Pocket Emergency Paediatric Care
Pocket Emergency Paediatric Care
Pocket Emergency Paediatric Care
Paediatric Care
Shafique Ahmad
David Southall
BMJ Books
Preface vii
Acknowledgements ix
UNCRC standards xi
Index 195
This book is designed to fit into a handbag or shirt pocket. It
contains material which is usually required in a hurry when
treating a critically ill or injured infant or child. In addition to
information relevant to emergency care, there are what we
hope will be useful pages of data on subjects which without a
photographic memory would normally require reference to a
paediatric text book. Examples include a weight for height
chart, normal values for common biochemical tests, normal
developmental profiles and normal ECG measurements.
Life-threatening emergencies
Essential knowledge
Weight: (1 kg = 2·2 lb)
Infant: 0–1 years = 3–10 kg
5 months: double birth weight
12 months: treble birth weight
After 1 year: wt in kg = 2 (age + 4)
2 years: quadruple birth weight.
Fluid management
Blood volume is 100 ml/kg at birth falling to 80 ml/kg at
1 year. Total body water varies from 800 ml/kg in the neonate
to 600 ml/kg at one year and thereafter. Of this about two
thirds (400 ml/kg) is intracellular. Clinically, dehydration is
not detectable until >5% (50 ml/kg).
Fluid requirements:
Assessment of neurological function (AVPU) (see page 29 for
modified Glasgow Coma Scale)
A = alert, V = responds to voice, P = responds to pain, U =
Pupillary size and reaction, posture, muscle tone, presence
of convulsive movements.
If any sign positive or
coma or convulsing:
give treatment(s), call for
help, draw emergency
bloods (glucose, malaria
smear, Hb, electrolytes)
Area of then assess response
assessment Clinical signs Result to initial treatment
If any sign positive or
coma or convulsing:
give treatment(s), call for
help, draw emergency
bloods (glucose, malaria
smear, Hb, electrolytes)
Area of then assess response
assessment Clinical signs Result to initial treatment
If no response
• Check head position, try jaw thrust
• Repeat 5 breaths.
If no response
• Inspect airway, observed suction (ideally with laryngoscope)
• Insert oropharyngeal airway
• Consider intubation
• Repeat 5 breaths.
Drug therapy
Epinephrine (adrenaline)
Give 10 micrograms/kg (0·01 ml/kg of 1 in 1000 solution) IV
or intraosseous (IO) and flush with 3–5 ml 0·9% saline or give
100 micrograms/kg( 0·1 ml/kg of 1 in 1000 solution) via ET
tube. For subsequent doses multiply the IV/IO dose by 10
(i.e. 0·1 ml/kg of 1 in 1000) in cases where shock caused the
cardiac arrest.
Sodium bicarbonate
When pH < 7·0 or cardiac output compromised, use
1 mmol/kg (2 ml/kg of 4·2%). Do not use intratracheal
route. Bicarbonate must not be given in same IV line as
calcium. Sodium bicarbonate inactivates epinephrine and
dopamine, therefore flush line with 0·9% saline if these drugs
are subsequently given.
Gunshot wounds
Initial measures
Similar to those for any severe injury:
• General assessment and resuscitation, addressing
potentially life-threatening conditions according to ABC
priorities (airway, breathing, stopping haemorrhage).
• Application of dressings to open wounds.
• Emergency splintage of fractures.
• Obtaining intravenous access.
• The degree to which fluid resuscitation should be carried
out is controversial. Advanced trauma life support (ATLS)
teaching recommends an initial bolus of 20 ml/kg, after
which the child should be carefully monitored with respect
to the adequacy of organ perfusion and the response to
this initial fluid challenge.
• Analgesia as required.
• Antibiotics – the ICRC recommend benzylpenicillin IV at
a dose appropriate to the size of the child. (50 mg/kg IV
6 hourly).
Recognition of the sick child
Early recognition and management of potential respiratory,
circulatory, or central neurological failure will reduce
mortality and secondary morbidity.
Effort of breathing
• Respiratory rate:
tachypnoea – from either lung or airway disease or
metabolic acidosis
bradypnoea – due to fatigue, raised intracranial
pressure, or pre-terminal.
• Recession:
intercostal, subcostal or sternal recession shows
increased effort of breathing
particularly seen in small infants with more compliant
chest walls
degree of recession indicates severity of respiratory
in the child with exhaustion, chest movement and
recession will decrease.
• Inspiratory or expiratory noises:
stridor, usually inspiratory, indicates laryngeal or
tracheal obstruction
wheeze, predominantly expiratory, indicates lower
airway obstruction
volume of noise is not an indicator of severity.
• Grunting:
seen in infants and children with stiff lungs to prevent
airway collapse
it is a sign of severe respiratory distress
it may also occur in intracranial and intra-abdominal
• Accessory muscle use:
in infants, the use of the sternomastoid muscle creates
“head bobbing” and is ineffectual
flaring of nasal alae.
Increased effort of breathing DOES NOT occur in three
central respiratory depression, for example from raised
intracranial pressure, poisoning, or encephalopathy
neuromuscular disease, for example spinal muscular atrophy,
muscular dystrophy or poliomyelitis.
Efficacy of breathing
• Breath sounds on auscultation:
reduced or absent
• Symmetrical or asymmetrical chest expansion – (most
important)/abdominal excursion.
• Pulse oximetry. Normal SaO2 in an infant or child at sea
level is 95–100%. In air, this gives a good indication of the
efficacy of breathing. SaO2 at altitude may be lower.
Circulatory status
• Heart rate.
• Pulse volume:
absent peripheral pulses or reduced central pulses
indicate shock.
• Capillary refill:
pressure on the centre of the sternum or a digit for
5 seconds should be followed by return of the
circulation in the skin within 2 seconds
may be prolonged by shock or cold environmental
neither a specific nor sensitive sign of shock
should not be used alone as a guide to the response
to treatment.
• Blood pressure:
cuff should be more than two thirds of the length of the
upper arm and the bladder more than 40% of the
arm’s circumference
hypotension is a late and pre-terminal sign of circulatory
expected systolic BP = 80 + (age in years × 2). (see
Appendix, p 189)
• Mental status:
agitation, then drowsiness leading to unconsciousness.
• Urinary output:
< 1 ml/kg/h (< 2 ml/kg/h in infants) indicates inadequate
renal perfusion.
Neurological function
Respiratory effects
Circulatory effects
Neurological function
Conscious level – AVPU (a painful central stimulus may be
applied by sternal pressure or by pulling frontal hair):
responsive to Voice
responsive to Pain
• Posture:
decorticate or decerebrate postures (may only be elicited
by a painful stimulus).
opisthotonus for meningism or upper airway obstruction
• Pupils:
pupil size, reactivity and symmetry
dilatation, unreactivity or inequality indicate serious
brain disorders.
Respiratory effects
Raised intracranial pressure may induce:
Cheynes–Stokes breathing
Slow, sighing respiration
Circulatory effects
Raised intracranial pressure may induce:
Systemic hypertension
Sinus bradycardia.
The shocked child
Key features from a focused history
• Diarrhoea, vomiting = fluid loss either externally (for
example, gastroenteritis, especially infants) or into
abdomen (for example, volvulus, intussuception, initial
stage of gastroenteritis).
• Fever and/or purpuric rash = septicaemia.
• Urticaria, angioneurotic oedema, and allergen exposure =
• Cyanosis unresponsive to oxygen with heart failure in a
baby < 4 weeks = duct-dependent congenital heart
• Heart failure in an older infant or child = severe anaemia or
• Sickle cell disease, recent diarrhoeal illness, and very low
haemoglobin = acute haemolysis.
• An immediate history of major trauma points to blood loss
and, more rarely, tension pneumothorax, haemothorax,
cardiac tamponade, or spinal cord transection.
• Severe tachycardia and abnormal rhythm on ECG =
• Polyuria, acidotic breathing, high blood glucose =
• Possible ingestion = poisoning.
Pulse volume
Poor pulse volume peripherally or, more worryingly, centrally.
In early septic shock sometimes a high output state with
bounding pulses.
Capillary refill
Slow capillary refill (> 2 seconds) after blanching pressure for
5 seconds on skin of the sternum. Mottling, pallor, and
peripheral cyanosis also indicate poor skin perfusion. Difficult
to interpret in patients exposed to cold.
Blood pressure
Blood pressure difficult to measure and interpret especially
in young infants. Normal systolic BP = 80 + (2 × age in
years). Hypotension is a late and often sudden sign of
Treatment of shock
Oxygen 100%, reservoir mask.
IV cannula of widest bore (femoral, antecubital, or cut down
or IO).
High flow oxygen
Attempt vagal manoeuvres, establish IV/IO access
No effect then use adenosine 50 micrograms/kg, then 100 micrograms/kg, then
250 micrograms/kg. Give as rapid boluses with rapid saline flush.
If unsuccessful three synchronous electrical shocks at 0·5, 1·0 and 2 J/kg (following
rapid sequence induction of anaesthesia if conscious)
If arrythmia is broad complex, pulse is present but in shock use synchronous shocks
at 0·5, 1·0 and 2 J/kg.
(A conscious child must be anaesthetised or heavily sedated first)
The unconscious child
Disorder Common causes
Focused history
Focus on possible cause, rate of development of
unconsciousness, extent of injury, signs of deterioration or
recovery, and past medical history.
Always consider hypoxaemia, hypovolaemia, and
hypoglycaemia initially.
Respiratory pattern:
• Irregular: consider seizures
• Cheyne-Stokes: RICP, cardiac failure
• Kussmaul: acidosis, central neurogenic hyperventilation,
mid-brain injury, tumour, or stroke
• Apneustic (periodic) breathing: pontine damage, central
• Signs and symptoms of RICP.
1. Clinical chemistry: blood glucose, electrolytes, creatinine,
urea, blood gases, liver function tests
2. Blood film for malarial parasites
3. Full blood count, peripheral blood film
4. Septic screen: blood cultures; urinalysis for microscopy,
sensitivity and culture; lumbar puncture (LP) in case of
high index of suspicion of central nervous system
infection. It should be delayed if there are:
features of RICP
the child is too sick to tolerate the flexed position
infection at puncture site
bleeding tendency
and rash of meningococcal septicaemia.
