Title Company As Trustee in Breach of Fiduciary Duty
Title Company As Trustee in Breach of Fiduciary Duty
Title Company As Trustee in Breach of Fiduciary Duty
And Cancelled What e actly !as "orro!ed# Where is the thing "orro!ed# Who has custody of the thing "orro!ed# In$uria propria non cadet in "eneficium facientis defined% One&s o!n !rong shall not fall to the ad'antage of him that does it( A man !ill not "e allo!ed to deri'e "enefit from his o!n !rongful act( Blac)*s +a! Dictionary Si th ,dition -page ./01 In$uria ser'i dominum pertingit defined% The master is lia"le for in$ury done "y his ser'ant( Blac)*s +a! Dictionary Si th ,dition -page ./01 Whereas defined pursuant to% Immunity from attachment and e ecution of property of a foreign state% Su"$ect to e isting international agreements to !hich the 2nited States is a party at the time of enactment of this Act the property in the 2nited States of a foreign state shall "e immune from attachment arrest and e ecution e cept as pro'ided in sections 3435 and 3433 of this chapter( I6 7I6D defined% Of the same species or category( In the same )ind, class, or genus( A loan is returned 8in )ind8 !hen not the identical article, "ut one corresponding and e9ui'alent to it, is gi'en to the lender( See Distri"ution in )ind: In genere: +i)e;)ind e change( Blac)*s +a! Dictionary Si th ,dition -page ./.1 I6 <,6,=, defined% In )ind: in the same genus 53& class: the same in 9uantity and 9uality, "ut not indi'id ually the same( For e ample, la!s on the same su"$ect( See In pari materia( In the =oman la!, things !hich may "e gi'en or restored in genere are distinguished from such as must "e gi'en or restored in specie: that is, identically( Blac)*s +a! Dictionary Si th ,dition -page ./31 BO==OW defined% '( "or>ro!ed, "or>ro!>ing, "or>ro!s '(tr( 3( To o"tain or recei'e -something1 on loan !ith the promise or understanding of returning it or its e9ui'alent( The American ?eritage@ Dictionary of the ,nglish +anguage, Fourth ,dition BO==OW,= defined% contracts( ?e to !hom a thing is lent at his re9uest(A( The contract of loan confers rights, and imposes duties on the "orro!er& 3( In general, he has the right to use the thing "orro!ed, during the time and for the purpose intended "et!een the parties: the right of using the thing "ailed, is strictly confined to the use, e pressed or implied, in the particular transaction, and "y any e cess, the "orro!er !ill ma)e himself responsi"le( Bones& Bailment, 0/ 4 Cass( =( 35D: Cro( Bac( ADD: A +d( =aym( E5E: Ayl( Pand( B( D, t( 34, p( 03.: Domat, B( 3, t( 0, Sec( A, n( 35, 33, 3A: Dio( 3F, 4, 3/ Poth( Pret a 2sage, c( A, Sec( 3, n( AA: A Bulst( F54: ,rs)( Pr( +a!s of ScotI( B( F, t( 3, Sec( E: 3 Const( =ep( So( Car( 3A3 Bracton, +i"( F, c( A, Sec( l, p( EE( The loan is considered strictly personal, unless, from other circumstances, a different intention may "e presumed( 3 Cod( =ep( A35: S( C( F Sal)( A.3( F( ; A( The "orro!er is "ound to ta)e e traordinary care of the thing "orro!ed: to use it according to the intention of the lender, to restore it in proper time: to restore it in a proper condition( Of these, in their order( D( ; 3( The loan "eing gratuitous, the "orro!er is "ound to e traordinary diligence, and is responsi"le for slight neglect in relation to the thing loaned( A +d( =aym( E5E, E34 Bones on Bailm( 40: 3 Dane&s A"r( c( 3., art( 3A: Dig( DD, .F 3, D: Poth( Pret( a 2sage, c( A, Sec( A, art( A3, n( D/( 0( ; A( The use is to "e according to the condition of the loan: if there is an e cess in the nature, time, manner, or 9uantity of the use, "eyond !hat may "e inferred to "e !ithin the intention of the parties, the "orro!er !ill "e responsi"le, not only for any damages occasioned "y the e cess, "ut e'en for losses "y accidents, !hich could not "e foreseen or guarded against( A +d( =aym( E5E: Bones on Bailm( 4/, 4E( 4( ; F( The "orro!er is "ound to ma)e a return of the thing loaned, at the time, in the place, and in the manner contemplated "y the contract(( Domat, +i'( 3, t( 0, Sec( 3, n( 33: Dig( 3F, 4, 0, 3.( If the "orro!er does not return the thing at the proper time, he is deemed to "e in default, and is generally responsi"le for all in$uries, e'en for accidents( Bones on Bailm( .5: Pothier, Pret a 2sage , ch( A, Sec( F, art( A, n( 45: Ci'il Code Of +ouis( art( A/.5: Code Ci'il, art( 3//3: ,rs)( Inst( B( F, t( 3, Sec( AA ,rs)( Pr( +a!s
