'3)rinth+ 3ut the 'ir h'd 'c:uired ,ore o* ' 3ite 'nd the .ind h'd .hi--ed u-+ -enetr'ting clothing 'nd &etting teeth ch'ttering+ dri<ing the <i&itor& indoor& once ,ore2 The) .ere 3rought ,ug& o* chocol'te+ 'nd ' c'rd g',e .'& undert'0en2 7r2 7u,-hre) 'nd 7r&2 e&&el h'd &et out on the ro'd e'rl) thi& ,orning+ '& 'nother eng'ge,ent in 'nother to.n '.'ited the,2 7r2 )ndh', .'& o** &o, el&e in the hou&e+ -'inting+ it .'& ru,ored@ no one 0ne. .h't h'd 3eco,e o* the e'rl2 Funn) .') to conduct ' hou&e -'rt)+ S'3rin' thought2 A<oiding one?& gue&t&2 !ut hi& -re&ence on the .hole &ee,ed &o <er)9-ronounced9.hen he .'& -re&ent th't hi& '3&ence &ee,ed &o,eho. ,ore not'3le2 She .'& gr'te*ul *or ' 3it o* di&t'nce *ro, hi,2 A *e. ,inute& '*ter the)?d 'rri<ed indoor&+ Signor' Lic'ri dri*ted -icture&:uel) do.n the &t'ir& 'nd .'& -er&u'ded to 4oin the, *or ' *e. g',e& o* c'rd&2 T.o g',e& .ere 'll &he &ee,ed to h'<e toler'nce *or2 $It i& ' 3'd h'nd+5 &he &'id 't l'&t li&tle&&l)2 She -ut her c'rd& do.n 'nd turned her 3'c0 '3ru-tl) 'nd .'ndered '.')+ '& i* to -uni&h the c'rd&2 Signor' Lic'ri -'u&ed 'nd loo0ed )e'rningl) out o* the .indo. to.'rd+ S'3rin' &u&-ected+ London2 =l'inl)+ Signor' Lic'ri .'& 3ored2

So+ '& guilt) '& &he *elt to 'd,it it+ .'& S'3rin'2 She li0ed c'rd& .ell enough+ 'nd &he li0ed 7'r) 'nd ='ul .ell enough+ 'nd it .'& -le'&'nt to 3e .ith Geo**re) in 'nother conte;t 3e&ide& the <ic'r'ge+ 'nd the hou&e .'& <er) gr'nd+ 3ut &he h'd 3egun to &u&-ect &he .'&n?t de&igned to .ith&t'nd too ,uch lei&ure2 And Geo**re) .'& con&-icuou&l) di&tr'cted2 He &'id <er) little@ he &,iled <er) little@ he l'ughed not 't 'll2 She .ondered i* he *elt ' 3it o* guilt 't hi& &udden 0i&&2 Or -erh'-& he .'& .orried '3out hi& ,eeting .ith hi& cou&in2 He too0 u- hi& ne. h'nd o* c'rd&+ 'nd hi& h'ir *lo--ed do.n o<er hi& 3ro. '& he &tudied the,2 And )et he '--e'red+ &o,eho.+ not to &ee the,2 And thu& ' *e. rel'ti<el) -le'&'nt hour& .ere -'&&ed until dinner+ though the) &ee,ed+ to S'3rin'+ ne'rl) inter,in'3le2 U-&t'ir& in hi& ch',3er& Rh)& &-ent the '*ternoon 3ent o<er ' -iece o* *ool&c'-2 Scr'.ling out ' .ord2 Then &cr'tching it out 'g'in <ehe,entl)2 St'ring out the .indo.2 ='cing2 Scr'tching 'nother .ord2 ='cing to the .indo. 'g'in2 'tching the &un &in0 'nd 'nd in the &0)2 'tching &no. ,elt .ould h'<e 3een ' ,ore -roducti<e .') to &-end the '*ternoon2 Fin'll)+ in ' *it o* -etul'nce th't e,3'rr'&&ed hi, &econd& l'ter+ he *lung the :uill 'cro&& the roo,2 It .'&n?t the :uill?& *'ult the .ord& 4u&t .ouldn?t co,e2 S'3rin' *ound dinner ' ,errier '**'ir+ '& 7'r) h'd -re&&ed the e'rl to &end 'n in<it'tion to dinner to the "ol3ert&+ .ho li<ed ' ,ere t.o hour&? ride '.') *ro, L' 7ont'gne2 7uch ch'ttering o<er ' -he'&'nt done in ' &'uce o* onion& 'nd her3& too0 -l'ce2 Or+ r'ther+ ,uch li&tening too0 -l'ce+ '& 7'r) did ,o&t o* the ch'ttering2 And '*ter dinner+ ine<it'3l)+ Signor' So-hi' Lic'ri .'& 'g'in i,-ortuned to &ing+ thi& ti,e 3) 7r2 )ndh',2 Signor' Lic'ri tilted her he'd 3'c0@ her e)e& clo&ed 3rie*l)+ 'nd her long l'&he& ho<ered 'g'in&t her chee03one&2 She o-ened her e)e& 'g'in2 $Not tonight+5 .'& her l'nguid conclu&ion2 A& though her &inging <oice could onl) 3e con4ured 3) ' &I'nce2 S'3rin' .'tched the e'rl 'nd 7r2 )ndh', e;ch'nge cr)-tic gl'nce&2

$=erh'-& 7i&& F'irleigh i& ,u&ic'lF5 Thi& &ugge&tion c',e *ro, So-hi' Lic'ri+ 'nd there .'& ' hint o* .hi,&) in it2 S'3rin' di&li0ed 3eing con&idered .hi,&ic'l+ -'rticul'rl) 3) Signor' Lic'ri2 $S'3rin' -l')& <er) .ell+5 Geo**re) ,'int'ined2 S'3rin' 3e',ed 't hi& g'll'ntr)2

7'r) chi,ed in2 $Oh+ S'3rin'+ -l') &o,ething( Do let?& h'<e d'ncing(5 Fro, the e;-re&&ion on So-hi' Lic'ri?& *'ce+ 7'r) ,ight .ell h'<e criedE $Oh+ do let?& h'<e choler'(5 $Ye&+ do -l')+ 7i&& F'irleigh(5 the e'rl echoed &uddenl)2 $One o* the -iece& on the -i'no*orte i& ' ,inuet2 =erh'-& )ou?d li0e to tr) )our h'nd 't itF I .ould 3e honored to turn the -'ge& *or )ou25 S'3rin' e)ed hi, &o,e.h't .'ril)+ loo0ing *or ulterior ,oti<e in tho&e *'ceted e)e&2 He g'8ed le<ell) 3'c0 't her2 Hi& enthu&i'&, &ee,ed genuine enough2 =erh'-& no. th't he?d e;-ended the urge to 3e ' de<il+ he .i&hed to redee, hi,&el* 3) 3eing hel-*ul2 Thi& &ee,ed unli0el)+ 3ut &he could h'rdl) re*u&e hi& o**er o* hel-+ '& he .'& their ho&t2 $You &h'll need &o,e 'udience ,e,3er& to 'd,ire )our -l')ing+ &o &o,e o* u& .ill reg'rd )ou .hile the other& d'nce+5 Signor' Lic'ri -ronounced2 Her <oice 'l.')& &ounded '& i* &he .ere &tretching lu;uriou&l) .hile &he .'& &-e'0ing2 S-lendid2 No. &he .'& to 3e $reg'rded5 3) So-hi' Lic'ri2 $I &h'll 3e -le'&ed to -l') *or )ou+5 S'3rin' conceded 't l'&t2 "h'ir& .ere g'thered 3e*ore the -i'no*orte+ 'nd other ch'ir& 'nd &ettee& 'nd tho&e u3i:uitou& little t'3le& -u&hed '&ide to ,'0e roo, *or the d'ncing2 7'r) 'nd ='ul 'nd Geo**re) 'nd the "ol3ert girl& g'thered 'cro&& the roo,+ 'nd loo0ed o<er+ *'ce& 3right 'nd e;-ect'nt2 S'3rin' '--ro'ched the -i'no*orte 'l,o&t gingerl)2 It .'& ' gr'nd -i'no*orte+ 'll gle',ing cur<e& o* ,'hog'n) tri,,ed in &-otle&& 3r'&&+ 'nd i* &he .'& not ,i&t'0en+ the 0e)& .ere ,'de o* ,other-o*--e'rl2 It .'& the 'ri&tocr'tic cou&in to the 3'ttered 3ut &t'l.'rt &:u're -i'no*orte *ro, .hich &he co';ed tune& 't the <ic'r'ge+ ne'rl) 'n entirel) di**erent in&tru,ent 3) co,-'ri&on+ 'nd it &ee,ed 'l,o&t di&re&-ect*ul to -l') reel& 'nd 4ig& on it2 !ut then 'g'in+ ' -i'no*orte .'& 3uilt *or ,u&ic+ '*ter 'll+ no ,'tter ho. gr'nd2 She &ettled 3e*ore it+ 'nd the e'rl &te--ed u- 'nd ho<ered 'ttenti<el) o<er her &houlder2 $Thi& one &ee,& ' -le'&'nt enough tune+5 he &ugge&ted2 He -luc0ed u- the ,u&ic in one o* hi& long-*ingered h'nd&+ *'nned it o-en *or S'3rin' to re'd2 She .'& clo&e enough to &,ell the &t'rch in hi& .hite &hirt+ 'nd &o,ething &h'r-er+ li,e -erh'-&2 For 'n in&t'nt her &en&e& .ere d'88led 'nd &he couldn?t re'd the note& 't 'll2 He le'ned 3'c0+ 'nd+ *in'll)+ S'3rin' too0 ' dee- 3re'th+ -o&itioned her *inger& o<er the 0e)&+ 'nd 3eg'n2 The tone o* the -i'no*orte .'& e;:ui&ite+ 'nd the 0e)& &'n0 3ene'th her *inger& 'nd 3ounced right 3'c0 u- 'g'in '& though the) could -l') the tune entirel) .ithout her '&&i&t'nce2 Acro&& the roo,+ 7'r)+ her hu&3'nd+ Geo**re)+ 'nd the other g',e gue&t& h'd g'thered in the *or,'tion o* ' ,inuet+ 'nd .ith e<er) '--e'r'nce o* g'iet) l'unched into it2 And *or ' ti,e &he 'l,o&t *orgot the e'rl &tood 3ehind her+ 'nd &he &,iled &o*tl)+ en4o)ing her&el*+ 'nd .'tched the,2

$You .ould en4o) it ,ore i* )ou o-ened )our ,outh ' little+5 the e'rl &'id idl) o<er the ,u&ic2 $O-en ,) ,outh+ Lord R'.denF5 No one h'd &ugge&ted &he &hould &ing2 <er) .i&e o* e<er)one+ '& *'r '& S'3rin' .'& concerned2 $Ye&2 And rel'; into it25 $Into9the &ong+ &irF5 &he <entured+ con*u&ed2 $Into 0i&&ing+5 he corrected '3&entl) 'nd turned the -'ge2 Scron02 S'3rin'?& h'nd& &tu,3led 'nd coll'-&ed on '3out *i<e .rong 0e)&2 Out o* the corner o* her e)e &he &'. ' *e. e)e& di&'--e'r into .ince&+ 3ut e<er)one reco<ered .ith r'-id '-lo,32 No one h'd e;-ected her to -l') -'rticul'rl) .ell in the *ir&t -l'ce+ 'nd no. th't &he?d gotten the *ir&t ,i&t'0e out o* the .')+ the &u&-en&e .'& o<er+ 'nd her 'udience loo0ed con&ider'3l) ,ore rel';ed2 S'3rin'?& h'nd& 0e-t ,o<ing inde-endentl) o* her ,ind+ .hich .'& *i;ed on the l'rge ,'n le'ning o<er her .ith the -reten&e o* 3eing &olicitou& 'nd the intent o* 3eing ' de<il2 $I?, cert'in I don?t t'0e )our ,e'ning+ &ir+5 &he ,'n'ged cooll)2 $There I .'&+5 he continued into her e'r+ $,erel) &trolling *ro, one roo, to 'nother+ en4o)ing ,) .onder*ul ho,e9'nd .h't &hould I *ind 3ut ,) cou&in 'nd 7i&& F'irleigh eng'ged in 'n9indi&cretion25 O* 'll the deuced roo,& in thi& hou&e+ the ,'&ter o* the hou&e h'--ened to &troll -'&t the one the) .ere in2 $It .'& ' -ri<'te ,o,ent+ &ir25 Her *ro&t) tone .'& 3eginning to tre,3le 'nd th'. 't the edge&2 Te,-er lic0ed 't the edge o* it2 $There 're no trul) -ri<'te ,o,ent& 't ' hou&e -'rt)+ 7i&& F'irleigh25 Ignoring hi,2 =erh'-& th't .'& the &olution to enduring tho&e o* hi& te,-er',ent2 She .ould ignore hi,@ he .ould gro. 3ored o* to)ing .ith her i* &he didn?t re&-ond2 Figur'ti<el) &-e'0ing+ &he .ould roll u- li0e ' hedgehog+ 'nd not ri&e to hi& go'd&2 She .illed her &corching *'ce to cool2 She -l')ed on2 $Did )ou en4o) itF5 There .'& hi& <oice 'g'in2 $DinnerF Dinner .'& lo<el)+ th'n0 )ou25 She &'id it *ir,l) 'nd ' little de&-er'tel)+ to gi<e hi, 'n o--ortunit) to loc'te hi& ,'nner&2 $The 0i&&25 hich h'd 3een

She &hould h'<e 0no.n2 She re'li8ed &he?d -l')ed the &',e -'&&'ge three ti,e& o<er+ 'nd the d'ncer& h'd circled e'ch other three ti,e&+ 'nd .ould &oon 3e in d'nger o* to--ling o<er *ro, di88ine&&2 S'3rin' dre. ' long 3re'th in through her no&e then e;h'led2 $ ill )ou turn the -'ge *or ,e no.+ Lord R'.denF5 "o,-'&&ion+ &he re,inded her&el*2 =oet& 're c'-riciou& 3) n'ture2 !'tted hel-le&&l) to 'nd *ro 3) their -'&&ion&2 ith 'll '--e'r'nce o* &o3riet)+ the e'rl o3liged her 'nd le'ned *or.'rd to turn the -'ge2 Hi& ,outh .'& &ole,n@ he e<en h'd ' con<incing little *urro. o* concentr'tion 3et.een hi& 3ro.&2 !ut .hen her e)e& d'rted &ide.')& &he &'. th't hi& .ere cr'c0ling .ith ,irth+ 'nd &o,ething ,ore deter,ined2 The e'rl+ &he re'li8ed+ once 'g'in intended to ,'0e ' -oint2 S'3rin' -l')ed on+ gi<ing e'ch note it& due+ though ' trul) di&cri,in'ting li&tener ,ight h'<e noted &igni*ic'ntl) ,ore9*eeling in her -l')ing no.2 A di&cri,in'ting < ,ight .onder .h) her *'ce .'& cri,&on2 The d'ncer& 'cro&& the roo, &-ed u- ' little to ,'tch the -'ce o* her &ong2 $The)?re ,e'nt to 3e en4o)ed+ )ou 0no.+5 he ,ur,ured con<er&'tion'll)2 $#i&&e&25 S'3rin' *elt th't un*',ili'r &o,ething &n'0ing u- through her li0e ' *ount'in o* &-'r0&E ' te,-er2 $ h) 're )ou tor,enting ,eF5 &he hi&&ed through gritted teeth2 $!e&t &lo. the te,-o+ 7i&& F'irleigh2 You?ll gi<e the d'ncer& '-o-le;)2 And )ou &hould -ro3'3l) o-en it onl) ' little2 At *ir&t25 $O-en .h'tF5 &he 'll 3ut &n'--ed2 He turned the -'ge+ th't 'ttenti<e *urro. &till in -l'ce2 $Your ,outh2 hen )ou 0i&&25

=lin02 She &tu,3led+ -ic0ing out 'nother &our note2 So-hi' Lic'ri?& e)e3ro. le'-ed u-.'rd+ 'nd &he le'ned o<er 'nd .hi&-ered &o,ething to )ndh',+ .ho &,iled2 $Ye&+ onl) ' little2 !e&t not gi<e it 'll '.') 't once+ )ou 0no.2 Not the *ir&t ti,e+ 'n)ho.25 "on*u&ion+ -ride+ 'nd outr'ge .re&tled *or control o* S'3rin'?& tongue2 !ut it .'& ' l'te 'rri<'l to her &ou- o* e,otion&6curio&it)6th't ulti,'tel) .on the conte&t2 $Ho. do )ou 0no. it .'& ,) *ir&t ti,eF5 She tried to &') it lo*til)+ 3ut her genuine curio&it) &ee-ed into the .ord&2 A ,u**led cr'c0 o* l'ughter e&c'-ed hi,2 $You?<e 0i&&ed do8en& o* )oung ,en+ h'<e )ou+ 7i&& F'irleighF5

Re'll)+ &he h'dn?t the *'inte&t ide' ho. to 3e co) or ironic+ &o &he g'<e it u-2 $O* cour&e not25 !ut ho. could )ou tell it .'& ,) *ir&t ti,eF S'3rin' li*ted her e)e& *ro, the ,u&ic ,o,ent'ril)2 Acro&& the roo, 7'r) d'nced ,erril) 'nd Geo**re) d'nced g',el)2 S'3rin' .i&hed her&el* de&-er'tel) 'cro&& the roo,2 $I 4u&t *ound it intere&ting to di&co<er )ou &uccu,3ing to uncontroll'3le -'&&ion&25 Ah2 And thu&l) the de<il deli<ered hi& -oint2 $I .'&n?t &uccu,365 $NoF Then .h't do )ou c'll it+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 She .'& &truc0 3) the *'ct th't thi& .'& ' <er) good :ue&tion2 There h'd &ee,ed little o* -'&&ion in it 't 'll+ gi<en th't it h'd+ in *'ct+ 3een ' 0i&&2 She .ent &ilent+ *orced to -onder thi&2 $Oh+ re&t e'&)+ 7i&& F'irleigh+5 he &'id ' ,o,ent l'ter2 $?T.'& onl) ' 0i&&25 The 3lood) ,'n .'& &till l'ughing+ 'l3eit &ilentl)2 Onl) ' 0i&&2 For her+ it h'd 3een ' thre&hold cro&&ed+ ' ,o,ent &tr'ngel) ele<'ting 'nd de*l'ting 'll 't once2 In &hort+ it h'd 3een ' -ro*ound ,o,ent *or her+ though in truth9.ell+ &he?d *elt <er) little+ 't le'&t -h)&ic'll)+ in th't ,o,ent2 And thi& 'l'r,ingl) h'nd&o,e ,'n .'& ,oc0ing it2 And '& &he couldn?t 3e&t hi, in thi& g',e+ &he g'<e hi, hone&t) in&te'd2 $I &u--o&e I?<e ne<er thought o* ' 0i&& '& Gonl)2?F5 She .'nted to &ound *ir, 'nd cen&oriou&@ her <oice *'ltered+ 'nd &he 0ne. th't &he &ounded .i&t*ul in&te'd2 hen he &'id nothing 't 'll+ &he ri&0ed ' gl'nce u-2 Hi& e;-re&&ion .'& odd2 She couldn?t inter-ret it2 =u88ledF Uncert'inF She did 0no. th't it .'&n?t gu'rded+ or ironic+ or indi**erent+ or ',u&ed2 And the&e .ere the e;-re&&ion& &he?d &o *'r &een hi, .e'r2 She h'd the odde&t &en&'tion th't &he?d &o,eho. 3e&ted hi,+ 'n).')2 $Not 'll 0i&&e& 're Gonl)+? 7i&& F'irleigh25 Hi& <oice .'& lo. in her e'r '& he &'id thi&2 It &ounded li0e ' conce&&ion2 And then in &ilence *or ' ti,e &he -l')ed on+ the &.eet ,u&ic ,ore 4'rring no. *or the thought& in her he'd2 He turned the -'ge *or her .ithout 3eing '&0ed .ith hi& eleg'nt h'nd+ ' h'nd th't loo0ed '& though it .ould ne<er do 'n)thing &o g'uche '& &tu,3le o<er ' -i'no*orte note no ,'tter .h't 'n)one &'id into hi& e'r2 $I 3elie<e )ou?<e -l')ed thi& -'rticul'r -'&&'ge three ti,e& no.2 Though I?, not cert'in our 'udience c're& terri3l) ,uch2 So-hi' i& *lirting .ith )ndh',+ )ndh', i& .orried th't I?ll notice 'nd c're+ 'nd the re&t+ e<en ,) cou&in Geo**re)+ '--e'r to 3e en4o)ing the d'nce25

Hi& <oice .'& le<el2 He .'& &ign'ling+ -erh'-&+ th't he?d *ini&hed tor,enting her *or the ,o,ent2 She ,'n'ged ' &,'ll &,ile+ to re.'rd hi, *or not tor,enting her 'nd *or 'tte,-ting to 3e ch'r,ing in&te'd2 At l'&t+ the inter,in'3le -iece+ 'long .ith6-ho-e*ull)6the torture+ c',e to ' *ini&h2 A -olite little -'tter o* h'nd& c',e *ro, So-hi' 'nd )ndh',2 The d'ncer&+ ro&) 'nd cheer*ul *ro, ' &tr'ngel) <igorou& ,inuet+ di&-er&ed 'nd ,o<ed to.'rd the,2 S'3rin' 3eg'n to ri&e *ro, the 3ench+ 'nd .'& -re-'red to d'rt '& *'r '.') *ro, the e'rl '& .ould 3e con&idered -olite2 $ ould )ou -l') &o,ething el&e *or u& no.+ 7i&& F'irleighF =erh'-& 2 2 25 He &orted through the &election o* ,u&ic 'nd -l'ced ' -iece in *ront o* her2 $Thi& -iece25 S'3rin' gl'nced 't the -iece+ 'nd .ithin ,o,ent& 0ne. the &ugge&tion .'& t'nt',ount to ' ch'llenge2 It .'& &u3tle+ the ,u&ic+ 3ut &he :uic0l) &'. .ithin it ,o,ent& o* 'nd -oign'nc)+ 'nd '& &he re'd the note&+ &he could ne'rl) he'r the lilt o* it in her he'd+ 'l,o&t -icture the &tor) it con<e)ed2 It .'& ' *'r cr) *ro, ' h),n or ' ,inuet+ 'nd &he?d ne<er -l')ed 'n)thing :uite li0e it 3e*ore2 She .'&n?t cert'in &he could2 Or i* &he d'red2 $Oh+ do -l') 'nother+ S'3rin'+ one .e ,ight li&ten r'ther th'n d'nce to2 I *ind I ', :uite .inded '*ter the l'&t d'nce+5 7'r) co';ed2 The) 'll -lu,-ed h'--il) into ch'ir& 'nd &t'red u't her e;-ect'ntl)+ Geo**re) included+ hi& co,-le;ion ro&)+ too2 Hi& cheer*ul color .'& utterl) 't odd& .ith the e;-re&&ion he turned u-on the e'rl+ S'3rin' noted2 He?d held it onl) 'n in&t'nt+ 3ut it loo0ed <er) ,uch li0e &o,ething ,ore*ul th'n re&ent,ent2 S'3rin' decided it ,u&t h'<e 3een nothing ,ore th'n ' &hi*ting &h'do.+ or ' t.inge *ro, 3eing re:uired to d'nce the ,inuet &o <igorou&l)2 Rh)& g'<e the &heet o* ,u&ic ' :ue&tioning t'-+ '.'iting her re-l)2 She couldn?t hel- 3ut 'cce-t hi& ch'llenge2 $Th'n0 )ou *or )our con*idence in ,) -l')ing+5 S'3rin' &'id .r)l) to e<er)one+ 'nd -l'ced her h'nd& o<er the 0e)&2 $I &hould 3e h'--) to -l') 'g'in *or )ou25 And &he 3eg'n the -iece2 Tent'ti<el)+ 't *ir&t2 !ut it &.i*tl) -ulled her inE .i&t*ul )et 'rdent+ &.eet in ' .') th't .'& 3) no ,e'n& clo)ing2 She &.i*tl) *ound the ,o,entu, o* it@ in ,o,ent& the -iece -l')ed her '& ,uch '& &he -l')ed it+ 'nd S'3rin' ne'rl) *orgot '3out her 'udience2 She &'. the -'ge& turn 3e*ore her+ 3ut g'<e no thought to the *inger& th't turned the corner&+ or the o.ner o* tho&e *inger&2 The -iece c',e to ' *ini&h on ' &ingle note 't the *'r end o* the -i'no*orte2 She t'--ed it delic'tel)+ 'nd let it ring2 Then &'t :uietl)+ &'<oring the *ini&h o* it2 There .'& &ilence2

She *in'll) loo0ed u-+ 3lin0ing '& though 3eing &h'0en *ro, &lee-+ 'nd .'& &t'rtled 3) the *'ce& o* her 'udience2 7'r) h'd ' h'nd0erchie* u- to the corner o* her e)e2 )ndh',?& *'ce re*lected un'dulter'ted re&-ect 'nd ' -eculi'r &ort o* &-ecul'tion2 !ut Geo**re) loo0ed9.ell+ truth*ull) he loo0ed r'ther unner<ed2 So-hi' Lic'ri .'& .e'ring ' *'int &,ile th't didn?t -reci&el) light her <el<et) e)e&2 It .'& di**icult to 0no. .hether thi& indic'ted '--ro<'l or not2 S'3rin' .'&n?t cert'in .hether &he c'red2 It .'& the e'rl .ho *in'll) 3eg'n the '--l'u&e+ 'nd '& the &ound .'& right 3ehind her it ,'de her &t'rt2 The &,'ll 'udience too0 it u- *er<entl)2 S'3rin'?& chee0& he'ted in -le'&ure+ 'nd ' &.eet .'r,th too0 u- re&idence in the center o* her che&t2 She &'. )ndh', o-en hi& ,outh to &') &o,ething2

$Rh)&+ .ill )ou -l')F5 It .'& So-hi' Lic'ri+ in th't <oice th't ,'de her &ound li0e ' &tretching *eline+ &-e'0ing 3e*ore )ndh', could &-e'02 E<er)one turned to her2 She ro&e *ro, her &e't+ &li, 'nd eleg'nt '& 'n eighth note+ 'nd ,'de her .') to the -i'no*orte+ utterl) con*ident th't e<er)one .'nted her there2 Intere&ting2 The he'<en& ,u&t h'<e 't l'&t 'ligned -ro-erl)+ i* 7i&& Lic'ri intended to &ing2 And thu& S'3rin'?& ,o,ent .'& gone 3e*ore &he could e<en decide ho. &he *elt '3out it2 Fro, the ten&e e;-re&&ion& on the e'rl?& 'nd )ndh',?& *'ce&+ it &ee,ed '& though ' .rong ,o<e or .ord .ould *righten 7i&& Lic'ri 3'c0 to her &e't2 S'3rin' &tood 'nd &urrendered her -l'ce on the -i'no*orte 3ench to the e'rl+ .ho &c'rcel) loo0ed 't her2 Hi& 'ttention .'& no. entirel) *i;ed on 7i&& Lic'ri+ .ho dri*ted o<er 'nd nodded 't S'3rin' in -'&&ing+ '& i* &he .ere ' &er<'nt2 S'3rin' &hould h'<e 0no.n the e'rl .ould -l') <er) .ell2 He h'd the *inger& *or it+ tho&e long con*ident *inger& ,e'nt *or thing& re:uiring -reci&ion 'nd gr'ce2 He 3eg'n the &ong .ith e'&e@ it .'& ' l',ent in ' ,inor 0e)2 So-hi' &tood .ith her he'd lo.ered+ e)e& on the ground+ 'nd then &lo.l) tilted her he'd 3'c0 'nd6 All the little h'ir& ro&e u- on S'3rin'?& 'r,&2 It .'& ' &ound unli0e 'n)thing &he?d e<er he'rd in her li*e2 The <olu,e .'& other.orldl)@ it &ee,ed i,-o&&i3le *or ' hu,'n+ let 'lone ' &light one li0e So-hi' Lic'ri+ to -roduce it2 Her <oice .'& 'n in&tru,ent+ '& &urel) '& ' 3ell or ' tru,-et or ' 3'ttering r',2 It '&cended+ trilled+ to)ed .ith ' &ingle note+ then r'ced 3'c0 do.n the regi&ter to 'ttend to 'nother note+ *lirting .ith it 3e*ore ,o<ing on to &educe 'nd linger o<er the ne;t -hr'&e2 And '& it &.elled+ *illing the entire roo,+ S'3rin' *elt it ringing in&ide her che&t+ until &he *elt o* ' -iece .ith the &ong2 A& ,uch '& &he .ould h'<e -re*erred not to9&he &urrendered to it2 Te'r& 3eg'n to .ell in her e)e&+ c'lled u- 3) th't <oice2 It .'& &o gloriou& it 'l,o&t g'<e 7i&& Lic'ri licen&e to 3eh'<e 'n) .') &he -le'&ed+ S'3rin' thought2

Al,o&t2 S'3rin' li0ed to thin0 th't &he .ould 3e ' 3it ,ore gr'ciou&+ h'd &he -o&&e&&ed &uch ' gi*t2 !ut -erh'-& the .eight o* c'rr)ing '3out &uch ' t'lent 0e-t one?& 3'l'nce o**+ 'nd hence So-hi' Lic'ri could onl) 3eh'<e un-redict'3l)2 7i&& Lic'ri *ini&hed2 A--l'u&e &ee,ed 'l,o&t in'--ro-ri'te2 A*ter 'll+ one didn?t '--l'ud ' ,ir'cle '& though it .ere ' ,'gici'n?& tric02 !ut h'<ing no other ,e'n& o* e;-re&&ion 't their di&-o&'l+ the 'udience cl'--ed+ 'nd So-hi' Lic'ri nodded+ 'cce-ting her due2 e<er)one to '--l'ud her2 S'3rin' *elt &,'ll 'nd in<i&i3le 'g'in+ 'nd .hen &he &'. the '.e in the e'rl?& *'ce .here he &'t ,otionle&& 't the -i'no*orte 3ut *ollo.ed So-hi' 3'c0 to her &e't .ith hi& e)e&+ &he 0ne. &he+ the <ic'r?& d'ughter *ro, Tin3ur)+ h'd 3een *orgotten2 She .ondered 't the -ric0 o* di&'--oint,ent &he *elt2 She dou3ted &he?d e<er &ee '.e+ true '.e+ re*lected in 'n)one?& *'ce in re&-on&e to 'n)thing &he?d -l')ed2 She .ondered .hether &he c'red2 She h'd ne<er c'red <er) ,uch '3out 3eing 'd,ired2 Or &o &he?d thought2 Deuced -ride once ,ore2 And no. &he .'& irrit'ted+ .hich ,e'nt te,-er+ '& .ell2 She l'id the 3l',e *or 'll o* thi& di&co,*ort 't the e'rl?& door2 She touched ' *inger to the corner o* her e)e to &to- the d',-ne&& 'nd turned her *'ce to.'rd Geo**re)+ curiou& to &ee .hether he+ too+ .'& under the &-ell o* Signor' Lic'ri2 !ut Geo**re) .'& &itting <er) &till+ 'nd hi& e;-re&&ion .'& c're*ull)+ &tudiedl) 3l'n02 She .illed hi, to loo0 her .')2 He did not2 So her e)e& ,o<ed to 7'r)9.ho c'ught her gl'nce+ 'nd li*ted u- ' glo<ed h'nd to hide ' *eigned )'.n2 She g'<e ' one-&houldered &hrug 'nd ' tin) &,ile 'nd rolled her e)e&2 S'3rin' &ti*led ' &,ile o* her o.n2 Tru&t 7'r) to 3e i,-er<iou& to ' &o-r'no2 L'ter+ '*ter 'll the gue&t& h'd gone to 3ed+ Rh)& once 'g'in 3ent o<er ' 3illi'rd t'3le 'cro&& *ro, )ndh',+ ' cig'r cl',-ed 3et.een hi& teeth2 $I?<e ' little te&t *or )ou+5 )ndh', &'id '& Rh)& too0 hi& &hot2 $ h't .'& the ,o&t *'&cin'ting thing '3out thi& e<eningF5 $A-'rt *ro, .hi, &ei8ing hold o* So-hi'F5 Rh)& &'id thi& 'round hi& cig'r2 $It .'&n?t .hi, th't &ei8ed hold o* So-hi'+ Rh)&2 It .'& the 3e'uti*ul little 7i&& F'irleigh 'nd her -l')ing25 $!e'uti*ulF5 Rh)& idl) &co**ed2 Though once )ndh', h'd &'id it+ the .ord 3eg'n to &ettle in 'nd trou3le hi,2 $I?, the -oet+ )nd2 I &hould 3e the one &-e'0ing in h)-er3ole2 T'0e )our &hot25

)ndh', did+ 'nd glo'ted+ 'nd Rh)& re,o<ed hi& cig'r *ro, hi& ,outh long enough to hi&& di&'--oint,ent2 $She?& ' green girl+ 3ut65 So,e err'nt gentle,'nl) i,-ul&e th't ',u&ed hi, -re<ented Rh)& *ro, telling '3out ho. he?d di&co<ered 7i&& F'irleigh 'nd hi& cou&in in ' 0i&&2 )ndh',

$!utF For God?& &'0e+ Rh)&+ )ou c'n t'l0 'nd t'0e )our &hot 't the &',e ti,e+ )ou 0no.2 It?& done 'll the ti,e25 Rh)& too0 hi& &hot+ ' 3'd one+ .hich ,'de )ndh', .ince 'nd cluc0 in ,oc0 &),-'th)2 Rh)& &tr'ightened 'nd &hrugged2 $!ut &he cert'inl) -l')ed the de<il out o* L' V'lle?& little co,-o&ition+ didn?t &heF 7i&& F'irleigh25 Rh)& h'd thru&t it in *ront o* her in -'rt to te&t her2 It .'& 'n intric'te+ -'&&ion'te little -iece he?d co,,i&&ioned *ro, ' ,u&ici'n .ho .'& ,uch le&& '--reci'ted th'n he ought to 3e 'nd lo<ed hi& li:uor ,ore th'n he &hould2 And the girl h'd &un0 right into it2 She?d -l')ed it .ith the -ro-er *eeling+ i* not the ,o&t 'cco,-li&hed techni:ue2 Rh)& 'd,itted to hi,&el* th't he?d 3een lo&t in it *or the dur'tion2 Th't he h'd genuinel)+ .ithout re&er<'tion+ 3een ,o<ed2 And he 0ne. no -er*or,er could ,o<e unle&& the) trul) *elt .h't the) .ere -l')ing2 She?d under&tood the -iece+ the -'&&ion 'nd -oign'nc) o* it2 $She cert'inl) did+5 )ndh', concurred2 $And re'll)+ Rh)&+ there could 3e no other e;-l'n'tion *or So-hi'?& -er*or,'nce tonight2 I ,e'n+ .e h'dn?t e<en re'ched the 3egging or 3ri3ing &t'ge&2 You c'n 3e cert'in th't i* 7i&& F'irleigh .ere -l'in+ So-hi' .ould not h'<e ,'de the e**ort25 $I?d h'd the thought '& .ell2 No dou3t So-hi' need& 'dul'tion the .') L' V'lle need& hi& drin0+ 'nd -erh'-& So-hi' thought there .ouldn?t 3e enough *or her &hould .e &-'re &o,e *or 7i&& F'irleigh2 !ut 7i&& F'irleigh i& h'rdl) 'n) &ort o* co,-etition *or So-hi'+ in &inging or 'n) other '&-ect o* li*e25 Rh)& h'd le'ned hi& &tic0 'g'in&t the .'ll to -') -ro-er 'ttention to hi& cig'r2 $Are )ou going to tell So-hi' &oF5 $Good God+ no2 I?, not ,'d25 )ndh', l'ughed2 Nor did Rh)& -l'n to -') ' <i&it to So-hi' tonight2 She .ould 3e e;-ecting hi, o* cour&e+ thin0ing 'll &he?d needed to do .'& .ind the golden ro-e o* her <oice 'round hi, to tug hi, 3'c0 into her 3ed2 It .'& ' *',ili'r little g',e2 He didn?t thin0 he .'& tired o* it )et2 He did+ ho.e<er+ thin0 he ,ight en4o) tin0ering .ith the rule&2 He could do .ithout her tonight2 One o* the 'd<'nt'ge& o* 3eing The Li3ertine+ 'nd ' gro.n ,'n+ .'& th't he .'&n?t 't the ,erc) o* hi& &en&u'l need&2 He 0ne. the) .ould 3e ,et <er) )ndh', .'nted to 0no.2

ne'rl) the ,o,ent he needed the, ,et2 It -le'&ed hi, ' little to thin0 th't *e. other ,en could ,'0e ' &i,il'r cl'i,2 And then he *elt re&tle&&+ 3ec'u&e thi& 0no.ledge did r'ther &h'<e the &.eet &h'r- edge o* uncert'int) *ro, de&ire2 God+ 3ut he .'& tired o* *eeling re&tle&&2 $So ho.?& the -'inting co,ing+ $I?<e ,'de ' tree25 $Good+ good+5 Rh)& &'id '3&entl)2 $7'0e &o,e ,ore25 )ndh', 3ent to &hoot 'g'in2 $S-e'0ing o* the *'ir 7i&& F'irleigh+ .e?ll 3e de-ri<ed o* -'rt o* our -'rt) to,orro.2 L'd) 7'r) in*or,ed ,e 't dinner the) intend to return .ith the "ol3ert& *or ' <i&it to &ee Li88ie "ol3ert?& ne. 3'3)(5 )ndh', i,it'ted 7'r)?& 3re'thle&& tone&2 Rh)& grinned2 $I?<e nothing 't 'll 'g'in&t ne. 3'3ie&2 So,ething need& to re-l'ce 'll the one& th't gro. to 3e 'dult&2 Here?& to Li88ie25 He r'i&ed hi& gl'&&2 $And it &ee,& Li88ie "ol3ert h'& 'n 'iling *'ther .ho .ould '--reci'te ' <i&it *ro, ' G,'n o* God+? or &o tho&e .ere her .ord&+ &o )our cou&in Geo**re) .ill go 'long+ '& .ell '& the *'ir 7i&& F'irleigh2 ho+ '& &he &'t 't ,) other el3o. 't dinner+ told ,e the .inter .ill 3e e'rl) 'nd h'rd+ th'n0& to the &:uirrel& in Tin3ur)+ or &o,e &uch25 $Deuced &:uirrel&+5 Rh)& &'id idl)+ 'nd too0 ' long &'ti&*)ing -ull *ro, hi& &hortening cig'r2 )ndh',F5

"HA=TER SEVEN I DON?T LI#E the loo0 o* the &0)+5 To, &'id gri,l)2 $It?& too &till+ too e<en ' color2 7'r0 ,) .ord&+ there .ill 3e ' &no.&tor, &oon25 Li<ing on the &treet *or ' good -ortion o* hi& li*e h'd gi<en To, 'n 'ni,'l?& in&tinct *or the c'-rice& o* .e'ther2 The tri- *ro, London to Gorringe h'd 3een long 'nd unco,*ort'3le+ '& the *ir&t &no.& h'd ,uddied the ro'd& 'nd other -'&&ing e:ui-'ge& h'd ,'de gre't *urro.& o* the,2 The hor&e& &lo.ed to -ic0 gingerl) o<er rut&+ 3ut the .heel& too0 the, h'rd ne<erthele&&+ 'nd con<er&'tion in&ide the co'ch 3eg'n to &ound li0e hiccu-& *ro, the &heer ',ount o* 4olt&2 Uto-+ the co'ch,en '<'iled the,&el<e& he'<il) o* the content& o* *l'&0&+ '& ,uch ' .inter 'cce&&or) '& the &c'r<e& 'nd .ool co't& the) .ore2 J',ie Sh'ughne&&) h'd 3een le*t *or the d') .ith hi& 'unt D'i&) 'nd The Gener'l+ .ho &-oiled hi, uncon&cion'3l)+ 'nd .ould -ro3'3l) in'd<ertentl) 'dd ' .ord or t.o to hi& <oc'3ul'r) th't didn?t 3elong2 !ut the) lo<ed hi, ne'rl) '& ,uch '& hi& *'ther did2

And 't l'&t the &t'ined-gl'&& .indo.& o* the church+ 3right '& 4e.el&+ &ign'led the tr'<eler&+ 'nd the) .ere there once ,ore2 Su&'nn'h uncon&ciou&l) re'ched *or S)l<ie?& h'nd+ ' ge&ture o* ho-e2 She .ondered i* &he .ould 'l.')& '--ro'ch thi& -'rticul'r church .ith ho-e 'nd tre-id'tion2 #it -u&hed o-en the door2 $7r2 Su,nerF5 he c'lled e;-eri,ent'll)2 He ho-ed to *ind the <ic'r '3out 'nd lucid+ &ince it .'& &hortl) '*ter 7'tin&+ 'nd 3e*ore the ti,e .hen the <ic'r ,ight 3e di--ing into the .ine2 $Good d')+ ,) *riend&2 "'n I 3e o* &o,e '&&i&t'nceF5 The) &-un '3out to &ee the 'ncient <ic'r+ -reci&el) '& Su&'nn'h re,e,3ered hi,E ' tin)+ &-otted he'd+ 3're o* h'ir+ -ro--ed 3) ' nec0 th't .'& 'll &o*t *old& o* &0in no.2 The) e;ch'nged 3o.& 'll 'round+ 'nd the <ic'r?& e)e& l'nded on Su&'nn'h 'nd S)l<ie 'nd lit .ith -le'&ure2 The <ic'r did '--reci'te ' -rett) girl2 And then he turned hi& 'ttention to To, Sh'ughne&&) 'nd &tudied hi,+ ,ildl) -u88led2 Unli0e #it+ .ho .'& :uite o3<iou&l) ' lord to hi& toe&+ he &ee,ed to h'<e di**icult) -l'cing .h't To, ,ight 3e2 $7) goodne&&+5 the <ic'r *in'll) &'id2 "on&idering thi& ' co,-li,ent+ To, &.e-t ' dee- 3o.2 $I rec'll )our <i&it+ &ir+5 the <ic'r &'id to #it2 $You &'id )ou?<e 3een 0no.n to 3e ' generou& 3ene*'ctor on occ'&ion2 You in:uired '*ter the 3irth record& here2 And -rett) girl&25 #it 3it 3'c0 ' &,ile2 The <ic'r+ '& 'll <ic'r& .ere+ .'& intere&ted in 'n)thing th't ,ight 'dd to the co**er& o* the church 'nd hi& o.n inco,e+ 'nd he h'dn?t *orgotten2 $ e?<e returned .ith 'nother re:ue&t+ 7r2 Su,ner2 To '&0 'nother :ue&tion2 Thi& ti,e '3out ' cur'te+ r'ther th'n ' -rett) girl2 H'<e )ou ' cur'te no.F5 $Oh+ the cur'te& ne<er linger long+5 the <ic'r &'id .ith ' dri*ting &ort o* cheerine&&2 Thi& didn?t &ur-ri&e #it in the le'&t2 $7'n) )e'r& 'go+ ne'rl) t.ent) )e'r& 'go9did ' cur'te '&&i&t )ou here in GorringeF5 he -re&&ed2 The <ic'r?& e)e& dri*ted to.'rd the .indo.&+ 'nd the e)e& o* the *our tr'<eler& *ollo.ed hi& there2 F'ith+ Ho-e+ "h'rit)+ the .indo.& re'd2 The &un -u&hed through 'nd ,'de ' color*ul+ &o*tl) 3lurred re*lection o* the .ord& on the *loor o* the church2 To, Sh'ughne&&) cle'red hi& thro't2 The <ic'r turned 3'c0 to the, in &ur-ri&e+ '& i* 4u&t re,e,3ering the) .ere there2 $F'irleigh+5 he &'id2 No one &ee,ed cert'in .h't to ,'0e o* thi&2

$F'irl)9long 'goF5 .'& #it?& c're*ul gue&&2 7r2 Su,ner?& *u88) gr') 3ro.& di--ed+ -u88led2 $It .'& *'irl) long 'go+ &on+ )e&25 He &'id it gentl)+ '& though hu,oring #it2 And .'ited2 $F'irl) long 'go th't )ou9th't )ou h'd ' cur'teF5 .'& To,?& contri3ution2 $Ye&2 F'irleigh2 Long 'go25 The <ic'r?& 3ro.& h'd no. ,et+ 'nd hi& *orehe'd h'd coll'-&ed into *our dee- -u88led line&2 Another unco,*ort'3le &ilence li,-ed 3)2 $The cur'te?& n',e .'& 7r2 F'irleigh(5 Su&'nn'h 3ur&t out delightedl)+ '& though the)?d 'll 3een in the ,id&t o* ' g',e o* ch'r'de&2 $And he .'& )our cur'te long 'go(5 The cur'te turned ' ,ild e;-re&&ion on her 'nd hi& *orehe'd &,oothed out2 $Th't i& .h't I &'id+ ,) de'r25 $Do )ou 0no. .h't 3ec',e o* 7r2 F'irleighF5 #it &'id i,,edi'tel)+ to t'0e 'd<'nt'ge o* the <ic'r?& ,o,ent o* lucidit)2 $He .'& o**ered ' li<ing in the to.n o*9o* 2 2 25 He dri*ted 'g'in+ &,iled dre',il)2 S)l<ie -o&&e&&ed the le'&t -'tience o* 'n)one &t'nding in the church2 $O*F5 &he 3'r0ed2 $Tin3ur)(5 The <ic'r loo0ed &t'rtled+ 3ut the 3'r0ing h'd cle'rl) 4'rred the .ord loo&e *ro, hi& 3r'in2 $Tin3ur)F5 #it re-e'ted2 $Th't?& in the 7idl'nd&+ )e&F5 $I &u--o&e &o+ &on25 $Do )ou re,e,3er .hen thi& cur'te le*t *or Tin3ur)F5 $He ,erel) told ,e he?d 3een o**ered ' li<ing+ 'nd '& I could ne<er 3egrudge the )oung ,'n ' li<ing o* hi& o.n+ I .i&hed hi, God&-eed2 So I c'nnot tell )ou ' )e'r+ I *e'r25 $Did )our 7r2 F'irleigh h'<e 'n) children+ 7r2 Su,nerF Do )ou rec'llF5 The <ic'r?& he'd cre'0ed u- to.'rd the ceiling in thought2 And then cre'0ed 3'c0 do.n 'g'in2 And &lo.l)+ he &hoo0 it to 'nd *ro .ith regret2 A& the cur'te+ 7r2 F'irleigh+ h'd not 3een -rett)+ '& it .ere+ no dou3t Vic'r Su,ner h'd relin:ui&hed 'n) ,e,orie& '&&oci'ted .ith hi,2 #it i,'gined it .'& ' -le'&'nt 'nd -r'ctic'l .') to r'n0 ,e,orie&+ i* )ou could onl) 0ee- ' *e.2 He r'ther thought he?d onl) .'nt to re,e,3er the -rett) thing&+ too2

A ,i&&ion( The ,o,ent the *etching 7i&& S'3rin' F'irleigh h'd &h)l) con*ided her dre', to Geo**re) Gillr') on their decorou& little .'l0 ' *e. ,onth& 'go+ he?d 'll 3ut &houted $Eure0'(5 He?d 0no.n it .'& -reci&el) the &tor) to 3ring to hi& cou&in Rh)&E he?d 3eco,e ' ne. ,'n no. th't he .'& ' cur'te2 He en4o)ed hi& :uiet li*e+ hi& &er,on&+ the hel-ing o* other&2 He?d de<elo-ed ' t'&te *or doing good .or0&@ he under&tood no.+ '*ter ' .ildl) ,i&&-ent )outh+ th't he h'd ' c'lling to &-re'd hi& ne.*ound de<outne&& 'nd 3rotherhood to other culture& 'nd continent&2 He?d li0e+ in other .ord&+ to go on ' ,i&&ion2 And he needed eight thou&'nd -ound& in order to do it2 For ,edic'l 'nd 3uilding &u--lie&2 Tho&e &ort& o* thing&2 Thi& l'&t 3it+ -'rticul'rl) the eight thou&'nd -ound& 3it+ .'& going to 3e di**icult to &') .ith ' &ole,n *'ce+ 'nd .ithout &.e'ting2 !ut it .'&+ in *'ct+ the ,o&t cruci'l 3it o* the &tor)2 In truth+ eight thou&'nd -ound& .'& t.o thou&'nd ,ore -ound& th'n Geo**re) 'ctu'll)6urgentl)6needed+ 3ut he?d decided it .ould 3e -r'ctic'l to re:ue&t ' little e;tr'+ '& de'r God he ,i&&ed hi& li*e in London+ 'nd none o* the thing& he ,i&&ed .ere ine;-en&i<e2 It .'& &'*er 't the ,o,ent not to <enture into London 't 'll+ o* cour&e2 He?d .rung ' good de'l o* credit *ro, the Gillr') n',e 'nd the *'ct th't he .'& cou&in to the E'rl o* R'.den6 he .'& in *'ct ' little 3e,u&ed 't 4u&t ho. <er) ,uch63ut the -it) .'&9,erch'nt& ine<it'3l) .'nted to 3e -'id *or their good&2 And ,en tended to .'nt their <o.el& honored+ too+ '*ter ' cert'in ',ount o* ti,e h'd el'-&ed2 Geo**re) .'&n?t '<er&e to -')ing 'n)one2 It .'& 4u&t th't it h'd 'll c'ught u- to hi, )et 'g'in6it h'd h'--ened &e<er'l ti,e& 3e*ore+ thi& &no.3'll o* de3t+ 'nd hi& *'ther 'nd hi& cou&in h'd &e<er'l ti,e& 3een i,-ortuned *or ,one) 6'nd no. the &tr'it& .ere dire+ indeed2 7erch'nt& h'd cut o** hi& credit@ &o,e h'd e<en+ to hi& &ur-ri&e+ re&orted to thre't& o* <iolence2 Hi& *'ther+ ill though he .'&+ h'd ,'n'ged to &ecure hi, ' tuc0ed-'.') -o&ition in Tin3ur) .ith the Vic'r F'irleigh+ .ho h'--il) h'd ' -rett) d'ughter .ho h'd -ro<ed di<erting 'nd -le'&'nt to loo0 't2 Geo**re) .ould h'<e outright l'ngui&hed i* he h'dn?t h'd &o,eone -rett) '3out to loo0 't+ e<en i* th't -'rticul'r &o,eone .'& ,uch too innocent 'nd -ro<inci'l *or hi& t'&te&2 Tin3ur) .'& dri<ing hi, &lo.l) ,'d+ 3ut it ought to -rotect hi, *ro, hi& creditor& *or the ti,e 3eing2 The) .ere -ro<ing to 3e ' deter,ined grou-+ 3ut it .ould -ro3'3l) 3e &o,e ti,e 3e*ore the) thought o* loo0ing *or hi,+ o* 'll -eo-le+ in Tin3ur)2 And Geo**re) h'd no intention o* re,'ining ' cur'te2 He .'& ' Gillr')+ *or God?& &'0e2 He .'& 3orn to 3e ' 3lood) gentle,'n2 Geo**re) h'dn?t 3een to L' 7ont'gne &ince he .'& ' child+ &ince Rh)&?& *'ther+ the *or,er e'rl+ h'd lo&t e<er)thing+ 'nd &old 'll holding& th't could 3e &old2 And it &ee,ed+ through &o,e 0ind o* ,ir'cle+ Rh)& h'd 3een '3le to 3u) L' 7ont'gne 3'c0 *or the R'.den title2 Geo**re) h'd 3een '&tounded to di&co<er th't ne'rl) e<er)thing he rec'lled *ro, hi& )outh6 the *i;ture&+ -'inting&+ &t'tu'r)6h'd 3een re&tored to it& -l'ce 't L' 7ont'gne2 Seeing 'll o* it h'd &tirred u- the re&ent,ent th't 'l.')& .'ited &o, in hi,2

Hi& cou&in+ it .'& cle'r+ h'd ,one)+ 'nd -lent) o* it2 The) .ere &o 'li0e+ he 'nd Rh)&2 Geo**re) .'& )ounger+ 3ut 't one ti,e he 'nd hi& cou&in+ the e'rl+ h'd genuinel) en4o)ed e'ch other+ &h'ring '& the) did the *',il) &en&e o* hu,or+ the '--reci'tion *or 'll thing& 3e'uti*ul+ 'nd ' gi*t *or+ ' -le'&ure in+ .ord&2 !ut Rh)& h'd &o,eho. turned tho&e thing& into tool& th't &er<ed hi,+ 'nd h'd cre'ted ' gr'nd li*e *ro, the,2 Geo**re) h'd tried+ or 't le'&t tried &o,e.h't+ 3ut he .'& *ore<er &.e-t 'long 3) the current o* hi& o.n -redilection&2 He didn?t en4o) .or0ing2 He?d .or0ed+ 'nd he?d not .or0ed+ 'nd he <'&tl) -re*erred the l'tter2 $A cur'te+ Geo**re)F5 .ere Rh)&?& *ir&t .ord& .hen Geo**re) &'t do.n 3e*ore hi, in hi& o**ice2 $Ho. in God?& n',e did th't co,e '3outF5 He &ounded *'intl) ',u&ed2 Geo**re) &truggled to 0ee- hi& e;-re&&ion neutr'l+ '& it .'& cruci'l to ,'0ing hi& &tor) con<incing+ 3ut e<en he .'& ' little ',u&ed 3) the *'ct th't he?d 3eco,e ' cur'te2 $F'ther *ound the -o&ition *or ,e25 $ ell+ I &u--o&e it?& one .') to u&e th't Gillr') &il<er tongue2 U- 't the 'lt'r .ith ' c'-ti<e 'udience+ no le&&2 Le&& e;-en&i<e th'n t'l0ing )our .') 3ene'th the &0irt& o* -'rlor ,'id& 'nd 'ctre&&e&25 Geo**re) le'-ed to hi& o.n de*en&e2 $It .'& onl) one -'rlor ,'id2 And &he .'& unu&u'll) -rett)25 $And e;-en&i<e+5 Rh)& e,-h'&i8ed2 $For ,e+ 'n)ho.2 No dou3t )ou?<e ' &on in "orn.'ll no.+ 3ec'u&e th't?& .here &he .ent '*ter I -'id her to le'<e2 !ut her di&gruntled e,-lo)er& ,i&& her2 A--'rentl) &he .'& the 3e&t d',ned -'rlor ,'id the)?d e<er h'd25 Geo**re) &ighed2 Geo**re) .'& cle<er+ 3ut &o .'& Rh)&+ 'nd Rh)& h'd 'l.')& 3een &o 3lood) :uic02 Rh)& 0ne. -reci&el) .h) Geo**re) .'& &itting 3e*ore hi, tod')+ 'nd he h'd de*tl) &ei8ed the u--er h'nd in the con<er&'tion2 $I?<e th'n0ed )ou *or th't+5 Geo**re) &'id2 $Ye&+ )ou did+5 Rh)& con*ir,ed2 $A& )ou did 'll o* the other ti,e& I?<e co,e to )our 'id .ith ,one)2 And )ou?<e cle'rl) &o,ething to '&0+ Geo**re)+ &o )ou ,') '& .ell go '3out it25 Geo**re) cle'red hi& thro't2 $ ell+ )ou &ee+ Rh)&9I?<e le'rned in ,) ne. -o&ition '& ' cur'te in Tin3ur)9ho. <er) ,uch I en4o) the :uiet li*e o* &er<ice 'nd65 $Te'F !r'nd)F hi&0e)F A cig'rF5 Rh)& interru-ted &uddenl)+ ge&turing2 A glint in hi& e)e2

Oh+ God+ 'll o* the,+ 'll o* the,+ -le'&e2 $No+ th'n0 )ou2 I don?t65 $Ah+ 3ut )ou u&ed to+ Geo**re)25 It .'& -'rtl) ' te'&e+ 'nd -'rtl) ' 4'3+ 'nd -'rtl) ' te&t+ Geo**re) 0ne.2 $You u&ed to+ 'nd then &o,e25 $!ut no longer+ Rh)&+5 Geo**re) &'id &o,3erl)2 $And I c'nnot+ o* cour&e+ '**ord to 3u) cig'r&+ &hould I c're to &,o0e the,25

He couldn?t hel- 3ut 'dd thi&+ 'nd re'li8ed it .'& ' 3it o* ' ,i&t'0e2 A *'int .hi** o* 3itterne&& lingered in the 'ir+ 'crid '& the &,o0e *ro, ' 3'd cig'r2 Rh)&?& e)e3ro.& .ent u- in ,oc0 &),-'th)2 $!ut )ou?<e *ound *ul*ill,ent in )our l'te&t role+ )ou &')2 h't '3out 7i&& S'3rin' F'irleighF She h'& ' G,i&&ion+? too+ )ou &ee2 She .i&he& to hel- -eo-le '3ro'd+ or &o &he con*ided thi& dre', to u& 'll 't dinner2 I *ind it unu&u'l to -l') ho&t to 'll ,'nner o* *ol0 *ro, Tin3ur)25 Geo**re) -'u&ed2 $She?& -rett)+ i&n?t &heF5 he &'id2 $Ye&+5 Rh)& 'greed *er<entl)2 And 3ec'u&e the) .ere Gillr')& 'nd couldn?t :uite hel- the,&el<e&+ the) &h'red ' 3rie* ,o,ent out&ide o* re&ent,ent 'nd grinned 't e'ch other2 $!ut I *ound her ' 3it righteou&+5 Rh)& continued ,ore &o,3erl)+ ' ,o,ent l'ter2 '& thi& ' te&tF $=erh'-& it?& 4u&t th't &he doe&n?t &h're )our -redilection&+5 Geo**re) &'id c're*ull)+ 'nd 4u&t ' little -ri,l)2 $Don?t )ou ,e'n our -redilection&+ Geo**re)F5 $Your -redilection&+5 Geo**re) &'id :uic0l)2 $The) 'ren?t ,ine 'n) longer+ Rh)&+ I &.e'r to it2 I h'<e65 $Oh+ th't?& right2 A c'lling2 And 4u&t to 3e cle'rE )our c'lling doe&n?t include .hi&0e)+ cig'r&+ -'rlor ,'id&+ 'ctre&&e&+ *'&t hor&e&+ or g',ing hell&F5 Rh)& '&0ed .ith ' *urro. in hi& 3ro.2 Geo**re) &truggled to 0ee- the )e'rning *ro, hi& e;-re&&ion2 He *elt ' 3it li0e ' &t'r<ing ,'n li&tening to ' ,enu o* hi& <er) *'<orite di&he&2 $I &.e'r to )ou+ Rh)&2 I &hould li0e to go on ' ,i&&ion2 I *ind it i& ,) higher c'lling25 $Ho. ,uch .ill thi& ,i&&ion co&tF5 Geo**re) inh'led 'nd .illed hi& *e'ture& to hold <er) &till2 $Eight thou&'nd -ound&+5 he &'id -iou&l)2 The e'rl &t'red 't hi,+ ,outh o-en2 $Eight thou&65 Rh)& &l'--ed the de&0 'nd 3'r0ed ' l'ugh2 $Oh+ cou&in+ I?<e ,i&&ed )ou25 $!ut I?, not9+5 Geo**re) tr'iled o**2 He 0ne. 'lre'd) it .'& *utile2 $I?, not 4e&ting25 $Geo**re)25 Incredulou& -'tience2 $I told )ou the l'&t ti,e I -'id o** )our g',ing de3t& th't I .ouldn?t do it 'g'in2 Your *'ther *ound )ou ' -o&ition '& ' cur'te@ I &ugge&t )ou ,'0e the ,o&t o* it2 And Tin3ur) &ound& li0e 'n e;cellent -l'ce to lie lo. i* )ou?re dodging de3t2 There?& ' *'ir e<er) )e'r+ I he'r25 Hi& 3lood) cou&in .'& &o d',n &,ug2 And no. Geo**re) trul) .'& &.e'ting2 He re,'ined &ilent+ 'nd gri--ed the 0nee& o* hi& trou&er& to dr) hi& h'nd&2 Th't eight thou&'nd -ound& &ee,ed to clo&e in on hi, no.+ thre'tening '& ' *loc0 o* <ulture&2

$I &.e'r to )ou+ Rh)&9it?& ' ,i&&ion2 For tr'<el e;-en&e&+ 'nd ,edic'l 'nd 3uilding &u--lie&+ 'nd65 $All right+5 Rh)& &'id c'l,l)2 $I* )ou re,'in ' cur'te 't Tin3ur) *or ' )e'r 't the <er) le'&t+ then return 'nd .e?ll di&cu&& )our ,i&&ion once 'g'in25 Geo**re) &t'red 't Rh)&+ loo0ing *or 'n) gi<e+ 'nd o* cour&e *ound none2 A le'den &ilence *ollo.ed2 $Ho. i& )our *'therF5 Rh)& '&0ed *in'll)+ &o,e.h't concili'toril)2 $Not .ell+5 Geo**re) &'id &hortl)2 $I?, &orr) to he'r it25 Geo**re) nodded &hortl)+ not .'nting to t'l0 '3out hi& *'ther+ 'nd the) .ere :uiet together *or ' ,o,ent+ no longer cert'in ho. to &-e'0 to e'ch other2 $Rh)&F5 he &'id '*ter ' ,o,ent2 $ h't i& it+ Geo**re)F5 $ here did it co,e *ro,+ 'll tho&e )e'r& 'goF The ,one)F5 $7one)F5 Rh)& re-e'ted+ hi& e;-re&&ion neutr'l2 $There .'& no ,one)9)our *'ther 'nd ,ine 'nd the 3'd in<e&t,ent&+ 'nd then )our *'ther .'& 0illed 'nd )our ,other 'nd &i&ter .ere65 $I rec'll the delight*ul &e:uence o* e<ent&+5 Rh)& &'id curtl)2 $You .ere 4u&t ' 3o)25 Thing& h'd 3een 3'd indeed+ then+ Geo**re) rec'lled2 Fe'r h'd -er,e'ted hi& ho,e li0e ' ,old@ it h'd 3een e<er).here in the 't,o&-here2 And then it h'd 3een gone+ the *e'r+ 3ec'u&e &uddenl) there .'& ,one)2 The ,one) h'd co,e too l'te *or Rh)&?& *',il)+ in &o,e re&-ect&2 !ut 't le'&t there h'd 3een ,one)2 $ here did it co,e *ro,F The ,one)F The hou&eF I thought )ou .ere gi<en ' hou&e &o,e.here25 $It .'& &erendi-it)+5 Rh)& &'id '*ter ' ,o,ent2 "r)-tic'll)2 $I& th't ' to.n in Yor0&hireF5 Geo**re) '&0ed2 A *'int 3it o* hu,or2 And Rh)& did &,ile ' little2 $"le<er2 "le<erne&& .ill 3e u&e*ul .hen )ou gi<e &er,on&+ Geo**re)2 And no.+ i* )ou?ll e;cu&e ,eF I?<e '& u&u'l en4o)ed our con<er&'tion+ 3ut I?<e L' 7ont'gne 3u&ine&& to 'ttend to25

Di&,i&&ed2 It h'd 'l.')& 3een hi& cou&in?& right to di&,i&& hi,+ 'nd Geo**re) o3edientl) &tood+ h'3it .inning out o<er the ne<er-*'r-*ro,-the-&ur*'ce re&ent,ent2 !ut he?d ne<er 3e*ore '&0ed Rh)& '3out the ,one)+ or the hou&e2 Nor h'd he e<er '&0ed the&e :ue&tion& o* hi& *'ther2 And Rh)&?& e<'&i<e 'n&.er .'& <er) intere&ting2 L'ter th't '*ternoon+ '*ter &-ending -'rt o* the d') '3&or3ed in ' <olu,e o* Gree0 ,)th&+ S'3rin' *ound Geo**re) :uietl) re'ding ' 3oo0 in the dr'.ing roo,2 Th't &hoc0 o* d'r0 h'ir .'& *'lling o<er hi& e)e& '& he re'd2 S'3rin' .'& -o&&e&&ed )et 'g'in o* the urge to 3ru&h it '.')2 I* &he 3ec',e hi& .i*e6'.+ th't .'& no .') to thin06.hen &he 3ec',e hi& .i*e6 &he could re'ch 'cro&& 'n) t'3le 'nd do th't '& he loo0ed o<er the &er,on he .ould gi<e+ or '& he &'t do.n to the dinner &he?d coo0ed2 She c',e 'nd &'t :uietl) ne;t to hi,2 He loo0ed u-+ the ,e,or) o* their 0i&& in hi& e)e&+ 'nd &he *elt her *'ce .'r,2 $Did )ou en4o) 7i&& Lic'ri l'&t nightF5 S'3rin' '&0ed2 $Did I en4o) herF5 He loo0ed &lightl) &t'rtled2 Al,o&t guilt)2 $Oh+ did I en4o) her &inging+ do )ou ,e'nF5 $ ell9)e&25 h't el&e could &he -o&&i3l) ,e'nF

$ ell+ I *ound it 2 2 25 He &ee,ed to 3e &e'rching *or ' .ord2 $Gloriou&F5 &he &ugge&ted re&ignedl)2 $Loud25 He &,iled ' little2 $Trul)F5 S'3rin' .'& -u88led2 $You didn?t .'nt to &i,-l)9&o'0 in itF To let it t'0e )ou o<erF5 Geo**re) &,iled ' little2 $Ho. )ou do t'l0 &o,eti,e&+ S'3rin'25 $She i& 3e'uti*ul+ though+ i&n?t &heF5 $I& &heF I didn?t notice25 He gl'nced :uic0l) do.n 't hi& 3oo02 $Non&en&e+ Geo**re)+5 &he te'&ed2 He &,iled 'g'in+ 3ut it .'& ' tight+ n'rro. thing+ 'nd hi& *inger& .ere -luc0ing ner<ou&l) 't hi& 3oo02 Trul)+ Geo**re) &ee,ed li'3le to 4u,- out o* hi& &0in l'tel)2 $Geo**re)+ i& 'ught ',i&&F5 And then &he *elt une'&)2 $ '& the e'rl unrece-ti<e to )our re:ue&tF5 And .hen &he &'. hi& e;-re&&ion+ &he *elt her ,i&&ion'r) dre',& 3egin to &li- '.')2

Geo**re) &ighed 'nd loo0ed 'cro&& the roo,+ to .here the e'rl 'nd Signor' Lic'ri 'nd )ndh', 'nd the cello -l')er .ere h'<ing .h't '--e'red to 3e 'n 'ni,'ted di&cu&&ion2 )ndh', .'& .'<ing hi& h'nd& '3out2 $S'3rin'9I don?t thin0 he .ill o**er *und&25 $!ut6(5 She lo.ered her <oice to ' &trident .hi&-er .hen &he re'li8ed &he?d &:ue'0ed the .ord2 $!ut he h'& &o <er) ,uch( Loo0 't thi& hou&e( Ho. c'n he -o&&i3l) re*u&e )ouF5 $I thin0 the e'rl h'& other -rioritie& 'nd other intere&t&+ 'nd ,'n) o* the, 're g'thered '3out hi, right no.2 Arti&t& 'nd o-er' &inger&25 S'3rin' 3lin0ed in the *'ce o* hi& 3itterne&&2 $!ut )ou 're &o <er) elo:uent+ Geo**re)2 I c'nnot &ee ho. )ou .ould h'<e *'iled to 'rou&e hi& &),-'th) *or )our c'u&e(5 Geo**re) &ee,ed to g'ther hi& co,-o&ure .ith &o,e e**ort+ too0 ' dee- 3re'th+ -u&hed hi& &hoc0 o* h'ir out o* hi& e)e&2 $S'3rin'9he li0e& )ou+5 he 3eg'n2 $He doe&F5 Thi& .'& ' &ur-ri&e2 She didn?t 0no. ho. thi& could -o&&i3l) 3e true2 She con&idered correcting Geo**re)E He &ee,& to li0e torturing ,e2 $He deigned to turn the -'ge& *or )ou '& )ou -l')ed l'&t night25 $Th't .'& 3ec'u&e6th't i&+ .ell+ he did turn the -'ge&+ didn?t heF It .'& 0ind o* hi,25 $#ind25 Geo**re) re-e'ted the .orld *l'tl)+ ironic'll)2 !ut didn?t e;-ound2 $And he did &ugge&t th't )ou -l') 'nother -iece2 So -erh'-& he en4o)ed )our -l')ing25 $Ye&2 =erh'-&25 Ag'in+ the &ugge&tion th't &he -l') 'nother -iece .'& ,ore ' ge&ture o* torture th'n o* *ello.&hi-+ S'3rin' &u&-ected2 Then 'g'in 2 2 2 No2 It h'd 3een ' te&t2 She 0ne. it h'd 3een ' te&t2 !ut &he?d r'ther en4o)ed the -iece+ 'nd &o+ in the end+ it h'd *elt li0e ' gi*t2 An unco,*ort'3le gi*t+ in ' .')2 She h'dn?t 0no.n it h'd re&ided in her+ the '3ilit) to inter-ret ' -iece &o lo<el) 'nd &.ee-ing2 It .'& &o,ething ne. '3out her&el* &he .'& *orced to con&ider2 !ut &he h'dn?t roo, in her -l'n& *or ne. '&&u,-tion& '3out her&el* 't the ,o,ent2 She .'nted to 3e ' ,i&&ion'r)+ 'nd the .i*e o* ' ,i&&ion'r)2 $=erh'-&+ then+ S'3rin'9-erh'-& )ou c'n -er&u'de hi, to re<ie. ,) c'u&eF5 $Do )ou re'll) thin0 it .ould hel-F5 $I c'nnot thin0 th't it .ould hurt2 The e'rl i& 0no.n to 3e &u&ce-ti3le to56hi& g'8e dro--ed to her li-&6$*e,inine ch'r,&25 $Geo**re)(5 S'3rin' &'id+ 3lu&hing+ c'&ting her l'&he& do.n *or 'n in&t'nt2 Thi& hou&e -'rt) h'd cert'inl) unle'&hed hi& ,ore 'rdent :u'litie&2 $Do )ou re'll) thin0 I?, c'-'3le o*

ch'r,ing hi, into &u--orting our6)our6c'u&eF5 She &tu,3led+ ' little ,orti*ied 3) her &li)et 'g'in2 $He?& &o <er) 2 2 25 Geo**re) didn?t '--e'r to notice her &li-+ or -erh'-&+ no.+ it .'& the .') he thought o* it+ tooE our2 It .'& their *uture+ the *uture &he?d dre',ed '3out *or ne'rl) ' )e'r no.+ 'nd it .'& *'ding :uic0l)2 $I* 'n)one c'n ch'r, hi,+ S'3rin'9it?& )ou25 And then he l'id hi& h'nd o<er the to- o* her&+ &urre-titiou&l)+ &o th't no one in the roo, could &ee2 h) i& ' .o,'n?& &0in &o <er)+ <er) &o*t+ i* it i&n?t ,e'nt to 3e touchedF S'3rin' &t'red do.n 't hi& h'nd+ con&idering the *eel o* Geo**re)?& &0in 'g'in&t her &0in2 It .'& the <er) *ir&t ti,e he h'd touched her &o inti,'tel)+ '-'rt *ro, the &udden 0i&&2 h) then c'n &o <er) ,uch -le'&ure 3e h'd *ro, touching9'nd *ro, 3eing touchedF It .'& odd+ 3ut &he .ould not h'<e de&cri3ed it '& -le'&ure@ -le'&ure .'& too &trong ' .ord *or thi& cont'ct2 =erh'-& the &ort o* touch the e'rl h'd de&cri3ed .'& entirel) di**erent2 S'3rin' gl'nced u-2 There .'& he't o* ' &ort in Geo**re)?& e)e&@ &he gl'nced '.')+ 'nd gentl) &lid her h'nd out *ro, 3ene'th hi&+ .ith ' little &,ile to tell hi, &he didn?t ,ind2 She didn?t .'nt to entirel) di&cour'ge hi,+ '*ter 'll2 !ut &he did .'nt to thin0 '3out ho. it *elt to 3e touched 3) hi, 3e*ore he touched her 'g'in2 $All right2 For )ou+ Geo**re)+ I &h'll tr)25

"HA=TER EIGHT S HE #NE SHE could .'nder the gr'nd hou&e *or ' d') 'nd not encounter the e'rl+ &o &he &ought out 7r&2 !'ile) in&te'd2 S'3rin' 0ne. &he .'& '3out to '&0 ' 3old :ue&tion2 Then 'g'in+ -erh'-& the hou&e0ee-er .'& 'ccu&to,ed to 3old :ue&tion& '3out the .here'3out& o* gentle,en *ro, the &ee,ingl) ,ild-,'nnered 7i&& F'irleigh2 She cle'red her thro't2 $7r&2 !'ile)+ I .onder i* I ,ight trou3le )ou *or the e'rl?& .here'3out&F5 7r&2 !'ile) *i;ed her .ith ' g'8e &tri0ing in it& i,-'rti'lit)2 It te,-ted S'3rin' to &') 'll ,'nner o* contro<er&i'l thing&2 It .'& ' <er) *reeing &ort o* i,-'rti'lit)+ 7r&2 !'ile)?& g'8e2 $The e'rl .'& l'&t in the -ortr'it g'ller)+ 7i&& F'irleigh2 It i& 4u&t 3e)ond the )ello. &itting roo,25 $Th'n0 )ou+ 7r&2 !'ile)25

The -ortr'it g'ller) turned out to 3e ' l'rge roo, *e'turing -ortr'it& '& t'll '& 'ctu'l -eo-le+ or e<en t'ller2 A& i* ,'0ing the, <er) l'rge .ould ,'0e u- *or the *'ct th't the) .ere 'll de'd2 !et.een the -ortr'it& .ere &conce&+ 'nd the roo, glo.ed &o*tl)+ lighting 'll the -'inted *'ce&+ &hould &o,eone c're to co,e in 'nd <ie. the,2 Oddl)+ the e'rl .'& there+ 3ut he .'&n?t g'8ing 't ' -ortr'it r'ther 't ' &-'ce 3et.een the -ortr'it& .here ' -ortr'it ought to h'<e 3een2 $ h)+ good e<ening+ 7i&& F'irleigh25 He?d &c'rcel) gl'nced her .')2 $Oh( Good e<ening+ Lord R'.den25 She tried to &ound &ur-ri&ed to *ind hi, here2 In -ro*ile+ &he &'. hi& ,outh turn u- ' little2 He 0ne. &he .'& -retending2 Still+ he didn?t 'tte,-t to eng'ge her in con<er&'tion2 He ,o<ed on to ' -ortr'it@ it *e'tured ' ,'n .ith ' -ointed 3e'rd 'nd d'r0 e)e& 'nd long *'ce+ hi& nec0 encircled 3) ' &ti** ru**2 A -'ir o* &-'niel& c'<orted 't hi& *eet2 He loo0ed <er) *',ili'r2 $Goodne&&2 He r'ther re&e,3le&65 $Geo**re)2 Ye&+ doe&n?t heF Th't?& the Vi&count 7erri<ell25 He turned to S'3rin'2 $He .'& hung *or ,'rde2 No dou3t 3ec'u&e he &uccu,3ed to unto.'rd -'&&ion&25 He turned 3'c0 to the -ortr'it+ e)e& glinting2 She .illed her&el* to &t') co,-o&ed2 $Fortun'tel)+ I dou3t )ou &h'll e<er need to .orr) th't Geo**67r2 Gillr') .ill end in &uch ' ,'nner25 $I& th't &o+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 A3&entl) &'id2 $He i& 'd,ired 3) the -eo-le o* Tin3ur)25 $And 3) one o* the, in -'rticul'r+ '& I?<e .itne&&ed25 She too0 ' dee- 3re'th2 $He <er) ,uch .ould li0e to do &o,e good in the .orld out&ide o* Tin3ur)+ Lord R'.den25 $Th't .ould ,'0e *or ' -le'&'nt ch'nge25 She *ro.ned ' little2 $I 3eg )our -'rdonF5 The e'rl ignored her :ue&tion2 $I i,'gine )ou &ought ,e out *or ' re'&on+ 7i&& F'irleigh2 Do )ou .i&h to -le'd the c'u&e o* )our lo<er to ,e+ thenF5 Her 4'. dro--ed@ &he :uic0l) cl'--ed it clo&ed 'g'in2 $He i& not ,) lo<er25 $!ut9)ou did 0i&& hi,25 The e'rl?& 3ro. cre'&ed in *eigned con*u&ion2 $No( Ye&( ell+ he 0i&&ed ,e2 And65

$Are )ou ,'rried to Geo**re)F5 $ h't6I6)ou 0no. *ull .ell I ', not+ Lord R'.den25 $ ell then+ 're )ou eng'ged to 3e ,'rried to Geo**re)F5 She he&it'ted2 $No+ 3ut65 $Do )ou h'<e 'n) &ort o* under&t'nding 't 'll .ith Geo**re)F5 She didn?t :uite 0no. the 'n&.er to thi&+ 3ut &he cert'inl) .'&n?t going to tell the e'rl &o2 She re,'ined &tu33ornl) &ilent2 $Then he?& )our lo<er+5 he concluded *ir,l)2 $And I o* 'll -eo-le &hould 0no. .h't ' lo<er i&25 He returned hi& e)e& to the -ortr'it2 !ut not 3e*ore &he &'. the &-'r0 o* de<ilr) in the,2 Did he &u--o&e &he .'& 'nother So-hi' Lic'ri+ *or he'<en?& &'0eF Going '3out rec0le&&l) 0i&&ing -eo-leF Or .'& he ,erel) 3eing incorrigi3le 'g'inF $Geo**re) c'n?t 3e ,) lo<er '& .e h'<en?t9.e h'<en?t 2 2 25 She &to--ed 'nd &:uee8ed her e)e& clo&ed2 $You h'<en?t .h't+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 The odiou& ,'n .'& l'ughing &ilentl) 't her2 $Oh+ .'it+ I rec'll no.2 You?<e ' .ill o* iron 'nd c'nnot 3e &educed2 So o* cour&e )ou9Gh'<en?t2? And I ', ' &coundrel to &ugge&t &uch ' thing to 'n un,'rried girl2 And &o on25 $Lord R'.den2 I ', not li0e )ou25 $NoF5 he .ondered in 'n idl) in&inu'ting .')2 S'3rin' 3it her li- to 0ee- *ro, retorting2 She?d co,e *or ' -ur-o&e+ 'nd &he .'&n?t '3out to 3e di<erted *ro, it2 ith &o,e e**ort+ &he gentled her <oice+ '& &he ,ight .hen &-e'0ing to ' ner<ou& 'ni,'l2 $Lord R'.den+ '& )ou?<e de<oted )our li*e to -le'&ure+ I i,'gine it i& di**icult *or )ou to under&t'nd ' ,'n &uch '& Geo**re)+ .ho i& .illing to ,'0e &'cri*ice& in *'<or o* ' higher c'lling2 !ut i* )ou?d onl)65 The e'rl 3'r0ed ' genuine l'ugh2 $De<oted ,) li*e to -le'&ure( )ou?<e de<oted )our li*e to -le'&ure+ too25 h)+ ,) de'r little h)-ocrite+

S'3rin' 3lin0ed+ thin0ing o* the .or0 in Tin3ur) 't the <ic'r'ge+ the .or0 th't 0e-t her ,o<ing 'nd thin0ing &.i*tl) *ro, the ,o,ent &he ro&e until her he'd l'nded on her -illo. 'g'in 't night2 Thin0ing o* her dre',& o* l'3oring '& ' ,i&&ion'r)2 She .'& incen&ed2 $ h't on e'rth do )ou ,e'nF5 Her <oice thru,,ed .ith outr'ge2

$Don?t )ou t'0e -le'&ure in 4udging ,eF Don?t )ou t'0e -le'&ure in9hel-ingF Don?t )ou *eel 4u&t ' little 3it &u-erior 3ec'u&e )ou do hel-F "o,e no.2 "on*e&& 'll+ 7i&& F'irleigh25 $I65 She di&li0ed the .') he &'id $hel-ing25 Though thi& .'&+ in *'ct+ <er) di**icult to den)2 She .ould con&ider the -'rt '3out $*eeling &u-erior5 in ' ,o,ent2 She h'd 'n unco,*ort'3le &u&-icion th't &he .ouldn?t li0e .h't &he di&co<ered2 $And .h) do )ou do itF5 he -ro,-ted+ <er) ,uch '& though &he .ere ' &choolgirl 'nd he ' &chool,'&ter+ .hen &he &'id nothing2 $You couldn?t e<en re&i&t hel-ing .ith ,) -oe, .hen I '&0ed+ e<en though it .'& '3out &eduction6not ' <er) nice to-ic6'nd e<en though )ou thin0 I?, ' co,-lete re-ro3'te2 "o,e+ 7i&& F'irleigh2 Tell ,e .h)25 Oddl)+ &he &en&ed he .'& ' 3it 'ngr) no.+ too2 Thi& .'&n?t 't 'll going '& &he?d ho-ed2 She &cr',3led *or her ,ent'l *ooting+ 3ut he?d &ucceeded in -o0ing her te,-er u- 'g'in+ .hich ,'de it ne'rl) i,-o&&i3le2 $I c'nnot &-e'0 to ho. thorough ' re-ro3'te )ou ,ight 3e+ Lord R'.den+ 3ut65 He l'ughed+ thi& ti,e &ounding *or &o,e re'&on thoroughl) -le'&ed2 $ h)+ then+ do )ou hel-+ 7i&& F'irleighF Are )ou '*r'id *or ,) i,,ort'l &oulF !ec'u&e )ou?re the <ic'r?& d'ughter+ 'nd ,u&t 'l.')& do goodF5 $I .'& 'do-ted+5 &he &'id curtl)2 $I?, not the <ic'r?& d'ughter25 $Ah+ .ell then+ th't e;-l'in& e<er)thing25 $ h't doe& it e;-l'inF5 Her <oice .'& -erilou&l) clo&e to &hrill2 $Ne<er ,ind+ 7i&& F'irleigh2 Do go on2 e .ere t'l0ing '3out )our *e'r *or ,) i,,ort'l &oul25 He .'& l'ughing &ilentl) 't her 'g'in2 $Your i,,ort'l &oul concern& ,e <er) little+ Lord R'.den25 Thi& .'&n?t entirel) truth*ul2 At the ,o,ent+ &he r'ther .i&hed hi& i,,ort'l &oul &o,e-l'ce th't .ould '--'ll her *'ther2 $ h)+ thenF5 he -er&i&ted2 $ h't co,-el& )ou+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ to de<ote )our li*e to9 hel-ingF I .ould li0e ' truth*ul 'n&.er 3e*ore .e -ur&ue the to-ic o* Geo**re) 'nd hi& ,i&&ion25 $!ec'u&e65 She &to--ed+ re'li8ing .h't &he .'& '3out to &')2 He .'& 'g'in rightE &he hel-ed 3ec'u&e it ,'de her unco,*ort'3le not to hel-2 In &hortE &he hel-ed 3ec'u&e &he en4o)ed it2 $Do )ou do it 3ec'u&e )ou .'nt to+ or 3ec'u&e )ou thin0 )ou &houldF5 he co';ed2 She could not rec'll encountering 'nother ,'n &o utterl) deter,ined to -ro<e ' -oint2 $Aren?t the) the &',eF5 She &'id it r'ther hel-le&&l)+ del')ing her ,o,ent o* con*e&&ion2

$One i& '3out -le'&ure+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ 'nd the other i& '3out dut)2 Then 'g'in+ -erh'-& )ou t'0e -le'&ure in dut)2 I c'n onl) i,'gine )ou do+ i* )ou?<e dre',& o* li<ing in -enur) &er<ing the -oor '& ' ,i&&ion'r)2 Tell ,e+ once 'nd *or 'll+ .h) do )ou hel-F5 She tried *or ' -'rti'l 'n&.er2 $!ec'u&e I9,u&t2 !ec'u&e it?& right25 $Right *or .ho,F5 Relentle&&+ he .'&2 Ferociou& '& 'n) de3'ter .ho e<er &tood in the Hou&e o* Lord&2 She .ondered i* he did t'0e hi& -l'ce in de3'te& in the Hou&e o* Lord&2 She didn?t 0no. .here he?d *ind the ti,e to do it+ gi<en hi& &chedule o* de3'ucher)2 And in ' .') it .'& in<igor'ting to encounter ' ,ind th't .ould ne<er let her dodge ' truth2 Then 'g'in+ &he could h'<e h'--il) li<ed .ithout 3eing &ho.n cert'in truth&2 !ut '& &he .'& inn'tel) hone&t+ &he could h'rdl) '<oid 'n&.ering2 And 't l'&t &he did2 $Right *or9,e25 Her <oice .'& ' tri*le cre'0) .hen it e,erged2 Li0e ' tiger .ith it& 0ill 3et.een it& -'.&+ he 'll 3ut -urred the ne;t .ord&2 $Ah2 Ver) .ell+ then2 Feel *ree to ,'0e 'n entre't) on Geo**re)?& 3eh'l*+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ 'nd *eel *ree to 4udge ,e i* )ou .ill+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ 3ut 4udge ,e hone&tl)2 e 're not &o <er) di**erent+ )ou 'nd I+ in our co,,it,ent to -le'&ure25 Hu,3led+ S'3rin' loo0ed u- into hi& &'ti&*ied *'ce2 !ut &he &uddenl) under&tood &o,ethingE th't &'ti&*'ction he *elt .'& onl) ,o,ent'r)2 The re&t o* the ti,e he .'& re&tle&& 'nd 3ored 'nd6 $Oh+ I *e'r there )ou 're .rong+ Lord R'.den2 For hel-ing ,'0e& ,e h'--)25 And it .'& ' -le'&ure+ 'nd not ' -le'&ure+ to .'tch hi, 3lin0 '& though &he?d &l'--ed hi,2 All the *ierce light 'nd &'ti&*'ction *led hi& *'ce *or 'n in&t'nt+ 'nd ungu'rded+ he loo0ed -urel)9 '&toni&hed2 Hi& ,'&0 .'& 3'c0 in 'n in&t'nt+ '& i* the ,o,ent h'd ne<er 3een2 $You c',e here to -le'd .ith ,e '3out Geo**re)+ I i,'gine+ 7i&& F'irleigh+5 he &'id c'l,l)2 $ h't i& it )ou .i&h to &')F5 S'3rin' could not reco<er :uite &o &.i*tl) '& the e'rl *ro, their e;ch'nge2 She too0 ' dee3re'th to &te'd) her&el*2 S-'rring .ith hi,6'nd hi& ,ere -re&ence6.'& '& in<igor'ting 'nd di&tur3ing '& ' &ti** .ind2 And 'll the thing& he ,'de her '.'re o*+ thing& &he .'&n?t cert'in &he .'nted to 0no.+ cro.ded into her thought& no.+ t'ngling .ith her -l'n& 'nd the .ord& &he .'nted to &')2 $He .'nt& to do &o,e good in the .orld+ Geo**re) doe&+5 &he &'id :uietl)+ &i,-l)2 $Th't?& 'll+ Lord R'.den2 You h'<e it .ithin )our ,e'n& to -er,it th't to h'--en25 $And )ou .'nt to 'cco,-'n) hi, on hi& ,i&&ion25 A &t'te,ent2

She .'& &ilent *or ' ,o,ent2 $I .ould <er) ,uch li0e to do &o,e good '& .ell2 And .e 're o* t.o ,ind&+ -hilo&o-hic'll)+ Geo**re) 'nd I25 $O* e<en te,-er',entF5 he '&0ed ironic'll)2 She didn?t re&-ond2 !re'thed in+ 3re'thed out2 Her te,-er',ent 't the ,o,ent *elt ,ore li0e .'<e& 3'ttering 't cli** .'ll&2 It .'& entirel) hi& *'ult2 The e'rl nodded to hi,&el* once+ '& i* her &ilence .'& 'n&.er enough2 He e)ed the -ortr'it th't &o re&e,3led hi& cou&in2 S-ent 'nother ,o,ent in :uiet2 $H'& he o**ered *or )ou+ 7i&& F'irleighF Do )ou )et h'<e 'n under&t'ndingF You didn?t 'n&.er ,) :ue&tion25 Hi& <oice .'& le<el2 The :ue&tion &ee,ed re*lecti<e2 She *lu&hed2 $ ell9no+ he h'& not )et o**ered2 !ut I 3elie<e it?& 3ec'u&e he i& uncert'in '3out hi& *uture+ 'nd he i& concerned '3out .h't he ,') 3e '3le to o**er ' .i*e2 I h'<e e<er) e;-ect'tion th't once he 0no.& 2 2 25 $You?<e ' good de'l o* *'ith in Geo**re)?& intention&+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ h'<e )ouF5 And he .'& ironic 'g'in2 Ho. di**icult it ,u&t 3e+ &he thought+ to thin0 &o c)nic'll) o* e<er)one2 h't ' 3urden2

$I6+5 &he 3eg'n+ 3ut he held u- ' h'nd to &to- her+ &hoo0 hi& he'd once+ '& though he didn?t re:uire 'n 'n&.er2 She .'ited 'g'in+ '& he &'id nothing *or ' ti,e2 Re*lecti<e2 He turned to her+ loo0ed do.n 't her .ith tho&e light e)e& o* hi&2 $You &hould 0no. th't I h'<e 'lre'd) outright re*u&ed Geo**re)?& re:ue&t *or '&&i&t'nce2 Did he tell )ou th'tF Did he &end )ou to -le'd .ith ,e+ or did )ou do it o* )our o.n <olitionF5 S'3rin'?& he'rt 3ec',e ' &tone+ 'nd &'n02 Geo**re) h'dn?t &'id '& ,uch+ in &o ,'n) .ord&@ he h'dn?t &'id he?d 3een re4ected2 She did .onder .h)2 =erh'-& he re*u&ed to 3elie<e hi& cou&in?& re*u&'l h'd 3een irre<oc'3le2 She &'id nothing@ &he c'&t her e)e& do.n 3rie*l)2 hen &he loo0ed u- 'g'in+ the e'rl?& e)e& .ere on her+ hi& e;-re&&ion in&crut'3le2 She &u&-ected th't he could re'd her '& cle'rl) '& 'n) 3oo0 in hi& li3r'r)2 $You?<e <er) -rett) e)e&+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ 3ut it t'0e& ,uch ,ore th'n th't to -er&u'de ,e to -'rt .ith ,) ,one)25 It h'd 3een *lung li0e &t'rdu&t+ the co,-li,ent2 Her 3re'th hitched &tr'ngel)2 There h'dn?t 3een ' &hred o* *lirt'tion in hi& &t'te,ent2 It r'ther &ounded li0e &o,ething he?d 3een thin0ing *or &o,e ti,e2 He &ought out her e)e& 'nd held the,+ 'nd in the &ilence th't *ollo.ed+ S'3rin' could *eel itE the <er) ne'rl) tid'l -ull he e;erted2 It &ee,ed right to &uccu,3 to it+ to &ee .h't ,ight h'--en2

And &he .'nted to *ree her&el* *ro, it+ too2 She didn?t 0no. ho. to go '3out either o* tho&e thing&2 ith &o,e e**ort+ &he *in'll) turned her he'd 'nd 3eg'n &tud)ing 'nother -ortr'it2 A ,o,ent l'ter &he he'rd hi, ,o<e '.') *ro, her+ three lei&urel) &te-& echoing 'cro&& the g'ller)2 She .ondered .h) it .'& he .'& here+ lingering o<er e'ch -ortr'it2 It .'& '& though he .'& re< hi& line'ge+ '&cert'ining th't 'll hi& rel'ti<e& .ere h'nging .here the) 3elonged2 He -'u&ed 't th't e,-t) &-'ce 3et.een -ortr'it& once 'g'in2 $7) ,other 'nd ,) &i&ter& 3elong here+5 he &'id &hortl)2 Al,o&t to hi,&el*2 The .ord& $,) ,other 'nd ,) &i&ter&5 touched on the longing &he *elt *or her o.n+ &tirring the ,e,or) o* ' long-'go night2 $I?<e 'l.')& .'nted ' ,other 'nd &i&ter&25 He turned to loo0 't her then+ intere&t '--'rentl) -i:ued2 $And .h't did )ou h'<e in&te'd+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 $A *'ther 'nd t.o 3rother& ,uch older th'n I2 I ne<er 0ne. ,) ,other2 7) ,other died+ it &ee,&2 Or &o I .'& told25 $So did ,ine+5 he &'id &hortl)+ hi& <oice ne'rl) in*lectionle&&2 $So did ,) &i&ter25 The re<el'tion &ur-ri&ed her2 It ,'de th't e,-t) &-'ce &ee, &o,eho. ,ore elo:uent2 She .'nted to '&0 .h) the -ortr'it .'& ,i&&ing+ 3ut hi& &ilence h'd 'n i,-enetr'3le :u'lit) to it+ 'nd her ner<e+ .hich &ee,ed unco,,onl) -ronounced .hen he .'& '3out+ .'& lo&t2 Fin'll)+ the e'rl &-o0e2 To the .'ll+ not directl) to her2 $I .ill con&ider o**ering Geo**re) the li<ing 't !uc0&te'd He'th+ 7i&& F'irleigh2 He ,') li<e 't the <ic'r'ge there+ i* he choo&e&2 The re&t o* )our *uture i& in Geo**re)?& h'nd&2 !ut I &h'll not *in'nce hi&9,i&&ion9-reg'rdle&& o* )our entre't)2 And I *e'r ,) 'n&.er i& *in'l25 She?d e;-ected to *eel 'cute di&'--oint,ent2 And &he .'& di&'--ointed2 !ut di&'--oint,ent &ee,ed to 3e .re&tling *or her 'ttention .ith ' do8en other thought& 'nd &en&'tion& 't the ,o,ent+ 'nd &o it& edge .'& 3lunted2 She h'd 3een ' <ic'r?& d'ughter@ &he cert'inl) 0ne. ho. to 3e ' <ic'r?& .i*e+ 'nd in truth+ o* 'll the *uture& &he could i,'gine+ it &ee,ed '& &uit'3le *or her '& 'n)2 She 0ne. good li<ing& .ere r're@ &he 0ne. Geo**re) .ould 3e *ortun'te indeed to 3e gi<en one2 And -erh'-& .hen the e'rl o**ered Geo**re) ' li<ing+ Geo**re) .ould o**er *or her2 $Th'n0 )ou+ Lord R'.den+5 &he &'id :uietl)2

He ,erel) nodded curtl)2 $And I &hould li0e to -er&on'll) in*or, Geo**re) o* ,) deci&ion to do &o+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ .hen 'nd i* I re'ch it2 So i* )ou .ould 3e &o 0ind '& to not &-e'0 o* it to hi, until thenF5 $A& )ou .i&h2 You?<e ,) .ord25 The e'rl &'id nothing ,ore2 A ,o,ent l'ter he &ee,ed to h'<e *orgotten her2 He .'ndered *'rther do.n the g'ller)+ 'nd '--e'red to l'-&e into ' re<erie 3e*ore ' -ortr'it o* ' .o,'n in ' dre&& *e'turing 'n enor,ou& 3u&tle+ ' n'rro.-*'ced dog c'<orting 't her &ide2 S'3rin' turned to le'<e2 $Ye,en+5 he &'id &uddenl)2 She -'u&ed+ 'nd turned &lo.l) 3'c0 to hi,2 $Ye,6F Oh( It?& the9it?& the rh),e *or le,on+ i&n?t itF5 She &,iled ' little2 He turned to *'ce her 'g'in2 $One o* the .orld?& olde&t countrie&+5 he &'id gr'<el)2 $='rt o* the Otto,'n E,-ire25 $Ah+ &o )ou do re'd Engli&h .ell enough+ 7i&& F'irleigh25 And then he &,iled 't her+ 'n o-en &,ile2 Genuinel)+ &i,-l) -le'&ed2 S'3rin' l'ughed+ *eeling ' -eculi'r+ 3re'thle&& ru&h o* delight2 The e'rl turned '3ru-tl) '.') *ro, her then2 Al,o&t '& i* the &ight o* her 3right *'ce trou3led hi,2 A little &tung+ &he ho<ered ' ,o,ent ,ore in the g'ller)+ uncert'in2 And .hen hi& &ilence ,'de it cle'r th't he?d *ini&hed .ith her+ &he :uic0l) le*t hi,+ li&tening to her o.n *oot&te-& echoing 'cro&& the g'ller)2 She .'&n?t -reci&el) *leeing2 !ut &he 0ne. relie* to 3e '.') *ro, hi& re&tle&& g',e& 'nd d'unting ,ind 'nd the ch'r, he &ee,ed to r'tion6-erh'-& 3ec'u&e it .'& &o <er)+ <er) -otent2 L'te th't e<ening+ '*ter 3illi'rd& 'nd 3e*ore he retired+ Rh)& ,'de hi& .') into the li3r'r) 'nd e;',ined the &hel<e& c're*ull)2 7r&2 !'ile) 'nd her &t'** .ere e;e,-l'r)+ 3ut the) .ere no ,'tch *or ' <er) o3&er<'nt e'rl2 He could &ee 3) the &li, line o* du&t re,'ining on the &hel* 3et.een the 3oo0&6it .'& ' -l'ce th't no ',ount o* &t'** could e<er ho-e to 0ee- co,-letel) &-otle&& 't 'll ti,e&6th't the <olu,e o* Gree0 ,)th& h'd 3een di&tur3ed e<er &o &lightl)2 =ulled *ro, it& -l'ce 'nd re'd 'nd re-l'ced 'g'in+ no dou3t+ 3) ' girl *ro, Tin3ur) .ith ,i&guided notion& '3out her e<en te,-er',ent 'nd -r'ctic'l ',3ition&2 She 'll 3ut le*t ' tr'il o* clue& *or hi,2 She h'd no ide' th't -oetr) 'nd -'&&ion li<ed in her &oul+ or ho. o-en &he le*t her&el* to &en&u'l g',3it& 3ec'u&e o* it2 She .ould 0no. in ' d') or &o2

