2009 Catalogue
2009 Catalogue
2009 Catalogue
She uses the space of the canvas to isolate the object being painted, this tends to
be a general motif in her work."
Website: http://www.kerensahaynes.com/
2. Elizabeth Barnes
“Originally from Lodz, Poland, Greg Kawczynski now lives and works in North
Vancouver, BC. His unique jewellery is made from sterling silver and gemstones
and formed using a cire perdu, or lost wax casting method. His present craft of
jewellery making is only one of his pursuits. Before leaving Poland, Greg
achieved a Masters Degree in sculpture, and he now continues to create and
exhibit his works in the sculptural fine art realm. In combining these two artistic
talents, Greg has a very versatile repertoire working in a small scale with his
jewellery and in a large scale with his monumental stone sculpture, clay and
plaster, and wood pieces.” Website:
3.1 Artwork Blue bird raku sculpture. Valued at $400. Starting bid $200.
3.2 Artwork: Red crown bird ceramic sculpture. Valued at $270. Starting bid $135.
3.3 Artwork: Bronze bird ceramic sculpture. Valued at $235. Starting bid $115.
4. Cathi Jefferson
Artwork: Hand painted ceramic bowl. 7” by 13”.
Donated by the Artist. Valued at $165.
Figures in my work are often androgynous and not of a particular person. Rather
they are about what confronts us because we are human.
I try to capture that moment of bewilderment when structure and order in our
existence breaks down, everything looks unfamiliar, and we are sure of nothing. I
use drafting film because I feel that it creates the ephemeral quality that I want in
my work. The figures are without settings as I do not want to place them in any one
human context.
I use oil paint as I love the materiality of the medium. In these works, I am not
interested in painting the body in a realistic manner, but rather in finding a way to
represent it so that it resonates more deeply with the viewer.”
Website: http://viewartgallery.ca/artists/eve-leader/
6. Tatjana Mirkov-Popovicki
My art is in private and institutional collections both nationally and abroad. Also, my
art has been published on the cover of a University of British Columbia course
calendar and in an issue of the Federation of Canadian Artists’ Art Avenue.”
Website: www.fayegordonlewis.ca
8. Laura Clark
Website: http://www.lauraclarkphotography.com/
Artists for Animals 6
9. Ann R. Uusoja
Artwork: “Gypsy”. Turquoise, white jade, amazonite. quartz, old beach glass,
and pewter necklace. Donated by the Artist. Valued at $125.
Symbols play an important role in her imagery. Not only do they stimulate the
imagination, but they transcend time, language, and culture. Communication is
made possible by the universality of symbols. By incorporating ancient symbols in
a modern way through the use vivid colours, bold juxtapositions, and strong linear
composition, primitive memories are stirred. By touching these chords, Ann hopes
to bring attention to a belief system that revered the Earth as a sacred body and
treated her with respect.” Website: http://circlecraft.net/page345.htm
My art is an inherited gift for which I am eternally grateful. The pleasure of sharing
my paintings with others brings great joy and the love and support from my family
enables me to make this a reality in my life”
Website: http://www.familyfour.com/Shirley_Lowes.htm
Artwork: White stoneware vase hand painted with a black slip 11.5” tall.
Donated by the Artist. Valued at $135.
Artwork: “Braith”. One-of-a kind Teddy Bear of faux fur 15’ tall.
Donated by the Artist. Valued at $75.
Bev London has been making teddy bears since 2001 when
she retired as a Teacher-Librarian from the North
Vancouver School District. So far she has made over 500 of
these original handcrafted (with love) teddy bears.
Artists for Animals 8
14. Richard McDiarmid
Artwork: “Morning Walk:. Acrylic on canvas. Framed 21.5” by 25”.
Donated by the Artist. Valued at $1,500.
Richard's paintings have received numerous awards in Canadian and U.S. juried
exhibitions and can be found in corporate and private collections in Canada, the
USA, Britain, Europe and Japan.
Website: http://www.birthplaceofbcgallery.com/richardmcd.htm
“Pat Vickers is a Canadian artist, originally from Ontario and now residing in White
Rock, British Columbia. Her introduction to art classes started on the west coast
with local courses, leading to drawing and painting workshops in Ontario, British
Columbia and Washington State. She works mainly in watercolour but also enjoys
the mediums of acrylic and pastel.
Pat is a member of the Vancouver Art Guild, the White Rock Arts Council, the
Westcoast Calligraphy Society, and a supporting member of the Federation of
Canadian Artists. Her work is on display at the Aurora Gallery. She has been
involved in numerous group exhibitions and has had solo showings in Vancouver.
Pat works out of her Vancouver studio. Her paintings are in private collections in
Canada, Europe and the United States.”
Website: http://www.patvickers.ca/
Artwork: “Wind Chime” Purple and lavender glass hanging of layered floral
motif featuring three dimensional tempered use of glass beads.
Donated by the Artist, Diane Paterson of Di-Fusions. Valued at $149.
Artists for Animals 10
18. Lynne Johnson
Artwork: “Yukidora Hanging Lantern”. Ceramic 17” tall.
Donated by the Artist. Valued at $105.
Jessie's birds continue to evolve. She has since shown her work at Birkeland
Brother’s Wool on Main Street in Vancouver. She enjoys accepting commissions
for new ideas. Jessie delights in the personalities of each individual bird and
measures their ‘success’ by whether or not they make her chuckle when they
stand up in front of her.”
Website: www.jessieforman.com E-mail: [email protected]
Website: http://www.lorainewellman.com/
Artwork: Gift Certificate for Pet Portrait. Soft pastel or graphite drawing on
illustration board. 8” by 10”. Donated by the Artist Valued at $75.
Website: http://www.artwanted.com/artist.cfm?artid=3222
Artwork: “Landscape With Crows”. Watercolour and ink. Framed 15” by 19”
Donated by the Artist. Valued at $150.
