Disrespect of Al Fatiha in Hanafi Books

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Black Magic in some famous Hanafi books of Fiqh

Doing black magic is pure Kufr, an action that has been described
such by Allah (Taala) in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 102:

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They followed what the Shaytin (devils) gave out (falsely of the
magic) in the lifetime of Sulaimn (Solomon). Sulaimn did not
disbelieve, but the Shaytin (devils) disbelieved, teaching men
magic and such things that came down at Babylon to the two
angels, Hrt and Mrt, but neither of these two (angels) taught
anyone (such things) till they had said, "We are Only for trial, so
disbelieve not (by learning This magic from us)." And from these
(angels) people learn that by which they cause separation between
man and his wife, but they could not thus harm anyone except by
Allh's leave. And they learn that which harms them and profits
them not. And indeed they knew that the buyers of it (magic)
would have no share in the hereafter. And how bad indeed was
that for which they sold their ownselves, if they but knew.

And it is well known that among common practice of magicians is that
they do a contract with the Jinns and the magicians do actions of Kufr
such as sacrifices to other than Allah or degradation of the Quran
such as writing the Quran with blood or urine, or throwing the Quran
in the bin or throwing dirt on it, and in exchange the Jinns work for
the magicians and go and enter bodies of people the magicians want.

And scholars agree that degrading the Quran such as writing it with
blood or urine is pure Kufr, an action that expels it author from the
fold of Islam. But unfortuenatly, we see that this pure Kufr is present
in many great Hanafi books of Fiqh.

It is written in Fatawa Qadhi Khan p 292:

The one whose nose bleeds and the blood does not cease
flowing, and he wants to write with his blood something from
the Quran on his forehead, Abu Bakr Al-Askaf said: It is
permissible. It was said (to him): And with urine? He replied:
If there is a cure in it, there is no problem with it. And he was
asked: And what about writing on the skin of a dead animal?
He replied: It is permissible if there is a cure in it.

It is written in Fatawa Alamgiriyah, also known as Fatawa
Hindiyah p 411:

The one whose nose bleeds and the blood does not cease
flowing, and he wants to write with his blood something from
the Quran on his forehead, Abu Bakr Al-Askaf said: It is
permissible, and likewise for writing on the skin of the dead
animal if there is a cure in it

It is written in Fatawa Shaami of ibn Abidin Ash-Shami, also known
as Rad Al-Mukhtar ala Dur Al-Mukhtar or Hashiyah ibn Abidin v 1
p 365-366

This is what has been chosen by the author of Al-Hidayah, and
he said in At-Tajnees: If one has a nosebleed and he writes
al-Fatiha on his forehead and nose with his blood it would be
allowed as a treatment. Even if he writes with urine if he knows
that it contains a cure, there would be no problem with it,
however, such has not been narrated. And this because the
forbiddance is removed for treatment like the permission of
wine and dead animal for the thirsty and hungry, this is in Al-
Bahr (of ibn Nujaym)

Ibn Abidin further wrote;

And it is written in Al-Hawi Al-Qudsi: If blood flows from the
nose of a human being, and it does not cease until death is
feared for him, and he indeed knows that writing Al-Fatihah or
Al-Ikhlas with this blood on his forehead will make it cease, then
there is no concession for him, and it has been said that there is
concession like drinking wine for the thirsty and eating the dead
animal in hunger, and the Fatwa is upon this.

Ibn Nujaym quoted this in Bahr Ar-Raiq, also this is present in
Fatawa As-Sirajiyah, so none of these above scholars condemned
this Kufr, rather quoted the Fatwa of Abu Bakr Al-Askaf without
objecting to it, or the saying of the author of Al-Hidayah, Al-
Marghinani, or the author or Al-Hawi Al-Qudsi without any
objections to such Kufr. As for ibn Nujayms saying: However, such
has not been narrated, this is not a rejection or condemnation, it is
only saying that such was not said by Hanafi Imams, yet for Al-
Marghinani, Al-Askaf and the others, such action is permissible if
there is a cure in it, and Allah did not put cure in Kufr and
degradation of the Quran. But for Ash-Shami, ibn Nujaym, Qadhi
Khan, the authors of Alamgiriyah, they quoted these sayings without
censure or objection, so they guided their readers to Al-Askaf and
others Fatawa.

And there is no comparison between this and eating pork or drinking
wine to save life, as one can save his life by eating and drinking these
forbidden things, but there is no natural cause between degrading the
Quran and curing nose bleed, rather degrading the Quran is pure
Kufr. So there is no comparison between this action of Kufr and eating
forbidden things to save ones life.

Even the Bralwi scholar Ghulam Rasul Saidi condemned such actions
from these great Hanafi jurists and he said in his Sharh Sahih
Muslim v 6 p 556-557:

Some people write amulets with the blood of chickens, and this
is not permissible, the blood of all living people is impure, and it
is not permissible to write the verses of the Quran or the names
of Allah (Taala) with something impure. And it is with shock
and great regret that I have to write that Allamah Shami has
written something very dangerous, he said:

This is what has been chosen by the author of Al-Hidayah, and
he said in At-Tajnees: If one has a nosebleed and he writes
al-Fatiha on his forehead and nose with his blood it would be
allowed as a treatment. Even if he writes with urine if he knows
that it contains a cure, there would be no problem with it,
however, such has not been narrated. And this because the
forbiddance is removed for treatment like the permission of
wine and dead animal for the thirsty and hungry, this is in Al-
Bahr (of ibn Nujaym) (End of Shamis quote)

I (Ghulam Rasul Saidi) say: the one who writes Surah Al-
Fatihah with blood or urine, his Eman (faith) is in danger. If
someone knows with clear certainty that there is a cure in it, it
is better for him to die rather than daring to write Al-Fatihah
with blood or urine. May Allah forgive our Fuqaha (jurists), they
are used to take the skin of the hair and extracts rulings from
Juziyat , this is why they ended up saying this evil statement,
else their hearts have a lot of respect and reverence for the Holy

May Allah send Salah and Salam on His Prophet

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