Recommender Systems in Industrial Contexts
Recommender Systems in Industrial Contexts
Recommender Systems in Industrial Contexts
the rating of the user u for the item i
the predicted rating of the user u for the item i
the symbol "hat" denotes information predicted, following a model
R the matrix of the logs of ratings
the transpose of a matrix Q
x.y the scalar product of vectors x and y
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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 29
1 INDUSTRIAL CONTEXT OF RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS..................................................................... 31
1.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 32
1.2 A FAST EMERGING INTERDISCIPLINARY AREA .............................................................................................. 32
1.3 MAIN TYPOLOGIES OF RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS ......................................................................................... 33
1.3.1 The classical typology ............................................................................................................ 33
1.3.2 Su and Khoshgoftaar ............................................................................................................. 33
1.3.3 Rao and Talwa ....................................................................................................................... 33
1.3.4 Data sources .......................................................................................................................... 34
1.3.5 Recommendation target types .............................................................................................. 36
1.4 MAIN FUNCTIONALITIES OF RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS .................................................................................. 37
1.4.1 Rating prediction ................................................................................................................... 38
1.4.2 Ranking prediction ................................................................................................................. 38
1.4.3 Item-to-item recommendation to anonymous users ............................................................. 39
1.4.4 Personalized recommendation of items ................................................................................ 40
1.4.5 Emerging new classification .................................................................................................. 41
1.5 REQUIREMENTS FOR RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS ........................................................................................... 43
1.5.1 Ability to use multiple data sources ....................................................................................... 43
1.5.2 Management of the cold start and of new events ................................................................. 43
1.5.3 Robustness to noisy or corrupted data .................................................................................. 43
1.5.4 Scalability ............................................................................................................................... 44
1.5.5 Reactivity ............................................................................................................................... 44
1.5.6 Trust: Transparency, Explanations and Confidence ............................................................... 44
1.5.7 The management of the long tail ....................................................................................... 44
1.6 A FIRST CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................ 44
1.6.1 Is a scoring-based system enough? ....................................................................................... 44
1.6.2 The need for a notion of similarity between items ................................................................ 45
1.7 GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS BASED ON ITEM-ITEM MATRIX.............................................. 46
1.7.1 Rating predictions .................................................................................................................. 46
1.7.2 Ranking .................................................................................................................................. 46
1.7.3 Item-to-item recommendation to anonymous users ............................................................. 46
1.7.4 Personalized recommendation of items ................................................................................ 46
1.7.5 Ability to manage multiple sources ....................................................................................... 47
1.7.6 Management of the cold start ............................................................................................... 47
1.7.7 Robustness to noisy or corrupted data .................................................................................. 47
1.7.8 Scalability ............................................................................................................................... 48
1.7.9 Reactivity ............................................................................................................................... 48
1.7.10 Trust: Transparency, Explanation and Confidence ............................................................ 48
1.7.11 Management of the long tail ......................................................................................... 48
1.8 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................... 49
2 STATE OF THE ART ......................................................................................................................... 51
2.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 52
2.2 MAIN ALGORITHM TECHNIQUES .............................................................................................................. 52
2.2.1 Association rules .................................................................................................................... 52
2.2.2 Bayesian classifiers ................................................................................................................ 53
2.2.3 Neural networks approaches ................................................................................................. 53
2.2.4 K-Nearest Neighbor approaches ............................................................................................ 53
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2.2.5 Matrix factorization techniques ............................................................................................. 54
2.2.6 Other techniques .................................................................................................................... 54
2.3 THE K-NEAREST NEIGHBOR APPROACHES ................................................................................................... 54
2.3.1 K-Nearest Neighbor user-based approaches ......................................................................... 54
2.3.2 K-Nearest Neighbor item-based approaches ......................................................................... 55
2.3.3 Performance of item-item matrices compared to user-user matrices ................................... 56
2.3.4 Similarity measures ................................................................................................................ 56
2.3.5 Clustering techniques for KNN ............................................................................................... 57
2.3.6 Limitations of KNN-based predictors and recent extensions ................................................. 58
2.4 MATRIX FACTORIZATION TECHNIQUES ...................................................................................................... 58
2.4.1 Classical SVD applied to collaborative filtering ...................................................................... 59
2.4.2 The Gravity approach............................................................................................................. 59
2.4.3 Adding bias ............................................................................................................................ 61
2.4.4 Extensions .............................................................................................................................. 62
2.4.5 Connection with Clustering and Dictionary learning ............................................................. 63
2.5 CONTENT-BASED RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS ............................................................................................... 64
2.5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 64
2.5.2 Pros and cons of content-based filtering systems .................................................................. 65
2.6 HYBRID METHODS ................................................................................................................................ 66
2.6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 66
2.6.2 Burke's classification .............................................................................................................. 66
2.6.3 Discussion .............................................................................................................................. 68
2.7 RECOMMENDATION EVALUATION METRICS ................................................................................................ 68
2.7.1 Rating-based metrics ............................................................................................................. 69
2.7.2 Classification based metrics for relevancy ............................................................................. 69
2.7.3 Rank accuracy metrics ........................................................................................................... 69
2.7.4 General protocols ................................................................................................................... 70
2.7.5 Discussion .............................................................................................................................. 71
2.8 OVERVIEW OF REPRESENTATIVE RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS ............................................................................ 72
2.8.1 Tapestry: the precursor (1992) .............................................................................................. 72
2.8.2 GroupLens (1994): the collaborative filtering approach ........................................................ 72
2.8.3 MovieLens (1997): a reference website and a reference database ....................................... 72
2.8.4 Fab (1997): an hybrid architecture ........................................................................................ 74
2.8.5 DailyLearner (2000): news recommendations ....................................................................... 75
2.8.6 (2003): scalable item-to-item collaborative filtering recommendation ........... 76
2.8.7 MORE (2006): hybrid recommendation by switch ................................................................. 77
2.8.8 CinemaScreen (2006): Hybrid recommender in cascade-mode ............................................. 78
2.8.9 AIMED (2007) ......................................................................................................................... 79
2.8.10 Google
News (2007) ...................................................................................................... 79
2.8.11 Hybrid Music Recommender using polyphonic timbre analysis (2008) ............................. 81
2.8.12 Social Ranking: user's tags to customize the query results (2008) .................................... 82
2.8.13 Beehive (2009): recommending people on social networking websites ............................ 83
2.8.14 Social Matching: Recon: a reciprocal recommender for online dating (2010) .................. 85
2.8.15 Recommender system for IP-TV : Fastwebs recommender (2010) ................................... 87
2.8.16 Youtube (2010) .................................................................................................................. 87
2.8.17 Recommendation on Twitter: Twittomender (2010)......................................................... 89
2.8.18 Cobot (2011): the future of recommender systems?......................................................... 90
2.9 CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................... 91
3 INDUSTRIAL KNN BASED SYSTEM: THE REPERIO C/E ENGINE ......................................................... 99
3.1 PRESENTATION OF OUR KNN IMPLEMENTATION: REPERIO ......................................................................... 100
3.2 KNN BASED RECOMMENDATION MODELS ............................................................................................... 100
3.2.1 Choice of similarity functions in Reperio .............................................................................. 101
3.2.2 Rating predictions ................................................................................................................ 102
3.2.3 Choice of the neighborhood size .......................................................................................... 102
3.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CORE FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................ 103
3.3.1 Rating prediction.................................................................................................................. 103
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3.3.2 Ranking ................................................................................................................................ 104
3.3.3 Anonymous item-to-item recommendation ........................................................................ 105
3.3.4 Seed-based personalized recommendation of items ........................................................... 106
3.4 CHECKING THE INDUSTRIAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 107
3.4.1 Ability to manage multiple data sources ............................................................................. 107
3.4.2 Management of the cold start ............................................................................................. 108
3.4.3 Management of noisy or corrupted data ............................................................................ 109
3.4.4 Scalability ............................................................................................................................. 109
3.4.5 Reactivity ............................................................................................................................. 109
3.4.6 Trust-based relationship management ................................................................................ 110
3.4.7 Management of the long-tail............................................................................................... 111
3.5 EXPECTED ACCURACY IN INDUSTRIAL CONTEXTS ........................................................................................ 111
3.5.1 Presentation......................................................................................................................... 111
3.5.2 Experimental protocol ......................................................................................................... 111
3.5.3 Test protocols ...................................................................................................................... 113
3.5.4 Results with long profiles: collaborative, thematic, and hybrid methods ............................ 114
3.5.5 Simulation of a Cold-Start .................................................................................................... 118
3.5.6 Conclusion for KNN-based thematic and hybrid recommendation ...................................... 120
3.6 EXAMPLES OF KNNS SPEED PERFORMANCES ........................................................................................... 120
3.8 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................... 123
4.1 A GENERAL INDUSTRIAL OFFLINE PROTOCOL ............................................................................................. 126
4.1.1 Data sets .............................................................................................................................. 126
4.1.2 Agnostic thresholds for Long Tail / Short Head analysis ...................................................... 127
4.1.3 Review of the prerequisites of the core functions ................................................................ 129
4.2 EVALUATION PROCESS AND QUALITY METRICS ......................................................................................... 131
4.2.1 What we will measure in fact? ............................................................................................ 131
4.2.2 Evaluation protocol for the accuracy (Help to Decide) ........................................................ 133
4.2.3 Evaluation protocol for the ranking (Help to Compare) ...................................................... 133
4.2.4 Evaluation protocol for the relevancy (Help to Discover) .................................................... 134
4.2.5 Evaluation protocol for the Impact of the recommendations (Help to Discover) ................ 134
4.2.6 Evaluation protocol for the quality of an item-item similarity matrix (help to Explore) ...... 136
4.2.7 Complementary information about our test ........................................................................ 137
4.3 RESULTS FOR SCORE-BASED FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................. 138
4.3.1 Help to decide: rating prediction, and speed performances ................................................ 138
4.3.2 Help to compare: full catalog ranking ................................................................................. 142
4.3.3 Help to Discover: push of useful recommendation .............................................................. 144
4.3.4 Summary of the test for scoring-based functions ................................................................ 149
4.4 RESULTS FOR THE SIMILARITY BASED FUNCTION ........................................................................................ 149
4.4.1 Help to Explore: item-to-item .............................................................................................. 149
4.4.2 Using Gravity as emulated mode for KNN modeling ........................................................... 150
4.5 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................... 152
4.5.1 What correlation between RMSE and recommendations' quality? ..................................... 152
4.5.2 When should we personalize the recommendations? ......................................................... 153
4.5.3 Which algorithm use in a recommender engine? ................................................................ 154
CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................ 155
MAIN RESULTS OF THIS WORK ........................................................................................................................ 155
FUTURE WORKS ........................................................................................................................................... 156
5 BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................. 159
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List of figures
FIGURE 1-2 MAIN CLASSIFICATIONS OF RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS ................................................................................ 35
FIGURE 1-4: A FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF INDUSTRIAL RECOMMENDER SYSTEMS ..................................................... 42
FIGURE 2-1. PRINCIPLE OF THE SINGULAR VALUE DECOMPOSITION .............................................................................. 58
FIGURE 2-2: PSEUDO-ALGORITHM: PRINCIPLE OF THE BASIC GRAVITY METHOD .............................................................. 62
FIGURE 2-3: MATRIX FACTORIZATION VIEWED AS A DICTIONARY LEARNING PROCESS........................................................ 63
FIGURE 2-4: CLASSICAL LOGS ENTRIES .................................................................................................................... 70
FIGURE 2-5 : MOVIELENS' WEBSITE INTERFACE ........................................................................................................ 73
FIGURE 2-6: FAB'S GENERAL PRINCIPLE ................................................................................................................... 74
FIGURE 2-7: WEB USER INTERFACE OF THE DAILY LEARNER ......................................................................................... 76
FIGURE 2-9: ARCHITECTURE OF MORE .................................................................................................................. 78
FIGURE 2-10: THE REMOTE CONTROL PROPOSED IN THE AIMED SYSTEM ...................................................................... 79
NEWS' RECOMMENDATION INTERFACE ........................................................................... 81
FIGURE 2-12: THE BEEHIVE'S WIDGET .................................................................................................................... 85
FIGURE 2-13: PERSONALIZED RECOMMENDATION WITH YOUTUBE ............................................................................... 88
FIGURE 3-1: RATING PREDICTION IN THE CASE WHERE ONLY ONE PROFILE IS AVAILABLE .................................................. 105
FIGURE 3-2: RATING PREDICTION: COLLABORATIVE CASE .......................................................................................... 105
FIGURE 3-3 : PRINCIPLE OF ITEM-TO-ITEM RECOMMENDATION TO ANONYMOUS USERS ................................................. 106
FIGURE 3-7: COLD START SIMULATION ON LONG PROFILES ........................................................................................ 119
FIGURE 3-8: COLD START SIMULATION ON SHORT PROFILES ...................................................................................... 120
FIGURE 4-1: KNN'S RMSE PERFORMANCES ON NETFLIX DATA ................................................................................. 139
FIGURE 4-4: TIME FOR THE KNN SEARCH ON NETFLIX'S DATA ................................................................................... 140
FIGURE 4-8: RANKING COMPATIBILITY FOR KNN ON NETFLIX ................................................................................... 143
FIGURE 4-9: RANKING COMPATIBILITY FOR GRAVITY ON NETFLIX. .............................................................................. 143
FIGURE 4-10: PRECISION FOR KNN - NETFLIX. ...................................................................................................... 145
FIGURE 4-11: PRECISION FOR GRAVITY - NETFLIX ................................................................................................... 146
FIGURE 4-12: BEST AVERAGE MEASURE OF IMPACT ON NETFLIX ............................................................................... 148
FIGURE 4-14: RMSE FOR NATIVE-KNN, GRAVITY-EMULATED KNN AND RANDOM KNN .............................................. 151
FIGURE C-1 A POSSIBLE SOLUTION FOR FAST KNN ITEM-ITEM MATRIX GENERATION ...................................................... 158
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List of tables
TABLE 1-1: BRIEF COMPARISON BETWEEN SEARCH AND RECOMMENDATION ................................................................. 32
TABLE 1-3: MAIN RECOMMENDATION TYPES IN THE INDUSTRY .................................................................................... 37
TABLE 1-5: EXAMPLES OF UTILITY FUNCTIONS .......................................................................................................... 40
TABLE 2-1: RATIO OF WELL PERCEIVED RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................................... 84
TABLE 2-2. SUMMARY OF THE OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................... 93
TABLE 2-3. TECHNIQUES USED .............................................................................................................................. 95
TABLE 2-4. DATA AND PERFORMANCES .................................................................................................................. 97
TAB. 3-1 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DATA FOR THE TESTS .......................................................................................... 113
TABLE 3-5: SUMMARY OF THE DIFFERENT APPROACHES ........................................................................................... 118
TABLE 3-6: SCORING SPEED IN THEMATIC ON-LINE EMBEDDED MODE ......................................................................... 121
TABLE 3-7: SIMILARITY COMPUTING SPEED IN THEMATIC ON-LINE EMBEDDED MODE ..................................................... 121
TABLE 3-8: SIMILARITY AND SCORING SPEED ON COLLABORATIVE OFFLINE MODE .......................................................... 121
TABLE 4-1: MOVIELENS 1M DATASET'S STATISTICS ................................................................................................. 126
TABLE 4-2: NETFLIX DATASET'S STATISTICS ............................................................................................................ 127
TABLE 4-3: SEGMENTS' STATISTICS FOR THE MOVIELENS' TRAIN SETS (90%) .............................................................. 128
TABLE 4-4: SEGMENTS' STATISTICS FOR THE NETFLIX'S TRAIN SETS (90%) .................................................................. 128
TABLE 4-5: SUMMARY OF THE PREREQUISITES........................................................................................................ 131
TABLE 4-6: PRINCIPLE OF THE MEASURE OF IMPACT OF THE RECOMMENDATION, OFFLINE............................................... 135
TABLE 4-7: ADAPTED MEASURES FOR EACH CORE FUNCTION ..................................................................................... 136
TABLE 4-8: BASELINE PREDICTORS'S PERFORMANCE IN RMSE: DEFAULT PREDICTOR..................................................... 138
TABLE 4-10: GLOBAL ANALYSIS FOR THE RMSE: BEST ALGORITHM FOR EACH SEGMENT ................................................. 142
TABLE 4-13: GLOBAL ANALYSIS OF THE RANKING TASK (HELP TO COMPARE) ................................................................. 144
TABLE 4-14: PRECISION OF BASELINE PREDICTORS ON NETFLIX .................................................................................. 144
TABLE 4-15: PRECISION OF BASELINE PREDICTORS ON NETFLIX - WITH SEGMENTATION .................................................. 144
TABLE 4-16: PRECISION OF A KNN MODEL ON NETFLIX ........................................................................................... 145
TABLE 4-17: GLOBAL ANALYSIS FOR PRECISION: BEST ALGORITHM FOR EACH SEGMENT .................................................. 146
TABLE 4-18: AVERAGE MEASURE OF IMPACT OF BASELINE PREDICTOR ON NETFLIX ....................................................... 147
TABLE 4-19: AVERAGE MEASURE OF IMPACT OF KNN ON NETFLIX............................................................................ 147
TABLE 4-20: AVERAGE MEASURE OF IMPACT OF GRAVITY ON NETFLIX ....................................................................... 147
TABLE 4-21: AMI ACCORDING TO EACH SEGMENT .................................................................................................. 148
TABLE 4-22: BEST MODELS FOR THE AMI DEPENDING ON THE SEGMENTS ................................................................... 148
TABLE 4-23: BEST MODELS DEPENDING ON THE TASKS AND THE SEGMENTS ................................................................. 149
TABLE C-0-1: THE NEAR-FUTURE OF REPERIO: 3 POSSIBLE WORKING MODES - ILLUSTRATION .......................................... 157
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"It is capital mistake to theorize before one has data"
(Sherlock Holmes to Dr Watson in "A scandal in Bohemia".)
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
This thesis deals with automatic recommendation systems. Automatic recommendation
systems are systems that allow, through for example data mining techniques, to automatically
recommend to users, based on their past consumption, items that may interest them. These
systems allow for example to increase sales on e-commerce websites: the Amazon site has a
marketing strategy mainly based on the recommendation. Amazon has popularized the use of
automatic recommendation based on the recommendation function that we call item-to-items, or
"Help to Explore": the famous "people who have seen / bought this product have also seen /
bought these articles".
The central contribution of this thesis is to analyze the recommendation systems in the
industrial context, including marketing needs, and to cross this analysis with academic works. We
will try to answer four main questions:
1. What are the main features of an automatic recommender system, in an industrial point of
2. What are the main techniques involved in automatic recommender systems?
3. What are the technical implications and the expected performances of recommender
systems, if we choose a K-Nearest Neighbor technique as kernel?
4. What is the expected added value of recommender systems, from an industrial and
marketing point of view?
This thesis consists of four parts:
Chapter 1
An analysis of the core functions and the prerequisites for recommender systems in an
industrial context. We identify four core functions for recommendation systems: Help do Decide,
Help to Compare, Help to Explore, Help to Discover. The implementation of these functions has
implications for the choices at the heart of algorithmic recommender systems.
We show that a system only based on a rating prediction function is not sufficient to
implement the "Help to Explore" function, while a similarity function between items can be the
basis for the implementation of all the core functions.
Chapter 2
A state of the art, which deals with the main techniques used in automated recommendation
systems. The two most commonly used algorithmic methods, the K-Nearest-Neighbor methods
(KNN) and the fast factorization methods are detailed. This state of the art also presents purely
content-based methods, hybridization techniques, and the classical performance metrics used to
evaluate recommender systems. This state of the art gives also an overview of several systems,
both from academia and industry (Amazon, Google ...).
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Chapter 3
An analysis of the performances and implications of a recommendation system developed
during this thesis. This system, called Reperio, is a hybrid recommender engine using KNN
methods. We study the performance of the KNN methods, including the impact of similarity
functions used. Then we study the performance of the KNN method in critical uses cases such as
cold start situation.
We show that when implementing KNN methods, the similarity functions chosen to define the
neighborhood in the KNN methods are often underestimated.
We analyze the performances of KNN methods with content-based data and using data
hybridization techniques.
Concerning the cold start evaluation, we find that content-based methods and hybrid methods
are interesting, when usage data are still too sparse to allow for proper profiling of users.
Chapter 4
A methodology for analyzing the performance of recommender systems in industrial context.
This methodology aims to assess the added value of algorithmic strategies and recommendation
systems according to its core functions. For this we take the four functions we have defined in
Chapter 1 : Help do Decide, Help to Compare, Help to Explore, Help to Discover, and we cross
with four key segments of the performance analysis of the recommendation systems : heavy users
and popular items, heavy users and unpopular items, light users and popular items, light users and
unpopular items.
We apply our methodology to analyze the performance of two state of the art methods for the
implementation of a recommender system: KNN methods and fast matrix factorization methods.
We define a measure of the impact of the recommendation: we show that the positive impacts
of the recommendations seem more important with KNN-type method than with fast matrix
factorization-type method.
We show that the assumption deeply rooted in the community that optimizing the score
prediction error (RMSE) is equivalent to optimize the quality of recommendation may be false:
there is no clear correlation between RMSE and precision, or between RMSE and the impact of
the recommendations.
We finally show that recommendation systems should redefine their challenges: it is
unrealistic to recommend personalized unpopular items to users who are not known, for example.
To increase usage, effective strategies are rather: recommend unpopular items only to heavy users,
recommend to light users only the popular items. The long tail paradigm, both for infrequent
items and infrequent users, should be revisited.
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1 Industrial context of recommender
"Making a thousand decisions, even the wise will make a mistake"
Chinese proverb.
The purpose of this chapter is:
- to define the core functions of recommender systems in an industrial context,
- to define the prerequisites of recommender systems,
- to make a first technical check of the relevance of a technique based on item-item
similarity matrices to build a recommender system.
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1.1 Introduction
This chapter discusses the key points of automatic recommender systems, from an industrial
point of view.
In a first step, we will list the different classifications of automatic recommendation systems.
We show that the usual types can be specified and extended, particularly through a functional
typology. We identify four core functions of recommendation systems.
In a second step, we will list the features required for a recommendation system. Then we shall
discuss the technical implications, in industrial settings, of these requirements.
This chapter will allow us to focus on the state of the art of some specific techniques in
relation to the industrial context. Then in Chapter 4, it will allow us to define a new evaluation
protocol for industrial recommender engines.
1.2 A fast emerging interdisciplinary area
A standard catalog of an online video on demand service such as Netflix can have more than
100,000 titles. The e-commerce site Amazon now contains several million product references.
URLs of web sites today are counted in billions or tens of billions. We are entering an era of huge
catalogs and databases where one person cannot consider himself/herself to have an overview of
what is available and what might be of interest to him/her.
Two types of systems were developed in parallel with the rapid inflation of available contents:
search engines and automatic recommendation systems (Table 1-1). Search engines are useful for
people who know what they want and who will perform a search query. Automatic
recommendation systems are often used as a support system for discovery and navigation or as a
support system for decision making. Aid to discovery issues personal recommendations.
Navigation aid provides a contextual help such as similar products to the product being viewed.
The support for decision making predicts, for a user, the potential value a product may have for
him/her, for instance a personalized rating for this product.
Search System
Recommendation System
The user knows what she wants Yes No
The system needs a request from
a user
It's mandatory
The request is explicit
It's optional,
or the request is implicit
The main technique is:
Content-based Collaborative-based
The system analyzes the usage of
the users
Optional Mandatory
The system might make rating
predictions for the returned items
No Yes
The technique for Related Search
Content-based only Collaborative-based and/or
The system pushes items to users No Yes
Generally it is the main task
Table 1-1: Brief comparison between Search and Recommendation
Page 33
For about 20 years we have witnessed a rise of interest for automatic recommendation systems
(Goldberg et al., 1992) (Resnick et al., 1994) (Herlocker et al., 2000) (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin,
2005) (Rao and Talwar, 2008) (Su and Khoshgoftaar, 2009). The general goal of automatic
recommender systems is to help users to find products (items) that should interest them, from
large catalogs. Items are defined as any object that can be consumed, bought, read, viewed...
Automatic recommendation systems exist for items as diverse as Web pages, movies, TV
programs, books, restaurants, humorous jokes, songs, people within a social network, etc. (Rao
and Talwar, 2008) identified 96 recommendation systems on various subjects, academic or
1.3 Main typologies of recommender systems
Several recommender system typologies are known in the literature (see Figure 1-2):
- the classical typology, with collaborative filtering, content-based filtering and hybrid
filtering, for instance used in (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005),
- the typology of (Su and Khoshgoftaar, 2009), restricted to collaborative filtering,
- the typology of (Rao and Talwar, 2008), depending on the data sources used by the
1.3.1 The classical typology
This typology identified 3 types of recommender systems:
1. the collaborative filtering systems,
2. the content-based filtering systems, also known as thematic filtering,
3. the hybrid systems, using both collaborative and content-based techniques.
This typology is based on the type of information used as inputs for the models. Collaborative
filtering (CF) uses logs of users, generally user ratings on items, with dates. Content-based
filtering (CBF) uses item metadata (i.e. intrinsic characteristics of the items, described by text,
structural data - or information extracted from the items in some cases: acoustic features from
songs for instance). In CF logs of users are compared in some way in order to find usage
correlations. In CBF metadata are compared to explicit or implicit user preferences. The
difference between CF and CBF is thus easy: CF is called content agnostic: this means that a
CF does not need data describing the items which will be recommended: an item ID is enough.
The hybrid filtering on the other hand is a combination of CF and CBF.
1.3.2 Su and Khoshgoftaar
For purely collaborative systems (Su and Khoshgoftaar, 2009) proposes a sub-classification: it
includes the hybrid techniques (which are necessarily collaborative) to classify them in hybrid
collaborative methods. It classifies CF in 3 categories:
1. Memory-based CF approaches for type K-nearest-neighbors,
2. Model-based CF approaches encompassing a variety of techniques such as: clustering,
Bayesian networks, matrix factorization, Markov decision processes,
3. Hybrid CF, which combines a CF technique recommendation with one or several other
methods, which can be CBF approaches of other CF approaches. In this second case "hybrid"
does not mean a combination of CF and CBF: it is only a hybridization of several CF methods.
1.3.3 Rao and Talwa
(Rao and Talwar, 2008) propose a classification depending on the source of information used
to recommend items:
Page 34
- CBF, also known as thematic filtering. These systems use item correlations to generate
recommendations, and/or matching between item features and a user profile to calculate a
score for each item,
- CF: recommender systems only based on logs of user usages on items,
- Demographic filtering: recommender systems using a a priori knowledge on groups of
users. This knowledge is used to build stereotypes (with information such as age,
location,..) linked with particular lists of items to recommend,
- Hybrid filtering makes a use of CF and CBF.
Without further details, (Rao and Talwar 2008) also cite two other systems, one based on a
priori knowledge of relationships between items and users, said "knowledge-based recommender
system", and another one based on a notion of utility calculated for a user and an item, called
"utility-based recommender systems".
1.3.4 Data sources
An automatic recommendation system handles 4 basic types of objects (see Figure 1-1) that
1. Users,
2. Items,
3. Users' features: socio-demographic data: age, sex, location,
4. Items characteristics called metadata, or descriptors. In the folksonomy domain, user-
generated metadata are called tags.
Classic source
of collaborative
filtering :
(logs of usages)
User 1 User 2
item 1 5 5
item 2
... 3
User j
item i 4 3 1
User n
3 1
... 3 4
item m 2 3 1
5 1
Desc 1
Desc 2
Desc p
1 1
1 1
Desc q
Demo 1
1 1
... 1 1
Demo s
1 1
1 1
... 1 1
Demo T
1 1 1
Users Item Metadata (descriptors)
sSource added
for hybrid
Source added
for hybrid
Figure 1-1 : Possible input data of a recommender system or a hybrid filtering system
Each cross-reference between two types of objects can have a value which can be a Boolean, a
number, a tag, a text... Each cross-reference between an object type and another one gives a data
table. For example, the crossing between users and items gives a matrix of uses (shopping,
browsing or notes) on the items. Similarly, a cross-reference between items and metadata
provides an array of catalog items. Since there are n=4 object types, inventory of all possible
Page 35
cross-references gives n(n +1) / 2 = 10 cross-references, listed in the Figure 1-2. For each data
source, the object "item" is described either by rows or by columns of the matrix.
Hybrid Filtering
Hybrid Filtering
based Filtering
Classical Classification
(Su and Khoshgoftaar,
2009)s Classification
(Rao and Talwar, 2008)s
Figure 1-2 Main classifications of recommender systems
For each of 10 tables of data, we can design functions such as:
- Prediction (scoring) of some unknown values, such as rating of interest for an item, or for
a metadata (characteristic of an item),
- Personalized recommendations of items, or users, or characteristics (metadata): the system
can recommend books, or give advice for a community of readers, or recommend themes
or genres of books, etc,
- Cross-Recommendation: People who like this actor also like that genre or that director,
for example,
- Recommendation of socio-demographic characteristics (location, employment) to link
people according to their socio-style.
