Guide To Backyard Vermiculture
Guide To Backyard Vermiculture
Guide To Backyard Vermiculture
Worm Farm
There are many ways to have a successful worm farm. You can keep worms in a converted fridge or polystyrene box. These instructions focus on how to use the domestic multi-tray systems.
and then the worms. 4. Ensure the tap is fully opened with container underneath and pour in 3-5 litres. Some people prefer to keep the tap open at all times with a container underneath to prevent worms drowning in built up liquid. 5. Cover with a worm blanket. 6. Do not feed for one to two days to allow the worms to settle in.
Getting started
1. Choose a cool and shady site for your worm farm either outside or inside (laundry, classroom or balcony). 2. Assemble your worm farm (you wont need your second working tray for several months). Tip: Prop up one end slightly so the liquid can drain out easily. 3. Place the cardboard packaging or newspaper on the bottom of the first working tray (this has a perforated base). Add prepared bedding
worms will be in working tray 2 (or 3). When this tray is almost full you can remove the first tray and use the Working Tray 2 castings. Keep the Working Tray 1 first tray to one side until the second tray Liquid Collection Tray is full of castings and repeat from step 7.
Phone: (08) 9384 4003 * Email: [email protected] 40 Marine Parade, Cottesloe WA 6011 * PO Box 47, Mosman Park WA 6912
How to feed
Worms eat their body weight in food each day. Do not over feed your worms! 1,000 worms = 1 cup of food per day
Worms dont have teeth, they suck in food. The smaller the food particle the more they can eat. Tip: Blend, chop, or freeze then thaw food in the sun. Bury the food in the bedding/castings, do not leave it on top. If food consists mainly of food scraps (high in moisture), add a handful of garden lime every fortnight to reduce acidity and add shredded newspaper.
Worms Hate
* Citrus peel * Onion * Garlic * Meat * Dairy
* Water - water your worms every couple of days with a litre of water. Tip: re-use cool water from pasta etc.
Smelly worm farm Vinegar flies
Likely Cause
Too much uneaten food and not enough aeration. These are harmless but may indicate too much food. This is an indication of the bedding being too dry or acidic.
Stop adding food, sprinkle some garden lime and gently aerate top layer. Cut back on how much you are feeding them. Add water and garden lime. Put worm farm legs in tubs of water with a few drops of kero/metho or smear Vaseline around the legs. Bury the food.
Escaping worms!
Some worms will move up the sides and onto the lid - this is fine. If Monitor the moisture level, food amounts and there are masses of them, there add a little lime. Gently aerate the bedding. may be problems in the bedding. On hot days add a layer of newspaper soaked in cool water on top of the bedding or place a frozen bottle of water on the blanket. Avoid manures and grass clippings as these are known to heat up as the break down.