MFR Nara - T1a - FBI - Ashooh Pete - 10-10-03 - 00477
MFR Nara - T1a - FBI - Ashooh Pete - 10-10-03 - 00477
MFR Nara - T1a - FBI - Ashooh Pete - 10-10-03 - 00477
Event: Interview of FBI Special Agent Pete Ashooh
Team Number: IA
Participants - Non-Commission:
Alfauru originated with the VA driver's licenses found with Nawafal-Hazmi and Hani
Hanjour. It was discovered that Luis Martinez Flores had assisted with obtaining the
licenses by attesting that the hijackers lived at a certain address. ./'
The driver's license scheme was traced to a 7-1 I store in Falls Church where many
illegal aliens congregate. It was there that Martinez Flores offered to help the hijackers
get the licenses. /
The hijackers went to DMV twice. The first time they could riot get the licenses because
they had only one form of identification. They then went to ~n
attorney's office to get a
document serving as their second form of ID. Once Hazmi &'ndHanjour got the licenses,
they were able to get licenses for five other hijackers. /
. ,,/
A check on the address used led to the discovery of Alrababah. He helped Alfauru get a
license, who in turn helped a third person get a license. I\ffauru did not know the
hijackers. /
After 9/ 11, Alrababah realized he knew some of the hijackers and reported to the
authorities in Connecticut. Alrababah stated that he was living in Falls Church, VA in
the spring of 200 I with Chehazeh. Alrababah went to/the Dar a1 Hijra mosque on a few
occasions, and at the mosque was able to pick out Hazmiand Hanjour as Saudis. He
struck up conversation and the Saudis mentioned th~t they were looking for an apartment.
Alrababah kne~rtment offered b~hom he had met at the DMV. He
gave the SaudisL-Jl-fs.t.,name and phone number .
...... ,. //
9/11 Personal Privacy
9/11 Petsonal Privacy 9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy
\:\ ":::::i~)yl~y;;bf~2;9:q:lc:::}alled Alrababah and told him the\~audis were looking for him to
• \\..'\. d(f~spm:e"sights~~~o:~·:··-A.~~ababah
met them in an apartment where the Saudis, two
\.\....... addi·qq~al:'S~udis:ari:q·,two"Jo{~anians were living. The fotir Saudis, Hazmi, Hanjour,
MidharandMoqed trave)¢dJo"New Jersey and then to Connecticut with Alrababah.
Alrababa#:'S.~~te~:tQ~tthe 'i~st:;~~:~e.,h~'s·aw
..the Saudis was in'Connecticut.
\\\ A check ofF~i'rf!t.~Co~nt~ reco;d~t~~~led t~~iliazm.i
idrep~rtin.g a m~gging on
\ \. \. 51110 1. The addI:~s.~,was,,~lI't·~partment 0(···." ,....,. "': as interviewed, He
\. \...·.claimed
. not to knowanythingabout the hijacker~. and that he Was livin elsew e e at th
:.. \. time. The apartment,wa$.b~ by his nephei .... \.
\.I ...
; I
In an interV·i~~l.~s~~ed that no oLn-e-o"""'lt~~-"",-,-~-":",,!,,,-,----I
\. a~rtment. "", ",
Alrababah ks prosecuted for the driver's license fraud, and spent tirile.Ii jail o. a r
material witness warrant. He and Alfauru have been deported to Jordan: an
American citizen, was prosecuted and given probation.
Alrababah's initial story was that he ran into the hijackers at the 7-1 l. Later he admitted
that he met them: at Dar al Hijra, but that he ran into them at the 7-11. As for the trip, he
described it as sightseeing. They went to Bridgeport, CT, and there were phone calls
made from the hijackers' rooms to local flight schools.
SA Ashooh does not think that Alrababah is an extremist. Alrababah seemed to have
gotten irritated by the Saudis and felt that he was being used.
WFOis still trying to determine whether the hijackers had some sort of contacts at the
Skyline Grill/Skyline bui'~her shop. or whether they were there simply to buy food. They
went there four times, an" . ~tates he dropped them off there once.
".,,- ....
• The other agent to speak to on the Alrababah interviews is Bob Burkowski, Newark
Division, Garrett Mountain, RA.
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