In addition to her art career, Eileen has broadcast the Food Panel on CBC Radio
for over 10 years. She is an active community volunteer on numerous projects and
has worked for a decade in community policing. Eileen lives with her family and 3
dogs in the diverse and lively Commercial Drive area where her studio is located.
She is a founding partner in the Arts Off Main artist run gallery at 216 East 28th
Street in Vancouver where her work can be seen.“
Website: http://www.eileenmosca.com/
Email: [email protected]
Teresa paints whenever she is not teaching, and her art work has been featured in
group and solo exhibitions in B.C. and Ontario. The Vancouver Art Gallery’s Art
Sales and Rentals carries her paintings and the Vancouver-based Casa Art
Collections offers prints of selected paintings for sale.“
Website: http://www.teresaknight.com/
Her work is held in the public collection of the City of Duncan (BC) as well private
collections in BC and Alberta.
Email: [email protected]
Artists for Animals 14
28. Katherine Soucie
28.4 Artwork: Black hand dyed, silk screened, nylon hosiery top with silk cowl (small).
Valued at $265.
28.5 Orange hand dyed, silk screened, nylon hosiery top. Valued at $195.
Her artworks have been featured in many television shows and magazines,
including Breakfast Television (Vancouver), Photo Magazine (Hong Kong), Crow
Toes Quarterly (Richmond) among others. Her newest series Terrible Beauty was
published in Ricepaper Magazine in November 2008. Her artworks are in private
collections in Asia, North American, Europe and Africa, and in Canada Council Art
Bank collection.” Website: www.artatsnow.com
31.1 Artwork: Bracelet sterling silver bangle blue zircon, Pacific opal, copper crystals.
Valued at $75.
31.2 Artwork: Earrings Colorado topaz crystals, Amazonite gems with sterling silver.
Valued at $35.
Laurie's jewellery has been in almost a dozen locations around BC, but is now
concentrated in very large collections in selected stores. Her playfully named bijoux
collections embrace many eras and eclectic styles using lustrous, fresh-water
pearls, semi-precious gemstones, sparkling crystals, rare and vintage ‘treasures’
and exotic beads from around the world.”
Website: The Red Bug Bijoux http://redbugbijoux.com/collections.html
“Veronica Foster was inspired to become an artist at an early age by a book on the
Renaissance. Her father, also an artist, taught her to draw and encouraged her to
develop her career. With an academic foundation provided by her studies at the
Vancouver Vocational Institute, Capilano College and Emily Carr Institute of Art
and Design, she prospered for over ten years as an in-house and freelance graphic
designer and airbrush illustrator.
Returning to the source of her inspiration, Veronica chose to explore her interest in
architectural decorative arts. A modern day alchemist, she has developed a
versatile repertoire of both contemporary and historic decorative painting
techniques. A series of contemporary fresco fragments she created has captured
the attention of the media on several occasions and subsequently the studio and
her artwork have been featured on: Rogers Community Cable Global Television
News with Dave Gerry, The Discovery Channel, "Travellers" Shaw Cable, and "City
Nights". As a result of this media coverage some of the fresco artwork is now
available as art prints through Art in Motion, an international art publishing
company. In her career as a professional artist Veronica has worked on many local
and international projects, collaborating with interior design professionals to create
personalized works of art for their discerning clientele.”
Website: http://www.veronicafoster.com/
My teacher liked one painting the best (so I named it "Teacher's Pet"). Last year I
got a call from the school board, my teacher was retiring and she requested one of
my paintings as a retirement gift. I was her pupil the first year she started teaching,
now 31 years later she is retiring. At her retirement party they gave her the painting
that she had liked at my show, she started crying and we hugged, it was very
moving. I don't think teachers that are good realize how much they influence our
lives.” Website: http://www.johnsayer.ca/
Website: http://thedogandhydrant.com/index.htm
39.1 Artwork: Small black slip bowl 4.5” by 2”. Valued at $32.
39.2 Artwork: Medium black slip bowl 6” by 2”. Valued at $45.
Barb presently serves as a director on the board of a local artists’ organization and
curates a Vancouver Art Gallery. She also continues to be involved in many charity
organizations. Her works can now be found in corporate and private collections
around the world.” Website: http://members.shaw.ca/bbowlsby
Artists for Animals 20
41. Desmond Montague
41.1 Artwork: “Irish Terrier”. Signed inkjet print illustration. 11” by 17”. Valued at $75.
41.2 Artwork: “Husky”. Signed inkjet print illustration. 11” by 17”. Valued at $75.
41.3 Artwork: “Sharpei”. Signed inkjet print illustration. 11” by 17”. Valued at $75.
41.4 Artwork: “St. Bernard. Signed inkjet print illustration11” by17”.Valued at $75.
41.5 Artwork: Set of the four prints valued at $250.
“Grah am Harro p makes a living out of being goofy. Ever since he can
remember, he has wanted to be a cartoonist. Graham was born in Liverpool, UK,
and grew up in Powell River, BC. Over the years, he worked at a number of jobs to
support himself—from mill-worker to taxi-driver. Meanwhile, he developed his
client base to the point where he could realize his dream of full-time cartooning—
which is what he has been doing since 1990. Being goofy, satirical, whimsical,
probing human nature in his cartoons—this is what Graham loves to do.”
Website: http://www.grahamharrop.com/index.htm
Artwork: Gift Certificate for head shot photography session. Digital only. Person or
pet. . Donated by the Artist. Valued at $350.
“Yukiko was born and grew up in Osaka, Japan, but has lived in
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada since 1976. She has
been surrounded by art for most of her life. Her grandmother
was a master of the tea ceremony and of flower arrangements,
and one of her aunts is an accomplished painter in Japan.
Yukiko's early training was as a painter. Her long association
with the Canadian artist Toni Onley, both during and after their
marriage, has been a significant influence on her work. In 1989,
painting led her to photography. Self taught, Yukiko has
become one of the finest portrait photographers on the West Coast. Her approach
to her subjects is intuitive and spontaneous. Her portraits are elegant,
sophisticated, and timeless. Because her wedding photographs also display these
qualities, she is much sought-after as a wedding photographer.”