Immediate (ABC)
• Support respiration if necessary (support ventilation –
maintain a PCO2 of 3·5–5·0 kPa).
• Support circulation to maintain adequate cerebral
perfusion (aim to keep systolic BP at normal values for age,
avoid hypotension).
• Maintain normo-glycaemia, if blood glucose not available
give 5 ml/kg 10% glucose IV or NG.
• Maintain electrolyte balance (avoid hyponatraemia; use
0·9% saline + added glucose NOT 1/5 N dextrose saline).
If possible keep serum sodium in high normal range
> 135 mmol/l.
• Treat seizures.
• Insert NG tube to aspirate stomach contents.
• Regulate temperature (avoid hyperthermia: that is above
• Prevent child falling out of bed.
• Nutritional support.
• Skin care, prevent bed sores.
• Eye padding to avoid xerophthalmia.
• Chest physiotherapy to avoid hypostatic pneumonia.
• Restrict fluids to 60% of maintenance if water retention.
• Prevent deep vein thrombosis by physiotherapy.
Older children
• Headaches
• Vomiting
• Central ataxia
• Failing vision (indicates severe papilloedema)
• Diplopia
• Neck pain and extension — pre-terminal
• Decerebrate attacks — pre-terminal
Where signs persist despite the above therapy, ideal management would include:
• Rapid sequence induction of anaesthesia and intubation for both airway
protection (if GCS < 8 and/or child is unresponsive to painful stimuli) and
stabilisation of PCO2.
• Mechanical ventilation with optimal sedation and maintenance of PCO2 within the
normal range (ideally between 3·5 and 5 kPa).
capillary refill time, respiratory rate and effort (pulse oximetry if available) and
Maintain normoglycaemia and serum sodium (in high normal range > 135 mmol/L)/
Monitoring electrolytes, gases, clotting, and full blood count as recommended for
• Definitive solution is removal of the causative lesion,
requires CT and a neurosurgical facility.
Burning sensation in mouth Urticarial rash
Itching of lips, mouth, throat Angio-oedema
Feeling of warmth Conjunctivitis
Nausea Red throat
Abdominal pain
Coughing/wheezing Bronchospasm
Loose bowel motions Tachycardia
Sweating Pallor
Difficulty breathing Severe bronchospasm
Faintness or collapse Laryngeal oedema
Vomiting Shock
Uncontrolled defaecation Respiratory arrest
Cardiac arrest
Management ABC
• Remove allergen.
• Assess Airway:
give 100% oxygen
if stridor with obstruction: 10 micrograms/kg
epinephrine IM, then 5 ml epinephrine 1 in 1000
if stridor with complete obstruction: intubate or surgical
otherwise consider intubation, call for anaesthetic/ENT
• Assess Breathing:
if no breathing, 5 rescue breaths with 100% oxygen
if wheeze, 10 micrograms/kg epinephrine IM
salbutamol inhaled dose/either 2·5 mg < 5 years or
Blood glucose, film for malaria parasites, urea, creatinine,
calcium, electrolytes, and full blood count. Urinalysis, BP,
lumbar puncture (when meningitis possible, particularly < 2
years), cultures of blood, urine, pharyngeal swab and CSF,
relevant X-rays.
• Monitor vital signs (anticonvulsants can cause hypotension
and respiratory depression).
• If seizures not controlled by anticonvulsant, general
anaesthesia (for example, thiopentone) and muscle
relaxants with respiratory support if available.
Paraldehyde Lorazepam
IV/IO or or
rectal/IM dose IV/rectal/IO
100–250 micrograms/kg
0·4 ml/kg 50–100 micrograms/kg
Rectal 500 micrograms/kg
If no more seizures then give maintenance treatment for 48 hours (phenytoin 2·5 mg/kg
12 hourly or phenobarbitone 5 mg/kg/day as a single dose).
Maintenance treatment as above for 48 hours after the end of seizure or last seizure
Symptoms and signs
• Sudden unexplained illness in previously healthy child
• Drowsiness or coma
• Convulsions
• Ataxia
• Tachypnoea
• Tachycardia or flushing
• Cardiac arrhythmia or hypotension
• Unusual behaviour
• Pupillary abnormalities.
Management of poisoning
• Remove poison, for example, wash contaminated skin and
eyes with water, remove from enclosed space if fire.
• Test for hypoglycaemia, if not possible treat 5 ml/kg of 10%
glucose IV then 0·1 ml/kg/min to keep blood glucose
5–8 mmol/L.
• Treat convulsions with diazepam 100–250 micrograms/kg IV
over 5 minutes or 500 micrograms/kg per rectum.
• If opiate overdose suspected give naloxone,
10 micrograms/kg IV repeated up to a maximum of
2 mg (has short half-life therefore infusion of
10–20 micrograms/kg/min may be required).
• Identify the substance ingested or inhaled if possible.
Questions to be asked
• What potential medicines, domestic products, berries,
plants or animals (snakes, spiders, scorpions, fish) might
the patient have had exposure to?
gastric lavage with wide bore orogastric tube.
Desferrioxamine 1 g < 12 years and 2 g > 12 years by deep IM
injection repeated every 12 hours until serum iron is normal.
Give charcoal and if possible measure paracetamol level.
N acetylcysteine or methionine immediately to large overdose.
Treat hypoglycaemia and hypothermia.
Flumazenil slow IV 10 micrograms/kg. Repeat 1 minute
intervals to max 40 micrograms/kg (total maximum
dose = 2 mg). If necessary followed by infusion
2–10 micrograms/kg/h.
Acidotic-like breathing, vomiting, and tinnitus with
hyperventilation if severe. Fever may occur, peripheral
vasodilatation and moderate hyperglycaemia.
Tricyclic antidepressants
Drowsiness, ataxia, dilated pupils, and tachycardia. Severe
poisoning results in cardiac arrhythmias (particularly ventricular
tachycardia) and severe hypotension and convulsions. Induce
vomiting, perform gastric lavage, and administer charcoal as
Corrosive agents
Oven cleaners (30% caustic soda), kettle descalers
(concentrated formic acid), dishwashing powders (silicates
and metasilicates), drain cleaners (sodium hydroxide), car
battery acid (concentrated sulphuric acid). Symptoms –
considerable tissue damage of skin, mouth, oesophagus, or
stomach, late strictures may occur.
Organophosphorus compounds
Insecticides such as DDT and lindane, malathion, chlorthion,
parathion, TEPP, and phosdrin can be absorbed through the
skin, lungs, or ingested. Symptoms resulting from excessive
parasympathetic effects due to inhibition of cholinesterase,
include excessive salivation, lacrimation, bradycardia,
sweating, gastrointestinal cramps, vomiting, diarrhoea,
convulsions, blurred vision and small pupils, muscle
weakness and twitching progressing to paralysis, loss of
reflexes and sphincter control.
Lead poisoning
This is usually a chronic form of poisoning. The lead can
come from paint, from lead piping, from car batteries. In
some cultures substances containing lead can be applied for
cosmetic purposes; for example Surma in India.
Early signs are non-specific, for example vomiting, abdominal
pain, anorexia. Anaemia is usually present. Prior to
encephalopathy with raised intracranial pressure, there may
be headaches and insomnia. Peripheral neuropathy may be
present. x Rays may show bands of increased density at the
metaphyses. Harmful effects on the kidneys result in
hypertension, aminoaciduria, and glycosuria. There is a
microcytic hypochromic anaemia with punctate basophilia.
The diagnosis is made by showing a marked increase in
urinary lead after d-penicillamine and elevated blood lead
Neonatal emergencies
Fluid and electrolyte balance
in the ill neonate
Use in-line infusion chamber/burette to avoid fluid overload
Water requirements
• Start newborn on 60 ml/kg /day of IV 10% dextrose,
increasing in daily steps of 20–30 ml/kg/day to a maximum
of 180 ml/kg/day. In the small for gestational age (SGA) baby
begin with 90 ml/kg/day to meet glucose requirements.
• Babies enterally fed but too sick or preterm to breastfeed
give breastmilk by orogastric tube:
Day 1 – 60 ml/kg/day
Day 2 – 80 to 90 ml/kg/day
Day 3 – 100 to 120 ml/kg/day
Day 4 – 120 to 150 ml/kg/day
Day 5 – 140 to 180 ml/kg/day.
• Monitor fluid intake by weighing daily and recording urine
output. Look for signs of fluid overload (oedema) or
dehydration. If possible measure plasma electrolytes.
Electrolyte requirements
• Sodium 2·5 mmol/kg/day in term babies. Supplement daily
IV 10% glucose allowance with 30% sodium chloride
(contains 5 mmol Na+ per ml) or 23% solution (contains
4 mmol of Na+/ml). In preterm babies much higher urinary
sodium losses may equal 10 mmol/kg/day in those of
29 weeks’ gestation or less.
• Sodium supplements commenced on second day of life but if
respiratory distress wait until diuresis on third or fourth day.
When to test
• Symptomatic infants (lethargy, poor feeding, temperature
instability, respiratory distress, new-onset
apnoea/bradycardia, jitteriness, seizures): immediately.
• Infants at risk: soon after birth (within 2 hours), then
hourly until stable at 2·5 mmol/L (45 mg/dl) or higher.
Continue to monitor until feeds well established.
• Infants with known hypoglycaemia: during treatment.
Infants at risk but appearing well:
• Initiate early feeding within 1–2 hours after birth with
breastmilk or formula only if breastmilk is not available,
repeated every 2–3 hours or more often on demand.
• Feeding with 5% dextrose is not recommended in infants
with hyperinsulinism because of rebound hypoglycaemia.
• Infants of diabetic mothers are unlikely to develop
hypoglycaemia on the second day of life if tests in the first
24 hours are satisfactory.
