Roden GB - Fokker (1-72) Pi
Roden GB - Fokker (1-72) Pi
Roden GB - Fokker (1-72) Pi
VI (1/72)
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Great War In The Air Forum Great War Aviation - Modelling C ompleted Group Builds Roden GB (Moderator: guitarlute101) Roden GB - Fokker D.VI (1/72) previous next Pages: [1 ] 2 3 ... 5
I am in! I plan to build a model of one of Jasta 80b D.VIs attributed to Max Speidel. This aircraft is depicted in W D84 in the colour profile and three photos.
The kit:,2957.0.html
I have tested the lozenge decal attached to the kit and to my surprise found it perfect - strong, yet soft and easily conforming to the surface detail. The colours also seem to be not bad. I w ill use the dedicated Part PE set
... proved to be disappointing. There are serious discrepancies betw een the original dimensions given (there are actually three sets - tw o original German ones and their W D compilation) and the scale draw ings w hich, at least in the 72nd scale, do not fit any of the three given dimension sets! On the other hand the overall kit dimensions (length and both w ings spans and chords) fit perfectly the dimensions gven in the Idflieg report w hich copy is presented in the W D. This is the best new s so far! I have started w ith fitting the PE internal structure to the fuselage halves. The Roden's internal structure has to be removed,2957.0.html
... to be continued...
Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, Ash nazg thrakatuluk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Reviewer Air C ommodore
W elcome to the build. The PE interior looks like it w ill be terrific! W hat is your plan for the under fuselage covering? RAGIII
Ricks Axioms: : Jun 2011 Posts: 3882 Location: North C arolina "A Man has to know his limitations" Harry C allahan "Don't Slop it ON" Lynda Geisler
Reviewer Air C ommodore,2957.0.html
Ian B.
Wing C ommander
Looks good - I ordered one of these for my stash just last w eek so I'll be w atching this one! Ian
: May 2011 Posts: 728 Location: C ape C od, Mass. USA (ex High Wycombe, UK)
PHS (Paddy)
Hall of Fame Squadron Leader
There was Eru... and he made first the Ainur... Hall of Fame Wing C ommander
Thanks for your kind comments. RAGIII, I w as planning to follow w hat I can reckon from the W D draw ings - the front section as metal panels painted olive green, the rear one covered by the underside losenge w ith stiching line along the symmetry axis. W ill this be correct or are there any better ideas?
Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, Ash nazg thrakatuluk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Officer C adet
no better idea! But some other things come into my mind. Pay a lot of attention to the fit of the low er w ings onto the fuselage. And give a thought to replace all the struts. I gave up for another year on this model (http://ocsisw w Regards csi
csis WWI messup
Squadron Leader
I have alw ays liked D.VII w ith UR engine, I see you give it a good go!
There was Eru... and he made first the Ainur... Hall of Fame Wing C ommander
Profa, thanks for your kind w ords. And Ocsi, thanks for your advice. Indeed, the low er w ings assembly w ill require some care - this butt joint w ithout location holes does not look nice. I w ill surely prepare a cardboard template for the correct geometry. And the interplane N-struts... W ell, the first comparison of the kit parts w ith the W D scale draw ings (I had to rescale them to the correct overall dimensions) does indicate that replacement may be the best idea... I have also noticed that the cockpit opening is too far to the rear... To be honest I must say I am having some rest from modelling now . It seems that Fee had consumed me. But I trust that in a couple of days I w ill return to my hobby/addiction and w ill do my best to bring this little model to a successful finish.
Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, Ash nazg thrakatuluk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Admin Air C ommodore,2957.0.html
Queen of the Pfalz
There was Eru... and he made first the Ainur... Hall of Fame Wing C ommander
You are w elcome, Terri. BTW , nice to see you back here. The interior is now ready to be closed for ever inside the fuselage halves.,2957.0.html
Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul, Ash nazg thrakatuluk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Squadron Leader
Since I had the problem w hen installing the similar construction into my Nieuport, have to ask you how does it fit? It sure looks beautiful, and it's a pity it's going to be hidden :(
Officer C adet,2957.0.html
Reviewer Air C ommodore
Beautiful interior, Prez. Because of the w ing arrangement of the D.VI, you should be able to see most of w hat you did. Cheers. Bud
: May 2011 Posts: 3424 Location: Ione, C A USA "If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston C hurchill
Hall of Fame Squadron Leader
Prez, Finescale modelling at its best I w ait for more! Von Buckle
: Jul 2011 Posts: 402 Location: London Lest We Forget... Lest We Forget... Pages: [1 ] 2 3 ... 5
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Great War In The Air Forum Great War Aviation - Modelling C ompleted Group Builds Roden GB (Moderator: guitarlute101) Roden GB - Fokker D.VI (1/72)
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