The Philosophy of Marxism: An Exposition
The Philosophy of Marxism: An Exposition
The Philosophy of Marxism: An Exposition
oI Minnesota)
MANUSCRIPT EDITOR: Leo Auerbach (English education, retired,
Jersey City State College)
EDITORIAL STAFF: Gerald M. Erickson, April Ane Knutson, Doris
Grieser Marquit (BOOK REVIEW EDITOR)
Jan Carew (AIrican American studies, Northwestern Univ.)
Gerald M. Erickson (classical studies, Univ. oI Minnesota)
Morton H. Frank (physiology)
Viktoria Hertling (German exile & Holocaust literature, Univ. oI
Nevada, Reno)
Gerald Horne (AIrican American studies, Univ. oI North Carolina)
Leola A. Johnson (communications, Macalester College)
April Ane Knutson (French literature, Univ. oI Minnesota)
Jack Kurzweil (electrical engineering, San Jose State Univ.)
James Lawler (philosophy, State Univ. oI New York, BuIIalo)
Sara Fletcher Luther (political sociology)
Doris Grieser Marquit (literature, women`s studies)
Michael Parenti (political science)
EpiIanio San Juan Jr. (cultural studies, Philippines Cultural Studies
Center, Storrs, CT)
Jose A. Soler (labor education, Univ. oI Massachusetts, Dartmouth)
Ethel Tobach (comparative psychology, City Univ. oI New York)
VOL. 18, NO. 1 (JANUARY 2005)
Copyright Marxist Educational Press
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Cover design by Prockat
VOLUME 18, NUMBER 1 January 2005
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Aature, Society, and 1hought
Vol. 18, No. 1 (2005)
Special Issue
The Philosophy of Marxism
An Exposition
1ohn Somerville
Aature, Society, and 1hought and MEP Publications
University oI Minnesota, Physics Building
116 Church Street S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0112
Copyright 1967 by John Somerville
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States oI America
Originally published by Random House, 1967
Reprinted by
Marxist Educational Press, 1981, 1983
MEP Publications (imprint oI Marxist Educational Press), 1999
Reprinted as special issue oI Nature, Societv, and Thought,
vol. 18, no. 1 (2005)
Cataloging-in-Publication Data Ior the 1981 printing
(ISBN 0-930656-18-0, LC 8182196) is available
Irom the Library oI Congress.