“Physiological jaundice”
Common and does not require treatment or investigation if:
• Not present in first 24 hours
• Well, free of infection without enlarged liver or spleen
• Bilirubin < 300 micromoles/litre (approximately 17 mg/dl)
at any stage if term (lower level for preterm)
• Bilirubin peaks at 4–5 days
• Fully resolved at 14 days.
Pathological jaundice
• Preterm delivery: lower treatment thresholds.
• Haemolytic disease. Isoimmune (for example, Rh (Rh −ve
mother, Rh +ve baby in second or subsequent pregnancies))
or ABO incompatibility (Mother O, baby A, B, or AB) or due
to red cell disorders (for example, hereditary spherocytosis
or G6PD deficiency).
• Infection. Acquired and congenital infection (for example,
rubella, CMV infection), congenital also has rash,
hepatosplenomegaly, thrombocytopenia, and some
conjugated bilirubin.
Investigation of jaundice
Jaundice < 24 hours most likely infection or haemolytic
disease. Has mother borne previously affected babies or a
hereditary haemolytic disorder? Signs of sepsis, hepatomegaly,
or haemolytic disease?
• Mother’s and baby’s ABO and Rh. Save serum to
cross-match if exchange transfusion required.
• Direct Coombs’ test (if positive = an isoimmune
haemolytic anaemia).
• G6PD level.
• FBC and reticulocytes.
• Peripheral blood smear (abnormal red cell morphology
and/or fragmented red cell forms suggest a red cell
disorder and/or haemolysis).
• Thyroid function and urine for non-glucose reducing
substance (possible galactosaemia).
In a sick, acidotic baby intervene about 40 micromoles/L below
the indicated line.
Phototherapy level
Time of birth:
Mother’s group:
100 Baby’s group:
50 Ethnic origin:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Exchange level
Time of birth:
Mother’s group:
100 Baby’s group:
50 Ethnic origin:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Respiratory problems in the
Evaluate work, effectiveness, and adequacy
of breathing
• Tachypnoea – respiratory rate > 60/min
• Retractions (recession)
• Grunting
• SaO2 will be < 94% in air.
Principles of treatment
• Assess oxygenation and give oxygen until pink and SaO2
94–98%. Avoid hyperoxaemia.
• Arterial blood gas.
• Blood culture and IV antibiotics given. Ampicillin/penicillin
and an aminoglycoside (or a third generation
• Chest x ray.
• Avoid oral feeding: IV 10% glucose (60 ml/kg/day) is safest,
peripheral vein or if not possible UVC. If no facilities for IV,
breastmilk or 10% glucose (up to 60 ml/kg/day) by
orogastric tube.
• Early continuous positive airways pressure (CPAP).
• Intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV).
Laboratory tests
• Blood culture (about 1ml venous blood)
• WBC and differential poorly predictive of infection. Normal
< 48 hours 10−30 × 109. If <5 × 109 or elevated ratio band
forms to total neutrophil (mature neutrophils plus bands)
(0·3 or greater) supports infection
• Chest x ray
• Lumbar puncture (cytology and culture)
• MSU or suprapubic urine (if onset > 48 hours)
• Blood glucose
• Serum bilirubin if jaundiced.
Stabilise cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Immediate
administration of antibiotics (after blood culture):
• Betalactam plus aminoglycoside (ampicillin + gentamicin).
Penicillin if ampicillin not available, OR
• Cefotaxime or ceftriaxone (especially gram −ve) some
gram +ve need a penicillin derivative.
• Increasing multidrug resistance (ciprofloxacin may be
• Flucloxacillin (IV or oral) if paronychia, septic spots or
umbilical infection.
• Give all unwell neonates 1 mg vitamin K IM/IV.
Presenting features
Include lethargy, irritability, hypotonia, seizures, generalised
signs of accompanying sepsis, and a bulging or tense
anterior fontanelle. Always measure and note head
Lumbar puncture essential. Elevated CSF leucocyte count >
25 cells/mm3 with a pleocytosis is characteristic. CSF protein
in neonatal meningitis may be > 2·0 g/L in a term baby
(normal values = < 0·5 g/L) and CSF glucose is typically low
(< 1·0 mmol/L or < 30% of blood glucose value). The gram
stain may reveal bacteria.
Betalactam plus aminoglycoside or third generation
cephalosporin. Treat for 14 days for gram + ve and 21 days for
gram −ve bacteria.
Necrotising enterocolitis
• Treat shock.
• Stop all enteral feeds and provide IV fluids, typically 120
ml/kg/day of 10% dextrose with added electrolytes.
• Orogastric tube on low-pressure continuous suction, if
available, or leave the tube open with intermittent gastric
aspiration (every 4 hours) to keep intestines decompressed.
• Parenteral broad spectrum antibiotics, usually with
ampicillin, gentamicin and metronidazole (especially if
pneumotosis, perforation, or evidence of peritonitis).
• 1mg vitamin K IV/IM and if bleeding fresh frozen plasma
10 ml/kg.
• Treat for 10–21 days.
• Ideally parenteral nutrition. Enteral feeds (breastmilk)
reintroduced slowly at end of therapy (20–30 ml/kg/day)
with monitoring of abdomen.
Neonatal seizures
Often subtle (for example, staring, lip smacking/grimacing,
deviation of the eyes, cycling movements of limbs); or
obvious tonic (extensor) posturing or clonic movements.
Differential diagnosis
• Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy
• Intracranial haemorrhage and cerebral infarction. Always
give 1 mg vitamin K IV
• Infection. Exclude/treat meningitis
• Metabolic causes:
hyponatraemia – uncommon unless Na < 120 mmol/L
hypernatremia – may produce cavernous venous
thrombosis. IPA rapid fall or rise in Na more injurious
pyridoxine dependency (give 50 mg pyridoxine IV during
a seizure)
• Kernicterus
• Other rare inborn errors of metabolism (for example, urea
cycle defects, non-ketotic hyperglycinaemia) – measure
serum amino acids, urine fatty acids, serum lactate and
pyruvate, and blood ammonia
• Maternal substance abuse, particularly opiate withdrawal.
• Lumbar puncture and blood culture
• Blood glucose, calcium, urea, and electrolytes; blood
ammonia if available (arterial)
• Stop feeds and give fluids IV.
• Start antibiotics.
• Treat hypoglycaemia if present.
• Monitor heart and respiratory rate, oxygenation (ideally
with pulse oximetry), and blood pressure. Treat low SaO2
or cyanosis with oxygen.
• Consider anticonvulsant therapy: the earlier fits appear, the
more frequent they are (more than 2–3/hour), and the
longer they last (more than 3 minutes), the more likely this
will be required. Fits which interfere with respiration need
to be treated. Anticonvulsants can be given as follows:
Sarnat stage
Mild (stage 1) Moderate (stage 2) Severe (stage3)
• Maintain blood gases, blood pressure, and fluid balance.
• Avoid hyponatraemia.
• If acute renal failure (ARF) restrict fluids to 40 ml/kg/day
(to reflect insensible losses) and avoid potassium.
• Treat seizures.
Specific emergencies
Respiratory and
Upper airway problems
Emergency treatment of croup
• Patient will be frightened, so do not stick instruments
in throat or cause pain from repeatedly trying to insert a
venous cannula. Crying increases oxygen demand and
laryngeal obstruction. Keep child on mother’s lap. Ask
mother to alert staff if child breathes more quickly or
worse sternal recession develops.
• Encourage oral fluids.
• If cyanosed or SaO2 < 94% in air give high flow humidified
oxygen through nasal cannulae or a facemask held just
below nose/mouth by parent. Do not use nasopharyngeal
• Oral paracetamol for pain.
• Dexamethasone 0·6 mg/kg orally. If vomits same dose IM.
Alternative nebulised budesonide 2 mg in 2 ml. It may be
repeated 30–60 minutes later.
• If severe obstruction, nebulise epinephrine
(5 ml of 1 in 1000) with oxygen. If effective, repeat 2 hourly
as required. Produces improvement for 30–60 minutes.
• Arrange urgently ENT surgeon and anaesthetist.
• If intubated, 1 mg/kg prednisilone every 12 hours reduces
duration of intubation.
• Severely ill, toxic or with measles, consider bacterial
tracheitis and antibiotic against Streptococcus pneumoniae,
Haemophilus influenzae,
and Staphylococcus aureus. If available, cefuroxime
150 mg/kg/day in 4 doses IV or cephalexin orally 25 mg/kg
6 hourly. Chloramphenicol 25 g/kg IV or orally 6 hourly
is alternative.
Acute epiglottitis
Examine the throat Reassure and calm the child
Lie child down Attach pulse oximeter and give warm
x Ray neck humidified O2 if SaO2 < 94% by mask
Perform invasive procedures held below nose/mouth by mother
Use nasopharyngeal tube O2 Call ENT surgeon and anaesthetist
Upset child by trying to gain Gain venous access after
venous access airway has been protected
• Elective intubation under GA. Diagnosis confirmed by
laryngoscopy just prior to intubation (“cherry-red epiglottis”).
• Whilst anaesthetised: do blood cultures, throat swab, IV
• Recommended antibiotics: chloramphenicol or cefuroxime
or cefotaxime or ceftriaxone immediately IV.
• Following intubation breathe humidified air (or air plus
oxygen) spontaneously with CPAP. Sedation (discuss with
anaesthetist) to prevent self extubation. Alternatively child’s
arms held onto thorax using a bandage. Most ready for
extubation after 48 hours.