She .'& cle<erer th'n he -re*erred her to 3e2 She h'd 'n unner<ingl) direct g'8e+ .hen it .'& ,ore *'&hion'3le *or ' .o,'n to loo0 &ide.')& through lo.ered l'&he&+ or c'&t e)e& ,ode&tl) do.n2 Her <ie. o* the .orld .'& uncluttered 3) c)nici&, 3ut clouded 3) n'J<etI2 She didn?t 0no. 'n) 3etter+ he &u--o&ed+ th'n to loo0 ' ,'n in the e)e 'nd deli<er &tri--ing truth&2 She?d ,'n'ged 'g'in&t 'll odd&9to &ur-ri&e hi,2 Ag'in2 And it h'd 3een '& e;hil'r'ting6'nd '3out '& -le'&'nt6'& 3eing -u&hed o** ' cli**2 He &u--o&ed it .'& &ur-ri&e th't c'u&ed hi, to o**er to &-e'0 to Geo**re) '3out the li<ing 't !uc0&te'd He'th2 He in truth didn?t 't 'll .'nt hi& cou&in to 3e con&i&tentl) under*oot+ or 'n).here ne'r L' 7ont'gne2 He didn?t .'nt hi& cou&in *or,'ll) 3eholden to hi, in the le'&t@ he?d in *'ct ho-ed to &ee Geo**re) <er) &eldo, *or the re&t o* hi& d')&2 Surel) he couldn?t h'<e con&idered the ide' &i,-l) to -le'&e S'3rin' F'irleigh2 He?d turned to .'tch her .'l0 '.')+ 'd,iring the eleg'nt line o* her 3od)+ the cur<e& o* her2 Achingl) -rett) .'& S'3rin' F'irleigh2 !ut then+ &o .ere &o ,'n) other .o,en2 H'<ing Geo**re) under*oot ,ight <er) .ell ,e'n h'<ing S'3rin' F'irleigh under*oot '& .ell+ i* Geo**re) did the honor'3le thing 'nd ,'rried the girl he?d 0i&&ed2 Rh)&?& ,outh :uir0ed gri,l)2 Then 'g'in+ the Gillr')& ,'de r'ther ' h'3it o* '<oiding the honor'3le thing2 He re,inded hi,&el* th't he?d ,'de no -ro,i&e& to 'n)one2 He didn?t -'rticul'rl) need to &-e'0 to Geo**re) '3out 'n)thing 't 'll .hen thi& hou&e -'rt) ended2 He gl'nced do.n 't the 3oo0 in hi& h'nd2 !elo. the &hel* .here 7i&& F'irleigh h'd -luc0ed the <olu,e o* Gree0 ,)th& .'& the &hel* .here the -oetr) re&ided2 He &lid out the <olu,e o* !)ron+ 'nd re-l'ced it .ith ' 3oo0 3ound in &o,3er green le'therE The Secret to Seduction2 U&u'll) S'3rin' &lid into &lu,3er?& 'r,& e**ortle&&l)+ '& the .or0 o* the d') thoroughl) &-ent her2 hen &lee- eluded her6'& it occ'&ion'll) did+ i* the .e'ther .'& re&tle&&6&he .ould lie '.'0e 'nd dre', '3out the *uture+ or .onder '3out her ,other@ &oon '*ter Geo**re) h'd '--e'red in Tin3ur)+ &he?d &o,eti,e& d'red to i,'gine ' *uture including Geo**re)2 !ut tonight+ rich *ood+ too ,uch lei&ure+ 'nd ' contro<er&i'l e'rl contri<ed to -re<ent her *ro, &lee-ing+ 'nd &he *ound her&el* .re&tling .ith her 3l'n0et& '& &he to&&ed 'nd turned2 At l'&t S'3rin' &tilled+ &urrendering to one -'rticul'r thought+ 'nd l') on her 3'c0+ &t'ring u- 't the ceiling2 She dre. her h'nd out *ro, 3ene'th the 3l'n0et& 'nd li*ted it u- 3e*ore her in the d'r0+ &tud)ing it+ turning it &lo.l) thi& .') 'nd th't2 And then he&it'ntl)+ lightl)+ &lo.l)+ &he dr'gged the *inger& o* her other h'nd *ro, the center o* her -'l,+ do.n the &il0) &0in 3ene'th her *ore'r,+ then turned the, round to 3ru&h the, u- 'g'in&t the &hort h'ir& o* her 'r,2 She li&tened to her 3od) '& &he did it+ 'nd *elt her o.n touch echoing in her6' .hi&-er o* &en&'tion 't her &-ine+ 't the n'-e o* her nec0+ 't the croo0 o* her leg&6'& though &o,ething in her h'd 3een gentl) '.'0ened2 And li0e ,o&t thing& .hen 4u&t '.'0ened9it h'd 'n '--etite2 'nted ,ore2

h) do )ou &u--o&e ' .o,'n?& &0in i& &o &o*t9&o <er)+ <er) &o*t9i* it i&n?t ,e'nt to9 te,-tF And then &he i,'gined other *inger& on her &0in+ long+ con*ident *inger&+ lightl)+ &lo.l) tr'cing the <er) &',e -'th2 The thought o* hi,+ 4u&t the thought o* hi,+ .'& ' 3olt o* lightning 't the 3'&e o* her &-ine2 A con*l'gr'tion o* &en&'tion &.e-t through 'nd &tole her 3re'th on it& .')2 Stunning2 It .'& '& though e<er) -'rt o* her h'd le'-ed to heed ' c'll it h'd 3een .'iting *or2 And i* .e 'ren?t ,e'nt to t'0e -le'&ure in our o.n &0in+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ .h) then c'n &o <er) ,uch -le'&ure 3e h'd *ro, touching it9'nd *ro, 3eing touchedF She thru&t her h'nd 3ene'th her 3l'n0et& 'g'in2 "urled it into ' *i&t2 There .ere other .')& o* 3eing+ &he 0ne.+ 4u&t '& there .ere other l'nd& 3e&ide& Engl'nd+ 'nd one couldn?t e;-erience 'll o* the,2 Not e<er) thre&hold .'& ,e'nt to 3e cro&&ed+ or e<er) curio&it) indulged2 And &he did h'<e ' &trong .ill2 And &o &he .illed her thought& in other+ ,ore *',ili'r direction&+ 'nd the) 3ec',e ,ore &oothing2 She dri*ted to &lee- on thought& o* her *uture 't Geo**re)?& &ide+ the <ic'r?& .i*e 't !uc0&te'd He'th2 !ut in dre',& .ill h'& no 4uri&diction2 And &o &he dre',ed o* 'nother ,'n entirel)2

"HA=TER NINE T HE NEHT 7ORNING S'3rin' '.o0e .ith ' grinding he'd'che+ ' re&ult o* too ,uch *ood 'nd ,ore .ine th'n &he .'& 'ccu&to,ed to+ 'nd -erh'-& too ,uch o-er' &inging@ -erh'-& tho&e gr'nd note& .ere &till ricocheting '3out in her he'd2 It .'& the &ort o* he'd'che th't ,'de her &to,'ch roil+ 'nd .hen the ,'id c',e in to 3uild the *ire+ &hu**ling 'nd cl'n0ing thing&+ S'3rin' turned her *'ce into her -illo. to &ti*le ' gro'n o* -'in2 She .ondered i* thi& .'& ho. de3'ucher& *elt e<er) ,orning+ 'nd .ondered .h) the) 3othered .ith de3'ucher)+ i* thi& .'& the c'&e2 She &t'ggered out o* 3ed 'nd -eered out the curt'in&+ 3ut e<en the *l't .inter light &t'33ed through her e)e into her &0ull2 She didn?t li0e the loo0& o* the &0)2 It loo0ed *ull 'nd re&ent*ul2 =ortentou&2 The &0) loo0ed *ull 'nd re&ent*ulF It .'& 4u&t the &ort o* i,-re&&ion th't .ould h'<e .orried her *'ther2 $S'3rin'+ .h) 'ren?t )ou65 It .'& 7'r)+ .ho h'd 3ur&t in to *ind S'3rin' in her night r'il+ clutching the .indo. *r',e2 $S-e'0 &o*tl)+ 7'r)+5 S'3rin' cro'0ed2 $I?<e ' 3'd he'd25

$Oh+ de'r(5 7'r) .hi&-ered .orriedl)2 She '--ro'ched S'3rin' tent'ti<el)+ '& though the 3'd he'd ,ight 3e cont'giou&+ 'nd -l'ced the 3'c0 o* her h'nd 'g'in&t S'3rin'?& *orehe'd2 $ ell+ )ou 'ren?t *e<eri&h+5 &he &'id 3ri&0l)2 $!ut do )ou thin0 )ou c'n tr'<elF5 $I ', &orr)+ 7'r)+ 3ut I re'll) don?t 3elie<e ' c'rri'ge ride o<er rutted ro'd& 2 2 25 She clo&ed her e)e&+ -icturing it2 And -icturing it 3rought ' *re&h thu,- o* -'in 'nd &t'rted ' &.irl o* n'u&e' in the -it o* her &to,'ch2 $Geo**re) 'nd the "ol3ert& .ill 3e &o di&'--ointed+5 7'r) &'id .i&t*ull)2 And then S'3rin' rec'lled th't ' gre'ter di&'--oint,ent '.'ited Geo**re) .hen he returned+ .hich .'& .hen &he .ould tell hi, &he?d *'iled to -er&u'de the e'rl o* hi& c'u&e2 $You?ll return <er) &oonF5 &he &'id to 7'r)2 $In ' d') or &o2 It?& onl) ' *e. hour& 3) c'rri'ge+ 'nd the e'rl h'& gr'ciou&l) 'llo.ed u& the u&e o* hi&2 He?& &oooo h'nd&o,e+ don?t )ou thin0+ S'3rin'F The e'rlF It?& di**icult to 3elie<e he?& &o <er) .ic0ed+ 3ec'u&e hi& ,'nner& 're &o *ine2 Do )ou &u--o&e 7i&& Lic'ri 'nd he9 l'&t night 2 2 25 7'r) .hi&-ered it2 $Unnnnh 2 2 25 S'3rin' ,o'ned 'nd -ut the *l't o* her o.n ,erci*ull) cool h'nd& on her te,-le&2 She didn?t .'nt to thin0 o* it2 $All right+ 'll right+5 7'r) &'id gentl)+ 3ut &he .'& cle'rl) ' 3it di&'--ointed the) .eren?t to h'<e ' 3it o* ' go&&i-2 $I?ll '&0 7r&2 !'ile) to &end u- te' 'nd ' he'd'che -o.der2 I &h'll ,i&& )ou+ 3ut I &h'll re*r'in *ro, gi<ing )ou ' hug 't the ,o,ent+ '& )ou loo0 '& though )ou ,ight c'&t )our 'ccount& u-on ,e25 $7) th'n0&+5 S'3rin' &'id .r)l)2 $!ut+ 7'r)+ do 3e c're*ul2 I don?t li0e the loo0 o* the &0)25 7'r) &ighed2 $Oh+ S'3rin'25 She &'id it 'l,o&t -it)ingl)2 $E<er)thing .ill 3e 'll right+ 'nd it?& not 'n o,en2 The e'rl .ill e<entu'll) need to do &o,ething to en&ure ' -l'ce in He'<en+ 'nd .h) &houldn?t the *unding o* Geo**re)?& <enture 3e itF5 Ah+ 7'r)2 The o-ti,i&t2 S'3rin' didn?t enlighten 7'r) '3out l'&t night?& con<er&'tion+ 3ec'u&e it .ould onl) -rolong the one &he .'& h'<ing no.2 $Let?& get )ou 3'c0 into 3ed+ no.2 I &h'll &ee )ou in ' *e. d')&25 And &o S'3rin' .'& &ettled 3'c0 into her 3ed+ 'nd 7'r) turned the -illo. &o th't the cool &ide .ould cr'dle S'3rin'?& tender he'd2 So,eti,e l'ter the &ole,n hou&e0ee-er 3rought in chocol'te 'nd ' he'd'che -o.der2 S'3rin' dri*ted into dre',& th't .ere '&toni&hingl) <i<id+ i* not re&t*ul+ '& the -o.der too0 her he'd'che '.')2 L'ter+ S'3rin' re,e,3ered the ,o,ent the 3li88'rd &truc02 A cloc0 &o, in the <'&t hou&e h'd chi,ed three ti,e&6could it re'll) 3e three o?cloc0F6'nd &hortl) '*ter th't+ '

<iolent .ind *lung o-en the .indo.& 'nd ro'red through the roo,+ d'&hing u- the curt'in& 'nd 0noc0ing o<er the *ire-l'ce -o0er2 S'3rin' le'-ed out o* 3ed 'nd thre. her .eight 'g'in&t the .indo.+ &truggling .ith the l'tch2 It ,u&t h'<e 3een o-en 4u&t ' 3it@ -erh'-& the con&cientiou& 7r&2 !'ile) h'd decided *re&h 'ir .ould re<i<e 7i&& F'irleigh2 Once the 3ur&t o* 'cti<it) .'& o<er+ S'3rin' re'li8ed &he .'& light-he'ded+ no dou3t *ro, hunger+ 3ut no longer in -'in2 The he'd'che -o.der h'd done it& .or02 It .'& cool ne'r the .indo.&+ 3ut the *it o* the, into their *r',e& .'& gr'ti*)ingl) &nug+ 'nd .hen &he held her h'nd u- 'g'in&t the *r',e+ &he *elt no 3ree8e2 !ut ' ho.ling .ind h'd *illed the &0) .ith ' <iolent &.irl o* &no.+ 'nd &he could &ee nothing o* the ground&2 She -ulled the he'<) 3roc'de curt'in& &nugl) clo&ed+ 'n).')+ 'nd .'ndered to the *ire+ &n'tching u- her &h'.l on the .')+ to he't her&el* 3e*ore it2 ='rt o* her .'& ' 3it -le'&ed &he?d 3een correctE ' 3li88'rd( E'rl)( The &:uirrel& h'd it right 'll 'long2 Then &he re'li8ed th't &he .'& 'lone in the hou&e .ith the e'rl+ 'nd 7r2 Signor' Lic'ri2 N'u&e' o* ' &ort returned 'g'in 't the thought2 She -r')ed 7'r) 'nd the other& h'd 'rri<ed 't the "ol3ert&? &'*el)2 The) h'd le*t &o <er) e'rl) thi& ,orning+ 'nd the "ol3ert& .ere 3ut ' *e. ,ile& '.')2 In 'll li0elihood the) .ere no. en&conced 3e*ore ' *ire+ chocol'te in h'nd&+ ch'tting -le'&'ntl)2 "hocol'te2 She .'& de*initel) *eeling ,ore her&el* i* chocol'te ,'de her &to,'ch gro.l2 It &ounded li0e ' &-lendid ide'2 S'3rin' e)ed the 3ell th't .ould c'll *or ' &er<'nt+ 'nd .ondered i* &he d'red gi<e it ' -ull2 It &ee,ed &he h'rdl) h'd the right2 And )et the e'rl e,-lo)ed ' 3'tter) o* &er<'nt& *or thi& <er) re'&on+ 'nd S'3rin' h'ted to thin0 th't one o* the, ,ight 3e 3ored2 She g'<e the 3ell ' -ull2 !ut no. 'nother re'li8'tion &ettled inE 3ec'u&e o* the 3li88'rd+ it .'& ' cert'int) th't it .ould 3e d')& 3e*ore 7'r) 'nd Geo**re) returned2 In ,o,ent&+ it &ee,ed+ 7r&2 !'ile) '--e'red2 She .'& c'rr)ing .ith her ' tr') to--ed .ith ' -ot th't &te',ed ' coco' &,ell+ 'nd l'id '3out it .ere lo<el) golden &lice&63re'd 'nd chee&e+ no dou3t2 $Th'n0 )ou+ 7r&2 !'ile)2 You 're trul) 2 2 25 She didn?t *ini&h the co,-li,ent+ '& 7r&2 !'ile) *i;ed her .ith ' ,ildl) re-ro<ing loo0+ '& i* to &') &he .'& 'lre'd) *ull) '.'re th't &he .'& ' ,'r<el+ 'nd *ound co,-li,ent& conde&cending2 She .'& onl) doing her 4o32 )ndh',+ 'nd

$Th'n0 )ou+5 S'3rin' *ini&hed &h)l)2 $You 're *eeling ,ore li0e )our&el*+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 No .'& the 'n&.er to th't :ue&tion2 !ut 'n in*'ntr) 3'ttle .'& no longer t'0ing -l'ce in&ide her &0ull+ 'nd &he &u--o&ed thi& .'& ,ore li0e her&el*2 $Ye&+ th'n0 )ou+ 7r&2 !'ile)2 The -o.der .'& <er) e**icient25 7r&2 !'ile) nodded once+ &hortl)2 S'3rin' h'd ne<er &een the .o,'n &,ile+ though &he .'&n?t -reci&el) dour2 Ju&t tre,endou&l) &eriou&+ 'nd di**icult to ch'r,2 =erh'-& the .eight o* her re&-on&i3ilitie& in thi& gr'nd hou&e dr'gged her ,outh do.n 'nd ,'de &,iling i,-o&&i3le2 $7i&& F'irleigh+ the e'rl h'& in*or,ed ,e th't he .ill 3e conducting ' tour o* &o,e o* the ,ore intere&ting roo,& in the hou&e+ 'nd h'& &ettled on h'l* -'&t the hour2 He i& '.'re th't )ou?<e 3een indi&-o&ed 'nd .ill 3e h'--) to he'r )ou 're no. *eeling 3etter2 I* )ou &hould c're to 4oin the other gue&t& in the &ol'riu, 't th't ti,e+ he &hould 3e -le'&ed25 S'3rin' dou3ted the e'rl h'd &trong o-inion& reg'rding her he'lth or her -re&ence+ unle&& he .i&hed to 'lle<i'te hi& o.n 3oredo, 3) -rodding her ' 3it ,ore+ 3ut &he nodded2 $Th't?& <er) 0ind o* hi,2 I &h'll 3e h'--) to 'ttend25 She dre&&ed in ' go.n th't .'& onl) *our )e'r& old+ .oolen 'nd high-nec0ed+ ' dee- ,'roon th't *l'ttered her <i<id coloring+ 'nd 't l'&t &he <entured do.n the &t'ir&2 She -'u&ed on the *ir&t l'nding to li&ten *or <oice&+ 3ut he'rd none+ 4u&t the ,u**led+ ne'rl) ',3ient &ound& o* &er<'nt& going '3out their .or0 'nd the irrit'3le .hine 'nd ,o'n o* the 3li88'rd .ind '& it .hi--ed 't the hou&e+ *ru&tr'ted it could *ind no cre<ice or cr'c0 or o-en .indo. to enter2 S'3rin' decided to ,'0e ' le*t turn 't the *oot o* the &t'ir& in&te'd o* ' right+ 'nd <entured to.'rd the 3'c0 o* the hou&e+ do.n the long ,'r3le h'll.')2 The ,'r3le .'& the color o* egg&hell+ inl'id .ith the &h'-e& o* &t'r& in ' ru&&et &h'de2 She r'ther li0ed * ' ro'd o* &t'r&+ 'nd .ondered .here it .ould le'd2 It concluded in ' &ingle <'&t roo,+ the *loor ,'r3led '-'rt *ro, ' *e. &c'ttered c'r-et&+ the do,ed ceiling held u- 3) t.o gr'nd -ill'r& in the center o* it2 She *ollo.ed the -ill'r& u- .ith her e)e& 'nd *ound the ceiling .'& -'inted 'll o<er in &t'r&2 Gold le'*+ *ro, the loo0& o* thing&+ 'nd 'rr'nged in the &h'-e& o* con&tell'tion&6&he recogni8ed the,2 Arched .indo.& th't re'ched ne'rl) to the ceiling *l'n0ed the roo,+ 'nd e'ch .indo. .'& inl'id 't the to.ith e;:ui&ite &t'ined-gl'&& i,'ge&E ' ,idnight-3lue *ield &c'ttered .ith <i<id &t'r&+ ' &ole,n-*'ced ,oon -re&iding o<er e'ch2 The) .ere lo<el) 'nd *'nt'&tic+ the&e .indo.&+ i,'ge& *ro, ' dre',2 A *ire 3urned 't one end o* the roo,+ 'nd cro.ded 'round it .'& ' collection o* *urniture u-hol&tered in dee- 3lue 'nd i<or) 'nd -ro--ed u- on gilded 3o.ed leg&2 Th't?& .hen &he &'. 7r2 )ndh',2 An e'&el .'& 3'l'nced 3e*ore hi,+ 'nd he held ' -'int3ru&h 3et.een hi& teeth '& he &t'33ed '.') 't ' c'n<'& *ro, ' -'lette o* color& ne'r hi, .ith 'nother 3ru&hE Dot dot dot dot dot dot dot2 And then he tr'n&*erred the 3ru&h in hi& h'nd to hi& teeth de*tl) 'nd the 3ru&h 3et.een hi& teeth to hi& h'nd+ 'nd .ent 't the c'n<'& .ith

3ro'der &.ee-ing ,otion&+ ' 3it li0e .'<ing ' .'nd2 Hi& &hirt .'& re,'r0'3l) color*ul+ &-l'&hed e<er).here .ith e<idence o* -re<iou& e**ort&2 No dou3t it h'd once 3een .hite2 She couldn?t get ' loo0 't hi& trou&er& *ro, .here &he &tood+ 3ut &he &u&-ected the) .ere in the &',e condition '& hi& &hirt2 )ndh', loo0ed u- 'nd noticed her+ 'nd -luc0ed the 3ru&h '.') *ro, hi& teeth to &,ile 't her2 $ ell+ good '*ternoon+ 7i&& F'irleigh2 I ho-e )ou?re *eeling 3etter25 $Ye&+ th'n0 )ou+ 7r2 )ndh',2 I don?t .i&h to intrude2 I?ll 4u&t65

$You &h'n?t 3e interru-ting2 "o,e+ tell ,e .h't )ou thin0 o* ,) -icture25 She ,o<ed clo&er 'nd <entured ' -ee0 't the c'n<'&2 She &'. tree&+ t.o o* the,+ the needled <'riet)+ 'g'in&t ' t.ilight &0)2 There .'&n?t ,uch el&e on the c'n<'& )et2 She &u--o&ed the dotting ,otion h'd cre'ted the 3l'de& o* gr'&& 't the *oot o* the tree&+ 'nd the &.ee-ing h'd cre'ted the &0)2 $It?& not <er) good+ i& itF5 He &'id thi& ,'tter-o*-*'ctl)+ .ith no e<idence o* di&'--oint,ent+ 'nd no &ign th't he .'& *i&hing '3out *or ' co,-li,ent2 $ ell9I 2 2 25 She didn?t 0no. .hether &he thought it good or not2 She?d cert'inl) &een -icture& th't -le'&ed her ,ore2 She .'& ' *'ir h'nd 't .'tercolor&+ 3ut onl) ' *'ir h'nd+ '& &he h'dn?t ,uch tr'ining 'nd truth*ull) not ' good de'l o* intere&t in it2 And 3e&ide&+ her .or0 't the <ic'r'ge le*t her no ti,e *or th't &ort o* thing2 The) loo0ed <er) ,uch li0e tree&+ hi& tree&@ hi& &0) loo0ed <er) ,uch li0e ' &0)2 No dou3t it .ould 3e 'n 'de:u'te -icture .hen he .'& *ini&hed .ith it2 $I *e'r I?, not :u'li*ied to 4udge ' -'inting+ 7r2 )ndh',25

$Non&en&e2 Do )ou li0e it+ or don?t )ou+ or don?t )ou 0no.F5 $I &u--o&e I don?t 0no.+5 &he con*e&&ed2 $Ah+5 he &'id cheer*ull)+ *olding hi& 'r,& 'cro&& hi& che&t2 $There )ou h'<e it2 A -'inting o* 'n) ,erit .ould h'<e in&-ired &o,e o-inion+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ 'nd I &u&-ect )ou h'<e the &en&i3ilitie& to 4udge 't )our di&-o&'l+ &hould )ou choo&e to u&e the,2 I *e'r I?, '<er'ge 't 3e&t+ though I .ould h'<e -re*erred to o.n ' 3it o* t'lent2 !ut R'.den .ill in&i&t on co,,i&&ioning -'inting& *ro, ,e+ 'nd hi& co,,i&&ion& 0ee- ,e in 3lunt2 He -ro*e&&e& to en4o) the,+ the tree& 'nd hill& 'nd .h'tnot2 I .ouldn?t -re&u,e to :ue&tion hi& t'&te in th't reg'rd2 Hi& t'&te i& u&u'll) *l'.le&&25 $=erh'-& )ou &hould tru&t hi& t'&te then+ 7r2 )ndh',2 =erh'-& )ou 're 3eing too ,ode&t25

Thi& &ee,ed to &tri0e hi, '& *unn)2 $No one h'& e<er 'ccu&ed ,e o* 3eing too ,ode&t+ 7i&& F'irleigh2 h't I ', not i& delu&ion'l2 And I thin0 thi& ,') 3e ' -it)+ 3ec'u&e I &o,eti,e& 3elie<e delu&ion i& the 3etter -'rt o* t'lent2 Loo0 't "oleridge+ *or in&t'nce25 $The -oetF5 &he '&0ed+ ' little une'&)2

$Ne<er ' &o3er d') in hi& li*e+5 )ndh', con*ir,ed c'rele&&l)2 $O-iu,+ 'lcohol+ .o,en25 He &:uinted 't hi& -'inting *or ' ,o,ent+ then lunged *or.'rd+ ru33ed 't it .ith hi& thu,3+ then ru33ed hi& thu,3 on hi& &hirt2 O-iu,+ 'lcohol+ 'nd .o,en2 Good he'<en&2 An 'l'r,ing re,inder th't The Li3ertine c',e 3) hi& no, de -lu,e r'ther hone&tl)+ gi<en the co,-'n) he 0e-t2 $And th't little -iece )ou -l')ed l'&t night on the -i'no*orteF You -l') :uite .ell+ 3) the .')+ 7i&& F'irleigh25 $OhF Do IF I65 $R'.den co,,i&&ioned it *ro, ' &,'ll French *ello. n',ed L' V'lle+ .ho co,-o&e& :uite 3e'uti*ull) .hen he?& not in hi& cu-&+ 'nd he?& u&u'll) in hi& cu-&2 I?, '*r'id Rh)& r'ther 0ee-& hi, in hi& cu-&+ gi<en the nu,3er o* -iece& he?& co,,i&&ioned2 Other.i&e+ no one .ould e<er 0no. o* hi,25 $!ut it .'& ' 3e'uti*ul -iece+5 &he &'id+ h'l* '--'lled2 )ndh', l'ughed u- 't her2 $One doe& not -reclude the other2 Art doe& not re:uire &o3riet)+ 7i&& F'irleigh25 $!ut .h't o* the e'rlF5 $Oh+ Rh)& i& :uite ' di**erent c'&e 'ltogether2 He?& d'33led in e<er)thing th't c'n -re<ent ' ,'n *ro, 3eing &o3er+ o* cour&e+ 3ut hi& gre't tr'ged) i& th't he c'red *or none o* it2 "',e 3'c0 *ro, the .'r *ull o* -oetr)+ *or &o,e re'&on2 And -oetr) &ee,& to 3e hi& cur&e 'nd hi& 3le&&ing25 Such dr','+ 'll o* the&e 'rti&tic -eo-le+ .ith their t'l0 o* -'in 'nd cur&e&2 S'3rin' .'& relie<ed 'g'in to thin0 th't &he .'&n?t &u34ect to 3eing .hi--ed '3out 3) undue -'&&ion2 It .'& intere&ting to he'r th't the e'rl h'd co,e 3'c0 *ro, the .'r *ull o* -oetr)+ ho.e<er2 $!ut i& he ' good -oetF5 $He?& 'n e;tr'ordin'r) -oet+5 )ndh', &'id ,'tter-o*-*'ctl)2 $And I 3elie<e hi& -oetr) .ould &hoc0 )ou to )our 3one&+ 7i&& F'irleigh2 Do I &hoc0 )ou no.F5 $Ye&+5 &he &'id *er<entl)2 )ndh', l'ughed2 $I '-ologi8e2 I hone&tl) don?t 0no. ho. to &-e'0 to -ro-er )oung l'die&+ h'<ing ne<er &-ent ti,e .ith one2 !ut I don?t *righten )ou25 Thi& l'&t .'& ' &t'te,ent2 $Str'ngel)+ no25 It .'& ' 4e&t2 $ h't ' -it)25 He &,iled 't her then+ 'nd &ee,ed to loo0 't her *ull)2 She h'l* &u&-ected he?d 3een out to &hoc0 her+ th't hi& little &-eech h'd 3een ' ,onologue o* &ort& in -'rt *or hi& o.n entert'in,ent+ *or 'll o* the&e 'rti&tic -eo-le &ee,ed r'ther en',ored o* the,&el<e&2 !ut no. he .'& noticing her in e'rne&t2 7r2 )ndh', .'& h'nd&o,e+ too+ &he couldn?t hel3ut note+ .ith ' &ilent '-olog) to Geo**re)2 Le'n+ '& though he ne<er 'te <er) ,uch+ not

terri3l) ,u&cul'r+ .ith ru&&et h'ir2 Hi& no&e .'& ' 3it &trong 'nd 3lunt6&he &u&-ected it h'd 3een 3ro0en once63ut the re&t o* hi& *'ce .'& eleg'nt+ 'nd hi& e)e& .ere n'rro. 'nd d'r0+ .hich &uited hi,E the) .ere r'ther li0e the cro&&3o. &lit& cut into c'&tle .'ll&2 The intelligence 3e',ing *ro, the, .'& ,ore concentr'ted *or 'll o* it2 S'3rin' turned .hen &he he'rd 3oot& &tri0e ,'r3le 3ehind her2 And there .'& the e'rl hi,&el*2 She *elt her 3od) 3r'cing in hi& -re&ence+ '& though 'll o* her *'cultie& needed to 3e ,'r&h'led to t'0e hi, in2 $Good '*ternoon+ 7i&& F'irleigh25 Such ' lo<el)+ lo. <oice2 It ,u&t 3e ' *',il) ch'r'cteri&tic+ '& Geo**re) .'& c'-'3le o* &uch ' <oice .hen he g'<e ' &er,on+ though hi& .'& &o*ter+ ,ore o* 'n entre't) th'n ' co,,'nd2 $Are )ou *eeling 3etter+ thenF5 $Ye&+ th'n0 )ou2 7r&2 !'ile) 3rought u- ' he'd'che -o.der 'nd chocol'te25 The e'rl l'ughed 't thi&2 $Oh+ ,o&t o* the .orld?& ill& c'n 3e &ol<ed .ith he'd'che -o.der 'nd chocol'te2 Did &he &,ile 't )ouF I c'n ne<er get her to &,ile+ no ,'tter ho. I tr)+ 'nd &he h'& 3een .ith L' 7ont'gne *or '& long '& I c'n re,e,3er25 The 3li88'rd .ind h'd triu,-h'ntl) *ound the chi,ne) *or the roo,+ 'nd &ent the *ire .ildl) d'ncing *or 'n in&t'nt2 E<er)thing &ee,ed to 3eco,e ,ore e;tre,e in the e'rl?& -re&ence2 $No+5 &he *in'll) re,e,3ered to 'n&.er2 $I *e'r &he didn?t &,ile25 Thin0ing th't i* the e'rl couldn?t get her to &,ile+ then 7r&2 !'ile) .'& 'n i,-enetr'3le *ortre&&2 $Are )ou trou3ling 7i&& F'irleigh+ )ndh',F5

$She .'& o**ering 'n o-inion on ,) -'inting25 $And did &he li0e itF5 $She Gdoe&n?t 0no.2?F5 )ndh', ,'de it &ound li0e he .'& :uoting her2

$Oh+ 7i&& F'irleigh25 The e'rl ,i,ic0ed clutching ' 0ni*e to hi& he'rt2 $Don?t )ou 0no. th't?& the .or&t -o&&i3le thing )ou c'n &') to 'n 'rti&tF5 He .'& te'&ing2 $A& I?<e &'id <er) little to 'rti&t& 3e*ore thi& .ee0+ -erh'-& 7r2 he'rt to *orgi<e ,e+5 &he &'id lightl)2 )ndh', .ill *ind it in hi&

Good he'<en&2 '& &he *lirtingF She .'& *lirting2 S'3rin' 3lin0ed+ di&concerted 3) thi& thought2 It h'd 4u&t -o--ed out+ the *lirting2 The e'rl turned to her2 $Your *riend& h'<e gone on ' 4ourne) to <i&it the "ol3ert&+ 7i&& F'irleigh25 $Ye&+5 &he con*ir,ed+ ' 3it c'utiou&l)2 $And )ou 're 'lone here25

$Yeee&+5 &he re-e'ted2 $Are )ou concerned '3out .h't )our *'ther+ Vic'r F'irleigh+ ,ight thin0+ o* )ou le*t 'lone .ithout )our ch'-eroneF5 Ho. 3right hi& e)e& .ere .hen he .'& te'&ing2 $7) *'ther .ould '&&u,e 'n e'rl .ould -erh'-& 3e -o&&e&&ed o* ,ore ,'nner& 'nd &cru-le& th'n other ,en+ 'nd &houldn?t .orr) on ,) 3eh'l*25 Thi& -ro3'3l) .'&n?t 't 'll .h't Vic'r F'irleigh .ould thin0+ 3ut it ,'de the e'rl l'ugh 'g'in2 She re'li8ed &he <er) ,uch en4o)ed .'tching hi, l'ugh2 $I ho-e )ou .ill 4oin u& on the tour o* the hou&e+ 7i&& F'irleigh2 &hirt2 I .on?t h'<e )ou .'l0ing '3out co<ered in -'int25 )nd)+ -le'&e ch'nge )our

)ndh', cheer*ull) &tood 'nd 3eg'n -'c0ing '.') hi& -'inting &u--lie&2 $I he&it'te to le'<e )ou 'lone .ith the e'rl+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ 3ut I &h'll return <er) &hortl)2 And he onl) 3ite& .hen re:ue&ted25 He .in0ed '& he de-'rted2 $And e<en then+ it?& r'ther -le'&'nt+5 c',e the -urring <oice o* 7i&& Lic'ri+ .ho h'd 4u&t -ro.led into the roo,2 All thi& t'l0 o* 3iting no dou3t h'd ' -rurient ,e'ning2 S'3rin' decided it .'& intended to ,'0e her unco,*ort'3le+ 'nd *or th't re'&on &he re*u&ed to *eel unco,*ort'3le2 $The &t'ined-gl'&& .indo.& 're <er) 3e'uti*ul+5 &he &'id+ -retending &he h'dn?t he'rd2 $The ,oon loo0& &o -en&i<e25 The .hi,&ic'l o3&er<'tion .'& out o* her 3e*ore &he could &to- it2 $=en&i<eF5 The e'rl loo0ed ' ,o,ent+ hi& e;-re&&ion unre'd'3le2 And then he loo0ed u- 't the .indo.& S'3rin' h'd 3een 'd,iring e'rlier+ 't the &ole,n &t'ined-gl'&& ,oon -re&iding o<er the <i<id &-l'&h o* &t'r&+ 'nd '--e'red to gi<e thi& &eriou& thought2 $I &u--o&e it doe&+ doe&n?t itF The .indo.& .ere ,'de in ' tin) ,ount'in to.n in It'l)6Tre Sorelle63) ' cr'*t&,'n .ho doe& e;tr'ordin'r) .or02 Signor Gio<'nni S'ntoro2 I co,,i&&ioned the, 3ec'u&e the) re,inded ,e o* &o,ething ,) *riend D',ien Ru&&ell &'id 't 'terloo2 And 3ec'u&e+ o* cour&e+ I thought the) &uited the &t'r& on the ceiling2 Signore S'ntoro 'nd I di&cu&&ed color& *or the,+ 'nd ho. the light .ould &hine through the, 'nd ,'0e ' re*lection on the *loor 't <er) &-eci*ic ti,e& o* d')25 $He i& ' cur+5 So-hi' &'id in her <oice th't ,'de it &ound '& though &he .ere 4u&t .'0ing u'nd &tretching deliciou&l)2 $S'ntoro2 !ut he ,'0e& lo<el) thing&+5 &he 'llo.ed2 S'3rin' ne<er 0ne. :uite .h't to &') to So-hi' Lic'ri2

The &inger .'& r'di'nt tod')+ 'n 'ri' in ' dre&&2 F'ir h'ir -inned u-+ ' go.n the color o* ,ul3errie& in he'<) &il0+ the nec0line o* .hich -o&&e&&ed onl) ' gl'ncing 'c:u'int'nce .ith -ro-riet)2 The ,ound& o* her 3re'&t& -ee0ed u- out o* it li0e ' -'ir o* -e'rl&2 S'3rin' c'&t ' &urre-titiou& gl'nce do.n 't her o.n nec0line+ .hich .'& '--ro-ri'te to the .e'ther out&ide2 A -r'ctic'l dre&&2 And then &he gl'nced u- 'nd noticed th't the e'rl .'& doing the <er) &',e thing 't the <er) &',e ti,e2 Hi& glinting e)e& *lic0ed u- to ,eet her&2 S'3rin'?& e)e& *le. .ide@ &he turned '.') i,,edi'tel)+ *lu&tered+ ' little hitch in her 3re'thing2 )ndh', '--e'red then+ ' h'nd&o,e co't 3uttoned o<er hi,+ cr'<'t *lu**ed 'nd .hite2 He *lung hi& 'r,& out *or in&-ection+ 'nd the e'rl &hrugged+ 'nd 3eg'n hi& recit'tion2 $All right+ )nd2 L'die&+ )ndh', 'lre'd) 0no.& thi&+ 3ut the roo, .e?re &t'nding in i& c'lled the St'r Roo,2 The *ourth E'rl o* R'.den .'& 'n '&trono,er 3) '<oc'tion+ 'nd the ceiling i& in *'ct 'n 'ccur'te re-re&ent'tion o* the g'l';)+ or &o I?, told2 He 3uilt tho&e <'&t .indo.& on either &ide o* the roo, to 'llo. in '& ,uch &t'rlight 'nd ,oonlight '& -o&&i3le2 To *'cilit'te hi& <ie. o* he'<enl) 3odie&+ o* cour&e25 He *lic0ed 'n in*inite&i,'l &,ile 't S'3rin'+ .ho 3lin0ed+ '&toni&hed+ '& though he?d *lic0ed ' &-'r0 't her2 H'd th't 3een 'n innuendoF !ut the e'rl ,erel) continued &-e'0ing2 $And '& the -re<iou& occu-'nt& o* L' 7ont'gne ,'n'ged to &hoot out the u--er .indo.& .hile the) .ere h'<ing ' drun0en go 't grou&e in the -'r06'nd the) ,o&t de*initel) .eren?t ,e,3er& o* the Gillr') *',il)+ I &hould ,ention 6I co,,i&&ioned the &t'ined-gl'&& in&et& )ou &ee here2 A& I told 7i&& F'irleigh ' ,o,ent 'go+ .hen the light &hine& through 't cert'in ti,e& o* d')+ )ou c'n &ee the re*lection o* the ,oon 'nd the &t'r& <er) <i<idl) on the ,'r3le *loor25 S'3rin' gl'nced .here the e'rl ge&tured2 The &.irl o* &no. out&ide .'& ' <er) little light through+ 3ut &he i,'gined *or ' ,o,ent &he could &ee the ,oon 'nd the &t'r& on the *loor2 She r'ther ho-ed &he?d h'<e ' ch'nce to &ee the,2 $Other occu-'nt&F Did )ou rent out L' 7ont'gne to other occu-'nt& thenF5 $No25 A &ingle .ord2 $!ut9then .ho &hot out the .indo.&F5 $The) o.ned L' 7ont'gne+ 7i&& F'irleigh+5 the e'rl &'id &hortl)2 He continued &-e'0ing '& i* her :ue&tion h'd not 3een '&0ed2 $The t'3le )ou &ee here 3e*ore the &ettee+ 'nd the ch'ir&+ .ere de&igned 3) 7r2 George !ulloc0+ .ho+ coincident'll)+ .'& 'l&o co,,i&&ioned to de&ign the *urniture *or ' cert'in e,-eror .ho .'& 4u&t e;iled to St2 Helen'2 I 3ought the, *ro, 7r2 !ulloc0 &hortl) 3e*ore he -'&&ed ' *e. )e'r& 'go25 S'3rin'?& thought& .ere el&e.here2 So &o,eho. the Gillr')& h'd lo&t L' 7ont'gne+ 'nd &o,eho. the E'rl o* R'.den h'd 'c:uired it 'g'in2 S'3rin' re,e,3ered .h't Geo**re) h'd

&'idE th't Rh)& h'd 3een ne'rl) -ennile&&+ 'nd th't &o,eho.+ ,'gic'll)+ he?d h'd ,one) 'g'in2 And &o,eho. he?d ,'n'ged to turn the ,one) into ' *ortune2 E;tr'ordin'r) to thin0 itE he .'& -ro3'3l) 4u&t -'&t thirt) )e'r& in 'ge+ the e'rl+ 'nd &o,eho. he?d ,'n'ged to re'c:uire ' ,'gni*icent hou&e 'nd 'll the ,'gni*icent thing& in it2 S'3rin' e)ed the -iece& he .'& &-e'0ing o*+ inl'id e3on) 'nd gilt+ &i,-le 3ut &tri0ing+ g'thered '3out the &ettee+ .hich .'& ,uch ,ore orn'te 3) contr'&t2 She tried to i,'gine N'-oleon !on'-'rte on St2 Helen' &itting ',ong hi& o.n *urniture2 $"hi--end'le+5 the e'rl &'id+ noticing S'3rin'?& gl'nce 't the &ettee+ '& i* thi& e;-l'ined e<er)thing2 $Not ' !ulloc025 S'3rin' .ondered i* So-hi' Lic'ri con&idered "hi--end'le or !ulloc0 cur&+ 3ut the &o-r'no re*r'ined *ro, co,,ent2 And then the e'rl turned 'nd &trode *ro, the St'r Roo,2 Thu& -roceeded ' tour o* ' &ee,ingl) endle&& .'rren o* roo,&+ ,o&t o* the, *e'turing 't le'&t one -ortr'it o* &o,eone .e'ring ' .ig or ' ru** or ,ounted on ' re'ring hor&e2 The e'rl -ointed 't thing&+ ch'ir& 'nd &ettee& 'nd t'3le& 'nd c'ndel'3r'+ 'nd n',e& *le. 3) S'3rin' li0e e;otic 3ird&2 So,eone .ith the unli0el) n',e o* Grinling Gi33on& h'd c'r<ed the gorgeou&l) co,-lic'ted -'nel& in ' -redo,in'ntl) green &itting roo,@ ' 7r2 George He--le.hite h'd ,'de the ch'ir& in 'nother roo,@ ' c'r-et 3) the n',e o* Au3u&&on &tretched out o<er the *loor o* )et 'nother roo,2 S'3rin' .'& &truc0 3) the *'ct the e'rl &ee,ed 'l,o&t gri,l) -roud '& he 'nnounced the -ro<en'nce o* the <'riou& -iece&+ 'll o* .hich .ere &-otle&&+ the .ood gle',ing+ the color& in the c'r-et& *re&h2 She con&idered th't thi& ,ight 3e the re'&on 7r&2 !'ile) ne<er &,iled2 =erh'-& &he .ent to 3ed 't night thin0ing o* 'll the du&t re:uiring <'n:ui&hing 'ne. e'ch d')2 7o&t o* the *urniture 't the Tin3ur) <ic'r'ge h'd 3een ,'de 3) &o,eone S'3rin' -er&on'll) 0ne.+ 'nd .'& &turd) 'nd *unction'l 'nd ne<er+ no ,'tter ho. &he tried+ trul) gle',ed2 Too ,uch u&e h'd 3een gotten out o* e<er) &tic0 o* it2 The -i'no*orte h'd 3een ,'de 3) !ro'd.ood+ ' <er) re&-ect'3le ,'0er o* -i'no*orte&+ 3ut it h'd 3een &o thoroughl) -l')ed 3) nu,erou& -re<iou& o.ner& 3) the ti,e the F'irleigh& 'c:uired it th't the D 0e) ne;t to ,iddle " needed to 3e thu,-ed h'rd to get it to ,o<e+ 'nd ' *e. o* the 3l'c0 0e)& didn?t ,o<e 't 'll2 The) -'&&ed 3) ' &,'ll roo, the e'rl didn?t 3other entering+ though he did ge&ture to it2 $U&ed 3) ,) *'ther?& ,'n o* '**'ir& '& 'n o**ice+5 he told the,2 $And no one u&e& it no.25 S'3rin' -eered in '& the) -'&&edE )e&+ e<er)thing in there gle',ed '& .ell2 $Ah2 And thi& i& .h't I .'nted to &h're .ith )ou tod')25 The e'rl h'd -'u&ed in the door.') o* ' g'ller) o* &t'tue&2 !e*ore the, .ere ro.& o* eleg'nt ,'r3le *igure& c'-tured in ,otion or re-o&e+ &o*tl) in the d')light2 $The *ourth E'rl o* R'.den 3eg'n co,,i&&ioning &cul-ture& o* the god& 'nd godde&&e& 'nd de-iction& o* Gree0 ,)th&2 You?ll note here .e h'<e Led' tu&&ling .ith the &.'n6-oor Led'

6'nd here?& J'&on56the e'rl &trolled 3) 'nd g'<e ' gentle -'t to J'&on?& ,'r3le 3ice-& 'nd ,o<ed on6$'nd here?& Di'n' *l'n0ed 3) ' -'ir o* deer+ 'nd thi& i&65 $=er&e-hone+5 S'3rin' 3re'thed+ dri*ting o<er to her2 She .'& 3e'uti*ul+ =er&e-hone .'&+ her *'ce gentl) re&igned+ ,ore thought*ul th'n unh'--)@ ' -o,egr'n'te cu--ed in one -'l,+ her chee0 cr'dled in the other2 The tog' &he .ore *lo.ed to her 'n0le&+ '& *luid '& &il02 Her el3o. re&ted on .h't '--e'red to 3e the 'r, o* ' throne2 =er&e-hone+ the d'ughter o* the godde&& o* &-ring+ co,-elled to li<e in H'de& &i; ,onth& out o* the )e'r *or -'rt'0ing o* -o,egr'n'te &eed&2 Thu& denied the .'r,th o* her -re&ence+ the e'rth e;-erience& *'ll 'nd .inter+ or &o the ,)th h'& it2 )ndh', .'& lingering 't one end o* the g'ller) 'nd '--e'red to 3e &urre-titiou&l) co,-'ring Arte,i& the Huntre&&?& 3o&o, .ith So-hi' Lic'ri?&2 Signor' Lic'ri either didn?t notice or didn?t c're@ &he .'& e;',ining the ro. &t'tue& critic'll)+ her g'8e t'0ing 'll o* the, in+ li0e ' ,erch'nt ,ulling ' -urch'&e2 $The) 're <er) *ine+5 &he -ronounced generou&l)2 A& though Rh)& h'd 3een '.'iting her o-inion .ith 3'ted 3re'th2 Rh)& &'id nothing@ ,erel) *lic0ed 'n ',u&ed+ &lightl) in&crut'3le gl'nce her .')2 The lo<el) &inger ,o<ed on+ ro<ing -'&t &e<er'l ,ore &t'tue&+ 'nd -'u&ed to &tud) 'n 'n'to,ic'll)9thorough9&t'tue o* Hercule&2 Not ' ,ode&t -eo-le+ the 'ncient Gree0&2 And S'3rin' re,'ined ne'r =er&e-hone 'nd the e'rl+ 'nd the l'tter &-o0e to her2 $You 're *',ili'r .ith the Gree0 ,)th&+ then+ 7i&& F'irleighF !ut the)?re 'll r'ther *illed .ith uncontrolled -'&&ion 'nd -eo-le 3eh'<ing 3'dl)+ .ouldn?t )ou &')F5 $The)?re ,)th&+ Lord R'.den+5 &he &'id ,ildl)2 $The)?re c'lled ,)th& -reci&el) 3ec'u&e the) 're not '3out 'ctu'l -eo-le+ 'nd didn?t 'ctu'll) h'--en25 Rh)& g'<e ' l'ugh2 $Ah+ 3ut there?& &o,ething )ou &hould 0no.+ 7i&& F'irleigh 2 2 25 He lo.ered hi& <oice ' little+ '& though to &-e'0 onl) to her2 $Thi& gre't .indo. here i& de&igned e&-eci'll) to illu,in'te the &t'tue& .hen the ,oonlight &l'nt& in2 And legend h'& it th't =er&e-hone co,e& to li*e .hen the light o* the *ull ,oon 't ,idnight touche& her *'ce25 S'3rin' &t'red 't the e;:ui&itel) det'iled &t'tue+ the rounded 'r,& 'nd thro't2 She could 'l,o&t 3elie<e it2 $ h't doe& &he do thenF5 &he '&0ed2 She .'& e,3'rr'&&ed .hen &he re'li8ed &he?d .hi&-ered it2 She cle'red her thro't 'nd re-e'ted it in her u&u'l <oice2 $ h't doe& &he do thenF5 The e'rl tilted hi& he'd in :ue&tion+ &,iling ' little2 $Doe& )our :ue&tion ,e'n )ou 3elie<e &he ,ight <er) .ell co,e to li*e+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 $I?, in:uiring '*ter the legend+ Lord R'.den+5 &he &'id e<enl)2 $I i,'gine the legend 'ddre&&e& .h't &he doe& '*ter &he co,e& to li*e25

$ ell+ I don?t 0no. th't -'rt o* the legend+ truth*ull)2 I i,'gine &he loo0& *or ' .') out+ li0e the =er&e-hone o* ,)th25 Thi& &uddenl) &truc0 S'3rin' '& terri3l) &'d2 She .ent :uiet *or ' ,o,ent2 $!ut the ,oon .ill 3e *ull tonight+5 &he &'id &o*tl)2 S'3rin' -eered ,ore clo&el) 't the det'il o* =er&e-hone?& *'ce+ &truc0 't ho. )ielding the ,'r3le could &ee, until one 'ctu'll) touched it2 Her li-& 'nd no&tril& .ere delic'te@ her h'ir .'& dre&&ed high in the Greci'n *'&hion+ 3ut re,'r0'3l) *ine ,'r3le tendril& o* it clung to her chee0&2 $She doe& loo0 &o*t+ doe&n?t &he+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 Hi& <oice .'& &o*t+ too2 She loo0ed u-+ &t'rtled th't he &hould 0no. her thought&2 And lo&t her&el* ' ,o,ent in tho&e e)e&2 $Sh'll I tell )ou -reci&el) .here ' .o,'n i& &o*te&tF5 The :ue&tion .'& hu&0)+ 3eguiling2 7ore 'n in<it'tion th'n ' :ue&tion2 hen &he didn?t 'n&.er+ *or &he couldn?t 'n&.er+ he 3eg'n it '& i* he .ere telling ' t'le 'round ' *ire2 Hi& <oice lo.ered+ 'nd the e**ect .'& '& i* he?d re'ched o<er 'nd &lo.l) turned do.n the l',-2 $There?& ' -l'ce9here 2 2 25 So &o*t+ hi& .ord&+ 'nd &he .'tched hi& h'nd &lo.l)+ &lo.l) ri&e u-@ her e)e& tr'c0ed it2 hen it l'nded on the under&ide o* hi& 4'.+ &he e;h'led ' &hort 3re'th@ &he could *eel the echo o* hi& touch on her o.n &0in2 And then he dre. ' *inger 3ene'th the &trong eleg'nt line o* hi& 4'.+ lightl)+ *ro, hi& chin to 4u&t 3elo. hi& e'r2 $Ju&t here2 The &0in i& delic'te '& -et'l&+ li0e ' 3'3)?& &0in+ '& though nothing o* the e'rth h'& touched it &ince the d') &he .'& 3orn2 And i* ' ,'n touche& ' .o,'n here+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ 4u&t &o9he c'n *eel the 3e't o* her he'rt :uic0en in re&-on&e to hi,25 S'3rin' could not h'<e &-o0en i* &o,eone h'd *ired ' ,u&0et ne;t to her e'r2 The e'rl?& e)e& .ere d'r0@ the 3lue held g'l';ie&2 $And .hen ' .o,'n?& he'rt :uic0en&+ I i,'gine .h't &he i& *eeling 't th't ,o,ent9 e<er).here in her 3od)2 And i,'gining thi& doe&9e;tr'ordin'r) thing& to ,) o.n 3od)25 S'3rin'?& ,outh -'rted &lightl)@ &he could *eel her he'rt le'-ing+ 4'33ing 'g'in&t her2 She .ondered i* he could &ee the -ul&e in her thro't2 $Oh+ )e&+5 he continued ,u&ingl)+ $there 're oh-&o-,'n) -l'ce& to &'<or2 !ut the &o*te&t+ ,o&t tender -l'ce& 're the &heltered one&2 For in&t'nce+ there?& ' -l'ce 4u&t56hi& h'nd ,o<ed 'g'in+ do.n hi& tor&o+ lei&urel) tr'iling the line o* hi& 3utton&@ &he *ollo.ed it '& i* it .ere ' co,-'&&+ '& i* her e)e& .ere ch'ined to it6$here25 Hi& <oice .'& &,o0e .hen he &'id the .ord2 And he tr'ced ' &lo. &e,icircle+ once+ oh-&o-&lo.l)+ oh-&o-lightl)94u&t 3elo. hi& 3re'&t3one2

S'3rin'?& lung& loc0ed2 $Fine g'ller)+ Rh)&2 And )ou?<e reco<ered 'll o* the &t'tue&F5 )ndh', h'd '--e'red+ So-hi' Lic'ri 't hi& &ide+ 'nd S'3rin' h'dn?t e<en he'rd hi& *oot&te-& ,o<ing clo&er2 $All o* the,+5 Rh)& &'id+ tr'n&*erring hi& &tor)telling *inger& c'&u'll) into hi& -oc0et2 $Did )ou 0no. it?& ' *ull ,oon tonight+ )ndh',F5 $Ho. on e'rth do )ou 0no. th'tF5 $7i&& F'irleigh told ,e &o2 And .e 0no. &he .ould ne<er *i325 )ndh', turned to gi<e S'3rin' ' gentl) :ui88ic'l loo02 $ e9.e h'r<e&t her3& 't ' *ull ,oon in the <ic'r'ge g'rden2 I 'l.')& 0no. the c)cle& o* the ,oon2 7r&2 De.3err)9.ell+ ' .o,'n in Tin3ur) reco,,ended it2 It 3ring& out their ,o&t -otent :u'litie&25 There .'& ' &,'ll &ilence2 $It i& .h't countr) -eo-le 0no.+5 So-hi' Lic'ri indulged2 $I &u--o&e+5 S'3rin' &'id curtl)2 It &ee,ed <'&tl) ,ore u&e*ul in*or,'tion to -o&&e&& th'n the thing& the&e -eo-le 0ne.2 $Full ,oon& 3ring out the -otent :u'litie& o* -oet&+ too+5 the e'rl &'id idl)2 $Oh+ Rh)&( Siete co&K di<ertenti(5 So-hi'?& *inger& 3ru&hed the e'rl?& &lee<e lightl) 'nd &he g'<e ' &il<er) little l'ugh2 S'3rin' rec'lled he'ring th't l'ugh *lo't o<er to her on the .inter 'ir .hen the)?d *ir&t 'rri<ed2 The &o-r'no tr'n&*erred her g'8e to S'3rin'2 $7i&& F'irleigh+ good he'<en&2 I do 3elie<e )ou loo0 *e<eri&h2 =erh'-& .e?<e .e'ried )ouF5 Her tone+ 't le'&t+ &ounded concerned2 e'ried herF S'3rin' .'& 'l,o&t ',u&ed2 She .ondered i* 7i&& Lic'ri h'd 'n) ide' ho. ,uch e**ort it too0 to &i,-l) 3e -oor2 $Th'n0 )ou *or )our concern+ 7'd',e Lic'ri+ 3ut I ', trul)9un'**ected93) 'll the 'cti<it) here25 She 'ddre&&ed the&e .ord& to So-hi'+ 3ut &he .'& gr'ti*ied .hen &he &'.+ out o* the corner o* her e)e+ ' &.i*t little &,ile touch the e'rl?& li-&2 !ec'u&e her .ord& h'd 3een ,e'nt entirel) *or hi,+ '*ter 'll+ 'nd the) h'd 3een ,e'nt to 3e ironic+ 'nd iron) .'& not &econd n'ture to her2 And the) .ere 'l&o ' lie+ o* cour&e2 The .ord&2 He 0ne. th't+ too2

R'ther th'n 4oin the e'rl 'nd Signor' Lic'ri 'nd )ndh', *or dinner+ S'3rin' in<ented ' return o* her he'd'che2 She too0 &ou- in her roo,+ relie<ed to 3e 'lone .ith the &o*t color& 'nd her o.n thought&2 And l'ter+ re&tle&&l)+ &he &ought out the li3r'r)+ '& it .'& the clo&e&t thing to ' den th't L' 7ont'gne *e'tured+ .ith it& d'r0 color& 'nd &u3tle -'ttern&2 She *elt li0e ' &,'ll 'ni,'l &ee0ing &helter2 She did .'nt to thin02 She needed &o,ething to re-l'ce the i,'ge o* the e'rl?& 0no.ledge'3le+ illu&tr'ti<e h'nd&+ .hich lingered in her ,ind+ 'nd ,'de her *eel ne'rl) '& though &he?d h'd too ,uch .ine2 Deter,inedl)+ &he cho&e ' ro. o* 3oo0& to e;',ine+ 'nd r'n her *inger o<er the &-ine&E -hilo&o-h)+ religion+ hi&tor)2 All .ritten 3) gre't 'nd orderl) thin0er&+ 'll o* the, ,en2 An) one o* the, &ee,ed cert'in to get her ,ind ,o<ing 'long ' ,ore &ee,l) tr'c0+ i* onl) 3ec'u&e o* the e**ort re:uired to -lo. through the,2 !ut on the &hel* 4u&t 3elo.+ the other gold-e,3o&&ed title& .in0ed 't her li0e co:uette& *ro, 'cro&& ' 3'llroo,E Ye't&2 !)ron2 ord&.orth2 The Li3ertine2 The Li3ertineF Her 3re'th c'ught2 She 0ne. it h'dn?t 3een there the -re<iou& night+ or the night 3e*ore th't2 And )et there it .'& no.+ loo0ing '& though it h'd 'l.')& 3een there+ 3ound in green le'ther+ etched in gold+ 'nd '& &o,3er-loo0ing '& it& -hilo&o-her 3rethren on the &hel* '3o<e2 It .'& ' co:uette ,'&:uer'ding '& ' -hilo&o-her2 S'3rin' ignored the .in0& *or '& long '& &he could2 And then her h'nd dro--ed &lo.l)+ &te'lthil) to the ro. 3elo.2 She &n'tched The Li3ertine <olu,e *ro, the &hel* li0e ' dog &te'ling ' &cr'- *ro, the dinner t'3le 'nd 'll 3ut d'rted o<er to the &ettee2 And there &he curled u-+ her he'rt thu,-ing+ 'nd o-ened it to the *ir&t -'ge2

You 're the &il0 th't 3re'the& 3ene'th ,) h'nd I ', the -le'&ure )our &igh& co,,'nd And .ith 3re'th 'nd li-& let our 4ourne) 3egin6

And &o her 4ourne) 3eg'n2 The .ord& ,ight .ell h'<e 3een hi& h'nd&2 She .hi--ed her he'd '3out &uddenl)+ '& though &he could *eel hi& -'l,& l'nding on her &houlder&2 She 0ne. then &he couldn?t re'd hi& 3oo0 here+ in the li3r'r)2

She clo&ed the 3oo0 o<er her thu,3 to 0ee- her -l'ce+ then ,'de her .') u- the &t'ir& 'l,o&t *urti<el)2 The &ound o* lo. *e,inine l'ughter c',e to her di&t'ntl)+ '& i,-er&on'l '& 3ird&ong he'rd in ' g'rden2 It .'& d'r0 in her roo, '-'rt *ro, the *ire+ 'nd &he curled u- on her 3ed .ith the 3oo0+ her *'ce clo&e to the &o*tl) l',-2 And though .ith e<er) -'ge her ,ind told her &he &hould &to- re'ding+ her h'nd&+ '& i* o* their o.n 'ccord+ turned the ne;t -'ge 'nd the ne;t2 Until 't l'&t her he'd &.', .ith the e;-licit+ lu&h he't o* the .ord&2 She 0ne. &he ought to &to-+ 'nd &he *in'll) did+ 3ec'u&e+ '*ter 'll+ her .ill .'& ' &trong one2 !ut &to--ing .'& li0e -ulling her&el* u- *ro, ' dee- <el<et .ell2 It c'rried .ith it the &',e &ort o* <ertigo2 Gentl)+ &he l'id the 3oo0 '&ide2 S'3rin' ru33ed her h'nd& o<er her *'ce '& i* to re'c:u'int her&el* .ith it+ 3ut &o,eho.+ e<en th't <er) 'ct &ee,ed ne.E &he *elt '& though &he .ere *eeling her o.n &0in *or the *ir&t ti,e2 Her h'nd& h'd 3eco,e ' &tr'nger?& h'nd&+ her &0in ' ne. &0in2 A c'n<'& to 3e -'inted2 She?d '.'0ened to di&co<er &he .'& .e'ring9$3re'thing &il025 She too0 ' dee- 3re'th to &te'd) her&el*+ 3ut the <er) 'ct o* dr'.ing 'ir into her lung& h'd 3eco,e ' &en&u'l 'ct+ 'nd onl) heightened her '.'rene&&2 Oh+ Geo**re) .'& .rong2 The -oetr) .'&n?t &'l'ciou&2 The .ord .'& *'r too &i,-le2 There .'& ' <er) *ocu&ed 3e'ut) to it+ 'nd ' &u3tlet) di**icult to de&cri3e@ one didn?t re'd &o ,uch '& 3re'the hi& .ord&2 In the) .ent+ li0e &,o0e *ro, ' hoo0'h+ &te'ling &en&e 'nd re-l'cing it .ith &en&u'lit)2 And in &o,e .')& the) .ere re<erent+ hi& -oe,&+ 3ut the) .ere 'l&o &h',ele&& 'nd '3'ndoned2 The) told the &tor) o* ' ,'n .ho indeed under&tood ,ore th'n .'& *'ir '3out &eduction+ ' ,'n .ho li<ed through hi& &en&e&+ re<eled in the,2 And there h'dn?t 3een ' .ord in the 3oo0 '3out lo<e2 At l'&t S'3rin' &tood 'nd 3eg'n to undre&&2 She unl'ced her go.n+ &li--ing out o* it2 She?d ne<er h'd ' ,'id to hel- her .ith &uch thing&+ 'nd &he didn?t gi<e it ' thought2 She hung it in the .'rdro3e ne;t to it& countr) cou&in&+ the &,'ll collection o* thoroughl) .orn dre&&e& &he?d 3rought .ith her to L' 7ont'gne2 Once nude+ &he di,,ed the l',-&+ 'nd re'ched *or her night r'il2 !ut then &he -'u&ed2 And *or the *ir&t ti,e e<er+ &he &tood 3e*ore the ,irror 'nd loo0ed 't her&el*+ 'nd tried to i,'gine ho. &o,eone el&e .ould &ee her2 She &'. the gentle+ cur<ing .hitene&& o* her 3od) '& ne. terr'in6the &lo-e& o* her &houlder&+ the ,ound& o* her 3re'&t&+ the tri'ngle o* h'ir 3et.een her leg&6'nd i,'gined ' ,'n?& h'nd& e;-loring it+ &'<oring it+ t'0ing uni:ue -le'&ure in it+ in &o,ething &he?d 'l.')& t'0en *or gr'nted2 And &lo.l)+ h'rdl) d'ring+ &he did itE her h'nd ro&e 'nd cu--ed her 3re'&t gentl)2 And '*ter ' ,o,ent?& he&it'tion &he tr'ced the &',e -'th the e'rl?& *inger& h'd tr'ced e'rlier tod')+ on hi& o.n 3re'&t3one2 She clo&ed her e)e&2

She le'rned th't the &0in 3ene'th .'& indeed e;:ui&itel) &o*t2 A &hoc02 She?d ne<er 0no.n2 And+ oh+ the touch r'0ed '.'0e th't *ierce+ unidenti*i'3le .'nt 'g'in2 And no. it .'& e<er).here in her2

You 're the &il0 th't 3re'the& 3ene'th ,) h'nd 2 2 2

She &tood *or ' ,o,ent longer+ nude+ 3e*ore the ,irror+ until &he 3ec',e '.'re th't her &0in .'& -ric0ing u- in goo&e*le&h *ro, the cold2 She &li--ed her night r'il o<er her he'd 'nd re'ched *or ' &h'.l+ 'nd &tood *or ' ,o,ent indeci&i<el)2 The curt'in& h'd 3een -ulled clo&ed+ 3ut ' 3it o* ,oonlight .'& *orcing it& .') through2 S'3rin' *ollo.ed the &h'*t o* light .ith her e)e&+ 'nd thought o* =er&e-hone in the &t'tue g'ller)+ .'iting *or ,oonlight to '.'0en her2 And &uddenl) S'3rin' .'nted to &ee her2

"HA=TER TEN T HE IND HAD ce'&ed *or the ,o,ent to he'- ,ore &no. u- 'g'in&t the hou&e+ 'nd the :uiet .'& &o &udden 'nd thorough it <er) ne'rl) h'd ' te;ture2 7oonlight -oured in through the &o'ring 'rched .indo.& 'nd .'&hed o<er the ro.& o* &t'tue&2 S'3rin' he&it'ted on the thre&hold o* the roo,+ 'nd thi& he&it'tion+ '& .ell '& the &h'r- little curl o* 'ntici-'tion in the -it o* her &to,'ch+ ',u&ed her2 She '--ro'ched the &t'tue& 'l,o&t &te'lthil)+ until &he .'& ' ,ere *e. *eet '.') *ro, =er&e-hone2 !ut it .'& 'nother *e. &econd& 3e*ore &he ,u&tered the ner<e to li*t her c'ndle high enough to illu,in'te =er&e-hone?& *'ce2 =er&e-hone?& &,ooth ,'r3le e)e& g'8ed 3'c0 't her2 For &econd& o* &ilence S'3rin' .'tched the &t'tue2 Second& tic0ed into ' ,inute+ then t.o ,inute&2 Ho. long ,inute& 're .hen )ou?re .'iting+ S'3rin' thought idl)2 Fin'll)+ &he gre. ' 3it 3ored 'nd .hi,&ic'll) decided to re&t her c'ndle in =er&eu&?& out&tretched h'nd2 She &te--ed 3'c0 to.'rd the .'ll to 'd,ire it2 It loo0ed '& though he .ere 3e'ring ' torch2 $For ' ,o,ent I thought )ou .ere =er&e-hone co,e to li*e+ 7i&& F'irleigh25

S'3rin'?& he'rt didn?t -reci&el) &to-+ though it ,o&t de*initel) did &tutter2 And .hen it le'-ed *or.'rd 'g'in it .'& ,uch ,ore &.i*tl) th'n 3e*ore2 =erh'-& &he h'dn?t 4u,-ed out o* her &0in 3ec'u&e &he?d 'l,o&t e;-ected hi,2 Still+ &he didn?t d're turn 'round2 $Forgi<e ,e *or d'&hing )our ho-e&25 She .'& -roud o* her <oice+ e<en+ cool '& ,'r3le2 The <oice ' &t'tue .ould h'<e u&ed+ &he li0ed to thin02 Though her he'rt .'& no. 3e'ting &o r'-idl) &he .ondered it didn?t echo in the g'ller)2 $Gi<en th't I c',e here ho-ing to 3e &ur-ri&ed+ 'nd -erh'-& e<en9'.ed9I c'nnot in 'll hone&t) &') ,) ho-e& h'<e 3een d'&hed25 Dr'.led iron) in hi& &o*t+ &o*t <oice2 It .'&hed o<er her the .') the ,oonlight did2 It ch'nged the <er) roo,2 And her ,ind 0ne. he .'& 'n e;-ert 't choo&ing cle<er .ord& 'nd i,3uing the, .ith innuendo+ 't 'll the little thing& th't 'dded u- to &eduction2 In thi&+ he?d -ro<en hi,&el* 'n 'rti&t2 Oh+ )e&+ her ,ind 0ne. it2 Still+ it .'& not her ,ind th't &urged in re&-on&e to hi& <oice+ or &et the h'ir on the 3'c0 o* her nec0 &t'nding2 And in th't ,o,ent+ &he didn?t d're &-e'02 She re,'ined :uiet@ 'nd no. &he 3eg'n to *eel the .'r,th o* hi, 3ehind her+ '& &urel) '& though he .ere ' *ire 3urning lo.@ &he .ondered+ '3&urdl)+ i* he .'& clothed *or d') or night2 =erh'-& he .ore ' dre&&ing go.n 'nd ' c'-+ h'd co,e cree-ing do.n *ro, hi& ch',3er& dre&&ed *or &lee-2 It .ould cert'inl) de-*'ng hi,+ &o,e.h't2 She?d &een her *'ther+ Vic'r F'irleigh+ in hi& dre&&ing go.n 'nd c'-2 She h'd di**icult) i,'gining th't 'n) ,'n &o dre&&ed .ould -o&e 'n) &ort o* &en&u'l d'nger2 And then it occurred to her to .onder .h't the .'n ,oonlight .'& doing to her dre&&ing go.n+ 'nd he't ru&hed into her chee0&2 She *ought ' ,'idenl) i,-ul&e to -ull the &h'.l ,ore tightl) 'round her &houlder&+ 3ut &he &en&ed the ge&ture .ould ',u&e hi, 'nd con*ir, *or hi, e<er)thing he 3elie<ed '3out her2 For &o,e re'&on+ 't the ,o,ent+ the thought o* thi& .'& intoler'3le2 She re&tr'ined her&el*2 $ h't9.h't .ould )ou h'<e done i* )ou?d &een herF5 &he *ound her&el* '&0ing in&te'd2 She .'& genuinel) curiou&2 $=er&e-honeF5 $T'0e her to H'de& .ith ,e 't once+ o* cour&e25 He &ounded &ur-ri&ed th't &he needed to '&02 Thi& &t'rtled ' &hort l'ugh *ro, her2 $Or to London+ 't the <er) le'&t25 $I& there ' di**erenceF5 He ,'de it &ound li0e ' &eriou& :ue&tion2 $I .ouldn?t 0no.2 I& the entr'nce to London gu'rded 3) ' dog .ith three he'd&F5 She thought he ,ight l'ugh2 In&te'd+ it .'& :uiet 'g'in2 The c'ndle *l',e &n'--ed u-.'rd+ tugged 3) ' dr'*t2

$You?<e ne<er 3een to LondonF5 He &'id it &o*tl)+ 3ut he &ounded &o thoroughl)+ genuinel) '&toni&hed6'& i* &he?d 'd,itted &he?d ne<er le'rned to re'd+ or to e't .ith ' *or0+ &o,ething 4u&t th't *und',ent'l6th't &he couldn?t re&i&t &,iling2 And &he *in'll) turned+ &lo.l)+ to *'ce hi,2 hich o* cour&e re:uired loo0ing u- ' &igni*ic'nt di&t'nce2 No dre&&ing go.n 'nd .hi,&ic'l c'-2 hite &hirt+ o-en 't the thro't6it too0 ' ,o,ent to get 3e)ond tho&e *e. o-en 3utton&6'nd tho&e 3lue e)e& *i;ed u-on her2 Hi& e;-re&&ion di&concerted her2 He didn?t &ee, inclined to 3lin0+ *or one thing@ hi& g'8e on her *'ce .'& ne'rl) '& &te'd) '& the &t'tue?&9i* con&ider'3l) ,ore .'r,2 The .'r,th &he could &ee e<en 3) the co,3ined light o* ,oon 'nd c'ndle2 !ut &he .ould 'l&o h'<e c'lled it9 3e,u&ed2 It .'& '& i* t.o <er) di**erent notion& .ere .'rring in&ide hi,+ 'nd he .'& -u88led 3) 't le'&t one o* the,2 $I?<e ne<er longed to &ee London25 She he'rd the -ri, note in her o.n <oice2 =erh'-& it .'& *or the 3e&t2 He &i,-l) continued g'8ing2 She re*u&ed to 3e the *ir&t to loo0 '.')+ 'nd &o 'n '3&urd ,o,ent -'&&ed during .hich the) ,erel) g'8ed2 hen he &-o0e+ &he 'l,o&t &t'rted2 $7i&& F'irleigh+ do )ou h'<e ' ,irror in )our ch',3er&F5 $A ,irrorF5 She .'& -u88led2 He didn?t cl'ri*) the :ue&tion *or her@ he &,iled *'intl) '& i* 't &o,e -ri<'te 4o0e+ 'nd g'<e hi& he'd ' &lo. &h'0e+ to 'nd *ro2 And then '3&entl)+ 'l,o&t '**ection'tel)+ he re'ched out 'nd gentl) tugged the end& o* her &h'.l ,ore &nugl) 'round her2 A& though tuc0ing ' child into 3ed2 Ju&t '& her o.n h'nd h'd gone u- to do the &',e2 A &hoc0E the 3'c0& o* hi& *inger& touching her&2 Hi& &0in 'g'in&t her &0in2 He .'& &t'rtlingl) .'r,+ *l',e-.'r,2 And thi& &i,-le touch &ent ' 3u88 through her 3lood 'nd *l'&hed li0e lightning in her ,ind+ o3liter'ting thought2 She .ent ,otionle&&+ '&toni&hed+ 'nd loo0ed u- 't hi,+ '3&or3ing the &en&'tion2 "on*u&ion &hredded her thought&+ 'nd ' tide o* he't ro&e to.'rd the &ur*'ce o* her &0in2 Rh)& 0ne. 'n o--ortunit) .hen he &'. one+ 'nd he?d 3rilli'ntl) orche&tr'ted thi& one2 Tho&e lo<el) *ull li-& .ere -'rted 4u&t ' little@ her ,u&lin .r'--er *ell &o*tl) o<er the &li, line& o* her 3od)+ hinting 't lithe 3'rene&& 3ene'th2 Her d'r0 h'ir &hould h'<e 3een t.ined in ' ,i&&i&h 3r'id to 0ee- it *ro, t'ngling '& &he &le-t+ 'nd in&te'd it &-illed in d'r0 &il0en h'nd*ul& o<er her &houlder&2 Her e)e& .ere .ide 'nd &o*t+ &tunned 't the cont'ct o* hi& h'nd+ lulled 3) the ,oonlight2 He?d 0i&&ed ,)ri'd other .o,en *or ,uch le&& -ro<oc'tion2

And &o he &.i*tl) c'lcul'ted hi& 'ngle o* '--ro'ch+ 'nd did it2 He?d ,e'nt it to 3e ' &.i*t touch o* the li-&+ 4u&t enough to &c'nd'li8e her 'nd to &'ti&*) hi& o.n h'l*-.hi,&ic'l i,-ul&e+ to -ro<e to hi,&el* th't he h'd .onE he h'd lured her here+ 'nd hi& re.'rd .'& to 3e ' 0i&&2 !ut .hen hi& li-& ,et her&+ &o,ething .ent terri3l) .rong2 Or -erh'-& it .'& 4u&t th't &o,ething .ent too terri3l) right2 !ec'u&e9oh+ God2 Her ,outh .'& ' dre', 3ene'th hi&2 So &o*tl)+ &ur-ri&ingl) .elco,ing+ it .'& '& though &he?d 3een 'ntici-'ting thi& 0i&& her entire li*e2 =r'g,'tic'll)+ he thought it ,ore li0el) it .'& 3ec'u&e &he h'dn?t e;-ected to 3e 0i&&ed+ 'nd there*ore h'dn?t h'd ti,e to do the &en&i3le thing9.hich .ould 3e to &ti**en 'nd &l'- hi, in indign'tion2 He 0ne. he h'd 'n in&t'nt?& .orth o* 'd<'nt'ge+ 'nd reg'rdle&& o* .hether it .'& &en&i3le+ he .'&n?t '3out to relin:ui&h it2 Hi& 'r,& .ent 'round her loo&el) 3ut deci&i<el) 'nd he -ulled her into hi& che&t 3e*ore &he could do &o,ething &ill)+ li0e &to- hi,2 Her *ore'r,& *olded u-+ her h'nd& 3unched &o*tl) ne'r hi& coll'r3one+ her he'd ti--ed 3'c02 And no. th't &he .'& gentl) tr'--ed+ he lo.ered hi& he'd2 And he 0i&&ed her+ not '& though &he .'& ' <irgin+ or the <ic'r?& d'ughter+ or the 'l,o&t *i'ncIe o* hi& re&ent*ul cou&in2 He 0i&&ed her the .') ' .o,'n ought to 3e 0i&&edE .ith '3&olutel) no :u'rter2 Hi& ,outh -l')ed in&i&tentl) o<er the <ulner'3le &o*tne&& o* her&+ hel-ing her to di&co<er the e;:ui&ite &en&iti<it) o* her o.n li-&+ to &en&e the uni<er&e o* -o&&i3ilitie& in ' &i,-le 0i&&2 And .hen her li-& -'rted6'nd the) did+ 3ec'u&e hi& o.n deter,ined li-& h'd gi<en her no choice in the ,'tter6he 3re'ched the, .ith hi& tongue+ t'&ted .ithout -re',3le the <el<et) he't o* her ,outh+ 'nd -lundered2 It .'& ' 0i&& c'lcul'ted to &hoc0+ to ,elt 3one&2 He ,e'nt her to *eel it e<er).here in her 3od)+ to 'rou&e her &o &.i*tl) &he .ould 3e '3le to re&-ond onl) .ith .h'te<er in&tinct &he -o&&e&&ed2 Odd th't he &hould *eel thi& &u--o&edl) c'lcul'ted 0i&& e<er).here in hi& o.n 3od)2 Her ,outh &o*tened .ith hi&+ her &urrender ne'rl) co,-lete2 $Here25 He .hi&-ered the rough order 'g'in&t her ,outh+ t'0ing her .ri&t& in hi& h'nd& 'nd li*ting her 'r,& u- to *it 'round hi& nec02 Luiet triu,-h &urged .hen her h'nd& cl'&-ed there+ 'nd her &h'.l dri*ted to the *loor2 In the ,oonlight he &'. the d'r0 o* her ni--le& -e'0ed 'g'in&t her night r'il+ .hich .'& &o .orn it .'& ne'rl) '& &o*t '& &0in it&el*2 He &-'nned her &li, .'i&t .ith hi& h'nd&+ &'<oring the &u--le .'r,th 'nd cur<e& o* her2 $#i&& ,e+ S'3rin'+5 he ordered in ' ho'r&e .hi&-er+ nu88ling her &il0) cloud o* h'ir '&ide to touch hi& tongue to her e'r2 The he't o* her &.i*t 3re'thing 'g'in&t hi& thro't+ the 3ru&h o* her *inger& 'g'in&t the cri&- h'ir 't the 3'c0 o* hi& nec0+ ,'de hi, *r'ntic2 $#i&& ,e 3'c025 He returned hi& li-& to her&2 And glor) o* glorie&+ &he 0i&&ed hi, 3'c02 She *ound the rh)th, o* it+ 'nd the) e'&ed together into the hot l'nguor o* the 0i&&+ the 0ind o* 0i&& th't di&&ol<ed ti,e 'nd &ee,ed to 3eco,e it& o.n .orld+ th't de,'nded ,ore+ ,ore+ ,ore2

He li*ted hi& li-&+ *eeling oddl) drugged2 It?& onl) ' 0i&&2 $7) lord+ I 2 2 25 Her <oice .'& *r')ed 'nd d'8ed2 No :u'rter2 He touched hi& li-& to her thro't 'nd t'&ted her delic'tel)+ *elt the *ine .'&h o* goo&e*le&h ri&e2 A tin) &ound c'ught in her thro't+ ' .hi,-er o* -le'&ure2 Her *inger& ,o<ed in&tincti<el) through the *ine h'ir 't the n'-e o* hi& nec0+ 'nd her 3od) -re&&ed 'g'in&t hi&+ 'nd de&ire ne'rl) cle'<ed hi, in t.o2 $Are )ou .ondering .h't )ou?re *eeling+ S'3rin'F5 he ,ur,ured 'g'in&t her thro't 'nd 0i&&ed her -ul&e2 $Are )ou .ondering .h't )ou .'ntF h't )our 3od) .'nt&F5 $I65 A cho0ed .hi&-er2 $It?& thi&+5 he &'id ho'r&el)2 He cu--ed her 3uttoc0& 'nd li*ted her '3ru-tl)+ 4u&t ' little2 And then he let her 3od) &lide do.n &lo.l) 'nd h'rd 'g'in&t hi& erection2 And &he ,o'ned+ ' cho0ed &ound o* r'. -le'&ure+ 'nd clung to hi,2 No :u'rter2 $And it?& thi&+ S'3rin'25 She le'ned 'g'in&t the .'ll no.+ 'nd he &coo-ed ' h'nd 3ene'th her thigh 'nd &.i*tl) li*ted her leg 'nd thru&t 'g'in&t her+ ,o<ed hi& hi-& in ' &lo. grind 'g'in&t her night r'il+ 'g'in&t .here he 0ne. &he .'& hot 'nd &lic0+ 'g'in&t .here he 0ne. her 3od) cr'<ed hi,2 Her he'd *ell 3'c0 'nd &he &uc0ed in ' &h'r- 3re'th+ 'nd her n'il& dug into hi& &houlder2 $7o<e .ith ,e+ S'3rin'2 I &.e'r to )ou+ there?& no d'nger o* 'n)thing 3ut -le'&ure25 Hi& <oice .'& ' &h',ele&&l) .heedling r'&-2 He .'& d'ngerou&l) clo&e to 3egging+ li0e ' d',ned 3o) rutting .ith ' ch',3er,'id2 $I &.e'r to )ou+ it .ill 3e e;:ui&ite25 He .hi&-ered it+ ,'de it ' -ro,i&e2 He nu88led her e'r 'g'in+ 3re'thed hi& ne;t .ord& there+ ,'de &ure hi& coc0 &till *it &nugl) 't the croo0 o* her leg&2 $T'0e it+ S'3rin'+ .h't )our 3od) .'nt&2 T'0e it no.2 Or I?ll .'l0 '.')+ 'nd )ou?ll ne<er 0no.25 And thi& l'&t .'& ' thre't2 He *elt the tre,3ling ten&ion in her+ 'nd .ith ' &trength o* .ill he didn?t 0no. he -o&&e&&ed+ he loo&ened hi& 'r,&2 He .'nted her to choo&e2 He .'nted to 0no. .hich .'& &tronger in herE -'&&ion or -ro-riet)2 And he .'nted her+ God hel- the &coundrel in hi,+ to choo&e -'&&ion+ 3ec'u&e he .'nted &o,eho. to con:uer her+ to -ro<e hi& -oint to thi& too-cle<er girl2 To &o,eho. ,'0e her under&t'nd the .') he li<ed hi& li*e2 7o&tl)+ he conceded+ he 4u&t .'nted .ith 'n unre'&on'3le+ uncon&cion'3le ';-edged .'nt2 She ti--ed her he'd 3'c0+ loo0ed u- 't hi,+ her &.i*t r'gged 3re'th echoing hi&+ her l'&he& lo.ered+ e)e& he'<)-lidded+ in&crut'3le in the d'r02 He .ondered i* &he h'ted hi, in th't ,o,ent+ or h'ted her&el*2 He .ondered .hether he ought to ,ind2

And then her he'd dro--ed 'nd ro&e+ the &h'llo.e&t o* nod&2 She .'nted2 And he 0ne. onl) triu,-h2 And thi& ti,e it .'& he .ho gro'ned .hen &he roc0ed her 3od) 'g'in&t hi&+ t'0ing+ '& he?d urged her+ .h't her 3od) .'nted2 A lo. -ri,'l &ound dr'gged u- out o* hi, '& he 3uried hi& *'ce 'g'in&t her thro't+ 'nd -ulled her clo&er &till+ tightl) 'g'in&t hi,+ -u&hed hi& *inger& uthrough her h'ir+ o-ened hi& li-& 'g'in 'g'in&t the delic'te &0in 3ene'th her chin2 He 0ne. no ,'n 3e*ore hi, h'd e<er 3e*ore -re&&ed hi& li-& to th't &o*t+ &o*t -l'ce2 $Ye&+5 he r'&-ed2 Found her ,outh 'g'in2 She?d le'rned 'lre'd) ho. to de,'nd *ro, hi,2 Li-& ,eeting 'nd 3lending 'g'in+ tongue& t'ngling+ her *inger& in hi& h'ir+ hi& h'nd& ro',ing her 3'c0+ holding her tightl) 'g'in&t hi,2 Sil<ered in ,oonlight 'nd &tri-ed in &h'do.+ .ith 'n 'udience o* ,'r3le &t'tue&+ the) roc0ed 'g'in&t e'ch other+ 'nd &o,eho.+ *or Rh)&+ thi& &lo.+ clothed+ 'dole&cent d'nce .'& ,ore erotic th'n i* he?d ,ounted her nude2 Ver) :uic0l) he could *eel her 3egin to unr'<el in hi& 'r,&+ *eel the ten&ion tightening her li,3&+ he'r her 3re'thing co,ing rough+ &t'cc'to2 Her ,o<e,ent& 'g'in&t hi, &.i*ter+ ,ore -reci&e+ '& &he *ound the &ource o* her -le'&ure@ he 0ne. her rele'&e .'& co,ing u-on her2 So lightl)+ lightl)+ he touched her ni--le&+ &0i,,ed the, .ith 3oth -'l,&2 She 'rched+ g'&-ing2 He .'nted her to 0no. there .'& ,ore2 And -erh'-& it .'& cruel+ 3ut .hen thi& .'& done+ he .'nted to le'<e her .'nting+ .'nting2 ondering2 And e<en &o+ he *elt the enor,ou& ten&ion g'thering .ithin hi,+ 'nd he .'& '&tounded2 He 0ne. he .'& '3out to &-ill in hi& trou&er& in ' .') he h'dn?t &ince he .'& thirteen )e'r& old+ 'nd it could not 3e hel-ed+ 'nd he didn?t .'nt it to 3e hel-ed2 $Rh)&65 He cu--ed ' h'nd 3ehind her he'd 'nd -re&&ed her *'ce 'g'in&t hi& che&t &o hi& n',e .ouldn?t echo through the g'ller)2 Her 3od) &hoo0 .ith it& *ir&t e<er rele'&e+ 'nd he held her+ re<eling in it+ e<en '& ,o,ent& l'ter hi& o.n &hoc0ed hi,+ r'c0ed hi, .ith ' 3li&& une;-ected+ .ith ' &.eet lightne&&2 $S'3rin'25 The n',e e,erged *ro, hi, in<olunt'ril)2 A .hi&-er2 He held her+ re&ted hi& chee0 'g'in&t her h'ir+ '& the t.o o* the, *ought *or e<en 3re'th 'g'in2 It .'& he .ho rele'&ed her *in'll)+ o-ened hi& 'r,&+ &te--ed 3'c02 And *ro, hi& di&t'nce he .'tched c're*ull)+ to &ee i* &he .ould *lee+ or &cre',2 He could h'rdl) 3elie<e he?d done .h't he?d 4u&t done2 And )et he couldn?t *ind it in hi,&el* to 3e &orr)2 She 3'c0ed '.') ' little *'rther *ro, hi,+ 'nd &tood :uietl)+ '& though &tunned+ her e)e& lo.ered2 And then &he co<ered her *'ce .ith her h'nd&2

For ' :uiet ,o,ent+ &he &tood there+ her 3re'thing &ettling2 And he &i,-l) .'tched+ '& e,otion& he could gue&& 't .'rred .ithin her+ 'nd &he &truggled .ith the,+ :uietl)+ .ith dignit)2 He 0ne. 'd,ir'tion then2 He 'l&o+ 'g'in+ 0ne. triu,-h2 $And th't?& .h't it *eel& li0e+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ to lo&e control+5 he &'id &o*tl)2 She dro--ed her h'nd& 'nd her he'd 4er0ed u-+ 'nd &he &t'red 't hi,2 He .ondered i* he &hould -re-'re to 3e &l'--ed2 In&te'd+ he &'. her 4'. &et2 $It .'&n?t I .ho lo&t control+ Lord R'.den2 I 3elie<e it .'& I+ in *'ct+ .ho h'd it the entire ti,e25 She .'tched hi, '& the truth o* thi& &'n0 in2 Rh)& *ro8e+ re'li8ing it2 And then &he turned &.i*tl) on her heel+ di--ing to g'ther her dro--ed &h'.l+ 'nd .'l0ed &.i*tl) *ro, the roo,+ .r'--ing it 'round her2 He .ould h'<e thought her do.nright co,-o&ed h'd &he not le*t her c'ndle 3urning in the h'nd o* =er&eu&2 S'3rin' didn?t 0no. ho. &he?d *ound her roo, 'g'in in the '3&ence o* ' c'ndle@ &o,e intern'l ho,ing in&tinct ,u&t h'<e led her there .hile her ,ind 'nd he'rt ricocheted 3et.een horror 'nd e;hil'r'tion2 She &lid the 3olt on the door 'nd .'l0ed to her 3ed+ &'t do.n on it 'l,o&t gingerl)2 She thru&t her 0nuc0le& 'g'in&t her ,outh to &to- ' h)&teric'l l'ugh2 Or .'& it ' &o3F ell+ no. &he under&tood2 She?d 3een thoroughl) hu,3led+ in *'ct2 She?d 3een t.ined .ith hi,+ her ,outh 4oined in he't+ her 3od) &tr'ining to 3e clo&er+ clo&er+ .'nting to cli,3 in&ide hi,2 So,e -ri,'l .i&do, in her h'd t'0en o<er 'nd h'd 0no.n+ &o,eho.+ th't it .'& in hi& to gi<e her &h'ttering rele'&e2 Her 3od) h'd under&tood e<er)thing hi& -oetr) de&cri3ed+ &ee,ed to -o&&e&& it& o.n .i&do, 'nd .ill 'nd .'nt&+ e<en '& her ,ind couldn?t *ull) gi<e &h'-e to the,2 And th't de<il h'd gi<en her ' choice2 He?d 0no.n &he .ould t'0e it+ 3ec'u&e he .'&+ '*ter 'll+ The Li3ertine+ 'nd he -o&&e&&ed the &ecret to &eduction2 He?d re'd her li0e th't -iece o* ,u&ic 3) L' V'lle 'nd h'd 'll 3ut orche&tr'ted+ le'ding her little 3) little6oh+ &he could &ee it no.+ 'll tho&e little ,o,ent&6to th't ,o,ent in the &t'tue g'ller)2 He .'& ' d'ngerou&+ d'ngerou&+ 3'd+ 3'd ,'n2 !'d ,'n2 Oh+ de'r God+ he t'&ted he'<enl)2 She lo.ered her *'ce into her h'nd& 'nd 3re'thed dee-l) into the,2 And )et th't .'& ' ,i&t'0e+ 3ec'u&e &he could &till &,ell hi, on her h'nd&+ the ,'&culine ,u&0 o* &.e't 'nd &'lt 'nd de&ire2

She .'nted hi, 'll o<er 'g'in2 e 're 'll 'ni,'l&+ 7i&& F'irleigh2 And 3ec'u&e her h'nd& &,elled o* the E'rl o* R'.den+ &he once 'g'in did .h't he?d done2 She &0i,,ed ' h'nd lightl) o<er her o.n 3re'&t+ to &ee i* the &hoc0 .'& the &',e2 And it .'& &i,il'r+ 3ut it .'& not the &',e+ o* cour&e2 !ec'u&e it .'& ' ,'n &he .'nted2 Not once the entire ti,e h'd &he thought o* Geo**re)2 And in&tincti<el) &he 0ne. &he .ould ne<er e;-erience th't &ort o* -le'&ure .ith the cur'te2 And not once h'd &he thought o* So-hi' Lic'ri+ 'nd .hether the e'rl ,ight h'<e gone *ro, her to the &o-r'no2 It h'dn?t ,'ttered2 She h'dn?t c'red2 Thought h'd -l')ed no role .h't&oe<er+ let 'lone .ill2 So ,uch *or .ill2 She 3re'thed in dee-l) to &te'd) her&el*2 !re'thed out 'g'in2 She didn?t 0no. ho. &he could -o&&i3l) *'ce hi, 'g'in2 And then &he loo0ed u- 'nd c'ught ' gli,-&e o* her *'ce in the ,irror+ *lu&hed+ 'git'ted+ di&tre&&ed+ delighted2 And it .'& entirel) hi& *'ult2 And &uddenl) thi& ,'de her 'ngr)2 She .'& ,'de o* &terner &tu** th'n th't2 Thing& .ould go on2 And i* the E'rl o* R'.den h'd ' &hred o* decenc) in hi,+ he .ould le'<e it 3e2 He?d ,'de hi& -oint2 Thoroughl)2 A& he?d done+ no dou3t+ .ith do8en& o* .o,en 3e*ore her2

"HA=TER ELEVEN S YLVIE+ E?VE HAD ' ,e&&'ge in return *ro, the <ic'r'ge in Tin3ur)2 The <ic'r i& '.') 't -re&ent6&o,ething '3out -er*or,ing l'&t rite& *or &o,e -oor &oulF63ut the hou&e0ee-er h'& &ent ' ,e&&'ge 3'c0 to u&2 She &')& he doe& h'<e ' d'ughter n',ed S'3rin'+ .ho, he 'do-ted .hen &he .'& ' <er) little girl2 !ut &he i&n?t 't ho,e+ either( She h'& gone to <i&it ' L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'.2 Ho. doe& the <ic'r'ge ,'n'ge .ithout 'n)one in it+ I '&0 )ouF5 Su&'nn'h grou&ed2 $Do )ou 0no. L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'.F5 S)l<ie '&0ed Su&'nn'h2 The) .ere &e'ted 'cro&& *ro, e'ch other on ,'tching <el<et &ettee& in the dr'.ing roo, o* the Gr'nth', to.n hou&e+ i,3i3ing &trong te'2 Su&'nn'h turned to her hu&3'nd+ .ho h'd 4u&t &trolled into the roo,+ dre&&ed *or 'n e<ening 't hite?&2 $#it+ do )ou 0no. ' L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'.F5

$"'-&tr'.9"'-&tr'.9oh( Lord ='ul "'-&tr'.2 =le'&'nt ch'-2 7ilit'r) t)-e2 H'& &'id &c'rcel) ' .ord &ince he?& 3een ,'rried+ 3ut I?, not cert'in he ,i&&e& the need to t'l02 !e&otted .ith hi& .i*e25 He &,iled 't Su&'nn'h+ '& thi& de&cri3ed hi,+ too2 $She tr'<el& r'ther ' lot+ *ro, .h't I?<e he'rd2 Dr'gging ='ul 'long .ith her2 H'<en?t &een "'-&tr'. in 'ge&25 $Sh'll .e ne;t &end ' ,e&&'ge to L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'.F5 Su&'nn'h '&0ed e'gerl)2 $I?ll tr) to le'rn .here to &end it2 "'-&tr'. h'il& *ro, the 7idl'nd&+ '& I rec'll2 Still+ *inding 7'r) ,') &ee, ' 3it li0e ch'&ing the .ind+ Su&'nn'h25 $ e h'<e to tr)+5 &he &'id *ir,l)2 $O* cour&e25 #it?& 'n&.er .'& 3lithe2 $And .e &h'll *ind her25 A& cool+ '& -enetr'3le+ '& o-':ue '& ' gl'cier2 Rh)& che.ed hi& l',3+ reg'rded 7i&& F'irleigh o<er the tin) *l',e& o* the dinner c'ndle+ 'nd let the ,et'-hor& &lide through hi& ,ind the .') ' -iou& ,'n ,ight &lide ro&'r) 3e'd& through hi& *inger&2 An 'tte,-t to &oothe hi,&el*2 She .'& l'ughing 't &o,ething )ndh', h'd &'id6it h'dn?t 3een too terri3l) *unn)+ 3ut &he .'& -olite+ 7i&& F'irleigh .'&6'nd &he?d &-'red ' gl'nce or t.o *or the e'rl during the &ou-2 A cool+ i,-enetr'3le+ o-':ue gl'nce2 She?d &'id &o,ething '3out the *l'<or o* the &ou-+ 'nd he?d &'id &o,ething in'ne in 'gree,ent2 $ e?ll h'<e ,ud to contend .ith .hen the &no. ,elt&2 I .onder .hen 'g'in the ro'd& .ill 3e -'&&'3leF5 S'3rin' &'id to )nhd',2 $Deter,ined tr'<eler& .ill *ind ' .')+5 )ndh', &'id cheeril)2

Four d')& o* thi&2 No 3lu&hing+ no &tuttering+ no hiding in her roo, *eigning illne&&+ no .ee-ing+ no *'.ning2 Four d')& &ince th't e<ening+ 'nd &o,eho. &he h'd contri<ed to 'l.')& 3e in the -re&ence o* ' &er<'nt+ or o* )ndh', or So-hi'2 He &'. her 't ,e'l&2 He &'. her *or c'rd&2 She retired e'rl)2 He .'& ne<er 'lone .ith her2 Not th't he .'nted to 3e2 It .'& <er) ne'rl) in&ulting+ he thought in ',u&e,ent2 He?d conducted 'n e;-eri,ent .ith ' girl .ho 'llegedl) could not 3e &educed+ .hich h'd concluded .ith the t.o o* the, grinding 'g'in&t e'ch other in the &t'tue g'ller)2 She &ee,ed entirel) un'**ected2 =erh'-& the green hill& o* Tin3ur) 3red girl& .ith &ti**er 3'c03one& '*ter 'll2 Or -erh'-& &he con&idered the e'rth-&h'ttering e;-erience o* cli,'; '0in to t'&ting ' ne. &ou-2 He re,e,3ered her *inger& 't the n'-e o* hi& nec0+ her .'r, 3od) &o*tening 'g'in&t hi&+ 'nd ho. &he 0i&&ed+ :uic0l) le'rning the he'ted gi<e-'nd-t'0e o* it2 Ho. r'-idl) thing& h'd e&c'l'ted 3e)ond the gr'&- o* hi& o.n control+ 'nd ho. &he h'd 'rced '& though &hoc0ed .hen hi& h'nd& &lid do.n to co<er her 3re'&t&+ her ni--le& -e'0ed 'g'in&t6 He dro--ed hi& *or0 to hi& -l'te+ 'nd the re&ounding cl'tter ,'de the other three ,e,3er& o* hi& -'rt) 4u,-2

He &,iled+ ' &lightl) &tr'ined &,ile2 $7) '-ologie&2 Do continue 3eing .itt)+


)ndh', -retended to 3e 'ggrie<ed2 $Ah+ 3ut )ou?<e ruined it+ Rh)&2 I c'nnot -er*or, on co,,'nd2 Arti&t&+ 'nd co,ed)+ 're 't the ,erc) o* the ,u&e+ 're the) not+ So-hi'F5 So-hi'2 Rh)& h'd &c'rcel) loo0ed 't So-hi' throughout dinner2 He loo0ed no.2 She .'& *ondling the &te, o* her gl'&& o* .ine2 Idl) &tro0ing 'nd circling the length o* it 3et.een t.o *inger&+ '& though &he?d ne<er 3e*ore *elt &uch ' thing2 Her &-ine h'd 'll 3ut coll'-&ed *ro, 3oredo,2 She .ore ' ru3)-'nd-di',ond nec0l'ce+ the te'rdro--&h'-ed &tone -ointing li0e ' -rurient little 'rro. to the dee- &h'do. o* her cle'<'ge2 Rh)& .ondered .ho h'd gi<en it to her+ 'nd .'& &ur-ri&ed th't no little &urge o* 4e'lou&) 'cco,-'nied the thought+ '& it nor,'ll) .ould h'<e2 Her &t')& h'd contri<ed to r'i&e her 3re'&t& ne'rl) entirel) u- out o* her dre&&+ 'nd the diner& .ere -re&ented .ith ' <ie. o* ' lu&ciou&+ c'ndlelit &hel* o* 3o&o,2 $SK+5 &he &'id *in'll)2 It &ounded ,ore li0e ' )'.n th'n ' .ord2 She ,et Rh)&?& e)e&+ .idened her o.n e)e& in entre't)2 =le'&e+ de'r God+ ,'0e the 3oredo, &to-+ her e;-re&&ion &'id2 So-hi' .'& not ' cre'ture ,'de *or countr) hou&e -'rtie&2 Onl) then did Rh)& notice th't So-hi'?& idl) ,o<ing *inger& .ere -er*or,ing ' re'&on'3l) 'ccur'te i,it'tion o* one o* her other &0ill&2 She &'. hi, notice@ ' &,ile+ tin)+ &ultr)+ 4u&t *or hi,+ li*ted the corner& o* her *ull ,outh2 He &,iled ' little in return2 He con&idered the -o&&i3ilit) o* e'&ing hi& o.n 3oredo, .ith ' <igorou& ,idnight <i&it to So-hi'2 He turned then+ 'nd &'. 7i&& F'irleigh?& green e)e& on hi,6Lord 0no.& he?d &een her 3e&t dre&& o*ten enough during her <i&it+ 3ut it did r'ther collude .ith the c'ndlelight to &et o** her delic'te &houlder& 'nd nec0 'nd tho&e <er) '&tute+ <er) cle'r green e)e&2 She dro--ed her g'8e to her -l'te 'nd *ro.ned ' little+ &tud)ing her l',3 '<idl)+ '& though the .orld?& *'te de-ended u-on .hich &lice &he decided to -ut ne;t in her ,outh2 $Did I ,ention+ )ndh',+ th't I loc'ted ' 3e'uti*ul <olu,e o* the hi&tor) o* the .orld?& countrie&F onder*ul illu&tr'tion&2 It .'& tuc0ed '.') in one o* the &uite& on the third *loor25 $U,,9no2 You h'<en?t )et ,entioned it25 in*or,'tion2 $Ye&2 I?<e tr'n&*erred it to the li3r'r)25 $H'<e )ouF "'-it'l25 )ndh', .'& cle'rl) ho-ing thi& -'rticul'r to-ic .'& to 3e ' &hort one2 )ndh', &ee,ed uncert'in .h't to do .ith thi&