“Besides visual art, Yukiko is interested in a wide range of music, dance and
theatre productions. For many years, she was an enthusiastic equestrienne.
Currently she is a volunteer photographer for the Modern Baroque Opera Company
in Vancouver. Recently she has started dancing the Argentine Tango. There have
been numerous exhibitions of Yukiko's work in Vancouver, Canada.” Website:
Tel.: 604-734-7566
At the PPOC national print competition in April 2007 all four of her images were
accepted for exhibition with the image ‘Sunflower Medley’ receiving merit status
and being named Best in Class, Unclassified/Experimental.
Lee’s favourite expression is, ‘No computers were hurt in the original creation of my
Website: http://www.artsoffmain.ca/Lee%20Sanger.html
48.1 Artwork:“Cat One”.Hand made puppet with stand. Sculptural fabric Valued at $125.
48.2 Artwork:Cat Two”. Hand made puppet with stand. Sculptural fabric Valued at $125.
Website: http://www.susancain.com/
Website: http://www.eileenfong.com/
“I think I have always been an artist and when I left high school that is what I was
going to be. However, life got in the way and I became a teacher for 32 years with
a Masters Degree in Intermediate Education. I loved teaching art to my students,
putting on musicals with my choirs, painting stage sets
and designing costumes. This has carried right into my
life at present working with seniors to put on musicals. I
have played the piano since I was 4 years old studying
Toronto Conservatory for 10 years and teaching piano
privately. I use my love art in my garden, designing
areas and building garden sculptures. I sew, carve
wood, and play the ukulele all of which influence my
painting. I have taken courses at the Whiterock
Summer School for Art, Emily Carr School of Art,
worked with well-known Vancouver Artists showing my
work in various local venues. I am currently working in
acrylic, painting flowers and streams found around
Vancouver. I have eclectic tastes and paint many
subjects but always return to the beauty of nature, which is my deep passion and is
always, a part of my work and life.”
Allyson is an active member of the Federation of Canadian Artists, the Western Art
Circle, and the North Shore Artists’ Guild. Some of her work is being shown in the
Eileen Fong Cooperative Gallery at 88 West Pender, Vancouver, BC.”
Artists for Animals 25
Allyson McBean continued
Teresa was exposed to “plein-air” oil painting at a very young age. After settling in
Vancouver, Teresa continues her art journey at Langara College. She also studies
under the guidance of master painters Joseph Wong, AFCA, Danny H.L.
Chen, AFCA and with Vancouver’s well known artist Chris Charlebois. Teresa is an
active member with the Federation of Canadian Artists, a Special Projects
Coordinator with the Richmond Artists Guild and also a member with the South
Delta Artists Guild (SDAG).
In 2008, Teresa participated in group shows “A Bridge to our Past” with the Finn
Slough Society, SDAG Oil & Water Juried Competition; Celebration of BC at the
Fraser River Festival. One of her paintings “The Storm” was featured at the
entrance hallway at the Arts Club Theatre and successfully sold to online bidders.
Lynn Budny has a diploma in Graphic Design and Illustration and a degree in Fine
Arts and has had numerous exhibitions in British Columbia and Alberta.
Website: http://lynnbudny.com/
54.1 Artwork: “Kauai Hawaii January 2002”. Matted 11” by 14”. Valued at $40.
54.2 Artwork: “Kelowna BC 2004”. Framed 12” by15”. Valued at $60.
54.3 Artwork: Flowers #1. Colour photograph .framed 8’ by 10”. Valued at $50.
54.4 Artwork: Flowers #2. Colour photograph framed 10” by 12”. Valued at $50.
Norm has participated in many shows at the Burnaby Arts Council, the Burnaby Art
Gallery, and the Delta Arts Council. He is member of the Artists Helping Artists
community co-operative.”
54.5 Artwork: “Seventeen Stanley Park”. Matted 11” by 14”. Valued at $30.
54.6 Artwork: “Fifteen Stanley Park”. Matted 11” by 14”. Valued at $30.
54.7 Artwork: “Grouse Mountain”. Matted 11” by 14”. Valued at $30.
55.1 Artwork: “Foot of Larch #6”. Pigment based inkjet print framed 20.5 cm by 25 cm.
Valued at $95.
55.2 Artwork: “Foot of Larch #7”. Pigment based inkjet print framed 20.5 cm by 25 cm.
Valued at $95.
55.3 Artwork:” Foot of Maple”. Pigment based inkjet print framed 20.5 cm by 25 cm.
Valued at $95.
Joseph Montague was born in Montreal and moved to Vancouver in 1968, where
he studied at Langara College (Fine Arts Diploma), UBC (B.Ed.) and Emily Carr
(photography and printmaking). In 1979 he moved to New York to continue
studying printmaking, and was employed as Assistant to the Director at Pratt
Graphics Center. Later he worked in the storage and preparations department at
the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, and set up and ran the etching department
at Watanabe Studio Ltd. Since moving back to Vancouver in 1992, he has
continued to work in a variety of media. He won the public art competition for
Library Square in 1995. Aside from teaching and commissions he has worked in
the motion picture industry since 1994 in various capacities, chiefly as a scenic
painter. In 2003 he was one of the team of draughtsmen who executed Sol
LeWitt's Wall Drawing #1100 at the Pearson Airport in Toronto.
This past year Joseph has been working on graphic design for a CD titled Amchitka
- The 1970 concert that launched Greenpeace featuring Joni Mitchel, James Taylor
and Phil Ochs. It is due for release through Greenpeace this Fall.
Website: http://www.josephmontague.com/
“An artist by avocation, studied at Emily Carr Art Academy and with private tutors.
Preferred medium is acrylic but occasionally enjoys working with oils. Eclectic
choice of subject matter, but enjoys the concept of texture and colour
experimentation. Enjoys working with canvas and canvas board.”