8·3 9·4 10·5 11·7 12·8 88·0 12·5 11·4 10·3 9·2 8·1
8·6 9·8 10·9 12·1 13·3 90·0 12·9 11·8 10·7 9·5 8·4
8·9 10·1 11·3 12·5 13·7 92·0 13·4 12·2 11·0 9·9 8·7
9·2 10·5 11·7 13·0 14·2 94·0 13·9 12·6 11·4 10·2 9·0
9·6 10·9 12·1 13·4 14·7 96·0 14·3 13·1 11·8 10·6 9·3
9·9 11·2 12·6 13·9 15·2 98·0 14·9 13·5 12·2 10·9 9·6
10·3 11·6 13·0 14·4 15·7 100·0 15·4 14·0 12·7 11·3 9·9
10·6 12·0 13·4 14·9 16·3 102·0 15·9 14·5 13·1 11·7 10·3
11·0 12·4 13·9 15·4 16·9 104·0 16·5 15·0 13·5 12·1 10·6
11·4 12·9 14·4 15·9 17·4 106·0 17·0 15·5 14·0 12·5 11·0
11·8 13·4 14·9 16·5 18·0 108·0 17·6 16·1 14·5 13·0 11·4
12·2 13·8 15·4 17·1 18·7 110·0 18·2 16·6 15·0 13·4 11·9
1. SD = standard deviation score or Z-score; although the interpretation of a fixed percent-of-median value varies across age and height,
and generally, the two scales cannot be compared, the approximate percent-of-median values for −1 and −2 SD are 90% and 80% of
median, respectively (Bulletin of the World Health Organisation, 1994, 72:273–283).
2. Length is measured below 85 cm; height is measured 85 cm and above. Recumbent length is on average 0·5 cm greater than
standing height, although the difference is of no importance to the individual child. A correction may be made by deducting 0·5 cm from
all lengths above 84·9 cm if the standing height cannot be measured.
Heart failure
Raised jugular venous pressure (often not seen in infants)
Lung crepitations on auscultation (most basal)
Gallop rhythm
Enlarged liver
• Beware IV fluids (especially Na+)
• Give calorie supplements + NG feeding if inadequate
oral intake.
• Bed rest, semi-upright, legs dependent.
• Oxygen if respiratory distress or hypoxaemia due to
pulmonary oedema (SaO2 < 94% sea level).
• Relieve fever if > 38°C.
• When pulmonary oedema, frusemide 1 mg/kg IV should
produce diuresis in 2 hours. If ineffective, give
2 mg/kg IV and repeat after 12 hours if necessary
• Then oral frusemide 1 mg/kg once, twice, or three times
per day. Dose frequency to control symptoms, PLUS
• Spironolactone 1 mg/kg once, twice, or three times per day
matching the dose frequency of frusemide to enhance
diuresis and prevent frusemide related hypokalaemia.
Endocarditis prophylaxis
See table on page 72. If allergic to penicillin or the child has had
more than one dose of penicillin in the last month substitute
another antibiotic in place of amoxicillin, for example:
• 50 mg oral clindamycin for every 250 mg oral amoxicillin
that would have been given
• 75 mg of IV clindamycin for every 250 mg of IV amoxicillin
that would have been given or
• 20 mg/kg IV vancomycin (max. 1 g) in place of IV
Cardiac Respiratory
Term baby Premature
Mild tachypnoea but no respiratory distress Respiratory distress
May have cardiac signs on examination Chest x ray: abnormal lung fields
Arterial blood gas PO2 ↓, PCO2 ↓ or normal Arterial blood gas PO2 ↓, PCO2 ↑
or normal
Fails hyperoxia test Passes hyperoxia test
Two phases: rehydration and maintenance. In both, excess
fluid losses must be replaced continuously.
Fluid deficit
No signs of dehydration: < 5% fluid deficit = < 50 ml/kg
Some dehydration: 5–9% fluid deficit = 50–90 ml/kg
Severe dehydration: > 10% fluid deficit = >100 ml/kg.
Na+ 90 60 45
K+ 20 20 40
Cl− 80 60
HCO3− 30
Citrate 10
Glucose 111 90 125 mmol/L
Severe malnutrition
Principles of treatment
Phase 2 (usually
Phase 1 (1–7 days) Transition (3–4 days) 14–21 days)
Treat or prevent
Treat infection Treat helminths
Phase 2 (usually
Phase 1 (1–7 days) Transition (3–4 days) 14–21 days)
Correct electrolyte
Do NOT give iron Do not give iron Correct nutrient
deficiencies and
iron deficiency
DIET: maintenance Moderate intake High food intake
Stimulate child Stimulate child Stimulate child
Provide physical
Prepare for
General points
• Protect from infections in warm room (25–30°C) without
• Wash minimally and with warm water and immediately dry.
• Mother to stay with child, especially at night.
• Avoid IV infusions as high risk of heart failure. Only
indication is unconsciousness due to circulatory collapse.
Only indication for blood transfusion is when anaemia is
life threatening.
• IV cannulae removed immediately after treatment.
• NG feeding if:
anorexia with intake of < 70 kcal/kg
severe dehydration with inability to drink
cannot drink and eat because of weakness or clouded
painful or severe mouth or oesophageal lesions (herpes,
candida, cancrum oris)
repeated, very frequent vomiting
try not to tube feed for > 3–4 days; try to breastfeed or
feed by mouth as much as possible.
Na = 45 mmol/L
K = 40 mmol/L
Mg = 3 mmol/L
Glucose = 125 mmol/L
Immediate treatment:
• Give 15 ml/kg IV over 1 hour of Hartmann’s solution with
5% glucose, or 0·9% saline with 5% glucose.
• At same time, insert NG tube and give ReSoMal 10 ml/kg
per hour.
• Monitor carefully for overhydration: check respiratory rate
every 15 minutes.
If circulatory collapse
Give 20 ml/kg IV of 0·9% saline then treat as for severe
dehydration by IV infusion of 15 ml/kg Hartmann’s with 5%
glucose over 1 hour.
• Broad spectrum antibiotics (ampicillin + gentamicin)
immediately (see above)
• Warm the child to prevent or treat hypothermia
• Feeding and fluid maintenance by NG or orally.
Cover with clothes and blankets plus warm hat.
Ensure mother sleeps with child. Do not leave child alone in
bed at night.
Keep the ward closed during night.
Avoid wet nappies, clothes, or bedding.
Do not wash very ill children. Others to be washed quickly
with warm water and dried immediately.
Feed frequently. Ensure feeds occur during the night.
Avoid medical examinations that leave the child cold.
Emergency treatment
Immediately place on the caretaker’s bare chest or abdomen
(skin to skin) and cover both of them. Give mother a hot
drink to increase her skin blood flow.
If no adult available clothe well (including head) and put near
a lamp/heat source.
Immediately treat for hypoglycaemia and then start normal
Give broad spectrum antibiotics.
Monitor rectal temperature until normal (> 36·5°C).
Frequent small feeds (day and night)
Feeding should start while child is being admitted
Treat infections.
Emergency treatment
If can drink give therapeutic milk or 50 ml of glucose 10%,
or 50 ml of drinking water plus 10 g of sugar (1 teaspoon of
sugar in 3·5 tablespoons of clean water). Follow this with the
first feed as soon as possible. If achievable, divide first feed
into 4 and give half hourly. If not, give whole feeds every
2 hours during day and night.
Usually caused by
• Misdiagnosis of dehydration with consequent inappropriate
• Very severe anaemia.
• Overload due to blood transfusion (consider exchange
• A high sodium diet, using conventional ORS, or excess
• Inappropriate treatment of “re-feeding diarrhoea” with
re-hydration solutions.
• Fast breathing
> 50 breaths/min for children from 2 to 12 months
> 40 breaths/min for children from 12 months to
5 years
• Lung crepitations
• Respiratory distress
• Tachycardia
• Engorgement of the jugular veins
• Cold hands and feet
• Cyanosis or SaO2 < 94% in air at sea level
• Hepatomegaly (see above) or increase in liver by > 2 cm.
Emergency treatment
Stop all intake and IV fluid. No fluid until cardiac function
improved, even if takes 24–48 hours. Frusemide IV
(1 mg/kg). If potassium intake assured (F100 has adequate
potassium) then give single dose of digoxin ORALLY
(20 micrograms/kg).
Weight Dosage
Day 1 Day 2 Day 14
• Hb < 4 g/100 ml
• With signs of heart failure due to anaemia (at immediate
risk of death).
Intestinal parasites
Routine deworming > 1 year but only in phase 2 or transition
Mebendazole 1 tab = 100 mg.
Dermatosis of kwashiokor
• Leave area exposed to dry.
• Apply barrier cream (zinc and castor oil ointment) or
petroleum jelly or tulle grasse to the raw areas and gentian
violet or nystatin cream to the skin sores.
• Broad spectrum antibiotics.
• Do not use plastic pants or disposable nappies.
• Give zinc supplements.
Continuing diarrhoea
Giardiasis and mucosal damage are common causes. Where
possible, examine stools by microscopy. If cysts or
trophozoites of Giardia lamblia are found, give
metronidazole (5 mg/kg 8 hourly for 7 days).
Osmotic diarrhoea
If diarrhoea worsens substantially with hyperosmolar F-75 and
ceases when the sugar content and osmolarity are reduced. In
these cases:
• Use a lower osmolar cereal-based starter F-75 or, if
available, use a commercially prepared isotonic starter F-75.
• Introduce catch-up F-100 gradually.
TB can be a cause of failure to gain weight.
Children with TB should not be isolated.
Grade Symptoms
• Give 10–20 ml/kg 0·9% saline or colloid as rapidly as
possible, and repeat if necessary.
• Then 0·9% saline to fully correct the fluid deficit within
2–4 hours. The deficit in ml = child’s weight × %
dehydration × 10 (for example, a 6 kg infant 10%
dehydrated is deficient of 600 ml). Would receive between
60 and 240 ml of colloid very rapidly, and the rest of the
600 ml as 0·9% saline.
• Once rehydration begun, frusemide 2 mg/kg orally or IV.
• If shock remains after rehydration, it may be cardiogenic;
consider inotropes.
Established ARF
FENa > 2%. Trial of frusemide 2 mg/kg orally IV.
Causes arrhythmias, especially in ARF where other metabolic
changes such as hypocalcaemia. Keep K below 6·5 mmol/L in
older child and below 7·0 mmol/L in neonates.
• Reduce effects on heart by increasing plasma Ca. Give 0·5
ml/kg (0·1 mmol/kg) of 10% calcium gluconate.
• Remove K+ from body by calcium resonium 1 g/kg orally or
rectally, and repeat 0·5 g/kg 12 hourly.