$A 3e'uti*ul 3oo0 3elong& .ith other 3e'uti*ul 3oo0&+ don?t )ou thin0F5 $Ye&+ I i,'gine &o25 And )ndh', g'<e Rh)& ' -u88led *ro.n2 He?d -ro3'3l) 3egun to &u&-ect th't 3oredo, .'& ' cont'gion+ 'nd th't Rh)& h'd c'ught it+ 'nd intended to 3ore hi, *ro, no. on2

!e*ore he retired *or the e<ening+ Rh)& c'rried the 3oo0 in :ue&tion to the li3r'r)+ le'<ing it on the -oli&hed d'r0 t'3le th't &'t 3et.een the t.o &ettee&2 And then loo&ened hi& cr'<'t+ 'nd &to--ed+ &t'ring 't hi,&el* in the ,irror+ gi<ing &o,e thought '& to .hether he .'nted to &lee- in hi& o.n 3ed+ or in ' 3ed &.e'til) ent.ined .ith the *r'gr'nt 'nd in<enti<e So-hi' Lic'ri2 NoE he r'ther thought he could .'it *or 'n '-olog) *ro, Signor' Lic'ri2 He r'ther thought he?d .'it *or her to co,e to hi, out o* &heer *ru&tr'tion+ or 3oredo,2 A& thi& h'd ne<er 3e*ore h'--ened in the hi&tor) o* their '&&oci'tion+ he &u&-ected the .'it ,ight 3e ' long one2 !ut the ide' .'& no<el+ 'nd it ',u&ed hi,+ 'nd &tr'ngel) he *ound hi& u&u'l need *or Signor' Lic'ri .'& tonight out.eighed 3) ' need *or &lee-2 And 3) .'nting+ *ir&t+ to lie '.'0e 'nd -icture 7i&& F'irleigh in her roo, h'<ing di**icult) &lee-ing *ro, thin0ing o* hi,2 The ne;t d') d'.ned 'l,o&t 'ggre&&i<el)+ de*i'ntl) cle'r+ 'nd 3rilli'nt 3lue &0ie& gl'red through e<er) .indo. '& Rh)& -'&&ed through L' 7ont'gne?& h'll2 The &no. .ould 3e &lu&h in no ti,e 3ene'th the&e r')&2 He?d h'd ' light+ 'l,o&t i,-'tient 3re'0*'&t 'lone@ he?d ri&en l'te2 He .'& irrit'3le@ he?d h'd enough o* countr) con*ine,ent2 He .'nted to re'd the London -'-er&+ .'tch London -er*or,'nce&+ &-e'0 to 'rti&t& 'nd -oet& 'nd ,u&ici'n&+ drin0 li:uor in London clu3&+ e;-lore the l'te&t ',u&e,ent& in the d'r0e&t 3o.el& o* the cit)+ 3e co&&eted 3) the 'cco,,od'ting 3e'utie& th't -o-ul'ted The Vel<et Glo<e2 Surel) the *uror .ould h'<e e33ed ' 3it 3) no.+ the ir'te hu&3'nd& -'ci*ied+ the 'rdor o* 'll tho&e in*'tu'ted .i<e& cooled 3) hi& '3&enceF =erh'-& it .'& ti,e to return2 !ut thi& ,orning+ *ir&t+ he h'd 'n o34ecti<e2 He ,'de &ure hi& *oot*'ll& .ere :uiet '& he '--ro'ched the li3r'r)+ 3ut he &u&-ected it 'l,o&t .ouldn?t h'<e ,'ttered i* he?d g'llo-ed u- 3ehind her2 She .'& le'ning 'g'in&t the 'r, o* the &ettee+ *eet tuc0ed 3ene'th her+ the 3ig 3oo0 o-en in her l'-2 She &u--orted it& &-ine .ith one h'nd@ &he h'd the little *inger o* the other 'g'in&t her 3otto, li-+ 'nd &he &ee,ed to 3e ni33ling '3&entl) on her n'il2 It h'd 'l,o&t 3een too e'&)2 $I,'gine *inding )ou in the li3r'r)+ 7i&& F'irleigh25 She 4er0ed ' little in &ur-ri&e+ the 3oo0 &li--ing *ro, her gr'&-2 She reco<ered r'ther ne'tl)2 $You 0ne. )ou?d *ind ,e here+ Lord R'.den25 Dr)l) &'id2 She?d &t'rtled ' l'ugh *ro, hi,2 Four d')& o* her coolne&& 'nd he?d &o,eho. ,'n'ged to *orget ho. <er) direct 7i&& F'irleigh could 3e2 $It?& ' 3e'uti*ul d') *or ' .'l0+5 &he &'id ,e'ning*ull)2 $"le'r 't l'&t2 =erh'-& )ou?d li0e to t'0e the 'ir25

$Are )ou tr)ing to 3'ni&h ,e to the outdoor&+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 $I 4u&t thought I .ould -oint it out25 She &ounded ' little di&'--ointed he h'dn?t le'-ed u-on her &ugge&tion2 $I *ind I?, in the ,ood to re'd2 Hi&tor)+ -erh'-&2 Don?t let ,e di&tur3 )ou2 A .onder*ul 3oo0+ i&n?t itF5 She &ee,ed reluct'nt to 'n&.er2 $Ye&+5 &he &'id 't l'&t+ &incerel)2 Al,o&t re&ignedl)2 $Ver) good25 He &'id thi& nonco,,itt'll) 'nd &trode o<er to the ne're&t 3oo0c'&e+ .here he &-ent &o,e ti,e -eru&ing the ro. o* 3lue &-ine&2 !ehind hi,+ he he'rd the ru&tle o* ' -'ge turning2 $=retending &o,ething didn?t h'--en doe&n?t :uite ,e'n it didn?t h'--en+ )ou 0no.+5 he &'id idl)2 $It?& not :uite the &',e thing+ i& itF5 He didn?t turn2 Not )et2 !ut the &ilence .'& intere&ting2 He .ondered i* her *'ce h'd gone th't lo<el) -in0+ or .hether &he?d &to--ed 3re'thing2 $!ut -retending it didn?t h'--en hel-& h'&ten the -roce&& o* *orgetting th't it e<er h'--ened+5 &he told hi,+ in 'n 'd,ir'3l) &te'd) <oice2 $In *'ct+ I?<e <er) ne'rl) *orgotten it 'lre'd)25 $H'<e )ouF5 he &'id '3&entl)+ then 0nelt to &tud) the 3oo0& on the ro. 3elo.2 $O* cour&e+5 &he &'id idl)2 He let ' &ilence go 3)2 Long enough to 'llo. her to -erh'-& rel'; ' little2 $You?<e *orgotten ho. ,) li-& *elt 'g'in&t )our thro't+ 'nd ho. )our 3od) *elt -re&&ed 'g'in&t ,ineF5 Thi& he &'id con<er&'tion'll)+ hi& <oice 'l,o&t dri*ting+ '& he -ulled ' 3oo0 *ro, the &hel*+ le'*ing through it &lo.l)2 Ro,'n&+ thi& one .'& '3out2 Ah2 He thought he could he'r her 3re'thing no.2 Still+ he didn?t turn 'round2 $And56he ,u&ed+ turning ' -'ge+ in the <oice he .ould u&e to in:uire -olitel) '*ter one o* her rel'ti<e&6$)ou?<e *orgotten ho. )ou 3egged ,e .ith ,) o.n n',eF And ho. <er)+ <er) h'rd I .'& 'g'in&t )ou+ 'nd ho. good th't *eltF5 He c'&t ' gl'nce o<er hi& &houlder then2 !rilli'nt color rode high on her chee0&@ the re&t o* her *'ce .'& -'le2 Her e)e& glittered2 She .'& &t'ring 't hi,2 $A& *'r '& I?, concerned+ nothing o* 'n) i,-ort h'--ened+ Lord R'.den25 The .ord& .ere thin+ 3ut &te'd) enough2

$Ver) good+ <er) good+5 he ,ur,ured2 $I 4u&t thought I?d <eri*) th't+ '& I *elt <er) little+ too2 I &hould di&li0e *or one o* u& to -ine *or the other in <'in25 He &tood 'nd turned hi& *ull e;',ining g'8e on her+ gi<ing her no choice 3ut to ,eet it2 Ah+ the tr'n&-'rent 7i&& F'irleigh couldn?t di&gui&e outr'ged -ride+ 'nd &he h'd 4u&t 3itten her li- to &ti*le &o,e &ort o* retort2 Her e)e& *'ir &n'--ed lightning2 He turned hi& 3'c0 to the &hel*+ le'ned 'g'in&t it c'&u'll)2 $Let ,e 3e 3lunt+ 7i&& F'irleigh+5 he &'id+ .ith 'll e<idence o* good hu,or2 $I don?t 3elie<e *or ' ,o,ent )ou .ere un'**ected25 $NoF5 It .'& 'n 'tte,-t to &ound 3ored2 It *'iled+ '& her <oice .'& &c'rcel) 'udi3le+ '& though he?d 4u&t trul) c'ught her out2 $No2 I thin0 )ou returned to )our roo, th't e<ening 'nd reli<ed e'ch ,o,ent 'g'in 'nd 'g'in2 I ', <irtu'll) cert'in+ in *'ct+ th't )ou touched )our&el* '& )ou reli<ed the&e ,o,ent&+ 'nd I don?t 3elie<e )our 3od) .ill e<er *eel the &',e 'g'in no. th't )ou?<e lo&t control o* )our9'ni,'l n'ture25 h't ' -'ge'nt o* e,otion& cro&&ed her *'ce thenE outr'ge+ guilt+ horror+ '&toni&h,ent+ 'nd6 oh+ )e&6longing2 !ec'u&e no. &he 0ne. ho. it *elt to 3e touched the .') ' .o,'n &hould 3e touched2 $7oreo<er+5 he ,u&ed relentle&&l)+ $I thin0 th't )ou?ll 3e dre',ing o* ,e -erh'-& until the d') )ou die25 She cl'--ed the 3oo0 &hut then 'nd &tood '3ru-tl)2 $It .'& onl)+5 &he ground out+ $' 0i&&25 $ '& itF5 He .'& l'ughing no.2 $And ,oreo<er+5 &he 'll 3ut gro.led+ $)ou+ Lord R'.den+ ,ur,ured ,) n',e r'ther *e<eri&hl) into ,) thro't+ '& I rec'll25 Hi& &,ile di&'--e'red2 Good God+ 3ut ' ,'n didn?t li0e to 3e re,inded o* the thing& he did or &'id in the he't o* -'&&ion2 She .'& ' <er) good -l')er2 He e)ed her &o,e.h't c'utiou&l)2 $And )ou .ere 3re'thing r'ther li0e ' 3ello.&+5 &he continued2 $Li0e ' ,'ting 3ull25 $A ,'ting 3ullF5 Tru&t ' countr) girl to 'rri<e 't thi& -'rticul'r 'n'log)2 Ho. de*tl) &he?d &ei8ed hi& .e'-on *ro, hi,2 He clo&ed the di&t'nce 3et.een the,+ '& i* he intended to &ei8e it 3'c02 $Intere&ting recollection&+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ con&idering )ou couldn?t re,e,3er 'n) o* it25 $And I do 3elie<e )ou gro'ned ' 3it to.'rd the end there+ Lord R'.den25 S.eet ,erci*ul6

$And9i* )ou .ere entirel) un'**ected+ Lord R'.den+ .h) 're )ou here in the li3r'r) no.F5 $?Ti& ,) li3r'r)+5 he &'id ,ildl)2 He held u- the Ro,'n 3oo02 $And here i& ,) 3oo025 He too0 )et 'nother &te- to.'rd her+ 'nd no. he &tood &o clo&e he could &ee *lec0& o* gold in tho&e e)e&2 Her &cent ro&e &.eetl) u- to hi,2 Odd ho. *',ili'r it &ee,ed no.@ he &u&-ected he .ould 0no. it 'n).here2 $I* )ou .ere entirel) un'**ected+ then ,) -ro;i,it) &houldn?t trou3le )ou in the le'&t2 And )et9)ou?re :uite ' di&tincti<e &h'de o* -in02 Do I trou3le )ou+ 7i&& F'irleighF5 Hi& <oice h'd 3eco,e th't lo. ru,3le+ -er&u'&i<e+ co';ing '& ' &tro0ing h'nd2 Her 3odice .'& de*initel) ,o<ing ' little ,ore :uic0l)2 $Not9not in the le'&t25 !'rel) .ord&2 Then &he &:uee8ed her e)e& clo&ed2 Angr) 't her&el* *or &tuttering2 She o-ened the, 'g'in :uic0l)2 $Ah2 I thin0 I 0no. ' .') .e c'n -ro<e th't .e?<e 3oth 3een entirel) un'**ected 3) the e<ent& o* th't e<ening+5 Rh)& ,ur,ured2 $ h't i& itF5 $#i&& ,e 'g'in+ S'3rin'25 Silence '& &he &t'red u- 't hi,+ &ee,ingl) un'3le to loo0 '.')2 $Are )ou ,'dF5 Her outr'ge .'& <er) uncon<incing+ '& &he?d .hi&-ered the .ord&2 $O* cour&e+ I c'n go to ,) gr'<e thin0ing th't )ou cheri&h the e<ening in the g'ller) ,ore th'n 'n)thing el&e in )our cru&'ding li*e25 $You?re in&u**er'3le25 Another .hi&-er2 $I regret to in*or, )ou th't )ou?re not the *ir&t to ,'0e th't di&co<er)25 $You?re &o cert'in there i&n?t ' .o,'n .ho c'n re&i&t )ou2 You?re here 3ec'u&e )our -ride i& .ounded+ th't i& 'll25 She r'ther h'd ' -oint2 Still+ he h'd ' -oint to ,'0e '& .ell2 $Ver) .ell+ 7i&& F'irleigh+5 he &'id &o*tl)2 $Feel *ree to re&i&t ,e25 It .'& di**icult to &') ho. it h'--ened@ 3ut hi& he'd .'& lo.ering+ her h'nd& .ere -re&&ed lightl) 'g'in&t hi& che&t+ then &liding u- to cl'&- 3ehind hi& he'd+ their li-& .ere touching+ hi& 'r,& -ulled her clo&er+ clo&er2 And no. th't their 3odie& .ere *',ili'r to e'ch other+ 0ne. ho. to *it 'nd ,old 'g'in&t e'ch other+ the 0i&& too0 *ire r'ther r'-idl)+ 'nd 3ec',e ,uch+ ,uch dee-er+ ,uch ,ore :uic0l) th'n Rh)& h'd intended2 And oh9it .'& di<ine2

hich .'& .h) the) .ere in too dee- to he'r the *oot&te-& on ,'r3le or the lo. ,ur,ur o* <oice&2 $S'3rin'( "ol365 e?<e returned+ 'nd 3) &leigh+ i* )ou c'n i,'gine( e 3rought )our *'ther *ro, the

A <erit'3le .ind&tor, o* g'&-&2 Follo.ed 3) ' &ilence '& re&ounding '& ' thundercl'-2 Rh)& 'nd S'3rin' le'-ed '-'rt2 In the door.') &tood L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'.+ the "ol3ert&+ Geo**re)+ 'nd &o,eone .ho could onl) 3e+ God hel- the,9 S'3rin'?& *'ther2

"HA=TER T ELVE A =ART FRO7 YNDHA7+ 'll o* the other .itne&&e& h'd &c'ttered li0e grou&e .hen ' &hot i& *ired+ including 7i&& F'irleigh+ .ho h'd &o,eho. 3ur&t out o* the li3r'r) door 'nd <'ni&hed in the hu33u32 Le'<ing Rh)& 'nd hi& *riend 'lone to conte,-l'te the '*ter,'th o* the di&'&ter+ 'nd the con&e:uence&+ 'nd .h't he intended to do '3out it2 )ndh', &ettled hi,&el* on ' *'.n-colored <el<et &ettee 'nd gingerl) li*ted hi& heel& u- onto the eighteenth-centur) t'3le .ith the 3o.ed gilt leg&2 $I?, not :uite cert'in .h't to &')+ Rh)&2 "ongr'tul'tion&F The <ic'r?& d'ughter i& hu,'n+ '*ter 'llF5 )ndh', &ounded ',u&ed+ 3ut the ',u&e,ent h'd 'n edge2 A--'rentl) not e<en too0 the -u3lic ruin'tion o* ' <ic'r?& d'ughter lightl)2 $ h't .ere )ou thin0ingF In the ,iddle o* the li3r'r)F In the ,iddle o* the d')F5 Rh)& *i;ed hi, .ith ' 3rie* 3'le*ul gl're 3e*ore returning hi& 'ttention to the l'nd&c'-e2 $Ah2 I g'ther *ro, th't th't )ou .eren?t thin0ing2 $"'re*ul+ )ndh',+5 Rh)& &'id '3&entl)2 ith )our he'd+ th't i&25 )ndh',

)ndh', :uieted2 He 0ne. th't tone2 Rh)& .'& teetering on the edge o* *ur)2 $Doe& So-hi' 0no. )et+ do )ou thin0F5 Rh)& .ondered2 Her& .'& the one *'ce he h'dn?t &een in the door.')2 $Oh+ &o,eone i& 3ound to in*or, her2 She?ll -ro3'3l) 3e ',u&ed25 $No dou3t25 So-hi' .'& in<'ri'3l) ',u&ed+ .hen he .ould h'<e li0ed her to 3e 4e'lou&+ or 0ind+ or to cling+ 'll o* .hich .ould h'<e 3een 't le'&t ' ch'nge o* -'ce2 Ironic'll)+ it .'& her <er) ch'nge'3ilit) th't h'd dr'.n hi, to her in the *ir&t -l'ce2

Rh)& &t'red out the gre't 'rched .indo.2 The 3lue &0) .'& gone@ .hen h'd th't h'--enedF hite no. ,et .hite in &0) 'nd ground2 !'re tree& &-e'red the &no.+ 3r'nche& &h'r- 'nd glittering 'g'in&t the &0)2 A& &t'r0 '& the deci&ion th't *'ced hi,2 !lood) hell2 It h'd 3een 4u&t one little 0i&&2 Ad,ittedl)+ one <er) 3'dl) ti,ed little 0i&&2 Ironic'll)+ '& he?d &'id to 7i&& F'irleighE not e<er) 0i&& .'& onl) ' 0i&&2 Thi& one h'd the to ch'nge *uture&2 Ho. on e'rth h'd he ,'n'ged to 3e&t hi,&el* 't hi& o.n g',eF He reli<ed th't ,o,ent no. in hi& thought&+ the .') he ,ight reli<e ' *encing ,'tch or ' che&& g',e to *ind the ,o,ent it h'd gone .rong2 So*t li-& 'g'in&t hi&+ &o*t 3od) 'g'in&t hi&+ the 3eginning o* th't deliciou& &lo. he't6 Then the door &.inging o-en+ the cheer*ul 'nnounce,ent o* L'd) 7'r) cut &h'r-l) o** 3) the &hoc0 o* &eeing the e'rl 'nd S'3rin' ent.ined2 And then the ro. o* e;-re&&ion&+ e'ch 3r'nded di&tinctl) in hi& ,e,or)2 Se<er'l horri*ied+ one delightedl) '.ed 'nd &c'nd'li8ed6th't .ould 3e L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'.6'nd one &'ddened 'nd &tr'ngel) re&igned2 He &u--o&ed thi& .'& the Vic'r F'irleigh2 7'r) h'd &'id the)?d 3rought S'3rin'?& *'ther 'long2 Hi& cou&in Geo**re)?& e;-re&&ion h'd 3een 'ltogether ,ore di**icult to di&cern2 It h'd 'l,o&t 3een9triu,-h2 Rh)&?& ,ind circled 'nd circled the -ro3le,+ 'nd the ,ore he circled it the ,ore he *elt ent'ngled in it2 S'3rin' F'irleigh .'& the 'do-ted d'ughter o* ' -oor <ic'r6ne'rl) redund'nt+ tho&e t.o .ord& &ide 3) &ide6'nd he?d 'll 3ut ro33ed her o* her -ro&-ect& 'nd *uture 'nd the onl) thing ' .o,'n o* her &t'tu& h'd+ re'll)6her re-ut'tion63) indulging in th't one little 0i&&2 He &u--o&ed he &hould 3e ',u&ed th't hi& g',e h'd turned on hi, li0e ' do,e&tic'ted .ild 3e'&t ,ight turn on it& ,'&ter2 For &o long he?d done -reci&el) '& he -le'&ed+ '& i* to te&t the te,-er o* the title he?d .or0ed &o h'rd to re&tore to glor)2 Duel& 'nd '**'ir& 'nd g',ing hell& 'nd re-ro3'te *riend& *ro, 'll .'l0& o* li*e9he?d indulged in e<er) i,'gin'3le -le'&ure 'nd e,erged rel'ti<el) un&c'thed+ e<en ,ore gl',orou& i* &c'nd'lou&+ '& he .'& 'n e'rl+ '*ter 'll2 !ut ne<er 3e*ore h'd he 3een *ooli&h enough to co,-ro,i&e 'n un,'rried girl2 Hi& re&tle&&ne&& h'd dri<en hi, to the ulti,'te rec0le&&ne&&2 And :uite &i,-l)6'nd thi& &ur-ri&ed hi,6he di&li0ed hi,&el* *or it2 =ro*oundl)2 $ ell+ )ndF5 he &'id :uietl)2 He turned to hi& *riend+ then dro--ed hi& e)e& 'nd le<eled ' &-e'0ing gl'nce 't )ndh',?& *eet2 Hi& *riend &.ung the, *ro, the 'nti:ue 'nd <er) <'lu'3le t'3le2 $I h'te to &') it93ut I *e'r )ou ,') h'<e to ,'0e thi& right+ Rh)&25

Thi& .'& .h't Rh)& .'& 3eginning to *e'r '& .ell2 And he didn?t thin0 he could -') Vic'r F'irleigh to *orget .h't he?d &een2 There .'&n?t enough ,one) in the .orld to -') e<er) .itne&& to tod')?& e<ent& to *orget .h't the)?d &een2 S'3rin' .'& ,o&t de*initel) ruined2 Hi& ,outh ti--ed u- in ' hu,orle&& &,ile2 Odd to thin0 th't he o* 'll -eo-le .ould ,eet &uch ' ,und'ne *'te2 Tr'--ed2 He &u--o&ed there .'& ' ,odicu, o* dr',' in doing the honor'3le thing+ e<en i* the re,'inder o* hi& li*e he .'& tied to ' .o,'n .ho thought London the e:ui<'lent o* Go,orr'h2 He?d 0no.n he .ould .ed in ti,e+ o* cour&e2 O* 'll the .o,en in Engl'nd+ he?d &o,eho. ,'n'ged to co,-ro,i&e -erh'-& the onl) one .ho .ould not 3e -le'&ed to ,'rr) 'n e'rl6let 'lone the in*',ou&l) &educti<e Li3ertine2 So,e di&t'nt -'rt o* hi, .'& '.'re th't thi& .'& 'l&o *unn)2 Though+ .hen encour'ged+ thi& -'rticul'r .o,'n could 0i&& li0e &in2 And it .'& hi& *'ult th't &he 0ne. ho. to do th't no.2 Rh)& &hi*ted re&tle&&l)+ inh'led ' long 3re'th+ '& i* the roo, h'd &uddenl) 3eco,e &ti*ling2 $ ell+ )ou h'd to ,'rr) &o,ed')25 $Ye&25 $You c'n?t h'<e thought to ,'rr) So-hi'F5 )ndh', &'id &uddenl)2 )ndh', .'& tr)ing to *ind ' &il<er lining2

$No2 !ut I &u--o&e I r'ther h'd 'n 'ri&tocr'tic .i*e in ,ind2 Not ' -ennile&& 2 2 25 He tr'iled o**2 Though he dou3ted ' ,'rri'ge .ould de-ri<e hi, o* So-hi'?& *'<or&+ &hould he choo&e to '<'il hi,&el* o* the,2 So-hi'2 No. there .'& 'nother '.0.'rd con<er&'tion he .'& going to need to h'<e <er) &oon2 He inh'led dee-l)+ e;h'led2 $ ell+ I &u--o&e I h'<e t.o choice&2 I c'n .ed 7i&& F'irleigh to &'l<'ge her re-ut'tion2 She c'n h'<e the countr) li*e here 't L' 7ont'gne+ 'nd I &u--o&e I?ll li<e in London ,uch the .') I 'l.')& h'<e2 e c'n li<e our li<e& &e-'r'tel)+ in the *ine tr'dition o* 'ri&tocr'c)+ 'nd *',ou& -oet&2 I 3elie<e ill Sh'0e&-e're 0e-t hi& .i*e r'ther tuc0ed '.')2 Or 2 2 25 $OrF5 )ndh', encour'ged2

$Or I c'n -') her to go *'r '.')2 On her ,i&&ion2 She ,ight -re*er it25 And &o+ Rh)& thought *or ' ,o,ent+ ,ight he2 )ndh', .'& &ilent2 $And .h't o* )our cou&inF )ou no. 3e c'lled out 3) ' cur'teF5 '& he 'tt'ched to 7i&& F'irleighF ill

Oh+ God2 He dou3ted Geo**re) .ould h'<e the ner<e or e<en the inclin'tion2 Geo**re) <'lued hi& o.n hide ' little too highl)2 Nor did Geo**re) -o&&e&& the -'&&ion *or it2

$I?ll o**er Geo**re) ' li<ing 't !uc0&te'd He'th+ '& the <ic'r2 He?& not 'll 3'd+ I &u--o&e2 And God 0no.& I &eldo, intend to 3e in thi& -'rt o* the countr)25 He didn?t turn to loo0 't loo02 )ndh',+ h'l* &u&-ecting+ *or &o,e re'&on+ he?d *ind ' cen&oriou&

$Do )ou 0no. .h't I *ind r'ther *unn)+ Rh)&F5 $Ver) ne'rl) e<er)thingF5 )ndh',?& e)e3ro.& -itched u-.'rd2 $Tod')+ .h't I *ind r'ther *unn)+ i& th't .hen .e 'll c',e u-on )ou in the ,id&t o* )our 2 2 25 He -'u&ed to &e'rch *or 4u&t the right de&cri-ti<e .ord2 The .ord+ in other .ord&+ th't .ould 'nno) Rh)& the ,o&t2 Rh)& &-'red hi, the trou3le2 $Ye&F5 he &n'--ed2 $ ell9I could &.e'r &he .'& &t'nding on her toe&25 Rh)& .ent &till2 $Her toe&F5 $Oh+ )e&2 Luite '& though &he .ere9.ell+ let u& &')+ &'<ing )ou the trou3le o* 3ending 'll the .') do.n to her *'ce to get ' 0i&&2 A& though &he .'& getting ' 0i&& o* her o.n25 Another .') o* &')ing &he .'& ' .illing -'rtici-'nt in the *i'&co2 He &u--o&ed he h'd hi,&el* to 3l',e *or th't+ too2 7i&& F'irleigh no. 0ne. .h't it .'& li0e to 3e -ro-erl) 0i&&ed+ 'nd &he 'l&o 0ne. &he h'd enough -ride to ri&e u- to .h'te<er ch'llenge& he thre. do.n2 !lood) hell2 $And 2 2 25 $And .h'tF5 $Your h'nd& .ere on her 'r&e25 Rh)& &hot hi, ' *ilth) loo02 $Th't?& .here h'nd& ine<it'3l) go in the ,id&t o* ' 0i&&25 $The *unn) thing i&9+5 )ndh', continued '& though Rh)& h'dn?t &'id ' thing2 $The) loo0ed right 't ho,e there+ )our h'nd&2 R'ther '& though the)?d 3een there 3e*ore25 Rh)& g'<e )ndh', hi& 3e&t enig,'tic e;-re&&ion+ .hile )ndh', g'<e hi, hi& 3e&t .ic0edl) e;-re&&ion2 And then Rh)& turned hi& *'ce 3'c0 to.'rd the .indo.2 He re'li8ed+ &uddenl)+ th't the) ,ight 3e t'l0ing '3out hi& *uture counte&&+ 'nd reg'rdle&& o* ho. reluct'nt he .'& to ,'rr) her+ he 'l&o .'&n?t e'ger to he'r 'nother ,'n di&cu&& her 'r&e+ 'nd he .'&n?t '3out to di&cu&& the e<ening in the &cul-ture g'ller)+ 3ec'u&e he .ouldn?t :uite 0no. ho. to -ut it into .ord&2 So,eho. he &u&-ected )ndh', .ouldn?t '--ro<e+ 'nd it .ould &ound ingenuou& to &')+ $In the ,o,ent+ it &ee,ed I h'd no other choice 3ut to 0i&& her25 )ndh', .'&n?t through2

Rh)& *in'll) turned *ro, the .indo.2 $ ell+


i&h ,e luc025

S'3rin' h'd ,'n'ged to 3olt *ro, the li3r'r)+ 'nd L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'. det'ched her&el* *ro, the cro.d o* &hoc0ed .'tcher& to *ollo. her+ her &li--er& echoing on the ,'r3le 3ehind S'3rin'2 S'3rin' turned 3lindl) into one o* the &ee,ingl) do8en& o* dr'.ing roo,& 't L' 7ont'gne2 Thi& one .'& -redo,in'ntl) green2 An enor,ou& -ortr'it o* ' .o,'n .e'ring ' t'll co,-lic'ted .hite .ig 'nd ' tin) &'ti&*ied &,ile too0 u- ne'rl) the entire .'ll o<er ' *ire-l'ce2 S'3rin' *lung her&el* onto ' &ettee 3e*ore the *ire-l'ce2 A *ire .'& le'-ing+ *ull 'nd 3right+ e<en though the roo, .'& unoccu-ied2 Such untold e;tr'<'g'nce2 It re,inded her once 'g'in o* .ho, &he?d 'ctu'll) 3een 0i&&ing2 So,eone .ho could '**ord to 3urn .ood -ro*lig'tel) to 0ee- ' -ortr'it o* &o,e un0no.n 'nce&tor .'r, 'nd ,'id& e,-lo)ed to 0eethe -ointle&& *ire 3urning2 S'3rin' &'t+ &ilent 'nd ,otionle&& '-'rt *ro, her *inger&+ .hich 'n;iou&l) .o<e in 'nd out o* one 'nother2 And *or ne'rl) *i<e ,inute&+ 7'r)+ .ho could outch'tter ' chic0'dee+ did nothing 3ut &t're 't S'3rin'+ e)e& enor,ou&2 Her *'ce .'& 3rilli'nt .ith '.e2 $I do .i&h )ou .ould &') &o,ething+ 7'r)+5 S'3rin' &'id *in'll)+ irrit'3l)2 $"or(5 7'r) 3lurted *in'll)2 $Oh+ th'n0 )ou+ 7'r)2 Ver) hel-*ul25 !ut the d', h'd '--'rentl) 3ro0en2 $There )ou .ere+ S'3rin'9)ou .ere567'r) -'u&ed+ 'nd i&&ued the ne;t .ord in ' du,3&truc0 .hi&-er6$0i&&ing9The Li3ertine(5 $Ye&25 Through gritted teeth2 Though it h'dn?t 3een ,uch o* ' 0i&&+ in truth2 The)?d 3een interru-ted 3e*ore it could 3eco,e one2 And S'3rin' h'd the e'rl to th'n0 *or the *'ct th't &he 0ne. there .'& ,ore to 0i&&ing th'n th't2 $#i&&ing hi,(5 7'r) reiter'ted2 $I 3elie<e .e?<e e&t'3li&hed th't+ 7'r)25 And then &ilence 'g'in2 Do8en& o* :ue&tion& .ere cle'rl) cl',oring *or 7'r)?& 'ttention+ 'nd &he .'& h'<ing di**icult) choo&ing one out o* the cro.d2 $Are )ou in lo<eF5 &he <entured dre',il)+ *in'll)2 $Oh+ *or he'<en?& &'0e+ 7'r)25 $ ere )ou9.ere )ou567'r) lo.ered her <oice6$o<erco,e .ith -'&&ionF5 S'3rin' .hi--ed her he'd 'round 'nd gl'red 't her *riend *erociou&l)2 7'r) .'& und'unted2 $Did he56' deliciou& little -'u&e6$r'<i&h )ouF5

$7'r)2 =le'&e( Don?t )ou &eeF It?& too terri3le *or .ord&25 Silence2 For ' ,o,ent 7'r) loo0ed &),-'thetic 'nd trou3led+ 3ut it .'&n?t 'n e;-re&&ion &he could hold *or long2 S'3rin' could -r'ctic'll) &ee the ne;t :ue&tion '& it 3u33led u- out o* her2 $ h't -reci&el) h'--en& .hen )ou?re r'<i&hedF You &ee+ I?, ,'rried+ 3ut I don?t 3elie<e I?<e e<er 3een -ro-erl) r'<i&hed+ '& it .ere25 S'3rin' ,o'ned 'nd dro--ed her *'ce into her h'nd&2 7erci*ull) 7'r) ce'&ed '&0ing :ue&tion& *or the ,o,ent2 Suddenl) S'3rin' loo0ed u- 'g'in 'nd -'rted her h'nd& li0e &hutter&2 $7'r)+ .h't '3out Geo**re)F5 7'r)?& 4'. dro--ed2 $Oh+ -oor Geo**re)(5 &he &'id+ 'gh'&t+ '& though it h'd 4u&t occurred to her2 It .'& ' <er) good thing L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'. h'd no intention o* ,ini&tering to the -oor+ S'3rin' thought2 She h'd no in&tinct *or co,*orting2 $And .h) on e'rth .'& ,) *'ther .ith )ou+ 7'r)F5 &he gro'ned2 $Oh( Li88ie?& ,other &ent *or hi,2 He .'& &u,,oned 3) the "ol3ert& &o,e d')& 'go to &-e'0 to her *'ther+ .ho i& <er) ill+ 'nd -o&&i3l) d)ing+ )ou &ee+ 3ut the) could not 3e &ure2 And there i&n?t ' <ic'r ne'r3)+ 'nd 7r2 "ol3ert i& 'c:u'inted .ith )our *'ther2 The) didn?t 0no. Geo**re) .ould 3e <i&iting L' 7ont'gne25 Another &ilence2 And then 7'r) &'id+ :uietl)+ '& though it h'd 'll 't l'&t &olidi*ied into ' &ingle re'li8'tionE $Good he'<en&+ )ou 're right2 S'3rin'+ )ou 're :uite ruined25 $Are )ou onl) no. re'li8ing thi&+ 7'r)F5 7'r) .'& &ilent then+ :ue&tion& &-ent+ the ,'gnitude o* S'3rin'?& -redic',ent thu,-ing do.n o<er her li0e ' gre't net2 She 'nd S'3rin' &t'red 't e'ch other hel-le&&l)2 And then 7'r) ,o<ed to S'3rin'?& &ide 'nd too0 her h'nd 'nd &:uee8ed it2 And then rele'&ed it 'nd then ,o<ed ' *e. inche& '.') *ro, her2 Then &cooted 3'c0 o<er 'g'in 'nd too0 her h'nd 'g'in 'nd &:uee8ed it2 "le'rl) 7'r) "'-&tr'. .'&n?t :uite cert'in .h't to do .ith S'3rin' no. th't &he?d 3een ruined+ '& none o* her *riend& h'd e<er 3e*ore done 'n)thing :uite &o intere&ting2

At l'&t+ the) *ell into ' &ilence th't 3eg'n to *eel -er,'nent2 And the *'ct 7'r) could *ind nothing el&e to &') con*ir,ed *or S'3rin' ho. <er) gr'<e her circu,&t'nce& trul) .ere2 Le'<ing )ndh',+ Rh)& h'd i,,edi'tel) '&0ed the in&crut'3le 7r&2 !'ile) to *ind 'nd &end Vic'r F'irleigh to the )ello. &itting roo,2 No. Rh)& &tood in the door.') o* it+ 3r'cing hi,&el* *or ' con<er&'tion he?d ne<er dre',ed he?d need to h'<e+ 'nd &tudied S'3rin'?& *'ther2 The <ic'r loo0ed the .') <ic'r& o<er Engl'nd &ee,ed to+ *'ce '& *urro.ed '& ' .inter ro'd+ &0in reddened 'nd .ind-roughened2 A -e'ce*ul *'ce *or 'll o* th't+ de&-ite the 'ir o* 3e.ilder,ent2 Hi& &houlder& .ere &:u'red+ '& though he .'& 3r'ced *or &o,ething2 Loo0ing 't the <ic'r?& .e'thered+ re&igned *'ce+ Rh)& h'd ne<er *elt ,ore li0e ' 3ounder in hi& entire li*e+ 'nd Lord 0ne. he?d ,'de &o,ething o* 'n 'rt o* 3eing ' 3ounder2 Rh)&?& c't'log o* e;-erience& .'& e;tr'ordin'ril) di<er&e+ 3ut &ince he?d ne<er 3e*ore 0i&&ed ' <ic'r?& d'ughter in ' li3r'r) 3e*ore 'n 'udience o* *'&cin'ted onloo0er&+ he .'& 't ' lo&& '& to ho. to 3egin thi& -'rticul'r inter<ie.2 $7r2 F'irleigh+5 he decided u-on+ *ir&t o* 'll2 He &'id it :uietl)2 The <ic'r &tood :uic0l) 'nd turned to loo0 u- 't Rh)&+ 'nd dignit)+ .orr)+ 'nd indign'tion .'rred .ith gu'rded re&-ect *or Rh)&?& &t'tion in hi& e;-re&&ion2 He .'ited ' di&tinct ,o,ent 3e*ore he ,'de hi& 3o.2 A -oint ,'de2 Rh)& 0ne. he de&er<ed the &,'ll+ digni*ied &light2 He 3o.ed+ too+ 'nd ge&tured *or the <ic'r to re&u,e &itting2 There .'& ' :uiet+ '& the t.o ,en &'t 'cro&& *ro, e'ch other2 Rh)& 0ne. he ought to &-e'0+ 3ut the <ic'r 3eg'n2 $I9didn?t 0no. &he .'& here+ )ou &ee+5 the <ic'r 3eg'n+ hi& <oice &tr'ined+ &ounding *'intl) 3e.ildered2 $Not until L'd) 7'r) told ,e+ 'nd then I 2 2 25 He loo0ed do.n+ 'nd cl'&-ed hi& h'nd& tightl) in hi& l'-+ o<erco,e .ith &o,e e,otion2 AngerF Sh',eF $She?& ' good girl+5 he &'id :uietl)+ &ounding -u88led2 And Rh)& &uddenl) de&-er'tel) .'nted to &-'re thi& ,'n &h',e2 He didn?t 0no. ho. he could -o&&i3l)+ .ith 'n) &ort o* gr'ce+ r'i&e the -o&&i3ilit) o* -')ing hi& d'ughter to go thou&'nd& o* ,ile& '.')2 The <ic'r h'd r'i&ed ' good :uiet girl6' good :uiet girl 't le'&t out.'rdl)6.ho ,ight e<en h'<e re,'ined th't .') i* The Li3ertine h'dn?t t'0en it u-on hi,&el* to &ho. S'3rin' F'irleigh the truth o* her n'ture+ out o* &heer 3oredo,2 !lood) hell2 Rh)& *elt the 3otto, o**ici'll) dro--ing *ro, 3ene'th hi& *eet2 !ut he didn?t l'c0 cour'ge+ 'nd he .'& ' ,'n o* .ord&+ .'& he notF He .ould *ind the right one&2 $Sir+ I .ould li0e to '-ologi8e *or .h't )ou .itne&&ed ' ,o,ent 'go2 I ne<er ,e'nt to65 The <ic'r loo0ed u- &.i*tl)+ e)e& *l'ring .ith di&3elie*+ 'nd ' hint o* outr'ge2 And Rh)& 0ne. 'n e;cellent 'nd truth*ul .') to end th't &entence .ould 3e+ $63e c'ught 0i&&ing )our d'ughter+5 3ut thi& .'& out o* the :ue&tion in the circu,&t'nce&2 He hurriedl) continued2 $Th't i&+ -le'&e let ,e '&&ure )ou th't I ne<er intended to56he cle'red hi& thro't delic'tel)

6$di&honor S'3rin'2 And I .ould li0e to '&&ure )ou th't )our d'ughter 'nd I h'<e *or,ed9 'n 'tt'ch,ent25 ell+ th't .'& one .') to de&cri3e it2 The <ic'r?& t'ut e;-re&&ion 3eg'n to gr'du'll)+ .'ril) gi<e .') to relie*2 And then he .'ited+ 'nd .hen Rh)& &'id nothing ,ore+ the Vic'r F'irleigh?& e;-re&&ion &o*tened *urther 'nd 3ec',e 'l,o&t9gentl) &),-'thetic2 A& though Rh)& .ere ' c'llo. )oung ,'n con*e&&ing to ' *ir&t lo<e2 Good God2 The) .ere in the re'l, o* the co,ic'l no.2 !ut he?d gone *or.'rd+ 'nd once he &'id the .ord& o**ici'll)+ Rh)& 0ne. he .ouldn?t 3e '3le to retr'ct the,2 He le'-ed2 $I do intend to do ,) dut) 3) )our d'ughter+ &ir2 And I &hould 3e honored indeed i* )ou .ould con&ent to56Rh)& -'u&ed+ to &'<or one *in'l ,o,ent o* *reedo,6$con&ent to gi<e ,e S'3rin'?& h'nd in ,'rri'ge25 He &'id the .ord& &ti**l)2 He could &c'rcel) 3elie<e the)?d le*t hi& ,outh2 He .'& di&t'ntl) '.'re th't the &en&'tion &ee,ed to h'<e le*t hi& li,3&2 The <ic'r -'u&ed+ ti--ing hi& he'd in thought+ 'nd *i;ed Rh)& .ith ' gentl) 3e,u&ed g'8e2 $Though I?, &ure .e 're 'greed th't the circu,&t'nce& under .hich .e h'<e ,et 're not ide'l+ &ir+ I &hould 3e -le'&ed to gi<e ,) con&ent to )our ,'rri'ge2 I .'& )oung once+ Lord R'.den2 I ', inclined to *orgi<e )oung lo<e65 Good God2 $6&ince the outco,e i& no. 'll .e could h'<e ho-ed *or25 There .ere ' ,illion thing& Rh)& could h'<e &'id in re&-on&e2 He .'& .i&e enough6'nd nu,3 enough6to re*r'in *ro, &')ing 'n) o* the,2 Not .h't el&e to do+ S'3rin' &'t .ith 7'r) 'nd .'tched the -endulu, on the cloc0 &.ing h)-notic'll) to 'nd *ro+ her &to,'ch ' c'uldron o* ,i&er)2 She thought o* Geo**re)+ .ho could not -o&&i3l) ,'rr) her no.+ 'nd the odd e;-re&&ion on hi& *'ce .hen he?d &een her le'- '.') *ro, Rh)&E 3itter triu,-h2 O* her *'ther+ .ho loo0ed 3oth he'rt3ro0en 'nd &tr'ngel) not 't 'll &ur-ri&ed2 =erh'-& thi& .'& the thing he?d 3een e;-ecting S'3rin' to do 'll 'longE 0i&& ' notoriou& e'rl2 S'3rin' .i&hed no. th't the <ic'r h'd .'rned her &-eci*ic'll) '3out hi& &u&-icion+ i* thi& .'& indeed the c'&e+ &o &he ,ight h'<e '<oided it2 She .ondered .here her *'ther .'& 't thi& ,o,ent2 And &he thought o* 'll the other .itne&&e&+ .ho .ould 3e onl) too delighted to &-re'd the .ord2 Th't cloc0 -endulu, h'd &.ung do8en& 'nd do8en& o* ti,e& 3e*ore ' 3utler '--e'red 't the door 'nd 3o.ed lo. to the t.o o* the,2 $7i&& F'irleigh+ the e'rl .ould 3e -le'&ed i* )ou .ould 4oin hi, 't h'l* -'&t the hour in the .indo. roo,25

S'3rin'?& he'rt i,,edi'tel) 3'lled u- li0e ' hedgehog *'cing ' -red'tor2 Th't .'& 'n hour *ro, no.2 h't .'& the e'rl doing no.F $Th'n0 )ou+5 &he &'id *'intl) to the 3utler?& i,-'&&i<e *'ce2 He nodded 'nd 3'c0ed *ro, the roo,2 She didn?t .onder ho. &he?d 3een *ound2 She i,'gined the &er<'nt& &'. 'nd 0ne. e<er)thing+ e<en in thi& ,'8e o* dr'.ing 'nd &itting roo,& th't .'& L' 7ont'gne2 The) .ere e<er).here+ 'nd '& indi&-en&'3le '& the .'ll &conce&+ '& the .'ll& the,&el<e&2 L'd) 7'r)+ on the other h'nd+ loo0ed :uite cheer*ull) 'lert 'g'in2 $T'l0 to ,e o* other thing&+ 7'r)+ *or the ne;t *e. ,inute&2 =le'&e2 O* Li88ie?& ne. 3'3)25 And &o 7'r) t'l0ed 'nd t'l0ed+ 'nd S'3rin' li&tened 3ut didn?t he'r+ until the h'nd& ,o<ed o<er to the hour de&ign'ted *or her to ,eet her *'te2 Rh)& -'u&ed in the door.')2 S'3rin' F'irleigh .'& &itting in the center o* the &ettee loo0ing <er) &,'ll in th't enor,ou& roo,+ her he'd turned to.'rd the .indo. ,uch '& hi& h'd ' ,o,ent 3e*ore+ '& though &he .ere getting her l'&t gli,-&e o* *reedo,2 He .ondered i* &he &'. the e;-'n&e o* colorle&& &no. '& ,et'-horic'll) '& he did2 He clo&ed the door :uietl) 3ehind hi, 'nd &he g'<e ' &t'rt2 She .'& on her *eet in&t'ntl)+ &,oothing her -'l,& 'g'in&t her &0irt2 She curt&ied+ &.i*tl)+ 'nd he o**ered her ' 3o.2 A.0.'rd '& &tr'nger&+ the t.o o* the,+ &uddenl)2 hen their li-& 'nd 'r,& 'nd 3odie& h'd 3een touching ' ,ere hour or &o 3e*ore2 And then it h'd &ee,ed ' g',e2 Onl) ' 0i&&2 The cool light illu,in'ted her *'ir &o*t &0in+ tho&e lo<el) cle'r e)e& th't .ere too o3&er<'nt+ too direct+ .hich no dou3t ,e'nt &he could 'l&o 3e too e'&il) hurt2 Ho. <er) )oung &he &ee,ed+ &t'nding there in her 3e&t d') dre&&+ *'ded 'nd -oign'ntl) outd'ted2 And '& Rh)& &t'red 't 7i&& S'3rin' F'irleigh+ &oon to 3e S'3rin' Gillr')+ the "ounte&& R'.den+ the .o,'n .ho .ould 3e'r hi& n',e 'nd hi& &on&+ he re'li8ed+ ironic'll)+ th't &he h'd 3een right2 Hi& o.n -'&&ion& 'nd inclin'tion& to.'rd indulgence h'd led the t.o o* the, to thi& ,o,ent2 He .'&n?t '3out to con*e&& thi& to her+ ho.e<er2 He .ondered ho. on e'rth the) could -o&&i3l) go 3e)ond thi& '.0.'rd ,o,ent+ *ro, thi& ,i&t'0e+ 'nd -roceed .ith the re&t o* their li<e&2 Hi& cr'<'t &uddenl) *elt too tight+ hi& lung& too &h'llo. to t'0e in ' -ro-er 3re'th2 $7i&& F'irleigh+ I h'<e &-o0en to )our *'ther+5 he 3eg'n .ithout -re',3le2 $I h'<e ,'de '34ect '-ologie& to hi,56he ground the&e .ord& out .ith &o,e di**icult)+ '& it .'& not e<er) d') ' -roud e'rl .'& *orced to ,'0e '34ect '-ologie& to 'n i,-o<eri&hed <ic'r+ nor to 'd,it to it6$'nd h'<e -ro*e&&ed 'n 'tt'ch,ent to )ou2 I h'<e '&&ured hi, th't I intend to do ,)

dut) 3) )ou2 You ,') *ind &o,e co,*ort in the *'ct th't he i& inclined to *orgi<e56he -'u&ed+ 'nd *r',ed the ne;t t.o .ord& in *ourteen-0'r't iron)6$)oung lo<e25 She ,'de ' &o*t &norting &ound2 At le'&t &he '--reci'ted iron)2 During their e;cruci'ting inter<ie.+ the <ic'r h'd in *'ct '&&ured the e'rl th't S'3rin' could e'&il) run ' gre't hou&e+ '& &he r'n the <ic'r'ge 'nd h'l* the to.n+ 'nd re'll)+ the <ic'r didn?t 0no. ho. he .ould do .ithout her2 Though o* cour&e the &ettle,ent& .ould go ' long .') to.'rd hiring hel-2 h) on e'rth did I decide to touch thi& un,'rried girlF Rh)& .'nted to thro. &o,ething+ or run2 In&te'd+ he loc'ted hi& &en&e o* honor2 It .'& 3red into hi& 3lood '*ter 'll+ e<en i* he h'dn?t e;erci&ed it ' <er) good de'l l'tel)2 He too0 ' dee- 3re'th 'nd &'id the .ord& .ith the -ro-er gr'<it)+ '& he thought e<er) )oung .o,'n de&er<ed ' -ro-er -ro-o&'l2 $There*ore+ S'3rin'+ I .ould 3e -le'&ed i* )ou .ould do ,e the honor o* 3eco,ing ,) .i*e25 She reg'rded hi, un3lin0ingl)+ tho&e di&concertingl) direct e)e& &tud)ing hi& *'ce2 He thought he &'. ' gli,,er o* d'r0 hu,or there2 I* &he ,'de noi&e& '3out doing her dut) 3) hi,+ he .ould :uite &i,-l) go ,'d+ he decided2 He .ould go o** to *ight ' *oreign .'r2 $I th'n0 )ou *or )our o**er+ &ir+ 'nd in light o* the circu,&t'nce&+ I ',94u&t '& -le'&ed 'nd honored9to 'cce-t )our o**er o* ,'rri'ge '& )ou 're to o**er it25 =erh'-& the ,o&t ironic ,'rri'ge -ro-o&'l e<er ,'de 'nd 'cce-ted2 Not 't 'll .h't the .orld 't l'rge .ould h'<e e;-ected *ro, The Li3ertine+ .ho could ,'0e .ord& &ing on ' -'ge 'nd .o,en &.oon2 Thi& one didn?t loo0 inclined to &.oon 't the ,o,ent2 Their g'8e& held ' ,o,ent longer2 di&ench'nt,ent2 ell+ the) h'd th't in co,,on+ 't le'&tE ,utu'l

S'3rin'?& chee0& 3urned -in0 '& &he g'8ed 't hi,+ 3ut her &-ine .'& &tr'ight 'nd her &houlder& &:u're2 He?d recogni8ed the -ride in her *ro, the <er) 3eginning+ 'nd he .ondered i* it .'& 'n incon<enient thing *or her+ the <ic'r?& d'ughter+ .ith her -l'n& o* ,ini&tering to the -oor 'long&ide in&u**er'3le Geo**re)2 He con&idered &o,eone h'r3oring the -ride &o e<ident in her &ti**ened &-ine ,ight h'<e <er) li0el) ,'de 'n un&uit'3le .i*e *or hi& cou&in Geo**re)+ too2 Or -erh'-& it .'& he .ho 3rought out the &ti** &-ine+ 'nd -erh'-& Geo**re) .ould h'<e h'd ' -er*ectl) ',i'3le -'rtner in her+ i* Geo**re) h'd e<er re'll) intended to .ed her2 He .ondered i* &he 'ctu'll) lo<ed Geo**re)2 He .ondered i* her he'rt .'& 3re'0ing2

He .ondered .h't th't *elt li0e+ i* &o2 It .'& di**icult to &')2 She 4u&t &ee,ed9-'le 'nd -roud 'nd re&olute2 Tr)ing+ the &',e '& he+ to co,e to ter,& .ith ho. irre<oc'3l) 'nd :uic0l) her *uture h'd ch'nged2 In other circu,&t'nce&+ thi& .ould h'<e 3een ' ,o,ent *or ' tender 0i&&2 He didn?t *eel inclined to touch her 't 'll 't the ,o,ent+ .hen+ *unnil) enough+ he could &c'rcel) t'0e hi& h'nd& *ro, her ' ,o,ent 'go+ let 'lone the other night2 7oonlight+ ,)th&+ 'nd ne'rl) tr'n&-'rent night r'il& could do th't to ' ,'n2 $And &o I 3elie<e )ou no. 0no. the -rice o* &uccu,3ing to )our 'ni,'l n'ture25 She &'id it &o,e.h't &'rdonic'll)+ '& though concluding 'n 'rgu,ent2 Ah+ 7i&& F'irleigh2 She ne<er could re&i&t2 !ut nor could he2 He ro&e to it2 $Oddl) enough+ 7i&& F'irleigh+ I h'<e 0i&&ed do8en& o* .o,en 'nd ,'n'ged not to enter into 'n) eng'ge,ent&25 $Do8en&F Oh+ ,)2 I *'ll ,ore in lo<e .ith )ou 3) the ,inute25 It .'& ti,e to re<e'l hi& h'nd2 $I 3elie<e )ou &tood on ti-toe+ S'3rin'25 Hot color cre-t into tho&e -'le chee0&2 $I 3eg )our -'rdonF5 She &ounded outr'ged2 H,,,2 A 3it too outr'ged2 H'dn?t the 3'rd .ritten &o,ething '3out -rote&ting too ,uchF $ h't I ,e'n to &')+ S'3rin'+5 he cl'ri*ied relentle&&l)+ on ' dr'.l+ $i& th't )ou ,et ,e h'l*.') tod') in the li3r'r)2 You .'nted ' 0i&&25 Her h'nd& 0notted 'g'in&t her &0irt+ 3ut tho&e green e)e& *l'red hot+ 3rie*l)+ in 'nger+ 'nd &o,ething el&eE guilt2 H'( He thought it inte,-er'te 't the ,o,ent to -oint out th't te,-er& .ere 'n unto.'rd e;-re&&ion o* -'&&ion+ too2 And gr'nted+ it h'd 3een ungentle,'nl) o* hi, to -oint out th't &he h'd ,et hi& 0i&&+ th't &he+ in *'ct+ &h'red the 3l',e *or their -redic',ent2 !ut then+ 3eing gentle,'nl) .'&n?t ho. he?d ,'n'ged to get hi,&el* eng'ged+ 'nd 3eing gentle,'nl) no. .'&n?t going to undo it2 She -rote&ted no *urther+ .hich in it&el* &ee,ed ' conce&&ion2 I* nothing el&e+ he could count on 7i&& F'irleigh to 3e hone&t2 It .'& ' r're enough :u'lit) in 'n) hu,'n2 $I .ill &end *or ' S-eci'l Licen&e 't once+ o* cour&e+5 he &'id+ &o,e.h't '.0.'rdl)+ .hen &he re,'ined &ilent2 $O* cour&e+5 &he re-e'ted+ her <oice *'int2 She turned her he'd '.') to.'rd the .indo. 'g'in2 He thought he &'. de&-'ir &h' her *'ce 3rie*l)@ it .'& gone 'g'in '& &.i*tl)2 It echoed hi& o.n+ -l')ed u-on hi& guilt2 And guilt ,'de hi, 'ngr)+ 3oth .ith hi,&el* 'nd .ith her2 !lood) hell2

!ut he h'd done the right thing2 He .ouldn?t 3e the *ir&t ,'n to h'<e ' ,'rri'ge *oi&ted u-on hi,+ 'nd &he .ouldn?t 3e the *ir&t di&&'ti&*ied .o,'n2 Ho. on e'rth .ould the) get 3e)ond thi& '.0.'rd ,o,ent 'nd go on .ith the re&t o* their li<e&F $I thin0 it &h'll 3e cle'r *or the ne;t *e. d')&2 No &no.2 The S-eci'l Licen&e &hould 'rri<e in ' ti,el) .')+5 &he &'id *in'll)+ &ur-ri&ing hi,2 $Ho. c'n )ou 0no.F5 $I?<e le'rned ' thing or t.o in Tin3ur)25 She &'id it .ith ' .r) &,ile+ 'l,o&t to her&el*2

"HA=TER THIRTEEN A ND SO counte&&2 HEN S'3rin' *in'll) &'. her *'ther 'n hour or &o l'ter+ &he .'& eng'ged to 3e '

7r&2 !'ile)+ .ho &ee,ed to 0no. 'll+ directed her to the roo, .here her *'ther &'t2 She -'u&ed in the door.') 'nd .'tched hi, ' ,o,ent turning '& he &lo.l) &c'nned the glorie& o* the .'ll-'-er+ the <'&e&+ the *ire-l'ce c'r<ing&2 S'3rin' &,iled '& &he .'tched the <ic'r &h'0e hi& he'd &lo.l) to 'nd *ro in 3e,u&e,ent2 And then he turned 'nd &'. her2 He he&it'ted ' ,o,ent 3e*ore &te--ing *or.'rd to 0i&& her on 3oth chee0&+ then held her h'nd& in hi&2 The) &ettled &ide 3) &ide on the &ettee2 $='-'9're )ou '&h',edF5 She 3ur&t out .ith it+ needing hi& *orgi<ene&&+ hi& co,*ort2 The Vic'r F'irleigh loo0ed 't the )oung .o,'n he?d r'i&ed *ro, ' <er) little girl &o ,'n) )e'r& 'go2 $Oh+ ,) de'r S'3rin'2 Ho. could I e<er 3e '&h',ed o* )ouF I con*e&& I .'& &ur-ri&ed to *ind )ou here 't L' 7ont'gne+ 'nd 2 2 25 He couldn?t :uite *ini&h hi& &entence+ &o S'3rin' *ini&hed it *or hi, in her o.n ,indE &t'nding on )our toe& 'nd 0i&&ing 'n e'rl2 $!ut I onl) .i&h *or )ou to 3e h'--)2 I ne<er dre',ed )ou?d one d') 3e ' counte&&25 $Nor did I+ ='-'2 It i&n?t .h't I thought I .'nted25 $!ut i& he .ho )ou .'ntF Thi& e'rlF5 It .ould onl) ,'0e her *'ther unh'--) to tell hi, the truth2 Surel) &he .ould 3e *orgi<en thi& one little lie2 $He i& .h't I .'nt25 The relie* on the <ic'r?& *'ce .'& her re.'rd2 S'3rin' &u&-ected the relie* .'& r'ther li0e th't on the *'ce& o* the 'udience .hen &he?d ,'de her *ir&t -i'no*orte ,i&t'0eE no. th't the ,i&t'0e .'& o<er 'nd done .ith+ the &tr'in o* 'ntici-'ting the gr'nd ,i&t'0e .'& o<er+ too2

The thought o* the -i'no*orte ,'de her '&0 her ne;t :ue&tion2 $='-'F5 $Ye&+ ,) de'rF5 $I h'<e ' ,e,or)9o* &t'nding ne'r ' -i'no*orte ne'r ' .o,'n I thin0 i& ,) ,other2 And I?<e ' ,e,or) o* other little girl&2 It?& 'll <er) 3lurr)+ no.+ )ou &ee2 Th't?& 'll I 0no.25 $You?<e ne<er told ,e thi& 3e*ore+ child25 The <ic'r &,iled gentl)2 $Do )ou trul) 0no. nothing 't 'll '3out ,) ,otherF5 It .'& ' *or,'lit)+ re'll)2 She 0ne. he?d told her 'll there .'& to tell2 She could tell he .'& &e'rching hi& ,ind *or &o,ething+ 'n)thing to tell her2 She .'& on the 3rin0 o* the re&t o* her li*e+ 'nd .'nted to 0no. &o,ething o* her ,other2 $ ell+ her n',e .'& Ann'+ '& )our ,ini'ture &')&+5 he 3eg'n2 $Ye&+5 &he con*ir,ed2 Thi& &he 0ne.2 $And .e c'n &ur,i&e other thing& '3out her+ too+ S'3rin'+ 3) 4u&t loo0ing 't her d'ughter2 Th't &he .'& 3e'uti*ul+ 'nd 0ind2 =erh'-& &he -l')ed the -i'no*orte .ell25 =erh'-& &he .'& -roud 'nd -'&&ion'te2 =erh'-& &he h'd ' te,-er2 S'3rin' &,iled 't her *'ther2 He?d ne<er co,-li,ented her &o &-eci*ic'll) 3e*ore@ he h'd 'l.')& 3een c're*ul to gu'rd 'g'in&t <'nit)2 A--'rentl) no. th't &he .'& '3out to 3e ' ,'rried .o,'n 'nd ' counte&& &he could *eel *ree to 3eco,e '& <'in '& ' -e'coc02 !ut 'll her li*e S'3rin' h'd &en&ed her &heer con&-icuou&ne&& h'd ,'de the <ic'r ner<ou&2 All Vic'r F'irleigh h'd e<er .'nted .'& ' :uiet li*e2 =erh'-& 'll 'long he?d &u&-ected &he .'&n?t de&tined *or 'n)thing ordin'r)2 $And the night I .'& 3rought to )ouF5 &he urged2 $Sh'll I tell )ou th't &tor) 'g'inF5 $=le'&e+ i* )ou .ould+ ='-'25 It .'& ' <er) &hort &tor) '& there .'& little to tell+ 'nd S'3rin' 0ne. it .ell+ li0e ' ,uch-lo<ed 3edti,e &tor)2 A ,'n+ ' .ell-dre&&ed+ grie<ing+ gr')-*'ced ,'n+ h'd 3rought S'3rin' to hi,2 He .'& not ' h'nd&o,e ,'n+ the <ic'r &'id2 !ut he?d &ee,ed :uietl) deter,ined2 $ '& the ,'n ,) *'ther+ do )ou &u--o&eF5 $I .i&h+ ,) de'r+ I could tell )ou2 !ut he loo0ed not 't 'll li0e )ou2 And )ou ne<er once c'lled hi, G='-'2? You .ere cr)ing *or )our ,','25 And &uddenl)+ though S'3rin' h'd no ,e,or) o* th't ,o,ent+ &he *elt li0e th't little girl2 On the d') o* her .edding+ &he .ould h'<e li0ed her ,other to 3e .ith her2 Her *'ther honored her &ilence ' ,o,ent longer2

$I don?t 0no. ho. I .ill do .ithout )ou+ ,) de'r+ 3ut )our hu&3'nd h'& 3een ' generou& ,'n25 The <ic'r .'& .r)2 =o<ert) .'& the 3e&etting tri'l o* ne'rl) e<er) <ic'r in 'll o* Engl'nd2 $I ho-e )ou .ill 3e h'--)+ ,) de'r25 $I &h'll 3e+ ='-'25 She h'd no .') o* i* thi& .ould e<er 3e true+ 3ut the&e .ord& .ere her gi*t to Vic'r F'irleigh *or t'0ing her in &o long 'go2 L'ter+ S'3rin'?& *uture hu&3'nd .ould re,e,3er the d')& th't *ollo.ed the 0i&& in the li3r'r) in ter,& o* ' &erie& o* e;cruci'ting con<er&'tion&+ e'ch one li*e-ch'nging2 Fro, S'3rin'+ he?d i,,edi'tel) '&0ed 7r&2 !'ile) to loc'te Signor' Lic'ri2 He .'&n?t :uite cert'in .h't he .ould &') to her+ either+ 3ut he .'& cert'in he needed to do it :uic0l)2 Ironic'll)+ Rh)& re'li8ed th't he 'nd So-hi' h'd conducted their '**'ir+ &uch '& it .'&+ ,ore or le&& li0e 'n o-er'2 It h'd 'l.')& 3een de-endent u-on e,otion'l cre&cendo& *or it& ,o,entu,+ .hich .ere lin0ed 3) -'&&'ge& o* rel'ti<e+ i* &o,e.h't .'r) /on hi& -'rt+ 'n)ho.1 c'l,+ during .hich the) &h'red t'&te& in the 'rt& 'nd ironic con<er&'tion '3out ,e,3er& o* the ton2 !ut no. Rh)& *elt ' 3it li0e 'n 'ctor .ho h'd to--led *ro, the &t'ge into the 'udience+ 'nd he 'l,o&t *elt li0e '-ologi8ing2 Not *or 3eing ' c'd 'nd co,-ro,i&ing 'nother .o,'n entirel) under hi& o.n roo* during ' hou&e -'rt) to .hich he?d in<ited her+ 3ut *or interru-ting their ongoing -er*or,'nce6.hich h'd &uited 3oth o* the,6.ith 'n un&cheduled 3it o* clu,&) re'lit)2 And 3ec'u&e their rel'tion&hi- .'& co,-ri&ed -ri,'ril) o* &tr'teg)+ Rh)& &trolled into the )ello. &itting roo, ' good hour '*ter he?d '&0ed 7r&2 !'ile) to &end So-hi' there2 He *ound the &inger 'rr'nged on the &ettee+ &li, *inger& dru,,ing ' lei&urel) t'ttoo 'g'in&t her <el<et-dr'-ed thigh2 Thi& dru,,ing ,ight h'<e 3een 'n indic'tion o* -i:ue+ .hich .ould 3e &lightl) gr'ti*)ing+ '& 0ee-ing -eo-le .'iting .'& t)-ic'll) So-hi'?& &-eci'lt)2 Or it ,ight &i,-l) 3e her .') o* 0ee-ing ti,e to .h'te<er ,u&ic &he .'& li&tening to in her he'd2 One ne<er 0ne. .ith So-hi'2 She ro&e gr'ce*ull) .hen &he &'. hi, 'nd e;tended her h'nd+ one e)e3ro. .inging u-.'rd in &'rdonic '--reci'tion2 She 0ne. .h) he .'& l'te2 Rh)& 3ent o<er th't i,,'cul'tel) 0e-t h'nd+ &truc0 3) ' ,e,or) o* ho. &o*t 'nd &0illed her h'nd& .ere in gener'l2 The)?d ro',ed hi& 3od) on nu,erou& occ'&ion&@ he?d 3ent to 0i&& the, *or,'ll) countle&& ,ore ti,e&2 Odd ho. he h'dn?t trul) gi<en the, ' thought *or d')&+ though tho&e &0illed h'nd& h'd+ in -'rt+ 3een the re'&on he?d in<ited her to the countr) 't 'll2 The 4e.el th't hung 'round her nec0 no.6' 4e.el he h'dn?t gi<en to her6.'& e<idence th't her h'nd& ro',ed other 3odie&+ too2 $I?, going to 3e ,'rried+5 he &'id .hen he .'& u-right 'g'in2 He h'dn?t ,e'nt to &') it :uite &o directl)+ not re'll)2 !ut once the .ord& .ere out+ he .'& gl'd he?d done &o2 He .'tched her+ genuinel) curiou& to &ee ho. &he .ould re&-ond2 She didn?t e<en 3lin02 $7o&t ,en o* )our &t'tion do ,'rr)25 She &ounded ',u&ed2

And thi& irrit'ted hi, irr'tion'll)2 $I ', going to 3e ,'rried to 7i&& S'3rin' F'irleigh '& &oon '& ' S-eci'l Licen&e 'rri<e&2 I &h'll 3e .ed .ithin d')&25 He &'id it curtl)2 Ah2 A &.i*t .idening o* the e)e&2 Her li-& -'rted ' little2 And then &ilence+ '& So-hi' *ull) '3&or3ed th't he .'&n?t 4e&ting2 !rie*l) &he turned her he'd '.')+ then turned it 3'c0 'g'in2 For ' ,o,ent he regretted hi& curtne&&+ 3ec'u&e he .ouldn?t t'0e -le'&ure in hurting her *eeling&2 Still+ he .'&n?t cert'in .hether he could+ in *'ct+ hurt her2 He .'ited2 He .'tched the thought& ,o<ing o<er her *'ce+ 'nd then &'. her dr'. conclu&ion& '3out hi& 'nnounce,ent2 So-hi' .'& .orldl)+ 'nd 0ne. hi& te,-er',ent2 And '& &he 0ne. he .'& not one to 3eco,e o<erco,e .ith lo<e+ &he .ould 'l&o 0no. he ,u&t h'<e 3een o<erco,e .ith &o,ething el&e 'ltogether2 And he ,u&t h'<e 3een c'ught 't it2 In &hort+ &he could -ro3'3l) gue&& e;'ctl) .h't h'd h'--ened2 Th't?& .hen he 'ctu'll) *elt hi,&el* *lu&h2 $7) congr'tul'tion&+5 So-hi' &'id *in'll)+ &o*tl)2 She reg'rded hi, e<enl)2 He could h'<e &.orn &he .'& e<en ' little ',u&ed2 $So-hi'6+5 he &'id &.i*tl)2 He &to--ed2 He didn?t 0no. ho. he intended to *ini&h hi& &entence2 He h'dn?t intended to hurt her or e<en .ound her -ride+ '& &he .'& ' -roud .o,'n+ 'nd right*ull) &o2 And &he didn?t '--e'r to 3e hurt2 Then 'g'in+ it .'& o*ten i,-o&&i3le to 0no. .h't So-hi' .'& thin0ing2 All the deliciou&+ dr','tic &-i0e& o* their rel'tion&hi- h'd &-'red the, the nece&&it) o* hone&t co,,unic'tion2 hich+ in -'rt+ .'& .h) the rel'tion&hi- h'd &uited the, 3oth2 $I &h'll de-'rt &tr'ight'.')+5 &he &'id 3ri&0l)2 He didn?t 'rgue .ith her2 $It ,ight 3e 3e&t2 You ,') u&e ,) c'rri'ge25 She nodded2 She h'd t'0en thi& *or gr'nted+ o* cour&e2 $And I .ill &ee )ou in LondonF5 She &,iled2 Thi& &he too0 *or gr'nted+ too2 Relie<ed th't 't le'&t &o,e thing& .ould continue '& 'l.')&+ Rh)&?& &,ile .'& .'r,er2 $O* cour&e2 Ver) &oon25 He r'i&ed her h'nd& to hi& li-& '& ' -ro,i&e2 And &o there -'&&ed &e<er'l d')& th't t';ed the ,'nner& o* 'll -re&ent+ 3ut e<er)one &ee,ed to t'citl) decide th't the ,o&t co,*ort'3le &olution .'& to *orget th't S'3rin' h'd 3een c'ught 0i&&ing the e'rl 'nd h'd -erh'-& d'&hed the ho-e& o* 'nother ,'n+ 'nd to re4oice in the '--ro'ch o* ' .edding2 A*ter 'll+ 'n e'rl+ e<en ' notoriou& one+ .'& ' ,uch 3etter c'tch th'n ' cur'te+ 'nd e<en the cur'te6&oon to 3e <ic'r6in :ue&tion .'& e;-ected to 'cce-t thi&2

Geo**re) h'd re,o<ed hi,&el* to the <ic'r'ge 't !uc0&te'd He'th2 The -le'&'nt collecti<e delu&ion did not e;tend to e;-ecting hi, to -er*or, the .edding cere,on)+ or 'ttend it+ *or th't ,'tter2 A--'rentl) he h'd :uite gr'ciou&l) 'cce-ted the li<ing e;tended to hi, 3) hi& cou&in2 Another clerg),'n *ro, ' to.n &o,e di&t'nce '.') *ro, !uc0&te'd He'th h'd 3een -re&&ed into &er<ice+ '& her *'ther .ould 3e ' gue&t2 Her hu&3'nd?& 'lleged ,i&tre&& h'd 'l&o di&creetl) di&'--e'red+ returned to London *or 'n i,-ort'nt &inging eng'ge,ent+ or &o the re&t o* the co,-'n) .'& told2 S'3rin' &'. her *uture hu&3'nd onl) 't dinner& .ith the other gue&t&+ .here he .'& -olitel) &olicitou& 3ut not 'ttenti<e+ 'nd .here ,uch di&cu&&ion o* the .e'ther /cold1 'nd the hou&e /-rett)1 too0 -l'ce+ 'nd <er) little .'& e'ten 3) the 3ride-to-3e2 S'3rin' 3oth .i&hed &he 0ne. .h't the E'rl o* R'.den+ Rh)& Gillr')+ her *uture hu&3'nd+ .'& thin0ing+ 'nd .'& gl'd &he didn?t 0no.2 !eing 'n e'rl h'd it& di&tinct 'd<'nt'ge&+ 'nd de&-ite the 3'd .e'ther+ the S-eci'l Licen&e 'rri<ed :uic0l)2 The .edding+ &,'ll 'nd :uiet+ .'& held e'rl) in the ,orning 't the 'ncient church 't !uc0&te'd He'th2 S'3rin' .ore ' .'l0ing dre&&+ 'nd in her 3odice &he?d tuc0ed the ,ini'ture o* her ,other+ *or &he .ould h'<e li0ed her ,other to 'ttend her .edding2 The groo, .ore *'.n-colored trou&er&+ t'll 3oot&+ 'nd ' d'r0 co't th't &o,eho. ,'de hi& e)e& ,ore <i<id+ hi& *'ce ,ore -'le2 And o* her .edding d')+ S'3rin' 0ne. &he .ould re,e,3er thi&E hi& 3lue e)e& *ierce 3ut other.i&e enig,'tic+ hi& .'r, h'nd& gri--ing her cold one&+ 0ee-ing the, *ro, tre,3ling2 A gho&t o* ' rue*ul &,ile on hi& ,outh '& he loo0ed do.n 't her2 He ne<er did loo0 '.') *ro, her+ in *'ct2 It .'& &uch ' little thing+ 3ut it &o,eho. g'<e her &trength+ *or he 'lone -erh'-& under&tood .h't ,o<ed through her ,ind 't the ,o,ent+ '& &i,il'r thing& dou3tle&& ,o<ed through hi&2 And then the .ord& .ere &'id+ 'nd it .'& o<er+ 'nd &he .'& ' counte&&2 She?d 'l.')& thought her .edding+ .hen it .'& held+ .ould 3e held in &-ring+ .ith the 'ir &o*t 'nd .'r,+ 'nd 3lo&&o,& 4u&t 3eginning to 3re'0 out on the tree&2 Not thi& &till+ cold d')+ .ith ' &0) &o 3lue it ,'de one 3lin0 to loo0 't it+ 'nd &no. 3eco,ing ,udd) 'nd gr') lining the ro'd&+ 'nd the 3r'nche& o* the 3're tree& &urrounding the church loo0ing '& co,-lic'ted '& &no.*l'0e&2 The .inter h'd indeed co,e e'rl) 'nd h'rd2 Another thought cro&&ed her ,indE It h'd 3een 'n o,en2 Sill) '& it .'&+ &he *elt &o,eho. <indic'ted2 $Don?t go+ 7'r)25 S'3rin' 0ne. thi& .'& ' *utile re:ue&t+ 'nd didn?t -reci&el) ,e'n it2 Still+ out the &enti,ent c',e2 7'r)?& trun0& .ere 3eing -'c0ed *or her 3) ' co,-etent ,'id+ &o 7'r) &tole &o,e ti,e 'lone .ith S'3rin' '*ter the .edding 3re'0*'&t2 $Oh+ S'3rin'2 You 0no. I c'nnot &t')2 You?re ' .i*e no.2 And ' counte&&+5 &he 'dded .ith reli&h2 $I ,u&t &') I?, '.*ull) -le'&ed to 3e on &uch inti,'te ter,& .ith ' counte&&25 7'r) &:uee8ed her h'nd2 $ here i& )our h'nd&o,e hu&3'ndF5

S'3rin' &ounded de&-er'te2 $7'r)+ I ne<er .'nted to 3e ' counte&&2 And I ne<er 0no. .here ,) Gh'nd&o,e hu&3'nd? i&25 Hu&3'nd2 Hu&3'nd hu&3'nd hu&3'nd2 She .ondered i* the .ord .ould e<er *eel n'tur'l e,erging *ro, her li-&2 It didn?t no.+ -'rticul'rl) &ince &he?d *or &o,e ti,e -ictured 'n entirel) di**erent ,'n in the role2 $I ne<er .'nted to h'<e 3lond h'ir th't .ould ne<er curl+ 3ut it?& .h't I h'<e+ i&n?t itF5 .'& 7'r)?& *r'ctured -hilo&o-h)2 $ e ,u&t ,'0e do2 Although+ I ,u&t &')+ I thin0 )ou?re doing con&ider'3l) 3etter th'n 4u&t ,'0ing do2 ill )ou go on ' hone),oon 4ourne)F5 S'3rin' &t'red 't her incredulou&l)2 $7'r)2 For he'<en?& &'0e2 E<er)one &ee,& to *orget th't thi& ,'rri'ge .'&n?t -reci&el) -l'nned 3) either o* u&2 The e'rl 'nd I 're h'rdl) lo<e3ird&+ no ,'tter .h't )ou &'.+ 'nd no ,'tter .h't he told ,) *'ther2 The e'rl ,erel) did hi& dut) 3) ,e in order to &'l<'ge ,) re-ut'tion25 $A& he &hould+ '& he ruined it 3) 0i&&ing )ou+ did he notF5 S'3rin' .'& not inclined to t'0e the 3l',e *or 'n)thing 't the ,o,ent+ &o &he re,'ined &ilent2 $And th't?& no e;cu&e not to ,'0e the 3e&t o* e<er)thing+ no.+ i& itF5 7'r) -er&i&ted2 S'3rin' &ighed2 She thought 'g'in o* th't ,ini'ture o* her ,other 'nd .ondered+ not *or the *ir&t ti,e+ .hether there ,ight 3e 'n)one el&e li0e her on the -l'net+ or i* &he h'd 3een her ,other?& onl) child2 She lo<ed 7'r) *or her e&&enti'l cheer*ul goodne&&+ 3ut e<er)thing 'l.')& re:uired ' good de'l o* e;-l'n'tion .ith 7'r)2 $ ell+ I &u--o&e &o,eone ought to t'l0 to )ou '3out )our .edding night2 I ought to tell )ou .h't h'--en&+ &ince )our ,other i&n?t here to tell )ou2 And he .ill .'nt to co,e to )ou tonight+ no dou3t+ '& hi& dut) '& 'n e'rl i& to get 'n heir+ o* cour&e25 S'3rin' &u&-ected &he h'd ,ore th'n 'n in0ling o* .h't .ould h'--en2 !ut no. &he .'& '& 'lert '& ' &-'niel2 She .'ited2 $ ell9the) lie on to- o* )ou 'nd567'r) cle'red her thro't6$)ou 0no.25 7'r) &'id thi& &o,e.h't ho-e*ull)+ .ith 'n 'ir o* *in'lit)+ '& though &he ho-ed &he needn?t e;-l'in it in ,ore det'il2 S'3rin' did r'ther 0no.2 She?d &een chic0en&+ dog&+ 'nd c'ttle 't it@ &he 0ne. th't the .') in .hich &he 'nd Rh)& h'd ,elded together 4u&t the other night .'&n?t the entire &tor)2 !ut '*ter ' ,o,ent o* &ilence+ &he couldn?t re&i&t2 $7'r)9I thin0 there?& ,ore+5 &he .hi&-ered2 7'r) g'-ed *or 'n in&t'nt2 $I 0ne. it( He did r'<i&h )ou(5 7'r) &'id triu,-h'ntl)2 $He didn?t25 R'<i&hing i,-lied th't &o,ething h'd 3een done to her+ .hen in truth it h'd 'll 3een r'ther ,utu'l2

There .'& ' -'u&e2 7'r) n'rro.ed her e)e& &hre.dl)2 $All right+ then2 Ver) .ell2 You?re right2 There i& ,ore+5 &he re<e'led+ &lo.l)2 S'3rin' .'ited+ h'l* in ho-e+ h'l* in dre'd2 $!ut not ' <er) good de'l ,ore+5 7'r) e;-ounded .ith &o,e re&ign'tion2 $And it?& o<er :uic0l) enough+ &o )ou needn?t .orr)2 I t)-ic'll) u&e the ti,e to -l'n the ne;t d')?& dinner25 She &ounded cheer*ull) ,'tter-o*-*'ct '3out it2 $And I ', &o *ond o* ='ul th't I don?t ,ind it o<er'll+ '& he &ee,& to en4o) it &o thoroughl)2 e?<e 3eco,e :uite gre't *riend&2 And it?& ,) dut) '& ' .i*e+ )ou &ee+ '& it &h'll 3e )our&25 S'3rin' &t'red 't her *riend+ 3oggled )et 'g'in2 She couldn?t hel- re,e,3ering the E'rl o* R'.den?& .ord&E =erh'-& )ou t'0e -le'&ure in dut)2 Then 'g'in+ .here'& 3e*ore &he could h'<e &l'--ed the E'rl o* R'.den *or 0i&&ing her+ no. it .'& her dut) to 'cce-t .h'te<er 'ttention& he intended to 3e&to.2 And )et 2 2 2 h't '3out the need th't co,e& u- on )ou &o &uddenl) th't )ou *eel '& though )ou?ll e;-lode *ro, it+ 'nd then )ou do e;-lode *ro, it in the ,o&t e;tr'ordin'r) -le'&ure )ou?<e e<er 0no.nF S'3rin' .'nted to '&02 Ju&t to .'tch 7'r)?& e;-re&&ion ch'nge2 It occurred to her th't it .'& -ro3'3l) di**erent *or e<er) ,'n 'nd .o,'n2 Not e<er) ,'n c'n 3e The Li3ertine+ .ith hi& inti,'te 0no.ledge o* ho. to -le'&e ' .o,'n+ or the .o,en o* London .ouldn?t tr'il hi, '3out 'nd c'&t their <irtue to the .ind+ '& ru,or h'd it2 Nor .ould he 3e 'cco,-'nied 3) *',ou&+ 3e'uti*ul o-er' &inger&2 And not e<er) hu&3'nd 'nd .i*e .ill 3e *ond o* e'ch other+ or 3eco,e gre't *riend&2 Or 0no. e'ch other?& .here'3out& 't 'n) gi<en ,o,ent2 S'3rin' *elt ' :uiet &en&e o* de&ol'tion then2 She .ondered .hich &he -re*erred2 The -le'&ure+ or the *riend&hi-2 She did 0no. &he .ould <er) ,uch li0e to not 3e lonel) 'n),ore2 $Do )ou lo<e ='ul+ 7'r)F5 $O* cour&e+5 7'r) &'id+ 3lin0ing in &ur-ri&e2 And then S'3rin' .'& &orr) &he?d '&0ed+ 3ec'u&e it 4u&t ,'de her *eel lonel) 'g'in2 And then 7'r) 'nd ='ul .ere gone+ 'nd her *'ther le*t &oon '*ter2 He g'<e her ' hug+ 'nd 0i&&ed 3oth chee0&+ 'nd .ith the, .ent the l'&t o* .h't S'3rin' 0ne. o* Tin3ur) 'nd her old li*e2


7 ARRIED2 Rh)& reg'rded hi& re*lection in the ,irror2 He didn?t *eel -'rticul'rl) di**erent2 ell+ '-'rt+ th't .'&+ *ro, the *eeling& o* guilt+ re&ent,ent+ 'nd ner<e&2 All o* tho&e .ere *'irl) ne. *or ' ,'n .ho h'd gro.n 'ccu&to,ed to doing -reci&el) '& he -le'&ed+ .hen he -le'&ed+ .ith .ho, he -le'&ed2 And he?d ne<er 3e*ore *elt 'n) o* tho&e thing& 3e*ore 3edding ' .o,'n2 !ut+ oh+ )e&2 He couldn?t den) there .'& 'l&o 'ntici-'tion2 And lu&t2 Th't .'& ,ore -le'&'nt2 The) .ere 'll gone+ L'd) 7'r) 'nd Lord ='ul 'nd Vic'r F'irleigh 'nd e<en )ndh',+ .ho+ &ur-ri&ingl)+ dre. the line 't &t')ing under the &',e roo* .ith ' ne.l) ,'rried cou-le2 He?d returned to London 'long .ith So-hi'2 $See )ou in ' d') or &o+ old ,'n+5 he?d &'id+ .ith ' ti- o* the h't 'nd ' tilted &,ile2 $I?ll 0eethe &ecret o* )our .edding *or '& long '& )ou?d li0e ,e to25 Ho. ',u&ed the .hole o* London .ould 3e to di&co<er The Li3ertine in hi& ch',3er&+ do.ning 3r'nd)+ ,ulling hi& re*lection+ -o&t-oning the ine<it'3le+ .hen ' 3e'uti*ul )oung .o,'n .'ited *or hi, in the 'd4oining roo,2 He could h'rdl) '<oid doing hi& hu&3'ndl) dut) 3) hi& 3ride+ nor did he -reci&el) .'nt to '<oid it2 !ut de&-ite hi& re-ut'tion+ he?d ne<er 3e*ore t'0en ' <irgin2 He .orried th't S'3rin' .ould 3e '*r'id@ 'nd in ' .')+ he re&ented the <er) *'ct o* hi& .orr)2 He ru33ed the 3'c0 o* hi& nec0 di&tr'ctedl)+ 'nd then dre. in ' long 3re'th2 At l'&t he &ei8ed the 3r'nd) dec'nter 'nd t.o gl'&&e&+ 'nd -re-'red to &te- *or.'rd irre<oc'3l) into the re&t o* hi& li*e2 S'3rin' dre&&ed *or 3ed in her night r'il+ the onl) night r'il &he currentl) -o&&e&&ed+ 'nd un-inned her h'ir .ith un&te'd) h'nd&+ &h'0ing it out2 There .ould 3e ' ,'id to do thi& *or her i* &he?d li0e+ 'nd to hel- her dre&&+ &he?d 3een told 3) 7r&2 !'ile)+ 'nd )et &he couldn?t i,'gine e,-lo)ing ' -er&on .ho&e &ole -ur-o&e .'& to tre't her li0e ' child+ to dre&& her 'nd undre&& her+ to groo, her2 !ut then 'g'in+ &he .'& ' counte&& no.+ 'nd -erh'-& it .'& her dut) to e,-lo) '& ,'n) -eo-le '& -o&&i3le to do '& little '& -o&&i3le2 There .ould 3e ,ore dre&&e&+ 'nd lo<el) *ine thing& to &lee- in+ too2 She?d 3een told th't ' ,odi&te .ould 3e in to &ee to it2 She .'& to choo&e ne. *itting& *or her u&e i* &he di&li0ed the *itting& currentl) in her roo,@ &he could choo&e *ro, 'n) o* the *urniture in thi& gr'nd hou&e2 She h'dn?t the *'inte&t ide' .hether &he li0ed or di&li0ed her *itting&2 She .'&n?t entirel) cert'in &he 0ne. .h't the .ord $*itting&5 ,e'nt2 She did 0no. the roo, .'& i,,en&e+ co,*ort'3le+ .'r,+ 'nd lonel)2 Thi& entire roo, .'& 4u&t *or her+ 'nd the e'rl &u--o&edl) .ould &lee- in hi& o.n ch',3er& 'd4oining her&+ to <i&it -erh'-& .hen the ,ood too0 hi,2 =erh'-&+ '& *'r '& e'rl& .ere concerned+ .i<e& .ere *itting&+ too2

The &h'de& in the c'r-et+ the curt'in&+ the counter-'ne+ the -lu,- &o*t ch'ir&+ .ere &o*t green 'nd gold+ *ore&t &h'de&2 She li0ed the color&+ &he decided2 Fe,inine 'nd &o*t in the le'-ing *irelight2 And &o di**erent *ro, the li*e &he?d dre',ed o*2 Oh+ &he .'& ner<ou&2 Her con<er&'tion .ith 7'r) lingered in her ,ind+ 'nd the e<ening in the &t'tue g'ller) lingered in her ,ind+ 'nd &he didn?t 0no. .h't to 3elie<e or thin0 '3out .h't .ould tr'n&-ire thi& e<ening2 In truth+ &he .'& ' little '*r'id2 And in thi& ,o,ent+ &he .'& .illing to undergo 4u&t '3out 'n)thing *or the co,-'n) o* 'nother -er&on2 At the <ic'r'ge in Tin3ur)+ Vic'r F'irleigh h'd &le-t 'long&ide hi& .i*e until the d') &he died2 And 7'r) 'nd her hu&3'nd+ ='ul+ h'd *or,ed ' *riend&hi-2 S'3rin' .ondered i* &he d'red ho-e &uch ' thing .ould co,e to -'&& *or her 'nd the e'rl2 An i<or)-h'ndled 3ru&h 'nd co,3+ lo<el) thing&+ l') &ide 3) &ide on the <'nit) t'3le 3e*ore ' ,irror2 She too0 u- the 3ru&h2 The *ire 3ec0oned@ the -elt o* &o,e &o*t d'r0 'ni,'l .'& &-re'd 3e*ore it2 S'3rin' &'n0 do.n u-on it 'nd dr'gged the 3ru&h through her h'ir in the *ir&t o* .h't .ould 3e one hundred &tro0e&+ ho-ing the ho,el) *',ili'rit) o* the 'ct .ould ,'0e her *eel ' 3it ,ore li0e her&el*2 And '& &he 3ru&hed+ &he 3eg'n hu,,ing ' tune+ one o* the tune& &he?d -l')ed on the -i'no*orte in Tin3ur)2 She tried to re,e,3er the .ord&+ in&erting hu,& '& &he &'ng .here &he couldn?t re,e,3er the -ro-er l)ric2 One &tro0e2 T.o &tro0e&2 Three6 She *ro8e ,id3ru&h+ '3'&hed+ .hen &he noticed Rh)& &t'nding in the door.') th't connected their t.o ch',3er&+ h'l* in &h'do.2 She .ondered ho. long he?d 3een &t'nding there+ li&tening to her *r'ctured &ong+ .'tching her 3ru&h her h'ir2 He .'& .e'ring light trou&er& 'nd ' .hite &hirt o-en 't the thro't+ hi& &lee<e& rolled to hi& el3o.&2 "o'tle&&+ 3ootle&&2 Not ne'rl) '& undre&&ed '& &he .'&+ 3ut ne<erthele&&+ '3out '& undre&&ed '& &he?d e<er &een ' ,'n &he .'&n?t rel'ted to2 He gri--ed t.o gl'&&e& in one h'nd 'nd ' dec'nter in the other+ ' 3ro.n-gold li:uid *illing it -'rt o* the .') u-2 $Good e<ening+5 S'3rin' ,'n'ged 't l'&t2 A--'lled to he'r her <oice e,erge thre'd)2 He &,iled ' little 't her *or,'l tone2 $And good e<ening to )ou+ "ounte&&2 7') I 4oin )ouF5 $In the &ongF5 It .'& ' 4e&t+ 'n 'tte,-t to r'll) her ner<e&2 He li*ted u- the dec'nter+ ' ge&ture2 $I?ll h'<e to drin0 ' good de'l ,ore th'n thi& 3e*ore )ou c'n -er&u'de ,e to 4oin )ou in ' &ong25 It .'& her turn to &,ile ' little2 $You?<e h'd ' 3it to drin0+ thenF5 $I?<e h'd ' good de'l to drin0+5 he corrected &o,e.h't rue*ull)2 An '.0.'rd &ilence en&ued2 And uncert'in '& to .h't &he &hould do6*ling her&el* u-on the 3edF6S'3rin' 3eg'n to ri&e2

$No+ do &t') .here )ou 're+5 he &'id hurriedl)2 $I *ind I?, r'ther in the ,ood to &it u-on ' *ur in *ront o* the *ire25 She &'n0 to her 0nee& 'g'in+ 'nd re*r'ined *ro, *olding her h'nd& into *i&t& in her l'-2 She .'&n?t cert'in .h't to do .ith the, to ,'0e it '--e'r '& though &he .'&n?t outr'geou&l) ner<ou&2 $ ould )ou li0e &o,ething to drin0F5 he '&0ed2 $Oh+ I don?t thin065 $It?& 3r'nd)+ S'3rin'2 Not -oi&on2 And )ou ,') .'nt it25 Lightl) &'id2 He ti--ed &o,e into ' gl'&&+ held it out to her2 A*ter ' ,o,ent?& he&it'tion+ gingerl)+ &he too0 it2 She &ni**ed 't it@ the *u,e& ,'de her 3lin02 He .'& .'tching her+ &o &he ti--ed it into her ,outh@ it .'& &,ooth+ 'nd 3urned 4u&t ' little+ -le'&'ntl) '& it touched her tongue2 And '& it tr'<eled do.n her thro't+ tendril& o* *ire *'nned &lo.l) out in her <ein&+ nicel) 3lunting the edge o* her ner<e&2 Ah2 So th't?& .h) he .'& drin0ing2 Here .'& ' ,'n .ho .'& &'id to h'<e ,'de lo<e to do8en& o* .o,en+ 'll o* .ho, h'd .'nted hi,+ no dou3t2 All -ro3'3l) '& &o-hi&tic'ted '& So-hi' Lic'ri2 And *or ' .i*e he .'& no. tied to &o,eone '& green '& the hill& in Tin3ur)+ .ho onl) h'd 'n in0ling o* .h't to do .ith ' ,'n+ 'nd th't onl) 3ec'u&e he?d &ho.n her one or t.o thing& the other night in *ront o* ' &t'tue o* =er&e-hone2 Oh+ 'nd &he?d re'd '3out &o,e o* the other& in hi& o.n 3oo02 No .onder he .'& ner<ou&2 Or -erh'-& he dr'n0 3ec'u&e he &u&-ected &he .ould 3ore hi,2 Rh)& .'& &till terri3l) :uiet2 Hi& e)e& h'd gone d'r0+ .'tching her+ hi& -u-il& l'rge in th't &e' o* 3lue2 h't &he &'. in hi& e)e& .'& un,i&t'0'3leE the) .'ndered o<er her+ hi& e)elid& &o,e.h't lo.ered+ o<er .here &he 0ne. her thin night r'il hid <er) little+ 'nd .here he no. h'd ' right to -eru&e2 It ,'de the intent o* hi& <i&it to her un,i&t'0'3le2 hich ,'de hi& ne;t .ord& 'l,o&t &t'rtling2 $Sh'll I 3ru&h )our h'ir *or )ouF I &ee, to h'<e interru-ted )ou 't it25 $Oh(5 She 3lu&hed2 Good he'<en&+ .ould &he e<er ce'&e 3lu&hing 3e*ore thi& ,'nF $ ell2 I &u--o&e &o2 I* )ou?d li0e25 He &,iled ' little 'nd held out hi& h'nd 3) .') o* 'n&.er+ 'nd &he -l'ced the h'ndle o* her 3ru&h in it2 He &li--ed do.n *ro, the ch'ir 'nd 0nelt 3ehind her2 Odd ho. -otent hi& -re&ence .'& e<en .hen &he couldn?t &ee hi, 't 'll2 She -retended+ *or 'n in&t'nt+ th't &he .'& 3lind2 h't .ord& .ould &he u&e to de&cri3e hi,F L'rge+ de*initel)2 A t'rt+ rich &,ellE 3r'nd)+ ' hint o* &,o0e6.ood 'nd cig'r2 So,ething el&e+ ' &cent cle'n 'nd &h'r-+ &o'- -erh'-&2 !ut the

o<er'll i,-re&&ion .'& one o* .'r,th+ 'nd &trength2 She &o,eho. 0ne. &he?d 'l.')& &en&e hi, i* he .ere ne'r+ e<en i* &he .ere 3lind+ e<en i* ' roo, .ere d'r0 '& -itch2 $H,,,9+5 he ,u&ed+ te'&ing her ' little2 $Ho. doe& one go '3out thi&F5 $=erh'-& )ou &hould thin0 o* groo,ing )our hor&e25 He ,'de ' &o*t &ound+ ' l'ugh2 $Ah+ 3ut thin0ing o* G'llego& .on?t -ut ,e in 'n ',orou& ,ood25 The ,'tter-o*-*'ctl) &t'ted $',orou&5 re,inded her o* .h) he .'& in her roo,+ 'nd &he lo&t her '3ilit) to 4e&t2 Her ner<e& *ought their .') u- through the 3r'nd)2 She too0 'nother &i- '& Rh)& 't l'&t dr'gged the 3ru&h &lo.l) *ro, the to- o* her &c'l- to the end& o* her h'ir2 And9oh2 The &tro0e &ee,ed to &end tin) &-'r0& d'ncing e<er).here o<er her &0in2 She?d ne<er dre',ed ho. deliciou& &uch 'n e<er)d') thing could 3e .hen &o,eone el&e did it *or )ou2 Let 'lone ' &c'nd'lou& -oet 'nd ne.l) ,inted hu&3'nd2 Suddenl) h'ir-3ru&hing too0 on 'n entirel) ne. di,en&ion2 He -'u&ed2 $Li0e th'tF5 $Ye&2 I 3elie<e )ou?<e the 0n'c025 The .ord& .ere ' 3it di&tr'cted2 $Ver) good+ then25 She could he'r the &,ile in hi& <oice2 He &et hi,&el* e'rne&tl) to the t'&0+ dr'gging the 3ru&h &lo.l) *ro, the to- o* her he'd to the end& o* her h'ir+ .hich *ell 4u&t '3o<e her .'i&t2 E'ch &tro0e o* the 3ru&h .'& &o,eho. ,ore &oothing 'nd le&& &oothing th'n the ne;t2 E'ch one &ee,ed to &lo. ti,e+ lulling her into &o*tne&&+ :uieting her thought& 'nd rou&ing her 3od) until &he &ee,ed '.'re o* e<er) inch 'nd corner 'nd cur<e o* it2 $You?<e ' good de'l o* h'ir+ h'<en?t )ouF5 $7,,25 She?d lo&t her '3ilit) to *or, co,-lete .ord& &e<er'l &tro0e& 'go2 And 3e&ide&+ &-eech .ould h'<e di&tr'cted *ro, the -le'&ure2 Her e)e& .ere clo&ed2 She .ondered .hen &he?d clo&ed the,2 She couldn?t rec'll2 $!e'uti*ul h'ir+5 he 'dded+ hi& <oice gone l'8) 'nd d'r0+ '& though he .'& lulling hi,&el* '& .ell2 At l'&t+ &he he'rd hi,+ &lo.l)+ &et the 3ru&h '&ide2 Her e)e& re,'ined clo&ed2 And then he &lo.l) g'thered the &il0en ,'&& o* her h'ir in hi& h'nd+ gentl)+ gentl) li*ted it in hi& *i&t+ let it &-ill *ro, hi& h'nd o<er one o* her &houlder&2 Her entire 3od) .'& 'lert to &en&'tion no.@ her o.n h'ir -oured do.n o<er her li0e ' c're&&2 And then lightl)+ lingeringl)9he -l'ced hi& li-& 'g'in&t the -l'ce on her nec0 le*t 3're 3) her h'ir2 r)l)+ &o*tl) &'id2

