What About Catholic Campus Living by Kathryn Lopez
What About Catholic Campus Living by Kathryn Lopez
What About Catholic Campus Living by Kathryn Lopez
Kathryn Lopez
Kathryn Lopez is editor-at-large of National Review Online and a nationally syndicated columnist.
“You never open the door when there’s a shirt moral decisions on their own—without mom
tied around the doorknob!” and dad to lean on or to set them straight when
So I learned when I went back to my dorm they go wrong. Is the only direction or safety
room one morning, in my freshman year at a cushion a monetary fine if students trash the
Catholic college. Evidently sexual activity was common room or blatantly bring into a dorm
so common that it had its own perverse sort the alcohol they have illegally purchased? Is
of etiquette that every student was expected the campus so “realistic” that the health or
to know. I appeared the odd man out. women’s center offers nonjudgmental “prob-
Many a recent graduate or current stu- lem-solving” options to pregnant girls?
dent of Catholic universities can tell similar Students will arrive on campus with
stories. It wasn’t just Charlotte Simmons in all sorts of different influences and varying
Tom Wolfe’s all-too- degrees of for-
realistic novel who mation. But one
was “sexiled” from thing on campus
Is the campus life just another
her room so her should be cer-
roommate could en- hook-up culture, or is it conducive tain: A Catho-
tertain a boyfriend lic college that’s
(and some students to the Christian life? confident in its
have no such mod- identity will not
esty issues, as it be just like every
turns out). other college or
Students deserve better—they deserve to university in the country.
be expected to be better. It is in the campus culture where many
Of course, stories like this have always of the habits that will make or break charac-
been and will always be told. But it’s some- ters for years to come are formed. Is the cam-
thing to keep in mind as you choose a college, pus life just another hook-up culture, or is it
because there are better options available to conducive to the Christian life?
Catholic families. And every Catholic campus The campus needn’t be monastic—and
should be striving to be those alternatives. it shouldn’t be, this is college after all. But it
As much as every father of a daugh- ought to be countercultural, in the sense that
ter would like to think campus life revolves it is of this world but actively aware of “the
around the classroom, it doesn’t. The majority end game.”
of campus life happens outside of the class- So, Catholic families would do well to
room: studying, socializing, making gains look for a campus environment where the fo-
and experiencing losses. cus is eternal life and not scoring a hot date
For most 18- and 19-year-olds living this this weekend or just passing that one difficult
new campus life, it is their first go at making class this semester.
How does a Catholic campus go about be- man society. We would call their attention to
ing different? First of all, those who direct cam-the need to create an atmosphere favorable to
pus life need to be different. That is, they need the growth of chastity so that true liberty may
to work at a Catholic college for a reason: They prevail over license and the norms of the moral
believe that there is a point to a Catholic educa-law may be fully safeguarded.”
tion and that four years on a Catholic campus In my work I have spoken to countless
ought to change lives for good. students and alumni of Catholic colleges, and
I can tell you that the word “chastity” usually
doesn’t come up between freshman orienta-
Our Holy Fathers’ Advice tion’s date-rape skit and the first time a student
walks in on their roommate hooking up.
Pope Benedict XVI writes, “The Gospel is not
This is why it is so critical that whatever
merely a communication of things that can be
college you choose respects the dignity of the
known—it is one that makes things happen
student and supports Catholic values in dorm
and is life-changing. The dark door of time,
of the future, has been thrown open. The one
Paul VI continued: “Everything therefore
who has hope lives differently.”
in the modern means of social communica-
Presumably you are reading The Newman
tion which arouses men’s baser passions and
Guide and considering a Catholic college or
encourages low
university, because
moral standards,
you want to grow
as well as every
in your faith and ...at too many Catholic colleges, the
obscenity in the
live a Christ-cen-
campus life is hardly different than written word and
tered life. You de-
every form of in-
serve that opportu-
nity on a Catholic at one of those “top party schools.” decency on the
stage and screen,
should be con-
But at too
demned publicly
many Catholic col-
and unanimously by all those who have at
leges, the campus life is hardly different than
heart the advance of civilization and the safe-
at one of those “top party schools.”
guarding of the outstanding values of the hu-
The quote above is from Pope Benedict’s
man spirit. It is quite absurd to defend this kind
encyclical on Christian hope, and it rounds up
of depravity in the name of art or culture or by
with, “The one who hopes has been granted
pleading the liberty which may be allowed in
the gift of a new life.” The Catholic campus has
this field by the public authorities.”
to teach about this life-changing gift and pro-
Practically speaking for the Catholic col-
vide encouragement for the different life that it
lege or university campus: A Catholic campus
makes possible: If not here, where? If not now,
could have chapels in the dorms. A Catholic
campus could have examples of moral Catholic
In the monumental summer of 1968, at the
living in the dorms. A Catholic campus might
height of the Sexual Revolution, everything
have priests or sisters in the dorms. A Catho-
you ever needed to know about Catholic cam-
lic campus should have single-sex dorms or (at
pus life was addressed in Rome. In Humanae
least!) single-sex floors.
