Memorabilia - Browning Rezumat

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"Memorabilia" by Robert Browning

Summary The speaker of the poem meets a man who once knew Romantic poet P.B. Shelley. The speaker immediately reveals his great enthusiasm by asking the man questions, until he makes the man laugh. n the last two stan!as, the speaker talks of walking through an evocative moor landscape until he found a "moulted feather" that he kept in his possession. #e forgot all of the other impressions of the moor. Analysis This poem, printed in $%&&, was inspired by a meeting Browning once had with a man who had known P.B. Shelley, one of Browning's great influences as a young man. Shelley was a seminal Romantic poet associated with the idea that moments can lead a man to great transcendence and truth. Though he was one of Browning's early inspirations, Browning would later move into much murkier territory in his poetry, emphasi!ing psychological comple(ity and systems of thought. This poem, one of the few in which it is easy to consider the speaker to be Browning himself, is about the debt we owe to what came before us. The simplicity of the verse ) two four*line stan!as of iambic tetrameter ) calls to mind the poetry of Shelley or +ordsworth, a fitting choice since it was written in remembrance of these Romantic influences. n the first two stan!as, the speaker is childishly e(cited even with this second* degree contact with Shelley. But when the man to whom he gushes laughs at him, the speaker notes "But you were living before that,,-nd you are living after," acknowledging that his one incident .his meeting with Shelley/ is but a moment among a multitude of moments in life. n general, Browning's work is interested with delving into the multitude of life0s moments, seeking out their comple(ity and contradictions. #owever, the final two stan!as see the speaker ignoring the evocative landscape of the moor in e(change for one feather left by an eagle, a great and stately bird. 1uch as the Romantic poets might have been inspired to a full reflection by one small natural detail, so is Browning acknowledging in this poem that he retains the seeds of that influence. 2ne moment can contain within it a lifetime of inspiration. The poem can be read as a short reflection on how we hang on to small moments because they contain in them such profundity, a very Romantic idea. But in relation to Browning's career, the poem is a bit deeper3 he is reflecting how even though he evolved past these Romantic tendencies and e(plored his myriad interests in his poetry, there is still a part of him that is awed by one "eagle*feather" amongst a landscape, or by a story

of a simple meeting that had happened decades before. n other words, that childish Romantic part of Browning still e(ists, as do presumably many other parts.

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