The 0i&& &-i0ed through her <ein&+ hot 'nd drugging '& the 3r'nd)2 She re,e,3ered thi& '3out 0i&&ingE l'nguor 'nd lightning in e:u'l -'rt&+ the &en&e o* the 3ound'rie& th't de*ined her &lo.l) di&&ol<ing2 Rh)& 3ru&hed hi& li-& o<er the n'-e o* her nec0+ o-ening the, &o &he could *eel the he't o* hi& 3re'th+ then the 3rie* he't o* hi& tongue+ then hi& 3re'th 'g'in2 Goo&e*le&h .'&hed o<er her 'r,& 'nd 3'c0+ 'nd &he &ighed2 And then hi& l'rge h'nd& &lid gentl) do.n her 3'c0 'nd loo-ed 'round her .'i&t2 "o<ered in hi& he't+ it &ee,ed &he h'd no choice 3ut to ,elt 'g'in&t hi,2 She le'ned into thi& .'r, .'ll o* ' ,'n+ 'nd .hen &he did+ &he *elt the h'rd -rod o* hi& erection 'g'in&t her 3uttoc0&2 !ut hi& 3re'thing .'& &till re,'r0'3l) &te'd) co,-'red to her o.n+ .hich &he could he'r ru&hing in her o.n e'r&+ une<en+ ri&ing 'nd *'lling li0e the tide o* &en&'tion in her2 hen hi& li-& tr'<eled to ' tender -l'ce .here her -ul&e 3e't+ &he *ound her&el* 'rching her nec0+ 'rtle&& '& ' c't+ &o he could re'ch it2 And '& &he did+ hi& -'l,& &lid u- o<er her 3re'&t&2 Her 3re'th hitched r'ggedl)2 The &hoc0 o* -le'&ure 'll 3ut ,'de her &.')2 She ti--ed her he'd 3'c0 'g'in&t hi& &houlder+ her e)e& clo&ed+ 'nd hi& h'nd& lei&urel) tr'ced the contour& o* her 3re'&t& through her night r'il+ dr'gging the &il0) *'3ric o<er her 'l,o&t -'in*ull) &en&iti8ed &0in+ hi& thu,3& circling o<er the 3e'd-h'rd -e'0& o* her ni--le&2 And then he &lo.l) &li--ed hi& h'nd& 3ene'th the loo&e nec0line+ 'nd the) .ere hot on her 3're &0in2 $Oh25 She &ighed the .ord2 =le'&ure .'& e<er).here in her+ &0ein& o* hot light *urling 'nd un*urling '& he &tro0ed the &il0) cur<e& o* her 3re'&t&2 She *ound her&el* 'rching under hi& touch+ encour'ging it+ ,o<ing .ith it+ 'nd ' &ound <er) li0e ' .hi,-er &li--ed *ro, her2 She could he'r+ *eel+ th't hi& 3re'thing .'& no. '& une<en '& her&+ r'-id@ &urrounding her no. .'& the ,u&0 o* .h't &he 0ne. .'& hi& de&ire2 She -re&&ed her 3'c0 into hi,+ ,o<ed 'g'in&t hi& 'rou&'l in&tincti<el)+ 'nd hi& touch 3ec',e ,ore *ierce2 Hi& tongue *ound the .horl& o* her e'r&+ 'nd then hi& <oice .'& there2 $S'3rin'+5 the .ord .'& hu&0) 'nd &tr'ined2 $7) God25 He 3ec',e ' ,'n o* -ur-o&e then2 Rh)& .ithdre. hi& 'r,& *ro, her long enough to gentl) her to the *ur+ 'nd 3e*ore &he 0ne. it he h'd gentl) 3ut &.i*tl) dr'gged the night r'il *ro, her &houlder&+ &li--ed it o<er her &li, hi-&+ 'nd &tri--ed her o* it+ until it .'& nothing 3ut ' li,- 3it o* *'3ric in hi& h'nd2 He to&&ed it '&ide2 Not hi& *ir&t ti,e 't thi& &ort o* thing+ &he &u&-ected2 She .'& entirel) nude 3e*ore hi,+ 3ut 3e*ore &he could ,'r<el 't thi& he .'& &tri--ing out o* hi& trou&er&+ 'nd &he &'.+ cur<ing u- to.'rd hi& 3ell)+ hi& enor,ou& &.ollen &h'*t2 !ut 3e*ore &he could t'0e in hi& nudit)+ or *or, ' thought+ or e<en .iden her e)e&+ hi& &trong hot h'nd& .ere on her+ running -ur-o&el) u- the length o* her c'l<e&+ &tro0ing the tender &0in in&ide her thigh&+ -l'ce& no -er&on h'd e<er 3e*ore touched her2 He .'& &o cert'in o* hi,&el*+ o* her2 He co';ed her thigh& .ider .ith long+ delic'te+ deter,ined &.ee-& o* hi& *inger&+ 'nd &he

:ui<ered 'nd ten&ed ' 3it2 !ut her ten&ion e'&ed '.') 3ene'th hi& h'nd&+ 3ec'u&e her 3od) .'nted hi,+ 'nd he 0ne. it2 hen her 0nee& -'rted *or hi, he 0nelt 3et.een the,2 And then &he *elt the he'd o* hi& coc0 'g'in&t her+ 'nd then he -u&hed in&ide her+ 3e)ond the re*le;i<e clenched re&i&t'nce o* her &hoc0ed 3od)+ 'nd *illed her+ &lo.l)2 She g'&-ed+ 'rched to 'cco,,od'te hi,2 Her hu&3'nd dre. in 'n 'udi3le 3re'th+ clo&ed hi& e)e& 3rie*l)2 The -le'&ure &ee,ingl) &o inten&e it <er) ne'rl) hurt hi,2 The) o-ened 'g'in+ &t'red do.n 't her+ e)e& gone d'r02 A con:ueror2 her to 3eco,e 'ccu&to,ed to the *eel o* hi,+ .'tching her e)e&+ -erh'-&+ *or .h't &he thought o* it2 For the li*e o* her+ &he didn?t )et 0no.2 And then hi& *inger& re'ched out 'nd ,'&&'ged <er) deli3er'tel) 4u&t .here &he 4oined .ith hi,+ .here &he needed to 3e touched+ 'nd &he did 0no.E 3li&& ri--ed through her+ tot'l 'nd 3re'th-&te'ling2 She ,o'ned+ 'nd hi& ,outh cur<ed+ &'ti&*ied2 He dre. 3'c0 then+ 'nd thru&t &lo.l)+ hi& *inger& -l')ing &0ill*ull) o<er her+ then dre. 3'c0 'g'in2 Her o.n 3od) *ound the rh)th,+ 4oined hi, in it+ ri&ing u- to ,eet hi,2 $Oh 2 2 25 $I& it good+ S'3rin'F5 A ,ur,ur2 $Rh)&6+5 &he cho0ed2 So good2 $I& it goodF5 he de,'nded+ hi& <oice du&0)+ the c'dence o* hi& hi-& e<en+ relentle&&+ e'ch &tro0e 3'n0ing th't unidenti*i'3le need in her until it .'& i,,en&e 'nd de,'nding+ 'nd &he 3eg'n to 3eg hi,+ 'nd he o3liged her+ hi& thru&t& 3eco,ing ,ore &.i*t 'nd -ur-o&e*ul2 The ru&h o* hi& 3re'th told her hi& o.n e;cite,ent .'& 3uilding+ 'nd then &he &'. hi& e)e& 3egin to go o-':ue+ hi& *'ce t'ut2 He .'& r'cing to.'rd hi& o.n -le'&ure no.+ intent on it '& .ell '& her o.n2 !ut &he needed hi, to e'&e her&2 $Rh)&9-le'&e 2 2 25 =le'&ure roiled+ 3uilt+ g'thered2 The *riction o* hi, in&ide her+ the -re&&ure o* hi& *inger& out&ide+ .'& e;:ui&ite+ 'nd then nece&&'r)6'nd then e<er)thing2 hen rele'&e *in'll) 3ro0e o<er her+ it .'& &hoc0ing+ e;tr'ordin'r)2 She he'rd her o.n ho'r&e+ ne'r-&ilent &cre', '& the *orce o* her rele'&e 3o.ed her 3od) u-.'rd+ 'nd &hoo0 her2 And &till Rh)& -lunged into her+ &.i*tl)+ hi& 3re'thing ' ro'r+ &.e't no. &hining o<er hi,2 At l'&t he .ent &till@ the -le'&ure o* hi& o.n rele'&e te'ring ' gro'n *ro, hi,2 Hi& e)e& clo&ed@ hi& he'd tilted 3'c02 And &he *elt itE the .'r,th '& he c',e in&ide her2 And &urel) &he?d le*t her 3od)+ 3ec'u&e &he *elt lighter th'n 'ir+ 'nd li,- .ith -e'ce2 Rh)& 't l'&t .ithdre. *ro, her+ 'nd &tretched out 'long&ide her on the *ur2 Then gentl)+ he too0 her into hi& 'r,&2 He clo&ed hi& e)e& 'g'in@ hi& che&t &till ,o<ed h'rd .ith hi& 3re'thing2

ell2 S'3rin' &u--o&ed &he .'& no. o**ici'll) ' .i*e2 She tried to thin0 '3out .h't thi& ,e'nt to her+ '3out .h't h'd 4u&t t'0en -l'ce+ 3ut her thought& onl) dri*ted 'cro&& her ,ind li0e cloud& 'cro&& the &0)+ &e-'r'te &o,eho. *ro, her2 She couldn?t &ee, to gr'&- hold o* one2 She could onl) *eel2 It .'& &tr'nge to lie here .ith thi& ,'n+ 3li&&*ull) &-ent+ nude+ &lic0 .ith -er&-ir'tion+ hi& 'r,& .r'--ed 'round her2 The &o*t *ur 'g'in&t her 3'c0 )et 'nother c're&&2 She did h'<e one *'intl) -le'&ed thoughtE 7'r) .'& .rong2 Di&t'ntl) &he .ondered i* Rh)& h'd ,'de lo<e 4u&t thi& .') ,'n) ti,e& 3e*ore+ i* he?d 0no.n -reci&el) .h't to do to lull her+ to &educe her+ h'd 'ntici-'ted her re&-on&e2 She .ondered .hether &he c'red2 Ju&t ' 0i&&+ he?d &'id 4u&t ' *e. d')& 'go2 S'3rin'5F ould he &') to her+ $It .'& 4u&t lo<e,'0ing+

$You .ere <er) co,-etent+5 &he &'id in'd<ertentl)+ 'loud2 Rh)& g'<e ' &hort l'ugh+ &t'rtled2 $D',ned .ith *'int -r'i&e(5 She *lu&hed2 $Oh( I?, terri3l) &orr)2 I ,e'nt to &') th't )ou &ee,ed 2 2 25 $A& though I 0ne. .h't I .'& '3outF5 Hi& <oice :ui<ered .ith re&tr'ined hil'rit)2 She re,'ined &ilent+ &:uee8ing her e)e& clo&ed2 God hel- her+ &he &hould not h'<e &'id 'n)thing2 $A& though9I ,ight h'<e e<en done it93e*oreF5 he -re&&ed+ gi<ing the .ord& ' &lightl) &c'nd'li8ed inton'tion2 $I 4u&t 2 2 25 $S'3rin'F5 he &'id &ole,nl)2 $Ye&F5 She turned to hi,+ .orried2 He .hi&-ered+ $I con*e&& I?<e done it 3e*ore25 She thre. 'n e,3'rr'&&ed 'r, o<er her e)e&2 $Forgi<e ,e2 I?<e ne<er 3e*ore ,'de con<er&'tion under the&e circu,&t'nce&2 I?, not cert'in o* the eti:uette25 She thought he ,ight l'ugh+ 3ut he &'id nothing2 She could he'r hi& 3re'thing+ &lo. 'nd e<en no.2 The d',- he't o* hi& &0in 'g'in&t her o.n .'r,ed her2 Suddenl) S'3rin' h'd ' concern2 $Did I do it correctl)F5 &he .ondered2 hen he &'id nothing+ &he?d 3egun to &u&-ect he?d *'llen '&lee-2 She -ee0ed out *ro, 3ene'th her 'r, to *ind hi, -ro--ed u- on hi& el3o.+ g'8ing do.n 't her .e'ring th't e;-re&&ion &he?d &een 3e*oreE '& though &he .ere &o,e ne. cre'ture he?d di&co<ered+ or he .ere

e;-eriencing &o,e &ort o* 'lien &en&'tion in hi& 3od) 'nd tr)ing to inter-ret it2 Di&concerted2 A &o*t e;-re&&ion+ *or 'll o* th't2 He didn?t 'n&.er her2 He lo.ered hi& he'd 'nd 0i&&ed her gentl) 3et.een the e)e&2 It .'&n?t 'n 'n&.er+ 3ut it .ould do *or no.2 He cle'red hi& thro't2 $Did )ou en4o) itF5 The e;-re&&ion th't 'cco,-'nied hi& :ue&tion .'& c're*ull) neutr'l2 $I 2 2 25 h't did he e;-ect to he'r+ thi& ,'n .ho &u--o&edl) c'u&ed .o,en to c'&t o** their dignit)+ .ho .rote ode& to &en&u'l ,o,ent&6.hole ode& to -'rt& o* 3odie&+ *or he'<en?& &'0eF ho?d $done it 3e*ore5F Thi& ,'n .ho .'& her hu&3'nd no.2 $7o&tl)+5 &he con*e&&ed2 $And then9.ell56&he 3lu&hed+ ru33ed her *orehe'd &el*con&ciou&l) .ith her h'nd6$r'ther25 Such 'n in'de:u'te .ord2 !ut 'll the other .ord& &he could thin0 o* 't the ,o,ent ,'de her *eel 3oth &h) 'nd .'nton2 !ut he .'& &,iling *'intl) do.n 't her 'g'in2 $FGR'ther?F A& good '& th't+ .'& itF5 She &u--o&ed &he &hould 3e gr'te*ul &he could con&i&tentl) ',u&e her hu&3'nd2 So,ething el&e occurred to her then2 $Did )ou en4o) itF5 &he '&0ed .orriedl)2 h'dn?t2 ondering i* he?d '&0ed *or her o-inion 3ec'u&e he

He g'8ed do.n 't her2 He did h'<e 3e'uti*ul e)e&2 !lue li0e the &0)2 She .i&hed the) .ere '& e;-re&&i<e o* hi& intern'l .e'ther '& the &0) .'& o* the e;tern'l2 $R'ther+5 he *in'll) &'id gentl)2 He re'ched out 'nd -luc0ed ' &tr'nd o* h'ir '.') *ro, her *'ce .here -er&-ir'tion h'd glued it@ he &,oothed it 3ehind her e'r2 She &,iled u- 't hi, ' little2 hich oddl) ,'de hi& &,ile *'de to &eriou&ne&& 'g'in2 And then he &ur-ri&ed herE he li*ted one o* her h'nd&+ 0i&&ed her -'l,+ 'nd -l'ced it gentl) 'g'in&t hi& che&t2 Hi& &0in .'& &o &ur-ri&ingl) &o*t+ the h'ir *ine 'nd cri&- o<er hi& che&t@ 3ene'th it r'n h'rd ,u&cle&@ &teel 3ene'th &il02 Such 3e'ut)2 She?d thought other ,en h'nd&o,e 3e*ore@ &he thought Geo**re) .'& h'nd&o,e2 She h'dn?t 0no.n th't ,'le 3e'ut) could 3e &o <er) thorough+ &o he'd) 'nd &tr'nge2 Her h'nd 3eg'n to .'nder '& i* he?d 4u&t &et it *ree2 She tr'ced the di&tinct line& o* it+ e'ch he.n ,u&cle+ the ridge o* hi& coll'r3one+ t'ngled her *inger& through the *ine h'ir th't curled

o<er hi& che&t 'nd ri3&+ 'nd in the -roce&& &he di&co<ered hi& he'rt3e't2 Her h'nd ho<ered there+ lingered o<er it@ the &-eed+ the h'rd thu,- o* it+ &ur-ri&ed her2 And then &he re'li8ed hi& 3re'th .'& 'll 3ut held2 She &to--ed+ *eeling &uddenl) &h)+ loo0ed u- into hi& *'ce2 S'. ten&ion+ hi& e)e& d'r0er no.2 He gentl) -l'ced hi& h'nd o<er her&+ &to--ing her e;-lor'tion2 $=erh'-& .e &hould &lee-25 Hi& <oice .'& hu&0)2 $All right+5 &he *'ltered+ '*ter ' ,o,ent2 !ut he g'<e her ' *'int &,ile+ 'nd cu--ed the 3'c0 o* her he'd .ith hi& h'nd+ &hi*ted her to re&t her he'd 'g'in&t hi& che&t+ *olded hi& 'r,& 'round her2 She -re&&ed her 3od) 'g'in&t hi&+ 'nd .hen &he did+ &he could *eel th't he .'& <er) h'rd 'g'in2 Re'd) 'g'in *or her2 And the ten&ion in hi& 3od)+ in hi& *'ce+ told her th't *or &o,e re'&on he .'& holding hi,&el* 3'c0 *ro, her2 He re,'ined :uiet+ 'nd .ith her 3od) -re&&ed 'g'in&t the he't o* hi& &0in+ her chee0 -re&&ed 'g'in&t the &.') o* hi& 3re'thing+ the 3e't o* hi& he'rt+ it .'& ne'rl) i,-o&&i3le not to dri*t to &lee-2 And &he did2 He h'dn?t ,e'nt to t'0e her &o :uic0l)+ &o <er) ne'rl) roughl)+ .ith 'll the *ine&&e o* ' 3o)2 He h'dn?t e;-ected to need to t'0e her &o urgentl)2 For need to ri&e u- 'nd cre&t o<er hi, li0e ' rogue .'<e+ &.ee-ing hi, 'long .ith it2 It h'd 3een &o long &ince th't &ort o* thing h'd h'--ened2 ell+ 't le'&t &ince the night in the &t'tue g'ller)2 He h'd intended to ,'0e her ne'rl) &cre', .ith -le'&ure+ ho.e<er+ 'nd he h'd2 Hi& .i*e+ the "ounte&& R'.den2 He .'tched her &lee-+ one 'r, *lung u- o<er her he'd+ ,outh -'rted ' little2 h't ' 3e'uti*ul little 3od) &he h'd+ thi& countr) girl *ro, Tin3ur)2 Long &li, leg&+ ' &c'r *ro, &o,e childhood ,i&h'-+ no dou3t+ &hining .hite on her 0nee2 Tin) .'i&t2 Lo<el) *ull 3re'&t& th't tilted u-+ ti--ed in -'le&t -in02 A &,'ll ,ole in the &h'-e o* ' cre&cent ,oon '3o<e one+ ' &.eet -unctu'tion ,'r0+ o* &ort&2 He 0nelt to -l'ce the lighte&t 0i&& on it no.+ 'nd &he &c'rcel) &tirred2 A 3lend o* <ulner'3le n'J<etI 'nd &tu33orn+ irrit'tingl) '&tute o3&er<'tion+ 'll co<ered in &0in li0e cre', &il02 He h'dn?t e;-ected to .'nt to t'0e her 'g'in the ,o,ent &he touched hi,2 To 3e &o h'rd 'nd re'd) to t'0e her 't once2 Or to linger here in thi& roo,+ .hen he .ould ri&e e'rl) to,orro. to le'<e *or London2 '& he no. &o <er) 4'ded th't he *ound innocence eroticF He *ought 3'c0 ' &tr'nge &en&e o* i,-'tience2 There h'd ne<er 3een 'n)thing he couldn?t -'r&e .ith hi& *or,id'3le ,ind2 And .h'te<er he *elt no. eluded hi,2

She .ould 3e tender in the ,orning+ 'nd it .ould h'<e 3een &el*i&h to t'0e her 'g'in2 Or &o he?d told hi,&el*2 !ut ' -'rt o* hi, .orried th't he .'nted her &o <er) 3'dl)2 Ju&t '& there .'& ' -'rt o* hi, th't &till re&ented her *or 3eing in hi& li*e 't 'll2 The *ire .'& 3urning lo.+ 'nd he?d 3egun to *eel the coolne&& o* the roo,2 He ro&e+ 0nelt+ 'nd &lid hi& h'nd& 3ene'th hi& 3ride+ &coo-ing her gentl) u-+ ',u&ed to *ind &he .'&n?t -reci&el) ' *e'ther in hi& 'r,&2 !ut &he .'& &trong 'nd lithe 'nd .'r,2 She didn?t .'0e@ &he ,erel) &ighed 'nd ,uttered 'n incoherent co,-l'int 'nd *ro.ned ' little2 He h'l* &,iled2 Ah+ &o he?d .orn her out2 He tuc0ed her into her gre't 3ed+ -ulled the 3l'n0et& o<er her 'round her nude &houlder& to '<oid titill'ting the ,'id .hen &he entered in the ,orning to 3uild u- the *ire2 He -o0ed uthe *ire to ,'0e &ure it .ould l'&t until then2 And '& he?d done hi& dut) 3) hi& .i*e+ he .ent 3'c0 to hi& ch',3er& &o he could return to London to,orro.2 S'3rin' .o0e .ith ' &t'rt to the &ound o* co'l &hu**ling 'nd ' deter,ined &h'*t o* &unlight -enetr'ting the di<ide 3et.een the curt'in&2 Then re'li8ing .ith 'nother &t'rt th't &he .'& entirel) nude+ &he -ulled her 3l'n0et& u- tightl) 'round her &houlder& 'nd -eered do.n 't the ,'id 3u&)ing her&el* .ith re<i<ing the *ire+ her .hite c'- 3o33ing e**icientl) 'to- her he'd '& &he ,o<ed '3out2 The ,'id ,u&t h'<e noticed the ch'nge in her 3re'thing+ 'nd re'li8ed &he .'& '.'0e+ 3ec'u&e &he c'&t ' .orried loo0 o<er her &houlder2 $F?Ti& &orr) I ', t? di&tur3 )e+ L'd) R'.den25 ho .'&6 OhE &he .'& L'd) R'.den+ .'&n?t &heF $Oh+ )ou didn?t di&tur3 ,e2 The &un .o0e ,e+ trul)25 It .'& ' lie+ 3ut the &ort th't .ouldn?t &end her to Hell+ S'3rin' .'& cert'in2 She &'n0 3'c0 'g'in&t the 3ed+ '& &o*t '& ' -illo. it&el*+ 'nd 0ne. 3e*ore &he loo0ed th't Rh)& .'&n?t there2 She &lid ' h'nd o<er to .here he ,ight h'<e &le-t@ the 3edding .'& cool2 The -illo.& .ere &till round 'nd -lu,-+ not *l'ttened 3) ' &lee-ing he'd2 He?d t'0en her on ' *ur in *ront o* the *ire2 And then he?d tuc0ed her into 3ed2 And then he?d le*t+ dut) done2 She &'n0 her he'd 3'c0 do.n 'g'in&t her -illo.+ 'nd the ,'id d'rted *ro, the roo, to -er*or, the re&t o* her ,orning chore&2 S'3rin' decided to gi<e the *ire 'n o--ortunit) to .'r, the roo, 3e*ore &he &tirred2 She &hi*ted her li,3& ' little+ 'nd the) &lid o<er the &o*te&t linen i,'gin'3le+ 'nd &he *elt &ti**ne&& in the,+ ' -le'&'nt he'<ine&& 'nd &orene&& in her ,u&cle&2 She rec'lled l'&t night .ith e;tr'ordin'r) <i<idne&&2 He't ru&hed o<er her 3od) 't the thought o* it2

And then &he *elt ' .eight in her che&t2 So odd to 4oin .ith ' ,'n &o inti,'tel) 'nd then *or hi, to &i,-l) le'<e2 =erh'-& not &o odd *or hi,2 There .'& ' .'rning t'- 't the door+ 'nd 7r&2 !'ile) entered+ 'cco,-'nied 3) the &cent o* &te',ing chocol'te 'nd &o,ething .'r, 'nd )e'&t)2 De&-ite e<er)thing+ there .ere de*initel) going to 3e 'd<'nt'ge& to 3eing ' counte&&2 $Good ,orning+ L'd) R'.den25 She .'& re'd) *or the greeting thi& ti,e2 $Good ,orning+ 7r&2 !'ile)25 =erh'-& he .'& in hi& o.n ch',3er&+ or t'0ing 3re'0*'&t+ or ,o<ing '3out hi& <'&t -ro-ert)2 She .ondered 't the ho-e &he *elt+ '& the)?d h'd 'n 'gree,ent+ '*ter 'll2 And &he 0ne. 'll 'long he?d intended to go 3'c0 to London+ *or hi& li*e .'& there2 Li*e 't the <ic'r'ge h'd 'l.')& 3een *ull2 She 0ne. -reci&el) .h't to do 'nd .hen@ her &chedule h'd 3een go<erned 3) the need& o* other&+ 'nd &he?d 3een h'--) enough to o3lige2 For the *ir&t ti,e in her li*e &he h'dn?t the *'inte&t ide' .h't to do .ith her d')2 And &uddenl) it )'.ned 'he'd o* her li0e ' )e'r2 Thu& her li*e '& ' counte&& 3eg'n2

"HA=TER FIFTEEN O N HER FIRST d') 'lone 't L' 7ont'gne+ the 'r,) o* &er<'nt& co,,'nded 3) 7r&2 !'ile) lined u- to 3e introduced to S'3rin'2 A,ong the, .ere girl& her o.n 'ge in &o*t .hite c'-& 'nd &no.) '-ron&@ the) 3lu&hed 'nd curt&ied dee-l) .hen S'3rin' re-e'ted their n',e& in order to re,e,3er the,2 !ut S'3rin' &en&ed th't 7r&2 !'ile) h'd it 'll in h'nd+ th't L' 7ont'gne .ould continue on '& it 'l.')& h'd reg'rdle&& o* .hether &he or e<en the e'rl .ere on h'nd to &ee to it2 She .ould lo<e nothing ,ore th'n to ,'0e i,-ro<e,ent&+ 3ut the ,'chiner) o* L' 7ont'gne?& &t'** ,'de thi& ne'rl) i,-o&&i3le2 E<er)thing .'& *l'.le&&2 She conte,-l'ted .riting to 7'r) 'nd 3egging her to return+ 3ut &he 0ne. 7'r) h'd *luttered o** to collect nect'r *ro, 'nother &oci'l * dr'gging 'long her .illing hu&3'nd+ 'nd .ould 3e <er) ne'rl) i,-o&&i3le to loc'te2 So &he i,'gined+ 'g'in+ &he h'd &i&ter&2 In her ,ind 'n i,'ge o* t.o little girl& re,'ined2 So,eti,e& &he lingered o<er the -i'no*orte+ 'nd -l')ed the 3e'uti*ul in&tru,ent+ 3ec'u&e there the ,e,orie& .ere the &tronge&t2 There the) &ee,ed to .'nt to 3o3 to the &ur*'ce through the 'ccu,ul'ted ,e,orie& o* her other )e'r&2 7')3e+ in thi& :uiet hou&e+ &he .ould *in'll) re,e,3er the,2 She -o0ed '3out in the li3r'r)2 She -o0ed '3out the h'll& 'nd in the roo,& o* L' 7ont'gne+ until &he?d ,e,ori8ed e<er) cur<e o* e<er) &t'tue in the g'ller) 'nd e<er) *'ce on e<er)

-'inting2 She could 'l,o&t -icture the -'inting& th't 3elonged in tho&e elo:uentl) e,-t) &-'ce& on the .'ll&2 She <i&ited the .indo.& in the g'ller) .here )ndh', -'inted+ 3ut &he ne<er &ee,ed to 3e there in ti,e to &ee the ,oon 'nd the &t'r& re*lected on the *loor2 And 't night+ 'lone in the l'rge+ &o*t 3ed+ &he thought o* one thing onl)E her hu&3'nd2 ith ',3i<'lence 'nd ' ne.+ unco,*ort'3le -h)&ic'l )e'rning th't &he -'rtl) re&ented+ 3ec'u&e the )e'rning .ould ne<er h'<e 3een there 't 'll i* not *or hi,2 I* &he?d ,'rried 'nother ,'n &he ,ight ne<er h'<e 0no.n thi& re,'r0'3le -le'&ure2 !ut &he ,ight h'<e 0no.n -e'ce+ 'nd &he ,ight not h'<e 3een 'lone2 On the *ourth d')+ ,'gic'll)+ ' ,odi&te '--e'red2 7'd',e 7'rce'u .'& ' t'll+ 3ri&0l) cheer*ul .o,'n .ith ' reg'l+ ho,el) *'ce+ 'nd &he c',e 'r,ed .ith 3olt& o* *'3ric& 'nd 3oo0& o* *'&hion -l'te& 'nd co,-l'int& '3out the ro'd& on the .') to L' 7ont'gne *ro, London2 She h'd 3een ch'rged 3) Rh)& to dre&& her '& &he .ould 'n) counte&&+ 'nd &he &et to her t'&0 .ith 8e'l2 S'3rin' .'& e;',ined 'nd ,e'&ured 'nd cluc0ed o<er+ 'nd ' di88)ing 'rr') o* *'3ric& 'nd choice& .ere l'id out 3e*ore her to ru3 3et.een her *inger& 'nd hold u- under her chin '& &he *'ced the ,irror2 S'3rin' re,e,3ered 3eing c'ught in ' curt'in dre&& on her <er) *ir&t d') 't L' 7ont'gne+ 'nd '&0ed 7'd',e 7'rce'u+ .ith 'll &eriou&ne&&+ her o-inion o* the curt'in color+ 3ringing her into the &,'ll roo,2 7'd',e 7'rce'u thought -erh'-& ' dee-er -ur-le .ould 3e e<en 3etter2 She h'd 4u&t the &'tin2 And &he .'& rightE the dee-er -ur-le ,'de S'3rin'?& green e)e& 3rilli'nt .hen &he held it 3ene'th her chin2 S'3rin' .'& -ro,i&ed dre&&e& o* .ool 'nd o* &il0+ -eli&&e& lined in *ur+ che,i&e& 'nd night r'il& o* &o*te&t l'.n+ &il0 &toc0ing& 'nd glo<e& 'nd 3oot& 'nd 3onnet&6'll in&ide ' *ortnight2 She h'd ,'de her o.n clothe& 'l,o&t &ince &he could .ield ' needle+ 'nd the <er) ide' o* thi& 3ount) 'rri<ing &o :uic0l) &ee,ed '& li0el) '& 7'd',e 7'rce'u?& g'thering u- 'll the &t'r& 'nd 3ringing the, do.n *ro, the &0)2 Then 'g'in+ it h'd 3egun to 3e cle'r th't there .'& <er) little the E'rl o* R'.den?& ,one) couldn?t ,'0e &o2 S'3rin' couldn?t hel- 3ut .onder .ho, the 3e'ut) .ould 3ene*it2 Then 'g'in+ &he .ould 3e li0e the other thing& in the gr'nd hou&eE 3e'uti*ul+ -oli&hed+ decor'ti<e2 And -erh'-& thi& .'& the -oint2 And .hen the ,odi&te le*t to return to London+ &he too0 .ith her color 'nd ch'tter+ 'nd S'3rin' *elt ,ore 'lone th'n e<er 3e*ore2 Thi& .'& .hen+ out o* de&-er'tion+ S'3rin' '&0ed 7r&2 !'ile) to *ind ' 3'll o* .ool 'nd ' -'ir o* 0nitting needle&2 She h'dn?t done 'n)thing -roducti<e in d')&+ 'nd &he h'd co,e to re'li8e th't her <er) n'ture centered '3out org'ni8ing 'nd -roducing 'nd9hel-ing2

7r&2 !'ile) didn?t &ee, &ur-ri&ed 3) the re:ue&t2 No dou3t )e'r& o* &er<ing the 'ri&tocr'c) h'd dru,,ed the c'-'cit) *or &ur-ri&e out o* 7r&2 !'ile)2 $ h't color .ould )ou li0e+ L'd) R'.denF5 O* cour&e there .ould 3e ' choice o* color& here 't L' 7ont'gne2 D)ed .ool& in 3rilli'nt &h'de& d'nced in S'3rin'?& i,'gin'tion2 She con&idered '&0ing '3out red9&he did li0e red+ 'nd it .'& cheer*ul on .inter d')&2 hite .'& &i,-le+ 'nd eleg'nt2 Gr') .'& -r'ctic'l+ 'nd .ould 3e6 NoE 3lue2 It needed to 3e 3lue2 She ,ight 0nit ' &c'r* to the length o* ' hundred ell& 3e*ore &he &'. her hu&3'nd 'g'in2 And e<en .hen &he did+ &he .ondered i* &he .ould h'<e the ner<e to -re&ent hi, .ith ' &c'r* &he?d 0nitted to ,'tch hi& e)e&2 She 'l&o .ondered 't the i,-ul&e+ e;ce-t th't the) .ere undeni'3l) 3e'uti*ul+ hi& e)e&+ 'nd &he h'd 'l,o&t nothing el&e to do2 Fin'll)+ 't the end o* the *ir&t .ee0 't L' 7ont'gne+ the &no. h'd ,elted enough to ,'0e the ro'd& to !uc0&te'd He'th -'&&'3le+ 'nd S'3rin' decided &he could ride out to the to.n2 A groo, in&i&ted u-on 'cco,-'n)ing her+ &')ing it .'& ,ore th'n hi& li*e .'& .orth to 'llo. her to go 'lone+ .hich .ould h'<e 3een .h't &he -re*erred2 She gl'red 't the ,'n in .h't &he ho-ed .'& ' counte&&-) .')2 $7r265 $"ro)+5 the groo, &u--lied -'tientl)2 $7r2 "ro)+ I?<e ridden entirel) on ,) o.n &ince I .'& ' <er) little girl+ 'nd I li<ed in ' to.n <er) ,uch li0e !uc0&te'd He'th 3e*ore I c',e to li<e 't L' 7ont'gne25 The groo,+ ho.e<er+ h'd ,ore th'n her )e'r&+ ' *e. d'ughter& o* hi& o.n+ &'ti&*'ction in hi& -')+ 'nd ' he'lth) re&-ect 'nd *e'r o* the <er) l'rge E'rl o* R'.den2 $A)e+ 3ut )e?re n') ' little girl 'n),ore+ 're )eF5 he &'id ,ildl)2 $Ye?re ' counte&&2 I?ll &'ddle ' ,'re *er )e+ L'd) R'.den+ 'nd I?ll ride .i? )e into to.n25 In Tin3ur)+ riding .'& ' nece&&it)+ ' .') to get *ro, one -l'ce to 'nother2 The) 0e-t ' ,ule 't the <ic'r'ge+ 'nd the <er&'tile 3e'&t -ulled -lo. 'nd c'rt& 'nd c'rried S'3rin' on err'nd& on the occ'&ion& the .e'ther .'& too 3ri&0 *or ' .'l02 S'3rin'?& leg& onl) 4u&t *it o<er it& 3ro'd 3'c0+ 'nd he li*ted hi& *eet high 'nd -ut the, do.n h'rd+ the ,ule did2 She?d 'l.')& *elt e<er) inch o* the ro'd .hen &he .'& riding hi,+ e<er) &hi*t o* hi& gre't h'unche&2 !ut the ,'re &he rode no. *lo.ed 3ene'th her .ith ' g'it '& &,ooth '& .'ter2 S'3rin' .ondered i* one d') &he .ould 3eco,e 'ccu&to,ed to &uch lu;urie&+ ' 3ro.n ,'re .ith ' delic'te+ to&&ing he'd 'nd &li, leg&+ ' ,'re th't ,ight <er) .ell 3e -le'&ed to *l)+ it &ee,ed+ i* onl) S'3rin' .ould 'llo. her to2

7r2 "ro) .'& t'citurn@ cle'rl) he 3elie<ed hi& dut) .'& con*ined to &teering her in the -ro-er direction 'nd &eeing th't &he 0e-t her &e't2 A*ter ' *e. <'in 'tte,-t& to eng'ge hi, in con<er&'tion+ S'3rin' '3'ndoned the 'tte,-t 'nd in&te'd too0 in dee- gul-& o* countr) 'ir2 !uc0&te'd He'th c',e into <ie. o<er ' ri&e+ little cott'ge& &c'ttered '3out+ &,o0e .i&-ing u*ro, chi,ne)&+ 'nd ' centr'l &treet .here S'3rin' &u&-ected the &ho-& in the to.n could 3e *ound2 !ut it .'& the church th't c'ught her e)e2 7ode&t+ ' *e. hundred )e'r& old2 !uilt o* &turd) t'.n) &tone .ith thic0 .'ll&+ in&et .ith &i,-le &t'ined-gl'&& .indo.&+ ' &hining cro&& *ini&hing the t'll+ n'rro. &-ire2 And &he 0ne.+ 3e*ore &he did 'n)thing el&e+ 3e*ore &he rode *'rther into to.n+ &he &hould &-e'0 to Geo**re)+ .ho, &he h'dn?t &een &ince the di&'&ter th't -receded her .edding2 She .'&n?t :uite cert'in .h't &he .ould &') to hi,+ 3ut i* the) .ere to 3e neigh3or&+ the) ought to 't le'&t 3e *riend&2 $ e?re going to church+ 7r2 "ro)25 The groo, nodded 'nd touched hi& *inger& to hi& c'-2 It .'& 4u&t &hortl) '*ter the ti,e 7'tin& .ould h'<e 3een &-o0en2 The -eo-le o* !uc0&te'd He'th+ i* the) h'd 'ttended church thi& ,orning+ h'd 'lre'd) le*t+ 'nd it .'& e,-t) 'nd :uiet .ith the &ort o* hu&h th't onl) churche& &ee,ed to cont'in+ '& though the .'ll& h'd 3een &o'0ed .ith centurie& o* .or&hi-2 S'3rin' &tood in the door.') 'nd &'. ' ,'n &t'nding ne'r the ch'ncel2 For one di&orienting ,o,ent6hi& height+ the .') he held hi,&el*+ the color o* hi& h'ir6he rec'lled Rh)&*ull)+ 'nd ' &tr'nge clutch o* ho-e tightened her che&t2 Geo**re) turned 'nd &'. her then2 $S'3rin'25 He &ounded &t'rtled@ he &t'red *or ' ,o,ent2 $Oh+ ,) '-ologie&2 L'd) R'.den25 He 3o.ed dee-l)2 S'3rin' 3lu&hed2 $Oh+ Geo**re)+ -le'&e don?t2 It ,'0e& ,e *eel &ill)2 I ', 'l.')& 4u&t S'3rin' to )ou25 He &,iled ' little 't her+ 'nd 'n '.0.'rd &ilence tri--ed 3)2 $Geo**re)+ I c',e 3ec'u&e9Geo**re)+ I?, &o &orr) *or 2 2 25 She -'u&ed2 h't did &he intend to &')F For 0i&&ing )our cou&in in the li3r'r) in *ront o* nu,erou& neigh3or& 'nd then ,'rr)ing hi,F The) '--ro'ched e'ch other+ then@ ,et in the n'<e+ &tood ' *e. *eet '-'rt2 $No+ S'3rin'2 It?& ,) *'ult2 I .'& the one .ho encour'ged )ou to ingr'ti'te )our&el* .ith the e'rl2 I h'd no ide' hi& l'c0 o* &cru-le& r'n &o <er) dee-+ though I &hould h'<e &u&-ected25

S'3rin' .'&n?t inclined to t'0e 'n) o* the 3l',e *or the ch'nge in her circu,&t'nce& 't the ,o,ent+ though &he 0ne. &he .'&n?t entirel) '3o<e re-ro'ch2 She decided not to illu,in'te ,'tter& *or Geo**re) 'n) *urther2 She ,erel) &'id+ $H'<e )ou &ettled in here 't the <ic'r'ge+ thenF I& the hou&e co,*ort'3leF5 $Ye&2 It?& co,*ort'3le enough2 And the &urrounding& o* ' <ic'r'ge 're *',ili'r no.+ o* cour&e2 =erh'-& I &h'll ne<er go on ,) ,i&&ion+ 3ut 't le'&t I &h'n?t 3e -ennile&&+ th'n0& to Rh)&?& l'rge&&e25 There .'& &o,ething el&e in Geo**re)?& *'ceE ' h'rd &ort o* re&ol<e 'nd iron)+ .hich S'3rin' didn?t :uite under&t'nd 'nd couldn?t :uite -l'ce+ '& it &ee,ed &o,eho. unrel'ted to the di&'&ter 't h'nd2 He 'l&o didn?t &ee, he'rt3ro0en+ 'nd her ne.l) di&co<ered -ride ch'*ed ' 3it 't thi&2 She .ould h'<e li0ed hi, to 3e 'ngr) .ith her+ 't the <er) le'&t2 She 'd,itted to her&el* th't &he .'&n?t -reci&el) he'rt3ro0en+ either2 Still+ it .'& undeni'3l) good to &ee Geo**re)2 He .'& *',ili'r@ he .'& o* Tin3ur)@ &he li0ed hi,2 He h'd 3een her *ir&t 0i&&2 Her li*e .ould 3e con&ider'3l) di**erent 't thi& ,o,ent i* onl) &he?d h'd the &en&e to 'llo. hi, to 3e her onl) 0i&&2 $I ', gl'd )ou .ill 3e ne'r+ Geo**re)2 =erh'-& .e c'n 3e *riend& 'g'in one d')+ i* )ou c'n *orgi<e ,e25 $There i& nothing to *orgi<e+ S'3rin'25 He &,iled *'intl)+ echoing her .ord& .hen he?d 0i&&ed her in the &itting roo,2 $And I ho-e .e .ill 'l.')& 3e *riend&2 I &hould h'<e 0no.n th't &o,eone o* )our n'ture .ould 3e no ,'tch *or &o,eone .ith hi&+ &hould he deter,ine to 3eh'<e '&9.ell+ '& he 'l.')& h'&25 And 't thi&+ S'3rin' *elt ' &t'rtling 3ut incre'&ingl) *',ili'r &i88le in her re'ring u-E Ho. could )ou -o&&i3l) 0no. ,) n'ture+ Geo**re)F I didn?t e<en 0no. it until I 'rri<ed here2 She?d ne<er dre',ed &he h'd ' te,-er until &he?d 'rri<ed 't L' 7ont'gne2 She?d ne<er dre',ed &he .'& &o -roud2 She?d ne<er dre',ed &he could 3e te,-ted into ' -'&&ion &he?d ne<er 0no.n e;i&ted+ th't .ould o-en ' door onto ' li*e &he?d ne<er .'nted2 A door th't could ne<er 3e clo&ed 'g'in2 There .'& &o,ething el&e+ tooE no ,'tter .h't+ Rh)& .'& her hu&3'nd no.2 And the in&tinct& *or lo)'lt) in her &tirred2 She didn?t -reci&el) .i&h to de*end hi,+ 3ut 't the &',e ti,e it .'& &tr'ngel) unco,*ort'3le to he'r hi, critici8ed2 She o**ered Geo**re) ' concili'tor) &,ile 'nd+ he&it'ting ' ,o,ent+ held out her h'nd2 He too0 it in hi&+ loo0ed do.n 't it2 He loo0ed u- intentl) into her e)e& then+ hi& d'r0 e)e& &e'rching *or &o,ething in her&+ or -erh'-& 'tte,-ting to &ilentl) co,,unic'te &o,ething o* i,-ort'nce2

S'3rin' gre. -u88led+ 'nd con&idered th't Geo**re) ,ight -erh'-& 3e ,ore di&'--ointed '3out her ,'rri'ge th'n he thought right to &ho. her2 =erh'-& hi& *eeling& *or her .ere &tronger th'n he?d e<er e;-re&&ed2 She 'llo.ed hi, to hold her *inger& ' ,o,ent longer2 He rele'&ed her h'nd 4u&t '& &he?d 3egun to con&ider gi<ing it ' &u3tle tug2 $=erh'-& one d') &oon )ou c'n -er&u'de Rh)& o* the .orthine&& o* ,) c'u&e+ S'3rin'+ 'nd he ,ight relent 'nd -ro<ide the *und&25 $I &h'll tr)+ *or )our &'0e+ Geo**re)+5 &he -ro,i&ed2 $!ut he .ill li0el) 3e in London ,uch o* the ti,e25 $And .ill )ou li<e 't L' 7ont'gneF5 $Ye&+ it?& ,) ho,e no.25 $Then )ou &h'll co,e o*ten to <i&it ,e+ &o )ou .ill not *eel lonel)+5 Geo**re) urged2 $I &h'll 'l.')& .elco,e )ou+ 'nd .ho 0no.& 3etter th'n the t.o o* u& ho. de,'nding the li*e 't ' <ic'r'ge c'n 3eF =erh'-& )ou c'n o**er 'd<ice25 S'3rin' .'& uncert'in '3out the -ro-riet) o* <i&iting Geo**re) o*ten+ though he .'& ' rel'ti<e no.+ 'nd &he did <er) ,uch en4o) gi<ing 'd<ice2 $I &hould li0e th't+ Geo**re)25 And &he &u--o&ed &he &hould *eel gr'te*ul to h'<e ' *riend li<ing ne'r3)+ &ince &he h'dn?t the *'inte&t ide' .hen &he?d ne;t &ee her hu&3'nd2 She did *eel ' 3it ,ore 't -e'ce no. th't her rel'tion&hi- .ith Geo**re) .'& &ettled2 She gl'nced '3out the church+ 'nd *elt the tug o* *',ili'rit)2 Li*e 't ' <ic'r'ge .'& ' li*e &he 0ne.+ ' li*e &he .ould h'<e 0no.n ho. to li<e2 So unli0e the one &he h'd no. in the gr'nd hou&e o<er the hill2 $It?& :uite chill in here+ i&n?t it+ Geo**re)F The c'r-et& 're &o t'ttered+ 'nd it &,ell& o* ,ilde.2 The church &ee,& to h'<e 3een neglected25 Geo**re) nodded '& he .'l0ed 'long&ide her+ u- the n'<e to the ch'ncel+ 'nd &he ge&tured+ -ointing 't thing&2 $The -'ri&hioner& h'<e 3een ,'0ing do .ith ' <i&iting clerg),'n on occ'&ion or 3) 'ttending &er<ice& in other <ill'ge&+ &o the church h'& 3een ' 3it neglected+ it &ee,&2 The) .ere delighted to he'r there .'& ' <ic'r in re&idence no.2 The) &ee, to thin0 Rh)& i& ' hero *or '--ointing ,e25 S'3rin' thought o* L' 7ont'gne+ 'nd 'll tho&e roo,& &c'rcel) u&ed or occu-ied+ *illed .ith 3e'uti*ul o34ect&2 And then &he rec'lled one -'rticul'r roo,2 No one u&e& it+ Rh)& h'd &'id '3out the o**ice o* hi& *'ther?& ,'n o* '**'ir&2

In&-ir'tion &truc02 $Geo**re)+ &-e'0ing o* 'd<ice9I h'<e ' &-lendid ide'(5 Rh)& h'd 3een ,'rried *or -reci&el) ele<en d')& .hen the ,e&&'ge 'rri<ed 't hi& London to.n hou&e2 He?d 3een in<ited to ' -er*or,'nce So-hi' Lic'ri .'& gi<ing 't the ho,e o* the Duche&& o* "'r'd')+ 'nd he .'& dre&&ing .ith c're *or it63l'c0 co't+ ' &il<er-'nd-cre',&tri-ed .'i&tco't6'& the ton h'dn?t &een hi, in ' .hile+ 'nd he?d c'ught .ind o* ,ur,ur& '3out hi& retiring *ro, London *or ' li*e in the countr)+ 'nd .i&hed to di&-el the, in&t'ntl)2 He 'l&o thought it ,ight 3e ti,e to '&cert'in *or hi,&el* .hether the :uotient o* ir'te hu&3'nd& 'nd *'.ning .o,en h'd &o,eho. decre'&ed in hi& '3&ence2 It .ould 3e -le'&'nt to 0no. he could ,o<e '3out London &'*el)2 He?d returned to London .ith ' cert'in ',ount o* relie*+ he need onl) &te- out&ide the door o* hi& to.n hou&e to lo&e hi,&el* in the uni<er&e o* ',u&e,ent& on o**er2 Yet+ *or &o,e re'&on+ he?d not done ,uch &ince hi& return '-'rt *ro, -utter '3out hi& to.n hou&e+ *eeling re&tle&&+ te&ting the ide' o* <'riou& ',u&e,ent& in hi& ,ind+ &h)ing '.') *ro, the, irrit'3l)2 He re'd2 He dr'n02 He <entured out to hi& clu3@ e<er)one 'nd e<er)thing there irrit'ted hi,+ too2 It ,'de hi, une'&)2 There2 The cr'<'t .'& -er*ectl) tied no.2 He?d .ondered i* -erh'-& the in<it'tion to So-hi'?& -er*or,'nce .'& t'nt',ount to 'n '-olog)+ .hich ',u&ed hi,2 He h'dn?t -'rt'0en o* her &ince he?d returned to London2 Nor h'd he -'rt'0en o* 'n)one el&e+ truth*ull)2 Not &ince he?d -'rt'0en o* hi& incon<enient .i*e2 He h'dn?t '3&t'ined long enough to 'ctu'll) .orr) '3out the re'&on *or it2 He h'd+ ho.e<er+ 3egun to .onder .h) hi& thought& returned 'g'in 'nd 'g'in to one i,'geE ' tin) ,ole in the &h'-e o* ' cre&cent ,oon '3o<e one -'rticul'rl) &il0) 3re'&t2 Hi& thought& .ent there no. 'nd lingered+ 'l,o&t he&it'ntl)+ te&ting2 And )e&+ 'g'in he *elt itE the &.i*t tightening o* hi& lung&+ the tightening in hi& loin&2 He &hrugged roughl)+ to *ree hi,&el* o* the i,'ge2 =oetr)+ he thought2 The i,'ge '--e'led to the -oet in hi,2 The ,'n in hi, .ould en4o) <igorou&l) reconciling .ith So-hi' tonight+ 'nd 6)e&+ he could h'<e &.orn loin tightening 'cco,-'nied th't thought '& .ell2 Rh)& returned hi& 'ttention to the ,e&&'ge in hi& h'nd2 He didn?t recogni8e the h'nd.riting+ &o he &.i*tl) 3ro0e the &e'l 'nd re'd it2

De'r Lord R'.den+ I thought it 3e&t to in*or, )ou th't the counte&& i& gi<ing '.') the c'r-et&2 Your& &incerel)+

7r&2 7'rg'ret !'ile)

h't in God?& n',e6F h't on e'rth could thi& -o&&i3l) ,e'nF Rh)& h'd ' &udden chilling <i&ion o* S'3rin'+ hi& .i*e .ho en4o)ed hel-ing+ holding ' 3i3lic'l &ort o* 3'8''r in the court)'rd o* L' 7ont'gne *or the <ill'ger& o* !uc0&te'd He'th2 He &.i*tl) un3uttoned hi& .'i&tco't+ *lung it '&ide *or hi& <'let to 'ttend to+ 'nd r'ng *or hi& 3utler 't the &',e ti,e to gi<e hi, ' co,,'nd2 $Send ' ,e&&'ge to Signor' Lic'ri telling her I &h'n?t &ee her thi& e<ening2 I ,u&t '.') to L' 7ont'gne25

"HA=TER SIHTEEN T HE JOURNEY FRO7 London to L' 7ont'gne re:uired ' d') 'nd ' h'l* o<er &no.)+ di**icult ro'd&+ ' &to- 't 'n inn+ -oor *ood+ 'nd ' lu,-) 3ed2 Not e<en 'n e'rl could entirel) control condition& during ' &udden ro'd tri-2 Fortun'tel)+ no one .'& holding ' 3'8''r in the court)'rd .hen he 'rri<ed2 Still+ Rh)& &tood 3e*ore 7r&2 !'ile) in ' *oul hu,or2 $She?& gi<ing '.') the c'r-et&25 He &'id thi& *l'tl)2 A &t'te,ent+ not ' :ue&tion2 $To the <ic'r'ge+5 7r&2 !'ile) con*ir,ed e<enl)2 $To the <ic'r'65 He &to--ed+ 'nd .ondered .h't other &ort o* l'rge&&e Geo**re) ,ight 3e e;-eriencing2 $ hich c'r-et&F5 $The o**ice once u&ed 3) )our *'ther?& ,'n o*65 !ut Rh)& .'& 'lre'd) on hi& .') 3e*ore 7r&2 !'ile) could *ini&h her &entence2 $Find the counte&& 'nd &end her to ,e+5 he &n'--ed o<er hi& &houlder2 Sure enoughE the c'r-et .'& gone2 The 3're ,'r3le *loor .'& ' -ri&tine .hite+ 'nd Rh)&?& i,-'tient *oot&te-& echoed 'cro&& it+ 'nd no dou3t ,'de ,'r0& *or ' ,e,3er o* the 'r,) o* &er<'nt& to cle'n2 It .'& ' &,'ll roo,+ *e'turing ' de&0 'nd &o,e ,ode&tl) &toc0ed 3oo0&hel<e&+ ' &,'ll &ettee+ glo3e+ 'nd o* cour&e ' cloc0+ 3ec'u&e one ,u&t 'l.')& 0no. the ti,e e<en in ' roo, ne<er u&ed2 E<en hi& thought& .ere 3eco,ing &'rc'&tic2

S'3rin' *ound her hu&3'nd &t'nding in the ,iddle o* hi& *'ther?& o**ice+ 'nd h'lted in the door.')2 He 3o.ed lo.2 $S'3rin'25 He?d dr'.led the .ord 3) .') o* greeting+ ,'0ing it ne'rl) 'n entire &entence long2 Dr'.ling &eldo, 3oded .ell2 $R'.den(5 She *'ltered2 $I .'&n?t e;-ect 2 2 25 O* cour&e &he .'&n?t e;-ecting hi,2 He h'dn?t e<en told her 't 'll th't he?d intended to 3e gone .hen he?d le*t her the d') '*ter their .edding+ 'nd he h'dn?t &'id good-3)e to her .hen he le*t@ .h) .ould he tell her .hen he .ould returnF Her &entence &ee,ed *ooli&h in light o* th't+ &o &he &'id nothing ,ore2 The) reg'rded e'ch other in &ilence2 It h'd 3een ne'rl) t.o .ee0& &ince &he?d 3een -'rted *ro, her hu&3'nd2 And no. it .'& di**icult to 0no. ho. to greet hi,+ or .h't to &') to hi,2 There .'& 'n 'd<'nt'ge to 3eing -'rted+ to &o,e e;tent+ 3ec'u&e de&-ite .h't &ee,ed to 3e cont'ined *ur) e,'n'ting *ro, hi,+ hi& -re&ence+ the &heer *orce 'nd 3e'ut) o* the ,'n+ tugged 't her li0e ' *re&h .ind+ '& it h'd *ro, the ,o,ent &he?d ,et hi,2 $ ord re'ched ,e th't )ou .ere gi<ing '.') the c'r-et&25 He &'id it &'rdonic'll)2 I ,i&&ed )ou+ too+ &he thought+ 4u&t '& &'rdonic'll)2 Aloud+ &he &'id+ $"'r-et2 Not c'r-et&2 I g'<e '.') onl) one25 So,ething de<ili&h in her ,'de her 'ddE $So *'r25 He &t'red 't her2 Hi& ,outh o-ened ' little+ then clo&ed2 He g'<e hi& he'd ' &h'0e+ '& i* to cle'r it2 $S'3rin'9th't c'r-et .'& ' S'<onnerie25 He enunci'ted e<er) &)ll'3le o* th't l'&t .ord .ith -ure incredulit)2 She &tudied hi, .'ril)2 No ,'tter ho. &lo.l) or &'rc'&tic'll) he &'id it+ S'<onnerie &till ,e'nt nothing to her2 $It .'& one hundred *i*t) )e'r& old+5 he 'dded+ hi& <oice going t'uter2 Li0e ' 3o.&tring 3eing -ulled 3'c02 7ore &ilence2 He &ee,ed to 3e .'iting *or her to &') &o,ething2 $AndF5 &he co';ed+ *in'll)+ gentl)2 $AndF5 The 'rro. *le.2 $AndF There i& no G'nd+? S'3rin'2 You g'<e '.') ' <'lu'3le c'r-et2 To the <ic'r'ge25 She .ondered i* he .'& going to 3egin .'<ing hi& 'r,& '3out2 Such -'&&ion&2 $No3od) .'& u&ing it+5 &he &'id ,ildl)2 In the ho-e& th't ' c'l, <oice ,ight &ettle hi, ' 3it2 It .'& di**icult to ,'int'in ' &te'd) <oice in the *'ce o* thi& l'rge 3l'8ing ,'n+ ho.e<er2

$It .'& co<ering the *loor in thi& roo,+ S'3rin'2 One ,ight &') the roo, .'& u&ing it25 $A roo, .hich )ou &'id no one+5 S'3rin' ground out+ the te,-er &he?d di&co<ered th'n0& to hi, 3eginning to ri&e u-+ $u&e&+ 'nd I dou3t 'n)one h'& u&ed until )ou decided to u&e it to 3ello. 't ,e25 $!ut the c'r-et 3elonged in thi& hou&e+ S'3rin'25 $H'<e )ou &een the church+ Rh)&F It?& neglected+ 'nd t'ttered+ 'nd &,ell& o* ,ilde. in the <e&tr) 'nd9 ell+ -eo-le need ' -ro-er church2 The -eo-le o* !uc0&te'd He'th &hould h'<e ' -ro-er church2 And it?& )our to.n to loo0 '*ter25 She?d thought it ' .onder*ul ide'2 S'3rin' h'd de,'nded 7r2 "ro) tell her the n',e& o* the -eo-le in to.n .ho ,ight 3e -er&u'ded to c'rr) ' c'r-et *ro, L' 7ont'gne to the <ic'r'ge+ 'nd S'3rin' h'd &u3&e:uentl) recruited three 3rother&+ 7r2 Ferri&+ 7r2 Ferri&+ 'nd 7r2 Ferri&+ to hel- re,o<e the c'r-et *ro, the o**ice o* Rh)&?& *'ther?& ,'n o* '**'ir&+ the roo, he?d &'id .'& &eldo, u&ed2 $I?, no e;-ert+ S'3rin'+ 3ut I?, *'irl) cert'in ' church c'n &till 3e con&idered ' -ro-er church .ithout 'n 'nti:ue c'r-et in the <e&tr)25 Gilded in &'rc'&,+ th't &entence .'&2 $Ye&63ut6tell ,e+ i& there ' c'r-et in thi& hou&e .orth le&& th'n the one I g'<e '.')F5 There .'& ' &ilence2 $No+5 Rh)& conceded 't l'&t2 The .ord cli--ed 'nd 'll 3ut edged in *l',e2 $And 're there c'r-et& in thi& hou&e .orth ,oreF5 $Ye&25 Intere&ting th't he &hould 0no. the .orth o* the c'r-et -reci&el)+ S'3rin' thought2 She &to--ed 'nd *lung her 'r,& out+ '& though the logic o* thi& &hould end the 'rgu,ent2 Un*ortun'tel)+ he .'& &till &t'ring 't her .ith the &',e 3'ld incredulit)2 $S'3rin'25 E;'gger'ted -'tience+ '& though her <er) n',e .'& too he'<) *or hi& ,outh2 $Th't c'r-et .'& <er) <'lu'3le25 $Th't c'r-et i& ' c'r-et+5 &he e;-l'ined 4u&t '& -'tientl)2 $It?& ,e'nt to 3e u&ed2 It?& ,e'nt to co<er ' *loor2 hoe<er ,'de it ,e'nt *or it to co<er ' *loor2 And no. it?& co<ering the *loor 't the <ic'r'ge25 Rh)& ,'de ' .ild little *ru&tr'ted noi&e 'nd &.e-t ' h'nd through hi& h'ir2 $ ell+ &e<er'l *loor& 't the <ic'r'ge+5 &he ,odi*ied2 $The c'r-et .'& r'ther l'rge+ &o I i,'gine the) cut it to *it -ro-erl) in the <'riou& roo,&25 He *ro8e '& i* &he?d 4u&t -roduced ' .e'-on *ro, 3ene'th her &0irt&2

And then g'<e ' lo. ,o'n 'nd &'n0 do.n on the &ettee+ le'ned 3'c0 'nd clo&ed hi& e)e&2 A &ilence en&ued+ .eight) 'nd re&igned2 $S'3rin'+ it .'&n?t )our& to gi<e '.')25 He &ounded .e'r)2 She .'& ' little unner<ed 3) hi& re'ction2 Then 'g'in+ &he .'& no le&& &tu33orn th'n &he .'& .hen he?d le*t *or London2 $I .'& told I could choo&e *ro, 'n) o* the *i;ture& in the hou&e *or ,) o.n u&e2 And thi& i& ,) o.n u&e *or the c'r-et2 I .i&h *or the <ic'r'ge to u&e it25 Hi& e)e& &n'--ed o-en then+ 'nd he turned hi& he'd &lo.l)+ &lo.l) to.'rd her2 He g'8ed 't her *or ' good long ti,e2 She ,et hi& e)e& un*linchingl)+ tho&e cr)&t'lline+ &ee-e<er)thing e)e&2 h'rder to do th'n one ,ight thin02 hich .'& ,uch

And 't l'&t+ &ur-ri&ing her+ ' &lo. reluct'nt &,ile cre-t o<er hi& li-&+ 'nd he &hoo0 hi& he'd &lo.l)2 Good he'<en&+ he loo0ed li0e ' 3o) .hen he &,iled li0e th't2 It *elt li0e the &.eete&t &ort o* -incer& 'round her he'rt+ hi& &,ile2 $Are )ou cert'in )ou .ere r'i&ed 3) ' <ic'r+ S'3rin'F I?, 3eginning to &u&-ect 7r2 F'irleigh .'& ' l'.)er+ in&te'd25 S'3rin' &,iled ' &.eet little &,ile in return2 $You c'n re:ue&t th't Geo**re) return it+ o* cour&e2 The -'ri&hioner& .ill+ o* cour&e+ ,i&& it+ '& the) 're delighted .ith it2 !ut the) .ill -ro3'3l) under&t'nd i* the e'rl .'nt& to t'0e hi& c'r-et 3'c025 Hi& &,ile <'ni&hed+ to 3e re-l'ced 3) 'n e;-re&&ion o* -'tent re&-ect2 And then he turned hi& he'd '.') *ro, her 'nd le'ned it 3'c0 'g'in&t the &ettee 'g'in2 The) &'t in ' &ort o* &ilent &t'le,'te *or ' ,o,ent@ dItente+ i* not co,-lete -e'ce2 $Rh)&9,') I '&0 .h) it i& &o <er) i,-ort'ntF5 &he <entured2 $It?& one c'r-et2 And )ou h'<e9)ou h'<e &o ,'n)25 She tried not to 3etr') ho. thi& *elt to herE the gre't regi,ent o* thing& th't &urrounded her in thi& hou&e2 All o* .hich .ere -rett)+ 'nd *e. o* .hich .ere nece&&'r)6to her+ 'n)ho.2 She *elt the, li0e .eight&2 !ut '& Rh)& .'& ' cle<er ,'n@ he he'rd it 'n).')2 $S'3rin'9-eo-le .'nt their e'rl& to 3e .e'lth)2 =eo-le .'nt their e'rl& to h'<e9thing&2 It?& e;-ected o* u&2 You &hould .'nt the,+ too2 The)?re no. 'n e,3le, o* )our &t'tion in li*e25 $!ut &houldn?t .e t'0e -ride in 3eing '3le to gi<e thing& '.')F5 Odd to &') .e+ 3ut the) .ere ' $.e5 no.+ de&-ite the n'ture o* their ,'rri'ge2 He le'ned 3'c0 'g'in&t the &ettee 'g'in2 And then he &ighed2 $!ut I?d onl) 4u&t9gotten 'll o* it 3'c025 He &ounded rue*ul2

She ri&0ed the :ue&tionE $Gotten 'll o* it 3'c0F5 He &ee,ed to con&ider .hether to &-e'02 And then he turned to her2 So,ething in her *'ce+ -erh'-&+ hel-ed hi, decide2 $7) *'ther lo&t L' 7ont'gne )e'r& 'go+ S'3rin'2 He lo&t e<er)thing th't .'&n?t ent'iled to the title+ in *'ct+ 'nd the -ro-ertie& th't &t')ed in the *',il) &o'0ed u- e<er) l'&t &hilling .e h'd2 There .ere 3'd in<e&t,ent&+ 'nd9.ell+ I?<e &-ent &o ,'n) )e'r& 'tte,-ting to re&tore to the title e<er)thing he lo&t2 Tr'c0ing it do.n+ -urch'&ing thing& .hen 'nd '& I could2 E<er)thing here 't L' 7ont'gne i& -'rt o* the R'.den leg'c)+ 'nd h'& 3een *or three hundred )e'r&+ 'nd '& long '& I?, 'li<e+ .ill ne<er 'g'in le'<e thi& hou&e2 And '& *'r the c'r-et& in the hou&e 're concerned9the c'r-et )ou g'<e '.') .'& ' rel'ti<el) ne. c'r-et2 !ut it .'& our&2 It .'& R'.den25 She re,e,3ered no.2 Geo**re) h'd &'id the) .ere -oor+ 'nd h'd ,'r<eled 't ho. Rh)& h'd ,'n'ged to re3uild ' *ortune2 And then &he re,e,3ered th't 'chingl) 3l'n0 &-ot on the .'ll in the -ortr'it g'ller)+ 'nd under&tood &o,ething in 'n in&t'nt2 $It .'& ' lo<el) c'r-et+ Rh)&+5 &he &'id gentl)2 $!ut it .on?t 3ring the, 3'c025 He &n'--ed ' &t'rtled e;-re&&ion to.'rd her2 He &t'red *or ' ,o,ent+ 'nd &he &'. 'g'in on hi& *'ce '&toni&h,ent2 hich .'& &huttered :uic0l)2 He turned hi& *'ce '.') *ro, her 'g'in2 =erh'-& it .'& 3e&t &he didn?t ,'0e 'n) -ointed o3&er<'tion& *or ' ,o,ent or t.o2 She 'llo.ed ' 3e't o* &ilence 3e*ore &he &-o0e 'g'in2 $Rh)&F5 She li0ed hi& "hri&ti'n n',e2 $Ye&F5 At le'&t he h'dn?t &n'rled the .ord2 $You?<e ,'de do8en& o* -eo-le inordin'tel) h'--) .ith one c'r-et25 He ,'de ' &ound then+ 'nd it .'& 'l,o&t ' l'ugh2 Shoo0 hi& he'd re&ignedl) to 'nd *ro &lo.l)2 $It loo0& <er) .ell 't the <ic'r'ge+5 &he o**ered+ encour'ged 3) the l'ugh2 A &o*t &nort2 $Oh+ I?, cert'in it doe&25 !ut he didn?t &ound 'ngr) 'n),ore2 The :uiet th't *ollo.ed .'& ,ore -e'ce*ul+ i* not entirel) co,*ort'3le2 The cloc0 3onged out the hour+ 'nd S'3rin' couldn?t hel- 3ut notice the &ound h'd ' 3it ,ore re&on'nce+ no. th't the roo, .'& no longer c'r-eted 'nd there .'& nothing 3ut ,'r3le 'nd h'rd.ood *or &ound to 3ounce *ro,2 $I didn?t ,e'n to ,'0e )ou 'ngr)+ Rh)&2 I .ould ne<er h'<e i* I9I 4u&t .'nted to65 $I 0no.2 Hel-25 She .ent :uiet 'g'in2 She couldn?t inter-ret hi& tone2 Not cen&oriou&+ 't le'&t2

$I?, &orr) I neglected to 'rr'nge *or 'n 'llo.'nce *or )ou+5 he 'dded2 $I &h'll h'<e ,) &olicitor 'rr'nge *or ' &u3&t'nti'l one2 You ,') &-end 'll o* it on c'r-et& i* )ou .i&h25 Hu,or in the .ord& no.+ 't le'&t2 The) .ere :uiet together2 It &truc0 S'3rin' th't+ *ro, the <er) *ir&t+ the) &ee,ed to h'<e little to &') to e'ch other .hen the) .eren?t &-'rring2 He turned to loo0 't her+ hi& e)e& lingering on her *'ce+ then t'0ing in her ne. ceri&e go.n in he'<) &il02 $The ,odi&te h'& 3een to &ee )ou25 $Ye&25 She &,oothed do.n the &0irt&2 $You loo0 li0e ' counte&&25 A croo0ed &,ile2 $Th't .'& the o34ect+ .'& it notF5 She .'& te'&ing+ 3ut then &he &'. hi& e;-re&&ion2 Ho. :uic0l) it ch'nged to in&crut'3ilit) 'g'in2 "on*u&ed+ &he 'dded :uic0l)+ $The)?re 'll <er) 3e'uti*ul2 7ore 3e'uti*ul th'n 'n)thing I?<e e<er 3e*ore o.ned2 Th'n0 )ou *or )our genero&it)2 I .ould not h'<e 0no.n ho. to dre&&+ )ou &ee+ 'nd 7'd',e 7'rce'u 0ne. -reci&el) .h't I &hould h'<e25 $H'<e )ou hired ' ,'idF You c'n '&0 7r&2 !'ile) to &end in ' &election o* girl& to inter<ie.25 $I .ill56&he .'& going to co,-lete the &entence .ith $dre&& ,)&el*+ *or he'<en?& &'0e+5 3ut &he &'. hi& *'ce 'g'in2 It 'll &ee,ed &o i,-ort'nt to hi,+ the title+ the tr'--ing& o* it6$&-e'0 .ith her '3out it &oon25 He nodded once+ &hortl)2 And then in&te'd o* &')ing 'n)thing+ he continued to g'8e 't her+ 'nd gr'du'll) hi& e;-re&&ion .ent *'intl)+ gentl) ,)&ti*ied2 Seeing her *in'll) '& ' .o,'n+ 'nd hi& .i*e+ -erh'-&+ 'nd not '& ' c'r-et thie*2 S'3rin' too0 'd<'nt'ge o* the :uiet+ too+ to re'c:u'int her&el* .ith the contour& o* hi& *'ce2 The e,-h'tic -unctu'tion o* hi& d'r0 3ro.& o<er hi& light e)e&2 The &h'r- line o* hi& 4'. ,erging .ith the hollo.& o* hi& chee0&2 Th't .ide *ir, ,outh+ &o &tern &o,eti,e& in re-o&e2 hich ,'de hi& &,ile& ,ore 3rilli'nt 'nd &t'rtling .hen he g'<e the,2 And then &ole,nl)+ &lo.l)+ '& though he couldn?t hel- it+ Rh)& re'ched out 'nd dre. ' *inger 'long the &t)li&h nec0line o* her ne. dre&&+ lightl)+ lightl) o<er her &0in+ 'cro&& the &.ell o* her 3re'&t&2 $So &o*t+5 he ,ur,ured+ 'l,o&t rue*ull)2 Hi& *inger h'd 'll 3ut le*t ' tr'il o* *l',e2 She h'd no choice 3ut to clo&e her e)e&2 So &i,-le+ &o un*'irE .ith 4u&t th't touch+ &he .'& hi&2 Odd ho. -'&&ion &ee,ed to cre'te it& o.n &ort o* ti,e in&ide o* ti,e@ in&t'ntl)+ it &ee,ed+ ' den&e+ &en&u'l net &urrounded the,2 She .ent e'&il) .hen Rh)& 'l,o&t l'nguidl) g'thered her into hi,2 And then &lo.l) 3ut deci&i<el)+ '& though he?d -l'nned it 'll 'long+ hi& d'r0

he'd duc0ed 'nd he clo&ed hi& ,outh o<er her ni--le+ 'lre'd) -e'0ed 'nd h'rd 'g'in&t the *'3ric o* her dre&&2 She &uc0ed in ' 3re'th 't the &udden+ &h'r- -le'&ure o* it@ it r')ed in&t'ntl) through e<er) -'rt o* her 3od)2 And then .ith hi& *inger& he gentl) tugged the nec0line o* her dre&& 4u&t ' little to *ree her ni--le entirel)+ 'nd he clo&ed hi& hot ,outh o<er it+ tr'cing it .ith hi& tongue+ then &uc0ing gentl)2 De'r he'<en2 S'3rin'?& *inger& co,3ed into hi& h'ir+ clinging+ &tro0ing+ encour'ging hi& tongue2 And hi& h'nd& .ere 3u&) g'thering u- her &0irt&+ &liding the, u- until the *'3ric 3unched 't her hi-&+ 'nd then hi& *inger& .ere *e'thering u- the <ulner'3le &0in o* her thigh&2 $ h)+ loo0 't thi&9lo<el) ne. &toc0ing&+ too+5 he te'&ed+ in ' <oice li0e night2 $The &er<'nt&9+5 &he 3re'thed2 $No one u&e& thi& roo,+ re,e,3erF5 7ore te'&ing2 She l'ughed ' little+ 3re'thle&&+ in '.e o* hi& e;-erti&e+ o* her o.n curio&it)+ o* ho. .illing &he .'& no. to &urrender to it2 Still ' little '*r'id o* ho. -otent 'll o* the&e &en&'tion& .ere2 He e'&ed her 3'c0 'g'in&t the &ettee+ her &0irt& g'thered 'round her .'i&t+ the &il0 ru&tling '& it 3unched 'nd ,o<ed together li0e ' &igh2 $I .'nt to &ho. )ou &o,ething+ S'3rin'25 hen he &-o0e to her in th't <oice+ &he thought &he ,ight do 'n)thing2 It could ch'r, &n'0e&+ th't <oice@ it .'& the <oice hi& -oetr) .ould h'<e u&ed i* it could &-e'02 And it .'& hi& right to t'0e her+ &he thought@ he .'& her hu&3'nd2 !ut e<en '& &o,ething in her re'red u- 'g'in&t thi&+ re3elling 't the thought+ her thigh& .ere -'rting *or hi,2 She .'nted to 0no. e<er)thing he could te'ch her2 Hi& .'r, h'nd&+ &0ill*ul h'nd&+ .ere on her thigh& 'g'in+ hi& touch co';ing 'nd &oothing+ 'nd then 2 2 2 Oh+ God9Hi& tongue &lid h'rd 'g'in&t the ,oi&t he't o* her2 She g'&-ed@ the -le'&ure &hoc0ing2 Tent'ti<el)+ he did it 'g'in2 And thi& ti,e &he ,o'ned her '--ro<'l2 $7oreF5 he :ueried &o*tl)+ &ounding h'l* ',u&ed2 And .'ited2 The de<il2 $Ye&+ -le'&e 2 2 25

And &o &he 3ec',e ' *e'&t *or hi,+ the &ine.) he't o* hi& tongue &o unli0e 'n)thing &he e<er could h'<e i,'gined+ di--ing 'nd &tro0ing+ o<er her+ into her+ '& t'lented 'nd de*t '& hi& h'nd&+ 'nd &oon &he .'& 'rching .ith the &tro0e& o* it+ 'iding hi,2 He -'u&ed 'g'in2 $S'3rin'9i& it9F5 $Don?t &to-25 A curt co,,'nd2 He l'ughed+ 'nd the lo. hu, o* hi& l'ugh 'g'in&t her *le&h .'& erotic+ too2 $You t'&te .onder*ul+5 he ,ur,ured2 $Li0e &-ring25 Li0e &-ringF !ut no. &he didn?t c're i* &er<'nt& intruded2 The) could h'<e -ulled u- ch'ir& 'nd .'tched 'nd '--l'uded the outco,e2 All S'3rin' c'red '3out no. .'& the outco,e2 Her 'r,& *lung 3'c0+ her nec0 'rched 'g'in&t the 'r, o* the &ettee+ &he ,o<ed .ith hi,+ 'nd &tr') *e<ered thought& -o--ed li0e 3u33le& in her ,ind2 Ho. doe& he 0no.9de'r God thi& i& .ic0ed9de'r God thi& i& he'<enl)9ho. ,'n) ti,e& h'& he done th6oh+ ,ore+ -le'&e ,ore there+ there 2 2 2 He 0ne. the right -l'ce& to t'&te 'nd touch 4u&t '& he?d 0no.n there .'& -'&&ion in the core o* her &u--o&edl) te,-er'te n'ture+ 3ec'u&e he did+ '*ter 'll+ -o&&e&& the &ecret to &eduction2 And then there .'& no thought+ 4u&t the gre't tide o* her rele'&e cr'&hing o<er her+ &h'0ing her+ 'nd the &ound o* her o.n <oice 0eening &o*tl) .ith it co,ing *ro, &o, it &ee,ed+ out&ide her o.n 3od)2 Rh)& ro&e u- o<er her 'l,o&t lei&urel)+ hi& trou&er& 'lre'd) un*'&tened+ 'nd he .'& li*ting uher hi-&+ 'nd guiding hi,&el* e;-ertl) ho,e2 Lucidit) returned to her &o,e.h't '& &he .'tched her hu&3'nd 3r'ced o<er her+ 'nd hi& e)e& ne<er le*t her&2 She .ondered .h't he &'. in her&2 She 0ne. .h't &he &'. in hi&E *ierce -le'&ure in the t'0ing o* her+ 'nd &o,ething el&e th't *ought through6' &ort o* .onder+ ' &ort o* &ur-ri&e2 For ' ,o,ent &he &u&-ected he .'& ne'rl) '& hel-le&& in the ,'tter o* -'&&ion here '& &he .'&+ 3ut then the ,o,ent .'& gone+ 'nd hi& e)e& clo&ed tightl) '& e<er) 3it o* hi, .ent t'ut+ 'nd he dro<e hi,&el* &.i*tl) to hi& rele'&e2 h't i* ,) children 're concei<ed in ' roo, .ithout ' c'r-etF S'3rin' .ondered2 Silentl) he .ithdre. *ro, her+ c're*ull)+ gentl) 3ru&hed her &0irt& do.n2 Re*'&tened hi& trou&er&2 She *u&&ed .ith her nec0line+ &tr'ightening it2 Re'rr'nged+ the) &'t &ide 3) &ide on the &ettee2 $ elco,e ho,e+5 &he &'id .r)l)+ tr)ing ' 4e&t2 He g'<e ' &hort l'ugh2 It &ounded 'l,o&t -'ined2 And then he .ent clo&ed 'nd :uiet+ ' :uiet &he didn?t :uite under&t'nd+ 'nd *or &o,e re'&on didn?t d're 3re'ch2 He *in'll) turned to her 'g'in2 $I?<e thing& to &ee to here 't L' 7ont'gne2 I* )ou?ll e;cu&e ,eF5

He &'id it gentl)+ 3ut the .ord& .ere &o *or,'l in the .'0e o* *e<eri&h inti,'c) th't S'3rin' 3lin0ed2 $O* cour&e+ ,) lord25 She couldn?t di&gui&e the iron) in the .ord&2 He &i,-l) ro&e 'nd nodded &hortl) to her+ 'nd le*t her in th't c'r-etle&& roo,2 He?d <'ni&hed into hi& o**ice to do .h'te<er it .'& he did 't L' 7ont'gne+ 'nd &he didn?t &ee her hu&3'nd 't 'll *or the re&t o* the '*ternoon2 !ut l'ter+ 'n in<it'tion c',e in the -er&on o* 7r&2 !'ile)2 $The e'rl .ould 3e -le'&ed i* )ou .ould 4oin hi, *or dinner thi& e<ening25 Such ' -eculi'r .') to li<e+ S'3rin' thought+ e<en '& the in<it'tion undeni'3l) -le'&ed her2 Ho. -eculi'r to 3e in<ited to dine .ith &o,eone in her o.n ho,e2 To 3e *or,'ll) in<ited to dine .ith her o.n hu&3'nd+ *or th't ,'tter2 $I ', -le'&ed to 'cce-t hi& in<it'tion+5 &he?d re-lied .ith ,oc0 &ole,nit)2 And &he dre&&ed *or hi,+ th'n0& to 7'd',e 7'rce'u+ .h't color& &uited herE the -ur-le+ to ,'0e her e)e& 3e.itching 'nd her &0in glo. li0e ' -e'rl2 "ut to gentl) &0i, her cur<e& 'nd re<e'l ' &o*t e;-'n&e o* &0in 'nd the &h'do. 3et.een her *ull 3re'&t&2 In the .ic0ed ho-e th't her hu&3'nd+ .hile he .'& here+ ,ight .'nt to -') 'ttention to the, 'g'in2 $ )ndh', &'id )ou c',e 3'c0 *ro, the .'r *ull o* -oetr)25 It &ee,ed ' -l'ce to 3egin ' dinner con<er&'tion+ 'n)ho.2 !ut *or &o,e re'&on the :ue&tion ,'de Rh)& go :uiet+ 'nd S'3rin' .orried &he?d ended the dinner con<er&'tion 3e*ore it could trul) 3egin2 Fin'll)+ he &,iled ' little2 $ )ndh', t'l0& *'r too ,uch25 There .'& ' chin0 in the &ilence th't *ollo.ed+ the &ound o* hi& *or0 &t'33ing into ' 3e'n 'nd ,i&&ing 'nd &tri0ing hi& -l'te2 $I?<e re'd )our -oetr)+5 &he con*e&&ed tent'ti<el)2 Rh)& &to--ed 'nd hi& e)e& 3l'8ed hu,or 't her2 $For he'<en?& &'0e+ I 0no. th't25 Her ,outh dro--ed o-en2 And then+ indign'ntl)+ &he &'id+ $So )ou did l') ' tr'-25 He &ee,ed to con&ider thi& *or ' ,o,ent2 $A tr'- i& onl) ' tr'-+5 he *in'll) &'id+ $i* one?& :u'rr)+ 3) n'ture+ .'nt& the 3'it25 And then he grinned 't her2 She couldn?t &,ile 3'c0+ 3ec'u&e hi& &,ile too0 her 3re'th '.')2 And then &he .'& &orr)+ 3ec'u&e hi& &,ile .'& &oon gone 'g'in2 $Did )ou9li0e itF The -oetr)F5 he .ondered2 He .'&n?t loo0ing 't her2 He .'& &licing hi& 3ee* into little rect'ngle&2

He .'& tr)ing+ &he re'li8ed+ to '--e'r '& though he didn?t ,ind .h't &he thought2 $Ye&+5 &he &'id *er<entl)2 $I didn?t .'nt to+ ,ind )ou+ 3ut9it?& e;tr'ordin'r)2 Not 2 2 25 She &0i--ed the .ord &he ,ight h'<e u&ed+ .hich ,ight h'<e 3een $&hoc0ing+5 'nd he loo0ed 't her then+ hi& 3ro. le'-ing u-.'rd &'rdonic'll)2 $It?& ,'gic'l25 The .ord e,3'rr'&&ed her+ 3ut he &ee,ed to t'0e it '& ' ,'tter o* cour&e+ 3eing ' -oet+ &he &u--o&ed2 $I *ound it &o+ 'n)ho.2 Though I 0no. <er) little '3out -oetr)25 He duc0ed hi& he'd 3rie*l)2 S'3rin' thought &he &'. hi, hiding ' tin) -le'&ed &,ile+ ' *l'&h+ there 'nd gone2 And he &'id nothing el&e2 $I &u--o&e )ou c'nnot e;-erience it the .') ' re'der doe&+5 &he continued2 $No+5 he 'greed+ hi& e)e& u-on her 'g'in2 $='rticul'rl) &ince ,o&t re'der& &ee, to 3e .o,en25 Another &,ile2 She .'& re'd) *or it thi& ti,eE &he &,iled+ too+ en4o)ing hi& te'&ing2 $ ill )ou .rite 'nother 3oo0F5 He &norted ' &o*t l'ugh+ not 'n ',u&ed one2 $I don?t 0no.2 I h'<en?t .ritten ' .ord o* -oetr) in ,onth&25 Her *or0 -'u&ed in ,id'ir2 $!ut93ut9't )our hou&e -'rt) )ou .ere loo0ing *or ' rh),e *or &0in(5 $No+ I .'&n?t2 I .'& .riting ' letter to ,) &olicitor25 She &t'red 't hi,2 $I 3elie<e the .ord )ou u&ed th't night .'& Gincorrigi3le?F5 $Ye&25 $Still *it&+5 &he ,uttered+ 'nd 'te ' -e'2 He l'ughed2 And then there .'& ' :uiet2 Not 'n '.0.'rd :uiet2 S'3rin' *elt the ch'nge in it& te;ture2 It .'& li0e the re&t in ' -iece o* ,u&ic2 The) .ere le'rning to t'l0 to e'ch other2 And tent'ti<el)+ &0itti&hl)9the) .ere en4o)ing it2 $H'<e )ou *ound )our ,other?& -ortr'itF5 &he '&0ed2 $The &e'rch continue&+5 he &'id &hortl)2 $I?<e ' -ortr'it o* ,) ,other+5 &he <olunteered &h)l)2 $Should .e h'ng it in the g'ller)F5 He '&0ed it lightl)2 She &,iled2 $It?& onl) ' ,ini'ture2 It?& 'll I h'<e o* her2 Her n',e i& Ann'+ or &o it &')& on the 3'c0 o* the i,'ge+ in &cri-t2 She loo0& <er) li0e ,e+ or &o I?, told25

And Rh)& .ent &tr'ngel) &till2 So,ething *lic0ered o<er hi& *'ce+ &o,ething S'3rin' couldn?t inter-ret2 It .'& 'l,o&t '& though &o,ething h'd hurt hi,2 =erh'-& he?d &.'llo.ed ' -e' too h'rd2 $I 'l.')& .'nted to 0no. her+5 &he 'dded &o*tl)2 He *in'll) &tirred 'g'in2 $Do )ou 0no. ho. )ou c',e to li<e .ith Vic'r F'irleigh+ S'3rin'F5 She .'tched hi& h'nd& *u&& .ith hi& n'-0in2 $I onl) 0no. I .'& 3rought to hi, one e<ening+ &hortl) 3e*ore he le*t *or the li<ing in Tin3ur)2 He .'& told ,) ,other h'd died+ 'nd th't I .'& 'n or-h'n25 $Do )ou 0no. .h't )e'r thi& .'&+ 3) 'n) ch'nceF5 $O* cour&e2 It .'& ABDM2 Are )ou tr)ing to le'rn ,) 'geF5 She &,iled 't hi,2 Rh)& &,iled ' little+ too+ 3ut no. he &ee,ed di&tr'cted2 He ti--ed ,ore .ine into hi& gl'&&+ &i--ed 't it .hile '--e'ring to 'd,ire the roo,+ then returned hi& g'8e to her+ &ee,ing to decide &he .'& ,ore intere&ting2 $I re,e,3er onl)9+5 &he 3eg'n2 $I re,e,3er 3eing '.'0ened in the ,iddle o* the night+ 'nd there .ere other little girl& there+ too2 And .e .ere cr)ing2 And I re,e,3er the <oice o* ' .o,'n+ &o*t2 !ut I don?t 0no. .hether it .'& ,) ,other or not25 Rh)& &t'red 't her '& i* &he?d 4u&t con*e&&ed to ,'0ing lo<e to #ing George2 Or &o,ething 4u&t th't &hoc0ing2 =erh'-& the ,e,or) &tirred hi& o.n ,e,orie& o* hi& ,other 'nd &i&ter+ 3oth o* .ho, h'd died2 =erh'-& he .'& *eeling 0eenl) 'g'in hi& o.n lo&&e&2 She ch'nged the &u34ect2 $I?<e noticed )ou?<e no -'inting& 3) 7r2 L' 7ont'gne25 $H'<e )ouF5 he '&0ed idl)+ loo0ing do.n 't hi& -l'te2 $And )et )ou?<e co,,i&&ioned :uite ' *e.2 7r2 3ut he thin0& th't )ou 3elie<e he i&25 )ndh', doe&n?t thin0 he?& ' good -'inter+ )ndh', h'nging here 't

Rh)& hel-ed hi,&el* to 'nother &lice o* 3ee*2 He che.ed *or ' 3it2 S.'llo.ed2 $ )ndh', i& ' good *riend+5 he *in'll) 'llo.ed+ the .ord& c're*ul2 S'3rin'?& ,outh dro--ed o-en2 She cl'--ed it &hut+ re'li8ing &o,ething2 $You6)ou65 $IF5 Rh)& co';ed+ ',u&ed 'nd ' little -u88led2 $You li0e to hel-+ too( You co,,i&&ion hel- the,( You hel-(5 Thi& &ee,ed to gi<e Rh)& -'u&e2 $For God?& &'0e+ don?t tell 'n)one+5 he *in'll) &'id+ &ounding '3'&hed2 )ndh',+ 'nd L' V'lle+ 'nd63ec'u&e )ou .'nt to

She l'ughed+ delighted2 Rh)& h'd 3id her good e<ening '*ter dinner+ -erh'-& <'ni&hing into hi& o**ice@ S'3rin' h'd retired to the li3r'r) to re'd+ 3ut *ound her&el* t'0ing u- her 0nitting needle&+ 'dding ,ore ro.& to the 3lue &c'r* &he .ould &o,ed')+ i* &he?d the ner<e+ gi<e to her hu&3'nd2 I* he?d .i&hed to *ind her+ he could h'<e loo0ed in the li3r'r)2 He did not2 So S'3rin' retired to her 3edch',3er2 !ut no. it .'& l'te+ 'nd the lure o* 3ed .'& &trong2 She 3eg'n -re-'r'tion& *or &lee-+ -luc0ing u- her h'ir3ru&h2 She 3eg'n to 3ru&h out her h'ir+ 'nd re,e,3ering the night o* her .edding+ her &tro0e& &lo.ed2 She h'l* ho-ed Rh)& .ould '--e'r to do it *or her 'g'in2 She?d 3een &o '*r'id th't night+ 'nd lonel)+ 'nd he?d ,'n'ged 3oth to &oothe 'nd &educe her .ith the ho,el) little 'ct+ though he?d le*t her the * d')2 He .'& 'n o3&er<'nt ,'n2 She .'& 3eginning to 3elie<e he ,ight 'l&o 3e ' 0ind ,'n2 She .'& 3eginning to6d're &he &') it6li0e hi,2 !ut ' hundred &tro0e& l'ter+ her h'ir .'& gle',ing in ' &heet to her .'i&t+ 'nd &he .'& &till 'lone2 S'3rin' -ulled ' night r'il o<er her he'd+ thi& one .'r, 'nd <er) *ine+ ' ne. one2 And li0e the night o* her .edding+ &he .'ited2 Ten&ed in 'ntici-'tion+ 'nd in ' -eculi'r ho-e2 !ut the door 3et.een their roo,& ne<er o-ened2 Ah2 So -erh'-& he thought he?d done hi& dut) 3) her *or thi& <i&it2 A 0not o* de&ol'tion in her &to,'ch -ulled tight+ 'nd her h'nd& .ent there -rotecti<el)+ co<ering it2 She re,e,3ered .h't 7'r) h'd &'id '3out thin0ing '3out .h't to &er<e *or dinner the * d') .hen &he .'& l)ing 3ene'th her hu&3'nd+ 'nd *or 'nother in&t'nt S'3rin' r'ther .i&hed &o,eone li0e ='ul .ould co,e through the door2 Fin'll) S'3rin' &li--ed 3ene'th her 3l'n0et& 'nd to&&ed 'nd turned+ re&tle&& '& i* &he?d gone to 3ed .ithout &u--er2 It .'& ' ne. 'nd di**erent &ort o* '--etite+ ho.e<er+ th't re,'ined un&'ti&*ied+ 'nd her ne. unh'--ine&& .'& 3orn o* h'<ing ' 3rie* t'&te o* h'--ine&&2 At l'&t &he dri*ted+ '& the *ire gre. to ' *it*ul &lee-2 He didn?t 0no. .h) he re&i&ted2 He?d -re-'red hi,&el* *or &lee-+ &tri--ed hi,&el* o* clothing 'nd 3uilt the *ire u- higher th'n nece&&'r)+ 'nd *ull) intended to onl) &lee-+ &o he ,ight ri&e e'rl) 'nd 3e on the ro'd 'g'in to London in the ,orning <er) e'rl)+ 3ec'u&e there .'& ' &oiree he &hould 'ttend2 A ne. )oung -oet .ould 3e re'ding+ 'nd Rh)& could 'dd hi& o.n c'chet to the e<ent2 Actu'll)+ it .'&n?t entirel) trueE he did 0no. .h) he re&i&ted2 E<er)thing he?d tried in the n',e o* cur3ing re&tle&&ne&&6'lcohol+ o-iu,+ ,u&ic+ -oetr)+ g',3ling+ &-ort+ .o,'n '*ter &hoc0ingl) &0illed .o,'n6he?d 3een '3le to le'<e 3ehind2

He?d 0no.n -le'&ure2 So,eti,e& 'cute -le'&ure2 He?d 0no.n o3li<ion2 He?d 'ccu,ul'ted ' &tore o* e;tr'ordin'r) ,e,orie&+ ,e,orie& *e. other ,en could '**ord or .ould e<er h'<e2 !ut not one o* tho&e thing& h'd e<er *elt li0e ' need2 And thi&9thi& h'd 3egun to *eel -erilou&l) li0e need2 He didn?t .'nt to e<er need 'g'in2 So he dou&ed hi& l',-+ 'nd l') in the d'r0 'nd .'ited *or the o3li<ion o* &lee-2 He didn?t 0no. ho. ,uch ti,e h'd -'&&ed 3e*ore he re'li8ed th't &lee- .ould 3e denied hi,2 Th't he .ould h'<e to+ *or -erh'-& the *ir&t ti,e in hi& li*e+ &urrender2 S'3rin' h'd 3een &lee-ing *or &o,e ti,e .hen &he '.o0e 'nd &tirred groggil)+ re'li8ing th't ' .'r, 3od) h'd &lid 3ene'th the 3l'n0et& ne;t to her2 She &tirred into ' dre',li0e .'0e*ulne&& .hen hi& 'r,& .ent 'round her+ 'nd turned u- to *'ce hi& &h'do.) *'ce in the d'r0@ in&tincti<el)+ '& i* o* their o.n 'ccord+ her 'r,& re'ched u- to .r'- 'round hi& nec02 He .'& 3're@ hi& &0in .'& *ire-.'r,2 Hi& ,outh *ound her&+ 'nd her li-& *ell o-en 3ene'th hi&+ 'nd he t'&ted ' little o* 3r'nd)+ *elt li0e .'r, <el<et2 She 0i&&ed hi, hungril) 3'c0+ re<eling in the t'&te 'nd te;ture o* hi,2 Her 3od) ,o<ed to *it 3ene'th hi&+ .'nting hi,2 He g'thered u- her night r'il until it 3unched 'round her .'i&t+ 'nd hi& h'nd& .ere hot 'nd urgent 'g'in&t her &0in+ &0i,,ing 'cro&& her 3ell)+ o<er the cur<e o* her hi-& 'nd .'i&t+ *illing i,-'tientl) .ith her 3re'&t&+ &tro0ing+ until her 3od) .'& e;:ui&itel) '.'0e+ e<en '& &he h'l* *elt &he .'& dre',ing2 $Ye&+5 &he .hi&-ered+ 'nd 'rched into hi,+ '3etting hi,+ '&0ing *or ,ore2 And li0e thi&+ in the ne'r-tot'l d'r0ne&&+ Rh)& ,'de lo<e to her+ &.i*tl) 'nd .ithout .ord&2 In the d'r0 he .'& h'rdl) ,ore th'n ' &h'do.@ it .'& li0e ,'0ing lo<e to night it&el*2 He 3r'ced hi,&el* '3o<e her 'nd then he .'& in&ide her+ 'nd her hi-& ro&e u- to ,eet hi& dri<ing hi-&+ no. ho. to t'0e her -le'&ure *ro, hi,+ 'nd the lo. ro'r o* 3re'th 'nd the ,eeting o* their *le&h .ere the onl) &ound&2 And then it .'& done+ hi& 3re'th 'g'in&t her thro't lulling '& he lo.ered hi,&el* 'g'in to lie ne;t to her2 $Rh)&+5 &he ,ur,ured2 S-ent+ &he dri*ted to &lee- 'g'in+ hi& 3od) &tretched out ne;t to her&+ hi& 'r,& 'round her2 The ne;t ,orning &he '.o0e in 'n e,-t) 3ed+ to the &ound o* ' ,'id -o0ing u- the *ire&2 S'3rin' &lid ' h'nd o<er+ 'nd *ound the &heet& cold2 He ,ight '& .ell h'<e 3een ' -h'nto,2 And *or ' di&orienting ,o,ent+ &he *elt ' 3it li0e ' -h'nto,+ too2


I RONI" THAT THE &unlight *orcing it& .') into hi& cell &hould l'nd ' 3e', on the *loor in the &h'-e o* ' cro&&+ 7orle) thought+ gi<en th't the &lit& h'd 3een cut in the .'ll *or &o,e &oldier?& 'rro. centurie& 'go+ 'nd .ere ,e'nt to '3et the &hedding o* 3lood2 T.o h'tche&+ <ertic'l 'nd hori8ont'l+ 3i&ecting2 A &),3ol o* God+ ' &),3ol o* .'r2 He gri,'ced 't the direction o* hi& thought&2 There .'&n?t <er) ,uch to do in the &o hi& ,ind h'd 3egun to *i; u-on ,inute thing&+ di&&ecting the, hungril) *or e<er) -'rticle o* ,e'ning 'nd di&tr'ction+ r'ther li0e ' ,'n te'ring into ' &,'ll lo'* o* 3re'd2 He 'l,o&t &),-'thi8ed .ith !on'-'rte e;iled in St2 Helen'2 A ,'n o* 'ction 'nd intelligence 'nd le'der&hi-+ !on'-'rte .'& reduced to ' :uiet retire,ent+ .hich &ee,ed r'ther ' -it) *or &uch ' re&ource*ul 'nd energetic ,'n2 He?d .'nted to 3e e;iled to London+ once+ !on'-'rte h'd2 The <er) ide' h'd 'l.')& &truc0 7orle) '& <er) *unn)E London ne<er could h'<e cont'ined hi,2 He .ould h'<e e&c'-ed+ or &t'rted ' re<olution2 7orle) i,'gined ' -e'ce*ul e;ile .ould ,'0e &hort .or0 o* the e,-eror2 O* cour&e+ the e,-eror .ould not 3e *'cing the g'llo.&2 He?d 3een in the *or ne'rl) ' ,onth no.2 Sir 'lter R'leigh h'd li<ed *or thirteen )e'r& in the 'nd he?d ,'n'ged to .rite hi& ,e,oir& 'nd conduct &cienti*ic e;-eri,ent& 3e*ore the) too0 o** hi& he'd27orle) .ondered i* he .ould li<e in the long enough to .rite hi& o.n ,e,oir&2 In the long ,o,ent& o* &ilence 'nd &olitude+ he?d run through hi& ,e,orie&+ thin0ing to *ind di&tr'ction or e'&e+ 3ut the)?d 3egun to 'll *eel the &',eE 'll o* the,+ the -le'&'nt 'nd le&& -le'&'nt+ ,'de hi, re&tle&&+ onl) re,inded hi, th't the 3'l'nce o* hi& li*e .ould 3e li<ed out in&ide ' cell o* .hite.'&hed .'ll&2 He .ould not '--l) the .ord $regret5 to 'n) o* hi& ,e,orie&@ he h'd 'l.')& done .h't he?d needed to do to 'chie<e hi& end&2 He?d 'cco,-li&hed ,ore+ 'c:uired ,ore+ th'n ,'n) ,en .ould e<er dre',2 He?d done &o,e good in the .orld@ he?d done &o,e 3'd in the .orld2 He?d h'd ,'n) -olitic'l 'llie& 't one ti,e@ &o,e ,e,3er& o* the "o,,on& con&idered hi, ' *riend2 He?d dined .ith e'rl& 'nd <i&count&2 He?d ,'de lo<e to &o,e o* the ton?& ,o&t 3e'uti*ul .o,en+ 'nd he &u&-ected he?d lo<ed onl) one o* the,2 None o* the, h'd co,e to <i&it hi, in the o* cour&e2 Not .hen the &on o* the*ul E'rl o* e&t-h'll+ #it hitel'.+ h'd 3een the one in&tru,ent'l in 'rre&ting hi,2 He le'ned he'<il) on hi& c'ne 'nd turned to hi& l'.)er+ 7r2 Duc0.orth+ .ho h'd 3een u&hered in 3) gu'rd&2 7r2 Duc0.orth .'& ' 4uicele&& ,'n+ .ith ' -er,'nent-loo0ing -'llor 3orn o* &-ending ne'rl) the entiret) o* hi& li*e indoor&2 Thin li-&+ thin 'r,&+ thinning h'ir+ '& 3e*it ' cre'ture .ho .illingl) de-ri<ed hi,&el* o* &unlight2 7orle) 3rie*l) thought o* the ro&e& on hi& countr) e&t'te+ .hich .ould 3e dor,'nt no.+ 3ut .hich un*olded to greedil) drin0 in the &un in l'te &-ring2 Engl'nd?& -ro*lig'te 0ing+ 'l.')& de&-er'te *or ,one)+ h'd no dou3t &ei8ed hi& e&t'te2 Duc0.orth?& &-ect'cle& glinted in the light *ro, the n'rro. &lit+ &o th't 7orle) couldn?t &ee hi& e)e&2 !ut the) .ere 3ro.n+ 7orle) 0ne.+ 'nd &hre.d2