56.4 Artwork: Red and yellow flower, acrylic under glass 10” by 17”. Valued at $60.
56.5 Artwork: Red tulip, acrylic under glass 10” by 17”. Valued at $60.
56.6 Artwork: Pink tulips, acrylic under glass 10” by 17”. Valued at $60.
56.7 Artwork: Photograph under glass 11” by 14”. Valued at $40.
56.8 Artwork: Still life, acrylic under glass 11” by 14”. Valued at $60.
56.9 Artwork: Cambodian monk, acrylic on canvas board framed 13.5” by 17.5”.
Valued at $150.
56.10 Artwork: Cambodian guide boy, acrylic on canvas paper framed 14.5” by 28.5”.
Valued at $150.
56.11 Artwork: “Where or When?” Acrylic on canvas board 30” by 24.5”. Valued at $150.
56.12 Artwork: “United and Divided”. Acrylic on canvas 30” by 40”. Valued at $45.
56.13 Artwork: A study after Monet, acrylic on canvas 19.5” by 15.5”. Valued at $150.
56.14 Artwork: A study after Al Harris, acrylic on canvas 30” by 40”. Valued at $150.
56.15 Artwork: “Evil One”. Acrylic on canvas board 30” by 40”. Valued at $150.
56.16 Artwork: “Mother’s Lament”. Acrylic on canvas 30” by 40”. Valued at $150.
56.17 Artwork: “Jug, Jar, and Still Life”. Acrylic on canvas with overglaze 26” by 32”.
Valued at $250.
56.18 Artwork: “Highway 19”. Acrylic on canvas 30” by 40”. Valued at $100.
57.1 Artwork: ”Nude Study”. Oil on canvas 36” by 24”. Valued at $125.
57.2 Artwork: ”Bush Birds”. Acrylic on canvas 10” by 10”. Valued at $40.
57.3 Artwork: “Flower Study”. Acrylic on canvas 4” by 6”. Valued at $15.
57.4 Artwork: “Circus nude”. Oil on canvas 22” by 24”. Valued at $85.
57.5 Artwork: “Robin Nests”. Acrylic on canvas 48” by 24”. Valued at $100.
57.9 Artwork: “Into the Sky”. Mounted photographic sublimation print on panel.
Valued at $125.
“After achieving my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree
in 2001, I moved from the Okanagan to the
Lower Mainland to pursue my creative practice.
Since then I have been drawing, painting, and
taking photographs and exhibiting in various solo
and group shows in galleries, festivals and even
some trade shows.
I have always enjoyed sharing and discussing art making with others, and this is
why teaching remains a part of my art practice. The other part of my creativity
comes through in my small business Rogue Endeavours, which is where I get to
have fun creating one of a kind work for individuals and businesses for all sorts of
occasions and events.”
Website: http://www.sarahronald.com/401.html
58.1 Artwork: “Iris Smiling”. Inkjet print on white foamcore board (non-archival). 24”
by 16”. Valued at $190. Starting Bid $90.
58.2 Artwork: “Three Tulips”. Inkjet print on white foamcore board (non-archival). 24”
by 16”. Valued at $190. Starting bid $90.
58.3 Artwork: “Iris Smiling”. Inkjet print on canvas. 24” by 16”. Valued at $170.
Starting bid $70.
58.4 Artwork: “Three Tulips”. Inkjet print on canvas 24” by 16”. Valued at $170.
Starting bid $70.
“Richard has pursued an interest in photography as a hobby and an art form for
many years. His special interest is landscapes that capture a natural beauty but
also evoke a sense of the supernatural. By imposing slightly surreal elements into
natural scenes he attempts to create a mirror of reality that helps us to see the
spiritual side of nature. Where boundaries collide new forms appear. When nature
meets itself new images form. By blending scenes of nature together a new
perspective is born to help us see more clearly art as nature and nature as art.”
60.1 Artwork: “Inquiry”. Oil on paper, framed 12” by 12”. Valued at $200.
60.2 Artwork: “Discussion”. Oil on paper, framed 27” by 34.1”. Valued at $650.
60.3 Artwork: “Accusations” . Oil on paper, framed 22” by 30.1”. Valued at $200.
60.4 Artwork: “Conversations”. 17” by 21”. Valued at $350.
60.5 Artwork: “Answers”. Oil on paper, framed 22” by 30.1”. Valued at $450.
60.6 Artwork: “Dialogue”. 17” by 21”. Valued at $350.
60.7 Artwork: “The Murder”. Oil on wood panel, 22” by 44”. Valued at $650.
60.8 Artwork: “Owl Monkey”. Oil on paper, framed, 22” by 30”. Valued at $450.
62.1 Artwork: “Daisy Miracle”. Limited edition print 111/400 , 23.5” by 19”.
Valued at $80.
62.2 Artwork: ”Strawberry Dream”. Limited edition print 79/400 , 23.5” by 19”.
Valued at $80.
62.3 Artwork: “Peaceful Invasion”. Limited edition print 95/400, 23.5” by 19”.
Valued at $80.
Website: http://www.sidneybc.com/catgallery/
I received my true art education by traveling and visiting major galleries in Europe.
My work is influenced by the French Impressionists, and I spend several hours
studying their paintings at the Musee d’Orsay whenever I visit Paris. Standing a
few feet away from paintings by Goya and Velasquez at the Prado in Madrid, and a
close up view of Picasso’s Guernica, have been very inspiring moments for me. My
experiences while traveling through Europe, Australia, New Zealand, West and
North Africa, the South Pacific, the Caribbean, South America, the USA, and
Canada, have greatly influenced my work.
I am an Active Member with The Federation of Canadian Artists and the North
Shore Artists Guild. My paintings have been in several exhibitions including The
Ferry Bldg. Gallery, The Silk Purse, West Van. Memorial Library, The Federation of
Canadian Artists Gallery, Bellevue Art Gallery, The Shanghai Art Fair, and the
North Shore Artists’ Guild Annual Exhibition and sale. My paintings are in private
collections in Canada, Ireland, Guyana, Australia and New Zealand.