of Scotl( B( F, t( 3, Sec( E( .( ; D( As to the condition in !hich the thing is to "e restored( The "orro!er not "eing lia"le for any loss or deterioration of the thing, unless caused "y his o!n neglect of duty, it follo!s, that it is sufficient if he returns it in the proper manner, and at the proper time, ho!e'er much it may "e deteriorated from accidental or other causes, not connected !ith any such neglect( Story on Bailm( eh( D, Sec( A4/( See, generally, Story on Bailm( oh( D: Poth( Pret A 2sage: A 7ent, Com( DD4;DDE: Gin( A"r( Bailment, B 4: Bac( A"r( Bailment: Ci'il Code of +ouis( art( A/4E;A/.4: 3 Bou'( Inst( n( 35./;35E5( Gide +ender( A +a! Dictionary Adapted To The Constitution and +a!s of the 2nited States of America and of the Se'eral States of the American 2nion "y Bohn Bou'ier =e'ised Si th ,dition, 3/04 S,TT+,C,6T defined% contracts( The con'eyance of an estate, for the "enefit of some person or persons( A( It is usually made on the prospect of marriage for the "enefit of the married pair, or one of them, or for the "enefit of some other persons, as their children( Such settlements 'est the property in trustees upon specified terms, usually for the "enefit of the hus"and and !ife during their $oint li'es, and then for the "enefit of the sur'i'or for life, and after!ards for the "enefit of children( Ante;nuptial agreements of this )ind !ill "e enforced in e9uity "y a specific performance of them, pro'ided they are fair and 'alid, and the intention of the parties is consistent !ith the principles and policy of la!( Settlements after marriage, if made in pursuance of an agreement in !riting entered into prior to the marriage, are 'alid, "oth against creditors and purchasers( D( When made !ithout consideration, after marriage, and the property of the hus"and is settled upon his !ife and children, the settlement !ill "e 'alid against su"se9uent creditors, if, at the time of the settlement "eing made, he !as not inde"ted: "ut, if he !as then inde"ted, it !ill "e 'oid as to the creditors e isting at the time of the settlement: F Bohn( Ch( =( D/3: / Wheat( =( AAE: unless in cases !here the hus"and recei'ed a fair consideration in 'alue of the thing settled, so as to repel the presumption of fraud( A Ges( 34 35 Ges( 3FE( Gide 3 Cadd( Ch( D0E: 3 Chit( Pr( 0.: A 7ent, Com( 3D0: A Supp( to Ges( $r( /5, F.0: =o"( Fr( Con'( 3//( See Atherl( on Car( passim( 0( The term settlement is also applied to an agreement "y !hich t!o or more persons, !ho ha'e dealings together, so far arrange their accounts, as to ascertain the "alance due from one to the other: and settlement sometimes signifies a payment in full( A +a! Dictionary Adapted To The Constitution and +a!s of the 2nited States of America and of the Se'eral States of the American 2nion "y Bohn Bou'ier =e'ised Si th ,dition, 3/04 6,T S,TT+,C,6T defined% in electronic payment systems, settlement of inter"an) transactions on a net, end;of;day, "asis "et!een reser'e accounts of "an)s participating in a clearinghouse( Credit and de"it transactions are recorded on the clearinghouse "oo)s throughout the "usiness day: final settlement of the net transactions;;;credits, less de"its;;;occur !hen funds due a "an) are credited to its reser'e account "y a Federal =eser'e Ban)( This is the common settlement procedure in Automated Clearing ?ouses and the C+,A=I6< ?O2S, I6T,=BA67 PAHC,6TS SHST,C -C?IPS1( Barron&s Dictionary of Ban)ing Terms Dth ,dition See% http%IIyoutu("eIFo;3I3eDAio ?2D;3 S,TT+,C,6T STAT,C,6T The ?2D;3 Settlement Statement is a s!orn