It .'& 7r2 Duc0.orth .ho?d 3een -re&ented .ith the th'n0le&& t'&0 o* de*ending 7orle) 'g'in&t the e;tr'ordin'r) ch'rge& 'g'in&t hi,E con&-ir'c) to &ell in*or,'tion to the French+ 'nd con&-ir'c) to ,urder Rich'rd Loc0.ood+ ' 3elo<ed -olitici'n+ &e<enteen )e'r& 'go2 Tre'&on 'nd ,urder+ in other .ord&2 $The e<idence i& e;ce-tion'll) d',ning+ 7r2 7orle)2 The docu,ent& *ound 3) Vi&count Gr'nth', 're thorough 'nd con<incing 'nd the .itne&&e& could not 3e ,ore credi3le2 And )our '&&i&t'nt+ the little ,'n+ 7r2 Hor'ce 7in0in65 $Hor'ce 7in0inF5 7orle) *ro.ned2 $You c'll hi, !o3+ 7r2 7orle)25 $Ah+ )e&2 7r2 7in0in+5 7r2 7orle) &'id &o3erl)2 He?d ne<er 0no.n !o3?& 'ctu'l n',e2 He?d ne<er .'nted to 0no. it2 $ h't 7r2 7in0in l'c0& in ch'r'cter 'nd credi3ilit)+ he ,ore th'n ,'0e& u- *or in the &heer <olu,e 'nd det'il o* hi& &torie&2 "o'che& 'nd 'dder&+ 7r2 7orle)F5 7r2 Duc0.orth &hoo0 hi& he'd2 And !o3+ 7orle) 0ne.+ h'd r'ther ' lot o* &torie& to tell2 Until he?d encountered #it hitel'.+ !o3 h'd 3een re,'r0'3l) u&e*ul2 $In &hort+ in 'll li0elihood+ )ou .ill r'-idl) 3e con<icted o* ,urder 'nd tre'&on25 $R'-idl)F5 7orle) re-e'ted ironic'll)2 $In 'n Engli&h courtF And I?<e onl) 4u&t 3egun en4o)ing ,) tri'l25 The l'.)er o**ered hi, ' thin &,ile2 A--reci'ting the dr) .it2 $I 3elie<e )ou 0no. the -uni&h,ent *or tre'&on 'nd ,urder+ 7r2 7orle)25 I .onder .here the) .ill h'ng ,eF 7orle) thought2 In -u3lic+ '& 'n e;',-le *or 'n)one te,-ted to tre'&on+ or on the Green+ '& 3e*itting &o,eone .ho h'd 'l&o ,'n'ged to do &o,e good *or hi& countr)+ de&-ite the .') he?d &et out to do itF $Did )ou co,e here to tell ,e .h't I 'lre'd) 0no.+ 7r2 Duc0.orth+ or 3ec'u&e )ou en4o) ,) co,-'n)F5 7r2 Duc0.orth turned to.'rd the &huttered .indo.& 'nd ge&tured2 $7') IF5 7orle) nodded2 A--'rentl) 7r2 Duc0.orth .'& h'<ing di**icult) .ith the con*ine& o* the cell2 It h'd t'0en &o,e ti,e+ 'd,ittedl)+ to 3eco,e 'ccu&to,ed to the,2 7orle) 0e-t the &hutter& clo&ed@ the cold 'ir in the cell ,'de the e<er--re&ent 'che in hi& leg ne'rl) un3e'r'3le2 He o-ened one+ 'nd the gu&t o* cold 'ir+ -'in*ul in it& re,inder o* the .orld out&ide+ ru&hed in2 7orle) 3lin0ed in the &un+ 'n '&&'ult o* light2 $F'r 3e it *ro, ,e to &') th't I do not en4o) )our co,-'n)+ 7r2 7orle)2 !ut I *e'r tod')?& <i&it i& not ' &oci'l one2 I?<e co,e .ith 'n o-tion25

And Duc0.orth turned ' *'int &,ile to.'rd 7orle)2 7r2 Duc0.orth ,ight h'r3or '& ,uch 3elie* in 7r2 7orle)?& guilt '& he did in the e;i&tence o* ' "re'tor+ 3ut he .'& &till+ 't he'rt+ ' l'.)er2 And 7orle)+ *or the *ir&t ti,e in .ee0&+ 3eg'n to *eel ' -ric0le o* 'ntici-'tion o* ' ,ore -le'&'nt <'riet)2 $Do &h're+ 7r2 Duc0.orth25 $I h'<e done &o,e di&creet :ue&tioning on )our 3eh'l*2 Hi& 7'4e&t) .ould+ o* cour&e+ 3e *'&cin'ted to le'rn o* 'n) other ,e,3er& o* the "o,,on& or Lord& .ho ,') h'<e6&h'll .e &')6'n ',3i<'lent rel'tion&hi- to the l'.+ or .ho ,ight h'<e '&&i&ted )ou in 'n) .') in )our 'llegedl) cri,in'l 'cti<itie&2 ='rticul'rl) tho&e o*+ &h'll .e &')+ higher &t'tion2 Hi& gr'titude *or rele<'nt in*or,'tion .ould o* cour&e 3e re*lected in )our &entence2 =erh'-& e<en the ch'rge& 3rought 'g'in&t )ou2 De-ending+ o* cour&e+ u-on the n'ture 'nd ,'gnitude o* the re<el'tion25 And &uddenl) the *re&h 'ir gu&ting through the cell .'& ' -ro,i&e+ 'nd not ' t'unt2 In other .ord&E h'nd u& ' lord on ' -l'tter+ 7r2 7orle)+ 'nd .e ,ight con&ider not h'nging )ou2 =erh'-& )ou?ll e<en &ee )our ro&e& 'g'in2 7orle) &,iled *'intl)2 $ ere )ou 3orn ' l'.)er+ 7r2 Duc0.orthF5 7r2 Duc0.orth ,erel) &,iled hi& thin-li--ed &,ile2 $Since )ou?<e ' good de'l o* ti,e to re<ie. )our ,e,orie& 'nd '&&oci'tion&+ I &ugge&t th't )ou u&e it .i&el)2 I &t'nd re'd) to he'r 'n)thing )ou .i&h to &h're+ .hen 'nd i* )ou .i&h to &h're it25 S'3rin' 'l,o&t .i&hed he h'dn?t co,e 't 'll2 Th't he .ouldn?t co,e 't 'll2 !ut .i&hing .ouldn?t undo her ,'rri'ge or the circu,&t'nce& o* it+ 'nd i* there .'& 'n)thing &he?d le'rned in her li*e+ it .'& ho. to ,'0e do2 She .ould le'rn ho. to ,'0e do2 She didn?t 0no. .h't Rh)& did in London+ 3ut &he trul) .'nted no -'rt o* itE the <er) ide' o* horde& o* -eo-le li<ing &t'c0ed <irtu'll) 'to- one 'nother+ &0ie& di,,ed .ith &,ut *ro, thou&'nd& o* co'l *ire&+ cri,e 'nd &:u'lor2 She 0ne. 7'r) con&idered it gl',orou&2 And -erh'-& there .ere thing& &he .ould li0e to &ee 'nd do there2 7u&eu,&2 G'llerie& o* 'rt2 !ut *or 'd<enture+ S'3rin' &till .ould <er) ,uch h'<e -re*erred to <i&it 'nother l'nd -o-ul'ted 3) -eo-le .ho .eren?t Engli&h2 She -re*erred roo, to run 'nd &tretch2 !ut her d')& e<entu'll)+ h'ltingl)+ 'c:uired ' rh)th, o* &ort&2 She &to--ed in to &-e'0 .ith the coo0 'nd the hou&e0ee-er '3out ,e'l&@ &he re'd+ glutting her&el* on the li3r'r) until &he thought her he'd ,ight -o- *ro, the diet o* .ord&@ &he rode out to !uc0&te'd He'th to the <ic'r'ge to <i&it .ith Geo**re)+ to li&ten to hi, rehe'r&e hi& &er,on& 'nd o**er u- her o-inion& on the,2 She li0ed to thin0 the) h'd &ettled into ' *riend&hi-+ &he 'nd Geo**re)2 And '& the) .ere rel'ted no.+ it could h'rdl) 3e con&idered i,-ro-er+ could itF And e'ch ti,e &he le*t+ Geo**re) '&0ed .hether &he?d &-o0en )et to Rh)& '3out hi& ,i&&ion2 Geo**re) .'& thinner+ &he noticed2 He 4u,-ed 't loud &ound&2 =erh'-& he needed ,ore 3ee* in hi& diet2 She .ould &-e'0 to the coo0 'nd h'<e &o,e &ent to hi,2 Or -erh'-& he .'& -ining the lo&& o* hi& dre',2 Hi& ho-e tore 't her2

$The ne;t ti,e I &ee Rh)&+ I &h'll &-e'0 to hi, on )our 3eh'l*+5 &he -ro,i&ed Geo**re)2 And God onl) 0ne. .hen th't .ould 3e2 At the end o* the .ee0 &he &to--ed into the 0itchen to di&cu&& the e<ening ,e'l .ith the coo0 'nd 7r&2 !'ile)6&he .ould 3e dining 'lone+ o* cour&e+ 3ut it .'& ' -it) to not t'0e 'd<'nt'ge o* the .onder*ul coo0+ 'nd &he?d tried 'll ,'nner o* deliciou& ne. thing& &ince &he?d ,'rried the e'rl2 Ag'in+ &he could not di&count the ,)ri'd 'd<'nt'ge& o* 3eing ,'rried to 'n e'rl2 $=oor old 7'rgo !un*ield h'& lo&t -'rt o* her roo*+5 7r&2 !'ile) .'& &')ing to the coo0 4u&t '& S'3rin' 'rri<ed2 $I 3eg )our -'rdon+ 7r&2 !'ile)+ 3ut .ho i& 7'rgo !un*ieldF5 S'3rin' '&0ed2 $Oh+ L'd) R'.den(5 The t.o &er<'nt& &-un '3out 'nd curt&ied2 $7r&2 !un*ield i& 'n elderl) .ido. .ho li<e& 't the edge o* !uc0&te'd He'th+5 7r&2 !'ile) told her2 $And her roo* .'& d','ged in the 3li88'rd2 Ne'rl) gone+ in *'ct25 $Oh+ de'r( Did ,uch o* the <ill'ge &u&t'in d','ge+ thenF It trul) .'& ' r're &tor,25 $A nu,3er o* roo*&+ L'd) R'.den2 And I?<e he'rd the ,ill &u**ered+ too25 S'3rin' he'rd the &iren &ong o* -eo-le needing hel-2 $7) goodne&&+ -erh'-& I &hould &ee to the,25 7r&2 !'ile) '--'rentl) h'd no o-inion on thi& &u34ect+ *or &he re,'ined &ilent2 And then S'3rin' d'red to '&0 the hou&e0ee-er the :ue&tion th't h'd t'0en u- lodging in her ,ind2 $7r&2 !'ile)+ did )ou &end ' note to ,) hu&3'nd '3out the c'r-etF5 $Ye&+ L'd) R'.den+5 &he 'n&.ered .ithout ' ,o,ent?& he&it'tion2 S'3rin' needed to '&0 her ne;t :ue&tion+ though &he &u&-ected the 'n&.er h'd &o,ething to do .ith the *e'lt) the hou&e0ee-er *elt2 It .'& the e'rl+ '*ter 'll+ .ho -'id her .'ge&2 Still+ the *'inte&t &en&e o* 3etr')'l .'& in her tone '& &he '&0ed2 $ h) did )ou &end ' noteF5 And here there .'& ' -'u&e2 The hou&e0ee-er 'n&.ered &ur-ri&ingl) gentl)2 $He c',e+ didn?t heF5 S'3rin' .ent &till+ &t'ring in .onder 't 7r&2 !'ile)2 And .hen it 3ec',e cle'r the counte&& didn?t intend to &') 'n)thing ,ore+ 7r&2 !'ile) curt&ied 'nd &trode -ur-o&e*ull) '.') to &ee to the 3u&ine&& o* L' 7ont'gne2

Rh)& 4',,ed hi& h't onto hi& he'd '& he de-'rted hite?&2 He h'd 'n hour or &o to -re-'re *or ' &oiree 't .hich So-hi' Lic'ri .'& -er*or,ing2 She?d e;tended )et 'nother in<it'tion+ ' direct+ e;-licit one@ once 'g'in+ he &'. no re'&on not to 'cce-t2 He &.i<eled &uddenl) in the &treet2 A .o,'n h'd .'l0ed 3) on the 'r, o* 'nother ,'n+ 'nd &o,ething '3out her6-erh'-& her &li, &houlder&6c'lled S'3rin' to ,ind2 He &t'red '*ter her ' ,o,ent+ *elt ' -eculi'r -ierce o* &o,ething th't *elt li0e6 $He'rd )ou 4u&t returned *ro, the 7idl'nd&+ R'.den2 h't t'0e& )ou to the countr) the&e .intr) d')&F5 It .'& Lord "'<ill+ e,erging *ro, hite?& 't the &',e ti,e2 $Surel) the ',u&e,ent& in London c'n 0ee- ' ,'n .'r,erF5 $!u&ine&& 't L' 7ont'gne+5 Rh)& 'n&.ered curtl)2 $ ould th't 3u&ine&& 3e '9.i*eF5 The ,'n r'i&ed *urr) 3ro.&2 And then 'ctu'll) .'gged the,2 Rh)& gl'red 't hi,2 Though he .'&n?t -reci&el) tr)ing to 0ee- hi& ,'rri'ge ' &ecret6in *'ct+ &o,e .o,en <'&tl) -re*erred d'lli'nce& .ith ,'rried ,en6he h'dn?t ,'de 'n) e**ort to 'nnounce it+ either2 Ho. on e'rth h'd .ord got outF )ndh',F No2 7ore li0el) .ord o* the i&&u'nce o* ' S-eci'l Licen&e to the E'rl o* R'.den h'd &-re'd2 No dou3t e<er)one in the ton .'& ',u&ed2 $"'r-et&+5 he &'id &hortl)2 There .'& ' ,e&&'ge .'iting *or hi, 't hi& to.n hou&e+ 'long .ith the -er&-iring ,e&&enger+ .ho h'd 3een &ent .ith it -o&th'&te+ '--'rentl)2 Rh)& no. recogni8ed 7r&2 !'ile)?& &cri-t2 It .'& the .riting o* &o,eone .ho onl) trot& out her '3ilit) to .rite *or dire or &-eci'l occ'&ion&2 He &incerel) dou3ted 7r&2 !'ile) .'& in<iting hi, to ' 3irthd') -'rt)2 He 3ro0e the &e'l2 In&ide .'& ,ore o* her &cri-tE

De'r Lord R'.den+ I '-ologi8e *or trou3ling )ou+ 3ut I thought it 3e&t to in*or, )ou th't "ounte&& R'.den h'& 3een &een on the roo*& o* the !uc0&te'd He'th2 Your &er<'nt+ 7r&2 7'rg'ret !'ile)

S.eet ,erci*ul God2 Rh)& *lung the note do.n2

h't on e'rth could th't -o&&i3l) ,e'nF H'd S'3rin' gone ,'d+ i,'gined &he .'& ' -igeon 'nd .'& -erching on roo*&F '& &he thre'tening to d'&h her&el* o** one in &heer -rote&t o* not 3eing '3le to gi<e '.') the c'r-et&F Gr'nted+ 3oth o* the&e &cen'rio& .ere re,'r0'3l) di**icult to i,'gine+ gi<en ho. &'ne 'nd *r'n0 S'3rin' tended to 3e2 !ut the ,e&&'ge .'& -reci&el) cr)-tic enough to gi<e hi, no choice in the ,'tter+ 'nd he .ondered i* the 3lood) hou&e0ee-er h'd intended it th't .')2 He .ondered i* hou&e0ee-er& .ere c'-'3le o* th't degree o* &u3tlet)2 !lood) hell2 And here he?d thought he?d 'c:uired ' :uiet .i*e2 She .'& -ro<ing ,ore c'-riciou&+ in her .')+ th'n So-hi' Lic'ri could e<er dre', o* 3eing2 He?d 3een in London ' ,ere *ortnight+ 'nd no. he .'& *orced to return 'g'in2 He turned to the ,e&&enger+ *i&hing in hi& -oc0et& *or coin& .ith .hich to -') hi,2 $ ould )ou 0indl) 3ring ' ,e&&'ge to Signor' So-hi' Lic'ri to tell her I .ill not 3e 'ttending her -er*or,'nce thi& e<eningF I ,u&t '.') to L' 7ont'gne25 He 'rri<ed 't L' 7ont'gne 3) ,idd')+ ' little l'ter th'n he .ould h'<e li0ed+ 3ut ,elting &no. h'd -l')ed ,err) hell .ith the 'cce&&i3ilit) o* the ro'd&+ turning &o,e to -ool& o* ,ud 'nd *orcing the, to &ee0 out di**erent route&+ or to occ'&ion'll) get out o* the c'rri'ge 'nd .'l02 He 'rri<ed di&he<eled+ -er&-iring+ ,udd) to the 0nee+ 'nd &eething2 He r'ng *or 7r&2 !'ile) i,,edi'tel)+ 'nd the &tout+ &ole,n .o,'n greeted hi, .ith ' curt&)2 $On the roo*&+ 7r&2 !'ile)F5 he de,'nded .ithout -re',3le2 The .o,'n didn?t e<en 3lin02 $The 3li88'rd+ &ir2 The counte&& di&co<ered th't the &tor, d','ged &o,e o* the roo*& in !uc0&te'd He'th25 $And &o &he cli,3ed u- on the 2 2 25 It .'& too '3&urd ' &entence to co,-lete2 Rh)& re'd no '--ro<'l or di&'--ro<'l in the hou&e0ee-er?& *'ce2 She .'& ,erel) rel')ing in*or,'tion2 $So I ', told+ Lord R'.den25 He didn?t '&0E told 3) .ho,F He 0ne. ho. go&&i- &-re'd in ' to.n li0e !uc0&te'd He'th2 $I& the counte&& inF5 $I?, '*r'id not+ Lord R'.den25 He dre. in ' 3re'th2 $Do )ou 0no.+5 he dr'.led+ $.here &he i&F5 =le'&e+ God+ don?t &') $on the roo*25 $I 3elie<e &he .ent to &ee to the ,ill+ Lord R'.den2 The ,ill &ee,& to h'<e &u**ered &o,e d','ge+ too2 The roo*& in to.n h'<e 'lre'd) 3een &een to25

"HA=TER EIGHTEEN F IFTEEN 7INUTES LATER+ Rh)& h'd &-onged hi& *'ce+ h'nded hi& 3oot& o<er to 3e cle'ned 'nd -ulled on *re&h one&+ ch'nged hi& co't+ retied hi& cr'<'t+ 'nd ,ounted G'llego& 3ound *or !uc0&te'd He'th+ in &e'rch o* the ,ill2 F'r 3e it *ro, hi, to loo0 li0e 'n)thing le&& th'n 'n e'rl+ e<er2 In ' &en&e+ Rh)& 0ne. the ,ill on !uc0&te'd He'th .'& in -'rt re&-on&i3le *or hi& e;i&tenceE it .'& centurie& old+ 'nd h'd ground the gr'in th't 3oth *ed 'nd *illed the co**er& o* the Gillr') *',il)2 Still+ Rh)& needed to 0ee- hi& e)e& on the hori8on in order to *ind it+ 3ec'u&e -ride h'd 0e-t hi, *ro, <i&iting the to.n until he .'& lord o* the ,'nor once 'g'in2 He e;-ected the ,ill .ould h'<e 3een 3uilt on ' ,ound to 3e&t t'0e 'd<'nt'ge o* the .ind+ &o de&-ite the thic0 o* tree&+ he .'& o-ti,i&tic he?d 3e '3le to &-ot it2 At l'&t in the di&t'nce he &'.+ turning li0e ' gre't S'int Andre.?& cro&& high in the &0)+ the &'il& o* the ,ill+ ' -o&t ,ill+ ' 3rilli'ntl) .hite.'&hed little do,e 'g'in&t the 3lue &0)2 He &-urred G'llego& into 'n e'&) g'llo-+ 3ut &lo.ed '& he dre. ne'rerE one o* the ,ill &'il& h'd 3een &n'--ed+ the 3otto, h'l* d'ngling &ic0eningl)2 One o* the 3li88'rd?& <icti,&2 And th't?& .hen he &'. the no.-un,i&t'0'3le-to-hi, *igure o* hi& .i*e+ h'nd& on her hi-&+ he'd cr'ned 3'c0+ &t'nding 'long&ide ' ,'n '& &:u't '& the ,ill2 Thi& -er&on+ Rh)& '&&u,ed+ .'& the ,iller2 Hi& he'd .'& -ointing u-.'rd+ too+ 'nd hi& h'nd& .'<ed '3out illu&tr'ti<el)2 Recounting the &tor) o* the di&'&ter+ no dou3t2 He &'. the ,iller ,'0e ' &n'--ing ,otion .ith hi& h'nd& in the 'ir2 S'3rin'?& 3onnet h'd ti--ed *ro, her he'd+ 'nd it 3o33ed 3ehind her '& &he nodded 'long .ith the ,iller?& t'le '& though &he *ound it *'&cin'ting2 The) 3oth &.i<eled '3ru-tl) '& G'llego& g'llo-ed u-+ 'nd in one &,ooth ,otion Rh)& -ulled hi, to ' h'lt+ &.ung do.n+ 'nd &trode to.'rd the,+ le'<ing the hor&e?& rein& to d'ngle2 The ,iller too0 ' re*le;i<e &te- 3'c0+ 'nd Rh)& .'& di&t'ntl) ',u&ed2 Hi& e;-re&&ion ,u&t 3e &-e'0ing indeed2 The ,iller reco<ered hi,&el* &.i*tl) 'nd 3o.ed lo.+ 3ec'u&e though he?d ne<er &een Rh)& in hi& li*e+ there .'& '3&olutel) no :ue&tion '3out .ho he .'&E -otent r')& o* 'ri&tocr'c) 'll 3ut r'di'ted *ro, hi,+ 'long .ith+ Rh)& .'& cert'in+ hi& te,-er2 $R'.den+5 hi& .i*e &'id *'intl)2 She curt&ied+ ' little 3el'tedl)2 She loo0ed ' little guilt)2 Ah+ he thought ironic'll)2 At le'&t &he 0ne. counte&&e& do not t)-ic'll) tre'd out to di&cu&& ,ill& .ith ,iller&2 $"ounte&&25 He ,'de the .ord ' .'rning2 She cle'red her thro't2 $R'.den9thi& i& 7r2 =i0e+ the ,iller *or !uc0&te'd He'th 'nd the &urrounding <ill'ge&2 7r2 =i0e9the E'rl o* R'.den25 7r2 =i0e 3o.ed 'g'in2 He &ee,ed r'ther -le'&ed to h'<e 'n e'rl to 3o. to2 $7r2 =i0e 'nd I .ere 4u&t di&cu&&ing the65

$Ye&+5 Rh)& interru-ted '3ru-tl)2 The .ord cle'red her &entence in t.o li0e 'n ';2 S'3rin' *ell &ilent2 7r2 =i0e .'& un'.'re o* 'n) ten&ion@ hi& ,ind .'& *ocu&ed on ' ,ore i,,edi'te grie*2 $Sn'--ed right 3'dl)+ din?t &he+ Lord R'.denF5 7r2 =i0e &'id ,ourn*ull)2 He re'ched u- ' h'nd the &i8e o* ' l',3 &h'n0 'nd g'<e the d'ngling 3l'de ' &tro0e2 $The .ind&h'*t i& &-lintered+ too+ 'nd .illn' ?old the &'il& &hould the .ind get &ti**er2 !uilt in the )e'r o* our Lord AN%D 3) =i0e&+ 'nd .e =i0e& ?'<e 3een ,iller& ?ere e?er &ince )er *',il) *ir&t 3uilt ?ere2 Ni<<er &een ' 3li88'rd the li0e& o* the one .h't c',e through2 =oll) .'& no ,'tch *or it25 $=oll)F5 Rh)& *ro.ned2 $ ho the de<il i&65 $The ,ill?& n',e i& =oll)+5 S'3rin' told hi, :uic0l)2 A t'll l'dder le'ned 'g'in&t the &ide o* the ,ill2 Or r'ther+ =oll)2 And the l'dder ,'de Rh)& i,,edi'tel) thin0 o* roo*&2 Hi& .i*e+ ro&)-chee0ed *ro, the chill or -erh'-& guilt+ e)e& 3right *ro, no dou3t tre'ding 'll the .') to the <ill'ge *ro, the 7ont'gne+ &tood loo0ing u- 't hi,+ the .ind .hi--ing the he, o* her green .ool -eli&&e '3out her 'n0le&2 He &uddenl) h'd ' <i<id i,'ge o* her u- on th't l'dder+ the .ind ,'0ing ' &'il o* her -eli&&e 't th't height+ c'tching it+ )'n0ing S'3rin'?& *eet *ro, the rung+ the -eli&&e *'nning out 3ehind her '& &he -lu,,eted to the6 $ ere )ou '3out to go u- the l'dder to loo0 't the &'ilF5 He directed thi&+ .ith dece-ti<e ,ildne&&+ to hi& .i*e2 $No+5 &he 'n&.ered :uic0l)2 $She 4u&t co,e do.n *ro, loo0in? 't the .ind&h'*t+ din?t &heF5 the ,iller told hi, cheer*ull)2 $#no.& ' 3it '3out ,ill&+ &he doe&25 S'3rin' &hot ' 3el'ted :uelling gl'nce 't the o3li<iou& ,iller2 It &ee,ed there .'& no end to the thing& there .ere to le'rn '3out S'3rin'2 $You?<e 3een on roo*& '& .ell+ I he'r25 Rh)&?& <oice .'& ,ilder 'nd ,ilder2 The onl) .') he 0ne. to 0ee- hi& te,-er in control2 S'3rin'?& e)e& .ere 3eginning to 0indle ' 3it .ith te,-er o* her o.n2 $Ju&t the one(5 7r2 =i0e inter4ected :uic0l)+ in the &-irit o* cl'rit)+ no dou3t2 $7'rgo !un*ield?& roo* i& gone 3) h'l*2 Ru*u& "urli&& lo&t the roo* o* hi& cott'ge+ 'nd the 3li88'rd too0 the roo* right o** the 3'rn 't the Jen0in&? *'r,25 The ,iller tic0ed the&e o** hi& *inger&2 $Th't?& 'll I 0no. *er no.2 The counte&&+ &he .ere loo0ing into it+ )e &ee25 So .hile Rh)& .'& co,-ro,i&ing ' <ic'r?& d'ughter 'nd getting hi,&el* ,'rried+ di&'&ter h'd &truc0 in the little to.n o* !uc0&te'd He'th+ 'nd hi& counte&& h'd recentl) cli,3ed u- on roo*& to &ee it2

Rh)& g'8ed u- 't the h'nd&o,e+ &turd) ,ill+ 'nd 'l,o&t uncon&ciou&l) too0 ' &te- to.'rd it+ l'id hi& h'nd on the *r'ctured &'il '& though in co,*ort2 So,e in&tincti<e &),-'th) *or the ,'chine2 $The ,ill i& ' *e. hundred )e'r& old+ 3ut I?ll .'ger the &'il& 're ne.erF5 $A)e+ Lord R'.den+ .e?<e the &ort .h't clo&e& 'nd o-en&+ no.+ li0e &hutter&2 !uilt ?e, ,e&el*+ .hen the cloth& loo0ed re'd) to gi<e .')2 Le'rned it *ro, ' ch'- in Su&&e;25 Rh)& .'& intrigued2 $Ah+ I &ee2 So )ou c'n o-en 'nd clo&e the, '& nece&&'r)+ to 3e&t utili8e the .ind2 R'ther li0e the 3lind& in Venice+ i&n?t itF5 He &tudied the cunning con&truction o* the &'il&+ '3&entl) tried hi& h'nd 't o-ening 'nd clo&ing the,2 $I c'nn' &-e'0 *er the 3lind& in Venice+ Lord R'.den+ 3ut the &'il& do ' 3onnie 4o3 o* turning to grind the gr'in2 I c'n t'0e 3e&t 'd<'nt'ge o* the .ind '& &he co,e&+ c'n?t I+ thi& .')F !ut .e =i0e& ,ight ?'<e 3uilt ' ,ill ' centur) 'go+ li0e+ r'ther th'n thi& little -o&t ,ill+ i* .e 0ne. .e?d ?'<e 3li88'rd& li0e the one ' *ortnight or &o 'go25 $"le<er o* )ou+ 7r2 =i0e+ to ,o<e .ith the ti,e& .ith reg'rd to the &'il&25 The ,iller glo.ed2 S'3rin'+ *or her -'rt+ .'& .i&el) &ilent2 Her h'nd& .ere cl'&-ed 3ehind her 3'c02 $And I do 3elie<e th't 3li88'rd .'& ' once-'-centur) 'no,'l)+ 7r2 =i0e25 He gl'nced 't the ,iller2 $A r're occurrence+5 he re<i&ed *or hi, '& he &et *oot on the 3otto, rung o* the l'dder+ te&ting it *or hi& .eight 'nd height2 It .'& &turd)+ too+ 'nd Rh)& &c'led it :uic0l)2 At the to- he h'd ' <ie. o* ,ile&+ 'nd e<er)thing+ he 0ne.+ '& *'r '& hi& <i&ion could re'ch+ no. 3elonged to hi,+ to hi& *',il)+ once 'g'in2 Di88)ing+ e;hil'r'ting2 He could &ee L' 7ont'gne+ ' &tretch o* t'.n) &tone+ 'ged+ 'g'in&t the .hite l'nd&c'-e@ une<en *ence& &urrounding &no.-co<ered -'&ture&+ older cott'ge& 3uilt ' *e. dec'de& '*ter illi', the "on:ueror h'd re'ched Engli&h &hore& &c'ttered ',ong cott'ge&2 And 3e)ond tho&e cott'ge&+ l'nd th't h'd not )et 3een 3uilt or -l'nted+ 'nd could 3e u&ed *or gr'8ing+ *or 'nother *ield o* corn+ gri&t *or =oll)2 He dre. in ' 3re'th@ the 'ir &ee,ed &h'r-er+ cle'ner 't th't height+ th'n on the ground+ &o cle'n it ne'rl) hurt2 He i,'gined th't it 'll 3ut &coured hi& lung&2 He gl'nced do.nE the .ind&h'*t+ to .hich the &'il& .ere 'tt'ched 'nd .hich turned the, .hen the) .ere &et *ree in the .ind+ .'& indeed 3'dl) &-lit@ -erh'-& the *orce o* the .ind th't too0 o** the &'il h'd 3orne do.n on the ';le+ too+ 'nd the .eight h'd -ro<ed too ,uch *or it2 Hi& co't did .hi- '3out hi& leg&+ 'nd he gri--ed the l'dder to 0ee- hi& 3'l'nce2 Silentl) he &.ore 'g'in+ -icturing S'3rin' u- there doing the <er) &',e thing2 $I& =oll) in good re-'ir other.i&e+ 7r2 =i0eF5 he c'lled do.n to the ,iller2 $All?& *'ir .ith her+ '& *'r '& I c'n &ee+5 the ,iller c'lled u-2

$I thin0 .e?ll need to re-l'ce the .ind&h'*t25 He .'& &c'rcel) '.'re th't he?d u&ed the .ord $.e25 $I don?t thin0 it c'n 3e -'tched or re-'ired25 He .'& 'ccu&to,ed to gi<ing order&2 Out it h'd co,e2 $7) thought&+ too+ Lord R'.den25 The ,iller &ounded -le'&ed to 3e in 'ccord .ith 'n e'rl2 Ju&t then three ,en+ .ell *ed+ .'r,l) clothed in -'tched co't&+ 'nd loo0ing re,'r0'3l) 'li0e .ith their round he'd& 'nd 3lunt .ind-reddened no&e&+ trudged into <ie. u- the ,ill ,ound2 One o* the, c'rried ' long .ooden 3o; 3) ' h'ndle2 $?E'rd )e?d ' .ee -ro3le, on )er ?'nd&+ =i0e(5 one o* the, c'lled2 $Ye?<e ' ,'n to &ee to it+ thenF e?<e co,e to ?el-+ '& .e c'n u&e )er ?el- .i? the roo*2 e?<e co<ered it *er no.+ 3ut ,e .i*e dinn' *'nc) &no. in the -'rlor+ )e &ee25 Rh)& 3eg'n to 3'c0 do.n the l'dder2 $Sno. doe&n' ,'tch .i? ?er ne. &ettee(5 one o* the other 3ig ,en e;-l'ined+ 'nd the) 'll l'ughed2 $Oh+ ?ti& the counte&&(5 one o* the, &'id+ noticing S'3rin'2 $Good d')+ ,) l'd)25 $Good d')+ 7r2 Ferri&+ 7r2 Ferri&+ 'nd 7r2 Ferri&+5 &he re-lied &ole,nl)+ '& the) e'ch 3o.ed in turn2 $"ould ?'<e 3ought ' good ,ule *or the -rice o* th't &ettee(5 one o* the 7r2 Ferri&e& continued2 It .'& ' &ore -oint+ cle'rl)2 $I tell )e+ the co&t o* ,'0ing ' .o,'n ?'--) i&65 He &to--ed '3ru-tl) '& Rh)& l'nded &o*tl) on the ground+ 'nd the) 'll got ' good loo0 't hi,2 And then 'll .'& &t're& 'nd &ilence2 $Gentle,en+5 S'3rin' &'id gentl)2 $Lord R'.den+ the E'rl o* R'.den25 Si,ult'neou&l)+ the three Ferri& 3rother& 3ent &.i*tl) in 3o.&2 U-right 'g'in+ their *'ce& .ere &o,3er 3ut -le'&ed+ 'nd ' little &h)2 It occurred to Rh)& th't the)?d 'll 3een r'ther ,i&&ing the -re&ence o* ' Gillr') *',il) ,e,3er2 $Al3ert+ Georgie+ 'nd H'rr) Ferri&+ 't )our &er<ice+ )our lord&hi-+5 one o* the, <entured2 $A -le'&ure to ,eet )ou+ gentle,en25 A 3it o* 'n '.0.'rd &ilence2 $H'& =oll) gone to her re.'rd+ then+ Lord R'.denF5 The one c'lled H'rr) '&0ed thi& .ith no '--'rent &en&e o* .hi,&)2 $Oh+ &he?& &o,e li*e in her )et+ I thin0+5 Rh)& re'&&ured hi, thought*ull)2 $I i,'gine ' nu,3er o* ,en .or0ing together c'n get her re-'ired2 h't do )ou thin0+ 7r2 =i0eF5

$ ell+ it .illn' 3e ' &i,-le thing+ 3ut I do thin0 )e?<e the right o* it+ Lord R'.den2 ?T.'& ,en .h't 3uilt the &'il& in the *ir&t -l'ce25 $Sh'll .e+ thenF H'<e )ou tool&+ 7r2 Ferri&F5 $A)e+ Lord R'.den25 $Good+ then2 And I?d r'ther li0e to &ee ho. )ou 3uild tho&e &hutter&+ 7r2 =i0e25 In ,inute&+ Rh)&+ *or,er ,ilit'r) ,'n+ current erotic -oet+ h'd org'ni8ed the ,en .ith -reci&ion 'nd .'& i&&uing order&2 ith the hel- o* 7r2 =i0e+ he g'<e out t'&0& 'nd in&truction&+ 'nd &oon the &ound o* &'.ing+ h',,ering+ &.e'ring+ 4e&t&+ 'nd &)ll'3le& o* triu,-h *illed the 'ir '& the ne. &'il 'nd .ind&h'*t too0 &h'-e2 A h'l* hour or &o into the l'3or Rh)& &hed hi& co't 'nd &trode o<er to S'3rin'+ h'nding it to her .ithout ' .ord2 She too0 it .ith ' r'i&ed 3ro.+ 3ut .i&el) held her tongue2 She *olded the co't ne'tl) o<er her 'r,&+ 'nd &ilentl) &te--ed '&ide+ t'0ing u- ' &e't on ' ne'r3) log to .'tch the .or02 She .'& 'll 3ut *orgotten &oon enough+ 3ut thi& &uited her2 She didn?t -'rticul'rl) .'nt to 'ctu'll) 3uild ' &'il *or the ,ill+ '*ter 'll2 And it g'<e her 'n o--ortunit) to .'tch her hu&3'nd .or0 in hi& &hirt&lee<e&2 He?d '--e'red loo0ing ne'rl) '& groo,ed '& he did *or dinner+ 3ut no. the *ine linen o* hi& &hirt .'& d',- 'nd clinging to hi& 3ro'd-&houldered *r',e2 Hi& *ore'r,& .ere &trong 'nd corded@ hi& h'nd& .ielding tool& de*tl)+ '& though he?d done it do8en& o* ti,e& 3e*ore2 He h'd t'0en ch'rge &o e**ortle&&l)+ 'nd hi& co,,'nd h'd 3een :uic0l) 'cce-ted 3) the&e ,en+ .ho &ee,ed to h'<e no di**icult) *inding ' &ort o* l'ngu'ge th't in<ol<ed 3oth 3onho,ie 'nd de*erence *or Rh)&?& r'n02 7en 'l.')& 3e,u&ed her+ the &ort o* e**ortle&&ne&& the) *ound 'round ' ,'nl) -'&ti,e2 She .'tched her hu&3'nd con*er .ith 7r2 =i0e '3out the con&truction -'rticul'r&+ 3ut he &ee,ed to gr'&- the -roce&& :uic0l)2 He under&tood *or, 'nd co,-o&ition+ '*ter 'll+ 'nd hi& h'nd& .ere e**icient in &o ,'n) other .')&+ &o gr'ce*ul 'nd con*ident2 She d'llied ' ,inute o<er thought& o* tho&e other .')& in .hich Rh)&?& h'nd& .ere e**icient 'nd &0illed 'nd con*ident2 In&t'ntl) &he *orgot '3out the cold2 He .'& &o cert'in o* hi,&el*2 S'3rin' 0ne. he .ould *eel cert'in o* hi,&el* no ,'tter the circu,&t'nce&2 Such .ere the -ri<ilege& o* hi& 3irth2 She .i&hed &he could ,'0e hi, under&t'nd th't &he .ould ne<er 3e '3le to &h're th't &',e cert'int)2 She .ould onl) 3e '3le to thro. the role o* counte&& o<er her 'nd 3utton it u-+ li0e ' -eli&&e2 She didn?t 0no. ho. to 3e ' counte&&2 She 0ne. onl) ho. to 3e her&el*2 He ,u&t 3e terri3l) 'ngr) .ith her@ &ince &he?d t'0en hi& co't *ro, hi,+ he h'dn?t gl'nced 't her ,ore th'n once2 And then hi& 3lue e)e& h'd *l'red enig,'tic'll)+ 'nd returned to the 4o3 't h'nd '& i* &he?d 3een n'ught 3ut ' tree or ' *ence -o&t2 Se<er'l hour& l'ter+ ' gr'ti*ied cheer .ent u- .hen the ne. &'il .'& li*ted u- to the ne. .ind&h'*t 'nd te&ted2 It c'ught the .ind 3e'uti*ull)+ 'nd the &'il& &-un round 'nd round2

The) &to--ed it+ '& the) .ouldn?t 3e grinding tod')+ 'nd 7r2 =i0e ,'de cert'in it .'& in the -o&ition th't -ut the le'&t &tr'in on the &'il&+ the S'int Andre.?& cro&&2 Rh)& grinned 'nd &.i-ed the 3'c0 o* hi& h'nd 'g'in&t hi& 3ro.2 Hi& h'ir+ &o'0ed through .ith &.e't de&-ite the chill+ clung .here he?d -u&hed it2 The)?d 'll .or0ed h'rd2 $"'n I o**er )e &o,e cider+ the counte&& 'nd )er&el*F5 7r2 =i0e &ee,ed lo'th to relin:ui&h the co,-'n) o* the e'rl2 $7) th'n0&+ 7r2 =i0e+ 3ut I 3e&t t'0e the counte&& ho,e25 Rh)& &-'red S'3rin' ' gl'nce then2 There .'& nothing o* re'&&ur'nce in it2 $I th'n0 )ou *or )our hel-+ then+ Lord R'.den2 Rh)& ,erel) l'ughed2 A nonco,,itt'l l'ugh2 And then he &tood 3'c0 .ith 'll o* the, 'nd 'd,ired their collecti<e h'ndi.or0 one ,ore ti,e2 Rh)& h'd .'tched in &ilence '& S'3rin' e;ch'nged *'re.ell& .ith the ,en+ 'nd then he?d li*ted her u- into the &'ddle in &ilence+ 'nd nudged G'llego& *or.'rd2 And he?d 3een &ilent the entire 4ourne)2 Thi& .'& .hen S'3rin' decided it .'& &'*e to '&&u,e th't he .'& <er) 'ngr)2 Either th't or he .'& rehe'r&ing the &-eech to end 'll &-eeche&+ 'nd no. th't the)?d returned to L' 7ont'gne+ &he .'& '3out to 3e the *ortun'te reci-ient o* it2 $In here+5 he &'id to her curtl) .hen the) returned to L' 7ont'gne2 He ,otioned her .ith hi& chin into the li3r'r)2 He didn?t in<ite her to &it once the) .ere in the li3r'r)2 $You li0e thi& roo,+ don?t )ouF5 he '&0ed .ithout -re',3le2 She &tudied hi,+ *ound no clue& in hi& *'ce2 $Ye&+5 &he 'n&.ered c're*ull)2 $ h)F5 $ h)F5 &he re-e'ted innocentl)+ to gi<e her&el* ti,e to decide .h't he ,e'nt2 $Ye&2 Th't?& .h't I '&0ed2 h) do )ou li0e thi& roo,+ S'3rin'F5 ill .e &ee )ou 'to- 7'rgo !un*ield?& roo*F5

$It?& un-re65 She &to--ed her&el* 4u&t in ti,e *ro, &')ing the .ord $un-retentiou&5 '& &he &'. hi& *'ce d'r0en2 $It?& co8)2 There 're 3oo0& here2 I lo<e 3oo0&25 He inh'led dee-l)+ e;h'led 4u&t '& dee-l)2 $You .ere '3out to &') it .'& un-retentiou&25 She re*u&ed to con*ir, or den) thi&+ .hich o* cour&e .'& t'nt',ount to con*ir,ing it2 $S'3rin'9+5 he 3eg'n+ hi& <oice he'<) .ith -'tience2 $You?re ' counte&& no.2 You .ill 3e ' counte&& until the d') )ou die2 Thi& hou&e 3elong& to )ou+ .hether )ou li0e it or not+ 'nd

)ou?ll 3e h'--ier i* )ou le'rn to li0e it2 And I ,u&t in&i&t th't )ou 3eh'<e li0e ' counte&&2 Surel) )ou under&t'nd th't counte&&e& do not cli,3 '3out on roo*&25 O* cour&e &he under&tood hi& -oint2 Still+ 'll o* hi& $in&i&ting5 .'& rou&ing her &tu33orn &tre'02 $You &'id .e &hould li<e our li<e& '& .e .i&h25 He &hoo0 hi& he'd roughl)2 $So &')eth the l'.)er in )ou2 Ne<erthele&&+ I?, '*r'id )ou c'nnot cli,3 on roo*& 'nd con*er .ith ' ,iller li0e ' hired .or0er+ S'3rin'25 Hi& <oice h'd ri&en ' little@ he -'u&ed to t'0e ' dee- 3re'th 'nd lo.ered it2 $In *'ct+ thi& ,') co,e '& ' &hoc0 to )ou+ 3ut &o,e .o,en 'ctu'll) con&ider it 'n 'd<'nt'ge to ,'rr) ' .e'lth) e'rl+ -reci&el) 3ec'u&e the)?ll ne<er h'<e to l'3or 'g'in25 He &'id it ironic'll)2 The '3&urdit) o* h'<ing to e;-l'in thi& &truc0 3oth hi, 'nd her 't the &',e ti,e+ 'long .ith ' &light &en&e o* *utilit)2 And there .'& ' :uiet2 And in the :uiet S'3rin'?& &en&e& r'llied+ 'nd &he could &,ell hi,E hi& linen+ the t'ng o* &o,ething cle'n+ .ith th't t'rt edge li0e li,e+ ' little &.e'tE he .'& &till .'r, *ro, hi& l'3or 't the .ind,ill2 And -erh'-& *ro, e;'&-er'tion2 $And )ou could h'<e 3een hurt+ S'3rin'2 On the roo*+ on th't l'dder 2 2 25 He tr'iled o**2 She .'& inordin'tel) -le'&ed th't her hu&3'nd didn?t re4oice in the ide' o* her -lu,,eting to her de'th2 $I h'<e ,'r<elou& 3'l'nce+5 &he re'&&ured hi,2 An 'tte,-t 't ' 4e&t2 He ,'de 'n i,-'tient &ound2 $There ,u&t 3e other .')& to hel-+ S'3rin'+ th't don?t co,-ro,i&e ,) *',il) dignit) or )our li*e or gi<e the <ill'ge ,en 'n o--ortunit) to -ee0 u)our &0irt&25 Her ,outh dro--ed o-en2 $The) .ouldn?t(5 $The)?re ,en25 He .'& thoroughl) e;'&-er'ted no.2 $And I .ouldn?t 3l',e the, in the le'&t2 !ut then I?d h'<e to &hoot the lot o* the,+ 'nd then .ho on e'rth .ould grind the gr'in 't !uc0&te'd He'thF5 He h'd gi<en *ull rein to hi& &'rc'&, no.@ he .'& h'l* en4o)ing hi,&el*+ 3ut he .'& *ull) 'ngr)2 And 4u&t ' little de&-'iring2 And then S'3rin' re'li8edE hi& -ride .'& 'g'in .ounded2 E<er)thing here 't L' 7ont'gne .'& &o,ething he h'd e'rned+ .on h'rd+ unli0e &o ,'n) other& o* hi& &t'tion .ho h'd 3een 3orn to it 'nd ne<er lo&t it2 Hi& o.n rec0le&&ne&& ,') h'<e &'ddled hi, .ith ' .i*e he h'dn?t '&0ed *or+ 3ut no. th't he h'd her+ he .'nted to gi<e her the&e thing&+ too2 'nted her to '--reci'te the,+ to t'0e -ride in .ho &he no. .'&E ' Gillr')+ 'nd R'.den2 $It?& 4u&t 2 2 25 She &to--ed2 $I?<e &o little to do+ Rh)&25 $DoF5 $Do( I .'& e<er 3u&) 't the <ic'r'ge2 I *elt needed2 I9,) d')& .ere *ull2 And no. 2 2 25

Rh)& too0 thi& in &ilentl)2 ell+ hi& d')& .ere *ull+ too2 ith 3e'ut) 'nd &,o0e 'nd ,u&ic 'nd li:uor 'nd cle<er+ 3ored -eo-le 'nd e;-en&i<e thing& 'nd outr'geou& -'&ti,e&2 He h'd -lent) to $do25 !eing &'rc'&tic in hi& thought& .'& 3eco,ing :uite ' h'3it2 $You en4o)ed )our&el* tod')+5 &he &'id &uddenl)+ .hen he &'id nothing2 She .'& doing it 'g'in2 Tho&e &udden o3&er<'tion& o* her& &tung li0e &hr'-nel2 Sur-ri&ed+ he c're*ull) 'n&.eredE $Ye&25 $The) en4o)ed &eeing )ou+ Rh)&2 The)?re )our -eo-le2 The)?re good -eo-le25 $=erh'-&2 !ut I c'n tell )ou th't I don?t intend to ,'0e ' h'3it o* l'3oring+ 3ec'u&e+ :uite &i,-l)+ I no longer need to2 And I ', telling )ou no.+ S'3rin'+ th't )ou &h'll not+ either25 He?d i&&ued 'n order2 Silence2 He &'. re3ellion *lic0er o<er her *'ce2 And )et9it did ,'0e her genuinel) h'--)+ he under&tood2 Hel-ing2 It .'& her n'ture+ 't the <er) core o* her2 She &ighed her 'cce-t'nce2 $I?, &orr)+5 &he &'id *'intl)+ 't l'&t2 $I 4u&t65 $I 0no.2 'nted to hel-2 "'n )ou *ind 'nother .') to hel- th't doe&n?t in<ol<e cli,3ing on roo*&+ or gi<ing '.') -'rt& o* the hou&eF5 She &,iled ' little2 $Ye&+ <er) li0el)+ I c'n25 She .'& e<er '-ologi8ing+ Rh)& thought2 And the) .ere e<er *ru&tr'ted .ith e'ch other2 T.o -eo-le ne<er ,e'nt to 3e together+ no. lin0ed *or li*e2 Hi& lo<el)+ ho-ele&&+ &tu33orn+ incon<enient .i*e2 L'&he& thic0 'nd du&0) o<er tho&e green e)e& lit .ith her &,ile2 The &o*t+ &o*t ,outh+ -in0 '&6 ell+ he .'& ' -oet2 Or h'd 3een2 He &hould 3e '3le to thin0 o* &o,e ,et'-hor *or her ,outh2 E;ce-t+ 't the ,o,ent+ he could not2 In&te'd+ on i,-ul&e+ he too0 her h'nd in hi&+ gentl) turned it -'l, &ide u-+ ru33ed hi& thu,3 o<er it2 A -rett) h'nd+ the *inger& long 'nd &tr'ight 'nd &li,+ the n'il& &hort2 !ut the -'l,& .eren?t &'tin) &,ooth2 The) .eren?t tended h'nd&2 The)?d 3een u&ed ' 3it2 $Not the h'nd o* ' *r'gile .o,'n+5 he ,ur,ured2 $No+5 &he 'greed &o*tl)+ '*ter ' ,o,ent2 The .ord ' di&tr'cted-&ounding little &)ll'3le2 And there .'& ' &ilence2 And '& the &ilence &tretched+ it &ee,ed to g'ther ' ch'rge2

He?d onl) ,e'nt to hold her h'nd+ touch her+ let it go2 !ut he g'8ed do.n 't her+ 'nd hi& thu,3 continued to ,o<e &lo.l) o<er the ,ound& o* her -'l,+ tr'cing ' *e'ther) -'ttern2 A& i* thi& .ere the ,'- to S'3rin'2 And .h't h'd 3egun 'l,o&t '3&entl) 3ec',e+ '& it did e<er) ti,e he touched her9intent2 A& he .'tched the .'r, color ri&e in her chee0&+ th't ne'rl) irr'tion'l .'nt &urged in hi,2 De'r God2 And he?d onl) touched her h'nd2 He li*ted her -'l, u- to hi& li-& 'nd -re&&ed ' lingering+ hot 0i&& in the center o* it2 S'3rin'?& 3re'th .'& &horter no.+ &o*tl) 'udi3le+ her du&0)-l'&hed lid& he'<ier2 And then Rh)& dre. one o* tho&e &li, *inger& into hi& ,outh+ 'nd gentl) &uc0ed2 Her e)e& *luttered clo&ed+ 'nd &t')ed clo&ed2 $Oh25 It .'& ' &ur-ri&ed+ cr'c0ed .hi&-er2 All -le'&ure2 And he .'& h'rd+ 4u&t li0e th't+ 'nd he needed to t'0e her no.2 Rh)& ,o<ed hi& ,outh *'rther do.n her .ri&t+ hi& h'nd gliding 3elo. it2 Hi& thu,3 *ound her &-eeding -ul&e+ 'nd he -re&&ed hi& li-& there+ the &il0) &0in ' t'nt'li8ing re,inder o* ho. &il0) the re&t o* her .'&+ 'nd he lingered there long enough to .'tch the goo&e*le&h &t'nd the little golden h'ir& o* her 'r, on end2 And then hi& ,outh ,o<ed to l'nd h'rd on her&+ 'nd &he ,et hi, hungril)+ &tretching her 'r,& u- to .r'- 'round hi& he'd+ her ,outh o-en 'nd hot 'nd &.eet+ t'0ing hi& -lunging tongue 'nd t.ining it .ith her o.n2 He -ulled her tightl) 'g'in&t hi& 3od)+ 'nd li*ted hi& ,outh *ro, her& 3rie*l)2 $S'3rin'6too ,'n) clothe&65 God+ he could 3'rel) &-e'02 He .'& cho0ed .ith de&ire2 Hi& h'nd& *u,3led de&-er'tel) 't her -eli&&e+ her &0irt&+ *ound -r'ctic'l .oolen dr'.er&@ he &.ore color*ull) 'nd dr'gged the, do.n+ ,erci*ull) *inding+ 't l'&t+ cool &,ooth &0in+ 'nd hi& h'nd& .ere on her thigh&+ &tro0ing u- the,2 She g'&-ed her '--ro<'l+ 'nd her *inger& &cr'33led 't hi& trou&er 3utton&2 Together+ h'l* l'ughing+ the) .or0ed to :uic0l) *ree hi,+ 'nd .hen 't l'&t he &-r'ng+ -'in*ull) h'rd+ into her h'nd+ he &.ore &o*tl) .ith -le'&ure2 $Li0e thi&+5 he &'id roughl)+ hi& <oice ' r'&-2 He turned her '3ru-tl) &o th't the .'ll 3r'ced her 3'c0+ 'nd he -u&hed hi& 0nee 3et.een her leg&+ li*ting her &,ooth thigh in one h'nd+ hi& other h'nd &e'rching+ te&ting the d',- curl& 3et.een her leg&+ 'nd he *ound her '& re'd) *or hi, '& he .'& *or her2 And thi& ti,e &he hel-ed hi, guide hi,&el* in+ g'&-ing .hen he .'& &e'ted2 Oh+ God2 Hi& hi-& too0 o<er in&t'ntl)+ -lunging into her &nug he't 'g'in 'nd then 'g'in 'nd 'g'in 'nd9 &o good2 He he'rd her *r')ed 3re'thing in hi& e'r '& her 'r,& .ent 'round hi, tightl)+ cl'&-ing 3ehind hi& nec0+ her hi-& 'rching u-.'rd to ,eet hi&+ 'nd hi& ,outh l'nded on her& 'g'in+ hi& tongue i,it'ting hi& &.i*t dee- thru&t&2

Hi& h'nd dr'gged do.n o<er to clo&e h'rd o<er one 3re'&t+ 'nd &he g'&-ed+ 4er0ed her li-& *ro, hi&+ ho'r&el) &'id hi& n',e2 $Rh)&9)e& 2 2 25 Ag'in 'nd 'g'in he dro<e into her+ until the 3li&& .'& ' .hite light e;-loding in hi& he'd+ 'nd he &'. S'3rin' thro. her he'd 3'c0+ the cord& o* her nec0 ten&e2 Ju&t in ti,e he co<ered her ,outh .ith hi& h'nd+ gentl)+ 'nd &he ho'r&el) &'ng out her rele'&e into hi& -'l, '& hi& o.n tore through hi,2 He 3uried hi& *'ce 'g'in&t her thro't+ g'&-ing+ '& hi& 3od) con<ul&ed *ro, it2 Unthin0'3l) good2 Terri*)ingl) good2 He?d .ritten ' 3oo0 on the 'rt o* &eduction+ ' 3oo0 co,-o&ed o* one *e<eri&hl)+ -reci&el) cho&en .ord '*ter 'nother+ the -roce&&+ in ' .')+ ' ,et'-hor *or the .') he?d conducted 'll o* hi& &eduction&2 And )et he?d 4u&t t'0en hi& counte&& 'g'in&t the .'ll in the li3r'r) '& though he?d h'd no choice 't 'll in the ,'tter+ .hile one o* hi& 'nce&tor& 3e',ed do.n enig,'tic'll) *ro, ' ,'hog'n) *r',e2 Loo0ing &,ugl) -le'&ed2 The) .ere e<er).here+ tho&e &,ugl) -le'&ed 'nce&tor&2 Rh)& gl'nced o<er 't the cloc02 Se<en .hole ,inute& h'd -'&&ed2 Hi& le'n+ )oung+ <irile 3od) *elt '& li,- '& ' cotton r'g2 $You do h'<e ,'r<elou& 3'l'nce+5 he ,ur,ured 't l'&t+ .ith &o,e &ur-ri&e2 Her l'ugh .'& ,u**led 'g'in&t hi& &hirt2 A .onder*ul &ound+ her l'ugh2 He didn?t under&t'nd thi&2 It unner<ed hi,2 And &o he didn?t &-e'0+ 4u&t held her :uietl)+ &-ent+ 3ut &till gentl) &he'thed in her2 The) .ere 3oth too .orn to ,o<e 4u&t )et2 He too0 the ,o,ent to 3re'the her in2 The &-ice 'nd l'<ender 'nd *e,'le ,u&0 't the n'-e o* her nec02 The &cent th't &'id $S'3rin'5 to hi, no.2 The cloc0 chi,ed+ ' &ound li0e *'irie& t'--ing ' 3ell .ith tin) ,'llet&2 cloc0& there .ere 't L' 7ont'gne2 $Rh)&F5 $7,,F5 There .'& ' -'u&e &o long he 3eg'n to .onder i* he?d i,'gined her &-e'0ing2 $I& it9i& it li0e thi& *or e<er) ,'rried ,'n 'nd .o,'nF5 She?d tilted her *'ce 3'c0 to loo0 't hi,+ 'nd her u&u'll) direct g'8e .'& &h'ded ' 3it2 The :ue&tion e,3'rr'&&ed her+ 3ut he under&tood .h) &he?d '&0ed2 He 0ne. &he ,e'ntE Did e<er) ,'n 'nd .o,'n 'll 3ut 3ur&t into *l',e& the ,o,ent the) touched e'ch otherF He he&it'ted2 $No25 He &'id the .ord c're*ull)2 A& i* gi<ing her ' gi*t he .'&n?t cert'in &he could h'ndle+ li0e ' ,u&0et or ' .ild &t'llion2 h't ' lot o* 3lood)

She &'id nothing in re&-on&e to thi&@ he &'. her e)e& go '3&tr'cted '& &he too0 ' ,o,ent to con&ider .h't thi& ,e'nt2 And then+ to hi& &ur-ri&e+ &he dre. her *inger 'cro&& one o* hi& e)e3ro.& gentl) &,oothing it2 $It .'& ,u&&ed+5 &he e;-l'ined2 And &,iled2 He *elt &o,e &tr'nge &en&'tion in&ide hi& 3re'&t3one+ &o,ething '& &h'r- 'nd cle'n 'nd e;hil'r'ting '& th't 'ir he?d 3re'thed tod') 'to- =oll)+ the -o&t ,ill2 A& though he?d 4u&t 3een 4er0ed u- 3) the coll'r to &o,e di88)ing height+ 'nd *ro, there could &ee eternit)2 Hi& e;-re&&ion ,u&t h'<e gone odd+ 3ec'u&e her &,ile *'ded2 $Rh)&F5 Thi& ti,e he ,erel) loo0ed 't her+ 3ec'u&e he *e'red the ne;t :ue&tion2 She too0 in ' dee- 3re'th2 $I& it 'l.')& li0e thi& *or9)ouF5 And &uddenl) 3re'thing .'& di**icult2 Thi& cle<er+ tender .o,'n e'&il) &'. '& ,uch '& he did+ he 0ne. no.+ onl) through ' di**erent len&2 He -re*erred the &helter o* 3eing cle<erer th'n e<er)one el&e2 O* 0ee-ing the .orld 't 3') .ith .ord&+ .ord&+ .ord&2 ord& 'nd thing&2 And the .ord .'& reluct'nt+ 'nd the .ord &ur-ri&ed hi,+ 'nd he -re*erred not to &') it until he 0ne. .h't it ,e'nt *or hi,+ or ho. he *elt '3out it2 !ut it .'& true+ 'nd &he h'd '&0ed2 $No25 He &'id it &hortl)+ g'<e it no inton'tion2 A .') o* di&cour'ging 'n) ,ore &uch :ue&tion&2 For the ,ore 'ccur'te 'n&.er .ould h'<e 3eenE $It h'& ne<er 3een li0e thi& *or ,e25 She loo0ed do.n+ 'nd *ro.ned ' little+ *'intl)2 Such delic'te 3ro.&2 T.o little 'u3urn .ing& dr'.n together2 A *e. ,o,ent& l'ter he -ulled gentl) '.') *ro, her+ &,oothed do.n her dre&&+ 'nd &he l'ughed ' little &el*-con&ciou&l)+ '& though the) .ere 3oth *inding &o3riet) 'g'in '*ter ' de3'uch2 He re'&&e,3led hi,&el* in hi& trou&er&+ *re&hl) ',u&ed th't he .'& re'&&e,3ling hi,&el* in the li3r'r)2 It .'& -ro3'3l) the le'&t &en&u'l roo, in 'll o* L' 7ont'gne2 He noticed &o,ething then on the &etteeE ' &o*t coil o* 3lue2 $ h't?& thi&F5 She *lu&hed '& he -ic0ed it u- 'nd r'n it curiou&l) through hi& h'nd&2 $It?&9it?& ' &c'r*2 I 0nitted it *or )ou25 "'&u'l .ord&+ )et &tr'ngel) .eight) in i,-ort2 $Oh25 A 3lue &c'r*2 #nitted *or hi,2 He he*ted it 'l,o&t '& though he?d ne<er &een &uch ' thing 3e*ore2 For &o,e re'&on+ he didn?t *eel he could ,eet her e)e& in th't ,o,ent2 $I?ll &ee )ou 't dinner+ S'3rin'+5 he &'id gentl)+ 't l'&t loo0ing u- *ro, hi& gi*t2

He ge&tured *or her to -recede hi, out the li3r'r) door2 She loo0ed 't hi, once+ &e'rchingl)2 And cle'rl) &he didn?t *ind .h't &he &ought+ 3ec'u&e her *'ce .ent clo&ed 'nd -olite2 And the) .ent their &e-'r'te .')& 'g'in in the gr'nd hou&e2 S'3rin' .ondered i* &he .ould e<er ce'&e ,'r<eling 't the '--e'r'nce o* *ood &he h'dn?t coo0ed2 Do,ed tureen& h'd 3een le*t *or the, in the dining roo,@ no *oot,en .ere in e<idence2 The) .ere to &er<e the,&el<e& thi& e<ening+ '--'rentl)+ .hich &he could cert'inl) ,'n'ge2 A -'ir o* c'ndle& lit the t'3le 'nd their *'ce&+ 'nd the gre't ch'ndelier .'& d'r02 It ,'de the gr'nd h'll ,uch ,ore inti,'te2 $Do )ou dine out in London+ *re:uentl)F5 &he '&0ed hi, '& the) too0 their -l'ce& 'cro&& *ro, e'ch other2 $Not l'tel)2 L'tel) I run to 'nd *ro L' 7ont'gne 'nd London to -luc0 ,) .i*e do.n o** .ind,ill& 'nd re&cue ,) c'r-et&25 She &,iled+ .hich *or &o,e re'&on ,'de hi, go <er) &till+ 'nd 4u&t9.'tch her2 ith ' -le'&ed &ort o* ,)&ti*ic'tion2 Hi& e)e& d'r0ened ' 3it+ too+ .hich ,'de her .onder .hether her &,ile& -erh'-& did to hi, .h't hi& did to her2 The thought ,'de her ,o,ent'ril) 3re'thle&&2 $H'<e )ou he'rd Signor' Lic'ri &ing l'tel)F5 It .'& ' 3old :ue&tion+ 'nd &he '&0ed it .hile dr'gging her *or0 through &o,e &'uce2 She thought the ti,ing right+ ho.e<er+ i* he .'& ,)&ti*ied 3) her2 She loo0ed u- *or it2 It too0 hi, ' .hile to 'n&.er2 $I h'<en?t &een Signor' Lic'ri 't 'll+5 he *in'll) 'd,itted2 And the .ord& .ere deli<ered c're*ull) 'g'in2 She gl'nced do.n 't her -l'te 'nd 3it her li- to 0ee- *ro, &,iling2 It .'& ' gi*t+ hi& 'n&.er2 !ut &o,eho. it .'& *unn)+ too2 $ h) did )ou 3egin .riting -oetr)F5 &he '&0ed .hen it &ee,ed he .ouldn?t &-e'0 'g'in+ 'nd .'& onl) intent u-on g'8ing 't her2 He loo0ed &t'rtled *or ' ,o,ent2 He ti--ed hi& he'd to the &ide+ '& i* gi<ing &eriou& con&ider'tion to hi& 'n&.er2 $Do )ou re,e,3er the ,'n I ,entionedF D',ien Ru&&ellF Scotti&h l'd+ 3ut it .'& ,) ,i&*ortune th't he ended u- in ,) regi,ent65 She &,iled 't the '**ection &he he'rd in hi& <oice2 $Your regi,entF the .'rF5 h't did )ou do during

$I .'& 'n o**icer under ellington2 !ought ' co,,i&&ion '*ter ,) ,other died+5 he &'id &hortl)2 $D',ien .'& ' *oul-,outhed+ chee0) 3ugger+ <er) *unn)+ the 3e&t &oldier )ou could

ho-e *or2 Ne<er co,-l'ined2 Al.')& 0ne. -reci&el) the right *ilth) thing to &') to cheer the ,en u-25 Rh)& &,iled ' little2 $He .'& ' g',3ler+ 3ut he ne<er .on2 He .'& 3'd 't e<er) g',e o* ch'nce he tried2 Ne<er could ,'n'ge ' *'ce *or 3lu**ing2 !ut I c'ught hi, one night+ &cr'tching '.') .ith ' -encil2 And .ouldn?t )ou 0no. it9he .'& .riting ' -oe,2 And I told hi, I?d tell e<er)one in c',- '3out it unle&& he let ,e re'd it2 So he did+ o* cour&e2 !e&ide&+ I .'& hi& co,,'nding o**icer+ 'nd he h'dn?t ' choice25 $You .ere ' t)r'nt+5 &he &'id gr'<el)2 He &hrugged ,ode&tl)2 $ '& it good+ hi& -oe,F5 $Oh+ no2 It .'& dre'd*ul2 Luite lurid2 !ut li<el) enough2 And it -l'nted the ide'+ )ou &ee+ .hen I?d e;h'u&ted other o-tion&2 'r i& 3oredo, inter&-er&ed .ith terror+ t)-ic'll)2 =oetr) .'& &o,ething to do25 She thought o* hi& e;tr'ordin'r) -oetr)2 $So,ething to do+5 indeed2 $Did D',ien co,e ho,e *ro, the .'rF5 $Ye&25 $Do )ou &till &ee hi,F5 $Oh+ .e?<e ' reunion once ' )e'r in Little Orric0+ ' tin) to.n .ith ,'r<elou& *i&hing2 Northu,3erl'nd25 It &ee,ed &uch ' <er) t',e thing *or The Li3ertine+ o* 'll -eo-le+ to do6the *i&hing6th't &he &,iled 'g'in2 And Rh)& *ro.ned ' little+ '& i* e,3'rr'&&ed 3) hi& o.n di&clo&ure2 $Do )ou h'<e regi,ent reunion& *ro, ti,e to ti,e+ thenF5 &he '&0ed hi,+ thin0ing he?d 3e ,ore co,*ort'3le t'l0ing o* .'r2 $The ,en in Tin3ur) do25 $D',ien 'nd I .ere the onl) one& *ro, our regi,ent .ho c',e ho,e25 So ,'tter-o*-*'ctl) &'id2 The .ord& 0noc0ed the 3re'th *ro, her2 And &he didn?t 0no. .h't to &')+ 3ut the re'li8'tion &truc0 her 4u&t '& h'rdE he?d co,e 3'c0 *ro, the .'r *ull o* -oetr)+ &en&u'l -oetr) 'll '3out the -le'&ure& o* the *le&h2 Nothing o* ugline&&+ nothing o* e,otion2 The) .ere ode& to the &en&e&+ &o -otent the)?d 'cted on her o.n &en&e& li0e o-iu,2 hen no dou3t he h'd &een 3odie& &h'ttered 'nd li,3& torn+ .'tched 'll o* hi& ,en die 3ut one2 And &o,eho. he?d ,'n'ged to cre'te *ro, th't ugline&& &o,ething th't ,'de the .o,en o* London c'&t o** their dignit) 'nd tr'il hi, '3out2 =oetr) .'& hi& o.n *or, o* 'ne&the&i'2 He?d cre'ted &o,ething 3e'uti*ul+ re,'r0'3le+ *ro, 3lood 'nd terror2 And he?d t'ught her &o,ething ,ir'culou& in the -roce&&2 He?d 3rought her *ull) 'li<e2

And no. he couldn?t .rite2 !ut -erh'-& it .'& gone+ then2 =erh'-&+ .ith .ord&+ he?d e;orci&ed .h'te<er h'd h'unted hi,2 He -oured ,ore .ine into her gl'&&+ 4u&t '& though he h'dn?t h'nded her the 0e) to hi,&el*2 And l'ter+ once 'g'in &he dre&&ed in her night r'il+ 'nd 3eg'n to 3ru&h her h'ir+ 'nd though '& u&u'l &he h'l* ho-ed he .ould '--e'r 'nd *ini&h the 4o3 *or her+ &he *ound her&el* ho-ing 4u&t '& &trongl) th't he .ouldn?t2 She?d ,'de lo<e .ith her hu&3'nd ' ,ere *our ti,e& no.2 !ut e'ch ti,e he?d le*t her it h'd t'0en her longer to *ind her .') 3'c0 to ' &e,3l'nce o* nonch'l'nce+ to the -r'g,'tic 'cce-t'nce o* the n'ture o* their ,'rri'ge+ reg'rdle&& o* the -le'&ure the) too0 in e'ch other?& 3odie&2 And e<en '& &he *ound her&el* )e'rning *or hi,+ &he re&ented .h't &he 0ne. .ould *ollo.E the &truggle to reg'in her e:uili3riu, in hi& '3&ence2 The &truggle to &.'llo. her -ride2 And &o .hen Rh)& did '--e'r in the door.')+ &he didn?t turn to &ee hi,+ 'nd the .ord& e,erged *ro, her 3e*ore &he could con&ider the .i&do, o* or ,oti<'tion *or the,2 $ ill )ou 3e returning to London in the ,orningF5 $Ye&25 The ,'n 'ctu'll) &ounded -u88led 3) her :ue&tion2 Rh)& c',e to &t'nd 3ehind her+ &o clo&el) th't &he could *eel the .'r,th o* hi& 3od)2 Hi& h'nd& l'nded lightl) on her &houlder&+ 'nd he r'n the, do.n her 'r,&+ lo.ering hi& he'd to 0i&& the n'-e o* her nec02 She &ti**ened2 A&tute '& e<er+ Rh)& li*ted hi& h'nd& u-2 '& &ilent *or ' ,o,ent2

$ h't?& trou3ling )ou+ S'3rin'F5 Hi& <oice .'& :uiet+ e<en2 She inh'led dee-l)2 She h'dn?t the cour'ge to -ut it into .ord&2 She -erh'-& h'dn?t e<en the right to -ut it into .ord&2 And )et6 $It?& 4u&t 2 2 25 She &to--ed2 $It?& 4u&tF5 he urged2 Ten&ion in hi& <oice no.2 $You '--e'r e<er) *e. .ee0& 'nd )ou 2 2 25 $And .h't do I doF5 He?d 3egun to &ound i,-'tient2 $I?, &orr)2 =le'&e *orget .h't I &'id25

She ,o<ed re&tle&&l) '.') *ro, hi,+ -retending to *u&& .ith the 3ru&he& on her t'3le2 In &ilence he .'tched her2 $"o,-lete )our &entence+ S'3rin'25 "oldl) no.2 An order2 $Let ,e re,ind )ou ho. it 3eg'nE You &'idE GYou '--e'r e<er) *e. .ee0& 'nd )ou 2 2 2?5 $I 0no. .h't I &'id25 A--'rentl) 'nger .'& cont'giou&+ *or &he .'& 'ngr) no.2 $All right2 It?& 4u&t th't9)ou ne<er '&02 You 4u&t9t'0e25 She turned then to loo0 hi, 3r'<el)+ e<enl) in the e)e2 Odd ho. hi& 3e'uti*ul e)e& could 3e &o <er) ne'rl) terri*)ing .hen he .'& 'ngr)2 $I t'0e25 He dr'.led it+ 'nd &he he'rd the cont'ined *ur) 3uilding in hi& <oice2 And oddl)+ 'cco,-'n)ing it .'& &o,ething &he could h'<e &.orn .'& *e'r2 $7e+5 &he cl'ri*ied+ her o.n te,-er :uite o3<iou&l) *'nned 3) hi&2 $You t'0e ,e2 And I do 0no. it?& ,) dut)65 He *linched '& though &he?d &l'--ed hi,2 $I& th't ho. )ou &ee thi&+ S'3rin'F A& ' dut)F5 The .ord& .ere incredulou&l) cho0ed2 $I 2 2 25 She .'& &truggling+ 'nd hi& o3<iou& *ur) .'&n?t ,'0ing it 'n) e'&ier *or her2 $ ell+ i&n?t itF I&n?t it ,) dut) to 3e here to t'0e '& )ou .i&h 'nd .hen )ou .i&h+ 'nd *or )ou to le'<e .hen )ou .i&hF5 She li*ted her h'ir+ -u&hing it u- '.') *ro, her *'ce '.0.'rdl)2 He &t'red+ hi& 3re'thing h'rd 'nd *'&t no.2 $ h't the 3lood) hell el&e do )ou .'ntF5 Thi& &'id lo. 'nd cold2 Silence no.2 Rh)& .'tched her &houlder& ri&ing 'nd *'lling+ &'. the &o*t unh'--ine&& on her lo<el) *'ce2 $=le'&e *orgi<e ,e+ Rh)&2 I?, &orr) I &'id 'n)thing25 And '& he .'tched her+ th't -'nic .elled+ 'long .ith the irr'tion'l *ur)2 And he didn?t under&t'nd .h) he *elt either o* tho&e thing&2 $I didn?t '&0 *or thi& ,'rri'ge+ either+ S'3rin'25 She 4er0ed her he'd u- then2 $Oh+ I 0no. th't <er) .ell+ R'.den25 She could do &'rc'&, no. '& .ell '& he could+ it &ee,ed2 Silence2 In.'rdl) Rh)& *l'iled2 He .'& 't ' lo&& .ith ' .o,'n *or -erh'-& the *ir&t ti,e in hi& li*e2

$You9en4o) it+5 he &'id2 $Thi&25 And he ,e'nt e<er)thing th't too0 -l'ce in thi& 3edroo,6 'nd the li3r'r)+ 'nd other roo,&63et.een the,2 He?d &'id it 'l,o&t 'ccu&'toril)2 And there .'& ' hint o* -le' in it+ .hich he de&-i&ed2 There .'& ' long -'u&e2 $Ye&25 The .ord .'& ' de&ol'te little &)ll'3le2 Deli<ered .ith ' rue*ul &,ile2 She ,et hi& g'8e e<enl) *or ' ,o,ent2 And then &he dro--ed her e)e&2 $!lood) hell+5 he *in'll) &'id :uietl)2 He &-un on hi& heel 'nd le*t the roo,+ &hutting the door h'rd 3ehind hi,2

"HA=TER NINETEEN A ND SO THE d')& re&u,ed ' &ort o* rh)th,2 S'3rin' .o0e to chocol'te 'nd .'r, 3re'd 3rought in 3) 7r&2 !'ile)@ &he rode out or .'l0ed out to <i&it !uc0&te'd He'th to &it 'nd ch't .ith 7'rgo !un*ield+ 'nd to <i&it .ith Geo**re)2 And &he cur&ed her -ride2 She &u--o&ed &he .'& luc0ier th'n ,'n)+ ,'n) ' .o,'n2 She .'& co,*ort'3le 'nd .e'lth)2 Her e<er) need .'& ,et+ 'nd good he'<en&+ &he h'd ,ore c'r-et& 'nd t'3le& 'nd -ortr'it& o* 'nce&tor& th'n 'n)one could e<er .'nt2 She .'&n?t entirel) neglected 3) her hu&3'nd2 He '--e'red e<er) *e. .ee0& to &er<ice her 'nd to &cold her2 Ah+ 'nd there .'& her te,-er 'g'in2 She .ould ne<er h'<e 0no.n '3out her te,-er+ or her -ride+ or her -'&&ion+ .ithout th't 3lood) ,'n2 She .ouldn?t no. 3e hurting+ 'nd &eething+ 'nd longing+ 'nd con*u&ed 2 2 2 And 't l'&t+ le'rning to 3e re&igned2 Oh+ )e&2 I* &he?d ne<er ,et the ,'n+ &he .ouldn?t no. *eel ,ore 'li<e th'n &he?d e<er *elt+ 'nd &he .ouldn?t no. *eel '& though &o,ething <er) lo<el)+ &o,ething -ro,i&ing+ h'd 3een )'n0ed '.')2 She h'dn?t &een Rh)& in .ee0&2 She?d 3egun to .onder .hether &he .ould &ee hi, 'g'in2 Find &o,ething to do to hel-+ he?d &'id+ th't didn?t in<ol<e cli,3ing on roo*& or gi<ing '.') the thing& in the hou&e2 All tho&e 3lood) thing& th't ,'de hi, *eel &o co,-lete2 And &o &he h'd2 The) 0ne. her in to.n no.@ &he <i&ited .ith 7'rgo !un*ield+ 'nd .ith 7r&2 =erri,'n 'nd her *our children+ 'nd .ith three other elderl) .o,en .ho ne<er le*t their ho,e& 3ec'u&e o* 'ge or in*ir,it)2

Three .ee0& .ith n'r) ' .ord or &ign o* the e'rl2 Though+ o* cour&e+ &he .'&n?t 3eh'<ing in 'n) &ort o* &c'nd'lou& or e,3'rr'&&ing ,'nner+ .hich &ee,ed to 3e .h't ,'ttered to hi,+ 'nd &o there .'& no need *or the e'rl to ru&h '.') *ro, hi& li*e in London2 And 3ec'u&e &he .'& lonel)+ &he *ound her&el* dr'.n ,ore 'nd ,ore o*ten to the *',ili'r &urround& o* ' <ic'r'ge 'nd o* ' church+ 'nd to Geo**re)2 She?d 4u&t li&tened to Geo**re) rehe'r&e ' &er,on+ ' *ine+ elo:uent one '3out the d'nger& o* the -le'&ure& o* the *le&h+ deli<ered .ith &uch *eeling S'3rin' .ondered 4u&t ho. ,uch Geo**re) 0ne. '3out the -le'&ure& o* the *le&h2 The thought g'<e her -'u&e *or ' ,o,ent2 $Nicel) done+5 &he co,-li,ented *in'll)2 $It .'& r'ther+ .'&n?t itF5 He &,iled+ 3ut *or &o,e re'&on &he didn?t .'nt to &ee hi& &,ile+ '& there .'& 'n echo o* Rh)& '3out it2 $Th'n0 )ou *or &ending the 3ee*+5 he 'dded2 $Oh+ )ou?re .elco,e25 He &till loo0ed t.itch)+ ho.e<er2 =erh'-& &o,eone in the <ill'ge could ,'0e hi, u- ' &i,-le *or hi& ner<e&2 Though .h't could -o&&i3l) trou3le hi& ner<e& in !uc0&te'd He'th eluded her2 $S'3rin'9.e?re *riend&+ 're .e notF5 Geo**re) .'& .'tching her .ith &o,ething li0e &-ecul'tion2 $Ye&+ o* cour&e+ Geo**re)25 $Forgi<e ,) -re&u,-tion in &')ing &o93ut )ou &ee, unh'--)25 He &'id it e<enl)2 She .'& &truc0 3) the o3&er<'tion2 Then 'g'in+ &he .'&n?t -reci&el) 'n enig,'+ ne<er h'<ing -er*ected the &0ill o* iron)+ &o -erh'-& &he &houldn?t *eel :uite &o &truc02 It .'& 0ind o* hi, to c're+ ho.e<er2 She thought it 0ind o* 'n)one to t'0e 'n intere&t in ho. &he ,ight 3e *eeling 't the ,o,ent2 $I?, &orr)+ Geo**re)2 I &h'll ende'<or to &,ile ,ore in )our -re&ence+5 &he te'&ed2 !ut he ,erel) loo0ed thought*ul2 $I 3eg )our -'rdon *or '&0ing+ S'3rin'+ 3ut I *eel I ,u&t2 I&9i& Rh)& un0indF5 I& Rh)& un0indF Rh)& .'&n?t 'n)thing in -'rticul'r+ it &ee,ed+ 3e&ide& '3&ent2 $7) li*e i& here+ 'nd hi& li*e i& in London2 He h'& -ro<ided ' generou& 'llo.'nce &o th't I ,') 3u) 'll the c'r-et& 'nd the li0e I de&ire2 It?& ' *'ir 'rr'nge,ent2 I?<e n'ught to co,-l'in '3out25 It .'& 'n hone&t enough 'n&.er2 Geo**re) *i;ed her .ith hi& d'r0 g'8e2 Hi& *'ce &o li0e Rh)&?&+ 'nd )et unli0e hi&2 Geo**re) &ee,ed e<en ,ore ner<ou& l'tel)@ he .'& thinner &till+ 'nd &he?d noticed th't &udden ,o<e,ent& 'nd noi&e& ,'de hi, &t'rt2 She .'& cert'in the li<ing Rh)& -ro<ided hi, .ith .'& generou&@ &he couldn?t i,'gine the e'rl deli3er'tel) &t'r<ing hi& cou&in2 She .ondered i* &he ought to 'rr'nge *or ' ner<e tonic to 3e &ent to Geo**re) '& .ell2 And then+ &t'rtling+ Geo**re) turned &.i*tl) 'nd re'ched *or her h'nd2 $S'3rin' 2 2 25

Hi& e)e& .ere &o intent on her&@ hi& &0in .'r,+ hi& h'nd& &,ooth2 She &t'red 't it 'g'in+ 0ne. ' ,o,ent o* &'dne&&+ 'nd ' &tr'nge &en&e o* di&connection2 Ho. odd th't one ,'n could &i,-l) turn her in&ide out .ith the 3're&t touch+ 'nd the other in&-ire nothing+ unle&& it .'& .'r,th2 $Do )ou e<er &till long to 3e ' ,i&&ion'r)F5 he '&0ed2 And .hen Geo**re) &'id it+ S'3rin' *elt the lo&& o* her dre', *re&hl)2 And .ondered ho. her li*e .ould h'<e 3een i* &he?d 3een '3le to tr'<el 'cro&& the .orld .ith the ,'n .ho no. held her h'nd2 She *elt ' 3it li0e =er&e-hone+ .ho h'd -'rt'0en o* the -o,egr'n'te &eed& 'nd -'id the -rice o* her .e'0ne&&2 $I h'<e thought o* it *ro, ti,e to ti,e+5 &he 'd,itted2 $I* )ou 're e<er &o unh'--)+ S'3rin'9I .'nt )ou to 0no.9I .ould '&&i&t )ou in )our ,i&&ion25 She *ro.ned ' little2 $!ut+ Geo**re)9I?, ,'rried no.25 $!ut )ou?<e 'n 'llo.'nce no.+ 'n inco,e o* )our o.n+ i& th't not rightF5 $Ye&+ 3ut65 Al,o&t e'gerl) he &'id+ $I* )ou cho&e it+ S'3rin'9)ou could le'<e hi,2 It .ould 3e ' <er) 3old &te-+ 3ut I .ould9I could 'cco,-'n) )ou2 e could 'l.')& go to A*ric' '& .e -l'nned 'nd do &o,e good2 I .ould hel- )ou to le'<e+ 'nd Rh)& .ould ne<er *ind )ou25 It .'& 'n '&tounding &ugge&tion2 S'3rin' &t'red 't hi, 'nd .'& te,-ted+ 3rie*l)+ to l'ugh2 !ut Geo**re) loo0ed &o e'rne&t2 Hi& &il0) d'r0 e)e& .ere &o under&t'nding+ &o <er) ne'rl) -er&u'&i<e+ 'nd &he could 'l,o&t -icture itE the le'<ing+ the &'ti&*)ing .or0 on 'nother continent2 And then it occurred to her th't Geo**re) &till held her h'nd in hi&+ 'nd he .'& &t'nding ' little clo&er th'n he u&u'll) did2 She too0 ' hint o* ' &te- 3'c0.'rd2 He .'& ,erel) tr)ing+ &he re'li8ed+ to hel- e'&e her unh'--ine&&+ r'&h 'nd e;tr'ordin'r) though hi& &ugge&tion &ee,ed2 And &he did *eel 'n 'cheE *or 'n in&t'nt+ &he &'. her&el* 'g'in+ &e<er'l continent& '.')+ u&e*ul+ 3u&)+ .or0ing &ide 3) &ide .ith &o,eone .ho &h'red the &',e dre',&2 A h'rd li*e+ 3ut ' thoroughl) li<ed li*e2 The one &he?d thought &he?d .'nted2 A &c'nd'lou& thing it .ould 3e+ to le'<e her hu&3'nd2 Then 'g'in+ her hu&3'nd h'd ,'de ' h'3it o* le'<ing her2 $Th'n0 )ou+ Geo**re)2 You?re &o 0ind25 She *'ltered ' little2 And it .'& 'll &he &'id2 Ho. ,uch ,ore -e'ce*ul li*e .ould h'<e 3een h'd &he ,'rried Geo**re) in&te'd2 He ne<er h'd o**ered *or her@ then 'g'in+ he h'dn?t 3een gi<en ' li<ing until '*ter &he?d ne'rl) ,'de

lo<e to hi& cou&in 3) ,oonlight in the &cul-ture g'ller)+ 'nd &o it .'& i,-o&&i3le to 0no. .hether he .ould h'<e or not2 And un*'ir+ &he thought+ to '&0 hi, .hether he ,ight h'<e2 $ hen .ill Rh)& ne;t returnF5 Geo**re) .'nted to 0no.2 $I don?t 0no.25 And in the .'0e o* the&e three lonel) little .ord& .'& ' ,o,ent there .here Geo**re) could 'l,o&t h'<e -er&u'ded her to '3'ndon e<er)thing2 For &he .'& )oung+ 'nd her li*e &tretched 'he'd o* her+ lonelier *or .h't ,ight h'<e 3een2 She .'& Eg)-ti'n 'nd Iri&h+ Loui&ette .'&+ 'nd 3orn in Fr'nce2 Sloe-e)ed+ &il0)-h'ired+ li-& '& in<iting '& ' <el<et -illo.+ 'nd 'll 3ut entirel) &-illing *ro, her go&&',er go.n .ere ' -'ir o* 3re'&t& the color o* ,il0 'nd hone) &tirred together2 She .'& redolent o* &trong -er*u,e+ too+ 'nd '& &he h'd cho&en to dr'-e her&el* o<er Rh)&+ her h'nd& &liding do.n hi& che&t+ her &o*t 3re'&t& -re&&ing 'g'in&t hi& &houlder&+ he 0ne. he .ould 3e redolent o* her -er*u,e 3) ,orning2 He could *eel her 3re'&t& &hi*t 'g'in&t the 3'c0 o* hi& nec0 e<er) ti,e he re'ched *or ' c'rd2 She 3re'thed &o*tl) in hi& e'r '& he re<ie.ed hi& h'nd2 It .'& -h)&ic'll) i,-o&&i3le to 3e un,o<ed2 He did &,ile ' little *or her 3ene*it+ .hich -ro,-ted her to touch her tongue to hi& e'r2 You 4u&t t'0e2 Oh+ 'nd ho. &he?d loo0ed .hen &he?d &'id it2 Th't di**ident h'nd -l')ing in her h'ir+ her *'ce *lu&hed 'nd unh'--)2 So 'rre&tingl) lo<el)+ &he .'&2 So generou& .ith her -'&&ion+ ' -'&&ion he?d &ho.n her &he -o&&e&&ed2 So generou& .ith her tru&t+ ' tru&t he?d ne<er re'll) e'rned2 A &i,il'rl) e;otic girl .'& dr'-ed 'll o<er )ndh',+ .ho &'t 'cro&& *ro, hi, holding ' h'nd o* c'rd&+ 'nd )ndh', loo0ed ,ore '.'re o* the girl th'n the c'rd&2 Hi& h'nd h'd ri&en to &ettle co,-'nion'3l) on the girl?& 3re'&t2 He g'<e it ' -'t2 All the girl& .ere 'cco,,od'ting here 't The Vel<et Glo<e2 The)?d 'll 3een -'rticul'rl) &),-'thetic .hen the)?d le'rned the e'rl h'd 3een recentl) ,'rried2 And &ince hi& .i*e .'& not in e<idence+ it .'& '&&u,ed it .'& ' ,'rri'ge o* con<enience+ the &ort *oi&ted u-on ,en o* hi& &t'tion 't hi& ti,e o* li*e2 Loui&ette+ !ettin'+ 'nd 'll the other l'die& 't The Vel<et Glo<e &tood re'd) to hel- hi, &'ti&*) 'n) '--etite& ' .i*e .'& di&inclined to &'ti&*)2 h't the 3lood) hell did &he .'ntF He h'd t'0en2 He?d t'0en 'd<'nt'ge o* her inn'te -'&&ion+ her inn'te genero&it)+ her c'-'cit) *or -le'&ure9!ec'u&e he?d ne<er thought it 'n)thing 3ut hi& right to do &o2 !ec'u&e he thought &he?d .'nted it+ too2 !ec'u&e it .'& 'll he 0ne. ho. to do 'nd gi<e2 $R'.den+ 're )ou e<er going to -l')F5

He -'u&ed+ hi& g'8e ,o<ing *ro, hi& c'rd&+ to the &ultr) roo, 't The Vel<et Glo<e+ to the girl& &-r'.led in &h'do.) e,3r'ce& .ith the ,en .ho h'd the ,one) to -') *or their 'ttention&2 $I *old25 He lo.ered hi& c'rd&2 Loui&ette?& h'nd& tr'iled 3'c0 u- hi& che&t to t'ngle in hi& h'ir2 He turned hi& he'd to loo0 't her+ 'nd *ound ho-e in her d'r0 e)e&2 And it .'&n?t th't he .'&n?t te,-ted2 He &tudied her+ -icturing <i<idl) the hour or &o he could &-end u-&t'ir& .ith her2 She tilted her he'd in<itingl)2 He?d &-ent &o ,'n) hour& li0e th't+ in &o ,'n) 'r,& li0e th't+ 'nd6 He &.i*tl) li*ted her h'nd 'nd 0i&&ed it gr'ce*ull)2 $Good night+ d'rling25 Hi& l'&t <ie. .'& o* )ndh',?& '&toni&hed e;-re&&ion '& he -u&hed hi,&el* '.') *ro, the t'3le+ '.') *ro, Loui&ette+ 'nd c'lled *or hi& co't+ le'<ing 'll o* the, 3ehind2 h't .'& the u&e o* 3eing 'n e'rl i* one couldn?t de-'rt '3ru-tl) 'nd rudel) on occ'&ionF A 3re'th o* 4o) 'rri<ed 't L' 7ont'gne 'long .ith ' ,e&&'ge *ro, L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'.E &he h'd co,-leted her &oci'l ,igr'tion 'nd .'& no. .inging her .') 3'c0 to Tin3ur) <i' !uc0&te'd He'th2 And no. &he .'& 3ree8ing into L' 7ont'gne+ ' &ilent+ 3e',ing ='ul in to.+ .hile *oot,en too0 c're o* her trun0&+ 'nd ='ul e;cu&ed hi,&el* to *re&hen u-2 She &ei8ed S'3rin' in ' gre't hug2 $"ounte&&( Sh'll I curt&)F I '<er+ loo0 't )ou( Sho. ,e 'll )our ne. clothe&+ i* )ou -le'&e( e c'n &t') 4u&t the e<ening+ I *e'r+ '& I?<e -ro,i&ed to ,o<e on to <i&it the Gordon& 3) ne;t .ee0+ 'nd i* the .e'ther turn& dre'd*ul 'g'in+ .e &h'll 3e &tuc0 in the co'ching inn out&ide o* !uc0&te'd He'th+ 'nd the *ood there .re'0& h'<oc u-on ='ul?& delic'te dige&tion2 And oh+ let u& c'll *or &o,e te' in )our cunning green &itting roo,2 here i& )our h'nd&o,e hu&3'ndF5 $London+5 S'3rin' 'n&.ered &hortl)2 $Ah+ London( Ho. <er) e;citing2 S'3rin'+ th't re,ind& ,e( I 4u&t <i&ited .ith #'therine 7orton65 S'3rin' could &c'rcel) 0ee- u- .ith 'll o* 7'r)?& 'c:u'int'nce&2 $!lond h'ir 'nd *rec0le& 'nd t.o 3o)&F5 $Red h'ir 'nd *rec0le& 'nd ' ne. little girl+5 7'r) corrected2 $She?d 3een to London 'nd &he?d 3rought ' co-) o* the Ti,e&2 I didn?t ,e'n to re'd it65 S'3rin' couldn?t i,'gine 7'r) <olunt'ril) re'ding ' ne.&-'-er2 $NoF Ho. on e'rth did it h'--enF5

$!ut there .'& ' <er) e;citing &tor) in the -'-er2 And S'3rin'+ I thought o* )ou2 For it c',e out th't the ,other o* the Vi&count Gr'nth',?& .i*e+ L'd) Su&'nn'h+ .'& the ,i&tre&& o* ' -olitici'n n',ed Rich'rd Loc0.ood+ ,'n) )e'r& 'go+ 'nd &he .'& 'ccu&ed o* ,urdering her -rotector+ 3ut the) ne<er did *ind her+ 'nd the) &') &he?& innocent25 S'3rin' didn?t -'rticul'rl) .'nt to he'r '3out ,i&tre&&e& 't the ,o,ent+ gi<en th't it .'& 'll too e'&) to -icture her hu&3'nd once 'g'in in the 'r,& o* So-hi' Lic'ri2 $7'r)+ re'll)2 I thin0 ,'n) ,en h'<e ,i&tre&&e&25 She tried to &ound 3l'&I2 It .'&n?t ' &entence &he could h'<e uttered .ith 'n) e'&e or 'uthorit) 4u&t ' *e. .ee0& e'rlier2 $Oh+ &o I?<e he'rd2 I?, cert'in )our& h'& gi<en u- hi&+ ho.e<er25 She g'<e S'3rin' ' -'t2 $!ut+ S'3rin'+ it?& trul) the odde&t thing2 It c',e out in the tri'l th't Ann' Holt+ the ,i&tre&&+ h'd three d'ughter&2 One o* the, i& no. L'd) Gr'nth',+ the other i& ,'rried to the ,o&t di<ine ,'n6it?& #'therine .ho told ,e th't he?& di<ine6.ho o.n& The F',il) E,-oriu, in London+ 'nd the other i& &till ,i&&ing2 And )ou?ll ne<er gue&& .h't her n',e i& &u--o&ed to 3e25 7'r) -'u&ed+ ' t'&te *or dr',' t'0ing o<er+ 'nd le'ned *or.'rd+ her entire *'ce 'n e;cl','tion -oint2 S'3rin' decided to indulge her2 $ h't i& her n',e &u--o&ed to 3eF5 $S'3rin'25 S'3rin'?& cu- o* te' -'u&ed h'l*.') to her ,outh2 She *ro.ned ' little2 $Li0e9,) n',eF S'3rin'F5 $Ju&t li0e )our n',e2 S'3rin'25 7'r) .'& ':ui<er2 $And the ,other?& n',e .'& 2 2 25 S'3rin' 0ne.+ it .'& 4u&t th't it &ee,ed &o 2 2 2 For the *ir&t ti,e in d')& ' r') o* light -enetr'ted her he'rt2 $Ann' Holt(5 7'r) ne'rl) &houted in delight2 $Ann'+ S'3rin'( Her n',e .'& Ann'( And th't?& .h't it &')& on the 3'c0 o* )our ,ini'ture2 You ,ight 3e the d'ughter o* ' ,i&tre&&25 She &'id thi& .ith -'rticul'r reli&h2 S'3rin' re,e,3ered Rh)&?& .ord& .hen &he?d &n'--ed th't &he .'& 'do-tedE ell+ th't e;-l'in& e<er)thing2 He?d &'id it to 3e incorrigi3le+ o* cour&e2 !ut &he .ondered i* it did e;-l'in .h) &he?d 'll 3ut ,ounted the ,'n in the &t'tue g'ller) the *ir&t ti,e he?d touched her2 Or her te,-er2 Or 2 2 2 She .'& di88) .ith the .onder o* it2 $ ell+ )ou?re cert'inl) too -rett) to 3e the d'ughter o* ' <ic'r+5 7'r) 'dded '& &he &i--ed her te'2 $7'r)(5

$Re'll)+ S'3rin'+ )ou &hould &ee the d'ughter& o* 7r2 il&on+ the <ic'r in St2 .here #'therine 7orton li<e&2 A -'ir o* hor&e&+ the -oor thing&25


S'3rin' .'&n?t -roud o* it+ 3ut &he l'ughed2 $7'r)+ )ou ,u&t 3e 0ind+5 &he in&i&ted2 $It h'& n'ught to do .ith the *'ct th't their *'ther i& ' <ic'r+ I?, cert'in2 !ut )ou re'd '3out thi& in 2 2 25 $The Ti,e&2 hich i& the ,o&t re-ut'3le ne.&-'-er in London2 =erh'-& the onl) re-ut'3le ne.&-'-er2 ='ul 0no.& the&e thing&+ )ou &ee+5 &he &'id -roudl)2 $And .h) .'& it in the -'-erF5 $A tri'l2 It &ee,& Ann' Holt &u--o&edl) ,urdered her -rotector ,'n) )e'r& 'go+ 3ut no. the) 0no. &he did not2 A 7r2 7orle) did2 Or h'd it done2 I c'nnot rec'll2 !ut no one h'& &een Ann' Holt &ince25 7'r) deli<ered thi& l'&t &entence .ith ' good de'l o* dr','tic *l'ir2 $='ul ,ight 3e '3le to tell )ou ,ore+ 3ut he doe&n?t thin0 it -ro-er *or ,e to 0no. &uch thing&25 ='ul didn?t :uite thin0 it -ro-er *or 7'r) to *ill her he'd .ith too ,'n) thing& *ro, 3oo0&+ 'nd .'& ' 3it con*u&ed 3) S'3rin'?& -ench'nt *or doing 4u&t th't2 !ut S'3rin' &ee,ed to ,'0e 7'r) h'--)+ 'nd &o he didn?t co,-l'in o<er,uch2 S'3rin' .'& :uiet+ loo0ing '3out the roo,2 She .ondered i* one d') &he .ould loo0 't thi& roo, 'nd thin0E Thi& i& .here I *in'll) le'rned .ho I ',2 $A good ,'n) -eo-le 're n',ed S'3rin'+ 7'r)25 $True enough+5 7'r) 'greed2 $And ' good ,'n) -eo-le 're n',ed Ann'25 $And th't i& 'l&o true25 She?d 3egun to &ound ' little di&'--ointed2 $!ut it?& 'n intere&ting coincidence+5 S'3rin' 'llo.ed2 7'r) 3rightened2 $I&n?t itF I,'gine2 You ,ight <er) .ell 3e the d'ughter o* ' ,i&tre&&25 Her enthu&i'&, .'& g'ining ,o,entu, 'g'in2 $7) goodne&&2 The &i&ter o* ' <i&count( The .i*e o* 'n e'rl( You 're -ro<ing &o ,uch ,ore intere&ting th'n ='ul .ould -re*er )ou to 3e25 The l'&t .ord& tr'iled o** ' little+ '& i* the ,o,entu, h'd c'rried the, out o* her ,outh 'g'in&t her <olition+ 'nd &he loo0ed ' 3it guilt)2 S'3rin' ,erel) -'tted 7'r)?& 0nee+ '& thi& h'dn?t 3een ' &ur-ri&e 't 'll2 $Tell ,e '3out #'therine?& girl&25 S'3rin' could li&ten to 7'r) ch'tter .ithout &')ing ,uch o* 'n)thing in re&-on&e2 7'r)?& ch'tter .'& li0e -le'&'nt *',ili'r ,u&ic -l')ed in the 3'c0ground .hile &he retre'ted to the -ri<'c) o* her thought&2