Page 36
Data source: input matrices Examples in industrial contexts
1 items users Logs (ratings, purchases, browsing), with scalar or
Boolean or Tag data.
Discussion forums of users on items, with text data.
2 users users socio-demographic
Client files.
Geo-marketing files.
3 users items metadata Declared users preferences on item characteristics or
4 users users Declared friends in a social network.
Edges between users in a graph of messages or calls.
5 items items Links between HTML pages.
Items linked by a related search device.
6 items metadata Catalog of items.
Documents x keywords, for text applications.
Tagged items.
7 items users socio-demographic
Specific marketing segmentation for a campaign for
8 items metadata users socio-
demographic data
Generic marketing segmentation for a campaign, for
9 items metadata items metadata
Thesaurus giving links between genre, types,
10 users socio-demographic data
users socio-demographic data
A priori segmentation for a meeting website, for
Table 1-2: Inventory of possible matrix data sources for a recommendation system
Table 1-2 gives the list of the possible simplest data sources. Those data sources should also be,
in fact recommenders productions, as well see below. Note that binary data sources are more
usual than real-valued data sources: descriptors on items, user's socio-demographics data are often
coded with discrete values then binary coded. Links, Tags, marketing segmentations, social
networks,... are also generally simply binary coded. And in the industry, logs of navigation and
logs of purchases are most frequent than logs of ratings.
1.3.5 Recommendation target types
A main part of recommender systems focuses only on items and users. Meta data suggestion is
generally done via social tagging systems whereas any catalog-based system can support this
function. Socio-demographic suggestion is, may be culturally, not really used, and restricted to
very specific areas like meeting websites. Although the types of recommendations can be almost
symmetric with respect to the kind of data-sources listed in the previous table, some features are
more common than others. The 4 cross-references between users and items described in the Table
1-3 are the most seen in the industry. Possible other types of recommendations may be for
instance user-to-metadata (i.e. you should like movies with the characteristic Director=Stanley
Kubrick), or item-to-metadata (if you like this item i, you should like items with this
characteristic c), already implemented in search engines as non-personalized related search.
Page 37
Type of
Key example Usage
item-to-items People who have bought/viewed/liked
this item have also bought/viewed/liked
these items.
It is the famous recommendation
mode, popularized by Amazon
user-to-items Here is a list of items according to
your profile ...
This recommendation assumes that
it knows the profile of the user.
Used by Amazon for instance, for its
mail-based recommendations on a
thematic profile.
user-to-users Here is a list of people with similar
tastes to you (profile)
Emerging usages on social networks
item-to-users Here is a list of targeted people who
may be interested by this item.
For each item: find the users who
will be targeted to sell this item.
Used in marketing campaigns.
Table 1-3: Main recommendation types in the industry
1.4 Main functionalities of recommender systems
Another approach to the typology of recommendation systems could rely on the functionalities
the system offers. Although the literature focuses heavily on the only feature of score prediction
(the rating values generally), there are actually several classic functionalities that we formalize in
this section.
We propose 4 essential core functions that are:
1. rating prediction,
2. ranking prediction, ordering of items by relevance criterion,
3. contextual, non-personalized recommendation for an anonymous website user,
4. recommendation of personalized items.
These features are essential because they cover the four essential needs of users facing huge
catalogs of items: Decide, Compare, Explore, Discover. This is summarized in the following table:
Essential function
Description Core recommender function
Help to Decide
Given 1 item i, user u wants to know
if he will appreciate i
Rating prediction
Help to Compare
Given n items, user u wants to know
what item to choose
Ranking prediction
Help to Explore
Given 1 item i, user u wants to know
what are the related k items
Item-to-items recommendation
Help to Discover
Given a huge catalog of items, user u
wants to find k new interesting items
Personalized recommendation
Table 1-4: The four essential functions of the automatic recommendation for users
Two functions are emerging with social networks:
- anonymous tag (or property) labeling for each item,
- personalized tag (or property) labeling for each item.
Page 38
These functions help users in different ways using tags. The Tag-to-Tag recommendation may
help users to navigate, not directly on items, but on item's tags. Giving for each item some tags
likely to represent well the items' characteristics may help users to Decide or to Compare. Using
tags to refine personalized recommendation may help users to Discover new contents. We believe
that tags can be managed as items, or as items' metadata. Some other tag-related functions exist
such as tag-suggestion when tagging items, but they are more used to organize the terms of the
folksonomies and are out of the scope of this thesis.
There are also several requirements for recommender systems:
- compliance with many data sources as industrial systems have to be deployed on different
services with different kinds of data,
- robustness to noisy or possibly corrupted data, as some data sources may be more or less
- management of the cold start at the time of the recommenders launch: the cold-start is the
problem for the system to start prediction on users or items without enough data: the
predictions may be poor, if not impossible,
- scalability as operational systems have to deal with volumetric,
- reactivity of the system, as response time and on-line learning time issues are also crucial,
- trusted relationship, based on transparency and explainability: the transparency of a
recommendation system is an important factor for the acceptance of recommendations,
- the management of the long tail, that is to say the management of all the items that are
not often bought/seen but that we want to promote.
Although the academic literature focuses on the score prediction, industry prioritization of the
functionalities is very different: the generated recommendations themselves, and their utility, are
more important. Automatic recommender systems are often used on e-commerce websites. These
systems work in conjunction with a search engine for assistance in catalog browsing to help users
find contents. Many users of e-commerce websites are anonymous, and therefore the main feature
is the contextual recommendation of item, for anonymous users. The purpose of these systems is
also increasing uses (the audience of a site) or increasing sales, so the recommendation itself is
more important than the score prediction. Moreover, prioritizing a list of items on a display page
is a more important functionality than the prediction of a rating.
1.4.1 Rating prediction
For an item i, and a user profile S
represented by a set of items rated by user u, we can
provide a predictive rating the user u would give to the item i. This is the rating prediction
functionality of the recommendation. This is the most studied functionality since the challenge
Netflix (Netflix Prize, 2007). Numerous publications exclusively deal with this issue (Su and
Khoshgoftaar, 2009) However, we cannot reduce the function of the recommendation to the rating
prediction as we shall see later.
Definition 1.1: The rating prediction problem
Given a set of users U, a set of items I, a rating matrix R on a subset of , and a cost
function Q, find a predictive model as a function : , such that
is minimized (a and b being respectively the min and the max values of the ratings).
Conventionally we use the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Squared Error
(RMSE) as cost functions (see state-of-the-art chapter).
1.4.2 Ranking prediction
The items for which the predicted ratings are highest are not necessarily the most useful items
for a user. Indeed, we must distinguish the fact that a user likes an item and the fact that an item is
already known by the user (Herlocker et al., 2004). To recommend a movie the recommendation
Page 39
system must find an item that would probably be well rated by the user but also an item that the
user probably does not know.
The ranking can incorporate a notion of item utility and is not necessarily derived from the
rating prediction score. It is a function of its own. For a profile S
and a list L of items, a
recommendation system can provide a relevance score which can sort the items in the list L. The
ranking is an important feature allowing implementing filtering services coupled with a dedicated
search engine.
Definition 1.2 The ranking prediction problem
Given a user-item matrix R, U a set of users, I a set of items, and C a set of constraints
represented by 3-uples (i,j,u) such that ,
, find a ranking function
with equals 1 if and only if the bracket expression is true.
Note that this ranking function gives higher values to high rated items: the rank is in
decreasing order, the best items with the highest indexes.
Probability that the user likes the item
Probability that the user
already knows the item
Figure 1-3: A good recommender system should avoid bad and trivial recommendations
1.4.3 Item-to-item recommendation to anonymous users
This function is sometimes called contextual item-to-item or contextual recommendation.
We restrict ourselves here to item-based context-dependent impersonalized recommendation. It
should be distinguished from the next function, the personalized recommendation
Page 40
For an item i, we can give a list of similar items L(i): it is the classic item-to-item-
recommendation, popularized by the e-commerce website Amazon ( This
feature has an immediate implementation if we have an item-item similarity matrix M(i, j), which
gives each item the list of similar items and their associated similarity weight. This mode is
widely used in industry because it can make recommendations for anonymous users, based on the
item he/she consults. This browsing aid in a catalog is simple and very effective. This
functionality is so important that by itself it legitimizes the use of techniques based on item-item
matrix (Linden et al., 2003) (Koren, 2010).
Tests exist to assess the rating prediction function and even the personalized recommendation
function. Impersonalized recommendation is more difficult to assess: the rate of transformation
(that is to say, the rated of selection / purchase of the recommended items) cannot be measured
except in a real service.
Definition 1.3: The Item-to-Item recommendation problem
Given a user-item matrix R on a set of identified users U and a set of items I, a number of
round n
, a set of anonymous users A one of them managed during one round r, a number of
items k to be recommended at each round, at each round r a context item i
being viewed by an
anonymous user
maximizing a
utility function f. The utility function must use the feedback of the anonymous user u on each
item x.
Find n sets X
} and a ranking function h(x) such that
is maximized
where f
(x) is the feedback of user u to item x, and h(x) the order index of x.
Note that the ranking function h(x) is in decreasing order, the best items with the highest
indexes. Many types of f
(x) are possible, for instance:
click rate f
(x)= 0 if the item is not selected by u
(x)=1 if the item is selected
purchase f
(x) =0 if item x is not purchased
(x) = 1 if item x is purchased
cash flow f
(x) =0 if item x is not purchased
(x)= cash flow of x, if item x is purchased
Table 1-5: Examples of utility functions
Note that personalized item-to-item recommendation can also be considered in two ways:
1. using a context item, then generating a list of similar items, then post-filtering the
similar items for instance using a personalized ranking system.
2. using a user profile as a list of context items, to generate directly personalized
1.4.4 Personalized recommendation of items
This function is usually called Item-based Top-N recommendation (Karypis, 2001)
(Deshpande and Karypis, 2004) in the literature. As the ranking must be well differentiated from
rating prediction, the personalized recommendation of items must be seen as a specific function
which is not necessarily deduced from the others. Here one wants to provide a user u with a
shortlist L(u) of p items from a catalog of items C.
the purpose of the n rounds (n high enough) is to give a statistically reliable measure of the performance
Page 41
A naive idea for personal recommendation would be to predict the item ratings, or even better
to give a utility score to all items in the catalog C and then take the top p. However in practice
this solution may be infeasible, if the catalog is very large. Rather, we use pre-computed
approaches. For a user profile u represented by a set of rated items, and noted S
, one can provide
a list of items similar to items in the profile u, denoted L(S
): For this function we can use the
principle of the Item-to-item recommendation applied to the entire profile, plus a post-filtering
step: at least a post-filtering process systematically deletes the items already known by u (that is
to say in the profile of the user u).
Definition 1.4: The Top-N personalized recommendation problem
Given a set of users U, a set of items I, and a set of items
such that
= maximizing a utility
function f
. The utility function must use the feedback of u on each item x.
Find |U| sets
, ,
is maximized
where f
(x) is the feedback of user u to item x, and h(x) the order index of x.
Here also many utility functions can be considered.
1.4.5 Emerging new classification
With the development of social network services on the Internet, new services like collective
classification by tags are emerging as a new way to recommend items, users or tag-based
In fact, two main functions can be identified:
1. Anonymous tag (or property) labelling for items,
2. Personalized tag (or property) labelling for items.
Anonymous tag (or property) labeling
This issue, generally called folksonomy, mainly focuses on finding shared vocabularies,
reinforcing meaningful tags, leading to a static shared representation: each item is finally viewed
with the same tags, for any user. This is for example addressed in (Heymann, 2008). The specific
problem of anonymous tag labelling can be formulated as follows: given a set of items I, a set of
users U, a set of tags T and a set M of the user-generated tags on the items, derive a
global and static item representation of each item, for any user, .
Personalized tag (or property) labeling
Following the collaborative and personalized framework to give personalized predicted ratings
for users given an item and their profile, some systems give personalized tags as suggestions
(when tagging an item, for instance to avoid synonymy or to ensure completeness) or as
information (when requesting specific items). These systems are also used for personalized
ranking for user requests. The FolkRank algorithm (Jaschke et al., 2008), a PageRank-like
algorithm (Brin et al., 1998), is an example of such a system. The specific problem of
personalized tag labelling can be formulated as follows: Given a set of items I, a set of users U, a
set of tags T and a set M of user-generated tags on the items, derive a set of views
giving for any couple , a personalized view of the probabilities of each tag t to
be perceived by u for i:
; .
Other tag-based functions for tag-based recommenders exist but are out of the scope of this
thesis. The Figure 1-4 gives a possible new classification of recommender engines, using the
aforementioned list of functions. In this classification, 3 main techniques, score oriented,
similarity oriented and tag oriented lead to different functionalities. The score-oriented methods
Page 42
use a predicted score function to score items in a personalized or not personalized way. They are
well adapted for rating prediction and ranking prediction tasks. Note that carrying out the ranking
function, they are able to generate recommendations, but they are not adapted to item-to-item
contextual recommendation for instance. The similarity-oriented methods use the similarity
between 2 items to generate directly recommendations. The recommendations can be contextual
and anonymous if one of the item is a contextual item such as the item currently watched during
catalog navigation. Using the similarity links principle applied to a user's profile, the similarity-
oriented methods can generate recommendations, pushing items similar to those already enjoyed
by the user. The tag-oriented methods can generate tags for anonymous users, or in a personalized
way. And then this tags can be used to query a search engine for instance, to generate
recommendations, which can also be anonymous or personalized.
Industrial Recommender systems
Rating predictor
Ranking predictor
Score oriented
Based on a predicted score function
of object x related to user u:
r(x, u)
Similarity oriented
Based on a similarity function
between 2 objects x and y:
s(x, y)
Tag oriented
Based on a probability function
that u perceives the tag (or property) t for object x:
Anonymous tagger:
global folksonomy
Personalized tagger
Main functions
Emerging complementary
with social networks
Figure 1-4: A functional classification of industrial recommender systems
Page 43
1.5 Requirements for recommender systems
A recommendation system must provide the main functionalities aforementioned but will also
have other mandatory operational functions/requirements.
1.5.1 Ability to use multiple data sources
This requirement has a main reason: an industrial system may be used in different contexts.
Especially in a big company, a recommender service may be launched with logs of purchases in
one case and with logs of ratings in another case, with or without access to rich items metadata,
etc. Moreover the context can change over time: users can just select item, then with a new
service component users may be able to rate items. As mentioned by (Burke, 2007), this ability is
also useful to address the cold-start problem (see 1.5.2). To launch a new service, a recommender
system should use external data, for example:
- from an internet online database, to build a good representation of the items for content-
based recommendation,
- from another service with the same items but other users, to build a collaborative model,
item-based (Poirier et al. 2010),
- from another service with the same users but with other items, to build a collaborative
model, user-based.
Ideally the system should natively support the use of multiple data sources: this will avoid
manually switching from one data source to another.
1.5.2 Management of the cold start and of new events
At the opening of a service, the system must be able to make useful recommendations, even if
the usage data are not yet available. This well-known issue is called the cold-start problem
(Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005) (Su and Khoshgoftaar, 2009). To deal with the cold-start
problem, the recurrent choices are the use of metadata with a content-based recommender or the
use of socio-demographic data to infer profiles (Nguyen et al., 2007). Another interesting choice
is the use of external data, for instance other known usages on the items to recommend (Poirier et
al., 2010). The use of external data will be necessary until the service has enough user data
(profiles, explicit and / or default profile).
The problem of the cold-start is very close to the problem of new events: a new event is a new
user or a new item (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005) (Su and Khoshgoftaar, 2009) that arrives in
the system with no more information than a rating (first log of a user/item in a collaborative case)
or a list of descriptors (new entry in the catalog in a content-based case).
1.5.3 Robustness to noisy or corrupted data
As the recommender system will have to deal with different kinds of data sources, the quality
of these sources will be sometimes questionable. This can be true for both collaborative-oriented
sources and content-based-oriented data sources.
For collaborative data, purchase logs are the most reliable data sources because each user has
to pay the item to generate each log entry. Indeed, purchase data are in general the most
informative about users and the most precious for predictive models
. On the contrary, public
rating logs can be corrupted, for example by companies wanting to promote their products on
websites or wanting to strike against their competitors. This phenomenon can disturb a lot a
recommender system (Lam and Riedl 2004, Mobasher et al., 2005). Social networks and e-
commerce websites may have many fake users whose profiles should be ignored by automatic
data mining systems.
Based on personal knowledge
Page 44
In content-based filtering one can face the same problem of poor-data-quality. For example, if
the item metadata are gathered on the Internet by automatic tools (specific aggregator engines),
many problems may occur: duplicate item keys due to differences in item spelling, duplicate item
descriptors due to synonymies, possibly wrong cross references, etc. Even large catalogs from
content providers are not 100% error free, when they evolve quickly with many updates per week.
1.5.4 Scalability
The scalability is a key feature for industrial systems. Industrial systems are working on
millions of users and tens of thousands of items or more. The scalability of a system is its ability
to deal with a lot of data and a lot of users, without decreasing the quality of service. Although
this property is well taken into account in the literature for batch model building (Breese et al.,
1998), (Rashid et al., 2006) (Takacs et al., 2009), few articles deal with the reactivity of the
recommender systems online (Sarwar et al., 2001).
1.5.5 Reactivity
A system must be able to take into account a change of a user profile in real time in the case of
online recommendation. For example, a user adding a rated item in his profile, or changing a
rating to an item already rated, must be able to immediately see the impact that this new
information has on the recommendation system. This is even more important if the user reacts to a
wrong recommendation indicating that a particular item that the system has recommended does
not please him. Otherwise the interaction with the system is severely degraded, and users are
much less inclined to provide feedback. (Sarwar et al., 2001).
1.5.6 Trust: Transparency, Explanations and Confidence
The transparency of a recommender system is its ability to explain how it works to give a
confidence index for its recommendation. The system's ability to be able to give a confidence
index (Basu et al., 1998) of its recommendation and an explanation are important factors for
acceptance by users (Herlocker et al. 2000), (Bilgic, 2004). For an industrial system, explaining
the recommendation is important for the user, but also for the service manager (marketing) for
validation and traceability of the service.
1.5.7 The management of the long tail
It is essential for a commercial application to fully exploit its catalog, including its "long tail",
the long tail corresponding to the items not very often purchased (Anderson, 2006), (Celma,
2008). The concept of coverage deals with this aspect: the coverage is the rate of the catalog
items that are actually recommended by the system. The "help to explore" function of
recommender systems also assumes that the system does not confine itself to recommend a "Top
N" most viewed or most purchased items: The system's ability to make a recommendation, in a
relevant way, for all items in the catalog is very important.
1.6 A first conclusion
1.6.1 Is a scoring-based system enough?
Many publications in the field of automatic recommendation focused exclusively on scoring-
based systems, that is to say systems capable of predicting an appetence score of a user for a
given item. This emphasis on scoring systems is the result of several factors we discuss below.
The first factor is the scarcity of public data sources. MovieLens and Netflix databases are the
best known and both deal of logs of anonymous users' ratings on items.
The second factor is methodological. The evaluation of a scoring system is simple and well
known in the community. Several measures exist (Root Mean Squared error, Mean Average Error)
Page 45
and are well accepted. Instead it is difficult to establish the added value of a recommender system
issuing recommendations in another way than by an online service.
Of course, logs allow using a protocol with 2 sets, Learning and Test, to simulate
recommendations based on profiles only known in the Learning set and to check if they
correspond to existing items (case logs of usage) or appreciated items (if logs of ratings) in the
Test set. (Deshpande and Karypis, 2004) for instance describe this type of protocol. But these
principles of simulation present some problems of interpretation:
- each recommendation (user, item) which does not match an identical couple of (user, item)
existing in the Test logs cannot be assessed,
- they do not distinguish which of the recommendations are really useful, those that lead to a
purchase that would not have happened without the recommendation,
- they prefer simple systems that recommend the most viewed or rated items, at the expense
of systems performing risky but useful recommendations.
On-line experiments on real users, using measurements like conversion rate (percentage of
recommendations triggering an act of consumption) or LifeTime Value (measure of the value
generated by each client) via a A/B testing protocol (analysis of a marketing campaign with a
criterion varying over two different samples of users) can actually evaluate the real value of the
pushed recommendations. But generally academic studies do not report on such tests, often
confidential, except for rare exceptions like (Davidson et al., 2010).
A third factor is that the scoring function appears to be sufficient to produce the other
functionalities of a recommendation system. An implicit assumption is that a scoring system can
make recommendations: simply browse the items in the catalog, scoring each item for a user and
then return the result. This view, however, has very significant limitations:
- if there is no notion of similarity between two items, the item recommendation for
anonymous users will not be possible: this recommendation is based only on the items data
(characteristics or usages characteristics) and require a similarity function to link items.
- for personalized recommendation, the system would eventually not scale: consider an
application for web pages recommendation for users whose profiles are changing every
day: if every profile change implies to browse the entire catalog (the web sites!) to keep
the items with the highest score, the system will quickly collapse.
- the prediction of the highest rated item is not necessarily the most useful recommendation
(Cremonesi et al., 2010). For instance, the item with the highest predicted rating will most
likely be already known by the user.
1.6.2 The need for a notion of similarity between items
A system based on a single rating prediction algorithm will therefore be incomplete. As we
discuss below, in an industrial context, systems based on similarity matrices between items are
best suited to meet the necessary functional spectrum of automatic recommendation. We define as
an item-item matrix-based system any predictive system using a matrix (usually pre-calculated)
linking pairs of items according to a similarity measure. These systems compare pairs of items.
For each item, a list of similar items, with a similarity index, is associated.
Page 46
1.7 General principles of recommender systems based
on item-item matrix
We present here the general principles that ensure the functional coverage of industrial
systems, described above. It is only an intuitive layout. The presentation will be made in detail in
a separate section.
1.7.1 Rating predictions
Given a target item i and an identified user u, one wants to predict the rating of u for i. S
the user u's profile, consisting of pairs (item, rating) entered by the user. The profile is of the form
, r
), (i
, r
, r
) ... The more an item i is similar to a high rated item of S
(and not
similar to low-rated items of S
), the higher the rating predicted for i. A common technique is to
perform the weighted average of the S
using the similarity measure of each item (i
) with
the target item i. A matrix of similarities calculated between all items can implement this function
(Sarwar, 2001). Naturally all scoring systems, such as those based on matrix factorization (Takacs,
2009) also provide this functionality.
1.7.2 Ranking
The ranking is similar in principle to the prediction of a rating. Here we compare a target list
of n items L=(j
, j
,..., j
) with a profile S
, r1), (i
, r
),..., (i
, r
)}. One seeks to assign a
rank to each target item, from 1 to n. For example, a recoding by rank (from the 1st to the last) of
the items rated by u can put in a situation where an average weighted by the similarity of each
target item yields a score of rank. Again a matrix of similarity between items may be the basis to
the function implementation. Here also any scoring oriented system can provide the feature.
1.7.3 Item-to-item recommendation to anonymous users
Given an anonymous user using a context item i: i is being viewed, or i is being purchased, we
wish to make relevant recommendations of items related to i. Clearly, a pre-calculated similarity
matrix item-item can implement this feature immediately. The main methods for making
anonymous recommendations based on a contextual item are:
- Neighborhood methods which build a matrix of similarity between items,
- Association rule methods, which can also generate matrices associating an item with other
items by calculating co-occurrences.
The scoring-oriented methods such as factorial methods, neural networks... seem inadequate to
this task. One might use a similarity based on the provided score of these methods, but the
relevance of such similarity is questionable.
1.7.4 Personalized recommendation of items
is the user profile, consisting of pairs (item, score) entered by the user. The profile is of the
form (i
, r
), (i
, r
), ..., (i
, r
). A simple heuristic for recommending N items customized to a
user according to his profile is to apply the item-to-item contextual recommendation principle to
the users profile. The principle should be as follows:
- Keep only t seed items s
, s
, s
... well rated by u, eventually using a heuristic to choose
the seeds (most recent items, best rated items )
- For each of these t seed s
generate a recommendation list L
(using contextual item-to-
item functionality): Find the k most similar items.
- Concatenate the t lists L
of items obtained as a basis to recommend L.
- Sort the final list L using ranking and eventually another heuristic (diversity)
- Select the first N items of L.
Page 47
Improvements of this principle might be: post-filtering by removing any item already in the
profile of u, removing items close to items rated poorly by u, etc.
The item-item matrix items are very well suited to the personal recommendation of items.
Scoring methods can also address this problem but with the severe limitations outlined above.
1.7.5 Ability to manage multiple sources
Building an item-item matrix can be done by any space-vector representation of the items.
Thus items can be represented in an [item x user] matrix where each item vector is composed of
user ratings in the space of all the users. This principle is retained in the vast majority of systems
using collaborative techniques such as K-Nearest-Neighbours (KNN).
Items can also be represented in a [item metadata] matrix and therefore each item vector is
then represented in the space of its descriptors. In general, the descriptors are Boolean attributes
encoding pairs (attribute, value) of the item catalog. For example, in the field of movies, Star
Wars will be represented by couples (genre, science fiction) (actor, Harrison Ford) (actor, Carry
Fisher), (Director, George Lucas)... Hybridization for KNN methods can be done for instance in 2
simple modes:
- Concatenation of space vectors from the user ratings on the one hand and space metadata
on the other hand, (feature selection, or feature weighting or feature construction can be
used first).
- Creation of two similarity matrices, one for each data source and then merge the 2
matrices obtained, for example by weighting each similarity matrix.
The hybridization of sources is also possible with other methods (matrix factorization...).
1.7.6 Management of the cold start
One very interesting property of item-item similarity matrices is that they can be built from
any source of data related to items. The itemIDs of external data can be joined after using specific
item-matching techniques (not detailed here).
For a new service, for instance of a DVD rental, with almost no user, an item-item similarity
matrix can be built from several sources such as:
- catalog of the DVDs, using items metadata
- purchase logs on the same DVD, but from another service (with other users)
- social networks such as Flixster using automatic opinion classification and itemID
matching: see (Poirier et al. 2010) for instance.
Item-item similarity matrices are well suited to the cold-start management problem.
1.7.7 Robustness to noisy or corrupted data
This requirement is often managed by combining different approaches. Concerning fake users,
a classic approach is to make fake users more expensive to create. In services where profiling is
done only from the purchase history, fake users are very unlikely. In other services, automatic
controls are generally carried out to prevent automatic robots to register in place of real users:
complex visual validation codes, specific email confirmation, etc.
Well see that similarity-based systems can handle noisy data, by choosing good similarity
measures and good model combinations such as hybrid methods. Moreover hybrid methods are
known to be effective techniques against several attacks (see Mobasher et al. 2007a).
The similarity-matrix-based recommender systems can be compliant with the robustness and
corrupted data requirement if we choose a good similarity measure (possibly including feature
selection or feature weighting schemes) and/or good model combinations.
Page 48
1.7.8 Scalability
The scalability may be a requirement difficult to hold for a system based on a similarity matrix
- Direct KNN search methods are quadratic in the number of items to compare,
- Closely-related methods as association rules are also considered of high complexity.
Matrix factorization methods such as Gravity (Takacs et al., 2008) and other scoring-oriented
methods are considered more scalable than methods based on item-item matrix.
In fact, several heuristics and algorithms exist to ensure proper scalability to KNN based
methods. The KNN search can be significantly accelerated by clustering methods or dedicated
methods like locally sensitive hashing (Gionis et al., 1999). Association rules exploiting the
scarcity of data and / or operating on time slices can provide a very good scalability. Amazon
(Linden et al., 2003) or YouTube (Davidson et al., 2010), operate according to these principles.
1.7.9 Reactivity
Scoring-oriented methods using a compiled predicted model will have limitations in terms of
reactivity: consider a user u who updates her rating for item i from rating 5 (very good) to rating 1
(very bad). Such methods will need to recalculate the predictive model so as to take this
modification into account.
On the contrary, to recommend items for an updated profile S
with re-rated items, a model
based on a similarity matrix can reapply the principle of the similarity-based personalized
recommendation: It consists in using the item-to-item strategy on the updated user profile with the
pre-computed similarity matrix. Few changes in updated items of S
will have negligible effect on
the similarity matrix.
Item-item matrix methods are well adapted to responsiveness constraints. This point is
especially noted in (Koren, 2010).
1.7.10 Trust: Transparency, Explanation and Confidence
Transparency is another area where systems based on matrices of item-item similarity have an
advantage over pure scoring methods.
The generation of a confidence score is possible using the similarity information between
items. A simple heuristic is that the more an item i will be similar to highly rated items, without
being similar to low-rated items, the higher the confidence index will be.
