Eller Data Requirement List: Table RI-1: Equipment Reliability Information Data Description

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1. 2. 3.


LCS-SR-0060B EQUIPMENT RELIABILITY INFORMATION IEC-812: Analysis Techniques for System Reliability, Procedure for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) MIL-STD-1629: Procedures for Performing a Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 8.1


AS REQUIRED 90 DAPO 30 Days after Design Change 1 copy, electronic

REMARKS & PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS The Seller shall provide the Buyer the data identified in Table RI-1. However, the requirements of this DID may be satisfied by updating or revising a previously generated FMECA or FMEA Report for a similar equipment, providing the information identified in the Table is provided. The data shall be submitted electronically, Microsoft 2000 preferred. The Seller shall provide the Buyer the reliability data, identified in Table RI-1, for the equipment being procured by the Buyer. The data shall be submitted for the item being provided, and for each of the items repairable components/subassemblies. References cited are for guidance.

8.2 8.3


Table RI-1: Equipment Reliability Information DATA DESCRIPTION Item Nomenclature Name/ nomenclature for the equipment or component Item Reference Number Part number for the equipment or component Item Function(s) Identify the function(s) the item is designed to perform/provide (example: Function 1: Provide 120V, 60 Hz power) Functional Failure(s)/ Identify the probable failures associated with each function Failure Mode(s) (example: Failures: 1.1 Loss of 120V, 60Hz power 1.2 Power out of phase) Cause Identify what could specifically cause the identified Failure(s) (example: Failure Causes: 1.1 Transformer failed 1.2 Diode failure)


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Failure Effects Compensating Provisions Failure Detection Failure Probability

Criticality Level

For each Failure Mode, identify the local effect (i.e. the effect at the items level) and the effect(s) at the next higher level For each Failure Mode, identify any design provisions, such as redundancy, operator actions, or other provisions that would mitigate/eliminate the effect of the failure. Identify how the failure would be detected (example: thermocouple, visual indicator, hidden failure, etc.) Identify the probability that the failure mode could occur within the first 5 years of equipment operation. Use one of the following classifications: Probability Classification to Use Very Low (approximately 0%) VL Low (less than 10%) L Medium (between 10% and 90%) M High (greater than 90%) H Identify the probable Criticality of the failure(s) as they relate to equipment function and/or personnel safety. Use the following classifications: Criticality Classification to Use Minor or no effect on items I functional performance or on environment; no injury to personnel Degradation of functional II performance Possible loss of item function; III significant damage to equipment or environment; hazard to personnel Possible loss of life; loss of ship or IV significant damage to environment


Along with the reliability data, the Seller shall provide, as applicable: Any assumptions made in the analyses Identification of any single point failures and/or common mode failures, if applicable, and Sellers recommendations regarding them Identification of the failures/failure modes that could cause personnel injury or death, or severe damage to the ship


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REVISION DOCUMENTATION REV A CHANGES Changed Vendor to Seller through out SDRL Date 3/22/05

Added Compensating Provisions requirements



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