She?d ne<er told 'n)one '-'rt *ro, her *'ther o* her ,e,or) o* t.o other little girl&+ 'nd ' d'r0 night2 O* ' 0ind .o,'n .ith ' &o*t <oice 'nd ' -i'no*orte2 Fr'g,ent& o* ,e,orie&+ .orn '.') 3) ti,e2 And &he .ondered i*+ -erh'-&+ &he ought to .rite ' letter to L'd) Gr'nth',+ or i* the <er) ide' o* it .'& too '3&urd2 The ho-e .'& &o &.eet+ &o une;-ected+ &he 'l,o&t h'ted to ri&0 it 3) &ee0ing the truth2 $ h't 're )ou reg'rding &o clo&el)+ Rh)&F5 )ndh',+ in<ited to hite?& 3) Rh)&+ .'& 3ored+ '& he .ould r'ther not 3e re'ding+ 'nd Rh)& .'& cle'rl) '3&or3ed in ' 3oo02 )ndh', -eered o<er Rh)&?& &houlder2 $It loo0& li0e 2 2 25 He &ounded 'l'r,ed2 $It loo0& li0e ' nu,3er o* dr'.ing& o* .ind,ill&25 Rh)& gl'nced u- 't hi, 3'le*ull)2 )ndh', *i;ed Rh)& .ith 'n intent g'8e+ 3ro. *urro.ed in concern2 Rh)& returned hi& g'8e to the 3oo02 )ndh', continued to &t're 't hi,2 $A&0 )our ne;t :ue&tion+ $ h)F5 $!ec'u&e I thin0 th't i* I 3uild ' ,ill o--o&ite the -o&t ,ill on !uc0&te'd He'th+ I c'n grind the gr'in+ -l'nt the l'nd th't h'&n?t 3een u&ed+ 'nd &ell the e;ce&& *or -ro*it25 )ndh', .'& &ilent2 $7'd',e G'le'u 't The Vel<et Glo<e h'& ' ne. girl+5 he *in'll) &'id2 $And &he doe& thing& )ou .ould not 3elie<e25 Rh)& loo0ed u- *ro, hi& 3oo0+ intere&t ,ildl) -i:ued2 $Doe& &heF5 $Ah+ there )ou 're+ R'.den2 I .'& 4u&t tr)ing to '&cert'in i* )ou .ere &till in there &o,e.here2 You?<e not 3een )our&el* o* l'te25 h't on e'rth i& $,)&el*5F $I don?t 0no. .hether &he h'& ' ne. girl+ trul)2 !ut &he gener'll) doe&+5 cheer*ull)2 $ ill )ou 3e 4oining ,eF5 $I?ll 4oin )ou+5 Rh)& &'id '3&entl)2 )ndh', li*ted u- Rh)&?& gl'&&+ &ni**ed it+ &hrugged+ 'nd *ini&hed it *or hi,2 Rh)& returned hi& g'8e to hi& 3oo0 o* .ind,ill&+ 'nd &ee,ed lo&t *or 'nother ,o,ent2 $You 0no.+ Rh)&+ -erh'-& ' little countr) 'ir .ill do )ou good25 )ndh', &'id thi& gentl)2 )ndh', &'id )ndh',+5 Rh)& &'id '3&entl)2

The gentlene&& ,'de Rh)& irrit'3le2 $I -re*er the cit)25 He cl'--ed the 3oo0 clo&ed2 And th't e<ening6or r'ther+ th't d'.n6Rh)& &t'ggered out o* hi& c'rri'ge 'nd u- the &te-& o* hi& to.n hou&e '& the &un .'& ri&ing2 7'd',e G'le'u h'd indeed t'0en on ' ne. girl+ 'nd there h'd 3een :uite 'n e;tr'ordin'r) -er*or,'nce o* &ort& *e'turing &e<er'l girl&+ 'nd then 'll the ,en h'd 3een in<ited to6 hich .'& .hen Rh)& h'd c'lled *or ' c'rri'ge 'nd le*t2 The ton .'& t'l0ing+ he 0ne.2 A3out hi,+ 'nd .h) he h'dn?t touched ' .o,'n in .ee0&2 The Li3ertine i& 3e&otted .ith hi& .i*e2 It ,'de hi, *uriou&2 He ,'de it u- the &te-& to the door+ .hich .'& o-ened 3) hi& <er) 'cco,,od'ting 3utler2 $Te'+5 he cro'0ed2 $And dr'. ' 3'th25 He .'nted to cle'n the &cent o* The Vel<et Glo<e *ro, hi,+ 'nd &o'0 in ' 3'th+ 'nd not thin02 And .hen he .'& cle'n 'g'in+ 'nd &o3er 'g'in+ he di&co<ered ' letter .'& .'iting *or hi,2 The h'nd.riting on it .'& un*',ili'r2 And *or ' ,o,ent he 0ne. di&'--oint,ent th't it .'&n?t 7r&2 !'ile)?& duti*ul h'nd2 Rh)& too0 it .ith hi, to hi& &tud)+ 'nd o<er the -ot o* te' he 3ro0e the &e'l 'nd re'd it2 He .ent &till2 Sur-ri&e 'nd &'dne&& &.',-ed hi, .ith &t'rtling &uddenne&&2 There .ere onl) ' *e. .ord&+ 3ut he re'd the, 4u&t to ,'0e cert'in he?d re'd the, correctl)2 Ju&t in c'&e it .'&n?t true2 !ut the) re'd the &',e the &econd ti,e+ 'nd he .'& *orced to 3elie<e the,2 He &'t .ith the,+ 'nd thought+ 'nd re,e,3ered2 At 'nother ti,e he ,ight h'<e re'ched *or the 3r'nd) dec'nter2 He ,ight h'<e gone 3'c0 to hi& clu32 He ,ight h'<e gone to 7'nton?& to &hoot until hi& 'r, 'ched *ro, holding u- ' -i&tol2 In&te'd+ he g'8ed out the .indo. *or &o,e ti,e 't the &treet& o* London co,ing '.'0e2 And then he c'lled *or hi& c'rri'ge2

"HA=TER T ENTY HEN THE "ARRIAGE rolled into the co33le&toned court)'rd o* L' 7ont'gne+ Rh)& le'-ed out 'nd 'll 3ut d'&hed u- the &te-&2 He r'ng *or 7r&2 !'ile) i,,edi'tel)+ 'nd ,o,ent& l'ter &he 3u&tled to.'rd hi, '& he &tood in L' 7ont'gne?& <'&t *o)er2

$7) lord(


$ eren?t e;-ecting ,e2 I 0no.2 I '-ologi8e+ 7r&2 !'ile)2 I regret I didn?t le'<e )ou enough ti,e to &ound the tru,-et& 'nd &tre. * in ,) -'th25 7r&2 !'ile) o**ered u- ' &tr'ined 3ut duti*ul &,ile2 =oor .o,'n+ to 3e &'ddled .ith 'n e,-lo)er &uch '& he .ho .ould in&i&t on 4e&ting2 $ here i& the counte&&+ 7r&2 !'ile)F I?d li0e to &-e'0 .ith her25 The hou&e0ee-er he&it'ted2 Her *'ce h'd gone 4u&t ' little .'r)2 $The counte&& i&n?t in 't the ,o,ent+ &ir25 He di&li0ed her he&it'tion 'nd the .'rine&&2 $ here i& &heF5 He tried 'nd *'iled to 0ee- it *ro, &ounding li0e ' de,'nd2 7r&2 !'ile) *olded her h'nd& 'g'in&t her '-ron+ 'nd -ur&ed her li-& ' 3it 3e*ore 'n&.ering+ '& i* deciding u-on .h't to tell hi,2 $You c'n *ind her 't the <ic'r'ge+ &ir25 '& he i,'gining the *'intl) 'ccu&'tor) toneF Rh)& &tudied the hou&e0ee-er .ith n'rro.ed e)e&2 She g'8ed le<ell) 3'c0 't hi,2 She .'& in her *i*tie& 't the <er) le'&t+ 7r&2 !'ile) .'&+ 'nd her h'ir .'& 'l,o&t co,-letel) hidden 3ene'th her c'-+ 3ut ' *e. &-ir'ling '&h-colored &tr'nd& -ee0ed out 't the te,-le&2 Her co,-le;ion .'& rudd)+ her *le&h 'nd droo-ing+ dr'gging the corner& o* her ,outh do.n+ *or,ing -ouche& 3ene'th her e)e&2 Tho&e e)e& .ere &ur-ri&ingl) lo<el)2 A &h'de o* tur:uoi&e+ ringed in gold2 It ,'de hi, .onder i* &he?d &torie& to tell2 One could h'rdl) go through li*e un&c'thed .ith ' -'ir o* e)e& &o lo<el)2 And .'& the 'ccu&'tion *or hi,+ or *or S'3rin'F He .'nted to '&0+ $I& S'3rin' o*ten 't the <ic'r'geF5 .hen he re'li8ed ho. thi& .ould &oundE ' con*e&&ion th't he+ the E'rl o* R'.den+ 0ne. little o* the h'3it& o* hi& .i*e@ h'd thought+ until no.+ &o little o* the h'3it& o* hi& .i*e2 Did 7r&2 !'ile) &u&-ect he .ould di&'--ro<e o* S'3rin'?& 3eing 't the <ic'r'geF Or did 7r&2 !'ile) 0no. *or cert'in th't S'3rin' .'& u- to &o,ething o* .hich he .ould ne<er '--ro<eF !ut it .'& hi& o.n *'ult+ i* th't .ere the c'&e2 He?d gi<en Geo**re) the li<ing in -'rt '& ' gi*t to S'3rin'+ &o &he .ould h'<e ' *riend ne'r2 He h'dn?t -'rticul'rl) c'red .h't &ort o* rel'tion&hi- hi& cou&in 'nd hi& .i*e &h'red2 !ut no.9no. he intended to le'rn ' good de'l '3out the h'3it& o* hi& .i*e2 $Th'n0 )ou+5 he &'id &ti**l)2 7r&2 !'ile) nodded once2 'ited *or hi, to di&,i&& her2

He turned to le'<e+ then -'u&ed2 $7r&2 !'ile)F5 $Ye&+ ,) lordF5

$H'& 'n)one e<er told )ou th't )ou h'<e <er) -rett) e)e&F5 7r&2 !'ile)?& *'ce .ent utterl) i,,o3ile+ 'nd &he dre. in ' &h'r- 3re'th+ '& though the co,-li,ent h'd 3een ' *i&t to her ri3&2 And then 3e*ore hi& e)e&+ ' &o*t -in0 &lo.l) &t'ined her &0in+ 'nd e<er)thing '3out her &o*tened 'nd glo.ed2 And &he .'& 3e'uti*ul2 $No+ &ir25 He &,iled ' little2 $ e?<e 'll 3een re,i&&+ then25 And th't+ Rh)& re,inded hi,&el*+ .'& the o* .ord&+ .hether or not he e<er .rote 'nother one2 S'3rin' h'd 3een &itting 'nd duti*ull) li&tening to Geo**re)?& &er,on .hen Geo**re) '3ru-tl) &to--ed t'l0ing+ 'nd &t'red to.'rd the entr'nce o* the church2 S'3rin' .'& &ur-ri&ed to &ee ' :uic0 *lu&h d'r0en hi& chee0&2 She .hirled 'round2 Her h'nd .ent u- o<er her he'rt+ '& i* to re&tr'in it *ro, le'-ing right out o* her2 She .'& on her *eet in&t'ntl)2 $Rh)&(5 He &tood in the door.')+ ho<ering '& though deciding .hether to enter2 He .'& turning hi& h't thi& .') 'nd th't '3&tr'ctedl) in hi& glo<ed h'nd&2 Hi& *'ce .'& unre'd'3le *ro, .here &he &tood+ 3ut &he &'. the light o* hi& -'le e)e& *ro, .here &he &tood+ 'nd hi& g'8e .'& *i;ed r'ther deci&i<el) on her2 $7r&2 !'ile) told ,e I could *ind )ou here25 Hi& <oice .'& lo. 'nd e<en+ gi<ing '.') nothing o* hi& ,ood2 And then+ '& ' &ee,ing '*terthought+ he 'dded+ $Geo**re)25 He directed thi& to hi& cou&in 'nd g'<e ' curt &h'llo. nod2 S'3rin' &'. Geo**re)?& e)e& *lic0er 'n in&t'nt+ ' 3right 'nd &t'rtling *l'&h o* re&ent,ent2 And then he 3o.ed+ con&ciou& o* hi& -o&ition+ '.'re th't ' ,ere nod .ould ne<er do2 S'3rin' re'li8ed &he .'& h'l*.') u- the 'i&le to Rh)&2 And then &he &lo.ed .hen &he .'& clo&er to -erh'-& re'd hi& *e'ture&+ to 3etter g'uge hi& ,ood2 It .'&n?t one &he?d &een 3e*ore on hi& *'ce2 $I& 'ught ',i&&F5 Her <oice .'& *'inter th'n &he?d li0e it to 3e2 $No+5 he &'id &hortl)+ 'nd e;tended hi& 'r,2 She he&it'ted ' ,o,ent6the he&it'tion .on her 'n u-li*ted 3ro.6'nd &he loo-ed her& through it+ c'utiou&l)2 And then Rh)& turned 'nd &trolled 'r, in 'r, .ith her out the door o* the church+ through the )'rd o* tilting he'd&tone&+ to .here G'llego& .'& tethered 't the g'te 'nd -u**ing 'ir *ro, hi& no&tril&2

S'3rin' re'li8ed 3el'tedl) th't neither o* the, h'd 3id Geo**re) good d')2 $H'<e )ou co,e *or ' <i&it+ thenF5 &he 3eg'n c'utiou&l)2 $Ye&25 7ore &ilence *ro, her hu&3'nd2 !ut it .'&n?t the &eething &ort2 He &ee,ed9re*lecti<e2 $Ho. did )ou get here+ S'3rin'F5 he '&0ed '*ter ' ,o,ent2 $I .'l0ed25 $ 'l0ed(5 She &,iled 't hi& '&toni&h,ent2 $?Ti&n?t *'r+ ,) Lord !'rouche2 I en4o) the e;erci&e2 And ?ti& &'*e enough to .'l0 'lone here in to.n2 E<er)one 0no.& ,e25 He &,iled ' little+ 3ut the .eight o* .h'te<er occu-ied hi& thought& &ee,ed to -re<ent &,ile& *ro, lingering o<erlong2 He *ell :uiet 'g'in+ 'nd he re-l'ced hi& h't 'to- hi& he'd2 He loo0ed 'ltogether ru,-led+ hi& co't 'nd trou&er& .rin0led+ .hich .'& &ur-ri&ing+ .hen nor,'ll) he .'& *l'.le&&l) groo,ed2 S'3rin' &u&-ected he?d co,e ne'rl) &tr'ight *ro, London to the <ic'r'ge+ 'nd h'dn?t e<en -'u&ed to *re&hen hi,&el* 3e*ore he too0 G'llego& out2 $It?& cold tod')+5 he &'id2 $Ye&25 She &'id nothing ,ore2 She?d decided to le'<e the con<er&'tion uncluttered+ to 'llo. hi, roo, to &') .h'te<er it .'& he?d co,e here to &')2 And then ' terri3le little &u&-icion &truc0E Did he &u&-ect th't &he 'nd Geo**re)9F The thought horri*ied her2 She *elt her cold chee0& he'ting@ ' tin)+ n'u&e'ting concern t.i&ted in the -it o* her &to,'ch2 Still+ &he .ould h'<e e;-ected *ur)+ or cold re4ection *ro, hi,+ i* th't .ere the c'&e2 Thi& ,'n o* -'&&ion&2 Not thi& '3&tr'cted+ &tilted con<er&'tion2 And then Rh)& turned+ '3&entl) re'ching out to t.ine the end& o* her ,u**ler ,ore tightl) '3out her thro't+ tuc0 the, into her -eli&&e2 A -ro-riet'r) little ge&ture+ 'nd it ,'de her he'rt gi<e ' &.eet little 0ic02 She loo0ed u- 't hi, :ue&tioningl)+ 3ut he?d turned hi& he'd 'g'in2 He .'& loo0ing to.'rd the <ill'ge+ hi& light e)e& &:uinting 'g'in&t the h'rd .inter light+ dee-ening the *'n o* line& 'round the,2 She .'ited2 The .ind -luc0ed 't her ,u**ler 'nd )'n0ed 'n end *ro, her -eli&&e+ 3'tting it '3out2 She retrie<ed it+ &ettled it 3'c0 into -l'ce2 Rh)& didn?t &ee, to *eel the cold+ oddl) enough+ though he .'& 3undled 'g'in&t it+ ' thic0+ .oolen &c'r* 3ene'th hi& chin2 And then &he noticedE it .'& the one &he?d ,'de *or hi,2 She *elt '& though he .ere .e'ring her *'<or into 3'ttle2 $D',ien died2 A letter re'ched ,e )e&terd') '3out it25 He &'id it 'l,o&t con<er&'tion'll)2

S'3rin'?& 3re'th c'ught2 She *elt hi& lo&& in the -it o* her &to,'ch2 And &he .'& &ilent2 !ut through the &ilence+ 'nd the .eight o* the lo&&+ c',e ' :uiet+ d'.ning el'tionE He?d co,e to her2 Rh)& h'd co,e to her2 $Ver) recentl)F5 &he &'id gentl)2 He &till didn?t turn 'round+ 3ut &he could &ee hi& h'l* &,ile in -ro*ile2 He ti--ed hi& he'd 3'c0 ' 3it2 $Oh+ the letter re'ched ,e onl) )e&terd')+ 3ut it &ee,& he?& 3een in the ground *or &o,e ti,e2 He .'& ill2 Le*t ,e hi& -oetr) ,'nu&cri-t& 'nd ten -ound& in hi& .ill+ .ith in&truction& to .'ger it on ' 3l'c0 hor&e25 $Ah+ then )ou ,u&t o* cour&e do &o 't the *ir&t '<'il'3le o--ortunit)25 She &'id it lightl)+ '& &he &u&-ected the lightne&& .ould 3e e'&ier *or hi, to 3e'r right no.2 He grunted ' &hort l'ugh2 $I?ll lo&e2 He h'd terri3le in&tinct&25 $!ut he too0 4o) in e,-lo)ing the,2 And he 'l.')& re,e,3ered )ou2 =erh'-& )ou c'n -') )our re&-ect& in Little Orric025 Rh)& turned &lo.l) then+ loo0ed do.n 't her+ hi& 3ro.& clo&e together+ hi& -eru&'l <er) ne'rl) &chol'rl) in it& &eriou&ne&&2 A& though i* he &tudied her long enough he could *ind the 'n&.er to &o,e :ue&tion he .'& h'<ing di**icult) *or,ing2 She .'nted to touch hi,@ 3ut &he tent'ti<el) re'ched u- 'nd *u&&ed .ith the coil& o* the ,u**ler 'round hi& nec0 in&te'd+ though it didn?t need 'rr'nging2 He c'ught her .ri&t& in hi& h'nd&+ gentl)+ 'nd &he thought *or 'n in&t'nt he ,ight 0i&& her2 She &'. the *l're o* intent+ then indeci&ion *lic0er in hi& e)e&2 He held her g'8e ' ,o,ent+ then g'<e her h'nd& ' :uic0 &:uee8e 'nd rele'&ed the,+ turning *ro, her2 $ ill )ou ride 3'c0 to the hou&e .ith ,e on G'llego&F Or .ould )ou -re*er to .'l0F5 $He c'n c'rr) the t.o o* u&F5 $You?re not -reci&el) ' &)l-h+ 3ut he?ll ,'n'ge25 S'3rin' l'ughed2 $Ah+ ,) &il<er-tongued hu&3'nd25 He &,iled+ too2 And .h't ' 3e'uti*ul &,ile the ,'n h'd+ ' &,ile -reci&el) de&igned to 3re'0 he'rt&2 He li*ted her u- &o th't &he &'t '&tride+ 'nd then hi& .'r, 3od) .'& in the &'ddle 3ehind her+ hi& 'r,& tuc0ed 'round her+ 'nd he too0 the rein& u- in hi& *i&t2 Hi& no.-*',ili'r &cent h'd 3eco,e &o,eho. le&& &en&u'll) di&tur3ing 3ut ,ore co,*orting+ ,ore dee-l) 'rou&ing2 The t.o o* the, *it ' 3it &nugl) together on the &'ddle2 She tilted her he'd 3'c0 'g'in&t hi& &houlder+ 'g'in&t the -illo. o* hi& &c'r* 'nd cold &,ooth chee0+ 3ec'u&e &he &en&ed he needed the cont'ct2

And '& the) rode 3'c0 to L' 7ont'gne+ the) -'&&ed the ,ill2 $Loo0& to 3e in good .or0ing order no.+5 Rh)& co,,ented2 $I?ll c'll on 7r2 =i0e thi& .ee025 It .'& hi& .') o* &')ing he intended to &t')2 hen the) returned to L' 7ont'gne+ Rh)& '&0ed 7r&2 !'ile) to &end chocol'te into the li3r'r) *or hi,&el* 'nd the counte&&2 S'3rin' g'<e hi, ' :ue&tioning loo02 She &ee,ed ' 3it .'r)+ 'nd he could h'rdl) 3l',e her2 He turned to her2 $ ill )ou 4oin ,eF5 $!ut o* cour&e+5 &he told hi, -olitel)2 Out o* dut)+ or 3ec'u&e )ou .'nt toF He didn?t &') it 'loud2 !ut he?d &een her *'ce .hen he?d '--e'red in the door.') o* the <ic'r'ge+ 'nd he?d &een her *'ce .hen &he?d co,e to hi, do.n the 'i&le2 Thi& .'& ' .o,'n .ho could hide nothing2 And .hen he h'd &een her *'ce the :ue&tion th't h'd clouded hi& ,ind .hen he?d he'ded to the <ic'r'ge h'd <'ni&hed '& &urel) '& ' cle'n .ind h'd &.e-t it '.')2 The chocol'te 'rri<ed .ith 7r&2 !'ile)+ .ho le*t the, 'g'in2 $S'3rin'9,') I '&0 )ou ' :ue&tionF5 Hi& .i*e reg'rded hi, &o,e.h't .'ril)+ '& though he?d re-l'ced her hu&3'nd .ith ' -olite &tr'nger2 It .'& di&t'ntl) ',u&ing to hi,2 $Ye&+ o* cour&e25 $ ere )ou in lo<e .ith Geo**re)F5 $Oh25 The &ound e&c'-ed her+ ' -u** o* &hoc0ed 3re'th2 "le'rl) not the :ue&tion &he .'& e;-ecting2 She .'tched hi& *'ce *or ' long ti,e+ 'nd he .'tched the -'&&'ge o* thought o<er her&2 S'. the color le'<ing her chee0&2 $Rh)&9)ou don?t thin0 I9th't Geo**re) 'nd I9't the <ic'r'ge9I &.e'r I 2 2 25 $No+5 he &'id :uic0l)+ 'd','ntl)2 !ec'u&e her *'ce h'd told hi,2 He?d 0no.n 't once2 $No+5 he re-e'ted &o*tl)2 She clo&ed her e)e& 3rie*l) in relie*+ o-ened the, 'g'in2 $I .'nted to 0no.+ S'3rin' 2 2 25 Thi& .'& ' di**icult :ue&tion *or ' <er) -roud ,'n to '&02 $I .'nted to 0no.9i* )ou?re 2 2 25 Good God2 h't .'& the -ro-er .ord hereF $Di&'--ointed25 Th't &he no. h'd ' di**erent li*e+ ' di**erent ,'n+ ' di**erent .') o* 3eing+ th'n .h't &he?d 'l.')& .'nted2

Either &he .'& thin0ing '3out it+ or &he .'& deli3er'tel) ,'0ing hi, .'it *or it2 hi, .ith tho&e cle'r e)e&2 $No+ Rh)&+5 &he &'id+ *in'll)2 $I?, not di&'--ointed25


Oh+ 'nd th't &,ile o* her&2 A d'ngerou&+ &o*t &,ile th't .r'--ed 'll 'round hi,+ .'r, '& her &0in '*ter lo<e,'0ing+ .'r,er th'n &-ring &un2 He g'<e ' &hort nod+ e;h'led2 hen he &ee,ed di&inclined to &-e'0 'g'in+ S'3rin' turned to.'rd the 3oo0c'&e+ -retended to 3e -eru&ing the 3oo0&2 $S'3rin'F5 She turned '.') *ro, the 3oo0c'&e+ ' :uer) in her *'ce2 $I &hould li0e to ,'0e lo<e to )ou25 Her e)e& *le. o-en .ide2 And he .'tched+ .ith intere&t+ '& th't lo<el) &h'de o* ro&e ,'de &lo. -rogre&& *ro, her coll'r to her h'irline2 He he'rd 3el'tedl) ho. *or,'l he?d &ounded2 Ho. li0e ' -ronounce,ent it h'd 3een2 S'3rin' g'<e ' little l'ugh2 $You &ound '& though )ou 're ordering u- l',3 *or dinner25 $Do IF 7) '-ologie&2 Ne<erthele&&+ I &hould li0e6<er) ,uch6to ,'0e lo<e to )ou25 A cert'in *ir, <ehe,ence in hi& deli<er)2 He .'& <er) ,uch en4o)ing ,'0ing her 3lu&h2 She loo0ed 't hi, ' ,o,ent+ utterl)+ 3e'uti*ull) di&concerted2 And then her e)e& dro--ed &.i*tl) '& i* her co,-o&ure could 3e *ound &o, on the *loor2 She loo0ed u- 'g'in2 $I &hould li0e th't+ too25 She &'id it gr'<el)2 Then 'ddedE $Ver) ,uch25 In ' tone th't ri<'led hi& o.n *or &ultrine&&2 7i&chie* &-'r0ing in her green e)e&2 And he .'& &uddenl) .eightle&&2 And *or &o,e re'&on+ *or ne'rl) ' ,inute+ he could onl) &,ile 't her *ooli&hl)2 And &he &,iled 3'c0 't hi,2 He re'li8ed+ 't l'&t+ he ought to &') &o,ething2 $Good+5 he *in'll) ,'n'ged2 And continued to &,ile *ooli&hl)2 !ut then her *'ce gre. &eriou& once 'g'in+ 'nd he *elt ' t.inge o* tre-id'tion2 $I &hould li0e &o,e cl'ri*ic'tion+ ,) lord25 $"l'r65 $Ye&2 hen .ould )ou li0e to ,'0e lo<e to ,eF5

$Oh2 No.25 Luite 'd','ntl) &'id2 He .'& doing ' re,'r0'3le 4o3+ i* he &'id &o hi,&el*+ o* re&tr'ining hi& r',-'nt -'&&ion&2 $In )our ch',3er&2 I* )ou?re ',en'3le to th't25

He &,iled croo0edl) '& he .'tched her h'nd& *idget in her &0irt *or ' ,o,ent2 He could &ee &he .'& 'lre'd) 3re'thle&&+ her &houlder& ,o<ing ,ore :uic0l)2 $ ell+5 &he &'id thought*ull)+ $.e c'nnot <er) .ell 3olt the roo, together &tr'ight u- the &t'ir& *or )our ch',3er+ or the &er<'nt& .ill 0no. .h't .e?re '3out25 Ah+ hi& -r'ctic'l .i*e2 He .'& teetering on the 3rin0 o* hil'rit) no.2 I,'gine+ The Li3ertine negoti'ting the logi&tic& o* lo<e,'0ing '& though -l'nning ' dinner -'rt)2 $Do )ou trul) thin0 there?& e<er ' ti,e .hen the) don?t 0no. .h't .e?re '3out+ S'3rin'F5 She tilted her he'd in thought+ 'nd didn?t 'n&.er the :ue&tion+ '& it .'& o3<iou&l) rhetoric'l2 $I &h'll go u- to our roo,& *ir&t@ )ou &h'll .'it ten ,inute&+ 'nd then )ou &h'll *ollo. ,e25 A& deci&i<e '& ' gener'l2 He 3lin0ed2 $Ver) .ell+5 he 'greed e:u'3l)2 And then &he .'& 'cro&& the roo, 'nd 't the door .ith ' &-eed th't gr'ti*ied e<er)thing ,'le in hi,2 She -'u&ed there 'nd turned2 $Rh)&F5 He loo0ed u-+ he'rt3e't 'rre&ted2 $It .ill 3e ' long ten ,inute&25 She thre. ' tin) croo0ed &,ile o<er her &houlder 'nd &li--ed out o* the roo,2 And hi& 3lood turned to l'<'2 He 'rri<ed to *ind the roo, 3rilli'nt .ith &unlight+ the he'<) curt'in& -u&hed '&ide 'll 'round@ ' *ire le'-ing high in the gr'te2 S'3rin' .'& &t'nding in the center o* the roo,+ 'nd &,iled &h)l) .hen &he &'. hi,2 She gl'nced to.'rd the curt'in&2 $Le'<e the, o-en+5 he &'id &uddenl)2 He could not rec'll ,'0ing lo<e to 'n)one in 3rilli'nt d')light2 And &uddenl) it &ee,ed the 3e&t .') o* 'll to ,'0e lo<e to S'3rin'2 He c',e 'nd &tood 3e*ore her+ loo0ing do.n into tho&e cle'r green e)e& *or ' long ,o,ent+ '& though &eeing her *or the *ir&t ti,e+ 'nd &he ,et hi& g'8e+ &h) 3ut 3old 't the &',e ti,e2 It .'& &he .ho r'i&ed her 'r,& to.'rd hi,+ he&it'ntl) 't *ir&t+ 'nd then her h'nd& l'nded on the 0not o* hi& cr'<'t2 He &tood &till .hile &he loo&ened it &lo.l)+ -ulled it gentl) *ro, hi& thro't+ *olded it in her h'nd&+ &et it '&ide2 She turned &o he could loo&en the l'ce& on her go.n2 ith tender &olicitou&ne&&+ in &ilence+ the) undre&&ed e'ch other+ 3utton& 'nd l'ce& 'nd 3oot&2 Slo.l)+ '& though the) h'd 'll the ti,e in the .orld2 And thi& unhurried -relude to lo<e,'0ing cont'ined ' -'&&ion '& -ure 'nd 3rilli'nt '& the light -ouring in the .indo.2

And .hen the) .ere undre&&ed+ he &tood 3'c0 to 'd,ire hi& .i*e2 All thi& lo<el)+ <ulner'3le &o*tne&& 4u&t *or hi,2 Her &0in glo.ed lu&trou&+ -'le 'nd 3lue-<eined+ 'll &.eet cur<e&E tho&e *ull u-thru&t 3re'&t& ti--ed in -'le&t -in0+ tho&e round hi-&2 Hi& h'nd& *in'll) decided to re&t on her n'rro. .'i&t+ 3ec'u&e the -l'ce &ee,ed &i,-l) ,'de *or hi& h'nd&2 hen he did+ S'3rin'?& e)e& clo&ed 'nd &he dre. in ' &.i*t une<en 3re'th2 And then &he g'<e ' &hort l'ugh+ '& though &he .'& h'l* ','8ed+ h'l* e,3'rr'&&ed+ th't hi& &i,-le touch could &o e'&il) undo her2 And thi& undid hi,2 He -ulled her clo&er+ until no &-'ce re,'ined 3et.een their 3odie&+ until the) .ere &0in to &0in2 She ,elted &o e'&il) into hi& 'r,& he 'l,o&t .'nted to tell her &uch tot'l tru&t o* 'n) hu,'n 3eing+ let 'lone hi,+ .'& un.i&e2 !ut e<en '& it ,'de hi, *eel *erociou&l) -rotecti<e+ it 'rou&ed hi, &o *iercel) it .'& ' -h)&ic'l -'in+ 'nd hi& 3re'th &n'gged in hi& thro't2 And then he 0i&&ed her+ *inding her &o*t ,outh .ith hi& o.n+ &in0ing into ' 0i&& &o &.eet it .'& 3'r3ed+ 'nd echoed e<er).here in hi,2 He ti--ed her gentl) to the 3ed+ 'nd the &unlight .'& 'l,o&t ' third -'rtner in the roo,+ en<elo-ing the t.o o* the, '& the) &et out to ,'0e lo<e .ith :uiet+ 4o)*ul *erocit)2 Rh)&?& h'nd& ,o<ed o<er e<er) te;ture o* her+ the &il0) den&it) o* her h'ir+ the t'ut &,oothne&& o* her &0in+ the cri&-er+ curling h'ir 3et.een her leg&+ 'nd there hi& *inger& del<ed lightl)2 To hi& -ro*ound &'ti&*'ction+ he *ound her &'tin) 'nd .et2 And .hen he did+ &he g'&-ed 'nd too0 hi& e'rlo3e lightl) 3et.een her teeth2 The &en&'tion &ent &uch ' &hoc0 o* -le'&ure through hi, th't he l'ughed+ &t'rtled+ 'nd turned hi& he'd to *ind her &,iling+ -le'&ed .ith her&el*2 He co<ered her &,ile .ith ' 0i&&+ then c'ught her .ri&t& in one h'nd 'nd le<ered the, &lo.l) 3'c0+ -inned the, '3o<e her he'd2 $7in;+5 he ,ur,ured 'g'in&t her ,outh2 Hi& *inger& di--ed 'g'in+ lightl)+ 'nd her leg& dro--ed '-'rt to 'llo. hi, 3etter 'cce&&2 He c're&&ed+ e;-ertl)+ -reci&el)+ long enough to dr'g ' ,o'n o* -le'&ure *ro, her2 And then &to--ed long enough to elicit ' -rote&tE $Rh)&6-le'&e65 F'r 3e it *ro, hi, to ,'0e the <ic'r?& d'ughter 3eg2 He .'& ' -oetE he under&tood rh)th, 'nd -'ttern+ he under&tood 3e'ut) 'nd cre&cendo2 He .'tched her+ 'nd li&tened to her 3re'thing+ 'nd hi& *inger& -l')ed her li0e ' conductor until &he .'& .rithing+ 'rching into hi& touch2 And then co,ing '-'rt .ith ' &oundle&& &cre',+ u- to.'rd hi,2 !e'uti*ul2 He -ro--ed hi,&el* u- on hi& el3o. to 'd,ire her *or ' ,o,ent+ 'nd *lu&hed+ li-& ro&) 'nd &.ollen *ro, 0i&&e&+ e)e& &till d'8ed 'nd .'r,2 The *ire -o--ed 'nd &-it &-'r0& 3ehind the,2 S'3rin' touched hi& *'ce lightl) .ith the 3'c0& o* her *inger&2 A ge&ture &o tender hi& he'rt 0ic0ed2

$"o,e here+5 &he .hi&-ered2 She c'-tured hi& .'i&t .ith her thigh&+ -ulling hi, clo&el) 'g'in&t her2 Her h'nd& &,oothed do.n the long ,u&cle& o* hi& 3'c0+ cu--ed hi& 3uttoc0&+ -re&&ed hi& erection h'rd 'g'in&t her2 $No.+ Rh)&2 =le'&e+ no.25 He 3r'ced hi,&el* '3o<e her+ too0 her .ith &.i*t e<en thru&t&+ no *ine&&e+ 4u&t -ri,'l intent2 And '& he ,o<ed o<er her he g'8ed do.n 't hi& .i*e+ her h'ir t'ngled o<er the counter-'ne+ he'd thro.n 3'c0+ her e)e& *i;ed .ith hi&2 He .'tched her re<eling in hi& -le'&ure until he could &ee her no longer+ 'nd hi& o.n rele'&e ru&hed u-on hi,+ 'll 3ut &ei8ed hi, *ro, hi& o.n 3od)+ 'nd he cried out the .onder o* it2 $Ag'inF5 he .hi&-ered ho-e*ull)2 The) .ere l)ing t.ined+ &-ent+ 'nd S'3rin' h'rdl) 0ne. her li,3& *ro, hi&2 S'3rin' tr'iled ' h'nd do.n hi& d',- che&t+ do.n the d'r0 line o* h'ir th't 3i&ected hi& ri3&+ to in<e&tig'te2 Sure enoughE he .'& enor,ou&l)+ *l'tteringl) h'rd2 She g'<e hi, ' ,ildl) incredulou& loo02 He &,iled ' .ic0ed little &,ile+ -le'&ed .ith hi,&el*2 And &hrugged ' little &hrug .ith one o* tho&e 3e'uti*ul+ ,u&cled &houlder&2 She &ur-ri&ed hi, .ith ' 0i&&+ ' &o*t one+ o-en,outhed+ 3ec'u&e &he lo<ed the .') he t'&ted2 'r, 'nd t'rt 'nd d'r0+ re'&&uring 'nd 'rou&ing 'll 't once2 And .hen &he did+ &he &'. &o,ething in hi& e)e& then th't ,'de her .'nt to -rotect hi,+ &o,eho.2 He didn?t di&gui&e '& ,uch '& he thought2 He too0 her *'ce in hi& h'nd&+ &.e-t 3'c0 her &.e't-d',-ened h'ir+ 'nd 0i&&ed her hi& .')2 And *or ' long .hile it .'& onl) thi&+ the tender -l') o* tongue& 'nd li-& o<er e'ch other+ ' lei&urel) *e'&t th't ne<erthele&& *ueled the need th't &ee,ed to ho<er 'l.')& 4u&t 3elo. the &ur*'ce *or the,+ the r'<enou& 3e'&t in the cell'r+ de,'nding &'ti&*'ction2 Their 3odie& ine<it'3l) 3eg'n to &tr'in together 'g'in+ 'nd their h'nd& re'ched *or e'ch other in deli3er'te c're&&e&2 And 3oldl)+ &he *ound the .'r, h'rd length o* hi, 'nd dr'gged her h'nd& o<er hi, until he 3uried hi& *'ce 'g'in&t her thro't+ 'nd hi& 3re'th 3ec',e r'gged 'g'in&t her2 $S'3rin'+5 he .hi&-ered2 It .'& .ondrou&+ thi& &he h'd2 Oh+ &o &lo. no.2 A& though the) ,erel) .'nted to 3e 4oined2 S'3rin' *lo'ted+ 'nd thought2 $H'--ine&&5 .'& &uch ' <i3r'nt .ord .hen )ou &'id it 'nd thought '3out it+ S'3rin' re*lected@ it h'd 'l.')& &ee,ed li0e &uch 'n 'cti<e .ord2 She?d ne<er &u&-ected h'--ine&& .'& in truth ' &i,-le thing co,-ri&ing :uiet 'nd .'r,thE the .'r,th o* the &un u-on her 3're &0in+ the .'r,th o* ' ,'n?& long 3od) -re&&ed 'g'in&t her& '& he &le-t+ the &ound o* hi& 3re'thing+ dee'nd &te'd) 'nd &'ted+ hi& ri3& ri&ing 'nd *'lling 'g'in&t her 3'c02 "o,-ri&ing 'll o* th't9'nd ho-e2

She .'& in lo<e .ith her hu&3'nd2 She &u&-ected th't her hu&3'nd6The Li3ertine6.'& *'lling in lo<e .ith her2 She &u--o&ed it .'& -o&&i3le &he .'& 4u&t ' no<elt) *or hi,2 Thi& .'& ' ,'n .ho &ought out 'nd h'd e;-erienced 'n e;tr'ordin'r) 'rr') o* di<er&ion&+ '*ter 'll+ 'nd no dou3t .'& running out o* ne. thing& to di&tr'ct hi,2 The ,'n .ho .rote &o 3e'uti*ull) '3out -'&&ion+ 'nd ne<er '3out lo<e2 !ut lo<e .'&n?t 'n e;-erience th't could 3e &ought2 Lo<e *ind& )ou+ S'3rin' thought2 Lo<e re'll) gi<e& )ou no choice in the ,'tter2 She &u&-ected th't .hen Rh)& c',e to her tod')+ he .'& re&-onding to &o,e i,-ul&e .ithin hi,&el* he didn?t *ull) under&t'nd2 !ut &he thought he?d *ound .h'te<er it .'& he &ought+ 'nd it .'&n?t 4u&t &ol'ce in ' .o,'n?& 3od)2 And it .'& .h) he &le-t &o -e'ce*ull) no.2 '&+ in *'ct+ &noring 4u&t ' little 'g'in&t the 3'c0 o* her nec02 She .'& *'irl) cert'in he didn?t 0no. ho. he *elt2 It didn?t ,'tter+ *or &he 0ne. ho. &he *elt2 The) h'd *ore<er+ no.+ *or hi, to decide ho. he *elt2 And *or her to di&co<er -reci&el) ho. o*ten he &nored2

"HA=TER T ENTY-ONE R HYS STAYED2 She &le-t in hi& 'r,& 't night+ &he .o0e ent'ngled .ith hi, in the ,orning2 S'3rin' le'rned e<er) 3it o* hi& 3od) 3) touching 'nd t'&ting it+ ,'r<eling 't it+ the ,u&cle& 'nd &c'r&+ hi& e)el'&he&+ hi& ,ole& /t.o on hi& 'r,+ one on hi& thigh+ one 't the n'-e o* hi& nec01+ th't one &tr'nge little h'ir &-ringing *ro, hi& 3ice-&2 She le'rned 'll the ,'le &,ell& o* hi,+ the ,u&0 'nd &.eetne&& 'nd 'll the le&&--le'&'nt one&+ too2 7e,ori8ed the *'int line& 3ene'th hi& e)e&2 Le'rned 'll hi& ,ood&+ the ,i&chie<ou&+ the i,-'tient+ the irrit'3le+ the :uiet+ 'nd -erh'-&+ ,o&t -'rticul'rl)+ the -'&&ion'te2 The) 'rgued2 He .'& occ'&ion'll) -o,-ou& 'nd -roud 'nd dict'tori'l2 So .'& &he2 She *orced hi, to tell her the &torie& o* 'll hi& &c'r& /.'r+ 'nd hunting+ ' riding 'ccident+ ' dog 3ite1+ 'nd he .'nted to 0no. '3out the one on her 0nee /' little rec0le&& &ledding .ith her 3rother 'nd ' colli&ion .ith ' 3eech tree12 H'd he 0illed ' ,'n in ' duelF /No21 H'd he e<er li<ed .ith hi& ,i&tre&&F /God+ no21 Did he &-end -ro*lig'tel) on hi& re-ro3'te *riend&F /O* cour&e21 The) rode out to !uc0&te'd He'th to &ee to the roo*&+ 'nd the dr'in'ge ditche&+ 'nd &i,-l) *or the -le'&ure o* riding in the o-en 'ir together2 And 't l'&t S'3rin' &'. S'ntoro?& &t'ined-gl'&& .indo.&+ the -en&i<e ,oon 'nd <i<id &t'r&+ re*lected on the *loor o* the St'r Roo,2 For o* cour&e Rh)& 0ne. -reci&el) .h't ti,e o* d') it .ould &hine there2 The) &h'red ' ,o,ent o* :uiet 'nd '.e2

The) ,'de lo<e in ne'rl) e<er) roo, 't L' 7ont'gne2 It .'& '--'lling+ re'll)2 Sh',ele&&2 Gloriou&2 For no.2 And little 3) little+ S'3rin' 'llo.ed her&el* to 3elie<e it .ould 3e gloriou&+ or 't le'&t <er) clo&e to it+ *or 'l.')&2 The .ee0 &tretched into t.o .ee0&+ 'nd into three+ 'nd &till Rh)& *elt di&inclined to return to London2 He 'l&o *elt di&inclined to thin0 '3out the re'&on& .h)2 He didn?t .'nt to thin0 't 'll '3out .h) he .'nted to 3e here2 He onl) .'nted to 3e2 He .'nted to en4o) hi& .i*e+ thi& '&toni&hing gi*t o* ' .o,'n+ 'nd hi& l'nd+ 'nd thi& th't &ee,ed in*inite in it& <'riet)2 ='rt o* hi, .'& 3r'ced *or the return o* the re&tle&&ne&& th't dro<e hi, to 'l.')& &ee0 &o,ething to *eed it2 ='rt o* hi, &u&-ected it .'& onl) ' ,'tter o* ti,e2 And )et+ 't le'&t *or no.+ there .'& &o,ething '3out the *ullne&& o* their d')& th't .'& -oetr) 'nd .ine 'nd ,u&ic 'll in one2 He couldn?t .rite2 He?d ce'&ed to ,i&& it+ &o,eho.2 He &lid into 3ed ne;t to S'3rin'2 The *ire h'd 3een 3uilt u- high+ 3ec'u&e neither o* the, trou3led .ith night r'il& or dre&&ing go.n& 'n),ore+ '& the) r'-idl) c',e o** 'n).')2 He -re&&ed hi,&el* 'g'in&t her &o*t .'r,th2 $I&n?t it '3out ti,e *or L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'. to co,e *or ' <i&it 'g'in+ S'3rin'F She ,igr'te& r'ther li0e 3ird&+ doe&n?t &heF5 S'3rin' l'ughed2 $She .'& here+ Rh)&+ 'nd )ou ,i&&ed her+ ,ore?& the -it)2 !ec'u&e i* )ou?d 3een here+ )ou .ould h'<e le'rned '3out ='ul?& delic'te dige&tion+ 'nd other &uch *'&cin'ting thing&25 $7) o.n dige&tion i& o* te,-ered &teel+5 he &'id &ole,nl)2 $Th't?& not the onl) thing o* )our& ,'de o* te,-ered &teel+5 S'3rin' -urred+ her h'nd& .'ndering &outh o* hi& tor&o2 $S'3rin'(5 Rh)&?& ,outh dro--ed o-en in ,oc0 &c'nd'l2 She .'& ' re<el'tion e<er) ,o,ent2 He &hi*ted hi& leg& to 'id her e;-lor'tion 4u&t ' 3it2 She giggled 'g'in+ rolled o<er onto her 3'c0 &o th't her 3re'&t& ro&e t'nt'li8ingl) 4u&t '3o<e the 3edclothe&2 $And 7'r) told ,e the ,o&t re,'r0'3le thing+ Rh)&2 O* ' tri'l in London2 A -olitici'n n',ed 7orle) i& 'ccu&ed o* ,urder 'nd tre'&on+ 'nd it h'& &o,ething to do .ith Vi&count 'nd L'd) Gr'nth',2 !ut it c',e out th't L'd) Gr'nth', h'd t.o &i&ter&6one i& n',ed S)l<ie+ 'nd the other i& S'3rin'( And the) c'nnot *ind S'3rin' 'n).here2 The *unnie&t -'rt i& th't their ,other?& n',e .'& Ann' Holt( Ann'+ li0e ,) ,other2 I&n?t th't *unn)F5 It .'& re,'r0'3le ho. &,oothl) he .'& '3le to re'ct to the ,o,ent2 E<en '& hi& &to,'ch turned to ice2 $Funn)+5 he ,'n'ged to &') con<incingl)2 $=erh'-& it?& ' coincidence25

$Th't?& .h't I thought+5 S'3rin' &'id2 $!ut &till+ it &ee,ed *unn)25 Her <oice .'& &o .i&t*ul2 $I?<e longed *or &i&ter& 'll ,) li*e25 Rh)& didn?t 3elie<e in coincidence&2 $H'<e )ou he'rd o* the tri'lF5 &he '&0ed hi, .hen he &'id nothing el&e2 $I h'<e+5 he &'id2 And didn?t e;-ound2 He .'ited ' ,o,ent+ 'nd &'id the .ord& idl)2 $S'3rin'+ .ould )ou &ho. ,e the i,'ge o* )our ,otherF5 She &lithered out o* 3ed 'nd d'&hed+ ' <i&ion in cur<ing .hite nudene&&+ to her .'rdro3e+ 'nd retrie<ed it+ then .riggled 3'c0 into 3ed ne;t to hi,2 $Here+5 &he &'id &o*tl)2 He too0 it in hi& h'nd&2 He &t'red2 He turned it o<er+ &'. the &cri-tE $To S'3rin' "h'rit)+ her ,other Ann'25 $Ho. did )ou get thi&F5 He he'rd hi& o.n <oice 'l,o&t di&t'ntl)2 He .'& -u&hing it out through the .eight o* ,e,orie&+ o* di&3elie*2 O* the &truggle to di&gui&e '&toni&h,ent+ 'nd guilt2 For &o,ething in hi, h'd &u&-ected *or &o,e ti,e no.2 $It .'& le*t .ith ,e .hen I .'& ' <er) little girl2 I don?t re'll) re,e,3er her2 I&n?t &he -rett)F5 $!e'uti*ul+5 Rh)& 'greed *'intl)+ '*ter ' ,o,ent2 $She loo0& 4u&t li0e )ou25 She &,iled u- 't hi,2 He couldn?t :uite &,ile 3'c02 He?d once &'id to S'3rin'E =retending &o,ething didn?t h'--en doe&n?t :uite ,e'n it didn?t h'--en2 !ut 't the ,o,ent+ he didn?t 0no. .h't el&e to do2 And here 't L' 7ont'gne+ in the countr)+ in thi& &hoc0ing ,o,ent+ he -retended th't it .'& -o&&i3le *or the -'&t not to e<er touch the,2 hen ' cert'in tri'l concluded in London+ thi& ,ight e<en -ro<e true2 $ h't?& the ,'tter+ Rh)&F I& it )our dige&tionF5 &he te'&ed2 $Your *'ce h'& gone '.*ull) *unn)25 He .'& :uiet *or ' ,o,ent longer2 $It?& 4u&t th't I .'nt )ou &o <er) ,uch+ S'3rin'+5 he *in'll) &'id2 He -ulled her o<er hi,+ 'nd &lo.l)+ thoroughl)+ -roceeded to &ho. her the truth o* thi&+ '& i* thi& .ere the l'&t o--ortunit) he?d e<er h'<e to touch her2 $ e?<e ' ,e&&'ge *ro, the "'-&tr'. ho,e(5 Su&'nn'h told #it '& he cr'.led into 3ed *or the e<ening ne;t to her2 She .'& -ro--ed u- .ith the ,e&&'ge on her 0nee&+ &'<oring it2

$ h't doe& it &')F5 #it dr'gged ' *inger u- her 'r,+ 'nd let it .'nder in the &o*t curl& &-illing *ro, her nightc'-2 Su&'nn'h .'& *ocu&ed on the ,e&&'ge2 $L'd) 7'r) h'& gone to ' hou&e -'rt) 't L' 7ont'gne+ it &')&2 And &he h'& t'0en 'long ' 7i&& S'3rin' F'irleigh25 $L' 7ont'gneF5 #it .'& incredulou&2 $The E'rl o* R'.den?& ho,eF5 $I& th't the E'rl o* R'.den?& ho,eF I&n?t he 2 2 25 Su&'nn'h -'u&ed+ 'nd &'id the .ord& delic'tel)2 $The Li3ertineF5 $Oh+ )e&+5 #it con*ir,ed+ &ounding i,-re&&ed2 $He cert'inl) i&2 =erh'-& L'd) 7'r) h'& hidden de-th&2 =erh'-& .e &hould in<ite her to <i&it2 Then 'g'in+ I?<e he'rd he?& 'c:uired ' .i*e he c'n?t get enough o*+ 'nd the ton h'&n?t &een hi, in 'ge&+ or &o the ru,or goe&2 Re'll) <er) e,3'rr'&&ing *or the ,'n+ i* it i& indeed true2 Still+ let?& h'<e L'd) 7'r) in *or dinner25 Su&'nn'h g'<e her hu&3'nd ' -l')*ul &.'t2 $I .'nt to go there+ #it2 S)l<ie 'nd I &hould go &tr'ight to L' 7ont'gne2 No one ,entioned ho. long S'3rin' F'irleigh 'nd L'd) 7'r) intended to &t') 't L' 7ont'gne+ 'nd &he ,') not re,'in *or long2 And .e ,') ne<er c'tch u- to her 'g'in(5 $"'n )ou .'it *or her to return to Tin3ur) 'nd Vic'r F'irleighF She?& 3ound to+ )ou 0no.+ '& &he?ll e<entu'll) run out o* -l'ce& to <i&it25 $ h't i* &he doe&n?tF h't i* &he?& 3e&et 3)9high.'),en+ or L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'. dr'g& her '3out on 'n endle&& round o* &oci'l c'll&+ 'nd .e *ollo. her in circle& *ore<er+ 3ut .e ne<er+ ne<er c'tch u-65 $Su&'nn'h+5 #it &'id &o*tl)+ &te,,ing the tide o* her 'n;iet)2 He -re&&ed ' 0i&& 'g'in&t her &houlder2 $ e?ll *ind her25 Su&'nn'h &ighed2 $!ut S)l<ie 'nd I &hould go+5 &he in&i&ted2 $A& &oon '& -o&&i3le25 $It?& ne'rl) ' t.o-d') 4ourne) *ro, London to there+ Su&'nn'h+ 'nd the .e'ther65 He &'. the 3'ld entre't) on her *'ce2 He 0ne. he .ould h'<e to let her go2 $I need to re,'in in London *or 7orle)?& tri'l2 And I 0no. To, c'n?t '**ord to le'<e The F',il) E,-oriu, )et 'g'in2 !ut )ou 'nd S)l<ie .ill t'0e ' *ull co,-le,ent o* 'r,ed *oot,en25 $Th'n0 )ou+5 &he &'id &o*tl)2 $You?re the <er) 3e&t hu&3'nd25 $I 0no.+5 #it &ighed2 $It?& &uch ' 3urden25 He ,o<ed hi& 0i&& u- *ro, her &houlder to her thro't2 $#itF5 &he &'id &o*tl)2 $7,,F5

$H'<e )ou re'd The Li3ertine?& -oetr)F5 He he&it'ted2 $Ye&25 $ ill )ou re'd it to ,e &o,ed')F5 $I h'<e ' 3etter ide'+5 he ,ur,ured2 $ h) don?t I &ho. )ou .h't it &')&F5 A& d')& .ent 3)+ 'nd the 3u&ine&& o* L' 7ont'gne continued to 3e con&u,ing+ Rh)& 'llo.ed hi,&el* to e'&e into 3elie<ing e<er)thing .ould continue on '& it .'&2 A .ee0 h'd -'&&ed .hen 7r&2 !'ile) c',e to Rh)& in the ,orning2 She *ound hi, in hi& &tud) -oring o<er ide'& *or the l'nd three ,ile& &outh o* !uc0&te'd He'th2 It .'& decent gr'8ing l'nd@ then 'g'in+ the) ,ight -l'nt it+ 'nd t'0e 'd<'nt'ge o* the t.o .ind,ill& th't .ould &oon &-in in the <ill'ge2 He?d &-o0en to 7r2 =i0e '3out it2 $I?<e 3een in*or,ed 3) the *oot,'n th't t.o )oung l'die& 're in the dr'.ing roo,+ Lord R'.den25 Hi& *ir&t re*le;i<e re&-on&e+ the re&-on&e o* the Rh)& o* old+ .'& *'int+ -le'&ed &ur-ri&eE Funn)+ 3ut I don?t rec'll &ending *or )oung l'die& thi& ,orning2 Sending *or $)oung l'die&5 h'dn?t 3een out o* the re'l, o* the -o&&i3le *or hi, onl) ' *e. ,onth& 'go2 Gi<en ho. he *elt tod')+ it ,ight '& .ell h'<e 3een ' li*eti,e 'go2 He?d 3een 'nother -er&on entirel)2 $The) 're in:uiring '*ter ' 7i&& S'3rin' F'irleigh+5 &he e;-ounded2 He *ro.ned ' little2 $Are the) *ro, the 2 2 25 He .'& '3out to &')+ $<ill'ge25 !ut &u&-icion *'ded hi& .ord&2 $Did the) -re&ent c'rd&+ 7r&2 !'ile)F5 he *in'll) ,'n'ged to '&0 c'l,l) enough2 $Ye&2 The) 're L'd) Gr'nth', 'nd ' 7r&2 Sh'ughne&&)+ Lord R'.den25 He h'dn?t e;-ected to need to 'ddre&& it &o &oon@ -erh'-&+ &o, dee- in&ide+ he h'dn?t e;-ected to need to 'ddre&& it 't 'll2 A de&-er'te+ *utile ho-e+ he recogni8ed no.2 He needed ti,e to thin0+ reg'rdle&&2 He .'nted to '&0 the hou&e0ee-er ,ore :ue&tion&2 Do the) re&e,3le herF The&e .o,en S'3rin' h'& loo0ed *or+ longed *or+ 'll her li*eF To hi& 0no.ledge+ he?d ne<er ,et either o* the,2 Though he .'& 'c:u'inted .ith their hu&3'nd&2 To, Sh'ughne&&) *ro, the deliciou&l) in*',ou& hite Lil) The'ter2 #it hitel'.9' *or,er &oldier+ ' *or,er o**icer+ li0e hi,&el*2 And it .'& -o&&i3le+ *e'&i3le+ in thi& .orld+ th't S'3rin'+ hi& countr) girl+ .ould ne<er cro&& -'th& .ith 'n) o* the,2 He?d 0e-t one &ecret thi& long@ he could 'cco,,od'te )et 'nother+ he told hi,&el*2 In&te'd he &'id+ $E;tend )our '-ologie&+ 3ut do in*or, the, th't the e'rl i&n?t in 't -re&ent+ 'nd th't the .o,'n the) 're &ee0ing i&n?t 't L' 7ont'gne25

And he congr'tul'ted hi,&el*+ d'r0l)+ th't it .'&n?t entirel) ' lie2

"HA=TER T ENTY-T O D ISA==OINT7ENT 7EANT THAT it .'& :uiet in&ide the Gr'nth', c'rri'ge '& it -ulled '.') *ro, L' 7ont'gne2 $FGThe .o,'n )ou &ee0 i&n?t 't L' 7ont'gne+?F5 Su&'nn'h re-e'ted &lo.l) to S)l<ie in the c'rri'ge2 $ here do )ou &u--o&e &he i&F Do )ou &u--o&e &he?& ,o<ed onF H'd &he e<er 3een 't L' 7ont'gneF Not terri3l) hel-*ul+ .'& &he+ the hou&e0ee-erF I &u--o&e .e could h'<e in&i&ted u-on &t')ing 'nd .'iting *or the e'rl to return2 h't ' long .') to co,e in order to 3e di&'--ointed25 Su&'nn'h .'& &ounding ne'rl) -ee<i&h2 $=erh'-& &he h'& &i,-l) ,o<ed on to 'nother <i&itF5 S)l<ie .'&n?t terri3l) enthu&i'&tic '3out countr) li<ing2 She?d li<ed in citie& the entiret) o* her li*e+ 'nd <'&t o-en &-'ce& ,'de her ' 3it unco,*ort'3le2 $#it &'id L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'. i& 0no.n *or e<er <i&iting2 And i* &he h'& S'3rin' F'irleigh in to.+ .e ,ight ch'&e the, in circle& *or 'ge&25 $Then let u& return to London &tr'ight'.')+5 S)l<ie &ugge&ted gentl)2 $ e &h'll &end 'n urgent ,e&&'ge to L'd) 7'r)?& ho,e &t'ting th't Vi&count 'nd L'd) Gr'nth', .i&h to &ee her2 And .e?<e 'lre'd) le*t ' ,e&&'ge 't the ho,e o* Vic'r F'irleigh '& .ell2 e?re <er) clo&e+ Su&'nn'h2 e &h'll &ee her )et2 And .e?ll 0no. &oon i* &he?& our S'3rin'25 S)l<ie &:uee8ed her &i&ter?& glo<ed h'nd+ gr'te*ul *or the re'&&ur'nce+ 'nd her& .'& &:uee8ed in return2 $Do )ou &u--o&e .e?ll li0e herF5 Su&'nn'h .ondered tent'ti<el)2 The) h'd 3oth e;-erienced the &erendi-it) o* li0ing e'ch other *ro, the <er) *ir&t2 The <er) ide' th't the) ,ight h'<e ne<er ,et horri*ied the,2 $She h'& 3een r'i&ed 3) ' <ic'r+ S'3rin'2 =erh'-& &he?& <er) :uiet 'nd &ed'te25 Thi& .'& &uch 'n '--'lling thought th't the) 3oth *ell &ilent 'g'in2 Su&'nn'h le'ned *or.'rd &uddenl) 'nd -ointed2 $Loo0+ S)l<ie+ ' little church( It loo0& &o li0e the one in Gorringe2 I .onder i* the) h'<e ' *unn) little <ic'r+ too2 Sh'll .e h'<e ' loo0 in&ide 3e*ore .e continue ho,eF5 7'tin& h'd 4u&t 3een re'd+ 'nd Geo**re) thought he ,ight h'<e ' 3ite to e't 'nd ,')3e ' nio* .ine .hen he loo0ed u- 'nd &'. t.o .o,en in the door.') o* the church2 He 3lin0ed h'rd2 For ' ,o,ent he thought he .'& &eeing t.o o* S'3rin'+ 3ut he h'dn?t 3een &o -le'&'ntl)+ thoroughl) *o;ed enough to &ee t.o o* one -er&on in ,uch too long2 !ut &o,ething '3out the .') the&e t.o .o,en &tood+ their height+ their <er) -re&ence+ c'lled S'3rin' &trongl) to ,ind2 One o* the,+ in *'ct+ could h'<e 3een her t.in2

He '&&e&&ed the, :uic0l)2 Fine clothe&+ *ro, he'd to toe+ 3oth o* the,2 E;-en&i<el) dre&&ed in *ur-lined -eli&&e&+ h'nd& tuc0ed into *ine ,u**&+ ' 3r'.n) -'ir o* *oot,en ho<ering -rotecti<el) 3ehind the,2 Not onl) .ere the) lo<el)+ the) .ere .e'lth)+ 'nd <er) li0el) titled2 $Good '*ternoon+5 he &'id in hi& 3e&t ,elli*luou& Gillr') <oice2 The) curt&ied+ ' -'ir o* * 3ending+ 'nd de&-ite hi& ,)ri'd other concern&+ he .'& ch'r,ed2 !lood) hell+ he ,i&&ed .e'lth)+ titled .o,en2 hen he?d l'&t 3een in London+ 3e*ore hi& *'ther h'd re&cued hi, 'nd con&igned hi, to ' -e'ce*ul -urg'tor) '& ' cur'te+ he?d *ound the Gillr') n',e 'nd hi& '&&oci'tion .ith Rh)& <er) u&e*ul .hen it c',e to ch'r,ing 'nd courting 'nd 3edding the .illing ,'rried one&2 !ut no.9there .'&n?t ' &ingle -'ri&hioner in !uc0&te'd He'th .ho '--ro'ched S'3rin' *or 3e'ut)+ 'nd '& S'3rin' *or &o,e re'&on h'dn?t -'id ' <i&it in .ee0&+ he .'& r'ther &t'r<ed *or it2 !ec'u&e he .'& ' Gillr') in th't re&-ect+ tooE 3e'ut) .'& their nect'r2 !e'ut) .'& their nect'r2 No. there .'& 'n i,'ge th't ri<'led 'n) Rh)& could concei<e+ Geo**re) thought+ -le'&ed .ith hi,&el*2 $Good d')+5 the one .ho could h'<e 3een S'3rin'?& &'id2 $I ', L'd) Gr'nth',+ 'nd thi& i& ,) &i&ter+ 7r&2 S)l<ie Sh'ughne&&)2 7') .e h'<e ' loo0 't )our -rett) churchF5 He *ro.ned ' little+ 'nd then re'li8ed he .'& *ro.ning+ 'nd &to--ed2 The n',e& .ere *',ili'r+ &o,eho.2 $!ut o* cour&e25 He 3o.ed to the,2 $You honor our little church .ith )our -re&ence25 And it h'd 3een too long &ince there h'd 3een &o,eone .orth) to ch'r,2 The) &,iled 't hi,+ 'nd &trolled u- through the n'<e+ *oot,en *ollo.ing63url) *oot,en+ Geo**re) noted6 &tud)ing the c'r<ed rood &creen2 He re*r'ined *ro, introducing hi,&el*@ he .ondered i* the) noticed2 He?d re'li8ed 4u&t in ti,e th't he .'& r'ther nicel) hidden '.') here 't !uc0&te'd He'th+ 'nd he didn?t .'nt 'n) o* hi& creditor& to g'in 'n in0ling o* hi& .here'3out&2 One o* the&e )oung l'die&+ .ho no dou3t h'iled *ro, London+ ,ight <er) .ell ,ention it idl) on her ne;t <i&it to the glo<e,'0er?&2 $ h't 3ring& )ou to !uc0&te'd He'thF5 he '&0ed -le'&'ntl) in&te'd2 $ e 're returning to London+ 'nd our c'rri'ge i& -'&&ing through )our to.n+5 L'd) Gr'nth', told hi,2 And then it &truc0 hi,E Gr'nth',( A& in Vi&count Gr'nth',2 The other9.ell+ he &u&-ected thi& .'& the .o,'n To, Sh'ughne&&) h'd ,'rried2 Geo**re) h'd 3een to Sh'ughne&&)?& the'ter+ The hite Lil)+ on ,'n) ' h'--) occ'&ion+ until hi& t'&te& h'd 'c:uired 'n edge th't e<en The hite Lil) couldn?t :uite &'ti&*)2 Good God+ 3ut u- clo&e the&e .o,en .ere 3e'uti*ul2 $ hich *ortun'te re&ident o* our *'ir <ill'ge i& -')ing ho&t to )ouF5 It *elt .onder*ul to e,-lo) hi& ch'r,& u-on &o,eone .orth) o* the,2

$Oh+ .e?<e 4u&t co,e *ro, ' 3rie* <i&it to L' 7ont'gne2 !ut .e .ere in*or,ed the e'rl i& not in re&idence 't -re&ent25 Thi& .'& intriguing+ '& the e'rl ,o&t cert'inl) .'& in re&idence 't -re&ent+ '& *'r '& Geo**re) 0ne.2 $I&n?t heF5 he ,erel) re-e'ted idl)2 $ e 're loo0ing *or ' )oung l'd) n',ed S'3rin'+5 7r&2 Sh'ughne&&) told hi,2 $ e .ere told &he ,ight 3e <i&iting L' 7ont'gne2 H'<e )ou -erh'-& ,et her+ or he'rd 'n)thing o* herF Her *'ther i& ' <ic'r25 E'gerne&& in her tone2 Thi& .'& <er)+ <er) intere&ting2 So,ething .'& ',i&&2 He?d 3een '.') *ro, London *or ' *e. ,onth& no.+ 3ut &uddenl) Geo**re) re,e,3ered -reci&el) .h) the n',e& o* the&e .o,en .ere &o *re&hl) *',ili'rE in hi& l'&t -ee0 't ' London -'-er+ he?d re'd '3out 7r2 Th'ddeu& 7orle)+ the -olitici'n 'rre&ted *or ,urder 'nd tre'&on+ hi& 'lleged cri,e& co,,itted ,'n) )e'r& 'go2 He .'& no. &t'nding tri'l2 The &c'nd'l .'& undeni'3l) &ucculent2 !ut L'd) Gr'nth',?& n',e h'd 3een ,entioned in connection .ith the tri'l2 And h'dn?t he re'd 2 2 2 He h'd( L'd) Gr'nth', h'd 3een the d'ughter o* Rich'rd Loc0.ood?& ,i&tre&&2 And &he?d t.o other &i&ter& .ho h'd ne<er 3een *ound2 Geo**re) didn?t 0no. *or cert'in+ 3ut he .ould .'rr'nt th't 7r&2 Sh'ughne&&) .'& one o* L'd) Gr'nth',?& &i&ter&2 He could gue&& .ho the other &i&ter ,ight 3e+ 'nd the&e t.o .o,en .ere in &e'rch o* her2 A thrill o* intrigue tr'ced Geo**re)?& &-ine2 The) h'd co,e to L' 7ont'gne loo0ing *or S'3rin'+ 'nd the)?d 3een told th't no &uch .o,'n li<ed there2 Geo**re) .ondered .hether 7r&2 !'ile) h'd 3een in&tructed 3) the e'rl to lie to the&e .o,en '3out S'3rin'2 So,e in&tinct in Geo**re) ,'de hi, decide to ho'rd the in*or,'tion 'nd do ' little in<e&tig'ting o* hi& o.n2 !ec'u&e he in&tincti<el) &u&-ected .h'te<er he di&co<ered ,ight 3e .orth &o,ething in ter,& o* 3l'c0,'iling hi& cou&in+ 'nd God 0ne. he needed &o,e &ort o* c'-it'l de&-er'tel)2 $No+ I *e'r I don?t 0no. 'n)one n',ed S'3rin'25 He &'. their lo<el) *'ce& go 3rie*l)'&t2 And ' *e. ,inute& l'ter+ 7r&2 Sh'ughne&&) touched L'd) Gr'nth', on the 'r,+ 'nd the) th'n0ed hi, 'nd 3id hi, *'re.ell2 Geo**re) h'ted co,ing here@ he h'ted the -er-etu'l d'r0ne&&+ the e,-t) 3ottle& o* *utile -otion& e<er).here+ the incen&e lit to di&gui&e the &,ell o* encro'ching de'th2 The curt'in& .ere 'l.')& -ulled clo&ed+ '& though d)ing .ere &o,ething to 3e '&h',ed o*+ or '& i* light

.ould &o,eho. h'&ten it2 hen he <i&ited+ .hich .'& r'rel) no.+ Geo**re) .'& 'l.')& te,-ted to )'n0 the, 3'c0 'g'in+ to -ro<e there .'& ' .orld out&ide thi& &ti*ling roo,2 The) .eren?t clo&e@ the) h'dn?t 3een *or )e'r&2 Hi& *'ther 'nd he .ere too ,uch 'li0e in ,'n) .')&+ 'nd Geo**re) re&ented th't he?d inherited ,'n) o* hi& *'ther?& .e'0ne&&e&2 Hi& *'ther .'& d)ing o* drin02 He?d con:uered hi& other .e'0ne&&+ 'nd .'& ,'n'ging to die .ith ' cert'in ',ount o* dignit)+ .ith enough ,one) to -') ' nur&e to 'ttend hi,+ 3ut Geo**re) h'd inherited hi& other .e'0ne&&E the t'&te *or g',3ling2 And it .'& thi& .e'0ne&& th't ,'de hi, de&-er'te enough to enter thi& ho,e o* the d)ing2 Hi& *'ther h'd 3een h'nd&o,e+ once2 All the 3lood) Gillr')& .ere h'nd&o,e+ unle&& 3'ttle or ' duel too0 o** ' li,3 or 3linded 'n e)e+ '& it h'd u-on occ'&ion o<er the centurie&2 !ut hi& *'ther?& &0in .'& )ello.+ hi& 3od) &hri<eled in &o,e -l'ce& 'nd 3lo'ted in other&+ hi& d'r0 e)e& &un0en into -ool& o* red2 $Geo**re)25 Hi& *'ther?& <oice .'& ironic+ e<en in it& .e'0ne&&2 $To .h't do I o.e thi& -le'&ureF5 $I 4u&t .'nted to &ee )ou+ F'th65 The <oice .'& &ur-ri&ingl) &trong2 $Don?t lie to ' d)ing ,'n+ &on2 I 0no. )ou too .ell2 Tell ,e .h) )ou 're re'll) here2 You .'nt &o,ething2 h't i& itF5 Geo**re) &'t ne;t to hi& *'ther?& 3ed2 $I?, '*r'id+ F'ther25 It .'& ' 3lurt+ 'nd -erh'-& the ,o&t hone&t thing he?d &'id to 'n)one in &o,e ti,e2 $Are )ou in de3t+ &onF5 Geo**re) didn?t 'n&.er@ $de3t5 &ee,ed li0e &uch ' &,'ll .ord *or the d'nger he no. *'ced2 Hi& h'nd& h'd gone cold2 $I '&0ed Rh)& *or ,one)+ F'ther2 He .on?t gi<e it to ,e25 And it .'&n?t the *ull truth+ 3ut it 'rou&ed hi& *'ther?& &),-'th) 4u&t ' little+ .hich .'& .h't he needed no.2 $He 'l.')& h'd ' &tre'0 o* righteou&ne&&+ Rh)&2 !ut he i&n?t -ure '& the dri<en &no.+ i& he+ &onF H'& :uite ' re-ut'tion+ doe&n?t he &tillF Duel& 'nd .h'tnotF5 Geo**re) di&reg'rded thi& *or no.2 $I need )ou to tell ,e &o,ething+ F'ther2 So,ething I?<e 'l.')& .'nted to 0no.25 $ h't i& it+ Geo**re)F5 $Ye'r& 'go9 ell+ *ir&t there .'& no ,one)@ 'nd then .e .ere 'll co,*ort'3le 'g'in+ 'll the Gillr')&2 here did the ,one) co,e *ro,F5 Hi& *'ther .'& &ilent *or ' long ti,e2

$You .ere onl) *i*teen )e'r& old then+ Geo**re)25 $!ut I re,e,3er 3eing '*r'id+ 3ec'u&e there .'& ne<er 'n) ,one)2 And then there .'& ,one)2 !ut no one &-o0e o* it2 And Rh)&9.ell+ )ou &hould &ee .h't he h'& no.+ F'ther2 L' 7ont'gne 'nd e<er)thing in it2 And I h'<e nothing25 Hi& *'ther .'& &ilent+ 'nd &t'red 't hi, .ith tho&e &un0en+ 3leeding e)e&2 Hi& 3re'th .'& *etid+ 'nd Geo**re) &truggled to 0ee- *ro, .incing2 $You?<e h'd )our &h're o* it+ Geo**re)2 And )ou?<e tr'ded on our n',e to &u--ort )our .') o* li*e *or ' good long ti,e2 I?<e gi<en )ou ,one)2 You?<e &:u'ndered it25 He &ounded ,ore &'d th'n 'ccu&ing2 $Th't?& .h) )ou h'<e nothing25 And Geo**re)?& -'l,& 3eg'n to go cold2 $='-' 2 2 25 The .ord h'd &li--ed out o* hi,2 Hi& *'ther &t'red 't hi,2 $7r2 Th'ddeu& 7orle) i& on tri'l *or ,urder 'nd tre'&on+ F'ther25 There .'& ' &ilence2 $I& heF5 hi& *'ther ,ur,ured2 $I& he no.F5 And th't .'& 'll2 Geo**re) .'ited2 $Rh)& ,ight 3e ' &coundrel+ 3ut &till )ou h'<en?t hi& ch'r'cter+ Geo**re)2 You .'nt to 3l'c0,'il hi,+ don?t )ouF5 He &ounded h'l* ',u&ed+ h'l* &'d2 Sic0 'nd d)ing+ 'nd hi& 3lood) *'ther &till re'd hi, li0e ' 3oo02 $I &i,-l) .'nt to 0no.25 A &nort2 $Oh+ I?ll tell )ou+ &on2 !ut .h't I?, gi<ing to )ou i&n?t ' gi*t+ it?& ' 3urdenE the 3urden o* ' &ecret2 !ec'u&e i* )ou &h're the in*or,'tion .ith 'n)one el&e in the .orld+ it .ill de&tro) the *',il) n',e+ 'nd thu& .h'te<er 3ene*it+ .h'te<er c'-it'l )ou ,ight h'<e g'ined *ro, the &ecret+ .ill 3e gone+ too2 And Rh)& 0no.& th't2 So )ou c'n 3l'c0,'il hi,+ 3ut i* )ou e<er tell the &ecret+ it .ill 3e the end o* )ou+ 'n).')2 Do )ou &till .'nt to he'r itF5 At the ,o,ent+ Geo**re) &i,-l) didn?t c're2 He .ould *ind ' .') to &ell it+ 'nd he .ould 3egin li*e 'g'in &o, el&e2 $7'n) )e'r& 'go+ &on9Rh)& 'nd I did ' <er) 3'd thing25 She?d 3een &o '3&or3ed in her hu&3'nd th't &he?d ne'rl) *orgotten '3out Geo**re)+ 'nd S'3rin' i,,edi'tel) *elt ' t.inge o* guilt2 A& &he rode into to.n to <i&it 7'rgo !un*ield+ &he &lo.ed her ,'re ne'r the church2 He?d 3een &o 0ind to her .hen &he .'& &o lonel)2 And dee- do.n &he 0ne. &he?d 3een '<oiding hi, in -'rt 3ec'u&e he?d .itne&&ed her <ulner'3ilit)2 And no. th't Rh)& .'& here+ 'nd &ee,ed inclined to &t')+ &he didn?t .'nt ' re,inder o* her *or,er unh'--ine&&2 A ne. dre', .'& 3eginning to t'0e &h'-e+ &o di**erent *ro, the old one+ )et &o,eho. &i,il'rE &he

once .'nted to <i&it ne. l'nd&2 And thi& dre',9thi& .'& 'n entirel) ne. uni<er&e2 She .'& -rotecti<e o* it@ it needed the &un&hine 'nd &helter o* ho-e6'nd not the &h'do.& o* 'n old di&'--oint,ent6in .hich to thri<e2 Still+ there the church .'&+ 'nd '& &he rode ho,e *ro, 7'rgo !un*ield?& hou&e .ith 7r2 "ro) 3ehind her+ &he &'. Geo**re) in the door.') o* it2 He 3eg'n to li*t ' h'nd+ then &ee,ed to thin0 3etter o* it 'nd dro--ed it to hi& &ide+ 'nd the '3orted ge&ture tugged 't S'3rin'?& guilt2 !ut &he h'd+ &he decided+ enough roo, in her 3u33le o* h'--ine&& to e;tend ' little o* it to Geo**re)2 She .ould <i&it hi,2 $ e &h'll &to- in 't the <ic'r'ge+ 7r2 "ro)25 7r2 "ro) touched hi& c'- 'nd nodded2 The *ir&t thing &he noticed .'& ho. terri3l) thin he?d 3eco,e2 Tho&e &tri0ing Gillr') 3one& .ere ,ore -ro,inent in hi& *'ce no.+ hi& d'r0 e)e& ,ore hollo.ed2 $S'3rin'25 He 0i&&ed her h'nd+ ' courtl) ge&ture no dou3t 3red into hi, 3) the Gillr') 3lood+ 'nd one not t)-ic'll) '&&oci'ted .ith ' <ic'r2 $I?<e ,i&&ed )ou25 She could not truth*ull) &') the &',e+ &o &he ,erel) &'id+ $It?& ' -le'&ure to &ee )ou2 !ut+ Geo**re)+ 're )ou e'ting .ell enoughF =erh'-& )ou need ' .i*e to *'tten )ou u-25 She .'& te'&ing+ 'll 3ut gidd) .ith h'--ine&&2 And it .'& 'll Geo**re) could do to 0ee- *ro, &n'--ingE Eight thou&'nd -ound& .ould *'tten ,e u-+ )ou *ool2 He reg'rded her &ilentl)2 The unh'--ine&& th't h'd di,,ed her light .ee0& 3e*ore+ th't h'd .e'0ened her re&ol<e &o th't he could &en&e i,,inent triu,-h+ th't h'd <er) ne'rl) en'3led hi, to con<ince her to don'te her no dou3t *or,id'3le 'llo.'nce to hi& c'u&e 'nd le'<e the countr) .ith hi,9h'd 3eco,e r'di'nce2 She .'& 3e'uti*ull)+ o3li<iou&l)+ *ull) h'--)2 Geo**re) &uddenl) 0ne. -'nic2 $You loo0 <er) .ell+ S'3rin'25 He he'rd the 'ccu&'tor) tone in hi& <oice2 She 3lu&hed2 $Thing& 're .onder*ul+ Geo**re)2 Rh)& i& 2 2 25 She -'u&ed+ '& i* &he .'& e,3'rr'&&ed to con*e&& the &ource o* her glo.2 A& i* Geo**re) didn?t 'lre'd) 0no.2 $Rh)& i& 't L' 7ont'gne+ then+5 Geo**re) &'id ,u&ingl)2 Though o* cour&e he 0ne. hi& cou&in .'& in2 $Ye&+ he?& 3een here *or ' *e. .ee0& no.25 And o* cour&e+ three .ee0& 'go h'd 3een the l'&t ti,e he?d &een her 't the <ic'r'ge2 And i* Rh)& h'd &t')ed in the countr)6i* Rh)& h'd decided to gi<e u- London+ the &ource o* 'll hi& -le'&ure& -re<iou&l)6then it .'& 3ec'u&e o* S'3rin'2

And the 3lu&hing+ r'di'nt h'--ine&& o* thi& girl he?d 3'rel) gi<en 'n) thought to .'& &uddenl) 'n '**ront+ 'nd ' &),3ol o* e<er)thing .retched '3out Geo**re)?& li*e2 E<en thi& girl+ thi& ,'rri'ge th't Rh)& h'd cle'rl) ne<er .'nted 'nd h'd &tu,3led into+ h'd turned out 3rilli'ntl) *or hi,2 E<er)thing 'l.')& turned out 3rilli'ntl) *or Rh)&2 And the -re&&ure& o* the &ecret Geo**re) held 'nd o* hi& *e'r o* ruin 'nd o* &truggling .ith hi& o.n n'ture *in'll) i,-loded2 He turned '.') *ro, her *or ' ,o,ent+ '3ru-tl)2 $Geo**re)+ i& 'ught ',i&&F5 Her <oice gr'ted2 So &o*t .ith genuine concern2 I& 'ught ',i&&F E<er) 3lood) thing i& ',i&&2 He turned &lo.l) 3'c0 to her+ 'nd .ith cold re&ol<e+ 3eg'n2 $I cheri&h our *riend&hi-+ S'3rin'2 A& &uch+ )ou &hould 0no. th't )our h'--ine&& i& ,) o.n25 $Th'n0 )ou+ Geo**re)25 She &ounded tent'ti<e2 He?d ,'de it &ound li0e the 3eginning o* ' &tor)+ &o &he .'ited2 He continued2 $T.o )oung l'die& <i&ited the church ' *e. d')& 'go '&0ing to &ee it+ '& it re,inded the, o* 'nother church .ith .hich the) 're *',ili'r2 The) .ere <er) *ine+ the&e )oung .o,en+ o* :u'lit)@ I?<e &eldo, &een ' *iner c'rri'ge in the&e -'rt&2 The) &'id the) h'd 3een to <i&it L' 7ont'gne25 S'3rin' *ro.ned ' little+ -u88led2 $Ho. odd th't the) .ould &') &o( <i&itor&25 e didn?t h'<e 'n)

Geo**re) .ent on2 $S'3rin'9I .'& &truc0 3) ho. ,uch the&e )oung l'die&9.ell+ the) loo0ed <er) ,uch li0e )ou2 One o* the, could h'<e 3een )our t.in25 S'3rin' &uc0ed in her 3re'th2 $Oh+ Geo**re)+ )ou ,u&tn?t te'&e ,e in &uch ' .')2 "ould it 3e trueF !ut .h) .ould the) &') the) h'd <i&ited L' 7ont'gneF5 $=erh'-& )ou .eren?t in .hen the) <i&ited2 Or9-erh'-& Rh)& cho&e not to tell )ou o* the <i&it25 S'3rin' *ro.ned ' little2 $ h) on e'rth .ould he do &o,ething li0e th'tF5 Geo**re) re'ched *or her h'nd 'nd gri--ed it in hi&+ 'nd &he g'&-ed+ ' little &t'rtled+ 4er0ed '.') re*le;i<el)2 He held her tightl)2 $ h) don?t )ou '&0 Rh)&+ S'3rin'2 A&0 hi, .h) he &ent the&e t.o )oung l'die& '.') .hen the) c',e to )our ho,e+ *or th't i& indeed .h't he did2 A&0 hi, .h) he ne<er told )ou the)?d 3een to &ee hi,2 A&0 hi, ho. he c',e 3) hi& ,one) &o ,'n) )e'r& 'go+ 'nd ho. he ,'n'ged to re&tore thi& *ortune+ 'nd .ho g'<e hi, the ho,e 'nd ,one) &o ,'n) )e'r& 'go+ 'nd .h)25 The 3lood le*t S'3rin'?& &0in2 $Geo**re)9)ou?re *rightening ,e25 She 'tte,-ted to tug her h'nd '.') *ro, hi,2 Geo**re) continued to hold it *'&t2

$A&0 hi, 2 2 25 Geo**re) -'u&ed2 Inh'led dee-l)+ 'nd decided he ,ight '& .ell *ini&h it2 $A&0 hi, i* he 0no.& .ho Ann' Holt i&25 S'3rin' 3'c0ed ' *e. &te-& '.')2 Her <oice .'& *'int2 $!ut I did '&0 'nd 2 2 25 She tr'iled o**2 She g'<e her he'd ' &h'0e2 She .'& 3re'thing :uic0l) no.2 $A&0 hi,+ S'3rin'+ or ri&0 li<ing ' lie2 I tell )ou onl) 3ec'u&e )our h'--ine&& i& '& ,) o.n2 I tell )ou &o th't )ou ,') decide .h't )ou need to do .ith )our *uture2 A&0 hi,25

"HA=TER T ENTY-THREE S A!RINA GALLO=ED THE 3ro.n ,'re ho,e+ c'u&ing 7r2 "ro) to &truggle to 0ee- u.ith her2 She di&,ounted 'nd thre. the rein& to hi,+ 'nd 'll 3ut r'n *or the hou&e2 She *ound 7r&2 !'ile) in the 0itchen &-e'0ing .ith the coo02 The) 3oth turned .ith ' &t'rt+ 'nd ,'de &.i*t curt&ie&2 $Good '*ternoon+ L'd) R'.den2 or -or0 *or dinner25 e .ere di&cu&&ing .hether )ou ,ight .i&h to &er<e *o.l

Dinner .'& the l'&t thing on S'3rin'?& ,ind 't the ,o,ent2 Indeed+ 't the ,o,ent+ &he &u&-ected &he ,ight ne<er e't 'g'in2 $7r&2 !'ile)+ c'n )ou tell ,eE Did t.o )oung l'die& <i&it L' 7ont'gne recentl)F5 $ h)+ )e&+ L'd) R'.den25 S'3rin'?& e)e& clo&ed 3rie*l)@ &he -r')ed+ 3ut &o,eho. &he 0ne. her -r')er& .ould not 3e 'n&.ered2 $Did the) 3) 'n) ch'nce in:uire '*ter ,e &-eci*ic'll)F5 She 0e-t her <oice light+ g'<e it ' lilt2 She didn?t .'nt to 'rou&e &u&-icion in her '&tute hou&e0ee-er2 $Ye&+ L'd) R'.den2 Th't i&+ L'd) Gr'nth', 'nd 7r&2 Sh'ughne&&) &ought ' 7i&& S'3rin' F'irleigh2 Lord R'.den told ,e to tell the, th't the .o,'n the) &ought .'& not 't L' 7ont'gne25 S'3rin' .'& nu,3 no.2 Her *ingerti-& h'd gone cold2 Such ' cle<er .') *or Rh)& to -ut it2 !ut then+ he .'& 'l.')& cle<er2 $Ah2 Ver) good25 Her o.n <oice c',e to her '& though through ' di&t'nce2 She re,e,3ered hi& *'ce .hen &he?d &ho.n hi, the ,ini'ture o* her ,other2 Ho. &till he?d gone2 She could h'rdl) *eel her li,3& '& &he .ent to *ind hi,+ 'nd &he .ent &lo.l)2 !ec'u&e &he &en&ed &o,eho. th't .hen &he did *ind hi, th't thi& -rec'riou& h'--ine&& &he?d 0no.n *or &o &hort ' ti,e .ould 3e o<er2

$Rh)&25 The tone o* her <oice &t'rted ' cold -ric0le o* .'rning 'g'in&t the 3'c0 o* hi& nec02 He loo0ed u- *ro, hi& .or0 'nd &'. S'3rin' &t'nding 3e*ore hi,2 And the e;-re&&ion &he .ore .'& one he?d ne<er 3e*ore &een on her *'ce2 She .'& <er) &till+ her *'ce .hite 'nd gu'rded2 Her e)e& too 3right 'nd &t'ring2 She .'& reg'rding hi, '& i* he .ere ' &tr'nger2 She .'& &till .e'ring her -eli&&e+ her ,itten&+ her &c'r*+ 'nd tendril& o* h'ir clung to her te,-le& .ith -er&-ir'tion+ '& i* &he?d h'd ' h'rd g'llo- or ' h'rd run2 So &he?d co,e directl) in *ro, !uc0&te'd He'th to hi, .ithout ch'nging her clothing2 .'& hi& &econd .'rning th't &o,ething .'& ',i&&2 hich

And then &he ,o<ed *or.'rd 'nd <er) gentl) -l'ced the ,ini'ture o* her ,other in the ,iddle o* hi& de&02 He &t'red do.n 't it+ 'nd &uddenl) *elt '& though he .ere -lu,,eting into ' ch'&,2 $ h't 'ren?t )ou telling ,e+ Rh)&F You?d 3e&t tell ,e e<er)thing no.+ 3ec'u&e I '&&ure )ou I .ill *ind out on ,) o.n+ i* )ou do not25 He &tood &uddenl)+ re'ched out hi& *inger& to touch her 'r,2 $S'3rin' 2 2 25 She 3'c0ed '.') ' *e. &te-&+ 4u&t out o* hi& re'ch2 $=le'&e+ 4u&t tell ,e the truth25 He could *eel th't the color h'd le*t hi& o.n *'ce2 Hi& *ingerti-& .ere cold@ hi& li,3& h'd gone nu,32 $Ver) .ell+ then25 She &ounded unner<ingl) e,otionle&&2 $I .ill '&0 the :ue&tion&2 Did t.o .o,en co,e to <i&it ' *e. d')& 'goF5 He he&it'ted2 $Ye&25 A &o*t .ord2 $You 0ne. tho&e .o,en ,u&t 3e ,) &i&ter&2 L'd) Gr'nth', 'nd 7r&2 Sh'ughne&&)25 And once he ,'de the 'd,i&&ion+ he .ould ne<er 3e '3le to un,'0e it+ 3ut he didn?t e<er .'nt her to he'r hi, lie outright2 $Ye&25 $And )ou 0ne. .hen I *ir&t &ho.ed thi& to )ou th't the .o,'n in thi& ,ini'ture i& Ann' Holt2 7)9,) ,other25 Her <oice *'ltered o<er th't l'&t .ord2 And he &'. the &-'&, o* 'nger in her *'ce2 He he&it'ted2 $Ye&25 Hi& <oice &till &o*t2 A& though to cu&hion her *ro, the 3lo. o* hi& o.n 3etr')'l2 $Ho. did )ou 0no.F5 She .'& 3re'thing ,ore :uic0l) no.2 He inh'led dee-l)+ &ee0ing &trength+ 3re'thed out 'g'in2 $!ec'u&e I?<e &een her 3e*ore25 $!ut .h) didn?t )ou tell ,e &o .hen I *ir&t &ho.ed her -icture to )ouF You 0ne. e<en then2 Your *'ce .ent &o9odd2 !ut )ou didn?t &') 'n)thing2 You ne<er &'id 'n)thing25

Ah+ hi& '&tute girl2 Rh)& &t'red 't her+ tr)ing to decide .h't to &')2 !ut there .'& nothing he could &') th't .ould ,'0e it 3etter2 $Rh)&9.h) didn?t )ou tell ,eF5 Oh+ God2 She &ounded &o *rightened2 He too0 in 'nother long+ *orti*)ing 3re'th+ e;h'led e<er) 3it o* it2 $S'3rin'9-le'&e &it do.n 'nd65 $No25 She &tood 3e*ore hi,+ &-ine rigid+ her e)e& -inning hi, ,otionle&&2 Rh)& didn?t 0no. .here to 3egin2 He onl) 0ne. th't he ,u&t2 He .'& '3out to tell her ' &tor) he h'd ne<er in hi& li*e told ' &oul2 And telling her .'& hi& onl) -r')er o* ,'0ing S'3rin' under&t'nd .h) he?d done .h't he?d done 2 2 2 He gl'nced '3out the roo,2 Re,e,3ering it '& it h'd 3een 4u&t ' *e. ,inute& 'go+ .hen he?d 3een h'--ier th'n he?d e<er 3een in hi& li*e2 He returned hi& g'8e to hi& .i*e?& i,-l'c'3le *'ce2 $I?<e told )ou 3e*ore ho.9.ell+ ho.+ S'3rin'+ ,) *'ther lo&t e<er)thing2 There .'& ' &erie& o* 3'd in<e&t,ent&+ 'nd he lo&t e<er)thing2 e .ere &o -oor2 And -oor in ' .') di**icult *or tho&e 3orn o* ,ode&t ,e'n& to under&t'nd+ 3ec'u&e it c',e .ith '9' .renching &h',e2 7) *'ther &old o** e<er)thing th't .'&n?t ent'iled+ 'nd then he g',3led '.') the e'rning& *ro, tho&e &'le&2 The onl) R'.den ho,e not ent'iled .'& &,'ll+ dec')ing 2 2 25 He loo0ed u- 't S'3rin'2 $ e 3urned *urniture *or he't+5 he &'id *l'tl)2 She g'<e her he'd ' rough &h'0e2 $Rh)&64u&t tell ,e .h't )ou?<e done25 Her <oice .'& ' tight+ thin thing2 He too0 ' 3re'th 'nd continued2 $ hen ,) *'ther 3ro0e hi& nec0 4u,-ing ' hor&e6.hile drun0+ ,ind )ou6it .'& le*t to ,e to c're *or ,) ,other 'nd &i&ter&2 And ,) ,other 3ec',e9&eriou&l) ill2 And then ,) &i&ter2 There .'& no ,one) 't 'll+ S'3rin'2 I .'& &o '*r'id9thing& h'd ne<er 3een ,ore de&-er'te2 And ' ,'n c',e to ,e 'nd told ,e9he told ,e 2 2 25 Rh)& re,e,3ered th't ,o,ent <i<idl) no.2 He?d -r')ed '& onl) ' 3o) could -r')+ -ro,i&ing 'll ,'nner o* r'&h thing& to God i* onl) hi& li*e didn?t coll'-&e '3out hi& e'r&2 It &ee,ed onl) the de<il h'd he'rd hi& -r')er&2 !ut 3) then+ he?d no longer c'red .ho 'n&.ered the,+ '& long '& the) .ere 'n&.ered2 $Thi& ,'n told ,e &i,-l) th't he .ould -') ,e ' &u, o* ,one) 'nd deed ' ho,e in Yor0&hire to ,e+ 'nd th't I could do .h'te<er I .i&hed .ith the ho,e6&ell it *or -ro*it+ li<e in it+ rent it to &o,eone el&e2 It .ould 'll 3e <er) di&creet2 In e;ch'nge+ 'll I h'd to do 2 2 25 He

too0 ' dee- 3re'th2 $All I h'd to do .'& to tell the 'uthoritie& th't I h'd &een Ann' Holt *leeing Rich'rd Loc0.ood?& to.n hou&e25 He?d ne<er &'id tho&e .ord& 'loud to 'n)one in hi& entire li*e+ though the) h'd *or,ed the *ound'tion o* e<er)thing he no. h'd2 $So )ou 0ne. he?d 3een9.'& going to 3e 2 2 25 7urdered+ the un&-o0en .ord2 $No+5 he &'id :uic0l)2 $I didn?t 0no.2 !ut o* cour&e9.hen Rich'rd Loc0.ood .'& 0illed9I 0ne. .h't h'd h'--ened2 And .hen it 3ec',e cle'r .h't the con&e:uence& .ould 3e i* I did not c'rr) through .ith ,) end o* the 3'rg'in9I c'rried through .ith ,) end o* the 3'rg'in2 7) n',e .'& ne<er in the -'-er&@ 3ec'u&e o* ,) title I .'& ne<er -u3lici8ed '& ' .itne&&2 !ut I .'& &uch ' credi3le .itne&&+ .ith ,) title+ 'nd ,) ,'nner&+ 'nd ,) *',il) hi&tor)6'& .'& ,) uncle+ Geo**re)?& *'ther+ .ho .'& o**ered the &',e de<il?& 3'rg'in6th't the 'uthoritie& 3ec',e con<inced Ann' .'& their cul-rit2 And &o the) hunted *or her25 "e'&ele&&l)+ he ,ight h'<e 'dded2 Silence2 ThenE $Oh25 It .'& ' &ound o* -ure he'rt3re'0 *ro, S'3rin'2 Rh)& c'rried on+ &')ing the horri3le .ord& 'loud2 $And I .'& indeed -'id2 I .'& indeed gi<en ' hou&e+ 'n e&t'te in Yor0&hire2 And ,) ,other 'nd older &i&ter died+ *or it .'& too l'te to &'<e the,+ 3ut ,) other &i&ter li<ed2 And .ith the ,one) I 3ought ' co,,i&&ion+ 'nd I re3uilt the *',il) *ortune+ 'nd &he ,'de ' good ,'rri'ge2 And &he?& &'*e 'nd 'li<e tod')25 Silence2 Odd ho. he could he'r &er<'nt& ,o<ing '3out in other -'rt& o* the hou&e2 It &ee,ed i,-o&&i3le *or 'n)thing ordin'r) to 3e t'0ing -l'ce 'n).here ne'r hi,2 $So )ou &'cri*iced ,) *',il)9*or )our&25 Her <oice .'& *'int2 She g'<e her he'd 'nother little &h'0e+ '& i* the 0no.ledge h'd lodged &o, in her ,ind+ ' 4'gged thing+ hurting her2 Rh)& reg'rded hi& 3e'uti*ul .i*e+ her *'ce &o t'ut .ith con*u&ion2 She &i,-l) could not under&t'nd th't thi& ,'n &he h'd ,'de lo<e to+ 'nd h'd l'ughed .ith+ 'nd .'& 3uilding ' li*e .ith9h'd co,,itted thi& '&tounding 3etr')'l2 H'd done thi& un*orgi<'3le thing to her2 For he 0ne. th't it .'& -reci&el) th'tE un*orgi<'3le2 $S'3rin'9.h't .ould )ou h'<e done in ,) -l'ceF5 He ,'n'ged to &') it :uietl)2 $I don?t 0no. .h't I .ould h'<e done+ Rh)&+ 3ec'u&e+ th'n0& to )ou+ I ne<er h'd ' ,other or &i&ter to .orr) '3out25 "old 'nd e<en in tone+ 3ut the .ord& l'&hed li0e ' .hi-2 The) .ere ironic2 He &u--o&ed &he?d le'rned ho. to 3e ironic *ro, hi,2