The explanation of a personal recommendation is also easy and intuitive: you can use for each
item i recommended to a user u, the nearest similar item j which was in the profile of u and which
contributed most to the recommendation of i. This type of explanation of a personalized
recommendation works with logs data, so on a collaborative system. It has no equivalent with
scoring-oriented systems for collaborative data as a similarity function is required. This type of
explanation can also be done using an item-item similarity matrix built on items metadata, so we
can use a generic explanation scheme both in collaborative and thematic modes.
For contextual recommendations, in collaborative mode, item-item matrices allow the famous
people who have seen / bought this item also seen / bought these items" popularized by Amazon
which is a transparent, neutral, and explicit way to explain these recommendations.
1.7.11 Management of the long tail
The long tail management is in fact part of the recommendation generation strategy. This will
be detailed in the chapter dedicated to Reperio. Items belonging to the long tail must be identified
Page 49
by a simple statistic process: items not very often purchased, viewed or rated can be classified in
the long tail. Item-item similarity matrices can be used to link every item of the long tail with
better known items for instance. This better known items can be seen as triggers for the
recommendation of the corresponding long tail items. We can use this principle to recommend
items from the long tail both in the contextual and personalized recommendation frameworks.
It is worth saying that this simple pre-linked principle, using a similarity matrix, insures
scalability and responsiveness of the system even with a huge catalog of items.
1.8 Conclusion
The traditional classification of automatic recommendation systems is based on the nature of
the source data used as input: roughly speaking, usage logs for collaborative filtering systems,
metadata catalog coupled to a user profile for thematic filtering systems, and if we use several
sources hybrid filtering systems.
Some authors detail the data sources, beyond the simple dichotomy metadata / usage logs,
which leads to more types of systems. If we make an inventory of all possible data sources, it
actually comes to 10 different possibilities. We believe that another possible classification of the
recommender systems, based on the types of available features, rather than on data sources is also
possible. This typology identifies two current main systems, those scoring-oriented, and those
similarity-based -oriented, plus an emerging new category, tag-oriented.
The functions of automatic recommendation cannot be reduced to the simple score prediction
for a given item i and a given user u, even if this function is the best known and most widely
covered by the community. Specific functions of item-to-item recommendation, and personalized
recommendations should for example be taken into account when designing a recommendation
We identified 4 core functions for automatic recommender systems:
1. Help to Decide: predicting a rating for a user for an item
2. Help to Compare: rank a list of items in a personalized way for a user
3. Help to Discover: provide a user unknown items that will be appreciated
4. Help to Explorer: give items similar to a given target item
Other pre-requisites are necessary for an operational system: adaptation to diverse sources of
data, robustness, cold-start management, scalability, reactivity, trust relationship, and long tail
management. We have introduced for each requirement some principles compliant with
similarity-matrix-based systems. These principles will be addressed later in this thesis.
Page 50
Page 51
2 State of the art
"Advice is like snow: the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it
sinks into the mind."
Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
The purpose of this chapter is to present the main techniques used in the automatic
recommender systems' community, and to give an overview of some recommender systems'
implementations, both in the academic field and in the industry.
Page 52
2.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with the techniques and methods used in automatic recommender systems.
We discuss the algorithms and methods, principles of performance measurement, and concrete
examples of real systems from academia or industry.
Two types of algorithmic methods are distinguished from others because they are widely used
both in academia and industry: K-Nearest Neighbors methods and Matrix Factorization methods.
These two methods are discussed in more detail. Then content-based methods, and hybridization
methods are quickly made, then the traditional metrics used in evaluation.
Overall the variety of existing techniques makes it difficult to make a state of the art that is
both comprehensive and thorough. We prefer to develop several approaches in the context of an
overview of existing recommendation systems, which illustrates the diversity of concrete
principles that can be implemented. This overview examines the principles and algorithms used to
implement systems and also methods used for performance evaluation: several industrial systems
are included in this study, including those of major players of the Internet (Amazon, Google... ).
2.2 Main algorithm techniques
2.2.1 Association rules
Association rules mining are very popular in data-mining for marketing. This class of
algorithms extracts rules that predict the occurrence of an item based on the presence of other
items in a transaction. For instance, the Apriori algorithm (Agrawal and Srikant, 1994) is a very
famous association rule algorithm, widely used in market basket analysis. It finds groups of items
frequently occurring together in the transactions. These groups are called frequent item sets. The
notion of frequency is central: a threshold of minimum frequency, called minimum support, must
be given to Apriori before it searches for frequent item sets. A minimum confidence threshold
must also be given to select the most reliable rules.
For recommender systems, association rules have been studied for instance by (Mobasher et al.
2001) and (Lin et al. 2002). Association rule algorithms have to be adapted to the specific field of
recommenders: recommender systems need to be able to recommend any item of a catalog: the
association rule algorithm must be able to make associations for any item even those which have a
small support. But on the other hand, setting a global support threshold too small leads to an
explosive combinatory of possible rules. Traditional approaches use heuristics techniques such as
adaptive support (Mobasher et al. 2001) and sliding windows (Mobasher et al., 2001) (Davidson
et al., 2010) to insure the scalability of the method.
The real performances of association rules in term of quality still need to be investigated. For
instance, in the performances reported both by (Mobasher et al. 2001) and (Lin et al., 2002) the
precision of the recommendations is generally under 50% for the former and under 75% for the
second, which represent not excellent precision. In the Netflix challenge (Netflix Prize, 2007), no
association rule algorithms have emerged clearly. Note also that these algorithms are not adapted
to real-valued data and therefore need data preprocessing for logs of ratings and post-processing
for rating predictions.
Finally this approach is, in fact, close to item-item similarity-based collaborative filtering
techniques. In pure association rule frameworks co-occurrences are analyzed within transactions
whereas item-item collaborative filtering systems analyze co-occurrences through all the users,
thanks to a similarity measure, on possible real-valued data and without needing a concept of
Page 53
transaction. Item-item similarity-based collaborative filtering techniques such as KNN item-item
similarity matrix can generalize simple association rules techniques in a more flexible way.
2.2.2 Bayesian classifiers
Bayesian classifiers (Friedman et al., 1997) consider all features and classes of a learning
problem as random continuous or discrete variables. Using conditional probabilities and the
Bayes' Theorem, the goal of a Bayesian classifier is to maximize the posterior probability of the
class of any item to classify given data. Using ratings as classes with discrete values, a Bayesian
classifier can be applied to real-valued rating data.
The nave Bayesian approach assumes that the features (the users, or the items) are
independent given a class, the class being for instance a rating taking a discrete value. With this
simplification, the probability of the class given all features can be computed very efficiently. Of
course, as the assumption of nave Bayesian approaches is the inverse of the collaborative
filtering assumption - the users, and the items, are not independent - the accuracy of such a model
is definitively suboptimal. But as a default predictor coupled with a most powerful model, the
nave Bayesian approach may help. (Candillier et al., 2007) used a nave Bayesian model
approach as default predictor with a main KNN-based algorithm, with global good results in term
of accuracy.Using more complex Bayesian approaches one needs to consider that attributes are
not independent, using Bayesian Networks for instance. But Bayesian Networks learning process
becomes in this case complex (Breese et al., 1998).
2.2.3 Neural networks approaches
Neural Networks (NN) approaches (or Artificial Neural Networks) are very common in
machine learning, signal processing and data mining applications (Bishop, 1995) (Bishop, 2006).
Many Artificial Neural Networks exist, the most famous class being the multilayer perceptron
using the backpropagation algorithm.
Neural Networks are not often used in recommender systems. There might be several reasons:
- Classical large neural networks in high dimensional problems are known to learn
(converge) very slowly,
- For classification tasks in content-based systems, maybe there is no need to complex non-
linear classifiers, as the experiment of (Pazzani and Billsus, 1997) seems to demonstrate,
- NN have a black box effect, that is to say the output of a NN cannot easily be interpreted.
Even if some explanation methods were proposed, for instance (Feraud and Clerot, 2002),
the perceived complexity of NN is still an issue in e-commerce applications.
On the other hand, some systems were proposed for instance in (Jennings and Higuchi, 1993)
or (Hsu et al., 2007), and fast matrix factorization techniques such as the Gravity Algorithm
(Takacs et al., 2008) can be viewed as specific Neural Network systems.
2.2.4 K-Nearest Neighbor approaches
KNN approaches, also called memory-based approaches, are a mainstream in the
recommendation system field (Su and Khoshgoftaar, 2009), (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005).
They generalize the association rule principles to compare either items or users globally, on
binary of real-valued data. They are well adapted to the 4 core functions of recommenders. They
can easily be adapted for regression so they can provide ranking and rating predictions. They are
also well-suited for item-to-item recommendation. Their only weakness is the lack of scalability
when the number of objects to compare during the KNN search increases. The exact algorithm is
intrinsically quadratic: the time to build the model is proportional to the square of the number of
objects to compare.
Page 54
The KNN approaches are more detailed in this chapter. Clustering techniques, closely related
to KNN techniques, are presented at the same time.
2.2.5 Matrix factorization techniques
Matrix factorization techniques gained popularity during the Netflix challenge (Bell and Koren,
2007c), because they are fast and accurate. In fact, to optimize the error of a rating prediction task,
fast matrix factorization techniques such as the Gravity algorithm (Takacks et al., 2008) currently
represent state-of-the-art. This class of algorithms is fast and accurate and easy to implement. It
proved to be very effective during the Netflix Challenge (Netflix, 2007). On the other hand it
seems to be not adapted to item-to-item recommendation as it is a pure scoring method. The
matrix factorization techniques are more detailed in this chapter.
2.2.6 Other techniques
Several techniques used in the Information Retrieval domain are also often used in
Recommender Systems when items can be represented by text documents. For instance, the
Rocchio classifier (Rocchio, 1970) is a widely used method to refine search query with user's
relevance feedback. The Latent Semantic Analysis (Deerwester et al.,1990) and its probabilistic
variant pLSA (Hoffman, 1999) are well known techniques of semantic representation of
documents. The LSA framework is based on a matrix factorisation technique and the pLSA
algorithm is closely related to non-negative matrix factorisation (Gaussier and Goutte, 2005).
Other techniques from other fields may include for instance: Markov Decision Process (Shani
et al., 2005), sequential association rules and related k-order markov models (Brun and Boyer,
2009), Boltzmann machines (Salakhutdinov et al., 2007), Random Walk systems (Jamali and
Ester, 2009).
2.3 The K-nearest neighbor approaches
For the implementation of recommendation systems, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) methods are
very popular. They were used from the onset of collaborative systems (Resnick et al., 1994), have
been extensively studied (Deshpande and Karypis, 2004) (Sarwar et al., 2001), are used in
industry (Linden et al., 2003) and until recently have been widely used in combination with other
methods in the Netflix challenge, among the most competitive methods (Bell et al., 2007) (Koren,
We distinguish methods based on similar users and methods based on similar items. All KNN
methods for collaborative filtering are defined by:
- a similarity function (or a distance) that can associate to any pair of objects a similarity
- a neighborhood, based on the similarity function, giving for any object its list of similar
- and a method for combining the rating of a set of objects together.
2.3.1 K-Nearest Neighbor user-based approaches
For user-based approaches (Resnick et al. 1994; Shardanand and Maes, 1995), the prediction
of a user rating of the user u on an item i is based on the ratings, on that item i, of the nearest
neighbors of the user u. So a similarity measure between users needs to be defined. Then a set of
nearest neighbors is selected. And finally, a method for combining the ratings of those neighbors
on the target item needs to be chosen.
The way the similarity between users is computed will be discussed in the next sub-section.
Let sim(a, u) be that similarity measure between users a and u. The number of neighbors
Page 55
considered is often set by a system parameter that we denote by K. So the set of neighbors of a
given user a, denoted by T
, is made of the K users that maximize their similarity to user a.
We denote by S
the set of items rated by user u, and r
a rating of user u on item i. A
possible way to predict the rating of the user a on the item i is then to use the weighted sum of the
ratings of the nearest neighbors u T
who have already rated the item i:
In order to take into account the difference in use of the rating scale by different users,
predictions based on deviations from the mean ratings have been proposed. In that case, r
computed using the sum of the user mean rating and the weighted sum of deviations from their
mean rating of the neighbors that have rated the item i:
Let us suppose a user rates 4 a movie she likes and 1 a movie she dislikes while another user
rates 5 a movie she likes and 2 a movie she dislikes. Then using deviations from their mean rating
will reduce the effect of such a difference in use of the rating scale. The time complexity of user-
based approaches is O(n
m K) for the neighborhood model construction, it is O(K) for one
rating prediction, and the space complexity is O(n K), with n the number of user and m the
number of items.
2.3.2 K-Nearest Neighbor item-based approaches
For item-based approaches (Sarwar et al., 2001), the prediction of a user rating of the user u on
an item i is based on the previous ratings of u on items similar to i. Item-based approaches have
gradually replaced the user-based methods (Sarwar et al. 2001; Karypis, 2001; Linden et al. 2003;
Deshpande and Karypis, 2004). The first argument was considerations of computational
complexity: the computation of a matrix of exact neighborhood is a quadratic function of the
number of objects to compare. The number of users (several hundred thousand to several million)
was often greater than the number of items from a catalog (a few tens of thousands in general). It
was then more advantageous to build an item-item similarity matrix. This advantage would be
less important today as many user-generated catalogs (user-generated video on Youtube,...) or
recommender applications to the web or to the music can lead to very huge catalogs with more
items than users.
(Linden et al, 2003) showed that functionally, the item-based neighborhood methods provide
an advantage over other methods, user-based neighborhood or even using other types of models:
in many industrial systems, most of the recommendation is made by the contextual
recommendation to anonymous users, as on the Amazon's website ( This
recommendation is called item-to-item recommendation, and generally includes the archetype
associated message "people who have seen / bought this item also viewed / purchased these items.
This recommendation is directly based on an item-item similarity matrix on navigation logs or
purchase logs calculated in batch mode.
We note here T
the neighborhood of the item i. Symmetrically to the user-based approach,
two natural ways to predict the rating of a user a to an item i are:
Page 56
the use of the weighted sum:
the use of the weighted sum of deviation from the mean of the ratings:
being the mean of ratings of the item x (on all the users):
, |
The time complexity of item-based approaches is O(m
n K) for the neighborhood model
construction, it is O(K) for one rating prediction, and the space complexity is O(m K), with n
the number of users and m the number of items.
2.3.3 Performance of item-item matrices compared to user-user
(Deshpande and Karypis, 2004) indicate that models based on user-user matrices give better
predictive performance than models based on item-item matrix. This is not the conclusion of
(Sarwar et al., 2001). More recently, particularly through the Netflix challenge (2006 - 2009)
contributions have shown the superiority of item-item models compared to user-user models (Bell
et al., 2007) (Takacs et al., 2007). (Koren, 2010) points out that, outside the best predictive
performance verified on methods based on item-item matrix, the 2 main advantages of models
based on item-item matrix are:
- Easy explanation: the system recommends an item j to user u because the user u gave a good
rating to an item i which is similar to j. This is easy to explain automatically. The
transparency of the explanation is typical to this type of method. The matrix factorization
methods are less easy to interpret, for instance.
- Easy management of the new ratings: some news ratings of a user do not significantly
modify the item-item similarity matrix. Therefore it is not necessary to recalculate the matrix
when a user rates a few additional items. As at the same time the prediction formula based on
the item-item similarity matrix takes into account the immediate change of a user profile, it is
very easy to manage new users (with one rating) or user's profile change. Again, models such
as matrix factorization do not offer the same properties, a learning phase for each user
feedback being necessary to adapt the rating prediction scheme.
2.3.4 Similarity measures
The similarity between 2 defined items or 2 users is the crucial factor in systems based on
neighborhood methods. The first to propose a similarity measure were (Resnick et al., 1994) with
the Pearson correlation coefficient. Other similarities, such as the simple cosine, distance of
Manhattan, ... are also classics.
, =
(classic Pearson measure between 2 items)
, =
(classic Cosine measure between 2 items)
Page 57
To use the scarcity nature of the data, the Pearson measure is only applied to the attributes
common to two items (or two users) to compare. We find the same principle applied to the cosine.
It is a very traditional practice (Resnick et al., 1994) (Sarwar et al., 2001) (Adomavicius and
Tuzhilin, 2005) (Rao and Talwar, 2008). The classic formula for Pearson, however, suffers from a
flaw: 2 items which have a common user, who noted these two items the same way, will have a
maximum similarity (and conversely with 2 users, if one uses a user-user matrix). For example, in
the field of cinema, consider two users, a fan of science fiction, the other amateur of comedy.
Initially, these users have nothing in common so their similarity is zero. Then suppose that these
two users both rate "Men In Black", a comedy of science fiction. According to Pearson's formula,
applied only to the movies rated in common, these two users will now have a maximum similarity.
The problem of the classical Pearson measure is particularly identified in (Deshpande and Karypis,
2004) and (Breese et al., 1998).
The Jaccard similarity does not have this limitation since it measures the proportion of
common attributes of 2 vectors, considered as 2 sets of elements. On the other hand, the Jaccard
similarity does not take into account differences in ratings, only events related to some features
present or not. If 2 users have rated exactly the same movies, but for every movie with ratings
totally opposite the Jaccard similarity, however, returns a maximum similarity. For 2 items i and j
respectively represented by the set of the users' ratings T
and T
, the Jaccard similarity is defined
by :
, =
When the Jaccard similarity is combined with other measures of similarity, the resulting
similarity can benefit from their complementarities. For example, the product of the Jaccard
similarity with the Pearson similarity, denoted wPearson, produces better results than each
similarity taken individually (Candillier et al., 2007).
2.3.5 Clustering techniques for KNN
Many clustering techniques have been used to improve the scalability of KNN-based methods.
The clusters are used to reduce the KNN search of a vector v (an item or user representation) to
the cluster of the vector v. The clustering phase can be done offline as a preprocessing phase.
Many clustering techniques are known to be efficient both in terms of accuracy and in term of
speed: K-means, Top-down hierarchical algorithm like Birch...
(Sarwar et al., 2002) used bisecting K-means to cluster users. They found that the cluster-
based methods has lower performance in Mean Average Error (MAE, see next section) than the
direct neighborhood method, but still correct. They also found that increasing the number of
clusters has a bad effect to the performances, as the best performances were for 10 clusters:
increasing the number of clusters, in fact, decreases their size, and reducing the search of the
neighbors in small clusters leads to poor performances.
ClustKNN (Rashid et al., 2006) used a similar approach and leaded to the same results. An
empirical analysis showed that the percentage of the top N real nearest neighbors found in a
cluster decreased rapidly and is already under 16% with only 20 clusters of users on the
MovieLens 1M database (containing 6000 users and 3700 items). On the other hand, the precision
of the cluster-based method is less impacted.
The clustering of items was tried for instance by (OConnor and Herlocker, 1999). They tried
different algorithms, both on the rating space and on the metadata space of the little MovieLens
100,000 rating database. Again the accuracy in term of MAE is worse with the cluster-based
methods, and as the number of clusters increases and their size decreases the MAE increases.
Page 58
Clustering methods seem to be necessary viewed as a trade-off between speed and accuracy.
2.3.6 Limitations of KNN-based predictors and recent extensions
The K-nearest neighbor methods have some limitations (Koren 2010). First, these methods
have scalability problems in limit cases, because the computational complexity of the search for
neighbors is quadratic. Then, these methods generally yield results slightly worse than the matrix
factorization methods, in terms of rating prediction. The challenge Netflix, just based on the
rating prediction has shown on many contributions, the superiority of matrix factorization
methods like Gravity.
New ideas for the expansion of KNN methods have emerged during the Netflix challenge. We
will mention two that are representative, the KNN based on a pretreatment algorithm such as a
Boltzmann machine (Salakhutdinov et al. 2007), and the use of a KNN approach in a matrix
factorization framework (Tackacs et al. 2008, Koren 2010) that will be presented in the next
2.4 Matrix factorization techniques
Matrix factorization techniques are methods to transform a given matrix M into simpler
matrices, typically 3 simpler matrices. The main method is Singular Value Decomposition, SVD.
The general formalization of the SVD is as follows:
Given a m n matrix R, with rank r, the SVD of R is defined as:
where U is a m m matrix, a m n matrix, and V a n n matrix. is a diagonal matrix
with r nonzero entries (s
, s
), and by convention with the property s
>= s
. The s
entries are
called the singular value of R, and are positive or null. U and V are unitary matrices: UU
=I and
The SVD of R gives the best linear approximation of R when selecting the k first columns of
U, the k first singular values of , and the k first rows of V.
= X X
m rows x
n columns
m rows x
m columns
m rows x
n columns
n rows x
n colums
Figure 2-1. Principle of the Singular Value Decomposition
Page 59
The great interest of the SVD is that the approximation of k-factor-based U V, with k <<
m and k << n, can be very good. In this case it makes a significant compression of information
associated with a data denoising.
The SVD has been adapted to automatic recommendation systems. The sparsity nature of the
rating matrix, and its size, require special adaptations. Indeed, the SVD is not defined in the case
of matrices with unknown information, so sparse matrices must be well defined: empty values
should be specified by default values.
The use of matrix factorization in collaborative filtering is not trivial. Compared to methods
used in information retrieval, data entries include many missing values (more than 98% of
missing values in the Netflix Challenge data for example). Methods for Singular Value
Decomposition must handle the case of incomplete data. The first SVD approaches were therefore
first to replace the missing values of the rating matrix (Sarwar et al., 2000B). However the
application of the replacement of missing data leads to very large dense matrices, with risks of
poor estimation of missing data and scalability problems. Subsequently approaches working
directly with missing data, using parameters and regularization to avoid over-learning have been
developed (Takacs et al., 2008).
We present here very briefly the classical SVD then a simple algorithm, well-known and
efficient to perform fast matrix factorization: the algorithm Gravity.
2.4.1 Classical SVD applied to collaborative filtering
The R matrix of user ratings on items is first filled in: for example, each r
missing is
replaced by the mean ratings of u.
One then searches for the decomposition of the matrix R:
U is a m k matrix, V is a k n matrix, and is a k k diagonal matrix with the first k
singular values.
The rating prediction for a user u for an item i is given by the scalar product of the pseudo user
with the pseudo item
using the notation: (M)[j] is the j-th row vector of the matrix M. represents the diagonal
matrix of the square roots of the singular values.
The SVD algorithm for a m n matrix complexity has a cost in O(mn) operations, (Thefether
et al.,1997) assuming that m > n. This is very expensive for big matrices so approximation
heuristics are needed for real applications.
2.4.2 The Gravity approach
The Gravity algorithm (Takacs et al., 2008) tries to directly approximate the matrix of ratings
R rating by the product of a matrix P of the factors of the users with a matrix Q of the factors of
the items.
Page 60
Q is a K n matrix, with n the number of items, and P is a K m matrix, with m the number
of users. R is the matrix of the rating logs with m users (rows) and n items (colums), with K the
number of factors (K is the main parameter of the model)
We take the following notations: q
is the k-th factor of the i-th item and p
is the k-th factor
of the user u.
The predicted rating is given by:
The predictive error is given by:
Gravity's algorithm is based on a gradient descent using the back-propagation of the error. The
error of the predictive model is given by:
,R ,R
We deduce the gradients of the error:
The algorithm tries to minimize the overall error on the training set iteratively. It takes as input
the list of the logs, and for each triple (u, i, r) performs the predictive ratings
, the error
and then back-propagates the error's gradient to the weights of the matrix P and Q.
+ .
Both to prevent over fitting and divergence of the weights p
and q
, a regularization
principle is applied at this step. High weights are penalized by introducing in the value e
minimize a value proportional to the square of their Euclidian norm :
Then we want now to minimize
, ,
We compute the gradient of e'
according to each factor p
and q
Page 61
To optimize this solution, we update the weights in the direction opposite to the gradient, so
we obtain the following update rules for the algorithm Gravity:
Where and are respectively the learning rate and the regularization parameters.
The Figure 2-2 gives a simple overview of the principle of the Gravity Algorithm.
Gravity works exclusively on the observed values: the empty values are assumed to be
predicted. This is a natural handling for empty values.
Gravity is efficient: it converges quickly, within several passes on the logs, and gives good
results for the rating prediction task (Takacs et al., 2008). However it is very sensitive to its 2
parameters: the learning rate , and the regularization parameter . Ideally the regularization
parameter needs to be calculated by cross-validation, usually for ratings between 1 and 5, a value
of 0.05 is good. The learning rate needs to be set by trials/errors, usually small values of 0.01 to
0.001 are well.
The complexity of Gravity is linear according to the number of the nonzero matrix's entries; in
the case of collaborative filtering this is equivalent to the number of logs, L. The number of
passes is generally of several tens. The global cost of Gravity is O(LC), with L the number of
logs, and C the number of passes required to insure convergence
2.4.3 Adding bias
The regularization parameter forces Gravity to work with factors as small as possible, leading
as small as possible though according to the RMSE minimization goal. This would assume
that there's no global tendency for specific users or specific items. This is not the case in real life
applications. Statistical analysis of usage logs of MovieLens or Netflix databases, for instance,
show important differences between users' behavior or items' properties. Some users rate higher
that the mean, some items have higher mean that others. The global ratings' mean should also be
taken into account. To capture specific information about items and users, biases are added to the
original equation:
a bias for the global ratings' mean:
a bias for the item's popularity:
a bias for the user's behavior:
The Gravity's equation becomes:
= +
To learn this new model (see first algorithm in Figure 2-2), the biases are learnt
simultaneously on a second step:
is a parameter to optimize by cross-validation.
stands for the bias for u and i; the equivalent pure KNN-based rating equation use the
user mean.
The authors propose 2 types of similarity weights for the
can be interpreted as a
clustering process called dictionary learning: see Figure 2-3.
is a dictionary of k virtual items represented in the space of the p users' ratings (indeed the
items are represented in dimension m), and Q is the decomposition coefficient representation of
the matrix R using the dictionary. The rows of the V
matrix are not strictly speaking clusters but
element of a (possibly over complete) basis. The encoding generally adds constraints of sparse
coding, that is to say that many of the Q coefficients are null, so any original item vector of R can
be approximated by a linear combination of few vectors of V
. Those techniques of dictionary
learning for sparse representations are used in many fields of signal processing (denoising), image
processing (compression) and statistics. See for instance (Elad, 2006).
n rows x
p colums
n rows x
k columns
k rows x
p columns
if possible sparse
Dictionary elements
Figure 2-3: Matrix factorization viewed as a dictionary learning process
Page 64
2.5 Content-based recommender systems
2.5.1 Introduction
Content-based filtering methods originate from the field of Information Retrieval (IR). For this
reason, publications about these techniques are rarely listed in recommendation systems, where
the articles deal principally with collaborative filtering, or at least hybrid methods (Su and
Khoshgoftaar 2009; Adomavicius 2005). The methods known as content-based filtering, also
known as thematic filtering, recommend an item to a user based on the description of both the
item and the user profile in terms of item characteristics. These characteristics are called metadata.
Content-based recommender systems need:
- item's metadata to describe the items to recommend,
- a representation of user profiles,
- and a method for comparing the user profile with the item to score.
A restrictive definition: a pure content-based system is possible. A purely content-based
recommender system is a system working with one user at a time and building a profile based on
the characteristics of items she consulted, using the feedback from the user. This definition of
(Balabanovic and Shoham, 1997) has the advantage of precision as it is opposed to those of
collaborative system which can only work with multiple users.
Items' metadata can be for example the genre of a movie, or the location of a restaurant,
according to the type of items to be recommended. Finally, the items most similar to the
preferences of the user will be recommended.
The user profile can be constructed implicitly from the ratings or from other previous actions
on items (eg research, stop watching, buying,...) or explicitly based on questionnaires, for
example by ratings the general characteristics she likes / dislikes.
A user model can be learned implicitly by a learning method, using the descriptions of items
for a supervised algorithm, producing the ratings of the user as output. The user profiles are often
represented by vectors of metadata's weight on the descriptions of items. Other user models can
be considered. For example, if a rule induction algorithm is used, then a model of a user could be:
IF genre IS action AND actor IS Stallone THEN film IS liked
Following (Balabanovic, 1997) we can define a content-based filtering system on documents
(such as Web pages, descriptions of products catalog, news from a newspaper,...) with 4 elements:
1. a method to represent the documents, for instance as a vector d
2. a method to represent the users interest, for instance as a vector u
3. a function p(d,u) which gives the relevance of the document d for the profile of the user u
4. a function v(d,u,f) which gives an updated version of the user's profile, given her feedback f
on the new document d.
Items are often represented as vectors within a space of their characteristics. The vector
representation is well suited to treatments such as classifications or regressions underlying
content-based filtering systems. In the vector-space model, documents and queries are vectors in a
space of words. Each document is represented by a vector v where each component of the vector
is the weight of the word d
in this document. If the document does not contain d
, then v
= 0.