Vitae, Pope Paul VI wrote: “We take this op-
And do not overlook the importance of
portunity to address those who are engaged in
“visitation policies.” These are the hours when
education and all those whose right and duty
members of the opposite sex are officially per-
it is to provide for the common good of hu-
mitted to be in others’ dorm rooms. At many one of the more reflective documents in recent
Catholic colleges, the time ranges from early years on Catholic education—published by, of
morning until very late at night. What message all places, the University of Notre Dame.
does this send? I say of all places because, as I write, Notre
If any place in the world should serve as Dame has been in the spotlight for—in a very
a laboratory of Pope John Paul II’s theology of public and national way—not doing the things
the body, it should be the Catholic campus. named in the title. But there are things that
The Catholic university graduate today Notre Dame does right, including Eucharis-
should be prepared not only to have a stable tic Adoration, single-sex dorms and Catholic
job, to raise a family, and to achieve all the ends teacher training. The things that make head-
that the secular world seeks in a college educa- lines out of South Bend expose a cognitive dis-
tion, but also to follow John Paul the Great in sonance—and that is exactly why the Notre
the way they love and show responsibility in Dame commencement scandal in May 2009
everything they do. caused such outrage. But the seeds are there—
Catholic college graduates should stand as their report indicates.
out in the workplace and in their apartment The document discusses challenges facing
buildings not because they wear crosses but the Catholic Church and Catholic education
because of how they live their lives. in America: “The religious are almost gone.
And if the Pastors are over-
Catholic college whelmed. Mass at-
you are consid- tendance is down.
ering does not
...at too many Catholic colleges, the So are collections.
do this, you may [Catholic-school]
campus life is hardly different than
want to ask your- faculty salaries are
self why you are at one of those “top party schools.” still too low. Costs
paying a premium and tuition are ris-
to attend a private ing. Enrollments
college. are declining.
“We observe today a timidity in the face Thus goes the litany.”
of the category of the good and an aimless pur- The report goes on: “Yes, we know the sto-
suit of novelty parading as the realization of ry well. Has it become so familiar, though, that
freedom,” said Pope Benedict XVI in his April we could forget its ending is not inevitable?”
2009 address to American Catholic educators. Bingo. Wayward Catholic colleges are
“We witness an assumption that every experi- blithely pursuing a path to destruction, and
ence is of equal worth and a reluctance to admit the impact on both students and the surround-
imperfection and mistakes. And particularly ing culture is not often taken seriously.
disturbing, is the reduction of the precious and Consider the current marriage debate:
delicate area of education in sexuality to man- While political movements focus on protecting
agement of ‘risk,’ bereft of any reference to the marriage from courts and interest groups that
beauty of conjugal love.” seek its redefinition, it’s important for Catho-
lic families and faithful of marriage age to ask,
“What have we done lately to actually protect
Catholic Education: The Future marriage?” If the concept of courtship is as
laughable on most Catholic campuses as it is
“Making God Known, Loved, and Served:
in the bars in Harvard Square, the answer is
The Future of Catholic Primary and Second-
ary Schools in the United States” is the title of
At the heart of the Notre Dame report atmosphere in the residence halls. You will
are three “deep-seated convictions.” First, learn a lot.
“Catholic schools afford the fullest and best The sad reality of campus life at most
opportunity to realize the fourfold purpose of Catholic colleges was made all too clear in a
Christian education, namely, to provide an at- survey published by The Cardinal Newman
mosphere in which the Gospel message is pro- Society in 2008 on “Behaviors and Beliefs of
claimed, community in Christ is experienced, Current and Recent Students at U.S. Catholic
service to our sisters and brothers is the norm, Colleges.”
and thanksgiving and worship of God is cul- The Catholic campuses unfortunately
tivated.” looked a lot like the rest of the culture: “During
Second, “The vitality of the Church is their last year at a Catholic college or universi-
inextricably linked to the health of its Catho- ty, 46 percent of current and recent students en-
lic schools because they provide the most ef- gaged in sex outside of marriage (including 41
fective way to evangelize and form holy men percent of respondents who say they were sac-
and women who make God known, loved and ramentally-active Catholics during that year.).”
served.” Almost one of every five said they knew a stu-
Third, “Catho- dent personally
lic schools will con- The Catholic college... student who had or paid
tinue to play a vital for an abortion!