$S'3rin'9I &.e'r to )ou+ I .'nted to tell )ou 'll o* thi&2 I .'& gl'd Ann' h'd di&'--e'red2 I .'& gl'd &he .'& ne<er c'ught2 I -r')ed *or her+ I &.e'r to )ou2 !ut I ne<er 0ne. .hether &he?d 3een 0illed+ or .hether &he h'd ,'n'ged to e&c'-e2 And I ne<er 0ne. .h't 3ec',e o* her d'ughter&25 S'3rin'?& ,outh -'rted *or 'n in&t'nt@ no .ord& e,erged2 Ju&t 'n 'irle&& &ound2 And then+ *in'll)E $All o* ,) li*e+ Rh)&2 7) ,other9it?& the one thing I h'<e .'nted 'll ,) li*e+ to 0no. .ho ,) true *',il) .'&2 I .'& &o lonel) 'll ,) childhood2 And )ou 0ne. it2 I told )ou2 And oh+ God+ Rh)& 2 2 25 She &to--ed+ her <oice 3re'0ing2 $And )ou ,'de lo<e to ,e th't night I &ho.ed )ou her ,ini'ture25 Ho. could he de*end the inde*en&i3leF He could onl) tr) to e;-l'in2 $S'3rin'+ '& ' child )ou .ere c'red *or 'nd lo<ed+ 'nd I th'n0 God *or th't2 !ut until )ou *ind )our&el* in the -o&ition I .'& in9I '&0 th't )ou tr) to not 4udge ,e too h'r&hl)25 $Not 4udge )ouF5 She ,'de ' &ound+ 'n incredulou& l'ugh2 $You hel-ed de&tro) ' *',il)2 I* I h'dn?t *ound out6i* he h'dn?t6)ou ,ight ne<er h'<e told ,e25 And then '& the *ull re'li8'tion &'n0 in+ &he re-e'ted it+ her <oice &tunned2 $You ,ight ne<er h'<e told ,e+ Rh)&2 I ,ight9I ,ight ne<er h'<e 0no.n2 I ,ight h'<e li<ed h'--il) here in the countr) .ith )ou2 I ,ight h'<e li<ed ,) .hole li*e .ithout .h't ,'nner o* ,'n )ou 're25 And though he h'dn?t ' right to it+ he .'& &uddenl) *uriou&2 It &.e-t u- *ro, &o, in&ide+ &o,e-l'ce it h'd 3een lur0ing *or )e'r&2 Furiou& 't the choice li*e h'd re:uired hi, to ,'0e+ -erh'-&+ 'nd .h't th't choice ,ight no. t'0e *ro, hi,2 $ h't ,'nner o* ,'n I ',F5 he ground out ironic'll)2 $I 0no. *ull .ell .h't ,'nner o* ,'n I ',+ ,) righteou& little .i*e2 And &o did )ou the *ir&t ti,e )ou 0i&&ed ,e+ 'nd &o do )ou e<er) ti,e )ou t'0e )our -le'&ure in ,) 'r,&2 You?<e 'l.')& 0no.n2 Fro, the <er) *ir&t ,o,ent25 She *linched2 He &'. her h'nd curl into her &0irt+ re*le;i<el)2 He?d &truc0 ho,e+ &o,eho.2 $Did )ou e<er thin0 o* her+ Rh)&F O* ,) ,otherF Did )ou thin0 o* u&F O* the three little girl&F5 $I thought o* 'll o* )ou+ S'3rin'2 So,eti,e& I &-ent d')& thin0ing o* 'll o* )ou2 !ut .h't I 0ne. .'& th't ,) ,other 'nd &i&ter .ould h'<e ' ch'nce to li<e+ 'nd I 'd,it+ I re4oiced in th't25 Hi& <oice .'& h'rder no.+ too2 $!ut )our ,other 'nd )our &i&ter died+ didn?t the)F5 He .'& &ilent2 $=erh'-&+5 &he &'id lightl)+ $th't .'& the -rice )ou -'id *or &'cri*icing ,ine25

He 0ne. he h'dn?t the right to hi& r'ge2 And &till there it .'&+ t'ngling .ith ' roiling -'nic2 $S'3rin'+ d',n'tion+ -le'&e li&ten to65 !ut her o.n righteou& *ur) h'd her in it& gri-+ 'nd &he .ouldn?t he'r hi,2 She .ent on+ coldl) 'rticul'te2 $ ith )our 3lood ,one)+ )ou 'l&o ,'n'ged to g'in9'll o* thi&25 Her h'nd &'iled out in ' ge&ture+ indic'ting e<er)thing '3out L' 7ont'gne2 $You don?t h'<e )our ,other+ 'nd one o* )our &i&ter& i& de'd2 And I don?t h'<e ,) ,other or ,) &i&ter&2 !ut )ou h'<e 'll o* thi&2 All o* the&e -reciou&+ 3e'uti*ul thing&25 $S'3rin'65 She li*ted u- ' h'nd to &to- hi& .ord&2 $And no. th't?& 'll )ou?ll h'<e+ Rh)&25 She turned &o :uic0l) her &0irt& l'&hed her leg&2 Rh)& re*le;i<el) lunged 'cro&& the de&0 *or her+ clo&ed hi& *inger& o<er her &li, 'r,2 She *ro8e2 St'red do.n 't hi& 'r,+ loo0ed u- into hi& *'ce2 $Don?t go25 He &'id it &o*tl)+ &hoc0ed 't ho. lo. 'nd e<en hi& <oice &ounded2 And )et he?d ne<er *elt :uite &o de&-er'te2 There .'& &o ,uch he could &')2 !ut it 'll &ee,ed to 3e &u,,ed u- in tho&e .ord&E $=le'&e don?t go25 She &t'red u- 't hi, .ith tho&e cle'r+ direct e)e&2 He?d &een the, d'8ed 'nd hot .ith -'&&ion+ cr'c0ling .ith 'nger+ .ith -le'&ure+ &h) 'nd uncert'in2 He?d ne<er &een the, &o 3itterl)+ 3itterl) cold2 $Unh'nd ,e or I .ill &cre', '& i* I?, 3eing ,urdered25 She &'id it c'l,l)2 He h'd enough -ride not to cling+ 'nd enough &en&e to 3elie<e &he .ould do .h't &he &'id2 $S'3rin'65 $Unh'nd ,e+5 &he re-e'ted c'l,l)2 And &o &he?d le'rned to gi<e order& li0e ' counte&&2 There .'& &o ,uch &he?d le'rned *ro, hi,2 Rh)& uncurled hi& *inger&+ gentl)+ one 3) one2 Lo'th to relin:ui&h her+ '& it ,ight <er) .ell 3e the l'&t ti,e he e<er touched her2 Freed+ S'3rin' turned on her heel 'nd .'l0ed '.') *ro, hi,2 It .'&n?t ' ,'d d'&h+ .hich &o,eho. .ould h'<e gi<en hi, ho-e2 There .'& onl) re&ol<e in it2


O N"E OUT OF the &ight o* Rh)&+ out o* hi& he'ring+ S'3rin' -ic0ed u- her &0irt& in her *inger& 'nd r'n li0e the de<il .'& on her heel&2 Do.n the ,'r3le h'll.')+ do.n the &t'ir.')+ rec0le&&l) out the door into the cold d') out&ide+ .here the .ind tore her 3onnet 3'c0 'nd .hi--ed her h'ir loo&e o* it& -in&2 And li0e thi& &he r'n+ li0e the &turd) countr) girl &he?d 'l.')& 3een+ to the &t'3le&2 She .'& onl) ' little .inded .hen &he got there+ 'nd 7r2 "ro) '--e'red+ -u88led2 She dre. her&el* u- to her *ull height+ 'nd 3re'thed ' ,o,ent 3e*ore &he &-o0e2 $S'ddle her 'g'in+ 7r2 "ro)+ i* )ou .ill25 She ,'n'ged to &') thi& c'l,l)+ e<en through her he'<ing 3re'th+ e<en '& 7r2 "ro) &t'red 't her2 She 0ne. her chee0& ,u&t 3e <i<id -in0@ her e)e& &tung 'nd .'tered *ro, the .ind2 $S'ddle her no.25 She rei&&ued the order+ 'll 3ut &n'--ing it2 $A ,'n?& &'ddle2 And do it :uic0l)25 And no.+ &he 0ne.+ &he &ounded li0e ' counte&&+ 'nd .'& gl'd *or the *ir&t ti,e o* the title2 She?d once 3een gl'd to 3e Rh)&?& .i*e@ the $counte&&5 -'rt h'd 3een incident'l2 !ut it .'& the counte&& -'rt th't .ould get her to London2 For co'ching inn& .ould h'--il) e;tend credit to the "ounte&& R'.den+ 'nd &he 0ne. &he could *ind the inn 3ec'u&e 7'r)+ &oci'l 7'r)+ h'd told her '3out it2 It .'& the inn th't trou3led ='ul?& delic'te dige&tion2 7r2 "ro) &'ddled 'nd 3ridled the ,'re+ .hile S'3rin' let the *ur) 'nd -'in ,'0e her nu,32 $And don?t )ou d're *ollo. ,e+5 &he co,,'nded o<er her &houlder2 She gri--ed the &'ddle 'nd &.ung her&el* into it+ then 0ic0ed the ,'re into ' run2 An hourF T.o hour&F For ' ti,e+ Rh)& &t'red 't the &-'ce .here S'3rin' h'd 3een+ 'nd then he &tood in hi& o**ice li0e ' c'ged 'ni,'l+ '& though 'n entire <'&t ho,e didn?t &urround hi,2 Ho. long could he le'<e S'3rin' 'lone .ith her 'nger 'nd hurt 3e*ore he 'tte,-ted to &-e'0 to her 'g'inF He re*u&ed to 'cce-t de*e't@ he?d ne<er 'cce-ted de*e't in hi& entire li*e2 E<en .hen he?d ,'de hi& ugl)+ *'te*ul deci&ion &o ,'n) )e'r& 'go+ he?d done it in -'rt *or th't re'&on2 He .'& 3orn to *ight+ it &ee,ed2 He gl'nced u- to *ind 7r&2 !'ile) in the door.')2 She curt&ied to hi,2 It &ee,ed 'n inordin'tel) co,,on-l'ce thing to do+ 4'rring 'l,o&t+ gi<en ho. hi& li*e h'd ch'nged in ' ,ere t.o hour&2 $I 3eg )our -'rdon+ Lord R'.den+ 3ut L'd) R'.den h'&n?t )et told the &t'** .h't &he?d li0e to &er<e *or dinner2 ill )ou 3e t'0ing ' light re-'&t in )our roo,&+ thenF5 Rh)& .ent &till2 $ hen doe& L'd) R'.den t)-ic'll) di&cu&& dinner .ith )ou+ 7r&2 !'ile)F5 $!) ,id,orning+ Lord R'.den+ on ' u&u'l d')2 E<en .hen &he dine& 'lone25

He thought he detected ' .hi** o* 'ccu&'tion '3out the .ord $'lone+5 3ut then e<er)thing &ee,ed -ortentou& no.+ &o,eho.2 E<er) .ord+ e<er) tic0 o* the cloc02 He gl'nced 't the cloc02 The &,'ll 3r'&& h'nd -ointed to *our o?cloc0 in the e<ening2 Onl) 'n hour or &o o* d')light re,'ined2 He re,e,3ered the re&ol<e in S'3rin'?& &te- '& &he?d turned to le'<e+ the cold deter,in'tion in her e)e&2 She h'dn?t 0no.n '3out her -ride+ her te,-er+ her &en&e o* i,-ul&e+ until &he?d ,et hi,2 E<en '& he '&0ed it+ he &u&-ected he 0ne. the 'n&.er to hi& ne;t :ue&tionE $ hen did )ou l'&t &ee the counte&&+ 7r&2 !'ile)F5 $Thi& ,orning+ &ir2 In the 0itchen2 She '&0ed .hether t.o l'die& h'd <i&ited+ 3ut &he did not di&cu&& dinner+ then2 And &he?& &o <er) good '3out it25 An e,3elli&h,ent *ro, 7r&2 !'ile)2 She didn?t .'nt Rh)& to thin0 ill o* the counte&&?& '3ilit) to run ' hou&ehold+ cle'rl)2 E<er)one+ e<en the t'citurn hou&e0ee-er+ h'd co,e to c're *or S'3rin'2 Hi& ne;t :ue&tion .'& -r'ctic'll) ' *or,'lit)+ 'nd he .'& 'lre'd) ,o<ing -'&t her+ through the door '& he '&0ed itE $ ill )ou 0indl) *ind her *or ,e+ 7r&2 !'ile)F5 !ut he &u&-ected he 0ne. the truth2 And .hile the &er<'nt& .ould no dou3t *utilel) &e'rch the hou&e *or the counte&&+ Rh)& 3olted *or the &t'3le&2 7r2 "ro) 3l'nched+ gri--ing hi& c'- in hi& h'nd&+ 'nd too0 t.o &te-& 3'c0 *ro, the loo,ing e'rl2 $I?, &orr)+ &ir2 She9ordered ,e not to *ollo. her25 $You &hould 0no. 3lood) .ell not to *ollo. ' &tu-id order+ 7r2 "ro)+ e<en i* it?& the counte&& .ho gi<e& it25 Rh)& 0ne. it .'& ' ridiculou& thing to &') e<en '& he &'id it2 He inh'led &h'r-l)+ 3re'thed out to &te'd) hi,&el*2 $7r2 "ro)9in .hich direction did &he rideF5 $To.'rd !uc0&te'd He'th+ &ir2 She9*'ir rode li0e the de<il2 A&tride2 Ni<<er &een ?er ride li0e &o 3e*ore2 !ut &he &ee,ed <er) 2 2 25 $ h't did &he &ee,+ 7r2 "ro)F5 Rh)& de,'nded2 He re'ched *or G'llego&?& &'ddle hi,&el*@ 7r2 "ro) 3ridled the 'ni,'l :uic0l)+ G'llego& to&&ing hi& he'd ' little+ &en&ing Rh)&?& ten&ion2 $She &ee,ed c'l,+ *or 'll o* th't2 A& though &he 0ne. .h't &he .'& '3out25 Rh)& clo&ed hi& e)e& 3rie*l)2 She i&n?t2 She doe&n?t2 He -ictured S'3rin'+ .ho rode .ell enough 3ut .'& no e:ue&trienne+ riding 't 3re'0nec0 &-eed2 He -ictured the ,'re &tri0ing 'n ic) -'tch+ tu,3ling+ S'3rin' *l)ing *ro,6

He &.ung hi,&el* into the &'ddle 'nd rode G'llego& 't 3re'0nec0 &-eed to the <ic'r'ge2 No 3ro.n hor&e .'& tethered out&ide the church)'rd2 Rh)& -ulled G'llego&?& he'd 'round h'rd 'nd nudged hi, to.'rd the &t'3le&+ &.inging do.n *ro, the &'ddle 'nd le'<ing the rein& to d'ngle2 He thre. o-en the door2 !ut onl) one hor&e &tood :uietl) there in ' &t'll+ -e'ce*ull) .or0ing ' ch'. o* h') in it& 4'.& 'nd g'8ing 't hi, .ith *'int &ur-ri&e2 A gr')2 Geo**re)?& hor&e2 Not S'3rin'?& 3ro.n ,'re2 here the 3lood) hell could &he h'<e goneF He &.ung hi,&el* 3'c0 into G'llego&?& &'ddle 'nd trotted hi, *ro, the out3uilding& to the 3uilding th't h'd hou&ed <ic'r& 't !uc0&te'd He'th *or ' centur) 'nd ' h'l*2 AOON .ere the nu,3er& o<er the door2 The hou&e 'nd the church .ere 3uilt th't )e'r@ the out3uilding& 'nd &t'3le& .ere onl) ' dec'de or &o old2 And 'll o* it 3elonged 'g'in to the Gillr')&+ th'n0& to Rh)&2 And the li<ing here 't the <ic'r'ge .'& Geo**re)?&+ th'n0& to Rh)&2 And Rh)& 4u&t ,ight 0ill Geo**re) .ith hi& 3're h'nd&2 He -ounded on the door2 And ,o,ent& l'ter+ Geo**re) *lung it o-en2 He .'& in &hirt&lee<e& 'nd trou&er&2 A *'int gre'&) &,ell o* &'u&'ge .'*ted *ro, the 0itchen2 $ here i& &heF5 Rh)& de,'nded2 Geo**re)+ 'ccu&to,ed to hi& cou&in?& te,-er+ loo0ed ' little &ur-ri&ed2 $She i&n?t here25 The 3'&t'rd h'dn?t e<en '&0ed .ho, he ,e'nt2 $Let ,e in25 Rh)& &ho<ed hi& leg through the door2 Geo**re) &tood '&ide2 $!) 'll ,e'n&+ cou&in+ co,e in2 It?& not -reci&el) L' 7ont'gne+ &o )our &e'rch &houldn?t t'0e long2 "r'.l under the 3ed+ loo0 under t'3le&2 Did )ou chec0 the &t'3le&F5 $I loo0ed in the d',n &t'3le&25 $ ell+ i* &he i&n?t there+ &he i&n?t here2 !ut &he?& not ' rec0le&& &ort+ t)-ic'll)2 S'3rin' 'l.')& h'& ' -l'n2 I '&&u,e &he le*t )ou25 Rh)& rounded on Geo**re)2 $Don?t tell ,e .h't &ort ,) .i*e i&25 Hi& <oice .'& lo. .ith thre't2 Geo**re) h'd the good &en&e to 3'c0 ' *e. &te-& '.')2 There .'& ' &ilence 3et.een the,2 Rh)& &tood in the ,iddle o* the &,'ll <ic'r?& hou&e+ he'<) .ith ' &en&e o* *utilit)2

He loo0ed 't Geo**re)2 $ h)F <oice2

h) did )ou tell herF5 He could he'r the .e'rine&& in hi&

$I &.e'r I?, &orr)2 I didn?t ,e'n to do it+ Rh)&2 She 4u&t6I 4u&t65 $ h'tF5 Rh)& &n'--ed2 The d') .'& 3eginning to die 3e'uti*ull)@ through the .indo. the lo.ering &un .'& &t'ining e<er)thing ',3er2 She could 3e 'n).here2 H'd &he t'0en re*uge in ' <ill'ger?& hou&e+ S'3rin'F '& &he l)ing in ' ditch &o,e.hereF He could g'llo- o** into the ,iddle o* 'nd -ound on e<er) door in the <ill'ge o* !uc0&te'd He'th *or d')&+ 'nd he &till ,ight ne<er *ind her2 =erh'-& &he?d gone ho,e to L' 7ont'gne2 He 'llo.ed hi& ,ind to to) .ith the thought+ to &ee i* it *elt -o&&i3le+ to &ee i* it .ould turn into ho-e2 He didn?t re'll) 3elie<e it2 Li0e Geo**re) &'idE S'3rin' u&u'll) h'd ' -l'n2 $She?& ' countr) girl+ Rh)&25 Hi& cou&in .'& tr)ing to tell hi, th't S'3rin' .'& re&ource*ul2 It .'& -erh'-& the ,o&t u&e*ul thing Geo**re) h'd e<er &'id2 Rh)& 0ne. there .'& &en&e in it+ 'nd &o,ething in hi, e'&ed 4u&t ' <er) little2 $Did )our *'ther tell )ouF5 Geo**re) 0ne. .h't Rh)& ,e'nt2 $Ye&25 $Did )ou '&0 hi,F5 $Ye&25 $ h)F5 Rh)& ,'de ' *ru&tr'ted ge&ture2 Geo**re) *linched+ .hich -le'&ed Rh)&2 $ h) in God?& n',e did )ou need to 0no.F h) couldn?t )ou 4u&t let it 3eF5 $It .'& .rong+ Rh)&2 h't )ou did25

I,'gine Geo**re) &ounding righteou&2 $O* cour&e it .'& 3lood) .rong2 Your *'ther 0ne. it+ I 0ne. it2 e did .h't .e needed to do2 And it 0e-t )ou *ed+ didn?t itF And clothed2 And it &ent )ou to &chool2 !ut )ou &:u'ndered it2 Your *'ther+ .h'te<er he?& li0e no.+ 'll 3ut &old hi& &oul *or )ou2 And )ou 3lood) &:u'ndered it25 Geo**re)?& n'rro.+ h'nd&o,e *'ce .'& &till 'nd -'le2 He .'& too thin+ Rh)& noticed2 $You?<e ne<er t'0en ,e &eriou&l)+5 Geo**re) &'id+ &ounding ne'rl) -etul'nt2 $For God?& &'0e+ .h) &hould IF5 Rh) &'id thi& 'l,o&t re'&on'3l)2 Geo**re) .ent &ilent 'g'in2 $You?re &uch ' &,ug 3'&t'rd+ Rh)&25

$I& th't .h't &ort o* 3'&t'rd I ',+ Geo**re)F I?<e 'l.')& .ondered25 Geo**re) g'<e ' &hort+ *'int l'ugh2 $You don?t &ee it+ do )ouF I?, not )ou+ Rh)&2 I?, ,e2 !ut )ou e;-ect e<er)one to 3e ' 3lood)9roc02 A 3lood) hero2 I h'<en?t )our *ortitude2 I &i,-l) don?t2 You .ith )our conte,-t+ 'nd 2 2 25 Geo**re)?& <oice 3ro0e2 $I?, hu,'n2 And ,')3e I?, .e'0+ 'nd ,')3e I?, *ooli&h+ 3ut I?, not entirel) 3'd+ 'nd )et )ou9e<en though )ou did thi& thing &o ,'n) )e'r& 'go+ )ou &t'nd in 4udg,ent o* ,e25 $You?re *l't d'ngerou&+ Geo**re)2 I?<e ne<er 3e*ore encountered ' cur'te .ith no &oul25 Thi& ,'de Geo**re) 'ngr)@ hi& e)e& .ent h'rd2 And ,')3e it h'dn?t 3een entirel) *'ir+ 3ut Rh)& .'& in no ,ood to 3e *'ir2 $You?<e 'l.')& h'd e<er)thing )ou?<e .'nted2 E<er)thing .'& 4u&t ro&e& *or )ou )et 'g'in+ .'&n?t it+ Rh)&F And )et )ou didn?t e<en .'nt her to 3egin .ith25 Rh)& &lo.l) turned to loo0 't Geo**re)2 Then &hoo0 hi& he'd once+ roughl)+ in -ure incredulit)2 The truth o* it cut dee-2 $You?<e no ide'+ do )ouF5 he &'id &o*tl)2 Geo**re) .'& *ull) 'ngr) no.2 $You .ouldn?t e<en h'<e 0no.n her i* not *or ,e2 And &he .'& 3e&otted .ith )ou2 She .'& &o d',n9h'--)25 Geo**re) &'id it hel-le&&l)2 He ,'de it &ound li0e 'n '**ront2 $Not 'n),ore2 "ongr'tul'tion&+ )ou?<e 'cco,-li&hed 't le'&t one thing )ou &et out to do in )our li*e2 And )ou -uni&hed the .rong -er&on25 Geo**re) inh'led 'nd -ulled ' ch'ir out *ro, the &,'ll 0itchen t'3le+ &'t do.n2 O<erco,e -erh'-&2 $I need ,one)25 Hi& <oice .'& *'int2 $For )our ,i&&ion25 Rh)& &n'rled the .ord ironic'll)2 $No2 Hone&tl)+ Rh)&2 I?, in 2 2 25 Geo**re) *'ltered2 $I &.e'r it to )ou2 I?, in trou3le2 Seriou& trou3le thi& ti,e25 $I .on?t 'rgue .ith th't+5 Rh)& &'id gri,l)2 $Thi& ti,e+ get )our&el* out o* it25 $I?, )our o.n 3lood+ Rh)&25 Geo**re) .'& -le'ding no.2 $Doe&n?t th't ,e'n 'n)thing to )ouF And don?t *orget+ I h'--en to 0no. .h't )ou did *or )our o.n 3lood &e<enteen )e'r& 'go25 Rh)&?& he'd &n'--ed to.'rd hi,2 $I?ll &ee )our 3lood i* I don?t *ind her+ Geo**re)25 $Rh)&+ I &.e'r to God+ i* )ou don?t 2 2 25 $I* I don?t .h'tF5 Geo**re) &t'red+ de*i'nce in hi& -'le *'ce2 $You do 0no. .h't )our &ecret i& .orth+ don?t )ouF And )ou do 0no. .ho i& on tri'l no. in London+ don?t )ouF5

There .'& ' &ilence2 $There?& no -roo*+5 Rh)& &'id *l'tl)2 Although he could ne<er+ e<er 3e cert'in o* thi&2 Geo**re) .'& &ilent+ e)e& 3l'8ing2 All the *ine :u'litie& o* the Gillr')& .ere ,uted in Geo**re)+ 'll the le&& *ine+ th't te,-er+ th't -ride+ th't &en&e o* entitle,ent+ the e;ce&&+ h'd &o,eho. co,e to the *ore+ 'nd .ere 'll th't could cont'in hi,2 None o* it 3'l'nced 3) &-ine or integrit) or true decenc)2 He .'& ',or-hou&+ Geo**re) .'&2 And thi&+ Rh)& re'li8ed+ did ,'0e hi, d'ngerou&2 $Geo**re)6i* )ou de&tro) the *',il) n',e6re'li8e )ou 'l&o de&tro) )our e<er) ch'nce 't inco,e+ 3ec'u&e )ou?ll ne<er 3e '3le to li<e on credit 'g'in2 E<er) ch'nce 't e<er ,'0ing ' n',e *or )our&el*2 An) ch'nce o* -ride *or )our heir&2 The n',e ,e'n& &o,ething25 $ h't i* I &'id I didn?t c'reF5 Geo**re) .'& .ild .ith de&-er'tion2 $And I &.e'r to God+ Rh)&+ i* )ou don?t gi<e ,e ,one) no. 2 2 25 Rh)& &te--ed clo&er to hi& cou&in2 $Are )ou thre'tening ,eF5 He &'id it 'l,o&t curiou&l)2 He &ounded ne'rl) ',u&ed2 Geo**re) &.'llo.ed h'rd2 $Eight thou&'nd -ound&25 The .ord& .ere 'l,o&t ' .hi&-er2 $I &.e'r I need it25 $I don?t h'<e th't 0ind o* ,one) to 4u&t h'nd )ou+ Geo**re)+ e<en i* I thought I ,ight2 De'r God2 It .ould t'0e ' <er) long ti,e to *ree it25 $!ut the)?re thre'tening ,e9the)?<e hurt ,e 3e*ore 2 2 25 $ hoF5 The .ord .'& ' &n'rl2 $ ho?& thre'tening )ouF5 Geo**re) .'& &ilent2 He lo.ered hi& *'ce into hi& h'nd&2 $I &.e'r+ Rh)&9I?ll do it2 I?ll &-re'd the .ord2 I?ll tell the &ecret2 !ec'u&e the)?re going to 0ill ,e+ Rh)&2 7) creditor&25 Rh)& .'& &ilent2 He re'li8ed+ *in'll)+ he 4u&t didn?t c're2 The entire -ur-o&e o* hi& li*e h'd 3een to re&tore the R'.den *ortune 'nd n',e+ 'nd no. he 4u&t didn?t c're2 $I* I don?t *ind S'3rin'+ Geo**re)9)ou?ll 3e *ortun'te i* the) re'ch )ou 3e*ore I do25 Rh)& &'id it 'l,o&t c'l,l)2 And then he .'& gone2 S'3rin' could &c'rcel) re,e,3er the tri-2 The ,'d g'llo- to the co'ching inn .'& ' 3lur no.+ 'nd there &he?d le*t her hor&e 'nd re:ue&ted6de,'nded6to 3e t'0en i,,edi'tel) to the ne;t co'ching inn+ t.o to.n& o<er+ 'nd the inn o.ner h'd i,,edi'tel) &cr',3led to *ind ' c'rri'ge to do it in2 "le<er o* her+ &he thought2 She?d done it in order to &t') one &te- 'he'd o* Rh)&+ .ho .'& 4u&t '& cle<er+ 'nd .ould *ind her &oon enough2 Still+ no &en&e in ,'0ing it 'n) e'&ier *or hi, th'n it needed to 3e2

!eing ' counte&& ,e'nt th't no one :ue&tioned the '3&ence o* trun0&+ or e<en the '3&ence o* ' ,'idE her clothe& &-o0e *or her+ '& did her ,'nner&@ &he ,erel) i,it'ted Rh)&+ '*ter 'll+ hi& -ride 'nd -re&ence+ 'nd her cont'ined 'nger ,'de her 'll the ,ore con<incing2 E<er)thing6the roo,& 't the inn+ the *ood &he didn?t e't+ the co'ch *'re6.ent on the E'rl o* R'.den?& 'ccount2 And *in'll)+ ' d') 'nd ' h'l* l'ter+ &he .'& in London+ ne'rl) 3lind 'nd *eeling .eightle&& *ro, *'tigue 'nd di&t'ntl) &he .'& <er) li0el) &t'r<ing 3ut not trul) *eeling it2 She &t'red u- 't the to.n hou&e on Gro&<enor S:u're2 She?d ,erel) i&&ued the directionE $L'd) Gr'nth',+ -le'&e56'nd the dri<er h'd 0no.n2 E<en the h'c0ne) dri<er 0ne. .here her &i&ter li<ed+ .hile S'3rin' ,ight not e<er h'<e 0no.n her 't 'll2 She u&ed .h't *elt li0e the l'&t o* her &trength to r'i&e the 0noc0er 'nd let it *'ll2 7o,ent& l'ter+ ' &o,3er+ gr')-*'ced ,'n o-ened the door2 $L'd) Gr'nth',+ -le'&e25 Her <oice .'& &hredded *ro, *'tigue2 $7') I tell her .ho i&65 !ut there &he .'&+ &uddenl)2 A .o,'n h'd co,e to the door+ 'nd her *'ce 3lurred 3e*ore S'3rin'?& e)e&+ 3lending .ith her ,e,orie& o* long 'go+ 'nd &uddenl) S'3rin' couldn?t tell one *ro, the other2 '& &he dre',ing or '.'0eF F'intl)+ through her *ur)+ &he 0ne. co,-letion 'nd h'--ine&&9'nd e;h'u&tion2 And '& &he?d 'cco,-li&hed her ,i&&ion+ &he &'id one thing to the .o,'nE $I?, S'3rin'25 The -'nic in the .o,'n?& e;-re&&ion -u88led her2 $#it(5 the .o,'n &houted+ ine;-lic'3l)2 S'3rin' he'rd e<en thi& '& i* through cotton 3'tting2 And it .'& the l'&t .ord &he he'rd 3e*ore &he to--led2

"HA=TER T ENTY-FIVE S A!RINA DIDN?T #NO &he?d 3een '&lee- until &he o-ened her e)e& to ' roo, &o*tl) lit2 I,-re&&ion& &ee-ed in .ith her &lo.-d'.ning '.'rene&&E the 3ed 3ene'th her .'& &o*t+ the *ire lo. 3ut &trong2 She turned her he'd+ 'nd di&co<ered ' lu;uriou&l) -lu,- -illo. &u--orting it+ &hi*ting .ith her '& &he ,o<ed2 $Ho. did I9+5 &he &'id+ 'l,o&t to her&el*2 $7) hu&3'nd 3rought )ou u-25 A gentle <oice2 "oncerned2 Str'nge+ )et &o,eho. -eculi'rl)+ thrillingl) *',ili'r2 S'3rin' turned to the &ource o* it2

She ,ight '& .ell h'<e turned to &t're into ' ,irror2 She &t'red *or ' long+ hungr) ,o,ent 't thi& .o,'n .ho ,u&t 3e her &i&ter2 $Don?t let hi, in+5 .ere her *ir&t .ord&2 She?d 3lurted the,2 Rude+ 3ut &o,eho. it .'& the *ir&t thing her tired ,ind re'ched *or2 $FGHi,?F5 &'id the li<ing+ 3re'thing ,irror+ &ounding ' 3it &t'rtled2 !ut no.+ *ull) '.'0e+ *ull) '.'re+ S'3rin' couldn?t 'n&.er2 She &ee,ed c'-'3le onl) o* &t'ring 'nd &t'ring 't the .o,'n2 $R'.den+5 &he *in'll) re-lied2 She could 3'rel) get the .ord out *or drin0ing in her &i&ter2 Her o.n *le&h 'nd 3lood2 She too0 in ' dee- 3re'th+ '& i* &he needed e;tr' 'ir to 'cco,,od'te the ,'gnitude o* .h't &he?d done+ 'nd .ho thi& .'&2 Su&'nn'h returned her reg'rd .ith the &',e '<id *'&cin'tion2 And then 'll 't once &o,ething li0e co,-rehen&ion d'.ned 'll o<er her *'ce2 $You?re the .o,'n .ho ,'rried The Li3ertineF The E'rl o* R'.denF The one he?& re-ortedl) 3e&otted .ithF5 She &ounded '3&olutel) delighted2 $Oh+ .ell done25 S'3rin' 3lin0ed2 !e&ottedF Ho. on e'rth .ould her &i&ter h'<e he'rd &uch ' thingF $Th't?& the ru,or+ 'n)ho.+5 Su&'nn'h continued h'--il)2 $He h'&n?t 3een &een '3out the ton+ 'nd I?<e he'rd it?& 3ec'u&e he?& 3e&otted .ith hi& .i*e+ .ho, no one h'& e<er &een2 No. I 0no. *or cert'in .e?re rel'ted2 e?<e 'll ,'n'ged to ,'0e r'ther e;tr'ordin'r) ,'rri'ge&2 For )ou &hould &ee S)l<ie?& hu&3'nd2 !ut9're )ou .ellF Are )ou hungr)F I .'& r'ther .orried25 The onl) thing in S'3rin'?& &to,'ch 't the ,o,ent .'& ' -eculi'r 3lend o* ,i&er) 'nd 4o)2 Ver) li0el) &he &hould e't2 "oll'-&ing 'nd not rec'lling her 4ourne) u- the &t'ir& in the 'r,& o* her &i&ter?& hu&3'nd .'& -erh'-& 'n indic'tion th't &he ought to e't2 $=erh'-& &o,e &ou-25 She .'& -r'ctic'l+ '*ter 'll2 She didn?t intend to -ine '.')2 $I .'& ,erel) .e'r) 'nd hungr)2 I didn?t *'int25 $No2 You r'ther *ell '&lee-25 Su&'nn'h &ounded h'l* ',u&ed2 $Dro--ed li0e ' *elled tree right there in the entr'nce2 #it c'ught )ou 4u&t in ti,e25 $#it6F5 The .ord Su&'nn'h h'd &houted 4u&t 3e*ore2 $7) hu&3'nd2 Vi&count Gr'nth',2 I could &ee )ou .ere '3out to *'ll+ &o I c'lled *or hi,25 $I c',e &tr'ight *ro, L' 7ont'gne+ )ou &ee+5 S'3rin' &'id2 $ ithout &to--ing25 $Or &lee-ing or e'ting+5 her &i&ter gue&&ed2 $S)l<ie c',e *ro, Fr'nce in ,uch the &',e .')25 Fro, Fr'nceF It .'& 'l,o&t too ,uch to t'0e in right no.2

$Don?t let hi, in+5 S'3rin' re,e,3ered to &')+ '& it &ee,ed urgent2 $I don?t .'nt to &ee hi,25 $I& it ' :u'rrelF5 Su&'nn'h <entured2 $Not -reci&el)25 Su&'nn'h .'ited *or cl'ri*ic'tion2 S'3rin' &'id nothing2 $He h'&n?t tried to hurt )ouF5 Su&'nn'h &'id .ith :uic0 *erocit)2 $!ec'u&e #it .ill65 $No+5 S'3rin' &'id :uic0l)2 It .'& trueE he h'dn?t tried to hurt her2 He &i,-l) h'd hurt her2 And her &i&ter&2 Irre<oc'3l)2 $He i&n?t9he i&n?t li0e th't25 She decided to te&t &i&terl) lo)'lt)2 $7) hu&3'nd turned )ou '.') *ro, our ho,e2 I ne<er 0ne. )ou?d co,e to &ee ,e25 A &tunned &ilence2 $ h)F5 Su&'nn'h de,'nded2 Fierce2 S'3rin' &tudied her+ &tr'ngel) -le'&ed .ith the <ehe,ence2 Su&'nn'h h'd longed to *ind her+ too2 $It i& 3et.een ,) hu&3'nd 'nd ,e+5 &he &'id *ir,l)2 h'te<er Rh)& h'd done+ &he .'&n?t )et -re-'red to de&tro) hi, 3) re<e'ling hi& &ecret2 No. th't &he h'd her &i&ter&+ &he .ould thin0 '3out .h't &h'-e her li*e .ould t'0e .ithout hi,2 $You c'nnot tell ,e+ or .ill not tell ,eF5 Su&'nn'h .ondered &hre.dl)2 Ah+ thi& &ounded r'ther &i&terl)2 S'3rin' 'l,o&t &,iled@ it .'& -eculi'rl) e;hil'r'ting+ thi& thought2 And the o* thi& hel-ed o**&et the lo&& o* her 3e'uti*ul+ *'l&e li*e .ith Rh)&2 $ ill not+5 &he &'id+ gentl) 3ut e,-h'tic'll)2 Su&'nn'h &,iled ' little 't th't2 Then &hoo0 her he'd &lo.l)+ to 'nd *ro+ .onderingl)2 A& though+ *or &o,e re'&on+ S'3rin' h'd con*ir,ed &o,ething *or her2 It .'& :uiet no.2 $I?, )our &i&ter Su&'nn'h+5 Su&'nn'h &'id *in'll)2 A& though the .ord& .ere the *in'l one& in ' cere,on)+ ' ,'rri'ge or coron'tion or chri&tening2 The .ord& th't ,'de it re'l 'nd true2 S'3rin' re'ched out her h'nd+ 'nd Su&'nn'h too0 it+ held it tightl)2 Su&'nn'h?& h'nd .'& &o &,ooth 'nd &o*t2 The h'nd& o* ' l'd)+ *or cert'in+ unli0e her o.n+ )et the &h'-e o* the,+ long 'nd &lender+ .'& *',ili'r2 The) loo0ed li0e her&2 7) &i&ter2 $I?, )our &i&ter S'3rin'25 Su&'nn'h &,iled ' little+ 3ut her e)e& h'd 3egun to &hine+ 'nd S'3rin' 0ne. the) .ere te'r&2 Once he?d decided to &ell the *',il) n',e in order to &'<e hi& o.n &0in+ Geo**re) 3eg'n to *eel ' cert'in ',ount o* -e'ce2 Hi& ne;t deci&ion 3ec',e <er) -r'ctic'lE .ho .ould 3e .illing to -') the ,o&t *or itF For there .'& '3&olutel) no :ue&tion th't &o,eone .ould -') de'rl) *or it2 Rh)& .'& 'lre'd) ' *igurehe'd o* London &c'nd'l+ reli'3l) notoriou&+ 'n o34ect o*

*'&cin'tion2 Hi& ruin'tion .ould ,'0e &o,e *ortun'te ne.&-'-er -u3li&her ' *ortune ' do8en ti,e& o<er2 It could not 3e hel-ed2 He?d &een the loo0 on hi& cou&in?& *'ce .hen he?d le*t hi, )e&terd')2 Get )our&el* out o* it thi& ti,e+ Rh)& h'd &n'rled2 And thi& ti,e+ Geo**re) intended to2 !ut Geo**re) 0ne. the &c'nd'l &heet& .ould ne<er 3e '3le to -ro<ide hi, .ith the ',ount o* ,one) he needed@ the) h'dn?t the 3udget2 Nor .ould the) -ro<ide hi, .ith the credi3ilit) he .'nted2 He not onl) needed the ,one)9he 'l&o .'nted the *',il) &ecret e;hu,ed 'nd e;',ined in ' dr)+ thoroughl) credi3le .')+ ' .') th't le*t no roo, *or &co**ing+ *or di&3elie*2 In ' .') th't .ould ,'0e it i,-o&&i3le *or Rh)& to cl'. hi& .') 3'c0 into &ociet)?& good gr'ce& e<er 'g'in+ .hich .ould 3e the *in'l 3l'c0 ,'r0 'g'in&t hi& re-ut'tion+ 'nd .hich ,ight e<en get hi, 'rre&ted *or tre'&on6*or '&&i&ting ' ,'n .ho .'& 3eing tried *or tre'&on2 Though Geo**re) h'dn?t the *'inte&t ide' o* the leg'lit) o* it 'll2 The choice 3ec',e &i,-le thenE he &ettled do.n to .rite ' letter to Tho,'& !'rne& 't the Ti,e&2 And gi<en the illu&triou& *',il) n',e !'rne& .'& to 3e gi<en 'n o--ortunit) to de&tro)+ Geo**re) h'd no dou3t the editor .ould 'gree to ,eet hi,2 And .ould 'gree to hi& -rice2 S'3rin' h'd ne'rl) re'ched the 3otto, o* her &ou-+ her &i&ter o<er&eeing e<er) dro- &he dr'n0 o* it+ .hen ' .o,'n?& *'ce -ee0ed into her roo,2 Green e)e&+ too2 S'3rin' could &ee the *l'&h o* the, e<en *ro, thi& di&t'nce2 D'r0 h'ir2 Ver) -rett)2 $I &ent *or S)l<ie .hile )ou .ere &lee-ing+5 Su&'nn'h e;-l'ined2 S)l<ie c',e 'll the .') into the roo,+ ' little tent'ti<el)2 She .'& gr'ce*ul+ ne'rl) reg'l in her 3e'ring2 =rett)+ 3ut not :uite &o &o*t-loo0ing '& Su&'nn'h@ her <er) -re&ence cr'c0led2 She &,iled &h)l) 't S'3rin'2 $S'3rin' c',e 'll the .') *ro, L' 7ont'gne to London .ithout &lee-ing or e'ting+5 Su&'nn'h &'id to S)l<ie+ &ounding -'rtl) ',u&ed+ -'rtl) '.ed2 $!ec'u&e &he i& 'ngr) .ith her hu&3'nd25 $Ah2 So &he h'& the *',il) te,-er25 S)l<ie &'id it ,'tter-o*-*'ctl)2 Oddl)+ S'3rin' 'lre'd) *elt co,*ort'3le .ith 3oth o* the&e .o,en+ ,ore co,*ort'3le th'n e<er &he h'd *elt &itting .ith t'l0'ti<e L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'.+ or .ith her *'ther+ or .ith 2 2 2 She .ouldn?t thin0 o* Rh)&2 $Ye&(5 S'3rin' .'& &ur-ri&ed+ h'l* delighted+ re'li8ing .h't S)l<ie h'd 4u&t &'id2 $I?<e ' te,-er(5 She h'dn?t 0no.n it until one -'rticul'rl) 3lood) ,'n h'd co,e 'long2 $Ho. did )ou 0no.F5

$Did )ou thro. &o,ethingF5 S)l<ie .'nted to 0no.2 $I occ'&ion'll) thro. thing&2 7on dieu+ it i& ' cur&e25 $I once thre. ' roc0 out o* -i:ue+5 Su&'nn'h con*e&&ed2 $And I &l'--ed ' ,'n25 S'3rin' &t'red 't her &i&ter& in '.e2 "or( L'd) 7'r) ,ight h'<e &'id2 $I h'<en?t thro.n 'n)thing+5 &he con*e&&ed2 $Yet+5 &he &'id :uic0l)+ h'ting to di&'--oint the,2 $A duel .'& once *ought o<er S)l<ie+5 Su&'nn'h <olunteered2 Duel& ,'de S'3rin' thin0 o* Rh)&2 She -u&hed the thought '.')2 $Do )ou d'nceF5 Su&'nn'h '&0ed2 $S)l<ie i& ' 3'llerin'25 $A 3'llerin'F5 A&tounding2 $I don?t d'nce+ 3ut I -l') the -i'no*orte <er) .ell25 She &uddenl) .'nted to con*e&& to ' t'lent+ too2 $Ah+ &he?& the *',il) -ride '& .ell25 S)l<ie nodded '--ro<ingl)2 It .'& &-lendid to he'r thi& li&t o* *',il) tr'it&2 She ,ight ne<er h'<e 0no.n the) .ere .ithin her i* it h'dn?t 3een *or Rh)&2 He?d ch'llenged her+ deli3er'tel) cr'c0ed her o-en to re<e'l -ride 'nd -oetr) 'nd -'&&ion2 And i* he h'dn?t+ &he .ould ne<er h'<e 0no.n ho. i,,en&el)+*ull)+ *ull) &he could lo<e+ ho. rich her .orld could &ee,2 She .ould h'<e li<ed ' :uiet li*e2 ithout hi,+ &he .ould ne<er h'<e 0no.n the i,,en&it) o* thi& he'rt3re'0+ either2 $You?ll ne<er gue&& .ho &he i& ,'rried to+5 Su&'nn' &'id in ' hu&h to S)l<ie2 $The Li3ertine(5 S)l<ie?& e)e& .idened2 And then &he loo0ed relie<ed2 $ e .ere .orried+ )ou &ee+ .hen .e thought )ou?d 3een r'i&ed 3) ' <ic'r2 e thought )ou ,ight 3e &ed'te25 She &'id the l'&t .ord in ' hu&h+ '& though it .ere &c'nd'lou&2 $Oh+ )ou?<e n'ught to .orr) o<er+5 S'3rin' &'id+ 'nd it .'& ' tri*le 3itter2 $I .'& r'i&ed 3) ' <ic'r to 3e ' <er) good girl+ 3ut I?, :uite -'&&ion'te+ '--'rentl)25 It h'd 3een 'n e'&) enough thing to tr'c0 her to London2 All the inn& o* cour&e re,e,3ered her+ the dri<er& o* co'che& re,e,3ered her2 Rh)& .'& '3out ' h'l* d') 3ehind her+ 'nd no. he &tood 't the door o* the Gr'nth', to.n hou&e+ 'nd he 0ne. &he .'& 3ehind thi& door2 He .'& te,-ted to *ling hi& 3od) 't the door+ to 3'tter it do.n+ to '&cert'in &he .'& &'*e2 He thought+ -erh'-&+ he &hould tr) 0noc0ing *ir&t2 So he did2 Vehe,entl)2 A -olite+ gr')-*'ced ,'n o-ened the door2 $I 0no. &he?& here+5 Rh)& &'id .ithout -re',3le2

$I 3eg )our -'rdon+ &irF5 Un*l'--'3le+ the ,'n .'&2 $R'.den to &ee ,) .i*e+ the "ounte&& R'.den+5 he cl'ri*ied2 He 0ne. he .'& 3lood) inti,id'ting .hen he &-o0e li0e th't2 $She i& not in25 =olitel) &'id+ 'nd '& *in'l-&ounding '& ' door clo&ing2 $The 3lood) hell &he?& not in25 $Sir+5 c',e the e<en tone& o* the 3utler2 $I '&&ure )ou65 $S'3rin'(5 he 3ello.ed into the hou&e2 $7) '-ologie&+ &ir25 The 3utler clo&ed the door2 One didn?t o*ten he'r &houting in Gro&<enor S:u're+ 3ut the &ound c',e u- to Su&'nn'h 'nd S)l<ie 'nd S'3rin' '& the) &'t in the dr'.ing roo,2 $ h't i& th't &ound+ !'leF5 $A l'rge+ e'rl+ L'd) Gr'nth',25 $R'.denF5 &he :ueried2 $Ye&+ L'd) Gr'nth',25 $S'3rin' i& not 't ho,e to hi,25 $I told hi, '& &uch2 He &ee,& to thin0 other.i&e25 $ ill )ou 0indl) tell hi, to le'<e+ !'leF5 $A& I &'id+ L'd) Gr'nth',+ he?& <er) l'rge+ 'nd he &ee,& :uite deter,ined25 Su&'nn'h g'<e it &o,e thought2 $Ah+ )ou?re :uite right+ !'le2 S)l<ie 'nd I 3e&t &-e'0 to hi,+ then2 He doe&n?t h'<e ' -r')er 'g'in&t u&25 $=erh'-& .hen the <i&count or 7r2 Sh'ughne&&) i& -re&ent65 $The e'rl &h'n?t h'r, u&+ !'le2 He?& *',il)+5 Su&'nn'h &'id &.eetl)2 $S'3ri65 The door .'& *lung o-en2 Rh)& &to--ed ,id3ello.2 T.o 3e'uti*ul .o,en &t'red u- 't hi,+ 'nd neither .'& S'3rin'2 !ut+ oh+ the) loo0ed enough li0e her to hurt+ .ith tho&e l'rge cle'r e)e& the Holt .o,en h'd2 The&e .o,en he?d turned '.')2

He re,e,3ered 4u&t in ti,e th't he .'&n?t ' 3rute+ 'nd 3o.ed2 $I .'nt to &ee ,) .i*e+5 he de,'nded .hen u-right 'g'in2 He ,ight not 3e ' 3rute+ 3ut *ine ,'nner& &ee,ed &u-er*luou& 't the ,o,ent2 $Good e<ening to )ou+ too+ Lord R'.den+5 Su&'nn'h &'id2 $I 3elie<e 7r2 !'le in*or,ed )ou th't S'3rin' i& not 't ho,e to )ou25 $Let ,e in+ 'nd I?ll 4u&t t'l065 $No25 Thi& c',e *ro, S)l<ie+ gentl) 3ut *ir,l)2 $You?d 3e&t go+ Lord R'.den2 No ',ount o* .ill -er&u'de u& to 'llo. )ou through the door25 E<enl) &'id+ 3ut he 0ne. he ,ight '& .ell h'<e 3een loo0ing 't ' -'ir o* 'r,ed gu'rd&2 Ar,ed .ith e)el'&he& 'nd &-ine& o* &teel2 $S-e'0 to her *or ,e2 You c'n -er&u'de her to &ee ,e25 $H'<e )ou onl) 4u&t ,et )our .i*e+ Lord R'.denF5 Thi& .'& ' <er) good -oint2 No dou3t the&e .o,en h'd 'lre'd) e;-erienced ' t'&te o* ho. &tu33orn S'3rin' could 3e2 $!ut )ou?re her &i&ter&25 $Ye&2 !ut i* )ou?d h'd )our .')+ &he .ould not h'<e 0no.n25 He didn?t c're '3out the&e .o,en 't the ,o,ent+ though he 0ne. he &hould2 He 0ne. he .'& loo0ing 't *',il)2 He 0ne. he &hould '-ologi8e2 He onl) .'nted to &ee S'3rin'2 He &ei8ed u-on 'n ide'2 $#it6I .'nt to &ee Lord Gr'nth',25 $Lord Gr'nth', i& not 't ho,e+ Lord R'.den2 ill )ou 0indl) le'<eF5

Rh)& dre. in ' dee- 3re'th2 The &t'ring ',ong the three o* the, .ent on *or 'nother ten&e ,inute2 $I?ll return+5 he &'id gri,l)+ ,'0ing it 3oth ' thre't 'nd ' -ro,i&e2 And he &-un on hi& heel2 Rh)& .'& 't the 3otto, o* hi& *ourth .hi&0e) in Gr'nth',+ '--e'red ne;t to hi,2 hite?& .hen #it hitel'.+ Vi&count

Rh)& gl'red u- 't hi, 'nd &'id nothing2 He ,erel) to&&ed the .hi&0e) 3'c02 It .'& &o &trong it ne'rl) cl'.ed hi& thro't going do.n+ 3ut th't .'& .h't he .'nted2 To drin0 until e<er)thing in th't d',ned clu3 3lurred 'nd r'n together+ to *orget *or ' 3le&&ed ,o,ent th't hi& li*e .'& o<er2

#it *in'll) &-o0e2 $You loo0 horri3le+ R'.den25 $You 'l.')& .ere :uite the di-lo,'t+ Gr'nth',25 $So .h't in God?& n',e did )ou do to u-&et )our .i*eF5 And thi& ,'de Rh)& -'u&e in hi& :ue&t to do.n the ,o&t .hi&0e) e<er do.ned2 $S'3rin' didn?t tell )ouF5 Thi& .'& ' &ur-ri&e2 For &o,e re'&on S'3rin' h'dn?t told #it+ .hich no dou3t ,e'nt &he h'dn?t told her &i&ter&2 He didn?t 0no. the re'&on2 7')3e &he 4u&t h'dn?t gotten round to it )et+ or it ,ight 3e &h',e+ or it ,ight 3e lo)'lt)2 He .ould cling to the l'tter+ *or it g'<e hi, ho-e2 And it -enetr'ted hi& ,ind li0e r')& o* light through -ri&on 3'r&2 $No2 In *'ct+ &he .on?t &-e'0 o* )ou 't 'll2 I .ould &') &he?& *uriou&25 #it &'id thi& .ith *'int '.e2 He h'd nothing 3ut re&-ect *or the te,-er& o* the Holt .o,en2 Rh)& 0ne. S'3rin'2 Fur) .'& 3etter th'n indi**erence or cold de&-'ir+ 3ec'u&e 't the he'rt o* *ur) .'& t)-ic'll) -'&&ion+ 'nd the &ource o* S'3rin'?& -'&&ion .'& lo<e2 Or &o he thought2 He didn?t trul) 0no.2 And i* it h'd once 3een lo<e+ he didn?t 0no. .hether he?d 0illed it or not2 $So .h't did )ou doF5 #it re-e'ted+ co8il) -ulling out ' ch'ir+ &ettling in 't the t'3le+ ignoring the 3'le*ul .'rning gl're Rh)& tre'ted hi, to2 $I c'n?t tell )ou+5 Rh)& &'id gri,l)2 $ h) notF5 $!ec'u&e )ou?d h'<e to &hoot ,e2 And I ,ight 3e irredee,'3le+ 3ut I?, &el*i&h enough not to .'nt to 3e de'd2 Yet25 $Oh+ &-'re ,e the dr',65 #it .'& &to--ed 3) the *l't+ gri, loo0 in the e'rl?& e)e&2 $You?re &eriou&25 $Oh+ )e&25 Rh)& 'l,o&t &ounded 3le'0l) ',u&ed2 $It?& th't 3'dF5 No. #it loo0ed ,erel) curiou&2 Rh)& &t'red 3'c0 't hi,2 !olted the .hi&0e) 'nd gri,'ced2 $ or&e th'n "ounte&& 7ontro&eF *ought+ co,3inedF5 or&e th'n So-hi' Lic'riF or&e th'n 'll the duel& )ou?<e

Rh)& .'<ed 'n i,-'tient 'r, 't the .'iter *or 'nother gl'&&2 $A& ,uch '& I?, en4o)ing thi& recit'tion o* ,) -'&t ,i&de,e'nor&+ Gr'nth',+ I?ll h'<e to &to- )ou2 It?& .or&e th'n 'll co,3ined2 It?& un*orgi<'3le25 The .ord $un*orgi<'3le+5 une:ui<oc'll) &t'ted+ l'nded 3et.een the,+ &olid '& ' &tone2

And *or ' ,o,ent+ #it h'd nothing to &') to thi&2 $So )ou c'n &to- gue&&ing2 I .on?t tell )ou2 No. let ,e &ee ,) .i*e+ d',n )ou25 $She doe&n?t .'nt to &ee )ou+5 #it &'id c'l,l)2 $I 3lood) .ell 0no. th't25 Rh)& &l',,ed the gl'&& do.n on the t'3le@ he'd& turned2 He lo.ered hi& <oice2 $I 0no. th't2 7'0e her2 It?& )our ho,e2 She?& )our &i&ter-in-l'.2 You c'n in<ite ,e into )our ho,e2 7'0e2 Her2 See2 7e25 And then he he'rd hi,&el*+ the r'n0 de&-er'tion in hi& <oice2 De'r God+ he h'rdl) &ounded &'ne2 =ride .'& no.here2 And he &'. the &),-'thetic loo0 on #it?& *'ce+ 'nd de&-i&ed it 'nd hi,&el*2 Rh)& held ' h'nd u- '3ru-tl)+ '& i* to &to- 'n)thing #it ,ight &')2 $I '-ologi8e+ Gr'nth',2 You?re right to -rotect her2 =le'&e *orgi<e ,e25 #it *ro.ned ' little+ then le'ned 3'c0 'nd &tudied the other ,'n :uietl)2 He .'& re,e,3ering ' night .hen he?d &'t 'cro&& *ro, J',e& 7'0e-e'ce+ 'nother :uietl) de&-'iring ,'n+ in thi& <er) clu32 J',e& h'd 3een drin0ing .hi&0e)+ too2 Or ,ore &-eci*ic'll)+ he?d tried to drin0 .hi&0e)2 #it h'd *ini&hed it *or hi,2 $It ,ight 3e un*orgi<'3le+ 3ut -erh'-& )ou c'n ,'0e it right+ R'.den+5 he &ugge&ted gentl)2 $No25 $I &hot ,) 3e&t *riend .hen I .'& &e<enteen )e'r& old+ 'nd he *org'<e ,e25 The *'int &,ile on the e'rl?& ,outh .'& 3le'02 $!elie<e it or not+ Gr'nth',9thi& i& .or&e25 #it .ent :uiet2 In hi& e;-erience in the Secret Ser<ice+ he 0ne. &ilence .'& 'n 'l,o&t cert'in .') to con<ince &o,eone to &-e'02 The E'rl o* R'.den .'& ' *or,id'3le ,'n+ 3ut he .'& *illed .ith ' &ecret+ 'nd .ith grie*+ 'nd .hether or not he 0ne. it+ .ith the de&-er'tion o* lo<e2 And &o #it .'ited2 And e<en .ith6one+ t.o+ three+ *our+ *i<e gl'&&e& o* .hi&0e)+ #it counted on the t'3le6 Rh)& &-o0e+ 'nd &-o0e cle'rl)2 $All right+ Gr'nth',2 I o.e )ou thi& ,uch in*or,'tion2 I did ' de&-er'te thing ,'n) )e'r& 'go+ *ull .ell the con&e:uence& o* .h't I did2 I did it to hel- ,e 'nd ,ine+ 'nd it &ee,ed the onl) thing 't the ti,e2 !ut it hel-ed to ruin li<e&2 And then9+5 he 'dded .ith g'llo.& cheer+ $I lied '3out it to S'3rin'2 !ec'u&e th't?& 4u&t the &ort o* ,'n I ',25 #it &tudied hi, .ith hi& o.n &h'r- 3lue e)e&+ loo0ing *or clue&+ *or <ulner'3ilit)+ *or ' .') into Rh)&?& re&ol<e2 He *ound none2 $I 0no. the &ort o* ,'n )ou 're+ R'.den25 $I don?t .'nt to he'r 'n) G.'r hero? non&en&e+ Gr'nth',2 e .ere 'll 3lood) heroe&25

$No+5 #it &'id :uietl)2 $Th't i&n?t true2 And I .ill tell )ou &o,ething I .ould ne<er 'd,it to 'n) other ,'n2 Do )ou 0no. .h't I?<e le'rned+ in -'rt th'n0& to Su&'nn'hF The 0ind o* ,'n )ou 're in lo<e 'nd .'r i& trul) the 0ind o* ,'n )ou 're25 Rh)& g'<e ' &hort 3itter l'ugh2 $I ho-e to God th't i&n?t true2 !ec'u&e i* th't?& the &ort o* ,'n I ',+ then I 3lood) .ell c'n?t li<e .ith ,)&el*25 $Tell ,e thi&+ R'.denE h't 're )ou ho-ing *or .hen )ou co,e to ,) ho,e i* .h't )ou did .'& un*orgi<'3leF I* )ou 0no. &he .on?t *orgi<e )ouF5 It .'& ' <er) good :ue&tion2 $To &ee her2 Ju&t to &ee her25 And 'g'in+ the <er) ide' th't he ,ight ne<er &ee S'3rin' 'g'in &ei8ed Rh)& 3) the thro't2 He &:uee8ed hi& h'nd 'round the .hi&0e) gl'&&+ &o te,-ted to hurl it 'cro&& the roo,+ to he'r it &h'tter the .') hi& li*e h'd &h'ttered2 It .'& the &ort o* thing th't .ould *eed the g'-ing ,'. o* curio&it) o* 'll the&e ,en in hite?& .ho .ere -retending not to .'tch hi& -'in2 The ton .'& l'ughing 3ehind their *'n&+ 3ehind their ne.&-'-er&2 I,'gine The Li3ertine 3rought lo. 3) ' .o,'n2 Rh)&+ '& u&u'l+ didn?t c're .h't 'n)one &'id2 He 3eg'n to li*t hi& h'nd to &ign'l the .'iter *or ,ore .hi&0e)2 And #it &l'--ed hi& h'nd do.n2 $Th't?& enough+5 he &'id :uietl)2 $ h't the de<il6do )ou .'nt ' *i&t to the 4'.+ Gr'nth',F5 A--'rentl) #it .'&n?t terri3l) .orried '3out the *i&t to the 4'.@ he clo&ed hi& h'nd o<er Rh)&?& .ri&t2 $I* )ou trul) c'n?t e<er ,'0e it right *or her+ ,')3e )ou c'n ,'0e it right *or )our&el*+ &o th't the re&t o* u& ,ight li<e .ith )ou2 7'0e re&titution+ do -en'nce+ .'l0 on )our 0nee& the length o* London+ .e'r ' h'ir &hirt+ *l') )our &0in+ *or God?& &'0e2 And -erh'-& once )ou?<e *l'gell'ted )our&el* enough+ )ou?ll *ind ' .') to .in her 3'c02 Or *ind ' .') to li<e .ithout her2 You?<e li<ed through hell 3e*ore+ R'.den2 7ore th'n once2 You c'n do it 'g'in2 You 0no. ho. to do it25 Rh)& 4er0ed hi& h'nd '.') *ro, the other ,'n+ 'nd gl'red 't hi,2 Ye&+ he?d li<ed through hell2 !ut then he?d 'l.')& 3een '3le to i,'gine .h't the other &ide o* hell .ould loo0 li0e+ 'nd in i,'gining it he?d *ound &trength2 !ut no.9he &i,-l) couldn?t i,'gine li*e .ithout S'3rin'2 He couldn?t i,'gine li*e on the other &ide+ i* &he .'&n?t in it2 $I .'nt to &ee her+5 he de,'nded2 Futilel)+ he 0ne.2 $Seeing her i& not 'n o-tion+5 #it re-e'ted c'l,l)2 And Rh)& re'li8ed th't not &eeing her e<er 'g'in .'& 'l&o not 'n o-tion2 In *'ct+ thi& Rh)& 0ne. ,ore &urel) th'n he?d 0no.n 'n)thing in hi& li*e+ 'nd he 'l,o&t l'ughed2 Ho. on e'rth could &o,ething li0e thi& h'<e h'--ened+ &o :uic0l)F Ho. on e'rth could he &o .illingl) 3e 't the ,erc) o* 'nother hu,'n 3eing+ .hen he?d ne<er .'nted to need 'n)one 'g'inF

$All right2 Then tell ,e e<er)thing )ou 0no. '3out S'3rin'?& -'&t+ Gr'nth',2 !ec'u&e I?, going to do .h't )ou h'<e &o *'r *'iled to do25 He &'. the *l're o* co,-etition in #it?& e)e&@ it &'ti&*ied hi,+ &o,eho.2 He .'nted 'nger+ co,-etition+ &o,ething to 3ru&h u- 'g'in&t2 $Re'll)2 So ho. 're )ou going to *ind Ann' Holt+ R'.denF5 $Sheer 3lood) .ill+ Gr'nth',2 'tch ,e25

"HA=TER T ENTY-SIH H E HADN?T !EEN ' &-)+ li0e Gr'nth',2 He .'&n?t ' glee*ul t'0er o* ri&0&+ li0e Sh'ughne&&)+ .ho h'd 3een ruined 'nd re3uilt hi& li*e+ too+ into ' ro'ring &ucce&&2 !ut he .'& ' *or,er &oldier+ ' le'der+ ' &tr'tegi&t+ 'nd -o&&e&&ed ,ore deter,in'tion th'n ne'rl) 'n) ,'n on the -l'net2 Still+ there .'& &o <er) little to go 3)2 I?, going to do .h't )ou h'<e &o *'r *'iled to do2 Luite the 3o'&t2 Rh)& 'l&o 0ne. '3out 'rt 'nd 3e'ut) 'nd collecting 3e'uti*ul thing&2 And no. the)?re 'll )ou h'<e+ hi& .i*e h'd *lung 't hi,2 Art+ 3e'ut)+ .'r2 He h'd tho&e thing&+ 't le'&t+ in co,,on .ith the ,urdered *'ther o* hi& .i*e2 And )et+ '& he too0 the collection o* *'ct& 'nd i,-re&&ion& th't #it h'd gi<en hi, 'nd &i*ted through the, re-e'tedl)+ he &till h'dn?t the *'inte&t ide' .here to 3egin loo0ing *or Ann'+ or ho. 'n) o* the, ,ight hel- *ind her 't 'll2 A& Rh)& .'& ' -oet6or h'd 3een once+ though the .ord& &ee,ed to h'<e de&erted hi, no. 6he+ li0e 'll -oet&+ '--reci'ted Rich'rd?& ',u&e,ent in the n',e Gorringe+ the to.n n',ed 3) ' du0e .ho h'd gone ,'d &e'rching *or ' rh),e *or or'nge2 He 0ne. Rich'rd h'd le*t 3ehind cr)-tic+ cle<er clue& to hi& 0iller in Gorringe 'long .ith the e<idence -ro<ing hi& 0iller?& cri,e&6he?d in *'ct 3een ,ore cr)-tic 'nd cle<er th'n 'n)one .ould h'<e -re*erred hi, to 3e63ut in &o doing he?d ,'n'ged to -rotect *or ,ore th'n ' dec'de the e<idence th't h'd e<entu'll) -ut Th'ddeu& 7orle) in the *or tre'&on2 He 0ne. th't Rich'rd Loc0.ood 'nd Ann' h'd &-o0en o* going to It'l)+ 3ec'u&e #it h'd 3een told thi&2 He couldn?t 3egin to i,'gine .h't th't e<ening ,u&t h'<e 3een li0e *or herE the .renching *e'r 'nd lo&&+ the *r'ntic de-'rture2 And e<er) ti,e hi& ,ind touched on it+ hi& thought& &hied '.') re*le;i<el)2 Guilt .ould onl) &lo. hi& &e'rch2 It .'& 3'll'&t he could do .ithout2 He needed to thin0 o* one thing onl)E he needed to *ind Ann' *or S'3rin'2

#it h'd 'lre'd) re<ie.ed the roll& o* e<er) &hi- de-'rting in ABDM+ 3ut o* cour&e no one 3) the n',e o* Ann' Holt h'd 3o'rded ' &hi- to 'n).here th't .inter2 And i* &he?d u&ed 'n '&&u,ed n',e+ it h'dn?t 3een Ann' S,ith+ the n',e &he?d u&ed in Gorringe2 Then 'g'in+ &he could h'<e le*t 't 'n) ti,e2 She could h'<e hidden 'n).here+ 't 'n) ti,e2 The hunt *or her through Engl'nd h'd 3een thorough 'nd relentle&& '*ter Loc0.ood?& ,urder+ Rh)& rec'lled+ 3ut there .ere tin)+ tuc0ed-'.') -l'ce& .here London -'-er& ,ight concei<'3l) ne<er h'<e re'ched+ .here no one c'red '3out &c'nd'l& th't .ould ne<er '**ect the,2 =l'ce& li0e Tin3ur)+ *or in&t'nce2 Running li0e ' current through hi& thought& o* Ann' 'nd S'3rin' .'& the ide' th't 't 'n) ,o,ent the &c'nd'l &heet& ,ight *e'ture ' &tor) reg'rding the E'rl o* R'.den th't+ *or ' ch'nge+ .ouldn?t *e'ture ' ,'rried counte&& or ' duel+ 3ut in&te'd cont'in the &eed& o* hi& ruin2 Th'n0& to hi& cou&in Geo**re)2 And i* the R'.den n',e .'& to 3e ruined+ Rh)& .'nted to 3e the one to do it2 He .ould *ind Ann' *ir&t+ 'nd then con*e&& e<er)thing -u3licl)+ to e;oner'te her once 'nd *or 'll2 T.o .ee0&2 And then three .ee0&2 Hi& *riend& h'd once 3een 'ccu&to,ed to &eeing hi, nightl)@ he &'. no one2 He re*u&ed in<it'tion&2 He <'guel) rec'lled the 'rri<'l o* Signor' Lic'ri 't hi& to.n hou&e+ unin<ited2 And thi& .'& 'n e;tr'ordin'r) enough e<ent to in&-ire hi, to go do.n&t'ir& to &ee her2 !ut then he?d *ound hi,&el* ,uttering &o,ething curt 'nd -er*unctor) to her 'nd turned to go 3'c0 u- the &t'ir& o* hi& to.n hou&e+ entirel) un,o<ed+ entirel) di&tr'cted2 For the <er) *ir&t ti,e in hi& li*e he?d &een '&toni&h,ent on the &o-r'no?& *'ce2 He didn?t c're2 He didn?t go to hi& clu32 He h'rdl) 'te2 In&te'd he -re&&ed #it 'g'in *or in*or,'tion+ 'nd he <i&ited D'i&) Jone&+ one o* the *e. -eo-le .ho?d 0no.n .h't h'd h'--ened th't night+ 'nd -re&&ed her *or in*or,'tion2 And le'rned nothing ,ore2 He -'id ' <i&it to 7r2 A<er)-Finch+ .ho o.ned ' &ho- o* 'nti:uitie& 'nd h'd+ #it h'd delic'tel) told hi,+ 3een clo&e to Rich'rd2 He '&0ed the one :ue&tion o* 7r2 A<er)-Finch th't no one el&e h'd '&0edE Did he 0no. .hether Rich'rd h'd 3een to It'l)F $Ye&+5 7r2 Finch h'd told hi,2 He 0ne. th't Rich'rd h'd once <i&ited It'l)2 !ut he didn?t 0no. .here in It'l)+ or .h) he h'd gone2 And 't l'&t9.ell+ -erh'-& it .'& the e;h'u&tion2 =erh'-& *'tigue h'd &o*tened 'nd 'ltered Rh)&?& ,ind in the .') th't &trong drin0 &o,eti,e& did+ *or 't l'&t he?d ce'&ed 'tte,-ting to ch'nnel hi& thought& 3ec'u&e he?d 'll 3ut lo&t the '3ilit) to do &o+ 'nd in&te'd let hi& thought& h'<e their .') .ith hi,2 And thi& i& .hen it occurred to Rh)&E Rich'rd h'd le*t &o ,'n) clue& to hi& 0iller?& identit) 3ehind+ it .'& '& though he .'& *ull) '.'re o* the d'nger he?d 3een in+ 'nd .h't the outco,e ,ight 3e2 He?d le*t clue& to hi& 0iller@ he?d le*t clue& *or hi& d'ughter&2

And -erh'-& he .ould *ind ' clue to the .here'3out& o* Rich'rd?& lo<er+ the .rongl) 'ccu&ed Ann' Holt+ in the <er) &',e -l'ce Rich'rd h'd le*t hi& other clue&E Gorringe2 T.o .ee0&+ then three .ee0&+ 'nd S'3rin' 3eg'n to *eel li0e ' ,e,3er o* the Gr'nth', hou&ehold+ 'nd her he'rt+ .hich h'd once &ee,ed .holl) her o.n+ or .holl) Rh)&?&+ &ee,ed to h'<e &e-'r'te ch',3er& *or 4o) 'nd *or cold hurt 'nd 'nger2 There .'& 4o) in 3eco,ing 'c:u'inted .ith her &i&ter&+ in the ,o,ent& 3oth o* e'&e 'nd '.0.'rdne&&+ o* l'ughter 'nd irrit'tion2 O* ' gidd)+ gloriou& &en&e o* 3elonging &he h'd ne<er 0no.n+ o* 3eing -'rt o* ' *',il) *'3ric th't .'& her <er) o.n2 And &ince S'3rin'+ Su&'nn'h+ 'nd S)l<ie h'd 'll 3een &o long .ithout it+ it .ould 3e :uite &o,e ti,e 3e*ore the no<elt) e33ed2 For no.+ e'ch ,o,ent c'rried the &h'r- delight o* !ut neither Su&'nn'h nor S)l<ie could :uite -er&u'de her to go out2 The) re&-ected her &ilence on the &u34ect o* her hu&3'nd 'nd didn?t -re&& her+ though S'3rin' &u&-ected it .'& ,'ddening *or 3oth o* the,2 The) .ere 3oth &o cle'rl) h'--) in their o.n ,'rri'ge& th't the) &u**ered on her 3eh'l*2 ell+ S'3rin' &u--o&ed the) could not h'<e e<er)thing in co,,on2 Ho.e<er+ .hen Su&'nn'h 'rri<ed in her roo, one '*ternoon .ith ' glint in her e)e 'nd ' c'rd in her h'nd+ S'3rin' loo0ed u- curiou&l)2 $I thought I .ould 3ring her c'rd in to )ou to let )ou decide .h't )ou?d li0e to &') to her+5 Su&'nn'h &'id &ole,nl)2 She e;tended the c'rd 'nd .'ited2 S'3rin' too0 the c'rd *ro, herE Signor' So-hi' Lic'ri2 She &t'red 't the n',e+ tr)ing to decide .h't &he *elt2 She?d ,'n'ged to cordon o** the -l'ce in her ,ind th't concerned Rh)&+ 'nd *ound it hurt &c'rcel) 't 'll2 She?d &till ' good de'l o* -ride 't her di&-o&'l2 She con&idered &hunning the 3e'uti*ul+ conde&cending &o-r'no2 !ut it .'& -ride th't ,'de her deci&ion *or her2 $I .ill &ee her+5 S'3rin' &'id2 hen S'3rin' '--e'red in the dr'.ing roo,+ Signor' So-hi' Lic'ri ro&e to greet her 'nd curt&ied2 H'd Rh)& recentl) &ought &ol'ce in the o-er' &inger?& 'r,&F Loo0ing 't Signor' Lic'ri+ lu&h 'nd golden in her ru&&et-colored go.n+ S'3rin' didn?t 0no. .h) 'n) &'ne ,'n .ould not2 $To .h't+5 S'3rin' ,'n'ged .ith 'n iron) th't .ould do her e&tr'nged hu&3'nd -roud+ $do I o.e the honor o* thi& <i&it+ Signor' Lic'riF5 $He doe& not e't+5 the &o-r'no &'id+ e<er) con&on'nt c're&&ed+ '& u&u'l2 S'3rin' *ro.ned2 $I 3eg )our -'rdonF5 $Your hu&3'nd2 He doe& not e't+ he .ill not &-e'0 to 'n)one2 He doe& not &lee-25 E<er) 3it o* it &ounded li0e 'ccu&'tion2

$And ho. do )ou 0no. thi&F5 S'3rin' ,'n'ged c'l,l)2 Ho. .ould 'n) .o,'n 0no. ' ,'n did not &lee- unle&& &he &le-t ne;t to hi, her&el*F Still+ 'nger ,'de her righteou&+ 'nd &he *elt &he could he'r .h'te<er it .'& So-hi' Lic'ri h'd to &')2 $Here+5 Signor' Lic'ri &'id+ 'nd dre. 'n elo:uent ,'&0 .ith her *inger& 3ene'th her e)e&2 $It i& -ur-le2 He i& 3eco,ing thin2 He doe& not go out to &ee hi& *riend&2 And he i& 2 2 25 She ,'de ' <er) illu&tr'ti<e *'ce2 $"hurli&h+ .hen he doe& &-e'025 "hurli&hF 7) goodne&&2 h't ' *'nc) Engli&h .ord *ro, the It'li'n .o,'n2 Though S'3rin' 0ne. *ull .ell Rh)& .'& c'-'3le o* 3eing churli&h2 $Doe& he &ee )ouF5 S'3rin'?& he'rt .'& 0noc0ing oddl)2 There .'& ' &ilence2 $He onl) .'nt& one thing+ L'd) R'.den2 And th't i& .h) I ', here25 It .'&n?t 'n 'n&.er to her :ue&tion2 S'3rin' loo0ed 3'c0 't the 3e'uti*ul .o,'n+ ,et tho&e &'3le e)e& e<enl)2 And &he thought &he &'. ' *lic0er o* entre't) in the,2 $ h) 're )ou hereF5 S'3rin' de,'nded2 $You &hould 'llo. hi, to &ee )ou25 It &ounded ,ore li0e 'n order th'n ' &ugge&tion+ 'nd it &ounded '& though Signor' Lic'ri h'd e<er) e;-ect'tion it .ould 3e *ollo.ed2 $ h)F5 S'3rin' .'& incredulou&2 $To ,'0e it ,ore -le'&'nt *or )ou .hen )ou do &ee hi,F5 $A& I &'id+ he doe& not &ee hi& *riend&25 It &truc0 S'3rin' thenE Doe& Signor' Lic'ri con&ider Rh)& her *riendF And i* &o+ thi& ,e'nt th't he .ould not &ee Signor' Lic'ri+ either2 It .'& cle'r then th't thi& -roud+ 3e'uti*ul+ enig,'tic .o,'n c'red *or Rh)&+ too2 And it .'&n?t -le'&'nt to &t'nd 'cro&& *ro, 'nother .o,'n .ho h'd touched 'nd t'&ted her hu&3'nd?& 3od)+ .ho ,ight <er) .ell 3e hurting on 3eh'l* o* the ,'n S'3rin' h'd once thought &he lo<ed2 Either th't+ or it .'& ,erel) incon<enient *or her to &ee Rh)& unh'--)+ 'nd Rh)& h'd 3eco,e &o,ething o* ' 3ore+ h'd ce'&ed to gi<e her gi*t&+ 'nd 'll o* the&e thing& h'd ,'de Signor' Lic'ri .illing to -etition hi& .i*e to &ee hi,2 S'3rin' didn?t thin0 &o2 Odd to thin0 th't thi& .o,'n ,ight 'ctu'll) c're *or Rh)&+ thi& .o,'n .ho &ee,ed to -o&&e&& the 'llegi'nce o* ' c't+ 'nd the &u3&t'nce o* ' r') o* light2 Still+ S'3rin' dre. little co,*ort *ro, the *'ct th't Rh)& '--'rentl) .ouldn?t &ee Signor' Lic'ri+ either2 Th't he .'&+ :uite cle'rl)+ &u**ering &o ,uch he .'& 3oring the &o-r'no2

And )et he .'& ' ,'n2 It .'& onl) ' ,'tter o* ti,e+ &he &u&-ected+ 3e*ore he &'. So-hi' Lic'ri 'g'in+ 'nd -erh'-& too0 her to 3ed2 $Your concern i& :uite ,o<ing+ Signor' Lic'ri2 !ut no2 I .ill not &ee hi,2 I* )ou .ill e;cu&e ,eF5 She curt&ied6&he ,'de it &h'llo. 'nd :uic0+ to ,'0e her -oint6'nd le*t the roo,2 He?d he'rd o* Gorringe+ o* cour&e2 E<er) -oet h'd+ &),-'thi8ing .ith the legend o* the du0e .ho h'd gone ,'d &e'rching *or ' rh),e *or or'nge2 Or'nge ,'de hi, thin0 o* le,on2 And Ye,en2 And S'3rin' gr'<el) -ointing out hi& incorrigi3le 3eh'<ior2 She?d &tolen hi& 3re'th+ &ur-ri&ed hi, *ro, the <er) *ir&t ,o,ent2 It h'd t'0en .ee0& to re'li8e it2 And 4u&t ' *e. ,inute& to ruin it2 Rh)& ,'de hi& .') u- the .'l0 -'&t the )'rd o* tilting &tone&+ -u&hed o-en the door+ 'nd entered &ilence2 A ,edie<'l church+ &,'ll 'nd ,ode&t+ ro.& o* e,-t) -e.&2 So,eho. not lonel)2 There .'& 'n 'ir '3out it th't &'id it .'& ' church .ell lo<ed 'nd .ell u&ed+ 'nd th't -eo-le h'd 4u&t le*t it or .ould return &oon enough2 Al,o&t '& i* the gho&t o* ,u&ic once -l')ed here lingered in the 'ir2 Rh)& &ettled into the -e. 'nd &t'red u- 't the ch'ncel+ i,'gining the <ic'r &t'nding there deli<ering &er,on&6dri*ting+ di&4ointed+ i* good-he'rted &er,on&+ Rh)& thought+ h'l* &,iling+ re,e,3ering #it?& de&cri-tion o* the ,'n2 He i,'gined Vic'r F'irleigh &t'nding there .hen he .'& ' cur'te &o ,'n) )e'r& 'go+ ne<er dre',ing th't the little girl he?d t'0en in out o* goodne&&6.hen he could &c'rcel) *eed the *',il) he h'd6.'& the d'ughter o* ' notoriou& .o,'n+ 'nd .ould gro. u- to ,'rr) 'n e'rl2 Rh)& didn?t thin0 he?d &e'rch out the <ic'r 4u&t )et2 He .'&n?t cert'in he .ould loo0 *or hi, 't 'll2 He clo&ed hi& e)e&2 He didn?t -reci&el) -r')2 He decided he .ould 'llo. the hu&h o* the church to .'&h o<er hi,+ to *ilter through the tu,ult in hi& ,ind i* onl) *or ' ,o,ent+ to *ind 3rie* relie* *ro, e<er)thing in :uiet2 He re&ted hi& h'nd& on hi& 0nee& 'nd le'ned 'g'in&t the -e.2 Nothing &tirred in the church .hile hi& e)e& re,'ined clo&ed2 hen Rh)& o-ened hi& e)e& 'g'in ,o,ent& l'ter+ he gl'nced do.n 't hi& h'nd 'nd 3lin0edE *or 'n in&t'nt+ it loo0ed '& though hi& *inger& h'd gone9red 'nd greenF And then he re'li8ed the &un .'& no. 3e',ing &trongl) through the church .indo.&+ 'nd the re*lection *ro, the &t'ined gl'&& .'& *lo'ting o<er hi,2 No du&t d'nced in the 3e', o* the light@ cle'rl) the church+ old '& it .'&+ .'& tended c're*ull)2

Rh)& &tood+ 'nd .'ndered o<er to the .indo.&+ -eering 't the, clo&el)2 Light -u&hed through the, 'nd thre. 3lurred outline& o* three .ord& do.n on the *loor+ the .ord& #it h'd told hi, '3outE F'ith+ Ho-e+ 'nd "h'rit)2 And '& he .'& ' lo<er o* 3e'ut) 'nd ' connoi&&eur o* 'rt+ ' collector o* thing&+ Rh)& &tudied the .indo.&+ in the .') Rich'rd Loc0.ood no dou3t h'd2 The) .ere lo<el) 'nd &i,-le+ their color& 3rilli'nt 'nd -ure 'nd di&tincti<e+ the de&ign &ingul'r2 Hi& 3re'th c'ught2 Recogni8'3l) &ingul'r2 And &uddenl) it .'& '& though hi& he'rt h'd 3een )'n0ed u- *ro, ' dee- hole into &unlight2 The .indo.& .ere &et dee- into the .'ll+ 'nd though he .'& <er) t'll+ he couldn?t &ee the 3otto, o* the, *ro, .here he &tood2 He l'unched hi,&el* u- onto ' -e.6it gro'ned ' 3it+ t'0ing hi& *ull .eight6'nd he le'ned *or.'rd+ 3r'cing hi,&el* 'g'in&t the .'ll o* the church+ -r')ed9'nd -eered2 And there it .'&+ 't the 3otto, right corner o* the .indo.+ the &ingle .ord he?d ho-ed to &ee+ 'nd 'll the h'ir& ro&e on the 3'c0 o* hi& nec02 Ver) *e. -eo-le in 'll o* Engl'nd .ould h'<e 0no.n to loo02 Etched in rough tin) -rint+ it re'dE S'ntoro2 S'ntoro li<ed in It'l)+ in the <ill'ge o* Tre Sorelle2 In Engli&hE Three Si&ter&2 $I?, not 'n incon&-icuou& ,'n+ 7r2 Gillr')2 You?<e re:ue&ted to &-e'0 to ,e &-eci*ic'll) 'nd -ri<'tel)+ 'nd in honor o* )our *',il) n',e+ I h'<e 'greed to do &o2 !ut I?<e no -'tience .ith &u3ter*uge 'nd g',e&+ 'nd I?, ' 3u&) ,'n2 h't i& it )ou c'nnot &h're .ith one o* ,) e,-lo)ee&F I i,'gine )ou?d li0e ,e to -') *or it+ .h'te<er it i&25 Geo**re) h'd he'rd th't 7r2 !'rne& .'& ' 3it o* ' -oo*ter2 He h'dn?t e;-ected thi& 3ri&0 ,'n+ hi& *'ce gr') 'nd .e'r) 3ut hi& e)e& &h'r- 'nd cle<er+ hi& ,outh thin .ith t';ed -'tience2 Geo**re) dou3ted 7r2 !'rne& .ould d're &-e'0 to Rh)&+ the E'rl o* R'.den+ :uite &o <er) 3ri&0l)2 !ut the Ti,e& .'& the ,o&t re&-ect'3le o* the do8en& o* ne.&-'-er& th't littered London+ .hich ,'de !'rne& '*ul ,'n in hi& o.n right2 He?d 3een editor *or onl) three )e'r& or &o+ ho.e<er+ 'nd no ne.&-'-er editor l'c0ed ',3ition+ or &-ent ' ,o,ent .ithout cr'<ing ,ore &'le&2 He .ould he'r hi, out+ reg'rdle&&2 And once the .ord& .ere out o* hi& ,outh Geo**re) 0ne. he couldn?t retr'ct the,@ he 0ne. .h't he .'& '3out to do .'& irre<oc'3le2 !ut o* cour&e hi& 3irthright .'& o* no <'lue to hi, i* hi& creditor& intended to 0ill hi, 't *ir&t o--ortunit)+ &o it .'& 'll the &',e2 $Ver) .ell+ 7r2 !'rne&2 I h'<e in*or,'tion lin0ing ' .e'lth)+*ul e'rl directl) to ' -re&ent-d') &c'nd'l in<ol<ing ,urder 'nd tre'&on25

He &'id the .ord& c'l,l)2 7urder 'nd tre'&on2 It .ould h'<e 3een ' -le'&ure to deli<er the, .ith dr','+ 3ut he thought -erh'-& 7r2 !'rne& .ould 3e ,ore ',en'3le to ' &ort o* &o,3er directne&&2 7r2 !'rne&?& *'ce 3'rel) regi&tered the .ord&+ 3ut Geo**re) &'. the glint in hi& e)e& &h'r-en i,,edi'tel)2 $Do )ou h'<e 'n) e<idence &u--orting the&e 'lleg'tion&F5 $Ye&25 $=le'&e continue to t'l0+ 7r2 Gillr')2 I?ll 3u) the 3r'nd)25

"HA=TER T ENTY-SEVEN J OURNEYS ARE AL AYS ,'de longer 3) i,-'tience 'nd ho-e2 De&-er'tion ,'de thi& -'rticul'r 4ourne) &ee, 'n eternit)2 The ,elting &.eetne&& o* ' d'.ning It'li'n &-ring &c'rcel) -enetr'ted Rh)&?& '.'rene&&@ he 'c0no.ledged it onl) .ith 3rie* gr'titude+ the ,ild .e'ther .ould ,'0e the -'&&'ge into the hill& o* Tre Sorelle go ,ore &.i*tl)2 A hired c'rri'ge too0 hi, '& *'r '& the to.n o* Fu,e !ello@ he hired ' hor&e to t'0e hi, the re&t o* the .') into the hill&2 S'ntoro?& .or0&ho- .'& 3uilt 3ene'th ' &t'nd o* oli<e tree& *or &h'de+ 'nd oli<e& h'd &-l'ttered the roo* o* it+ turning it -ur-le o<er the )e'r&2 Gio<'nni S'ntoro .'& &hort+ round+ 'nd rude+ 'nd he &-o0e ' *r'ctured 3lend o* It'li'n 'nd Engli&h li3er'll) &-rin0led .ith e-ithet& *ro, other l'ngu'ge&2 Rh)& h'd ,et hi, 3e*ore on tri-& into the It'li'n ,ount'in&+ 'nd the ,'n?& l'ngu'ge+ &o ,'tter-o*-*'ctl) deli<ered+ h'd 'll 3ut &inged hi& e'r&+ e<en '& the ,'n?& 'rti&tr)6the geniu& *or color+ the delic'c)+ the origin'lit) 'nd -urit) o* line o* hi& de&ign&6h'd '.ed hi,2 So-hi' thought he .'& ' cur 3ec'u&e S'ntoro re*u&ed to gi<e her ' .indo. outright2 S'ntoro '--reci'ted ' -rett) *'ce6he .'& ' *lorid 'nd enthu&i'&tic *lirt .ho .'& on hi& third .i*e+ h'<ing .orn out one 'nd dri<en '.') 'nother .ith hi& e;ce&&e&63ut he .'& ' 3u&ine&&,'n *ir&t2 He 0ne. .h't hi& .or0 .'& .orth+ gi<en th't tho&e .ho could '**ord the r're 'nd -reciou& 'nd &ingul'r c',e *ro, 'round the .orld to &ee hi,2 $Signore R'.den(5 Forgetting th't Rh)& .'& 'n e'rl+ 'nd ' lord2 All ,en+ 3) S'ntoro?& .') o* thin0ing+ .ere &ignore&2 He did+ ho.e<er+ &.ee- ' dee- 3o.2 Rh)& h'dn?t &een the ,'n in t.o )e'r&+ 'nd he &ee,ed e<en rounder no.2 S'ntoro noticed the gl'nce 't hi& 3ell)2 $7) .i*e+ &he *eed& ,e .ell25 S'ntoro g'<e ' -le'&ed+ he'rt) thu,- to hi& &to,'ch+ .hich echoed li0e ' dru,2 Hi& h'nd& .ere &ur-ri&ingl) gr'ce*ul+ '& i* the)?d 3een gr'*ted *ro, 'nother 3od) onto hi& &turd) one2 $Ho. i& &heF An) ,ore 3',3ino&+ Gio<'nniF5

$A ne. 3',3ino+ ' 3o)2 Enrico2 F't+ 'l&o+5 Gio<'nni &'id '--ro<ingl)2 $You 're here *or ,ore .indo.&+ &ignoreF5 $I ', here on ' ,ore i,-ort'nt ,i&&ion+ Gio<'nni2 I?, loo0ing *or ' .o,'n25 $You c'nnot get ' .o,'n in Engl'nd+ &ignoreF h't h'& h'--enedF H'<e )ou h'd the, 'll+ then+ 'nd need to loo0 '3ro'd+ out o* 3oredo,F5 Rh)&?& re-ut'tion+ 'nd hi& -oetr)+ h'd 3een tr'n&l'ted into It'li'n+ o* cour&e2 The It'li'n& con&idered it ,ore o* ' ,'nu'l o* in&truction th'n &c'nd'lou&+ ho.e<er2 $You need to 3e -iP gr'&&o@ the .o,en+ the) .ill *ollo. )ou e<er).here+5 S'ntoro &ugge&ted+ 'nd l'ughed he'rtil) 't hi& o.n 4o0e2 $=erh'-& I do need to 3e *'tter+5 Rh)& 'greed2 $!ut I c'nnot e't 'g'in until I *ind one -'rticul'r .o,'n25 S'ntoro loo0ed horri*ied 't the thought o* not e'ting 'g'in+ 'nd then '--'rentl) decided Rh)& .'& 4e&ting2 $You thin0 &he i& in our hill&+ thi& .o,'n+ Signore R'.denF5 He .'<ed ' h'nd 't the greener) out&ide2 $A &turd) -e'&'nt girl to gi<e )ou &on&F5 $I h'<e ' .i*e+5 Rh)& &'id &hortl)2 S'ntoro 'l,o&t co,ic'll) dre. hi& he'd 3'c0+ then &tudied hi, &hre.dl) 'nd in &ilence *or ' ,o,ent2 $And &he gi<<' )ou trou3le+ )our .i*e25 Trou3le2 Th't .'& one .') to -ut it2 Tru&t ' ,'n .ho?d h'd three .i<e& to recogni8e .i*e trou3le in the *'ce o* 'nother ,'n2 Rh)& le*t the :uer) un'n&.ered2 $7) .i*e re&e,3le& thi& .o,'n2 A&&o,igli' ' :ue&t' donn'2 And thi& i& the .o,'n I &ee025 Rh)& e;tended S'3rin'?& ,ini'ture o* Ann' Holt2 In her h'&te to *lee her hu&3'nd+ S'3rin' h'd le*t her ,o&t -reciou& -o&&e&&ion 3ehind2 S'ntoro too0 it gentl) in hi& *inger&+ h'ndling it .ith re&-ect+ the .') 'n) 'rti&t .ould h'ndle 'nother 'rti&t?& .or02 $Q 3ell'+5 S'ntoro grunted in '--ro<'l+ '*ter ' ,o,ent2 $Ye&+ &he i&25 $Your .i*e+ &he i& 'l&o9F5 $!ell'F O* cour&e+5 Rh)& &'id cooll)2 $!ut thi& i,'ge .'& -'inted '3out t.ent) )e'r& 'go2 The .o,'n )ou &ee there ,ight no. 3e *ort) or &o )e'r& old25 S'ntoro cu--ed the ,ini'ture in one h'nd 'nd &t'red do.n 't it+ ru33ing hi& *inger& 'g'in&t hi& &c'l- to -erh'-& hel- &ti,ul'te ' ,e,or)2

$She i& in Tre Sorelle+ thi& .o,'nF5 $She ,ight 3e2 I don?t 0no.2 I ho-e &o25 S'ntoro?& gre't *urr) 3ro.& ,et2 He ,'de thin0ing noi&e&+ cluc0ing hi& tongue 'g'in&t the roo* o* hi& ,outh2 S'ntoro &:uinted u- 't Rh)& thought*ull)2 $Q ingle&eF Not It'li'nF5 $She i& Engli&h+5 Rh)& con*ir,ed2 He 0e-t hi& <oice le<el@ .ith e**ort+ he gri--ed ho-e tightl)+ too+ le&t it &.ell 3e)ond hi& control2 It 3ec',e un.ield)+ ho-e+ .hen it de*l'ted2 $And .hen did &he co,e to Tre Sorelle+ Signore R'.denF5 $I don?t 0no. -reci&el) .hen &he ,ight h'<e co,e+ Gio<'nni2 !ut it ,ight h'<e 3een '& long '& &e<enteen )e'r& 'go25 Rh)& 0ne. the d'te& -reci&el)+ o* cour&e+ o* the ,urder th't h'd &et thi& cour&e o* e<ent& in ,otion2 !ut .hen ' &hi- ,ight h'<e t'0en Ann' Holt here+ he could not h'<e &'id2 And then+ 'll 't once+ &o,ething th't loo0ed li0e in&-ir'tion lit S'ntoro?& *'ce+ 'nd the cr'*t&,'n &ei8ed Rh)& 3) the 'r, 'nd dre. hi, out o* the .or0&ho-2 $There25 He -ointed u-+ 'nd+ &:uinting in the &un+ Rh)& *ollo.ed the direction o* the ,'n?& thic0 .ooll) 'r,2 $You t'0e )our hor&e u- th't ro'd56the 'rti&'n ge&tured into the hill&+ .here Rh)& &'. ' gold dirt ri33on o* ' ro'd &n'0ing u-+ .e'<ing in 'nd out o* tree&6$' .o,'n+ &he li<e& in the <ill' 't the end o* the ro'd2 Q un' <edo<'25 $I& &he 'n Engli&h .ido.F5 $SK2 She h'& 3een here ' long ti,e+ 'nd &he &-e'0& It'li'n li0e &he .'& 3orn here+ 3ut &he i& ingle&e2 7) .i*e+ &he h'& 3een to her ho,e2 I h'<e &een her 3ut ' *e. ti,e&2 And &he i& 3ell'+ thi& .o,'n25 $!ut not )oungF5 $Doe& it ,'tter+ Signore R'.den+ '& long '& the) 're 3ell'F5 He grinned 't Rh)&2 $!ut no+ &he i& not )oung25 A& *'r '& Rh)& .'& concernedE no+ it did not ,'tter2 $ h't i& &he li0e+ thi& .o,'nF5 $She i& 2 2 25 S'ntoro ru33ed hi& chin 3et.een t.o *inger&2 $Q tri&te e c'l,'25 Rh)& too0 in the&e .ord&E &'d 'nd :uiet2 She didn?t &ound li0e her d'ughter&+ .ho .ere -roud 'nd -'&&ion'te2 =erh'-& ti,e 'nd grie* h'd .orn '.') her -ride 'nd -'&&ion2

Rh)& 0ne. the re&tle&&ne&& he *elt 't thi& thought .'& hi& o.n guilt+ hi& o.n de&-er'tion2 He needed to go u- th't ro'd2 The -'&t 'nd hi& *uture de-ended u-on ' &'d 'nd :uiet Engli&h .ido.2 $ h't i& her n',eF5 $She i& Signor' S,ith25 Ho-e *l'red in&ide hi, then+ 3rilli'nt '& the &un@ he couldn?t &to- it2 In the church record& 't Gorringe+ Ann' Holt h'd 3een li&ted '& Ann' S,ith2 O* cour&e+ it could &i,-l) 3e 'nother Engli&h .ido. .i&hing 'non),it)2 Or the .o,'n li<ing u- the ,ount'in in ' <ill' could &i,-l)+ trul)+ 3e 'n Engli&h .ido. n',ed S,ith .ho h'd retre'ted *ro, the Engli&h .e'ther to It'li'n .'r,th2 It .'& ' co,,on enough n',e+ S,ith2 And &o,eho. he dou3ted e<er) Engli&h .ido. retre'ting *ro, ' &c'nd'l .ould h'<e *ound ' ho,e in the tin) to.n o* Three Si&ter&2 He 0ne. ' ,o,ent o* '.e *or S'3rin'?& ,urdered *'ther+ Rich'rd Loc0.ood+ *or le'<ing &uch ' thorough tr'il o* cr)-tic little clue&+ o3<iou& to 'n)one .ho?d 0no.n hi,+ or .ho?d thought to loo02 And Ann'+ .hether &he?d done it deli3er'tel) or not+ h'd gone to the one -l'ce .here &he could 3e *ound2 I?ll *ind her+ Loc0.ood+ he -ro,i&ed &ilentl)2 For )e'r& Rh)& h'd hel-ed -rotect Rich'rd?& ,urderer2 It .'& ti,e th't e<er)one recei<ed 4u&tice+ e<en i* it included hi,2 $Gr'8i ,ille+ S'ntoro2 I h'<e no need o* ' .indo. 't -re&ent+ 3ut 'llo. ,e to ,'0e ' gi*t to )ou o*65 Rh)& -re&ented S'ntoro .ith ' h'nd*ul o* lir'2 S'ntoro .'& not one to -rote&t the gi*t o* ,one)2 He gri--ed the ,one) in hi& h'nd+ 'nd 3o.ed &h'llo.l)2 $Gr'8i+ Signore R'.den2 Good luc0 to )ou25 It'li'n .e'ther could 3e un-redict'3le in thi& region in &-ring@ &no. ,ight &till cling to the ,ount'in&+ the &0) ,ight 3re'0 o-en 'nd r'in -lu,,et ce'&ele&&l) do.n+ 'cco,-'nied 3) thunder th't &hoo0 the ground2 Rh)& counted hi,&el* *ortun'te the &0ie& .ere cle'r+ 'nd decided not to tru&t hi& good *ortune2 He 0need hi& hired hor&e u- the &tee- .inding ro'd+ co';ing it into ' &-eed it .'& reluct'nt to t'0e2 It .'&n?t 'n e'&) ro'd+ 3ut it loo0ed tr'<eled enoughE he &'. the dro--ing& o* hor&e& 'nd the *re&h tr'c0& o* c'rt& o<er older tr'c0&2 The &,'ll ,ount'in co,,unit) o* Tre Sorelle .'& i&ol'ted 3ut not un&oci'l@ the &tee- ro'd .ould -o&e no deterrent to 'n It'li'n ho-ing to <i&it 'nother It'li'n2 He 'l,o&t ,i&&ed the <ill'+ &o thic0 .ere the tree& '3out it+ clu&tered -rotecti<el) it &ee,ed2 Or -erh'-& thi& .'& 4u&t ho. hi& -oet?& ,ind <ie.ed it2 He &lo.ed hi& hor&e onl) .hen ' *l'&h o* color ,et hi& e)eE terr'-cott'+ the .'ll o* ' hou&e+ -ee0ing through2