Classic pretreatments, such as those of Fab (Balabanovic, 1997), are to take the stems rather than
the words (their radical), ignoring a predefined list of empty words (articles,...) then calculating
the weight of words by a Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) technique that
Page 65
weights each term in proportion to its frequency in a document and inversely to its frequency in
all documents. Each document keeps only the k words of greatest weights.
Users can also be represented by a vector of words corresponding to their interests. The
advantage of this representation is that the scoring affinity s of a user represented by its vector
profile u to a document d represented by the vector of its words' weights can be given by the
scalar product s = u . d, or the cosine or other similarity function of this type. In Fab (Balabanovic,
1997, Balabanovic and Shoham, 1997) for instance, the function which gives the relevance of d
for u is the scalar product p(d.u)=d.u, and the update rule of the user's profile is simply
+f.d where u
is the current profile, u
the updated profile, f a real-valued score of the
feedback of the user for the new document d.
(Pazzani and Billsus, 2007) presented several methods of content representation of items and
user profiles as well as methods for learning user models. The preferences indicate the relations
between some users and some characteristics of the items. We can distinguish simple preferences,
called Monadic, like "I love Jackie Chan as an actor" and preferences called Dyadic comparing 2
characteristics, such as "I prefer comedy to drama. These preferences can be used to improve the
recommendation, in what is commonly called post-filtering. Their main drawback is to have a
coverage limited to the attribute on which they apply. The attributes with a relatively high
coverage (typically an action genre in a movie catalog) will allow efficient preferences while an
attribute with a quite low coverage (Jackie Chan as an actor for example) will lead to preferences
with a limited impact. Recommender systems based solely on preferences, will risk asking a great
deal of information before being effective to give a score or to sort all items in their catalog.
However, it is possible to extend the coverage of the preferences using a notion of similarity
between attributes. For example, if Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee are considered very similar, the
preference "I like Jackie Chan as an actor" could be extended to "I like Bruce Lee as an Actor".
This extension, assuming it does not reduce the predictive performance, increases the coverage of
the preferences.
Another classical approach to content-based filtering methods is to use a classifier that
simulates the user, such as a Nave Bayes classifier, for example. This classifier is trained with
data from the user profile, with descriptions of items as input and the user's rating on these items
as output. The classifier is then able to predict whether a new item, according to its description,
will please or not the user (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005).
2.5.2 Pros and cons of content-based filtering systems
The content-based methods allow overcoming some limitations of the collaborative filtering:
- They can provide recommendations for a new item even if no rating is available for it,
- They can manage situations where different users do not share identical items, but only
similar items according to their intrinsic characteristics (metadata).
However, the content-based filtering methods require rich descriptions of items and well built
and well informed user profiles. These ideal cases are rare in real applications. This dependence
on the quality and structure of data is the main weakness of methods based on content. Since it is
difficult in many areas, to obtain structured and complete descriptions of the items, content-based
methods have mainly been applied to catalogs of textual information, such as documents, pages,
websites, or message forums (Pazzani and Billsus, 1997; Mooney and Roy, 1999).
Another weak point of content-based methods is their tendency to recommend items very
similar to items already seen and rated by users, a phenomenon called overspecialization (Zhang
et al., 2002). The "help to discover" aspect, and the originality of the recommendations, are
strongly reduced as compared to collaborative filtering. On the other hand, the fact that users can
get recommendations without sharing their profile ensures their privacy (Lam et al., 2006).
Page 66
Content-based approaches appear symmetrical and complementary methods to collaborative
filtering. Where collaborative methods involve centralized data on thousands of users, content-
based approaches generally require usages of only one user. Where collaborative filtering are
content-agnostic (i.e. independent to the items' metadata), content-based approaches will be
effective only for catalogs of items represented by rich metadata. The complementary of content-
base methods to collaborative methods made them good candidates to hybridization techniques,
described below.
2.6 Hybrid methods
2.6.1 Introduction
We call hybrid filtering recommendation system a system based on different data sources of
different natures. We will discuss differently the approach of managing multiple pure
collaborative filtering models.
In the case of hybrid filtering, the two types of information, collaborative and thematic, are
exploited. These technologies can be combined in different ways which will be detailed in this
section. Other user-specific information such as demographic information, or the use of social
networks, may also be included in hybrid systems.
The expected benefits of the hybridization are:
- global improvement of the accuracy, as generally achieve in data-mining using several
predictive models,
- using the best of each approach to deal with single-methods weaknesses: for instance,
using collaborative filtering to help content-based filtering avoiding overspecialization,
using content-based filtering to help collaborative filtering dealing with cold-start.
On the other hand, the possible drawbacks of the hybridization could be:
- increasing the complexity of the recommender system
- lowering the speed as more models are used at the same time.
2.6.2 Burke's classification
Burke (Burke, 2002) and (Burke, 2007) presents a classification of hybridization in 7 types we
will discuss.
The first natural approach for combining different data sources, or different models, is to use a
voting system. We join in that the idea of mixture of models, or model assemblies, common in
data-mining and machine learning (Breiman, 1996), (Dietterich, 2000), (Polikar, 2006). The
Weighted approach uses N recommendation systems. Every recommender system is trained on its
own data source. One can for example use a collaborative filtering system on usage logs, and a
content-based filtering system using reported preferences on a catalog of items.
The generation of recommended items is done by asking candidate items to each system, and
then performing a union or an intersection. Then a scoring and a sort select the recommended
items. The scoring of an item i is done by taking the weighted average scores of each system for
the item in question. In (Mobasher, 2004), for example 2 systems, one content-based, the other
collaborative, are combined by a weighted average of their predictive scores, respectively 60 and
The Weigthed approach can be extended to any parameterized score function. This technique
has been widely used, on purely collaborative models, during the Netflix challenge, generally
Page 67
called "Blend". The optimization of the weights of the combination function used techniques of
linear regression models, neural networks or boosting (Jaher et al., 2010).
The hybridization by switch does not propose to combine different results of
recommendation systems, but to select one system dynamically at the time of the recommendation,
according to a criterion.
In (Billsus and Pazzani, 2000) for example two recommendation systems are ordered and
connected in cascade: a thematic engine based on a KNN algorithm is used to model the short-
term profile of the user, and a naive Bayesian model is used for the long-term profile modeling of
the user. The first system, KNN, is the first to be called. According to the confidence index
associated with the recommendation, the system automatically switches to the second or to a last
default recommender giving a static default score.
The Switch is based on a criterion and a threshold related to a particular recommender. This
criterion may be difficult to define and the threshold to set (Burke, 2002). One can choose the
confidence index returned by each recommender if they provide one.
The Mixed approach only deals with the push of recommended items, not with the other
aspects of the recommendation (rating prediction, scoring,...). Candidate selection is done by
requiring each system to issue its candidates with an associated score, a predicted rating and/or a
confidence index. Then a specific module performs a mix of these recommendations with a
sorting and a selection based on the scores associated with the candidate items. This method of
hybridization is only quoted by (Burke, 2007) and is not evaluated.
Feature combination
In this mode, one uses data normally used for a type of recommendation system in another
context. For example, one can use data from user ratings on the items normally handled by a
collaborative system. These user ratings can be added to a catalog of items, and then the catalog
can be used by a purely thematic recommendation system. Burke said in fact that the principle of
"Feature combination" is not a hybrid method in the strict sense as there is no use of several
recommendation systems.
Feature augmentation
In the "Feature augmentation" principle, a recommender is used to add features to users or
items before the use of these data by another recommender system. (Sagwar et al., 1998), in the
"Grouplens" system, used this technique to enhance a collaborative system: software robots
automatically rate items according to some of their characteristics, the triples (robotID, itemID ,
rating) then enriches a collaborative database. Then a collaborative system uses all of the obtained
ratings, those of real users, and those of robots to build a model.
The cascade hybridization method is a hierarchical method where each next recommender only
refines the recommendation obtained by the previous one. For example the EntreeC system,
which provided too many items with identical scores, was improved by adding a post-ranking
based on a collaborative recommender (Burke, 2002).
Meta Level
The Meta-Level hybridization method uses as input a model made by another recommender.
Compared to the Feature Augmentation principle, this method requires a total replacement of the
input model by the output of the previous recommender, such as via a change of the basis of
representation. A typical example, called collaboration through content is that of (Pazzani,
Page 68
1999): first a recommender based on a linear model produced a model of user profiles as feature
vectors. These vectors are then used by a collaborative engine to provide the collaborative
2.6.3 Discussion
The weighted approach is the most used in the literature and has proven to be effective for
accuracy (Su and Khoshgoftaar, 2009), (Bell and Koren 2007c).
The switching approach can use different models according to a context. A dynamic weighting
scheme could be more general both for the weighted approach (assumed static) and the switching
strategy. In one case, the weight of each model is learnt and is static. In the second case, the
weight of each model is determined by another model taking as input the confidence index of
each model of the first layer, or for instance a profile size.
The mixed approach is in fact equivalent to the weighted approach but limited to the push of
recommended items.
Feature augmentation seems more related to data preparation when it consists in automatically
adding logs from a catalog in the example of (Sagwar et al. 1998). In another hand, if the output
of the recommender A is an enhanced user profile and then if this output is sent to another
recommender B, the result seems to belong both to feature augmentation and meta level.
We miss another category where one model directly uses as input data from different sources,
for instance a collaborative one and a content-based one. For example, the hybrid music
recommender of (Yoshii et al., 2008) uses a probabilistic model called Probabilistic Latent
Semantic Analysis to directly integrate a source of ratings and a source of content-based timbre
analysis of the pieces of music. In our experimentation of hybridization in the chapter 3 we use as
input of a KNN model a concatenation of 2 vectors as input: a collaborative rating vector, and a
content based descriptor vector.
We could then consider 4 families of hybrid methods:
1. direct data integration into one model of different sources of data,
2. ensemble methods using several models at the same time with a combination function that
can be static (weighed approach) or dynamic (switching approach). These approaches are
well adapted for rating prediction tasks. We could assume that dynamic combinations
could lead to better accuracy since they can be adapted to different users' contexts: short
profile versus long profile for instance. Their main drawback, when using many models, is
that they can face scalability issues or maintainability problems,
3. cascade models using several models in cascade, to refine the results of the previous step;
these methods seem more adapted to the push of recommendations, where pre-filtering
techniques plus post-filtering techniques are usually applied during the process of refining
relevant items,
4. ensemble methods using a model as an input to another model: these methods are
generally more complex. They include profile-generation methods such as (Pazzani, 1999)
and data dimension reduction techniques.
2.7 Recommendation evaluation metrics
The evaluation of recommender systems is often done in terms of Accuracy, that is to say, of
predictive performance for the task of rating prediction. This implies a dataset of user ratings on
items, usually in the form of user's rating logs. As in a classical machine learning test protocol,
the predicted scores on the items and the actual notes on the items are compared. In this approach,
several measures are employed, the most famous being the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and the
Page 69
Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). From the Information Retrieval field, Precision and Recall
can be used when the relevant recommended items are given.
2.7.1 Rating-based metrics
The Mean Average Error, MAE, is given by:
with R: the set of the evaluated ratings, normally a Test Set
The Root Mean Squared Error, RMSE, is given by :
with R: the set of the evaluated ratings, normally a Test Set
Both measures are widely used for algorithm evaluations. Moreover, the RMSE has gained
popularity since the Netflix Challenge (Netflix Prize, 2007). It is very often assumed that
minimizing the RMSE (or the MAE) is equivalent to increasing the quality of the
recommendations even if other metrics are also proposed (Su and Khoshgogtaar, 2009).
2.7.2 Classification based metrics for relevancy
The Precision is the ratio of the number of relevant recommended items to the number of
recommended items
The Recall is the ratio of number of relevant recommended items to the total number of
relevant items available.
Recall is the ratio of number of relevant recommended items to the total number of relevant
available items. Recall measure is generally impractical as the global view of all relevant items
for each user is not manageable for large catalogs. Precision and Recall need a binary indicator
for each item to be classified into relevant/irrelevant class. Similar to Precision and Recall,
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves rely on a binary classification of the relevance.
Precision and recall are often combined in the well-known F-Measure, also F
-score or F-score.
The standard F-Measure is the harmonic mean of precision and recall:
F-Measure = .
2.7.3 Rank accuracy metrics
Rank accuracy metrics are more appropriate to evaluate ranked lists of items. The Normalized
Distance-based Performance Measure (NDPM) was used in Fab (Balabanov and Shoham, 1997) .
with :
: number of contradictory preference relations between the system ranking and the user
ranking. A contradiction happens when the system says that the item i will be preferred to the
item j whereas the user ranking says the opposite.
Page 70
: number of compatible preference relations, where the user rates the item i higher than the
item j, but the system ranks at the same level i and j
: number of preferred relationships of the user: the number of pairs of rated items (i, j) for
which the user gives a higher rating for an item than for the other.
"NDPM does not penalize the system for system ordering when the user ranks are tied"
(Herlocker and al, 2004): the NDPM measure can be used for binary ratings.
2.7.4 General protocols
Offline evaluation
The general protocol to evaluate recommender systems offline is the traditional Machine
Learning's Train/Test dataset. This requires an initial dataset of logs of usages, generally logs of
ratings from one of the available public datasets. For instance, MovieLens' datatset, and Netflix
dataset are well known and widely used datasets. This dataset of logs can be represented as a table
of 4 entries:
User ID Item ID Rating Date
1 3 5 2005-06-01
1 19 3 2005-06-01
2 983 4 2005-06-03
2 252 1 2005-06-03
... ... ... ...
Figure 2-4: Classical logs entries
By random sampling, a proportion of the logs (in general, 80%, or 90%) are extracted to build
the Train Set. The remaining logs (20% or 10%) are kept as the Test Set. The model of the
recommender system is built using only the logs of the Train Set. Then the model is evaluated on
a predictive task.
If the predictive task is a rating prediction task, the protocol is well normalized in the literature.
The Test Set is used to ask to the model the predicted rating of each couple (user ID, item ID) of
the Test Set. Then the predicted ratings and the right ratings are compared.
If the predictive task is a recommendation task or a ranking task, the protocols are not
normalized and several approaches have been carried on using generally precision/recall (Zanadi
and Capra, 2008), or recall exclusively (Pizzato et al., 2010), (Cremonisi, 2010).
The offline protocol is adapted to collaborative filtering but can be used to evaluate strictly
content-based recommender, under several conditions:
- the catalog of the item is joinable with the item of the logs: this can be done only with to a
second table giving at least some information for each item ID, at least a title or a textual
description. Fortunately in the case of MovieLens and Netflix dataset, the title and the year
of release of the items are provided,
- the content-based model must be trained on the catalog's data,
- only the information of one user at one time must be used by the content-based model
during the learning process, to avoid collaborative effect
Online evaluation
Online evaluation rely on some global indicators giving the value of the recommendations.
The most used indicators in e-commerce applications are the click rates and the transformation
rates, with is the rate of recommendations leading to a consumption action (purchasing,
watching...): see for instance (Davidson et al., 2010), (Cremonisi, 2010), (Das et al., 2007).
The difficulties with the on-line evaluation is to be able to measure the impact of the
recommender and only this impact. To neutralize other effect, an A/B testing protocol is
necessary. An A/B testing protocol is a method comparing a baseline control sample A used as
Page 71
reference with another test sample B which differs on only one parameter. A classic way to
analyze a recommender service on a website by A/B testing is to design one page containing a
placebo recommendation box for a sample A of users, and one page containing the real
recommendation box for a sample B of users, and to measure the performance impact between the
2 samples. Unfortunately A/B testing protocol is expensive to design and seldom used for
recommender evaluation. See (Davidson et al., 2010), (Das et al., 2007) for true A/B testing
protocol and (Chen et al., 2009) for a similar approach.
2.7.5 Discussion
(Herlocker et al., 2004) have noted that beyond the importance of the ability to predict scores,
other criteria are crucial to capture the usefulness and quality of a recommendation system. The
scalability is a very important point. Coverage which is the proportion of items that can actually
be recommended must also be taken into account. Finally, the system's ability to give a
confidence index (Basu et al., 1998) of its recommendation and to explain the recommendation
will have a strong impact on perceived quality of the system (Herlocker et al. 2000; Bilgic, 2004).
The offline methods of evaluation have an important limitation: they cannot validate an
innovative recommendation, not corresponding to a recorded log in the Test Set.
Another problem with off-line test protocols commonly used is that they assume that the log
information is "missing at random" (Marlin and Zemel, 2009). That is, the logs used in learning
and in tests were randomly drawn from all possible items and users. This assumption is obviously
not tenable as there are items popular heavy users and they weigh more in the other logs.
Assessments in RMSE, accuracy, etc. will therefore take more account of the heavy users and
popular items. On the other hand the requests made to a system of recommendation are not
random: it is not unreasonable to assume that heavy users are big users of the recommendation.
But one would like the recommendation system able to value items that are not popular...
A last problem with offline methods of evaluation is that there is no standardized protocol:
some people use Precision with a specific definition of the relevancy, some other people use
Precision with another definition of relevancy, and many people use only RMSE assuming that
decreasing RMSE always lead to better recommendations... a fact never clearly proved and that
we will study the reality in Chapter 4.
Of course on-line assessment is always preferable. Industrial actors prefer operational metrics
such as audience and purchases: for example Google scans the Click Through Rate (CTR), with
an A/B testing framework, for its applications.
On the other hand off-line methods are very useful to design and calibrate recommender
algorithms. They are cheaper than A/B testing campaigns, reproducible, flexible and not market
dependant. Offline methods have still an important interest before launching a new recommender
systems. Moreover we believe that there is a need of standardization and of improvements of a
off-line protocol clearly defined and we will address this issue in the last Chapter of this thesis.
Page 72
2.8 Overview of representative recommender systems
This section presents some representative recommender systems, collaborative, thematic and
hybrid. The dates in parentheses refer to the years of publication of reference articles, not
necessarily the date of implementation in a case of an operational system.
2.8.1 Tapestry: the precursor (1992)
Tapestry, is often presented as the first recommendation system to be called collaborative. It is
based on the work of Goldberg (Goldberg, 1992). Tapestry allowed a flow of electronic
documents to be recommended, to a user group at Xerox PARC. It was actually a hybrid system
in the sense that access to documents may be made by the content of the documents but also on
the basis of annotations made by other users on these same documents.
The system consisted of several modules including: a database of documents and annotations
on these documents, a system to read, navigate and annotate documents, the filtering system
based on a query language similar to SQL. The requests and the associated language were a major
limitation of the system which made it difficult to use. Users had to create queries to retrieve
documents. These queries were based on documents or annotations. The requests were then stored
and periodically re-executed. It was possible to formulate queries like "give me messages talking
about New York and annotated at least 20 times in the past 2 weeks".
More than the collaborative aspect, it is the hybrid aspect of Tapestry (access to content data
and usage data on their contents) which was the most significant. For the collaborative feature, in
fact, the system did not offer an automatic process to analyze the usages performed: users had to
explicitly query the uses of other users. It is more a precursor of the automatic recommenders than
an automatic recommender...
2.8.2 GroupLens (1994): the collaborative filtering approach
GroupLens made recommendations of newsgroup messages and was developed at the
University of Minnesota (Resnick, 1994). GroupLens worked on a principle similar to Tapestry: a
group of users annotate documents, in a simplified way:
First, annotations have been reduced to a rating of interest for each document.
Second, the query language, the main difficulty of Tapestry, was replaced by an automatic
score prediction feature, calculated from the correlation of ratings from users.
GroupLens was evaluated for 7 weeks with 250 users, with only a qualitative report, in (Miller,
GroupLens validated the principle of collaborative filtering on a large scale, but also
confirmed its weaknesses such as the cold start problem (Miller, 1997): the system was not
capable of making good predictions before a certain critical mass of users. This could deter early
users to become involved in the system.
GroupLens was the first article introducing the term "collaborative filtering". The GroupLens
system was based on a method of K-nearest neighbors on users. The Pearson coefficient was used
as the measure of similarity between the users.
GroupLens is often considered as the founder of the collaborative filtering approach.
2.8.3 MovieLens (1997): a reference website and a reference database
MovieLens and MovieLens Unplugged are recommender systems from GroupLens, a research
team from the Department of Computer Science of the University of Minnesota, currently still
very active in the field of recommendation systems. The team has applied its collaborative
Page 73
filtering techniques to movie recommendation. MovieLens is a Web service of movie
recommendation for scientific research. It is based on the oldest works of GroupLens (since 1994).
We can register on this site via a pseudonym. We are then invited to rate a number of films from a
broad catalog. MovieLens asked, for example to rate at least 20 movies before making
MovieLens' logs of ratings are publicly available on Internet. Long before the 2006-2009
Netflix's challenge, the MovieLens database was the main source of experimental data to study
the algorithms for collaborative filtering.
For users of the website, an embedded version on a mobile terminal (PDA) was created (Miller
et al., 2003). The version was called "unplugged" though in fact it connects from time to time to a
central server. Data synchronization was occasionally made, and the system remained a central
collaborative filtering system. Today the advantages seem anecdotal, and it essentially allowed a
user to choose a film on the move, at the entrance of a movie theater for instance (in 2003 the
Internet 3G was not yet deployed).
MovieLens is still available at:
Figure 2-5 : MovieLens' website interface
Page 74
2.8.4 Fab (1997): an hybrid architecture
Fab is a hybrid recommendation system for web content. Fab was created at Stanford
University (Balanalovic et al., 1997a, 1997b, 1997c). It was based on an original architecture. Fab
authors have defined precisely what they meant by collaborative filtering on the one hand and by
content-based filtering on the other hand: in Fab, a document is recommended to a user u either
because it corresponds to the profile of user u (content-based filtering) or because it has been
appreciated by a user who has a similar profile to u (collaborative filtering).
Fab was composed of a set of software agents and a central router. Each agent had a profile
based on the words in the web pages that have been rated. Two types of software agents works in
Fab: collection agents, and selection agents. The collection agents search for web pages on a
specific topic, for many users. The selection agents search for web pages on many topics, for a
specific user. Each agent maintains a profile, based on the words contained in the rated web pages.
Users are asked to rate the pages received on a 7-point scale. The ratings are used as feedback to
adapt the selection agents (personal) and the collection agents (collaborative). The collection
agents send the documents they find to the central router, which routes the document to the users
with profiles that match, according to a certain threshold. The selection agents send documents
well-rated by their own user, to similar users.
The collaborative aspect is managed at two levels: a content-based recommendation for user
groups is carried out by the collection agents, and a purely collaborative recommendation is made
by the selection agents. The population of collection agents is dynamic and adaptive: collection
agents who bring unseen pages are deleted whereas the best collection agents are duplicated,
according to a principle similar to genetic algorithms.
Fab uses the vector space model (Salton and McGill, 1983) as the representation of items. The
interest of a user profile u for a document d is given by the scalar product u.d. The adaptation of
the user profile u according to its rating for a web page w is given by u'=u+r.w, the rating r being
centered on 0. This process is close to the classical Rocchio's algorithm in Information Retrieval
(Rocchio, 1971). Finally, the modeling of the evolving nature of each user is performed by a
simple weighting of the profile function of time: each night, each user profile is multiplied by
The system was evaluated by 11 users. The system seems to behave as specified: the collection
agents specialize in 1 or 2 topics for 1 or a few users with this topic in common. The experiment
compared different sources of web pages: random, hand-selected pages, hand-selected pages in a
top N of the day, and web pages recommended by Fab. The measure was a ranking of each user
for the proposed web pages. The experiment demonstrated that Fab gave the best source.
The multi-agent hybrid architecture is the main originality of Fab.
Figure 2-6: Fab's general principle
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2.8.5 DailyLearner (2000): news recommendations
DailyLearner (Billsus and Pazzani, 2000) is a news recommender service. It is based on a
centralized content-based recommender system called Adaptive Information Server (AIS), also
developed by the authors. DailyLearner was notably deployed and tested on a PC via a Web
interface, and on a mobile terminal (in 2000, the Palm VII
Web users can, after reading a news article, send feedback to the system using 3 classes:
"interesting, "not interesting" and "known". Moreover, if a user requests more information on
news, this news is classified as "interesting" automatically. For users of the mobile terminal, only
implicit feedback is taken into account, giving a score of 80% to selected news. The news is often
written on many pages and reading a news item entirely (i.e. to request all its pages) increases the
implicit rating given to this news.
Internally AIS uses a score between 0 and 1 to represent the interests of users for the
documents. Documents classified as already known are stored in order not to recommend them.
AIS uses two models to represent a user, a short-term model and a long-term model. The
short-term model is based on a document Vector-Space representation with weights of keywords
calculated using a TF-IDF principle. A K-nearest neighbor algorithm between items determines if
a new document is likely to interest the user. A threshold can also determine if two documents are
identical, thus classifying some documents referring to the same news as "already known" and
therefore not to recommend.
If the new current document does not have sufficiently similar neighbors, the system switches
to a long-term model of the user. On the long-term model, a selection of informative words
(feature selection) is performed, still using a TF-IDF technique but on a much larger history of
news. This selection is then used for all users. A naive Bayesian classifier is used to predict the
interest of a user for a document, based on its long-term profile.
A third model, a hybrid model, uses a cascade of short-term and long-term models. If the
short-term model cannot classify a document, then the document is classified by the long term
model. If none of the models can classify a document, the document receives a median default
score: it will not appear at the top of the list of recommendation, but will still be recommended.
The system was evaluated on real users for a web version for PC terminals (150 users) and a
mobile version for mobile terminals (185 users), with the recall and precision measures. The
system on the web (with an explicit feedback) proved to be more accurate than the mobile system.
The Precision (number of recommended documents actually considered interesting) for the top
4 of the recommended list was:
- 73% for the hybrid model on the web (recall 55%),
- Only 32% for the hybrid model on the mobile terminal (recall 29%).
Overall, the short-term model (KNN-items) works slightly better than the long-term model
(Bayesian) and the hybrid model works slightly better than the two models separately.
The sort-term / long term user modeling, and the deployment of a recommender service on a
mobile terminal, with some ergonomic constraints, are the two main innovation of the
DailyLearner recommender.
Page 76
Figure 2-7: Web user interface of the daily learner
2.8.6 (2003): scalable item-to-item collaborative filtering
recommendation is a popular e-commerce web site that offers many cultural items (books, DVDs,
CDs) and technology items (computers, cameras...). The site is available in several languages
including French (
Amazon is a typical example of successful recommendation engine's technology. This
technology is the basis of the marketing strategy of the website. The main function used is based
collaborative item-to-item contextual recommendations, this was introduced very early on the site
(late 90's). It is based on the logs of purchases and corresponds to the calculation of a similarity
matrix of items with an optimized algorithm to scale with the imposing volumes handled by
Amazon (Linden, 2003). Amazon popularized the famous feature "people who bought this item
also bought these items".
An example of the interface provided by Amazon for item-to-item contextual recommendation
is given Figure 2-8.
Amazon may now be classified as a hybrid system as a recommendation features based on
some metadata (genre, author) also works in push mode with personalized web page and e-
Page 77
Figure 2-8 :'s item-to-item contextual recommendation to anonymous user
Amazon's main innovations are:
- to have designed a high scalability recommender system,
- and to have built its entire marketing strategy on a recommender engine, intelligently
integrating the recommendation functions into its website.
2.8.7 MORE (2006): hybrid recommendation by switch
MORE (MOvie REcommender: Caravelas and Lekakos, 2006) is a movie recommendation
system prototype, using a switch-based hybridization. The switch mode between a collaborative
and thematic system uses the size of the user's profile. MORE was only evaluated by simulation.
It was evaluated on the MovieLens database (1 million ratings, ~6000 users, ~3700 movies).
An acquisition of thematic information was made on the IMDd database (International Movie
Database, the information of genre, actors, director and keywords were joined
to the titles of movies.
MORE uses a K-nearest neighbor model, applied on users in the collaborative system, or
applied on items in the content-based system. In the case of the collaborative system, the chosen
similarity function is the Pearson coefficient applied to the vector of ratings of users, and users
can be considered neighbors of a target user u if and only if their similarity with u is positive. In
the case of the thematic system, the similarity between items is the cosine of the vectors of
characteristics of the items.
Two types of hybridization were tested. The system works in a collaborative mode by default
because this method is considered the most efficient. In the first type of hybridization, called the
"substitute" hybrid method, the system switches to the thematic filtering when a user has less than
K=5 reliable neighbors (according to a similarity threshold). In the second type of hybridization,
called " switching" hybrid method, the system switches to the thematic filtering if a user has less
than S=40 ratings (threshold chosen empirically).
The authors have not done extensive testing with different parameters K and S, but noted that
with the tested values the substitute hybrid method increased both the predictive performance
Page 78
(MAE) and overall coverage. Coverage is the percentage of items in the catalog that can be
analyzed to return a score.
Figure 2-9: architecture of MORE
The substitute and switching hybridization modes are the main particularities of MORE.
