Pre Cum
Pre Cum
Pre Cum
Pre Cum
Pre cum is a clear, sticky liquid produced by males when sexually aroused. It is discharged from the tip of the penis during sexual stimulation. This is not limited to acts of foreplay, masturbation, or penetrative sex, but can be triggered just by visual stimulation. The amount produced varies greatly. ost men have no discharge at all. The majority of pre cum sufferers experience a discharge that covers the head of penis which can leak onto underwear. In rarer cases, sufferers report an actual squirting discharge. ! discharge is not accompanied by any kind of sensual feeling, such as the orgasm that accompanies ejaculation. "or people who suffer from excessive pre cum, it can be a source of great embarrassment and can have a major impact on a sufferers confidence and interaction with sexual partners. Pre cum is also known as #owper$s fluid,
%et rid of excess pre cum now, &uickly, 'afely, and Permanently.
There are other supposed functions of pre ejaculate to be found on the internet. It is important to dismiss theories that are wildly inaccurate and based more on assumptions than scientific evidence. 4nfortunately, a lack of research in the area makes it difficult to disprove these theories conclusively. In this event, the best that we can do is apply logic and common sense to separate the real facts from any circumstantial results. 0.It is not produced to assist lubrication during sexual intercourse. any writers have jumped to the
conclusion that it is produced as a lubricant, but this simply does not stand up to the actual facts. /ubrication for sexual intercourse is produced entirely by the vagina. If the body intended pre ejaculate to act as a lubricant then it would occur in the vast majority of men, rather than the relatively small number it does affect. It is inaccurate and misleading for some major websites to make this claim when any sexual lubrication achieved in this way is merely a by*product of excessive discharges, and not an actual bodily function. 2.It is not a method the body uses to flush out urine and foreign matter from the urethra. !gain, if this was the case it would happen to virtually all men, rather than the considerable minority. !gain, this is merely a by*product. It will pick up foreign matter as it travels through the urethra but this is not what the body creates it for. "lushing out foreign matter from the urethra is a function that urine fulfills.
5arly reports suggested that about 0 in 06 teen to adult males were affected with the condition of excessive pre cum production. .ut there is little scientific evidence to make an accurate assessment to support this hypothesis. (hat is certain is that sufferers are in the minority, but it does affect a large enough group of men for it to be researched in greater detail.
(hat has certainly been demonstrated by the online community is that there are a large number of success stories in combating this condition. There are ways to reduce the amount of pre cum produced, and in many cases, eliminate it completely.
Pre #um * )o need to suffer any more. Learn