Method and Meaning of Salat
Method and Meaning of Salat
Method and Meaning of Salat
Ansariyan Publications
P.O. Box 187
22 Shohada St., Qum
Islamic Republic of Iran
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A Word from the Publisher 3
Fundamental Principles of the Religion (Usul-e-Din) 5
Branches of the Religion (Furu-e-Din) 7
The Importance of Salat 9
Five hadith from The Prophet(s) about Salat 10
Concentration during Salat 11
Wudhu 12
conditions for Wudhu 18
Things that Make the Wudhu Void 19
Tayammum 20
Adhan & Iqamah 23
The Method of Reading Our Salat 29
Surah al-Fatiha 31
Surah al-Tawhid 33
Tashahud 40
Salam 42
Tasbihat al-Arbah 44
Things that make the Salat void 45
The Wajibat of the Salat 47
The Place of Salat 48
Ansariyan Publications
( Usu l-e-Din )
2. Adl [Just]
'Adl means that Allah is just and he does not oppress any of
His creations. He will reward and punish everybody
according to his or her actions.
3. Nubuwat [Prophethood]
4. Imamat [Leadership]
5. Qiyamat [Resurrection]
( Furu'-e-Din )
1. Salat [Prayers]
2. Sawm [Fasting]
4. Khums
Paying 20% of one's yearly savings, after deducting all
legitimate expenses from the earnings of that year. The
Sadat, or the descendants of the Holy Prophet have a right of
half of this amount which must be paid to those amongst
them who are poor and needy. The other half belongs to the
12th Imam and must be paid to his representatives (Maraja'
Taqlid) or those whom they have given permission to collect
on their behalf.
6. jihad [Struggle]
9. Tawalla [Friendship]
The Prophet of Islam (Peace be upon him and his family) has said:
"The Salat is the most important act of worship in the religion. If Allah
(SWT) accepts one's Salat, then all other acts of worship will be
accepted, and if the Salat is not accepted, then all other acts of worship
will not be accepted either."
He (Peace be upon him and his family) has also said:
"One who does not pay importance to the Salat and considers it as
something insignificant, is worthy of punishment in the next world."
( Five hadith from The Prophet (s) about Salat )
3. The most beloved action in the eyes of Allah is performing the Salat
right when the time sets in.
4. The first thing that will be taken account of (on the Day of
Judgement) is the Salat.
During the battle of Siffin, an arrow went into the leg of Amir al-
Mo'minin 'Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him). The Imam was in
great pain because of this injury, and blood was flowing out of his
wound. However much the Muslims tried, they were not able to
remove the arrow.
The Muslims went to Imam Hasan al-Mujtaba (peace be upon him) and
asked him what would be the best way to remove the arrow from his
father's leg? Imam Hasan replicd, "Be patient and wait until my father
stands for Salat, then at that time, pull the arrow out of his leg because
at the time of Saldt, my father is so deeply engrossed in communicating
with his Lord, asking and begging Him for his needs, that he will not
feel the pain."
The people acted according to what Imam Hasan (peace be upon him)
told them, and while The Commander of the Faithful 'Ali (peace be
upon him) was praying to his Lord, they managed to pull the arrow out.
After Imam 'Ali finished his Salat, he noticed that blood was coming out
of his leg and asked those around him as to what had happened. The
people replied that while he was praying, they removed the arrow from
his leg!
( Wudhu )
2. After washing our face, then we wash our right arm,
from slightly above the elbow down to our fingertips. This
too must be washed from top to bottom.
3. After our right arm, we must wash our left arm; again,
from above the elbow down to the fingertips, and from the
top to bottom.
4. After these washings, are completed, with the water that
is on our right hand, we have to wipe the top of our head
(hum about the distance of one finger). We must not take
any extra water for this.
5. We then proceed to wipe our right foot with our right
hand, from the tip of our toes, up to the ankle bone with the
water that is remaining in our right hand. Again, we must
not take any extra water.
6. To finish, we wipe our left foot with our left hand from
the top of our toes, up to the ankle bone with the water that
is remaining on our left hand.
1. The water we use for Wudhu must be clean. (Wudhu performed with
water that is najis is void.)
2. The water must be pure. (Wudhu performed with water that is mixed
is void.)
3. The water must be lawful to use. (Wudhu performed with water that
is stolen or one does not have the permission to use is void.)
5. The container that the water is in must not be made of gold or silver.
6. The parts of. the body that must be washed and wiped in Wudhu,
must be clean (not have najasat on them).
10. The actions in Wudhu must be performed one after another with no
time gaps between them (Muwalat).
11. The person himself must perform the actions in Wudhu (washing
his hands and face, and wiping his head and feet) and he must not get
help from others.