2.8.8 CinemaScreen (2006): Hybrid recommender in cascade-mode
CinemaScreen (Salter, 2006) is a movie recommendation system, using a cascade-type
hybridization. In CinemaScreen, a first collaborative process preselected a list P of movies
potentially useful for the user. This list is built from users similar to the current user, and each
item is rated by the collaborative algorithm. Then a second process, content-based, performs a
ranking of the list P. The content-based algorithm ranks taking into account types, actors... It uses
a loop approach to re-score each movie: firstly, the current rating of the movie is used to score its
characteristics, such as Director, Genre, Actors. Performed on the entire list P of available movies,
this process allows CinemaScreen to assign an average score for each actor, genre,... occurring
several times in the list for the user. Then the score of each feature is used to refine the score for
each movie for the user.
CinemaScreen has a software agent collecting cinema listings. The system has a pre-filter
function allowing the user to restrict the recommendations of movies to those released near his
Page 79
CinemaScreen was evaluated on the MovieLens database (1 million ratings version), mainly
on the criteria of accuracy and coverage. Coverage is an important criterion because the system
must be able to recommend or at least to score films present in short lists of cinemas near users.
The authors showed that hybridization could greatly increase the overall coverage of the
recommendation, but without significantly increasing the accuracy of the system. CinemaScreen
offers a complementary approach to that of More, using cascade hybridization instead of
2.8.9 AIMED (2007)
AIMED is a hybrid recommendation model of TV programs proposed by (Hsu et al., 2007).
Recommendations are made based on user settings as Activities, Interests, Moods, Experiences
and Demographics information, hence the acronym Aimed.
The authors suggest the addition of a remote control allowing users to define their mood, to a
recommender system.
Figure 2-10: the remote control proposed in the AIMED system
The system remains at the proposal stage: the AIMED's model has been evaluated only by an
experiment based on a simulation.
The experimentation has 109 users aged from 15 to 65. Questionnaires allow each user to
define their social styles compounds of their activities, interests, age, education level and salary.
This information is stored on the Set Up Box (STB TV installed in every home, here simulated)
and can be sent to the central server. The central server performs a hierarchical clustering to group
users. Finally the metadata of programs viewed by each user are also stored. These data are
analyzed by neural networks that perform the recommendations.
During the experiment, participants were asked to rate on an agenda the TV programs they
watch, their ratings for these programs, and their mood. Then a neural network model is trained to
predict the rating given by users to the programs. The authors then compared the model AIMED
with a classic model that did not include information on mood and lifestyle.
Authors claimed that the mood and style of life are important parameters in selecting programs,
although the test protocol is not clearly explained. The basic idea of AIMED, analyzing the
impact of mood and style of life on the usages is interesting, but still to be done.
2.8.10 Google
News (2007)
Google News is a news aggregator that gathers news items from thousands of sources (500 in
French) and depicts them on a personalized web page.
The recommendation service uses an opt-in feature to allow recording of browsing history on
Google's web sites for user profiling.
Page 80
The recommendation system of Google News (Das et al., 2007) was developed in 2007. It
concerns the implementation of a collaborative recommendation service of news articles in an
area where items change very quickly, with high scalability constraints: millions of users, millions
of items. Compared to Amazon, which also has strong volume constraints, this system is
characterized by very high churn rate of its catalog of items: items are news, with a constant flow.
The latest news is often more interesting, so the system must regenerate the recommendation
model often, which increases the problem of scalability.
Google News uses only implicit feedback to build a profile of a user: clicks on subjects. This
cannot provide any information of negative feedback, and the positive feedback is noisy: one does
not only click on interesting information...
The system is purely collaborative and handles only news IDs and users'IDs, without worrying
about semantics. A user is represented by the news list on which she clicked.
The principle used by Google is a mix of similarity-based method and model-based method.
The similarity-based method uses only the counts of co-visitation: a co-visitation is a joint
event where 2 items are clicked by the same user. The model-based method uses two clustering
techniques, one Probalistic: Latent Semantic Indexing (PLSI: Hofmann, 2004) and the other
MinHash (Cohen, 1997) (Cohen et al., 2001). PLSI is a probabilistic method of factorial
representation of documents and their terms: here the terms are replaced by the userIDs. MinHash
is a probabilistic clustering method based on the concatenation of p random signatures extracted
from objects to group: objects here are users, random signatures are extracted from their profile.
As MinHash is probabilistic, it is performed q times to denoise the final result of the clustering.
A parallelization framework of MapReduce type (Dean and Ghemawat, 2004) is used to
accelerate the calculation of both PLSI and MinHash.
The system provides an overall score by a weighted hybrid method (Burke, 2007). The overall
score of a news item i is given by:
, with
Page 83
For each document d, the formula combines the similarities of each tag of d with the tags of
the target request. These tag-based similarities are weighted by the similarities of the users (who
have given these tags) with u.
The authors used an extraction of CiteUlike's database of 2007, where the tags and the
documents referenced only once have been deleted. The database obtained was about 100,000
documents, 55,000 tags and 28,000 users.
Experimentation of this personalized ranking method is done offline by analyzing the effects
of the levels of similarity between uses and the levels of similarities between tags. The study
divides also the cases where the user's tagging rate is high (users who tagged more than 50
papers) , medium (between 10 and 50 papers), low (less than 10 papers), and if the document is
popular (more than 5 tags) or not (less than 5 tags), leading to 32=6 scenarios.
The test protocol uses a document d, tagged by a user u with tags {t
, t
, ... t
}. The user u is
interested in the document d since she tagged it. The tags given by u to d are removed from d and
are used to construct a query of u to the system: the goal is to find d in the answer produced by
the system with a good rank index.
In the first step the query expansion is deactivated. The authors evaluated only the effect of the
similarity between users who tagged the target document d with the same tags than those of u.
This first experiment shows that except for the case of well-known documents and users with
many ratings, the ranking is improved. The accuracy is improved for all the long-tail cases.
In the second step the whole process with query expansion is performed: for each document,
the top-k nearest tags of each tag of the document d are added to the query. Adding tags increases
the coverage. With k=10, so 10 neighbor tags added, the percentage of documents not found in
the documents in the long tail decreases from 40% (no query expansion) to 23% and from 17% to
6 % for well-known documents and users giving a lot of tags.
Among the documents previously not found and now selected by the query, 40% are found in
the top 100 answers. The authors show that the accuracy does not decrease up to 20 tags added,
while increasing the overall coverage of the 6 scenarios analyzed.
The authors show that using folksonomy tags to perform a custom query ranking on a search
engine improves coverage without sacrificing accuracy.
2.8.13 Beehive (2009): recommending people on social networking
Beehive's system (Chen et al., 2009) deals with the recommendation of people in a social
networking website. Four user-to-user recommendation algorithms were evaluated, distinguishing
the case of recommending people already known, and recommending unknown people.
The recommendation system evaluated was deployed on the Beehive website at IBM on 3,000
people, with a survey of 500 people. Beehive is an online social networking website for business,
with over 38,000 users. Like most social networking websites, Beehive has an individual profile
page, a mechanism to invite new friends, a photo sharing system, events, etc. The concept of
friend in Beehive is not necessarily bi-directional as in Facebook. In Beehive, if the user u is
friend of the user v that means that u is connected to v's page: there is no request for mutual
acceptance: v is just informed that u is connected and v has an option to connect back to u.
The first algorithm tested, Content Matching, makes the user-to-user recommendation with a
content-based principle: users are linked if they publish similar contents. Each user is represented
by a "bag-of-words" using a similar approach to Information Retrieval. All contents posted by the
user are used by Beehive: profile page, text associated with images, tags, messages. The words
Page 84
are "stemmatized" (put in a canonical form) and very common words are removed. The user is
then represented by a vector of the words associated with weights using a weighting principle of
TF-IDF. The similarity between two users is calculated by the cosine or their respective vector-
based profile.
The second algorithm, Content-Plus-Link is a hybrid algorithm. It hybrids content
information and social networking information. Content-Plus-Link algorithm is based on the
previous Content matching algorithm. But instead of simply recommending users with content-
based maximum similarity scores, it boosts the similarities obtained by the link information. The
similarity between the user u and the user v is increased by 50% if there is a "valid social link"
between u and v. A "valid social link" is defined as:
- A maximum length sequence to connect u to v in the social network. The maximum length
is 4.
- The type of valid link between two vertices a and b of the social network graph: the
selected valid links are the 3 following interactions: a is connected to b, b is connected to
a, a had commented on content of b.
This type of algorithm reinforces close relationships in the social network. Individuals close by
their published content but not connected through their relatives are less recommended.
The third algorithm, Friend-of-Friend, is purely a social network algorithm. It is based on the
principle: if many of my friends consider v as a friend then v is likely to be a friend of mine.
Facebook's feature "People You May Know" is based on this principle. Formally, a user v may be
a candidate to be recommended to u if there exists a user a, called mutual friend, as Friend (v, a)
and Friend (a, u). The relationship Friend(x, y) means that x has declared y as a friend. All
mutual friends between u and v are calculated. The number of mutual friends is considered as the
score associated with v to recommend her to u.
The fourth algorithm, Sonar, is an algorithm that aggregates information from social bases
internal to IBM: publication databases, blog websites, ... The details of this algorithm are given in
(Guy et al., 2008).
The four algorithms were evaluated in two experiments.
The first experiment involved 500 users of whom 230 were actually usable. Users were
selected on Beehive and needed to have enough information on their profile so one can make
recommendations to them.
For each user three recommendations were proposed from each algorithm, so 12
recommendations in total (in a random order). For each recommendation, a series of questions
were asked:
- Do you already know this person? Is it a good recommendation? ...
Sonar and Friend-of-Friend algorithms have a level of "good perceived recommendations "
greater than those of Content-Plus-Link and Content-Matching algorithms. However Sonar cannot
easily find some new friends (previously unknown), while the Content-matching algorithm is the
best for this task.
Content CPlusL Friends of
Unknown user 30.1% 24.9% 23.8% 6.6%
Already known
19.5% 31.8% 55.4% 75.9%
Table 2-1: Ratio of well perceived recommendations
Page 85
The second experiment involved 2400 users of Beehive, chosen with sufficient information in
their profile. A recommendation display device on the desktop was deployed. This device showed
one recommended person at a time, and provided information about that person and a button to
add her to the friends list. Adding a recommended person as a friend was the criterion of the good
recommendation classification.
The algorithms based on social networks have an acceptance rate of the recommendation more
important than those based on content data, ranging from 59% for Sonar, 48% for Friend of
Friend, 40% for Content-Plus-Link and 31% for content matching. However, the rate of
acceptance of the recommendation for new friends, those who were not previously known, is
greater with the algorithms based on the published content.
Figure 2-12: The Beehive's widget
For the task of recommending people to people, it is surprising that we lead to a conclusion
contrary to the task of recommending item to people: the content-based recommenders using
people's published information or public information provide better new recommendations than
the social recommenders, that could be qualified "collaborative". This is because one often
already knows some "friends of one's friends" whereas one often doesn't know many people who
shares the same interests but who are not in one's first social circle.
2.8.14 Social Matching: Recon: a reciprocal recommender for online
dating (2010)
Recon (Pizzato et al., 2010) is a reciprocal recommender system of people for an online dating
website. Recommending people as a part of an online dating website shares some limitations with
other systems such as job search services, or expertise in social networking search services:
- The success of the recommendation is determined by the two objects of the
recommendation (on the contrary, by only one user in the case of user-item
- Users do not stay long on this type of service, which makes the problems of cold-start
more difficult to handle.
- However, users are generally willing to provide a detailed profile of who they are and
what they are looking for to increase their chance of success.
- People have a very limited availability compared to the items of a catalog: each person can
be recommended only a limited number of times and cannot accept too many
Page 86
- People can be proactive as in the case of conventional recommendation systems (they look
for) or simply reactive (they meet).
- It is important, especially if the service is not free, that any person may be recommended.
Recon uses two components of profiling:
- The profile of the user characteristics x is given by a list of couples (attribute: value).
Numeric values, such as age, are discretized, eg the 18-22 year old, etc. For example, a
users profile could be Alice (age:18-22, gender: Female, body: Slim,...).
- The profile of the preferences of x is given by the analysis of recipient users of the sent
messages. Preferences of user x are represented by the counts, for each attribute A, and
each of its possible value A
, of the messages sent by x to the users with the A
characteristic. For instance if a user x has sent a lot of emails to users with a age: 30-35,
age:35-40 and gender: Female then x will have an important weighting for the two
segments of age (30-35 and 35-40) and for the gender: Female, in his profile of
Recon uses two phases to complete the recommendation between users:
- a compatibility index phase between users, the computed index being not symmetric: the
compatibility of a user y to a user x's preferences uses the comparison of frequency
histograms of each attribute-value in the profile of y and each attribute-value of the
preferences profile of x
- a phase of recommendation itself: a mutual compatibility score is computed: it is the
harmonic mean of the scores of compatibility of x to y and y to x. Then these scores are
ordered and for each user x the Top-N scores are presented.
For new users, a low but not zero compatibility function always returns 0.001. This makes it
possible to recommend any user.
The implementation of Recon is performed using a list of recommendations via a subset of the
users. Indeed calculating the compatibility scores of N users has a time complexity of O(N). The
subset users selection uses people who have the most frequent gender, an age in one standard
deviation of the average age and a location in one standard deviation of the average location. The
impact of these optimizations on the quality of the recommendation is not specified.
Recon was evaluated in batch on a Training Set of 90,000 users and 1.4 million messages,
representing four weeks of usage on the dating website. The data from the following 2 weeks
were used as Test Set. Two measurements are made during the 2 weeks of testing: the success rate,
which is the number of positive messages related to recommended people sent back on the
number of recommendations (the success rate is equivalent to the precision rate). Then the recall
is the rate of the number of positive messages sent by a user x where the recipient was contained
in the list of recommendations for x.
The authors then compared Recon with a system where no reciprocal score is calculated so
with asymmetric recommendations. Pushing 5 recommendations per user, Recon gets 45% of
success and about 4% of recall. The version without reciprocal score gets only 25% of success
rate and less than 1% of recall. Measures made up to 100 recommendations per user shows a
constant mutual domination of the reciprocal score. The average success rate of sending a
message (invitation to a user x for a user y) is 17%.
Considering reciprocity in the recommendation of people increases the chances of success of a
meeting from 26% to 45%. The recall is also improved. The performance of this system of linking
people on website has to be confirmed on-line.
Page 87
2.8.15 Recommender system for IP-TV : Fastwebs recommender (2010)
Fastweb (Bambini, 2010) is an internet TV service provider, the first service of this type to be
deployed in Italy in 2001. The recommendation system was called ContentWise and was put into
production in October 2008, on a Video On Demand (VOD) catalog, generating an average of
30,000 recommendations / day.
Fastweb provides VOD and Live TV recommendations to hundreds of thousands of users.
Home users have a Set Top Box (STB), a decoder that allows authentication and interactivity.
Fastweb recommends two types of items, from VOD and live TV programs.
Users are homes, as the STB does not identify a unique person. A principle based on the time
slot, however, allows the system to make assumptions about the type of user: children during the
afternoon, family early evening, and adults late at night.
Fastweb uses implicit feedback to acquire user profiles: a TV program watched partially
generates a score proportional to the duration of viewing, and a purchased VOD generates an
implicit rating of 4/5.
The algorithms included in the recommendation system are of three types: for TV, and VOD,
the system uses a content-based algorithm with a program representation using Bag Of Words.
Words are stemmatized, i.e. converted to their radical form (for example, "singer", "singing",
"sing", "song", are converted into "song"). Then a Latent Semantic Analysis algorithm
(Deerwester et al., 1990) is used. Exclusively for VOD, the system uses two collaborative
algorithms, one based on Singular Value Decomposition, the other based on an item-item
similarity matrix approach.
The system generates recommendations scoring the entire catalog and selecting items with the
highest scores.
The system is evaluated both off-line and online with the VOD catalog on which it is deployed.
In offline, a Test set is created per user, based on actual logs of usages on the VOD catalog.
For each user, a leave-one-out approach is used: a rated item is removed from the Test, then one
asks the recommendation system to recommend 5 items (5 is the number of recommendations
made in the normal service): If one of these 5 items matches the removed item, it is a success. The
success rate on all items and all users of the file Test is a total measure of the recall.
The recall has a maximum of 19% for the item-item algorithm, 15.1% for the SVD
(collaborative filtering) algorithm, 2.5% for the LSA algorithm (the content-based filtering
algorithm). A simple Top10 method gives 12.2% of recall. All these measurements are made by
removing 10% of most common items.
For the online evaluation, the notion of successful recommendation corresponds to the items
that were actually seen after being recommended. The period of time after the recommendation is
the key parameter of this evaluation. After 24 hours, the recommendations lead to almost 20% of
the recommended item sold and 32% for long-tail. The protocol and the significance of this test
are questionable, however: there was no A / B testing protocol for this test, so the VOD sales
directly attributable to the recommendation system are not really measurable.
2.8.16 Youtube (2010)
Youtube ( is a famous online video website community.
The recommendation system of YouTube (Davidson et al., 2010) provides contextual and
personalized recommendations. The system makes recommendations but does not score the items:
Page 88
this is a Top-N-Recommendation, if one chose a typology based on functionality. We restrict
ourselves to the personalized Top-N recommendation.
The YouTubes data typically represents a high scalability issue: it has more than one billion
videos, most without metadata, and users are multi-million daily.
YouTubes recommender system is based on association rules for short periods of navigation
of each user (usually 24 hours). During this time, the system records co-visitation c
of each pair
of videos (v
, v
) a user u (authenticated) watched. Note that the use of time windows makes it
possible to scale with the data, as the co-visitations for longer periods would quickly become too
A score of "likeness", not necessarily symmetrical, and called "relatedness", between a
reference video v
and another video v
is given by the formula:
where c
is the count of co-visitation between v
and v
and f a normalization function
depending on each video. One can use f(v
but other normalization functions are possible.
Figure 2-13: Personalized recommendation with Youtube
The personalized recommendations are made on the basis of a list L of seeds that are videos
present in the user profile. The system then searches, taking as input the videos in L, and from the
graph of association defined by r(v
, v
), candidate items, ie video v
with good similarity to v
. A
post-filtering system avoids recommending items already known to the user. Then a post-ranking
system takes into account three parameters: video quality (popularity), specificity of the user
Page 89
(preferences) and diversity (trying to add value to the long tail of the catalog) to order the final list
of recommended items.
The system was evaluated by A/B testing. Automatic recommendation at YouTube is
responsible for 60% of clicks of the home page. Within the existing modules of recommendation
(most viewed videos, favourite videos, top rated videos), the personalized area gets 2 times more
clicks than the 3 other non personalized modules. The personalized recommendation, therefore,
generates about 24% of the audience of YouTube.
The very high scalabity on very sparse data, and the optimization techniques to address these
issues, are the main particularities of YouTube's recommender.
2.8.17 Recommendation on Twitter: Twittomender (2010)
Twitter is a recent real time service on the Internet, enabling a community of users to post and
follow short text messages based on SMS and limited to 140 characters. A message issued by a
user on Twitter is called a tweet. Twitter is considered as a real time micro-blogging social
network using personal textual content generation.
Users can explicitly designate the other users they wish to listen to tweets. If a user u decides
to follow the tweets of a user v, u is said to be a follower and v is called a followee (being
followed). The overwhelming simplicity of Twitter is its main strength but also its weakness: it is
very difficult for users to find interesting tweets and followees.
The proposed recommendation system (Hannon et al., 2010) is called Twittomender and uses
the Twitter API to access to user data. Twittomender recommends to users of Twitter other users
to follow, therefore followees, based on their tweets and the social graph in Twitter. The system
uses both content analysis of the tweets and collaborative analysis. Twittomender performs a
profiling of each user taking into account his tweets, its followees and its followers.
The recommendation system is based on an open source search engine, Lucene, that indexes
the tweets. Tweets, as users replace traditional documents in this framework. Tweets, as the
profiles are represented by vectors of weight on terms via a classical TF-IDF principle. The terms
can be words in the tweets (content-based analysis) or user IDs (collaborative analysis).
The principle of the recommender is: From a user profile, Twittomender selects the N most
frequent words. These N terms are used in Lucene as a query which provides a list of users to
7 profiling strategies were analyzed:
1. represent users by their tweets
2. represent users by their followees' tweets
3. represent users by their followers' tweets
4. represent users by their tweets and both their followers and followees
5. represent users by their followees IDs
6. represent users by their followers IDs
7. represent users by their followersID and their followees ID
The first 4 strategies are content-based, the last 3 are collaborative.
Two methods of scoring, one using a combination of scores representations of strategy 1 and
strategy 6, and the other based on an average rank on the 7 stragegies, were also evaluated.
A first evaluation was performed offline, based on accuracy. The accuracy was defined by the
proportion of overlap between the number of recommended followees and the real followees of
each individual user. The best strategy seems to be the representation 7 (collaborative profiling
Page 90
using both followersID and followeesID). The collaborative-based representations work better
than content-based ones. The maximum precision reached is 24%. A real assessment on 34 users,
was done, where the magnitude of the maximum precision was confirmed, and therefore the
relevance of the system.
The main innovations of Twittomender are:
- carrying out the recommendation in the context of social networks for instant
communication (micro-blogging),
- using a search engine as support to the recommendation, for thematic and collaborative
profiling, using document terms, itemIDs and userIDs at the same time.
2.8.18 Cobot (2011): the future of recommender systems?
Cobot (Sahay and Ram, 2011) is an agent-based domain-specific approach that uses socio-
semantic information to provide recommendations. Cobot is connected to a conversational web
interface where a community of users can talk and ask questions about health issues. Cobot
dynamically recommends 3 types of information on a social website related to health issues: users,
web resources such as snippets (short extracts from pages) and web links and live conversations.
Cobot has 3 components: a language understanding unit, a user modeling unit, a case based
reasoning unit.
The language understanding unit has an intent classifier which analyzes the mesages of the
users and selects an appropriate strategy among pre-defined conversational strategies such as: ask
for more details, thank for suggestion/solution, suggest solution Then Cobot analyzes
conversations to extract concepts. It uses an ontology extractor on a medical corpus. These
concepts are used to query search engines for related contents. The semantic tagging of Cobot
uses Unified Medical Language System
) and Wordnet
(a lexical database for English
at Princeton University) as language representation. The aim of the language understanding unit is
to tag discussions and to generate queries associated to the context of the conversations. The user
describes her need about a medical health issue in natural language on a discussion forum. The
need is modeled via the analysis of the conversation generated by other users.
The user modeling unit uses the concepts extracted from the language understanding unit.
Cobot learns users profile by observing their participation to different conversations; different
events are taken into account with the topics of the conversation: users can click and rate
conversations, documents and users. A short-term profile and a long-term profile of the users are
maintained. The window size of the short term profile is of few days. They are based on the
frequency of users interactions and users topics.
Cobot proactively invites pertinent users to participate to a conversation: if they are connected,
Cobot sends them an instant notification. Users developing a conversation also help Cobot to
better model the topics to find good queries for relevant recommendations.
The case-based reasoning unit carries out the recommendations of web information using an
external web search engine. The system stores the previous results for each previous query to the
search engine. The system also stores the users' feedback to each result returned as a
recommendation. For each new query the similar past results are ranked: those which have been
previously selected more have a better rank index. Each case is represented by:
- A set a query terms,
- Web recommendations and hit counts,
- Conversation recommendations and hit counts,
Page 91
- Each new target problem, corresponding to a new query Q.
Cobot is still a new concept. It has some limitations: language understanding and modeling is
still a complex task and the concept tagging is not perfect, so recommendations are not always
effective, according to the authors. There is no quantitative evaluation of Cobot but the prototype
has been accessible for a while online at
The main innovations of Cobot are:
- Recommending both users, conversations and web related information in an integrated
online discussion forum in natural language,
- Using conversation graph as a part of the model of the users,
- Recommending by a query with case-base reasoning to help reuse previous queries with
good social feedback.
2.9 Conclusion
This overview
, although very small (sorry to many other interesting systems not listed) shows
numerous approaches. We see that the main functions of recommender systems are not limited to
the prediction of rating and its evaluation by RMSE. The rating prediction is rather the less used
The recommendation is often coupled with a service of Search. The main functions covered by
the recommender systems are:
- Help to Discover,
- Help to Explore.
For these functions, we see often the crucial importance of the notion of similarity between
objects. This notion of similarity is well integrated in the methods KNN, which explains their
On the other hand type SVD methods are recognized faster and more accurate in rating
prediction, useful for:
- Help to Decide,
- Help to Compare.
We will first study the performance of KNN models on classical standards, with a focus on the
most powerful similarity measures, and an analysis of the cold-start problem.
Then we will study a new protocol to evaluate precisely the KNN models, and their main
alternative, the fast matrix factorization techniques. This protocol will be designed on more
industrial standard, detailed by evaluated tasks and objectives.
The 3 next tables summarize this overview.
Page 92
Year and localization Recommended
1. Tapestry 1992
Xerox Parc
Palo Alto, USA
Messages / documents 1st collaborative filtering system, still
manual for querying
2. GroupLens 1994
GroupLens research
team, University of
Minnesota, USA
NewsGroups 1st collaborative filtering system,
fully automatic ; 1st explicit
reference to the term collaborative
3. MovieLens 1997
GroupLens research
team, University of
Minnesota, USA
Movies Famous web recommender, log
databases freely available for
research purposes and widely used
for benchmarks.
4. Fab 1997
University of Stanford,
California, USA
Web Pages Hybrid system, innovative multi-
agent architecture.
University of
News articles Short term and long term profiling
adapted to news following.
Embedded mode on a smart phone
6. Amazon 2003 (article), end of
the 90s for the system.
USA + worldwide
Cultural products:
books, music CD,
DVD, computers,
Very large Catalog.
Commercial recommender system
which popularized the item-to-item
recommendation feature people
who have bought this item also have
bought these items .
Very high scalability.
7. More 2006
University of Athens,
Movies Switch Hybridization between a
thematic engine and a collaborative
engine, based on the size of the users
Universit of Surey,
Movies Cascade hybridization collaborative
and thematic. Recommendation of
movie theaters close to the user.
9. AIMED 2007
University of Chia
Tung, Tawan
TV programs Use of socio demographic profile and
use of the users humor to
recommend TV programs (proof of
10. Google
California, USA
Aggregated news
articles (In France,
from about 500 web
Very high scalability.
Items with a high frequency of churn
and update.
Hybrid Music
Kyoto University,
Music pieces Hybrid music recommender with
polyphonic timbre analysis.
Ranking on
College University,
London, UK
Research communities
bookmarks with users
Use of tag-tag similarities and user-
user similarities to enhance the
results of the request to a search
Page 93
Year and localization Recommended
13. BeeHive 2009
IBM Research Labs +
University of
People in a private
social network (IBM)
User-to-user recommendations in a
professional context.
14. Recon 2010.
University of Sidney.
People in an online
dating website
User-to-user recommendations taking
into account the asymmetry of users
15. Fastweb :
2010 (2008 for the
FastWeb + University
of Milan.
TV Programs and
Video On Demand
System deployed on an IPTV
architecture, for VOD and TV
16. Youtube
California, USA.
Videos uploaded by the
Very high scalability on very sparse
University of Dublin
Real-time messages on
a micro-blogging social
Use of a search engine as indexing
framework to index both documents
and IDs of users and items.
18. Cobot 2011
Georgia Institute of
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Web pages from web
search engine, users,
conversations in a
community (health).
Real time recommendation integrated
within a conversational web
interface, recommendation of
conversation, recommendation of
expert user.
Table 2-2. Summary of the overview
Page 94
Type of technique
1. Tapestry Messages /
Language of request on an
hybrid database
containing both the items
descriptions and users
annotation on the items
No model used. Database of items and
annotations + request language close to
2. GroupLens NewsGroups Collaborative K-Nearest-Neighbors user-user
3. MovieLens Movies Collaborative K-Nearest-Neighbors user-user
(1st version).
4. Fab Web Pages Framework with
collaborative (mutual)
agents and personal
(individual) agents.
Principle of learning close
to genetic algorithms
TF-IDF representation of the viewed
documents for user-profiling.
K-Nearest-Neighbors user-user.
News articles Thematic One short-term model: TF-IDF
representation of the viewed documents
for user-profiling
One long-term model using naive
Bayesian technique
6. Amazon Cultural
books, music
Very large
Collaborative (on-line)
and Thematic (mainly by
Collaborative: analysis of co-occurrences
of events (purchases, item browsing...)
equivalent to a KNN item-item.
Thematic: unknown, but seems simple
(same author...).
7. More Movies Hybridization by switch,
using 2 models
Collaborative: KNN user-user.
Thematic: KNN item-item on items
Movies Hybridization of 2
models, with cascade-
based triggering
Collaborative: KNN User-user
Thematic: linear propagation of ratings
to the characteristics of the items and
vice-versa. The thematic engine re-ranks
the result of the collaborative engine.
9. AIMED TV programs Hybrid, based on items
metadata crossed with
socio-demographics data
and users humor.