• Push K+ into cells. Lasts only a few hours:
Supportive care
• Fluids: correct shock or dehydration initially IV later by NG
tube or orally. Avoid overhydration by careful fluid balance
and in particular avoid IV fluids with low sodium levels
such as 5% dextrose. Use 0·9% saline plus 10% glucose.
Maintain serum Na+ high normal range > 135 mmol/L. NG
tube if unconscious or vomiting to protect airway. Milk
(1 ml/kg/h) to prevent gastric erosions and improve bowel
function. Urine output monitored, particularly if
White cell count Glucose
Condition (×
× 109/L) Cell differential Protein (g/L) (mmol/L)
Tuberculosis 50–500 Lymphocytes but PMN early > 1·0 < 2·5, usually 0
meningitis sometimes higher
Herpes encephalitis Usually < 500 Mostly lymphocytes > 0·5 Normal
PMN early in the disease
Cerebral abscess 10–200 PMN or lymphocytes > 1·0 Normal
Traumatic tap WBC and RBC RBC/WBC = 500/1 ↑ by 0·001 g/L Normal
per 1000 RBC
*Bacterial meningitis can occur without pleocytosis and partial treatment will alter findings.
PMN = polymorphonuclear granulocytes
*Ideally 80 mg/kg 12 hourly should be given for the first 3 doses followed by 80 mg/kg per 24 hours.
Not recommended in children less than 3 months old or in malnourished children.
Monitoring levels important.
Endocrine and metabolic
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
Suspect if:
• Dehydration:
• Abdominal pain
• Ketone smell on breath
• Acidosis with acidotic breathing
• Unexplained coma.
2. Confirm diagnosis:
History : polydipsia, polyuria
Clinical : acidotic respiration; dehydration; drowsiness;
abdominal pain/vomiting
Biochemical : high blood glucose on finger-prick; ketones
or glucose in urine.
3. Investigations:
Weigh or estimate from centile charts (then twice daily)
Blood glucose
Urea and electrolytes and blood gas
PCV and full blood count
Blood culture
Urine microscopy, culture and sensitivity
ECG to observe T waves (hypokalaemia = flat T waves;
hyperkalaemia = peaked T waves).
2. Conscious level:
Assess AVPU (Alert; responds to Voice; responds to Pain;
Institute hourly neurological observations. If less than
Alert on admission, or deterioration, record Glasgow
Coma Score and transfer to ICU. Consider cerebral
oedema management.
Cerebral oedema – irritability, headache, (late signs = slow
pulse, high blood pressure, and papilloedema).
1. Fluids:
If shocked, resuscitate by restoring circulatory volume
with bolus of 20 ml/kg 0·9% saline.
It is rare to need > one 20 ml/kg fluid bolus for
resuscitation – too much fluid too quickly can cause
cerebral oedema.
*To prevent cerebral oedema, if Na is falling, change from 0·45% to 0·9% saline.
2. Bicarbonate:
Rarely, if ever, necessary. Only if profoundly acidotic
(pH < 7·0) and shocked with circulatory failure, to
improve cardiac contractility. Half-correct acidosis over
60 minutes:
3. Potassium:
Give immediately unless anuria, peaked T waves on ECG
or K + > 7·0 mmol/L.
Always massive depletion of total body potassium
although initial plasma levels may be low, normal, or
even high. Levels will fall once insulin is commenced.
Add 20 mmol KCl to every 500 ml unit of fluid given.
Check urea and electrolytes (U&E’s) 2 hours after
resuscitation, then 4 hourly, alter K + input accordingly.
Observe ECG frequently.
4. Insulin:
Continuous low dose IV is the preferred method. No
initial bolus.
Make 1 unit per ml of human soluble insulin (for example, Actrapid) by adding
50 units (0·5 ml) insulin to 50 ml 0·9% saline. Attach using a Y-connector to IV fluids
already running.* Do not add insulin directly to fluid bags. Solution should then run
at 0·1 units/kg/h (0·1 ml/kg/h).
Headache Confusion
• Exclude hypoglycaemia.
• Give mannitol 250–500 mg/kg (1·25–2·5 ml/kg mannitol 20%)
over 15 minutes as soon as suspected.
• Restrict IV fluids to two-third maintenance.
Adrenal crisis
• Most in neonates with congenital adrenal hyperplasia
(CAH) or hypopituitarism (virilisation in the female with
CAH and micropenis and cryptorchidism in male with
• Those receiving long term steroid therapy or adrenal
destruction secondary to autoimmune process or
• Suspect in severely ill with:
• Acidosis
• Hyponatraemia
• Hypotension
• Hyperkalaemia
• Hypoglycaemia
• And in child receiving long term steroid therapy
• ABCD and treat hypoglycaemia.
• Continue 0·9% saline to correct deficit and for
• Give hydrocortisone IV 4 hourly as follows: dose: 12·5 mg
for neonate and infant; 25 mg for 1–5 years, 50 mg for
6–12 years, and 100 mg for 13–18 years.
• If diagnosis established, continue maintenance
hydrocortisone 15 mg/m2 per day in 3 divided doses and, if
salt loss demonstrated, fludrocortisone 150–250
micrograms/m2/day once daily with sodium chloride 1G/10
kg/day (60 mg =1 mmol).
Treatment of hypoglycaemia
• Symptoms non-specific, always consider blood glucose.
• Treat any ill child with suspicious symptoms: fits,
encephalopathy, or condition associated with
hypoglycaemia, such as severe malnutrition or malaria.
• Give glucose orally if safe (0·5–1·0 g/kg). If conscious and
able to eat, give food or sugary fluids.
• Otherwise 2–5 ml/kg 10% dextrose IV over 3 minutes.
Never use stronger glucose solutions. Continue with
0·1 ml/kg/min 10% dextrose to maintain blood sugar
5–8 mmol/L.
• If hypoadrenalism/pituitarism is suspected give
hydrocortisone (see above).
• If IV access lost give glucagon IM 20 micrograms/kg
(max. 1 mg as single dose) (especially if on insulin).
Treatment of severe hypokalaemia
High potassium IV infusions.
Administer immediately after test dose, dependent on severity:
nasal and tonsillar (mild disease) 20 000 units IM
laryngeal with symptoms (moderately severe)
40 000 units IM/IV
nasopharyngeal (moderately severe) 60–100 000 units IV
combined sites/delayed diagnosis (malignant disease)
60–100 000 units IV.
In practice 60 000 units to all with visible membrane and
neck swelling.
Antitoxin is horse serum: test dose 0·1 ml of 1 in
1000 dilution in saline given intradermally.
Positive reaction is 10 mm erythema occurring within
20 minutes.
If no reaction, give full dose IV/IM as appropriate.
Have epinephrine 1 in 1000 available to give IM if anaphylaxis
(10 micrograms/kg).
Give graduated doses of increased strength every 20 minutes
commencing with: 0·1 ml of 1 in 20 dilution in saline SC
followed by 1 in 10 dilution, 0·1 ml of undiluted SC then
0·3 ml and 0·5 ml IM. Then 0·1 ml undiluted IV.
• O2 if cyanosed or SaO2 < 94%. Use nasal cannulae or
facemask held close to child’s face by the mother. DO NOT
Meningococcal disease
• Give IV/IM benzylpenicillin before transfer to hospital:
< 1 year = 300 mg
1–10 years = 600 mg
> 10 years = 1·2g.
• Secure and maintain airway. Ensure adequacy of
• Pharyngeal spasms/upper airway obstruction best managed
with a tracheostomy.
• Intubation difficult because of pharyngeal/laryngeal spasm
and often a mini-tracheostomy without prior intubation
may be appropriate, providing experts on the procedure
and on anaesthesia are present.
• Benzylpenicillin 50 mg/kg every 6 hours IV or, if not
possible, IM for 48 hours and then oral penicillin 12·5 mg/kg
6 hourly for 7 days. Metronidazole may be useful.
• Anti-tetanus human immunoglobulin 5000–10 000 units
immediately by IV infusion over 30 minutes.
• Alternative equine immunoglobulin 500–1000 units/kg IM
(max. dose 20 000 units): risk of anaphylaxis (epinephrine
10 micrograms/kg immediately available).
• If in acute spasm, diazepam by bolus IV infusion over
15 minutes (dose 200 micrograms/kg) or rectally
(500 micrograms/kg). Ensure IV diazepam is diluted to
100 micrograms/ml and that extravasation does not occur.
Give every 3–6 hours or continuous infusion of midazolam
(30–100 micrograms/kg/h). But doses needed to control
spasms almost invariably cause some degree of respiratory
depression so patient MUST be observed continuously.
• If this is not possible, NG diazepam 250–500 micrograms/kg
6 hourly alternating with chlorpromazine 500 micrograms/kg
6 hourly. The first dose of chlorpromazine can be given as
a bolus IM if spasms are severe.
• Alternative treatments for spasms:
baclofen for children > 1 year (start at 750 micrograms/
kg/day and increase to 2 mg/kg/day in 3 divided doses)
phenobarbitone (15 mg/kg in 1 or 2 divided doses as a
loading dose and then 5 mg/kg/day)
paraldehyde (0·4 ml/kg rectally in olive oil or 0·9% saline
repeated 4–6 hourly).
Typhoid fever
Diagnosis is clinical.
Early diagnosis.
• Soft, easily digestible diet continued unless abdominal
distension or ileus when clear fluids only.
• If no drug resistance in region start with oral
chloramphenicol and/or oral amoxicillin/ampicillin (initially
IV if vomiting). If drug resistance use cefotaxime,
ceftriaxone, or ciprofloxacin.
• If poor response after 72 hours, imipenem.
• In severely ill and toxic, dexamethasone IV (200 micrograms
8 hourly 6 doses).
Drug Route Dose (frequency) (days)
Clinical features
• Prodromal priod (3–5 days): acute coryza with fever, cough,
and conjunctivitis. Febrile seizures may occur.
• Koplik’s spots by second to fourth day.
