Personal Study Plan Template 2012-13
Personal Study Plan Template 2012-13
Personal Study Plan Template 2012-13
PERSONAL STUDY PLAN Department of Architecture Architectural Design Masters Degree Programme Study programme 2012-13 NN Student num er !!!!! BASIC MODULE: Design-led U !"n Rene#"l code "#"#22S "###21S "###22S $r an Space Design $r an Space Detailing Design in $r an %onte!t total credits 10 10 10 30
COMPLEMENTARY MODULE: Design $% P&!li' B&ildings code "#2#0"A "#3#33A "###1)S "###1)A %ontemporary Architecture &' (ide-span Structures Architectural *ighting &nterior Design total credits 1# # # # - 10 30
AD(ANCED MODULE: Ad)"n'ed A '*i+e'+& "l Design code "#2#0#S "###+0S "#1#+0S "#0#02A "#0#0"A %ontemporary Architecture ' ,!tension %ourse in Architectural Design -esearch and .heory of Architecture ,!cursion a road Practical training /architects office0 total credits 1# 10 2 - 10 2 3-+ 30
DIPLOMA ,ORcode "#0011S Diploma 2or34 dissertation of studies "#001"S Maturity essay M"s+e .s Deg ee in A '*i+e'+& e/ +$+"l
O0+i$n"l '$& ses/ #*i'* 1"2 !e +"3en ins+e"d $% "n2 $% +*e "!$)e s+&d2 &ni+s "nd " e +$ !e in'l&ded in +*e 0e s$n"l s+&d2 0l"n /in the PSP the
optional 5 additional study units you may ha6e completed ha6e to e mar3ed inside the modules70 "#1##0S "#2##0S "#3##0S "#"##0S "####0S "#1#1#S 'arying %ourses 'arying %ourses 'arying %ourses 'arying %ourses 'arying %ourses -estoration in in in in in 8istory of Architecture %ontemporary Architecture 2 9 10 Architectural %onstruction 2 9 10 $r an Design and Planning 2 9 10 Design 1# 2 9 10
2 9 10
My personal study plan e!cludes the follo2ing compulsory study units of the Architectural Design Masters Degree Programme: code !!!!! Study $nit ;;;;; credits ;;
date signature
A personal study plan /PSP0 is a plan students prepare for themsel6es that contains the contents4 e!tent and duration of their studies< .he degree structure of a student=s degree programme is used as the asis of this study plan< .he PSP helps students stay on schedule and ad6ance in their studies< .he plan must e updated as their studies progress< see also: http:55222<oulu<fi5english5studying5supporting-your-studies5personal-study-plan-psp
The PSP is a tool for the student to be able to plan and define the contents of his / her degree. The PSP of the architects degree is to be made based on the structure of the study programme of the year of enrolment of the student. The extent of the architects degree is 120 credits, including a minimum of 0 credits of ad!anced courses "S# and the diploma thesis $or% of 0 cr. &efore applying for the appro!al of the sub'ect of ones diploma thesis pro'ect, the students personal study plan has to be appro!ed by the (epartment of )rchitecture. *f the student has follo$ed the original study programme re+uirements, the official appro!al is not needed. *n case the student has not follo$ed the original original study programme re+uirements, the personal study plan has to be made using the template and follo$ing these instructions, under the super!ision of the study ad!isor of the (epartment of )rchitecture. ,nce the PSP has been appro!ed by the study ad!isor, the final !ersion of the study plan has to be signed by the student and submitted to the office of the (epartment of )rchitecture together $ith the PSP application form. http-//$$$ The PSP includes the study units $hich the student has completed so far and $ill complete before graduation. )ll studies ha!e to be mar%ed inside the modules. ) list of excluded compulsory courses has to be $ritten in the PSP. The architects degree may also include optional language studies "i.e. 0innish language#.