Neural networks: Multi-Layer Perceptron
10. Google
news articles
(In France,
from about 500
web sources)
Hybridization of 3
collaborative models,
weighting scheme.
Model 1: Counts of de co-visitations,
Model 2: Clustering PLSI-type
Model 3: MinHash clustering
Page 95
Type of technique
11. Hybrid
Music pieces
Hybridization using
probabilistic Latent
Semantic Analysis
(pLSA) as integrated
pLSA applied on 2 matrices, a
collaborative items users matrix and a
content-based items polyphonic
timbres analysis (specific to music).
12. Social
Ranking on
Web pages
Hybridization using user-
user similarity matrix and
tag-tag similarity matrix.
Query expansion using tag-tag similarity
matrix, ranking model using both user-
user similarity matrix and tag-tag
similarity matrix
13. BeeHive People in a
private social
network (IBM)
4 separated techniques
user-user methods, the
user being represented by
her contents and/or her
social network
1. Based on the contents produced by
the users
2. Based on 1, plus information of the
users social network
3. Pure social-network analysis, friends
of my friends principle
4. Analysis of the co-occurrences of
the users in different aggregated
databases (publications, patents...)
14. Recon People in a
online dating
Sociodemographic data +
analysis of implicit
preferences (type of users
generating messages
KNN user user, with a reciprocal
similarity index.
Profiling using declared
sociodemographic data and analysis of
implit preferences
15. Fastweb :
TV Programs
and Video On
Separate models
For TV programs and
VOD: declared
For VOD only : 2
collaborative methods
TV and VOD :
Content-based: bag of word
representation after putting words in their
canonical form (stemming). Then Latent
Semantic Analysis.
VOD only :
Collaborative: an item-item similarity
model, and a SVD model.
16. Youtube
uploaded by
the users
Collaborative. Co-visitations (like association rules)
with a time-slide window to insure
messages on a
social network
Hybrid, feature
combination according to
the classification of
(Burke, 2007).
Use of a search engine as
recommendation framework.
Message indexation using bag of word
representation and managing the IDs of
the users (followees and followers) as
terms - as if they were words.
18. Cobot Web pages
from web
search engine,
in a domain-
Hybrid content-based +
Content-based profiling is
done by natural language
processing and concept
Natural language processing + domain
specific medical ontology to extract
concepts from the conversations.
Short-term profiling and long-term
profiling of the users.
Search engine (external) + case base
reasoning for web page
Table 2-3. Techniques used
Page 96
Data and users et
online performance
evaluation or real use
1. Tapestry Messages /
Documents keywords
and users annotations
2. GroupLens NewsGroups Logs of explicit ratings
of users
Qualitative, 250
3. MovieLens Movies Logs of explicit ratings
of users
The Movielens
Database is
4. Fab Web Pages Explicit ratings of the
users + TF IDF
representation of the
web pages
On 11 users.
Qualitative results.
News articles On an embedded
Implicit profiling + TF
IDF representation of
the news articles.
On 185 users on the
mobile terminal.
6. Amazon Cultural
books, music
Very large
Logs of purchases and
browsing of the users
Conversion rate
Impact estimated
between 30 and 35% of
the turnover (but not
confirmed by
7. More Movies Catalog + logs of ratings Measure of
Movies Catalog + logs of ratings Measures of
Precision and
9. AIMED TV programs Users diaries of their
usages on TV +
declared mood +
Data Analysis
with neural
10. Google
news articles
(In France,
from about 500
web sources)
Implicit profiling: click
of the users on the
On MovieLens
logs after
binarization and
on data
extracted from
Google News.
Percentage of
items correctly
By A/B testing during
6 months, rate of usage
Page 97
Data and users et
online performance
evaluation or real use
11. Hybrid
Music pieces
Polyphonic timbres of
pieces of music.
Collaborative: users'
Precision, artist
12. Social
Ranking on
with users tags
Documents IDs,
users IDs,
users tags.
13. BeeHive People in a
private social
network (IBM)
Companys social
network, data from
users generated
A/B Testing
Rate of good
recommendation, rate
of discovery.
14. Recon People in a
online dating
sociodemographic data
+ implicit profiling
using recipients of
messages of invitation
Measure of
Recall: rate of
15. Fastweb :
TV Programs
and Video On
TV and VOD: bag of
word representation
Logs of users: VOD
purchased, TV program
watched including
duration of viewing
Measure of
Recall, on VOD
Conversion Rate,
estimated on VOD only
16. Youtube
uploaded by
the users
Implicit Profiling: click
of the users on videos
A/B Testing, rate of
increase in use
messages on a
social network
TF-IDF representation
of the messages + IDs of
followers and
Measure of
18. Cobot Web pages
from web
search engine,
in a domain-
Concept and topic
building extracted from
conversations via a
medical ontology.
Social network of the
conversation. Explicit
feedback by "I like"-
type buttons.
Available on-line for a
while, at
Table 2-4. Data and performances
Page 98
Page 99
3 Industrial KNN based system: the
Reperio C/E Engine
"Better a near neighbor than a distant cousin."
Italian Proverb.
The purposes of this chapter are:
- to define a K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) based recommender system, item oriented though
generalized to other object to recommend: users, metadata's...
- to study, in an industrial context, the choice of implementation of KNN that lead to the
best performances,
- to check that the KNN system are compatible with Requirements defined in Chapter 1,
- to validate in an industrial environment, system performance, especially when starting a
service with the phenomenon of cold-start,
- to study the performance of the K-NN system in limit cases.
During this thesis, the presented system has become a real operational recommender engine
called Reperio E/C, used on several prototypes or real services in the Orange Group.
Page 100
3.1 Presentation of our KNN implementation: Reperio
All the analysis of the KNN-based methods' performances are done with the Reperio engine,
whose developments began few months before this thesis at Orange Labs.
The Reperio engine is a prototype of a hybrid recommender engine. There are 2 branches of
the engine: Reperio-C (Centralized) has a web service and works exclusively on centralized
servers. Reperio-E (Embedded) does not have web service and works as a development library on
any terminal with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM): this includes PCs and mobile java-based
frameworks such as Google Androids smart phones. Reperio-E is adapted to limited resource
The Reperio engine has allowed us to test prototypes of services in several fields: DVD
recommendation, Video On Demand recommendation, TV program recommendation (embedded
engine on Android smart phone), and music recommendation. Reperio is currently tested as a
deployed system on the following recommendation services: books and radio stations.
Reperio is composed of
- a database containing the data sources and the models of recommendation,
- program modules: Java packages.
Reperio can handle 4 data sources:
1. Logs of users: shopping, browsing, rating on items,
2. Catalog of items, with metadata describing the items,
3. User preferences on item attributes,
4. Data of social networks: declared friends.
The models of Reperio recommendation are based on similarity matrices between objects.
Generally, we build similarity matrices between items, from logs of usages (collaborative filtering)
or from a catalog (thematic filtering, also known as contend-based filtering). It is also possible to
build matrices of similarities between users or between items characteristics (called descriptors).
3.2 KNN based recommendation models
Once a source and a representation space of objects are chosen, a k-Nearest Neighbor based
model needs to specify:
1. a similarity measure to compare the objects,
2. a scoring function to predict de values associated with the objects,
3. a neighborhood size.
Reperio uses recommendation templates based on similarity matrices between data which may
come from different sources. In general, the similarity matrix is a matrix known as the item-item
similarity matrix (it compares pairs of items) whose sources are:
- a log table in the case of a collaborative mode,
- a catalog in the case of a thematic mode.
Other similarity matrices can be computed from tables of user preferences, or tables of
declared friends, to provide personalized recommendations of descriptors (features of items) or
other users.
In what follows, we restrict ourselves to the classical case of the recommended items, but it is
also appropriate for the objects descriptors and users.
Page 101
3.2.1 Choice of similarity functions in Reperio
Once the object source and space representation is defined, the first crucial choice when
designing a k-NN model is those of the similarity measure.
All the similarity measures are defined below for non-null values. Non-null values are those
defined in the logs. Null values are ignored. Ignoring non existing value is a key for scalability
when managing huge matrices.
We remind the use the following notations: u, v denote users, i, j items, T
the set of all users
who rated item i, S
the set of all items rated by u,
the rating of user u for item i,
the mean
rating of item i on all the logs of ratings,
the predicted rating by the scoring system of a user u
for an item i. We define the following similarity measures:
, =
It is the similarity measure referenced by many publications (Resnick et al., 1994) (Sarwar et
al., 2001) (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005) (Rao and Talwar, 2008). This formula suffers from a
major bias: 2 items which have just one common user, who gave to the two items the same rating,
will have a maximum similarity (Deshpande and Karypis, 2004) and (Breese et al. , 1998). To
correct this bias we introduce the following similarity:
, =
The effect of the Extended Pearson is to take into account, in the denominator, all the rating of
both items.
Cosine is defined by:
See (Adomavicius, 2005) for example. Following the same principle as above, we can
formulate an extended cosine:
where only the denominator changes.
In the case where the service only supports binary events such as purchases, the ratings are
managed as constants. This makes inoperative a Pearson similarity: it returns always zero. To
address both rating logs and purchase/browsing logs, an hybridization similarity of Jaccard and
Pearson has been proposed in (Candillier et al. 2008), the Mix similarity:
The Jaccard similarity is defined by:
, =
and the Mix similarity is defined by:
, = , +, / (3-6)
Page 102
Finally, mixing extended Pearson and Jaccard we can get for instance the ExtendedMix and
the Weigthed Pearson similarity measures:
, = , , +/ (3-7)
, = (, ) , (3-8)
The ExtendedMix similarity measure is useful when deploying a recommender system without
knowing in advance if the log data will be full binary events or ratings. This measure is robust
against static ratings or pure binary logs such as browsing logs or purchase logs, as the mix
measure. The Weighted Pearson (Candillier et al., 2008) is another way to take into account the
size of the overlap of the two vectors: this measure is close to the ExtendedPearson similarity, and
gives very good results. See (Candillier et al., 2007) and (Candillier et al, 2008) for details and
results on tests of several similarity measures.
Reperio mainly uses:
- Jaccard's similarity on catalog data or on logs of sales or browsing,
- Weighted Pearson similarity in the case of logs of ratings,
- Mix similarity if the target data may change or contain both binary and real values.
3.2.2 Rating predictions
Reperio uses two formulas to predict scores based on the elements introduced earlier. First, the
scoring formula called "Multi-users" or "mean-based" scoring function. It is adapted only to
collaborative data environments.
is the predicted rating of the user u for the item i
is the rating of the user u for the item i
3.2.3 Choice of the neighborhood size
In models based on k-NN item-item matrix, the number of neighbors generally increases the
system performance (Bell et al., 2007a, 2007b). However, the quadratic complexity of the search
and storage of the k-NN, whether in space or time, is a problem. So there's always a trade-off to
decide for an industrial system (Deshpande and Karypis, 2004) (Koren, 2010).
Reperio always uses mean-centered encoding of the ratings ; it is necessary to use the mono-user formula
Page 103
Many recent studies are limited to a few tens of items for their neighborhood model (Bell et al,
2007c) (Takacs et al., 2007).
Our experiments showed that beyond tens of items of neighborhood, the performance of item-
item models changes very little in reference databases such as MovieLens or Netflix: (Candillier
et al., 2007) and (Candillier et al , .2008).
However, to make recommendations based on similarities for all items including those rarely
rated (items in the "long tail") one must keep a neighborhood large enough. We therefore
generally use a number of nearest neighbors of 200 for all tests, to have good security of
The recommendation model of Reperio includes calculating the similarity matrix and statistics
on items and users. This process occurs cyclically in batch (e.g., 2 times a day) in centralized
collaborative mode (multi-users), or in real-time without pre-computed matrix in embedded
thematic mode (mono-user).
3.3 Implementation of the core functions
In what follows, the active similarity matrix can be, depending on use case:
- the item-item similarity matrix computed on the logs (collaborative recommendation)
- the item-item similarity matrix computed on the catalog of items (thematic
- a hybrid of two previous matrices (hybrid recommendation)
- logs or external catalogs whose itemIDs were intersected with the main catalog
(hybridization with external data).
3.3.1 Rating prediction
The default predictors
The default predictors are triggered in Reperio in the following cases:
- when the user has not rated any item
- when the item i to be scored does not have a shared neighborhood with the users profile:
the similarity matrix did not keep enough neighbors for i.
Default predictor using users preferences
There is a simple formula for rating prediction in Reperio based solely on user preferences,
and thus using the rating on the descriptors.
Each descriptor is associated with an internal weight, from the catalog: if the catalog is from a
reliable source, all descriptors have an associated internal weight to 1. If the catalog has been
generated by methods of aggregation and automatic text-mining, the descriptors can have weights
between 0 and 1 equivalent to a confidence index.
Each descriptor is associated with a weight from its attribute. The dictionary of attributes is
defined at deployment of the system: the weights of each attribute are determined at this time by
an expert.
The general formula for predicting ratings based on preferences, in thematic mode, is:
Page 104
where () is the set of descriptors for item , () the set of descriptors recorded in the
preferences of , () the weight of the descriptor (usually 1), p
the rating of u for the
descriptor d and (()) the weight of the attribute , defined in the dictionary of attributes.
Following user testing on our prototype of embedded agent for a recommendation of TV
programs, we found that preferences with strong negative values meant "suppress elements with
these characteristics, while very positive preferences meant "I may love the items with these
characteristics". Negative preferences are more important carriers of information as they generally
mean complete suppression whereas positives preferences generally just mean possible selection.
Reperio uses a configurable preference scale. The preference rating scale has an external
representation and an internal representation. The external representation depends on the man-
machine interface and is for instance from 1 (I dislike) to 5 (I like very much).
The internal representation for preferences in Reperio ranges from a value to value
so that = . This preference scale is asymmetric and emphasizes negatives
ratings of items characteristics.
Default Predictor using average ratings
Predictors by means of ratings are default predictors used in thematic mode, collaborative
mode and hybrid mode. They simply return a constant, or the mean rating of the item, or the mean
rating of the user, or the mean of the users means and the items mean, based on available
information. A constant value is returned in the worse case, when no mean information is
available about the means.
Case of thematic mode, or case of embedded system
Reperio-E is an engine designed to operate also in embedded environment in single-user mode
with thematic data only. In this configuration, it is not possible to access logs of usages on other
users. It is therefore not possible to obtain information on the mean ratings of items in a
population of users or information on average each user.
The only possible scheme of predicting a rating for an item i for user u exploiting the item-
item similarity matrix in this case is to perform a direct computation of a weighted average of the
similarities of the target item i with the items rated by u that are close to i. This is shown in the
Figure 3-1, using the rating prediction formula "mono user".
Collaborative case
Where there is access to logs of usages on the items, various complementary solutions to
improve the "mono user" rating prediction formula exist. Our choice was prioritized after several
tests to deviations of the users mean ratings for each item on the total population, but other
options are also possible, see (Candillier et al., 2007). This formula is known as "multi-users" (see
Figure 3-2) in opposition to the first formula.
3.3.2 Ranking
Using Reperio the ranking is directly provided by the rating prediction rating. A list of items
} is then simply sorted in decreasing order of predicted score. Options allow:
- use of preference-based rating prediction: this allows for example to filter in a query result,
items that have characteristics not desired by a user,
- zeroing of items being too similar to existing items in the user profile.
Page 105
Rocky 3
Star Wars
Avatar Rocky 3
Star Wars
Profile of user u: Su
Item-item similarity Matrix on movies
Rocky 3
Star Wars
( ) ( )
{ }
( )
{ }
j S
j S
sim i j r
sim i j
Figure 3-1: Rating prediction in the case where only one profile is available
Rocky 3
Star Wars
Avatar Rocky 3
Star Wars
Profile of user u: Su
Item-item similarity Matrix on movies
Rocky 3
Star Wars
( ) ( )
{ }
( )
{ }
uj j
j S
ui i
j S
sim i j r r
r r
sim i j
= +
Means of items,
Means of users
Figure 3-2: Rating prediction: collaborative case
3.3.3 Anonymous item-to-item recommendation
Item-to-item recommendation is straightforward as it is shown is the following figure. The
similarity matrix is directly accessed to find the most similar items of the item used in context.
Page 106
Toy Story
Star Wars
Avatar Toy Story
Star Wars
Item-item similarity Matrix
1. Item used as context
(during catalog
browsing for instance)
2. Similar items
Figure 3-3 : Principle of item-to-item recommendation to anonymous users
3.3.4 Seed-based personalized recommendation of items
The seed-based personalized item recommendation is possible if the user profile contains rated
items. To manage shopping or browsing logs, ratings equivalent to each user action may be
In Reperio, the seed-based personalized recommendation of items consists of 5 steps:
1. Determination of seed items (possible short / long term profile management)
During this step, Reperio chooses up to reference items called seeds. Normally these items
are highly rated from the user profile. If we do not have highly rated items, we take the rated
items, which are usually an indication of the interests of the user. Options allow Reperio to select
items more or less recent: it makes it possible to work with the short-term or long-term users
profile. By default, Reperio searches up to 10 highly rated items by the user (items above the
average rating of the user), with randomization to insure diversity.
2. Determination of candidates (possible management of the long tail)
Once the seeds selected, Reperio searches candidate items by seed ( is configurable and
set to 100 by default). For this, it uses the item-item similarity matrix and searches for similar
items. A parameter specifies whether one only searches in the most often rated items, or rarely
rated items. Separating long tail / short head is performed under a 80/20 rule. The 20% of the
most rated items are considered in the short-head, the remaining 80% are considered in the long-
tail. The choice to search in the long tail or in the short-head, and the short-head / long tail
threshold, are made by the service using Reperio (according to some business rules). The
candidates are stored in a hash-table insuring that each candidate is unique.
3. Deletion of items already known by the user
Reperio removes items from the list of candidates already in the user profile.
Page 107
4. Ranking of candidate items
Reperio ranks the remaining candidates to sort items in order of decreasing predicted rating
with respect to the targeted user.
5. Selection of a randomized Top-N item list with a diversity parameter
Reperio then selects at random the requested items, among the first items in the
ordered list of candidates. The parameter is called diversity factor: set to 1, diversity is null and
Reperio takes the Top-N candidates. Set to 10 Reperio take random items among the first
candidate items available.
These steps ensure the recommendations to be:
- close to the user profile, encouraging a confident collection of recommendations,
- with items from well-known catalog list or rare item list (short head / long tail),
- non trivial (not present in the user profile),
- ordered by relevance,
- non repetitive.
The Figure 3-4 gives an overview of this process in the illustrative case of a movie
recommender. In 2010, an experiment was conducted with Reperio-E on a TV-program
recommender embedded on mobile smartphone. The system recommended TV programs to users
based on their personal feedback. The recommendation strategy used was the seed-based strategy
applied on 3 use cases: instant recommendation, daily recommendations, weekly
recommendations. The diversity parameter was set to 0: as the catalog was changing every week
there was no need to use a principle of diversity. After 2 months of tests, the 10 users involved in
the experiments were interviewed on various aspects of the service. Concerning the quality of the
recommendations, 9 users on 10 declared to be very satisfied with the system.
3.4 Checking the industrial requirements
This section reviews the requirements previously defined in chapter 1 to illustrate how Reperio
manages its compliance with them.
3.4.1 Ability to manage multiple data sources
Multiple source data management in Reperio includes 3 areas: suitable engine architecture,
standardized format and generic data sources, adapted similarity functions.
Engines adapted architecture
The cycle for updating data table consists in adding new data from back office (this is
especially the case for re-delivery of catalogs), then trying to delete old or outdated information.
The removal of old information is not trivial because we must be careful, for example, not to
delete items, or descriptors of the items, which are still listed in user profiles: the rated item
descriptors table is used to memorize items deleted from the Catalog but still referenced in at
least one user profile. In Contend-Based mode, the item-item similarity matrix is computed using
the items of the Catalog and the the item in the rated item descriptor table. A special process
regularly monitors the volume of the database and carries out the pruning of the oldest
information when it becomes necessary (oldest rated items).
Standardized and generic data source format
The similarity matrix computation process takes as input a table which is a multi-indexed
sparse matrix with 3 fields: row, column, value. Other fields, such as date, comments ... are
available for specific selections. The 4 main data sources of Reperio all share this format. It is
then easy to generate item-item similarity matrices of each type of objects, user-user or
descriptor-descriptor, as shown in the Figure 3-5. Reperio is able to provide up to 8 different types
of recommendations.
Page 108
Adapted similarity function
A similarity function adapted to the real data or binary data has been proposed and tested
(Candillier et al., 2008). This function, called "Mix" makes it possible to deploy Reperio on
services based on rating logs or on logs of purchases where users actions are encoded with
constant pseudo-ratings. The use of constant ratings is not consistent with a Pearson's similarity
(the similarities of vectors with constant features are all zero when using a Pearson similarity).
3.4.2 Management of the cold start
Management of Cold-Start is provided by the possibility of using models based on thematic or
hybrid item-item similarity matrix in mono-user mode if necessary, and the possibility of using
external data sources. The cold start is studied in a specific section later in this chapter.
Profile of user u: Su
Rocky 3
Star Wars
Toy Story
Star Wars
Toy Story
Casablanca Avatar Pulp Fiction Bambi Star Wars II Wall-E E.T.
Star Wars
Toy Story
Star Wars
Wall-E Avatar E.T. ... ... Bambi
Star Wars
Wall-E Avatar E.T.
Wall-E Avatar ...
Star Wars
Bambi Avatar
Star Wars
Step 1
Seed selection
short-term / long-term
profile management
Step 2
Candidate generation
short head / long tail
Step 3
Known items
Step 4
Step 5
Randomized Top N selection
from the Top N*D list
D is a diversity factor
In this example D=2 and N=3: Reperio randomly
chooses 3 items among the top 3x2=6 best ranked
items, so Bambi is selected whereas previously
ranked in 5
Figure 3-4 : Reperios general process to generate personalized recommendations of items
Page 109
3.4.3 Management of noisy or corrupted data
We distinguish here two cases:
- noisy data of a catalog of items, where some attributes are very informative and some not
at all,
- corrupted data, for example by fake users.
The noisy data from a catalog of items
On the catalogs of items, Reperio allows to select or to specify the weight of each attribute in a
dictionary of attributes. For example, for a movie recommendation service, we can specify the
following pairs (attribute weight): (Title, 0) (type, 3) (Actor, 4) (Director, 3), (Supervisor, 3),
(Country, 0), (Producer, 0) ... The weights are determined empirically by cross-validation during
service initialization. A feature weighting scheme, such as Relief-F (Robnik-Sikonja, 2003) is
being studied to automate this process. Descriptors may also have a specific weight. This function
is used in an embedded prototype of TV program recommender (on Smartphone Android
): for
example, the different actors of the films or guests of emissions have a weight inversely
proportional to the order they appear in the item's description of the Electronic Program Guide
(EPG, the electronic TV catalog).
Data corrupted by fake users
Mitigating the impact of corrupted data is managed by the possibilities of hybridization.
Reperio can merge different similarity matrices by linear combination of their item-item
similarities. For example, to neutralize the impact of fake users, it is possible to hybridize a
collaborative item-item matrix (with fake users) and a thematic item-item matrix computed from a
catalog of data contained by the service provider.
3.4.4 Scalability
Reperio E/C includes 3 systems to insure scalability for medium to large datasets:
1. A-built-in optimized indexed data structure in the kernel of Reperio allowing to load in
RAM up to 100 millions of logs in 2Gb of RAM.
2. A Ram-Cache mechanism to reduce the number of requests to the database: in general,
coupled this the optimized indexed data structure, the database is just read once.
3. A parallelization framework making it possible to parallelize the item-item k-NN matrix
building on M machines, leading to a process time nearly divided by M.
Reperio E/C has been tested up to 500,000 "items" using a transposed of the Netflix's logs'
matrix. This configuration takes several hours to perform the KNN search (See user-user k-NN
models in Candillier et al., 2007). Then Reperio has been tested up to 1,000,000,000 of logs by
duplicating users' rating with new user IDs. Increasing the items' dimensionality (number of
ratings or number of descriptors) increases linearly the time of the KNN search. Beyond these
figures Reperio E/C needs new mechanisms to deal with scalability issues.
Examples of speed performances of Reperio are given later in this chapter.
3.4.5 Reactivity
In Reperio all personalized recommendation function are based on an on-line user profile. This
profile is always updated in real-time and any change in the profile, adding or changing ratings on
the items, has an immediate impact on the personalized recommendations. The functions of
recommendation are simple and of linear complexity with respect to the size of the user profile. It
is not necessary to re-compute the recommendation model for each profile modification: the item-
item similarity matrices change slowly and can be updated cyclically every day or every week.
Page 110
Metadata (catalog)
Usersratings on items
Row: items
Colums: users
Values: ratings or Boolean events
Catalog of the items
Rows: items
Colums: descriptors
Values: Booleans
Users declared or infered
preferences on metadata
Rows: users
Colums: descriptors
Values: ratings or Booleans
User declared friends
Rows: users
Colums: users
Values: Booleans
iitems x items similarity
based on usages
users x users similarity
based on usages
items x items similarity
based on metadata
descriptions in the catalog
descriptors x descriptors
similarity based on catalog
descriptors x descriptors
similarity based on
users x users similarity
based on
users x users similarity
based on declared friends
users x users similarity
based on trusting users
Figure 3-5: List of data sources and possible similarity matrix generations in Reperio
3.4.6 Trust-based relationship management
There are three simple functions in Reperio related to the trust relationship, transparency of the
system and its explanation: the traceability of any recommendation, the possibility of generating a
confidence index, and the linking of any item presented with preferences of the user.
Traceability of the recommendations
Each personalized recommendation can be traced to find in the user profile, which most
similar item seed was used to generate the recommendation or the predicted rating.
Confidence index
An index of confidence may be associated with any recommendation or predicted rating. This
is done using the similarity index between recommended item i and the item in the user profile the
most similar to i.
Highlighting preferences related to items recommended
For any user u and item i, Reperio can provide a list of descriptors of i referenced in the
preferences of u. When viewing an item i recommended to u, we can highlight descriptors of i
that were rated positively by u, and conversely highlight in another way (other colors) the list
of descriptors of i that were rated negatively by u.
Page 111
3.4.7 Management of the long-tail
Management of the long tail is directly integrated into the personalized recommendation
function of Reperio. A specific mode can be used to search for particular candidate items in the
short-head or in the long-tail. When selecting the final list of items to recommend, a diversity
parameter is used to define a random selection more or less diverse in the sorted list of the
candidate items.
3.5 Expected accuracy in industrial contexts
In this section, we study, on a reference logs database (Netflix), the performance of the KNN
recommender systems on collaborative thematic and hybrid data sources. We first show that
models based on item-item similarity matrices give good performances if they use appropriate
formulae and calculation of similarity scores. We study first the case of a system already
operational with many data. Then we simulate a cold start process. We show that if the
collaborative systems seem insurmountable in terms of performance when users have long
profiles, however they are not very competitive, if user profiles are not rich, which is a common
case in practice. To manage the cold-start in a recommender system, we show that "cascade"
approaches, thematic then hybrid and then collaborative, would be more appropriate.
3.5.1 Presentation
We have seen in this chapter that an effective technology in the field of collaborative filtering
is based on calculating the item-item similarity matrix (Karypis, 2001) (Sarwar et al. , 2001),
(Linden et al., 2003) (Deshpande and Karypis, 2004). When building an item-item similarity
matrix based on usage logs, when the service starts, we find ourselves confronted with the well
known problem of the cold-start (Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005). Therefore, using content-
based approaches, that is to say based on items' descriptive metadata, in combination with
collaborative methods, is a recurring issue. Hybrid recommendation methods, which use
collaborative and thematic data were studied in (Balabanovic and Shoham, 1997) (Salter et al.
2006). But they have been little studied, to our knowledge, on the reference data widely accessible
as Netflix (Netflix Prize 2007).
In this section we restrict ourselves to models that are based on an item-item matrix, this
matrix is calculated on logs data or items' metadata. We study the quality of item-item similarity
matrices that can be produced:
- from rich thematic data,
- from both collaborative data and thematic data (hybridization).
according to several contexts of cold start, with short profiles and long profiles.
