Sutjeska National park is one of the oldest national parks in Bosnia and Herzegovina . It is a protected area located in south-eastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Serbian entity . The park is protected since !"# and it covers the area of $o%a & 'acko and (alinovnik . It occupies an area of )* k+ # and is fa+ous because of ,artisan victory over 'er+an forces in II -orld .ar . There are several +onu+ents .hich are the proof of that victory . The +onu+ents are large stones located at Tjenti/te . $lora and fauna "" 0 of park is covered .ith beautiful forest and it is ho+e of t.o last pri+eval forests in Bosnia and Herzegovina called ,erucica . $ro+ it1s total area of ) #23 hectares & the +ost fa+ous parts are 4 ,erucica forest & 5aglic +ountain & Skakavac .aterfall and II .orld .ar +onu+ent Tjentiste . The park is rich .ith flora and fauna and every year is visited by botanists &zoologists and geologists .By the latest docu+ents in this area gro. 6 +ore than #&"33 vascular plant species & .ith a high proportion of ende+ic and rare species . The rich flora includes a list of over 33 species of edible +ushroo+s & as .ell as a large nu+ber of species fro+ 7ed 8ist& or the rare & endangered and sensitive species . Bird list includes 9 identified species & fro+ .hich 6 " nests in and lives in ,ark & *# species visit the park only during the su++er & but also nest & " belongs to +igratory species that pass through this area in the fall and spring to the northern areas .here they nest. 6 $ive types of bar appears only in .inter . Bird list includes ! types of .oodpecker . :http4;;;+aps-guides;around-sarajevo;nationaltreasures;sutjeska <
,erucica forest ,erucica forest is the part of Sutjeska National ,ark . The forest is surrounded by +ountains 5aglic & >olujak and Snjeznica . Sutjeska 7iver separates forest fro+ +ountain =elengora . It covers an area of #! hectares and is " k+ long and -* k+ .ide . It is protected since !2#. and is one of the ?urope last ho+es of pri+eval forest : beech trees and ende+ic black pines < . 5aglic 5aglic is the highest +ountain in Bosnia and Herzegovina .ith highest peak 5aglic : #*@"+ < . The +ountain is the part of Sutjeska national park and is located in the southeast part of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the border .ith 5ontenegro . It is great for hiking & but the 6 output on it is Auite challenging and is designed for +ore eBperienced hikers 6 :http4;;;+aglic#*"** < . Clso you have to .atch out for the bears and .olfs & and it is reco++ended to go to hike .ith rangers .
Skakavac or 6 'rasshoper 6 .aterfall In the area of this beautiful .aterfall gro.s 233 species of high plants and +any of the+ are ende+ic . 6This seventy five +etre plus .aterfall is d.arfed by the +assive blanket of green trees that covers the valley. (http4;;;+aps-guides;around-sarajevo;+ountains;skakavac-.aterfall < >alley on the Skakavac route is area very rich .ith different kind of +ushroo+ & in +ajority healthy and eatable 6 .
5onu+ent Tjenti/te
5onu+ent Tjenti/te is large stone +onu+ent dedicated to battle of the Sutjeska in .hich ,artisans defeated 'er+an forces . The battle took place in 5ay and Dune of !9*. near Sutjeska river . 6 Cfter +any attacks of 'er+an forces & finally ,artisans +ade the brake and +arshal Tito and his cre. succeeded to +ove their troops to north course and free territory. :http4;;;gallery#;v;tjentisteEdonjeEbare;3*EtdbE.E3! 3#!<. Here you can also find Sava (ovacevic +onu+ent : the place .here died Sava (ovacevic & fa+ous national hero < and the +onu+ent of #nd Fal+atian Fivision .
1.) http://sarajevo.m! 2.) http://*osnia&her4e ovina& 3.)"'6''('.htm 4.) http://www.visitsarajevo.*a/maps& uides/around&sarajevo/national&
5.) http://www.hi lish/primeval)forest.html 6.) lic&"'6''($.htm 7.) aller!"/v/tjentiste)donje)*are/(')td*)w)(#1(
" .html
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