04 Pan-European Aggregate Index Factsheet
04 Pan-European Aggregate Index Factsheet
04 Pan-European Aggregate Index Factsheet
The Pan-European Aggregate Index tracks fixed-rate, investment-grade securities issued in the following European currencies: Euro, British pounds, Norwegian krone, Danish krone, Swedish krona, Czech koruna, Hungarian forint, Polish zloty, and Slovakian koruna. Inclusion is based on the currency of the issue, and not the domicile of the issuer. The principal asset classes in the index are Treasuries, Government-Related, Corporate and Securitised, which include Pfandbriefe, other covered bonds and asset-backed securities. Securities in the index are all part of the Global Aggregate Index. The Pan-European Aggregate Index was launched on January 1, 1999. Sector Breakdown as of Oct 31, 2008
Securitised 13.9%
Corporate 17.0%
Treasury 56.9%
Bloomberg Index Page <LEHM> <22> Key statistics and returns <LP06> <INDEX>
Govt.-Related 12.3%
Baa 3.7%
A 12.8%
New York
The indices designed, calculated and published by Barclays Capital are registered trademarks. The right to use one or more of these indices as underlying for OTC or exchange tradable structured products (warrants, certificates, ETFs, swaps) is granted only upon completion of a license agreement. For further information please contact us.
Senior and subordinated issues are included. Undated securities are included provided their coupons switch from fixed to variable rate. Fixed-rate. Step-up coupons and coupons that change according to a predetermined schedule are also included. Capital securities with coupons that convert from fixed to floating-rate are index-eligible given that they are currently fixed-rate; the maturity date then equals the conversion date. Fixed-rate perpetual capital securities which remain fixed-rate following their first call date, and which provide no incentives to call the bonds, are excluded. Euro or Eurozone legacy currency, British pounds, Norwegian krone, Danish krone, Swedish krona, Czech koruna, Hungarian forint, Polish zloty, and Slovakian koruna (to be redenominated to EUR on January 1, 2008). Publicly issued in the Eurobond and index member domestic markets. Included: Fixed-rate bullet, puttable and callable Soft bullets Fixed-rate and fixed to floating capital securities Excluded: Bonds with equity-type features (e.g., warrants, convertibility to equity) Private placements, including Schuldscheine Floating-rate issues Inflation-linked bonds Swiss franc denominated bonds
Rebalancing Rules
Frequency The composition of the Returns universe is rebalanced monthly at each month-end and represents the set of bonds on which index returns are calculated. The Statistics Universe changes daily to reflect issues dropping out and entering the index, but is not used for returns calculation. On the last business day of the month, the composition of the latest Statistics universe becomes the Returns universe for the following month. During the month, indicative changes to securities (maturity, credit rating change, sector reclassification, amount outstanding) are reflected in both the Statistics and Returns universe of the index on a daily basis. These changes may cause bonds to enter or fall out of the Statistics universe of the index on a daily basis, but will affect the composition of the Returns universe only at month-end when the index is rebalanced. Interest and principal payments earned by the Returns universe are held in the index without a reinvestment return until month-end when it is removed from the index. Qualifying securities issued, but not necessarily settled, on or before the month-end rebalancing date qualify for inclusion in the following months Returns universe.
Index Changes