affida'it of the TitleISettlement Agent% Bailor -for Bailee1 affida'it% I ha'e carefully re'ie!ed the hud;3 settlement statement and to the "est of my )no!ledge and "elief it is a true and accurate statement of all the receipts and dis"ursements made on my account or "y me in this transaction, I further certify that I ha'e recei'ed a copy of the ?2D;3 Settlement Statement( Settlement Agent -Title Agent1 s!orn affida'it% to the "est of my )no!ledge, the hud;3 settlement statement !hich I ha'e prepared is a true and accurate account of the funds !hich !ere recei'ed and ha'e "een or !ill "e dis"ursed "y the undersigned as part of the settlement of this transaction( =,C,IPT defined% !ritten record of a transaction or payment of a de"t(((a receipt ac)no!ledging a payment of de"t is not a promise to pay, and therefore is not a negotia"le instrument, "ut if it is an order to pay, may "e transfera"le through assignment( Barron&s Dictionary of Ban)ing Terms Dth ,dition DISB2=S,C,6T defined% payment of funds that partially or fully settles a de"t, also an outflo! of cash
that reduces a lia"ility( Barron&s Dictionary of Ban)ing Terms Dth ,dition DISC?A=<, OF +I,6 defined% notification to a "orro!er of a lender&s release of a lien on property securing performance of a loan after payment of the de"t, for e ample, a SATISFACTIO6 OF CO=T<A<, document( The discharge is also noted in pu"lic land records( Barron&s Dictionary of Ban)ing Terms Dth ,dition ,SC=OW defined% !ritten agreement authoriJing the holding of funds "y a custodian, usually a "an) of trust company( These accounts usually pay the same rate of interest as pass"oo) accounts( Ban)s typically hold escro! accounts for real estate ta es and property insurance due on mortgaged property( Barron&s Dictionary of Ban)ing Terms Dth ,dition ,6DO=S,= defined% person !ho, "y signing a chec) or negotia"le instrument, transfers his o!nership interest to another party( The endorser promises to ma)e good on the chec) if it is dishonored for any reason( Barron&s Dictionary of Ban)ing Terms Dth ,dition ,6DO=S,C,6T defined% signature on the "ac) of a negotia"le instrument , such as a C?,C7( ,ndorsement legally transfers o!nership to another party( The 26IFO=C COCC,=CIA+ COD, recogniJes fi'e )inds of endorsements: -31 B+A67 ,6DO=S,C,6T or un9ualified endorsement: -A1 special endorsement: for e ample, 8Pay to the order of ABC Company:8 -F1 restricti'e endorsement, !riting limiting further negotiation, such as 8for deposit only:8 -D1 9ualified endorsement, 8Pay to ABC Ban), !ithout recourse:8 -01 conditional endorsement, 8Pay KHL Company upon completion of contract(8 -=arely used1 Barron&s Dictionary of Ban)ing Terms Dth ,dition The , pedited Funds A'aila"ility Act of 3E/. imposes certain restrictions on chec) endorsements, re9uiring endorsers to !rite their names in the top 33IA inches on "ac) of a chec), lea'ing space for "an) endorsements( Barron&s Dictionary of Ban)ing Terms Dth ,dition FO=,I<6 6ATIO6 or STAT, defined% A nation totally independent of the 2nited States of America A( The constitution authoriJes congress to regulate commerce !ith 8foreign nations(8 This phrase does not include an Indian tri"e, situated !ithin the "oundaries of a state, and e ercising the po!ers of go'ernment and so'ereignty( 0 Pet( =( 3( Gide 6ation( A +a! Dictionary Adapted To The Constitution and +a!s of the 2nited States of America and of the Se'eral States of the American 2nion "y Bohn Bou'ier =e'ised Si th ,dition, 3/04 Whereas defined pursuant to: For purposes of this chapterM -a1 A Nforeign stateO, e cept as used in section 345/ of this title, includes a political su"di'ision of a foreign state or an agency or instrumentality of a foreign state as defined in su"section -"1( -"1 An Nagency or instrumentality of a foreign stateO means any entityM -31 !hich is a separate legal person, corporate or other!ise, and -A1 !hich is an organ of a foreign state or political su"di'ision thereof, or a