Flexible Life Plan (Charges and Fees) 6933
Flexible Life Plan (Charges and Fees) 6933
Flexible Life Plan (Charges and Fees) 6933
The length of time over which this monthly charge is deducted is called the establishment period and is shown in the Flexible Life Plan Policy Provisions (form 6229). This charge is deducted by cancelling sufcient units from across the funds linked to your plan. If you decide to increase the sum assured then we will send you a new personal illustration showing the: Administration charge effective date for the increased sum assured; new premium; additional establishment charge; and establishment period.
57.96 each year, which is taken monthly in advance by cancelling sufcient units from across the funds linked to your plan. This charge will increase each year in line with the rate of ination in the Isle of Man. 97.5% of each premium paid will be allocated to purchase units (in up to 4 funds). These charges are included within the premium and will vary according to the rating applied to each individual life assured. The charges will be taken monthly by cancelling sufcient units from across the funds linked to your plan. These will be taken on the anniversary of the commencement of the plan. The fund management charges will be between 0.65% and 1.75% each year depending on the fund(s) chosen and are allowed for in the unit price. These charges may increase in future and refer to our current range of funds. Fund management charges on funds launched in the future may lie outside this range of charges. If this benet is chosen, the monthly charge for this benet is a percentage of the amount of regular premium paid.
Allocation charge
Mortality charges
For plans denominated in currencies other than sterling, any fees and charges will be levied in the appropriate foreign currency. All charges are reected within your personal illustration. All charges are payable from the plan and may vary in the future (with the exception of the establishment charge). Any future administration charge increases will be published on our website www.canadalifeint.com.
Canada Life International Limited, Canada Life House, Alexandra Road, Castletown, Isle of Man IM9 1TG Telephone: +44 (0) 1624 820200 Fax: +44 (0) 1624 820201 www.canadalifeint.com Registered in the Isle of Man No. 33178. Member of the Association of International Life Ofces. Canada Life group consists of Canada Life Limited, Canada Life Asset Management Limited (both authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority), Canada Life International Limited and CLI Institutional Limited (Isle of Man registered companies authorised and regulated by the Isle of Man Insurance and Pensions Authority). All promotional material produced is approved by Canada Life Limited.
6933 313R