September 09
September 09
September 09
Sunday School 9:30am
Worship Service 10:30am
Pastor: Brandon Baird Prayer Meeting 6:30pm
From the Desk of Bro. Brandon From Roy Green, Deacon’s Ministry
OW!!!!!! The new church year is finally nother church year has passed. We have
God Bless
Bro Brandon Paul Dunsieth, Sunday School Director
Happy New Year!
From Roy Green, Deacon’s Ministry T Blow the horns, beat the drums, be ready to
celebrate a new church year. Time to set your
new church year goals:
nother church year has passed. We have
appy New Year! I hope everyone is
excited about the new church year. I know
I am. God has blessed us so much in the
H your work in the world to spread the Gospel
of Jesus to this community? a vision may not
be a literal dream but a knowing deep in your spirit of
something special the Lord has in mind for YOU.
past few months and I can’t wait to see what He
has in store for us this year. I felt my call into the ministry in 2002. I did not know
how or when it would happen. I just knew God had a
Our first big event of the new year will be work for me and it was confirmed by a prophecy. The
Homecoming on October 11th. We will start at Lord pruned me for many years and just in the past 1
10am with the music service. Jameson Willis of ½ years have I begun to step out into the unknown. I
Pell City will be ministering to us in song. I have had to trust God and get out of the boat. I don't know
heard great things about his young boy and can’t who I am speaking this to but I strongly think
wait to hear him in person. Brother Danny someone is struggling with a call on their life. 1Peter
Bynum, former pastor here, will bring the 1:5 says we are kept by faith, ready to be revealed in
morning message. I have been keeping him up to the last days of time. Genesis 50:20 tells us that what
date on all the wonderful things happening here the devil meant for our harm, God will use for our
and he is excited about coming. Of course, we good, to save people. That major trial you went
will have a pot luck lunch following the morning through can be the one things that thrusts you into the
service. place where God can use you, your faith and your
endurance. Don't you think this cruel world need to
After Homecoming, things will really start rolling know the hand of God is always on us?
along. The holidays will be here before you know I covet your prayers for my ministry endeavors in
it! We will be having a lot of fun activities but in children's church. i also have a vision for street
everything we do I want, first and foremost, for ministry with clowns for the children in our small
the Lord to be glorified. town of weogufka. I have been given the suggestion
of food bank ministry. I was told this by a powerful
If you have any ideas for special services of if you woman of God and i will pray and seek God for the
would like to help our please let me know. Let’s answer on this mission. I want to be about my Father's
make it a great year! work.
Your friend in Jesus,
From Kelley Wright Darlene Greene
Women on Mission, Secretary
Christmas Offering. We will be participating
again this year. All of the proceeds from this time to focus on Christmas. Yes, Christmas.
offering go to support our international Starting this Sunday, September 6th, 2009 at
Missionaries. Your will be hearing more about 4:00pm, the choir will continue to practice our
this beginning in November. Our next Women on Christmas Cantata, Come Let Us Worship The King.
Mission Meeting will be September 29th. The It is a beautiful Cantata hand picked by Brother Sam
location will be announced later. Pruitt and will be dedicated to his memory. We
encourage anyone that wants to worship God through
music to come and be a part of the choir.
Monthly Business meeting Taste of Tradition
usiness meetings are held the second
he church will have a yard sale booth at the annual Fall Trade Days (located at the old Weogufka High
T School. Proceeds will go towards Homecoming 2009. Please bring all yard sale donations that morning and
come support our community.