ma$ority of !hose shares or other o!nership interest is o!ned "y a foreign state or political su"di'ision thereof, and -F1 !hich is neither a citiJen of a State of the 2nited States as defined in section 3FFA -c1 and -e1 of this title, nor created under the la!s of any third country( -c1 The N2nited StatesO includes all territory and !aters, continental or insular, su"$ect to the $urisdiction of the 2nited States( See% Whereas defined pursuant to% The 33th Amendment states NThe Budicial po!er of the 2nited States shall not "e construed to e tend to any suit in la! or e9uity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the 2nited States "y CitiJens of another State, or "y CitiJens or Su"$ects of an Foreign State(O -A foreign entity, agency, or state cannot "ring any suit against a 2nited States citiJen !ithout a"iding the follo!ing procedure(1 A foreign nation is immune from the $urisdiction of federal and state courts( PA/ 2(S(C( Sec( 3453;3433Q Blac)&s +a! Dictionary Si th ,dition -page 3FE41 Whereas defined pursuant to: Immunity of a foreign state from $urisdiction% Su"$ect to e isting international agreements to !hich the 2nited States is a party at the time of enactment of this Act a foreign
state shall "e immune from the $urisdiction of the courts of the 2nited States and of the States e cept as pro'ided in sections 3450 to 345. of this chapter( DIST=ICT OF CO+2CBIA defined% The name of a district of country, ten miles s9uare, situate "et!een the states of Caryland and Girginia, o'er !hich the national go'ernment has e clusi'e $urisdiction( By the constitution, congress may 8 e ercise e clusi'e $urisdiction in all cases !hatsoe'er, o'er such district, not e ceeding ten miles s9uare, as may, "y, cession of particular states, and the acceptance of congress, "ecome the seat of go'ernment of the 2nited States(8 In pursuance of this authority, the states of Caryland and Girginia, ceded to the 2nited States, a small territory on the "an)s of the Potomac, and congress, "y the Act of Buly 34, 3.E5, accepted the same for the permanent seat of the go'ernment of the 2nited States( The act pro'ides for the remo'al of the seat of go'ernment from the city of Philadelphia to the District of Colum"ia, on the first Conday of Decem"er 3/55( It is also pro'ided, that the la!s of the state, !ithin such district, shall not "e affected "y the acceptance, until the time fi ed for the remo'al of the go'ernment thereto, and until congress shall other!ise "y la! pro'ide( A( It seems that the District of Colum"ia, and the territorial districts of the 2nited States, are not states !ithin the meaning of the constitution, and of the $udiciary act, so as to ena"le a citiJen thereof to sue a citiJen of one of the states in the federal courts( A Cranch, DD0: 3 Wheat, E3( F( By the Act of Buly 33, 3/D4, congress retroceded the county of Ale andria, part of the District of Colum"ia, to the state of Girginia( A +a! Dictionary Adapted To The Constitution and +a!s of the 2nited States of America and of the Se'eral States of the American 2nion "y Bohn Bou'ier =e'ised Si th ,dition, 3/04 WARNING: It is a crime to )no!ingly ma)e false statements to the 2nited States on this or any other similar form( Penalties upon con'iction can include a fine and imprisonment( For details see% Title 3/ 2(S( Code Section 3553 and Section 3553 Whereas defined pursuant to; SINGLE FAMILY MORTGAGE FORECLOS RE Definitions% -31 Bona fide purchaser% The term N"ona fide purchaserO means a purchaser for 'alue in good faith and !ithout notice of any ad'erse claim, and !ho ac9uires the security property free of any ad'erse claim( -A1 County% The term NcountyO has the same meaning as in section A of title 3( -F1 Cortgage% The term NmortgageO means a deed of trust, mortgage, deed to secure de"t, security agreement, or any other form of instrument under !hich any property -real, personal or mi ed1, or any interest in property -including leaseholds, life estates, re'ersionary