role in American needs to know there is Truth—in And the fol-
civic life, as they lowing should
exemplify how to the classroom on Wednesday break the heart
prepare citizens of anyone who
afternoon and in the dorm
for full engagement knows Christ and
in democracy and room on Saturday night. understands the
commitment to the power of Catho-
common good.” lic education: The
How well this applies to the colleges and survey shows that 57 percent of respondents
universities in The Newman Guide! But what is said “the experience of attending a Catholic
the fate of the other Catholic institutions if they college or university had no effect on their par-
do not renew their Catholic identity? ticipation in the Catholic Mass and the Sacra-
The report adds that the familiar storyline ment of Reconciliation”—and 10 percent said
of the last 40 years must be re-thought. In the the experience decreased their participation!
summer of 1968, Pope Paul VI rightly predicted Further, 54 percent of students said that
that men would lose respect for women in the attending a Catholic college or university “had
age of the contraceptive pill. Man would get to no effect on their support for the teachings of
“the point of considering her as a mere instru- the Catholic Church and 13 percent say the ex-
ment of selfish enjoyment, and no longer as his perience decreased their support.”
respected and beloved companion.” At too many Catholic colleges then, it
would seem that students are taking on tens
of thousands of dollars of debt to finance their
Saving and Losing Souls self-degradation!
If the Catholic colleges you are considering
The reality of Catholic campus life can be told
see no reason to buck these trends, you should
by touring dorms on weekends (and weekday
hesitate, and the colleges need to rethink their
nights). Before you choose a college, visit and
reason for existence. The graduate of a Catholic
then visit again, paying close attention to the
college or university has to graduate knowing sary to safeguard the authentic good of human
that he is called to “put out into the deep,” as society. . . . Our leadership must include stu-
St. Peter was. He needs to have, along with a dent life and campus ministry. Here we touch
diploma, the spiritual and academic tools with not only the mind but also the heart and the
which to do so. This is the obligation of the soul of our students. Remember, we have not
Catholic college or university. Or else it’s just chosen them, they have chosen us. And they
another college or university. do so eager to learn, eager to grow, filed with
“The overall effort,” says Fr. Matthew all the hope and promise of a future yet to be
Habiger of Benedictine College, should be “to revealed.”
help young men and women discover that the Students show up hungry. And if the
good and satisfying life is one that fully re- Catholic college or university is worth existing,
spects all the human goods that fulfill us as it had better be giving them the Bread of Life.
well-integrated persons. The virtuous life is And not just at Mass. Catholic identity and
the only truly happy life. If we draw upon all morals need to permeate the campus, so that
the means available to us to live the Christian graduates, fully aware of Christ’s indwelling
life, then it becomes possible for everyone. This presence, can be guided by that awareness and
applies also to a Catholic understanding of change the face of the earth, bucking trends
marriage as a permanent, irrevocable consent, and giving hope.
requiring total fidelity.” As Father O’Connell put it: “Could we as a
Is this the attitude of the staff and admin- university possibly share our knowledge with
istration at the Catholic college or university students without sharing our faith? Could we
you’re looking at? It makes a big difference. teach about prayer credibly without inviting
them to pray and showing them how? Could
we speak about meaning and avoid providing
This Much Is True the direction to attain it? Could we talk about
ethics and then fail to support it in the activities
In the encyclical Fides et Ratio, Pope John Paul
that we promote on and off campus? Could we
II wrote: “The search for truth is not always so
ask them to serve without first serving them?”
transparent. . . . The natural limitation of rea-
Choosing a college is an exciting and chal-
son and the inconstancy of the human heart
lenging process. An authentic Catholic educa-
often obscure and distort a person’s search.
tion is a rich gift for students.
Truth can also drown in a water of other con-
And while majors are frequently intensely
cerns. People can run from the truth as soon as
deliberated during the decision-making, the
they glimpse it because they are afraid of the
moral environment of the whole campus is
what may make the most lasting impact on the
The Catholic college or university student
life of the college student. Most of a student’s
needs to know there is Truth—in the classroom
college life will be spent in and around his
on Wednesday afternoon and in the dorm room
dorm. And so, in choosing a college, you de-
on Saturday night.
serve an answer to this question:
When Fr. David O’Connell was inaugu-
Does the residence life at the college you
rated as president of the Catholic University of
will attend encourage virtue and chastity and
America in 1998, he took an oath of fidelity to
help you grow in faith, or is it likely to be a
the Magisterium and quoted John Paul II’s apos-
four-year temptation to be a part of the same
tolic constitution on higher education, Ex corde
hook-up culture that has been at the heart of so
Ecclesiae: “A Catholic university must have the
much heartache?
courage to speak uncomfortable truths which
do not please public opinion which are neces-