I am happiest with a paint brush in my hand, and plan to keep painting for the rest
of my life. Website: http://nsartists.ca/gloriaoneil
Artwork: “And the Question Is?” 2007 Oil and nail varnish
on canvas 30” by 40”. Valued at $625.
Donated by the Artist in memory of the family cat
“The painting reflects the birth of the ‘polis’ - the city of the
archaic period which reflects the ‘pop art’ of the time and
its vibrancy.”
66.1 Artwork: “Mother”. Intaglio limited edition print 1/2 ink on paper framed 8.2511.75”.
Valued at $100. Starting bid $30.
66.2 Artwork: “Conscience”. Intaglio limited edition print 9/10 ink on paper framed 8.25”
by 11.75”. Valued at $100. Starting bid $30.
66.3 Artwork: “Lone Tree”. Intaglio limited edition print 1/3 ink on paper framed 8.25” by
11.75”. Valued at $100. Starting bid $30.
66.4 Artwork: Austrian sapphire ring with sterling silver and 12KT gold.
Valued at $130. Starting bid $45. Size 7,
66.5 Artwork: Sterling silver with glass fox eye. Valued at $100. Starting bid $35.
66.6 Artwork: Hand made Olivia G. Kitty Cushion, cotton shell, goose down filler, 21”
by 18”. Valued at $55. Starting bid $30.
Johanna continues to contribute her talent and art to various organizations. She
has participated in animal rights and humanitarian efforts through the language of
art. She strongly believes in a healthy and supportive environment that promotes
respect for all people, animals, and our natural environment.”
Website: www.SilverSunDesigns.ca
68.1 Artwork: “Westham Walk”. Oil pastel framed 13.5” by 17”. Valued at $260.
68.2 Artwork: “Reifel Bird Sanctuary”. Acrylic on canvas board framed 20” by 16”.
Valued at $150.
68.3 Artwork: “Complimentary”. Acrylic on canvas 16” by 16”. Valued at $250.
68.4 Artwork: “Basking Pears”. Acrylic on canvas 16” by 16”. Valued at $250.
Website: http://www.leapriceartist.com/
68.5 Artwork: Gift Certificate for pet portrait. 5” by 7” or 6” by 6” acrylic on canvas board.
Valued at
Artists for Animals 36
69. Gabriele Gottschlag
69.1 Artwork: “Pearl One”. Mixed media framed 24” by 16”. Valued at $150.
69.2 Artwork: “Sun”. Mixed media framed 24” by 16”. Valued at $150.
69.3 Artwork : “Celtic Runes”. Watercolour and ink. 5” by 7”. Valued at $55.
69.4 Artwork: “Rainbow Treasures”. Collage. Framed 10” by 10”. Valued at $100.
69.5 Artwork: “Daffodils”. Watercolour and ink print. Framed 5” by 7”. Valued at $55.
69.6 Artwork: Classic girl T shirt XL (fits small) soft cotton with the design “Sacred
Contract”. Valued at $50
69.7 Artwork: Classic girl T shirt XL (fits small) soft cotton with the design “Spring”
Valued at $50.
69.8 Artwork: Man’s T shirt L soft cotton with the design “New York hydrant”.
Valued at $50.
Art donated by Thelma Ruck-Keene, both an art lover and an animal lover.
71.7 Artwork: Tibetan bag from Katmandu 12” by12”. Valued at $40.
71.8 Artwork: Wicker bag 9” by 10”. Valued at $30.
71.9 Artwork: Japanese wood doll. Valued at $25.
71.13 Artwork: Ceramic hazel nut box and lid (small crack). Valued at $40.
71.14 Artwork: Wood box 6” by 7.5” by 3.5”. Valued at $30.
72. A. J. Brown
With her art and through her images, she can be heard. A.J. believes this is her
way to freedom and spirituality. Most importantly, art is her way out of that well.
She resides in West Vancouver, with her gorgeous cat, Rumbles.”
Website: http://www.handsandpurrs.ca
74.1 Artwork:”Canoe in the Sky”. Acrylic on canvas 20” by 16”. Valued at $325.
74.2 Artwork” “O’Henry”. Acrylic on canvas 20” by 16”. Valued at $250.
74.3 Artwork: “A Dragon”. Bees wax, paint, and crayon on canvas 14” by 18”.
Valued at $150.
There are enough creation myths involving dirt to make one wonder if maybe
they're true. Enough of my childhood was spent watching cartoons and reading
Alice in Wonderland to conclude that every pot has a personality and is just waiting
for the chance to dance. Time spent making mud pies was enough to impress upon
me that using the whole geology of a planet and the magic of fire just to make a
little pot is as powerful as it gets.”
Artists for Animals 40
76. Carol Evans
“I've loved beads since I was a kid, but only started seriously working with them
about seven years ago. My beading interests range from tiny seed beads to semi-
precious stones. Just recently I have started to make my own beads. It will be
years before I consider the glass beads I create good enough to include in my
jewellery, but I will enjoy the process of learning.”
76.13 Artwork: White agate, orange Swarovski crystal, and sterling earrings.
Valued at $20.
76.14 Artwork: River stone and sterling earrings. Valued at $20.
77.4 Artwork: Black stone and rhodonite sterling necklace. Valued at $80.
77.5 Artwork: Canadian jade and turquoise sterling necklace. Valued at $60.
77.6 Artwork: Canadian jade and amber sterling silver necklace. Valued at $60.
77.7 Artwork: Canadian jade sterling necklace. Valued at $50.
77.8 Artwork: Cracked quartz, turquoise, and sardonyx sterling necklace.
Valued at $85.
