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Terms and Conditions for HMC’s new 24.

If any dispute or difference arise between the parties hereto

touching the business or interpretation of any terms and conditions
Entrants/Applicants or as to incentives, income etc., relating to the business of the
company, the same shall be referred to arbitration and the
• The applicant is required to read thoroughly and understand the arbitration shall be governed by the ‘Arbitration and Conciliation
terms and conditions, policies, procedures, code of ethics, and Act, 1996’ .
business opportunities of the company as given below. This
application/ agreement form is considered as an authentic and Read over by me/ to me and agreed by me Signature………………….
legally binding document. This contract is between the applicant
(hereinafter referred to as the distributor) and Hindustan Marketing Dated the ………….. day of …………. 200…. Name ……………………..
Company (hereinafter referred to as the company).
• If the applicant agrees to adhere to and abide by the conditions
mentioned hereunder, he/she shall become a distributor on Declaration/ Affirmation
payment of the prescribed distributorship fees to the company by
way of a crossed demand draft.
I ……………………………………………………………… aged
1. The applicant should have completed minimum 18 years of age
…………….years, S/o D/o W/o
and shall be competent to enter into contract as provided in the
‘Indian Contract Act’.
………………………………………………………………………….. ,
2. For joining as an independent distributor of the company, the
applicant will have to make the prescribed payment towards
Resident of Village/Town ………………………………………………. Tehsil
distributorship fee by way of a crossed Demand Draft or online
……………………, Dist: ………………………… State:……………………., do
payable at Mumbai or at Sheoganj (Rajasthan).
3. The company has not authorized any official, officer or distributor of
hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows:-
the company to receive any amount in cash on behalf of the
company towards the distributorship fees, or cost of products, as
After carefully reading/ hearing it read by others, the terms and conditions and
the case may be.
the business plans appended along with the application form, brochures, I
4. If anybody makes any payment in cash, it will be at his/her own risk
hereby agree to the same and join as an independent distributor of Hindustan
and under no circumstances, will the company be answerable to
Marketing Company, of my own accord to do the distribution business.
such unauthorized cash payments.
5. The initial payment made by the applicant is towards enrolling as
1. I will bear true faith and allegiance to the company and shall uphold
an independent distributor and the same is not refundable under
the integrity and decorum of the company to which I am about to
any circumstances. All the packages included the registration fees,
join as an independent distributor.
the processing fees and the administrative costs.
2. I will bear utmost honesty and uprightness to the distributors and
6. The distributor will be eligible for incentives or income only as per
the prospective distributors and to other clients of the company. I
the volume of business done by him that is also subject to the
also swear that I will not indulge in any kind of unfair means to
eligibility norms formulated by the company. The company does not
promote my business as a distributor.
ensure any incentive or income to the distributor on merely account
3. I have fully understood and am convinced of the terms, conditions
of his/her joining the company.
and the norms of the company.
7. The independent distributor will not be a consumer, agent or
4. I am fully aware that the entire payment made by me is towards
employee of the company. His/her position being so, he/she can
distributorship fees and hence not refundable.
not bind the company, in any manner nor he/she has any authority
5. I am made to understand that being a freelance independent
to bind the company or to represent or speak on behalf of the
distributor; I will not be an agent, employee, or consumer of the
company. Hence I have no authority to bind the company or to
8. The company will approve the distributorship by issuing an official
speak on its behalf.
receipt which will carry an identification number known as “HMC ID”
6. I declare that I have not been given any assurance or promise by
allotted by the company. This ID has to be quoted by the distributor
the company or its senior level distributor as to any income on
in all his/her transactions and correspondence with the company.
account of the entire payment made by me. However I am made to
The ID once allotted can not be altered at any later point of time.
understand that I will be eligible for income/ incentive depending
9. The company will, in no case, entertain any communication without
upon the volume of business done by me as per terms.
7. Under any circumstance, I fully understand that the value of the
10. The company will not entertain any request made after six months
packages offered to me will be a higher side than the amount paid
of the date of acknowledgement of payment for any product/
by me.
8. I will not promote the business of other companies in the office,
11. The distributor has to pay annual renewal fees at the end of 12
premises, and meeting hall or wherever the activities of the
months of their diamond distributorship every year as per the
company take place.
company norms.
9. I wll not misguide or induce any one dishonestly to join the
12. TDS and other taxes applicable as per the government laws and
company. I hereby agree and adhere to the terms and conditions
rules will be deducted.
stipulate along with the application form and as mentioned above
13. All individual distributors should adhere to rules and regulations
and agree to do distributorship business.
formed and amended by the company. If any of the distributors is
10. I hereby agree to submit all disputes to arbitration as provided in
found guilty of not observing the same, then his/her distributorship
the terms and conditions of the company.
will be terminated by the company.
14. The company reserves all rights to terminate a distributor
In witness whereof I hereto have signed this declaration/ affirmation this
15. Once a distributor is terminated, he/she can not enter any of the
HMC premises/ meeting locations and his/her incentive income will
………., day of ………………… 20……, in presence of the following witnesses.
be stopped immediately.
16. The distributor shall bear true faith and allegiance to the company
and shall uphold the integrity and decorum of the company and
shall maintain good relation with other distributors and other clients.
17. The distributor shall always behave and act in a dignified manner 1-Signature………………………….. Signature ……………………….
befitting the status of a distributor of a reputed and leading network
marketing company of the country. Full Name…………………………… Name of
18. The distributor shall not compel or induce or mislead any person
Address……………………………… Applicant ……………………….
with any false statement / promise to join the company or to
purchase any product. (In his own handwriting)
19. The company will not be answerable for any promise, assurance
given by any distributor to any person, unless it is in accordance 2- Signature………………………….
with the approved business plans and terms of the company.
Hence, the applicant shall go through the brochures and notices Full Name …………………………..
issued by the company to keep himself/ herself fully informed on all
Address ……………………………..
these matters.
20. The applicant/ distributor shall ensure that all the information is
furnished to the company is correct and properly entered. Any
request for correction furnished by the distributor as to his/her
sponsor or placement details will not be entertained, once payment
statements are processed.
21. The company reserves the right to reject any distributorship/ HINDUSTAN MARKETING COMPANY
application at its own discretion. Devichand House, 66-Subhash Nagar, Street No.7
22. The company reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions, SHEOGANJ -30027 (Dist: Sirohi-Rajasthan)
products, schemes, business and policies giving prior notice and it Tel: Office: 02976-220030
will be binding on all distributors of the company.
23. The terms and conditions within above mentioned shall be
Mob: 09309297959 / 09029853696
governed in accordance with the laws in force in the territories of For Scheme Details see Our Websites
India. Disputes, if any arise, shall be subject to the exclusive http://www.labhlakshmi.com/make-money
jurisdiction of the court of Sheoganj (Dist: Sirohi- Rajasthan). http://hindiweb.net/make-money

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