Chlorine Siemens

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Chemfeed Limited, PriorvWorks,Tonbridqe, Kent, TN11 OeL, Enqland

Name Telephone DirectDial Fax E-mail lnternet Date

Barrie Page +44 (0) 17327718OO +44 @) 1732 so21o8 +44 (O)17327718OO [email protected] barrie. 22nd October 2QO7


E n g .T a l a lZ . K h a l i f a

Company T el: F ax : Email: Yourref Ourref

A lf a ra z d a kn g i n e e ri n E g C ompany 009 6 47 9 0 1 935398 [email protected] sPl10to7|BCPt6348

Dear Sirs, Wewouldliketo thanl5 youfor yourenquiry andarepleased to submit our offerfor the supply of equipment as detailed on the followingpaged. Please hot-e that oui offerrepresents our bestinterpretatibh of tfre'sp'ecification received.

Equipment details:

Item No 1

Descri o n Drumliftingbeam, to suitstandard Europea cn h l o r i na en ds u l p h ud rioxide (concave drums ends). 1 9 0s e r i e m s a n u ac lhain h o i s tt,w o t o n n e capacity, close lift andgeared travel, 4m lift, (100- 300mm). beamsize to beconfirmed Suspended weigher, two tonnecapacity, hydrostatic loadcelltype, 50mmdigital display, complete with shackles'and hook. Force flow static, floormounting, single drumweighing system, hydrostatic loadcell t y p e ,1 5 0 m m d i a la n d3 m h o s e . Auxiliary drumvalve, British typeCl2. u80440.
Gasket fo r a u x i l i a ry d ru m val ve.P 88699(per 10)

rc Unit price

Total orice



7 43.00

7 43.0O





6 7

3 10 3

91.00 6.00 55.00

273.00 60.00 165.00

Flexible connection to suitauxiliary drum v a l v e1 , . 9 ml o n g , large female union e n dx 2,plated c o p p etru b e .U 1 0 9 8

Gasket fo r fl e x i b l ec o n n e cti on U 1O98.P 2476 ( p e r1 0 )




nesis?-re{it}f{rrse;f,****,*.berlLtd, trfii.{rry W*riks.T**hridEe,,Hen?"'TN1tl ffi{-, f,nryla*.r:l R*g:irtere* frl*r'nher: Kegir?eetisn }57f [:ngl*nd .&tilr*l*l " V.A?' Mtlnrb+r:,S$ 7$* *:$S 44

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3 527.O0 1581.00

Basic floormounting terminating valve / drip legassembly to allowconnection of one d r u mt o S 1 0 K vacuum r e g u l a t oF r .i t t e d with gaspressure Chlorine gauge, 0-12bar, 55mm,R/18 connection, electrical underpressure contact fixedat 1.5 bar. Notethatthisis a functional equivalent to the unitshown in the drawing provided, and doesnot exactly match the layout shown. 10 S10k double seat vacuum regulato r & pressure relief valve, for usewith capacities up to 1Okg/h. Fitted with a chlorine institute yokeconnection (suits W&Tstandard header valve andUSspecification cylinders). Fitted - Voltage with heater 115/230v 1ph 50Hz a n dg a si n l e ts t r a i n e r . Complete with fittings for connecting rigid (pipework pipework vacuum excluded).
1'l 2 w a y m o to r d ri v e nb a l l v al vefor vacuum c h a n g e o v e -t,l,2 /z 3 0 v . T o operatefrom C C U . l h a n g e o ver C C U(C h e m i c aC U ni t).W al l m o u n te dc o n tro lp a n e lto changefrom duty to s ta n d b yc h e mi c a s l u p p l i es. Voltage 230v1ph50H2.









V10kwall mounted gascontrol automatic unitwith 125mm flowmeter. Motorised positioner. V'notch Maximum working capacity availablel 5Kg/h. R a n go e f t u r nd o w n1 0 : 1 . Capacity selection 5 Kg/h - 380mm panel Mounting size Fitted with high/ low alarm vacuum switches Voltage 2 3 0 v1 p h5 0 H 2 . V10kwall mounted gascontrol automatic unitwith 125mm flowmeter. Motorised positioner. V'notch Maximum working c a p a c i ta yv a i l a b l e 5 lK g / h . R a n go e f t u r nd o w n1 0 : 1 . Capacity selection 10 Kg/h - 380mm p a n es l ize Mounting Fitted with high/ low alarm vacuum switches Voltage 2 3 0 v1 p h5 0 H 2 .






Bsgisler*$ $flir*: f**p,mfir'*l ltli, Fri*rtrrX{rv.*a.T**hrirlg*, gsnt" Y}*1-iSql, f*Slar&ri Q*g:istered: i{rln}h'*r: }135?f fi.rlgland& lAlxles* Nr&T fi*Elste*ti*n Me**rber: SS ]54, rn]ES44

ffi-* *ffi
satr*r mrsilci*

15 - vertical, BoosterPump multistage, in-line pump. booster M o t o r2 : 8 5 0r p m ,i n a l P 5 5 casing. Power supply: 380-415V3ph 50Hz price Budget only,subject to confirmation uponreceipt of full hydraulic data. 16

3 i 500.00


1 (25mm) standard injector for capacities u p t o 1 2 . 5K g / hb pressur , ack te o 11 . 2b a r . (variable). Complete with throatandtailway Supplied with waterpressure gauge, 60mm diameter, 0-25bar, bottom connection R1/8. 25mmSilver injection tube,complete with R1corporation pressure cock. Maximum 1'l bar, maximum velocity 3ms. System MFC-Depolox 5 Multi-Function-Control lerfor measuring and controlling of freechlorine, chlorine dioxide, ozone permanganate, andpotassium including: - temperature display andcompensation - analog output0/4-20 mA - sensor measuring module DEPOLOX@S, pressureless Power supply: 230V AC





11 1 6 . 0 0





p l u se l e c t r o n i c GMS so d u l e m Twochannel measuring system for gasor temperature monitoring. Forusewith one or two sensor kitsaslisted below.Power supply:200-240 V, 50-60Hz


11 9 0 . 0 0


plusfor chlorine Sensor-Kit GMS or chlorine dioxide measuring ranges 0-5or 0-20ppm, mainly consisting of: - detection sensor with electrolyte filling -2msensorcable - junction box - fixingmaterial - a m b i e ntte m p e r a t u r 5e -50'C




Basic audible a l a r mf o r G M S ,1 0 8 d 8 ( A ) , 1 P 5 52 , 3 0 Vo p e r a t i o n .



r}ltke; f;l'*p,*+fe:erl tss$Es{er.e{t lt#" F*i*r}r }&er*s. Tc{!hR:,id$e, l{r+nt" Tt{t -1SQL f,n$'la|d R*g:ist****ll*,smber: f S357I S*gland&til*ies . V:&T,$*.istEstisn Mxnrber:S9$4$JSS4"}

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