Philippines Point Grading System

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Philippines The Philippines has varied university grading systems.

Most universities, particularly public institutions, follow the grade point system scale of 5.00 - 1.00, in which 1.00 is the highest grade and 5.00 is the lowest possible grade.
[edit] Grade point scale (5.00 - 1.00)

niversity of the Philippines !rade Point "ystem Grade Point Equivalence Equivalence 1.00 #$% - 100% 1.&5 #1% - #5% 1.50 '$% - #0% 1.(5 '1% - '5% &.00 ($% - '0% &.&5 (1% - (5% &.50 $$% - (0% &.(5 $5% - $#% ).00 $0% - $*% *.00 +onditional Pass or ,ail 5.00 below $0% niversity of the Philippines -atin .onors Latin Honors Grade Point Equivalence an!e "umma +um -aude 1.&0 - 1.00 Magna +um -aude 1.*5 - 1.1# +um -aude 1.(5 - 1.** Most common grading system of other colleges and universities/ Grade Point Equivalence Equivalence "escription 1.00 #$% - 100% 01cellent 1.&5 #*% - #5% "uperior 1.50 #1% - #)% 2ery !ood 1.(5 '#% - #0% !ood &.00 '$% - ''% 2ery "atisfactory &.&5 ')% - '5% .igh 3verage &.50 '0% - '&% 3verage &.(5 ((% - (#% ,air ).00 (5% - ($% Pass *.00 (0% - (*% +onditional 4Midterm 5nly6 5.00 (0% and below ,ailing ,inal !rade 53 ,ailure 7ue To 3bsences 58 8ithdrawal 9:+ 9ncomplete 7;P 7ropped

:otable e1eptions include 7e -a "alle niversity < ,0 -0ast 3sia +ollege, which follow the 1.000 - *.000 grading system, which patterns those of 3merican universities. This system uses the *.0 grade point e=uivalence as the highest grade, while 0.0 grade point e=uivalence is considered the lowest possible grade. 0.0 grade point e=uivalence is considered a failing mar>.
[edit] Grade point scale (1.000 - #.000)

7e -a "alle niversity < ,0 -0ast 3sia +ollege !rade Point "ystem Grade Point Equivalence "escription Equivalence *.0 01cellent #(% - 100% ).5 "uperior #)% - #$% ).0 2ery !ood '#% - #&% &.5 !ood '5% - ''% &.0 "atisfactory '0% - '*% 1.5 ,air (5% - (#% 1.0 Passed (0% - (*% 0.0 ,ailed below (0% 7e -a "alle niversity -atin .onors Latin Honors Grade Point Equivalence an!e "umma +um -aude ).'00 - *.000 Magna +um -aude ).$00 - ).(## +um -aude ).*00 - ).5## 5ther universities, such as the 3teneo niversities, use the letter grade system with varied grade e=uivalence range.
[edit] Letter !rade s$ste%

3teneo de Manila niversity -etter !rade "ystem 4Mathematics 7epartment6 Grade Point Equivalence Letter Grade Equivalence Equivalence *.0 3 #&% - 100% ).5 ?@ '$% - #1% ).0 ? ((% - '5% &.5 +@ $#% - ($% &.0 + $0% - $#% 1.0 7 50% - 5#% 0.0 , below 50% 3teneo de Manila niversity -atin .onors Latin Honors Grade Point Equivalence an!e "umma +um -aude ).'( - *.00 Magna +um -aude ).(0 - ).'$ +um -aude ).50 - ).$#

More importantly, Philippine universities do not have standard grade e=uivalence. 7ifferent universities have varied e=uivalence range, while passing grades are subAect to imposed academic =uality of an institution.

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