interests, and any other estates under applica"le State la!1, is con'eyed in trust, mortgaged, encum"ered, pledged, or other!ise rendered su"$ect to a lien for the purpose of securing the payment of money or the performance of an o"ligation( -D1 Cortgage agreement% The term Nmortgage agreementO means the note or de"t instrument and the mortgage instrument, deed of trust instrument, trust deed, or instrument or instruments creating the mortgage, including any instrument incorporated "y reference therein and any instrument or agreement amending or modifying any of the foregoing( -01 Cortgagor% The term NmortgagorO means the o"ligor, grantor, or trustee named in the mortgage agreement and, unless the conte t other!ise indicates, includes the current o!ner of record of the security property !hether or not such o!ner is personally lia"le on the mortgage de"t( -41 O!ner% The term No!nerO means any person !ho has an o!nership interest in property and includes heirs, de'ises, e ecutors, administrators, and other personal representati'es, and trustees of testamentary trusts if the o!ner of record is deceased( -.1 Person% The term NpersonO includes any indi'idual, group of indi'iduals, association, partnership, corporation, or organiJation( -/1 =ecord: recorded% The terms NrecordO and NrecordedO include NregisterO and NregisteredO in the instance
of registered land( -E1 Security property% The term Nsecurity propertyO means the property -real, personal or mi ed1 or an interest in property -including leaseholds, life estates, re'ersionary interests, and any other estates under applica"le State la!1, together !ith fi tures and other interests su"$ect to the lien of the mortgage under applica"le State la!( -351 Single family mortgage% The term Nsingle family mortgageO means a mortgage that co'ers property on !hich there is located a 3; to D;family residence, and thatM -A1 is held "y the Secretary pursuant to title I or title II of the 6ational ?ousing Act P3A 2(S(C( 3.5A et se9(, 3.5. et se9(Q: or -B1 secures a loan o"ligated "y the Secretary under section 3D0A" of title DA, as it e isted "efore the repeal of that section "y section 3A/FE of title DA -e cept that a mortgage securing such a loan that co'ers property containing nonresidential space and a 3; to D;family d!elling shall not "e su"$ect to this chapter1( -331 State% The term NStateO meansM -A1 the se'eral States: -B1 the District of Colum"ia: -C1 the Common!ealth of Puerto =ico: -D1 the 2nited States Girgin Islands: -,1 <uam: -F1 American Samoa: -<1 the 6orthern Cariana Islands: -?1 the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands: and -I1 Indian tri"es, as defined "y the Secretary( Whereas defined pursuant to: Applica"ility% Single family mortgages encum"ering real estate located in any State may "e foreclosed "y the Secretary in accordance !ith this chapter, or pursuant to other foreclosure procedures a'aila"le, at the option of the Secretary( Whereas defined pursuant to: Designation of foreclosure commissioner% -a1 In general The Secretary may designate a person or persons to ser'e as a foreclosure commissioner or commissioners for the purpose of foreclosing upon a single;family mortgage( -"1 Po!er of sale% A foreclosure commissioner designated under this section shall ha'e a non$udicial po!er of sale( -c1 Rualifications: The foreclosure commissioner% if a natural person, shall "e a resident of the State in !hich the security property is located and, if not a natural person, the foreclosure commissioner must "e duly authoriJed to transact "usiness under la!s of the State in !hich the security property is located( 6o person shall "e designated as a foreclosure commissioner unless that person is responsi"le, financially sound, and competent to conduct a foreclosure( -d1 Designation procedure: -31 Written designation% The Secretary may designate a foreclosure commissioner "y e ecuting a !ritten designation stating the name and "usiness