Pre Cum

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Pre Cum Treatment Website

Pre Cum
Pre cum is a clear, sticky liquid produced by males when sexually aroused. It is discharged from the tip of the penis during sexual stimulation. This is not limited to acts of foreplay, masturbation, or penetrative sex, but can be triggered just by visual stimulation. The amount produced varies greatly. ost men have no discharge at all. The majority of pre cum sufferers experience a discharge that covers the head of penis which can leak onto underwear. In rarer cases, sufferers report an actual squirting discharge. ! discharge is not accompanied by any kind of sensual feeling, such as the orgasm that accompanies ejaculation. "or people who suffer from excessive pre cum, it can be a source of great embarrassment and can have a major impact on a sufferers confidence and interaction with sexual partners. Pre cum is also known as #owper$s fluid,

Pre ejaculate, Pre ejaculatory fluid, or Pre seminal fluid.

%et rid of excess pre cum now, &uickly, 'afely, and Permanently.

What is Pre Cum?

(hen we talk about pre cum, we are generally talking about the actual discharge of fluid from the tip of the penis. ost men do not experience this and show no external trace of this. This does not mean that the body does not produce the liquid. )early all post*pubescent males will produce this liquid, but the quantities produced are not enough for the excess to be discharged from the urethra.

What Causes Excess Pre Cum?

! weakening of the parasympathetic nerves and P# muscle are generally considered as the main causes of pre cum leakage. The parasympathetic nerves control the body+s reactions during sexual arousal, and keep the ejaculation and pre ejaculate valves closed. ! weakening of these nerves can drain the amount of bioenergy ,sexual energy- in a man, and can lead to a number of conditions including premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, loss of erection, and pre cum leakage. The P# muscle ,Pubococcygeus muscle- is primarily used for urine control, but as the floor inside of the pelvis it also supports the organs within the pelvic area. ! weakness in the P# muscle reduces the support given to the pelvic organs, and contributes to a number of penile conditions, including excess pre cum.

Pre Cum Production

The majority of the pre seminal fluid is produced by the .ulbourethral %land, with the /ittre %land also contributing on a smaller scale. en have two .ulbourethral %lands positioned below the prostate. The /ittre glands primary function is to produce mucus that protects the urethra.

Pre Cum Treatment Website

Pre Ejaculate Function

There has been debate over the actual function of pre cum for many years. !long with a lack of medical research in this area, it has resulted in a great deal of confusion in the information available on the condition. It is now time to bring some clarity to the subject. Pre cum has three main functions in the reproductive system, which are all designed to support the safe and efficient transfer of sperm from a man to a woman. 0.It neutrali1es the acidity of the urethra caused by residual urine. !cid creates a hostile environment for sperm. The alkaline composition of pre cum neutrali1es the acid in the urethra creating a more favorable environment for the sperm to travel through. 2.It lubricates the inner wall of the urethra, promoting a smoother passage for the discharge of sperm. 3.It coagulates with the sperm and the semen to increase mobility of the sperm when inside the vagina.

There are other supposed functions of pre ejaculate to be found on the internet. It is important to dismiss theories that are wildly inaccurate and based more on assumptions than scientific evidence. 4nfortunately, a lack of research in the area makes it difficult to disprove these theories conclusively. In this event, the best that we can do is apply logic and common sense to separate the real facts from any circumstantial results. 0.It is not produced to assist lubrication during sexual intercourse. any writers have jumped to the

conclusion that it is produced as a lubricant, but this simply does not stand up to the actual facts. /ubrication for sexual intercourse is produced entirely by the vagina. If the body intended pre ejaculate to act as a lubricant then it would occur in the vast majority of men, rather than the relatively small number it does affect. It is inaccurate and misleading for some major websites to make this claim when any sexual lubrication achieved in this way is merely a by*product of excessive discharges, and not an actual bodily function. 2.It is not a method the body uses to flush out urine and foreign matter from the urethra. !gain, if this was the case it would happen to virtually all men, rather than the considerable minority. !gain, this is merely a by*product. It will pick up foreign matter as it travels through the urethra but this is not what the body creates it for. "lushing out foreign matter from the urethra is a function that urine fulfills.

5arly reports suggested that about 0 in 06 teen to adult males were affected with the condition of excessive pre cum production. .ut there is little scientific evidence to make an accurate assessment to support this hypothesis. (hat is certain is that sufferers are in the minority, but it does affect a large enough group of men for it to be researched in greater detail.

Research into the Condition

5xcessive pre cum is not viewed as a major medical concern. 7ather it is perceived as a personal issue. .ecause of this, very little research has been conducted in the area. The tests that have been conducted have used such small test samples of men, that the results are largely seen as unreliable. 4nfortunately, this looks unlikely to change. 7esearch has now become more sociological than medical. )ew discoveries in dealing with excessive pre cum and identifying common triggers are primarily found through online discussion rather than any dedicated medical research.

Pre Cum Treatment Website

'ome of the areas where research is particularly weak are in the type of men affected, such as8 0.The effects of ageing on pre cum. (hile it has been shown that the .ulbourethral %lands reduce in si1e with age, there has been no research into how this affects the level of pre cum produced. 9oes it increase, decrease, or remain the same as we get older: 2.9oes a man$s weight or build have an effect: 3.9oes ethnic origin have any bearing: ;.9o environmental factors have an influence, such as hot and cold weather, or wet and dry climates: These questions are unlikely to be answered by medical research any time soon, but the free exchange of ideas and experiences of people in an online forum can promote greater understanding of the condition and give sufferers ideas and suggestions on how to treat it. <ne thing that has emerged from research online is that a number of men have claimed the amount they produce has reduced considerably, and in some cases been eliminated completely, once they have become comfortable in a relationship with another person. #learly, this will not be the same for everyone, but it does suggest that in some cases anxiety and nervousness around a potential sexual partner can have an impact. It has always been difficult to pinpoint triggers for the condition, as men have tended to suffer with the embarrassment in private. It is now time for the online community to approach this issue. (ith open and frank discussion, we can establish common themes in sufferers, and exchange ideas on successful ways to treat this condition.

(hat has certainly been demonstrated by the online community is that there are a large number of success stories in combating this condition. There are ways to reduce the amount of pre cum produced, and in many cases, eliminate it completely.
Pre #um * )o need to suffer any more. Learn

how to reduce pre cum with simple treatments.

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