• Maculopapular rash (fourth day), on face and neck, behind
ears and along hairline and becomes generalised after
3 days. Fades after 5–6 days in order of appearance,
developing brownish colour and often scaly. If severe
petechiae and ecchymoses.
• Fever after third day of rash = complications.
HIV infection with limited access to laboratory in endemic area
Pneumocystis Molluscum contagiosum with multiple lesions Persistent diarrhoea (> 14 days)
Oesophageal candidiasis Oral thrush (especially after the neonatal Failure to thrive (especially in
period, without antibiotic, > 1 month or recurrent) breastfed infants)
Herpes zoster Persistent cough (> 1 month)
Lymphoid interstitial pneumonia Generalised pruritic dermatitis Generalised lymphadenopathy
Kaposi’s sarcoma Recurrent severe infections (three or more in 1 year) Hepatosplenomegaly
Chronic parotid enlargement Persistent and/or recurrent fever lasting > 1 week
Neurological dysfunction (progressive neurological
Signs Complications
• Vitamin A capsule 200 000 IU (> 1 year) or 100 000 IU
(< 1 year). Give second dose after 24 hours.
• Oral hygiene; 1% gentian violet to mouth sores. Treat oral
• If mouth ulcers infected, use antibiotic (penicillin or
metronidazole) orally for 5 days.
• If mouth too sore to feed or drink, NG tube.
• Ocular hygiene for purulent conjunctivitis, daily washings
(with sterile 0·9% saline or boiled water using cotton wool
swabs and tetracycline eye ointment 3 times daily). NEVER
USE TOPICAL STEROIDS. Consider protective eye pads.
• Oral rehydration solution for diarrhoea; ReSoMal if severe
• Antibiotic, oxygen if pneumonia.
• Rapidly spreading pulmonary tuberculosis may occur.
• Croup (see page 67).
• Otitis media. Antibiotics and regular aural hygiene. Screen
for hearing impairment during follow-up.
• Xerophthalmia – protective eye pad, give vitamin A capsules
(see above).
• Malnutrition (see pages 79–92).
• Encephalopathy (see pages 31–34).
Risk of exposure to rabies
• Is bite with broken skin? Have mucous membranes or
existing skin lesion been contaminated?
• How did the animal behave? An unprovoked attack by
frantic or paralysed dog or unusually tame wild mammal
high risk.
• Is biting animal a local rabies vector, or could it have been
• If possible have the animal’s brain examined for rabies.
Alternatively animal kept under safe observation, and stop
vaccine treatment if healthy after 10 days.
A. Standard IM regimen
One ampoule (1 ml or 0·5 ml) IM into the deltoid, or
anterolateral thigh in small children, on days 0, 3, 7, 14,
and 28, a total of 5 doses. Do not inject into the buttock.
Clinical features
• Typical features include high grade fever alternating with
cold spells, rigors, chills, and sweating. There are usually
associated myalgias and arthralgias.
• < 5 years non-specific with fever, vomiting, diarrhoea,
abdominal pain main symptoms.
• In older immune individuals only symptoms may be fever
with headache and joint pains.
Blood smear for malaria; thick slide for diagnosis, thin slide
to confirm type of malarial parasite. Typically ring forms
inside RBCs are seen but there may also be gametocytes.
Level of parasitaemia usually scored as 1–4 + (if ≥ 3 =
Severe malaria
• Child is febrile and has a positive blood smear.
• As temperature fluctuates, a single reading may be normal.
• Vomiting, diarrhoea, or cough.
• Conscious state altered, history of convulsions.
• Hypoglycaemia and acidosis or severe anaemia, jaundice, or
generalised weakness (unable to sit up).
Cerebral malaria
Due to Plasmodium falciparum. Altered consciousness,
severe anaemia, acidosis, or any combination of these. In
endemic areas, commonest cause of coma; especially age
1–5 years.
Coma develops rapidly, within 1–2 days of onset of fever,
sometimes within hours. Convulsions are usual and may be
repeated. Clinical features suggest a metabolic
encephalopathy, with raised intracranial pressure.
Opisthotonos, decorticate, or decerebrate posturing,
hypotonia, and conjugate eye movements are common.
Oculovestibular reflexes and pupillary responses usually
intact. Papilloedema in a minority.
Thick and thin films for malarial parasites.
Blood glucose.
Lumbar puncture if meningitis suspected – contraindications
include: Glasgow Coma Scale < 8, papilloedema or
suspicion of raised intracranial pressure including a tense
fontanelle in infants, or respiratory difficulty. In such a
situation, give IV antibiotics as well as anti-malarials (see
page 98).
Mebendazole and albendazole are drugs of choice for
ascariasis, hookworm infection, trichuriasis, and enterobiaisis
in children > 2 years. For children < 2 years of age piperazine
45–75 mg/kg once daily for 3 days.
Local effects
Pain, swelling or blistering of the bitten limb. Necrosis at site
of the wound.
Systemic effects
• Non-specific symptoms:
vomiting, headache, collapse
painful regional lymph node enlargement indicating
absorption of venom.
• Specific signs:
non-clotting of blood: bleeding from gums, old wounds,
neurotoxicity: ptosis, bulbar palsy, and respiratory
rhabdomyolysis: muscle pains and black urine
shock: hypotension, usually due to hypovolaemia.
First aid
• Reassure. Many symptoms due to anxiety.
• Immobilise and splint the limb. Moving the limb may
increase systemic absorption of venom.
• Wipe site with clean cloth.
• Avoid cutting/suction/tourniquets.
• Apply a pressure bandage especially if bite from snakes that
cause neurotoxicity. Apply a crepe bandage over the bite
site and wind firmly up the limb.
Place a few millilitres of freshly sampled blood in a new clean dry glass tube or bottle.
Leave undisturbed for 20 minutes at ambient temperature. Tip vessel once.
If blood is still liquid (unclotted) and runs out, patient has hypofibrinogenaemia
(“incoagulable blood”) as a result or venom-induced consumption coagulopathy.
For systemic envenoming or in severe local envenoming if
swelling extends more than half the bitten limb or local
necrosis. Monospecific (monovalent) antivenom may be used
for a single species of snake, polyspecific (polyvalent) for a
number of different species. Children require same dose as
adults (depends on amount of venom injected, not
• Dilute antivenom in 2–3 volumes of 0·9% saline and infuse
over 1 hour. Infusion rate should be slow initially and
gradually increased.
• Have epinephrine ready in a syringe (10 micrograms/kg).
• Observe closely during antivenom administration for
adverse reaction. Common early signs urticaria and itching,
restlessness, fever, cough, or feeling of constriction in the
• Patients with these signs should be treated with
epinephrine 10 micrograms/kg IM and if a nebuliser is
available, 5 ml 1 in 1000 adrenaline. An antihistamine, for
example chlorpheniramine (250 micrograms/kg IM or IV)
also given.
• Unless life-threatening anaphylaxis has occurred, antivenom
cautiously restarted.
• Monitor response to antivenom. In presence of
coagulopathy, restoration of clotting depends upon hepatic
re-synthesis of clotting factors. Repeat WBCT20 and other
clotting studies if available, 6 hours after antivenom; if
blood is still non-clotting, further antivenom is indicated.
After restoration of normal clotting, measure clotting at
6 hourly intervals as a coagulopathy may recur due to late
absorption of venom from bite.
Other therapy
• Excise sloughs from necrotic wounds. Skin grafting may be
necessary. Severe swelling may lead to suspicion of a
compartment syndrome. Fasciotomy if definite evidence of
raised intracompartmental pressure (> 45 mmHg) if
measurable, and any coagulopathy corrected. Note: clinical
assessment often misleading following snakebite, therefore
objective criteria necessary.
• Blood products are not necessary to treat a coagulopathy if
adequate antivenom has been given.
• Endotracheal intubation/tracheostomy if bulbar palsy
develops; difficulty in swallowing leads to pooling of
• Paralysis of intercostal muscles and diaphragm requires
artificial ventilation. If ventilator not available this can be
performed by manual bagging (mask or ET tube) and may
need to be maintained for days, using relays of relatives if
• Anticholinesterases may reverse neurotoxicity following
envenoming by some species.
• Maintain careful fluid balance to treat shock and prevent
renal failure.
• Some cobras spit venom into the eyes of their victims.
Rapid irrigation with water will prevent severe
inflammation. 0·5% epinephrine drops may help to reduce
pain and inflammation.
Scorpion stings
Severe pain around bite for many hours or days. Systemic
envenoming is more common in children and may occur
within minutes of a bite. Major clinical features are caused by
activation of the autonomic nervous system.
Clinical features
• Hospital immediately; delay is a frequent cause of death.
• Control pain with infiltration of 1% lidocaine (lignocaine)
around wound or IV morphine.
• Scorpion antivenom is available. Give IV/IM in systemic
• Prazosin is effective for treating hypertension and cardiac
failure (5–15 micrograms/kg 2–4 times a day increasing to
control blood pressure to a maximum of 500
micrograms/kg/day). Lie down for first 4–6 hours of
treatment in case of sudden fall in BP.
• Severe pulmonary oedema requires aggressive treatment
with diuretics and vasodilators.
Spider bites
Widow spiders (Latrodectus spp.)
Severe pain at bite. Rarely systemic envenoming with
abdominal and generalised pain and other features due to
transmitter release from autonomic nerves. Hypertension is
characteristic (prazosin – see above). Antivenom is available.
Opiates and diazepam for pain.
Rubbing sting will cause further discharge and worsen
envenoming. In box jellyfish stings, pouring vinegar over the
sting will prevent discharge of nematocysts. For most other
jellyfish, seawater should be poured over stings and adherent
tentacles gently removed. Ice is useful for pain relief. Box
jellyfish stings occasionally rapidly life threatening. Antivenom
is available IM.
Near drowning
• Toddlers can drown in small volumes of water, for example
in a bucket or shallow pool.
• Not all drowning is accidental (abuse/neglect).
• Other injuries may be present.
• Other illnesses may have resulted in the drowning, for
example epilepsy.
• Water can be fresh (hypotonic) or salt (hypertonic).