or residential address of the commissioner, e cept that if a person is designated in his or her capacity as an official or employee of a go'ernment or corporate entity, such person may "e designated "y his or her uni9ue title or position instead of "y name( -A1 Su"stitute commissioners The Secretary may, !ith or !ithout cause, designate a su"stitute foreclosure commissioner to replace a pre'iously designated foreclosure commissioner( Whereas defined pursuant to: Statements or entries generally% -a1 , cept as other!ise pro'ided in this section, !hoe'er, in any matter !ithin the $urisdiction of the e ecuti'e, legislati'e, or $udicial "ranch of the <o'ernment of the 2nited States, )no!ingly and !illfullyM -31 falsifies, conceals, or co'ers up "y any tric), scheme, or de'ice a material fact: -A1 ma)es any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation: or -F1 ma)es or uses any false !riting or document )no!ing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry: shall "e fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 0 years or, if the offense in'ol'es international or domestic terrorism -as defined in section AFF31, imprisoned not more than / years, or "oth( If the matter relates to an offense under chapter 35EA, 35EB, 335, or 33., or section 30E3, then the term of imprisonment imposed under this section shall "e not more than / years( -"1 Su"section -a1 does not apply to a party to a $udicial proceeding, or that party*s counsel, for statements, representations, !ritings or documents su"mitted "y such party or counsel to a $udge or magistrate in that
proceeding( -c1 With respect to any matter !ithin the $urisdiction of the legislati'e "ranch, su"section -a1 shall apply only toM -31 administrati'e matters, including a claim for payment, a matter related to the procurement of property or ser'ices, personnel or employment practices, or support ser'ices, or a document re9uired "y la!, rule, or regulation to "e su"mitted to the Congress or any office or officer !ithin the legislati'e "ranch: or -A1 any in'estigation or re'ie!, conducted pursuant to the authority of any committee, su"committee, commission or office of the Congress, consistent !ith applica"le rules of the ?ouse or Senate( Whereas defined pursuant to: Department of ?ousing and 2r"an De'elopment and Federal ?ousing Administration transactions% Whoe'er, for the purpose of o"taining any loan or ad'ance of credit from any person, partnership, association, or corporation !ith the intent that such loan or ad'ance of credit shall "e offered to or accepted "y the Department of ?ousing and 2r"an De'elopment for insurance, or for the purpose of o"taining any e tension or rene!al of any loan, ad'ance of credit, or mortgage insured "y such Department, or the acceptance, release, or su"stitution of any security on such a loan, ad'ance of credit, or for the purpose of influencing in any !ay the action of such Department, ma)es, passes, utters, or pu"lishes any statement, )no!ing the same to "e false, or alters, forges, or counterfeits any instrument, paper, or document, or utters, pu"lishes, or passes as true any instrument, paper, or document, )no!ing it to ha'e "een altered, forged, or counterfeited, or !illfully o'er'alues any security, asset, or income, shall "e fined under this title or imprisoned not more than t!o years, or "oth( Whereas defined pursuant to: Fraud and false statements% Any person !hoM -31 Declaration under penalties of per$ury Willfully ma)es and su"scri"es any return, statement, or other document, !hich contains or is 'erified "y a !ritten declaration that it is made under the penalties of per$ury, and !hich he does not "elie'e to "e true and correct as to e'ery material matter: or -A1 Aid or assistance Willfully aids or assists in, or procures, counsels, or ad'ises the preparation or presentation under, or in connection !ith any matter arising under, the internal re'enue la!s, of a return, affida'it, claim, or other