3.5.2 Experimental protocol
Similarity Measures
We will use the following similarity measures, previously presented:
( )
( )( )
( ) ( )
2 2
Pearson i, j
i j
i j i j
ui i uj j
u T T
ui i uj j
u T T u T T
r r r r
r r r r
e e
( )
( )( )
( ) ( )
2 2
ExtendedPearson i, j
i j
i j i j
ui i uj j
u T T
ui i uj j
u T T u T T
r r r r
r r r r
e e
Page 112
( )
2 2
Cosine i, j
i j
i j i j
ui uj
u T T
ui uj
u T T u T T
r r
r r
e e
( )
2 2
ExtendedCosine i, j
i j
i j i j
ui uj
u T T
ui uj
u T T u T T
r r
r r
e e
( ) ( ) ( )
, ( , ) 1 , ) / 2 mix i j jaccard i j pearson i j = +
{ }
{ }
( , )
i j
i j
jaccard i j
( ) ( ) ( )
ExtendedMix , jaccard( , ) 1 earson , ) / 2 i j i j ExtendedP i j = +
Function for rating predictions (scoring methods)
Firstly, the formula called Mean-based, or Multi-users to insist on the fact that it is usable
only in collaborative contexts:
( ) ( )
{ }
( )
{ }
uj j
j S
ui i
j S
sim i j r r
r r
sim i j
= +
In the case of a single-user system, one uses the formula known as Not-Mean-Based, or
Mono-User to insist on the fact that it is compliant with mono-user recommender systems, where
items are represented by vectors of metadata instead of vector of many users' ratings.
( ) ( )
{ }
( )
{ }
j S
j S
sim i j r
sim i j
Parameters of the KNN models used
As previously mentioned (cf 3.2.3), in k-NN item-item models, the number of neighbors
generally increases system performance (Bell et al., 2007a, 2007b). However, the quadratic
complexity of the search for k-NN, whether in time or space, is quadratic. So there's always a
tradeoff for an industrial system (Deshpande and Karypis, 2004) (Koren, 2010) to select a
reasonable value for K. Moreover, many recent studies are limited to a few tens of items for their
neighborhood model (Bell et al, 2007c) (Takacs et al., 2007). So we use a number of nearest
neighbors of K=200 for all tests, to have good security effectiveness.
Data sources used: Netflix + IMDb
For the collaborative part we used the logs from Netflix (, which are now a
reference database. For our tests of relevance and cold-start we used a sample of this database,
25,000 users. This sample was split, for each user profile, in 2 parts, Learning set and Test sets of
respectively 90% and 10% of the ratings.
For the Cold Start analysis, we conducted two tests :
- one using long profiles of more than 180 ratings per user on average in the Training set
and 20 rating-profile in the Test set.
- another using short profiles of 20 ratings per user on average in the Training set and 180
rating-profile in the Test set (we simply reversed Training and Test).
The following table summarizes the characteristics of our tests for the collaborative part
(excluding latest tests of cold-start from 10 to 100,000 users).
Page 113
Number of selected users 25,000 for the hybridization
test with many data
From 10 to 100,000 for the
cold-start simulations
Number of selected items 17,770 (100% items)
% of sampling in the Learning set
(case of the long profiles)
% of sampling in the Test set
(case if the short profiles)
Size of the Learning set for the long profiles
Size of the Test set for the long profiles 516,979
Average size of the long profiles
(in number of ratings)
188 rated items
Average size of the short profiles
(in number of ratings)
20 rated items
Tab. 3-1 Characteristics of the data for the tests
For the content-based filtering part we used data from the Internet Movie Database
( This database contains many information on the movies referenced
internationally. We used the following attributes to enrich metadata of Netflix's movies: genre,
director, actors, tags of users (these are keywords or terms associated to the movies), the country
of production ... Each pair (attribute, value) of a IMDB's movie's information is considered a
Boolean called descriptor that can be linked to an item. For example, the item (Star Wars I) will
have the following descriptors: (Genre, science fiction) (Actor, Harrison Ford), (Director, George
Lucas), etc.
IMDb data were crossed with those of Netflix using the information of the title + year. We
calculated the Levenshtein's distance between the title of the movie from Netflix and IMDb for
that, once freed from non-alphanumeric characters. In the same time, we calculated the distance
between the date of the movie release from Netflix and from IMDb. An automatic procedure then
performs the join of the Netflix's movies' title with the closest title in the IMDb database,
provided that the release dates are not different by more than 1 year. The error rate was then
estimated by sample, manually analyzing the associations of Netflix-IMDb's titles. The overall
number of different descriptors was: 861,507. The number of items for which we could link a
descriptor was 15,953 or 90.13% of the items. The error rate of the joint was estimated by
sampling at 6%: it was basically due to sports or wildlife documentaries that were not listed in
IMDb but were available to rent in the Netflix database.
3.5.3 Test protocols
General principle of the modeling
The test procol at each measure step is the following:
Select N Netflix's users randomly
Select all the logs r
of the N users (all items rated by these users)
Split randomly the logs obtained in 2 parts, Learning and Test (a user profile u will have a
learning profile u
and a test profile u
For each type of method, build a item-item similarity matrix-based model using all the items'
rating known in the Learning set:
Page 114
- In Collaborative mode: use the logs to calculate similarities (the items users matrix), and
then use the Multi-user Mean-Based scoring method to predict the ratings.
- In Thematic mode: use IMDB metadata to calculate similarities (the items metadata
matrix), and then use the Mono-user Not-Mean-Based scoring method to predict the ratings.
- In Hybrid mode: use IMDB metadata to calculate similarities (the items metadata matrix),
and then use the Mean-Based scoring method to predict the ratings.
The RMSE is then calculated on the ratings belonging to the user profiles in the Test set,
comparing actual ratings and predicted ratings.
Simulation of the Cold-Start
We vary the number of users logarithmically. We work in two contexts:
- long profiles, where we use 90% of each user profile, stored in the Learning set, which
corresponds to an average user profiles of 180 rated items (the rest of the profile being used in
Test set to evaluate the RMSE).
- short profiles, where we use 10% of each user profile, stored in the Learning set, which
correspond to an average of only 20 items scored (the remaining 90% being in Test).
Measures: RMSE and its variations RMSE-In and RMSE-Out.
The RMSE is a popular measure for evaluating a predictive model for ratings. If we consider a set
of ratings to predict in a Test set, noted R
, we want to compare ratings with a set of predicted
ratings R
, then the RMSE is given by:
( ) ( )
, ,
u i T
T P u i u i
r R
rmse R R r r
, u i
rating of the user u for the item i, this rating known in test
u i
rating of the user u for the item i, this rating predicted by
the model
Size of the Test set (number of ratings to predict)
In fact for models that could not be able to answer for all recommender requests (it is
especially the case on KNN models) the RMSE can be calculated using two measures: either
directly by comparing the right rating r with the rating predicted by the model
(here a
item-item KNN model) if possible, or by comparing the true rating r with the default rating
of the default predictor if none of the items of the user profile allows the use of a k-NN
So we make two RMSE measures, called RMSE-in and RMSE-out. The RMSE-out
corresponds to the calculation of the total error, using the main predictive model or the default
predictor if the main predictive model is unavailable.
The RMSE-in is the internal error of the main predictive model. It corresponds to the
calculation for cases where the calculation of the predicted rating
, ,
Indeed, we are going to carry out our evaluation on the Test set T(u,i) so with:
, , ,
is not an estimator of E because T has the same distribution as R, and its values are not
missing at random. An estimator of E would be:
, , ,
with , : the probability that the value of (u, i) is present in the Test set T.
The problem is that we do not know the probability distribution for T as we do not know that
for R. We can try to approximate the probability distribution for T, but we have to assume that the
distribution of the users and the distribution of the items are independent
With this hypothesis, we have: , =
with = , , , = , , . and are respectively the
number of items rated by u and the number of users who rated i.
Finally an estimator of the error would be, with the hypothesis of independence distribution of
the users and the items :
, , ,
Another way is to consider that:
, , ,
is still an interesting measure. In fact we do not have to assume that the request to the
recommender system will have an uniform distribution. It is also possible to assume that this
measure is closer to the real most interesting value we would like to estimate: the average error of
the system in deployment. De facto, heavy users will use the service and the recommender system
more often that light users and should be considered more carefully than light users. And although
the recommendation systems should enhance the long tail, the requests for the "help to decide"
This might not be true at least with the Netflix dataset, see (Tan and Netessine, 2009).
Page 133
and the "help to compare" tasks, at least, will more often be related to popular items. We will take
this last hypothesis in our protocol, but keeping in mind that other hypothesis are also possible,
and that our protocol is not an ideal one.
Finally an ideal methodological process would be:
- using a dataset of logs of usages from a service not using a recommender system nor any
kind of automatic promotional system (advertising),...
- and using a dataset where the feedback of the users on the items is measured randomly, to
insure that the data are missing at random.
But, except for the second constraint where (Marlin and Zemel, 2009) indicated that Yahoo
could provide such a data, no dataset compliant with these constraints are today publicly available.
4.2.2 Evaluation protocol for the accuracy (Help to Decide)
After modelling, every log (u, i, r
) for a user u, an item i and the rating r in the Test Set is
used to ask the predicted rating
to the model, then the RMSE between all r
with T: the Test Set
Note: The RMSE has the same unity as the ratings; the lower the RMSE, the better the global
4.2.3 Evaluation protocol for the ranking (Help to Compare)
After modelling, for each user u and for each couple of item (i, j) in the Test Set rated par u
with r
or r
, the preference given by u is compared with the predicted preference given
by the recommender method, using the predicted ratings
The measure used is the Normalized Distance-based Performance Measure (NDPM) of
(Herlocker et al.,2004) :
with :
: number of contradictory preference relations between the system ranking and the user
ranking. A contradiction happens when the system says that item i will be preferred to item j
whereas user ranking says the opposite
: number of compatible preference relations, where user rates item i higher than item j, but
the system ranks at the same level i and j
: number of preferred relationships of the user: the number of pairs of rated items (i, j) for
which the user gives a higher rating for on item than for the other.
If the NDPM's scale does not separate the measures enough, the percentage of compatible
preferences could be used. The percentage of compatible preferences is not dataset-independent
but this is not a problem for our benchmark if we analyze MovieLens and Netflix separately.
Note: the NDPM is an index ; the lower this index, the better the ranking performance.
However for the percentage of compatible preferences, the greater the percentage, the better the
ranking performance.
Page 134
4.2.4 Evaluation protocol for the relevancy (Help to Discover)
After modelling, every user u in the Train Set receives N recommended items.
The recommendation strategy is to score all the catalog then push the 10 items with the best
predicted score, not already known in Train Set.
This approach would not be suitable for real recommendation because it is deterministic and
too expensive: it always returns the same Top-N items (for a deterministic algorithm) and scoring
full catalog takes time. This approach, however, to evaluate the "best ranking" behavior of the
algorithm studied. This method promotes a ranking engine that focuses on the high scores. This is
the general approach of the search engines for which the first results of a query are the most
important because they are the only ones evaluated by users.
An item i recommended for the user u
- is considered relevant if u has rated i in the Test Set with a rating greater than or equal to her
rating mean
- is considered irrelevant if u has rated i in the Test Set with a rating lower than her mean of
- is not evaluated if not present for u (not rated by u) in the Test Set.
The users mean are computed on the Train Set; with the random sampling between Train and
Test they are assumed stable.
H will stand for the set of evaluable recommendations in the Test set, that is to say the set of
couples (u,i), i being the recommended item to the user u, which existed in the Test Set. |H| is the
size of H, in number of couples (u i).
Note: The precision is given in percentage of good recommendations: the greater the precision,
the better the global relevancy.
4.2.5 Evaluation protocol for the Impact of the recommendations (Help
to Discover)
We first define a Measure of Impact of a recommended item (MI) which is the normalized
invert frequency of this item - equivalent to the invert of the sum of its counts multiplied by +1 if
the item is finally a good recommendation and multiplied by -1 if the item is finally a bad
First we give an absolute definition, noted aMI, of the impact of the recommendation of the
item i to the user u:
where count(i) is the number of ratings of item i on the Train Set.
As we defined, for the fields of rating-based logs of usages, a good recommendation as an item
which is, in final, is rated by the user greater than her rating average, we can write :
: the mean of ratings of the user u, and |I| the size of the catalog (the total number of
available items).
The basic idea is that, the more frequent a recommended item is, the less impact the
recommendation has. This is summarized in the next table:
Impact of the recommendation
Impact if the user likes the item
Impact if the user dislikes the item
Recommending a popular
The item is likely to be already
known at least by name by the user.
Even if the user dislikes this item
she can understand that as a popular
item this recommendation is likely
to appear... at least at the beginning.
Recommending an
unpopular item
The service provided by the
recommender system is efficient. The
rarest the item was, the less likely the
user would have find it alone.
Not only the item was unknown and
did not inspire confidence, but it
also was not good.
Table 4-6: Principle of the measure of impact of the recommendation, offline
The global Sum of Measure of Impact of a list Z of recommendations is the sum of the MI only for the
relevant recommended items for each user.
where H denotes the set of the evaluable recommendations in the Test set.
where Z denotes a set of couples (user, item), representing a set of recommendations.
An finally, the Average Measure of Impact of a list of recommendation is the averaged SMI:
Note: the absolute impact of a recommendation (aMI) has a minimum of -1 and a maximum of
+1. The MI could in theory range between -|I| and +|I| which corresponds to the recommendation
of an one-count item for a user who enjoyed it. The AMI has the same range, but only in theory.
Just remember that the greater the AMI, the better the positive impact on users.
Page 136
4.2.6 Evaluation protocol for the quality of an item-item similarity
matrix (help to Explore)
For this evaluation, we will need a item-item similarity matrix. This is straightforward in the
case of a KNN model, but in the case of a Matrix Factorization model, we have to find a way to
compare any couple of items. Once we have a similarity matrix given by the model, we can use it
in a classic KNN model and check all the other measure of performances: we can assume that the
most accurate the KNN model, the best the similarity matrix. We will use one baseline similarity
matrix to have performance references: a similarity matrix build at random: a uniform random
function is used to compare each pair of items and then the K most similar items are selected to
each item of the catalog.
Key Points - Prerequisites
Adapted measures
Help to Decide
The rating prediction must be accurate.
Extreme errors must be penalized because they
increase the risk of wrong decision.
The RMSE will be well adapted for the "Help
to Decide" performance measurement. This
measure penalizes extremes errors whereas for
instance the MAE do not.
Help to Compare
The predicted ranking must be good for every
couple of items of the catalog.
The NDPM (Herlocker et al., 2004) will be well
adapted for the "Help to Compare" performance
measurement. This measure of ranking doesn't
give more importance to the best ranked items.
The percentage of compatible ranks between
any couple of rated items and its associated
couple of predicted ratings of the items could
also be used, if it discriminate better the
Help to Discover
For each user the system must be able to select
in a list of items the most preferred items.
We have to identify good / bad
The recommendation must be precise.
The recommendation must be useful.
The recommendation must be trusted.
The average rating of the user u can be used as
a threshold to determine if a recommended item
i was liked by u, once we have the rating r
Once the good recommendations identified, the
classical Precision measure can be used to
evaluate the precision of the recommender.
Useful and trusted recommendations will be
measured via the recommendation impact
measure we defined in this section.
We will use 2 indicators, Precision and AMI.
Help to Explore
The simple item-to-item recommendation must
lead to precise recommendations
We have to identify good/bad
The recommendation must be precise.
A good similarity matrix for the task "Help to
Explore" is a similarity matrix leading to good
performances, in accuracy, relevancy,
usefulness and trust.
Table 4-7: Adapted measures for each core function
Page 137
4.2.7 Complementary information about our test
Working mode of our Gravity-based model
Unless otherwise specified, we use the following parameters for the gravity-based model:
- Learning rate: 0.030
- Regularization factor: 0.008
All factors are constrained in [-1;+1] and ratings are internally normalized in [0;1] and de-
normalized during RMSE computing (avoiding some rare but possible numeric divergences).
We use a learning process with early stopping to prevent overtraining:
- Validation Set: 1.5% of the Training Set.
- We will use 2 modes of early stopping.
- Limited convergence time mode: stop learning after 1 hour and an half, or if the RMSE
increases successively after 3 iterations on Validation Set whereas RMSE is still
decreasing on the Train Set .
The choice of the early stopping by time is guided by industrial constraints: we can't rely
on a good algorithm if this algorithm reaches its optimum performance too slowly. In our
experiments, all KNN models are built within 1 hour and an half, so we used this time
threshold for Gravity.
We will use bias for user and bias for item (1st factor user, 2nd factor item) as in the BRISMF
version of Gravity (Takacs et al., 2009). See also 2.4.3.
Working mode of our KNN-based model
Unless otherwise specified, we will use the following settings for the KNN-based model:
- KNN type: item-item similarity matrix
- Similarity used: weighted Pearson
- Scoring method: collaborative (multi-user mean-based, see 3.2)
- Default predictor: (mean user + mean item) / 2, or the available mean.
Baseline Predictor 1: Uniform Random Predictor
A uniform random model generates uniform random ratings for each rating prediction. These
ratings are used both to measure the accuracy of the system (RMSE) and the simple relevancy of
the system (precision for 10 recommendations) using a full catalog scoring and keeping the 10
best scores.
Baseline Predictor 2: basic Default Predictor (mean u + robust mean i)/2
This is the default predictor used in the Reperio engine, with a robust mean for items. The
robust mean of an item i is calculated only if i has at least 10 ratings. Otherwise the predictor will
return the mean of the user u's ratings. If u has no rating (in the Training Set, with some sampling
this may happen), then the Default Predictor returns the global mean of the ratings of the logs.
Our configuration
All our test are carried out on this configuration: Personal Computer with 12 GB Ram,
processor Intel
W3530 64-bit-4-core processor running at 2.8 GHz, hard disk of 350
GB. All algorithms and the benchmark process are written in Java
Page 138
We will use the following abbreviations for the segmentation of the performance:
Huser: Heavy users
Luser: Light users
Pitem: Popular items
Uitem: Unpopular items (the meaning of unpopular is rather "rare", "infrequent")
In order to make results easier to read, we give information about MovieLens performances
only if they differ significantly from those of Netflixs.
4.3 Results for score-based functions
4.3.1 Help to decide: rating prediction, and speed performances
Baseline predictors' performances
We first measure the RMSE performances of our reference predictors called baseline
predictors. The result, globally and for each segment, are given in the next two tables.
Baseline predictor dataset measures
time (s)
Basic default predictor MovieLens mean 0.9573 0.9386 0.9484 1.0038 1.0552 0.22
Basic default predictor MovieLens stand. Dev. 0.0018 0.0022 0.0012 0.0054 0.0098 0.02
Basic default predictor Netflix mean 0.9640 0.9399 0.9986 1.0071 1.0683 49.63
Basic default predictor Netflix stand. Dev. 0 0.0001 0.0002 0.0006 0.0005 3.39
Table 4-8: Baseline predictors's performance in RMSE: Default Predictor
Baseline predictor dataset measures
time (s)
Random Uniform MovieLens mean 1.7073 1.6955 1.7689 1.648 1.7197 0.31
Random Uniform MovieLens stand. Dev. 0.0030 0.0026 0.0051 0.0113 0.0169 0.05
Random Uniform Netflix mean 1.6962 1.6774 1.7520 1.6832 1.7498 81.40
Random Uniform Netflix stand. Dev. 0 0.0001 0.0001 0.0003 0.0012 37.40
Table 4-9: Baseline predictors's performance in RMSE: Random Uniform Predictor
Globally, we see that in the worse case, with the Random Uniform Predictor, the RMSE is
about 1.7 for a rating scaling of 1 to 5. The basic Default Predictor has an error rate 45% lower
than that of the Random Predictor. Its behavior both on MovieLens data and on Netflix data is
good and stable.
We also see that heavy users (Huser) and Popular items (Pitem) are easier to model with the
basic Default Predictor than the light-user-unpopular-item segment.
KNNs' RMSE performances
We carried out tests for different sizes of neighborhood, compliant with our tasks in an
industrial context. Increasing the number of KNN generally increases the performances but it will
be complicated to build matrix of K Nearest Neighbors and associated similarity weights with
high values for K (>500 or >1000) as this matrix must be kept in Random Access Memory. For
very large catalog applications, the size of the KNN matrix must be reasonable.
The KNN method performs well except when K is small and except for the light-user-
unpopular item segment (Luser Uitem). This fact is confirmed on MovieLens data. The results are
consistent across both datasets. We see a significant gap between the RMSE for the light-user-
Page 139
unpopular-item segment and the RMSE of the heavy-user-popular-item segment. Clearly, the
KNN model is not adapted to the former, whereas it performs well on the later.
Figure 4-1: KNN's RMSE performances on Netflix data
Gravity's RMSE performances
We carried out tests for different number of factors. We see that Gravity has difficulties
modelling the light-user-unpopular-item segment: on this segment the RMSE never decreases
under 0.96. On the contrary the RMSE for heavy-user-popular-item is close to the 0.81 value
between 16 and 32 factors, and the two symmetrical segments light-user-popular item and heavy-
user-unpopular-item both have also good low RMSE. The RMSE decreases when the factor
increases up to around 20 factors. After, the RMSE increases. It is a consequence of our time-
constrained early stopping condition: remember that we wanted Gravity to last no more than a
KNN model so the algorithm is given 1 and a half hours of computation max. On Netflix this
corresponds to about 140 passes on the Train dataset. The optimal number of factors seems to be
between 16 and 32. We found similar results with MovieLens, with no significant RMSE
improvements after 32 factors.
Figure 4-2: Gravity's RMSE performance on Netflix data - limited time to converge: 1 and a half
0 50 100 150 200
Number of KNN
RMSE for KNN on Netflix
rmse av.
Default Pred.
rmse Huser
rmse Luser
rmse Huser
rmse Luser
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Number Of Factors
Rmse for Gravity on Netflix
rmse av.
Default Pred
rmse Huser
rmse Luser
rmse Huser
rmse Luser
Page 140
If we restrict Gravity to have a computation time of 1 and an half hours (5400 seconds)
corresponding to the time of a KNN search, the optimum results are around 24 factors. Gravity
outperforms the KNN methods for the RMSE, especially for the Light-user-unpopular-item
segment, even if in fact the performances for this segment are quite similar to those of the average
of the Default Predictor (but the Default Predictor has a RMSE of 1.07 on this segment).
Figure 4-3: Gravity's RMSE performance on Netflix data - no limited time to converge
When we don't restrict the run of gravity within 1 and a half hours, the RMSE can decrease,
for the 2 heavy-user segments, under 0.85, even under 0.80 for the heavy-user-popular-item
segment. But for the light-user-unpopular-item segment the RMSE is always greater than 0.95,
close to the Default Predictor global performance (RMSE around 0.96 on Netflix). The
convergence time during the model building phase is not in favor of Gravity. Searching the K
nearest neighbors of N items must be done by computing the similarities of all couples ,
. Then for each item i a selection of the K most similar items to i is carried out. So
searching for 10 or 200 nearest neighbors does not change a lot the processing time, as we see in
the next figures: all the KNN search are computed, on the Netflix data (17,770 items) in less than
about 1 and a half hours. On the other hand, the convergence time of Gravity is very slow if we
only rely on a RMSE sudden rising curve on a validation set. For instance, it takes more than 10
hours with a 64-factor model and almost 40 hours for a 128-factor model.
Figure 4-4: Time for the KNN search on Netflix's data
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Number of factors
RMSE for Gravity on Netflix - no time limitation
rmse av. Default
0 50 100 150 200 250
Number of KNN
Time of KNN search - Netflix
Time of KNN search
Page 141
Figure 4-5: Gravity's time to converge with early stopping without time max, on Netflix's data
The next figure gives an example of the average scoring speed of the different algorithms
(except the Random Predictor which is not relevant in this case). We take for the KNN model a
neighborhood size K=100 and for Gravity a number of factors F=16 to compare the speed
algorithm on similar accuracy performances. The figure gives the number of rating predictions,
that is to say the number of predicted ratings for a user u and an item i, computed per second.
Note that this time includes I/O. KNN is twice slower than Gravity; a KNN model has a scoring
time linearly dependant to the size of the users' profile whereas Gravity, using a scalar product of
vectors of fixed size, is more efficient for this task.
Figure 4-6: Average number of rating predictions (scores) per second for the 3 main predictors
Analysis for the RMSE
We keep for this analysis the results of Gravity with time-based early stopping.
A global comparison focusing on Netflix results shows that:
- Gravity dominates KNN for the light-user-unpopular-item-segment (the Default Predictor
has a RMSE of about 1.07 on this segment, despite a global mean of 0.96.
- KNN dominates Gravity on Netflix for the heavy-user-popular-segment. This is not true
when Gravity is allowed to converge without time restriction, but in this case the
convergence time becomes a problem.
- Gravity dominates KNN for the light-user-popular-item segment and for the heavy-user-
unpopular-item segment.
0 50 100 150
Number of factors
Gravity's convergence time - Netflix
convergence time (hours)
50 000
100 000
150 000
200 000
250 000
KNN, K=100 Gravity, F=16 Default
Scoring speed on Netflix
nb scores/second
Page 142
Best accuracy (RMSE) per segment
Popular items Unpopular items
Heavy users
KNN Gravity
Light users
Gravity Gravity
Table 4-10: global analysis for the RMSE: best algorithm for each segment
4.3.2 Help to compare: full catalog ranking
Baseline predictors' ranking performances
For the ranking performances, we note no real differences between the segments as shown in
Figure 4-7. On the other hand, we note the relatively good performances of the default predictor.
The number of preferences actually evaluated is the number of couples of item (i,j), for any user u
in test, where u has expressed a preference, i.e. either r
or r
. This number of
preferences is the same for all the analyzed algorithms, given a dataset.
compatible nb compatible.
contrad. nb pref evalued
Stand. Dev.
Uniform 0.7500 0.4999 688,299 688,504 1,376,802 0.0003
Default Pred 0.6340 0.7319 1,007,707 369,096 1,376,802 0.0006
Table 4-11: Statistics for Baseline Predictors for the full ranking task on MovieLens
Predictor NDPM %compatible nb compatible. nb contrad.
nb pref
Stand. Dev.
random Uniform 0.7500 0.5000 109,000,000 109,000,000 218,000,000 0.000001
Default pred. 0.6587 0.6826 149,000,000 69,250,000 218,000,000 0.000087
Table 4-12: Statistics for Baseline Predictors for the full ranking task on Netflix
With the Default Predictor, the percentage of compatible preferences is significantly better
(greater) on MovieLens than on Netflix. The NPDM is also better on MovieLens (lower than that
on Netflix). Remind that there is no Pareto's effect on the MovieLens' datatset whereas there is
this phenomenon in Netflix's. Many items in Netflix have few ratings and no stable mean. The
ranking of the Default Predictor, based on items' mean, is then less reliable.
Figure 4-7: Performances in global ranking for the Default Predictor on Netflix
Note that as the percentage of compatible ranking discriminates better the results (larger scale)
we will now use, on the separate datasets, this measure instead of the NDPM.
% compatible
Huser Pitem
Luser Pitem
Huser Uitem
Luser Uitem
Global Ranking Performance
Default Predictor - Netflix
Default Model
Page 143
KNNs' ranking performances
On Netflix, KNN performs well as shown is the next figure, except for the light user segment.
Again the maximum of ranking compatibility is around 77% for heavy users' segments.
Figure 4-8: Ranking compatibility for KNN on Netflix
Comparing the default model with the KNN on MovieLens shows that globally the KNN
models doesn't perform well for global ranking: it does not outperform significantly the Default
Predictor model. It gives better performances only of the Heavy users's segments, up to 77% of
preferences compatibilities.
Gravity's ranking performances
We give the result for the time limited version of run for Gravity: Gravity can converge only
during 1 hour and a half. For the Light-user Unpopular-item segment Gravity outperforms the
KNN model, quickly modeling the ranking for this segment with the same performances as for the
Light-user-popular-item segment. For the rest, the performances are similar to those of KNN. The
results for Gravity are consistent across both dataset, except that on MovieLens the curves do not
decrease after 32 factors as Gravity has enough time to converge.
Figure 4-9: Ranking compatibility for Gravity on Netflix.
0 50 100 150 200
Number of KNN
Ranking compatibility for KNN - Netflix
default pred
Huser Pitem
%comp Luser
Huser Uitem
%comp Luser
0 20 40 60
Number of factors
Ranking compatibility for Gravity - Netflix
Default Pred
Huser Pitem
Luser Pitem
Huser Uitem
Luser Uitem
Page 144
Analysis of the ranking performances
Again we focus on Netflix and we compare the result for the ranking.
- Gravity clearly dominates for the 2 segments of light users
- KNN slightly dominates for the 2 segments of heavy users even if Gravity could work
almost as well as KNN for the good number of factors.
Best ranking (%compatibility) per segment
Popular items Unpopular items
Heavy users
Light users
Gravity Gravity
Table 4-13: Global analysis of the ranking task (help to compare)
4.3.3 Help to Discover: push of useful recommendation
Analysis using the Precision Measure
Baseline predictors' precision performances
On Netflix, the precision of random predictor is around 50% whereas the precision of the
default predictor is very good, about 92.8%. If we analyze the performances according to our
different segments we see a good stability of the results both for the Random Predictor and the
Default Predictor.
On MovieLens, the precision of the Random Predictor is around 55%, with a peak at 61% for
the heavy-user-popular-item-segment and a minimum at 39.6% on the light-user-unpopular-item
segment. The reason of the peak is quite simple: it is popular items, even at random, which are
counted in the heavy-user-popular-item segment and these items are generally enjoyed. The
Default predictor has an average precision of 86.7% which is quite good for its simplicity. Its
performance decreases only on the light-user-unpopular-item segment.