13. The parts of the body where the water is applied must not contain
anything that would prevent the water from reaching that area.
There are seven things which make the Wudhu void, some of them
which are the most important are:
1. Urinating.
2. Defecating.
3. Passing gas.
4. Sleeping, such that you can't see or hear anything.
( Tayammum )
1. Intention (Niyyat).
2. The palms of both the hands must be struck on that
thing which we are allowed to perform Tayammum on.
4. The palm of the left hand must be rubbed on the back of
the right hand; and the palm of the right hand must be
rubbed on the back of the left hand.
( Adhan & Iqamah )
( Adhan )
Allahu Akbar
Read 4 Times
(Allah is greater than anything else)
Ashhadu anna Aliyan Amir al-Mo'mineena Waliul-lah
Read 2 Times
(I bear witness that 'Ali, The Commander of the Faithful is
the Friend of Allah)
Hayya Alas-Salaah
Read 2 Times
(Hurry towards the Salat! )
Hayya Alal-falaah
Read 2 Times
(Hurry towards prosperity!)
Allahu Akbar
Read 2 Times
(Allah is greater than anything else)
La ilaha illal-lah
Read 2 Times
There is no god except Allah.
( Iqamah )
Allahu Akbar
Read 2 Times
(Allah is greater than anything else)
Hayya 'alas-Salaah
Read 2 Times
(Hurry towards the Salat!)
Hayya 'alal-Falaah
Read 2 Times
(Hurry towards prosperity!)
Qad qaamatis-Salaah
Read 2 Times
(The Salat is being established!)
Allahu Akbar
Read 2 Times
(Allah is greater than anything else)
La ilaha illal-lab
Read 2 Times
(There is no god except Allah)
( The Method of Reading Our Salat )
Allahu Akbar
(Allah is greater than anything else)
Allahu Akbar
Allah is greater than anything else)
3. We then lower our hands and rest them on our thighs and
start by reciting Surah al-Fatiha, followed by another Surah
of the Holy Qur'an.
( Surah al-Fatiha )
Bismillah hir Rahmaanir Raheem
1. In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most
Al-hamdu-li-Llahi Rabbil-aalemeen
2. All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.
Ar-Rahmaanir Raheem
3. The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
( Surah al-Tawhid)
Allahus Samad
2. Allah is He on Whom all depend.
Lam yalid wa lam yoolad
3. He begets not, nor is He begotten.
(Praise be to Al1ah)
(Praise be to Allah)
(Praise be to Allah)
10. The second Rak'at is performed just the same way as the
first Rak'at, however after the second Surah, it is better that
we perform Qunut (as is shown in the above photograph).
In Qunut, it is sufficient if we recite any Dua , even if we
just recite Salawat on the Prophet and his family once, or
even if we simply say the following one time:
( Tashhud )
11. After the Qunut, we go into Ruku' and Sajdah, and after
the second Sajdah, we sit, and while our body is stationary,
we recite the Tashahud:
(All praise is due to Allah.)
( Salam )
At the end of the Salat, after the recitation of the Tashahud,
we recite the Salam in the following manner:
Allahu Akbar
(Allah is Greater than anything else)
( Tasbihat al-Arba'h )
If we are praying a three or four Rak'at Salat, then after reciting the
Tashahud in the second Rak'at, we immediately stand up and recite the
Tasbihat al-Arba'h three times:
Subhaanal-laahi wal-hamdu lil-laahi wa laa illaha illal-laahu wal-
laahu Akbar
(Glory be to Allah and praise be to Allah and there is no god except
Allah and Allah is Greater than anything else)
We then go into Ruku' followed by Sajdah, and after performing the
two Sajdahs, we recite the Tashahhud and Salam. If we are reading a
four Rak'at Salat, then we read one more Rak'at just as the third Rak'at
and finish off the Salat with the Tashhahud and Salam.
3. Placing one's hand on top of the other hand, just like most
of the Muslims who are not Shi'a do.
7) Dhikr
1) Intention (Niyyat)
2) Takbiratul Ihram (Saying
Allahu Akbar)
9) Salam
3) Qiyam (Standing)
10) Order
4) Ruku'
5) Suju'd
6) Recitation
1. Intention (Niyyat)
2. Saying of the Takbiratul Ihram (Allahu Akbar to begin
the Salat).
3. Standing motionless at the time of saying the Takbir,
and the standing before going into the state of Ruku'.
4. Ruku'.
5. Two Sajdahs.
The place where we want to recite our Salat, must fulfill the following
3. The place must not have a small roof such that we can not stand up
properly, or that we can not do our Ruku or Sujud the way it is
supposed to be performed.
5. The place where we put our forehead must not be higher or lower
than four closed fingers, in relation to where our knees are.