document, !hich is fraudulent or is false as to any material matter, !hether or not such falsity or fraud is !ith the )no!ledge or consent of the person authoriJed or re9uired to present such return, affida'it, claim, or document: or -F1 Fraudulent "onds, permits, and entries Simulates or falsely or fraudulently e ecutes or signs any "ond, permit, entry, or other document re9uired "y the pro'isions of the internal re'enue la!s, or "y any regulation made in pursuance thereof, or procures the same to "e falsely or fraudulently e ecuted, or ad'ises, aids in, or conni'es at such e ecution thereof: or -D1 =emo'al or concealment !ith intent to defraud =emo'es, deposits, or conceals, or is concerned in remo'ing, depositing, or concealing, any goods or commodities for or in respect !hereof any ta is or shall "e imposed, or any property upon !hich le'y is authoriJed "y section 4FF3, !ith intent to e'ade or defeat the assessment or collection of any ta imposed "y this title: or -01 Compromises and closing agreements In connection !ith any compromise under section .3AA, or offer of such compromise, or in connection !ith any closing agreement under section .3A3, or offer to enter into any such agreement, !illfullyM -A1 Concealment of property Conceals from any officer or employee of the 2nited States any property "elonging to the estate of a ta payer or other person lia"le in respect of the ta , or -B1 Withholding, falsifying, and destroying records =ecei'es, !ithholds, destroys, mutilates, or falsifies any "oo), document, or record, or ma)es any false statement, relating to the estate or financial condition of the ta payer or other person lia"le in respect of the ta : shall "e guilty of a felony and, upon con'iction thereof, shall "e fined not more than S355,555 -S055,555 in the case of a corporation1, or imprisoned not more than F years, or "oth, together !ith the costs of prosecution( Tit!e Co"pan# Fraud http%II!!!(permian"asinF45(comIne!s;articleIfour;facing;federal;fraud;charges;for;real;estateIdIne!s; articleI?.JsWBgsF5m)hoK2rRSAhA Four Facing Federal Fraud Charges for =eal ,state Scheme http%II!!!(f"i(go'I"altimoreIpress;releasesIA53FItitle;company;o!ner;sentenced;in;3(0;million;fraud;
scheme Title Company O!ner Sentenced in S3(0 Cillion Fraud Scheme http%II!!!(complinet(comIglo"alIne!sIne!sIarticle(html#refT3A4.50 Cissouri title company o!ners face "an) fraud and money laundering charges http%II!!!(startri"une(comI"usinessI33A4E3FAD(html Title company o!ner admits S0C fraud on property closings http%II!!!(sourceoftitle(comIarticle(asp #uni9T4.F/ Former DC Title Company O!ner Indicted in S3(/CU Fraud http%IIsee)ingalpha(comIarticleIAAE5D/;mortgage;title;fraud;a;national;catastrophe Cortgage;Title Fraud% A 6ational Catastrophe http%II!!!(sourceoftitle(comIarticle(asp #uni9T4DEF Caryland Title Company President Pleads <uilty in Culti;Cillion Dollar Fraud http%II!!!(sourceoftitle(comIarticle(asp #uni9T4DE/ 6e! Ce ico Title Company O!nerIOperator Arrested on Fraud Charges http%II!!!(nytimes(comIA535I54IADI"usinessIADtitle(html#VrT5 =eal ,state Title Firms ?eld +ia"le in Fraud http%II!!!(sourceoftitle(comIarticle(asp #uni9T4435 Title Company O!ners Indicted for =ole in Alleged Cle'eland Cortgage Fraud http%II!!!(f"i(go'I"altimoreIpress;releasesIA535I"a5A3435(htm Title Company O!ner Arrested on Cortgage Fraud and Coney +aundering Charges http%II!!!(stopfraud(go'Ine!sIne!s;5DF5A535;5A(html Title Company O!ner Charged in Federal Court !ith Cail Fraud http%II!!!(consumeraffairs(comIne!s5DIA554I5FItitleVinsurance(html Title Insurance Fraud on the 2ps!ing http%II$esus;messiah(comIhtmlItiitf;fraud(html Fraud Against Attorneys W Title Companies By The State of Florida Title Companies Su"sidiJe =oad Building In Florida http%II!!!(sourceoftitle(comIarticle(asp #uni9T45E5 Cinnesota Title Company O!ner <ets AD Conths for Fraud http%II!!!(sourceoftitle(comIarticle(asp #uni9T45FE Feds Charge Caryland Title Company O!ner !ith Fraud