77.9 Artwork: Sardonyx sterling necklace. Valued at $60.
77.10 Artwork: Mother of pearl fish earrings with sterling silver wires. Valued at $25.
77.11 Artwork: Canadian jade and turquoise earrings with sterling silver wires. Valued at
77.12 Artwork: Rainbow aventurine earrings with sterling silver wires. Valued at $25.
77.13 Artwork: Canadian jade with sterling silver wires. Valued at $20.
77.14 Artwork: Mother of pearl earrings with sterling silver wires. Valued at $20.
77.15 Artwork: Midnight blue tiger’s eye earrings with sterling silver wires. Valued at $20.
77.16 Artwork: Cat’s eye beads and crystal with sterling silver wires. Valued at $25.
77.17 Artwork: Canadian jade earrings with sterling silver wires. Valued at $20.
77.18 Artwork: Serpentine earrings with sterling silver wires. Valued at $25.
77.19 Artwork: Peridot and rhodonite earrings with sterling silver wires. Valued at $20.
78.1 Artwork: 1992 limited edition lithographic print 89/1950, framed 22.5” by 18.5”.
Valued at $260.
78.2 Artwork: 1992 limited edition lithographic print 1165/1960, framed 22.5” by 18.5”.
Valued at $260
“Born in Germany and raised in the middle east and Asia, Christine developed an
early interest in art as well as an appreciation for the infinite variety of life offered
by nature. She combines her talent with her love of animals to produce art that
resides in corporate collections around the world.
Subjects are depicted from life, the product of hours spent observing, taking notes,
sketching, and photographing in the field. Raising many injured and orphaned
animals has provided first hand knowledge of anatomy and behavioral
characteristics, resulting in accurate, detailed renderings that allow insight into the
day to day lives of her subjects.”
79.1 Artwork: Pocket Scarf with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $60.
79.2 Artwork: Pocket Scarf with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $60.
79.3 Artwork: Pocket Scarf with hand painted silk appliqué Valued at $60.
79.4 Artwork: Pocket Scarf with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $60.
79.5 Artwork: Pocket Scarf with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $60.
79.6 Artwork: Blue polar fleece vest with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $120.
79.7 Artwork: Blue polar fleece vest with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $120.
79.8 Artwork: Purple polar fleece vest with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $120.
79.9 Artwork: Green polar fleece vest with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $120.
79.10 Artwork: Purple polar fleece vest with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $120.
79.11 Artwork: Blue vest with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $80.
79.12 Artwork: Orange polar fleece vest with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $120.
79.13 Artwork: Fleece top with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $70.
79.14 Artwork: Fleece top with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $70.
79.15 Artwork: Fleece top with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $70.
79.16 Artwork: Fleece top with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $70.
79.17 Artwork: Backpack with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $60.
79.18 Artwork: Backpack with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $60.
79.19 Artwork: Backpack with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $60.
79.20 Artwork: Backpack with hand painted silk appliqué Valued at $60.
79.21 Artwork: Backpack with hand painted silk appliqué Valued at $60.
79.22 Artwork: Shoulder bag with hand painted silk appliqué. (stuck zipper),
Valued at $30.
79.23 Artwork: Fleece hat with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $30.
79.24 Artwork: Brown hat with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $30.
79.25 Artwork: Weiner dog shoulder bag with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $60.
79.26 Artwork: Black tank top with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $40
79.27 Artwork: Tux vest with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $50
79.28 Artwork: Black skirt with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $50
79.29 Artwork: Black skirt with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $50
79.30 Artwork: Weiner dog shoulder bag with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $60.
79.31 Artwork: Black velvet top with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $50.
79.32 Artwork: Blue velvet top with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $50
79.33 Artwork: Black velvet top with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $50
79.34 Artwork: Black velvet top with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $50
79.35 Artwork: Black velvet top with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $50
79.36 Artwork: Quilted jean jacket with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $100.
79.37 Artwork: Fluffy pink jacket. Valued at $100.
79.38 Artwork: Blue quilted jacket with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $100.
79.39 Artwork: Fleece jacket with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $100.
79.40 Artwork: Shiny pink jacket with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $75.
79.41 Artwork: Fluffy pink jacket. Valued at $100.
79.42 Artwork: Silk pillow with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $45
79.43 Artwork: Doggie silk pillow with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $60
79.44 Artwork: Silk pillow with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $30
79.45 Artwork: Silk pillow with hand painted silk appliqué. Valued at $30
82.1 Artwork: “Saturn”. Signed TP intaglio etching matted 14” by 18”. Valued at $50.
82.2 Artwork: “Uranus”. Signed TP intaglio etching matted 14” by 18”. Valued at $50.
82.3 Artwork: “Estuary”. Signed TP intaglio etching matted 11” by 15”. Valued at $50.
Her main love is drawing, but her artistic production also includes painting,
printmaking, photography, acrylics, watercolor, assemblage and mixed media
collage. Her intention is to express the awe in everyday human experience, and the
need for mankind to examine the result of his/her activity on the planet.”
Five artworks donated by Marc Gelmon in memory of his mother, Ruth Gelmon, a
true animal lover.
84.1 Artwork: “Peaches”. Hand painted pitcher 8”. Valued at $100. Starting bid $40.
84.2 Artwork: Hand painted pitcher by Mara. Valued at $65. Starting bid $25.
84.3 Artwork: Basket of flowers vase 10”. Valued at $80. Starting bid $30.
84.4 Artwork: Two butterfly hand painted candlesticks by Terry Porter.
Valued at $60. for the pair. Starting bid $15.
84.5 Artwork: Ceramic fruit topped cookie jar 7” by 8”. Valued at $100.Starting bid $40.
Collections of Cyril Seme’s work are held by dignitaries around the world and the
National museum of Science (Aviation) in Ottawa, to name a few.”
Website: http://www.seymourartgallery.com/quayseme.htm
87.3 Artwork: “Autumn Reflections”. Limited edition print 153/295, 25.5” by 18.25”
Valued at $100.
87.4 Artwork: “First Narrows”. Limited edition print 281/295, 19.25” by 13.75”.
Valued at $70.
