CS2258 Set1

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.Tech DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, APRIL/MAY 2013 Regulations 2008 Fourth Semester Common to B.E (CSE) / B.Tech(IT) CS2258 Database Management Systems Lab

Time: 3Hours

Maximum Marks: 100

1. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Product (Prodid, Prodesc, Price, Stock) Purchase (Purid, Proid, qty, supname) Sales (Saleid, Proid, qty, custname) a. Update the Stock of all products by 10. b. Display products whose stock is <15 and order it by stock. c. Display list of product details (Prodid, Prodesc, Price) supplied by a particular supplier(ABC). d. Product ids and Sum of quantity purchased e. Product details (Prodid, Prodesc, Price) of products which are purchased as well as sold. f. Create a procedure which accepts a prodid and displays all the sales and purchase records of it. Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Queries (a-e) Procedure (f) (15) (15) (10 x 5 =50) marks (20) marks

2. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Product (Prodid, Prodesc, Price, Stock) Purchase (Purid, Proid, qty) a. Add a column customer name in Purchase table. b. Productids which are not at all purchased. List of product details (Prodid, Prodesc, Price) purchased by a particular customer. (MATHEW). c. The number of customers who made the purchases d. List of the productids and total quantity purchased e. Product ids of the products which are purchased more than 5 times f. Create a procedure to print the Prodid and qty when the Purid is given as the parameter. Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Queries (a-e) Procedure (f) (15) (15) (10 x 5 =50) marks (20) marks

3. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Customer (Custid, Custname, Age, phno) Loan (Loanid, Amount, Custid, Emi) a. Customerids who have not taken Loan b. Loan details (Loanid, Amount, Custid ) of Loan taken by a particular customer(JOHN) c. The Total number of Loans aviailed d. List of the customerids and total Loan amount taken e. Customer ids who have taken less than 2 Loans f. Create a procedure to print the Amount and Custid when the Loanid is given as the parameter. Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Queries (a-e) Procedure (f) (15) (15) (10 x 5 =50) marks (20) marks

4. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Customer (Custid, Custname, Age, phno) HLoan (HLoanid, Amount, Custid) VLoan (VLoanid, Amount, Custid) a. Update the HLoan amount by reducing 5000 rupees which is a special discount offer. b. Number of VLoan taken by a particular customer id. c. Customer details (Custid, Custname, Age, phno) who have taken HLoan d. List of the customerids and total VLoan amount taken e. Customer details (Custid, Custname, Age, phno) who have taken both Hloan and VLoan f. Create a procedure to print the Amount and HLoanid when the Custid is given as the parameter. Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Queries (a-e) Procedure (f) (15) (15) (10 x 5 =50) marks (20) marks

5. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Customer (Custid, Custname, Addr, phno,panno) Loan (Loanid, Amount, Interest,Custid) Account (Accd, Accbal, Custid) a. Add a column CUSDOB in customer table. b. Select the customers whose name ends with SINGH and order by custid c. Display the customerids and sum of his account balances d. Display the accounts of customerids C01,C02,C03 e. Select the customername,id of customers whose number of accounts is greater than f. Create a procedure to print the Loan details when Customer name is given as the parameter. Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Queries (a-e) Procedure (f) (15) (15) (10 x 5 =50) marks (20) marks

6. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Product (Prodid, Prodesc, Price, Stock) Purchase (Purid, Proid, qty, supname) Sales (Saleid, Proid, qty, custname) a. Display supname when a particular product id is given (DAL23). b. List of names who are both supplier as well as customer. c. Create a Trigger which reduces the stock of Product that is been inserted in sales and update the stock when purchase is made d. Create a view which displays Product ids and sum of quantity in sales. Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Query (a) Queries (b-d) (15) (15) (10) marks (20 x 3 =60) marks

7. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Product (Prodid, Prodesc, Price, Stock,Reord) Sales (Salesid, Proid, qty) a. Display Prodesc of products of particular Sales(SA234). b. Display the amount (price * qty) of Products in each Sales. c. Create a Trigger which reduces the stock of Product that is been inserted in sales and print if it is out of stock (stock <Reord) d. Create a view which displays Proid, Prodesc and sum of quantity in sales. Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Query (a) Queries (b-d) (15) (15) (10) marks (20 x 3 =60) marks

8. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Customer (Custid, Custname, Age, phno) Loan (Loanid, Amount, Custid, Emi) a. Display the total Emi that need to be paid by customer with a particular Custname(LEENA) b. Add a column nol and update the column values with sum of Loans taken by him c. Create a Trigger which updates the nol value on insertion and deletion of Loan for a customer. d. Create a View with Custname and sum of Loan Amount

Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Query (a) Queries (b-d) (15) (15) (10) marks (20 x 3 =60) marks

9. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Customer (Custid, Custname, Age, phno) HLoan (HLoanid, Amount, Custid) VLoan (VLoanid, Amount, Custid) a. Display Custname name with both HLoan and VLoan b. List of the customerids and total VLoan amount taken c. Create a Trigger which displays the HLoan details when values in HLoan is inserted, do the same for VLoan also. d. Create a view with Custid and Custname with sum of Loan Amount(both HLoan and VLoan) Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Query (a) Queries (b-d) (15) (15) (10) marks (20 x 3 =60) marks

10. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Customer (Custid, Custname, Addr, phno,panno) Loan (Loanid, Amount, Interest, Custid) Account (Accd, Accbal, Custid) a. Display the sum of Accbal of a Particular Custname(LEENA) b. Update the interest with 1% when Accbal of the Custid >50% of Loan Amount c. Create a Trigger which checks whether the Accbal is 25% of amount to be inserted in Loan d. Create a View with Accbal and Loan Amount of all Cutomers Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Query (a) Queries (b-d) (15) (15) (10) marks (20 x 3 =60) marks

11. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Customer (Custid, Custname, Addr, phno,panno) Loan (Loanid, Amount, Interest, Custid) Account (Accd, Accbal, Custid) a. Display the Custname having both Loan and Account b. Create an user defined function getBal which returns the Sum of Accbal of a particular Custid passed as parameter c. Create a procedure which prints the Customer details whose sum of Accbal >10000 using getBal function created by user above (in b) Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Query (a) Function (b) Procedure (c) (15) (15) (20) marks (25) marks (25) marks

12. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Customer (Custid, Custname, Addr, phno,panno) Loan (Loanid, Amount, Interest, Custid, PrincipalPaid) Account (Accd, Accbal, Custid) a. Display the Custname doesnt hold any Account nor taken any Loan b. Create an user defined function getBalance which returns the Balance Principal Loan Amount Pending for a Particular Custid passed as parameter c. Create a procedure which prints the Customer details whose have Balance Principal Loan Amount Pending >0 using getBalance function created by user above (in b) Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Query (a) Function (b) Procedure (c) (15) (15) (20) marks (25) marks (25) marks

13. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Customer (Custid, Custname, Addr, phno,panno) Loan (Loanid, Amount, Interest, Custid, LoanDate) a. Display number of Loans, the sum of Loan Amount of a Particular Custname(LEENA) b. Create a Report (using Crystal Reports/ Any report generation tool) which displays Loan Taken between From and To Dates

Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Query (a) Report (b) (15) (15) (20) marks (50) marks

14. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Product (Prodid, Prodesc, Price, Stock, Reord) Sales (Salesid, Proid, qty) a. Display the total amount (price * qty) of Sales made so far b. Create a Report (using Crystal Reports/ Any report generation tool) when Given with a Proid generates the list of sales made with sum of quantity sold Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Query (a) Report (b) (15) (15) (20) marks (50) marks

15. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Customer (Custid, Custname, Addr, phno,panno) Loan (Loanid, Amount, Interest, Custid, LoanDate) a. Display number of Total Loan Amount taken on LoanDates and order by Loan Date then by Loan Amount b. Create a Form to make a Loan entry (using VB/ VC++/Java). c. Loan can be entered only for available customer so display available Custid in the Form to Choose one among them for Loan Entry Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Query (a) Form (b) Constraint ( c ) (15) (15) (20) marks (40) marks (10) marks

16. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Product (Prodid, Prodesc, Price, Stock, Reord) Sales (Salesid, Proid, qty) a. Double the Reord value of Products with Price >500 and Reord <50 b. Create a Form to make a Sale entry (using VB/ VC++/Java). c. Sale can be entered only for available products so display available Prodid in the Form to Choose one among them for Sale Entry Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Query (a) Form (b) Constraint ( c ) (15) (15) (20) marks (40) marks (10) marks

17. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Product (Prodid, Prodesc, Price, Stock) Sales (Salesid, Proid, qty) a. Add a column Reord with a value of 50 for all the products. b. Create i. A Product Menu (using VB/ VC++/Java) with options 1. Add 2. Delete 3. Update ii. A Sale Menu 1. to insert a Sale made c. Implement Only Add Product menu operation with a Form (with db connectivity) Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Query (a) Menu Design (b) Form (c) (15) (15) (15) marks (30) marks (35) marks

18. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Customer (Custid, Custname, Addr, phno) Loan (Loanid, Amount, Interest, Custid, LoanDate) a. Add a column nol(number of loans) and set its value calculating it from loan table. b. Create i. A Customer Menu (using VB/ VC++/Java) with options 1. Add 2. Delete 3. Update ii. A Loan Menu 1. to insert Loan details c. Implement Only Add Customer menu operation with a Form (with db connectivity)

Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Query (a) Menu Design (b) Form (c) (15) (15) (15) marks (20) marks (35) marks

19. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Product (Prodid, Prodesc, Price, Stock) Sales (Salesid, Proid, qty) a. Add a column Reord with a value of 50 for all the products. b. Create i. A Sale Menu (using VB/ VC++/Java) with options 1. to insert a Sale made 2. Sales Report c. Implement Only Sales Report menu operation listing Sales made so far. (using Crystal Reports/ Any report generation tool) Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Query (a) Menu Design (b) Report (c) (15) (15) (15) marks (20) marks (45) marks

20. Create Tables as follows by choosing appropriate data type and set the necessary primary and foreign key constraints: Customer (Custid, Custname, Addr, phno) Loan (Loanid, Amount, Interest, Custid, LoanDate) a. Add a column nol(number of loans) and set its value calculating it from loan table. b. Create i. A Loan Menu (using VB/ VC++/Java) with options 1. to insert Loan details 2. Loans Availed Report c. Implement Only Loans Availed Report menu operation (using Crystal Reports/ Any report generation tool) Marks: Table creation and Data Insertion Appropriate Constraints and Data Type Query (a) Menu Design (b) Report (c) (15) (15) (15) marks (20) marks (45) marks

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