He di&,ounted 'nd loo-ed the rein& 'round ' -o&t ,e'nt e;-re&&l) *or th't+ then &tood *or ' ,o,ent in the &h'de+ &.i-ing hi& h'nd 'cro&& hi& 3ro.+ &,oothing hi& h'ir 3'c02 He h'd no .') o* ho. di&re-ut'3le he ,ight loo02 He onl) 0ne. hi& clothing 'nd hi& 'ccent .ould &-e'0 *or hi, .hen he o-ened hi& ,outh to introduce hi,&el*2 He &tood *or ' ,o,ent+ li&tening2 A 3ird ho--ed *ro, one 3r'nch to 'nother+ r'ttling le'<e&2 And then he he'rd ' ,ore rh)th,ic &oundE Snic02 Snic02 Snic02 It .'& co,ing *ro, 3ehind the hou&e+ .here no dou3t ' g'rden gre.2 He 0ne. the &ound *ro, childhood+ in the d')& 3e*ore L' 7ont'gne h'd 3een lo&t+ 'nd hi& ,other h'd en4o)ed the g'rden&2 It &ounded li0e &o,eone .'& tri,,ing ro&e&2 $You?<e 'nother <i&itor+ S'3rin'2 A 7r2 )ndh',25 Su&'nn'h &tood in the door.')+ e)e& 3right2 $H'nd&o,e2 !ut not ' gentle,'n+ I?d .'rr'nt25 S'3rin' &,iled 't her &i&ter2 !e*ore Su&'nn'h h'd ,et #it hitel'.+ the Vi&count Gr'nth',+ &he?d 3een ' London 3elle@ &he could '&&e&& ' line'ge or ' -edigree .ithin &econd&2 S'3rin' h'd le'rned &o ,uch '3out her &i&ter& in her &hort &t')2 And &he lo<ed e<er) ne. thing &he le'rned '3out her &i&ter&2 And e<er) ti,e &he con&idered 'g'in the <er) ide' &he ,ight h'<e 3een de-ri<ed o* the,+ &he 0ne. -'nic 'nd 'nger '*re&h2 $He?& not ' gentle,'n+5 S'3rin' con*ir,ed &hortl)2 It .'& trul) intere&ting th't her hu&3'nd?& *riend& *elt o3liged to ,'0e the -ilgri,'ge to Gro&<enor S:u're2 She con&idered ,'0ing )ndh', .'it ' good long .hile until he gre. 3ored 'nd .ent '.') on hi& o.n2 She con&idered i,-eriou&l) &ending hi, on hi& .')2 She .ondered i* he h'd .ord o* Rh)&@ &he .ondered i* &he c'red2 She held the thought in her ,ind+ 3ut ' &hell h'd *or,ed 'round the -l'ce Rh)& li<ed in her2 She *elt nothing 't 'll2 She loo0ed 't her&el* in the ,irror2 She .'& thinner+ too+ &he re'li8ed in &ur-ri&e2 The &0in 3ene'th her e)e& .'& ' -'le l'<ender@ her e)e& loo0ed enor,ou&2 V'nit) &tirred2 !ut truth*ull)+ it .'& 3oredo, th't 3rought her do.n the &t'ir& 'nd into the -'rlor2 $You loo0 'l,o&t '& .onder*ul '& he doe&+5 .ere her h'nd2 $I?, not cert'in th't .'& ' co,-li,ent+ 7r2 $It .'&n?t+ L'd) R'.den25 Thi& g'<e her ' 3it o* -'u&e2 $Did )ou co,e here to <'guel) in&ult ,e+ 7r2 )ou h'<e ' ,i&&ionF5 $I thin0 )ou &hould &ee hi,25 )ndh',+ or did )ndh',?& *ir&t .ord& '*ter o<er


hich .'& hi& .') o* co,ing 3luntl) to the -oint2

$Thi& i& 3eco,ing ' r'ther dull re*r'in+ I *e'r25 $I?<e 0no.n hi, *or )e'r&+ L'd) R'.den2 e?<e done65 He loo0ed 't S'3rin'?& *'ce 'nd '--'rentl) decided to edit .h'te<er it .'& he?d 3een '3out to &')2 $ e?<e done r'ther ' lot o* thing& together in th't ti,e2 I 0no. hi, <er) .ell2 !ut I?d ne<er &een hi, h'--)2 I *r'n0l) didn?t thin0 he h'd the c'-'cit) *or it2 And )ou ,'de hi, h'--)25 S'3rin' *elt ' little &urge o* 'nger2 Ju&t li0e th't+ &he &hould &ee hi,+ '& i* &he .ere ' c'r-et+ or ' -'inting+ or ' *'nci*ul &t'ined-gl'&& .indo.2 !ec'u&e it ,'de hi, h'--)2 $Ah+ 3ut )ou &ee+ he ,'0e& ,e unh'--)+5 &he e;-l'ined c're*ull)2 $I don?t 3elie<e )ou+5 )ndh', &'id *l'tl)2

Thi& 3rought her u- &hort2 $7r2 )ndh',25 She &'id it coldl)+ ' .'rning2

$I thin0 he h'& ,'de )ou unh'--)2 I do 3elie<e there?& ' di**erence2 One i& -er,'nent+ L'd) R'.den2 And the other i& ' -roduct o* incident25 She &t'red 't hi,2 $You 're65 She .'& '3out to &') $i,-ertinent+5 3ut &he 0ne. thi& .ouldn?t ,'tter in the le'&t to )ndh',2 $L'd) R'.den2 I &.e'r to )ou he &ee& no one 't 'll2 Not So-hi'2 Not 'n)one 't The Vel<et Glo<e65 The Vel<et Glo<eF Good God+ 3ut &he didn?t .'nt to -icture .h't .ent on there2 !ut )ndh', h'd ne<er c'red .hether or not he .'& &c'nd'lou&2 $He .on?t le'<e the hou&e+ e;ce-t on err'nd& he &')& nothing '3out2 I h'<en?t &een hi, in .ee0&2 And .hen he &-e'0&+ he?&65 $"hurli&hF5 S'3rin' co,-leted2 $ h't ' &h',e2 Th't c'nnot 3e <er) -le'&'nt *or )ou25 She .'& 'll ,oc0 &),-'th)2 h't ' di**erent .o,'n &he .'& tod') *ro, ,ere ,onth& 'go2 $I 0no. )ou?re 'ngr)2 And Rh)& i& 3) no ,e'n& ' &'int+ 'nd he?& the l'&t -er&on to cl'i, to 3e2 !ut )ou?re hi& .i*e2 You?<e ' dut) to hi,25 $A dut)+ 7r2 )ndh',F5 The .ord ,'de her :uietl)+ *erociou&l) 'ngr)2 $The e'rl 'nd I 'greed *ro, the out&et to li<e our li<e& &e-'r'tel)2 One ,ight &') .e?<e 3een &ucce&&*ul in th't reg'rd25 $He?& 'n e'rl+ L'd) R'.den2 He?ll .'nt heir&25 )ndh', &'id it *l'tl)2

S'3rin' &uc0ed in ' 3re'th2 $You 'l.')& did en4o) &etting out to &hoc0 ,e+ didn?t )ou+ 7r2 )ndh',F5

$I 0no. &o *e. -eo-le c'-'3le o* 3eing &hoc0ed 'n),ore+ L'd) R'.den2 You c'n h'rdl) den) ,e the -le'&ure o* &hoc0ing )ou25 She 'l,o&t &,iled2 She .'& :uiet in&te'd+ turned her he'd '.') *ro, hi,2 $I ,i&& hi,+5 )ndh', &'id &i,-l)2

S'3rin' loo0ed 't )ndh',+ hi& h'nd&o,e+ r'0i&h *'ce+ tho&e n'rro. d'r0 e)e&+ 'nd &he 'l,o&t 0ne. &),-'th)2 h't 'n odd '&&ort,ent o* <i&itor& Rh)& h'd 3rought into her &i&ter?& dr'.ing roo,2 The di&re-ut'3le -'inter .ho could &c'rcel) -'int+ 'nd the o-er' &inger .ho too0 gi*t& *ro, other 'd,irer& 'nd .ho h'd ,'de lo<e to her hu&3'nd2 She ought to h'<e 3een touched 3) the out-ouring o* lo)'lt)2 It ch'nged nothing2 The) .ere h'rdl) re*erence& *or hi& ch'r'cter2 And her hu&3'nd h'd 0illed her tru&t2 $Did the e'rl &end )ou here+ 7r2 )ndh',F5

$No2 I &.e'r it on 'll I hold de'r25 Hi& *'ce .'& &ole,n2 S'3rin' .'& &uddenl) curiou& '3out .h't 7r2 $You .on?t &ee hi,F5 $No+5 &he &'id &i,-l)2 )ndh', duc0ed hi& he'd+ 3rie*l)2 Then nodded+ '& i* in 'cce-t'nce o* hi& de*e't2 $Rh)& did &') )ou .ere ' good *riend25 She .ould tell $Did heF5 )ndh', th't ,uch2 )ndh', held de'r2

)ndh', '&0ed .hen &he &ee,ed di&inclined to interru-t the &ilence2

)ndh', &,iled ' little2 $Tell ,e+ .h't did Rh)& tell )ou '3out ,) 'rt.or0F5

$He?& 'n 'd,irer o* )our -'inting+ too25 S'3rin' &'id thi& gr'<el)2 )ndh', &tudied her2 And then ' *'int &,ile turned u- the corner& o* hi& ,outh2 $You?re ' 3e'uti*ul li'r+ L'd) R'.den25 Sur-ri&ing her+ he &.i*tl) li*ted her h'nd to hi& li-&+ lingered o<er it+ relin:ui&hed it2 It ,'de her .onder -reci&el) ho. ,'n) he'rt& And then he 3o.ed+ 'nd .'& gone2 It .'&n?t -reci&el) Rh)&?& intent to cree- u- on her+ 3ut hi& *oot*'ll& .ere c're*ul 'nd :uiet2 He *ollo.ed the &nic0ing &ound+ 'nd -eered 'round the corner2 Goo&e*le&h .'&hed o<er hi& 'r,&2 He 0ne. in 'n in&t'nt+ .ith 3one-dee- cert'int)+ .ho, it .'& he .'tched2 )ndh', h'd 3ro0en2

And 'n in&t'nt l'ter he 3eg'n to 3e '3le to identi*) the &u3tle little thing& th't 'dded u- to .h) he 0ne.E the .') &he ,o<ed+ gr'ce*ul+ :uic0 'nd deli3er'te+ &o *',ili'r no. to hi,+ *or it li<ed in her d'ughter2 The &et o* her &houlder&+ 'nd the line o* her &-ine6eleg'nt+ &tr'ight+ '& though *'&hioned out o* -ride it&el*2 The &lender nec06the) 'll h'd th't long+ &lender nec0+ the Holt &i&ter&6'nd her chinE .hen &he turned it ' little+ he &'. it .'& &o,eho. 3oth &tu33orn 'nd delic'te+ e<en '& the &0in 3ene'th it h'd gone ' little &o*t2 !ut there .'& &o,ething inde*in'3le '3out her e&&ence th't &-o0e &o &trongl) o* S'3rin' th't hi& he'rt le'-ed in *ierce recognition+ 'nd it hurt2 Her h'ir+ &till d'r0+ .'& coiled 't the 3'&e o* her nec0@ he could &ee it 3ene'th the 3onnet &he .ore@ it .'& &e<er'l )e'r& out o* *'&hion 'nd the ri33on& .ere undone+ '& i* &he?d 3een too i,-'tient to get 't the ro&e& thi& ,orning to tie it2 A 3'&0et d'ngling *ro, her 'r, held *our long &te,& to--ed .ith *ull) 3lo.n 3loo,&+ 3rilli'nt 'nd cri,&on2 No dou3t &he .'& cutting the, to en4o) in the hou&e 3e*ore the he't cri&-ed their edge& 'nd the) nodded on their &te,&2 She re'ched *or 'nother ro&e+ e;tended her &ci&&or&2 !ut ' &h'do.+ ' &en&e o* &o,ething+ ,u&t h'<e 'lerted her to hi& -re&ence2 She .hirled2 Fro8e 'nd &t'red2 She didn?t dro- her &ci&&or&+ he noticed@ &he 0e-t the, *ir,l) in her gr'&-2 Ah+ the re&ource*ul Holt .o,en2 E<en in ' ,o,ent o* terror+ &he?d h'd the -re&ence o* ,ind to hold on to ' .e'-on2 It .'&n?t until then th't Rh)& re'li8ed he h'dn?t the *'inte&t ide' .h't he?d intended to &') to Ann'2 He?d 3een &o utterl) *ocu&ed on &i,-l) *inding her2 So he decided 4u&t to &-e'0 :uic0l)+ in ' <oice th't .ould re'&&ure ne'rl) 'n) Engli&h-3orn .o,'n2 $7) '-ologie&+ ,'d',2 I ', Rh)& Gillr')+ E'rl o* R'.den25 !el'tedl) he re'li8ed it .'& ' <oice th't .ould re'&&ure 'n)one .ith the e;ce-tion+ -erh'-&+ o* ' *ugiti<e *ro, Engl'nd2 So he 3o.ed lo. then+ .hich .ould h'<e gi<en her 'n o--ortunit) to lunge *or.'rd .ith the &ci&&or& &hould the urge t'0e her2 A ge&ture+ he ho-ed+ o* tru&t 'nd+ he ho-ed+ not o* *ooli&hne&&2 Once he .'& u-right 'g'in+ &he?d ,'n'ged to co,-o&e her&el*2 Her *'ce .'& colorle&&+ 3ut &he h'd donned 'n e;-re&&ion o* -olite con*u&ion+ ' ,'&0 o<er her *e'r2 She loo0ed 't hi, ,ore *ull) then+ &eeing hi,2 Ah+ 'nd de&-ite her tre-id'tion+ &he h'd th't+ too+ the Holt .o,en?& '--reci'tion *or ' h'nd&o,e ,'nE he &'. her e)e& *l're 'l,o&t i,-erce-ti3l)2 He &,iled ' little+ re'&&uringl)2 !ell'+ indeed+ he thought2 Her e)e& .ere -'le+ ,ore gold th'n green+ .here'& hi& .i*e?& e)e& .ere decidedl) ,ore green2 Tho&e delic'te 3one& 'nd &o*t ,outh2 Fine line& 3ene'th her e)e& e<ident in the &unlight+ '& &uited ' .o,'n her 'ge+ ' .o,'n .ho h'd 0no.n grie* 'nd *e'r 'nd lo&& 'nd lo<e2

She &-o0e+ her <oice &o*t+ her h'nd& ,'0ing ' hel-le&&+ concili'tor) *e,inine ge&ture2 $Sono &-i'cente+ &ignore+ ,' non c'-i&co l?ingle&e65 $Ann' Holt25 Hi& <oice+ &o*t+ gentle '& the 3ree8e in the g'rden+ &liced o** her &entence '& &urel) '& her &ci&&or& cut her ro&e&2 She .ent <er) &till2 The h'nd clutching her &ci&&or& 3eg'n to tre,3le ' little2 Ann' h'd 3een 'n o-er' d'ncer+ -erh'-&+ 3ut &he .ould ne<er h'<e ,'de ' con<incing 'ctre&&2 $Ann'25 Gentl)+ gentl) &'id+ though he 0ne. nothing could cu&hion the .ord& he .'& '3out to utter2 $I ', Rh)& Gillr')+ Lord R'.den2 And I ', ,'rried to )our d'ughter S'3rin'25 The &ci&&or& &li--ed *ro, her h'nd+ l'nded .ith ' ,et'llic thun0 't her *eet2 She &t'red ' ,o,ent+ then *ro.ned &lightl)@ her *inger& .ent u- to touch her *'ce+ ' hel-le&& ge&ture o* di&3elie*2 And Rh)& &'. her 0nee& 3egin to 3uc0le2 He .'& ne;t to her in&t'ntl)@ he c'ught her *olding 3od) in hi& 'r,&+ &u--orting her .hile her leg& could not2 He touched her .ri&t&@ her h'nd& .ere ice cold2 He &'. ' little 3ench ne'r3)+ tuc0ed 3ene'th ' tree+ 'nd &.e-t her u- in hi& 'r,& 'nd c'rried her there2 Rh)& gentl) &ettled her+ turning hi& *olded co't into ' -illo.+ li*ting her *eet onto hi& l'-2 He?d 3een ' &oldier+ '*ter 'll2 He 0ne. ' little 3it '3out &hoc0 'nd ho. to tre't it2 For ' :uiet ,inute or t.o+ in the g'rden o* ' &ecluded It'li'n <ill'+ Rh)& Gillr')+ E'rl o* R'.den+ &'t :uietl) .ith Ann' Holt?& &li--er& in hi& l'-2 $I?<e ne<er *'inted+5 .ere her *ir&t .ord&2 Ver) Engli&h+ ' little &ur-ri&ed+ <er) &te'd)+ con&idering2 $Not e<en .hen J',e& 7'0e-e'ce told ,e '3out Rich'rd25 She gl'nced u- 't hi, to g'uge hi& re'ction to thi& &t'te,ent2 Hi& &ilence told her he 0ne. -reci&el) .h't &he ,e'nt2 $Are )ou *eeling9+5 he <entured+ gentl)2 $!etterF Ye&+ th'n0 )ou+ Lord R'.den25 She &ounded 'l,o&t .r) no.2 $7') I9F5 She gl'nced do.n 't her &li--er&+ tellingl) 3'c0 u- 't hi& *'ce2 $In ' ,o,ent2 You?re &till too -'le25 She &,iled &lightl)@ her 3ro.& .ent u- 't hi& e**ortle&& .') .ith 'n order2 !ut then Rich'rd Loc0.ood h'd 3een ' ,ilit'r) ,'n+ too2 He i,'gined &he .'& *',ili'r .ith the t)-e2 In the :uiet th't *ollo.ed+ ' 3ird &'ng 'n 'ri'2 Rh)& 3eg'n to *eel the he't 't the 3'c0 o* hi& nec02 $You &') )ou?re S'3rin'?& hu&3'ndF5 &he <entured &o*tl) '*ter ' ,o,ent2

$Ye&25 He &till .'&n?t cert'in ho. to tell her .h't he?d co,e to tell her2 He &u&-ected he .'& -o&t-oning *illing in the )e'r&2 =o&t-oning the ,o,ent .hen &he .ould 3egin to h'te hi,2 There .'& 'nother &ilence2 $7) S'3rin'+5 &he .hi&-ered2 A gho&t o* ' &,ile2 $She .'& 2 2 25 Ann' -'u&ed2 $Ho. i& 2 2 25 She &to--ed2 And then &lo.l)+ 3e*ore Rh)&?& e)e&+ Ann'?& *'ce cru,-led+ 'nd her h'nd *u,3led u- to her *'ce+ '& i* to .'rd o** the &udden del')ed ru&h o* *eeling2 !ut &he could not2 She too0 in 'nother long r'gged 3re'th2 And .hen &he e;h'led+ her 3od) .'& &h'0ing .ith r'c0ing+ ne'r-&ilent &o3&2 Oh+ te'r&2 He ne<er 0ne. .h't to do '3out te'r&2 Gentl) Rh)& lo.ered her *eet to the ground2 And then he too0 hi& .i*e?& ,other in hi& 'r,&+ 'nd held her .hile &he .e-t 'g'in&t hi& cr'<'t2 $ ellF5 Geo**re) .'& i,-'tient2 $ e?<e tr'ced the deed o* the hou&e to ' 7r2 E,3r)+5 7r2 !'rne& told hi, e<enl)2 $AndF5 Geo**re) &'id2 $ e?<e 3een un'3le to deter,ine .hether or not he .'& 'n '&&oci'te o* 7r2 7orle)?&2 The ti,ing o* the &'le .'& '& )ou &'id it .ould 3e+ 3ut the -roo* end& there25 $I?, telling )ou the truth+ 7r2 !'rne&25 $=erh'-&25 !'rne& loo0ed 3ored2 $I c'n &ell the &tor) to ' &c'nd'l &heet25 $For ' good de'l le&& th'n .h't .e?ll -') )ou25 7r2 !'rne& .'& entirel) unconcerned2 $And it?& entirel) -o&&i3le no one .ill 3elie<e ' .ord o* it2 O* cour&e+ it 'll de-end& u-on )our ,oti<e *or &elling the &tor)+ 7r2 Gillr')2 And it ,ight <er) .ell 3e .orth )our .hile to .'it25 Geo**re) &.i-ed &urre-titiou&l) 't hi& te,-le2 A 3e'd o* &.e't h'd 3egun to *or, there2 The ,one) he?d '&0ed *or *ro, 7r2 !'rne& .ould 'llo. hi, to le'<e the countr)+ '3'ndon hi& de3t& here *ore<er2 !ut he .'& '*r'id to 3e in London2 He?d h'd hi& li*e thre'tened2 The &c'nd'l &heet& .ere loo0ing ,ore 'nd ,ore '--e'ling2 $ h) 're )ou &o concerned+ 7r2 Gillr')F I& it &elling )our *',il) n',e th't i& ,'0ing )ou ' 3it ner<ou&+ or i& it &o,ething el&eF5 Geo**re) 3eg'n to h'te 7r2 !'rne&2 hen Geo**re) &'id nothing+ 7r2 !'rne& &-o0e 'g'in2 $I* the &tor) i& indeed true+ I &h'll -u3li&h it 'nd &u--ort it+ *or I en4o) &elling ne.&-'-er&+ 'nd intend to &ell ' good de'l ,ore th'n ,) -redece&&or2 !ut ,) o.n re-ut'tion+ 'nd th't o* the Ti,e&+ h'& no -rice+ 7r2 Gillr')2

So )ou .ill .'it *or corro3or'tion+ or )ou ,') &ell )our &tor) to the &c'nd'l &heet&2 It i& )our deci&ion to ,'0e25 Geo**re) 0ne. thi& &,ug ,'n+ .ho h'd no title or *',il) n',e+ .ho .'& <er) clo&e to 3eing co,,on+ de&-i&ed hi,2 E<en '& he intended to ,'0e u&e o* hi,2 And &o the) h'd th't in co,,on2 !ut 7orle) .'& on tri'l no.+ 'nd .ho 0ne. .hen the) ,ight decide u-on hi& guilt .ith the e<idence the) h'd 't h'nd+ 'nd ho. &entencing ,ight 'ctu'll) t'0e -l'ceF It ,ight 3e 'll *or n'ught i* the) hung the ,'n 3e*ore the in*or,'tion Geo**re) h'd to &ell re'ched the -u3lic2 !ut thin0ing o* 7orle)+ Geo**re) &uddenl) h'd ' 3rilli'nt in&-ir'tion2 And it .ould de-ri<e thi& &,ug ,'n o* hi& &tor)2 $Th'n0 )ou+ 7r2 !'rne&+ 3ut I .on?t 3e needing )ou 'n),ore25 7r2 !'rne& ,erel) &hrugged2 Rh)& 'nd Ann' no. &'t in her tin) <ill' 't ' rough .ood t'3le2 He?d -oured ' drin0 o* cool .'ter *or her@ he?d -oured .'ter *or hi,&el*2 She?d l'id ' -l'te o* 3re'd 'nd &o*t chee&e on the t'3le 3e*ore hi,2 Rh)& &i--ed hi& .'ter .hile Ann' 'rr'nged her cut ro&e& in ' <'&e+ ' &i,-le one o* etched gl'&&2 The <i<id 3loo,& lit the roo, 'l,o&t '& &urel) '& l',-&2 It .'& tin) 3ut co,*ort'3le+ her ho,e2 There .'& ' &,'ll 0itchen+ 'nd ' &to<e th't 3urned .ood 3oth *or he't 'nd *or coo0ing2 A &itting roo, .ith ' &ettee the color o* cogn'c 'nd t.o .ooden ch'ir&+ '& though e<er) no. 'nd then &he?d recei<ed co,-'n)2 Nothing li0e &he?d 3een 'ccu&to,ed to+ he .'& cert'in+ .hen &he .'& under the -rotection o* ' .e'lth) ,'n li0e Rich'rd Loc0.ood2 !ut *ro, .h't he?d le'rned '3out Ann' Holt+ &he .'& re&ilient2 He told Ann'+ '& &i,-l) '& he could+ ho. he?d *ound herE '3out S'ntoro+ 'nd the .indo.& in the church2 He told Ann' th't #it hitel'. h'd ,ore or le&& ,'n'ged to -ro<e her innocence+ 'nd th't 7r2 7orle) .'& on tri'l in Engl'nd+ 'nd .'& e;-ected to 3e con<icted o* the cri,e o* tre'&on 't the <er) le'&t2 !ut then the) &'t in &ilence2 The hi&tor)+ the :ue&tion&+ the ,i&&ing )e'r&+ l') in ' gre't t'ngle 3et.een the,2 Neither o* the, &ee,ed to 0no. .here to 3egin tugging in order to unr'<el the &tor)2 And &o h'ltingl)+ he told her &i,-le thing&+ the outline o* the thing& th't &he needed to 0no.E the girl&6Su&'nn'h+ S)l<ie+ 'nd S'3rin'6.ere 'li<e+ 'nd .ell+ 'nd 3e'uti*ul+ 'nd ,'rried2 And h'--)2 ell+ e;ce-t *or one o* the,2 $7i&& Holt65 $Ann'2 Or 7other i* )ou -re*er25 Her e)e& &-'r0ed u- 't hi,+ 'nd in th't ,o,ent he thought it .'& 3oth ' &h',e 'nd ' relie* *or the ,en o* the .orld th't there .eren?t ,ore Holt .o,en in it+ *or ,en didn?t &t'nd ' -r')er 'g'in&t 'n) o* the,2 He &,iled ' little2 $Ann'9S'3rin' .'& r'i&ed 3) ' <ic'r2 I ,'rried her thi& )e'r2 And no. &he .on?t &-e'0 to ,e25

Her e)e& ro&e u- to hi& in :ue&tion2 $You c',e to *ind ,e to hel- re&ol<e ' :u'rrel .ith ,) d'ughterF5 She :uir0ed her 3ro.&2 $I c',e to *ind )ou+ Ann'+ 3ec'u&e I?, in -'rt the re'&on )ou?re here 't 'll25

"HA=TER T ENTY-EIGHT R HYS TOLD HIS t'le .ithout interru-tion+ .ithout e,3elli&h,ent+ 3ut .ith *'ct 'nd *eeling+ 3eginning .ith hi& *'ther?& de'th 'nd concluding .ith Geo**re)?& thre't to e;-o&e the &ecret to 'll o* Engl'nd+ 'nd it too0 &ur-ri&ingl) little ti,e gi<en ho. -ro*oundl) the &tor) h'd colored hi& entire li*e2 He ,'de hi,&el* loo0 't Ann' the entire ti,e+ .'tching her e)e&2 So li0e hi& .i*e?& e)e& in &h'-e2 !ut &he g'<e hi, ne'rl) nothing2 He once &'. ' tightening '3out her 4'.@ he once he'rd her dr'. in ' dee- 3re'th+ 3r'cing her&el* 'g'in&t &o,e e,otion 6'nger or 'ngui&h+ -erh'-&2 He+ .ho .'& &o good 't '&&e&&ing e<er)one+ &i,-l) couldn?t tell2 In the .'0e o* the &tor)+ the &ilence in Ann' Holt?& little <ill' .'& den&e2 Ann' &tudied hi,+ her e;-re&&ion unre'd'3le+ her e)e& '& un3lin0ing '& S'3rin'?& could 3e2 !r'<el)+ he ,et her g'8e2 Allo.ed her to 'rri<e on her o.n 't 'n) conclu&ion& &he &'. *it2 It .'& one o* the h'rder thing& he?d e<er h'd to do2 $Did )ou co,e here *or '3&olutionF5 Ann' *in'll) '&0ed2 Her <oice .'& ' little di&t'nt2 Re*lecti<e2 She &ounded genuinel) curiou&2 $No2 I c',e here to t'0e )ou 3'c0 to S'3rin'25 Une:ui<oc'll) &'id2 $And I thought )ou &hould 0no. .h't &ort o* ,'n intended to t'0e )ou 3'c0 to )our d'ughter25 She loo0ed 't hi, ' ,o,ent+ e)e& .idening2 And then+ to hi& ','8e,ent+ &he &,iled+ '& though &o,ething he?d &'id -le'&ed her2 She le'ned *or.'rd+ '3&entl) touched one o* the ro&e&+ *ingered the -et'l& <er) gentl)2 She &ee,ed to 3e deciding .h't to &')2 She too0 ' 3re'th 3e*ore &he &-o0e2 $I?<e ,) o.n ,e'&ure o* guilt to 3e'r+ Lord R'.den2 I .rote letter& to J',e& 7'0e-e'ce )e'r& 'go in:uiring '3out the .el*'re o* ,) girl&+ 3ut I 0ne. it .'& ' &el*i&h thing to do2 I 0ne. doing &o end'ngered J',e& 'nd the girl& 'nd ,)&el*+ 3ut there .ere d')& I .ould h'<e h'--il) died *or .ord o* the,2 !ut I ne<er ri&0ed ' return to Engl'nd2 I 'l.')& .ondered .hether I ought to h'<e tried h'rder+ )ou &ee93ut I .'& '*r'id+ 'nd I didn?t 0no. .h't el&e to do2 And &o the )e'r& -'&&ed2 I did ,'n'ge to re'd London -'-er& once or 3ut I didn?t 'cti<el) &ee0 the,2 I didn?t .'nt to c'll 'ttention to ,)&el*2 I did &en&e th't the &e'rch *or ,e &ee,ed to h'<e &u3&ided2 !ut &till I *e'red2 And .hen I ne<er he'rd *ro, J',e&+ I *e'red the .or&t25 She -'u&ed *or ' ,o,ent2

$ h't I?, tr)ing to &')+ Lord R'.den9.e 'll ,'0e the deci&ion& .e *eel .e need to ,'0e 't the ti,e2 You didn?t 0ill Rich'rd2 In ,'n) .')&+ )ou .ere 4u&t '& ,uch ' <icti, o* Th'ddeu& 7orle) '& Rich'rd or I25 Rh)& .'& &tunned2 He turned hi& he'd '.') *ro, her 3rie*l) to di&gui&e it2 !ut -erh'-& he &hould not h'<e 3een &ur-ri&ed2 The &',e &ort o* .i&do, 'nd genero&it) o* &-irit li<ed in her d'ughter2 And it .'&n?t -reci&el) '3&olution+ 3ut it .'& 3etter2 Ann' Holt+ o* 'll -eo-le+ under&tood .h) he?d done .h't he?d done2 $Do )ou lo<e ,) d'ughter+ Lord R'.denF5 He -'u&ed2 $=erh'-&25 hen he &'id the .ord& 'loud *or the <er) *ir&t ti,e in hi& li*e+ he .'nted to &') the, to S'3rin' 'lone2 She &tudied hi, ' ,o,ent longer+ 'nd then ' *'int &,ile '--e'red on her li-&2 Ag'in+ &o,ething '3out hi, &ee,ed to &'ti&*) her2 $ ell+ I *ind recri,in'tion dull+ on the .hole+ don?t )ouF And no.+ Lord R'.den+ .h) don?t )ou t'0e ,e ho,e25 7orle) &:uinted in the light th't c',e through n'rro. &lit&2 The 0ing h'd indeed &ei8ed hi& -ro-ertie&2 7r2 Duc0.orth .'& in*or,'ti<e th't .')+ 3ringing hi, little 3it& o* ne.&2 !ut 7orle)+ little did 'n)one el&e in the go<ern,ent 0no.+ .ith hi& in&tinct *or &el*--re&er<'tion+ h'd &:uirreled e<idence o* hi& 'cti<itie& in -l'ce& the 'uthoritie& .ould ne<er *ind2 He ,ight h'<e hung o<er+ i* the)?d *ound it2 $I?<e h'd ' *'&cin'ting corre&-ondence .ith ' 7r2 Geo**re) Gillr')+ 7r2 7orle)2 He?& the cou&in o* the E'rl o* R'.den25 The n',e ,'de 7r2 7orle) turn to loo0 't 7r2 Duc0.orth *or ' long ,o,ent2 $I& there &o,ething .e &hould di&cu&& 3e*ore the tri'lF Your d') o* &entencing '--ro'che&+ '& )ou 0no.25 $Doe& it re'll)F5 7orle) &'id lightl)2 $Ho. ti,e *lie&25 $I* there?& &o,ething )ou?d li0e to &h're .ith ,e+ thi& .ould 3e 'n e;cellent ti,e to do it25 7orle) h'd indeed re<ie.ed hi& roll& o* '&&oci'te&2 He did indeed 0no. o* one -'rticul'r e'rl he could e'&il) h'nd o<er to Hi& 7'4e&t)2 !ut he <er) ,uch .'nted to he'r .h't 7r2 Duc0.orth h'd to &') *ir&t2 The corre&-ondence *ro, Geo**re) Gillr') .'& intere&ting2 7orle) h'd ,et the l'd once )e'r& 'go2 H'nd&o,e+ di&&olute+ .e'0 3ut not in 'n intere&ting or -'rticul'rl) u&e*ul .')2 Not .orth) o* hi& intere&t+ re'll)9until no.2 $You ,') *ind it intere&ting th't the E'rl o* R'.den i& ,'rried to ' .o,'n .ho i& ru,ored to 3e Ann' Holt?& d'ughter2 7i&& S'3rin' F'irleigh25 Duc0.orth &ounded ,ildl) 3e,u&ed 3) thi&2 He?d encountered &tr'nger coincidence& in hi& -ro*e&&ion2

7orle) .ent &till2 And then ' -eculi'r little &,ile touched hi& ,outh 'nd :ui<ered there2 h't odd+ e;:ui&ite &),,etr) there .'& in the uni<er&e+ he thought2 Ho. h'd the E'rl o* R'.den re&-onded .hen he?d le'rned hi& .i*e .'& li0el) Ann' Holt?& d'ughterF Ho. on e'rth h'd the ,'rri'ge co,e '3outF 7orle) 3elie<ed in &),,etr)+ 3ut not coincidence2 He .'& ' &tr'tegic &ort+ 'nd -l'nned hi& ,o<e& 'ccordingl)+ 3ut he recogni8ed 'nd en4o)ed the -oetr) o* -ro-er conclu&ion&+ too2 $Do )ou 3elie<e in ,) innocence+ 7r2 Duc0.orth+ or do )ou ,erel) h'<e ' -ro*e&&ion'l intere&t in the outco,eF5 $Doe& it ,'tter+ 7r2 7orle)F5 7orle) &,iled2 Once u-on ' ti,e+ he 'nd 7r2 Duc0.orth ,ight h'<e done 3u&ine&& together &ucce&&*ull)+ he &u&-ected2 $Doe& 7r2 Gillr') ho-e to 3ene*it ,onet'ril) *ro, hi& corre&-ondence .ith )ou+ 7r2 Duc0.orthF5 7r2 Duc0.orth &'id nothing2 hich .'& 'n 'n&.er in 'nd o* it&el*2

The -oetr) o* -ro-er conclu&ion&2 And '& 7orle) continued to conte,-l'te thi& conce-t+ he 0ne. -reci&el) .h't hi& ne;t ,o<e .ould 3e2 $I -re*er to do thi& .ith ' 3it o* *l'ir+ i* )ou don?t ,ind+5 7orle) &'id 'l,o&t 3ri&0l)2 $=le'&e in*or, intere&ted -'rtie&+ including 7r2 Geo**re) Gillr')+ th't I &h'll ,'0e 'n 'nnounce,ent on Tue&d') 3e*ore &entencing25 A& it turned out+ 7r2 Duc0.orth+ .ho .'& not 't 'll '<er&e to -u3licit) '& it no dou3t .ould ,e'n ,ore 3u&ine&& *or hi,+ .'& ',en'3le2 And .hen .ord got out+ e&t,in&ter ch',3er& .ould 3e o<er* .ith the curiou&2

$I tru&t )ou?ll 3e '3le to &u--ort .ith e<idence .h'te<er it i& )ou intend to 'nnounce on Tue&d')+ 7orle)F5 $N'tur'll)25 $I &h'll tell the h'ng,'n he needn?t co,e in to *it )our noo&e+ then25 A dr) -'rting re,'r0 *ro, 7r2 Duc0.orth2 7orle) &i,-l) turned to.'rd the 'rro. &lit& 'nd .'tched the &unlight 'g'in+ ' gho&t o* ' &,ile 't hi& li-&2 To, h'nded the &c'nd'l &heet to #it2 $Re'd here25 $Ru,or h'& it th't ' cert'in e'rl h'& *led the countr) to '<oid 3eing i,-lic'ted in one o* the gre'te&t &c'nd'l& in Engli&h -olitic'l hi&tor)2 All .ill 3e re<e'led on Tue&d') in e&t,in&ter ch',3er&25

$ here did )ou get thi&+ Sh'ughne&&)F You don?t nor,'ll) re'd thi& &ort o* non&en&e25 $All ,'nner o* thing& 're le*t l)ing '3out The F',il) E,-oriu,2 !ut &ince I?, -ur-ortedl) rel'ted to R'.den through S)l<ie+ &o,eone &'. *it to -ut it right in ,) h'nd2 e?ll 'ttend the &entencing to,orro. o* cour&eF5 $O* cour&e25 #it .'nted to &ee the 4udge don ' 3l'c0 cloth *or 7orle)2 He?d ne<er t'0e -le'&ure in the de'th o* 'nother ,'n@ he .ould+ ho.e<er+ deri<e ' cert'in ',ount o* gri, &'ti&*'ction in 4u&tice 3eing done+ 'nd 4u&tice .'& t)-ic'll) ,eted out 3) ro-e or de-ort'tion2 No one con<icted o* tre'&on .ould e<er 3re'the *ree 'ir 'g'in+ unle&& the circu,&t'nce& .ere e;tr'ordin'r)2 It .'& &i,-l) the l'.+ 'nd in hi& o.n *'&hion+ he h'd &er<ed the l'. *or ,ore th'n ' dec'de2 !ut no. 2 2 2 $ h't the hell do )ou &u--o&e it ,e'n&F5 #it r'--ed the &heet h'rd .ith the 3'c0 o* hi& h'nd2 $=o&&i3l) it?& 4u&t ' ru&e to &ell &e't& in the ch',3er&25 To, didn?t &ound con*ident '3out thi&2 #it &u&-ected other.i&e+ too2 He?d 0no.n 7orle) too long2 The ,'n .'& re&ilient@ hi& tent'cle& .ere e<er).here2 #it .'&n?t n'i<e enough to 3elie<e th't the &helter o* the h'd entirel) cur3ed 7orle)?& re'ch2 And R'.den9He .ondered .h't &ort o* &ecret R'.den h'r3ored th't hi& .i*e &till &te'd*'&tl) re*u&ed to di<ulge+ 'nd .hether it .'& l'rge enough to touch hi& o.n *',il)2 R'.den .'& in It'l)+ he?d he'rd+ in*or,'tion the ,'n?& t'citurn <'let h'd *in'll) di<ulged2 #it thought he 0ne. the ,e'&ure o* the ,'n2 He h'dn?t *led 't 'll2 And e<en .hile #it h'd 'l.')& ho-ed he?d 3e the one to do it+ he -r')ed R'.den &ucceeded in hi& :ue&t2 There .'& &o ,uch ,ore 't &t'0e *or hi,2 S'3rin' re'd the .ord& -rinted 3e*ore her on the &c'nd'l &heet+ 'nd the ground dro--ed *ro, 3ene'th her *eet2 She too0 ' dee- 3re'th+ &te'd)ing her&el*2 Then re'li8ed there .'& 'lre'd) ' &te'd)ing 'r, 3ene'th her el3o.2 $ ere .e .rong to &ho. )ou thi&F5 S)l<ie '&0ed gentl)2 She 3eg'n to guide S'3rin' to.'rd ' ch'ir+ 3ut S'3rin'+ i,-'tient+ *ro.ned ' little+ .hich ,'de her &i&ter& &,ile2 Stu33orn 3lood) Holt&2 The) &u&-ected S'3rin' .'& the ,o&t &tu33orn o* 'll o* the,2 $I& he re'll) out o* the countr)F5 S'3rin' '&0ed it *'intl)+ 'l,o&t &-e'0ing to her&el*2 She thought &he .ould h'<e &en&ed it i* Rh)& .ere gone2 Oddl)+ &he re'li8ed &he h'dn?t 3een '*r'id .hen &he re'd tho&e .ord&2 Her *ir&t re'ction .'&9*ur)2 Surel) Geo**re) .'& the &ource2 Geo**re) h'd 3etr')ed her '& &urel) '& Rh)&+ 'nd *or re'&on& *'r ,ore cr'<en2 $R'.den?& <'let told )ndh', th't R'.den .ent to It'l)2 )ndh', told To,25

To, Sh'ughne&&) .'& 'nother -er&on .ho '&&oci'ted .ith 'll ,'nner o* ,en2 The three &i&ter& e;ch'nged loo0&+ 3ut none o* the, g'<e <oice to their thought&+ 3ec'u&e there .'& too ,uch -'in in the ho-e2 And Su&'nn'h 'nd S)l<ie 0ne. 3) no. not to '&0 S'3rin' to &h're the &ecret &he h'r3ored '3out her hu&3'nd2 The) onl) 0ne. the) &hould 3e .ith S'3rin' no ,'tter .h't occurred2 $Do )ou &till .'nt to co,e to the &entencingF5 S)l<ie '&0ed2 She 0ne.+ &uddenl)+ th't i* 7orle) intended to i,-lic'te Rh)&+ &he .'nted to 3e there2 $O* cour&e25 $Are )ou cert'in the) .'nt to &ee ,eF5 Ann' '&0ed it+ 'nd then *elt *ooli&h+ 3ec'u&e it ,'de her &ound &o he&it'nt+ *e'r*ul2 She?d 3een &trong *or &o long2 !ut &he?d *orgotten in her '3&ence .h't 'n '&&'ult on the &en&e& London could 3e+ the noi&e 'nd cro.d& 'nd &,ell& 'nd ,o<e,ent2 She?d li<ed in the countr)+ in Gorringe+ 'nd then &he?d li<ed in *urther i&ol'tion in the hill& o* It'l)+ 'nd no. the cl',or ,'de her 3r'ce her&el*2 And &he?d longed *or London *or &e<enteen )e'r&+ 3ut 'll the .hile+ London h'd &o,eho. 3een the ene,)+ too+ 3ec'u&e London h'd hunted her2 She &till h'rdl) *elt the right to &t'nd .here &he &tood2 Thi& i& .h't I?<e .'nted *or &e<enteen )e'r&2 Ah+ .ellE &o &he .'& uncert'in+ 3ut &he .'& no le&& &trong2 And it .'& 3e&t to do it 'll 't once+ &he 0ne.2 So ,uch e'&ier to di<e in th'n to .'de in &lo.l)2 $I .'nt to &ee the, no.+5 &he &'id2 $All o* the,25 $Ver) .ell+ then+5 Rh)& &'id2 $I &hould thin0 the) 're 'll in2 It?& e'rl) )et+ 'nd I?<e he'rd the) 're &eldo, '-'rt25 He .'ited ' 3it .ith her+ &t'nding 't her &ide ne;t to the h'c0ne) '& the) loo0ed u- 't the Gr'nth', to.n hou&e2 $Ho. do I 2 2 25 Ann' he&it'ted+ her h'nd ri&ing u- to her h'ir ' ,o,ent+ *u&&ing .ith her 3onnet2 $Loo0F onder*ul2 Ju&t li0e )our d'ughter+ in *'ct25

She &,iled ' little2 $ ill )ou co,e .ith ,eF5 She ,'de it &ound &olicitou&+ 3ut &he .'& e,3'rr'&&ed *or '&0ing+ ,o&tl) 3ec'u&e &he .'& -'rtl) '*r'id to do thi& 'lone2 $No2 I don?t .'nt S'3rin' to *eel o3lig'ted to &ee ,e 4u&t 3ec'u&e I?<e 3rought )ou ho,e2 And I thin0 )ou?re ' 3ig enough &ur-ri&e on )our o.n+ Ann'25 r)l) &'id2 $God&-eed25 Ann' &uddenl) *ound it i,-o&&i3le to &-e'02 He .'& 'n e;tr'ordin'r) ,'n+ her d'ughter?& hu&3'nd2 Strong 'nd *l'.ed2 The &ort o* ,'n e<er) .o,'n needed+ 3ec'u&e &o,eti,e& '

,'n?& gre'te&t &trength& .ere ,erel) the in<er&e o* hi& gre'te&t *l'.&2 She *ound her&el* .i&hing he 'nd Rich'rd ,ight h'<e 0no.n e'ch other2 Rh)& 0i&&ed Ann'?& h'nd2 She &'. Rh)& gl'nce u- once 't the .indo.& o* the to.n hou&e 'nd inh'le+ &:u'ring hi& &houlder&2 A -oign'nt ge&ture2 And then he cli,3ed into the h'c0ne) 'nd le*t her to recl'i, her li*e2 On 7ond')+ the d') 3e*ore 7orle)?& &entencing+ Su&'nn'h he'rd <oice& 'nd -u&hed ' curt'in '&ide to -eer out into the d')2 "loud& .ere ,o<ing in to o3&cure the &un2 The) ,ight h'<e ' &-ring & 3e*ore long2 !ut it .'&n?t the &0) th't ri<eted her2 $S'3rin'+ S)l<ie9' h'c0ne) h'& le*t ' .o,'n 't the *oot o* the &t'ir&25 Su&'nn'h?& <oice .'& &o odd the other girl& i,,edi'tel) cro.ded 'round the .indo. to &ee2 E'ch o* the, .ent -er*ectl) &till2 No one &ee,ed '3le to &-e'02 $7) God+5 S'3rin' .hi&-ered 't l'&t+ &-e'0ing *or 'll o* the,2 Her tre,3ling h'nd .ent u- to her ,outh2 $He?& done it2 It?& her25 Rh)& h'd 3een ho,e *or 'll o* *i<e ,inute& .hen hi& <'let in*or,ed hi, th't 7r2 .'& 't the door 'nd .i&hed to &ee hi,2 Urgentl)2 )ndh',

Rh)& h'd 4u&t )'n0ed o** hi& cr'<'t+ 'nd .'& loo0ing *or.'rd to )'n0ing o** hi& 3oot&+ 3olting 3r'nd)+ 'nd &o'0ing in ' 3'th2 !ut he &u--o&ed he could &-'re ' ,o,ent *or )ndh',+ to .ho, he?d 3een nothing 3ut rude *or .ee0&2 $Send hi, u-+ I &u--o&e25 7o,ent& l'ter+ )ndh', &.e-t into the roo,2 $A&ide *ro, the *'ct th't )ou didn?t &ee *it to tell ,e )ou .ere le'<ing the countr)+ h'<e )ou &een the &c'nd'l &heet&+ R'.denF I thought )ou?d 3etter h'<e ' loo025 $Odd .') to greet ' ,'n+ )nd25

!ut the loo0 on )ndh',?& *'ce .'& gri,+ 'nd Rh)& could not rec'll .hen he?d e<er 3e*ore &een )ndh', gri,2 So he loo0ed 't the -'ge .here )ndh', .'& -ointing+ 'nd then &ei8ed the -'-er *ro, hi,2 $Ru,or h'& it th't ' cert'in e'rl h'& *led the countr) to '<oid 3eing i,-lic'ted in one o* the gre'te&t &c'nd'l& in Engli&h -olitic'l hi&tor)2 All .ill 3e re<e'led on Tue&d') in e&t,in&ter ch',3er&25 To,orro.+ in other .ord&2 hen Rh)& .'& &ilent+ )ndh', *in'll) &-o0e2

$Not .h't the) nor,'ll) &') '3out )ou+ R'.den2 At le'&t it?& ' ch'nge o* -'ce25 "'re*ul+ hi& .ord& .ere2 In<iting Rh)& to &-e'02 Rh)& couldn?t &-e'0 )et2 So Geo**re)+ 3lood) .e'0 Geo**re)+ h'd ,'de good on hi& thre't2 And thi& .'&n?t e;'ctl) the Ti,e&+ it .'& onl) ' &c'nd'l &heet+ 3ut it h'd gone '& *'r '& to i,-l) th't -erh'-& 'ctu'l e<idence highlighting hi& guilt .ould 3e -re&ented 't 7orle)?& tri'l2 =erh'-& 7orle) h'd 0e-t record& '*ter 'll2 Or -erh'-& he .ould ,erel) ,'0e &o,e &ort o* 'lleg'tion 'loud+ .hich .'& d',ning in it&el*2 Rh)& 0ne. e;'ctl) .here he .ould 3e to,orro.2

"HA=TER T ENTY-NINE L ATER+ NO ONE .ould re,e,3er .ho &-o0e *ir&t2 Or .ho &hed the *ir&t te'r2 L'ter+ it .ould 'll &ee, o* ' -iece2 The) .'ited+ ,otionle&&+ in &ilence+ *or her to co,e u- to the door+ 'nd *or !'le to 3ring her in to the,2 Al,o&t '& i* &he .ere 'n '--'rition+ 'nd the) *e'red &he .ould di&'--e'r i* the) ,o<ed+ or 'll c',e 't her 't once2 Fin'll)+ !'le+ un*l'--'3le !'le+ entered the roo,2 !ut e<en he .'& -'le+ 'nd hi& e)e& .ere lit .ith 3e,u&ed .onder2 And .hen he &-o0e+ hi& <oice &hoo02 $Ann' Holt+5 he 'nnounced2 So,e thing&+ the ,o&t he'rt*elt thing&+ c'n onl) 3e co,,unic'ted .ith &ilence2 And thi& .'& ho. it .'& *or 'll o* the, *or ' ,inute or &o2 A ,o,ent o* .onder2 A ,o,ent &o,eho. out&ide o* ti,e2 So,eone re'ched out ' h'nd to touch Ann'2 No one could re,e,3er .ho,2 The h'nd dre. 3'c0 'g'in2 The) 3eg'n to cro.d clo&er to her+ then hung 3'c0 once ,ore+ not .'nting to o<er.hel, her2 The) -'u&ed '.0.'rdl)+ 'nd once 'g'in there .'& nothing 3ut &ilence '& the) 'll &t'red2 $7) God9+5 Ann' *in'll) *'ltered2 $You?re 'll &o 3e'uti*ul25 And *or the re&t o* their li<e&+ the) .ould re,e,3er the&e .ord&2 For it .'& ' <oice S'3rin'+ S)l<ie+ 'nd Su&'nn'h 0ne. *ro, ' &h'red ,e,or) &e<enteen )e'r& old+ o* ' d'r0 *r'ntic night+ o* te'r&+ one 'nother9'nd their ,other2 And &he?d 'rri<ed in ti,e to go to court to .'tch the &entencing o* the ,'n .ho h'd ruined their li<e& &o ,'n) )e'r& 'go2 All the Holt girl& .ere there+ 7orle) noticed+ three lo<el)+ un,i&t'0'3le+ *'ce&+ -'le 'nd &tr'ined 'nd re&olute2 Ho-ing to .itne&& 4u&tice tod')2 ith the, .ere their hu&3'nd&E

7orle)?& do.n*'ll+ the Vi&count Gr'nth',+ no longer ' 3o)+ hi& 3lue e)e& 3oring into hi, 4u&t '& gri,l) '& the) h'd &o ,'n) )e'r& 'go2 Ne;t to hi, .'& hi& .i*e+ Su&'nn'h+ one o* Ann' Holt?& d'ughter&+ .ho?d -ro<ed i,-o&&i3le *or !o3 to 0ill+ th'n0& to Gr'nth',2 There .'& the *',ou& 7r2 To, Sh'ughhe&&)+ gorgeou& de<il+ *or,er -ro-rietor o* The hite Lil) The'ter+ &itting .ith the .o,'n .ho ,u&t 3e hi& .i*e+ S)l<ie2 Lo<el) girl2 Together Rich'rd Loc0.ood 'nd Ann' Holt h'd cre'ted 3e'uti*ul children2 E<er) e)e in the courtroo, th't .'&n?t tr'ined on 7orle) .'& tr'ined on the E'rl o* R'.den2 I,-o&ing+ h'nd&o,e+ the e'rl .'&+ 'nd hi& e)e& .ere on 7orle) no.+ un3lin0ing2 !rilli'nt+ *ierce e)e&2 He .'& ' *or,id'3le ,'n no.2 He?d 3een ' *rightened 3o) 't one ti,e2 7orle) h'd &een ho. to ,'0e u&e o* hi& *e'r+ 'nd it h'd &er<ed hi, .ell *or &e<enteen )e'r&2 Ho. <er) dr','tic+ ho. <er) '--ro-ri'te+ th't the e'rl h'd ,'n'ged to re'--e'r 4u&t in ti,e *or 7orle)?& *in'l '--e'r'nce2 And .hen he?d entered the courtroo, 3oldl)+ there h'd 3een 'n in&t'nt hu&h 'nd ' ne'r-'udi3le &.i<el o* he'd&2 Follo.ed 3) ' ru&h o* ,ur,ur& *ro, the cro.d+ ' &ound li0e *l',e touched to dr) 3r'nche&2 S'3rin' h'd then 4er0ed her he'd '.')+ 'nd loo0ed into her l'-2 Ah+ 3ut he?d &een+ 'nd e<er)one h'd &een+ the loo0 in R'.den?& e)e&2 The ,'n 4u&t didn?t c're th't e<er)one 0ne. he .'& in lo<e .ith hi& .i*e2 Ho. *unn) *'te .'&2 !ut no. the e'rl &'t '-'rt *ro, hi& entire *',il)2 Intere&ting2 So -erh'-& the) 0ne. R'.den?& &ordid little &ecret2 h't ' -it) *or R'.den2 7orle)?& e)e& ,o<ed 3e)ond the e'rl 'nd then 2 2 2 ell+ 7orle)?& <i&ion .'&n?t .h't it once h'd 3een2 !ut he thought he &'.+ there in the ch',3er&9Ann' Holt2 He .'& &ur-ri&ed th't hi& he'rt didn?t clench+ c'u&ing hi, to g'&- in -'in2 Hi& he'rt .'&n?t .h't it once h'd 3een+ either+ 'nd the h'd done nothing 't 'll to 3ol&ter hi& he'lth2 =erh'-& &he .'& ' gho&t2 =erh'-& he ought to &-in hi& he'd '3out 'nd loo0 *or Rich'rd Loc0.ood+ too2 He 'l,o&t &,iled 't the *'nci*ul thought2 ith the dr','tic e'rl -re&ent+ no one &ee,ed to h'<e noticed her+ 3undled uno3tru&i<el) '& &he .'& in .ido.?& .eed&2 She .'& older@ 3ut &he loo0ed &o ,uch li0e her d'ughter& &he ,ight &i,-l) h'<e 3een 'nother o* the,2 Or ' &h'do. o* one o* the,2 7orle) 0ne. &he .'&n?t ' gho&t2 He re'li8ed her -re&ence .'& ,erel)+ 'g'in+ the e;:ui&ite &),,etr) o* the uni<er&e 't .or02 It ,erel) con*ir,ed *or hi, the rightne&& o* .h't he .'& '3out to do2 He loo0ed '3out *or the *in'l -l')er 'nd9oh+ )e&+ there he .'&E Geo**re) Gillr')2 A &h'do. o* hi& cou&in in ter,& o* loo0& 'nd -re&ence+ thin+ 4u,-)2 e'lthier+ no.+ -erh'-&+ th'n0& to the co,3ined e**ort& o* 7orle)?& l'.)er 'nd the &c'nd'l &heet&2 It h'd 3een 'n i,-re&&i<e orche&tr'ted e**ort2 Young Gillr') loo0ed &o,eho. 3oth de*i'nt 'nd '& i* he?d li0e to &hrin0 into hi& &e't &o th't hi& cou&in the e'rl .ouldn?t go33le hi, 'li<e2

Ah+ 3ut 7r2 Duc0.orth .'& t'l0ing no.+ -re-'ring to '&0 the *in'l *'te*ul :ue&tion+ 'nd &o 7orle) ,u&t li&ten2 $7r2 7orle)+ .e?<e ' :ue&tion 3e*ore .e -roceed .ith &entencing2 Did )ou in *'ct -') 'n)one+ '& h'& 3een 'lleged+ to lie to 'uthoritie& in order to i,-lic'te Ann' Holt in the ,'tter o* Rich'rd Loc0.ood?& ,urderF5 ell+ 7r2 Duc0.orth couldn?t h'<e -ut the :ue&tion 'n) ,ore directl)+ could heF 7orle) .'ited2 He .'nted e<er) 3re'th in th't courtroo, held 3e*ore he &-o0e2 He .'nted e<er) e)e *i;ed u-on hi,2 He .'nted hi& .ord& :uoted e<er).here in London to,orro.+ o<er dinner t'3le&+ in &'lon& 'nd clu3&+ in the -'-er&2 He .'nted the, to 3e un*orgett'3le+ un,i&t'0'3le2 And then+ oddl)+ he &'. the d'ughter .ho loo0ed &o ,uch li0e Ann' Holt 3egin to &t'nd2 Al,o&t '& i* &he .ere -re-'ring to &-e'02 He thought he 3e&t relie<e the cro.d o* it& 'ntici-'tion 3e*ore &he did &-e'0 'nd ruin hi& ,o,ent2 And &o in hi& 3e&t &-eech-to-the-Hou&e-o*-"o,,on& <oice+ 7orle) &'id+ $No+ 7r2 Duc0.orth2 I 3elie<e )ou ,') h'<e 3een ,i&led 3) 7r2 Geo**re) Gillr')+ .ho &ee0& to t'int the good n',e o* hi& cou&in+ the E'rl o* R'.den+ 'nd there3) e'rn notoriet)+ not to ,ention ' *e. thou&'nd -ound&+ *ro, ,) o.n un*ortun'te circu,&t'nce&25 Good he'<en&+ 3ut 7orle) en4o)ed the g'&- th't .ent u-2 All .'& u-ro'r2 =eo-le on their *eet+ *ighting one 'nother *or ' loo0 't 7orle)+ 't Geo**re)+ 't the e'rl2 7r2 Geo**re) Gillr') &-un thi& .') 'nd th't in hi& &e't2 O**icer& o* the court ,o<ed o,inou&l) to gu'rd the e;it& le&t he 'tte,-t to *lee2 Young 7r2 Gillr') .'& unli0el) to 3e ' gue&t in the th'n0& to hi& r'n02 Ne.g'te or de-ort'tion &ee,ed ,ore li0el)+ 7orle) 0ne.2 He &,iled ' little2 He loo0ed 't hi& l'.)er+ 7r2 Duc0.orth+ .ho .'& reg'rding hi, .ith 'n e;-re&&ion o* r'n0 3etr')'l 'nd ' little 3it o* '.e+ 'nd .in0ed2 7orle) didn?t li0e to thin0 it h'd 'n)thing to do .ith con&cience2 Or .ith the l'te-in-li*e re'li8'tion th't he did indeed -o&&e&& ' &oul+ 'nd th't he needed to ,'0e thing& right .ith hi& 7'0er6' 7'0er .ho+ coincident'll)+ h'd not -reci&el) co,e to hi& re&cue &o long 'go+ .hen he?d lo&t hi& entire *',il) in ' London *ire2 !ut it .'& ' &-lendid .') to go out+ 'nd it h'd ' cert'in -oetr) the E'rl o* R'.den+ The Li3ertine+ could not *'il to '--reci'te2 !e&ide&+ 7orle) h'd no intention o* 'ctu'll) &.inging *ro, ' ro-e2 $ h) did )ou &t'nd u- tod') in the courtroo,+ S'3rin'F hen 7r2 7orle)?& l'.)er &-o0eF5

S'3rin' g'<e ' &t'rt 'nd turned to.'rd her ,other2 The &i&ter& h'd *in'll) gone 3e)ond 'll 3ut g',3oling '3out Ann' li0e -u--ie&+ 'nd no. the) could &it &ed'tel) in ' roo, 'nd t'l0 o<er 'nd 'round 'nd through one 'nother 'nd &till 3e he'rd+ in the ,'nner o* *',ilie& e<er).here2 !ut S'3rin'+ *or ' *e. gloriou& ,o,ent&+ h'd her ,other to her&el*+ *or S)l<ie h'd gone to 'ttend to the 3u&ine&& o* the the'ter 'nd Su&'nn'h .'& &-e'0ing to her coo0 '3out dinner2 S'3rin' c',e 'nd 0nelt on the c'r-et in *ront o* Ann' 'nd 3eg'n to *u&& .ith ' 3'&0et o* .ool 't her *eet+ thin0ing '3out ' &c'r* &he?d 0nitted2 !lue+ li0e hi& e)e&2 !ut &he didn?t .'nt to lie+ &o &he &tu33ornl) didn?t 'n&.er Ann'?& :ue&tion2 Her ,other r'i&ed 'n e)e3ro. 't the &ilence2 $Are )ou going to &ee hi,F5 &he '&0ed2 A -'u&e2 $No25 She?d le*t the courtroo, .ith Ann' 'nd S)l<ie 'nd Su&'nn'h 'nd #it 'nd To,+ &te'd*'&tl) re*u&ing to ,eet Rh)&?& e)e&2 $ h) notF5 $7',' 2 2 25 Ho. S'3rin' lo<ed u&ing th't .ord2 $He *ound )ou2 !ut it .'& Rh)& .ho &'cri*iced )ou+ 'll o* u&+ in order to &'<e hi& o.n *',il)2 h't 7r2 7orle) did tod') doe&n?t ch'nge the truth o* th't25 $Oh+ *or he'<en?& &'0e+ S'3rin'25 S'3rin' .hirled 'round2 She?d 3een ho,e in Engl'nd *or &c'rcel) ,ore th'n ' d')+ 'nd her ,other 'ctu'll) &ounded 3oth e;'&-er'ted 'nd ' little ',u&ed2 $7en 're idiot&+ ,) de'r+5 Ann' &'id thi& ,'tter-o*-*'ctl)2 $!ut &o+ I *e'r+ 're )ou25 S'3rin' g'&-ed2 And then her e)e& n'rro.ed+ her te,-er ri&ing u-2 $You?<e no right65 $Ah+ )ou?re '3&olutel) correct+ ,) lo<e2 I?<e no right+5 Ann' 'greed 'l,o&t cheeril)2 $I ,ight 3e ' <erit'3le &tr'nger to )ou+ 3ut I h'<e lo<ed )ou 'll )our li*e+ e<er) ,inute o* it+ .hether )ou 0ne. it or could *eel it or not2 And I?<e &o,ething i,-ort'nt to tell )ou2 You?re )oung2 And )ou?re -roud+ .hich i& '& it &hould 3e+ 'nd no &ur-ri&e+ gi<en )our 3lood2 Your *'ther .'& -roud+ 'nd God 0no.& I?, nothing i* not -roud+ 'nd in -'rt it?& our &trength2 !ut -erh'-& )ou?re too )oung to 0no. ho. r're 2 2 25 Ann'?& &te'd) tone *'ltered ' little+ 'nd &he cle'red her thro't2 $Ho. r're re'l lo<e i&2 Ho. -reciou&+ ho. unli0e 'n)thing el&e2 And I '-ologi8e i* I &ound ,'udlin+ 3ut )ou need to he'r thi&+ S'3rin'25 S'3rin' &uc0ed in 'n i,-'tient 3re'th+ 3r'cing her&el*2 The&e .ord& hurt@ the) chi--ed '.') 't the &hell &he?d 3uilt 'round the <er) thought o* Rh)&2 She .'nted none o* thi& .i&do,2 $He h'& ne<er once told ,e th't he lo<e& ,e+5 S'3rin' &'id coldl)2 $And he ne<er .'nted ,e to 3egin .ith25 $Oh+ S'3rin'25 Ann' rolled her e)e&2 $Ho. <er) dr','tic25 S'3rin' g'-ed 't her ,other2 And then &he ne'rl) &-luttered in outr'ge2 $Ho. c'n )ou65

$Your hu&3'nd *ound hi,&el* in the re,'r0'3l) unten'3le -o&ition o* 3eing ,'rried to ' girl he?d 3etr')ed &o ,'n) )e'r& 'go2 F'te doe& h'<e ' &en&e o* hu,or+ )ou 0no.2 And he .'& '*r'id to lo&e )ou+ 'nd &o he did ' &tu-id thing 3) e&&enti'll) l)ing to )ou+ 'nd &ending )our &i&ter& '.') the d') the) c',e to &ee )ou2 Th't .'& *e'r+ )ou &ee2 A& I &'id+ ,en 're idiot&+ e&-eci'll) .hen it co,e& to lo<e2 And he did ' de&-er'te thing long 'go to &'<e -eo-le he lo<ed2 ho c'n &') .h't 'n) o* u& ,ight h'<e doneF5 $I .ould not h'<e6)ou .ould not h'<e65 $Hu&h25 Ann' .'& &tern no.2 $You c'nnot &') .h't )ou .ould h'<e done2 Enough o* the righteou&ne&&25 S'3rin' .'& *ull) *uriou& no. .ith thi& .o,'n2 !ut de&-ite her&el*+ &he .'& li&tening+ '<idl)2 No one h'd e<er &-o0en li0e thi& to her 3e*ore+ 'nd e<en '& the .ord& &tung+ &he .'& thir&t) *or the,2 Ann'?& tone &o*tened+ loo0ing into S'3rin'?& *l',ing *'ce2 $S'3rin'9I &.e'r thi& to )ouE )our hu&3'nd i& ' 3r'<e ,'n2 And not 4u&t 3ec'u&e o* the .'r@ .'r ,'de 3r'<e ,'n) 'n ordin'r) ,'n2 !ut he &'t 3e*ore ,e 'nd con*e&&ed e<er)thing+ *ull .ell I ,ight h'te hi,2 For the cri,e .'& co,,itted -ri,'ril) 'g'in&t ,e+ .'& it notF !ut he .'nted ,e to 0no. .ho he .'&+ 'nd .h) he .'& there2 And he .'nted to gi<e ,e 3'c0 to )ou2 He did thi& e<en .hile e<er)thing he?d .or0ed *or hi& entire li*e6hi& title+ hi& -ro-ertie&+ the leg'c) o* R'.den heir& *or centurie& to co,e6.'& 't ri&0 in hi& '3&ence *ro, London2 I c'n &') thi&+ 'nd I .ould ne<er &') thi& lightl)2 He?& .orth) o* )ou25 S'3rin'?& he'rt .'& either 3re'0ing or 3loo,ing+ &he could not 3e cert'in2 She .r'--ed her 'r,& 'round her&el* tightl) to &,other the 'che2 $!ut+ 7','65 She *elt the te'r& no.2 =u&hing 't the 3'c0 o* her e)e&+ 0notting in&ide her che&t2 $I c'n?t65 Ann' .ent on+ gentle 3ut relentle&&2 $He 3rought ,e to )ou2 He?& -re-'red to li<e ' li*e .ithout )ou '& long '& )ou h'<e .h't )ou?<e 'l.')& longed *or2 And th't+ I tell )ou+ i& cour'ge+ ,) lo<e2 !ec'u&e I c'n tell )ou .h't it?& li0e to 0no. th't 0ind o* lo<e+ 'nd then to h'<e to li<e .ithout it25 S'3rin' d'&hed her h'nd 'g'in&t her chee02 The te'r& .ere -ouring no.+ hot 'nd *uriou&2 $!ut don?t )ou &ee+ 7','6he .'& -'rt o* the re'&on )ou needed to le'<e u&2 I* he?d onl) con*e&&ed the truth 't the ti,e6oh+ the ti,e .e?<e lo&t+ )ou 'nd I 'nd Su&'nn'h 'nd65 $7) de'r+ i* it h'dn?t 3een Rh)&+ it .ould h'<e 3een &o,eone el&e .ho lied *or -')+ *or 7r2 7orle) i& 4u&t th't &ort o* ,'n2 He .ould h'<e *ound &o,eone to do it *or hi,+ 'nd Rich'rd .ould 3e 4u&t '& de'd2 !ut Rh)& lied *or -eo-le he lo<ed+ S'3rin'2 It .'&n?t -rett) or right+ 3ut he didn?t *eel he h'd ' choice2 Thi& i& ' ,'n .ho .ould do 'n)thing *or &o,eone he trul) lo<e&2 And re,e,3er+ S'3rin'+ e<er)thing he no. h'&+ e<er)thing he .or0ed to 'c:uire+ i& 'l&o )our&2 And it .ill 'll 3elong to )our children+ too2 And th't i& nothing to di&d'in2 I?<e 0no.n .'nt2 It?& ,uch 3etter not to .'nt+5 &he &'id 3luntl)2 "hildren2 S'3rin' clo&ed her e)e&2 Oh+ 3ut &he .ould lo<e to h'<e children2

$And i* I?<e *orgi<en hi,+ then -erh'-& )ou c'n *ind it in )our he'rt to *orgi<e hi,+ too2 I .ould ne<er .i&h it u-on )ou+ ' li*eti,e o* regret2 =ride i& 3lood) cold co,*ort+ S'3rin'2 !ut i* )ou trul) h'te hi,+ i* )ou *eel nothing 't 'll in&ide )our he'rt right no.+ &o 3e it2 !ut I needed to tell )ou the&e thing&+ 3ec'u&e I couldn?t li<e .ith ,)&el* i* I did not25 Suddenl) S'3rin' .'& .e'r)+ dr'ined2 For ' ti,e &he &'t in &ilence+ letting the .ord&+ 't l'&t+ -enetr'te2 And then+ *in'll)+ &he &urrendered to ' longing dec'de& oldE &he tent'ti<el)+ &lo.l) re&ted her d',- chee0 'g'in&t Ann'?& 0nee&2 Ann' he&it'ted ' ,o,ent2 And then &he l'id her h'nd 'to- S'3rin'?& &o*t he'd2 And &oon it .'& &o e'&)+ &o n'tur'l+ *or her to &tro0e her d'ughter?& h'ir+ &oothing her hot *orehe'd2 S'3rin' &ni**ed *or ' 3it2 $7','F5 $Ye&F5 $Did he tell )ou th't he lo<e& ,eF5 $No25 Ann' &'id thi& &i,-l)2 S'3rin' loo0ed u- into her ,other?& *'ce2 $Then ho. do )ou 0no.65 $Do )ou lo<e hi,+ S'3rin'F5 S'3rin' re,'ined &tu33ornl) &ilent2 Ann' &ighed2 $You?re ' gro.n .o,'n no.2 I* )ou?<e the cour'ge+ do e<er)thing )ou c'n to *ind hi,2 And *ind out *ro, hi, .hether or not he lo<e& )ou2 You c'n decide .h't to .ith the re&t o* )our li*e once )ou 0no.25 The ne.& 'rri<ed the ne;t ,orning in the -er&on o* #it?& *'ther+ the E'rl o* e&t-h'll+ .ho *ound hi& &on 't hite?&2 e&t-h'll+ .ho controlled the ,o<e,ent& o* Hi& 7'4e&t)?& Secret Ser<ice+ .'& -o&&e&&ed o* *'r ,ore di-lo,'c) th'n hi& &on could e<er ho-e to l') cl'i, to+ 3ut he .'& ' ,'n o* *e. .ord& .hen the occ'&ion c'lled *or it2 $7orle)?& gone2 The) *ound hi& cell e,-t) thi& ,orning2 ord 4u&t re'ched ,e25

7orle) h'd 3een &cheduled to h'ng in Green in three d')&? ti,e2 A -ri<'te+ di&creet de'th .ith *e. .itne&&e&+ the &ort 'ccorded to dignit'rie&+ in de*erence to hi& once-re&-ected -o&ition2 #it?& he'd &n'--ed u-2 $GoneF Ho.F5 $A gu'rd '--'rentl) too0 -it) on ' conde,ned ,'n+5 the E'rl o* e&t-h'll dr'.led+ $'nd 'llo.ed ' .o,'n u- to hi& cell2 And th't?& 'll I 0no. no.2 Oh+ 'nd th't+ 'ccording to the gu'rd+ thi& .o,'n .'& G3e'uti*ul '& 'n 'ngel2?F5 The .ord& &i88led .ith &'rc'&,2 $I?, o** to le'rn ,ore det'il&2 I needn?t tell )ou not to tell ' &oul2 Not the girl&2 Not 'n)one25

Hi& *'ther le*t2 "'roline All&ton2 #it 0ne. it in hi& &oul+ &o,eho.2 So,eho. "'roline+ ' .o,'n .ho h'd h'unted three ,en *or ,uch o* their li<e&+ h'd hel-ed 7orle) e&c'-e+ 'nd no dou3t the re&ource*ul 7orle) h'd -l'nned it 'll *ro, the To.er2 #it then .ondered '3out hi& *riend John "'rr+ .ho h'd thro.n hi& entire li*e '.') to 3e .ith "'roline2 Gone2 So 7orle) .ouldn?t die2 And #it &'t .ith the 0no.ledge+ &tunned+ .ondering ho. ,uch it ,'ttered .hen e<er)one he lo<ed .'& &'*e 'nd together 't l'&t+ .hen the girl& h'd one 'nother+ 'nd their hu&3'nd&+ 'nd their ,other+ Ann'+ once ,ore2 7orle) h'd ne<er 3een ' <enge*ul &ort@ he .'& ,ore o* ' -r'ctic'l 'nd -ur-o&e*ul &ort9.hich h'd ,'de hi, 'll the ,ore de'dl) in hi& 'tte,-t& to -rotect hi& -o.er2 Hi& 'ction&+ the <iolence he h'd .rought+ &te,,ed *ro, re'&on+ not -'&&ion2 And &o,eho. th't 7orle) .'& *ree in the .orld g'<e e<er)thing #it lo<ed ' &h'r-er edge o* &.eetne&&+ th't d'r0ne&& lur0ed on it& -eri-her)2 th't he could ne<er *ull) e'&e into co,-l'cenc) &o,eho. &uited hi,+ oddl)2 And oh+ )e&E He *ull) intended to *ind 7orle) 'g'in2

"HA=TER THIRTY R HYS ASN?T AT hi& to.n hou&e2 He .'&n?t 't L' 7ont'gne2

)ndh', didn?t 0no. .here he .'&2 7r&2 !'ile) didn?t 0no.+ hi& <'let didn?t 0no.2 No3od) 0ne.2 Though thi& li0el) .'&n?t entirel) true2 S'3rin' &u&-ected there .'& one -er&on .ho 4u&t ,ight 0no.+ one -er&on &he h'dn?t )et '&0ed+ one -er&on &he didn?t .'nt to '&0+ 'nd the one -er&on &he <er) li0el) needed to '&02 And &o S'3rin' c'lled u-on Signor' So-hi' Lic'ri2 S'3rin' loo0ed '3out the dr'.ing roo, o* her hu&3'nd?& *or,er ,i&tre&&2 It &uited the &o-r'noE t'.n) &h'de& 'nd gilt+ he'<) <el<et&+ e<er)thing &o*t 'nd lu&h2 The l'ir o* ' tigre&&+ ' h'3it't in .hich &he could lounge 'nd 3lend2 S'3rin' .ondered ho. ,uch o* it h'd 3een -'id *or 3) her hu&3'nd+ or other 'd,irer& o* Signor' Lic'ri2 Then 'g'in+ the &o-r'no?& gr'nd t'lent ,ight -') *or ,ore th'n S'3rin' &u&-ected2 $L'd) R'.den+5 Signor' Lic'ri &'id 3) .') o* greeting2 $Your hu&3'nd i& not here25 $I 0no.+5 S'3rin' &'id curtl)+ .hich ,'de Signor' Lic'ri?& *'ir 3ro. hi0e2 $You 're <er) con*ident o* thi&25 And no. the &o-r'no .'& ',u&ed2

S'3rin' &u&-ected So-hi' Lic'ri .ould 3e '3le to ,'0e her *eel -ro<inci'l until the d') &he died2 $I?, con*ident 3ec'u&e I 0no. ,) hu&3'nd25 $Do )ouF Then .h) 're )ou hereF5 It .'& ' good :ue&tion2 She &.'llo.ed her -ride to 'n&.er it2 $!ec'u&e I 0no. hi& he'rt+ 3ut I do not 0no. 'll the det'il& o* hi& li*e+ 'nd I h'<e not 0no.n hi, long2 And I don?t 0no. .here he i&2 I h'<e loo0ed e<er).here I 0no. to loo02 I .ondered i* )ou ,ight 0no. .here I &hould loo025 Signor' Lic'ri .'& :uiet+ 'nd ti--ed her he'd to the &ide2 The di, light in the roo, &till gilded her+ '& i* the .orld under&tood th't So-hi' Lic'ri 3elonged in the light2 $Good2 He &hould 3e lo<ed+5 &he &'id 't l'&t2 A &t'rtling thing to &')2 $I didn?t &') 'n)thing o* the &ort+5 S'3rin' &'id cooll)2 So-hi' Lic'ri 4u&t r'i&ed her *'ir 3ro.& 'g'in2 The t.o reg'rded e'ch other *or ' ,o,ent in &ilence2 $Do )ou lo<e hi,F5 S'3rin' ri&0ed the :ue&tion2 She .ondered .h) &he .'nted to 0no.+ 'nd .h't &he .ould do .ith the in*or,'tion once &he h'd it2 She h'd '&0ed it ,ore out o* curio&it) '3out So-hi' Lic'ri th'n 'n)thing el&e+ &he re'li8ed2 $Ah+ ,) 3ell' S'3rin'25 The &o-r'no l'ughed th't l'ugh li0e &il<er) 3ell&2 She 'l.')& did l'ugh 't the &tr'nge&t thing&2 $ h't doe& it ,'tter+ '& long '& )ou doF5 $I didn?t &') th't I did+5 S'3rin' corrected coldl) once ,ore2 $Once 'g'inE Do2 You2 #no.2 here2 He2 I&F5 A--'rentl) 't l'&t .e'r) o* ,il0ing the ,o,ent o* dr','+ So-hi' Lic'ri 'n&.ered+ $He li0e& to *i&h25 There .'& ' ,o,ent?& -'u&e2 $Little Orric0+5 S'3rin' 3re'thed2 $D',ien Ru&&ell25 So-hi' Lic'ri nodded in '--ro<'l2 $You 0no. )our hu&3'nd 3etter th'n )ou thin0+ L'd) R'.den25 It &truc0 S'3rin' th't the ,o,ent &hould cont'in ,ore dr','2 A& it .'&+ Rh)& loo0ed r'ther -e'ce*ul+ &itting 3) hi,&el* 't the end o* ' -ier+ ' &,'ll 3lue l'0e 't hi& *eet+ 3lue &0) '3o<e+ *i&hing -ole 3o33ing in hi& h'nd&2 =erh'-& thin0ing o* D',ien2 =erh'-& thin0ing o* her2 $Rh)&+5 &he &'id &o*tl)2

She &'. hi& 3'c0 ten&e '& he &tr'ightened2 And then he c're*ull) &ettled hi& *i&hing -ole on the -ier 3e*ore he <er) &lo.l) turned 'round2 A& though he didn?t .'nt to 3e di&'--ointed i* he?d onl) i,'gined her <oice2 hen he &'. her+ &he?d ne<er &een ' ,'n ri&e to hi& *eet &o :uic0l)2 Hi& &hirt h'd ,ore o-en 3utton& th'n .'& gentle,'nl)+ hi& &lee<e& .ere rolled u-2 Hi& h'ir .'& ,uch too long no.+ &he noted+ -'&t hi& coll'r+ 'nd the .ind li*ted it u- out o* hi& e)e&2 Se<er'l d')&? o* 3e'rd d'r0ened hi& 4'.2 Sh'do.& ' d'r0er 3lue th'n hi& e)e& cur<ed 3ene'th the,2 She?d ne<er &een hi, loo0 &uch ' ,e&&2 De'r God+ he .'& 3e'uti*ul2 He &ee,ed &o,eho. l'rger+ no.+ *r',ed 'g'in&t 'll th't 3lue2 Or ,')3e it .'& 4u&t th't he .ould 'l.')& &ee, the ,o&t i,-ort'nt thing on 'n) hori8on *or her2 He too0 three &.i*t &te-& to.'rd her+ then &to--ed2 &0) *or 3rilli'nce2 Ungu'rded no.2 'tched her+ tho&e -'le e)e& ri<'ling the

So &he c',e the re&t o* the .') to hi,+ &lo.l)2 And .hen &he .'& clo&e enough+ &he ti--ed her *orehe'd 'g'in&t hi& che&t2 Ju&t to touch hi,+ to 3re'the hi, in 'g'in2 She he'rd hi, e;h'le ' &o*t l'ugh2 Hi& 'r,& .ent 'round her loo&el)+ 'l,o&t tent'ti<el)2 Then ,ore deci&i<el)+ .hen &he didn?t -ull '.') *ro, hi,+ he -ulled her into hi& 3od)+ .r'--ing her tightl) .ith hi& 'r,&2 The) held e'ch other *or ' ti,e+ her chee0 ri&ing 'nd *'lling 'g'in&t hi& che&t .ith hi& 3re'thing2 Al,o&t '& though the) .ere too uncert'in to loo0 't e'ch other directl)+ 't *ir&t2 And then he loo&ened hi& 'r,& *ro, her+ too0 her *'ce in hi& h'nd&2 He lo.ered hi& he'd *or ' 0i&&+ 3ut 3e*ore he 0i&&ed her+ he .hi&-ered it 'g'in&t her li-&E $I lo<e )ou25 She .'nted to 'l.')& re,e,3er the e;-re&&ion in hi& e)e& .hen he?d &'id it2 !ut he 0i&&ed her 3e*ore &he could tell hi, &he lo<ed hi,+ too2 So*tl)+ &o &o*tl)+ hi& ,outh 'g'in&t her&2 She clo&ed her e)e&+ 'nd &he *elt the te'r& co,ing 'g'in2 $Oh+ no.9+5 he ,ur,ured2 $Te'r&F5 She l'ughed ' little+ then -re&&ed her d',- chee0 'g'in&t hi& che&t 'nd re&ted it there2 $ h) did )ou &t'nd in the courtroo,+ S'3rin'F5 She li*ted her he'd to loo0 't hi,2 $You &'. ,e &t'ndF5 $I &'. 'l,o&t nothing el&e 3ut )ou+5 he &'id &i,-l)2

She -'u&ed2 $No ,'tter .h't 7orle) &'id9I thin0 I .'& '3out to tell the .orld .h't ,'nner o* ,'n )ou 're2 I .'& &o 'ngr) th't 'n)one .ould thin0 the) h'd the right to -rint thing& '3out )ou2 I .'nted to tell the, .h) )ou h'd done the thing& he 'ccu&ed )ou o*2 !e*ore &o,eone el&e could &') it25 She &to--ed+ 'nd &lo.l) tugged .h't &ee,ed li0e ,ile& o* hi& linen &hirt *ro, hi& trou&er& 4u&t &o &he could -re&& her h'nd& 'g'in&t the .'r,th o* hi& &0in+ 'g'in&t the *ir, ,u&cle& o* hi& 3'c02 Feel the, ri&e 'nd *'ll .ith hi& 3re'th+ 'nd re<el in the *'ct th't he .'& 'li<e+ th't he .'& her&2 Thi& .'& he'<en2 $You 'nd )our 'ni,'l n'ture+5 he ,ur,ured in ,oc0 co,-l'int '& her h'nd& .'ndered2 He -ulled her clo&er+ 'nd then clo&er &till2 $It?& )our *'ult+5 &he ,ur,ured2 $You 'nd )our &ecret to &eduction25 A :uiet -'&&ed+ 'nd then he &-o0e+ <er) &o*tl)2 And &he could *eel the .ord& ru,3ling in hi& che&t+ 'g'in&t her chee0+ '& he &-o0e2 $No+ it .'& )ou+ S'3rin'+ .ho -o&&e&&ed the &ecret 'll 'long25 She re,e,3ered to &') it then2 She tilted her he'd 3'c0 to *ind hi, loo0ing do.n 't herE $I lo<e )ou+ Rh)&25 He .'& :uiet *or ' ,o,ent2 $And th't?& the &ecret+5 he &'id &i,-l)2

E=ILOGUE Octo3er ABCA R I"HARD RHYS ILLIA7 J',e& Gillr')+ heir to the E'rl o* R'.den+ .'& 3'-ti8ed in the e'rl) *'ll2 !ut not 't the church in !uc0&te'd He'th+ '& one .ould h'<e &u--o&ed2 It .'& 't the church in Gorringe+ .here three .indo.& glo.ed the .ord& $F'ith+ Ho-e+ 'nd "h'rit)5 onto their &,'ll congreg'tion2 It .'& ho. S'3rin' .'nted it+ .hen &he?d le'rned the &tor) o* the .indo.&2 In ' .')+ the three Holt &i&ter& *elt clo&er to their *'ther 3) 3eing there+ their 3r'<e+ cle<er+ .hi,&ic'l *'ther .ho h'd ,'de it -o&&i3le *ro, the gr'<e *or 'll o* the, to 3e together 'g'in2 The little 3'3)+ .ho 3ello.ed :uite '& ,'n*ull) '& hi& *'ther could .hen hi& o.n *'ther .'& in ' ,ood+ .'& n',ed *or three 3r'<e ,enE hi& *'ther+ Rh)&+ hi& gr'nd*'ther Rich'rd+ 'nd the ,'n .ho h'd ri&0ed hi& li*e to t'0e in the Holt girl& 'nd &'<e their ,other one cold .inter night in ABDM2 J',e& 7'0e-e'ce2 And he .'& gi<en hi& o.n n',e+ illi',+ 3ec'u&e Rh)& 'nd S'3rin' r'ther li0ed it2

Su&'nn'h 'nd S)l<ie o* cour&e ,'de ,uch o* ho. S'3rin' h'd 3een the l'&t to ,'rr) 3ut h'd contri<ed to 3e the *ir&t to h'<e ' 3'3)2 !ut &ince &he .'& ,'rried to The Li3ertine+ o* 'll

-eo-le+ e<er)one &'id it .'& to 3e e;-ected2 She didn?t e<en 3lu&h 'n),ore .hen -eo-le &'id thing& li0e th't2 The -e.& .ere *ull2 S)l<ie 'nd To, 'nd little J',ie Sh'ughne&&)+ .ho 0e-t .'nting to touch the 3'3)+ hi& cou&in2 #it 'nd Su&'nn'h2 The Gener'l 'nd D'i&) Jone&2 L'd) 7'r) "'-&tr'. 'nd the 3e',ing ='ul2 )ndh', h'd e<en co,e+ grou&ing cheer*ull) '3out the need to le'<e London *or the countr)2 !ut '& he .'& going to 3e God*'ther to ' *uture e'rl+ it .'& the le'&t he could do2 And 3e&ide&+ it .'& 4u&t '3out the onl) .') he?d &ee Rh)& the&e d')&+ 3ec'u&e Rh)& .'& 'll 3ut ' countr) &:uire2 Ann' Holt &'t in the l'&t -e. o* the church 'nd g'8ed 't tho&e .indo.&2 Unli0e S'3rin'+ S)l<ie+ 'nd Su&'nn'h+ &he didn?t *eel Rich'rd in thi& little church+ trul)2 She 'nd Rich'rd9 .ell+ &-ending ti,e in churche& .'&n?t+ *r'n0l)+ ho. the t.o o* the, h'd ,'n'ged to h'<e three 3e'uti*ul+ -'&&ion'te girl& one right '*ter the other2 Ann' &,iled to her&el*+ re,e,3ering 4u&t ho. the)?d ,'n'ged th't2 Th't .'& ho. &he .'nted to re,e,3er Rich'rd2 She .i&hed+ ho.e<er6&he 'llo.ed her&el* one 3rie* indulgent .i&h+ 3ec'u&e &he *ound .i&hing+ on the .hole+ un-roducti<e6he could h'<e &een thi& <er) ,o,ent+ ' r're enough ,o,ent+ .here her *',il) .'& &u&-ended in h'--ine&&2 H'--ine&& .'& &o tr'n&itor)+ &he 0ne.2 It h'd 'n e33 'nd *lo.+ 'nd 'n)thing could &h'tter it+ 'lter it+ or turn it into &o,ething dee-er 'nd richer2 It hel-ed to h'<e ' *e. -urel) h'--) ,e,orie& to ri*le through on long+ d'r0 night&2 And )et+ in ' .')+ e<en though he .'&n?t here tod')+ Rich'rd h'd 'll 3ut en&ured hi& girl& .ould *ind the&e e;tr'ordin'r) ,en 3) le'<ing ' leg'c) o* ch'llenge 'nd intrigue *or the, to o<erco,e2 Ann' clo&ed her e)e& *or ' ,o,ent 'nd -ictured hi, 'nd let the .'r,th co,ing in through the .indo.& touch her e)elid&2 I ,i&& )ou+ &he told Rich'rd in her ,ind2 hen &he o-ened the, 'g'in+ ' ,'n .'& &itting ne;t to her+ reg'rding her .ith ' &ort o* gentl) ',u&ed intere&t2 She ,et hi& g'8e *or ' ,o,ent+ &tr'ngel) not &t'rtled2 She h'd the odde&t &en&'tion th't thi& ,'n .'& ' gi*t *ro, Rich'rd2 He loo0ed <er) ,uch li0e #it hitel'.+ onl) con&ider'3l) older 'nd6&he *elt ' 3it di&lo)'l to thin0 it+ 3ut &till6con&ider'3l) ,ore h'nd&o,e2 A ,'ne o* gr') h'ir+ thic0 3ro.&+ e)e& not :uite &o 3lue '& #it?&2 Line& .here line& ought to 3e in the *'ce o* ' ,'n hi& 'ge2 An eleg'nt *'ce2 Their e)e& ,et *or ' ti,e+ 'nd in ,o,ent& Ann' *elt ' &.eet 3e,u&e,ent &he h'dn?t 0no.n in ne'rl) t.o dec'de&+ ' curl o* 'ntici-'tion dee-er th'n ,ere 'ttr'ction2 She e;tended her h'nd *in'll)+ re,e,3ering th't one o* the, ought to do &o,ething+ 'nd he <er) ne'rl) g'<e ' &t'rt2 He 3o.ed o<er it2 $The E'rl o* e&t-h'll+5 he told her2 Ah+ n'tur'll)2 Thi& .'& #it?& *'ther2 The i,,en&el) i,-ort'nt E'rl o* Gorringe to 'ttend the chri&tening o* her *ir&t gr'ndchild2 e&t-h'll h'd co,e to

And &o it &ee,ed &he h'd ' .e'0ne&& *or -olitici'n&2 $Ann' Holt+5 &he told hi,2 And Ann' thoughtE =erh'-& &o,ething o* intere&t c'n 3e *ound in churche&+ '*ter 'll2


S'n Fr'nci&co n'ti<e Julie Anne Long origin'll) &et out to 3e ' roc0 &t'r .hen &he gre. u/'nd &he h'& the guit'r& in the 3'c0 o* her clo&et 'nd the gig &torie& to -ro<e it1+ 3ut .riting .'& 'l.')& her *ir&t lo<e2 She 3eg'n her 'c'de,ic c'reer '& ' Journ'li&, ,'4or+ 3e*ore re'li8ing "re'ti<e riting .'& -ro3'3l) ' 3etter *it *or her *ree.heeling i,'gin'tion 'nd o<erde<elo-ed &en&e o* .hi,&)2 hen -l')ing guit'r 't ,idnight in d'n0 &tic0) clu3& *in'll) lo&t it&+ 'he,+ ch'r,+ Julie re'li8ed &he could incor-or'te 'll the 3e&t thing& '3out 3eing in ' 3'nd6n',el)+ dr','+ -'&&ion+ 'nd ,en .ith unrul) h'ir6into no<el&+ .hile 'l&o indulging her lo<e o* hi&tor) 'nd re&e'rch2 Her *ir&t no<el+ The Run'.') Du0e+ .'& -u3li&hed in CDD%+ 'nd &ince then her 3oo0& h'<e 3een no,in'ted *or nu,erou& '.'rd&+ including the Ro,'nce riter& o* A,eric' Rit'+ Ro,'ntic Ti,e& Re< "hoice+ !oo0&eller?& !e&t+ the Holt 7ed'llion+ 'nd the Luill2

THE DISH here 'uthor& gi<e )ou the in&ide &coo-( Fro, the de&0 o* Andre' =ic0en& A*ter .'tching 'll the old J',e& !ond ,o<ie& ,ore ti,e& th'n I c're to count+ I 3eg'n to thin09.h) i& it th't the 3o)& get to h'<e 'll the *unF The) 'l.')& get to 3e the &-ie&2 Or the -ir'te&2 S.'&h3uc0ling &.'gger+ d'rede<il heroic&+ dro--de'd good loo0&6)e&+ Johnn) De-'nd Orl'ndo !loo, cut ' *ine *igure .ith their *l'&hing &.ord&+ 3ut I *ound ,)&el* &ecretl) .'nting #eir' #nightle) to -ic0 u- ' &'3er 'nd 0ic0 &o,e '&&+ too2 So+ I decided to turn tr'dition on it& e'r 'nd cre'te ' trio o* le'ding l'die& c'-'3le o* 3e'ting the ,en 't their o.n g',e2 Select Young L'die&+ ' &ecret &chool *or Hellion Heroe&2 I cho&e to &et it in Regenc) Engl'nd 3ec'u&e th't er' i& &o richl) ro,'ntic2 It .'& ' .orld '&.irl in &il0&+ &eduction+ 'nd the intrigue o* the N'-oleonic 'r&2 A ti,e .hen old ide'& .ere con&t'ntl) cl'&hing .ith ne. r'dic'l one&2 h't 3etter -l'ce *or 'n uncon<ention'l *e,'le to te&t her ,ettleF Sien'+ the &t'r o* THE S=Y ORE SIL# /on &'le no.1+ i& gi<en ' -erilou& '&&ign,entE un,'&0 ' cle<er tr'itor lur0ing ',ong London?& .e'lthie&t -eer& 3e*ore he &tri0e& 'g'in2 Her onl) clue i& th't the ,'n &he &ee0& 3elong& to 'n e;clu&i<e clu3 o* 'rt collector&2 And &o+ 'r,ed .ith onl) her .it&+ her 3l'de&+ 'nd her 3od)+ &he 4ourne)& to ' re,ote c'&tle .here the clu3?& ,e,3er& h'<e g'thered *or ' &-eci'l 'uction2 Ho.e<er+ her -ri,e &u&-ect+ the

enig,'tic E'rl o* #irtl'nd+ -ro<e& ' *'r ,ore d'ngerou& o--onent th't &he e<er i,'gined2 I& &he ' ,'tch *or hi& &teelF 7) re&e'rch included ' good de'l o* -o0ing 'round =orto3ello Ro'd+ th't delight*ul &tretch o* 'nti:ue& ,'r0et& in the Notting Hill &ection o* London+ .here one c'n &-end hour& -oring o<er 'll the .onder*ul <int'ge 4e.elr)+ engr'<ing&+ .e'-onr)+ 'nd *'&hion& o* the ti,e2 And *or tho&e .ho .i&h to get ' -ee0 't the .ild& o* D'rt,oor+ chec0 ,) e3 &ite ...2'ndre'-ic0en&online2co, *or -hoto& o* the e&t'te th't in&-ired 7'r:u'nd "'&tle2


Fro, the de&0 o* "'nd) H'llid') The *un -'rt in .riting 'n) &erie& i& the o--ortunit) to reunite the ch'r'cter& *ro, the -re<iou& 3oo02 Th't .'& cert'inl) *un *or ,e in the Hou&e.i<e& F'nt'&) "lu3 &erie&2 Re<i&iting ood3err) ='r0 'nd 3eing 3'c0 together .ith &'&&) F'nt'&) "lu3 ,e,3er& R'd'+ Ti&h+ Jen+ 'nd Alici' .'& ' reunion I didn?t .'nt to ,i&&2 Ho.e<er+ in the &econd 3oo0 o* the &erie& I .'nted to ,'0e &ure outc'&t Alici' in YOUR !ED OR 7INEF *in'll) got her ch'nce 't h'--il) e<er '*ter2 So 2 2 2THEY?RE !A"#( In the &e:uel DINNER FIRST+ 7E LATERF /on &'le no.1 the Hou&e.i<e& F'nt'&) "lu3 i& 3'c0 in &e&&ion6turning u- the he't 'nd 0ee-ing li*e &te',) in ood3err) ='r02 A little too hot 'nd &te',) i* )ou '&0 Alici'( Ho. c'n &he -o&&i3l) tell her 3e&t *riend& 'nd neigh3or& th't the ne. hun0) cele3rit) .ho ,o<ed into their :u'int little cul-de-&'c .'& once her &ecret *'nt'&) cru&hF No .')( Alici' <o.&2 Her F'nt'&) "lu3 -'l& .ould ne<er let her li<e it do.n2 !e&ide&+ th't *'nt'&) ended .hen J'0e $The R'0e5 Si,& .ent *ro, re&-ected "u3& 3'&e3'll &t'r to in*',ou& -l')3o) 'nd under.e'r ,odel6NOT the t)-e o* ,'n Alici' .'nt& on her gott'-h'<e-hi, li&t( Or &o Alici' didn?t thin02 !ut .h't .ould )ou do i* )our cele3rit) *'nt'&) cru&h /'nd 'd,it it+ .e 'll h'<e one1 o**ered )ouE A2 One night o* -'&&ion2 !2 No &tring& 'tt'ched2

And+ "2 He g'<e )ou hi& -ro,i&e no one .ould e<er 0no.F ould )ou go *or itF Or .ould )ou chic0en outF I?, not going to tell )ou .h't I .ould do i* 7'tthe. 7c"on'ughe) ,'de ,e th't o**er2 !ut I do ho-e )ou .ill <i&it ood3err) ='r0 'g'in+ or choo&e to ,eet the Hou&e.i<e& F'nt'&) "lu3 *or the *ir&t ti,e in DINNER FIRST+ 7E LATERF See *or )our&el* i* Alici' *ul*illed her *'nt'&) .ith the ne. 3'd 3o) *ro, 'cro&& the &treet2 One thing+ ho.e<er+ )ou c'n 3e '&&ured6once the Hou&e.i<e& F'nt'&) "lu3 c'll& the ,eeting to order the night& in ood3err) ='r0 're 'l.')& hot 'nd &te',)2

H'--) re'ding(

...2c'nd)h'llid')2co, The ch'r'cter& 'nd e<ent& in thi& 3oo0 're *ictitiou&2 An) &i,il'rit) to re'l -er&on&+ li<ing or de'd+ i& coincident'l 'nd not intended 3) the 'uthor2

"o-)right S CDDT 3) Julie Anne Long All right& re&er<ed2 E;ce-t '& -er,itted under the U2S2 "o-)right Act o* AUTO+ no -'rt o* thi& -u3lic'tion ,') 3e re-roduced+ di&tri3uted+ or tr'n&,itted in 'n) *or, or 3) 'n) ,e'n&+ or &tored in ' d't'3'&e or retrie<'l &)&te,+ .ithout the -rior .ritten -er,i&&ion o* the -u3li&her2

'rner Fore<er i& 'n i,-rint o*

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'rner Fore<er i& ' tr'de,'r0 o* Ti,e 'rner Inc2 or 'n '**ili'te co,-'n)2 U&ed under licen&e 3) H'chette !oo0 Grou-+ .hich i& not '**ili'ted .ith Ti,e 'rner Inc2

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Ne. Yor0+ NY ADAOU Vi&it our e3 &ite 't ...2H'chette!oo0Grou-USA2co,2

Fir&t e!oo0 EditionE 7') CDDT


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