87.5 Artwork: “Glacial Harmony”. Limited edition print 176/295, 22” by 11”.
Valued at $100.
87.6 Artwork: “Protected Passage”. Limited edition print 246/295, 28” by 15”.
Valued at $125.
87.7 Artwork: “Serene Passage”. Limited edition print 267/295, 19.5” by 12”.
Valued at $100.
87.8 Artwork: “Tranquility”. Limited edition print 266/295, 22” by 17”. Valued at $100.
87.9 Artwork: “Shoreline Pines”. Limited edition print 198/295, 22” by 15”.
Valued at $100.
87.10 Artwork: “Season’s Wait”. Limited edition print artist’s proof 28/29, 24” by 18”
Valued at $100.
87.11 Artwork: “Evening Encampment”. Limited edition print 290/295, 22” by 15.75”.
Valued at $100.
88. D. Hardy
“Wayne is a self taught artist who was born in Toronto in 1961. He began painting
full time in 1987, after working for two years as a graphic artist. Wayne uses a
different media on various projects. Larger works are usually done in acrylic, and
on smaller paintings, watercolour is generally used. Although the majority of
Wayne’s paintings depict wildlife, he is also interested in many other subjects. This
variety enables him to have a fresh approach to new projects.”
Website: http://www.waynemondok.com/index.htm
89.1 Artwork: “Autumn Blue Jay”. Limited edition print 105/295, 27.5” by 12.5”.
Valued at $100.
89.2 Artwork: “Patricia Lake”. Limited edition print 162/295, 27”by 9.5”.
Valued at $100.
His extensive philanthropy work for worthy causes has resulted in his being
nominated for “The Order of Canada.”
Artists for Animals 50
91. Marla Wilson
“As a child, Marla Wilson spent many hours wandering the hills behind her Alberta
home with her dog, Mickey. These spiritually inspiring times of her youth gave
impetus to her desire to develop her artistic talents. Today one sees the result of
her hard work in her exquisitely rendered landscape and wildlife paintings. Marla’s
work is done with dedicated attention to authenticity, which has come through
intense study of animal anatomy, plant life, and land forms. Marla works on one
image at a time, spending a month of long hours to complete it. Marla is currently
seeking new inspiration in the forest depths and coastal regions of Vancouver
91.1 Artwork: “Elusive Blue”. Limited edition print. 595/695, 23” by 18”. Valued at $145.
91.2 Artwork: “Marsh Wren”. Limited edition print 367/495, 24” by 16.5”.
Valued at $195.
91.3 Artwork: “Morning Swim”. Limited edition print 496/695, 31” by 22”.
Valued at $195.
91.4 Artwork: “High Country Elk”. Limited edition print 328/695, 31” by 23”.
Valued at $195.
91.5 Artwork: “Out of the Forest”. Limited edition print 486/950, 39.5” by 19.5”.
Valued at $195.
91.6 Artwork “Glaucous Winged Gull”. Limited edition print 521/695, 24” by 17.5 “.
Valued at $19
91.7 Artwork: “Forest Depths”. Limited edition print. 475/495, 30”.5” by 22”.
Valued at $175.
91.8 Artwork: “Forest Chase”. Limited edition print 524/695, 27” by 20.5”.
Valued at $175.
92.1 Artwork: “Autumn Dawns”. Limited edition print 255/295, 26.5” by 20”.
Valued at $125.
92.2 Artwork: “Westcoast Trawler”. Limited edition print 437/495, 18” by 8.5”.
Valued at $75.
94.1 Artwork: “Sunset at Alice Lake”. Limited edition print 213/295, 23” by 13.5”.
Valued at $100.
94.2 Artwork: “Rocky Shore”. Limited edition print 188/295, 12.2” by 18”. Valued at $75.
94.3 Artwork: “Summer Sunset”. Limited edition print 284/295, 24.5” by 10.75”.
Valued at $75.
94.4 Artwork: “Inside Passage”. Limited edition print 183/295, 25” by 11.5”.
Valued at $100.
“Margaret raised a family of three daughters and now she has returned to her
childhood desire to express herself through her art. She uses the inspiration of her
memories, sketches, and numerous photographs taken over the years to express
her realistic interpretation of the mountain, lake, and forest scenes. Her style
captures uniquely the tranquility and peace experienced by a hiker wandering
through nature’s wonderland”.
95. G. Green
“Many West Coast artists specialize in painting with seascapes and marine
themes, but few match the public acceptance and acclaim accorded Bill Maximick,
particularly from those who know and appreciate boats.
Bill's experience of working many years on tugs, fish boats, and in remote logging
amps on British Columbia's west coast impart powerful feeling and authenticity to
his paintings. Bill and his wife Rena now live in Comox, British Columbia where
they own Maximick Originals & Custom Framing Gallery. With Bill's own work and
many commissions Bill is kept busy in the studio creating his own brand of exciting
and detailed scenes.”
Website: http://www.billmaximick.com
96.1 Artwork: “Fishing the Straits”. Limited edition print 189/295, 18.5” by 14”.
Valued at $95.
96.2 Artwork: “A Pod”. Limited edition print 395/495, 24” by 19.25”, Valued at $150.
He is a member of the Allied Artists of America, was President of the Board of the
Victoria Art Gallery, and was on the Board of the Victoria Symphony Society, and
the Board of the Emily Carr College of Art. He continues to live in Victoria."
“To see his paintings is to also recognize the man. Each piece of his art is the
result of careful solid planning. His paintings evolve gradually and are based on a
personal emotional appeal and desire to satisfy himself. Like many artists, he is at
home outdoors and occasionally travels to a national park to spend time walking or
canoeing. There he sketches or photographs and his love and feel for the
landscape become obvious. By observing his subjects on location he gets a better
sense of the textures, shifts in light and other intangibles that ultimately affect the
finished work.”
98.1 Artwork: ”Bottom Landing”. Limited edition print 286/295, 13” by 18.5”.
Valued at $60.