• Water can conceal hidden dangers: trauma, entrapment,
tide and flow, contamination.
Urgent cooling
Hypothermia in infants
Cold environment, malnutrition, or serious infection
(low reading thermometer core (rectal) < 32°C = severe;
32–35·9°C = moderate). Alternatively if axillary temperature
< 35°C or does not register assume hypothermia.
• WARM: kangaroo care with mother given warm drink or
thermostatically controlled heated mattress (37–38°C) or
air-heated incubator 35–36°C.
• If mother not available hot water bottle in cot removed
before infant.
• Cover the head/dress in warm DRY clothes. Keep nappy dry.
Clinical presentation
• Infant aged 4–12 months suddenly disturbed by violent
abdominal pain which is intermittent, builds up with
spasms, draws up knees, screams, becomes pale, sweats,
and vomits. Seems to recover immediately and may resume
normal eating habits, until stricken by another bout.
• Classically fresh bloodstained stool.
• Pain + vomiting + blood only in a third of patients.
1 in 10 have diarrhoea.
• Pallor, persistent apathy, and dehydration are common.
Intestinal obstruction
• Extrinsic: incarcerated hernia and vascular bands,
intussusception, anomalies of rotation (volvulus and Ladds
bands, paraduodenal and paracaecal hernias),
postoperative adhesions.
• Intrinsic: inspissation of bowel contents (meconium ileus,
distal intestinal obstruction syndrome in cystic fibrosis
(CF), roundworm obstruction. Peristaltic dysfunction –
Hirschsprung’s disease. Inflammatory lesions –
tuberculosis, Crohn’s disease.
Clinical presentation
• Cramping abdominal pain with anorexia, nausea, and
vomiting which progresses to bile stained
• Abdominal distension (greater more distal the obstruction)
• Tachycardia and dehydration
• Tenderness and hyperactive bowel sounds.
• Relieve obstruction before ischaemic bowel injury occurs.
• IV access and baseline bloods collected for baseline
investigations including a full blood count, urea, creatinine
and electrolytes and cross-match.
• 0·9% saline with 10% glucose 4 ml/kg/h for the first
10 kg, 2 ml/kg/h for the next 10 kg and 1 ml/kg/h for
subsequent kg.
Life-threatening trauma
Primary survey
A Airway with cervical spine control
B Breathing and ventilation
C Circulation and haemorrhage control
D Disability assessment
E Exposure
Circulatory assessment
• Capillary refill
• Skin colour
• Temperature
• Systolic blood pressure
• Mental state
• Respiratory rate.
AVPU plus pupil size and reactivity and Glasgow Coma Scale.
Undress (use scissors to cut clothes) for anatomical search
for injuries. Avoid prolonged exposure.
Airway obstruction Intubation or surgical airway
Tension pneumothorax Needle thoracocentesis, chest drain
Open pneumothorax Chest drain, 3 sided dressing
Massive haemothorax Chest drain/blood transfusion
Flail chest Intubation if large
Cardiac tamponade Pericardiocentesis
Secondary survey
Examination head-to-toe, including the back, avoiding spinal
movement (by log rolling). Document all injuries.
• Thorough re-examination of the chest front and back, using
the classical inspection–palpation–percussion–auscultation
approach, is combined with a chest x ray.
• Symmetry of chest movement and breath sounds, presence
of surgical emphysema, and pain or instability on
compressing the chest.
• Tracheal deviation and altered heart sounds are noted.
Wound excision
Removal of any dead and contaminated tissue which if left
would become a medium for infection.
Management of burns
• Protect airway.
• Consider other injuries?
• Expose and assess burn area. (See figure below.)
• If > 10%, establish IV line and give IV analgesia (morphine
100 micrograms/kg loading dose).
• Commence 0·9% saline or Hartmann’s at 2–4 ml/kg per %
burn for first 24 hours, backdated to time of burn. Half (in
hourly divided doses) during the first 8 hours, and second
half in next 16 hours (in hourly doses) adjusted to urine
output and cardiovascular response.
• Assess area of burn and draw on chart.
• It is common to overestimate the size of burn.
• Erythema MUST NOT be included – fluid is not lost.
• An overestimation will mean that far too much fluid given.
• In severe burns all vascular bed leaky.
• If < 10% replace orally. If vomiting IV fluids. If safe IV
access is not available, then burns of up to 25% can be
managed with increased oral fluids. Small regular doses.
• For oral fluids, ORS ideal
2 2 2 2
13 13
% surface area
Age 0 1yr 5yr 10yr 15yr
Intravenous fluids
• Ideally by peripheral vein; in emergency, intraosseous, or
central venous lines may be needed but increase risk of
• DO NOT USE long lines – increased risk of septicaemia.
• 0·9% saline is the best IV fluid plus 5–10% glucose in child
< 2 years.
Natural colloids, i.e. 4·5% albumin, plasma, and blood,
artificial colloids, i.e Haemaccel and Gelofusine plus
crystalloids can be used. Excessive IV fluid may lead to
pulmonary and/or cerebral oedema, together with excessive
extravascular deposition of fluid including “compartment
• Fluid loss decreases 48–72 hours after injury.
• Accurate and updated fluid input and output charts are
kept + daily weighing.
• For > 30% burns hourly haematocrit (or haemoglobin) and
urine outputs (ideally > 1 ml/kg/h) are helpful in the first
24 hours and then decreasing afterwards. For burns
between 10% and 30% hourly tests.
• > 30% burns and involving the genitalia and in young
normally incontinent female children, a urinary catheter is
essential. In males, a urinary bag can be used.
Enteral fluids
• For 5–10% burns, daily requirement increased by 50% to
allow for the burn (given on an hourly basis).
• The normal oral requirement of a child can be calculated
as 100 ml/kg for the first 10 kg, 50 ml/kg for the next 10 kg,
and 20 ml/kg for any weight up to the total weight of
the child per 24 hours.
• Establish and update antitetanus status.
• Consider an escharotomy.
• Dress the burned areas, or treat any area which is going to
be kept exposed (give adequate analgesia: morphine,
ketamine or entonox).
• Burn wound is usually sterile.
• Hands washed and sterile gloves used by all members of
the team. Ideally plastic aprons.
Dressings used:
To maintain sterility
To relieve pain
To absorb fluid produced by the burn wound
To aid healing
• Uncuffed < 25 kg. Larynx narrowest at cricoid ring.
• Correct tube is that which passes easily through the glottis
and subglottic area with a small air leak detectable at 20 cm
water (= sustained gentle positive pressure).
• Size of tube is one that can just fit into the nostril.
• In preterm neonates 2·5–3·5 mm internal diameter.
• In fullterm neonates 3·0–4·0 mm internal diameter.
• In infants after neonatal period 3·5 to 4·5 mm internal
• In children over 1 year = age/4 + 4 internal diameter in mm.
• Length of tube in cm = age (in years)/2 plus 12 for oral
tube, = age (in years)/2 plus 15 for nasal tube.
Aids to intubation
• Laryngoscope: blade (straight for neonates and infants,
curved for older children), check bulb and handle
• Magill forceps
• Introducer (not further than end of tube itself)
• Gum elastic bougie (over which tube can pass)
• Cricoid pressure (can help visualisation of larynx)
• Suction.
Predicting difficulty
• Choose appropriate tube size with one size above and below.
• Get tape ready.
• Suction.
• Induce anaesthesia and give muscle relaxant unless
completely obtunded.
• > 3–4 years: “sniffing” position (head extended on
shoulders, flexed at neck, pillow under head).
• < 3 years (especially neonates and infants): neutral position
(large occiput).
• Keep in neutral position with in-line immobilisation if
unstable cervical spine (trauma, Down’s).
Oxygenate child
• Introduce laryngoscope into right side of mouth.
• Sweep tongue to the left.
• Advance blade until epiglottis seen.
• Curved blade: advance blade anterior to epiglottis;
lift epiglottis forward by moving blade away from
own body.
• Straight blade: advance blade beneath epiglottis, into
oesophagus; pull back, glottis will “flop” into view.
Recognise glottis
• Insert endotracheal tube gently through vocal cords.
• Stop at predetermined length (2–3 cm in).
Secure tube
Proceed to nasal intubation if skilled (for long term
ventilation). Two strips of sticky zinc oxide tape to reach
from in front of ear across cheek and above upper lip to
opposite ear.
• If available, apply benzoin tincture to cheeks, above upper
lip, and under chin (to make tape stick better).
• Start with the broad end of the tape: stick this onto the
cheek, then wrap one of the thinner ends carefully around
the tube. It is useful still being able to see the ET tube
marking at the lips.
• The other half gets taped across philtrum to the cheek.
• The second tape starts on the other cheek, and the thinner
half gets stuck across the chin, the other half also wrapped
around the tube.
Cricoid membrane
cartilage Cricoid
Cricothyroid membrane
Important notes
Not possible to ventilate with self-inflating bag. The maximum
pressure from bag is 45 cmH2O (the blow-off valve pressure),
which is insufficient to drive gas through a narrow cannula.
Expiration cannot occur through cannula. Expiration must
occur via the upper airway, even if partial upper airway
obstruction. Should upper airway obstruction be complete,
reduce gas flow to 1–2 L/min to provide oxygenation but little
Surgical cricothyroidotomy
• > 12 years.
• Supine position.
• If no risk of neck injury, extend the neck. Otherwise,
maintain neutral alignment.
• Prepare underwater seal and take sterile end, ready
to connect to chest tube once inserted.
• Cover underwater end of tube by no more than 1–2
• Insertion site (usually 4th–5th ICS in anterior or midaxillary
• Make 1–3 cm skin incision along the line of ICS,
immediately above the rib below to avoid damage to
jugular vein
jugular vein
Identify landmarks.
Infant – one finger breadth lateral to the medial epicondyle of
the humerus.
Small child – two finger breadths lateral to the medial
epicondyle of the humerus.
Older child – three finger breadths lateral to the medial
epicondyle of the humerus.
Infant – half a finger breadth superior and anterior to the
medial malleolus.