Precision of baseline predictors on Netflix
Predictor Precision
Stand. Dev. Of
Precision nb reco eval
Random Pred 0.5304 0.0002 5916
Default Pred 0.9286 0.0000 38250
Table 4-14: Precision of baseline predictors on Netflix
With an average of 92.9% of good recommendations for a Top-10 best rated items (with a
robust mean), and a remarkable stability of the performances on the different segments, the
Default Predictor is very competitive. The Default Predictor compares very well with the
literature: see the performances of precision of the overview (chapter 2).
Precision of baseline predictors on netflix - with segmentation
Predictor prec Huser Pitem prec Luser Pitem prec Huser Uitem prec Luser Uitem
Random Pred 0.5374 0.5467 0.4747 0.4868
Default Pred 0.9300 0.9247 0.9299 0.9249
Table 4-15: Precision of baseline predictors on Netflix - with segmentation
Page 145
KNNs' precision performances
On Netflix the precision increases as the number of KNN increases. But the results are not
significantly better than that of the Default predictor.
Precision of a KNN model on Netflix
Nb of KNN Precision Stand. Dev.
10 0.8675 0.000198
50 0.8983 0.001407
100 0.9167 0.002260
200 0.9339 0.001970
Table 4-16: Precision of a KNN model on Netflix
On Figure 4-10 we see that the precision is better than the default predictor for only 2
segments and only for at least K=200. Under K=100, it seems better to use a default predictor
than a KNN predictor for ranking tasks.
Figure 4-10: Precision for KNN - Netflix.
Nevertheless the heavy-user-popular-item segment is well modelled: the precision for 10
generated items for the KNN model is greater than 97% for the model with 200 neighborhood for
the heavy-user-popular-item segment.
Gravity's precision performances
On Netflix Gravity shows a better behavior than the KNN model, especially for the light-user-
unpopular-item segment as shown in Figure 4-11.
0 50 100 150 200
Number of KNN
Precision for KNN - Netflix
aver. Prec
prec Huser
prec Luser
prec Huser
prec Luser
Page 146
Figure 4-11: Precision for Gravity - Netflix
The global precision of Gravity on MovieLens increases slowly when the number of factors
increases, varying from 87.3% to 91.7%, which is the same order as the performances of the KNN.
The impacts of the recommendation are on the average lower than those of the KNN models.
Analysis concerning the Precision
The global precision of Gravity is slightly better than that of KNN but Gravity improves
especially the light-user-unpopular-item segment. KNN is very efficient for the heavy-user-
popular-item segment.
Best Precision for a Top 10 recommender, per segment
Popular items Unpopular items
Heavy users
KNN Gravity
Light users
Default Predictor Gravity
Table 4-17: Global analysis for precision: best algorithm for each segment
Globally, the Default Predictor is a very competitive ranking method for generating Top-N
recommendations, and should be used for every new user / light user.
The precision measure, used with a global catalog scoring scheme, and a Top 10, is
questionable to see the added value of a recommender system: the most surely enjoyed items are
not necessary the most useful ones as no information of the rarity of the items are taken into
account. The very good performance of the Default Predictor is clearly an indication of the
limitation of the precision measure: The Default Predictor is quite equivalent to the "most popular
items" or "best rated items" panel widely used on e-commerce websites: every user has
experienced that this information is sometimes useful but not always relevant and certainly not
adapted to personalized discovery. Moreover, a Top 10 recommending scheme it is just usable for
a first round, except for fast changing catalog: other items, riskier to recommend, will have to be
pushed after.
0 20 40 60
Number of factors
Precision for Gravity - Netflix
Predictor aver.
prec Huser
prec Luser
prec Huser
prec Luser
Page 147
Analysis using the Average Measure of Impact
On Netflix, the AMI gives slight negative performances of the Random Predictor and a small
performance to the Default predictor: The Default Predictor "wins" its impact values on well
known high popular items.
Baseline Predictors
1/(items' count) Stand. Dev.
Average Measure of
Random Pred -0.000035 1.1269E-06 -0.6219
Default Pred 0.000028 4.7525E-07 0.4976
Table 4-18: Average Measure of Impact of baseline predictor on Netflix
The KNN model behaves significantly better that the Default Predictor for the AMI.
Nb of KNN
1/(items' count) Stand. Dev.
Average Measure of
10 0.000086 0.000000 1.5282
50 0.000108 0.000001 1.9191
100 0.000115 0.000037 2.1146
200 0.000112 0.000012 1.9724
Table 4-19: Average Measure of Impact of KNN on Netflix
For Gravity, the behavior is much worse than that a KNN model. In general, the impact of
Gravity is similar to or lower than that of the Default Predictor.
1/(items' count) Stand. Dev.
Average Measure of
2 0.000017 < 0.000001 0.3020
4 0.000019 < 0.000001 0.3376
8 0.000025 < 0.000001 0.4442
16 0.000031 < 0.000001 0.5508
32 0.000033 < 0.000001 0.5864
64 0.000022 < 0.000001 0.3909
Table 4-20: Average Measure of Impact of Gravity on Netflix
For MovieLens the results are similar but not with the same magnitude: the Random Predictor
gives a strong negative AMI of -4.7, the Default Predictor gives an AMI of about 2.7, Gravity is
around 3.8 and the KNN model gives 6.85. The order of the algorithm's performances are
identical to those on Netflix but the AMI are amplified. We believe that the relative small size of
the dataset and the fact that each user has at least 20 ratings makes MovieLens easier for the task
of recommending rare items.
If we now select the best Average Measure of Impact for each predictor, we obtain the next
Page 148
Figure 4-12: Best Average Measure of Impact on Netflix
On Netflix an analysis according to the segmentation gives a more detailed view of where the
impacts are. Note that the support for the different evaluated segments are very different and the
weights of the two popular item segments are significantly higher.
Huser Pitem Luser Pitem Huser Uitem Luser Uitem
Gravity F=32 0.38 0.26 8.93 10.61
KNN K=100 0.71 0.43 9.59 8.84
Default Pred 0.29 0.25 21.22 12.31
Random Pred 0.00 0.03 -5.13 -0.53
Best algorithm KNN KNN Default Predictor Default Predictor
Table 4-21: AMI according to each segment
Analysis concerning the Average Measure of Impact
The results are consistent across both datasets. For the recommending task, the KNN models
have better Average Measure of Impact than the Gravity models. The Random Model of
recommendation has a negative Average Measure of Impact. The Default predictor has a AMI
performance close to that of Gravity. Gravity, taking into account more global aspect of the data,
has a behavior close to the Default Predictor.
Best AMI for a Top 10 recommender, per segment
Popular items Unpopular items
Heavy users
KNN Default Predictor
Light users
KNN Default Predictor
Table 4-22: Best models for the AMI depending on the segments
We still must be careful with these results directly computed on simple algorithms and with a
simple global catalog scoring scheme. The results just show the global natural bias of each
algorithm. It is very easy to use strategies such as post-filtering techniques based on the popularity
of the items to change the behavior of the recommender system, then to change the average
impact of the recommender.
Nevertheless we believe that the Average Measure of Impact is an useful measure to evaluate
how useful a recommender system is in the task of helping to Discover interesting items. The
better an algorithm can fit the user's profile, the rarer and the riskier items it can choose. The
Random Pred Default Pred KNN, K=100 Gravity, F=32
Average Measure of Impact - Netflix
Average Measure of Impact -
Page 149
rarest and the riskiest items are also, when relevant, the most interesting ones in term of user's
4.3.4 Summary of the test for scoring-based functions
We analyzed 4 models, a KNN model, a Gravity model, a Random model, and a Default
Predictor model on 3 tasks adapted to a scorer-based recommenders: Decide, Compare, Discover
and on 4 user-item segments: heavy-user-popular-item, heavy-user-unpopular-item, light-user-
popular-item and light-user-unpopular item. The summary of the results are given in the Table
If we analyze the results by segments, we see that globally, KNN is well adapted for the
heavy-user segments, and Gravity, and the Default Predictor, are well adapted to light-user
Globally, for the tasks "Help to Decide" and "Help to Compare", Gravity is the best-suited
algorithm of our tests. For the tasks "Help to Discover" KNN is more appropriate.
A switch-based hybrid recommender, based on the items' and users' segmentation could
exploit this information to improve the global performances of the system.
Heavy Users
Popular items
Heavy Users
Light Users
Popular Items
Light Users
% Compatible
Average Measure of
Table 4-23: Best models depending on the tasks and the segments
4.4 Results for the similarity based function
4.4.1 Help to Explore: item-to-item
We use the protocol we defined before in this chapter: a good similarity matrix for the task
"Help to Explore" is a similarity matrix leading to global good performances, when used in a
KNN model. We choose a similarity matrix with 100 neighbors for each item: this is largely
enough for item-to-item tasks where generally a page displays 10 to 20 similar items.
Page 150
For this kind of model, a native-data-based KNN model with K=100 and a Gravity-Emulated
KNN model with 16 factors give the following results:
Native KNN
Similarity WPearson
KNN computed on Gravity's
K=100, number of factors=16
Similarity Pearson
RMSE 0.8440
Ranking: % compatible 77.03%
Precision 91.90% 86.39%
AMI 2.043 2.025
(Global time
of the modeling task)
(5290 seconds)
(3758 seconds)
Figure 4-13: Quality of a item-item similarity matrix according to 4 measures: results on Netflix
This results show that for all performance measures the similarity matrix obtained with
Gravity are slightly worse than that obtained on native data. We tried different similarity
measures for the gravity-based representation: cosine, normalized-variants of the cosine, inverted
Euclidian Distance, with no better results. Increasing the number of factors of Gravity slightly
increases the performances, but those of the native KNN are still better.
The analysis by item's segment and user's segment is complex and in our opinion has no real
meaning here as it would have to be done for each segment with a 4-dimensional indicator:
RMSE, Percentage of compatible ranking, Precision and AMI. For the items, it is likely that
popular items will globally be better modeled than unpopular items as it is always the case for
both KNN and Gravity. Note that for the users, the segmentation is pointless as the item-to-item
recommendation is dedicated to anonymous users;
The global results indicate that Gravity is slightly less effective for the item-to-item task
("Help to Explore").
We built also a random KNN similarity matrix to have a baseline comparison model. This is
not the same model as a pure random predictor which only returns a random rating. In the case of
a random KNN similarity matrix, applying the mean-based scoring formula, on the average the
predicted rating can be close to the items' mean plus the user's bias. The results of the random
KNN model are shown in the next section dedicated to the discussion of the Gravity-emulated
model. It is always worse than the other models.
As the Default Predictor model based on items means and users means cannot by itself
produce a similarity matrix, it is disqualified for this task.
We conclude in final that the KNN model is the best model for the "Help to Explore" task.
4.4.2 Using Gravity as emulated mode for KNN modeling
Another approach of using a Gravity model to emulate the native data is to deal with huge
catalogs. When the number of items (or any other objects) to compare increases, the KNN's
quadratic complexity becomes a problem.
The previous results show that a Gravity-Emulated KNN always performs slightly worse than
a native KNN model, but the trade-off between scalability and performances seems good. We
Page 151
present the results for the KNN models with K=100, comparing KNN computed on Gravity's
factors , native KNN and a Random KNN used as baseline. Note that the Random KNN model
performs better than a Random Uniform model. The former uses a random similarity matrix in
conjunction with the mean based scoring scheme and default predictor cascading scheme of the
KNN model we use in our Reperio's framework (see chapter 3). The later simply returns a random
number between 1 and 5.
For the RMSE, the Gravity-Emulated KNN model looses 0.025 point going from 0.844 to
0.870. Compared with other models it still performs correctly.
Figure 4-14: RMSE for native-KNN, Gravity-Emulated KNN and Random KNN
For the global ranking the difference between the Gravity-Emulated model and the native
KNN model is still low, whereas a random KNN model perform very badly.
Figure 4-15: Global ranking for native-KNN, Gravity-Emulated KNN and Random KNN
For the precision for a Top-10 ranking the Gravity-Emulated KNN model performs
significantly worse than a native KNN model.
Figure 4-16: Top-10 ranking for native-KNN, Gravity-Emulated KNN and Random KNN
Emulated 100-
Native 100-NN Random 100-
RMSE on Netflix
RMSE on Netflix
Native 100-
Random 100-
%compatible on Netflix
%compatible on
Native 100-
Precision on Netflix
Precision on Netflix
Page 152
For the Average Measure of Impact, the Gravity-emulated KNN model and the native KNN
model performs almost identically.
Figure 4-17: Impact of recommendations for native-KNN, Gravity-Emulated KNN and Random
We can conclude that Gravity can be used as a dimension reduction algorithm to perform
faster KNN search. A more powerful process should use:
- a dimension reduction carried out by gravity, then a parallelization of the KNN search as
already implemented in Reperio.
- or a dimension reduction carried out by Gravity, then a clustering technique to group the
items, then a KNN search restricted within each cluster
4.5 Conclusion
We have presented a new protocol to evaluate precisely the quality of recommender
algorithms on the core function tasks we have defined in Chapter 1. This protocol can be used to
analyze algorithms or complete recommender systems. We have experimented this protocol on
two state-of-the art algorithms, Item-Item KNN and Gravity, and two baseline algorithms. We
have demonstrated the utility of this protocol as it may change:
- the classical vision of recommendation evaluation, still often focused on RMSE,
- the way to improve the recommender systems to achieve their tasks.
4.5.1 What correlation between RMSE and recommendations' quality?
Where is the widely implicitly assumed correlation between RMSE and Precision? If we
compare for instance the global RMSE of the Default Predictor (a simple sum of means) and the
global RMSE of Gravity or a KNN model, we would conclude that the Default Predictor will not
perform well in term of precision, compared to Gravity or KNN. It is the contrary that we observe
on the Netflix data.
Where is the widely implicitly assumed correlation between RMSE and the quality of the
recommendation? If our assumption that the Average Measure of Impact we defined in this
chapter captures well the added value of the Help to Discover task, then Gravity would show an
AMI significantly greater than that of the Default Predictor. We do not observe that on the Netflix
data. For the AMI, there is no significant improvement of Gravity compared with the Default
Predictor, whereas Gravity is a state-of-the-art algorithm for RMSE optimization.
But in this case we would certainly face another performance decreasing as another
approximation of the neighborhood would be done.
Native 100-
Random 100-
Average Measure Of Impact on
Average Measure Of
Impact on Netflix
Page 153
There is no evidence of strong correlation between RMSE improvement and recommendations'
quality improvement.
The reason might be simple: remember that today the best algorithms still have a RMSE of
about 0.84 for datasets with rating scale between 1 on 5: the average absolute error is still about
21%, and improving the error rate of 10% leads to an absolute improvement of only 2%: the
improvement in accuracy may be restricted on heavy users popular items without any positive
effect on global ranking or quality of the recommendation.
If there is no correlation between RMSE and Precision and no correlation between RMSE and
the impact of the recommendation, evaluating recommender systems only on RMSE is
questionable. However many articles dealing with recommender systems papers use only the
RMSE to evaluate their algorithms.
RMSE is not a wrong measure, but it is only one indicator on one recommendation task: Help
to Decide. This task, Help to Decide, is not the crucial one if we remember the overview of our
state of the art. The tasks Help to Compare, Help to Discover and Help to Explore are more
important in the industry.
As no evidence of strong correlations between RMSE and other indicators for the other
recommender tasks can be found, RMSE (or MAE) cannot be used alone to prove the efficiency
of a recommender system.
4.5.2 When should we personalize the recommendations?
Can we use a recommender system to drive the demand down the long tail? Actually, yes, but
a switch-based, segment-aware hybrid recommender would be preferable for this purpose. For
instance, it seems illusory to make personalized recommendation of unpopular items to light users
as personalized algorithms do not perform well on this segment.
It is assumed that recommender systems have to improve usages on weak segments, especially
usages of light users on the long tail. In fact, personalized algorithms seem to be efficient
especially with heavy users and popular items. Remember that with this segment a KNN model
can reach a precision greater that 97% for 10 recommended items. At the opposite, when the
information about users and items is missing, very simple predictors are as efficient as powerful
We showed that a Default Predictor mainly based on the robust mean of the items' rating
achieves more than 92% of precision on all segment, so on the light-user-unpopular-item segment.
This clearly means that selecting the top rated of the unpopular items (not often rated) is a
strategy good enough to make recommendation to light users.
Golden nuggets may be items not often rated but with a good ratings' average. With our
definition of the recommendation's impact, our Default Predictor performs well, gathering a lot of
positive impacts (AMI) on the unpopular items segments.
But pushing an almost static list Top N items of an almost static catalog is just worth once.
Otherwise users may switch off. Many recommendations are done during a selection in a catalog,
or given a short list. In these cases, where a Top-N ranking is insufficient and global ranking is
mandatory, we saw that the personalized algorithms are significantly better than the Default
Predictor . For the "Help to Compare" task, the Default Predictor has only a 68% of predictive
preference accuracy whereas KNN can reach 77% and more.
Page 154
4.5.3 Which algorithm use in a recommender engine?
We saw that today's two mainstream algorithms, Gravity and KNN are in fact complementary.
No algorithm dominates another one for all the recommendation tasks and for all the segments,
and in some cases a Default Predictor based on the means of items' rating can be the good strategy.
KNN seems better to model heavy user and popular item segments. A KNN or similarity-
based approach is mandatory for the item-to-item recommendations. Native KNN is better to the
task "Help to explore" as it produces better item-item similarity matrices.
Gravity seems better to model heavy user unpopular segment and light user popular item
segment. Gravity is better to the global ranking task, the "Help to Compare".
Finally, Gravity could be used to emulate a KNN search, without significantly losing
performances. This could be very useful for fast KNN search process in a low dimensional space.
Page 155
"Divide each difficulty into as many parts as is feasible and necessary to resolve it."
Ren Descartes.
Main results of this work
We have proposed a new approach to analyze the performances and the added value of
automatic Recommender Systems in an industrial context.
First, we have defined 4 core functions for these systems, which are:
- Help users to Decide
- Help users to Compare
- Help users to Discover
- Help users to Explore
We have proposed some vocabulary normalization and a possible new classification of the
automatic recommender systems. We have also reviewed the main prerequisites of the
recommender systems. We showed that K-Nearest-Neigbors methods (KNN) and more precisely
item-item similarity-based engines can implement the four aforementioned core functions and are
compliant with the prerequisites.
We have built an operational hybrid recommender engine, called Reperio, based on KNN
approach and studied its accuracy performances, with the classical RMSE measure, and its speed
performances. We studied the effect of the similarity measures on KNN techniques and show that
this effect is quite strong, although often neglected in the literature.
We carried out several experiments to compare the performances of KNN methods with
thematic, collaborative, and hybrid approaches. We showed that thematic filtering and hybrid
filtering can be useful for critical cases such as cold start with short users' profiles. We also
showed that beyond a critical mass of information, collaborative filtering performs better than
thematic filtering and hybrid filtering.
Finally, using our conclusions of the first chapter, we proposed a general off-line protocol to
evaluate a recommender system taking into account industrial and marketing needs: we crossed
our 4 core functions with 4 usersitems segments:
- Heavy-users and popular items
- Heavy users and unpopular items
- Light users and popular items
- Light users and unpopular items
and we compared two major state of the art methods, KNN and Gravity, with 2 baselines
methods used as reference. We showed that the two major methods are complementary as they
perform differently across the different segments. We showed that we could use the two algorithm
together, for instance to produce a KNN matrix based on the dimension reduction done by Gravity,
Page 156
with still a correct quality. Gravity could be used to implement a similarity function between
items to support the "Help to Explore" function, and Gravity could be used as a component for
fast KNN search.
We proposed a new measure, the Average Measure of Impact, to deal with the usefulness and
the trust of the recommendations. Using the precision measure, and the AMI, we showed that
there is no clear evidence of correlation between the RMSE and the quality of the
We have demonstrated the utility of our protocol as it may change
- the classical vision of the recommendation evaluation, often focused on the RMSE/MAE
measures as they are assumed correlated with the system overall performances,
- and the way to improve the recommender systems to achieve their tasks.
When designing a recommender engine 's general recommendation strategy, we have to think
about the impact of the recommender: recommending popular items to heavy users might be not
so useful. On the other hand, it can be illusory to make personalized recommendations of
unpopular and unknown items to light and unknown users.
A possible simple strategy could be:
- Rely on robust Default Predictors, for instance based on robust item's means to try to push
unknown golden nuggets to unknown users.
- Use personalized algorithms to recommend popular items to light users.
- Finally use personalized algorithms to recommend unpopular items of the long tails for
heavy "connoisseurs" users.
Future works
An interesting work would be to deepen the notion of recommendations' impact and to cross
the off-line performance measures with users' interviews, and A/B testing protocols.
In Chapter 4, the results about algorithms' impact performances are relative to the basic
strategy we used to generate the recommendations: global scoring of the entire catalog.
The study and comparison of more elaborate recommendation strategies to optimize the impact
of the recommendation should be carried out. Many improvements could certainly be found with
well-adapted strategies for users' and each items' segments. The segmentation itself could be
improved. Time-aware segmentation, with short term and long term profiling should be
investigated both for items, and for users.
As we show that using Gravity's dimension reduction to perform a KNN search does not
decrease too much the quality of a similarity matrix.
We are currently implementing a Fast Matrix Factorization model to pre-process huge
databases before computing similarities in our Reperio Framework. This mode will be an
intermediate mode between the centralized native mode of Reperio-C and the Embedded mode of
Reperio-E, running on Android
The typical use cases of the different working modes of Reperio are summarized in the
following table. See (Meyer and Fessant, 2011) for details about this approach. This is still a work
in progress.
Page 157
The first complete method we could test is the process described in Figure C-1.
Centralized native
Centralized virtual
Embedded mode
Typical example of
item dataset
Video On Demand
Cultural products on e-
commerce website
Electronic Program
Guides (TV programs)
Size of item dataset
Large Very large Small
Catalog's update
Low Low High
Typical adapted
filtering mode
Collaborative, multi
user scoring mode
Collaborative, multi
user scoring mode
Content-based, mono
user scoring mode
Size of items'
description (metadata
or ratings)
Large, several hundreds Very large, several
Small, several tens
Reperio's similarity
computation mode
Pre-computed into a
similarity matrix, on
native data
Online, based on a
matrix factor
Online, on native data
Pre-computed model
Pre-computed similarity
Matrix factor
No pre-computed model
Adapted Similarity
Extended Pearson Pearson Jaccard using attribute
Typical Item-to-item
Exact K nearest
neighbors extract from
the similarity matrix
Approximate K nearest
neighbors by random
Restricted to items
explicitly selected as
interesting, or to a time-
Table C-0-1: The near-future of Reperio: 3 possible working modes - illustration
Another line of work will be the switch-mode, segment-aware hybrid recommender systems
using the best algorithm for the adapted task and the adapted segment. It is easy to see the
possible improvement brought by such systems as each global performance measure would be the
sum of the best measures for each segment.
Page 158
Figure C-1 A possible solution for fast KNN item-item matrix generation
Original big M N matrix
Step 1:
Run Gravity on the original Matrix R to
generate 2 k-factor matrices, P and Q
M items
N users (columns)
Matrix P,
matrix M k of
the items Matrix Q,
matrix k M of the users,
(not used)
Step 2:
Clustering of the items using matrix P
to generate C clusters of items
Step 3:
Limited search for the KNN of each
item into its cluster, to generate the
KNN-item matrix
C clusters of items in
the k-dimensional
Page 159
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Page 169
Cette thse traite des systmes de recommandation automatiques. Les moteurs de
recommandation automatique sont des systmes qui permettent, par des techniques de data
mining, de recommander automatiquement des clients, en fonction de leurs consommations
passes, des produits susceptibles de les intresser. Ces systmes permettent par exemple
d'augmenter les ventes sur des sites web marchands : le site Amazon a une stratgie marketing en
grande partie base sur la recommandation automatique. Amazon a popularis l'usage de la
recommandation automatique par la clbre fonction de recommandation que nous qualifions
d'item-to-items, le fameux : " les personnes qui ont vu/achet cet articles ont aussi vu/achet ces
La contribution centrale de cette thse est d'analyser les systmes de recommandation
automatiques dans le contexte industriel, incluant les besoins marketing, et de croiser cette
analyse avec les travaux acadmiques. Cette thse comporte 4 parties :
- Une analyse des fonctions curs et des pr-requis des systmes de recommandation dans un
contexte industriel: nous identifions 4 fonctions cur dans les systmes de recommandation :
Aide la Dcision, Aide la Comparaison, Aide l'Exploration, Aide la Dcouverte.
L'implmentation de ces fonctions a des implications dans les choix algorithmiques au cur des
systmes de recommandations.
- Un tat de l'art, qui prsente les principales techniques utilises dans les systmes de
recommandation automatique: les deux mthodes algorithmiques les plus utilises, les mthodes
K-plus-proches-voisins et les mthodes de factorisation rapide de matrices sont dtailles. L'tat
de l'art prsente aussi les mthodes purement thmatiques, les techniques d'hybridation, et les
mesures de performance classiques pour valuer les systmes. Cet tat de l'art donne ensuite un
panorama de plusieurs systmes de recommandation, du monde acadmique, ou des acteurs
industriels connus ( Amazon, Google...).
- Une analyse des performances et des implications d'un systme de recommandation
industriel dvelopp au cours de cette thse: ce systme, Reperio, est un moteur hybride utilisant
une technique de K-Plus-Proches Voisins (KPPV). Nous tudions les performances des mthodes
KPPV, notamment l'impact des fonctions de similarits utilises. Puis nous tudions les
performances de Reperio dans le cas critique du dmarrage froid.
- Une mthodologie d'analyse des performances des systmes de recommandation en contexte
industriel : cette mthodologie permet d'valuer la plus-value des mthodes algorithmiques ou des
stratgies de recommandation sur l'ensemble des fonctions curs. Pour cela nous reprenons les 4
fonctions que nous avons dfinies et nous les croisons avec 4 segments cls de l'analyse des
performances du systme de recommandation : gros clients et items frquents, gros clients et
items peu frquents, petits clients et items frquents, petits clients et items peu frquents. Nous
montrons que les systmes de recommandation devraient redfinir leurs enjeux : il est illusoire de
recommander de manire personnalise des items peu populaires des utilisateurs peu connus par
exemple. Pour augmenter les usages, les stratgies efficaces seraient plutt de recommander des
items peu frquents des gros utilisateurs, et de recommander des items frquents aux petits
utilisateurs. Le paradigme de la "Long Tail", pour les items peu frquents et pour les petits
utilisateurs, devrait tre revu.
Page 170
This thesis deals with automatic recommendation systems. Automatic recommendation
systems are systems that allow, through data mining techniques, to recommend automatically to
users, based on their past consumption, items that may interest them. These systems allow for
example to increase sales on e-commerce websites: the Amazon site has a marketing strategy
based mainly on the recommendation. Amazon has popularized the use of automatic
recommendation based on the recommendation function that we call item-to-items, the famous
"people who have seen / bought this product have also seen / bought these articles".
The central contribution of this thesis is to analyze the automatic recommendation systems in
the industrial context, including marketing needs, and to cross this analysis with academic works.
This thesis consists of four parts:
- An analysis of the core functions and the prerequisites for recommender systems in an
industrial context: we identify four core functions for recommendation systems: Help do Decide,
Help to Compare, Help to Explore, Help to Discover. The implementation of these functions has
implications for the choices at the heart of algorithmic recommender systems.
- A state of the art, which deals with the main techniques used in automated recommendation
system: the two most commonly used algorithmic methods, the K-Nearest-Neighbor methods
(KNN) and the fast factorization methods are detailed. The state of the art presents also purely
content-based methods, hybridization techniques, and the classical performance metrics used to
evaluate the recommender systems. This state of the art then gives an overview of several systems,
both from academia and industry (Amazon, Google ...).
- An analysis of the performances and implications of a recommendation system developed
during this thesis: this system, Reperio, is a hybrid recommender engine using KNN methods.
We study the performance of the KNN methods, including the impact of similarity functions used.
Then we study the performance of the KNN method in critical uses cases in cold start situation.
- A methodology for analyzing the performance of recommender systems in industrial context:
this methodology assesses the added value of algorithmic strategies and recommendation systems
according to its core functions. For this we take the four functions we have defined and we cross
with four key segments of the performance analysis of the recommendation system: heavy users
and popular items, heavy users and unpopular items, light users and popular items, light users
and unpopular items. We show that the recommendation systems should redefine their challenges:
it is unrealistic to recommend a personalized unpopular items to users who are not known, for
example. To increase usage, effective strategies are rather: always recommend unpopular items
only to heavy users, always recommend to light users only the popular items. The long tail
paradigm, both for infrequent items and infrequent users, should be revisited.