Artwork: “Day’s End”. Limited edition print 244/295, 19.5” by 22.25”. Valued at $60.
98.2 Artwork: “Half Full”. Limited edition print 240/295, 13.75” by 19”.
Valued at $60.
“Norman travels all over the world to capture his paintings. Part of the summer of
1989 was spent in the High Arctic. In 1990 he lived and traveled with the Polar Inuit
in north west. Greenland. The summer of 1991 was spent in the High Arctic -
Cornwallis Island, Baffin Island and Bylot Island. In 1993 Norman visited South
America and Antarctica. In the summer of 1994 he was back in the north on an
Icebreaker to Greenland and Baffin Island. He continues to paint, and be inspired
by the Far North.”
99.1 Artwork: “Morning Passage”. Limited edition print 280/295, 27” by 15”.
Valued at $125.
99.2 Artwork: “Checking the Route”. Limited edition print 274/295, 27” by 14”.
Valued at $125.
“Wee Lee is an award winning nature artist and his technique combines Western
realism with Oriental brushwork. He came to Canada in 1978 and has resided in
Regina since then. Lee is fascinated by all living creatures in the eco-system and
has traveled North America extensively in pursuit of subjects for his paintings. As
a result, his close-up, intimate paintings of nature capture flora, trees, birds and
fauna of our parks, wilderness refuges and his own backyard.
Wee Lee’s work is part of numerous public and private collections including,
Canadian Museum of Civilization, Saskatchewan Arts Board, Revenue Canada,
IBM Canada, City of Regina, Dofasco Canadian Collection, Ducks Unlimited
Canada, the University of South Dakota and SGI Canada to name a few.”
100.1 Artwork: “The Saw Whet Owl”. Limited edition print 153/295, 26” by 18”.
Valued at $100.
100.2 Artwork: “Nice Place to Fish”. Limited edition print 166/295, 21” by 26”.
Valued at $100.
101. E. J. Hughes
Website: http://www.ejhughes.ca/
Artists for Animals 56
102. Tuk Caldwell
Website: http://www.portmoodyartassociation.com/gallery.php?cde=3&uvw=12
102.1 Artwork: “Horseshoe Bay”. Limited edition print 154/495, 21.5” by 11.25”.
Valued at $75.
102.2 Artwork: ”White Water”. Limited edition print 227/295, 28.5” by 18.5”.
Valued at $175.
102.3 Artwork: ”Home At Last”. Limited edition print 163/295, 25.5” by 21”.
Valued at $195.
Artwork: “Under the Ice”. Limited edition print 280/450, 24” by 17.25”.
Donated by G. Anderson – Courtesy of Creekhouse Gallery. Valued at $165.
Website: http://www.sff.bc.ca/art/BruceMuir.htm
Artists for Animals 57
104. Bonny Roberts
Website: http://www.lloydgallery.com/roberts/roberts.htm
104.1 Artwork: “Coastal Calm”. Limited edition print 274/295, 17.5” by 11.5”.
Valued at $75.
104.2 Artwork: “Walkabout”. Limited edition print 287/295, 27” by 13.25”. Valued at $110.
104.3 Artwork: “Island Rhythms”. Limited edition print 280/295, 15” by 24”.
Valued at $100.
104.4 Artwork: Fort and Broad, Victoria, Circa 1900”. .Limited edition print 23/29, 18” by
26”. Valued at $100.
104.5 Artwork: “Outward Bound”. Limited edition print 264/295, 22.5” by 16”.
Valued at $125.
105.1 Artwork: Spring Breakup”. Limited edition print artist’s proof, 20” by 25”.
Valued at $125.
105.2 Artwork: “My People Were Many”. Limited edition print 287/295, 20” by 26”.
Valued at $100.
“Canadian artist Dorothy Francis was born and educated in Saskatchewan. The
cold winters of this prairie province gave her an insight into some of the living
conditions of the Canadian north. She later moved to British Columbia where she
began studying at the Vancouver Art School. She is widely known for endearing
works of art which show her unique form of sensitivity and appreciation for grace in
day-to-day life. Her compositions radiate a light-hearted happiness and usually
feature native children. She records the north, past and present, hoping to give us
a glimpse of the Inuit way of life.
Through her acrylics, oils and pastels, Dorothy has earned wide recognition for the
respect and warmth with which she portrays her fellow Canadians. She has
exhibited in many major galleries in Canada and the United States.”
Artwork: “Dance of Life and Death”. Limited edition print 274/300, 20” by 26”.
Donated by John Polnick. Valued at $165.
Artwork: “Through the Channel”. Limited edition print 293/295, 25” by 18”.
Donated by John Polnick. Valued at $125.
Guided with a powerful sensitivity to emotions his art is concerned primarily with
spiritual guardianship. Nature in its pure form provides an endless source of
inspiration, yet many of its images are familiar and its appeal immediate and
profound. A self taught artist, he achieved national and international acclaim in his
early youth. Undoubtedly, he is the most collected Indian artist.”
112.1 Artwork: “Green Springen”. Hand painted martini glass. Valued at $50.
112.2 Artwork: “Prosperity Pucci”. Hand painted martini glass. Valued at $50.
112.3 Artwork: “Red Springen”. Hand painted martini glass. Valued at $50.
112.4 Artwork: “Tour de Phlair”. Hand painted martini glass. Valued at $50.
Website- www.glamaramacreations.com
114.1 “Stepping Out of the Abyss”. Acrylic on canvas 30“ by 30”. Valued at $250.
114.2 “Self Portrait as Boot and Jacket”. Oil on canvas 22” by 18”. Valued at $150.
114.3 “Unity in Duality”. Acrylic on canvas 18” by 24”. Valued at $100.
Website: www.thedrift.ca
The silent auction will end 15 minutes after the live auction ends.
Auction and sale of the artworks does not include reproduction rights.
All sales are final. No purchase can be returned, refunded or exchanged. All
property is
sold as exhibited