Small child – one finger breadth superior and anterior to the
medial malleolus.
Older child – two finger breadths superior and anterior to the
medial malleolus.
Procedure (aseptic)
• Assemble the syringe, three-way tap, and catheter. Flush
and fill catheter with sterile 0·9% saline and close tap to
prevent air embolus.
• Clean the umbilical cord and surrounding skin with 0·5%
chlorhexidine or 10% povidone-iodine. Tie cord
ligature/tape loosely round base of cord.
• Cut back cord to about 1–2 cm from base (clean stroke of
scalpel not sawing).
Basic life support interrupted for shortest possible time
(5–9 below).
Adapted from WHO/NCHS normalised reference weight-for-length (50–84 cm)
and weight-for-height (86–110 cm), by sex
1·8 2·2 2·5 2·9 3·3 50·0 3·4 3·0 2·6 2·3 1·9
1·9 2·3 2·8 3·2 3·7 52·0 3·7 3·3 2·8 2·4 2·0
2·0 2·6 3·1 3·6 4·1 54·0 4·1 3·6 3·1 2·7 2·2
2·3 2·9 3·5 4·0 4·6 56·0 4·5 4·0 3·5 3·0 2·4
2·7 3·3 3·9 4·5 5·1 58·0 5·0 4·4 3·9 3·3 2·7
3·1 3·7 4·4 5·0 5·7 60·0 5·5 4·9 4·3 3·7 3·1
3·5 4·2 4·9 5·6 6·2 62·0 6·1 5·4 4·8 4·1 3·5
4·0 4·7 5·4 6·1 6·8 64·0 6·7 6·0 5·3 4·6 3·9
4·5 5·3 6·0 6·7 7·4 66·0 7·3 6·5 5·8 5·1 4·3
5·1 5·8 6·5 7·3 8·0 68·0 7·8 7·1 6·3 5·5 4·8
5·5 6·3 7·0 7·8 8·5 70·0 8·4 7·6 6·8 6·0 5·2
6·0 6·8 7·5 8·3 9·1 72·0 8·9 8·1 7·2 6·4 5·6
6·4 7·2 8·0 8·8 9·6 74·0 9·4 8·5 7·7 6·8 6·0
6·8 7·6 8·4 9·2 10·0 76·0 9·8 8·9 8·1 7·2 6·4
7·1 8·0 8·8 9·7 10·2 78·0 10·2 9·3 8·5 7·6 6·7
7·5 8·3 9·2 10·1 10·9 80·0 10·6 9·7 8·8 8·0 7·1
7·8 8·7 9·6 10·4 11·3 82·0 11·0 10·1 9·2 8·3 7·4
8·1 9·0 9·9 10·8 11·7 84·0 11·4 10·5 9·6 8·7 7·7
Management of Pain
Paracetamol Oral suspension The maximum daily dose should not be given for > 3
120 mg/5 ml days
ORAL loading dose 25 mg/kg 250 mg/5 ml
Maintenance dose 20 mg/kg 6 hourly Caution with liver impairment
Maximum dose 80 mg/kg/24 h (60 mg/kg < 3 months) Tablets/soluble 500 mg
Drug Preparation
Over 12 yrs
10–15 mg. every 4 hours
For long term severe pain, give slow Slow release tablets:
release as the total daily dose of short 5 mg, 10 mg, 30 mg,
acting in 2 divided doses (usually 60 mg, 100 mg
200–500 micrograms/kg every 12 hours) Slow release suspension:
Sachets 20 mg, 30 mg,
60 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg
1–12 months
100 micrograms/kg Use dedicated 10–40 micrograms/kg/h
over 30–60 minutes cannula
> 1 year
100 to 200 micrograms/ Requires one to For most situations start
kg over 5–20 minutes one nursing. Monitor at 10 micrograms/kg/
the following: hour and increase in
Syringe movement 5 micrograms/kg/h units
Signs of inflammation
at site of infusion Major surgery: Start at
Urinary retention 20 micrograms/kg/h adjust
according to pain control
• Related to dose
• If accidentally administered IV, therefore drawback before
infusing and ensure needle is not in a vein
• Can be absorbed through mucous membranes in sufficient
concentrations to be toxic.
• Systemic effects
neurological: nausea, restless, convulsions,
cardiovascular: bradycardia, hypotension
• Earliest sign = tingling of lips
Blood transfusion
Only when essential
Warm pack contact with mother’s skin
Do not use blood stored for > 35 days at 2–6 degrees C or out
of fridge for > 2 hours or visibly spoiled (plasma must not be
pink, redcells not purple or black) or bag open or leaking.
Check correct group and patient’s name and numbers and
blood group are identical on label and form
Needle/catheter 22 gauge or larger to prevent clotting
If heart failure give 1 mg/kg of frusemide IV at start of
transfusion unless hypovolaemic shock is also present.
In severe malnutrition consider partial exchange
(see page 89).
Record baseline temperature and pulse rate
Do not allow single unit to go in > 4 hours
Infants or those in heart failure, control flow with in-line
Record observations every 30 minutes looking for heart
failure and transfusion reactions
Record quantities given
• Severe anaemia (Hb < 4 g/dl)
• Impending or overt cardiac failure if Hb < 6 g/dl
• Hyper-parasitaemia in malaria if Hb < 6 g/dl
• In sickle cell disease
a) if Hb < 5 g/dl or severe infection present
b) Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) (regardless of Hb)
c) Priapism (regardless of Hb)
• Children in cardiac failure from severe anaemia (gallop,
enlarged liver, raised JVP and fine basal creps from
pulmonary oedema)
• Severe chronic haemolytic anaemia such as Thalassaemia
Duration of action
Colloid solutions Na + (mmol/l) K + (mmol/l) Ca + + (mmol/l) (hours) Comments
Age Hb g/dl
1–3 days 14·5–22·5
2 weeks 14·5–18·0
6 months 10·0–12·5
1–5 years 10·5–13·0
6–12 years 11·5–15·0
12–18 years (male) 13·0–16·0
12–18 years (female) 12·0–16·0
Total WBC
Age x 109/litre
1–2 days 9·0–34·0
Neonates 6·0–19·5
1–3 years 6·0–17.5
4–7 years 5·5–15·5
8–13 years 4·5–13·5
Paediatric electrocardiography
Heat rate and rhythm
Atrial hypertrophy P wave in lead II > 0·28 mV
PR interval, > 0·12 seconds infancy and > 0·16 seconds in
childhood = prolonged
Mean frontal QRS axis : Superior axis = QRS forces in AVF
: Mean 135° day 1, 110° neonatal, 65°
RVH: Positive T wave in V4R, V1V2 from 7 days of life
until puberty
LVH: Inverted T waves V4, V5, V6
RVH: R waves in V4R > 15 mV < 3 months of age
> 10 mV > 3 months
LVH: R waves in V6 > 20 mV < 3 months
> 25 mV > 3 months
3 patterns: neonatal = R > S in V4R, V1
= S > R in V5, V6
Infant = R > S in V4R or V1 and V6
Adult = R < S in V4R or V1
= S > R in V6
Biventricular hypertrophy = R + S in V4 = >70 mV
Abbreviations; ICP, alcohol poisoning 42
intracranial pressure. allergic reactions 35–6
aminophylline 5, 180
ABC(DE) see airway; amputation, traumatic
breathing; circulation; 143–4
disability; exposure; life anaemia
support blood transfusion 88–9,
abdomen, acute 136–8 184
accessory respiratory muscle iron–deficiency 88–9
use 17 analgesia see pain relief
Adelaide Coma Scale 29 anaphylactic shock 35–6
adrenal crisis 108–9 anthelmintics 90, 126
adrenaline see epinephrine antibiotics
airway endocarditis prophylaxis
assessment and 71, 72
management 16, intestinal obstruction 138
151–7 malnourished child 84
allergic/anaphylactic meningitis 61, 98–9, 101,
reactions 35 102–3
intubation see meningococcal disease
endotracheal 112, 113
intubation neonatal infections 60,
in life support 9, 11–12 61, 99
primary assessment 16 tetanus 114
procedures/equipment typhoid 116
151–7 anticonvulsants 63
trauma cases 138–9 status epilepticus 37, 38
in triage 7 antidepressant poisoning 43
unconscious child 27 antimalarials 122–4
emergency surgical 154–6 antitoxin
obstruction, signs 139 diphtheria 111–12
upper, problems 68–9 venoms 129–30, 131, 132
see also respiratory apnoea, neonatal 58
disorders appendicitis 136
albendazole 126 arrhythmias 14–15
overdose 39 potassium
organophosphorus administration 109–10
poisoning 44 in diabetic ketoacidosis
osmotic diarrhoea 91 106
oxygen, allergic/anaphylactic body fluid contents 5
reactions 36 in colloid/crystalloid
fluids 185
pain relief 174–6 requirements 5, 50
tetanus 115 see also hyperkalaemia;
paracetamol 175 hypokalaemia
poisoning 42, 95 pralidoxime 44
paraldehyde propofol 182
neonatal 63 prostacyclin 182
status epilepticus 38 prostaglandin E2 182
parasites see helminths; protein requirements 5
malaria pulmonary blood flow,
pericardiocentesis, low 74
needle 167 pulseless electrical
petroleum compounds, activity 14–15
ingestion 44 pulseless ventricular
phenobarbitone tachycardia 15
neonatal 63 pulse volume 19
status epilepticus 38 in shock 23
phenytoin pupillary reactions 21
neonatal 63 unconscious child 28
status epilepticus 38
phototherapy 55, 56 quinine 123
pituitary hypofunction 108
platelet counts 188 rabies 119–21
pleural empyema, recession (chest) 17
drainage 159 red cells see erythrocytes
pleural tap 158–9 renal failure, acute 95–7
pneumococcus ReSoMal 81, 82
(S. pneumoniae) 98, 99 respiration
poisoning (toxicology) raised ICP effects 21
39–45 trauma cases 140
paracetamol 42, 95 unconscious child 28–30
unconscious child 30 see also breathing
see also envenoming respiratory disorders 67–70